Omega温度和湿度虚拟图表记录仪iTHX系列产品特点Web服务器电子邮件或短信报警无需专用软件使用普通SD卡,可记录多年数据双探头选件产品描述OMEGA® iTHX-SD变送器可让用户无需任何专用软件,只需使用网络浏览器,便可通过以太网或互联网观测并记录温度、相对湿度及露点。
iTHX-SD通过动态网页显示实时读数,显示温度、湿度和露点图表,或以标准数据格式记录数据,以供Excel或Visual Basic等电子表格或数据采集程序使用。
SD闪存卡iTHX-SD配有一张可插拔的2 GB SD闪存卡,以10秒间隔读数可存储7年数据。
报警继电器iTHX-SD具有两个1.5 安培继电器。
备用电池iTHX-SD配备一个通用100 ~ 240 V交流电源适配器。
温度与湿度曲线图可以按满量程(-40 ~ 124°C和相对湿度0 ~ 100%)或者在任意较小范围内(20 ~ 30°C)绘制。
OMEGA 产品说明:温度、湿度、压力、流量和力仪器校准说明书
OMEGA constantly strives for new By maintaining these standards in-house, we can ensure fast turnaround.Our calibrations are always done by experienced technicians. Call OMEGA’s Customer Service department today to discuss your calibration needs:FAST AND DONE RIGHTT h e I n d u s tr y ’s B e s t -E q u i p p e d L a b s/omegacal for detailsCAL-1documents that the products you buy comply with the specifications printed in OMEGA’s handbooks. This calibrationCAL-2documents not only that theequipment you buy meets the published specification, but also that calibration CAL-3provides the same documentation as CAL-1/CAL-2 along with discrete test points of data and NIST-traceable testTemperature Calibration ServicesߜNIST TraceableߜAlways Meet or ExceedISO10012-1, ANSI/NCSLZ540-1-1994 StandardsߜFast Yet Preciseߜ5 Levels of Superior-Quality CalibrationߜOMEGA Will Calibratean Instrument or anEntire System (ProbeConnected to Instrument)For each of the calibration certificates OMEGA issues,we use different standards over varied temperatureranges to attain the highest quality and reliability.The standards we use for temperature calibrations arelisted in the table below; the standards that we selectfor a customer depend on the probe being calibrated.OMEGA meticulously maintains its in-house standardsso that our customers get the quickest, most convenient,and highest-quality calibrations available. For thosecustomers wishing to do their own calibrations, someof our standards are available for purchase. Visit/omegacal to learn more.For Calibration Services Call:OMEGA’s benchtop hot point®dry block probe calibrator modelCL900A ($3295) can be used to calibrate a handheld generalpurpose thermocouple probe and meter.Probe furnaces in OMEGA’s calibration laboratory are usedalong with NIST-traceable precision instrumentation to performtemperature calibrations renowned for their accuracy.Visit /temp-calfor details on ourcomplete line ofcalibration instruments.Calibration Block† Probe must meet requirements of calibration standards shown in table on previous page.* Prices are for new instruments and subject to change without notice. For recalibration, call Customer Service for price. Charges vary depending on the instrument being calibrated.Note: Because of the large selection of temperature probes, thermocouple wire andinstrumentation that OMEGA ®offers, the pricing and calibration data points shown above are examples only and do not apply to every probe or system calibration. Contact OMEGA Customer Service for advice before returning any instrument for calibration service.Ordering Example:CAL-3 (designate this calibration level when NIST traceability is required on the thermocouple probe or probe/instrument system you are purchasing new or when you are returning previously purchased equipment for calibration), $95 (probe only); $125 (probe with instrument).OMEGA can calibrate a probe by itself, an instrument by itself,or a probe connected to an instrument (system calibration). The pricing and temperature ranges listed below apply to most types of equipment; however, our product offering is so broad that you need to check with us for current pricing on a particular calibration. Be aware that there may be inherent limitations in a particular instrument that can restrict the temperature range over which it can be calibrated.Note:CAL-3 and CAL-4 also available on thermocouple wire. Upper temperature value may be limited by wire insulation.Note:CAL-3 calibration data is given in °C and °F.Visit /thermocouple for the complete selection of thermocouple probes available.Infrared Temperature Calibration ServicesߜAll Calibration Standards Used by OMEGA are NIST Traceable ߜChoose System orSensor-Only Calibrations—No Job is Too Small ߜ4 Calibration LevelsߜWide Temperature Ranges Covered—to 1648°C (3000°F) and Higher—When RequiredߜThe Industry’s Fastest,Most Reliable Blackbody CalibrationsNote: Because of the large selection of infrared pyrometers and blackbody calibration services that OMEGA offers, the pricing and calibration data points shown above are examples only and do not apply to every pyrometer or blackbody calibration. Contact OMEGA Customer Service before returning any instrument for calibration service.Ordering Example:CAL-3-IR (designate this calibration level when NIST traceability is required on the infrared pyrometer you are purchasing new or when you are returning previously purchased equipment for calibration), $125.BB-4A benchtop blackbody calibration source, $3595, below, shown calibrating as a system the OS1551-A infrared 4-wire transmitter, $690, and the DP41-B meter, $595.For Calibration Services Call:OMEGASCOPE $1195, with sighting scope,shown being calibrated using the OMEGA temperature blackbody calibration source, $9995.Visit to see our complete line of blackbody calibrators.OMEGA offers a complete range of infrared calibration services,performed by professionals with years of experience. As a company,our testing and calibration experience spans decades.OMEGA is an industry leader in temperature measurement and laser sighting technologies, with numerous patents and a global presence. Let our knowledge and technology work for you. Wemaintain an extensive line of high-temperature and low-temperatureblackbody calibration standards—all NIST traceable. Call our Customer Service department to arrange yournext infrared calibration.Relative HumidityCalibration ServicesCTXL-TRH, microprocessor-based,portable, temperature and relative humidity circular chart recorder,$795. See page S-38 for complete details.OMEGA’s highly accurate, temperature-compensated relative humidity calibration standards result in fast, stable, NIST-traceable calibrations. All work is performed by highly trained in-house technicians dedicated to superior-quality, economically priced service. We calibrate most of the relative humidity sensors, meters, controllers, recorders, data loggers, and data acquisition systems that we sell. Contact our Customer Service department to arrange calibration of your equipment.Note:Because of the large selection of relative humidity instrumentation OMEGA offers, the pricing and calibration data points shown above are examples only and do not apply to every relative humidity calibration. Contact OMEGA Customer Service before returning any instrument for calibration service.Ordering Example:CAL-3-HU (designate this calibration level when NIST traceability is required on the relative humidity instrument you are purchasing new or when you are returning previously purchased equipment for calibration), $125.NIST-traceable temperature/humidity chamber calibrates thermo-hygrometers and temperature and humidity products.ߜAccurate, Stable,Temperature-Compensated StandardsߜTraceable to NIST ߜExpert Technical Staff ߜFast, Economical ServicePressure Calibration ServicesNote:Because of the large selection of load cells and pressure instrumentation OMEGA/OMEGADYNE offers, the pricing and calibration data points shown above are only an example anddo not apply to every pressure calibration. Contact OMEGADYNE (1-800-USA-DYNE) or OMEGACustomer Service (1-800-622-BEST) before returning any instrument for calibration service.Ordering Example: EI-CAL-3-PRESSURE(designate this calibration level when NISTtraceability is required on the pressure transducer or when you are returning previouslypurchased equipment for calibration), $150.(Specify Calibration Level)Price Description$0Statement of conformance(must be requested at time of purchase)0Statement of traceability, no data points(must be requested at time of purchase) ߜNIST-Traceable StandardsߜSensor Calibration, Meter Calibration,and System Calibrations AvailableߜFast, Accurate Service by HighlyExperienced Engineering andTechnical StaffOMEGA/OMEGADYNE maintains highly accurateprimary deadweight standards that are NIST traceable.These standards are used directly or throughsecondary transfer standards for pressure calibrationsfrom vacuum to 75,000 psi. OMEGA/OMEGADYNEalso offers a wide selection of pressure sensors.Please consult your sales representative.NIST-traceablelow-pressure andForce/Load Calibration ServicesProvided by OMEGADYNEOMEGADYNE, located in Columbus, Ohio, maintainsin-house state-of-the-art NIST-traceable calibration standards for all your load cell calibration needs. Pictured above is ahigh-capacity deadweight tester (left) and hydraulic tester (right).“S” type load cell shown with DP41-S pressure indicator, $545.ߜNIST -Traceable Calibrations: 5, 11, and 21-Point Available ߜReliable, Accurate Certificates ߜSensor, Meter, and System Calibration Available: Tension,Compression, or BothߜHigh-Capacity Deadweight and Hydraulic Testers to 300,000 lbFor Calibration Services Call:orNote:Because of the large selection of load cells and pressure instrumentation OMEGADYNE and OMEGA offer, the pricing and calibration data points shown above are only an example and do notapply to every calibration. Contact OMEGADYNE (1-800-USA-DYNE)or OMEGA Customer Service (1-800-622-BEST) before returning anyinstrument for calibration service.Ordering Example:EI-CAL-3-FORCE(designate this calibrationlevel when NIST traceability is required on the load cell or when you are returning previously purchased equipment for calibration),$150.ߜFast Turnaround TimesNote: Because of the large selection of flow sensors, meters and instrumentation OMEGA offers, the pricing and calibration data points shown above are only an example and do not apply to every flow calibration. Contact OMEGA Customer Service before returning any instrument for calibration service.Ordering Example:CAL-3-FLOW (designate this calibration level when NIST traceability is required on the flow sensor or instrumentation when you are returning previously purchased equipment for recalibration), $225. Note: To request NIST-traceable calibration on new flow products, add suffix “-NIST”to the model number at time of purchase.OMEGA maintains a full line of standards for calibrating hot-wire anemometers and large vane-style handheld units. Pictured at the top right is our large wind tunnel,which is fully equipped with chillers,pumps, and condensers to keep therecirculating air at a constant temperature and flow ratewhile achieving flow rates from 25 to 9000 AFPM. This largewind tunnel is used for anemometer and vane-type sensor calibration.HHF141A microprocessor-based handheld air velocity meter, comes complete with 25 mm (1") dia. vane probe, flexible,straight and handle extension rods,1.5 m (5') cable, 3 “AA” alkaline batteries,hard carrying case and operator’s manual,$795. Visit /hhf141for details.with 25 mm (1") dia.vane (included).WTM-1000, OMEGA’s benchtop mini wind tunnel, $2995, shown with Flow Calibration Services。
Omega DP9602高精度数字温度计数据记录器说明书
KHigh Precision Digital Thermometer/Data LoggerFor Thermocouple and RTD Sensors with USB PortDP9602 Seriesdigital thermometer particularly suitable for use with thermal calibration baths as a reference standard.The DP9602 is fully characterised for Pt100 sensors and all major thermocouples J, K, N, T, E, R, S and B. Exceptionally stable automatic cold junctioncompensation with a rejection of 100:1 is incorporated for thermocouple ranges. Alternatively, external or manual referencing can be selected as required.Applications include medical, pharmaceutical, food, environmental testing, R&D and educational establishments.Displayed values and user information are indicated on a bright clear LED screen with diffused backlighting. Data can be displayed in °C, °F , K, Ω as required; nine front panel push keys, the only user controls, are used in conjunction with the display screen. It is this arrangement which makes for very simple and“friendly” operation. There are four input ports, two for thermocouples and two for 3- or 4-wire Pt100 sensors; the instrument automatically recognises 3- or 4-wire configurations. The DP9602 can accept two Pt100 sensors and/or two thermocouples of similar or different types. The measured temperature can be displayed directly from one of the inputs or differentially between similar or different inputs.Differential temperature and the two individual channel temperatures are displayed simultaneously.All four inputs can be scanned and values logged according to parameters set up by the user in the PC software; the instrument incorporates a real-time clock and on-board memory. A flash drive USB port is provided to allow data to be stored and/or exported. PC software running in Windows ® is provided asstandard; it allows programming of custom calibration, remote control and measure and logging functions.U R eference Standard Thermometer for Pt100 and Thermocouple Sensors U H igh Accuracy ±0.01ºC Pt100, ±0.18ºC Thermocouple U ±0.025ºC System Accuracy with Pt100 (Based on DP9600-SYS-CAL)U Alpha Numeric Display U U ser Selectable Resolution, 0.001/0.01ºC for Pt100 Inputs U Data Logging U M easures Pt100 and Thermocouples J, K, T, E, R, S, B and N U R eadout Directly in ºC, ºF, K, Ω or mV U C hannel A, B or A-B Reading Including Dissimilar Sensor Types U U SB Serial Communications U USB Flash Drive Port U S upplied with PC Software U P rogrammable Analog Retransmission Output U R echargeable Lithium Ion Battery/Mains PoweredThe DP9602 provides precise platinum resistance thermometer temperature measurement and logging for exacting applications in both laboratory and site locations. It is an exceptionally accurate and stableDP9602 shown smallerthan actual size.SpecificationsInputs/Ranges/SensorsType: Pt100 to IEC 751 (ITS 90 refers) -200 to 850ºC (-328 to 1562ºF) Ro = 100Ω 3- or 4-wire connectionwith automatic recognition (with manual override) thermocouples to IEC 584 No isolation existsbetween inputsTypes:S: -50 to 1768ºC (-58 to 3214ºF)R: -42 to 1766ºC (-43.6 to 3211ºF)B: 254 to 1818ºC (489 to 3304ºF)J: -200 to 1200ºC (-328 to 2192ºF)K: -195 to 1370ºC (-319 to 2498ºF)E: -190 to 995ºC (-310 to 1823ºF)N: -160 to 1300ºC (-256 to 2372ºF)T: -193 to 399ºC (-315 to 750ºF)Overall: Pt100Accuracy: ±0.01ºC ±0.0005% of spanThermocouples J, K, T, E, N: ±0.2ºC from -50 to 700ºC (-58 to 1292ºF), ±0.4ºC from -200 to -50ºC (-328 to -58ºF),±0.4ºC from 700ºC (1292ºF) to full scale Thermocouples R, S, B: ± 0.3ºC from 850ºC (1562ºF) to full scale, ±0.4ºC below 850ºC (1562ºF), ±0.7ºC below0ºC (32ºF)Note: Type B not characterized below 200ºC (392ºF). Linearisation Conformity:Pt100: Better than ±0.01ºCThermocouples: ±0.05ºC base metal (-200ºC to span) ±0.1ºC noble metal above 200ºCNote: Performance of ADC (0.5μV resolution ) is superior to published thermocouple table best resolution of 1μV.Stability (vs Ambient Temperature):P t100: Better than 0.0025ºC per 1ºC ambient change Thermocouples:Zero: Negligible drift excluding CJC effectScale: < ±0.1ºC in 15ºCWarm-Up: Negligible under normal ambient conditions; allow 5 to 10 minutes for full stability unless stored at low temperature, then 30 minutes minimumCold Junction Compensation: Automatic on all thermocouple ranges; better than ±1ºC maximum shift for ±10ºC ambient variation (100:1) or external via Pt100 on channel A or B or manual input of CJ temperature valuePt100 Sensor Current: 0.5 mAResolution of Data Display: Pt100 0.01/0.001 user select for ºC, K and ΩVariable Filter: Sampling rate selectable between4 and 64 (measurements averaged per reading) Thermocouples: 0.1ºC all rangesMeasurement Units: ºC, ºF, K, Ω or mV as applicableto sensorMeasurement Modes: A, B or A-B; any combination of sensor typesCustom Calibration: Up to 10 calibration values can be allocated to Pt100 input A & B and to thermocouples input A & B; values are retained in non-volatile memory until replaced by user; alternatively, for Pt100 inputs ITS 90 or IPTS 68 coefficients can be used for custom calibration Smart Sensor Connection: Pt100 inputs only; correction values stored in connectorNull Function: Corrects differential temperature readout between two sensors to zeroSensor Lead:P t100: Resistance 5 Ω each lead maximum Thermocouples: 300 Ω loop totalLogging: 8000 readings Supply: Internal lithium Ion rechargeable batteries; mains90 to 260V 50/60 Hz universal adaptor included; battery charge life up to 12 hours with full chargeSeries Mode Rejection: 60 dB @ 50 Hz(50 mV RMS applied)Common Mode Rejection: 30V RMS applied between input and earth produces no measurable effectDisplay: 128 x 64 pixel OLED with diffused backlighting; wide viewing angle, high contrast (adjustable)Front Panel Controls: 9 membrane push-keys to controlall instrument functionsMechanical/Case: Metal benchtop case/adjustable tilt Dimensions Overall: 190 W x 70 H x 250 mm D(7.5 x 2.75 x 9.85")Weight: 3 kg (6.61 lb) approxInput Connections: 2 x Pt100 via D type connectors2 x thermocouple via standard socketsUSB Serial Communications: Isolated, 38400 Baud, 8 data, no parity, 1 stop bit; remote control and measurePC Software (Standard): Supplied as standard on CD ROM; remote control and measure; log readings to file/download to PC/programming correctionsAnalog Output (Standard): User programmable, 0 to 1 Vdc Precision Pt100 Probes: 304 stainless steel probes,6 mm Dia. with 2 m (6.6') screened PTFE lead and Pt100 probes and connectorDP9600-L250: 250 mm (9.85") L, -50 to 250°C (-58 to 482°F) DP9600-H450: 350 mm (13.75") L, -50 to 450°C (-58 to 842°F)OMEGACARE SM extendedwarranty program is availablefor models shown on thispage. Ask your salesrepresentative for full detailswhen placing an order.OMEGACARE SM covers parts,labor and equivalent loaners.operator’s manual.Ordering Example: DP9602, high precision digital RTD/ thermocouple thermometer, DP9600-SYS-CAL, UKAS system calibration, and DP9600-H450 probe.OCW-2, OMEGACARE SM extends standard 1-year warranty to a total of 3 years.。
Omega R-4 温度数据记录仪说明书
D A T A A C Q U I S I T I O N +44 (0)161 777 6611 R-4Memory:14,563 readings/channelTemperature Calibration:Digital calibration is available through softwareCalibration Date:Automatically recorded within device to alert user when calibration is required Recording Interval: 5 seconds to 12 hours selectable in softwareStart Time: Start time and date are programmable through softwareReal-Time Recording:Device can be used with PC to monitor and record data in real time Power:9 V lithium battery included Battery Life:1 year typicalTime Accuracy:±1 minute/month when RS-232 port is not in useData Format:Date and time stamped; °C, °F, °K, °R, mV Computer Interface: PC serial, RS-232C COM or USB(interface cable required)Software:Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XPOperating Environment:-40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F)5 to 95% RH non-condensing Dimensions:38 H x 111 W x 89 mm D (1.5 x 4.4 x 3.5")Weight:450 g (16 oz) Material:Black anodised aluminiumSpecificationsInternal Channel:1Temperature Accuracy:±0.5°C (0 to 50°C)Temperature Resolution:0.1°CTemperature Range:-40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F)Thermocouple Channels: 8Thermocouple Input Types: J, K, T, E, R, S, B, N Thermocouple Connection:Subminiature female jack Cold Junction Compensation: Automatic External Thermocouple Channel Accuracy *(Uniform 20°C Internal Temperature):J, K, T, E: ±0.5°C; R, S, B, N: ±2.5°CResolution: J, K, T, E: 0.1°C; R, S, B, N: 0.5°C Temperature Measurement Range:Type J: -210 to 760°C; K: -270 to 1370°C;T: -270 to 400°C; E: -270 to 980°C; R: -50 to 1760°C;S: -50 to 1760°C; B : 50 to 1820°C;N: -270 to 1300°C The OM-CP-OCTTEMP is an 8-channel,battery-powered, standalone, thermocouple-based temperature data logger. This all-in-one compact,portable, easy to use device will measure and record up to 14,563 temperature measurements per channel. The OM-CP-OCTTEMP is a major leap forward in both size and performance. Its real-time clock ensures that all data is time and date stamped. The storage medium is non-volatile solid state memory, providing maximum data security even if the battery becomes discharged.The data logger’s small size allows it to fit almost anywhere. Data retrieval is simple. Plug it into an available COM port and our easy-to-use software does the rest. The software converts your PC into a real-time strip chart recorder. Data can be printed in graphical and tabular format and can be exported to a text or Microsoft file.is sold separately. Ordering Example: OM-CP-OCTTEMP-CERT,8-channel, thermocouple-based temperature data logger with calibration certificate, OM-CP-IFC110, Windows software and RS-232 cable, £710 + 66 = £776.8-Channel Temperature Data LoggerPart of the NOMAD ®FamilyOM-CP-OCTTEMPߜAutomatic Cold Junction CompensationߜProgrammable Start Timeߜ8 Thermocouple Channels and 1 AmbientߜUser Calibration Through Software ߜAutomatic Thermocouple Linearisation ߜMiniature SizeߜReal-Time Operation*Accuracy does not include errors due to thermocouple.OM-CP-OCTTEMP data logger,£670, shown larger than actual size, with KTSS-HH probe, sold separately, £19.50.OM-CP-IFC110, £66, Windows softwaredisplays data in graphical or tabular formatT e m p e r a t u r e v e rs i o n !£670Basic Unit Plug in up to 8probes。
Omega OM-EL-USB-2-LCD 相对湿度、温度和露点数据记录器说明书
OM-EL-USB-2-LCD HUMIDITY, TEMPERATURE AND DEW POINT DATA LOGGER WITH LCD DISPLAY DATA LOGGEREasy to install and use, the control software runs under Windows 2000, XP (Home and Professional Editions) and Vista (32-bit). It allows the user to set up and download data from any EL-USB product. The latest version of theSPECIFICATIONSRelative Humidity Measurement range 0 100 %RHRepeatability (short term) ±0.1 %RH±6.0error) ±3.0*%RH (overallAccuracyresolution 0.5 %RH Internalstability 0.5 %RH/Yr LongtermTemperature Measurement range -35 (-31) +80 (176) °C (°F)(0.2) °C(°F) Repeatability ±0.1Accuracy (overall error) ±0.5 (1) ±2 (±4) °C (°F)Internal resolution 0.5 (1) °C (°F)(°F)Dew Point Accuracy (overall error) ±1.1 (±2)** °CLogging rate every 10s every 12hr -Operating temperature range † -35 (-31) +80 (176) °C (°F)1/2AA 3.6V Lithium Battery Life*** 3 Months* This specifies the overall error in the logged readings for relative humidity measurements between 20 and 80%RH.** This specifies the overall error in the calculated dew point for relative humidity measurements between 40 and 100%RH at 25°C.*** Depending on sample rate, ambient temperature and use of LCD display.† At temperatures below -20°C (-4°F) the LCD will exhibit slower response times of approximately 10 seconds.LED AND LCD INDICATORSThe OM-EL-USB-2-LCD features a high contrast LCD and two bi-color LEDs. The LCD shows logged temperature and humidity values using seven segment numbers, along with annunciators. The LCD can also show informationregarding the logging status.LCD status indicators:Delayed StartAlways displayed until logging started Displayed for 3 seconds after button press Displayed for 3 seconds after button pressPush to StartAlways displayed until logging started Always displayed until logging started Always displayed until logging startedLoggingNot shown – recorded data shown instead Not shown – logged value shown instead, after button press Displayed for 3 seconds after button pressStoppedDisplayed for 3 seconds after button press Displayed for 3 seconds after button press Displayed for 3 seconds after button pressThe LEDs display the measurement status of temperature and relative humidity, marked °C / °F and %RH on the logger.The number of flashes and colours indicate:(Single LED, Single Flash) The channel is logging, no alarm(Single LED, Double flash) Delayed start(Single LED, Triple flash) Logger full, no alarm(Single LED, Single Flash) The channel is logging, low alarm(Single LED, Double flash) The channel is logging, high alarm(Single LED, Triple flash) Logger full, alarm(Both LEDs, Double Flash) Push-to-startNo LEDs flash- Nologgingstarted.or- Battery fitted buy completely discharged.or- No battery fitted.Plug the data logger into the PC and run the control software to find outwhich condition applied.Start logging.Replace battery.Fit battery, startlogging.Alternating green double flash every 10 seconds- Logger configured for delayed start. No action needed,logger will start at alater date and time. Dual double green flash every 10 seconds- Logger configured for push-to-start. Press the loggerbutton when readyto start logging. Alternating greens single flash every 10 seconds- Loggeroperating.- Last stored Humidity and Temperature readings within set alarm levels.(If hold is enabled, then a flashing Green LED indicates that no alarm conditionhas ever been logged).None. Alternating between green and red single flash every 10 seconds- The green LED indicates the parameter that is within set alarm levels.- The red LED indicates the parameter for which the Low alarm level hasbeen exceeded.(If hold is enabled, then the alarm condition may have been triggered at any pointduring the current logging session).Alternating between single green and double red flash every 10 seconds- The green LED indicates the parameter that is within set alarm levels.- The red LED indicates the parameter for which the high alarm level hasbeen exceeded.(If hold is enabled, then the alarm condition may have been triggered at any pointduring the current logging session).Alternating between green or red triple flash every 10 secondsWarning : Logger memory is full.In this condition, hold is automatically enabled, and a flashing Green LEDindicates that no alarm condition has ever been logged. A Red LED indicatesthat an alarm condition has been logger.Download Data.Simultaneous red single flash every 60 secondsWarning : Battery is nearly discharged.No alarm conditions are indicated. Fit new battery anddownload data. Once the battery is exhausted, no LEDs will flash.DIMENSIONS All Dimensions in mmCAUTIONExposure of the internal sensor to chemical vapours such as those produced by some plastics and foamed materials may interfere with the internal sensor and cause inaccurate readings to be logged. In a clean environment, this will slowly rectify itself, therefore ensure that the logger is used in a ventilated area i.e. air exchange is allowed.M4749/0109。
Omega NOMAD OM-CP-ULTRASHOCK-EB 温度、湿度、压力、三轴摇动记录仪说明
Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, and Tri-Axial Shock Data Logger Part of the NOMAD ® FamilyU All Inclusive DesignU Built-In AccelerometersU 60 Day Battery LifeU High Speed DownloadU ReusableU CompactU User-FriendlyThe OM-CP-ULTRASHOCK-EB is a battery powered, stand alone temperature, pressure, humidity and 3-axis shock recorder which offers a battery life of up to 60 days typical.The unit measures and records temperature, pressure and humidity at the selected reading rates, while shock is recorded as the peak acceleration levels over the same interval. The OM-CP-ULTRASHOCK-EB is specifically designed for documenting dynamic environments such as moving vehicles, trucks, containers, ships, etc. The device is also valuable in characterizing environments such as production and assembly lines of delicate electronics, IC fabrication, communications and computer components.This is an all-in-one compact, portable, easy to use device that will measure and record up to 174,762 measurements per channel (1,572,858 measurements, total). The storage medium is non-volatile solid state memory, providing maximum data security even if the battery becomes discharged. The device can be started and stopped directly from your computer and it’s small size allows it to fit almost anywhere. OM-CP-ULTRASHOCK-EBThe OM-CP-ULTRASHOCK-EB makes data retrieval quick and easy. Simply plug it into an empty COM or USB port and our user-friendly software does the rest. OM-CP-ULTRASHOCK-50-EB data logger shown smallerthan actual size.Specifications TEMPERATURE Sensor: Semiconductor Range: -20 to 54ºC (-4 to 129ºF)Resolution: 0.1ºC Accuracy: ±0.5ºC (0 to 50ºC)HUMIDITy Sensor: Capacitive Polymer Range: 5 to 95% RH Accuracy: ±3% RH (±2% RH Typical at 25°C) Resolution: 0.1% RH Specified Accuracy Range: 10 to 40°C; 10 to 80% RH PRESSURE Sensor: Semiconductor strain gage Range: 0 to 30 psia Resolution: 0.002 psia Calibrated Accuracy:±1.0% FSR 25°C; ±0.2% typical Specified Accuracy Range: 0 to 30 psia, 25°C SHOCK Accelerometer Type: Acceleration Frequency R esponse: 0 Hz to approximately 400 Hz Memory: 174,762 per channel (1,572,858 total readings) Recording Interval: 64 Hz to 5 minutes for shock, selectable in software. Temperature, pressure and humidity sampled approximately every 2 seconds at intervals faster than 2 seconds. Otherwise, sampled at the reading rate.OM-CP-IFC200 Windows software displayssold separately).Ordering Example: OM-CP-ULTRASHOCK-5-EB-CERT humidity, temperature, pressure and tri-axial shock data logger, Start Mode: Immediate start or delay start, up to 180 days from PC launch Password Protection: An optional password may be programmed into the device to restrict access to configuration options. Data may be read out with the password Calibration: Digital calibration through software Calibration Date: Automatically recorded within device Power: 6 D-cell alkaline (battery included), user replaceable Data Format: Date and time stamped gravities (g and mg), temperature (°C, °F, K, °R), humidity (%RH, mg/ml water vapor concentration), pressure (PSIA, inHg, mmHg, bar, atm, Torr, Pa, kPa, MPa)Time Accuracy: ±1 minute per month at 20 to 30°C Battery Life: 60 days typical with alkaline battery, 1 minute reading rate @ 25°C Computer Interface: PC or USB (interface cable required); 115,200 baud Software: XP SP3/Vista/7 and 8 (32- and 64-bit)Operating Environment: -20 to 54°C (-4 to 129°F)0 to 95% RH non-condensing Dimensions: 137 H x 140 W x 80 mm D (5.4 x 5.5 x 3.2")Weight: 2.3 kg (80 oz) Material: Anodized aluminum。
Omega 温度计数据记录器说明书
Specifications TeMPeRATURe (Based on Pt100 RTD): Probe Temperature Range: -50 to 200°C (-58 to 392°F)Resolution: 0.01°C Probe Calibrated Accuracy: ±0.1°C -10 to 150°C (14 to 302°F), ±0.5°C outside of that range ReSISTAnCe nominal Range: 0 to 500 ΩResolution: 0.001ΩCalibrated Accuracy: ±0.015 ΩSpecified Accuracy Range: Splash Proof Wireless Temperature Data Logger WIReLeSS RF Frequency: 2.45GHz IEEE 802.15.4 ultra-low power wireless transceiver with fully bi-directional communication Band: ISM band 2.405-2.48 GHz Maximum Output Power: +0dBm typical Receiver Sensitivity (OM-CP-RFC1000-eXT): -95dBm typical Range: 610 m (2000') maximum outdoors line of sight unobstructed; 152 m (500') maximum indoors (typical urban)GeneRAL Reading Rate: One reading every two seconds to one every 24 hours Memory: 20,000 readings; software configurable memory wrap Wrap Around: Yes OM-CP-RFOT wireless temperature data logger.OM-CP-RFC1000-eXT, Windows ® software displays data in graphical or tabular format.used in the harshest environments.The OM-CP-RFOT is perfectly suited for smoke houses, ovens and other cooking processes up to 212°F (100°C) as well as refrigerators and freezers down to -20°C (-4°F). It is completely splash proof and can withstand wash down cycles. This state-of-the-art device records and transmits internal product temperature readings back to a central computer for instant real-time monitoring.The OM-CP-RFOT never needs to be connected to a computer as it has been designed for two way wireless communication. Full communication can be performed directly from a central PC. In addition to wirelessly transmitting data, the OM-CP-RFOT also stores each reading to internal memory for backup. This back up data may be retrieved wirelessly at a later time.This easy to use software features user programmable critical control points, called “cooling flags” to assist in compliance with USDA Appendix B. The “cooling flags” are automatically annotated on the graph and tabular data views.The summary tab provides the cool down duration between each critical control point. The data can also be automatically exported to Excel ® for further calculations.Data retrieval is simple. Plug the device into an available USB port and our easy-to-use software does the rest. The software converts a PC into a real-time strip chart recorder. Data can be printed in graphical and tabular format or exported to a text or Microsoft Excel file.The OM-CP-RFOT was designed with our customers in mind. We offer free firmware upgrades for the life of the product so that data loggers already deployed in the field can grow with new technological developments. Units do not need to be returned to the factory for upgrades. The user can do this automatically from any PC.P robe: O M-CP-RFOT: 101 L x 4.8 mm dia (4 x 0.1875")O M-CP-RFOT-SMP: 63 L x 4.8 mm dia (2.48 x 0.18")Weight: 250 g (8.8 oz) enclosure Material: Tecaform ®, food grade OM-CP-RFC1000-eXT Transceiver (Acts as Receiver or Repeater)S ensitivity: -95 dBm typical Comes complete with 3.6V lithium battery. Operator’s manual, Windows software and USB interface cable are included with the OM-CP-RFC1000-EXT wireless transceiver package (required to operate the data logger, sold separately).products may only be used in the US, Canada and Europe. M aximum number of Transmitters: Up to 20 transmitters sending data directly to the transceiver or up to 300 transmitters using additional transceivers (20 transmitters per transceiver) M aximum Distance to Transceiver or from one Transceiver to the next: Outdoor Line-of-Sight: 122 m (400') Indoor: 46 m (150')stamped ºC, ºF, K, ºRTime Accuracy: ±1 minute/month (at 25°C)Computer Interface: USB (interface cable required); 115,200 baudSoftware: XP SP3/Vista/7 and 8 (32 and 64-bit)Operating environment:-20 to 100ºC (-4 to 212ºF),0 to 100% RH non-condensingDimensions: Body: 203 x 44 mm dia (8 x 1.75")Hook ID: 13 mm (0.5")OM-CP-RFOT-HDA, probe attachment。
Omega OM-EL-GFX-2温湿度数据记录器用户指南说明书
OM-EL-WiFi-TH Temperature/ Humidity User’s GuideThe OM-EL-GFX-2 standalone USB data logger measures and stores up to 252,928 temperature and humidity readings over a -30 to +80ºC (-22 to 176°F) and 0 to 100% RH range at a resolution of 0.1ºC/0.1°F and 0.1% RH. Using the Windows control software (available as a free download from ), users can quickly set up the data logger and view downloaded data by connecting the device to the PC’s USB port using the supplied cable.The data logger features a high-contrast graphic LCD and three input buttons. This allows users to start, stop and restart the data logger using on-screen menus. This menu also provides real-time analysis of data either as a data summary (showing highest & lowest readings and alarm conditions) or as a graph that updates as new data is added. The Max and Min readings and also the Time and Date they occurred, can be displayed on the LCD ( info button). If desired, the user can then reset the Max/Min shown on this screen of the LCD. Each time these maxima and minima are reset while logging, an “Event Marker” is created in the data. When the data has been downloaded to a PC these Events can be viewed on the graph (Mark Events). They also appear in the data file associated with the corresponding log when the reset took place. For certain applications where procedures mandate that a regular physical check of the logger / stats have taken place – this can be useful as an audit / validation tool. Multiple data logging sessions can be stored on the device ready for upload to a PC at a later date.The data logger’s robust design provides IP67 waterproof protection and the two replaceable ½AA batteries typically allow logging for up to one year.OM-EL-GFX-2 Temperature and Relative Humidity Data Logger with Graphic ScreenFEATURES• Rugged and robust, IP67 construction• -30 to +80°C (-22 to +176°F) and 0 to 100% RH measurement ranges• Logging rates between 10 seconds and 1 hour• Stores over 250,000 readings• On screen menu and graphing to start, stop, review and restart the logger in the field• Micro USB interface for PC based set-up and data download• Immediate, delayed, push-button or temperature/RH triggered start mode• User-programmable alarm thresholds• Graphic LCD shows real-time readings, graph and current status• Resettable Min/Max readings may be viewed on the LCD• User set audible alarm• Highly visible confidence/alarm LEDs • Supplied with user replaceable ½ AA batterieswith Graphic ScreenOmega’s USB control software is available to download from . Easy to install and use, the control software runs under Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. The software is used to set-up the data logger as well as download, graph and export data to Excel. Each stored logging session is saved as a separate file.The software allows the following parameters to be configured:• Logger name• Measurement parameter (ºC or ºF)• Logging Rate (customizable between 10 seconds and 1 hour)• High and low temperature alarms• Immediate, delayed, push-button or temperature/humidity triggered start mode• Disable or enable LEDs and sounder with delayed activation• Display and backlight behavior after button pressThe latest version of the control software may be downloaded free of charge from OM-EL-WIN-USB (CONTROL SOFTWARE)* This specifies the overall error in the logged readings, for relative humidity measurements between 20 and 80%RH.** This specifies the overall error in the calculated dew point for relative humidity measurements between 40 and 100%RH at 25°C.*** At temperatures below -5°C the LCD will exhibit slower response times. The LCD will be disabled at temperatures under -20°C and above 70°C.† At 25°C and 10 minute logging rate, with no alarm LEDs or sounder and minimal LCD use.with Graphic ScreenDIMENSIONSAll dimensions in mm (inches)88.0 (3.46)48.5 (1.91)30.5 (1.20)MENU BUTTON FUNCTIONS AND LED SCREEN INDICATION By pressing the button, you can stop your logger, or view logger settings. If you have already stopped These screens can be reached by pressing the button To view a summary of the logger’s settings press the button, then click ‘Logger Settings’You can switch between these views by pressing the / buttons at the bottom-left of your screenON-SCREEN ICONSwith Graphic ScreenBATTERY REPLACEMENTWe recommend that you replace the batteries every 12 months, or prior to logging critical data.The OM-EL-GFX-2 does not lose its stored readings when the batteries are discharged or when the batteries are replaced; however, the data logging process will be stopped. If the batteries are changed within a 2 minute window the OM-EL-GFX-2 will retain its settings (internal clock and logging mode). This will allow logging to be restarted without additional connection to a PC via USB.Only use 2 x OM-EL-BATT lithium batteries. Do not mix battery types and do not mix new and old batteries. Before replacing the batteries, unplug the OM-EL-GFX-2 from the PC.WARNINGHandle lithium batteries carefully, observe warnings on battery casing. Dispose of in accordance with local regulations. TEMPERATURE ACCURACY。
Omega OM-HL-SH Series 单通道温度和湿度数据记录仪手持智能数据记录器产品说明书
e-mail:**************For latest product manuals:Shop online at User’s GuideOM-HL-SH SeriesSingle Channel Temperature and Humidity Data Logger, HandhelderMode l: OM -HL-S H-TH LOG***********************Servicing North America:U.S.A. Omega Engineering, Inc.Headquarters:Toll-Free: 1-800-826-6342 (USA & Canada only)Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 (USA & Canada only)Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 (USA & Canada only)Tel: (203) 359-1660 Fax: (203) 359-7700e-mail:**************For Other Locations Visit /worldwideThe information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.Table of ContentsSection ...................................................................................... PageSection 1Introduction (1)1.1 Introduction (1)1.2 Features (1)1.3 Applications (1)1.4 Series Data Logger Model (1)1.5 Temperature Data Logger Appearance (2)1.6 Temperature Data Logger Screen (2)1.7 Temperature and Humidity Data Logger Appearance (3)1.8 Temperature and Humidity Data Logger Screen (3)1.9 Button function instructions (3)Section 2 Installation and Instruction (4)2.1 Software Installation (4)2.1.1 The Requirement of the Computer Hardware (4)2.1.2 Install Driver & Software (4)2.2 How to Read and Configure the Logger (5)2.2.1 Read and Configure the Logger's Settings (5)2.2.2 Setting Parameters Description (6)2.3 Turn On/Off Logger & Start/Stop Logging (7)2.4 Download the Logging Data (9)2.5 View Data Sheet (10)2.6 Exporting Logs from LogPro (10)2.7 Delete Records in the Logger (11)2.8 Check the Save File in File List (11)Section 3 Attention (12)Section 4 FAQ (12)4.1 LCD Screen Dim (12)4.2 Data & Time Error (12)4.3 Software "Runtime Error" (12)4.4 Check COM Port Number (12)Section 1 - IntroductionOM-HL-SH temperature humidity data logger, developed by OMEGA, isfeatured with LCD display, elegant appearance, low energy consumption, andexcellent consistency. All the sensors are manufactured in Switzerl and, whichassures quality and stability.Section 1.2 - Features• Appearance is small and exquisite, cigarette packet size, easy to use.• The sensor was produced by Switzerland, high accuracy.• 2 x AAA Battery can be working 6 months with 25 ℃ environment.(sampling interval is 60 secs, logging interval is 300 secs).• Host Size(L x H x D): 57mm x 92mm x 20mm.• LCD Screen Size: 37mm x 17mm.• Temperature & Humidity External Probe Diameter: 16mm.• Temperature External Probe Diameter: 6mm.Section 1.3 - Application• Transportation.• Supermarkets.unit may void your warranty.Section 1.4 - Data Logger Model1Section 1.5 - Temperature Data Logger Appearance (OM-HL-SH-T ) LabelBattery Cover USB Port1.2.3.4.LCD ScreenLOG/STD ButtonMAX/MIN Button Sensor1.2.3.4.Temperature ValueDisplay the Maximum Value in the MemoryDisplay the Minimum Value in the MemoryBattery Symbol: Please replace the battery when show only one bar.5. LOG Symbol6. USB Communication Symbol7. Display years, month/day, hour/ minute recurrently8. Fahrenheit Unit9. Centigrade UnitSection 1.6 - Temperature Data Logger Screen (OM-HL-SH-T )Section 1.7 - Temperature and Humidity Data Logger Appearance(OM-HL-SH-TH) & Humidity Value Display the Maximum Value in the MemoryDisplay the Minimum Value in the MemoryBattery Symbol: Please replace the battery when show only one bar. LabelBattery Cover USB Port1.2.3.4.LCD ScreenLOG/STD Button MAX/MIN Button Sensor SymbolUSB Communication Symbol Display years, month/day, hour/minute recurrently Humidity Unit Fahrenheit Unit Centigrade UnitSection 1.8 - Temperature and Humidity Data Logger Screen(OM-HL-SH-TH)3Section 1.9 - Button function instructions:Switching the read maximum and minimum value.:When device is off, press 5S to enter standby mode and press 3S to enter recording mode. When device is recording, press 3S can enter standby mode (only enter standby mode), in standby model, press 5S to turn the device off.2.1.1 - The Requirement of the Computer HardwareSection 2.1 - Software InstallationSection 2 - Installation and Instruction1. OS: Windows XP/Vista/8/10 (32/64bit).2. CPU: 1.6GHz.3. Physical Memory: 512MB.4. Hard-drive Space: 4 GB.5. USB Port: 1.This section will explain how to use the software to upload, read, configure and synchronize the settings, how to turn on/off the logger & enter/exist the logging mode, and how to delete and download the logging data.42.1.2 - Install Driver & SoftwareNote: "If need to install Driver separately, please install 64 bit driver for Windows 64 bit computer & 32 bit driver for Windows 32 bit computer".1. Install LogPro Software and Driver together(Default Path: C:\OM-HL Logger).2. Installation Steps: When enter the software, click the ‘Install LogPro and Driver’(as below Pic ), and then click the ‘Next ’(5 times), click the ‘Install’, click the ‘Finish’. When entering the LogPro software interface, the installation driver softwarewindow will pop up. Click 'Install', and the success of installation will be displayed.Install driverThe successful installed Default installation folderLogPro installation page2.2.1 - Read and Configure the Logger's Settings1. Turn on and Insert the data logger to the computer ¹.2. Start LogPro software on the PC.3. From the toolbar select Connect.4. Load & Read the logger’s current settings.5. Configure the new settings.6. Sync the settings & time. (The PC time will be synchronized to the logger as well.) .7. From the toolbar select disconnect.8. Sync the Computer's Data & Time to the Data Logger.9. Unplug the logger from the computer, and then the logger is in Standby mode.7453861. The windows operating system cannot handle USB devices being unplugged and plugged back too fast. When unplugging the logger, wait for about 5 seconds before plugging it in again. If you unplug and plug back a device too quickly, the computer may stop recognizing any USB devices on that port. If this happens you will have to restart the computer. This is a windows USB problem and is not related to LogPro.5Section 2.2 - How to Read and Configure the Logger2.2.2 -Setting Parameters DescriptionCalibrate the logger: The logger is factory calibrated to an accuracy given in the device specifications. However, there may be times when you wish to adjust the calibration of your logger. Logpro provides you with the ability to perform a single point offset calibration. This calibration can be used to increase the accuracy of the logger for a restricted data range.67Section 2.3 - Turn On/Off Logger & Start/Stop Logging Under Button to Start ModeStart Logging - When the Logger is on and on stand-by(LCD does not have “LOG” logo display), press "LOG/STD" for 3 seconds, LCD display time, loosen "LOG/STD" button when the LCD display "3.0", now the logger start logging and storing data(LCD has “LOG” logo display).Turn On the Logger - Push “LOG/STD” Button for 5 Secs then LCD display is on.Stop Logging - When the logger is on logging, press "LOG/STD" for 3 seconds, LCD display time, loosen "LOG/STD" button when the LCD display "3.0",LCD does not have LOG logo display ,then the logger will be on stand-by.8Turn Off the Logger - Push the“LOG/STD” Button for 5 Secs then LCD display is off.LOG Full - The device won't record data while the memory is full, that you have todownload the data and delete it by Logpro software, then device can record again. OM-HL-SH-T LOG Full OM-HL-SH-TH LOG FullOM-HL-SH-TH LCD Display- Display temperature and humidity recurrently, eachdisplay time is 5S.Section 2.4 - Download the Logging Data10. Insert the data logger to the computer.11. Start LogPro software on the PC.12. From the toolbar select Connect.13. From the toolbar select Download.1213Once the data is downloaded from the logger to the PC, the log graph will be displayed.Tips: Press and hold the left mouse button to drag a box, when the left mouse buttonis released, the graph will be redraw with the data in the selected rectangle area. Click right button, then the graph will be redrawing with all the data in the logs file.9Section 2.5 - View Data SheetClick “Data List” button on the toolbar, and then the data listing windowis shown below. Channel 3 unit is Dew Point. The Value is calculated fromtemperature & humidity.The data pane lists the data samples collected by the logging device.The column width of each column is adjustable by using the left mouse buttonand dragging the column the desired width.Section 2.6 - Exporting Logs from LogPro• Export data list to an Excel file.• Export data list to a PDF file.• Export graph to a BMP file.10Section 2.7- Delete Records in the Logger 14. From the toolbar select Delete.14Section 2.8 - Check the Save File in File list15. From the toolbar select File List.16. Click to open the file.• Double click left mouse button, then the selected file is opened.• Click right mouse button, a popup menu is shown as below, you can rename or delete or log file.• The save file is saved in the LogPro software’s installation path in the PC’s hard driver.151611• Plastic shell is ABS, flame retartdant, not resistant to acid andalkali.• If repair is needed, only authorized technician can do the repair.• The instrument configuration by 2 x AAA Battery (1.5V) is not rechargeable.• USB power supply (2.7V) cannot let the Data Logger work.Section 4.1 - LCD Screen DimInsufficient battery or the environment tmeperature is too low or too high.Solution: In the case of insufficient battery, please replace the battery. If resultsfrom environment temperature, please immediately take the logger out of theenvironment.Section 4.2 - Data & Time ErrorReason:• The Battery level is low.• The Data Logger is not synchronous properties, before start recording.Solution:• Replace the battery.• Please sync the properties, before start recording.Section 4.3 - Software “Runtime Error”Reason:• OS forbid software creating files.Solution:• Run the program (software) as an administrator.• Install software in D or E drive if available.• A data logger name cannot contain any of the following characters: \ / :* ? “ < > |• Software’s installation path cannot include Chinese character or garbagecharacter.Section 4.4 - Check COM Port NumberPress “Win” + “R” in keyboard -> Run “devmgmt.msc” to Open “DeviceManager” in Windows-> Expand “Ports (COM & LPT)” -> “USB-serial CH340(COM No.)” is the Data Logger.12OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2018 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number under which the product was PURCHASED,2. Model and serial number of the product under warranty, and3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair,2. Model and serial number of the product, and 3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.RETURN REQUESTS/INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUCT(S) TO OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to preventbreakage in transit.WARRANTY/DISCLAIMEROMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANTY does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the c om pone nt u po n w hich liability is b a se d. I n no event s hal l O MEG A be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY/DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of theProduct(s) in such a manner.Where Do I F ind Everything I Need fo rP r oce ss Me a s urement and Cont r ol?OME GA…Of Cours e!Shop online at TEMPERATUREThermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors,Panels & AssembliesWire: Thermocouple, RTD & ThermistorCalibrators & Ice Point ReferencesRecorders, Controllers & Process MonitorsInfrared PyrometersPRESS U RE, STRAIN AND FO RC ETransducers & Strain GagesLoad Cells & Pressure GagesDisplacement TransducersInstrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELRotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow ComputersAir Velocity IndicatorsTurbine/Paddlewheel SystemsTotalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYpH Electrodes, Testers & AccessoriesBenchtop/Laboratory MetersControllers, Calibrators, Simulators & PumpsIndustrial pH & Conductivity EquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONCommunications-Based Acquisition SystemsData Logging SystemsWireless Sensors, Transmitters, & ReceiversSignal ConditionersData Acquisition SoftwareHEATERSHeating CableCartridge & Strip HeatersImmersion & Band HeatersFlexible HeatersLaboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLMetering & Control InstrumentationRefractometersPumps & TubingAir, Soil & Water MonitorsIndustrial Water & Wastewater TreatmentpH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen InstrumentsM5706/1018。
Omega OMYL-RH23 OMYL-RH23E 温度、湿度和气压数据记录器说明书
SPECIFICATIONSSensor TypeO MYL-RH23/OMYL-RH23-4M: Internal temperature, humidity and pressure sensorsO MYL-RH23E/OMYL-RH23E-4M: Internal pressure sensor with temperature and humidity sensors fitted in integral probeU I ntegral Temperature/Humidity/Pressure Sensors U O MYL-RH23 Has Internal Temperature/Humidity/Pressure Sensors U O MYL-RH23E Has Internal Pressure Sensor with Temperature/Humidity Sensors Fitted in Integral Probe U U p to 4 Million Readings (Internal Memory Size)UU p to 4 Hz Sampling Rate U H igh Accuracy U 20 Bit A/D Converter U S hock Proof, IP65 Housing (Dust and Water Jet Proof)UT ransfer Rate of 500 kbps U L ow Current Consumption U U p to 4 Years Battery Life The OMYL-RH23 and OMYL-RH23E are robust devices capable of logging temperature, humidity and barometric pressure readings and are software configurable to record either all three of theseparameters or just individual variables. These data loggers are available with standard memory of100,000 readings (OMYL-RH23, OMYL-RH23E) or expanded memory of 4 million readings (OMYL-RH23-4M, OMYL-RH23E-4M). TheOMYL-RH23/OMYL-RH23-4M have built-in sensors for temperature, humidity and barometric pressure. The OMYL-RH23E/OMYL-RH23E-4M have an internal pressure sensor with the temperature/humidity sensors fitted in an integral 100 mm (3.94") steel probe. These data loggers are suited for a variety of applications including environmental or climate studies, meteorological research and also in clean rooms and laboratories.The storage medium is non-volatile flash memory so no data is lost if the battery becomes discharged. Data logger setup as well as data retrieval is accomplished using the included standard OMYL-SOFT software. Downloaded data is stored in the OMYL-SOFT software as a text file for viewing in third party software packages or Microsoft Excel. The OMYL-SOFT standardsoftware does not include any graphing functionality. Graphing and analyzing downloaded data files requires the OMYL-SOFT -PLUS version of the software (sold separately).Temperature Range: -30 to 70°C (-22 to 158°F) with standard lithium battery (included); -40 to 90°C (-40 to 194°F) with optional high temperature lithium battery Resolution: 0.01°C (0.02°F)Accuracy: See chart belowHumidity Range: 0 to 100% RH Resolution: 0.01% RH Accuracy: See chart belowOMYL-RH23 shown larger than actual size.Barometric Pressure Range: 10 to 1100 hPa Resolution: 0.1 hPaAbsolute Accuracy @25°C: ±1.5 hPa Relative Accuracy @25°C: ±0.5 hPa Reading Rate: 1 second to 24 hours; 2 Hz, 4 Hz in fast modeStart Modes: Immediate start, delayed start Memory CapacityOMYL-RH23, OMYL-RH23E: 100,000 readings O MYL-RH23-4M, OMYL-RH23E-4M: 4 million readingsMemory Wrap Around: Y es (software configurable)Battery: 3V lithium battery [standard temperature range battery (included) optional high temperature range battery]; user replaceableBattery Life (Standard Temperature Range Battery): 4 years at 1 minute reading rate, 230 days at 10 second reading rate, 25 days at 1 second reading ratemanual on USB stick.Ordering Example: OMYL-RH23 temperature, humidity and barometric pressure data logger with internal sensors, 100,000 readings and OCW-1, OMEGACARE SM extends standard 1-year warranty to a total of 2 years.LED Functionality: Integrated status LED indicates data logging status, low battery or alarm condition Alarms: Software programmable high/low thresholds Computer Interface: USB (interface cable included)Software: XP SP3/Vista/7 and 8 (32- and 64-bit)Operating Environment: -30 to 70°C (-22 to 158°F) with standard lithium battery; -40 to 90°C (-40 to 194°F) with optional high temperature lithium battery Dimensions O MYL-RH23, OMYL-RH23-4M: 30 H x 50 dia mm (1.18 x 1.97")O MYL-RH23E, OMYL-RH23E-4M: 30 H x 50 dia mm (1.18 x 1.97") with 100 L x 8 dia mm probe (3.94 x 0.31")Weight : 70 g (2.5 oz)Enclosure: Robust, shock-proof POM, IP65OMYL-SOFT-PLUS graphical display.OMYL-RH23E shown smaller than actual size.。
Omega NOMAD家族的微型温度和湿度数据记录器说明书
OM-CP-MICRORHTEMP Miniature Temperature and Humidity Data Logger®1 +44 (0)161 777 6611software (required to operate the data logger and sold separately).Ordering Example: OM-CP-MICRORHTEMP miniature temperature and humidity data logger with and OM-CP-IFC202 Windows software with USB cable, £200 + 80 = £280.The OM-CP-MICRORHTEMP is a miniature, battery-powered, standalone temperature andhumidity data logger. This device combines the latest in low-power technology with Windows based software to provide a next-generation temperature and humidity recorder.The data logger records 10,922humidity and 10,922 temperature measurements simultaneously. The OM-CP-MICRORHTEMP is a major leap in both size and performance.Its real-time clock enables all data to be time and date stamped. The storage medium is non-volatile solid state memory, providing maximum data security even if the battery becomes discharged. Its small size allows the device to fit almostanywhere. Data retrieval is simple.Plug it into an available COM port and the easy-to-use Windows software does the rest. TheOM-CP-MICRORHTEMP requires minimal effort to configure and control. The software used tooperate the OM-CP-MICRO-RHTEMP requires no programming skills and enables users to effortlessly select reading rate and device ID. Data collection can start moments after connecting the hardware. A simple plug-in connection is all that is required to connect theOM-CP-MICRORHTEMP to a PC.Data can be printed in graphical and tabular format or exported to a text or Microsoft Excel file.SpecificationsTemperature Sensor:Semiconductor Temperature Accuracy:±0.5°C Temperature Resolution:0.1°C Temperature Range:0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)Humidity Sensor:Semiconductor Humidity Accuracy:3% RHߜߜߜߜߜ£Humidity Resolution: 0.5% RH Humidity Range:0 to 100% RH non-condensing Calibrated Accuracy:±3% RH (±2% RH typical @ 25°C)Response Time:90% change in 60seconds in slow moving air Accuracy Range:10 to 80% RH, 10 to 40°C Calibration:Digital calibration through softwareCalibration Date:Automatically recorded within deviceRecording Interval:30/minute to 1/day selectable through software Start Time:Softwareprogrammable start time and date (up to six months in advance)Real-Time Recording:Can be used with PC to monitor and record data in real-timeMemory:16,383 readings per channel Reading Interval: 1 reading every 2 seconds to 1 every 12 hoursTime Accuracy:±1 min/month @ 20°CData Format:Date and time stamped, °C, °F, °K, °R, %RH,mg/ml water vapour concentration Power:2 to 1.55 V R1154W battery (included)Battery Life:1 year typical (15-minute reading rate, 25°C Activity Indicator:Green LED blinks every 15 seconds to indicate device has been started Temperature Alarm:Programmable temperature alarm with high and low limits selectable in software; when logged data reaches or exceeds either limit, the red LED blinks every three seconds Weight:25.5 g (1 oz.)Computer Interface:PC serial or RS-232C COMSoftware:Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XPOperating Environment:-40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F) 5 to 95% RH non-condensingDimensions: 15 mm dia x 38 mm L (0.60 x 1.5")Material: Stainless steel(1.5")(0.625")。
奥米科技 OM-CP-RHTEMP1000IS-A 无爆炸安全温度和湿度数据记录器说明书
1Intrinsically Safe Temperature and Humidity Data LoggerU I ntrinsically Safe for Class I, Division 1, Groups ABCD; Non-Incendive for Class I, Division 2, Groups ABCD Locations U 316 Stainless Steel Enclosure U C ompact Design U F ast Response Time U F aster Downloads (1 Minute Full Memory)U D ocking Station Communication U E asily Identify Low Battery VoltageThe new OM-CP-RHTEMP1000IS-A is an intrinsically safe temperature and humidity data logger certified for Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C, and D and non-incendive for Class I, Division 2 Groups A, B, C, Denvironments. This certification makes the device ideal for EtO sterilization, environmental studies, medical and pharmaceutical and numerous other hostile environment applications.One of the enhancements to the OM-CP-RHTEMP1000IS-A is the stainless steel enclosure with engraved serial number and device name. The device interfaces with the OM-CP-IFC400 docking station or theOM-CP-IFC406 multiplexer data logger interface (sold separately) and can be placed directly into the dock for full communications. No more removal of end-caps to download data. The small size of the OM-CP-RHTEMP1000IS-A allows it to be placed in remote or hard to reach locations. The device now features a battery life indicator allowing users to easily identify low voltage and change batteries when required. This feature maximizes the use of your battery life and is a cost saving efficiency.The OM-CP-RHTEMP1000IS-A utilizes the latest software. This allows for simple starting, stopping and downloading of collected data. The devices are able to store up to 16,350 time and date stamped humidity and temperature readings in non-volatile solid state memory. Once the readings have been downloaded to the software, it can be viewed in graphic, tabular, and summary form for easy analysis, as well as the potential to be exported into Excel ® for further calculations.SpecificationsTEMPERATuRETemperature Sensor: Resistance T emperature Detector (RTD)Temperature Range: -40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F)Temperature Resolution: 0.01°CTemperature Response Time in Air: t63 - 8 minutes to 63% of change t90 - 68 minutes to 90% of changeCalibrated Accuracy: ±0.5°C (0 to 50°C)HuMIDITyHumidity Sensor: Capacitive polymerHumidity Range: 0 to 100% RH (non-condensing)Humidity Resolution: 0.1% RH Humidity Response Time in Air: t63 - 30 seconds to 63% of change t90 - 2 minutes to 90% of changeCalibrated Accuracy: ±3.0% RH maximumGENERALStart Modes: Software programmable immediate start or delay start up to 24 months in advanceReal Time Recording: May be used with PC to monitor and record data in real timeMemory: 16,350 readings per channel Password Protection: Y esReading Rate: 1 reading every second up to 1 reading every 24 hoursCalibration: Digital calibration through softwareCalibration Date: Automatically recorded within device Memory Wrap: Y esData Format: Date and time stamped °C, °F , K, °R ; %RH, mg/mL, dew pointBattery Life: 2 years typical at 25°C (15 minute reading rate)Battery Type: 3.6V lithium battery included, user replaceable Time Accuracy: ±1 minute/month at 25°CComputer Interface: OM-CP-IFC400 USB docking station or OM-CP-IFC406 multiplexer interface required; 125,000 baud Software: Windows ® XP SP3/Vista/7 and 8 (32-bit and 64-bit)Operating Environment: -40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F), 0 to 95% RH (non-condensing)Dimensions: 42 L x 24.6 mm dia (1.7 x 0.97")Weight: 65 g (2.3 oz)Material: 316 Stainless SteelOM-CP-RHTEMP1000IS-Ashown larger than actual size.2package or OM-CP-IFC406 multiplexer (required for data logger operation), sold separately.Ordering Example: OM-CP-RHTEMP1000IS-A intrinsically safe temperature and humidity data logger.OM-CP-IFC400, Windows software displays data in graphical or tabular format.OM-CP-IFC406 multiplexer data logger interface, shownsmaller than actual size.OM-CP-RHTEMP1000IS-A,data logger and OM-CP-IFC400 docking station, shown actual size.。
Omega OM-CP-LEVEL101-SS 水位和温度数据记录器说明书
SpecificationsTemperaTure Channel Temperature Sensor: Semiconductor Temperature range: -40 to +80°C (-40 to 176°F)Temperature resolution: 0.1°C Calibrated accuracy: +0.5°C (0°C to 50°C)pressure Sensor: Semiconductorstrain gage media Compatibility: Must be compatible with 303 stainless steel nominal range: 0 to 30'measurement range: 0 to 100'resolution: 0.05"Om-Cp-leVel101U SubmersibleU programmable Start TimeU u ser Calibration Through Software Water Level and Temperature Data Logger Part of the NOMAD ® Familywith the OM-CP-IFC200 software/cable package (required for data logger operation, sold separately). NIST calibration for temperature only. Ordering Example: OM-CP-LEVEL101-SS-CERT water level and temperature data logger with NIST calibration certificate and OM-CP-IFC200 Windows software and USB interface cable.Om-Cp-leVel101 data logger shown larger than actual sizeWindows Software shows data in graphical format The OM-CP-LEVEL101 is a battery powered, stand-alone submersible water level and temperature data logger.This all-in-one compact, portable, easy to use device will measure and record up to 16,383 measurements per channel.The storage medium is non-volatile solid state memory, providing maximum data security even if the battery becomes discharged.The OM-CP-LEVEL101 can be started an stopped directly from your computer and its small size allows it to fit almost anywhere. Data retrieval is simple. Plug it into an empty COM port and the easy to use Windows software does the rest. The software converts your PC into a real time strip chart recorder. Data can be printed in graphical or tabular format and can be exported to a text or Microsoft Excel file.Calibrated accuracy: ±8.3" of water (±1.0" typical @ 25°C); not compensated for barometric pressure changes response Time: 90% change in 1 ms repeatability: +0.5% FSR; +0.2% typical proof pressure: 90 psia memory: 16,383 readings per channel; 32,766 total readings real Time recording: May be used with PC to monitor and record data in real time reading rate: 1 reading every 2 seconds to every 12 hours selectable in software Start modes: Software programmable immediate start or delay start up 6 months in advance Calibration: Digital calibration through software Calibration Date: Automatically recorded with device Battery Type: 3.6V lithium battery (included); user replaceable Battery life: 1 year typical at 25°C Data Format: Date and time stamped, °C, °F, °K, °R, PSI, inches, feet, millimeters, centimeters, meters (of water column)Time accuracy: +1 minute/month (RS232 cable not in use) Computer Interface: PC serial or USB (interface cable required); 2400 baud Software: XP SP3/Vista/7 and 8 (32-bit and 64-bit)Operating environment: -40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F), 0 to 100% RH Dimensions: 145 dia x 32 mm L (5.7 x 1.25")Weight: 220 g (8 oz) material: 303 stainless steel。
Omega OM-CP-TC110-2MB 温度数据记录器说明书
The OM-CP-TC110-2MB is a miniature, battery powered, stand alone, thermocouple based temperature data logger.The OM-CP-TC110-2MB features a real-time clock module that extends the battery life to >2 years and allows for high speed downloads.This is an all-in-one compact,portable, easy to use device that will measure and record up to 262,144measurements per channel. The storage medium is non-volatile solid state memory, providingmaximum data security even if the battery becomes discharged. The device can be started and stopped directly from your computer and its small size allows it to fit almost anywhere.The OM-CP-TC110-2MB makes data retrieval quick and easy.Simply plug it into an empty COM or USB port and our user-friendly software does the rest.ߜWide Temperature Range ߜAccepts Thermocouple Types J, K, T, E, R, S, B, N ߜ High Speed Download ߜ NIST Traceableߜ Real-Time Operationߜ Programmable Start Time ߜ Miniature SizeOM-CP-TC110-2MBStarts at$299OM-CP-TC110-2MB data logger, $299, shown larger than actual size.Real Time Recording:May be used with PC to monitor and record data in real timeMemory:262,144 readings per channel for a total of 524,288readings; software configurable memory wrapReading Rate:1 reading every 2 seconds to 1 every 24 hours Calibration:Digital calibration through softwareCalibration Date:Automatically recorded within deviceBattery Type:3.6 V lithium battery (included), user replaceable Battery Life:2 years (5 minute reading rate a t 25°C)Data Format:Date and time stamped °C, °F, K, °RTime Accuracy:±1 minute/month (at 20 to 30°C)SpecificationsINTERNAL CHANNEL Temperature Range:-40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F)Temperature Resolution:0.1°C Calibrated Accuracy:±0.5°C (0 to 50°C)REMOTE CHANNEL Thermocouple Types:J, K, T, E, R, S, B, NThermocouple Connection:Female subminiature (SMP)Cold Junction Compensation:Automatic, based on internal channelMaximum Thermocouple Resistance:1000Ω, <100ΩrecommendedStart Time:Softwareprogrammable immediate start or delay start up to six months in advanceAVAILABLE FOR FAST DELIVERY!Comes with complete operator’s manual, 3V lithium battery and USB interface cable. The OM-CP-IFC200 Windows software includes required USB interface cable to operate the data logger (sold separately).Ordering Example: OM-CP-TC110-2MB-CERT,thermocouple recorder with NIST calibration certificate and OM-CP-IFC200,Windows software, $359 + 129 = $488.Computer Interface:PC serial or USB (interface cable required);57,600 baudSoftware:XP SP3/Vista and 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)Operating Environment:-40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F) 0 to 95%RH non-condensing Dimensions:44 x 59 x 21 mm (1.7 x 2.3 x 0.8")Weight:35 g (1.3 oz)OM-CP-TC110-2MB, data logger,$299, shown actual size.5SRTC/5LRTC Series starts at $48/5 pk, see for details.OM-CP-IFC200, $129, Windowssoftware displays data in graphical or tabular formatCANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.fr Guyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis HeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。
Omega iTHX-SD 温湿度记录仪说明书
Temperature and Humidity Virtual Chart RecorderR-5U W eb Server U A larms by Email or Text Message U N o Special Software Required U R ecords Years of Data on Popular SD Cards U D ual Probe OptionThe OMEGA ®iTHX-SD transmitter let’s you monitor and recordTemperature, Relative Humidity and Dew Point over an Ethernet network or the Internet with no special software except a Web Browser.The iTHX-SD serves Active Web Pages to display real time readings, display charts of temperature, humidity, and dew point or log data in standard data formats for use in a spreadsheet or data acquisition program such as Excel or Visual Basic.The virtual chart viewed on the web page is a JAVA™ Applet that records a chart over the LAN or Internet in real time. With the iTHX-SD, there is no need to invest time and money learning a proprietary software program to log or chart the data.SD Flash Memory CardThe iTHX-SD comes completewith a removable 2 GB SD FlashMemory card that can store up toseven years of readings taken at ten second intervals.Records on SD Flash Cards The data is recorded on widely available SD (Secure Digital) flash cards. The format is a simple text file that is easily imported to spread sheets and other programs. It canbe read on a PC or MAC with a USB card reader. You can also download the data remotely over an Ethernetnetwork or the Internet.™®Alarm RelaysThe iTHX-SD features two 1.5 Amp relays. With the easyWeb-based setup page, the two relays can be programmed for ancombination of temperature or humidity, and high or low set points. The relays canalso be programmed to remain latched and require a manual reset if a limit is exceeded.Battery BackupThe iTHX-SD comes with a universal 100 to 240 Vac power adapter. A standard 9 Volt Alkaline battery (also included) allows the device to log data for up to 2 days without external ac power. A failure on the Ethernet network will not interrupt data recording.Adjustable ChartsChart scales are fully adjustable on the fly. For example, the chart can display one minute, one hour, one day, one week, one month or one year. Temperature and humidity canbe charted across the full span (-40 to 124°C, and 0 to 100% RH) or within any narrow range such as (20 to 30°C). When a second sensor is added, users can select a chart that records channel 1, channel 2 or the difference of the two channels.Award-Winning Technology The iTHX-SD is simple to install anduse, and features OMEGA’s award-winning iServer technology that requires no special software excepta Web Browser.The iTHX-SD connects to anEthernet Network with a standard RJ45 connector and sends data in standard TCP/IP packets. It is easily configured with a simple menu using a Web Browser and can be password protected.From within an Ethernet LAN or over the Internet, the user simply types its IP address or an easy to remember name such as “Cleanroom5” or “ServerRoom” in any Web Browser, and the iTHX-SD serves a Web Page with the current readings.View Temperature + Humidty with a Web BrowseriTHX-SD-5D shown smaller than actual size withSD card and DB9-Y cable for dual probe (included).Email AlarmsAll OMEGA iTHX-SD models that are on a LAN that is connected to the Internet can trigger an alarm that can be sent by email to a user or a distribution list anywhere in the world, including text messages to cell phones and PDA’s.Link to Web CAM orIP CameraThe Web page includes a link toa “Web Cam” or “IP camera” (not included). If you get a message about an alarm condition, you can quickly click on the link to view the actual scene over the Internet. Display and ChartTwo ChannelsThe iTHX-SD transmitters come complete with a temperature and humidity probe for measurement of a single location. With the addition of a second probe, the iTHX-SD transmitter can measure and display temperature, humidity and dew point in a second location up to ten feet away.The transmitter can display and chart absolute measurements in both locations, or a differential measurement between the two locations. The second probe requires no change to the basic iTHX-SD transmitter hardware,it can be added at the time of purchase or in the future. OMEGA offers a choice of industrialprobes in 2 and 5" lengths, anda wand style for ambient indoor applications. A simple DB-9 “Y” connector is available for adding asecond probe.Sensor and CalibrationIt is not necessary to takethe iTHX-SD out of servicefor routine calibration. The temperature/humidity sensorsare interchangeable and can be replaced for about the same cost as a typical calibration. OMEGA offers replacement sensors with optional 3-point NIST traceable calibration certificates.R-6View temperature and humidity over Ethernet or the Internet.Industrial Probe iTHP-5, iTHP-2:137 L or 51 L x 16 mm Dia(5 L or 2 L x 0.63" Dia)Housing Material: 316 SSCable with DB9 Connector:3 or 0.9 m L (10 or 3')Cable Operating Temperature:-40 to 125°C (-40 to 257°F)iServer SpecificationsINTERFACESEthernet: (RJ45)Fixed or auto-negotiating10/100BASE-T, Auto MDI/MDIXSupported Protocols:T CP, UDP, SNMP, SMTP,NTP, ARP, ICMP, DHCP, DNS,HTTP and TelnetSensor: Digital 4-wire, DB9LCD Display: 16 digits, 6 mm (0.23")SD Flash Memory Card:2GB card: 8 months of data storage at1 second recording intervals or 7 yearsat 10 second intervalsRelay Outputs:Two relays 1.5 A @ 30 VdcEmbedded Web Server:Serves Web pages containing real-timedata and live updated charts withindefinable time intervalsSoftware: OPC Server; macrofor datalogging in Excel program;compatible with Windows operatingsystemsPowerInput: 9 to 12 VdcSafety qualified AC power adapter:Nominal Output: *********Input: 100 to 240 Vac, 50/60Hz(included)Back-up Battery:9 Vdc, alkaline (included)ENVIRONMENTALOperating Temperature:iServer unit: 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F)Battery: -18 to 55°C (0 to 131°F)ac Adapter: 0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F)Storage Temperature: -40 to 85°C(-40 to 185°F)PackagingMaterial: Steel metal case with wallmount bracketSensor SpecificationsRELATIVE HuMIDITY (RH)Accuracy/Range:10 to 90%: ±2%5 to 10% and 90 to 95%: ±3%0 to 5% and 95 to 100%: ±4%Non-linearity: ±3%Hysteresis: ±1%RHResponse Time: 8 seconds, tau 63%Repeatability: ±0.1%Resolution: 0.1%, 12 bitTEMPERATuRE (T)Accuracy/Range*Wand Probe: ±0.5°C (±1°F) for 5 to45°C (41 to 113°F); up to ±1°C(up to ±2°F) for 0 to 5°C and 45 to 60°C(32 to 41°F and 113 to 140°F)Industrial Probe: (see chart in manual)±0.5°C (±1°F) for 5 to 45°C (41 to 113°F);up to ±1.5°C (up to ±2.7°F) for -40 to5°C and 45 to 124°C(-40 to 41°F and 113 to 255°F)*Note: extended temperature range is forInd. probe only, the iServer’s operatingtemperature is 0 to 60°CResponse Time: 5 to 30 seconds,tau 63%Repeatability: ±0.1°CResolution: 0.1°C, 14-bitProbe SpecificationsWand Probe:198 L x 19 mm Dia (7.8 L x 0.75" Dia)Cable with DB9 Connector:152 mm L (6" L)Cable Operating Temperature:0 to 80°C (32 to 176°F)Readings through embedded Web serverTypical ApplicationsThe iTHX-SD is great formonitoring temperature + humidityin applications such as: cleanrooms, computer rooms, HVACsystems, pharmaceutical and foodprocessing and storage, hospitals,laboratories, semiconductor fabs,electronic assembly, warehousing,museums, manufacturing, green-houses, farm animal shelters,and many more.R-7Data logging spreadsheetOrdering Examples: iTHX-SD with LCD display, SD card, 2 relay alarm, battery back-up and wand probe. iTHP-W-6-CAL-3-HU , calibrated replacement probe with certificate.Replacement Probes with Calibration Certificate StandardAlarm relay configurationthrough embedded Web serverSensor configurationRecording SetupReadingsChart Web Link SetupOverview NetworkConfiguration Management Security Recording System Diagnostics Log OutiP-PCWiP-PCIiP-SC。
Omega OM-CP-RFTCTEMP2000A 无线温度数据记录器说明书
SpecificationsTemperaTure Internal Channel Temperature range: -20 to 60°C (-4 to 140°F)Temperature resolution: 0.1°C (0.18°F)Calibrated accuracy: ±0.10°C (±0.18°F) 0 to 55°C (32 to 131°F)response Time: 10 minutes free airU W ireless 2-Way Communication U a mbient and Thermocouple Temperature monitoring U View Data in real-Time U 3 Year Battery Life U B attery Life Indicator U F ield upgradeable U a udible and LeD alarm IndicatorsU T rigger Settings U C umulative alarm DelayOm-Cp-rFTCTemp2000aThe OM-CP-RFTCTEMP2000A is a wireless thermocouple based data logger with digital display. The device measures ambient temperatures, as well as remote temperature via a thermocouple (sold separately), making it ideal for monitoringperishable goods, vaccine storage, chemicals and more.Starting, stopping and downloadingfrom the device are all performed wirelessly using theOM-CP-RFC1000-EXT wireless transceiver, allowing the customer to spend less time maintaining the data logger. Data can be provided in real time back to a central PC, or the device may be downloaded at period intervals.The convenient digital displayprovides the current reading for both channels. Minimum, maximum and average statistics are alsoprovided for a convenient snap shot of the logged data. For instant, out of range notification, an audiblebuzzer as well as LED alarm indicator notifies users when the temperatureis above or below the user specified alarm. Through the software, email and text message alarms can also be sent.The OM-CP-RFTCTEMP2000A also features programmable trigger settings for applications in which temperature logging is critical only above or below a certaintemperature. This information may be programmed into the device, and the data logger will only begin to log data to memory, once the temperature limit has been exceeded.The OM-CP-RFTCTEMP2000A can be used as a single, wireless data logging system, yet can be expanded to a large scale system, which can include hundreds of data loggers measuring a number of areas (additional wireless loggers and transceivers may be required).Data retrieval is simple. Plug the device into an available USB port and our easy-to-use software does the rest. The software converts a PC into a real-time strip chart recorder.The data logger software is a powerful, analytic tool. Data can be viewed in graphical or tabular formats and summary and statistics views are available for further analysis. The software features export to Excel ®, data annotation, digital calibration and more.Om-Cp-rFTCTemp2000a withmounting bracket and 5SC Series thermocouple (sold separately–visit for details),shown actual size.OM-CP-RFC1000-EXT wireless transceiver package (required to operate the data logger, sold separately).Ordering Example: OM-CP-RFTCTEMP2000A wireless thermocouple data logger with LCD display and OM-CP-RFC1000-EXT wireless transceiver package.Om-Cp-rFC1000-eXT Windows ®software displays data in graphical or tabular format, sold separately.-270 to 1300°C (-454 to 2372°F)0.1°C±0.5°CremOTe ChaNNeL Thermocouple Connection: Female subminiature (SMP) connector Cold Junction Compensation: Automatic based on internal channel maximum Thermocoupleresistance: 100 Ω response Time: 2 minutes to 63% of change WIreLeSS rF Frequency: 2.45GHz IEEE 802.15.4 ultra-low power wirelesstransceiver with fully bi-directionalcommunicationBand: ISM band 2.405-2.48 GHzOutput power: +0dBm typical receiver Sensitivity (Om-Cp-rFC1000-eXT): -95dBm typicalrange: 610 m (2000') maximum outdoors (line of sight unobstructed);152 m (500') maximum indoors(typical urban)GeNeraLreading rate: One reading every second up to one every 24 hours memory: 16,128 per channel LeD Functionality:• G reen LED blinks every 5 seconds to indicate unit is logging • B lue LED blinks every 15 seconds to indicate unit is in wireless mode • R ed LED blinks every 1 second to indicate alarm conditionmemory Wrap around:Y es Start modes: Immediate start Calibration: Digital calibration through softwareCalibration Date: Automatically recorded within deviceBattery Type: 9V lithium battery (included); user replaceable Battery Life: 3 years typical at 1 minute reading rate• F or Software: Date and times tamped °C, K, °F , or °R Time accuracy: ±1 minute/monthComputer Interface: USB to mini USB, 250,000 baud for standalone operation or OM-CP-RFC1000-EXT required for wireless operation Software: XP SP3/Vista/7/8 (32 and 64-bit)Operating environment: -20 to 60ºC (-4 to 140ºF), 0 to 95% RH non-condensing Dimensions: 76.2 H x 88.9 W x 24.1 mm D (3.0 x 3.5 x 0.95") data logger only Weight: 116 g (4.1 oz) enclosure material: ABS plastic alarm: Programmable high and low limits for temperature andhumidity. Alarm is activated when temperature or humidity reaches orexceeds set limits.alarm Delay: A cumulative alarmdelay may be set in which thedevice will activate the alarm (via LED) only when the device has recorded a user specified time duration of data. audible alarm Functionality: 1 beep per second for reading alarm above/below threshold。
Omega OM-90系列胶囊温度与湿度数据记录仪用户指南说明书
e-mail:**************For latest product manuals: OM-90 SERIESPortable Temperature andShop online at User’s Gui d e***********************Servicing North America:U.S.A. Omega Engineering, Inc.Headquarters: Toll-Free: 1-800-826-6342 (USA & Canada only)Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 (USA & Canada only)Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 (USA & Canada only)Tel: (203) 359-1660 Fax: (203) 359-7700e-mail:**************For Other Locations Visit /worldwideUser GuideContents1. Document Overview (3)2. Product Overview (4)3. Technical Specifications (6)4. Buttons and LED Indicators (7)5. Packaging List (8)6. Installation of the Software (9)7. Using the Software (10)7.1. Front Page (10)7.2. Main Page (11)7.3. Configuration of a Data Logger (Start on Disconnection) (12)7.4. Saving a Configuration File (14)7.5. Loading a Configuration from File (15)7.6. Retrieving Logged Data (16)7.7. Viewing Logged Data from File (17)7.8. Configuration of a Data Logger (Start at Specified Time) (19)7.9. Configuration of a Data Logger (Start using Button Press) (20)7.10. Configuration of a Data Logger (Real Time Logging) (21)8. Mounting Guidelines (22)9. Battery Replacement (22)10. Technical Support (22)1.Document OverviewThis guide is provided to distribute the following information:∙the main features of data logger∙how to install the software for the logger∙how to use the software for configuration, data extraction and data viewing ∙how to mount your data logger∙how to replace the battery for the data logger∙contact information should you have further technical questions2.Product OverviewThe OM-90 Series are compact temperature / humidity data loggers measuring just 35mm x 60mm x15mm. These data loggers are commonly used in transport applications including but not limited to transport of:∙sensitive/fragile items∙food∙animal/livestock∙plants∙chemicals∙medicines or organsThe OM-90 Series comes in two versions; OM-91 is a temperature only version and OM-92 is a temperature and humidity logger. This document applies for both versions.Figure 1: Introducing the OM-90 Series Data Loggers and softwareSuppose for example you would like to transport some delicate or fragile cargo from one location to another. By attachment of a data logger one can record temperature and humidity conditions during the journey. At the destination you can then extract the logged data using very simple software and see graphically or in raw data format the changes in environment over time.When you would like to guarantee that items are transported within particular environmental limits then one can also set operating ranges above or below which light indicators will be activated so that the user can become aware that the desired transportation conditions have been exceeded.Figure 2: Data Logger IndicatorsThe data logger offers accurate and repeatable logging for temperature and relative humidity. Temperature is measured to an accuracy of +0.3o C over the range +5o C to +60o C. Over the full range -30o C to +80o C the accuracy is +2.0o C. Relative humidity is measured to an accuracy of +2.0% over 20% to 80% humidity range and +3.0% over 0% to 100%. Both temperature and relative humidity are logged at a user configurable logging rate which can be set in software.The data logger is equipped with the largest logging memory when compared with comparable portable logging devices currently available. The data logger has provision for an impressive 65520 records, each of which is a time-stamped recording of temperature and humidity.-30o C to +80o C (-22o F to 176o F)+0.3o C (+5o C to +60o C)+0.5o F (41o F to 140o F)see accuracy curve in figure 30.01o C (0.2o F)0% to 100%+2.0% (20% to 80%)see accuracy curve in figure 30.01%CR2540 coin cellup to 4 years while logging 35mm x 60mm x 15mm16 characters3.Technical Specifications∙Temperature range∙Temperature accuracy (limited range)∙Temperature accuracy (-30o C to +80o C)∙Temperature resolution∙Humidity range (only on OM-92)∙Relative humidity accuracy (limited range)∙Relative humidity accuracy (0% to 100%)∙Relative humidity resolution∙Temperature alarms (minimum & maximum)∙Relative humidity alarms (minimum & maximum)∙Battery ∙Battery life ∙Physical size∙Software available on Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8 & 10 (coming soon to Linux & MacOs)∙Logger identifier∙Logging space (includes time plus temperature & humidity) 65520 pointsFigure 3: Temperature and Humidity Accuracy4.Buttons and LED IndicatorsThe data logger includes one button located on the side of the logger. It is possible by configuration in the software to use this button as a way to start and stop logging. See section 7.9 Configuration of a Data Logger (Start using Button Press)Figure 4: Data Logger Start/Stop ButtonThe logger contains two LED indicators - LED left and LED right with the following functionality:Status LED∙When the logger starts logging then this LED pulses green once for 1 second.∙When logging this LED pulses green for 7 milliseconds and off for 6 seconds.∙When the logger stops then this LED pulses red for 1 second then off forever.Alarm LED∙When a temperature or humidity alarm is triggered this LED pulses red for 7 milliseconds and off for 6 seconds.Figure 5: Data Logger LED indicators5.Packaging ListYour data logger comes standard with the following items.∙One Data Logger unit (either OM-91 or OM-92)Figure 6: Data Logger Unit∙One CR2450 coin cell batteryFigure 7: CR2450 Coin Cell Battery and Install CD∙One USB cable – type A to micro-USB type BFigure 8: USB CableOne installation CD (Software is also available for download on the OM-90 web page)6.Installation of the SoftwareInstallation of the software is very simple. The data logger needs no special drivers since it is a USB HIDdevice and such devices can make use of the standard drivers that come with Windows. Simply install the software from the CDOR download and install the software from Omega's OM-90 web page. (look for the software icon). included with the data logger.In order to use this software consult the next section – Section 7 "Using the Software".ing the Software7.1.Front PageWhen the software is started the welcome screen appears and gives a brief introduction to the data loggers and what they can be used for.∙Click on the Configuration Wizard Button to start configuration of the logger.∙Click on the Graph Button if you want to view data graphically.∙Click on the Raw Data Button if you want to view logger data as a table.Figure 9: OM-90 Series Data Logger Software7.2.Main PageThe main page of the software consists of a configuration pane, a graphical pane and a spreadsheet pane. It is possible to have any of these enabled or disabled by the buttons located top left in the window. The panes will automatically start in an enabled or disabled view depending on the viewing mode select from the front page.Figure 10: Software Main PageButtons are also included for saving/loading configuration and logged data to and from file.There is also a button for selection between Celsius or Fahrenheit temperature scales.A connection indication on the right hand side becomes blue when your application is connected to a data logger and is greyed-out otherwise.Finally a home icon provides a link back to the front page.7.3.Configuration of a Data Logger (Start on Disconnection)Configuration of the data logger starts by specifying the device name. Up to 16 characters is allowed in the name.Figure 11: Configuration Step (Start on Disconnection)Next select the logger start to On Disconnection. There are other options (At Specified Time, Button Press and Real Time Logging) which will be discussed in later sections of this manual.Select the logging interval (this is the time between samples).For temperature logging then one needs to enable or disable the logging. In the case the temperature logging is enabled then one can also set alarm thresholds for which the alarm indication will signify that temperature limits have been exceeded.Similarly for humidity one needs to enable or disable the logging and configure the alarm limits.Finally to save the configuration setup to the data logger, press the Configure Button.Figure 12: Write Configuration to the LoggerOnce configured the software will show the logger time will be synchronized to the PC time. The logger firmware revision will also appear in the application.Once you disconnect the logger from the PC, logging will start automatically and at the configured logging interval. A green light will flash every 6 seconds to indicate that the unit is logging. The red light will flash also in the case that the temperature or humidity goes outside of the allowed limits and triggers the alarms.If the logger becomes full then all lights will stop flashing.7.4.Saving a Configuration FileConfigurations can be saved to file so that you can use the configuration next time or if you have multiple devices with the same configuration.Saving a configuration file is just a matter of selecting the save icon and filling out the file name. If the logger contains no logged data then it will only save the configuration settings. Configuration and logged data is stored in Comma Separated Value (CSV) format.Figure 13: Saving a Configuration to File7.5.Loading a Configuration from FileLoading a configuration file from disk is just a matter of selecting the open icon and selecting the configuration file name. This upload presents a simple way to configure multiple loggers with the same configuration. This ensures a common configuration and saves time/effort when configuring multiple devices.Figure 14: Loading a Configuration from FileRemember to press the configuration button if you want the configuration data held in the software to be written to your data logger.7.6.Retrieving Logged DataData can be retrieved from the logger by connecting to the logger and then pressing the read button at the bottom left of the software.Both the device configuration and logged data will immediately become uploaded and viewable in the configuration, graphical and spreadsheet views.Zooming in and out of the graphs can be achieved by the following controls:∙To Zoom In - Drag the left mouse button∙To Zoom Out - Click the right mouse button∙When zoomed in you can move around using the key-board arrows or the mouse scroll wheel To write data and configuration to file, press the save icon. Data and configuration is then stored in Comma Separated Value (CSV) format which can be edited by third party software such as Microsoft Excel or read back into the data logger software at a later point.Figure 15: Saving Logged Data to File7.7.Viewing Logged Data from FileIt is a simple matter to read back data from file (CSV format) into the software and view previous logs graphically or using the spreadsheet views. Simply press the open icon and then select the file which you would like to view.Figure 16: Retrieving Logged Data from FileFigure 17: Retrieving Logged Data from File (complete)7.8.Configuration of a Data Logger (Start at Specified Time)You can configure a device so that it starts at a specific time. Configure as per section 7.3 but select At Specified Time. Fill in the exact month, day, hour, minute and seconds when you want the logging to start.Remember to write the setup to the logger by pressing the Configure Button.When you have disconnected the logger and the time reaches the desired start time for the logging then the logger will begin to log. This is a perfect way to have multiple loggers start logging at exactly the same time.Figure 18: Configuration Step (Start at Specified Time)7.9.Configuration of a Data Logger (Start using Button Press)You can also configure the device so that it starts logging on a button press. Configure as per section 7.3 but select Button Press.Remember to write the setup to the logger by pressing the Configure Button.When you have disconnected the logger you can start logging by a simple button press. You will then see it is logging because the green light starts flashing every 6 seconds. You can also stop it using a button press – and all lights will stop flashing.Figure 19: Configuration Step (Start using Button Press)7.10.Configuration of a Data Logger (Real Time Logging)You may also use your data logger in Real Time Logging mode. Select the start logging to Real Time Logging with the appropriate logging interval. Next press start. You will then see the software take samples from the logger directly and display them on the table and graphs. This is a way to monitor temperature and humidity conditions directly from your PC instead of using the remote logging.Figure 20: Configuration Step (Real Time Logging)8.Mounting GuidelinesThere is no particular limitation with regard to transporting your data logger. The logger may be fastened to a transportation container or loosely packed.It is recommended however to keep some air space around the ventilation slots on the logger or else the logger may take longer to track humidity and temperature changes.9.Battery ReplacementYour data logger uses a CR2450 3V Lithium-Ion battery.In order to replace the battery:∙First un-mount the logger.∙Next the cover needs to unscrewed and removed.∙The old battery should then be removed and a new battery inserted. Please try not to touch any exposed electronics in the process.∙Finally attach the cover again with screws.10.Technical SupportFor technical support questions please contact Omega at:1-800-USA-WHEN (1-800-872-9436)*************************OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. T his affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2017 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. T his document may not be copied, photocopied, FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. P urchase Order number under which the product was PURCHASED,2. M odel and serial number of the product under warranty, and3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair,2. Model and serial number of the product, and 3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.RETURN REQUESTS/INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RET URNING ANY PRODUCT (S) T O OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBT AIN AN AUT HORIZED RET URN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUST OMER SERVICE DEPART MENT (IN ORDER T O AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.T he purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to preventbreakage in transit.WARRANTY/DISCLAIMEROMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANT Y does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. T his WARRANT Y is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED W ARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY W ARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANT Y /DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of theProduct(s) in such a manner.Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA…Of Course!Shop online at TEMPERATUREM U Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors,Panels & AssembliesM U Wire: Thermocouple, RTD & ThermistorM U Calibrators & Ice Point ReferencesM U Recorders, Controllers & Process MonitorsM U Infrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCEM U Transducers & Strain GagesM U Load Cells & Pressure GagesM U Displacement TransducersM U Instrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELM U Rotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow ComputersM U Air Velocity IndicatorsM U Turbine/Paddlewheel SystemsM U Totalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYM U pH Electrodes, Testers & AccessoriesM U Benchtop/Laboratory MetersM U Controllers, Calibrators, Simulators & PumpsM U Industrial pH & Conductivity EquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONM U Communications-Based Acquisition SystemsM U Data Logging SystemsM U Wireless Sensors, Transmitters, & ReceiversM U Signal ConditionersM U Data Acquisition SoftwareHEATERSM U Heating CableM U Cartridge & Strip HeatersM U Immersion & Band HeatersM U Flexible HeatersM U Laboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLM U Metering & Control InstrumentationM U RefractometersM U Pumps & TubingM U Air, Soil & Water MonitorsM U Industrial Water & Wastewater TreatmentM U pH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen Instruments。
Omega HH314A 温度湿度手持计量仪数据记录器说明书
Hu-42Temperature/HumidityHandheld Meter with Data LoggingOMEGAETTE ™Includes USB and RS232 InterfacesU T riple Display U T emperature/Humidity Probe U S econd Temperature Input U 16,000 Records Data Logger U S oftware Included U U SB and RS232 Interfaces U T ime Function U MIN/MAX/HOLD Functions U R esolution 0.1U A uto Power-Off U M ini-Tripod IncludedHH314AThe HH314A is a low cost, high performance handheld meter with data logging ability. It offers a triple display to show the temperature and humidity from a handheld probe and can display data from a separate K type thermocouple connected via a standard SMP type miniature connector to the T2 input. The temperature/ humidity probe uses a semiconductor and polymer capacitive sensor. Windows ® based software (Windows 98, NT, XP, ME, Vista) and interface cables areincluded to allow real time or recorded data to be read by a PC through the USB or RS232 port.SpecificationsOperating Environment: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F), 0 to 90% non-condensingRange: 0 to 100% RH, -20 to 60°C (-4 to 140°F)T2 Range: -200 to 1370°C (-328 to 2498°F)Resolution: 0.1 (except T2 for -200 > T2 > 200)Accuracy: ±2.5% RH at 25°C, ±0.7°C (±1.4°F)T2 Accuracy: ±[0.5% rdg ±1°C (2°F)]Humidity Response Time: 75 sec in slowly moving air T1 Response Time: 40 sec in slowly moving air Storage: 16,000 data recordsLogging Interval: 1 to 3599 secondsMeter Dimensions: 186 H x 64 W x 30 mm D (7.3 x 2.5 x 1.2")Probe Dimensions: 190 x 15 mm (7.5 x 0.6"), cable stretches to 1.5 m (5')Storage Environment: -10 to 60°C (14 to 140°F), 0 to 80% non-condensingPower Requirements: One 9V battery (included), Plug Dia: 3.5 x 1.35 mmRS232: 9600 bps, N, 8, 1 serial interface Battery Life: Approx 100 hours with alkaline battery Weight: Approx 320 g(11.3 oz)beaded thermocouple (for T2 input), calibration certificate, USB and RS232 interface cables, Windows software, and operator’s manual.Ordering Example: HH314A, temperature/humidity handheld meter.This model includes a free 1 m (40") Type K insulated beaded wire thermocouple with subminiature connector and wire spool caddy.Thermocouple Included!StandardHH314A。
Omegaette HH314A 温度湿度测量器数据记录器说明书
Hu-42Medidor portátil de latemperatura/humedad con registrador de datosOMEGAETTE ™incluye interfaces USB y RS232HH314AEl modelo HH314A es un medidor portátil de gran eficacia y de bajo coste con capacidad para el registro de datos. Ofrece una pantalla triple para mostrar la temperatura y la humedad de una sonda portátil y puede mostrar los datos de un termopar de tipo K separado conectado a la entrada T2 mediante un conector en miniatura de tipo SMP estándar. La sonda de temperatura/humedad utiliza unsemiconductor y un sensor capacitivo de polímero. Se incluyen el software basado en Windows ®(Windows 98, NT, XP , ME, Vista) y cables de interfaz para permitir que el PC lea los datos en tiempo real o registrados mediante el puerto USB o RS232.EspecificacionesEntorno operativo: 0 a 50 °C (32 a 122 °F); 0 a 90%, sin condensaciónRango: 0 a 100% HR, -20 a 60 °C (-4 a 140 °F)Rango T2: -200 a 1,370 °C (-328 a 2,498 °F)Resolución: 0,1 (excepto T2 para -200 > T2 > 200)Precisión: ±2,5% RH a 25 °C, ±0,7 °C (±1,4 °F)Precisión de T2: ±[0,5% rdg ±1 °C (2 °F)]Tiempo de respuesta de la humedad: 75 seg. en aire en movimiento lentoTiempo de respuesta de T1: 40 seg. en aire en movimiento lento Almacenamiento: 16.000 registros de datos Intervalo de registro: 1 a 3,599 segundosDimensiones del medidor: 186 de altura x 64 de ancho x 30 mm de profundidad (7,3 x 2,5 x 1,2")Dimensiones de la sonda: 190 x 15 mm (7,5 x 0,6"), el cable se alarga hasta 1,5 m (5')Entorno de almacenamiento -10 a 60 °C (14 a 140 °F), 0 a 80%, sin condensaciónRequisitos de alimentación: una batería de 9 V (incluida), adaptador CA de 9 Vcc 10 mA mín Diámetro de la clavija:3,5 x 1,35 mmRS232: 9,600 bps,N, 8, 1 interfaz en serieVida útil de la batería:aprox. 100 horas conpilas alcalinasPeso: aprox. 320 g (11,3 onzas)termopar rebordeado (para entrada T2), certificado de calibración, cables de interfaz USB y RS232, software Windows y manual del operador.Ejemplo de pedido: HH314A, medidor portátil de temperatura/humedad.Incluye un termopar tipo K de alambre rebordeado aislado de 1 m (40") gratuito con conector Solicite un recambio N.º de modelo:incluye termopar gratuito!NormaHH314A。
Omega OM-EL-WiFi-TH温度 湿度数据记录器说明书
OM-EL-WiFi-TH Temperature/ Humidity User’s GuideOM-EL-WiFi-TP-PLUSThe OM-EL-WiFi-TP-PLUS sensor measures the temperature of the environment in which it is situated. This high accuracy version is accurate to ±0.1˚C. Data is streamed wirelessly over any WiFi network and can be viewed on a PC using our free software package or on the OM-EL-WiFi-Cloud*. During configuration, the sensor will search for an existing wireless network while physically connected to the PC. It can then be placed anywhere within range of the network. If the sensor temporarily loses connectivity with the network, it will log readings until it is able to communicate again with the PC application or cloud service (max 120 days at 10 second sample interval). Although the OM-EL-WiFi sensors have an impressive range, this can be increased by using WiFi extenders.FEATURES•Temperature data logging sensor with thermistor probe and integrated display •Easy sensor set-up using the free PC software application (Downloadable from )•Wirelessly stream data to PC or Cloud* via WiFi •View and analyze multiple sensors, including immediate graphing of historic data •Selectable measurement scale °C / °F •Temperature accuracy ±0.1°C (-10 to +70°C) •Temperature measurement resolution to 0.01°C •Temperature display resolution to 0.01°C •Temperature measurement range -40 to +125°C (-40 to +257°F)•Operating temperature range -20 to +60°C (-4 to +140°F) •Configurable high and low alarms with indicator •Maximum and Minimum readings •Low battery indicator •WiFi connection indicator •Signal strength indicator •802.11b compliant •Protection rating IP55 •Rechargeable internal lithium polymer battery •Fully featured LCD segment display •Sensor memory stores all data even if WiFi is temporarily disconnected •USB port used for recharging (can only be recharged when unit is between 0 - 40˚C)•Firmware upgradable via USB (Downloadable from the Omega website)•PC can be switched off without loss of data •Supplied with wall bracket, micro USB lead & thermistor probe (IP67)• Supported Security Protocols WEP, WPA/WPA2 – PSK* OM-EL-WiFi-Cloud due to be released late 2013* Dependant on transmission rate, may be less with frequent transmissionsWarning - do not exceed operating temperatures PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS All dimensions in millimetres (inches)The OM-EL-WiFi-TP-PLUS is a low powered battery device. When configured using typical transmission periods (e.g. once every 5 minutes) the sensor will operate for over one year (at room temperature). The battery can then be recharged via a PC or USB +5V wall adapter using the USB lead provided or can be permanently powered by the USB wall adapter.The software installed on the PC will allow set-up, data logging and data review. Set-up features will include sensor name, °C/°F, sample rate, and high/low alarms. Once configured, historic data can be viewed via the graphing tool or exported into Excel. This software is available to download for free from .The sensor is a freestanding unit, however, it can be attached to a wall or vertical surface using the bracket and screws / sticky pad provided.It is supplied with a thermistor probe with an attachment so that it can be securely fixed to flat surfaces. It is perfect for a wide range of temperature monitoring situations e.g. manufacturing processes, cold storage and hot storage. The probe is removable so alternatives can also be used to meet specific requirements providing they operate within the same temperature range. 97.3 (3.83”)71.3 (2.8”)3000 (118.11”)75 (2.95”)26.36 (1.03”)。
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温度传感器: 半导体
-40 ~ 80°C (-40 ~ 176°F) 温度分辨率: 0.1°C
校准精度: ±0.5°C
湿度传感器: 半导体
湿度范围: 0 ~ 100% RH
湿度分辨率: 0.5% RH
校准精度: ±3%RH
(25°C 下通常为±2% RH )U 本质安全1类,1区,ABCD 组, 及非易燃1类,2区,ABCD 组, 室内/室外(NEMA Type 4X 、6P )场所
U 可对启动时间进行编程
U 实时操作
U 自动露点和水汽浓度计算
操作手册与USB 接口电缆随同OM-CP-IFC200 Windows 软件一起提供,在操作数据记录器时必须使用该软件,并且该软件单独销售。
订购示例: OM-CP-RHTEMP1000IS-CERT ,本质安全温度和湿度数据记录器,带NIST 校准证书及 OM-CP-IFC200 Windows 软件和USB 接口电缆。
响应时间: 在缓慢移动的空气中60秒90%变化 指定精度范围: 10 ~ 80% RH ,10 ~ 40°C 实时记录: 可与PC 配合使用来实时监视和记录数据 启动时间: 启动时间和日期可通过软件编程,最多提前六个月记录间隔: 在软件中可选2秒 ~ 12小时温度校准: 通过软件进行数字校准校准日期: 在设备内自动记录以提示用户何时需要进行校准电源: 附带3.6V 锂电池电池寿命: 通常为1年数据格式: 带有日期和时间戳, °C 、°F 、°K 、°R ;%RH 、mg/ml 水蒸气浓度 时间精度: 不使用RS232端口的情况下,20°C 时每月±1分钟 计算机接口: PC 串口,或USB (需要接口电缆)2400波特软件: Windows ® XP SP3/Vista/7和8 (32和64位)工作环境: -40 ~ 80°C (-40 ~ 176°F);0 ~ 100% RH ,无冷凝(外壳正确密封)尺寸: 138(直径)x 26 mm (长)(5.4 x 1.0")重量 铝: 145 g (5 oz) 不锈钢: 285 g (10 oz)
OM-CP-RHTEMP1000IS 湿度和温度记录器是一款坚固耐用、防水、电池供电的独立设备,可用于自动记录湿度和温度。
OM-CP-RHTEMP1000IS 非常适合用于恶劣环境。
OM-CP-RHTEMP1000IS 可快速轻松地进行数据检索。
只需将该设备插入可用的COM 端口,剩下的工作就可由简便易用的软件完成。
该软件把您的PC 变成实时条形图
Microsoft 文件。
OM-CP-IFC200 Windows 软件以图 形或表格格式显示数据年