
托福真题练习1By 1776 the fine art of painting as it had developed in western Europe upto this time had been introduced into theAmerican colonies through books andprints, European visitors and immigrants,and traveling colonists who broughtback copies (and a few original) of old master paintings and acquaintance withEuropean art institutions.By the outbreak of the revolution against British rule in 1776, the statusof the artists had already undergone change. In the mid-eighteenth century,painters had been willing to assume such artisan-related tasks as varnishing,gilding teaching, keeping shops, and painting wheel carriages, houses, andsigns. The terminology by which artists were described at the timesuggeststheir status: limner was usually applied to the anonymous portrait painter upto the 1760s;painter characterized anyone who could paint a flat surface. Bythe second half of the century,colonial artists who were trained in England oreducated in the classics rejected the status of laborer and thought of themselves as artists. Some colonial urban portraitists, such as John SingletonCopley, Benjamin West, and Charles Wilson Peale, consorted with affluentpatrons.Although subject to fluctuations in their economic status, all three enjoyed sufficient patronage to allow them to maintain an image of themselves asprofessional artists, an image indicated by their custom of signing their paintings. A few art collectors James Bowdoin III of Boston, William Byrd ofVirginian, and the Aliens and Hamiltons of Philadelphia introduced European arttraditions to those colonists privileged to visit their galleries, especiallyaspiring artists, and established in their respective communities the idea ofthe value of art and the need for institutions devoted to its encouragement.Although the colonists tended to favor portraits, they also accepted landscapes, historical works, and political engravings as appropriate artisticsubjects. With the coming of independence from the British Crown, a sufficientnumber of artists and their works were available to serve nationalistic purposes. The achievements of the colonial artists, particularly those of Copley, West,and Peale, lent credence to the boast that the new nation wascapable of encouraging genius and that political liberty was congenial to thedevelopment of taste —a necessary step before art could assume an importantrole in the new republic.托福阅读题目:1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) European influence on colonialAmerican painting(B) The importance of patronage to artist(C) The changing status of artists in theAmerican colonies in the eighteenth century(D) Subjects preferred by artists in theAmerican colonies in the eighteenthcentury.2. The word outbreak in line 5 is closest in meaning to(A) cause(B) beginning(C) position(D) explanation3. The word undergone in line 6 is closest in meaning to(A) led to(B) transformed(C) preferred(D) experienced4.According to the passage , before the American Revolution the main taskof limners was to(A) paint wheel carriages(B) paint portraits(C) varnish furniture(D) paint flat surfaces5. It can be inferred from the passage that artists who were trained in England(A) considered artists to be superior to painters(B) barely painted portraitists(C) were often very wealthy(D) imitated English painters6. The word consorted in line 14 is closest in meaning to(A) made decisions(B) studies(C) agreed(D) associated7. The word sufficient in line 16 is closest in meaning to(A) adequate(B) temporary(C) friendly(D) expensive8.According to the passage , artists such as Copley, West and Peal signedtheir paintings(A) increased the monetary value of the paintings(B) made it more difficult for other artists to copy the paintings(C) supported the artists image of professionalism(D) distinguished colonialAmerican artists from European artists9. The author mentions James Bowdoin III and William Byrd in line 17 asexamples of which ofthe following?(A)Art gallery owners who displayed only European art(B)Art collectors who had a profound influence on American attitudes towardart(C)Artists who gave financial support to other artists(D) Patrons whose helped to encourage artisans to become artists10. With which of the following would the author be most likely to agree?(A) Countries that have not had a political revolution are unlikely to develop great art.(B) The most successful art collectors are usually artists themselves.(C) The value of colonialAmerican paintings decreased after the Revolution.(D) Colonial artists made an important contribution to the evolving cultureof the new nation.托福阅读答案:CBDBADACBD托福真题练习2托福阅读文本:Rent control is the system whereby the local government tells buildingowners how much they can charge their tenants in rent. In the United States,rent controls date back to at least World War II.In 1943 the federal government imposed rent controls to help solve theproblem of housing shortages during wartime. The federal program ended after thewar, but in some locations, including New York City, controls continued. UnderNew Yorks controls, a landlord generally cannot raise rents on apartments aslong as the tenants continue to renew their leases. In places such as Santa Monica, California, rent controls are more recent. They were spurred by theinflation of the 1970s, which, combined with Californias rapid population growth, pushed housing prices, as well as rents, to record levels. In 1979 SantaMonicas municipal government ordered landlords to roll back their rents to thelevels charged in 1978. Future rents could only go up by two-thirds as much asany increase in the overall price level.In any housing market, rental prices perform three functions: (1) promotingthe efficient maintenance of existing housing and stimulating the constructionof new housing, (2) allocating existing scarce housing among competing claimants, and (3) rationing use of existing housing by potential renters.One result of rent control is a decrease in the construction of new rentalunits. Rent controls have artificially depressed the most important long-termdeterminant of profitability — rents. Consider some examples. In a recent yearin Dallas, Texas, with a 16 percent rental vacancy rate but no rent control laws, 11,000 new housing units were built. In the same year, in San Francisco,California, only 2,000 units were built. The major difference? San Francisco hasonly a 1.6 percent vacancy rate but stringent rent control laws. In New YorkCity, except for government-subsidized construction, the only rental units beingbuilt are luxury units, which are exempt from controls. In Santa Monica, California, new apartments are not being constructed. New office rental spaceand commercial developments are, however. They are exempt from rent controls.托福阅读题目:1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) The construction of apartments in the United States.(B) Causes and effects of rent control(C) The fluctuations of rental prices(D) The shortage of affordable housing in the United States.2. The word They in line 9 refers to(A) the tenants(B) their leases(C) places(D) rent controls.3. Which of the following was NOT a reason for the introduction of rentcontrols in Santa Monica,California?(A) rapid population growth(B) inflation(C) economic conditions during wartime(D) record-high housing prices4. The phrase roll back in line 11 is closest in meaning to(A) credit(B) measure(C) vary(D) reduce5. The word stimulating in line 15 is closest in meaning to(A) experimenting with(B) identifying(C) estimating(D) encouraging6. It can be inferred that the purpose of rent control is to(A) protect tenants(B) promote construction(C) increase vacancy rates(D) decrease sales of rental units7. The word depressed in line 19 is closest in meaning to(B) created(C) lowered(D) defeated8. The information in the last paragraph supports which of the followingstatements?(A) San Francisco has eliminated its rent control laws.(B) Rent control leads to a reduction in the construction of housing units(C) Luxury apartments are rarely built when there is rent control(D) There is a growing need for government-subsidized housing.9.According to the passage , which of the following cities does NOT currently have rent controls?(A) Santa Monica(B) Dallas(C) San Francisco(D) New York City10. The word stringent in line 23 is closest in meaning to(A) straightforward(B) strict(C) expanded11.According to the passage , which of the following is NOT exempt fromrent control?(A) Luxury apartments(B) Commercial development(C) Moderately priced apartments(D) Office space.托福阅读答案:BDCDDACBBB C托福真题练习3托福阅读文本:Butterflies are among the most extensively studied insects — it is estimated that 90 percent of the worlds species have scientific names. As aconsequence, they are perhaps the best group of insects for examining patternsof terrestrial biotic diversity and distribution. Butterflies also have a favorable image with the general public. Hence, they are an excellent group forcommunicating information on science and conservation issues such as diversity.Perhaps the aspect of butterfly diversity that has received the most attention over the past century is the striking difference in species richnessbetween tropical and temperate regions. For example, in 1875 one biologistpointed out the diversity of butterflies in the Amazon when he mentioned thatabout 700 species were found within an hours walk, whereas the total numberfound on the British islands did not exceed 66, and the whole of Europe supported only 321. This early comparison of tropical and temperate butterflyrichness has been well confirmed.A general theory of diversity would have to predict not only this difference between temperate and tropical zones, but also patterns within eachregion, and how these patterns vary among different animal and plant groups.However, for butterflies, variation of species richness within temperate or tropical regions, rather man between them, is poorly understood. Indeed, comparisons of numbers of species among the Amazon basin, tropical Asia, andAfrica are still mostly personal communication citations, even for vertebrates. In other words, unlike comparison between temperate and tropicalareas, these patterns are still in the documentation phase.In documenting geographical variation in butterfly diversity, some arbitrary, practical decisions are made. Diversity, number of species, and species richness are used synonymously;little is known about the evenness ofbutterfly distribution. The New World butterflies make up the preponderance ofexamples because they are the most familiar species. It is hoped that by focusing on them, the errors generated by imperfect and incomplete taxonomy willbe minimized.托福阅读题目:1. Which aspect of butterflies does the passage mainly discuss?(A) Their physical characteristics(B) Their names(C) Their adaptation to different habitats(D) Their variety2. The word consequence in line 2 is closest in meaning to(A) result(B) explanation(C) analysis(D) requirement3. Butterflies are a good example for communicating information aboutconservation issuesbecause they(A) are simple in structure(B) are viewed positively by people(C) have been given scientific names(D) are found mainly in temperate climates4. The word striking in line 8 is closest in meaning to(A) physical(B) confusing(C) noticeable(D) successful5. The word exceed in line 11 is closest in meaning to(A) locate(B) allow(C) go beyond(D) come close to6. All of the following are mentioned as being important parts of atheory of diversity EXCEPT(A) differences between temperate and tropical zones(B) patterns of distribution of species in each region(C) migration among temperate and tropical zones(D) variation of patterns of distribution of species among different animals and plants7. The author mentions tropicalAsia in lines 19 as an example of a locationwhere(A) butterfly behavior varies with climate(B) a general theory of butterfly diversity has not yet been firmly established(C) butterflies are affected by human populations(D) documenting plant species is more difficult than documenting butterflyspecies8. Which of the following is NOT well understood by biologists?(A) European butterfly habitats(B) Differences in species richness between temperate and tropical regions(C) Differences in species richness within a temperate or a tropical(D) Comparisons of behavior patterns of butterflies and certain animalgroups9. The word generated in line 26 is closest in meaning to(A) requested(B) caused(C) assisted(D) estimated托福阅读答案:DABCC CBCB托福真题练习4托福阅读文本:During the second half of the nineteenth century, the production of foodand feed crops in the United States rose at an extraordinarily rapid rate. Cornproduction increased by four and a half times, hay by five times, oats and wheatby seven times. The most crucial factor behind this phenomenal upsurge inproductivity was the widespread adoption of labor-saving machinery byfarmers. By 1850 horse-drawn reaping machines that cut grain were beingintroduced into the major grain-growing regions of the country. Horse-poweredthreshing machines to separate the seeds from the plants were already in generaluse. However, it was the onset of the Civil War in 1861 that provided the greatstimulus for the mechanization of northern agriculture.With much of the labor force inducted into the army and with grain priceson the rise, northern farmers rushed to avail themselves of the new labor-savingequipment. In 1860 there were approximately 80,000 reapers in the country; fiveyears later there were 350,000.After the close of the war in 1865, machinery became ever more important innorthern agriculture, and improved equipment was continually introduced. By 1880a self-binding reaper had been perfected that not only cut the grain, butalsogathered the stalks and bound them with twine. Threshing machines were alsobeing improved and enlarged, and after 1870 they were increasingly powered bysteam engines rather than by horses. Since steam-powered threshing machines werecostly items —running from $ 1,000 to $4,000 —they were usually owned bycustom thresher owners who then worked their way from farm to farm during theharvest season. Combines were also coming into use on the great wheat ranchesin California and the Pacific Northwest. These ponderous machines —sometimespulled by as many as 40 horses —reaped the grain, threshed it, and bagged it,all in one simultaneous operation.The adoption of labor-saving machinery had a profound effect upon the saleof agricultural operations in the northern states —allowing farmers to increasevastly their crop acreage. By the end of century, a farmer employing the newmachinery could plant and harvest two and half times as much corn as a farmerhad using hand methods 50 years before.托福阅读题目:1. What aspect of farming in the United States in the nineteenth centurydoes the passage mainly discuss?(A) How labor-saving machinery increased crop Production(B) Why southern farms were not as successful as Successful as northernfarms(C) Farming practices before the Civil War(D) The increase in the number of people farming2. The word crucial in line 4 is closest in meaning to(A) obvious(B) unbelievable(C) important(D) desirable3. The phrase avail themselves in line 11 is closest in meaning to(A) take care(B) make use(C) get rid(D) do more4.According to the passage , why was the Civil War a stimulus for mechanization?(A) The army needed more grain in order to feed the soldiers.(B) Technology developed for the war could also the used by farmers.(C) It was hoped that harvesting more grain would lower the price of grain.(D) Machines were needed to replace a disappearing labor force.5. The passage supports which of the following statements about machineryafter the Civil War?(A) Many farmers preferred not to use the new machinery.(B) Returning laborers replaced the use of machinery.(C) The use of farm machinery continued to increase.(D) Poor-quality machinery slowed the pace of crop production.6. Combines and self-binding reapers were similar because each(A) could perform more than one function(B) required relatively little power to operate(C) was utilized mainly in California(D) required two people to operate7. The word they in line 19 refers to(A) grain stalks(B) threshing machines(C) steam engines(D) horses8. It can be inferred from the passage that most farmers did not own threshing machines because(A) farmers did not know how to use the new machines(B) farmers had no space to keep the machines(C) thresher owner had chance to buy the machines before farmers did(D) the machines were too expensive for every farmer to own9. The word ponderous in line 21 is closest in meaning to(A) advanced(B) heavy(C) complex(D) rapid托福阅读答案:ACBDCABDB。

2018年1月6日托福口语真题回忆及解析Task 1你认为未来的政府领导人应该具备怎样的知识背景?1. 军方背景;2. 商业背景;3. 法律背景Task 2Agree or disagree? 现在比过去更难存钱了。
Task 3阅读标题:学生给学校写信,建议取消自习室里的group meeting原因1: group meeting太吵了,影响别人原因2:可以去咖啡馆听力态度:不赞成原因1:一般来讲大家会压低嗓子说话原因2:去咖啡馆就不得不消费Task 4阅读标题:chemical disguise定义:动物可以通过一种化学物质来保护自己免受捕食者伤害听力听力例子:海星通过嗅觉来觅食,有一种海星的食物的物种因为味道闻起来像是植物,所以就不会被海星找到。
Task 5问题:一家公司把学生要给社团成员买的书签礼物搞错了。
Task 6Brand ritual的两种作用:1. 让顾客看到产品的其他价值巧克力销售公司让其顾客把巧克力掰成小块儿慢慢品尝这样顾客会觉得很特别2.create a sense of community一家汽车销售公司号召其客户向其他开同品牌车的客户招手示意以创造一种归属感Task 1There are several ways you can get to know a country without travelling abroad. Which of the following ways would you like to choose?Reading booksWatching videosJoining online communication groupsChoose one and explain whyTask 2Do you think it is reasonable to give a lower grade to the assignment that hand in after deadline?Task 3阅读学生写信建议学校的writing center 做一些改变:建议1:多雇用一些tutor.建议2:工作时间从周一到周五改成一周七天。
托福阅读十大题型-Desert Formation

托福阅读十大题型-Desert Formation托福阅读中词汇题是重要题型之一。
托福阅读句子简化题:Desert Formation【Paragraph 10】The extreme seriousness of desertification results from thevast areas of land and the tremendous numbers of people affected, as well asfrom the great difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process. Once thesoil has been removed by erosion, only the passage of centuries or millenniawill enable new soil to form. In areas whereconsiderable soil still remains,though, a rigorously enforced program of land protection and cover-crop plantingmay make it possible to reverse the present deterioration of the surface.(Desert Formation)Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in thehighlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning inimportant ways or leave out essential information.○Desertification is a significant problem because it is so hard to reverseand affects large areas of land and great numbers of people.○Slowing down the process of desertification is difficult because ofpopulation growth that has spread over large areas of land.○The spread of deserts is considered a very serious problem that can besolved only if large numbers of people in various countries are involved in theeffort.○Desertification is extremely hard to reverse unless the population is reduced in the vast areas affected.托福阅读句子简化题答案:1。

词汇表1.Antarcticænˈtɑrktɪk n. 南极洲,南极地区adj. 南极的2.antelopeˈæntəˌloʊp n. 羚羊3.anthologyænˈθɑləʤi n. (诗、文、曲、画等的)选集4.anthologistænˈθɑləʤɪst n. 选集的编者;文选编者5.antiqueænˈtik adj. 古老的,古董的;老式的n. 古物,古董v. 以仿古式样制作6.anxiousˈæŋkʃəs adj. 焦虑的,担心的;渴望的,急切的7.anxietyæŋˈzaɪəti n. 焦虑,忧虑;令人焦虑的事;渴望8.anymoreˌɛniˈmɔr adv. (不)再,再也(不)9.apartmentəˈpɑrtmənt n. 公寓套房;(总统等要人的)房间10.apologizeəˈpɑləˌʤaɪz v. 道歉,谢罪11.apologyəˈpɑləʤi n. 道歉;(因不能赴会的)道歉信;辩护12.apparentəˈpɛrənt adj. 显而易见的,易懂的;貌似的13.appealəˈpil n. 呼吁,恳求;上诉,申诉;吸引力v. 呼吁,恳求;上诉,申诉14.appearəˈpɪr v. 出现,呈现;首次使用,起源;出庭15.disappearˌdɪsəˈpɪr v. 消失,不见;失踪,丢失;不复存在16.appearanceəˈpɪrəns n. 露面,演出;出庭,到场;外表17.appetiteˈæpəˌtaɪt n. 食欲,胃口;欲望,爱好18.appetizerˈæpəˌtaɪzər n. (餐前的)开胃小吃;(一顿饭的)第一道菜19.applaudəˈplɔd v. 鼓掌;称赞,赞许20.applauseəˈplɔz n. 掌声,喝彩22.antelopeˈæntəˌloʊp n. 羚羊_nt_l_p_23.anthologyænˈθɑləʤi n. (诗、文、曲、画等的)选集_nth_l_g_24.anthologistænˈθɑləʤɪst n. 选集的编者;文选编者_nth_l_g_st25.antiqueænˈtik adj. 古老的,古董的;老式的n. 古物,古董v. 以仿古式样制作_nt_q__26.anxiousˈæŋkʃəs adj. 焦虑的,担心的;渴望的,急切的_nx___s27.anxietyæŋˈzaɪəti n. 焦虑,忧虑;令人焦虑的事;渴望_nx__t_28.anymoreˌɛniˈmɔr adv. (不)再,再也(不)_n_m_r_29.apartmentəˈpɑrtmənt n. 公寓套房;(总统等要人的)房间_p_rtm_nt30.apologizeəˈpɑləˌʤaɪz v. 道歉,谢罪_p_l_g_z_31.apologyəˈpɑləʤi n. 道歉;(因不能赴会的)道歉信;辩护_p_l_g_32.apparentəˈpɛrənt adj. 显而易见的,易懂的;貌似的_pp_r_nt33.appealəˈpil n. 呼吁,恳求;上诉,申诉;吸引力v. 呼吁,恳求;上诉,申诉_pp__l34.appearəˈpɪr v. 出现,呈现;首次使用,起源;出庭_pp__r35.disappearˌdɪsəˈpɪr v. 消失,不见;失踪,丢失;不复存在d_s_pp__r36.appearanceəˈpɪrəns n. 露面,演出;出庭,到场;外表_pp__r_nc_37.appetiteˈæpəˌtaɪt n. 食欲,胃口;欲望,爱好_pp_t_t_38.appetizerˈæpəˌtaɪzər n. (餐前的)开胃小吃;(一顿饭的)第一道菜_pp_t_z_r39.applaudəˈplɔd v. 鼓掌;称赞,赞许_ppl__d40.applauseəˈplɔz n. 掌声,喝彩_ppl__s_42.antelopeˈæntəˌloʊp n. 羚羊a__e_o_e43.anthologyænˈθɑləʤi n. (诗、文、曲、画等的)选集a___o_o_y44.anthologistænˈθɑləʤɪst n. 选集的编者;文选编者a___o_o_i__45.antiqueænˈtik adj. 古老的,古董的;老式的n. 古物,古董v. 以仿古式样制作a__i_ue46.anxiousˈæŋkʃəs adj. 焦虑的,担心的;渴望的,急切的a_xiou_47.anxietyæŋˈzaɪəti n. 焦虑,忧虑;令人焦虑的事;渴望a_xie_y48.anymoreˌɛniˈmɔr adv. (不)再,再也(不)a_y_o_e49.apartmentəˈpɑrtmənt n. 公寓套房;(总统等要人的)房间a_a___e__50.apologizeəˈpɑləˌʤaɪz v. 道歉,谢罪a_o_o_i_e51.apologyəˈpɑləʤi n. 道歉;(因不能赴会的)道歉信;辩护a_o_o_y52.apparentəˈpɛrənt adj. 显而易见的,易懂的;貌似的a__a_e__53.appealəˈpil n. 呼吁,恳求;上诉,申诉;吸引力v. 呼吁,恳求;上诉,申诉a__ea_54.appearəˈpɪr v. 出现,呈现;首次使用,起源;出庭a__ea_55.disappearˌdɪsəˈpɪr v. 消失,不见;失踪,丢失;不复存在_i_a__ea_56.appearanceəˈpɪrəns n. 露面,演出;出庭,到场;外表a__ea_a__e57.appetiteˈæpəˌtaɪt n. 食欲,胃口;欲望,爱好a__e_i_e58.appetizerˈæpəˌtaɪzər n. (餐前的)开胃小吃;(一顿饭的)第一道菜a__e_i_e_59.applaudəˈplɔd v. 鼓掌;称赞,赞许a___au_60.applauseəˈplɔz n. 掌声,喝彩a___au_e1.The ______________ was so delicious that I ordered another one.2.The audience ______________ loudly after the singer's performance.3.My ______________ is small but comfortable, and it's in a great location.4.The ______________ continued for several minutes, showing the audience's appreciation for the performance.5.The ______________ is a collection of short stories by various authors.6.I need to ______________ for being late to the meeting.7.The student's ______________ about the upcoming test was evident in their nervous behavior.8.Her elegant ______________ was the talk of the party.9.The ______________ compiled the best poems of the year into a single volume.10.The ______________ shop was filled with ______________ from different time periods.11.He offered a sincere ______________ for his insensitive remarks.12.The ______________ gracefully ran across the savanna.13.I don't want to do this task ______________, it's too much for me.14.The sun began to ______________ behind the mountains as the day drew to a close.15.The ______________ solution to the problem turned out to be more complicated than expected.16.His ______________ for adventure led him to travel the world.17.The patient's ______________ expression showed his worry about the upcoming surgery.18.The ______________ landscape was barren and cold, but beautiful in its own way.19.The lawyer's ______________ to the court was successful and the verdict was overturned.20.I want to order an ______________ to share before our meals arrive.1.The (appetizer) was so delicious that I ordered another one. (这个开胃菜实在太好吃了,我又点了一个。

词汇题练习—tpo1-71.The word “precious” in the passage is closest in meaning toa.Exactb. scarec. valuableAlthough limited to a skull, the Pakicetus fossil provides precious details on the origins of ……2.The word “exposed” in the passage is closest in mening toa.Explainedb. visible d. locatedSeveral skeletons of another early whale, Basilosaurus, were found in sediments left by…and now exposed in the Sahara desert.3.The word “propulsion” in the passage is closest in meaning toa.Staying afloat direction c. decreasing weight forwardThe structure of the backbone shows, however, that it swam like modern whales by moving the rear portion of its body up and down, even though a fluke was missing. The large hind legs were used for propulsion in water.4.The word “threatened” in the passage is cloest in mening toa.Restrictedb. endangeredc. preventedd. rejectedThe expansion of desert-like conditions into areas where they did not previously exist is called deserfication. It has been estimated that an additional one-fourth of the Earth’s land surface is threatened by this process.5.The word “delicate” in the passage is cloest in meaning toa.Fragile c. complexThe semiarid lands bordering the deserts exist in a delicate ecological balance and are limited in their potential to adjust to increased exvironmental pressures.6.The word “progressively” in the passage is cloest in meaning toa.Openlyb. impressivelyc. objectivelyThe cultivation of crops has expanded into progressively drier regions as population densities have grown.7.The phrase “devoid of” in the passage is closest in meaning toa.Consisting ofb. hidden byc. except ford. lacking inSince the raising of most crops necessitates the prior removal of the natural vegetation, crop failures leave extensive tracts of land deviold of a plant cover and susceptible to wind and water erosion.8.The word “readily” in the passage is closest in meaning toa.Frequentlyb. easilyc. intelligentlyd. obviouslyExhibitors, however, wated to maximize their profits, which they could do more readily by projecting a handful of films to a hundreds of customers at a time….9.The word “assistance” in the passage is closest in meaning toa.Criticismb. leadershipc. helpd. approval…with the assistance of Edison’s former assistant……10.The word “expanded” in the passage is closest in meaning toa.Was enlargedb. was improvedc. was variedd. was rejectedAt the same time, the image that the spectator looked at expanded from the miniscule peepshow dimensions of 1-2 inches in height to the life-size proportions of 6 or 9 feet.word “out of sight” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) far away(B) hidden(C) partly visibled discoveredword “incredible” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) confusing(B) comforting(C) unbelievabled interestingword “overlie” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) cover(B) change(C) separate(D) surroundword “so much for” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) That is enough about(B) Now let us turn to(C) Of greater concern are(D) This is related toword “plugged” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) washed(B) dragged(C) filled upd soaked throughword “enhance” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) protect(B) improve(C) organize(D) match17. The word “feasible” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) in existence(B) without question(C) achievabled most likelyword “integral” in the passage is closet in meaning toA essentialB variableC practicalD independentword “arduous” in the p assage is closest in meaning to(A) Difficult(B) Necessary(C) Skilled(D) Sharedword “particular” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Natural(B) Final(C) Specific(D) Complexword “guarantee” in the passage is closest in meaning toA IncreaseB EnsureC FavorD Complicateword “pales” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Increases proportionally(B) Differs(C) Loses significance(D) Is commonword “adjacent” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Foreign(B) Stable(C) FluidD Neighboringword “ensuing” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Continuing(B) Surprising(C) Initial(D) Subsequentword “unprecedented” in the passage is closest in meaning toA Difficult to controlB Without any restrictionC Unlike anything in the pastD Rapidly expanding26. The word “virtually” in the passage is closest in meaning toA ClearlyB PerhapsC FrequentlyD Almostword “inevitable” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Unfortunate(B) Predictable(C) Unavoidable(D) Finalword “inhibits” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) consists of(B) combines(C) restrictsd establishesphrase “in the same breath” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) impatiently(B) humorously(C) continuouslyd immediatelyphrase “indefinite period” in the passage is closest in meaning to a period(A) whose end has not been determined(B) that does not begin when expected(C) that lasts only briefly(D) whose importance remains unknownword “rebound” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) decline(B) recovery(C) exchange(D) movementword “marked” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Considerable(B) Surprising(C) LimitedAdequateword “principal” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Major(B) Likely(C) Well protected(D) Distinctword “trappings” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Conditions(B) Problems(C) InfluencesDecorationsword “accumulate” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Grow up(B) B Build up(C) C Spread out(D) D Break apartword “adjacent” in the passage is closest in meaning toA NearbyB ExistingC SpecialD Deepword “sloping” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Shifting(B) B Inclining(C) C Forming(D) D Rollingword “foul” in the passage is closest in meaning toA ReachB FloodC PolluteD Alter39. The word “exhibit“ in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) fight off(B) show(C) cause(D) spread40. The word “facilitates” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) slows down(B) affects(C) makes easier(D) focuses on41. The word “suspended” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) grown(B) protected(C) spread outd hung42. The word “afford“ in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) offer(B) prevent(C) increased remove43. The word “overwhelming” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) powerful(B) favorable(C) current(D) reasonable44. The word “implements” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) skills(B) tools(C) opportunities(D) practices45. The word “undisputed” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) mysterious(B) unexpected(C) acknowledged(D) significant46. The word “significant” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) numerous(B) important(C) unexpected(D) sudden47. The word “relatively” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) surprisingly(B) collectively(C) comparatively(D) characteristically48. The word “diversification” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) emergence of many varieties(B) steady decline in number(C) gradual increase in body size(D) sudden disappearance49. The word “promote” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) complicate(B) prevent(C) encouraged affect50. The word “exploited“ in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) utilized(B) recognized(C) examined(D) fully understood51. The word “vastly“ in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) quickly(B) ultimately(C) greatlyd initially52. The phrase grew accustomed to in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) began to prefer(B) wanted to have(C) became used toinsisted on53. The word “retained“ in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) gained(B) established(C) profited from(D) maintained54. The word rudimentary in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) thorough(B) strict(C) basic(D) occasional55. The word meticulously in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) carefully(B) quickly(C) frequentlyobviously56. The word “endured” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) vanished(B) developed(C) variedsurvived57. The word “virtually” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) possibly(B) absolutely(C) surprisingly(D) nearly58. The word “plausible” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) flexible(B) believable(C) debatable(D) predictable59. The word “phenomenon” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) exception(B) repetition(C) occurrence(D) idea60. The word “critically” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) fundamentally(B) partially(C) consistently(D) subsequentlyword “perspective” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) system(B) theory(C) sourced viewpointword “objective” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) achievement(B) requirement(C) purpose(D) feature63. The word “scores” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) members(B) large numbers(C) populations(D) different types64. The word “Turbulent” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) fresh(B) deep(C) violentd temperate65. The phrase “obsession with” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) thinking about(B) fixation on(C) interest in(D) attitude toward66. The word “fostered” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) accepted(B) combined(C) introduced(D) encouraged67. The word “spheres” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) abilities(B) areas(C) combinations(D) models68. The word “diffused” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) emerged(B) was understood(C) spread(D) developed69. The word “profound” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) fascinating(B) far-reaching(C) necessary(D) temporary70. The word “ritual” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) military(B) physical(C) ceremonial(D) permanent71. The word “fleeing” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) afraid of(B) displaced by(C) running away from(D) responding to。
托福TPO3口语task6题目 Listening Part:Now listen to part of a lecture in a Psychology class. The professor isdiscussingadvertising strategies.Professor (female)In advertising various strategies are used to persuade people to buyproducts. In order to sell more products, advertisers will often try to make usbelieve that a product will meet our needs or desires perfectly, even if it’snot true. The strategies that they use can be subtle, friendly forms ofpersuasion that are sometimes hard to recognize.In a lot of ads, repetition is a key strategy. Research shows that repeatedexposure to a message, even something meaningless or untrue, is enough to makepeople accept it or see it in a positive light. You’ve all seen the carcommercials on TV like, uh, the one that refers to its roomy cars over and overagain. You know which one I mean.This guy is driving around and keeps stopping to pick up different people. Hepicks up three or four people. And each time, the narrator says, “Plenty of roomfor friends, plenty of room for family, plenty of room for everybody.” The same message is repeated several times in the course of the commercial. Now the car,the car actually looks kind of small, it’s not a big car at all, but you get thesense that it’s pretty spacious. You’d think the viewer would reach the logical conclusion that the slogan miss-represents the product, instead, what usuallyhappens is that when the statement “plenty of room” is repeated often enough,people are actually convinced it’s true.Um, another strategy they use is to get a celebrity to advertise a product.It turns out that we’re more likely to accept an advertisement claim made bysomebody famous, a person we admire and find appealing. We tend to think they’re trustworthy. So, uh, you might have a car commercial that features a well-knownrace car driver. Now, it may not be a very fast car, uh, it could even be aninexpensive vehicle with a low performance rating. But if a popular race cardriver is shown driving it and saying, “I like my cars fast!” Then people would believe the car is impressive with its speed.托福TPO3口语task6 答案解析:Using the examples from the talk, explain how persuasive strategies are usedin advertising.托福TPO3口语task6 答案解析:1. Listening keys(1.1) Main idea: two persuasion strategies that are used in advertising(1.2) First: repetition(1.2.1) Example: car ad, someone drives around, narrator keeps saying “plenty of room for everyone”.The audience will think the car is big although it’s small(1.3) Second: using celebraties(1.3.1) Example: car ad, famous race car driver drives a slow car, peoplewill think the car is pretty fast because people find famous people trustworthyand appealing.托福TPO3口语task6 范文:The professor talks about two strategies that are used in TV ads that willmake them more convincing. One strategy is repetition, when people hearsomething often enough, the message becomes positive. Take a car ad for example,the na rrator says “plenty of room for everyone” for many times, although the caris small, eventually people will start to think that the car is fairly big. Thesecond strategy is using a celebrity to advertise a product because people tendto believe someone famous. A race car driver who says “I like my car fast!” might actually make people think the car in the ad to be pretty fast, because wefind them trustworthy.本文部分信息来源于新东方在线。

托福口语黄金80题分类:Which one do you prefer1,TV 好还是坏In my view, television has a positive effect for modern society. Firstly, it offers us an efficient and convenient way to get the latest news. You can directly see what has happened around the entire world just in your home. Moreover, television also has brought us a visual enjoyment andbroadened our knowledge by different types of programs. Finally, television can release job seeking pressure at some extent, by providing a job chance for people who are willing to be engaged in related career.2,家长是否应该限制孩子看电视或者不限制Parents shouldn’t forbid their children to watch TV. For one thing, TV offers children an efficient and convenient way to get the latest news. They can directly see what has happened around the entire world. It surely can broaden their horizon. For another, children are suffering more and more pressure nowadays. Television also can bring them a visual enjoyment and lease stress from their study. Finally, TV is a major means to supplement their school study. For example, watching the Legal and Society Program will teach them what is right from wrong and how to be responsible to others.3, Art,music 是否重要Art and music are also important in our lives.To begin with, knowledge in music and art classes will bring benefit to the all-round development of the students, which isquite important in our rapid developing society.Then, music and art lessons can serve as a means to help the students relax and relieve the pressure from work and study in other classes. Apart from that, learning music and art may help some students discover their talents for music and art, which is beneficial to them when they are choosing acareer.4,博物馆和剧院是否有必要I definitely agree with that government should help in artistic places building such as museums and theatres. For one thing, these types of places are excellent for promoting appreciating for art. It can help us to regain the passion for beauty and depth in life, which is much better than being an internet addict or a couch potato. Furthermore, visiting museums and theatres will help understand much better in history and art, which will in turn benefit enhancing people’s culture. So I support government invest money to build more museums and theatres.5,在一些地方手机是否应该被禁止I think it’s necessary to forbid using mobile phone in some cases. For example in classes or meetings, the ringing is very disturbing. Although you may turn your mobile phone into the mute mode, it will distract you from classes thus reduce your study efficiency. And sometimes it’s impolite to use a mobile phone in some public occasion such as important conferences. Furthermore, the microwave radiation of a mobile phone will disturb the normal operating of special machines in some places such as hospital and laboratory. So forbidding using a mobile phone in some casesis good for you as well as the people surrounding you.6,报纸/电视/老师哪个对我的影响最大?I think the newspaper has a greater influence on me with several reasons. First, I exposed to information from newspaper much more than the other means. It is inevitable for me to absorb things from it and change a previous perception. In addition, like most of the modern people, I become more and more independent. I am not easy to be affected by another person. But I always believe what on the newspaper, because there are more factual things. So I think the newspaper influences me more.7,电视/报纸/广播与亲戚朋友相比,谁对我有更大的影响力I think people nowadays are influenced more by the media rather than their family or friends. For one thing, people are exposed to information from media much more than they spend time with family or friends. It is inevitable for one to absorb things from them and change a previous perception. In addition, modern people are more and more independent. They are not easy to be affected by another person. But they might believe what on the media, because these are more factual things. So I think the media influence people more.8,喜欢在家吃饭还是在餐厅吃饭I prefer eating at home to dining out for many reasons. For one thing, it’s much cheaper to eat at home. For a student as me, it can easily causebudget tension by frequently eating out. Furthermore, I can prepare the food just the way I like. Sometimes it can be a fun to experiment on different kinds of food and reason which types suit me. In addition, It may be a creative process that can provide you a feeling of satisfaction. So I like eating at home and I seldom eating out unless for special occasions.9,在餐厅吃饭时最看重的是什么?Well, one of the most important features I care about of arestaurant is its service. Whether it is comfortable or not will lead me to make the decision. You know, good service will ensure customs will come back. Secondly, on the inside, there should be clear and clean connections between the space and the rooms. And there are large windows at the back with an expansive view.Lastly, it offers finest food that would satisfy my tastes. I choose to have a meal at a restaurant sometimes because I can’t dothe dishes by myself and good food makes people happy.10,与朋友一块吃饭时,喜欢在餐厅还是在咖啡馆还是在家里吃?Well, I do prefer to eat at home with my friends. First, it is free for us to do everything we’d like to do, such as dancing, singing and so on.While in a restaurant, there are many factors we must care about. Second, we do enjoy the process of cooking. We can prepare the food just the way we like. Sometimes it can be a fun to experiment on different kinds of food and reason which types suit us. Finally, eating at home is much cheaper. You know, for students as us, it can easily cause budget tension by frequently eating out. All in all, I do prefer eating at home with my friends.托福口语节日类素材模板整理今天给大家整理了托福口语历年跟节日相关的素材,希望这个节日模板对大家托福口语得高分有帮助!关于节日的常用短语:appropriate dress, break (follow, keep up) a custom 破坏、(遵从,遵守)习俗;celebrate Christmas,cultural differences,culture shock, Eastern and Western societies,go“Dutch”,manners and customs风俗习惯; proper behavior,religious customs, social customs, theThanksgiving feast, etc。

以下为“2019年1⽉26⽇托福⼝语考前练习题⽬”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注! 1⽉12⽇考情回顾: Task 1: Your community is going to schedule an activity to improve the service for the local residents. Which of the following do you think should provide the activity? 1) Fire department 2) Police station 3) Park and recreation department Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is never acceptable to interrupt others when they are speaking. (重复2018/4/21题⽬) 1⽉13⽇考情回顾: Task 1: Your friend wants to come to your country and what things do you suggest him to do and not to do to be polite and respectful? (重复2017/4/23题⽬) Task 2: Your school plans to set up a study hall for students to take a break and do projects. Do you think this is a good idea or not? Task1: 1. Among the three, who do you think can tell the kids right from wrong? 1)Family 2)Teachers 3)Friends 2. University students encounter many difficult challenges in their studies. Which challenge do you think is the most difficult one and how do you deal with it? 3. Some professors allow students to have exams at home, then bringing their test papers back to school to submit. From your perspective, can you talk about the advantage and disadvantage of this kind of examination? 4. Which one of the following do you think is the most important quality for an entrepreneur? 1) outgoing 2) clear-minded 3) innovative 5. Which of the following do you think is the most important quality for an employee? 1) Performance during the interview 2) Previous work experience 3) Education background 6. Describe a change in your school that was initially considered by students as having negative effects on their life but later proved to be positive? 7. Sometimes people behave impolitely in public. Describe a behavior you find inconsiderate, explain why. 8. Your friend is coming to take a visit to your country. Which transportation would you like to recommend to him? Include explanations in your response. 9. Your friend wants to attend a summer school to graduate one year earlier from the university. Talk about an advantage and disadvantage of doing this. 10. Which of the following programs would you like to participate in? 1) Planting trees 2) Recycling 3) Painting natural and outside areas 11. Which of the following areas of current events do you most like to read? 1) Politics 2) Sports 3) Arts and films 12. If your friend wants to keep a pet, what do you think he should prepare? 13. If you run a small business with your friends, what do you want to do? 14. Recall an argument that you have ever had with others and describe the details of the conflict. 15. What do you think can improve your local community and make it a better place to live? 16. Your local community center wants to add some new workshops or programs for children. Which of the following do you think would be the most beneficial for children’s development? 1) Art craft workshop 2) Technology workshop 3) Athletic programs 17. Describe an unusual experience you had. What did you do to avoid being nervous? 18. Your school decides to use electronic newspapers instead of paper ones. Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of this decision. 19. The student is asked to write final project about the famous historical city which you're located in. Which resource do you choose? 1) video the famous building 2) visit the old people 3) Research and write paper 20. The museum decides to open a new section for exhibition. Which of the following do you prefer? 1) robot technology 2) ocean animals 3) solar system Task2: 1. Some people prefer to prevent their kids from knowing the difficulties in life; other people prefer to let their kids have life experience at an early age. Which do you prefer? Why? 2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier to be an adult than to be a child. 3. Some students prefer to study for exam in the night while other students prefer to study in the day. Which do you prefer, explain why. 4. Some students prefer to do things which they are good at. Some students force themselves to do what they are notgood at? Which do you prefer? Why? 5. Some people believe that the library should be a place for students to have meetings and discussions; while others believe that the library is supposed to be a quiet place where students can focus on their study. Which one do you prefer and why? 6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the popularity of the technology that focuses on entertainment, people read fewer books than before. 7. Your school is planning to ban library computers from accessing social media websites. Do you agree or disagree with such a plan? 8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should approach computer and other electronic devices as early as possible. 9. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The school should teach students moral values. 10. When having class discussion, some people prefer to give their opinions immediately. Others prefer to wait and listen to others’ opinions before giving their own. Which one do you think is better? 11. Some teachers prefer to answer students’ questions while they are delivering a lecture. Some teachers prefer to answer their questions when the lecture is over. Which one do you prefer? Why? 12. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is a good idea to get a job under the influence of other people. 13. Some people like to make decisions based on their own experience; while other people prefer to ask others for help such as family and friends. Which do you prefer and why? 14. You live in a crowded city with only one green space-the city park. The government recently proposes to build a housing complex on this only green space. Do you think this is a good idea? 15. If you have more money, do you want to spend your money on objects like clothes and electronic devices or spend your money on experience? 16. Imagine that you have been accepted by two different universities. One university is well-known for its excellent academic program, but it’s expensive; while another is less well-known, but has offered you with scholarship to pay for your intuition fee. Which university would you prefer, explain why. 17. Some students think that they are graded by participating in the discussion class, while others think that they are graded only by written work, such as paper. Which opinion would you prefer and give your reasons. 18. Which one do you agree? Children born with talent should be treated in a different way or they should be treated in the same way as average children. 19. Do you agree or disagree that children who do sports at a young age will be more aggressive in the future? 20. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Close friends should be honest and open.。

托福口语练习模拟题121teacher1. Who is your best friend? Describe this person and say why he/she is your best friend.2. What is your favorite place to visit on weekends? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite place to go.3. What is your happiest childhood memory? Describe it and give reasons to explain why it is your happiest memory.4. What is your most important possession? Describe it and say why it is so important.5. Talk about a person in your life who has inspired you. Describe the person and explain why you found him/her inspirational.6. Where do you most like to go to eat out? Describe this place and say why you like it most.7. Talk about an important national holiday in your home country. Describe it and explain why it is important.8. What is your favorite book or movie? Describe it and say why it is your favorite. 9. Who do you feel close to in your family (or extended family)? Describe this person and say why you feel close to him/her.10. Where is a good place to have fun in your city or town? Describe this place and explain why it is fun.11. Talk about an experience in your life that made you feel embarrassed. Describe it and say why it was embarrassing.12. What was your favorite subject at school? Describe it and explain why this subject was your favorite one.13. Who is an important person in your country? Describe this person and explain why he/she is important.14. Talk about an interesting tourist attraction you have been to. Describe it and say why it was interesting.15. Talk about a time when you experienced success. Describe the experience and say why it was a success for you.16. What is your favorite style of clothing? Describe it and explain whyit is your favorite.17. Name a person whom you truly admire. Describe the person and say why you admire him/her.18. Think of a place that makes you feel relaxed and peaceful. Describe it and explain why it is relaxing and peaceful for you.19. Talk about a difficulty you have overcome in your life. Describe the experience and say why it was difficult to overcome.Copyright ? 2021-2021 121teacher. All Rights Reserved.1121teacher20. What is your most useful study aid? Describe it and explain why it is useful in helping you to study.21. Talk about a teacher who had a positive influence on you. Describethis person and explain why he/she was so influential to you.22. Where is your favorite place to study? Describe this place and say why it is a good place for you to study.23. Talk about a positive experience with learning or using English. Describe the experience and say why it was a positive one.24. What is your favorite kind of food? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite. 25. Name a famous or influential figure who has inspired you. Describe this person and say why he/she has been inspirational to you.26. Which place has fond memories for you? Describe this place and explain why it is memorable to you.27. When have you been happily surprised by something? Describe the experience and say why the surprise was a happy one for you.28. Describe a resource that helped you to do something better than before. Describe it and explain why it was helpful to you.29. Describe a person from your country’s history. Why do you think this person was important?30. Where would you like to go to spend a vacation? Describe this place and say why you would like to holiday there.31. Talk about something you and your family enjoy doing together. Describe it and explain why you all enjoy it.32. What is your favorite recreational activity? Describe it and say why you enjoy doing it.33. Who is the most intelligent person you know? Describe the person and say why you think he/she is intelligent.34. Where would you most like to live? Describe this place and explain why you would like to live there.35. What is your favorite season of the year? Describe the season and explain why you like it so much.36. What custom from your home country are you most fond of? Describe the custom and explain why you are fond of it.37. Which person are you most likely to go to with a personal problem? Describe this person and say why you would go to him/her in particular.Copyright ? 2021-2021 121teacher. All Rights Reserved.2121teacher38. Name a place in your country you would recommend others to visit. Describe this place and explain why you would recommend it.39. Talk about an event from the past that you would like to relive. Describe the original event and say why you would like to relive it.40. What is your favorite way of getting around? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite means of transportation.Copyright ? 2021-2021 121teacher. All Rights Reserved. 3感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

1. Passage 1Archaeology is a fascinating field that allows us to explore the past. By studying artifacts and remains, archaeologists can reconstruct ancient lifestyles and gain insights into human history. However, the process of conducting archaeological research can be challenging.Archaeologists often face difficulties in locating and accessing archaeological sites. Many sites are buried under layers of soil and vegetation, making them hard to find. Moreover, obtaining permission to excavate these sites can be a lengthy and bureaucratic process, requiring cooperation from various governmental agencies.Despite these challenges, archaeological research has yielded important discoveries. For example, the excavation of a burial site in Egypt led to the discovery of an intact pharaoh's tomb, providing valuable information about ancient Egyptian practices and customs.In addition to unearthing artifacts, archaeologists also analyze the data collected to draw conclusions about the past. This process involves careful examination of the artifacts, as well as collaboration with experts in related fields such as anthropology and history.2. Passage 2Climate change is a pressing global issue that requires urgent action. The rise in global temperatures is causing melting ice caps, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events. These changes have far-reaching consequences for both the environment and human societies.One of the main contributors to climate change is the burning of fossil fuels. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released during the combustion process trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to the greenhouse effect. This effect is causing the Earth's temperature to increase at an alarming rate.To combat climate change, countries around the world are adopting renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. These sources are sustainable and do not produce greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, individuals can reduce their carbon footprint by adopting energy-saving habits, such as using energy-efficient appliances and reducing water waste.It is crucial for governments and individuals to work together to mitigate the effects of climate change. By implementing policies that promote sustainable practices and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we can protect our planet for future generations.3. Passage 3The advent of technology has revolutionized the way we communicate and access information. With the rise of smartphones and social media platforms, people can connect with others and share information instantly. However, this digital age has also raised concerns about privacy and security.Online privacy has become a major issue, as personal data can be easily accessed and exploited by malicious individuals. Social media platforms often collect and store users' personal information, which can be sold to third parties for advertising purposes. Additionally, cybercriminals can use sophisticated techniques to hack into individuals' accounts and steal their sensitive information.To protect one's privacy online, it is important to take precautionssuch as regularly updating passwords and enabling two-factor authentication. Furthermore, individuals should be cautious about the information theyshare online and avoid posting sensitive personal details.Governments and tech companies also play a crucial role in safeguarding online privacy. Stricter regulations and stronger cybersecurity measures should be implemented to protect users' personal data. Additionally, educating the public about online security best practices can help raise awareness and prevent cybercrime.通过以上三个例子,考生们可以了解到真实的托福阅读理解题目的样式和内容。

TOEFL真题练习大全TOEFL真题1One area of paleoanthropological study involves the eating and dietary habits of hominids,erect bipedal primates —including early humans. It is clear that at some stage of history, humans began to carry their food to central places, called home bases, where it was shared and consumed with the young and other adults. The use of home bases is a fundamental component of human social behavior; the common meal served at a common hearth is a powerful symbol, a mark of social unity. Home base behavior does not occur among nonhuman primates and is rare among mammals. It is unclear when humans began to use home bases, what kind of communications and social relations were involved, and what the ecological and food-choice contexts of the shift were.Work on early tools, surveys of paleoanthropological sites, development and testing of broad ecological theories, and advances in comparative primatology are contributing to knowledge about this central chapter in human prehistory.One innovative approach to these issues involves studyingdamage and wear on stone tools.Researchers make tools that replicate excavated specimens as closely as possible and then try to use them as the originals might have been used, in woodcutting, hunting, or cultivation.托福阅读题目:1. The passage mainly discusses which of the following aspects of hominid behavior?(A) Changes in eating and dietary practices(B) The creation of stone hunting tools(C) Social interactions at home bases(D) Methods of extracting nutritious food from carcasses2.According to the passage , bringing a meal to a location to be shared by many individuals is(A) an activity typical of nonhuman primates(B) a common practice among animals that eat meat(C) an indication of social unity(D) a behavior that encourages better dietary habits3. The word “consumed" in line 4 is closest in meaning to(A) prepared(B) stored(C) distributed(D) eaten4.According to paragraph 2, researchers make copies of old stone tools in order to(A) protect the old tools from being worn out(B) display examples of the old tools in museums(C) test theories about how old tools were used(D) learn how to improve the design of modern tools5. In paragraph 2, the author mentions all of the following as examples of ways in which earlystone tools were used EXCEPT to(A) build home bases(B) obtain food(C) make weapons(D) shape wood6. The word "innovative" in line 13 is closest in meaning to(A) good(B) new(C) simple(D) costly7. The word "them" in line 15 refers to(A) issues(B) researchers(C) tools(D) specimens8. The author mentions "characteristic chippage patterns" in line 16 as an example of(A) decorations cut into wooden objects(B) differences among tools made of various substances(C) impressions left on prehistoric animal bones(D) indications of wear on stone tools9. The word "extract" in line 19 is closest in meaning to(A) identify(B) remove(C) destroy(D) compare10. The word "whether" in line 26 is closest in meaning to(A) if(B) how(C) why(D) when托福阅读答案:__DBATOEFL真题2托福阅读文本:Prehistoric mammoths have been preserved in the famous tar pits of Rancho La Brea (Brea is the Spanish word for tar) in what is now the heart of Los Angeles, California. These tar pits have been known for centuries and were formerly mined for their natural asphalt, a black or brown petroleum-like substance. Thousands of tons were extracted before 1875, when it was first noticed that the tar contained fossil remains. Major excavations were undertaken that established the significance of this remarkable site. The tar pits were found to contain the remains of scores of species of animals from the last 30,000 years of the Ice Age.Since then, over 100 tons of fossils, 1.5 million from vertebrates, 2.5 million from invertebrates, have been recovered, often in densely concentrated and tangled masses. The creatures found range from insects and birds to giant ground sloth's, but a total of 17 proboscides (animals with a proboscis or long nose) — including mastodons and Columbian mammoths —have been recovered, most of them from Pit 9, the deepest bone-bearing deposit, which was excavated in 1914. Most of the fossils date tobetween 40,000 and 10,000 years ago.The asphalt at La Brea seeps to the surface, especially in the summer, and forms shallow puddles that would often have been concealed by leaves and dust. Unwary animals would become trapped on these thin sheets of liquid asphalt, which are extremely sticky in warm weather. Stuck, the unfortunate beasts would die of exhaustion and hunger or fall prey to predators that often also became stuck.As the animals decayed, more scavengers would be attracted and caught in their turn.Carnivores greatly outnumber herbivores in the collection: for every large herbivore, there is one saber-tooth cat, a coyote, and four wolves. The fact that some bones are heavily weathered shows that some bodies remained above the surface for weeks or months. Bacteria in the asphalt would have consumed some of the tissues other than bones, and the asphalt itself would dissolve what was left, at the same time impregnating and beautifully preserving the saturated bones, rendering them dark brown and shiny.托福阅读题目:1. What aspect of the La Brea tar pits does the passagemainly discuss?(A) The amount of asphalt that was mined there(B) The chemical and biological interactions between asphalt and animals(C) The fossil remains that have been found there(D) Scientific methods of determining the age of tar pits2. In using the phrase "the heart of Los Angeles" in line 2, the author is talking about the city's(A) beautiful design(B) central area(C) basic needs(D) supplies of natural asphalt3. The word "noticed" in line 5 closest in meaning to(A) predicted(B) announced(C) corrected(D) observed4. The word "tangled" in line 10 is closest in meaning to(A) buried beneath(B) twisted together(C) quickly formed(D) easily dated5. The word "them" in line 13 refers to(A) insects(B) birds(C) cloths(D) proboscideans6. How many proboscideans have been found at the La Brea tar pits?(A) 9(B) 17(C) 1.5 million(D) 2.5 million7. The word "concealed" in line 17 is closest in meaning to(A) highlighted(B) covered(C) transformed(D) contaminated8. Why does the author mention animals such as coyotes and wolves in paragraph 4?(A) To give examples of animals that are classified as carnivores(B) To specify the animals found least commonly at La Brea(C) To argue that these animals were especially likely to avoid extinction.(D) To define the term "scavengers"托福阅读答案:CBDBD BBATOEFL真题3托福阅读文本:Among the species of seabirds that use the windswept cliffs of the Atlantic coast of Canada in the summer to mate, lay eggs, and rear their young are common murres, Atlantic puffins,black-legged kittiwakes, and northern gannets. Of all the birds on these cliffs, the black-legged kittiwake gull is the best suited for nesting on narrow ledges. Although its nesting habits are similar to those of gulls that nest on flat ground, there are a number of important differences related to the cliff-nesting habit.The advantage of nesting on cliffs is the immunity it gives from foxes, which cannot scale the sheer rocks, and from ravens and other species of gulls, which have difficulty in landing on narrow ledges to steal eggs. This immunity has been followed by a relaxation of the defenses, and kittiwakes do not react topredators nearly as fiercely as do ground-nesting gulls. A colony of Bonaparte's gulls responds to the appearance of a predatory herring gull by flying up as a group with a clamor of alarm calls, followed by concerted mobbing, but kittiwakes simply ignore herring gulls, since they pose little threat to nests on cliffs. Neither do kittiwakes attempt to conceal their nest. Most gulls keep the nest area clear of droppings, and remove empty eggshells after the chicks have hatched, so that the location of the nest is not given away. Kittiwakes defecate over the edge of the nest, which keeps it clean, but this practice, as well as their tendency to leave the nest littered with eggshells, makes its location very conspicuous.On the other hand, nesting on a narrow ledge has its own peculiar problems, and kittiwake behavior has become adapted to overcome them. The female kittiwake sits when mating, whereas other gulls stand, so the pair will not overbalance and fall off the ledge. The nest is a deep cup,made of mud or seaweed, to hold the eggs safely, compared with the shallow scrape of other gulls,and the chicks are remarkably immobile until fully grown. They do not run from their nests when approached, and if they should come near to the cliff edge, they instinctively turnback.托福阅读题目:1. What aspect of the kittiwake gull does the passage mainly discuss?(A) Its defensive behavior(B) It interactions with other gull species(C) Its nesting habits(D) Its physical difference from other gull species2. The word "rear" in line 2 is closest in meaning to(A) visit(B) watch(C) reverse(D) raise3. The word "scale" in line 8 is closest in meaning to(A) climb(B) avoid(C) approach(D) measure4. The word "immunity" in line 9 is closest in meaning to(A) distance(B) transition(C) protection(D) reminder5. Why is it difficult for ravens to steal the kittiwakes' eggs?(A) The kittiwakes can see the ravens approaching the nest.(B) The ravens cannot land on the narrow ledges where kittiwakes nest.(C) The kittiwakes' eggs are too big for the ravens to carry.(D) The female kittiwakes rarely leave the nest.6. The author mentions that eggshells litter around the nests of kittiwakes in order to(A) demonstrate that kittiwakes are not concerned about predators(B) prove how busy kittiwakes are in caring for their offspring(C) show a similarity to other types of gulls(D) illustrate kittiwakes' lack of concern for their chicks7. According to the passage , it can be inferred that which of the following birds conceal their nest?(A) Bonaparte's gulls(B)Atlantic puffins(C) Kittiwake gulls(D) Northern gannets8. The word "it" in line 17 refers to(A) location(B) edge(C) nest(D) practice9. The word "conspicuous" in line 18 is closest in meaning to(A) disordered(B) suspicious(C) noticeable(D) appealing10. The phrase "On the other hand" in line 19 is closest in meaning to(A) therefore(B) however(C) for example(D) by no means托福阅读答案:__CCBTOEFL真题4托福阅读文本:The canopy, the upper level of the trees in the rain forest,holds a plethora of climbing mammals of moderately large size, which may include monkeys, cats, civets, and porcupines.Smaller species, including such rodents as mice and small squirrels, are not as prevalent overall in high tropical canopies as they are in most habitats globally.Small mammals, being warm blooded, suffer hardship in the exposed and turbulent environment of the uppermost trees. Because a small body has more surface area per unit of weight than a large one of similar shape, it gains or loses heat more swiftly. Thus, in the trees, where shelter from heat and cold may be scarce and conditions may fluctuate, a small mammal may have trouble maintaining its body temperature.Small size makes it easy to scramble among twigs and branches in the canopy for insects, flowers, or fruit, but small mammals are surpassed, in the competition for food, by large ones that have their own tactics for browsing among food-rich twigs. The weight of a gibbon (a small ape)hanging below a branch arches the terminal leaves down so that fruit-bearing foliage drops toward the gibbon's face. Walking or leaping species of a similar or even larger size access the outer twigs either by snapping off and retrieving the whole branch or byclutching stiff branches with the feet or tail and plucking food with their hands.Small climbing animals may reach twigs readily, but it is harder for them than for large climbing animals to cross the wide gaps from on tree crown to the next that typify the high canopy.A macaque or gibbon can hurl itself farther than a mouse can: it can achieve a running start, and it can more effectively use a branch as a springboard, even bouncing on a climb several times before jumping. The forward movement of a small animal is seriously reduced by the air friction against the relatively large surface area of its body. Finally, for the many small mammals that supplement their insect diet with fruits or seeds, an inability to span open gaps between tree crowns may be problematic, since trees that yield these foods can be sparse.托福阅读题目:1. The passage answers which of the following questions?(A) How is the rain forest different from other habitats?(B) How does an animal's body size influence an animal's need for food?(C) Why does the rain forest provide an unusual variety of food for animals?(D) Why do large animals tend to dominate the upper canopy of the rain forest?2. Which of the following animals is less common in the upper canopy than in other environments?(A) Monkeys(B) Cats(C) Porcupines(D) Mice3. The word "they" in line 4 refers to(A) trees(B) climbing mammals of moderately large size(C) smaller species(D) high tropical canopies4. According to paragraph 2, which of the following is true about the small mammals in the rain forest?(A) They have body shapes that are adapted to live in the canopy.(B) They prefer the temperature and climate of the canopy to that of other environments.(C) They have difficulty with the changing conditions in the canopy.(D) They use the trees of the canopy for shelter from heat and cold.5. In discussing animal size in paragraph 3, the author indicates that(A) small animals require proportionately more food than larger animals do(B) a large animal's size is an advantage in obtaining food in the canopy(C) small animals are often attacked by large animals in the rain forest(D) small animals and large animals are equally adept at obtaining food in the canopy6. The word "typify" in line 19 is closest in meaning to(A) resemble(B) protect(C) characterize(D) divide7. According to paragraph 4, what makes jumping from one tree crown to another difficult for small mammals?(A)Air friction against the body surface(B) The thickness of the branches(C) The dense leaves of the tree crown(D) The inability to use the front feet as hands8. The word "supplement" in line 24 is closest in meaning to(A) control(B) replace(C) look for(D) add to9. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage ?。

(1) Flower have long been cultivated and bred for their beauty and their fragrance.A B C D答案:A应改为:Flowers解释:表泛指时,可数名词可用不定冠词加单数或直接用复数,因谓语是复数,故改为复数(2) Doctor are discovering that there is a strong psychological component to chronicA B C Dpain.答案:A应改为:Doctors解释:表泛指时,可数名词用冠词加单数或直接用复数,因谓语动词是复数,故名词也用复数考点二复数形式特例3)Like some other running birds, the sanderling lacks a back toe and has a three-toedA B Cfeet.D(4)The mechanism by which brain cells store memories is ---- clearly understood.(A) none(B) no(C) not(D) nor答案: C(5) A good exercise program helps teach people to avoid the habits that might shortenA B Cthe lives.D 答案: D应改为: their解释: 定冠词the指代不清, 用物主代词their作名词lives的限定语更符合英语习惯, 还可突出lives 与people之间的所属关系(6) A liquid is similar to a gas because has molecules are not fixed to each other in anyA B Cspecific way.D 答案: B应改为: its解释: has是动词, 不能修饰名词, 且与从句的谓语冲突, 依句意改为物主代词its作molecules的限定语(7) At birth, an infant exhibits a remarkable number of motor response.A B C D答案: D应改为: responsesA emotion is not necessarily aroused by something in the outside world.A B C D答案: A应改为: An emotion解释: emotion是元音开头的名词, 前面的冠词应用an(8) If a atom loses any of its electrons, it becomes positively charged and can combineA B Cchemically with other atoms.D 答案: A应改为: an atom解释: atom是元音开头的名词, 前面的冠词应用an(9) The Yukon River, which flows into the Bering Sea, gives its name to a region ofA BAlaska and a territory of the Canada.C D答案:D应改为:of解释:Canada是国名,属专用名词,之前不能加定冠词(10) The development of professional sports in the United States dates back toA B Cnineteenth century.D答案:D应改为:to the nineteenth11) The begins of the modern chemistry laboratory go back to the workrooms ofA B C Dmedieval alchemists.答案:A(12)In the nineteenth century, Samuel Gridley Howe founded the Perkins School for the Blind, ----for children in Boston, Massachusetts.(A) that institutes(B) while instituted(C) was an institution(D) an institute答案: (D)解释: 空白前的句子结构完整, 空格后的结构和宾语的很相似, (D)为名词词组, 构成宾语的同位语(13) Martha Graham, ----, has run her own dance company for half a century.(A) is the great modern choreographer(B) one of the great modern choreographers(C) that the great modern choreographers(D) the modern choreographers were great答案:BSituated in the heart of a grain-farming and livestock-raising region, Abilene, Kansas,A Bis a prosperous trading and distribute center.C D答案: D应改为: distribution/ distributing.(14)The human body relies on certainty nutrients for its survival.A B C D应改为:certain.解释:certainty是名词, 意为确定性, 不能修饰名词, 改为形容词certain, 表示某些(15) Textile art is known for both its tactile and vision qualities.A B C D答案:C应改为:visual.(16) Many television newscasters make the public an eyewitness to the news by meansA B Cof on-the-spot, alive reports.D答案: D应改为:live (adj. 现场的, 实况转播的)解释:alive不能做定语, 只能做表语,所以应该改为live reports (现场报道)(17) Alike ethnographers, ethnohistorians make systematic observations, but they alsoA B Cgather data from documentary and oral sources.D答案: A应改为:like解释:alike不能做定语, 只能做表语; alike/like 是TOEFL改错中常考的考点(18) Maine has ---- weather than most of the other states in the continental United States.(A) coolest(B) the coolest(C) cooler(D) the cooler答案:A解释:标志词than意味着应用比较级,A, B可先排除;D多the; 只有A正确(19) Pennsylvania has the most institutions of higher learning than any other state has.A B C D答案:A应改为:more20)Mammals have a larger, more well-developed brain ---- other animals.(A) than do(B) that are having(C) which have(D) that do答案:A(21)There is evidence that prehistoric humans used fire ---- 400,000 B.C.(A) so early(B) the earliest(C) as early as(D) so early that(22)The greater the population there is in a locality, ----for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.(A) the greater the need there is(B) greater need(C) is there great need(D) the great need答案:A解释:这是典型的“the more…,(23)The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of the body of a runner, ---- to the body.(A) the stress it is greater(B) greater is the stress(C) greater stress is(D) the greater the stress答案:D(24)The most easiest process for mining gold is panning, which involves using a circularA Bdish with a small pocket at the bottom.C D答案:A应改为:easiest.解释:easiest本身已是最高级, most纯属画蛇添足, 应去掉The Appalachian Trail, extending approximately 2, 020 miles from Maine toA BGeorgia, is the longer continuous marked footpath in the world.C D答案:C应改为:longest.解释:本句有范围词in the world, 则定冠词the 之后应采用形容词最高级形式(25)In the United States, sleds for recreation were first produced commercial in theA B C1870's or thereabouts.D答案:C应改为:commercially(26)According to anthropologists, the earliest ancestors of humans that stood upright resembled chimpanzees ----, with sloping foreheads and protruding brows.(A) facially(B) their faces(C) having facial(D) they had faces答案:A(1)Watercolors dry more faster than other paints.A B C D答案:C应改为:much faster(27)Aluminum is the most abundant metal in the crust of the Earth, but the nonmetalsA B Coxygen and silicon are more still abundant.D考点:程度副词答案:D应改为:still more(28)Chief Joseph La Flesche, a vigorous Omaha leader, worked hardly to make his nationA Ba proud and progressive one.C D答案:B应改为:hardGlaciers that develop nearly the North and South Poles advance into the sea, breakA B C Dinto pieces, and become icebergs.答案:B应改为:near----one time, Manchester, New Hampshire, was the home of the most productive cotton mills in the world.(A) On(B) At(C) By(D) To答案:BThe young of most bird species are totally dependence on parental care afterA B Chatching.D答案:B应改为:dependent.解释:be dependent on是固定词组, 意同depend on(29)Mary Cassatt specialized ----mothers with their children.(A) painted(B) who painted(C) paintings(D) in painting(30)The boiled point of any liquid is determined by the pressure of the surrounding gases.A B C D答案:A应改为:boiling.解释:沸点的英文表达应该是boiling point. 类似的表达如: boiling water(沸水); boiled表示已完成的状态, 如boiled water意为白开水, 即已沸腾过的水(31)The slide rule uses sliding scales with marks ---- numbers and their logarithms.(A) representing(B) represented(C) are represented(D) they are representing(32)---- in 1635, the Boston Latin School is the oldest public school in the United States.(A) Founded(B) Founding(C) To found(D) Having founded答案:A解释:分词部分的逻辑主语也应当是the Boston Latin School, 它和found之间是被动关系, 所以空格处应填入过去分词(33)Almost destroy by fire in 1814, the White House was rebuilt and enlarged overA B Cthe next three year.D答案:A应改为:Almost destroyed1)The colors of a rainbow ---- arranged in the same order.(A) which are always(B) and they are always(C) always(D) are always答案:D34)Traditionally, ----in New England on Thanksgiving Day.(A) when served is sweet cider(B) when sweet cider is served(C) is served sweet cider(D) sweet cider is served。

托福考试模拟试题题库一、听力部分A. 对话练习题1. 听以下对话,并回答以下问题:对话内容:(此处应为一段模拟的托福听力对话,例如:学生与教授讨论课程内容。
)问题:- 学生为什么去找教授?- 教授给了学生什么建议?B. 讲座练习题2. 听以下讲座,并回答以下问题:讲座内容:(此处应为一段模拟的托福听力讲座,例如:教授介绍某个历史事件。
)问题:- 讲座中提到的主要历史事件是什么?- 教授认为这个事件对现代有什么影响?二、阅读部分A. 学术文章阅读1. 阅读以下学术文章,并回答以下问题:文章问题:- 文章中提到了哪些气候变化对生物多样性的影响?- 作者提出了哪些解决方案来应对这些影响?B. 非学术文章阅读2. 阅读以下非学术文章,并回答以下问题:文章标题:《城市化进程中的社会问题》问题:- 文章讨论了哪些城市化进程中的社会问题?- 作者认为应该如何解决这些问题?三、口语部分A. 独立口语任务1. 描述你最近参加的一个活动,并解释为什么这个活动对你很重要。
B. 综合口语任务2. 阅读以下短文,然后听一段对话,结合两者信息回答问题:短文内容:(此处应为一段与短文主题相关的文本,例如:学校计划举办一个文化节。
)问题:学生们对文化节有什么看法?你同意他们的观点吗?为什么?四、写作部分A. 独立写作任务1. 有些人认为技术发展使人们的生活更加复杂,而另一些人则认为它使生活更简单。
B. 综合写作任务2. 阅读以下文章,然后听一段讲座,结合两者信息写一篇文章:文章内容:(此处应为一段与文章主题相关的文本,例如:介绍一种新的教育方法。
the parts of a sentence语法和用法讲解50题练习以及解题分析件初级

本词汇训练方案采用Collins Dictionary Grammar公布的英语语法解释内容,每组包含一个单词或词组的语法解释。
训练内容分为三部分:1.语法讲义:采用Collins Dictionary Grammar公布的英语语法解释内容,学员同过阅读讲义,阅读每个知识点,通过知识点的讲义对照例句进行理解;2.认知练习:较传统语法练习相同点在于采用最为有效的选择题形式,不同在于,对于传统选择题是让学员选择“唯一正确”选项,“认知语法练习”的选择题是根据语法讲义提出对于讲义内容的问题,结合内容让学员判断在选择题选项的表达句子中对于知识点的最佳理解和语法表达式,对于语法认知和语法结合句子的应用都是更切合实际的语法解决方案;3.解题分析:传统解题分析着重解释为什么缺失部分填写相应的选项,本解决方案着重解释为什么这样的表达符合这个知识点的应用,差别在于人们使用英语语法的时候是从应用角度出发合理应用相应语法概念,对于语言而言本质不存在觉得的错误,而在于合理使用,从语法和语义逻辑进行解释。

托福插入句子题练习On February 12, 2022, investing in oneself is the best way.插入句子题练习翻译被插入句子,并找出key words1. 1. But there is also another special kind of conversational flow among Southern women thatcontributed to their writing. 2. Some of their talk took the form of tales and vignettes told for their own . Sometimes humorous, sometimes sad; all were as bright as the figures in the fine needlepoint. 4.“These tales included grotesque, comic, and poetic descriptions, character sketches, narratives, gusts of feeling, delicate ironies, and astuteobservations;”翻译:_____________________________________________________________________ __2.Above the tree line there is a zone that is generally called alpine tundra. ■Immediatelyadjacent to the timberline, the tundra consists of a fairly complete cover of low-lying shrubs, herbs, and grasses, while higher up the number and diversity of species decrease until there is much bare ground with occasional mosses and lichens and some prostrate cushion plants.■Some plants can even survive in favorable microhabitats above the snow line. The highest plants in the world occur at around 6,100 meters on Makalu in the Himalayas. ■At this great height, rocks, warmed by the sun, melt small snowdrifts. ■This explains how, for example, alpine cushion plants have been found growing at an altitude of 6,180 meters.翻译:3.■Although origin in ritual has long been the most popular, it is by no means the only theoryabout how the theater came into being. ■Storytelling has been proposed as one alternative.■Under this theory, relating and listening to stories are seen as fundamental human pleasures. ■Thus, the recalling of an event a hunt, battle, or other feat is elaborated through the narrator’s pantomime and impersonation and eventually through each role being assumed by a different person.To enhance their listeners’ enjoyment, storytellers continually make their stories more engaging and memorable.翻译:_____________________________________________________________________ ___4.Much of the water in a sample of water-saturated sediment or the rock will drain from it ifthe sample is put in a suitable dry place. ■But some will remain, clinging to all solid surfaces.■It is held there by the force of surface tension without which water would drain instantly from any wet surface, leaving it totally dry. ■The total volume of water in the saturated sample must therefore be thought of as consisting of water that can, and water that cannot,drain away.■What, then, determines what proportion of the water stays and what proportion drains away翻译:_____________________________________________________________________ ___5.■Modern architectural forms generally have three separate components comparable toelements of the human body; a supporting skeleton or frame, an outer skin enclosing the interior spaces, equipment, similar to the body’s vital organs and systems. ■The equipment includes plumbing, electrical wiring, hot water, and air-conditioning. ■Of course in early architecture—such as igloos and adobe structures—there was no such equipment, and the skeleton and skin were often one.■However, some modern architectural designs, such as those using folded plates of concreter or air-inflated structures, are again unifying skeleton and skin.翻译:_____________________________________________________________________ ___6.■Ecologists are especially interested to know what factors contribute to the resilience ofcommunities because climax communities all over the world are being severely damaged or destroyed by human activities. ■The destruction caused by the volcanic explosion of Mount St. Helens, in the northwestern United States, for example, pales in comparison to the destruction caused by humans. ■We need to know what aspects of a community are most important to the community’s resistance to destruction, as well as its recovery. ■In fact, damage to the environment by humans is often much more severe than damage by natural events and processes.翻译:_____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________7.The reaction of farmers to the inevitable depletion of the Ogallala varies. Many have beenattempting to conserve water by irrigating less frequently or by switching to crops that require less water. ■Other, however, have adopted the philosophy that it is best to use the water while it is still economically profitable to do so and to concentrate on high-value crops such as cotton. ■The incentive of the farmers who wish to conserve water is reduced by their knowledge that many of their neighbors are profiting by using great amounts of water, and in the process are drawing down the entire region’s water supplies.■In the face of the upcoming water supply crisis, a number of grandiose schemes have been developed to transport vast quantities of water by canal or pipeline from the Mississippi, the Missouri, or the Arkansas rivers. ■Unfortunately, the cost of waterobtained through any of these schemes would increase pumping costs at least tenfold, making the cost of irrigated agricultural products from the region uncompetitive on the national and international markets.But even if uncooperative farmers were to join in the conservation efforts, this would only delay the depletion of the aquifer.翻译:_____________________________________________________________________ ____8.Where the forest inhibits the growth of grass and other meadow plants, the black-tailed deerbrowses on huckleberry, salal, dogwood, and almost any other shrub or herb. But this is fair-weather feeding. What keeps the black-tailed deer a lived in the harsher seasons of plant decoy and dormancy One compensation for not hibernating is the built-in urge to migrate.■Deer may move from high-elevation browse areas in summer down to the lowland areas in late fall. ■Even with snow on the ground, the high bushy understory is exposed; also snow and wind bring down leafy branches of cedar, hemlock, red alder, and other arboreal fodder.■The numbers of deer have fluctuated markedly since the entry of Europeans into Puget Sound country. ■The early explorers and settlers told of abundant deer in the early 1800s and yet almost in the same breath bemoaned the lack of this succulent game animal.There food is available and accessible throughout the winter.翻译:_____________________________________________________________________9.The subjects of the paintings are mostly animals. The paintings rest on bare walls, with nobackdrops or environmental trappings. Perhaps, like many contemporary peoples, Upper Paleolithic men and women believed that the drawing of a human image could cause death of injury, and if that were indeed their belief, it might explain why human figures are rarely depicted in cave art. Another explanation for the focus on animals might be that these people sought to improve their luck at hunting. ■This theory is suggested by evidence of chips in the painted figures, perhaps made by spears thrown at the drawings. ■But if improving their hunting luck was the chief motivation for the paintings, it is difficult to explain why only a few show signs of having been speared. ■Perhaps the paintings were inspired by the need to increase the supply of animals. Cave art seems to have reached a peak toward the end of the Upper Paleolithic period, when the herds of game were decreasing.■Therefore, if the paintings were connected with hunting, some other explanation isneeded.翻译:___________________________________________________________________10.Continued sedimentation—the process of deposits' settling on the sea bottom—buries theorganic matter and subjects it to higher temperatures and pressures, which convert the organic matter to oil and gas. ■As muddy sediments are pressed together, the gas and small droplets of oil may be squeezed out of the mud and may move into sandy layers nearby. ■Over long periods of time millions of years, accumulations of gas and oil can collect in the sandy layers. ■Both oil and gas are less dense than water, so they generally tend to rise upward through water-saturated rock and sediment.■Unless something acts to halt this migration, these natural resources will eventually reach the surface.翻译:_____________________________________________________________________ ___11.Scientists have known for some time that certain plants, called hyperaccumulators, canconcentrate minerals at levels a hundredfold or greater than normal. ■A survey of known hyperaccumulators identified that 75 percent of them amassed nickel, cobalt, copper, zinc, manganese, lead, and cadmium are other minerals of choice.■Hyperaccumulators run the entire range of the plant world. ■They may be herbs, shrubs, or trees.■Many members of the mustard family, spurge family, legume family, and grass family are top hyperaccumulators.Many are found in tropical and subtropical areas of the metals may afford some protection against plant-eating insects and microbial pathogens.Certain minerals are more likely to be accumulated in large quantities than others.翻译:______________________________________________________________________12.Speculation on the origin of these Pacific islands began as soon as outsiders encounteredthem; in the absence of solid linguistic, archaeological, and biological data, many fanciful and mutually exclusive theories were devised. Pacific islanders were variously thought to have come from North America, South America, Egypt, Israel, and India, as well as Southeast Asia.■Many older theories implicitly deprecated the navigational abilities and overall cultural creativity of the Pacific islanders. ■ For example, British anthropologists Smith and assumed that only Egyptians would have been skilled enough to navigate and colonize the Pacific. ■They inferred that the Egyptians even crossed the Pacific to found the great civilizations of the New World North and South America. ■ In 1947 Norwegian adventurer Thor Heyerdahl drifted on the balsa-log raft westward with the winds and currents across the Pacific from South America to prove his theory that Pacific islanders were Native Americans also called American Indians.Later theories concentrated on journeys in the other direction.翻译:_____________________________________________________________________ 13.One interpretation regarding the absence of fossils during this important 100-million-yearperiod is that early animals were soft bodied and simply did not fossilize. ■Fossilization of soft-bodied animals is less likely than fossilization of hard-bodied animals, but it does occur. ■Conditions that promote fossilization of soft-bodied animals include very rapid covering by sediments that create an environment that discourages decomposition. ■In fact, fossil beds containing soft-bodied animals have been known for many years. ■It is relatively rare because the fossilization of soft-bodied animals requires a special environment.翻译:_____________________________________________________________________ 14.■Watt's steam engine soon showed what it could do. ■It liberated industry from dependenceon running water. ■The engine eliminated water in the mines by driving efficient pumps, which made possible deeper and deeper mining. ■The ready availability of coal inspired William Murdoch during the 1790s to develop the first new form of nighttime illumination to be discovered in a millennium and a half. Coal gas rivaled smoky oil lamps and flickering candles, and early in the new century, well—to—do Londoners grew accustomed to gaslit houses and even streets. Iron manufacturers which had starved for fuel while depending on charcoal also benefited from ever-increasing supplies of coal; blast furnaces with steam-powered bellows turned out more iron and steel for the new machinery. Steam became the motive force of the Industrial Revolution as coal and iron ore were the raw materials.The factories did not have to go to the streams when power could come to factories.翻译:______________________________________________________________________15.Not only could Smith identify rock strata by the fossils they contained, he could also see apattern emerging: certain fossils always appear in more ancient sediments, while others begin to be seen as the strata become more recent. ■By following the fossils, Smith was able to put all the strata of England's earth into relative temporal sequence. ■About the same time, Georges Cuvier made the same discovery while studying the rocks around Paris. ■Soon it was realized that this principle of faunal animal succession was valid not only in England or France but virtually everywhere. ■It was actually a principle of floral succession as well, because plants showed the same transformation through time as did fauna. Limestone may be found in the Cambrian or-300 million years later-in the Jurassic strata but a trilobite—the ubiquitous marine arthropod that had its birth in the Cambrian—will never be found in Jurassic strata, nor a dinosaur in the Cambrian.The findings of these geologists inspired others to examine the rock and fossil records in different parts of the world.翻译:____________________________________________________________________16.What do you remember about your life before you were three ■Few people can rememberanything that happened to them in their early years. ■Adults' memories of the next few years also tend to be scanty. ■Most people remember only a few events-usually ones that were meaningful and distinctive, such as being hospitalized or a sibling’s birth.■Other important occasions are school graduations and weddings.翻译:_____________________________________________________________________17. Modern attitudes to Roman civilization range from the infinitely impressed to the thoroughdisgusted. ■As always, there are the power worshippers, especially among historians, who are predisposed to admire whatever is strong, who feel more attracted to the might of Rome than to the subtlety of Greece. ■At the same time, there is a solid body of opinion that dislikes Rome. ■For many, Rome is at best the imitator and the continuator of Greece on a larger scale. ■Greek civilization had quality; Rome, mere quantity. Greece was the inventor; Rome, the research and development division. Such indeed was the opinion of some of the more intellectual Romans.” had the Greeks held novelty in such disdain as we,” asked Horace in hise pistle, “what work of ancient date would now exist”They esteem symbols of Roman power, such as the massive Colosseum.翻译:_____________________________________________________________________ 18.The diffusion of agriculture and later of iron was accompanied by a great movement of peoplewho may have carried these innovations. These people probably originated in eastern Nigeria.■Their migration may have been set in motion by an increase in population caused b a movement of peoples fleeing the desiccation, or drying up, of the Sahara. ■They spoke a language, prior-Bantu “Bantu” means “the people”, which is the parent tongue of a language ofa large number of Bantu languages still spoken throughout sub-Sahara Africa. Why and howthese people spread out into central and southern Africa remains a mystery, but archaeologists believe that their iron weapons allowed them to conquer their hunting-gathering opponents, who still used stone implements. ■Still, the process is uncertain, and peaceful migration—or simply rapid demographic growth—may have also caused the Bantu explosion.■These people had a significant linguistic impact on the continent as well.翻译:_____________________________________________________________________19.The city of Teotihuacán, which lay about 50 kilometers northeast of modern-day Mexico City,began its growth by 200-100 . At its height, between about . 150 and 700, it probably had a population of more than 125,000 people and covered at least 20 square kilometers. ■It had over 2,000 apartment complexes, a great market, a large number of industrial workshops, an administrative center, a number of massive religious edifices, and a regular grid pattern of streets and buildings. ■Clearly, much planning and central control were involved in the expansion and ordering of this great metropolis. ■Moreover, the city had economic and perhaps religious contacts with most parts of Mesoamerica modern Central America and Mexico. ■In fact, artifacts and pottery from Teotihuacán have been discovered in sites as far away as the Mayan lowlands, the Guatemalan highlands, northern Mexico, and the Gulf Coast of Mexico.翻译:___________________________________________________________________ 20.It has not been common at Earth’s since the very beginning of the planet’s history. Because itusually exists in a metallic state, it was preferentially incorporated in Earth’s core as the planet cooled and consolidated. lr is found in high concentrations in some meteorites, in which the solar system’s original chemical composition is preserved. Even today, microscopic meteorites continually bombard Earth, falling on both land and sea. By measuring how many of these meteorites fall to Earth over a given period of time, scientists can estimate how long it might have taken to deposit the observed amount of lr in the boundary clay. ■These calculations suggest that a period of about one million years would have been required. ■However, other reliable evidence suggests that the deposition of the boundary clay could not have taken one million years. ■So the unusually high concentration of lr seems to require a special explanation.■Consequently, the idea that the Ir in the boundary clay came from microscopic meteorites cannot be accepted.翻译:___________________________________________________________________DDDDD BCBCD adbcc dbbdc。

小托福练习题Part I: Listening ComprehensionQuestion 1:Listen to the following passage and choose the correct answer.(Audio passage)Question 2:Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions based on what you hear.(Audio conversation)Part II: Reading ComprehensionRead the following passage and answer the questions that follow.(Passage)Question 1:What is the main idea of the passage?Question 2:According to the passage, what are the benefits of regular exercise?Question 3:What can be inferred about the author's opinion on a healthy lifestyle?Part III: WritingPrompt: Write a letter to the principal of your school suggesting additional extracurricular activities that would benefit the students.Dear Principal,I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to propose the incorporation of new extracurricular activities within our school curriculum. As a concerned student, I strongly believe that these activities would greatly benefit the overall development and well-being of our students.Firstly, I would like to suggest the inclusion of a photography club. Photography has become a popular form of art and expression among young individuals, and having a dedicated club would provide students with an avenue to explore their creativity. Moreover, it would foster teamwork, enhance visual observation skills, and allow students to capture meaningful moments within the school community.Secondly, I recommend the establishment of a debate society. Engaging in debates not only improves public speaking abilities but also encourages critical thinking and the development of logical arguments. A dedicated club would provide a platform for students to engage in healthy discussions, expand their knowledge on various topics, and boost their confidence in expressing their viewpoints.Additionally, I propose the introduction of a community service club. This club would focus on organizing and participating in activities that contribute positively to society. By engaging in community service, students would develop a sense of empathy, teamwork, and social responsibility. Itwould also provide them with valuable experiences and ensure they become active and engaged citizens in the future.Lastly, I suggest the inclusion of an entrepreneurship club. This club would encourage students to develop their entrepreneurial skills. Through meetings, workshops, and mentorship, students would learn about business concepts, project management, and financial literacy. This club would empower students to think creatively, take risks, and foster an entrepreneurial mindset, which is essential in today's rapidly changing world.In conclusion, the introduction of these extracurricular activities, namely the photography club, debate society, community service club, and entrepreneurship club, would greatly benefit the holistic development of our students. I kindly request your consideration in implementing these suggestions and providing our students with opportunities to explore their interests, enhance their skills, and become well-rounded individuals.Thank you for your time and attention.Yours sincerely,[Your Name]Word Count: 456 words。

nancy小托福9套模拟题【原创实用版】目录1.简介2.Nancy 的小托福模拟题概述3.小托福模拟题的优点4.如何使用小托福模拟题进行备考5.结论正文1.简介对于许多计划赴美留学的学生来说,小托福(TOEFL Jr.)是一项重要的语言能力测试。
本文将介绍 Nancy 的小托福 9 套模拟题,并探讨如何利用这些模拟题提高考试成绩。
2.Nancy 的小托福模拟题概述ancy 的小托福 9 套模拟题是一系列针对小托福考试的练习题,内容涵盖听力、阅读和语法三个方面。
4.如何使用小托福模拟题进行备考为了最大限度地利用 Nancy 的小托福模拟题提高考试成绩,学生可以采取以下方法:(1)制定学习计划:根据自己的实际情况,制定合适的学习计划,确保在规定时间内完成所有模拟题的练习。
5.结论总之,Nancy 的小托福 9 套模拟题对于备考小托福考试具有很大的帮助。
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词汇题练习—tpo1-71.The word “precious” in the passage is closest in meaning toa.Exactb. scarec. valuabled.initialAlthough limited to a skull, the Pakicetus fossil provides precious details on the origins of ……2.The word “exposed” in the passage is closest in mening toa.Explainedb. visiblec.identifiedd. locatedSeveral skeletons of another early whale, Basilosaurus, were found in sediments left by…and now exposed in the Sahara desert.3.The word “propulsion” in the passage is closest in meaning toa.Staying afloatb.changing directionc. decreasing weightd.moving forwardThe structure of the backbone shows, however, that it swam like modern whales by moving the rear portion of its body up and down, even though a fluke was missing. The large hind legs were used for propulsion in water.4.The word “threatened” in the passage is cloest in mening toa.Restrictedb. endangeredc. preventedd. rejectedThe expansion of desert-like conditions into areas where they did not previously exist is called deserfication. It has been estimated that an additional one-fourth of the Earth’s land surface is threatened by this process.5.The word “delicate” in the passage is cloest in meaning toa.Fragileb.predictablec. complexd.valuableThe semiarid lands bordering the deserts exist in a delicate ecological balance and are limited in their potential to adjust to increased exvironmental pressures.6.The word “progressively” in the passage is cloest in meaning toa.Openlyb. impressivelyc. objectivelyd.increasinglyThe cultivation of crops has expanded into progressively drier regions as population densities have grown.7.The phrase “devoid of” in the passage is closest in meaning toa.Consisting ofb. hidden byc. except ford. lacking inSince the raising of most crops necessitates the prior removal of the natural vegetation, crop failures leave extensive tracts of land deviold of a plant cover and susceptible to wind and water erosion.8.The word “readily” in the passage is closest in meaning toa.Frequentlyb. easilyc. intelligentlyd. obviouslyExhibitors, however, wated to maximize their profits, which they could do more readily by projecting a handful of films to a hundreds of customers at a time….9.The word “assistance” in the passage is closest in meaning toa.Criticismb. leadershipc. helpd. approval…with the assistance of Edison’s former assistant……10.The word “expanded” in the passage is closest in meaning toa.Was enlargedb. was improvedc. was variedd. was rejectedAt the same time, the image that the spectator looked at expanded from the miniscule peepshow dimensions of 1-2 inches (in height) to the life-size proportions of 6 or 9 feet.11.The word “out of sight” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) far away(B) hidden(C) partly visibled discovered12.The word “incredible” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) confusing(C) unbelievabled interesting13.The word “overlie” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) cover(B) change(C) separate(D) surround14.The word “so much for” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) That is enough about(B) Now let us turn to(C) Of greater concern are(D) This is related to15.The word “plugged” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) washed(B) dragged(C) filled upd soaked through16.The word “enhance” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) protect(B) improve(C) organize(D) match17. The word “feasible” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) in existence(B) without question(C) achievabled most likely18.The word “integral” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) essential(B) variable(C) practical(D) independent19.The word “arduous” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Difficult(B) Necessary(C) Skilled(D) Shared20.The word “particular” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Natural(B) Final(C) Specific(D) Complex21.The word “guarantee” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Increase(B) Ensure(C) Favor(D) Complicate(A) Increases proportionally(B) Differs(C) Loses significance(D) Is common23.Th e word “adjacent” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Foreign(B) Stable(C) FluidD Neighboring24.The word “ensuing” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Continuing(B) Surprising(C) Initial(D) Subsequent25.The word “unprecedented” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Difficult to control(B) Without any restriction(C) Unlike anything in the past(D) Rapidly expanding26. The word “virtually” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Clearly(B) Perhaps(C) Frequently(D) Almost27.The word “inevitable” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Unfortunate(B) Predictable(C) Unavoidable(D) Final28.The word “inhibits” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) consists of(B) combines(C) restrictsd establishes29.The phrase “in the same breath” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) impatiently(B) humorously(C) continuouslyd immediately30.The phrase “indefinite period” in the passage is closest in meaning to a period(A) whose end has not been determined(B) that does not begin when expected(C) that lasts only briefly(D) whose importance remains unknown31.The word “rebound” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) decline(D) movement32.The word “marked” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Considerable(B) Surprising(C) LimitedAdequate33.The word “principal” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Major(B) Likely(C) Well protected(D) Distinct34.The word “trappings” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Conditions(B) Problems(C) InfluencesDecorations35.The word “accumulate” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Grow up(B) (B) Build up(C) (C) Spread out(D) (D) Break apart36.The word “adjacent” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Nearby(B) Existing(C) Special(D) Deep37.The word “sloping” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Shifting(B) (B) Inclining(C) (C) Forming(D) (D) Rolling38.The word “foul” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Reach(B) Flood(C) Pollute(D) Alter39. The word “exhibit“ in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) fight off(B) show(C) cause(D) spread40. The word “facilitates” in the passage is closest in meaning to(B) affects(C) makes easier(D) focuses on41. The word “suspended” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) grown(B) protected(C) spread outd hung42. The word “afford“ in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) offer(B) prevent(C) increased remove43. The word “overwhelming” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) powerful(B) favorable(C) current(D) reasonable44. The word “implements” in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) skills(B) tools(C) opportunities(D) practices45. The word “undisputed” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) mysterious(B) unexpected(C) acknowledged(D) significant46. The word “significant” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) numerous(B) important(C) unexpected(D) sudden47. The word “relatively” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) surprisingly(B) collectively(C) comparatively(D) characteristically48. The word “diversification” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) emergence of many varieties(B) steady decline in number(C) gradual increase in body size(D) sudden disappearance49. The word “promote” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) complicate(B) prevent(C) encourage50. The word “exploited“ in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) utilized(B) recognized(C) examined(D) fully understood51. The word “vastly“ in the passage is closet in meaning to(A) quickly(B) ultimately(C) greatlyd initially52. The phrase grew accustomed to in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) began to prefer(B) wanted to have(C) became used toinsisted on53. The word “retained“ in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) gained(B) established(C) profited from(D) maintained54. The word rudimentary in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) thorough(B) strict(C) basic(D) occasional55. The word meticulously in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) carefully(B) quickly(C) frequentlyobviously56. The word “endured” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) vanished(B) developed(C) variedsurvived57. The word “virtually” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) possibly(B) absolutely(C) surprisingly(D) nearly58. The word “plausible” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) flexible(B) believable(C) debatable(D) predictable59. The word “phenomenon” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) exception(C) occurrence(D) idea60. The word “critically” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) fundamentally(B) partially(C) consistently(D) subsequently61.The word “perspective” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) system(B) theory(C) sourced viewpoint62.The word “objective” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) achievement(B) requirement(C) purpose(D) feature63. The word “scores” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) members(B) large numbers(C) populations(D) different types64. The word “Turbulent” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) fresh(B) deep(C) violentd temperate65. The phrase “obsession with” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) thinking about(B) fixation on(C) interest in(D) attitude toward66. The word “fostered” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) accepted(B) combined(C) introduced(D) encouraged67. The word “spheres” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) abilities(B) areas(C) combinations(D) models68. The word “diffused” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) emerged(B) was understood(C) spread69. The word “profound” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) fascinating(B) far-reaching(C) necessary(D) temporary70. The word “ritual” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) military(B) physical(C) ceremonial(D) permanent71. The word “fleeing” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) afraid of(B) displaced by(C) running away from(D) responding to。