Cathelicidin LL-37 Induces Angiogenesis via PGE2-EP3 Signaling in Endothelial Cells, In Vivo
为另~类重要的天然阳离子抗菌肽,由于其氨基酸序列以两个亮氨酸 (Leucine,简称L)起始,共37个氨基酸残基而得名。LL一37在中性粒细 胞组成性分泌,在角质形成细胞可被诱导产生。抗菌肽具有广谱抗微生 物活性,可杀灭细菌、真菌以及病毒。溶菌酶主要存在于分泌细胞、角 质形成细胞和汗液、唾液、泪液、乳汁等体液中,也具有杀灭细菌和真 菌的能力。已有报告人类a防御素和LL.37能协同抗金黄色葡萄球菌(金 葡菌)和大肠杆菌,也有报告人类正常皮肤的pH值为酸性。而h/3D一1、 hBD一2、hBD.3、LL.37以及溶菌酶能否在中性及酸性pH条件下协同抗细 菌及真菌尚未见报道。 目的:研究在酸性和中性pH条件下hBD一1、hBD一2、hBD一3、LL一37 以及溶菌酶对金葡菌、大肠杆菌和白念珠菌的协同抗菌作用。 方法:抗菌肽和溶菌酶的抗金葡菌和大肠杆菌敏感性用微量稀释法 检测,抗白念珠菌活性采用稍加修改的美[雪NCCLS CNational
and body
fluid such
and human
milk etc,
with antimicrobial activity against bacteria human u—defensins
remained unchanged.In the
of LL一37
Calbicans under acidic
pH condition was enhanced.Furthermore,when
抗菌肽的发现为发展新型肽类抗生素提供了丰富的资 源, 其独特的作用方式使其有望解决传统抗生素长期使用 带来的细菌耐药性问题 , 在 医 药 卫 生、农 业 生 产 、食 品 工 业 等领域都有广泛的 应 用 前 景 。随着 对 抗 菌 肽 的 作 用 机 理和 结构特点认识的深入, 人们除了利用生物化学方法从生物 体内分离出天然抗菌肽外, 还可以通过化学合成法在短时 间内获得大量的抗菌肽, 基因工程的发展为人们提供了一 个获得大量廉价抗菌肽的新途径。近年来, 越来越多的研究 倾向于用基因工程的办法获得重组抗菌肽。 1 抗菌肽的生物活性与作用机制 1.1 抗菌 肽 的 生 物 活 性 现 有 的绝 大 多 数 抗 菌 肽 都 具 有 抗 G+、G! 细菌的活性, 有些抗菌肽还具有抗真菌、抗病毒、抗 肿瘤活性, 有些则偏好其中 1 种, 如 andropin 和昆虫抗菌肽 偏好 于 杀 死 G+细 菌 ; apodaecin、drosocin 和 cecropin P1 偏 好 于杀死 G! 细菌; drosomycin 和植物抗菌肽偏好于杀死真菌。 某些抗菌肽具有体外抗病毒活性, 例如防御素能使单纯疱 疹病 毒( HSV) 、水 泡 性 口 膜 炎 病 毒( VSV) 、流 感 病 毒( IV) 失 活; 鲎肽( polyphemusins) 具有抗 VSV、IV!A 和人获得性免疫 缺陷综合症病毒( HIV) 的活性; 天蚕素具有抗 HIV 活性。部 分抗菌肽具有抑制或者杀灭肿瘤作用, 如 magainins 能溶解 造血肿瘤细胞和实体瘤细胞, 中国鲎肽能够抑制肿瘤细胞, 从欧洲林蛙( Ranatemporaia) 体内分离的 temporin L( 含有 13 个氨基酸残基) 能诱导肿瘤细胞坏死, 其他的抗菌肽如防御 素、天蚕素、乳铁蛋白 素 和 乳 铁 蛋 白 也 具 有抗 肿 瘤 活 性 。也 有 一 些 抗 菌 肽 如 蜜 蜂 的 蜂 毒 素( melittin) 、黄 蜂 毒 素( scor- pions) 、蝎 子 的 蝎 毒 素( charybdotoxin) 等 对 正 常 人 体 细 胞 具 有溶血毒性[3- 7]。 1.2 抗菌 肽 的 作 用 机 制[2] 人 们 对抗 菌 肽 的 作 用 机 理 有 多 种不同的看法。很多学 者认 为 , 抗 菌 肽 通 过 与 细 胞 膜作 用 , 使膜蛋白凝聚、失活, 形成离子通道, 引起膜通透性改变, 最 后导致细菌死亡, 即细 胞 膜 损 伤 机 理 。也有 人 认 为 , 抗 菌 肽 是通过与细胞膜上存在的特异性受体及其他因子协同作用 而导致细菌死亡的, 即胞内损伤机理。图 1 描述了抗菌肽的
抗菌肽LL-37 抑制肝癌细胞恶性增殖的转录组分析
DOI:10.16605/ki.1007-7847.2021.06.0169抗菌肽LL-37抑制肝癌细胞恶性增殖的转录组分析吕继龙a,b,c ,李球棣a ,佘东阳a,b,c ,陈宁a,c,d ,丁晓慧a,c*(徐州医科大学a.病原生物学与免疫学教研室/江苏省免疫与代谢重点实验室;b.第二临床医学院;c.基础医学国家级实验教学示范中心;d.第一临床医学院,中国江苏徐州221004)摘要:抗菌肽LL-37与肿瘤的发生发展密切相关,课题组前期研究发现LL-37能够抑制肝癌细胞恶性增殖。
为了给其抑制肝癌发生发展的分子机制研究提供更多的生物学依据,本研究通过高通量RNA 测序技术以及生物信息学方法对LL-37作用前后肝癌细胞中的差异表达基因(differentially expressed gene,DEG)进行了分析,共筛选出753个DEG,其中上调的DEG 374个,下调的DEG 379个;进一步对筛选出的DEG 进行基因本体论(Gene Ontology,GO)及京都基因和基因组数据库(Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes,KEGG)通路富集分析,并构建DEG 编码蛋白互作网络,筛选出10个可能参与LL-37抑制肝癌细胞恶性增殖的潜在关键基因。
关键词:LL-37;肝细胞癌(HCC);转录组测序;差异表达基因(DEG);生物信息学分析中图分类号:Q51,Q811.4,R735.7文献标识码:A文章编号:1007-7847(2022)06-0528-10Transcriptomic Analysis of Malignant Proliferation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Inhibited by AntimicrobialPeptide LL-37L ÜJi-long a,b,c ,LI Qiu-di a ,SHE Dong-yang a,b,c ,CHEN Ning a,c,d ,DING Xiao-hui a,c*(a.Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Immunity and Metabolism/Department of Pathogenic Biology and Immunology ;b.The SecondClinical Medical College ;c.National Demonstration Center for Experimental Basic Medical Science Education ;d.The FirstClinical Medical College ,Xuzhou Medical University ,Xuzhou 221004,Jiangsu ,China )Abstract:Antimicrobial peptide LL-37is closely related to the occurrence and development of tumors.Our previous study found that LL-37can inhibit the malignant proliferation of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)cells.To provide more biological basis for the molecular mechanisms of LL-37inhibiting the occurrence and development of HCC,high-throughput RNA sequencing and bioinformatics methods were used to analyze the differentially expressed genes (DEGs)in HCC cells before and after LL-37treatment.A total of 753DEGs were screened out,among which 374genes were up-regulated and 379genes were down-regulated.The se-lected DEGs were further enriched by Gene Ontology (GO)and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG)pathway analyses,and the protein-protein interaction network encoded by DEGs was also construc-ted.Ten potential key genes that might be involved in inhibition of malignant proliferation of HCC cells by LL-37were screened out.It was found that these genes were all down-regulated and played an important role in the activation of inflammation as well as in the proliferation and migration of tumor cells.Taken to-gether,these results provide data foundation for revealing the role and mechanism of LL-37in the occur-rence and development of HCC,and provide new ideas for exploring the diagnosis and treatment of HCC.收稿日期:2021-06-10;修回日期:2021-09-11;网络首发日期:2022-03-09基金项目:江苏省高等学校大学生创新训练项目(202010313044Y);徐州医科大学优秀人才科研启动经费项目(D2019017);江苏省“双创博士”项目;基础医学国家级实验教学示范中心(徐州医科大学)资助项目作者简介:吕继龙(2000—),男,江苏宿迁人,学生;*通信作者:丁晓慧(1989—),女,河南商丘人,博士,讲师,主要从事肝癌致病机制相关研究,Tel:*************,E-mail:************************。
一项研究利用纳米生物传感器成功检测了心力衰竭标志物BNP(B-type natriuretic peptide)。
例如,一项研究报道了一种利用纳米纤维制备的感染性疾病多肽Cathelicidin LL-37的光纤传感器。
2021年1月第11卷第1期CHINA MEDICINE AND PHARMACY Vol.11 No.1 January 202143·综 述·面部创伤修复的研究进展王寒飞 张 旭 佟海滨 高艺恬▲温州大学生命与环境科学学院,浙江温州 325035[摘要] 创伤修复是一个复杂而有序的过程,受机体的精密调控。
[关键词] 创伤修复;面部创伤;药物;敷料[中图分类号] R622+9 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 2095-0616(2021)01-0043-05Research progress of facial wound repairWANG Hanfei ZHANG Xu TONG Haibin GAO YitianSchool of Life and Environmental Sciences, Wenzhou University, Zhejiang, Wenzhou 325035, China[Abstract] Wound repair is a complex and orderly process, which is precisely regulated by the body. Facial trauma has a great impact on the social intercourse and psychology of patients, so its treatment has always been the focus of the medical field. In recent years, research on facial wound repair has developed rapidly, including the improvement of clinical treatment and surgical methods, development of new drugs that promote wound repair, and study on the application of new materials in dressings to reduce the formation of scars after healing. This article summarized the mechanism of facial wound repair and related influencing factors, and further discussed the treatment methods of facial wound repair at home and abroad so as to provide a reference for the research and development of facial wound repair.[Key words] Wound repair; Facial trauma; Drugs; Dressings皮肤作为人体最大的器官,不仅在保持水分及维持体温上起重要作用,而且能帮助机体抵御外界的有害环境。
DOI:10.3969/J.ISSN.1672 7983.2021.01.003抗菌肽及其在动物生产中的应用刘梦雪,杨 瑞,刘优优,李蕴玉 ,李佩国(河北科技师范学院河北省预防兽医学重点实验室,河北秦皇岛,066604)摘要:从分类、功能及作用效果等方面对抗菌肽在动物生产中的应用情况进行了综述,并对今后的研究方向进行了展望。
关键词:抗菌肽;动物生产;应用状况中图分类号:S816.7 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672 7983(2021)01 0015 06抗菌肽(AntimicrobialPeptides,AMPs)通常由20~60个氨基酸残基组成[1],具有多种生物学活性,是生物体固有免疫的重要组成部分[2]。
1 抗菌肽的分类方式抗菌肽种类繁多,可根据不同的研究系统以多种方式进行分类,目前主要是根据其生物来源和结构特征进行分类。
1.1 根据生物来源分类1.1.1 植物源性抗菌肽 植物源性抗菌肽是植物内分泌系统分泌的能够抵御外界环境中微生物入侵的小分子多肽。
根据序列相似性、半胱氨基酸序列和二硫键模式的不同,可被分为8类:硫素(thi onins)、防御素(defensins)、橡胶蛋白类(hevein likepeptides)、打结素类(knottin typepeptides)、脂转移蛋白(lipidtransferproteins)、蜕皮素(snakins)、α hairpinin家族和未分类的CRP抗菌肽[5,6]。
human cathelicidin ll37结构
human cathelicidin ll37结构【原创版】目录1.人类 cathelicidin LL-37 的概述2.LL-37 的结构特点3.LL-37 在人体中的作用4.LL-37 的应用前景正文【概述】人类 cathelicidin LL-37 是一种由皮肤和黏膜上皮细胞分泌的蛋白质,属于 cathelicidin 家族的一员。
近年来,随着对其结构和功能的深入研究,LL-37 在医药领域的应用前景愈发广阔。
【结构特点】LL-37 的结构特点是其含有 37 个氨基酸残基,其中有 11 个半胱氨酸残基,这些半胱氨酸残基在其他 cathelicidin 家族成员中也有出现。
LL-37 的氨基酸序列中,半胱氨酸残基的特定排列和空间结构使其具有稳定的α-螺旋结构,这种结构有利于其在生物活性方面的表现。
【在人体中的作用】LL-37 在人体中具有多种生物活性。
其次,LL-37 具有抗病毒作用,可抑制部分病毒的复制。
此外,LL-37 还能抑制真菌生长,具有抗真菌作用。
LL-37 的这些生物活性使其成为一种具有潜力的天然抗菌药物。
【应用前景】随着对 LL-37 的研究不断深入,其在医药领域的应用前景日益广泛。
目前,LL-37 已进入临床研究阶段,主要用于治疗皮肤感染、呼吸道感染等疾病。
未来,随着对其作用机制和药理学的深入研究,LL-37 有望成为一种具有重要临床应用价值的抗菌药物。
此外,LL-37 在护肤品领域也具有广泛的应用前景。
总之,人类 cathelicidin LL-37 作为一种具有广泛生物活性的天然蛋白质,其在医药和护肤品领域的应用前景非常广阔。
LL-37的趋化活 性说明LL-37不 仅是作为机体 抗感染的分子, 也是免疫反应 以及炎症反应 效应细胞之间 早期的联系分 子。
4、抗肿瘤பைடு நூலகம்用
抗肿瘤细胞作用与抗菌类似, 主要通过损伤细胞膜起作用。 对肿瘤细胞的影响还表现在能够 调节肿瘤细胞某些细胞因子的分 泌。 在肿瘤细胞膜上形成孔洞,使 现有的研究表明抗菌肽抗肿瘤作用表现 内容物外泄;线粒体肿胀、空 在接触性抑制上,主要从攻击细胞膜、 泡化;核膜界限模糊不清;抑 细胞器、细胞核膜和染色体 DNA 细胞骨 制染色体 DNA 的合成;细胞 架、诱导细胞凋亡等几个方面杀伤肿瘤 骨架也受到一定程度损伤。 细胞。同时还能通过调动机体的体液免
抗菌肽(antibacterial peptides)是由基因编码、具有抵御 外界微生物侵害,清除体内突变细胞的一类小分子多肽,是生 物体内天然免疫系统的重要组成部分。
阴离子抗菌肽 具有α螺旋结构,无 半胱氨酸 含2个或3个二硫键的 β片层
富含特定氨基酸,无 半胱氨酸的延伸肽
疫,促进白细胞的增殖来抑制肿瘤的侵 蚀。
LL37是否有 其他生物活 性作用?
肺部 感染
LL37参与肺非特异性 防御机制,可协同气 道内其他抗微生物蛋 白杀灭SAU、 P.aeruginasa,等。
1、损伤细胞 膜 2、调动机体 的体液免疫来 对抗肿瘤
Cathelicidin家族是哺乳动物防御系统的主要成员, 是一类结构多变的抗菌肽,因在表达的信号肽与成 熟肽之间含有一高度保守的cathelin肽段而自成一 家族。最初从猪白细胞中分离出来,因结构与一种 组织蛋白酶L抑制剂相似而命名。在N末端由100个氨 基酸残基构成,含有高度保守的cathelin结构域, 而C末端含有抗菌活性域。
2.先天性免疫系统:玫瑰座疮患者的皮损皮肤中Toll样受体2和基质金属蛋白酶的表达增加,这诱导了细胞因子和抗菌肽的增加,例如Cathelicidin o而cathelicidin的活性形式LL-37诱导了各种炎症细胞的浸润、血管生成和细胞因子的释放。
ll-37的分子量## English Answer: ##。
LL-37 is an antimicrobial peptide composed of 37 amino acids. Due to post-translational modifications, the molecular weight of human LL-37 can vary. The most abundant form of LL-37 has a molecular weight of 4.5 kDa, while other forms can have molecular weights ranging from 4.3 to 5.4 kDa. The amino acid sequence of LL-37 is highly conserved among different species, with the human and mouse LL-37 peptides sharing 90% sequence identity. LL-37 is produced by various cells of the innate immune system, including neutrophils, macrophages, and epithelial cells.It has a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. LL-37 also has immunomodulatory functions and can promote wound healing.## 中文回答, ##。
LL-37最丰富的形式的分子量为4.5 kDa,而其他形式的分子量可以在4.3至5.4 kDa之间。
human cathelicidin ll37结构
human cathelicidin ll37结构
Human cathelicidin LL-37是一种由人类基因编码的抗菌肽,是cathelicidin家族的成员。
总之,Human cathelicidin LL-37的结构是由多个α-螺旋组成的,具有一个C-末端环状结构。
1.抗微生物肽 LL-37在动脉粥样硬化中的研究进展 [J], 张成(综述);夏豪(审校)
2.炎症性肠病与抗菌肽LL-37的研究进展 [J], 赵巧素;陈春晓
3.抗菌肽LL-37在结直肠癌中的研究进展 [J], 高旭峰;程先硕;周坦;杨之斌
4.细菌生物膜引起致病菌耐药机制及抗菌肽LL-37对生物膜作用的研究进展 [J], 魏建仝;钱军;苏秦柳晔;刘志侠;王徐龙;王勇平;谢瑞敏;李想
5.抗菌肽LL-37与胃肠道疾病的研究进展 [J], 郭方方;房静远
外用水杨酸在玫瑰痤疮治疗中的应用效果研究曹雅晶; 仲少敏; 苑辰; 童欣云; 涂平; 吴艳【期刊名称】《《中国美容医学》》【年(卷),期】2019(028)004【总页数】5页(P31-35)【关键词】化学剥脱术; 水杨酸; 炎症; 表皮; 通透性; 玫瑰痤疮【作者】曹雅晶; 仲少敏; 苑辰; 童欣云; 涂平; 吴艳【作者单位】北京大学第一医院皮肤科北京 100034【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R758.73+3玫瑰痤疮是一种慢性复发性皮肤病,口服抗生素治疗玫瑰痤疮有确切疗效[1],但患者对长期口服药物存在很大顾虑,因此开发有效并具有良好耐受性的外用制剂对于玫瑰痤疮的长期控制具有重要意义。
1 资料和方法1.1 一般资料:选取2017年1月-2017年3月北京大学第一医院皮肤科门诊入选的丘疹脓疱型玫瑰痤疮患者23例,其中男2例,女21例,年龄(31±11)岁。
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Haeggström M. Dolores Salvado, Antonio Di Gennaro, Lennart Lindbom, Birgitta Agerberth and Jesper Z.Vivo Inhibition by AspirinEP3 Signaling in Endothelial Cells, In−2Cathelicidin LL-37 Induces Angiogenesis via PGE Print ISSN: 1079-5642. Online ISSN: 1524-4636Copyright © 2013 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231is published by the American Heart Association, 7272Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.113.3018512013;33:1965-1972; originally published online June 13, 2013;Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol./content/33/8/1965World Wide Web at:The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the/content/suppl/2013/06/13/ATVBAHA.113.301851.DC1.html Data Supplement (unedited) at://subscriptions/at:is online Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology Information about subscribing to Subscriptions:/reprints Information about reprints can be found online at: Reprints:document. Question and Answer Permissions and Rights page under Services. Further information about this process is available in the which permission is being requested is located, click Request Permissions in the middle column of the Web Copyright Clearance Center, not the Editorial Office. Once the online version of the published article for can be obtained via RightsLink, a service of the Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology in Requests for permissions to reproduce figures, tables, or portions of articles originally published Permissions:Angiogenesis is a tightly regulated process that involves endothelial cell (EC) proliferation, migration, and tube differentiation. Persistent angiogenesis is a key feature of many pathological conditions in adults, such as tumor growth and metastasis, diabetic retinopathy, and chronic inflamma-tory disorders.1 Previous studies indicate that the enzymes involved in arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism and their prod-ucts play a potential role in tumor-induced angiogenesis.2 Targeted inhibition of cyclooxygenases (COX-1 and COX-2), rate-limiting enzymes in prostanoid biosynthesis, by both tra-ditional nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nonselective COX inhibitors) and COXIBs (COX-2 selective nonsteroi-dal anti-inflammatory drugs) inhibit tumor angiogenesis and growth.3–5 COX-2 and its downstream product PGE 2 have been shown to promote tumor angiogenesis and represent a novel angiogenic switch in breast cancer progression.6 In fact, COX-2 expression is elevated in transformed cell lines and tumor tissues, and genetic inactivation of COX-2 or the PGE 2 receptor EP2 results in reduced vascular density and, therefore, in smaller intestinal polyps in Apc mutant mice, a model of human familial adenomatous polyposis.7 Whereasthe role of COX-2 in tumor-associated angiogenesis has been studied in depth, it is not clear which is the actual contribution of COX-1,2 although some findings indicate that COX-1 might play a role in intestinal polyposis and ovarian cancer.2,3Four G-protein–coupled receptors for PGE 2 denoted EP1, EP2, EP3, and EP4 have been cloned and characterized.8 These receptors trigger diverse intracellular signaling path-ways and bioactivities, depending on the type of associated G-protein. Because angiogenesis is regulated by EP receptor signaling, selective EP antagonists have emerged as an attrac-tive approach to block angiogenesis downstream of COX activity.2Recent evidence indicates that LL-37/hCAP-18 is a multi-functional polypeptide that exerts a central role in innate immu-nity by linking host defense and inflammation.9 In addition to its microbicidal activity, LL-37 transactivates the epidermal growth factor receptor inducing cytokine release and cell migra-tion 10,11 and stimulates chemotaxis and angiogenesis through the G-protein–coupled receptor, FPR2.12–14 Furthermore, hCAP18/LL-37 is actively involved in tissue repair and wound healing 15 processes that share fundamental features with tumor© 2013 American Heart Association, Inc.Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol is available at DOI: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.113.301851Objective —LL-37, the unique cathelicidin expressed in humans, in addition to acting as an endogenous antibiotic, is an important cell-signaling molecule upregulated in ovarian, breast, and lung tumors. However, the role of LL-37 in tumor microenvironment and its specific actions on the endothelial compartment remain elusive. Prostanoids are key regulators of inflammation, and cyclooxygenases (COXs) display proangiogenic activity in vitro and in vivo, mediated principally through prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2). Here, we provide evidence for a novel proangiogenic role of LL-37, exerted via activation of endothelial cells and subsequent PGE 2 biosynthesis.Approach and Result s —LL-37 triggers PGE 2 synthesis in endothelial cells in a dose-dependent manner with maximal induction after 4 hours. Endothelial PGE 2 biosynthesis was dependent on COX-1, rather than COX-2, as judged by pharmacological inhibition and gene silencing. In vitro matrigel assays supported these findings because LL-37–induced cord formation was abolished by COX-1, but not COX-2, small interfering RNA, and the angiogenic phenotype could be rescued by addition of exogenous PGE 2. We find that LL-37 acts on endothelial cells as a potent calcium agonist, inducing phosphorylation and activation of cytosolic phospholipase A 2 (cPLA 2), promoting a cPLA 2→COX-1→PGE 2 biosynthetic pathway and subsequent signaling via PGE 2 receptor EP3. Moreover, cathelicidin-related antimicrobial peptide, which is the murine ortholog of LL-37, induced prostaglandin-dependent angiogenesis in vivo, which could be blocked by aspirin.Conclusions —Our results identify a novel proangiogenic role of LL-37, suggesting that the axis LL-37/COX-1/PGE 2 followed by EP3 signaling is amenable to therapeutic intervention in pathological angiogenesis, for instance by aspirin. (Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol . 2013;33:1965-1972.)Key Words: angiogenesis ◼ antimicrobial cationic peptides ◼ cyclooxygenase 1 ◼ endothelium ◼ LL-37 peptide, humanReceived on: June 21, 2012; final version accepted on: May 28, 2013.From the Division of Chemistry 2, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (M.D.S., A.D.G., B.A., J.Z.H.), and Department of Physiology and Pharmacology (L.L.), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.The online-only Data Supplement is available with this article at /lookup/suppl/doi:10.1161/ATVBAHA.113.301851/-/DC1.Correspondence to Jesper Z. Haeggström, Division of Chemistry 2, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karolinska Institutet S-171 77, Stockholm, Sweden. E-mail Cathelicidin LL-37 Induces Angiogenesis via PGE 2–EP3 Signaling in Endothelial Cells, In Vivo Inhibition by AspirinM. Dolores Salvado, Antonio Di Gennaro, Lennart Lindbom, Birgitta Agerberth, Jesper Z. Haeggström1966 Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol August 2013growth and progression. Histological examination of ovarian,16 breast,17 and lung tumors 18 has shown that LL-37 is upregulated in these malignancies. LL-37 further promotes recruitment and engraftment of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells into tumors.16 However, the role of LL-37 in tumor microenviron-ment and its specific actions on the endothelial compartment, an essential player in the angiogenic process, remain elusive.Here, we investigate the angiogenic role of LL-37 in human primary ECs. Our findings indicate that LL-37 elicits angiogenic responses via COX-1–derived PGE 2, which trig-gers EP3 signaling. These results provide new insights to the molecular basis of LL-37 proangiogenic properties that could help develop novel antiangiogenic therapies.ResultsLL-37 Induces PGE 2 Biosynthesis in ECsLL-37 stimulation triggers PGE 2 synthesis by EC in a dose-dependent manner with a maximal induction at 60 µg/mL of peptide (Figure 1A). At this LL-37 concentration, the PGE 2production reached its plateau after 4 hours of stimulation (Figure 1B). At 60 µg/mL, we did not detect any cytotoxic effects of LL-37 on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), as assessed by Trypan blue exclusion. On the con-trary, this dose induced a moderate, but statistically signifi-cant, increase of cell viability after 4 and 8 hours of treatment (Figure 1C). Biosynthesis of prostacyclin and thromboxane was also modestly increased by LL-37 but only at the highest concentration (60 µg/mL) and after 8 and 24 hours, respec-tively (Figure I in the online-only Data Supplement).LL-37 Induces Intracellular Ca 2+ Mobilization and Phosphorylation of cPLA 2 in ECsTraditionally, cPLA 2 has been considered a rate-limiting step during prostaglandin formation.19 However, in HUVECs, total cPLA 2 expression was unaffected by LL-37 treatment (Figure 2B; Figure II in the online-only Data Supplement). To address whether LL-37 could promote PGE 2 biosynthesisFigure 1. LL-37 triggers prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2) biosynthe-sis by human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Cells were challenged with different concentrations of LL-37 for 6 hours (A ) or with LL-37 (60 µg/mL) for various times (B and C ). PGE 2 levels were measured by enzyme immunoassay (EIA). HUVEC viability was assessed by Trypan blue exclusion. Results expressed as PGE 2 or cell viability fold induction are mean±SD of 3 independent experiments performed in duplicate. ***P <0.001 vs untreated; **P <0.01 vs untreated; *P <0.05 vs untreated (Student ttest).Figure 2. LL-37 triggers Ca 2+ mobilization by human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and phosphorylation of cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA 2). A , Cells were challenged with LL-37 (60 µg/mL) at various time points, and intracellular Ca 2+ mobiliza-tion was monitored. Control wells containing cells that have not been exposed to FURA-2 AM were used to substract background autofluorescence. Data expressed as relative mean fluorescence intensity represent mean±SD. B , Western blot showing con-comitant inductions of phospho-cPLA 2 and phospho-ERK-1/2 in lysates of HUVECs treated with LL-37 (60 µg/mL) and constitutive total cPLA 2. Results shown are representative of ≥3 independent experiments. α-tubulin was used as loading control. C , Graphic shows cPLA 2 activity in lysates of endothelial cells disrupted after LL-37 treatment. cPLA 2 activity, expressed in nmol/min per milliliter, is mean±SD of 3 independent experiments. *P <0.05 vs untreated (Student t test).Salvado et al LL-37 Induces Angiogenesis Via PGE2Synthesis 1967via enzymatic activation of cPLA2, we analyzed intracellularcalcium mobilization and mitogen-activated protein kinases phosphorylation in LL-37–activated HUVECs. LL-37 (60 µg/ mL) induced substantial intracellular Ca2+ mobilization in ECs(Figure 2A) and concomitant enhancement of cPLA2 activity(Figure 2C), which correlated with detection of cPLA2 andErk phosphorylation by Western blot analysis (Figure 2B). Further support for the involvement of Erk was provided by experiments where HUVECs were pretreated with PD98059 (MEK1,2 selective pharmacological inhibitor), which com-pletely abolished the LL-37–induced PGE2 formation (FigureIII in the online-only Data Supplement).COX-1 Is the Major Enzyme Contributingto LL-37–Derived PGE2In heterologous systems, such as HUVECs, COX-1 and COX-2 are coexpressed and could both participate in theLL-37–induced PGE2 biosynthesis (Figure II in the online-only Data Supplement). To elucidate the specific contribu-tion of each COX isoenzyme, we measured endothelial PGE2 production in the presence of a selective COX-2 inhibitor(Etoricoxib) versus a nonselective COX inhibitor (acetylsali-cylic acid [ASA]).PGE2 production was essentially abolished in the presenceof ASA, whereas Etoricoxib only partially diminished PGE2 biosynthesis in resting and stimulated cells (Figure 3A).The selectivity of COX inhibitors has been questioned2,19;therefore, we knocked down the expression of COX iso-enzymes with specific small interfering RNAs. COX-1 orCOX-2 protein was effectively and specifically suppressedand knockdown of one did not alter the expression of theother (Figure IV in the online-only Data Supplement).COX-2 silencing corroborated the results obtained withEtoricoxib, showing only a minor contribution of this iso-enzyme to LL-37–induced PGE2 biosynthesis. In contrast,COX-1 silencing caused a dramatic decrease in PGE2 levels(Figure 3B).COX-1 Activity and PGE2 Are Involvedin LL-37–Induced AngiogenesisTo study the possible participation of endothelial PGE2 in LL-37–mediated angiogenesis, we performed in vitroMatrigel experiments. LL-37 treatment induced endothelialcord formation by HUVECs, with a similar potency as classi-cal proangiogenic factors, such as vascular endothelial growthfactor (Figure 4A). Next, we evaluated the effect of COXinhibitors on the ability of LL-37–activated HUVECs to formcapillary-like structures when seeded on Matrigel. As depictedin Figure 4B, ASA (nonselective COX inhibitor) impairsthe LL-37–induced cord formation by HUVECs, whereasEtoricoxib (COX-2 selective inhibitor) did not significantlyaffect the ability of HUVECs to produce cords. Furthermore,ASA suppression of endothelial cord formation could be fullyrestored by addition of exogenous PGE2. In contrast, additionof exogenous PGE2 did not modify the cord area in LL-37–stimulated HUVECs pretreated with Etoricoxib.To further corroborate these findings, we performed Matrigel assay with HUVECs transfected with small interfering RNA for each COX (Figure 4C). Knockdown of endothelial COX-1 dramatically reduced the cord forma-tion on LL-37 stimulation. In contrast, COX-2 silencing did not significantly alter cord formation compared with control HUVECs transfected with scrambled small interfering RNA. Furthermore, the decreased and disorganized cord-like struc-tures produced by LL-37–challenged ECs, in which COX-1 has been silenced, could be fully restored on addition of exog-enous PGE2(Figure V in the online-only Data Supplement), indicating that COX-1–derived PGE2accounts for LL-37 pro-angiogenic activities in EC.PGE2–EP3 Signaling Is Involved inLL-37–Induced AngiogenesisAngiogenesis is regulated by EP receptors, thus making selec-tive EP antagonists an attractive approach to block angiogen-esis downstream of COX activity.2To decipher which EP receptor(s) are involved in LL-37–triggered PGE2proangiogenic signaling, we performed in vitro matrigel assays in presence of selective antagonists of EP1, EP3, and EP4 (to date, there are no EP2 selective antago-nists available).8Figure 3. Contribution of COX enzymes to LL-37–regulated endo-thelial prostaglandin E2(PGE2) production. A, Effect of unselective and COX-2 selective inhibitors. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells were pretreated (1 hour) with 10 μmol/L acetylsalicilic acid (ASA) or 10 μmol/L Etoricoxib and challenged with LL-37(60 μg/mL) for 4 hours. PGE2concentrations were measured by enzyme immunoassay (EIA). B, Effect of small interfering RNA (siRNA) silencing. PGE2levels were determined in culture super-natants of control scrambled siRNA (siSC) and COX-1 (siCOX-1) or COX-2 (siCOX-2) silenced cells treated with LL-37. Results expressed as pg per 4×105 cells are mean±SEM of 4 (A) or 7 (B) independent experiments. ***P<0.001 vs control; **P<0.01 vs control; ###P<0.01 vs vehicle (ANOVA).1968 Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol August 2013As shown in Figure 5, the ability of LL-37–activated HUVECs to form capillary-like structures when seeded on Matrigel was moderately affected by AH6809 (EP1, EP2, EP3 antagonist) and L161,982 (EP4 antagonist). Of note, only the EP3 selective antagonist L798,106 caused a significant reduction of LL-37–induced cord formation, suggesting that EP3 is the major EP receptor involved in LL-37–induced angiogenesis in vitro. Similar results were obtained with the Matrigel assay when HUVECs were exposed to PGE 2 in the presence or absence of the EP3 antagonist (Figure VI in the online-only Data Supplement).LL-37–Induced Angiogenesis In Vivo Requires COX ActivityTo substantiate the in vitro findings on the mechanism of LL-37–mediated angiogenesis, we performed a directed in vivo angiogenesis assay (DIV AA). For these experiments, we used murine cathelin–related antimicrobial peptide (mCRAMP), the murine ortholog of LL-37.As depicted in Figure 6A, mCRAMP elicited prominent vascular growth with multiple, branched capillaries invad-ing the angioreactor. By contrast, mCRAMP-induced vascu-larization of the angioreactor was virtually abolished in theFigure 4. LL-37–induced angiogenesis in vitro requires COX-1–derived prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2). A , Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were seeded onto Matrigel in the presence or absence (control) of LL-37 (60 μg/mL) or vascular endothelial growth factor (50 ng/mL). B , Effect of unselective and COX-2 selective inhibitors. HUVECs were pretreated (1 hour) with 10 μmol/L acetylsalicilic acid (ASA) or 10 μmol/L Etoricoxib before being seeded onto Matrigel and challenged with LL-37 (60 μg/mL) alone or in presence of PGE 2 (1 µmol/L) for 4 hours. C , Effect of small interfering RNA (siRNA) silencing. HUVECs transfected with control scrambled siRNA (siSC) and COX-1 (siCOX-1) or COX-2 (siCOX-2) siRNA were treated with LL-37 as in B . Pictures are representative of 4 independent experiments. Tube for-mation (graphs) was quantified 4 hours after cells were plated in Matrigel by measuring the tubular area in 5 to 10 random fields per con-dition. Results are expressed as Tubule area (µm 2), and data are mean±SD of 4 independent experiments. ***P <0.001 vs control; **P <0.01 vs control; ###P <0.001 vs vehicle or siSC (ANOVA). Scale bar, 200 μm.Salvado et al LL-37 Induces Angiogenesis Via PGE 2 Synthesis 1969presence of ASA, and these samples showed similar vascular-ization levels as the negative control (PBS).Consistently with these observations, the mean relative fluorescence intensity of EC isolated from the mCRAMP-treated angioreactors was ≈10-fold higher than that observed for the control PBS angioreactors (Figure 6B). In addition, the relative fluorescence values of the cells from the ASA-mCRAMP–treated angioreactors were drastically reduced as compared with mCRAMP-treated angioreactors and were not statistically different from those values corresponding to the negative control (PBS-treated angioreactors).These data show that mCRAMP (murine ortholog of LL-37) induces angiogenesis in vivo, which is mediated through prostaglandin biosynthesis because ASA (COX inhibitor) completely abrogated mCRAMP-induced angiogenesis, thus corroborating our in vitro results on LL-37–induced prosta-glandin-dependent angiogenesis.Similar results were obtained when angioreactors were treated with heterologs of LL-37, although the vasculariza-tion was less pronounced (Figure VII in the online-only Data Supplement).DiscussionEmerging evidence suggests that LL-37, in addition to act-ing as an endogenous antibiotic, is an important cell-signal-ing molecule that stimulates the recruitment of circulating immune effector cells 9 and the migration of keratinocytes and epithelial cells in vitro.10,11 Furthermore, LL-37 has been found in breast and ovarian carcinomas,16,17 and acts as a growth factor for lung cancer cells.18 Tumor-associated angiogenesis is required to sustain tumor cell function and survival.1 Hence, LL-37 has been described as an inducer of angiogenesis by a direct action on EC.13 However, the mech-anisms underlying the proangiogenic activities of LL-37 onEC have not been elucidated.Figure 5. LL-37–induced angiogenesis in vitro involves prosta-glandin E 2–EP3 signaling. Human umbilical vein endothelial cellswere pretreated (1 hour) with vehicle (DMSO) or the selective EP antagonists: 250 nmol/L AH6809 (EP1, EP2, EP3 antagonist); 10 µmol/L SC19220 (EP1 antagonist); 250 nmol/L L161,982 (EP4 antagonist); 1 µmol/L L798,106 (EP3 antagonist) before being seeded onto Matrigel and challenged with LL-37 (60 μg/mL) for 4 hours. A , Pictures are representative of 3 independent experi-ments. B , Tube formation (graphs) was quantified 4 hours after cells were plated in Matrigel by measuring the tubular area in 9 to 14 random fields per condition. Results are expressed as Tubule area (µm 2), and data are mean±SEM of 3 independent experi-ments. ***P <0.001 vs vehicle; **P <0.01 vs vehicle (ANOVA). Scale bar, 200 μm.Figure 6. Murine cathelin–related antimicrobial peptide (mCRAMP)–induced angiogenesis in vivo requires COX activity. Directed in vivo angiogenesis assay (DIVAA) was performed as previously described (see Methods). Angioreac-tors were prefilled with extracellular matrix with or without (control) 300 µg/mL of mCRAMP (cathelin-related antimicro-bial peptide) and 50 µmol/L of acetylsalicilic acid (ASA) and then implanted into the dorsal flanks of C57Bl/6 mice. After 12 days, the angioreactors were removed and photographed under a dissecting microscope to establish blood vessel inva-sion. A , Angioreactors are oriented with open end at top and sealed end at bottom; arrow indicates direction of invasion from open end. B , Quantification of angiogenic responses was performed after recovery of cell pellets from the angioreactors after dispase digestion and staining with FITC-lectin. Results are expressed as FITC-lectin (Fluorescent Units), and data are mean±SEM of independent experiments: control (n=12), mCRAMP (n=10), mCRAMP+ASA (n=8). *P <0.05 vs control (Student t test).1970 Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol August 2013LL-37 Triggers Proangiogenic PGE 2 Biosynthesis in ECsIn the past several years, prostanoids have emerged as key regulators of tumor-induced angiogenesis.2 Targeted COX inhibition in tumor, stromal, and ECs is an attractive antian-giogenic strategy.2HUVECs release detectable amounts of prostanoids (PGE 2, prostacyclin, thromboxane) under resting condi-tions. LL-37 stimulation increased significantly the levels of PGE 2, and to a minor degree prostacyclin and thromboxane in the cell supernatants (Figure 1; Figure I in the online-only Data Supplement). LL-37 triggered PGE 2 biosynthesis in EC in a dose-dependent manner with a maximal induc-tion after 4 hours of peptide stimulation (Figure 1A and 1B). Considering the significant increase in PGE 2 levels and the fact that this prostanoid is strongly implicated in the context of tumor progression and angiogenesis 2,6; we focused our studies on the potential role of LL-37 for PGE 2-dependent angiogenesis in ECs.In the present study, the concentration of LL-37 inducing maximal PGE 2 release was 60 μg/mL (≈12 μmol/L), which is in the range previously used in studies related to ECs.20 Although LL-37 has been claimed to exert cytotoxic effects on eukaryotic cells at high concentrations,21 we could not observe any detrimental effect of 60 μg/mL of LL-37 on EC viability (Figure 1C). In fact, the LL-37 cytotoxic effects against eukaryotic cells seem to be highly dependent on the cell type, which has been associated with the ability of the peptide to differentiate between membranes with different composition.21 Furthermore, it has been suggested that LL-37 alone activates cell-signaling pathways only at high concen-trations,10 which in vivo could occur at sites of acute inflam-mation, particularly at the leukocyte-endothelium interphase where LL-37 can be released from neutrophils and the pre-cursor hCAP-18, which is abundant in plasma,22 or in the tumor microenvironment.16–18LL-37–Induced PGE 2-DependentAngiogenesis Seems Not to Involve FPR2Earlier studies have indicated a role of LL-37 in angiogen-esis 13 and reendothelization,14 which was dependent on FPR2 signaling. Although we could detect a functional FPR2 in ECs (Figure VIII in the online-only Data Supplement), we did not observe any significant contribution of FPR2 signal-ing to LL-37–triggered PGE 2 biosynthesis. Neither a selec-tive FPR2 antagonist (WRW4) nor a general inhibitor of Gi protein–coupled receptors (pertussis toxin) affected LL-37–induced PGE 2 levels in HUVECs (Figure IX in the online-only Data Supplement). Instead we could observe how LL-37 is internalized by ECs following an endocytic path-way, which seems to be a prerequisite for LL-37–induced PGE 2 release (Figures X and XI in the online-only Data Supplement).Although the immunomodulatory properties of LL-37 have been widely studied, its mechanisms of interaction with eukaryotic cells are poorly understood. Hence, further studies are warranted to investigate the mode of interaction between LL-37 and ECs.cPLA 2/COX-1/PGE 2/EP3 Signaling Mediates LL-37–Induced AngiogenesisOur results indicate that LL-37 triggers PGE 2 biosynthesis via a COX-1–dependent mechanism. Previous studies have attrib-uted PGE 2-dependent tumor angiogenesis to COX-2 expres-sion in ECs.2,19 Our findings, however, support an important contribution of COX-1 in ECs. COX-1 pharmacological inhi-bition (ASA) or silencing abrogated LL-37–induced produc-tion of PGE 2, whereas COX-2 selective inhibition (Etoricoxib) or knockdown did not significantly affect LL-37–induced PGE 2 release (Figure 3). These data corresponded well with angiogenesis matrigel assays, which showed that LL-37–induced cord formation by ECs was significantly reduced by COX-1 knockdown or pharmacological inhibition with ASA (Figure 4). Moreover, the LL-37–mediated angiogenic phe-notype was further restored by addition of exogenous PGE 2. On the contrary, COX-2 knockdown or selective inhibition (Etoricoxib) did not significantly alter the ability of LL-37 to induce cord formation, further corroborating a role for the LL-37-COX-1-PGE 2 signaling pathway in ECs.Although we could observe a modest upregulation of COX-2 protein expression in ECs on LL-37 stimulation (Figure II in the online-only Data Supplement), we were unable to demonstrate any significant contribution of COX-2 to LL-37–mediated PGE 2 biosynthesis (Figure 3). In contrast, the mild upregulation of prostacyclin and thromboxane levels observed at the highest concentration of peptide at late time points was sensitive to Etoricoxib, suggesting a COX-2 depen-dence (Figures I and XII in the online-only Data Supplement).COX-1 expression remained unaltered (Figure II in the online-only Data Supplement), as previously observed in other cell types with other stimuli, including ECs.19 Hence, COX-1 could act as a constitutive producer of proangiogenic PGE 2 at early stages of tumorigenesis, before COX-2 induc-tion, as supported by recent findings of aspirin chemopreven-tive effects at low, antiplatelet doses.23 In addition, COX-1 could also cooperate with COX-2 in the production of pros-tanoids at more advanced stages of tumorigenesis.3Uncertainty about the role of COX-1 in angiogenesis has been suggested to reflect the lack of appropriate tools to spe-cifically delineate the contribution of COX-1 and COX-2 to this process.2,3,19Studies in cells expressing both COX-1 and COX-2 dem-onstrated that both enzymes may contribute to prostanoid biosynthesis, although substrate availability can regulate their catalytic activity with striking differences observed between COX isoenzymes.19 Thus, COX-1, but not COX-2, exhibits negative allostery at low AA concentrations; supporting the concept that COX-1 requires larger amounts of substrate, although COX-2 is very efficient at low concentrations of AA.Based on these considerations, we also studied the effect of LL-37 on the availability of AA released from cellular phos-pholipids via cPLA 2 in ECs. In line with previous findings on other cell types,24 LL-37 modulates the intracellular cal-cium flux, which is a key activator of cPLA 2 and AA release (Figure 2A). LL-37 further activates cPLA 2 by inducing its phosphorylation in an Erk-dependent manner (Figure 2B). The enhanced endothelial cPLA 2 activity might result in。