Windows Server 2012 Essentials 快速入门指南说明书
© 2012 Microsoft Corporation.X18-22935-01Getting Started ResourcesThese links will help you with Windows Server 2012 Essentials.• Windows Server 2012 Essentials product information:/fwlink/p/?LinkId=254664• Windows Server 2012 Essentials TechCenter:/fwlink/p/?LinkId=254665Product SupportIMPORTANT: If you purchased Windows Server 2012 through an Original EquipmentManufacturer (OEM), please contact the manufacturer of your server for productsupport.• Online support/fwlink/p/?LinkId=7611• Contact Microsoft support/fwlink/p/?LinkId=248975Additional ResourcesTechNet Security Center:/fwlink/p/?LinkId=29482 After you set up the server, it hosts a web address that you can visit from theclient computers on your network to connect them to the server.To connect a client computer to the server:A. Open a web browser on the client computer, and make sure any pop-up blockers are disabled.B. Type http://servername/connect in the address bar (whereservername is either the default name of SERVER or the name that yougave it earlier), and then press Enter.NOTE:If you have trouble connecting to the server, you may need to change yourbrowser or network settings. See /fwlink/p/?LinkId=254822for help.C. Depending on your operating system, download the Connectorsoftware to run.D. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish connecting the clientcomputer to the server.To learn more about Windows Server 2012 Essentials, see/fwlink/p/?LinkId=254823.Connect client computers to the serverStep 2Outside View<--------------- 124.5 mm-----------------> <--------------- 126 mm-----------------><---------------1----------------->Installing your new serverInstall your new server in two steps. Before you begin, connect a keyboard,monitor, and mouse to your server. First, install the server on yournetwork. Next, connect other computers on your network, known as clientcomputers, to the server. People who use those computers can use the server to store, share, and help protect important files.IMPORTANT NOTE:If you are replacing an existing server, see /fwlink/p/?LinkId=254292 for help moving your data and settings from your old server to your new server.Step 1Install the server on your network A. Connect the server to your network using an Ethernet cable, and then plug the server in and turn it on.B. When you turn on the server, if server setup begins, the server already has Windows Server 2012 Essentials software installed. Follow the on-screen instructions. Your server may restart several times. When you finish setup, skip steps C – F in this section and go to Step 2: Connect client computers to the server.—OR—When you turn on the server, if server setup does not start, you need to install Windows Server 2012 Essentials software.C. Put the Server Installation DVD in the DVD drive, and then restart the server.D. Choose the DVD drive as your startup disk drive.NOTE: If you are not prompted to start the server from the installation DVD, you might need to configure the server’s BIOS settings so that the DVD drive is recognized as a startup disk. Different manufacturers have different methods for selecting the DVD drive as the startup disk. See your server’s additional documentation for more information.E. After the Windows Server 2012 Essentials installation wizard starts and the Select an Installation Type page appears, click New Installation , and then follow the on-screen instructions. Your server may restart several times.IMPORTANT NOTE: The wizard will prompt you for the system partition to install on. Ensure that the partition you choose is at least 60 GB.F. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish setting up your server.IMPORTANT NOTE: When you set up the server, make a note of the name you give it.You will need this name when you connect client computers to it. <--------------- 126 mm----------------->Inside Front Panel<--------------- 126 mm-----------------> <--------------- 124.5 mm----------------->Inside View<---------------1----------------->。
Wind 资讯金融终端2012版产品使用手册上海万得信息技术股份有限公司Shanghai Wind Information Co., Ltd.地 址: 上海市浦东新区福山路33号建工大厦9楼 邮编Zip: 200120电话T el: (8621) 6888 2280 传真Fax: (8621) 6888 2281 Email:**************.cn ——中国金融数据及解决方案首席服务商文档管理信息表文档变更记录表目录1WIND资讯金融终端是什么 (1)2WIND资讯金融终端快速入门 (1)2.1登陆登出 (1)2.2首页 (1)2.3菜单 (2)2.4键盘精灵 (3)2.5快捷方式 (5)3行情报价 (6)3.1行情全面覆盖 (6)3.2深度行情挖掘 (7)4股票 (10)4.1证券覆盖 (10)4.2板块报价 (10)4.3深度资料 (10)4.4多维数据 (11)4.5板块分析 (14)4.6IR管理 (16)5债券 (19)5.1债市日历 (19)5.2债券行情 (20)5.3分析工具 (21)5.4多维数据 (22)6商品 (25)6.1行情 (25)6.2多维数据 (26)6.3深度资料 (27)7外汇 (28)7.1市场资讯 (28)7.2交叉汇率 (28)7.3外汇综合屏 (29)7.4实时报价 (29)8基金 (30)8.1基金日历 (30)8.2基金行情 (31)8.3深度资料F9 (31)8.4F ACT S HEET (32)8.5基金比较 (32)9指数 (33)9.1股指期货 (33)9.2指数管理 (34)9.3全球指数 (35)10资管 (36)10.1组合管理 (36)10.2超级交易 (36)11新闻 (37)12宏观 (38)12.1EDB数据库 (38)12.2宏观行业专题报表 (39)13EXCEL插件 (40)13.1方便易用 (40)13.2多种函数 (41)13.3多种接口 (41)13.4多种模型 (41)14IWIND社区平台 (42)14.1首页杂志 (42)14.2W IND M ESSENGER (42)14.33C会议 (43)14.4W IND大学 (43)15辅助功能 (44)15.1WP灵活平 (44)15.2WS搜索 (44)16公司介绍 (45)1Wind资讯金融终端是什么Wind资讯金融终端2012版基于internet在线使用,提供最齐全的中国金融市场数据与信息。
目录第一章安装说明 (12)1。
1系统要求 (12)1。
1数据库服务器系统要求 (12)1.1。
2W EB服务器系统要求 (12)1。
2系统安装部署 (12)1.2.1CREC项目综合管理信息平台数据库系统安装 (12)1.2.2CREC项目综合管理信息平台安装 (16)1.2.3CREC项目综合管理信息平台卸载 (21)第二章操作说明 (22)2。
界面布局 (22)2。
2.操作按钮说明 (23)2.3.查询区域说明 (23)2.4流程 (24)第三章系统管理 (25)3。
1用户权限管理 (25)3.1。
1组织机构管理 (25)3。
2用户管理 (26)3。
1.3用户参与组织机构管理 (27)3.1。
4角色管理 (28)3.1.5角色权限分配 (29)3。
1.6用户隶属角色 (30)3.1。
7重置密码 (31)3。
1.8日志查询 (32)3。
2我的工作 (32)3.2。
1修改密码 (32)3。
2.2待办工作 (32)3.2。
3督办工作 (33)3。
3工作流管理 (34)3。
3.1定义工作流 (34)3。
3.2工作流导出 (41)3。
3.3工作流复制 (42)第四章合同管理 (46)4.1总包合同 (46)4。
2总包合同评审 (46)4。
3总包合同变更 (47)4。
4总包合同统计 (48)第五章项目基本信息管理 (49)5。
1项目基本信息 (49)5.2项目基本信息查询 (49)5。
3项目作业队 (49)5.4作业队参与成本工作分解 (49)5.5招投标信息 (49)第六章成本管理 (50)6.1成本工作分解 (50)6.2成本计划编制 (51)6.3大宗料备料计划 (54)6.4其他材料备料计划 (55)6.5对内验工 (57)6。
6对内验工统计 (59)6.7对外验工 (59)6.8对外验工统计 (59)6。
9全部成本计划汇总 (59)6.10已审核成本计划汇总 (59)6。
11未审核成本计划汇总 (59)6。
平台使用手册2020年7月目录1.文档概述 (1)1.1.编写目的 (1)1.2.浏览器推荐 (1)2.操作说明 (1)2.1.平台注册 (2)2.2.平台登录 (3)2.3.选课——课程中心 (4)2.4.选班——网络班级 (8)2.5.个人中心——学习 (11)2.5.1.我的课程 (11)2.5.2.我的网络班级 (13)2.5.3.课程在线学习 (15)2.5.4.我的证书 (26)2.5.5.调查问卷 (27)2.6.个人中心——动态 (28)2.7.个人中心——消息 (29)2.7.1.通知公告 (29)2.8.个人设置 (30)2.8.1.个人基本信息修改 (30)2.8.2.更换头像 (31)2.8.3.密码修改 (32)1.文档概述1.1.编写目的本手册旨在为国家卫生健康委干部培训中心远程教育培训平台学员提供关于系统的使用说明和注意事项,以使各位学员可以更高效、安全的在平台中进行操作及查询等。
Windows Server 2012 教程:功能和操作指南说明书
About the T utorialWindows Server 2012 codenamed Windows Server 8 is the most recent version of the operating system from Microsoft regarding server management, but not the last one which is Windows Server 2016. Officially it was released on August 1, 2012 and is just a commercial version as of now.Windows Server 2012 has four editions: Foundation, Essentials, Standard and Datacenter. Each one of them has their own limitations except the Datacenter version, which is also the most expensive one.This is an introductory tutorial that explains all the fundamentals of Windows Server 2012.AudienceThis tutorial has been designed for all those readers who want to learn the features of Windows Server 2012. It is especially going to be useful for all those professionals who are required to install and use this operating system to perform various duties in their respective organizations.PrerequisitesWe assume the readers of this tutorial have a practical experience of handling a Windows-based Servers. In addition, it is going to help if the readers have a basic knowledge of how to install and use an operating system.Disclaimer & CopyrightCopyright 2018 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.All the content and graphics published in this e-book are the property of Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. The user of this e-book is prohibited to reuse, retain, copy, distribute or republish any contents or a part of contents of this e-book in any manner without written consent of the publisher.We strive to update the contents of our website and tutorials as timely and as precisely as possible, however, the contents may contain inaccuracies or errors. Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. provides no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of our website or its contents including this tutorial. If you discover any errors on our website or inthistutorial,******************************************T able of ContentsAbout the Tutorial (1)Audience (1)Prerequisites (1)Disclaimer & Copyright (1)Table of Contents (2)1.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 – OVERVIEW (5)Improvements in Windows Server 2012 (5)2.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 – INSTALLATION (8)System Requirements (8)3.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 – SERVER ROLES (15)4.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − POWERSHELL (22)PowerShell ISE (24)PowerShell Basic Commands (27)5.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − REMOTE MANAGEMENT (29)Adding a Server for Remote Management (30)6.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − WINDOWS FIREWALL (33)How to Create a New Firewall Rule? (36)7.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − REMOTE DESKTOP MANAGEMENT (45)8.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − RESOURCE MON ITOR (49)9.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − ACTIVE DIRECTORY (51)10.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − DC ACCOUNTS (61)11.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − FILE SYSTEM (65)12.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − GROUP MANAGED SERVICE ACCOUNTS (67)13.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − GROUP POLICY OVERVIEW (70)14.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − DHCP ROLE (73)Post-deployment Configuration (79)Scope Implementation of DHCP (81)15.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − DNS ROLE (91)16.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − PRIMARY ZONES (96)17.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − MANAGE RECORDS (100)18.WINDOWS SERV ER 2012 − IIS OVERVI EW (105)19.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − IIS SECURITY (111)20.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − HYPER-V (119)21.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − ADVANCED CONFIGURATION (124)22.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − CONFIGURE WSUS ROLE (130)23.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 – WSUS POLICIES & TUNING (134)24.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − SHARING OF FILES (144)25.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − FILE MANAGER (151)26.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − PRINT SERVER (160)27.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − EASY PRINTING (163)28.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − CONFIGURE PRINT DRIVERS (166)29.WINDOWS SERVE R 2012 − NETWORK SER VICES (168)30.WINDOWS SERVER 2012 − BACKUP MANAGEMENT (176)Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 codenamed Windows Server 8 is the most recent version of the operating system from Microsoft regarding server management. But it is not the last one, as the last one is Windows Server 2016. Officially it was released on August 1st, 2012 and is being sold as a commercial version only.Improvements in Windows Server 2012The major Improvements on this version are as follows:∙It is ready to be integrated with cloud systems and it still can maintain the classic features of local datacenters as a result Hyper-V Virtualization has new features Hyper-v replicas, it allows you to create virtual machines replications between clusters and storage systems.∙The Storage migration virtual disks can be moved to different physical storages, Virtual machine snapshots, virtual machines can be deleted from the Hyper-v and also from the virtual disks and it can be used directly without the need to shut down the virtual machine.∙The Core server installation easily switches to GUI installation without the need of reinstallation.∙The file server and storage service improvement is that it eliminates identical copies in the same volumes as such and saves space.∙The Storage pools and storage spaces allows you to group the hard disks to one or more storage pools then it allows to create virtual disks. It can add other disks to the storage pools and make available to the users without impacting them.∙The iSCSI Target Server can offer block storage to other servers and applications on the network using the iSCSI standard.∙Active Directory cloning can deploy additional domain controllers by cloning an existing virtual domain controller.Windows Server 2012 – OverviewThe Windows Server 2012 has four editions: Foundation, Essentials, Standard and Datacenter. Each one of them has their own limitation accept the Datacenter version which is also the most expensive one.The following table will show what is the right one for your business needs:For finding out the cost of licensing you can click on the following link:https:///en-us/server-cloud/products/windows-server-2012-r2/purchasing.aspxWindows Server 2012 – InstallationWindows Server 2012In this chapter, we will discuss regarding the requirements and prerequisites of the Windows Server 2012.System RequirementsAlthough most of the servers nowadays probably have the necessary requirements for Windows Server 2012. It will certainly be useful to know them in case you want to upgrade from an older system.The main requirements are:∙CPU socket minimum 1.4 GHz (64-bit processor) or faster for single core and Microsoft recommends is 3.1 GHz (64-bit processor) or faster multi-core.∙RAM memory minimum is 2GB, but Microsoft recommends 8GB.∙160 GB hard disk with a 60 GB system partition space in your hard disk.One important thing to note here is that the installation process itself will verify your computer hardware and let you know if it qualifies for a Windows Server 2012 installation. If not, then you will need to upgrade your hardware.InstallationThe following steps are to be adhered for the installation of Windows Server 2012.Step 1: We can download the evaluation ISO of Windows Server 2012 R2 from the following link:https:///en-us/evalcenter/evaluate-windows-server-2012-r2But you will need to sign in first with a Microsoft account like Hotmail for example in order to complete the download and the good thing is that the evaluation period will last for 180 days, so you will have enough time to know if it will be the right product for you or not.At the end, if you decide to buy the license of your Windows server 2012 R2. You can purchase it online via a Microsoft online store found in –/store/msusa/en_US/list/Windows-Server/categoryID.70676900?icid=BusinessR_Software_80_Windows_Server_112315 For the Enterprise solution, I would recommend to purchase it via a Microsoft partner that is found in your country.Step 2: After downloading the ISO of Microsoft, create a boot USB driver which can be created with the Microsoft tool called Windows USB/DVD Download Tool and can be downloaded from the following link:https:///en-us/download/windows-usb-dvd-download-toolAfter downloading the EXE file, open it and select the ISO file location and then click next like in the following screenshot, and wait up to the end when the Boot USB is created.Step 3: After completing the above given steps, plug-in the USB to the server and wait for a while till it loads the files. This will continue for about a couple of minutes as shown in the following screenshot.Step 4: After the files are loaded, you will see the screen of language settings of installation, keyboard, time and currency format. Generally, all the default ones are also good enough to start with. Click Next.Step 5: Click “Install now”.Step 6: Once you have clicked on Install Now, the setup will start and it will load all the files and the screen will look as shown in the following screenshot.Step 7: Wait until the files are loaded and then you will see the following screen. Let’s select Windows Server 2012 DataCenter Evaluation (Server with GUI) and click Next.Step 8:Click “I accept the license terms” and the n click on the Next button as shown in the following screenshot.Step 9:The following screen will appear. In “Driver Options” you can create a new partition, delete or format the Hard disk. After you have done this process then you can select the partition where the Windows server 2012 R2 will be installed in our case we have one partition. Once all this is done, then click on Next.Step 10:Let’s wait until this process finishes during this ti me and then the server will reboot.Step 11: Once the reboot is done the following screen will appear. Set the password for the server and then click on “Finish”.Step 12: It will take some minutes until the setup finishes completely.Step 13: Once all this is done, you have completed the installation process and the following screen will appear.CongratulationsWindows Server 2012Like the previous version, Windows Server 2012 has the following roles which can be used and in the subsequent chapter, we will see how to install and configure the most important ones.The following picture shows all the roles. A small reminder! – Roles and Features are the tools that you need to install or activate in order to complete your IT Administration duties, without their installation you cannot do anything.To add a role in the server we should adhere to the following steps:Windows Server 2012 – Server RolesStep 1: Click with the mouse on Server Manager which is found in the task bar as shown in the following screenshot.Step 2: After opening the “Server Manager”, click on the second option “Add roles and features”.Step 3: The following screen will appear, then you can Click on the Next button.Step 4:Select the Role-based or feature-based installation and then click on the Next button.In the next screen that appears, you will have the following two options:Option 1: Select a server from the server pool. This option is –if you want to install the services in the physical server like being done in the following screenshot.Option 2: Select a virtual Hard disk if you want to install the services in a virtual disk that can be somewhere in the network storage. Take a look at the following screenshot for better understanding.Step 5:The last step will be to check the service that you want to install, but in the upcoming chapters we will continue this setup for each and every important services.Windows Server 2012Windows PowerShell is a command-line shell and scripting language designed especially for system administration. It ’s analogue in Linux is called as Bash Scripting. Built on the .NET Framework, Windows PowerShell helps IT professionals to control and automate the administration of the Windows operating system and applications that run on Windows Server environment.Windows PowerShell commands, called cmdlets , let you manage the computers from the command line. Windows PowerShell providers let you access data stores, such as the Registry and Certificate Store, as easily as you access the file system.In addition, Windows PowerShell has a rich expression parser and a fully developed scripting language. So in simple words you can complete all the tasks that you do with GUI and much more.PowerShell Icon can be found in the task bar and in the start menu. Just by clicking on the icon, it will open.To open it, just click on the icon and then the following screen will open and it means that PowerShell is ready for you to work on.Windows Server 2012 − PowerShellThe latest version of PowerShell is 5.0 and to check what is installed in our server we type the following command –:$PSVersionTable as shown in the following screenshot and from the screen we also know that we have PSVersion 4.0To update with the latest version where it has more Cmdlets we have to download Windows Management Framework 5.0 from the following link –https:///en-us/download/details.aspx?id=50395 and install it.PowerShell ISEThe Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) is a host application for Windows PowerShell. In Windows PowerShell ISE, you can run commands and write, test, and debug scripts in a single Windows-based graphic user interface with multiline editing, tab completion, syntax coloring, selective execution, context-sensitive help, and support for right-to-left languages.You can use menu items and keyboard shortcuts to perform many of the same tasks that you would perform in the Windows PowerShell console. For example, when you debug a script in the Windows PowerShell ISE, to set a line breakpoint in a script, right-click the line of code, and then click Toggle Breakpoint.To open it you just go to Start –Search and then Type –PowerShell as shown in the following screenshot.Then click on Windows PowerShell ISE. Or click on the downward Arrow as shown in the following screenshot.It will list all the applications installed on the server and then click on Windows PowerShell ISE.The following table will be open –It has three sections, which include –The PowerShell Console with number 1, then Scripting File number 2 and the third is the Command Module where you can find the module.End of ebook previewIf you liked what you saw…Buy it from our store @ https://。
图1.1 RG-SAM V2.1用户自助服务系统登录页面如图1.1自助服务系统登录页面所示,用户可以有2种方式登录自助服务系统:1.系统中已经存在的用户登录2.系统中不存在的匿名用户登录如果用户已经是RG-SAM系统的用户,则请直接输入用户登录名和用户密码,即可进入注册用户自助服务界面,如果用户还没有用户ID,则请直接点击“匿名”按钮进入匿名用户自助服务管理系统界面。
二、登录RG-SAM用户自助服务系统注册用户登录在用户自助服务系统登录页面中,输入您的用户名和密码,点击确定,便可进入用户自助服务系统主页面(图 2.1)。
Windows Server 2012 R2 快速入门指南说明书
For more information about the installation options, what is included with each option, how to switch between them, and related features such as the Minimal Server Interface and Features on Demand, see Windows Server Installation Options at /fwlink/p/?LinkId=242140.
Automated Installation You can automate Windows Server installation by using the tools and documentation in the Windows Assessment and Deployment mating deployment eliminates the need for any user interaction during installation. In addition, you can configure different options within the operating system, such as Internet Explorer settings and network settings.
The two installation options are available for most Windows Server editions. Not all server roles and features are available in all editions. For details about the roles and features available in each Windows Server edition, see /fwlink/p/?LinkId=251499
SYSmark2012使用手册一、安装指南安装在试图安装和运行SYSMark 2012之前,应首先验证目标测试系统是否达到运行本基准测试的最低硬件需求。
处理器: 1.8 GHz双核处理器存: 2 GB硬盘:主驱动器至少50GB空闲操作系统: Microsoft Windows Vista 64位版或Microsoft Windows 7 64位版分辨率:高于1024x768图形API:兼容DirectX 9镜像配置为得到最佳测试结果,SYSMark 2012必须安装在“干净”的操作系统中,此系统必须是SYSMark 2012所支持的,并且必须安装更新了的驱动程序。
请注意,SYSMark 2012已经包含一个集成的配置工具来禁用这些项目。
管理员权限:SYSMark 2012的安装及运行都必需一个有管理员权限的账户。
用户账户控制(UAC):目标测试系统须禁用UAC卸载已知的冲突软件:既存的软件可能会与SYSMark 2012所安装的软件产生冲突。
需要密码唤醒:在高级电源管理属性下禁用此选项屏幕保护:禁用屏幕保护Windows Defender:禁用Windows Defender防火墙: 禁用一切防火墙软件Windows Update:禁用Windows update反病毒软件:卸载杀毒软件SYSmark 2012 安装首先从包装中取出DVD1并放入目标测试系统的光碟驱动器。
图1:SYSmark 2012安装界面图2:输入序列号以继续安装SYSMark 2012图3:SYSMark 2012默认完全安装安装程序也支持自定义安装,如图4所示,将你不希望安装的组件取消选中即可。
Autodesk Mudbox 2012 用户指南说明书
Autodesk Mudbox 2012 Release NotesAutodesk® Mudbox™ digital sculpting and texture painting software gives modelers and texture artists the freedom to create production-ready 3D digital artwork without worrying about the technical details. Designed by professional artists from the game, film, television, and design industries, Mudbox combines an intuitive user interface with a powerful creative toolset of stencils and brushes for ultra-realistic 3D character modeling, engaging environments, and stylized props.This document describes known limitations, issues and fixes in Autodesk Mudbox 2012. It is strongly recommended that you read this document before you install this release.ContentsWhat's New (1)What’s Fixed? (2)Feature Limitations and Notes (3)Additional Resources (5)What's NewThis list provides a summary of new features in this release of Mudbox. Find complete new feature information in the "What's New" section of the Mudbox Help at: /mudbox-help-2012-enu-whatsnew∙UV-less painting∙Large texture datasets∙Paint layer masks and blend modes∙Editable stencils∙Single step suites interoperability∙Performance improvements∙New brushes and brush options∙Multiple joints∙Pose presetsWhat’s Fixed?The following table contains bug numbers and corresponding descriptions for issues fixed in this release.Feature Limitations and NotesThis section lists known limitations and workarounds for Mudbox 2012.Please report any additional issues using the online bug reporting form at:/mudbox-bugreport or from the Help > Report a Problem menu item in Mudbox.∙To run Mudbox 2012 you must have a processor which is SSE3 compliant. Mudbox uses SSE3-specific code, which does not allow Mudbox to run on hardware which is SSE2 or previous.∙Sculpting with the Stamp Spacing property turned on will cause the brush stamp to be offset to the cursor location when using a Wacom Cintiq or a Wacom tablet when the pen setting is set to Mouse mode. To correct this, add the environment variable "MUDBOX_USE_LOWRES_TABLET_DATA".∙With ATi graphics cards, if you are seeing texture painting corruption such as painting black and artifacts, adding the environment variable "MUDBOX_PAINT_CONTEXT_FLUSH" may fix theproblem.∙Some users may be seeing incorrect GPU RAM reporting causing many warnings to pop up every time they create, merge, or change the visibility of layers. The environment variable"MUDBOX_FORCE_GPU_RAM" (on Windows only) lets you override the amount of GPU memory in megabytes that Mudbox sees. If you have an Nvidia Quadro 5600 and it reports 1 MB of GPU RAM (the hardware has 1.5GB), set the variable to 1536 (which is 1.5 * 1024) for that card. Values whichare not numbers will be ignored, and values will be clamped to the range 256 to 4096.Note: For more information on these environment variables, see the Environment Variables topic in the Mudbox Help.∙On Mac OS X, release configurations may not build correctly. User must set the Active Architecture to x86_64 in Xcode.To do this:1. Open example project using Xcode.2. In menu bar, select Project > Edit Project Settings.3. Select the Build tab.4. Under Architectures in the Setting window, make sure the Architectures value is set to 64-bitIntel.5. Close window and build using the Release configuration.PtexImporter example requires PtexExtractor example to be built and copied into PtexImporter's build directory for linking.To build Turntable example, install Qt and run moc on the example header files. See readme in example.∙If you experience any difficulty launching the Mudbox Help using Internet Explorer, use an alternative browser such as Firefox, or download and install the Help locally from/mudbox-helpdownload-enu∙If you previously installed any beta version (including Release Candidate versions) of Autodesk Mudbox 2012, you must uninstall and delete all system folders pertaining to the pre-releaseversions before you can install the commercial version.Additional ResourcesFor complete installation and licensing instructions refer to the Installation Overview and FAQ and the Licensing Guide. Access these guides from the Installation Help link of the Mudbox installer or find them here:/mudbox-faq-2012-enu/me-licensing-2012-enuFind new feature information in the "What's New" section of the Mudbox Help at:/mudbox-help-2012-enu-whatsnewFind learning resources for Mudbox at:/mudbox-learningpathWatch videos to learn how to use Mudbox at:/mudbox-trainingvideosFind support resources at:/mudbox-supportFor the latest list of certified hardware to run Mudbox 2012, including graphics cards, refer to the Mudbox 2012 certification chart located at:/mudbox-hardwareFind the Mudbox 2012 minimum system requirements at:/mudbox-systemreq-2012-enuFind documentation and examples for the Mudbox SDK with your installed version of Mudbox here:\Mudbox2012 \SDK\doc or online here:/mudbox-sdkdoc-2012-enuCustomer Involvement Program (CIP)The first time you start Mudbox, the Customer Involvement Program dialog box appears. If you choose to participate in the Customer Involvement Program, Mudbox will automatically send Autodesk information about system configuration, what features you use most, any problems that you encounter, and other information helpful to the future direction of the product. For further information, see /cip.Customer Error Reports (CERs)We are able to improve the stability of Mudbox largely because of the Customer Error Reports (CERs) that users of our products submit. We thank you for taking the time to fill out these reports and ask that you include as much information as possible about what actions you were performing at the time the error occurred. These details raise the value of the report immensely and are very much appreciated by the Autodesk Mudbox Engineering team.For further information about CERs refer to /cer.Autodesk, Backburner, FBX, Maya, MotionBuilder, Mudbox, Softimage, and 3ds Max are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that mayappear in this document.©2011 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.。
SVMM2012中添加VMware ESX Server主机指南
SVMM2012中添加VMware ESX Server主机指南目录9.1 添加VMware ESX Server主机 (3)9.2 接受VMware ESX Server的证书 (13)在添加了VMware vCenter 服务器之后,就可以添加由VMware vCenter服务器管理的VMware ESX Server(或VMware ESXi)主机。
在本实验环境中,由VMware vCenter 服务器管理了两台VMware ESXi 5.0的主机,其IP地址分别是172.18.96.21与172.18.96.22,下面介绍在VMM中添加这两台VMware ESXi主机的步骤。
9.1 添加VMware ESX Server主机(1)在VMM控制台中,添加VMware ESX Server的主机组,当然这不是必需的步骤与操作,只是为了方便管理。
图9-1 创建主机组(2)在“所有主机”结构下创建名为“VMware ESX”的主机组(与Hyper-V主机组同一级别),添加之后,右击新添加的VMware ESX 主机组,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“添加VMware ESX主机和群集”,如图9-2所示。
图9-2 添加VMware ESX主机和群集(3)在“凭据”对话框,选择指定用户访问ESX Server主机的凭据。
图9-3 浏览(4)VMware ESX Server(或VMware ESXi)主机是基于Linux内核,其默认管理员帐户为root,密码为安装VMware ESXi主机时指定。
图9-4 创建运行方式帐户(5)在弹出的“创建运行方式帐户”对话框中,在“名称”文本框中输入新创建的运行方式帐户的名称,在此命名为ESXi-root,在“用户名”文本框中输入root,然后输入VMware ESXi主机的密码,并取消“验证域凭据”的选择,单击“确定”按钮创建,如图9-5所示。
SVMM2012系统部署指南目录3.1 安装Web服务器 (3)3.2 安装Windows 7 AIK (5)3.3 安装SQL Server连接工具 (10)3.4 安装VMM 2012 (15)3.5 安装过程中可能出现的错误 (30)3.6 将SQL Server与VMM安装在同一台计算机中 (35)在Hyper-V管理器中,创建VMM2012的虚拟机,并复制安装好Windows Server 2008 R2的虚拟硬盘到VMM文件夹,这些不一一介绍。
之后启动并切换到VMM 2012虚拟机中,将计算机加入到域,并以域管理员身份登录,开始VMM2012的安装,主要步骤如下。
3.1 安装Web服务器(1)在VMM 2012计算机中,在服务器管理器中,添加角色,在“选择服务器角色”对话框,单击“Web服务器”,如图13-11所示。
图13-11 安装Web服务器(2)在“选择角色服务”中,安装Web服务器角色,需要安装“IIS 6管理兼容性”功能,如图13-12所示。
图13-12 安装Web服务器角色(3)安装程序之后,显示安装结果,如图13-13所示。
图13-13 安装Web服务器完成3.2 安装Windows 7 AIK然后在VMM 2012计算机中,安装Windows 7的自动安装工具包,安装Windows AIK 安装程序,主要步骤如下。
(1)运行Windows 7自动安装工具包,安装Windows AIK安装程序,如图13-20所示。
图13-20 安装Windows AIK(2)在“欢迎使用Windows自动安装工具包安装向导”对话框,单击“下一步”按钮,如图13-21所示。
图13-21 Windows自动安装工具包(3)在“许可条款”中,单击“我同意”单选按钮,如图13-22所示,然后单击“下一步”按钮。
图13-22 许可协议(4)在“确认安装”对话框,单击“下一步”按钮,开始Windows AIK的安装,如图13-23所示。
Autodesk Mudbox 2012 Service Pack 3 用户指南说明书
Autodesk Mudbox 2012 Service Pack 3 Release NotesThis document describes known limitations, issues, and fixes included in Autodesk Mudbox 2012 Service Pack 3. It is strongly recommended that you read this document before you install this release.ContentsWhat’s Fixed? (1)Feature Limitations and Notes (1)Additional Resources (3)What’s Fixed?The following list contains bug numbers and corresponding descriptions for issues fixed in this release.Limitations and NotesThis section lists known limitations and workarounds for Mudbox 2012 Service Pack 3.Please report any additional issues using the online bug reporting form at:/mudbox-bugreport or from the Help > Report a Problem menu item in Mudbox.To run Mudbox 2012 you must have a processor which is SSE3 compliant. Mudbox uses SSE3-specific code, which does not allow Mudbox to run on hardware which is SSE2 or previous.∙Sculpting with the Stamp Spacing property turned on may cause the brush stamp to be offset to the cursor location when using a Wacom Cintiq or a Wacom tablet when the pen setting is set to Mouse mode. To correct this, add the environment variable "MUDBOX_USE_LOWRES_TABLET_DATA".∙With ATi graphics cards, if you are seeing texture painting corruption such as painting black and artifacts, adding the environment variable "MUDBOX_PAINT_CONTEXT_FLUSH" may fix theproblem.∙Some users may be seeing incorrect GPU RAM reporting causing many warnings to pop up every time they create, merge, or change the visibility of layers. The environment variable"MUDBOX_FORCE_GPU_RAM" (on Windows only) lets you override the amount of GPU memory in megabytes that Mudbox sees. If you have an Nvidia Quadro 5600 and it reports 1 MB of GPU RAM (the hardware has 1.5GB), set the variable to 1536 (which is 1.5 * 1024) for that card. Values which are not numbers will be ignored, and values will be clamped to the range 256 to 4096.Note: For more information on these environment variables, see the Environment Variables topic in the Mudbox Help.∙If you experience any difficulty launching the Mudbox Help using Internet Explorer, use an alternative browser such as Firefox, or download and install the Help locally from/mudbox-helpdownload-enu∙If you previously installed any beta version (including Release Candidate versions) of Autodesk Mudbox 2012, you must uninstall and delete all system folders pertaining to the pre-releaseversions before you can install the commercial version.SDK Examples:On Mac OS X, release configurations may not build correctly. User must set the Active Architecture tox86_64 in Xcode.To do this:1. Open example project using Xcode.2. In menu bar, select Project > Edit Project Settings.3. Select the Build tab.4. Under Architectures in the Setting window, make sure the Architectures value is set to 64-bit Intel.5. Close window and build using the Release configuration.PtexImporter example requires PtexExtractor example to be built and copied into PtexImporter's build directory for linking.To build Turntable example, install Qt and run moc on the example header files. See readme in example.Additional ResourcesFor complete installation and licensing instructions refer to the Installation Overview and FAQ and the Licensing Guide. Access these guides from the Installation Help link of the Mudbox installer or find them here:/mudbox-faq-2012-enu/me-licensing-2012-enuFind new feature information in the "What's New" section of the Mudbox Help at:/mudbox-help-2012-enu-whatsnewFind learning resources for Mudbox at:/mudbox-learningpathWatch videos to learn how to use Mudbox at:/mudbox-trainingvideosFind support resources at:/mudbox-supportFor the latest list of certified hardware to run Mudbox 2012, including graphics cards, refer to the Mudbox 2012 certification chart located at:/mudbox-hardwareFind the Mudbox 2012 minimum system requirements at:/mudbox-systemreq-2012-enuFind documentation and examples for the Mudbox SDK with your installed version of Mudbox here:\Mudbox2012 \SDK\doc or online here:/mudbox-sdkdoc-2012-enuCustomer Involvement Program (CIP)The first time you start Mudbox, the Customer Involvement Program dialog box appears. If you choose to participate in the Customer Involvement Program, Mudbox will automatically send Autodesk information about system configuration, what features you use most, any problems that you encounter, and other information helpful to the future direction of the product. For further information, see /cip.Customer Error Reports (CERs)We are able to improve the stability of Mudbox largely because of the Customer Error Reports (CERs) that users of our products submit. We thank you for taking the time to fill out these reports and ask thatyou include as much information as possible about what actions you were performing at the time the error occurred. These details raise the value of the report immensely and are very much appreciated by the Autodesk Mudbox Engineering team.For further information about CERs refer to /cer.Autodesk, Backburner, FBX, Maya, MotionBuilder, Mudbox, Softimage, and 3ds Max are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that mayappear in this document.©2011 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.。
SVMM2012中添加WSUS服务指南目录6.1 WSUS服务器的安装 (3)6.2 WSUS服务器的配置 (21)6.3 在VMM服务器中添加更新服务器 (34)向VMM 2012添加WSUS服务器,用来管理补丁。
在本文中,WSUS服务器是Windows Server 2012中的一台虚拟机,并且通一使用另一台SQL Server(虚拟机)提供的数据库服务。
6.1 WSUS服务器的安装切换到WSUS计算机,确认当前计算机已经加入到Active Directory,如图6-1所示。
图6-1 当前计算机已经加入到域然后开始WSUS服务器的安装,主要步骤如下。
图6-2 添加角色(2)在“选择服务器角色”对话框,单击“Windows Server Update Services”复选框,如图6-3所示。
图6-3 选择WSUS(3)在弹出的“是否添加Windows Server Update Services所需的角色服务”对话框,单击“添加所需的角色服务”按钮,如图6-4所示。
图6-4 添加所需的角色服务(4)在添加了所需的服务器角色之后,返回到“选择服务器角色”对话框,可以看到“Web服务器”与“Windows Server Update Services”角色,如图6-5所示。
图6-5 选择服务器角色(5)在“Web服务器(IIS)”对话框,显示Web服务器简介,如图6-6所示。
图6-6 Web服务器简介(6)在“选择角色服务”对话框,单击“下一步”按钮,如图6-7所示。
图6-7 选择角色服务(7)在“Windows Server Update Services”对话框,显示了WSUS简介,如图6-8所示。
图6-8 WSUS简介(8)在“确认安装选择”对话框,显示了要的安装的角色、角色服务与功能,检查无误之后单击“安装”按钮,如图6-9所示。
图12-1 管理员角色(2)在打开的“管理员属性”对话框中,在“成员”选项中,可以看到默认的管理员包括域的Administrator帐户、域的Domain Admins用户组,以及VMM2012$,如图12-2所示。
图12-2 管理员角色的成员(3)返回到VMM控制台后,单击工具栏上的“创建用户角色”按钮,如图12-3所示。
图12-3 创建用户角色(4)在“名称和描述”对话框,为此用户角色提供名称和描述,通常情况下设置的名称与用途或功能相关,这是为了后期的管理。
图12-4 设置名称(5)在“配置文件”对话框为此用户角色选择用户角色配置文件,在此选择“自助服务用户”,如图12-5所示。
图12-5 配置文件(6)在“成员”对话框,添加属于此用户角色的用户,在此添加域管理员帐户组即Domain Admins,如图12-6所示。
单击“添加”按钮,在弹出的“选择用户、计算机或组”对话框中,在“输入对象名称来选择”文本框中输入Domain Admins,然后单击“检查名称”按钮,之后单击“确定”按钮。
图12-6 添加成员(7)在“范围”对话框,设置用户角色可对哪些对象执行操作,在此选择前方中创建的“云”,该云的名称为Cloud,如图12-7所示。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
13.1 使用自助服务用户创建虚拟机 (3)
13.2 部署虚拟机出错的解决方法 (13)
13.3 管理检查点 (21)
13.1 使用自助服务用户创建虚拟机
(1)在网络中的一台Windows 8计算机上,打开IE浏览器,登录自助服务门户网站,在本示例中该网站地址为,这个网站是在安装VMM自助服务门户配置时指定的。
图13-1 登录自助服务门户网站
在第一次登录的时候,在Windows 8中(IE10),会弹出“是否希望Internet Explorer记住的密码”,单击“是”按钮,可以记住密码,以后再次登录网站时,不需要再次输入。
图13-2 新建计算机
选择“云”之后,在“创建源”列表中,选择创建虚拟机的模板,在本示例中有两个模板,分别为Windows 7与Windows 2008 R2,你可以根据需要选择。
在此选择Windows 2008的模板,之后在“系统配置”选项组中,配置新创建的虚拟机的属性,这包括虚拟机在云中的“显示名称”,在“名称”文本框后面输入,该名称将会出现在图13-2的“计算机”列表中,在“计算机名”文本框后面输入虚拟机的计算机名,该名称为创建的虚拟机的计算机名(进入系统之后右击“我的电脑”选择“属性”查看),在“管理员密码”与“确认密码”设置创建的计算机的密码,该密码为必选项。
最后在“产品密钥”后面输入要创建的虚拟机的操作系统对应的密码,例如在本示例中是从Windows Server 2008 R2创建新虚拟机,则可以输入Windows Server 2008 R2企业版的序列号,在本示例中,网络中配置了Windows Server 2008、Windows Server 2008 R2、Windows 7、Windows Vista的KMS服务器,所以可以在此输入Windows Server 2008 R2企业版的KMS密钥(该密钥为公开的),设置之后单击“创建”按钮,如图13-3所示。
图13-3 创建虚拟机
图13-4 虚拟机己成功创建
图13-5 虚拟机正在创建
图13-6 安装ActiveX控件
图13-7 修改IE设置
(7)在安装ActiveX控件之后,在IE窗口中即可以看到从模板创建虚拟机的过程,如图13-8所示,这是典型的Windows 7、Windows Server 2008等操作系统配置系统的界面。
图13-8 安装程序正在应用系统设置
图13-9 准备配置Windows
图13-10 虚拟机部署完成
13.2 部署虚拟机出错的解决方法
图13-11 创建失败
图13-12 作业
(2)此时可以单击右下角的“重新启动”按钮,也可以返回到VMM控制台,在“VM 和服务”选项组中,右击创建失败的虚拟机,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“修复”,如图13-13所示。
图13-13 修复创建失败的虚拟机
图13-14 修复
图13-15 在云中创建虚拟机完成
图13-16 虚拟机的状态
图13-17 启动并连接到VM
(7)当在IE8中第一次连接到VM时,同样会弹出需要加载ActiveX的提示,单击“为此计算机上的所有用户安装此加载项”,在弹出的“Internet Explorer安全警告”对话框中单击“安装”按钮,如图13-18所示。
图13-18 安装VMM控件
图13-19 登录系统
图13-20 查看计算机名称并关闭虚拟机
13.3 管理检查点
图13-21 检查点