440G-MZ Guardmaster 安全开关安装指南说明书
安装指南440G-MZ Guardmaster 安全开关产品目录号 440G-MZS20SNRJ、440G-MZS20SNRJE、440G-MZS20UNRJ、440G-MZS20UNRJE、440G-MZS20SNLJ、440G-MZS20SNLJE、440G20UNLJ、440G20UNLE变更摘要本出版物中包含以下新增内容或更新信息。
引言图 1 - 组件概述440G-MZ Guardmaster® 防护锁定开关可将防护门锁定在关闭位置,直⾄防护门涵盖的危险机器功能符合安全条件才会释放防护门。
安装注意:在安装、配置、操作或维护本产品前,请阅读本文档和第 6 ⻚的“其他资源”部分列出的文档,了解本设备的安装、配置和操作相关信息。
主题⻚码变更摘要1引言1安装1调试 — 特殊编码型号2辅助释放3近似尺寸4引脚分配4GuardLink 系统中的连接4技术参数5状态指示灯5锁定命令6产品目录号说明6附件6其他资源6主题⻚码更新了产品目录号列表。
1在图 1中添加了逃生释放型号 。
1更新了图 4。
2添加了图 9。
3添加了图 12。
本文档可⽤作典型安装的指南,在 中提供了各种翻译版本。
master项目使用流程 -回复
mastercam9.1安装教程如下:1、下载解压,首先双击“Setup.exe”安装原版;2、选择“install products”--“mastercam 9.1”3、依次点击“next”--“YES”--再随意填入用户名(比如多多软件站)4、默认单位选择“default units selection”--“english 或metric”5、选择全部的选项安装,稍等几分钟,显示如下图代表软件安装成功;6、接着,打开解压好的“V91SP2升级包”文件夹,运行setup.exe进行升级安装(专用于winxp sp2系统补丁,现在的电脑大部分是sp3系统可以不安装);7、再进入“Crack”文件夹进行mastercam9.1破解程序;8、双击“mastercam_v9.1 crack解密”--选择“iso-mc91.exe”--勾选好“make backup copy of patched files”--路径选择mastercam的安装目录“C:\Mcam9”--“一路next”即可。
9、然后进入“MasterCAM V9.1sp2简体中文汉化补丁”文件夹,双击exe文件进行程序汉化;10、打开“C:\Mcam9”目录,你会发现出现“CHI--中文”和“ENG--英文”两个图标,点击“CHI--中文”图标后,再运行mastercam9.1主程序即为中文版本。
GuardMaster MSR57P 速度监控安全继电器安装指南说明书
出版編號 440R-IN016B-ZC-P –2008 年 11 月安裝指南GuardMaster MSR57P 速度監控安全繼電器產品目錄編號440R-S845AER-NNL其他資源可在 檢視或下載出版物。
如要訂購技術文件的書面版本,請與當地 Rockwell Automation 經銷商或銷售代表聯絡。
資源說明GuardMaster MSR57P 速度監控安全繼電器使用者手冊,出版編號440R-UM004關於 MSR57P 繼電器連線、設定及使用的詳細資訊,亦包括安全要求。
S72X32X42S82Y31Y33Y30Y32S t 尺寸2 GuardMaster MSR57P 速度監控安全繼電器出版編號 440R-IN016B-ZC-P –2008 年 11 月其他語言安裝指引英文This instruction sheet is available in multiple languages at/literature. Select publication language and type “MSR57P” in the search field.德文Dieses Instruktionsblatt kann in mehreren Sprachen unter/literature gelesen werden. Bitte Ihre Sprache anwählen und “MSR57P” im Suchfeld eintippen.法文Ces instructions sont disponibles dans différentes langues à l’adresse suivante:/literature. Sélectionner la langue puis taper << MSR57P >> dans le champ de recherche.義大利文La presente scheda d’istruzione è disponibile in varie lingue sul sito/literature. Selezionare la lingua desiderata e digitare “MSR57P” nel campo di ricerca.西班牙文Puede encontrar esta hoja de instrucciones en varios idiomas en/literature. Seleccione el idioma de publicación y escriba “MSR57P” en el campo de búsqueda.葡萄牙文Esta folha de instruções está disponível em várias línguas em/literature. Seleccione a língua de publicação e entre com “MSR57P” no espaço de busca.波瀾文Ta kartka z instrukcjami jest dostepna w wielu jezykach na stronie:/literature. Wybierz jezyk publikacji i wpisz w polu poszukiwania “MSR57P”.捷克文Tyto pokyny jsou k dispozici v nekolika jazycích na /literature. Zvolte si jazyk publikace a do vyhledávacího polícka vepište “MSR57P”.瑞典文Detta instruktionsblad finns på olika språk på /literature. Välj önskat språk och skriv “MSR57P” i sökrutan.荷蘭文Dit instructieblad is beschikbaar in diverse talen op: /literature. Kies taal van publicatie en tik “MSR57P” in het zoekveld.繁體中文從以下網頁可以獲得本說明書的多種語言的版本:/literature 。
连接成功后的提示信息SSH Secure Shell 3.2.9 (Build 283)Copyright (c) 2000-2003 SSH Communications Security Corp - /This copy of SSH Secure Shell is a non-commercial version.This version does not include PKI and PKCS #11 functionality.Last login: Thu Apr 12 10:24:24 2012[root@localhost ~]#[root@localhost ~]#[root@localhost ~]#连接成功后,首先要把安装文件,传送到/usr/local文件夹下传送完毕之后:[root@localhost ~]# cd /usr/local 进入/usr/local文件夹下[root@localhost local]# ls 查看当前文件夹下的文件目录bin games jakarta-tomcat-4.1.30.tar.gz lib MySQL-server-4.0.20-0.i386.rpm sbin srcetc include jdk-1_5_0_06-linux-i586.bin libexec MySQL-client-4.0.20-0.i386.rpm new12mas.tar.gz share[root@localhost local]#[root@localhost local]# rpm -qa|grep -i mysql 查看当前MYSQL的版本信息,因为木有提示信息,所以表示本机没有安装。
[root@localhost local]# rpm -ivh MySQL-server-4.0.20-0.i386.rpm 安装MYSQL服务器端Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:MySQL-server ########################################### [100%] [root@localhost local]# rpm -ivh MySQL-client-4.0.20-0.i386.rpm 安装MYSQL客户端Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:MySQL-client ########################################### [100%] [root@localhost local]#[root@localhost local]# mysql 使用此命令进入mysql配置模式ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)此处发现错误。
Adobe CS6 Master Collection大师版永久激活破解详细图文安装教程
复制请求代码,粘贴到注册机的Request窗口,点击注册机的Gen erate,注册机将生成响应代码(Activation)
IOLMaster (V5)准化安装培训指南详解 2011Apr
全面的人工晶体度数计算公式 — 满足现代IOL植入术的所有需求
IOLmaster 广泛的临床应用
• 术前计算人工晶体度数----白内障专科、 白内障专科、屈光手术专科 • 建立儿童屈光发育档案----小儿眼科、 小儿眼科、验光部门 • 角膜/屈光/青光眼等手术前评估
3. 中英文界面转换 中英文界面转换
4. 中英文输入方式转换 中英文输入方式转换
5. 自动/手动/辅助测量转换
1. IOLMaster 简要介绍 2. IOLMaster 安装调试 3. IOLMaster 测量操作 4. IOLMaster 人工晶体度数计算 5. IOLMaster 报告形式 6. IOLMaster 其它
1. 需根据患者眼部状态选择测量模式: 需根据患者眼部状态选择测量模式:有晶体眼/无晶体眼/人工晶体植入眼 /硅油填充眼/前房型人工晶体眼/背驼式人工晶体眼模式 2. 禁止测量佩戴角膜接触镜者和视网膜脱离患者 3. 白内障严重混浊者需不断增加检查次数, 白内障严重混浊者需不断增加检查次数,直到出现可信的组合信号 (每天对单眼最多能进行20 次检查) 4. 如果单次测量值与复合测量值的差异大于0.05mm,将出现“多峰”的提示 5. 评判标准( 评判标准(1) SNR 值>1.6时指示灯为黄灯或SNR 值>2.0时指示灯为绿灯 (2)信号峰
步骤7 :测量对侧眼
将仪器直接移至另一眼, 将仪器直接移至另一眼,系统自动识别左 系统自动识别左/右眼, 右眼,且自动激活预览模式 对侧眼的测量方法相同
安装指南反电动势监控继电器模块产品目录号 440R-S35011、440R-S35012、440R-S35013、440R-S35014、440R-S35015、440R-S35016描述Allen-BradleyGuardmaster® MSR55P 反电动势模块适用于监控所有电机的静止状态,这些电机可在惯性减速停止时产生剩磁电压。
MSR55P 静止模块连接到电机端子并测量感应反电动势电压。
使用两个冗余测量通道(L2-L1 和 L3-L1)。
如果两个通道中的反电动势电压同时降至 0V ,则表示静止且输出继电器已通电。
指示 MSR55P 模块静止的电压阈值可调。
静止时间 T s (检测和继电器通电之间的时间延迟)同样可调。
MSR55P 静止模块用于检测测量输入 L1/L2/L3 上的断线。
特性•三相和单相电机的安全静止检测•性能等级为 PLe•根据 EN ISO13849-1:2008 属于第 4 类•符合 IEC/EN 62061 的 SIL 声明级别(SIL CL )3•符合 IEC/EN 61508 和 IEC/EN 61511 的安全完整性等级(SIL )3•无需外部传感器•静止检测与方向无关•断线检测•三个常开触点,一个常闭触点,电压高达 250VAC •两个半导体监控输出•一个监控输出(常开触点)•可调电压设置• 可调静止时间延迟• 用于静止的 LED 指示灯,断线事件和工作电压•适合与逆变器一起使用•可拆卸螺丝端子图 1 - 主要功能概述DIN 导轨安装与拆除MSR55P 静止模块安全继电器安装在 35 mm DIN 导轨上。
间隙MSR55P 静止模块安全继电器可直接安装在其他 MSR 和 GSR安全继电器旁边。
继电器上、下和前面必须保持 50.8 mm (2 in.) 间距以实现适当通风。
常用的Eclipse插件(svn、ERMaster 等) Plugins的安装零、安装插件的几种方式第一种,用网络更新的方式1.我们先去专业网站:/2.点击plugins3.在搜索栏搜索需要安装的plugins(如:ERMaster)关键字4.点击搜索结果5.点击右上角的Update Site按钮,复制网址6.在eclipse中点击heip中的install new software7.点击add按钮,将地址复制进去8.点击ok,下面就是不断的next,直到finish9.重启eclipse即可。
一、Eclipse的SVN插件 SubclipseSubclipse 是一个为 Eclipse IDE 添加 Subversion 支持的项目。
Eclipse的更新地址是:/update_1.6.x二、Eclipse - ERMaster 介紹與相關參考在進行前本篇時, 您可能必須被要求下列的知識領域:∙對 DBMS 有初步的概念與操作∙取得與安裝 Eclipse 3.4 IDE介面及 JDK API說明中文化教學 (老魚的舊文) API 的中文非必要.再來花點時間學習 ERM 是值得的:∙Wikipedia - ER模型∙Wikipedia - Entity-Relationship Model (ERM)進到我們的主題:首先打開您的 Eclipse IDE, 在功能列上的 [Help] -> [Software Update],照如下的圖來新增一個以下的新更新站點:∙/update-site/將 ERMaster 打勾後, 你就可以在 [Project] 中發現它囉.最大的特點, ERMaster 可以對應的 DBMS 包括以下4種:-PostgreSQL-Oracle (on development road)-DB2 (on development road)-MySQL其它更多的 ERMaster 官方就寫的很圖文並茂不難懂操作,所以最需要學的不是操作, 是 ERM 的論點基礎 !!!via /2009/03/eclipse-ermaster.html三、Eclipse for Spring IDE译注:原文开头介绍Spring IDE的安装,现在Spring官方已经移除“/updatesite”的在线安装方式,推荐使用SpringSource Tool Suite,下载链接/developer/sts。
Netbackup Master安装配置
Netbackup Master安装配置Master :Vtl:Clinet:1,VTL通过ISCSI将驱动器映射给Mast1,Mast通过ISCSI发起连接:查询iscsi启动器名称:[root@master ~]# cat /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi2,VTL创建一个CLIENT连接,命名为Master3,给新建立的Master创建目标4,分配磁带库给Master主机5,确认Master主机分配资源6,Master主机登录iscsi节点[root@master ~]#[root@master ~]#7,Mast主机的设备管理器上应该能看到磁带驱动器?2,软件安装2.1 软件安装本次软件安装介质为:,解压软件包运行install[root@master NetBackup_7.5_LinuxR_x86_64]# lsDoc install LICENSE linuxR_x86[root@master NetBackup_7.5_LinuxR_x86_64]# ./installSymantec Installation ScriptCopyright 1993 - 2012 Symantec Corporation, All Rights Reserved.Installing NetBackup Server SoftwarePlease review the SYMANTEC SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT located onthe installation media before proceeding. The agreement includesdetails on the NetBackup Product Improvement Program.For NetBackup installation and upgrade information specific to yourplatform and to find out if your installed EEBs or hot fixes arecontained in this release, check out the Symantec Operations ReadinessTools (SORT) Installation and Upgrade Checklist and Hot fix and EEBRelease Auditor, respectively, at httpsATTENTION! To help ensure a successful upgrade to NetBackup 7.5,please visit the NetBackup 7.5 Upgrade Portal:Do you wish to continue? [y,n] (y)Participate in the NetBackup Product Improvement Program? [y,n] (y)NOTE:Unable to download file or determine URLThe NetBackup and Media Manager software is built for use on LINUX_RH_X86 hardware. Do you want to install NetBackup and Media Manager files? [y,n] (y)NetBackup and Media Manager are normally installed in /usr/openv.Is it OK to install in /usr/openv? [y,n] (y)Saving server binaries for LINUX_RH_X86.Reading NetBackup files from /root/NetBackup_7.5_LinuxR_x86_64/linuxR_x86/anb Checking for pre-existing SYMCnetbp package.Installing SYMCnetbp package.Installation of SYMCnetbp was successful.More details regarding SYMCnetbp can be found in file/tmp/install_netbppkg_trace.2248 on master.openv/netbackup/client/Linux/openv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesSuSE2.6/openv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesSuSE2.6/client_configopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesSuSE2.6/cp_to_clientopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesSuSE2.6/extract_javaopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesSuSE2.6/install_clientopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesSuSE2.6/ftp_to_clientopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesSuSE2.6/sftp_to_clientopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesSuSE2.6/ssh_to_clientopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesSuSE2.6/move_libsopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesSuSE2.6/versionopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesSuSE2.6/installpbxopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesSuSE2.6/taropenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesSuSE2.6/.sizes_client_binopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesSuSE2.6/.sizesopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesRedHat2.6/openv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesRedHat2.6/client_configopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesRedHat2.6/cp_to_clientopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesRedHat2.6/extract_javaopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesRedHat2.6/install_clientopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesRedHat2.6/ftp_to_clientopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesRedHat2.6/sftp_to_clientopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesRedHat2.6/ssh_to_clientopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesRedHat2.6/move_libsopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesRedHat2.6/versionopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesRedHat2.6/installpbxopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesRedHat2.6/taropenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesRedHat2.6/.sizes_client_binopenv/netbackup/client/Linux/IBMpSeriesRedHat2.6/.sizesopenv/netbackup/client/LiDone executing NB.inst.If you ran NB.inst instead of <cdrom_path>/install, you mustrun /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp to initiate NetBackup.Running /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bpCopyiInstalling PBX...Please wait while installation is in progress...Installation completed SuccessfullyInstallation log located here: /var/tmp/installpbx-2779-010*********.log Unpacking SYMCnbclt package.Checking for pre-existing SYMCnbclt package.Installing SYMCnbclt package.Installation of SYMCnbclt was successful.More details regarding SYMCnbclt can be found in file/tmp/install_cltpkg_trace.2763 on master.Terminating NetBackup and/or Media Manager processes.Installing NB-Java.Unpacking SYMCnbjava package.Checking for pre-existing SYMCnbjava package.Installing SYMCnbjava package.Installation of SYMCnbjava was successful.More details regarding SYMCnbjava can be found in file/tmp/install_javapkg_trace.3601 on master.Unpacking SYMCnbjre package.Checking for pre-existing SYMCnbjre package.Installing SYMCnbjre package.Installation of SYMCnbjre was successful.More details regarding SYMCnbjre can be found in file/tmp/install_jrepkg_trace.3601 on master.+ /bin/cp ./nbj.conf /usr/openv/javaDirectory /usr/openv/logs does not exist.No log files to migrate.No previous install detected. Performing a fresh install.Using /tmp/pdde_pkg to store temporary package data.Unpacking SYMCpddes package.Checking for pre-existing SYMCpddes package.Installing SYMCpddes package.Using /tmp/pdde_pkg to store temporary package data.Unpacking SYMCpddea package.Checking for pre-existing SYMCpddea package.Installing SYMCpddea package.Creating /etc/pdregistry.cfg.Saving a copy of the uninstall script to /opt/pdde/ Starting setup for PDDE scriptpdregistry.cfg exists.Done setup for PDDE scriptChecking to see if the PDDE configuration needs upgradingAgent config file path found: {/etc/puredisk/Agent.cfg}Making changes to /usr/openv/lib/ost-plugins/pd.confRESTORE_DECRYPT_LOCAL already in pd.confPREFETCH_SIZE already in pd.confMETA_SEGKSIZE already in pd.confMaking changes to /usr/openv/lib/ost-plugins/pd.confFIBRECHANNEL already in pd.confPDDE install finished successfully.Version now installed:Full PDDE installation log saved to: /var/log/puredisk/2015-01-08_14:36-pdde-install.log The following automatic startup and shutdown scripts (respectively)have been installed. They will cause the NetBackup daemons to beautomatically shut down and restarted each time the system boots./etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S77netbackup/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S77netbackup/etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S77netbackup/etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K01netbackup/etc/rc.d/rc1.d/K01netbackup/etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K01netbackupInstallation of Java LiveUpdate agent succeeded. Refer to file/tmp/JLU-Log/JavaLiveUpdate-Install.log on masterfor installation details.Checking LiveUpdate registration for the following products: NB CLTThis may take a few minutes.Product NB is installed and will be registered.Product CLT_Linux-PSERIES is installed and will be registered.Product CLT_Linux-ZSERIES is installed and will be registered.Updating LiveUpdate registration now...this may take some time.A NetBackup Server or Enterprise Server license key is neededfor installation to continue.Enter license key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 输入keyAll additional keys should be added at this time.Do you want to add additional license keys now? [y,n] (y)License Key Utility-------------------A) Add a License KeyD) Delete a License KeyF) List Active License KeysL) List Registered License KeysH) Helpq) Quit License Key UtilityEnter a letter: q 选择q退出选择Installing NetBackup Enterprise Server version: 7.5If this machine will be using a different network interface than thedefault (master), the name of the preferred interface should be usedas the configured server name. If this machine will be part of acluster, the virtual name should be used as the configured server name.Would you like to use "master" as the configuredNetBackup server name of this machine? [y,n] (y)Is master the master server? [y,n] (y)Media servers can be added during this installation orto a NetBackup environment after installation completes.Refer to the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I formore information.Do you want to add any media servers now? [y,n] (n)Checking network connections.bp.conf: IP_ADDRESS_FAMILY = AF_INET: default value, no update needed TELEMETRY_UPLOAD value YES saved.Sending SIGHUP to inetd process.NetBackup maintains a centralized catalog (separate from the image catalog) for data related to media and device configuration, device management, storage units, hosts and host aliases, media server status, NDMP credentials, and other information. This is managed by the Enterprise Media Manager server.Enter the Enterprise Media Manager server (default: master): Converting STREAMS files. This may take a few minutes.STREAMS files conversion is complete.Successfully updated the session cache parameters.Starting the NetBackup network daemon.Starting the NetBackup client daemon.Starting the NetBackup SAN Client Fibre Transport daemon.Creating /usr/openv/tmp/sqlanyInstallation completed successfullyset_value: Key "AZDBPasswordFilePath" successfully updatedAZ database setup complete.Database server is NB_masterCreating the NetBackup database.Creating NetBackup staging directory in: /usr/openv/db/staging Starting the NetBackup database.Authenticating the NetBackup database.VXDBMS_NB_DATA entry in bp.conf updated successfully.Setting of database authentication for NBDB successful.Change of dba password for NBDB successful.Creating the NetBackup database files.Creating the NetBackup database schema.Verifying the running version of NBDB ...Nothing to upgrade. Version unchanged.Database [NBDB] validation successful.Database [NBDB] is alive and well on server [NB_master].Creating the NetBackup Authorization database.Migrating SLP definitions into the NetBackup relational database. Starting the NetBackup Event Manager.Starting the NetBackup Audit Manager.Starting the NetBackup Deduplication Manager.Starting the NetBackup Deduplication Engine.Starting the NetBackup database manager process (bpdbm).Creating Directive Set for LotusNotesCreating Directive Set for MS_Exchange_MailboxCreating Directive Set for MS_Exchange_DatabaseCreating Directive Set for MS_Exchange_Public_FoldersCreating Directive Set for MS_Exchange_Database_Availability_Groups Creating Directive Set for MS_SharePoint_Portal_ServerCreating Template Set for Oracle_RMANCreating Template Set for Oracle_XML_ExportCreating Template Set for DB2Creating Directive Set for Windows2003Creating Directive Set for Windows2008Creating Directive Set for Enterprise_Vault_7.5Creating Directive Set for Enterprise_Vault_8.0Creating Directive Set for Enterprise_Vault_9.0Creating Directive Set for Enterprise_Vault_10.0Creating Directive Set for NB_SearchServerCreating Directive Set for NDMPConverting snapshot policies:Policy conversion summary:Number of original policies: 0Number of non-snapshot policies skipped: 0Number of policies not needing conversion: 0Number of policies converted to'auto' snapshot method: 0Number of policies converted: 0Updating client hardware definitions:Hardware update conversion summary:Number of policies processed: 0Number of policies with affected clients: 0Number of clients processed: 0Number of clients converted: 0Number of Disaster Recovery flags cleared: 0Starting the NetBackup compatibility daemon.Starting the NetBackup Enterprise Media Manager.Starting the NetBackup Resource Broker.Populating the database tables. This will take some time.Starting the Media Manager device daemon processes.Do you want to start the job-related NetBackup daemonsso backups and restores can be initiated? [y,n] (y)Starting the NetBackup request daemon process (bprd).Starting the NetBackup Job Manager.Starting the NetBackup Policy Execution Manager.Starting the NetBackup Storage Lifecycle Manager.Starting the NetBackup Indexing Manager.Starting the NetBackup Remote Monitoring Management System. Starting the NetBackup Key Management daemon.Starting the NetBackup Service Layer.Starting the NetBackup Agent Request Server.Starting the NetBackup Bare Metal Restore daemon.Starting the NetBackup Vault daemon.Starting the NetBackup CloudStore Service Container.Starting the NetBackup Service Monitor.Starting the NetBackup Bare Metal Restore Boot Server daemon. OpsCenter is the next-generation monitoring, reporting and administrative solution designed to centrally manage one ormore NetBackup installations from a web browser. Existing NetBackup Operations Manager or Veritas Backup Reporter installations can be upgraded to OpsCenter.If an OpsCenter server already exists in your environmentor you plan to install one, enter the real hostname of that OpsCenter server here. Do not use a virtual name. If youdo not want this local machine to be an OpsCenter server,enter NONE.Enter the OpsCenter server (default: NONE):NetBackup server installation complete.NOTE:Unable to download file or determine URLFile /usr/openv/tmp/install_trace.2130 contains a trace of this install. That file can be deleted after you are sure the install was successful. [root@master NetBackup_7.5_LinuxR_x86_64]#2.2搜索带库中的机械手和驱动器查看结果:2.3编制ROBOT管理的槽位目录(Inventory Robot)查看结果:2.4,建立volume pool(添加磁带)2.5 ,建立新的storage unit2.6建立policy添加客户端,并指定策略。
Installation of Your SprayMaster System1. At the installation site, remove all equipment from the corrugated box and thepolyethylene drum and replace the drum lid. Check the picture to identify each piece of equipment from box and drum (figure 1).NOTE: PYRANHA HIGH PRESSURE TUBING MUST BE USED OR WARRANTY IS VOID!!Figure 1 – Equipment From Box and Drum2. Using a sharp knife, cut out the outlined section of the drum lid.Figure 2 – PVC Circle with Intake Tubing and Check Valve Assembly3. Run the end of the intake tubing from the intake filter through the PVC circle and connect it to the pump suction inlet (figure 2).4. Insert the check valve assembly through the PVC circle and connect it to thepressure-regulating valve (figure 2).5. Mount the PVC circle on top of the drum making sure that the black float with nylon line passes through the cut-out section of the drum lid with all lines hanging freely.Figure 3 – Pressure Gauge Mounted Into Brass Cross Assembly6. Remove the pressure gauge from its package and screw it into the top of the brass cross assembly (figure 3).7. Make sure that the male elbow points away from timer.Figure 4 – Sample Barn Diagrams8. Remove the spray nozzles from package. Using the barn diagrams as a guide (figure 4), run the ¼ inch nylon tubing on the ground around the stall area to be treated, beginning at the tank.DRUMVALVE9. Using a sharp knife, cut the tubing squarely to insure airtight connections at each spraynozzle.Figure 5 – Spray Nozzle Tee with Tubing and Nailers10. Push the tubing firmly into the side of the spray nozzle tee (figure 5). Pull gently to confirm that you have secure connections. If leakage occurs, remove tubing bypressing down on green circle, pushing the tubing in, pulling the tubing out and then releasing the green circle. Trim ¼’’ off the tubing before reinserting.11. Using the plastic nailers (figure 5) or plastic ties, install the tubing and spray nozzles above the center of each stall and 6 feet inside of each exterior door. Do not install above 15’ from the floor. Use cable wire if necessary. Make sweeping turns with the tubing around corners to avoid kinking.Figure 6 – Bleed Valve 12. After all the spray nozzles have been installed, run one end of the tubing back to the drum and insert it into the male elbow of the brass cross assembly (figure 3). Tighten nut snug to a ¼ turn with wrench. Leave slack in line to allow easy shifting of lid to add insecticide.13. At the end of the tubing line, past the spray nozzles, attach a bleed valve to shut off the line and hold pressure (figure 6). It is preferable to end at the drum for convenience in bleeding insecticide and air from the line into the drum. Close valve after air is removed.14. Remove the PVC circle from the top of the drum. Fill the drum half full of clean water. Do NOT put insecticide in the drum until testing is completed. Replace the PVC circle on top of the drum. Do not restrict the float line and tubing.15. Connect the electrical cord of the timer to an 110V outlet. Open the timer cover. To start the system, turn the run duration knob to “ON” and allow the system to operate for several minutes to be certain the pump is priming and that there aren’t any leaks at the various tubing connections. Some nozzles may be spraying at this time, but this is normal.16. At the end of the line, open the bleed valve until it pours a steady stream of liquid. Then, close the bleed valve.Figure 7 – Top of Drum Showing Pressure Gauge andPressure Regulating Valve 17. Turn the pressure regulating valve clockwise until the pressure gauge reads between 180 and 200 PSI (figure 7) and all nozzles are spraying a fine, even mist. Check again for any leaks at the tubing connections. NOTE: The system works best at 185-195 PSI and must not be set below 175 PSI or over 200 PSI. DO NOT OPERATE SYSTEM WITH VALVE CLOSED!18. After confirming that the spray nozzles are operating smoothly and there are no leaks at the tubingconnections, turn the run duration knob to “OFF” and disconnect the electrical cord from the outlet. CLOSETIMER LID .19. Carefully lift the PVC circle and shift it to the side of thedrum lid. Add the entire contents of Pyranha Insecticide Concentrate to the drum and finish filling the drum with clean water to 4” from the top of the drum. Replace the PVC circle on the drum lid (being careful to not pinch the float line or tubing) and reconnect the electrical cord.20. Open timer cover. Turn duration knob to “ON” and fill the line with insecticide by opening the bleed valve and letting the system run. Close the bleed valve when insecticide is released. Adjust pressure to 180-200 PSI, if necessary.Figure 8 – Timer, Extra Run Button and Duration Selector Switch21. Remove plastic cover on clock. Rotate clear plastic lens on clock dial clockwise to set time of day. The arrow in the upper left corner will indicate the military time of day (9 is 9am; 21 is 9pm).22. Select the tripper for the time of day you want the system to operate by using a ball point pen or similar object to move the switch OUT into the ON position (figure 8). Red will show when switch is in ON position. Repeat the above for each time you want the system tooperate. Spray times should be set from early morning to dusk. Your unit is shipped with timer set for six firing times.23. Set the run duration selector switch to length of spray time desired. When first starting system, we recommend setting timer to operate 6 times for 45 seconds. When area is under satisfactory control (10 to 14 days), cut back the number of spray cycles and duration time to maintain control. NOTE : System will run continuously when run duration selector switch is in “ON” position. System will not operate when switch is in “OFF” position. Red “EXTRA RUN” button can be used at anytime to test system or for extra spraying (figure 8). CLOSE TIMER LID WHEN FINISHED.Servicing Your SprayMaster SystemWhen the drum is empty and needs refilling, the Float Switch will automatically shut the system off. To service and refill the system, use the following procedure:1. Unplug the system from the power supply.2. Lift the PVC circle and set it to one side of the drum lid. Normal refilling does notrequire that you completely remove the PVC circle from the drum; but if you do remove it, take care not to crimp or damage the intake tubing, float line or check valveassembly.3. Inspect the intake filter and clean if necessary. We recommend changing the intake filterannually.4. Check the empty drum for residue or dirt; if necessary, clean with beach and flush thedrum before adding new concentrate.5. Add new Pyranha Insecticide Concentrate and refill the drum with liquid to within four(4) inches of the top.6. Inspect all spray nozzles and confirm spray is a fine, even mist. If the nozzles fail tospray properly, see below.7. Plug the system into the power source and reset the timer clock.Maintaining Your SprayMaster Nozzle TipsFOR OPTIMUM EFFECTIVE SPRAYING, WE RECOMMEND REPLACING TIPS. IF CLEANING IS DESIRED, ORDER REBUILD KITS (Filter, O-ring, Spring and Wire) AND USE THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE:1. Remove nozzle tip by holding nozzle barrel and unscrewing tip.2. Discard tip filter and unscrew inner parts of tip.3. Remove O-ring from brass plunger and discard.4. Immerse tip and all parts in a rust/mineral remover (such as Lime-A-Way, CLR or NavalJelly) overnight.5. Rinse parts thoroughly with water. Clean tip hole with fine wire.6. Reassemble tip with new o-ring, spring and tip filter; reinsert into nozzle barrel.Winterizing Your SprayMaster System1. Disconnect the line at the elbow (next to pressure gauge) and open the bleed valve atthe end.2. Using an air compressor, blow liquid from the line until dry.3. Lift the top and raise the intake filter out of the liquid; set timer switch to “ON” and runbriefly to eliminate any liquid in the equipment.4. If you do not have a compressor, keep line disconnected at elbow to empty the linesof as much liquid as possible. Leave intake line and filter separated from liquid.5. If the insecticide liquid freezes during the winter, you will need to stir thecontents before reusing.(Reconnecting System After Winterizing)6. After stirring the contents of your barrel, replace the top of the system taking care not tocrimp the intake line, return line or float line.7. Open bleed valve and run system long enough to remove the air in the lines.8. Check your timer to verify the time is correct and the settings are correct.9. The system is now ready for use.Problem: Check For:The system does not operate at the correct times. correct time. Check the timer box and see that the clock is set with the current time (military).The system will not build pressure. 1. leaks in tubing or nozzles. Replace tubing ornozzle tips.2. clogged intake filter. Clean or replace filter.3. airlock in pump. Remove discharge line atelbow. Turn pump on briefly to check forliquid discharge.4. broken pump. Remove intake filter. Lifttubing out of liquid and place thumb over end of tubing. Operate system; if strong suction is not evident, replace pump.The system builds pressure but the nozzles do not spray. 1. clogged tips. Clean outside with damp clothor steel wool. If this does not work, see page6 for suggestions.2. restricted tubing. Remove any kinks in line orreplace tubing.The spray nozzles drip. 1. excessive pressure. Pressure should notexceed 200 PSI. Reduce pressure by turningpressure regulating valve counterclockwiseuntil pressure is in proper range (185-195PSI).2. air in lines. Locate bubbles in line, checktubing connection for leaks. Tighten fittingsor replace tubing. Close bleed valve. If thereis no bleed valve, operate system until sprayis steady.3. loose tip. Tighten nozzle tip.4. malfunctioning check valve in return line totank. If pressure drops to bottom of gauge,replace check valve.5. insufficient pressure. Pressure should not beless than 150 PSI. Increase pressure byturning pressure regulating valve clockwiseuntil pressure is in proper range (185-195PSI). DO NOT TURN VALVECOMPLETELY CLOSED! Check bleed valvefor leaks. Replace if necessary.Troubleshooting GuidelinesProblem: Check For:The system will not operate. 1. not enough liquid. Float will shut off systemwhen liquid level is low so that pump will notrun dry. Add new insecticide concentrate andwater.2. no power. Confirm power to electric outlet.3. loose connections. Review motor/timerconnections.4. malfunctioning timer. Replace timer.The spray is not killing insects. 1. insufficient pressure. Pressure should be185-195 PSI. Increase pressure by turningpressure regulating valve clockwise untilpressure is in proper range. DO NOT TURN VALVE COMPLETELY CLOSED!2. incorrect spraying times. Confirm clock hascorrect time in military time. It may be off by12 hours. System may need to be changedto increase number of spraying times andincrease duration time. We recommend 6times a day for 45 seconds to obtain control;then the duration time can be reduced.3. clogged tips. Clean outside with damp clothor steel wool. If this does not work, see page6 for suggestions.4. inoperative check valve in return line to tank.If pressure drops to bottom of gauge, replace check valve. This can cause air in lines and delay spraying of tips.。
for master操作规程
for master操作规程操作规程是指在特定环境下指导操作人员正确执行任务的一系列规定和要求。
二、操作要求1. 操作人员应具备相关的操作技能和知识,了解master设备的功能和使用方法。
2. 操作人员应遵守相关的安全规定,佩戴个人防护装备,确保操作过程中的安全。
3. 操作人员应按照操作规程的要求进行操作,禁止随意更改操作过程和参数。
4. 操作人员应对操作过程进行记录和归档,以备后续查阅和追溯。
三、操作流程1. 准备工作a. 操作人员应检查master设备的运行状态和设备周围的环境是否符合操作要求,确保不存在异常情况和危险隐患。
b. 操作人员应按照规定的操作顺序,确认所需操作的master模块和功能,并准备好必要的工具和材料。
2. 开机与系统登录a. 操作人员应按照操作手册,按照正确的方式启动master设备。
b. 操作人员应根据权限进行系统登录,并确保权限设置正确。
3. 操作过程a. 操作人员应按照操作手册的要求,正确选择操作的master模块和功能。
b. 操作人员应按照操作手册的步骤和要求,依次进行操作,并注意各种提示信息和警告信息。
c. 操作人员应对操作过程中的关键参数进行记录和保存,确保操作过程的可追溯性。
4. 操作结束a. 操作人员应按照操作手册的要求,正确关闭master设备。
b. 操作人员应对操作过程中的记录进行整理和归档,确保后续查阅和追溯的便利性。
c. 操作人员应清理和整理操作过程中的工具和材料,确保工作环境的整洁和安全性。
四、操作技巧与注意事项1. 操作人员应熟悉master设备的功能和使用方法,掌握常见故障的处理方法和技巧。
罗克韦尔自动化 Guardmaster 442G 多功能通道保护锁安装说明书
多功能访问控制箱安装说明英文原版说明本文档所述产品符合欧盟机械指令的基本健康与安全要求 (EHSR)。
符合性声明和认证:/certification/overview.page其他资源开关上的 QR 代码提供到 442G Multi-functional Access Box User Manual (442G-UM001A-EN-P) 的链接。
可访问 /literature/ 查看或下载出版物。
如需订购技术文档的纸印本,请联系当地的Allen-Bradley® 分销商或罗克韦尔自动化销售代表。
Guardmaster 442G 多功能通道保护锁是一种带保护锁的电磁互锁设备。
该设备提供的防护位置监视及锁定监视符合ISO 14119。
注意: 在安装、配置、操作或维护本产品前,请阅读本文档和“其他资源”部分列出的文档,了解本设备的安装、配置和操作相关信息。
用户除了需要熟悉安装和接线指南之外,还需要熟悉所有适用规范、法规和标准的相关要求,其中包括:•ISO 14119:与防护装置有关的互锁设备;•ISO 14120:防护装置设计、构造和选择的一般要求;•ISO 13855:确定安全防护装置的位置;•ISO 13857:计算最短(安全)距离;•对于功能安全,要熟悉 IEC 62061 或 ISO 13849-1 及 ISO13849-2 的相关要求;•以及其它适用的标准。
Series MMA Mini-Master Flowmeter 安装与操作说明说明书
CALIBRATIONAll flowmeters are calibrated at the factory and normally will remain within their accuracy tolerance for the life of the device. If at any time you wish to recheck its calibration, do so only with instruments or equipment of certified accuracy. Do not attempt to check the Mini-Master® flowmeter with a similar flowmeter as even minor variations in piping and back pressure can cause significant differences between the indicated and actual readings.LOCATIONSelect a location where the flowmeter can be easily read and where the temperature will not exceed 130°F (54°C). The mounting surface and piping to the flowmeter should be free from vibration which could cause fatigue of fittings. Piping must be carefully arranged and installed to avoid placing stress on fittings and/or flowmeter body. For maximum flowmeter life, avoid direct exposure to weathering. Avoid locations or applications with questionable atmospheres or solvents. Damage due to contact with incompatible gases or liquids is not covered by warranty. Compatibility should be carefully determined before placing in service.PIPINGInlet Piping:It is good practice to approach the flowmeter inlet with as few elbows, restrictions and size changes as possible. Inlet piping should be as close to the flowmeter connection size as practical to avoid turbulence which can occur with drastic size changes. The length of inlet piping has little effect on normal pressure fed flowmeters.For vacuum service, the inlet piping should be as short and open as possible to allow operation at or near atmospheric pressure and maintain the accuracy of the device. Note that for vacuum service, any flow control valve used must be installed on the discharge side of the flowmeter.Discharge PipingPiping on the discharge side should be at least as large as the flowmeter connection. For pressure fed flowmeters on air or gas service, the piping should be as short and open as possible. This allows operation at or near atmospheric pressure and assures the accuracy of the device. This is less important on water or liquid flowmeters since the flowing medium is generally incompressible and back pressure will not affect the calibration of the instrument.CAUTION: Meter may rupture if temperature or pressure ratings are exceeded. Read all specifications and instructions carefully before use. Do not remove caution label from flowmeter.PRESSURE FED OR VACUUM WITHOUT VALVE - Both upper and lower openings in front are plugged. (Standard configuration supplied from factory.)PRESSURE FED WITH VALVE - Upper opening is plugged and valve is installed in lower opening.VACUUM OPERATION WITH VALVE - Lower opening is plugged and valve is installed in upper opening.ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSRefer to Figures A and B.1. For Operation without Valve: Flowmeter is factory-configured with the front upperand lower valve plugs assembled for operation without a valve.2. For Operation with Lower Valve: Using the black circular installation tool provided,remove the lower valve plug. Turn the valve plug CLOCKWISE to remove.Knead the bag containing the O-rings and lubricant until the rings are completely coated. Be careful not to overstretch or nick them. Install two O-rings on the valve stem. Apply small amount of remaining lubricant onto the threads of the valve stem. Screw mating plug onto valve stem in clockwise direction up to stop. Using installation tool, thread the valve assembly into body turning COUNTER-CLOCKWISE until snug. Limit torque to 3 in/lb. Snap knob onto hex end of valve stem to complete assembly.3. For Operation with Upper Valve (Vacuum Systems):Remove the top plug from the flowmeter using the black circular installation tool provided. Turn the plug COUNTER-CLOCKWISE to remove. Take care not to lose the float (ball) from the flow tube.Cut off protruding ball stop leaving no more than 1/32˝ stub. This is necessary to allow free passage of the valve assembly.Re-assemble the top plug.Replace the upper valve plug with the valve assembly as in No. 2 above.INSTALLATION AND MOUNTING(Flowmeter must be installed in vertical position)PANEL MOUNTING - Drill two 11/32˝ diameter holes on 3˝ centers on a vertical line. Insert flowmeter from front and push on spring retainer clips from rear, pliers may be necessary.SURFACE MOUNTING - Attach plastic mounting clip to a horizontal surface using #4 Phillips head B-type self-tapping screws provided. See Figure C. Clip will bow downward slightly when properly tightened. Snap flowmeter into clip. Be sure flowmeter is vertical after mounting.CONNECTIONSCAUTION: Select tubing rating higher than supply pressure to flowmeter.25 psi max. Use 1/4˝ ID x 3/8˝ OD plastic tubing. Slip tubing onto connections a minimum of 3/8˝.50 psi max. Use 1/4˝ ID x 3/8˝ OD plastic tubing. Slip tubing onto connections a minimum of 3/8˝. Use pliers to expand spring type tubing clamps and install on both connections.100 psi max. Use suitable 5/16˝ compression union with metal or semi-rigid plastic tubing.OPERATIONOnce all connections are complete, introduce flow as slowly as possible to avoid possible damage due to shock. With liquids, make sure all air has been purged before taking readings.The performance of low range units used in air or gas applications may be affected by static electricity. Excessive static charge may cause the ball float to behave erratically or provide a false reading. To ensure the proper function of the unit, the application should be designed to minimize or dispel static electricity.The standard technique for reading a Variable Area Flowmeter is to locate the highest point of greatest diameter on the float, and then align that with the theoretical center of the scale graduation. In the event that the float is not aligned with a grad, an extrapolation of the float location must be made by the operator as to its location between the two closest grads. The following are some sample floats shown with reference to the proper location to read the float.Variable Area Flowmeters used for gases are typically labeled with the prefix “S” or “N”, which represents “Standard” for English units or “Normal” for metric units. Use of this prefix designates that the flowmeter is calibrated to operate at a specific set of conditions, and deviation from those standard conditions will require correction for the calibration to be valid. In practice, the reading taken from the flowmeter scale must be corrected back to standard conditions to be used with the scale units. The correct location to measure the actual pressure and temperature is at the exit of the flowmeter, except under vacuum applications where they should be measured at the flowmeter inlet. The equation to correct for nonstandard operating conditions is as follows:Q2 = Q1xWhere: Q1 = Actual or Observed Flowmeter ReadingQ2 = Standard Flow Corrected for Pressure and TemperatureP1 = Actual Pressure (14.7 psia + Gage Pressure)P2 = Standard Pressure (14.7 psia, which is 0 psig)T1 = Actual Temperature (460 R + Temp °F)T2 = Standard Temperature (530 R, which is 70°F)Example: A flowmeter with a scale of 10-100 SCFH Air. The float is sitting at the 60grad on the flowmeter scale. Actual Pressure is measured at the exit of the meter as 5psig. Actual Temperature is measured at the exit of the meter as 85°F.Q2 = 60.0 xQ2 = 68.5 SCFH AirMAINTENANCEThe only maintenance normally required is occasional cleaning to assure properoperation and good float visibility.DISASSEMBLY: Use the circular black installation tool to remove valve (when used)and plugs. Fittings on front turned CLOCKWISE to remove and top plug is turnedCOUNTER-CLOCKWISE. Take care to prevent loss of float.CLEANING: The flowmeter body and other parts can be washed in a mild soap andwater solution. A cotton swab or soft bristle brush will help when cleaning flow tube.Avoid solvents and liquid soaps and avoid prolonged immersion.RE-ASSEMBLY: Coat O-rings and valve stem threads with silicone stop cock grease orpetroleum jelly. Check O-rings after assembly to make sure they are properly seated.ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONFor additional flowmeter information, conversion curves, correction factors and otherdetails on the entire line of Dwyer® flowmeters, please request a Dwyer Instruments,Inc. full-line catalog.Figure A Figure B Figure CP1 x T2P2 x T1(14.7 + 5) x 53014.7 x (460 + 85)Printed in U.S.A. 9/19FR# 440474-00 Rev. 9©Copyright 2019 Dwyer Instruments, Inc.。
常用的Eclipse插件(svn、ERMaster 等) Plugins的安装零、安装插件的几种方式第一种,用网络更新的方式1.我们先去专业网站:/2.点击plugins3.在搜索栏搜索需要安装的plugins(如:ERMaster)关键字4.点击搜索结果5.点击右上角的Update Site按钮,复制网址6.在eclipse中点击heip中的install new software7.点击add按钮,将地址复制进去8.点击ok,下面就是不断的next,直到finish9.重启eclipse即可。
一、Eclipse的SVN插件 SubclipseSubclipse 是一个为 Eclipse IDE 添加 Subversion 支持的项目。
Eclipse的更新地址是:/update_1.6.x二、Eclipse - ERMaster 介紹與相關參考在進行前本篇時, 您可能必須被要求下列的知識領域:∙對 DBMS 有初步的概念與操作∙取得與安裝 Eclipse 3.4 IDE介面及 JDK API說明中文化教學 (老魚的舊文) API 的中文非必要.再來花點時間學習 ERM 是值得的:∙Wikipedia - ER模型∙Wikipedia - Entity-Relationship Model (ERM)進到我們的主題:首先打開您的 Eclipse IDE, 在功能列上的 [Help] -> [Software Update],照如下的圖來新增一個以下的新更新站點:∙/update-site/將 ERMaster 打勾後, 你就可以在 [Project] 中發現它囉.最大的特點, ERMaster 可以對應的 DBMS 包括以下4種:-PostgreSQL-Oracle (on development road)-DB2 (on development road)-MySQL其它更多的 ERMaster 官方就寫的很圖文並茂不難懂操作,所以最需要學的不是操作, 是 ERM 的論點基礎 !!!via /2009/03/eclipse-ermaster.html三、Eclipse for Spring IDE译注:原文开头介绍Spring IDE的安装,现在Spring官方已经移除“/updatesite”的在线安装方式,推荐使用SpringSource Tool Suite,下载链接/developer/sts。
FlowmasterV7安装向导Flowmaster V7安装向导1 安装Flowmaster V7前的准备(1)获取有效的license⽂件(2)具备管理员权限(3)卸载任何已有的Flowmaster V7 数据库(4)卸载任何已有的Flowmaster V7 版本(5)检查“exe”⽂件或者“dll”⽂件是否已经从Flowmaster程序⽂件夹中删除。
通常在如下地址:C:\Program Files\Flowmaster\FlowmasterV72 安装Flowmaster V7⾸先,确保安装时是以Administrator的⾝份登陆的,具备Administrator的权限。
然后,把Flowmaster V7的安装盘放进光驱(或把安装⽂件拷贝到磁盘中点击安装图标,即setup.exe),根据弹出的安装提⽰进⾏安装。
如下图所⽰,Flowmaser安装向导⾥有四种安装类型可选,分别为:Standalone Installations——Complete(个⼈完全安装)Standalone Installations——Costom(个⼈定制安装)Client Installations——Flowmaster V7 Application(客户端安装)Server Installations——Flowmaster V7 Datebase and License servers(服务器端安装)依据实际需求,选择合适的安装类型。
安装完成后,会⾃动打开Flowmaster Configuration Utility⾯板。
3 配置Flowmaster V7Flowmaster配置包括以下三⽅⾯:(1)粘贴数据库⽂件(2)配置Microsoft SQL Server ⽤户账户(3)配置license◆以上三种配置完成后,⽅可正常运⾏Flowmaster。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
2、选择“install products”--“mastercam 9.1”
4、默认单位选择“default units selection”--“english 或metric”
6、接着,打开解压好的“V91SP2升级包”文件夹,运行setup.exe进行升级安装(专用于winxp sp2系统补丁,现在的电脑大部分是sp3系统可以不安装);
8、双击“mastercam_v9.1 crack解密”--选择“iso-mc91.exe”--勾选好“make backup copy of patched files”--路径选择mastercam的安装目录“C:\Mcam9”--“一路next”即可。
9、然后进入“MasterCAM V9.1sp2简体中文汉化补丁”文件夹,双击exe文件进行程序汉化;
对于剪裁过的单个或多个曲面可使用undo 功能恢复原曲面。
使用Loft, Ruled, Revolved, Swept, Draft, Coons patch, 和Offset等方法生成参数曲面和非均匀有理B样条曲面。
系统内置下列数据转换器:IGES, Parasolid, SAT (ACIS solids), DXF, CADL, STL, VDA,和ASCII。
还有直接对AutoCAD (DWG),STEP, Catia, 和Pro-E 的数据转换器。