下面列出了电气工程专业的SCI期刊(按影响因子排序)1. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (2014 IF=6.498 一区): 控制、仪表、电气(电机、电力电子、电力系统的设备,只要和电力电子沾上边的都可以)2. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (2014 IF=6.008 一区):电力电子3. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (2014 IF=4.252 一区):智能电网4. IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine (2014 IF=4.031 一区):同1(包括非技术领域)5. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (2014 IF=3.656 二区):新能源(光伏、风力发电等)6. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2014 IF=2.814 二区):电力系统7. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion (2014 IF=2.326 二区):电气设备、器件、系统8. IET Renewable Power Generation (2014 IF=1.904 三区):新能源9. IEEE Transactions on Industry applications (2014 IF=1.756 三区):电气设备、器件、系统的工业应用10. Electric Power Systems Research (2014 IF=1.749 三区):电力系统11. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery (2014 IF=1.733 三区):输配电和保护装置12. IET Power Electronics (2014 IF=1.683 三区):电力电子13. IEEE Power & Energy Magazine (2014 IF=1.593 三区):电力能源(包括非技术领域)14. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (2014 IF=1.386 三区):磁学相关(电机、变压器)15. IET Generation Transmission & Distribution (2014 IF=1.353 三区):输配电16. IEEE Transactions on ELectromagnetic Compatibility (2014 IF=1.297 三区):电磁兼容17. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation (2014 IF=1.278 三区):电气绝缘18. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (2014 IF=1.235 四区):超导应用19. Progress in Electromagnetics Research-PIER (2014 IF=1.229 四区):电磁研究20. IET Electric Power Applications (2014 IF=1.211 三区):电机类技术21. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (2014 IF=0.815 四区):电磁场类(计算等)22. Journal of Power Electronics (2014 IF=0.777 四区):电力电子23. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (2014 IF=0.490 四区):电力系统。
IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS) 全文期刊(23种)列表及简介
《IEEE移动计算汇刊》 《IEEE科学与工程计算杂志 》 《IEEE互联网计算杂志》 《IEEE多媒体杂志》
1536-1233 1521-9615 0.75 341 806 424
Jan.2002 Mar.1994 Jan.1997 Mar.1994
12 6 6 4
1089-7801 2.554 1070-986X 1.243
《IEEE并行与分布系统汇刊 》
12பைடு நூலகம்
W2107 W2111 W2124
《IEEE可视化与计算机图示 学汇刊》 《IEEE信息技术专业杂志》 《IEEE安全与保密杂志》
1077-2626 1.694 1520-9202 1540-7993
IEEE Transactions on Computers IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering IEEE Intelligent Systems
0018-9340 2.419
Mar.1995 Jan.1999 Jan.2003
6 6 6
《IEEE-ACM计算生物学与生 1545-5963 物信息学汇刊》
IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS) 全文期刊(23种)列表及简介
世图刊号 W2129 W2131 期刊名称 IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing IEEE Annals of the History of Computing IEEE Concurrency (out of print) IEEE Distributed Systems Online Only 期刊名称(中文) 《IEEE可靠与安全计算汇刊 》 《IEEE计算史纪事》 《IEEE共点分布杂志》 《IEEE分布式系统在线》 ISSN 1545-5971 1058-6180 1092-3063 1541-4922 33216 0.32 60 影响 因子 引用次 数 起始年限 Jan.2004 Jul.1979 Feb.1993 Feb.2000 出版 频率 4 4 4 12 期刊介绍 刊载关于计算系统的操作性、安全性和强制可靠性的测 量方法、建模、模拟技术、检验和规划等方面的研究成 果。 分析和论述计算技术发展史,以及计算技术对社会的影 响。 涉及软件工程、多媒体、数据库、可移动计算技术、目 标导向设计以及互联网,尤其是与联合以及分布式计算 的关系。 刊载了计算机分布式系统的情况。
1、J BIOL CHEM(5.808)
2、Molecular Microbiology(5.643)
3、Applied and Environmental Microbiology(3.818)
4、Metabolic Engineering(3.418)
5、Journal of Applied Microbiology(2.206)
1、Journal of Biotechnology(2.6)
2、Journal of Molecular catalysis B-Enzymatic(2.149)
7、Engineering Structures(0.813)
8、Structural Engineering and Mechanics(0.432)
2、Journal of The Acoustical Society of America(1.43)
ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters分区
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters1. IntroductionIEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL) is a prestigious scientific journal that focuses on the fields of geoscience and remote sensing. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of GRSL, including its scope, impact factor, editorial board, publication process, and notable contributions to the field.2. ScopeGRSL covers a wide range of topics within the fields of geoscience and remote sensing. It publishes high-quality research articles, letters,and technical notes related to:•Remote sensing techniques and applications•Image processing and analysis•Data fusion and integration•Earth observation systems•Environmental monitoring•Climate change studies•Geospatial analysis•Radar remote sensing•Hyperspectral imaging•LiDAR technologyWith such a broad scope, GRSL provides a platform for scientists and researchers to share their latest findings in these areas.3. Impact FactorThe impact factor of a journal reflects its influence in the scientific community. As of the latest available data, GRSL has an impressiveimpact factor of X.XX. This demonstrates the significance of theresearch published in GRSL and its contribution to advancing knowledgein geoscience and remote sensing.4. Editorial BoardGRSL has a distinguished editorial board comprising leading experts from around the world. The board members are renowned researchers who ensure the quality and integrity of published articles. Their expertise covers various disciplines within geoscience and remote sensing.The editorial board plays a crucial role in reviewing submissions, providing feedback to authors, and making decisions on whether to accept or reject manuscripts for publication. Their expertise ensures that only high-quality research is published in GRSL.5. Publication ProcessAuthors interested in submitting their work to GRSL should carefully review the journal’s guidelines and submission instructions. Manuscripts should be prepared according to the prescribed format and submitted online through the journal’s submission portal.Upon submission, manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer-review process. This process involves evaluation by experts in the field who assess the scientific validity, novelty, and significance of the research. Based on their feedback, authors may be asked to revise their manuscripts before a final decision is made.Accepted articles are published online ahead of print and assigned a digital object identifier (DOI) for easy reference. They are then included in one of GRSL’s regular issues.6. Notable ContributionsOver the years, GRSL has featured numerous groundbreaking studies that have had a significant impact on geoscience and remote sensing. Some notable contributions include:•Development of advanced remote sensing techniques for accurate land cover classification•Application of machine learning algorithms for automated image analysis•Integration of multi-source satellite data for improved environmental monitoring•Use of radar remote sensing for mapping coastal changes and erosion•Exploration of LiDAR technology for precise topographic mappingThese contributions have not only advanced scientific knowledge but also provided valuable insights for various applications, including disaster management, urban planning, agriculture, and natural resource management.ConclusionIEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL) is an esteemed journal that plays a vital role in advancing research within geoscience and remote sensing. Its broad scope, high impact factor, distinguished editorial board, rigorous publication process, and notable contributions make it an essential resource for scientists and researchers in these fields. By providing a platform for sharing innovative research findings, GRSL continues to drive progress in geoscience and remote sensing.。
第一档:SIGCOMM, MobiComSIGCOMM是ACM老牌会议,其首席地位无可置疑。
MobiCom 专注于无线网络,每年收录30篇左右,录用率在10%~15%。
2010年MobiCom的一位组委会成员感叹:MobiCom is becoming highly imbalanced. The systems guys clearly dominate the entire conference. Most of them don’t have the patience to read theory papers… If you don’t have any running code, it’s very hard to get in.第二档:MobiHoc, MobiSys, SIGMETRICSMobiHoc, MobiSys两个会议可以说是MobiCom下比肩而立的两兄弟。
中科院SCI期刊分区表-控制类Subcategory ISSN Abbreviated Journal Title中科院分区2013年10月发布Total CitesAUTOMATION & CONTROLSYSTEMS (自动化与控制系统)0278-0046IEEE T IND ELECTRON1区17404 (自动化与控制系统)1532-4435J MACH LEARN RES1区6024 (自动化与控制系统)1551-3203IEEE T IND INFORM2区 969 (自动化与控制系统)1083-4419IEEE T SYST MAN CY B2区 5821 (自动化与控制系统)1083-4435IEEE-ASME T MECH2区 2878 (自动化与控制系统)0005-1098AUTOMATICA2区 15500 (自动化与控制系统)0018-9286IEEE T AUTOMAT CONTR2区 23664 (自动化与控制系统)1070-9932IEEE ROBOT AUTOM MAG2区 1163 (自动化与控制系统)0016-0032J FRANKLIN I2区 2276 (自动化与控制系统)1066-033X IEEE CONTR SYST MAG2区2254 (自动化与控制系统)0169-7439CHEMOMETR INTELL LAB2区 4880 (自动化与控制系统)1063-6536IEEE T CONTR SYST T3区4147 (自动化与控制系统)0886-9383J CHEMOMETR3区2658 (自动化与控制系统)1049-8923INT J ROBUST NONLIN3区2213 (自动化与控制系统)0959-1524J PROCESS CONTR3区2881 (自动化与控制系统)1751-8644IET CONTROL THEORY A3区 1967 (自动化与控制系统)1751-570X NONLINEAR ANAL-HYBRI3区 535 (自动化与控制系统)1545-5955IEEE T AUTOM SCI ENG3区871 (自动化与控制系统)0967-0661CONTROL ENG PRACT3区3413 (自动化与控制系统)0167-6911SYST CONTROL LETT3区4239 (自动化与控制系统)0952-1976ENG APPL ARTIF INTEL3区2085 (自动化与控制系统)1562-2479INT J FUZZY SYST3区284 (自动化与控制系统)1561-8625ASIAN J CONTROL3区853 (自动化与控制系统)0363-0129SIAM J CONTROL OPTIM3区 4590 (自动化与控制系统)0020-7721INT J SYST SCI3区1996 (自动化与控制系统)0957-4158MECHATRONICS3区1681 (自动化与控制系统)1367-5788ANNU REV CONTROL3区662 (自动化与控制系统)1292-8119ESAIM CONTR OPTIM CA3区 608 (自动化与控制系统)0947-3580EUR J CONTROL4区 636 (自动化与控制系统)0890-6327INT J ADAPT CONTROL4区 809 (自动化与控制系统)0268-3768INT J ADV MANUF TECH4区7187 (自动化与控制系统)0921-8890ROBOT AUTON SYST4区1807 (自动化与控制系统)0143-2087OPTIM CONTR APPL MET4区411 (自动化与控制系统)0020-7179INT J CONTROL4区 4282 (自动化与控制系统)1641-876X INT J AP MAT COM-POL4区 562 (自动化与控制系统)1598-6446INT J CONTROL AUTOM4区774 (自动化与控制系统)1387-2532AUTON AGENT MULTI-AG4区500 (自动化与控制系统)0022-0434J DYN SYST-T ASME4区2738 (自动化与控制系统)0265-0754IMA J MATH CONTROL I4区 303 (自动化与控制系统)0332-7353MODEL IDENT CONTROL4区 170 (自动化与控制系统)0924-6703DISCRETE EVENT DYN S4区292 (自动化与控制系统)0959-6518P I MECH ENG I-J SYS4区567 (自动化与控制系统)1392-124X INF TECHNOL CONTROL4区125 (自动化与控制系统)0142-3312T I MEAS CONTROL4区272 (自动化与控制系统)0144-5154ASSEMBLY AUTOM4区252 (自动化与控制系统)1220-1766STUD INFORM CONTROL4区145 (自动化与控制系统)0826-8185INT J ROBOT AUTOM4区199 (自动化与控制系统)1079-2724J DYN CONTROL SYST4区239 (自动化与控制系统)1841-9836INT J COMPUT COMMUN4区 175 (自动化与控制系统)0932-4194MATH CONTROL SIGNAL4区 515(自动化与控制系统)1004-4132J SYST ENG ELECTRON4区 357 (自动化与控制系统)1697-7912REV IBEROAM AUTOM IN4区 50 (自动化与控制系统)0005-1144AUTOMATIKA4区48 (自动化与控制系统)0020-2940MEAS CONTROL-UK4区183 (自动化与控制系统)0178-2312AT-AUTOM4区160 (自动化与控制系统)1454-8658CONTROL ENG APPL INF4区40 (自动化与控制系统)0005-1179AUTOMAT REM CONTR+4区812 (自动化与控制系统)1064-2315J AUTOMAT INFORM SCI4区41 COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIALINTELLIGENCE 计算机科学、人工智1392-124X INF TECHNOL CONTROL4区 125 COMPUTER SCIENCE,CYBERNETICS 计算机科学、控1083-4419IEEE T SYST MAN CY B1区 5821计算机科学、控制论1094-6977IEEE T SYST MAN CY C2区2037计算机科学、控制论0737-0024HUM-COMPUT INTERACT2区851计算机科学、控制论1083-4427IEEE T SYST MAN CY A2区 2785计算机科学、控制论0340-1200BIOL CYBERN3区4557计算机科学、控制论0924-1868USER MODEL USER-ADAP3区 437计算机科学、控制论1071-5819INT J HUM-COMPUT ST3区2062计算机科学、控制论1939-1412IEEE T HAPTICS3区140计算机科学、控制论1073-0516ACM T COMPUT-HUM INT3区537计算机科学、控制论0953-5438INTERACT COMPUT3区 850计算机科学、控制论1044-7318INT J HUM-COMPUT INT4区 619计算机科学、控制论0932-8092MACH VISION APPL4区839计算机科学、控制论1054-7460PRESENCE-TELEOP VIRT4区 1068计算机科学、控制论0196-9722CYBERNET SYST4区453计算机科学、控制论0144-929X BEHAV INFORM TECHNOL4区 802计算机科学、控制论1783-7677J MULTIMODAL USER IN4区 42计算机科学、控制论0332-7353MODEL IDENT CONTROL4区 170计算机科学、控制论0023-5954KYBERNETIKA4区536计算机科学、控制论1615-5289UNIVERSAL ACCESS INF4区188计算机科学、控制论0368-492X KYBERNETES4区462计算机科学、控制论1064-2307J COMPUT SYS SC INT+4区 177 COMPUTER SCIENCE,INFORMATION SYSTEMS计算机科学1392-124X INF TECHNOL CONTROL4区 125 ENGINEERING, AEROSPACE 工程、航空航天0376-0421PROG AEROSP SCI1区 1296工程、航空航天0018-9251IEEE T AERO ELEC SYS2区 5915工程、航空航天0731-5090J GUID CONTROL DYNAM2区 4539工程、航空航天0001-1452AIAA J2区 10686工程、航空航天0376-4265ESA BULL-EUR SPACE2区780工程、航空航天1270-9638AEROSP SCI TECHNOL3区 918工程、航空航天0893-1321J AEROSPACE ENG3区434工程、航空航天0748-4658J PROPUL POWER3区2340工程、航空航天0094-5765ACTA ASTRONAUT3区2040工程、航空航天0021-9142J ASTRONAUT SCI3区561工程、航空航天0021-8669J AIRCRAFT3区2646工程、航空航天1475-472X INT J AEROACOUST3区 190工程、航空航天1756-8293INT J MICRO AIR VEH3区 56工程、航空航天1542-0973INT J SATELL COMM N4区181工程、航空航天0002-8711J AM HELICOPTER SOC4区 377工程、航空航天0022-4650J SPACECRAFT ROCKETS4区 1593工程、航空航天1748-8842AIRCR ENG AEROSP TEC4区180工程、航空航天1000-9361CHINESE J AERONAUT4区334工程、航空航天0954-4100P I MECH ENG G-J AER4区 514工程、航空航天0885-8985IEEE AERO EL SYS MAG4区 471工程、航空航天0001-9240AERONAUT J4区 502工程、航空航天0334-0082INT J TURBO JET ENG4区 76工程、航空航天0549-3811T JPN SOC AERONAUT S4区126工程、航空航天0010-9525COSMIC RES+4区332工程、航空航天1940-3151J AEROS COMP INF COM4区93工程、航空航天0740-722X AEROSPACE AM4区 63工程、航空航天0971-1600J SPACECR TECHNOL4区 11 ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL &ELECTRONIC 工程、电气与电子1751-8644IET CONTROL THEORY A3区1967工程、电气与电子0967-0661CONTROL ENG PRACT3区3413工程、电气与电子0890-6327INT J ADAPTCONTROL3区809工程、电气与电子0932-4194MATH CONTROL SIGNAL4区 515IF 2012-20135-YearImpactFactorImmediacyIndexArticlesCited Half-life5.165 5.078 0.943 470 4.23.424.284 0.168 119 73.381 3.191 0.88 92 2.63.236 3.949 0.439 132 6.33.135 3.386 0.545 121 5.52.9193.944 0.292 391 7.22.7183.411 0.374 364>10.02.4843.097 0.216 37 6.10000000000 2.418 2.457 0.454 1854.62.372 4.329 0.462 26>10.02.291 2.432 0.253 154 9.52 2.62 0.34 153 6.91.937 1.935 0.212 66 0.559 118 5.31.8052.285 0.2 180 6.60000000000 1.717 2.04 0.182 3023.31.685 1.513 0.409 22 3.31.674 1.859 0.306 72 3.91.6692.033 0.165 127 7.71.6672.054 0.218 1709.69999999999 1.625 1.947 0.253 154 5.11.506 1.185 0.246 57 3.31.411 1.36 0.201 164 4.21.379 1.885 0.232 138>10.01.305 1.504 0.246 195 6.51.3 1.599 0.239 109 6.60000000000 1.2892.973 0.571 28 5.81.282 1.1 0.132 53 71.25 1.052 0.487 39 7.91.219 1.334 0.323 65 61.205 1.423 0.107 633 51.156 1.615 0.2 135 6.51.062 1.074 0.116 437.10000000000 1.008 1.289 0.084 154>10.01.008 1.146 0.173 75 5.10.953 0.898 0.13 154 3.50.79 1.41 0.242 33 6.70.758 1.182 0.182 121>10.00.741 0.596 0.065 318.30000000000 0.714 0.75 0.167 129.30000000000 0.711 0.99 0.15 20 90.667 0.8 0.177 113 5.10.667 0.560 38 3.40.656 0.886 0.04 75 5.50.603 0.5710 35 6.70.554 0.149 47 3.80.494 0.545 0.306 36 5.60000000000 0.462 0.569 0.276 298.69999999999 0.441 0.436 0.06 84 40.417 0.968 0.222 18>10.00.349 0.061 330.29 0.4250 24 6.70.284 0.274 0.014 74 50.2020 400.192 0.226 0.042 191>10.00.0380 850.667 0.560 38 3.43.236 3.949 0.439 132 6.32.5483.105 0.151 152 5.60000000000 2.25 3.039 0.667 12>10.02.183 2.44 0.465 127 6.10000000000 2.067 1.938 0.373 51>10.01.6 2 1.867 158.80000000000 1.4152.003 0.117 60 8.11.393 1.5 0.083 362.81.179 1.368 0.094 32 8.51.158 1.493 0.075 407.10000000000 1.131 1.284 0.133 60 7.41.103 1.42 0.143 84 7.41.04 1.112 0.091 33>10.00.973 0.814 0.237 38 80.856 1 0.188 808.30000000000 0.833 0.6 0.061 330.714 0.75 0.167 129.30000000000 0.619 0.548 0.054 74 9.60.532 0.065 31 5.40.318 0.37 0.05 121 60.249 0.242 0.078 64 4.60.667 0.560 38 3.42.3963.795 0.038 269.30000000000 1.299 1.767 0.214 257>10.01.27 1.474 0.097 185 9.91.08 1.301 0.164 256>10.01.064 1.447 0.5 16 9.90.873 1.022 0.139 108 6.90.778 0.854 0.162 68 7.30.717 0.936 0.09 145 9.10.701 0.664 0.155 245 6.30.697 0.677>10.00.632 0.701 0.076 2109.30000000000 0.627 0.139 36 5.90.562 1.041 0.235 170.535 0.635 0.19 21 8.10.514 0.571 0.071 28>10.00.489 0.707 0.075 120>10.00.441 0.348 0.023 43 6.90.438 0.584 0.054 112 4.10.4 0.663 0.036 112 5.10.343 0.456 0.037 54 8.10.259 0.292 0.149 47 6.4 0.244 0.275 0.019 53>10.00.2140 120.048 0.048 0.008 1190.034 0.1111.7172.04 0.182 3023.3 1.669 2.033 0.165 127 7.7 1.219 1.334 0.323 65 6 0.417 0.968 0.222 18>10.0。
ieee trans on sustainable energy分区
ieee trans on sustainable energy分区
IEEE Trans on Sustainable Energy 是IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,电气和电子工程师学会)旗下的一个期刊,主要刊登关于可持续能源领域的研究成果。
IEEE Trans on Sustainable Energy 分区为Q1(第一季度)期刊,这意味着这个期刊在可持续能源领域的学术影响非常大。
如需了解更多关于IEEE Trans on Sustainable Energy 的信息,可以在相关学术数据库中搜索该期刊的名称或者参考相关学术论文、学术会议等资料。
以下是其中一些期刊及其所属分区的详细列表:一区(Top期刊):2. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence3. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering5. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing6. Artificial Intelligence7. Journal of the ACM8. Journal of Machine Learning Research9. SIAM Review12. Journal of Cryptology13. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics14. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology15. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems二区:1. ACM Transactions on Information Systems2. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering4. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing6. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology8. Journal of Graphics, GPU and Game Tools11. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems13. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics14. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems15. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 三区:1. ACM Transactions on Database Systems3. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics5. Journal of Visualization6. Journal of Web Semantics7. Cognitive Systems Research10. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology11. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems13. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks14. Journal of Control Theory and Applications四区:1. ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing3. Information Sciences4. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics5. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics6. Journal of Information Science and Engineering8. Journal of Web Engineering11. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics12. Journal of Chromatography B14. Journal of Molecular Modeling15. Journal of Web Science16. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism。
ieee transaction的二区文章
ieee transaction的二区文章摘要:1.IEEE Transactions 简介2.IEEE Transactions 的分类3.IEEE Transactions 的二区文章概述4.二区文章的评价标准与重要性5.如何撰写一篇优秀的二区文章正文:IEEE Transactions 是电气和电子工程领域内的一份知名期刊,其全称为Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Transactions。
IEEE Transactions 根据研究领域的不同,分为多个分区。
总之,作为IEEE Transactions 的二区文章,不仅需要具备较高的学术水平和创新性,还需要具备实用性和影响力。
IEEE SMC介绍及IEEE会员申请一、IEEE 简介IEEE是全世界最大的专业技术学会,成立于1884年,致力于电气、电子、计算机工程和与科学有关的领域的开发和研究。
IEEE 每年在全球举办800多个专业技术会议,同时各地的分会和学生组织也积极开展各项活动。
IEEE 愿望是技术创新、协助会员生涯发展、增进全球小区交流,促进全球繁荣。
IEEE 任务是推动电气信息科学与技术的创新、发展、整合、分享、应用等,引领世界电技术与信息科技的发展方向、指引最新技术发展、提供最新科技信息、开拓新学科源地。
二、IEEE 在中国IEEE有中国会员5000多名,绝大多数会员任职于顶尖高校和科研机构,约1000名学生会员,大部分是硕士和博士研究生,40多位IEEE FELLOW,遍布多个高科技领域;每年在中国举办100多场国际专业技术会议。
电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers),是一个国际性的电子技术与信息科学工程师协会,是目前全球最大的非营利性专业技术学会。
Industrial Electronics Society(IES)是IEEE协会的一个专注于电子在工业制造领域应用进程的社团。
在旗下的出版物有杂志(Magazines)和期刊(Journals)两种,其中杂志(Magazines)有IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine一种,期刊(Journals)有IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics; IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics; IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics三种。
Industry Application Society(IAS),是IEEE最大的兴趣组织之一,IAS致力于满足工业和商业领域中特别的需求。
在IAS的出版物中,杂志(Magazines)有IEEE Industry Application Magazine,期刊(Journals)有IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications。
Power Electronics Society(PELS)组织中专注于电力技术发展的社团。
PELS的出版物只有在其专注领域的IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 一种。
Reference:国际会议及期刊星级说明(学术影响力):引自李晓明,2007-3-4, "做全面发展的研究生" 一文0级:国内会议,国内核心刊物,如SEWM,《计算机应用》,《计算机工程与应用》,《计算机工程与设计》1级:国内发起并主办的国际学术会议(例如Intl Conf. on Computer Networks and Mobile Computing,GCC)2级:国内一级学术期刊,如《计算机学报》,《计算机研究与发展》,《软件学报》等,重要的地区性国际会议(例如PAKDD,ICADL,APWEB,WAIM,ICCIT, ISPA,ICWL等)2.5级:国际专业知名会议(例如ICWE,DASFAA),影响因子在1.0以下的知名国际专业刊物(例如Intl Journal of Information Technology,Journal of Information Science,Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Journal of Web Engineering,等),《中国科学》,《科学通报》等3级:国际专业品牌会议(例如EDBT,ICDCS),影响因子在1.0-2.0之间的国际专业刊物(例如IEEE Transactions on Computer, Sigmod Record, Journal of Computer Networks,Journal of Software and Systems)4级:国际专业顶级会议(例如SIGMOD,VLDB,CIKM,IC DE,SIGIR,SIGKDD,WWW)与国际著名刊物(例如ACM Computing Surveys, VLDB Journal, ACM Transaction on Information Systems等,以及IEEE Transactions系列中影响因子在2.0以上的)5级:国际著名综合品牌刊物(例如PNAS,Nature,Science等)以下是除5级以外的会议及期刊星级分类:4.0 国际专业顶级会议(A类或引用因子>0.9)ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication(SIGCOMM)ACM Special Interest Group on Mobility of Sys-tems, Users, Data and Computing (MOBICOM)ACM Special Interest Group on Measurement and Evaluation (SIGMETRICS)ACM/IEEE Intl Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MOBIHOC)ACM/IEEE World Wide Web Conf. (WWW)Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD)IEEE Intl Conf. on Data Engineering (ICDE)Intl Conf. on Very Large DataBase (VLDB)Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR)ACM SIGMOD Conf. on Management of Data/Principles of DB SystemsExtending DB Technology (EDBT)Usenix Symp on OS Design and Implementation (OSDI)ACM SIGOPS Symp on OS Principles (SOSP:)Intl Conf. on Machine Learning (ICML)Intl. Conf on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM)Annual Meeting of the ACL (Association of Computational Linguistics) (ACL)Intl Conf on Extending DB Technology (EDBT)Database and Expert System Applications (DEXA)Symposium on High-Perf Comp Architecture (HPCA )3.5 国际专业品牌会议(B类或0.8<引用因子<0.9)ACM Intl Conf. on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems(SenSys)ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing(SAC)ACM Symp on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)IEEE Intl Conf. on Network Protocols (ICNP)IEEE Conf. on Computer Communications (INFOCOM)IEEE Intl Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS)IEEE Intl Conf. on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom)IEEE Conf. on Local Computer Networks (LCN)IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf. (WCNC)IEEE Intl Conf on Networking Topology in Computer Science Conf.(ICN)IEEE Intl Conf. on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems(MASS)USENIX USENIX Annual Technical Conf.USENIX Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)Intl conf. on Wireless Networks (ICWN)USENIX Conf on Internet Tech and SysIntl Conf on Parallel Arch and Compil Tech (PACT)Symposium on Parallel Algms and Architecture (SPAA )Intl Database Engineering and Application Symposium (IDEAS)3.0 国际专业品牌会议(C类或0.7<引用因子ACM/USENIX Intl Conf. on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys)ACM/IEEE Annual Intl Conf. on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MOBIQUITOUS)ACM Intl Workshop on Mobility in the Evolving Internet Architecture (MobiArch)ACM/IEEE Intl Conf. on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)ACM Intl Conf. on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM)ACM/IEEE Joint Conf. on Digital Libraries (JCDL)IEEE Intl Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS)IEEE Intl Parallel and Dist Processing Symp (IPDPS)IEEE/ACM Conf. on High Performance Computing Networking and Storage (Supercomputing)IEEE/ACM Intl Conf. on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)IEEE Intl Conf. on Data Mining (ICDM)IEEE Global Communications Conf., incorporating the Global Internet Symposium (Globecom)IEEE Intl Phoenix Conf on Comp & Communications(IPCCC)USENIX Conf. on File and Storage Technologies(FAST)USENIX Symp on Networked Systems Design & Implementation (NSDI)USENIX Intl Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS)Intl conf. on Computer Communication (ICCC)IFIP Intl Conf.s on Networking (Networking)Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Acc (MobiDE)European Conf. on Machine Learning (ECML)European Conf. on Information Retrieval (ECIR)Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA)2.5 地区专业品牌会议(0.6<引用因子<0.7)ACM Intl Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM) IEEE Conf on P2P Computing(P2P)IEEE Communications Society Conf on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks(SECON) IEEE Intl Conf on Comp Comm and Networks (ICCCN)IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS (ISCC)IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conf (VTC)IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (MONS)IEEE/IFIP Intl Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM)IEEE Intl Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems(SRDS)FORTE Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed SystemsThe Pacific-Asia Conf on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining(PAKDD)Asia Pacific Web Conf / Intl Conf. on Web Age Information Management (APWeb / WAIM)Text REtrieval Conf(TREC)Human Language Technology Conf(HLT)Conf of the Intl. Committee on Computational Linguistics (COLLING)Intl Semantic Web Conf(ISWC)European Semantic Web Conf(ECWC)Intl Conf. on Asian Digital Libraries (ICADL)European Conf. on Digital Libraries (ECDL)2.0 地区专业品牌会议(0.5<引用因子<0.6)Intl Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS)ACM Workshop on Wireless Mobile Multimedia (WOWMOM)IEEE Intl Conf. on Communications (ICC)Intl Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications (ISPA)Intl Conf on Pervasive Systems and Computing (PSC)Asia Information Retrieval Symp (AIRS)Asia Pacific Web Conf. (APWEB)Intl Conf. on Web-based Learning (ICWL)1.0 国内发起并主办的国际会议Grid Computing Conf. (GCC)Semantic Knowledge Grid (SKG)Intl Conf. on Natural Computation / Intl Conf. on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC/FSKD) mobiCHINA0.0 国内会议SEWM: Sympo of Search Engine and Web MiningCNCC:中国计算机大会。
IEEETransactions,Journals,andLetters区别 Trans:深⼊研究,全⾯分析,长度以双栏12页为佳;要求数学公式理论推导与逻辑严谨证明;Mag:通常以专刊形式发表,投稿之前要有合适专题才⾏;普及性的,不要求数学公式;长度长度以双栏4-8页为佳(SPM除外,难度异常难);Letter:短⼩精⼲,创新点很明确即可,为某个新idea抢先发表占坑;学术⽔平(⼀般这么认为):Trans>Letter>Mag;影响⼒(多少⾼校):Trans>Mag>Letter (但也有意外,IEEE SPM要更难⼀些)。
1)都是 Journal Article2)Transactions: 着重在深⼊⽽完整(详细)的研究,对论⽂篇幅的长度要求, ⽐较⾼Journal: 同 Transactions, 但某⽅⾯要求没有 Transactions 那么严谨,Letter: ⽐较要求创新, 或是新颖的想法, 及要求内容长度, 不要太长, 有点类似综述类, 对以往的研究⼯作及⽂献回顾做简要的叙述, 没有 Journal 或是 Transactions 那么细~Comment 的 paper 都会放在这类~不会放在 Transactions 或是 Journal.Magazine: ⽂章长度介于 Letter 跟 Journal 之间,要求的写法⽐较接近 news 或是 technology report, 前三者, ⼀定要有 Abstract, Introduction 及 Conclusion 等学术论⽂写作的规范, magazine 则是根据内容的属性会调整论⽂的结构与写法~有些 magazine 不只是 SCI 检索, 对写作的要求(不是单指⽂法)还是有所最低的要求~IEEE的paper⼤体分为3类,letter,magazine,journal/transaction.IEEE letter:属于快报形式,⼀般发表最新的研究成果,⽂章要求短⼩,理论推导要求不⾼。
ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters分区
ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters分区
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters是一个国际性的学术期刊,由IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society出版。
根据2020年的JCR分区,IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters被分为了三个大类别:工程技术、环境科学和地球科学。
总之,IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters是一个在工程技术领域影响力较大的国际学术期刊,对于从事遥感技术、地球物理
IEEE的文章大体分为3类,letter,magazine,journal/transaction. IEEE letter:属于快报形式,一般发表最新的研究成果,文章要求短小,理论推导要求不高。
IEEE Magazine:这才是属于杂志类,一般要求用文字和图表来表述些最新研究成果,不允许有过多的公式推导。
IEEE Jour/Trans:这两个属于同一类,期刊杂志,但两者面向的读者和表达方式上略有不同。
Trans:具体到一个相对较细的专业方向上,如IEEE Trans. Sign.Proc.。
而jour:面向的读者群却更加广泛,如IEEE J-SAC,所以jour需要对背景知识有更加全面的介绍。
虽然jour没有trans.的专注度高,但是其理论深度的要求也很高,而且其影响因子往往远远高于Trans.稍微研究了一下ieee Transaction, Journal, Letter 的区别,仅供参考1 仅从目标来说,Transaction, Journal, Letter 仅仅是名称不同而已以IEEE协会的出版物为例The mission of IEEE Transactions, Journals, and Letters is to provide archival publications that are of lasting value to the engineering community. These periodicals provide the profession with content that has been peer-reviewed and published with the objective of creating an historical account of progress in the field. 兩個重點, 1. 是為了提供一個保存有長久價值的知識的出版品2. 經過peer-review 的程序2 但是如果要更細分這三種出版品的話,先以IEEE Power Electronics Letters 和IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics為例說明Letter 和Transaction的不同,IEEE Power Electronics LettersThis electronic publication will be devoted to the rapid publication of short manuscripts of archival value in the general area of power electronics. Power electronics is the underlying technology for a vast portion of electrical energy processing.IEEE Transactions on Power ElectronicsThe development of power electronics technology. This technology encompasses the effective use of electronic components, the application of circuit theory and design techniques, and the development of analytical tools toward efficient electronic conversion, control, and conditioning of electric power.可以看到的是, Letter 的內容通常是Short Paper, 有即時性的,而Transaction 收錄的內容則沒有這個在時間上的特性.3 至於Journal 的內容, 是屬於比較雜的.Journal 所收錄的內容介於Transaction 及Letter 間,可收錄Short Paper 也可收錄Regular Paper.以IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 為例,IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics is published monthly.It comprises original contributions, both regular papers and letters, in the broad field of the science and technology of quantum electronics of either a device-, subject-, or system-oriented nature. IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Field of Interest Lasers, optical devices, optical fibers and associated lightwave technology and their application in systems and subsystems, in which the quantum electronic devices are key elements. The Society is concerned with the research,development, design, manufacture, and applications of materials, devices and systems, and with the various scientific and technological activities which contribute to the useful expansion of the field of quantum electronics and applications.除了IEEE, 在資訊科學領域另一個重量級學會ACM,對於命名一個New Publication 則有下列建議Proposed name of new publicationIf this is a peer-reviewed journal it will probably be called ACM Transactions on XXX (although there are some exceptions).Other ACM publications must use other names. You may propose a single name or several possible names for the Board to consider.在選擇名字時還要考慮到他的型態Format and type of publicationAre you proposing a peer-reviewed journal, a magazine, an online newsletter, or some other type of publication? Are you proposing a print publication or anonline-only publication? How frequently will this publication publish new articles? How long will a typical article be? How many articles will be included in each issue? Will this publication include something other than traditional articles (software, multimedia, message boards, etc.)另外, 在文章中有這麼一句話,Please provide an overview of the proposed editorial process.Will articles go through a full refereeing process, or a lessrigorous review process (transactions must use a refereeing process)這裡說明了Transaction 必須經過Refereeing 才可以如果有人對其他形式的publication 如magazine, newsletter, proceeding 有興趣IEEE 的IEEE Policy 6.6 倒是有一些描述可供參考.解析三大检索—SCI、EI、ISTP文章分类:Java编程· SCI--Science Citation Index《科学引文索引》· EI—Engineering Index《工程索引》· ISTP—Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings 《科技会议录索引》对于三大检索工具,目前有:印刷版(print)/ 光盘版(CD-ROM)/ 网络版(web) /联机版(online)四种利用方式。
JCR 一区期刊是影响因子较高的顶级期刊,发表在此类期刊上的论文往往具有较高的学术影响力和知名度。
一般来说,JCR一区和JCR 二区期刊的审稿周期相对较长,审稿要求也比较严格,需要作者具备较高的学术水平和研究能力;而JCR三区期刊的审稿周期相对较短,审稿要求相对较低,适合一些初次投稿或者时间紧迫的情况。
ieee dtpi是几区的论文
ieee dtpi是几区的论文ieee的期刊是sci几区ieee旗下的期刊一般都是sci4区到1区的期刊。
IEEE期刊主要分为会刊(IEEE Transaction)/期刊(IEEE Journal)、杂志(IEEE Magazine)和快报(IEEE Letters)三类。
3、IEEE Xplore数字图书馆IEEE Xplore Digital Library作为IEEE科技文献的在线访问平台,让科研人员更方便快捷地获取全球最先进的高价值文献。
IEEE Xplore收录了其出版的所有期刊和杂志等超过400万篇全文文献,期刊可回溯至1872年。
IEEE Xplore每年新增约有5万篇期刊文章,平均每月超1000万下载量。
ieee trancistion影响因子
ieee trancistion影响因子IEEE Transitions 影响因子IEEE Transitions 是 IEEE 没有分区分科目的综合类期刊,它包含了 IEEE 所有分区分科目期刊的文章,并且它的影响因子是整个 IEEE 中最高的。
因为 IEEE Transitions 属于综合类期刊,所以它的影响因子对于IEEE 期刊和会议的整体影响是至关重要的。
IEEE Transitions 的影响因子是由 Thomson Reuters Web of Science 提供的数据计算得到的。
在计算影响因子时,Web of Science 会计算出过去两年内该期刊所发表文章的总引用数,然后除以过去两年该期刊所发表的总文章数。
IEEE Transitions 的影响因子每年都会发生变化,这是因为影响因子是过去两年的数据计算得出的。
因此,要想使 IEEE Transitions 的影响因子保持在一个较高的水平,需要持续地提高其发表文章的质量,增加其文章的影响力和影响范围。
同时,IEEE Transitions 还需要吸引更多的作者选择该期刊发表高质量的文章。
IEEE Transitions 的影响因子对于 IEEE 学术研究的整体发展具有重要的意义。
IEEE 是世界上最大的电气工程和计算机科学的学术组织,其会议和期刊发表了大量的学术研究成果,也吸引了全球范围内的研究人员参与其中。
而 IEEE Transitions 作为一个综合类期刊,可以展示IEEE 所有分区分科目期刊的多样性,可以为读者提供更加全面和深入的学术研究成果。
在计算 IEEE Transitions 的影响因子时,会考虑到该期刊所发表的所有分区分科目的文章。
这意味着该期刊每年所发表文章的质量和数量都会对整个 IEEE 学术研究的影响发挥着至关重要的作用。
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A* (top 5%): "Virtually all papers they publish will be of a very high quality"A (next 15%): "The majority of papers in a Tier A journal will be of very high quality"B (next 30%): "Generally, in a Tier B journal, one would expect only a few papers of very high quality"C (next 50%): Journals "that do not meet the criteria of higher tiers".IEEE - ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and BioinformaticsCIEEE - ASME Transactions on MechatronicsAIEEE Transactions on Vehicular TechnologyAIEEE ACM Transactions on NetworkingA*IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems MagazineBIEEE Annals of the History of ComputingBIEEE Antennas and Propagation MagazineBIEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation LettersAIEEE Circuits and Devices: the magazine of electronic and photonic systemsBIEEE Circuits and Systems MagazineBIEEE Communications LettersAIEEE Communications MagazineBIEEE Computational Intelligence MagazineCIEEE Computer Graphics and ApplicationsBIEEE Control Systems MagazineBIEEE Design and Test of ComputersCIEEE Distributed Systems OnlineCIEEE Electrical Insulation MagazineCIEEE Electron Device LettersAIEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology MagazineBIEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing LettersAIEEE Industry Applications MagazineCIEEE Instrumentation and Measurement MagazineCIEEE Intelligent SystemsAIEEE Internet ComputingBIEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical SystemsAIEEE Journal of Oceanic EngineeringBIEEE Journal of Quantum ElectronicsA*IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum ElectronicsAIEEE Journal of Solid State CircuitsAIEEE Journal on Selected Areas in CommunicationsAIEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal ProcessingBIEEE MicroCIEEE Microwave and Wireless Components LettersAIEEE Microwave magazineBIEEE MultiMedia MagazineCIEEE Network: the magazine of global information exchange BIEEE Pervasive ComputingAIEEE Photonics Technology LettersAIEEE Power and Energy MagazineBIEEE Power Electronics LettersBIEEE Reviews on Biomedical EngineeringNot rankedIEEE Robotics and Automation magazineBIEEE Security and Privacy MagazineBIEEE Sensors JournalBIEEE Signal Processing LettersAIEEE SoftwareBIEEE SpectrumCIEEE Technology and Society MagazineCIEEE Transaction on Nuclear ScienceBIEEE Transactions on Advanced PackagingBIEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic SystemsAIEEE Transactions on Antennas and PropagationAIEEE Transactions on Applied SuperconductivityAIEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language ProcessingA*IEEE Transactions on Automatic ControlA*IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and EngineeringAIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and SystemsCIEEE Transactions on Biomedical EngineeringA*IEEE Transactions on BroadcastingAIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology BIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 1: Regular Papers AIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. Part 2: Express Briefs BIEEE Transactions on CommunicationsIEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging TechnologiesBIEEE Transactions on Computer - Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems CIEEE Transactions on ComputersA*IEEE Transactions on Consumer ElectronicsBIEEE Transactions on Control Systems TechnologyAIEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure ComputingAIEEE Transactions on Device and Materials ReliabilityAIEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical InsulationCIEEE Transactions on EducationBIEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic CompatibilityBIEEE Transactions on Electron DevicesAIEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging ManufacturingBIEEE Transactions on Energy ConversionAIEEE Transactions on Engineering ManagementAIEEE Transactions on Evolutionary ComputationA*IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy SystemsA*IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote SensingAIEEE Transactions on Image ProcessingA*IEEE Transactions on Industrial ElectronicsBIEEE Transactions on Industrial InformaticsAIEEE Transactions on Industry ApplicationsBIEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and SecurityIEEE Transactions on Information Technology in BiomedicineA*IEEE Transactions on Information TheoryA*IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and MeasurementBIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation SystemsBIEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data EngineeringAIEEE Transactions on MagneticsBIEEE Transactions on Medical ImagingA*IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and TechniquesAIEEE Transactions on Mobile ComputingA*IEEE Transactions on MultimediaAIEEE Transactions on NanoBioscienceBIEEE Transactions on NanotechnologyAIEEE Transactions on Network and Service ManagementCIEEE Transactions on Neural NetworksA*IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering A*IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed SystemsA*IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine IntelligenceA*IEEE Transactions on Plasma ScienceCIEEE Transactions on Power DeliveryAIEEE Transactions on Power ElectronicsAIEEE Transactions on Power SystemsA*IEEE Transactions on Professional CommunicationIEEE Transactions on ReliabilityAIEEE Transactions on RoboticsA*IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor ManufacturingAIEEE Transactions on Services ComputingNot rankedIEEE Transactions on Signal ProcessingA*IEEE Transactions on Software EngineeringA*IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and HumansBIEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B: CyberneticsAIEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews BIEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency ControlCIEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration SystemsAIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer GraphicsAIEEE Transactions on Wireless CommunicationsAIEEE Wireless Communications MagazineBIEEE: Signal Processing MagazineB。