




(W分)()11. A ThC StatiOn ・ B TbC POSt OfriCC C. ThC b∞kstorr.()12. A. HCS taking a PhOlO B. HC IS fl% Ing a kite C. HC s nding a bike. ( )13 A FIrSl turn right.and Ihal IUnl ICnB TUjTI ngh(h⅜ ιceC FirM IUm ICn and IhCn IUm r⅞h∣( )14. A. OnoC a month.. B. OnCCa) αιr C. Onccaucck.()15 A Yes, there is B No. IhCrC isn't C WCdOn't know .闪・听短文.i⅛禅正1»件區∙短文读科.⅛L ( IO分)< )16 CharIIe UltS bo∩ι on______A. MalXrh 2lst B March 20ih C. MaX 2<Xh< )17 ____ gave CharliC a pair Of ShOCSA CharlIC' n uncleB Cliarlic' S aunt C. CbarliC * S ParCntS<)18 GlalIIU IlkMI UIV ________ ZslA books B. apples C. ShOCS()19 CIIaflio' S UIIClCMid CiMIlliC UWUklA. Cal more foodB. read more booksC. S(Ud) hard()20. Charlie is years old.A.6B. 7C. 13第二部分基础知识运用・■单顶迭择•(毎题1分,共IS分)<)21. _______ does JoUr brother ¢0 to IhC Iibran ? -T^iCC a ¼⅜∞kA. HOU farB. HOu many CHoWIOng D. HOW OftCn< )22. ______ 1$ it from ∖our home to IhC bank ? -It S about 4 kilometersA I Hι>⅜⅜ InUChB I HOZ longC HoU man,D Ho⅜⅜ i⅛2. 3. 4.二.听句子.选择正确苔语匸超个句子≪-⅛. < m分〉 ()()6A It was JUnC 6th B It s Mm 1 lth. C IrS WCdnCSdιι∖7. A. Γnι Iate again. Dad B 1 m Sony. Mr. WangX A Γhank ∖ou B. No PrObICm9 A NoJdon t B Yes. I did10.人丨Can da⅞cc. B. No. I Call LC JUSI a slιort timeC IIlC same to >ou.C YCSJ doC Yes, 1 Call(>23—you IlkC music ¼cr∖ much Dld ∖ou SIng a Song al IhC pari∖9―No. but IfeICn ______A. did B doCS C. d∙dnβt D. SingS< )24 ・ XMlaI kindOrhOUSC do∖<xι ∖⅜ant io VCnVl -*∙∙I ∖¾ant a hou⅛c __ QgardCn.A UJIder B. On C. With D. in.< )25 WhX not and ha∖ca look? —OK Lci, S goA logo IIP Slalπ>B goesIIPStaIrS C. go (oIIPSIaIrS D go IIP^aIrS()26 ThCrC is a ∖¾ιιιdou __ the WaIl and IhCnC IS a p>clurc __ it.A. on: inB. m. InC. on;On D .ιn; on()27 She* S her wallet∙ but ShC Call, t itA. IOOklng for: findB. look, findC. looking for. finding D finding: IoOk fix< )28 LlndaOnCn _____ h er ho<ncλ%ork In IhCCVeIlinK« bul IhiS evening she__ TV nouA does: WateI>esB iSdoIng: watchesC t$ doing: is UaIChing DdoCs: is UaUhing< )29.There ____ a lot Of Oloac、Ul her UalIet ・ but SbC doesn't USCA arc: theB arc: It C. is: it D is: IhCnl()30 ThC IillIC bo> IS ______ )can old. TOdaj is h∣s bιrthda>A fifth. ΠAh B. five:fi⅜e C G¼c .fi∩h D, fifth five{ )31.-Torn» don* t IbrgCl ________ OUr^randParClItSafterSChoOl ・OK Mom. IWOn'lA IOViSn B. V ISitIng ClOPla) D pla%ιng( )32. -ThClC IS ______ W ith IUy COlnPUter.-Oh ∙ SOrn to bear Ihat YOU Can Catl IhC SCn ice CenICr Ibr helpA WrOng SOmCthingB something WnMlgC. on、Ihiflg WrOngD. ∖⅜πxιg anything()33. ______ UlIh IhC help Of IhC ICaChCr .the bo> COUId read SOmC books (he age Of five.A. with: at B Of at C With : In D. Under .ιn()34 Th^rc atv α Iot Of ChildrCn ______ baskc4ball On IhC ph∖ground.A. pla∖B. pla∖s C to PklV D. placing( )35 It S SOOd US to help the PeOPIC and children the StrCCtA .for : Valk OeroSSB to .acroM C. to; CrOM D. (on across二.完形换空∙ ( M分〉I CCICbaited n>y twel fth bιrthda∖UIth all Itn friends aι⅞d faιnιh Iay year. VK parents took InC (o go shopping, and L36 me βomc ιox« .1 ZM re,II、(貝的〉hαρρ∖ Ibr IhCir wonderful Prevents 37 IhiS year. T dicin' l SCC an> friends・ and ∖¼o dιdn ( go ShoPPmg WiUIr S the 3⅜?Did the> fbf⅛c<?,What about m∖ b∣rtlκia∖ parts this year? ,, I asked nn ParCntS * Jud、・ICIk do 39 different IhIS ∖car ∖∖ c IlgOtOa PlaCe tomorrow Picase make SUrC to UkC XOUr sa∖ mg box < 存钱⅛O 40κ ou " said my father.I got UP CarI) the next morning SOoM WC got to ChC PIaCC place. A man welcomed US and £LUS to his OiTICC HC told US nan∖ChlldrCn ItCrc had ιo SIOP going to SChOOI because IhCJ ∖⅝crυ42.! Kncu Vin Iny father asked me Io IakC m∖ SaX mgbox then I ga∖ e all Iny 43_to the ChiIdrClI here We hnd a great birthdaχ Parlyzlth them Afler Il(II) 44 ItlnCh ・ WC WCnt home.ThlS XVaS m∖best bι∏hda∖ Pany In m∖ II(C I ∖⅜as hap∣>∖ I)CCaUSC m、SmaIl SjhIng box 45 help IhOSC ChlldrCn HCIPlng OtherS IS really 丿wonderful thing问渎理解(30分)()48 ThCrC arc ____ Joor (S) tn IhO mouse' S house.A. four B OnC C. IhreC D. InO ()49 AnimalS homes are ________Λ in Imr B IhC SaaW C. d ∣fTςront D in holes ()50 AnlmaIr homes arc _______A- on their backsB holesC in PCOPIC S homes D- above dl(B)A IOng IifC IB great Ibr cvet ∖otιe E¾ Cfy OllC uaι>U to hα∖ c a IOng IiiC- I kxιo¾¾ two tutn KISterV C⅛ IK* ⅛J ⅛). ThUλγcLUey and LilV ThCy both have IOng IlVCS- ThC> just CdCbratCd IhClrI(MIth bι∏)ιda ∖!I.uc ∖ and LiIy ZCrC bom On NmCmbCr 20Ih 1916 ThC l ∖⅜in M⅛lcrs VCnI to (heMmC school, had IhC SamojOb and no 、、 IlVe m ChC SanIe IK)IIse. A (CyX months 咚o ・ tlιcs CdCbrmed IheIr Iwhh I)Mhdm (Ogether The> had a ½oικlcrfiιI bιrthda ∖ p3rt> In tl»Clr house. Tho »KCd IbCir frκnds and faιnιl ∖ to COlTK to IhC part 、 It VaS a SUnnX Sunda 、・ and CVCnOnC had a good time**Wc OftCn CCIebrMC OUr birthdays together. ' LUCyMys∙ ° Ten years ago. WC CCJCbratCd OUr90Ih birthday togcti⅛cr LaSlxCar. ∖⅜cCekbraiodOUr99th bιrth<la ∖ ・ loo∕*Man>∙ PCOPle ask them how to keep a IOng life, f * Hard XVork and good food help a IOt That e S all I Can think about W LiK $a\s.36 Abrought 37ASOB PCfIbnllVd B- BlltC bought C . IfD CCkbnUCd38 AIimC B ColOr C ma((cτ D UIaPC D Somethlng < )JU Aon B. from C. at D. With < )41 A PIannCd B IOOk C CnjojCdD 艸C O 42 A poor B noιs ∖C InagIC D. ∖oung < )43 . A. books B ten s CfOOd D. moncx < )44.A.alraιd B- dιlTicuh C- delicious D. bonng ()45 A COUId B InUStC ShOUIdD need(A)EVentXxh < 毎个人)has a home PeOPle IiVe In InalB (Ilrterent kinds OfhCUSeS AnIlnaIS hove dιfterent homes ,too SOmC animals lι∖ c in holcs< Il-J >undcr IhC ground ThC mou⅝c IiVCS UndCr IIK ground Hkhomchaslzodoon Ifan 、<MUHUI 1 COlUCS IUto OnC <k>υr∙ tlιc IuUUSC goes OUt iιυιu IIIC OthCr one. SoIUC buds IIVC Ul holes Ul trees, lhc> COiUCOUI for food In IhC da>tιmc( 白大 and go back to SlCq) at night SnaiIS (⅛⅛φ) homes arcquιtc< )ιntcrcstiπg ThCV Carn their homes On IhCir backs. C OnS cats∙ and dogs IhC in PCoPlC , S homes∖V⅛ c<uι MX all kinds Of αnuιιa ∣5 UI the ZOO Il IS «i big home Ibr lυ<⅝ Of anauah I thιιιk tho J>uuld be GccO 46 ThC s ∣or ∖ IS about ___ A. (he homes Of M>mc anιmah C. M)IuC PCOPIC()47__________ IlVC UndCr IhC SrOUndB SOmC IlWgD. SOIIIC animalsC MiCCD CatS39.A,cvcr ∖on cB. c⅜cnlhmgC. an> Ihing< <ThC i∖un SISICrS dιdn,ι ask for PrcSCniS On IhCir bιπhda> BIII IhCX asked (heir IYiCndS and IamIIj to UsC SOmC moncx lo do good things At sι>ch an OId n驴. Ihey ⅝tιll Uant to do SoInething to help OtherS We MhOuki Ieam from Lucy and LiKLcls Zlsh IhCm a happ∖ and IOng Il(C!()51 WTlen WCrC Ihe twin SIStCrS bom?A. Oil No⅜cmbcr I2dι. 1916. B On November 2(∣ih. 1961C. On November 2<⅛lb1916.D. On No%CmbCr )2ih∙1619()52 ∖Vho dκl the hκιn SISterS CeIebfate their KKXh buthda> with ?A Tħcir ChildrCn B. ThCIr ParCntSC ThClr fnends and faιnιhD ThCir fnends and (CMhCrS()S3 Where dκl thc> CCICbratC their HJ(MJl birthday ?A- In IhC church. B- In d⅞cιr house.C In their gardenD In the Nrk()54. Hoxv COn ¼vc live a IOng IIft?A WC CalI do SPOfU c⅜cr> day.B WC Cal) sU、at home c、Cfy da>C We CanWOrk hard and Cat Well D. We Can pla> happily every day ()55 What did IhC hκιn SISICrs IhCIr friends SndfamιK do On IIKlr birthday。






(5分) 听句子,选择正确的应答语。

(5分)6. A. Yes, they do. B Yes, he is. C. Yes, there is.7. A. A farm. B. Last Saturday. C. By car8. A. I went boating. B. It was great. C. If was cloudy.9. A. He likes reading. B. He’s looking at me. C. Tall and heavy.10. A. It’s snowing. B. He lives in Beijing. C. I’m busy. III. 听对话,选择正确的答案。

(5分)11. When do the students eat dinner?A. At 6:45 a.m.B. At 6:45 p.m.C. At 7:15 p.m.12. Where does the man want to go?A. The hotel.B. The restaurant.C. The supermarket.13. What size of beef noodles does the man want?A. Large.B. Medium.C. Small.14 How did Carol go to the countryside?.A. By bike.B. By train.C. By bus.15. Who did Peter go shopping with?A. His friends.B. His mother.C. His classmates.IV. 听短文,选择正确答案。



2019-2020年湖北省七年级英语下学期期末考试试题第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共85分)一、听力测试(共三节)第一节(共4小题, 每小题1分,满分4分)听下面4个问题,每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。



1. A. It’s sunny. B. It’s Tuesday. C. It’s July 1st.2. A. It’s new. B. It’s behind the b ank. C. It’s warm.3. A. He’s really tall. B. He is 14. C. He likes pandas.4. A. The red one. B. The old one. C. The large one.第二节(共8题, 每小题1分,满分8分)听下面8段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。



5. What day is it today?A. Monday.B. Thursday.C. Saturday.6. Who talks on phone every day?A. Lisa.B. Lily.C. Alice.7. What’s the woman doing?A. Listening to music.B. Walking on the street.C. Doing shopping.8. What does Jane look like?A. She is heavy.B. She is tall.C. She has long hair.9. Where is the girl now?A. She is in a restaurant.B. She is in a bank.C. She is in a museum.10. Where did Carol go yesterday?A. To a fire station.B. To a farm.C. To a library.11. H ow was the girl’s school trip?A. It was fun.B. It was relaxing.C. It was terrible.12. What’s the girl’s phone number?A. 83892845.B. 83982845.C. 83892485.第三节(共13小题,每小题1分,满分13分)听下面4段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。



2018-2019 学年度第二学期调研测试题七年级英语(2019. 6)本试题分选择题部分和非选择题部分,共10 页,满分为150 分,考试用时120 分钟。


答题时,选择题部分每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。

非选择题部分,用0. 5 毫米黑色签字笔在答题卡上题号所提示的答题区域作答。



选择题部分共105分I. 听力测试(30 分)A)听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。


1. A. I'd like some noodles. B. I want to go tomorrow. C. I don't like this rule.2. A. Is that your classroom? B. Can your brother swim? C. Is your sister at home?3. A. The hotel is near the zoo. B. His dream is coming true. C. The little boy is only two.4. A. When is Paul's birthday? B. How was your vacation? C. Where is the police station?5. A. Let's play soccer after class. B. Let's buy some vegetables. C. That's a beautiful butterfly. B)在录音中,你将听到五段对话。






( )1.A.Pears.B.Panda C.Red.( )2.A.PE.B.Six.C.My English teacher.( )3.A.Good idea.B.We go to the park.C.We like climbing the hill.( )4.A.Thank you all the same.B.Yes,I would.C.No,thanks.( )5.A.I’m from Tianjin.B.I was born in Shanghai.C.I like Beijing very much.(二)听录音中五组对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。


( )11.Does the English teacher have short straight hair? A.Yes,she does.B.No,she doesn’t.C.Yes,she has.( )12.Who works in a bank?A.Tom’s father.B.Tom’s brother.C.Tom’s cousin.( )13.Why does John like the sunglasses?A.Because they are colorfulB.Because they are cool.C.Because they are expensive.( )14.Where are the children?A.In the classroom.B.In the dining room.C.In the gym.( )15.What did the boy think of the sitcom?A.It was interesting.B.It was boring.C.It was fantastic.(四)听一段短文,根据短文内容,完成下面的表格,每空一词。




(W分)()11. A ThC StatiOn ・ B TbC POSt OfriCC C. ThC b∞kstorr.()12. A. HCS taking a PhOlO B. HC IS fl% Ing a kite C. HC s nding a bike. ( )13 A FIrSl turn right.and Ihal IUnl ICnB TUjTI ngh(h⅜ ιceC FirM IUm ICn and IhCn IUm r⅞h∣( )14. A. OnoC a month.. B. OnCCa) αιr C. Onccaucck.()15 A Yes, there is B No. IhCrC isn't C WCdOn't know .闪・听短文.i⅛禅正1»件區∙短文读科.⅛L ( IO分)< )16 CharIIe UltS bo∩ι on______A. MalXrh 2lst B March 20ih C. MaX 2<Xh< )17 ____ gave CharliC a pair Of ShOCSA CharlIC' n uncleB Cliarlic' S aunt C. CbarliC * S ParCntS<)18 GlalIIU IlkMI UIV ________ ZslA books B. apples C. ShOCS()19 CIIaflio' S UIIClCMid CiMIlliC UWUklA. Cal more foodB. read more booksC. S(Ud) hard()20. Charlie is years old.A.6B. 7C. 13第二部分基础知识运用・■单顶迭择•(毎题1分,共IS分)<)21. _______ does JoUr brother ¢0 to IhC Iibran ? -T^iCC a ¼⅜∞kA. HOU farB. HOu many CHoWIOng D. HOW OftCn< )22. ______ 1$ it from ∖our home to IhC bank ? -It S about 4 kilometersA I Hι>⅜⅜ InUChB I HOZ longC HoU man,D Ho⅜⅜ i⅛2. 3. 4.二.听句子.选择正确苔语匸超个句子≪-⅛. < m分〉 ()()6A It was JUnC 6th B It s Mm 1 lth. C IrS WCdnCSdιι∖7. A. Γnι Iate again. Dad B 1 m Sony. Mr. WangX A Γhank ∖ou B. No PrObICm9 A NoJdon t B Yes. I did10.人丨Can da⅞cc. B. No. I Call LC JUSI a slιort timeC IIlC same to >ou.C YCSJ doC Yes, 1 Call(>23—you IlkC music ¼cr∖ much Dld ∖ou SIng a Song al IhC pari∖9―No. but IfeICn ______A. did B doCS C. d∙dnβt D. SingS< )24 ・ XMlaI kindOrhOUSC do∖<xι ∖⅜ant io VCnVl -*∙∙I ∖¾ant a hou⅛c __ QgardCn.A UJIder B. On C. With D. in.< )25 WhX not and ha∖ca look? —OK Lci, S goA logo IIP Slalπ>B goesIIPStaIrS C. go (oIIPSIaIrS D go IIP^aIrS()26 ThCrC is a ∖¾ιιιdou __ the WaIl and IhCnC IS a p>clurc __ it.A. on: inB. m. InC. on;On D .ιn; on()27 She* S her wallet∙ but ShC Call, t itA. IOOklng for: findB. look, findC. looking for. finding D finding: IoOk fix< )28 LlndaOnCn _____ h er ho<ncλ%ork In IhCCVeIlinK« bul IhiS evening she__ TV nouA does: WateI>esB iSdoIng: watchesC t$ doing: is UaIChing DdoCs: is UaUhing< )29.There ____ a lot Of Oloac、Ul her UalIet ・ but SbC doesn't USCA arc: theB arc: It C. is: it D is: IhCnl()30 ThC IillIC bo> IS ______ )can old. TOdaj is h∣s bιrthda>A fifth. ΠAh B. five:fi⅜e C G¼c .fi∩h D, fifth five{ )31.-Torn» don* t IbrgCl ________ OUr^randParClItSafterSChoOl ・OK Mom. IWOn'lA IOViSn B. V ISitIng ClOPla) D pla%ιng( )32. -ThClC IS ______ W ith IUy COlnPUter.-Oh ∙ SOrn to bear Ihat YOU Can Catl IhC SCn ice CenICr Ibr helpA WrOng SOmCthingB something WnMlgC. on、Ihiflg WrOngD. ∖⅜πxιg anything()33. ______ UlIh IhC help Of IhC ICaChCr .the bo> COUId read SOmC books (he age Of five.A. with: at B Of at C With : In D. Under .ιn()34 Th^rc atv α Iot Of ChildrCn ______ baskc4ball On IhC ph∖ground.A. pla∖B. pla∖s C to PklV D. placing( )35 It S SOOd US to help the PeOPIC and children the StrCCtA .for : Valk OeroSSB to .acroM C. to; CrOM D. (on across二.完形换空∙ ( M分〉I CCICbaited n>y twel fth bιrthda∖UIth all Itn friends aι⅞d faιnιh Iay year. VK parents took InC (o go shopping, and L36 me βomc ιox« .1 ZM re,II、(貝的〉hαρρ∖ Ibr IhCir wonderful Prevents 37 IhiS year. T dicin' l SCC an> friends・ and ∖¼o dιdn ( go ShoPPmg WiUIr S the 3⅜?Did the> fbf⅛c<?,What about m∖ b∣rtlκia∖ parts this year? ,, I asked nn ParCntS * Jud、・ICIk do 39 different IhIS ∖car ∖∖ c IlgOtOa PlaCe tomorrow Picase make SUrC to UkC XOUr sa∖ mg box < 存钱⅛O 40κ ou " said my father.I got UP CarI) the next morning SOoM WC got to ChC PIaCC place. A man welcomed US and £LUS to his OiTICC HC told US nan∖ChlldrCn ItCrc had ιo SIOP going to SChOOI because IhCJ ∖⅝crυ42.! Kncu Vin Iny father asked me Io IakC m∖ SaX mgbox then I ga∖ e all Iny 43_to the ChiIdrClI here We hnd a great birthdaχ Parlyzlth them Afler Il(II) 44 ItlnCh ・ WC WCnt home.ThlS XVaS m∖best bι∏hda∖ Pany In m∖ II(C I ∖⅜as hap∣>∖ I)CCaUSC m、SmaIl SjhIng box 45 help IhOSC ChlldrCn HCIPlng OtherS IS really 丿wonderful thing问渎理解(30分)()48 ThCrC arc ____ Joor (S) tn IhO mouse' S house.A. four B OnC C. IhreC D. InO ()49 AnimalS homes are ________Λ in Imr B IhC SaaW C. d ∣fTςront D in holes ()50 AnlmaIr homes arc _______A- on their backsB holesC in PCOPIC S homes D- above dl(B)A IOng IifC IB great Ibr cvet ∖otιe E¾ Cfy OllC uaι>U to hα∖ c a IOng IiiC- I kxιo¾¾ two tutn KISterV C⅛ IK* ⅛J ⅛). ThUλγcLUey and LilV ThCy both have IOng IlVCS- ThC> just CdCbratCd IhClrI(MIth bι∏)ιda ∖!I.uc ∖ and LiIy ZCrC bom On NmCmbCr 20Ih 1916 ThC l ∖⅜in M⅛lcrs VCnI to (heMmC school, had IhC SamojOb and no 、、 IlVe m ChC SanIe IK)IIse. A (CyX months 咚o ・ tlιcs CdCbrmed IheIr Iwhh I)Mhdm (Ogether The> had a ½oικlcrfiιI bιrthda ∖ p3rt> In tl»Clr house. Tho »KCd IbCir frκnds and faιnιl ∖ to COlTK to IhC part 、 It VaS a SUnnX Sunda 、・ and CVCnOnC had a good time**Wc OftCn CCIebrMC OUr birthdays together. ' LUCyMys∙ ° Ten years ago. WC CCJCbratCd OUr90Ih birthday togcti⅛cr LaSlxCar. ∖⅜cCekbraiodOUr99th bιrth<la ∖ ・ loo∕*Man>∙ PCOPle ask them how to keep a IOng life, f * Hard XVork and good food help a IOt That e S all I Can think about W LiK $a\s.36 Abrought 37ASOB PCfIbnllVd B- BlltC bought C . IfD CCkbnUCd38 AIimC B ColOr C ma((cτ D UIaPC D Somethlng < )JU Aon B. from C. at D. With < )41 A PIannCd B IOOk C CnjojCdD 艸C O 42 A poor B noιs ∖C InagIC D. ∖oung < )43 . A. books B ten s CfOOd D. moncx < )44.A.alraιd B- dιlTicuh C- delicious D. bonng ()45 A COUId B InUStC ShOUIdD need(A)EVentXxh < 毎个人)has a home PeOPle IiVe In InalB (Ilrterent kinds OfhCUSeS AnIlnaIS hove dιfterent homes ,too SOmC animals lι∖ c in holcs< Il-J >undcr IhC ground ThC mou⅝c IiVCS UndCr IIK ground Hkhomchaslzodoon Ifan 、<MUHUI 1 COlUCS IUto OnC <k>υr∙ tlιc IuUUSC goes OUt iιυιu IIIC OthCr one. SoIUC buds IIVC Ul holes Ul trees, lhc> COiUCOUI for food In IhC da>tιmc( 白大 and go back to SlCq) at night SnaiIS (⅛⅛φ) homes arcquιtc< )ιntcrcstiπg ThCV Carn their homes On IhCir backs. C OnS cats∙ and dogs IhC in PCoPlC , S homes∖V⅛ c<uι MX all kinds Of αnuιιa ∣5 UI the ZOO Il IS «i big home Ibr lυ<⅝ Of anauah I thιιιk tho J>uuld be GccO 46 ThC s ∣or ∖ IS about ___ A. (he homes Of M>mc anιmah C. M)IuC PCOPIC()47__________ IlVC UndCr IhC SrOUndB SOmC IlWgD. SOIIIC animalsC MiCCD CatS39.A,cvcr ∖on cB. c⅜cnlhmgC. an> Ihing< <ThC i∖un SISICrS dιdn,ι ask for PrcSCniS On IhCir bιπhda> BIII IhCX asked (heir IYiCndS and IamIIj to UsC SOmC moncx lo do good things At sι>ch an OId n驴. Ihey ⅝tιll Uant to do SoInething to help OtherS We MhOuki Ieam from Lucy and LiKLcls Zlsh IhCm a happ∖ and IOng Il(C!()51 WTlen WCrC Ihe twin SIStCrS bom?A. Oil No⅜cmbcr I2dι. 1916. B On November 2(∣ih. 1961C. On November 2<⅛lb1916.D. On No%CmbCr )2ih∙1619()52 ∖Vho dκl the hκιn SISterS CeIebfate their KKXh buthda> with ?A Tħcir ChildrCn B. ThCIr ParCntSC ThClr fnends and faιnιhD ThCir fnends and (CMhCrS()S3 Where dκl thc> CCICbratC their HJ(MJl birthday ?A- In IhC church. B- In d⅞cιr house.C In their gardenD In the Nrk()54. Hoxv COn ¼vc live a IOng IIft?A WC CalI do SPOfU c⅜cr> day.B WC Cal) sU、at home c、Cfy da>C We CanWOrk hard and Cat Well D. We Can pla> happily every day ()55 What did IhC hκιn SISICrs IhCIr friends SndfamιK do On IIKlr birthday。



学校班级姓名_________________考号_________________2018-2019 学年第二学期七年级期末测试英语试题卷一、听力测试(本题有27 小题,每小题1 分,共27 分)A 请听下面8 段对话。

每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。

听完每段对话后,你都将有10 秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。


1. What club does the man want to join? A. The sports club.B. The swimming club.C. The music club.2. How does the man get to school? A. By bus.B. By car.C. On foot.3. What is Jack doing? A. Cleaning the classroom.B. Singing.C. Listening to the music.4. Where can Anna eat at school? A. In the classroom.B. In the hallways.C. In the dining hall.5. Where is the hospital? A. In front of the bank.B. Behind the bank.C. Next to the bank.6. What does Mike like for breakfast? A. Eggs.B. Bread.C. Eggs and bread.7. What color is John ’s brother ’s hair? A. Brown.B. Blond.C. Black.8. How was Emma ’s vacation? A. Great.B. Not bad.C. Terrible.B 请听下面 5 段对话或独白。



最新2018-2019年七年级下册期末联考英语试卷及答案12.What does Gina think of the music?A。

She thinks it’s terrible.B。


She thinks it’s great.13.What does the boy suggest they do after school?A。

Go to the movies.B。

Play basketball.C。


14.What is the man looking for?A。

His phone.B。

His keys.C。

His wallet.15.Where does the woman suggest the man look?A。



On the table.四)听独白,选择正确答案。


16.What is the speaker’s favorite subject?A。



Science.17.What does the speaker do after school? A。

Plays sports.B。

Watches TV.C。

XXX.18.What does the speaker do on weekends? A。

Goes shopping.B。

Visits friends.XXX.19.What does the speaker want to be in the future? XXX.B。

A XXX.XXX.20.How does the XXX future?A。



Indifferent.第二部分英语知识运用(共55分)一)单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21.---What do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be ____ astronaut.A。



2018—2019学年度第二学期期末学业质量评估七年级英语试题参考答案一、单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1----5 DCDCC, 6----10 ACBDB二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)11----15 CBDAA 16-20 BCDAB三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)21----23 CAD 24----27 BCDD 28----31 BCAC 32----35CABD四、词汇考查(共15分)(一)根据提示写出单词的适当形式(共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)1. primary2. believe3. century4.palace5.voice6.centre/center7. perfect8. presidents9. musician 10. impolite(二)用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。

(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)11. goes 12. are having 13. to read 14.joining 15. to learn16. Give 17. didn't do 18. Spending 19. is going to be/will be 20. to touch五、翻译句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)1. There are lots of/ many / a lot of old houses to visit in Quincy.2. Goldilocks hurried out of the house without her basket/taking her basket.3. My father began to work in a factory at the age of sixteen.4. That's because people do different things in different countries.5. Shakespeare was not only a famous writer but also a successful actor.六、书面表达:(满分15分)(一)评分标准第一档(15—13分)完全符合题目要求,表达清楚,信息完整,语言通顺,语意连贯,字数达标,基本或完全没有语言错误。







听⼒部分(共20分)听⼒部分(共20⼩题,每⼩题1分, 计20分)第⼀部分: 听对话回答问题。



1. What does Sandy’s father do?A. B. C.2. When will they meet?A. B. C.3. What outdoor activity will Kitty try?A. B. C.4. What animal are they talking about?A. B. C.5. Where will they go for their class trip?A. Sunny Zoo.B. Moonlight Garden.C. South Hill.6. What do the children need most?A. Clothes.B. Shoes.C. Notebooks.7.How long did the girl spend in the museum yesterday?七年级英语试题第1页共8页A. Three hours.B. Four hours.C. Five hours.8. Where did Susan go?A. Her home.C. The library.9. What can they do in Yandu Park?A. Fly kites.B. Row a boat.C. Go hiking.10. What does Dad ask Anne to do before she goes out?A. Finish her homework.B. Close all the windows.C. Take her phone.第⼆部分: 听对话和独⽩回答问题。





( ( )21. A. cheap B. teach C. kitche nC. violi nD.schoolD. swim )22. A. sing B. guitar( )23. A. best B. dress C. people D.help( )24. A. shy B. fly C. by D.busy( )25. A. good B. pool C. zoo D. soon五•选择填空(本大题满分15分,每小题1分)从各小题A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。


( )26. —What did you do last Friday?—Tim played _____ soccer and I played _____ pia no.A. the, theB. the, /C. / ,theD. a, the( )27. —_____ you go to the museum with your father yesterday?—Yes. We there in the after noon.A. Did; goB. Do; goC. Did; we ntD. Do; went( )28. —__________ ? —She is tall a nd thi n.A. What is your sister?B. What does your sister look like?C. What does your sister do?D. What ' s your sister like?( )29. —Where is your sister?一She ______ m y mom with cooking.A. helpsB. helpi ngC. helpD. is helpi ng( )30. —Money is important in my life ,but it isn ' t to me.—Do you think so,too?A. everythi ngB. someth ingC. nothingD. anything( )31 Scott has an interesting _____ .He works at a radio stati on. He has much__ t o do.A. job, workB. work, jobC. jobs, workD. job, works ( )32. —What does he want to be?—He wan ts to be a teacher, and he hopes his dream can ____ .A. cut upB. get upC. come outD. cometrue( )33. My sister has hair.A. l ong black curlyB. black curly longC. long curly blackD. curly black long( )34. —Sorry,I' m late,teacher Wang.—Jack,lat for school aga in.A. isn ' tB. aren ' tC. don ' t beD. not be( )35. Mary is ______ girl, but she knows a lot about scie nee.A. a eight-year-oldB. eight-year-oldC. eight years oldD. an eight-year-old( )36. —What' s in the glass?—There _____ some milk in the glass.A. isB. areC. hasD. have( )37. —What do you thi nk of your En glish teacher?一He is not only strict _ us but also strict _________ his work .A. with , withB. with , inC. in , inD. in ,with( )38. The news _______ terrible. But we are ________ i n it.A sound, in terested B. soun ds, in terest ingC. soun ds, in terestedD. is sounding, in terested( )39. My dear mom usually makes breakfast for me, and it _____ .A. tastes goodB. tastes wellC. is taste goodD. is taste well( )40. Our teacher asked us to stop ______ . So we stopped _____ to him.A. talking; listen ingB. to talk; listeningC. talk ing; to listenD. to talk; to liste n六.完形填空(本大题满分10分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。







()1.A B C()2.A B C()3.A B C()4.A B C()5.A B CⅡ、对话理解(每小题1分,共5分)本题共5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话和一个问题。



()6.A、It’s raining .B、It’s snowing .C、It’s su nny . ()7.A、The tigers B、The pandas C、The elephants ()8.A、A hat B、Glasses C、A dress()9.A、He is short and heavy. B、He is tall and thin .C、He is tall and heavy.()10.A、In a bank B、In a school C、In a hospitalⅢ、语篇理解(每小题1分,共5分)这一大题你将听到一篇短文。


()11.Which place is not in the neighborhood?A、A hotel.B、A park.C、A library.()12.How many places are there in the neighborhood?A、3.B、4.C、5.()13.Where is the bank?A、A cross from the library.B、Between the school and the par k.C、Next to the library.()14.Is the park on the left?A、Yes, it is.B、Yes , there is.C、We don’t know.()15.Where is the library?A、Next to the bank.B、Next to the school.C、Next to the park. Ⅳ、单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。







( )1. A. Yes, we do. B. No, we don’t. C. That sounds good.( )2. A. Thirty miles. B. Thirty minutes. C. Thirty.( )3. A. Because they are tigers. B. Because they are scary.C. Because they are smart.( )4. A. They are listening to a CD. B. They are good friends.C. They go to the movies.( )5. A. Twice. B. England. C, Very far.二.对话理解(本大题满分10分,每小题1分)第一节:听下面的5段短对话。




( )6. What club does Susan wan to join?A. The Chinese club.B. The chess club.C. The English club. ( )7. How long does it usually take Peter to go to work by bus?A. About ten minutes.B. About 25 minutes.C. About 35 minutes. ( )8. Who is playing soccer at school?A. Jack.B. Jack’s brother.C. Jack’s father. ( )9. How is the weather in Toronto?A. Cold.B. Hot.C. Warm.( )10. What size bowl of noodles would the girl’s dad like?A. A large one.B. A medium one.C. A small one.第二节:听下面的两段长对话。




A B C D EII.录音中有五组对话,听一遍后,选择最佳答案。

(5分)6. When does the girl get up ?A. At sevenB. At a quarter to sevenC. At seven fifteen7.How far is the school from the girl’s home ?A. 12 minutes’ walkB. 20 minutes’ walkC. 12 meters8. What can’t you do in the library?A. You can’t talk .B. You can’t listen to music .C. Both A and C9.What is the woman doing ?A. Watching clothes.B. Washing clothes.C. Washing dishes10.What noodles would the woman like?A. Beef noodles.B. Tomato noodles.C. Beef noodles with tomatoesIII.录音中有两段对话,听两遍后,选择最佳答案。

(5分)听第一段对话,回答第11~12小题.11.How was Mike’s school trip?A. Greet.B. Terrible.C. Boring12.What did Mike do on the farm?A. Milked cowsB. Fed cows.C. Picked strawberries.听第二段对话,回答第13~15小题。

13.What does Miss Brown teach?A. Music.B.P.E.C. Maths .14.Is Miss Brown tall or short?A. She is tall.B. She is short.C. She isn’t tall or short.15.Who plays basketball well?A. The short man.B. The tall man.C. The short man.IV.录音中有一篇短文,听两遍后,补全文中所缺信息, 选出最佳选项。



一、选择题1.She likes singing best. So her favorite subject is ______A.art B.math C.music D.science C解析:C【详解】句意:她最喜欢唱歌,所以她最喜欢的科目是音乐。


根据句意She likes singing best可知,她最喜欢的科目应该是音乐,故选C。

2.It is not good to shout your teachers, because it is impolite.A.in B.at C.with D.for B解析:B【解析】句意:对着你的老师大喊是不好的,因为这没有礼貌。


这里考查的是固定短语shout at…对…大喊大叫。


3.Boys and girls, be quiet, please! I have to tell you.A.important something B.important anythingC.anything important D.something important D解析:D【解析】句意:孩子们,请安静,我有重要的事情要告诉你们。


4.Jack got up early breakfast for his mother on Mother’s Day.A.make B.to make C.making D.made B解析:B【解析】句意:在母亲节那天为了给妈妈做早饭,Jack起得很早。

make做,制作,是动词原形;to make是动词不定式形式;making是现在分词形式;made是make的过去式。




考试时间100 分钟,满分120 分。

第Ⅰ卷(选择题共75分)第一部分听力(共20 小题,每题 1 分;满分20 分)(一)听句子,选择适合的应答语。


1. A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, she can. C. No, she isn’t.2. A. In the morning. B. Every day. C. At home.3. A. 5 kilometers. B. At 7:00 am. C. 20 minutes by bike.4. A. Sounds good. B. Thank you. C. I don ’twant to see tigers.5. A. She is busy. B. She likes geography. C. She is a teacher.(二)听五段对话,选择正确答案。


6. What club does Lisa want to join?A. The swimming club.B. The English club.C. The chess club.7. What time does the girl get up?A. 6:30.B. 6:45.C. 6:15.8. Where can’t the girl do homework?A. At school.B. At home.C. At friends ’home.9.Why does Ann like lions?A. Because they are scary.B. Because they’re cool.C. Because they’re big.10.What ’s Mr. Lee doing?A. He ’s playing basketball.B. He ’s working.C. He ’s playing soccer.(三)听两段长对话,选择正确答案。



考试范围:xxx;满分:***分;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx 学校:__________ 姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 考号:__________一、选择题1.Is there a police station on New Street?_________________.A.Yes, it is. B.Yes, there isn’t.C.Yes, there is.2.It is not good to shout your teachers, because it is impolite.A.in B.at C.with D.for3.Most of the students are having a great time in the Art Festival.A.singing B.sang C.sing D.to sing4.Here is some meat. Please help me to ___________.A.cut up it B.cut it upC.cut up them D.cut them up5.——Does your mother have long or short hair?—— .A.Yes, she does B.No, she doesn’tC.She has short hair D.She is short6.—How many students are there in your school?—About .A.eight hundreds B.eight hundred C.eight hundred of D.eight hundreds of 7.—__________?— She is having dinner in the dining hall.A.What does Kate doB.Where does Kate have dinnerC.What is Kate doing8.After class, the students can’t relax, . And they have to do their homework.A.too B.also C.either9.Sally_______goes to school by bike . She walks to school.A.always B.often C.sometimes D.never10.—I like tigers. What ______ do you like?—I like koalas.A.animal B.animals C.others animals D.many animals 11.—What would you like for lunch?—I’d like some ______ and ______.A.tomato; beef B.tomatos; beef C.tomatoes; beefs D.tomatoes; beef 12.Soon the firemen came and _______ the fire.A.put out B.put into C.put up D.put on13.--____________the weather there? --It’s windy.A.What is B.How is C.why is14.—Does your sister like music?—Yes,she is really interested ________ it.A.for B.to C.at D.in15._________listen to music in class.A.Don’t B.Isn’t C.Not16.Please remember __________the windows.A.close B.closing C.to close17.Scott has an interesting ________. He works at a radio station. He has much _____ to do. A.job, work B.work, job C.job, works D.jobs, work 18.—What did you do last Saturday?—Jeff played ______ basketball and I played ______ violin.A.the; the B.the; / C./; the D.a; the19.I want to be a police. It’s my _______.A.habit B.dream C.world D.job 20.There are so many dirty clothes. Don’t ______ to wash them, Lucy.A.save B.remember C.forget D.miss 21.—The girl _______ long black hair is Tina.—Yes, she is _______ a white T-shirt.A.in; in B.with; with C.with; in D.in; with 22.Sam is ______ late for school. He is always the first one to come to school. A.sometimes B.usually C.often D.never 23.—Where’s Dave n ow?—He ______ in the sports center.A.swims B.swam C.is swimming D.swimming 24.—What does she look like?—She is of medium _______, and she _______ long straight hair.A.height; is B.height; has C.build; is D.build; is having 25.—Do you often go to school by bike?—Yes.But ________ by bus.A.often B.usually C.sometimes D.always 26.Can you play ___________chess?A.a B.an C./【参考答案】一、选择题1.C2.B3.A 4.B 5.C6.B 7.C 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.A 16.C 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.C 21.C 22.D 23.C 24.B25.C26.C【参考解析】一、选择题1.C解析:C【解析】【详解】句意:——在新街有一个警察局吗?——是的,有。

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七年级下学期英语期末模拟试卷含答案注意事项:1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。





My name is Mike. My family is having a(21)time visiting Harbin It's(22)here. The (23)is cold and snowy. People here are wearing hats and thick (24). I am so happy to see the (25)world. My father and i are (26)on the lake. My mother (27) a snowman. We are having fun. My friends are inAustralianow. It's (28)and sunny there. They are having a good time on the (29). Some are 30 in the sea. some are playing volley ball.21.A. boring B. great C. terrible22. A spring B. summer C. winter23. A. weather B. people C. rain24.A. T-shirts B. shorts C. coats25.A. green B. white C. yellow26.A. skating B. riding C. growing27.A. makes B. make C. is making28.A. cool B. warm C. hot29.A. mountain B. bea ch C. street30. A. swimming B. driving C. cutting三、阅读理解(共三节,25小题,计50分)第一节阅读下面短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符。


Dear bill,I'm very glad you are arriving in my city at 3: 00 p. m. this Sunday. We will meet in the Blue Sky Restaurant Now let me tell you the way. First take a taxi when you get out o f the bus station and go along New Bridge Road. When you see a bank,turn right and go along Bank Street. You'll pass three one- way (1i)street: Sixth Street,Seventh Street and EighthStreet. When you see a big McDonalds(麦当劳),turn left. Then go along green Street until (直到)you see New Park. The Blue Sky Restaurant is on your right. I hope you have a good tripYours,Larry(A)31. Larry will meet Bill in a restaurant.(B)32. Bill goes to Larry's city by train.(A)33. If Bill goes the right way,he can see a bank.(A)34. Bill must turn left when he sees McDonalds.(B)35. The New Park is on Eighth Street.第二节阅读下面A、B、C三篇材料并根据材料内容做后面的题目,从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选择最佳答案回答问题或完成句子。

(A)Tom and mike are good friends. They are kind to children. They want to find summer j obs. One day,Tom tells Mike that Good Kids Summer Camp needs help with sports,music and puters. They are both very glad to hear(Tit)this.Tom can play basketball and volleyball,and he can swim,too. Mike can play the violin,the trumpet,the drums and the guitar. Tom and Mike like puters very much Can they join the Summer Camp?36. Tom and Mike want to .A.join the Summer CampB. get help from the CampC. make friends in the Summer Camp37. What does the Summer Camp need help with?A. Flying kitesB. Drawing picturesC. Sports,music and puters38. Tom can play .A. balB. violin39. What does the underlined word"trumpet mean?A.喇叭,小号B.保龄球C.杂技40. What do Tom and Mike like?A. SportsB. puters.C. Swimming.(B)In our city there is a big zoo. There are a lot of different animals in it. There are some scary tigers and lions. They like eating meat and they eat much meat every day. There are also two big elephants and a baby one. Children like to ride them. The elephants are very kind and friendly. They eat much grass and bananas In the zoo,we can see different kinds of pears,brown bears and black bears. They are all slow and clumsy(FHH BJ). They stand on their back legs and lift their front legs to ask for food. They like cakes very much. Do you like pandas? There's only one in the zoo. Her name is Jingling. She is very cute. She likes eating bamboo a lot. She is kind of shy. She's very interesting.41. What do tigers and lions like eating? They like eating .A. fruitB. meatC. milk42. How many elephants are there in the zoo? There are .A. threeB. twoC. one43. What color are the bears in the zoo?B. BrownC. A and B44. Bears stand on their legs and lift their legs to ask for food.A. front: backB. front: frontC. back: front45. Which one of the following is NOT right?A. Children like to ride the elephants in the zooB. The bears are slow and friendly.C. Elephants like bananas very much(C)Carol teaches geography at a middle school. Last week she took Class 156 to the dinos aur Museum. they went there by school bus the ride took them one and a half hours. The children had a great time and enjoyed the school trip a lot. Carol thought it was great,too. When they were in the museum,Martin showed them around(四周,周围). Here is a letter(信)from Carol to martin.Dear martin,I am writing to thank you for a great day on monday. The children had a wonderfultime in the museum All the 52 children and i thought the school trip was really interesting and educational(有教育意义的)The children were very interested inwhat you told them. They learned a lot. Thank you very much.Best wishesCarol()46 What does Carol do?A. She is a student.B. She is a teacher.C. She is an artist.()47. How did the children go to the Dinosaur Museum?A. By trainB. by busC. by car()48. What did Martin do during the school trip?A. He showed the children around the museum.B. He drove the children to the museum.C. He sang some nice songs for the children.()49. When did the childr en visit the museum?A. On Friday.B. On Sunday.C. On Monday.()50. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Fifty-one children went to visit the museum.B. Martin wrote a thank-you letter to Carol.C. It took the children ninety minutes to get to the museum.第三节阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
