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300 guests and staff of a hotel in Hong Kong have been placed under quarantine for a week after a Mexican guest tested positive for swine flu. It's Asia's first confirmed case of the virus. The Mexican man who arrived in Hong Kong via Shanghai has been isolated in hospital. His condition is said to be stable.

A regional spokesman for the World Health Organization Peter Cordingley told the BBC that Hong Kong's experience of other epidemic, such as SARS, meant it was now well prepared.

自一位墨西哥客人被检测呈猪流感阳性后,香港一家宾馆的300名客人及其员工将被隔离一周。这是亚洲首例猪流感确诊病例。这名经由上海抵达香港的墨西哥男子已在医院接受隔离。据称他的病情稳定。世界卫生组织的一位地区发言人皮特·柯丁利告诉BBC, 香港有应对诸如SARS传染病的经验,这意味着目前香港已充分做好准备。

Hong Kong, in, in many senses, is international gold standard for responding to infectious diseases. If anybody can do it, Hong Kong can do it. They are ready for this kind of problem. They spend a lot of money and spend a lot of time, making sure that they don't get caught out like they were by SARS.


The Mexican health minister has suggested that the swine flu virus may not be as aggressive as first feared. The minister said that while the virus was very contagious, patients responded well to anti-viral medicine if treated quickly. Much of Mexico has come to a standstill after the government urged people to stay at home.


Meanwhile, the authorities in Scotland have confirmed the first known case in Britain of the virus passing from person to person. But latest WHO figure show 11 countries have confirmed cases.



The Mexican government has reduced its estimate of the suspected deaths from the swine flu from 176 to 101. It comes among indications that the virus which is thought to have started in Mexico is not as lethal as feared. Steven Gibbs reports from Mexico



According to the Health Ministry, information it is still gathering from hospitals across the country indicates that if sufferers are treated within 3 days of the onset of symptoms, the prognosis is good. In an interview with the BBC, Mexico's Health Minister said the authorities might, on reflection, have overestimated the danger of the virus when it first appeared. But he also stressed that the risk of a rise in infection remains. With that in mind, he said that some aspects of the current five-day partial shut down of Northen Central areas of the Mexican economy might be extended.



The wife of the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has confirmed that she's filing for divorce after served nineteen years of marriage. David Willie reports from Rome.


The second Mrs. Berlusconi, a former actress, is quoted in La Repubblica, a leading Italian daily, as saying that after reading press reports about her husband attending the 18th birthday party of a young woman friend in Naples, she decided to file for divorce.


"That's enough, I can not remain with a man who consorts with minors," she is quoted as saying.


The Prime Minister's office declined to comment and his lawyer said that Mr. Berlusconi had no statement to make. Last week, Mrs. Berlusconi said her husband's
