第 2010-293-001 号)。
裴小革,经济系博士生导师。1956 年 10 月出生于北京市。现为中国社会科学院经
资料来源育明教育官网:(考博分校) 考博考试信息、辅导课程可咨询育明教育考博分校
育明 考博分校 资料来源: 考博资料、辅导课程 咨询育明考博刘老师
项目《中国近代经济史》1937-1949 卷副主编。主持院级课题《抗战前中国产业经济发 展状况研究》、《中国经济史学数据库》等项目,现担任院创新工程《我国初期工业化》 首席研究员。已发表《民国时期经济政策的沿袭与变异》(2006 年)、《民族工业发展史 话》(2000 年、2011 年)等个人专著,发表了《官产官业处置、收归国有取向与民初经 济政策》(1998 年)等数十篇学术论文。《民国时期经济政策的沿袭与变异》获 2009 年 经济所优秀科研成果奖一等奖,2010 年中国社会科学院优秀成果奖(专著)三等奖。
育明 考博分校 资料来源: 考博资料、辅导课程 咨询育明考博刘老师
中国社会科学院经济系考博真题导师分数线内部资料 一、专业的设置、招生人数及考试科目
院系ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
(招生人数) (招生人数)
401 经济系 (14)
①1001 英语
01 经济增长与资本形成
资料来源育明教育官网:(考博分校) 考博考试信息、辅导课程可咨询育明教育考博分校
育明 考博分校 资料来源: 考博资料、辅导课程 咨询育明考博刘老师
一、简述题:(每题15分,共30分)1. 简述公共产品理论与马克思“社会扣除”理论的内在关联。
2. 简述政府购买公共服务的内涵、机理及其在我国现实生活中的机制创新意义。
二、论述题(第一题必答,后两题任选一题,每题35分,共70分)1. 试论现阶段我国地方财政体制存在的主要问题是什么?并请提出你的基本对策思路。
2. 试论财政在稳步推进我国新型城镇化发展中的只能作用及政策重点。
3. 试论财政支持我国生态文明建设的必要性及可供选择的政策手段。
一、简述题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述公共财政的基本特征及公共财政导向下预算管理改革的主要内容。
2. 简述衡量国债规模的主要指标,简要评价我国国债规模现状,并简述国债、地方债的预算管理。
3. 如何进一步完善我国政府间转移支付制度?二、论述题(任选两题,每题35分,共70分)1. 试论财政对于改善国民收入分配的功能及其作用机制。
2. 试论财政在推动资源性产品价格改革中的作用与基本手段。
3. 试论目前欧元区国家主权债务危机的原因、影响及对我们的启示。
一、简述题(每题15分,共30分)1. 简述财政分权理论的要点及我国财政分权改革历程与前瞻。
2. 简述我国建立完整的预算体系的基本内容及意义。
二、论述题(任选两题,每题35分,共70分)1. 试论我国运用财税政策引导和提振居民消费、扩大内需的背景、意义和主要措施。
2. 试论我国的公共债务制度建设与风险管理(包括地方隐形债的风险防范)。
育明 北京校区
北大考博资料、辅导课程 咨询育明考博张老师
1、北京大学经济学院财政学专业考博的报录比平均在 10:1 左右(竞争较激烈) 2、同等学力考生须加试报考专业两门硕士专业学位课程和哲学。 3、2016 年北京大学实行“申请—考核制”,没有提供雅思、托福等英语成绩等级证明的同学,需要参 加“北京大学博士研究生英语水平考试”。 4、复试总成绩计算方法:总成绩="笔试成绩×50%+面试成绩×50%。 5、初审包括对申请材料的审查和科研创新能力的评价。 6、笔试内容不指定参考书目。
考生应掌握下列英语语言知识和技能: 一、 词汇与语法运用 考生应能掌握 8000-10000 左右的词汇。考生应能掌握基本的英语语法知识并熟练运用,鼓励考生 用听、说、读、写、译的实践代替单纯的语法知识学习,以求考生在英语交际中能更准确、自如地运 用语法知识。 二、听力与阅读理解 听力部分测试考生听力理解的技能及对英语口语信息的短期记忆能力。阅读部分要求考生应能读 懂选自各类书籍和报刊的不同类型的文字材料,理解主旨要义和文中的相关信息,根据上下文推测生 词的词义,领会作者的意图、观点或态度。 三、书面表达能力 考生应能使用英语书写不同类型的应用文,包括私人和公务信函、备忘录、报告等,以及一般描 述性、叙述性、说明性或议论性的文章。 北大考博英语的考试形式: 考试形式为闭卷笔试,考试时间为 180 分钟,满分为 100 分。 试卷包括试题册、标准化答题卡和主观题答题纸。考生应将客观题的答案按要求涂写在答题卡相 应题号的选项上,将主观题的答案书写在答题纸指定位置的区域内。考生应自备 2B 铅笔和橡皮等文具 用于标准答题卡的填涂。 北大考博英语的考试内容: 考试分三部分,包括听力、阅读理解和写作。 第一部分 听力 考查考生英语的听力理解能力。 第二部分 阅读理解 该部分考查考生阅读并理解书面英语的能力。 第三部分 写作 该部分由 A、B、C 三节组成,主要考查考生的书面表达能力。 A 节:议论文写作。考生根据一段阅读材料和一段音视频材料的提示信息,写出一篇 250-300 词 的短文(标点符号不计算在内)。
(社科院考博资料获取、课程咨询育明教育张老师叩叩:柒柒贰陆,柒捌,伍叁柒)二、社科院财经系历年考博复试分数线(育明考博课程中心)年份录取成绩要求复试人数/招生人数2013年外语A 类46分B 类51分(其他语种及外文系二外60分)专业课60分50人/13人2014年外语A 类46分B 类51分(其他语种及外文系二外60分)专业课60分50人/13人育明考博辅导中心张老师解析:1、财经系共有5个专业,各个专业之间报录比差别还是比较大的。
社科院博士生初试考试英语试题及答案细节决定成败,学习重在积累,面对日益严峻的竞争环境,越来越多的在职人员纷纷加入到考博的进修行列中,社会科学院的博士生考试英语试题历来以超难著称,下面我领略一下吧!自2015年起社科院博士生英语考试开始启用如下考题类型,下面我们一起来看看社科院的博士生初试考试英语个性考题吧~试卷第三部分(包括阅读7 选5、概要),请考生直接写在英语试题答题纸上的指定位置,不再提供额外的答题纸。
PART III: Reading and Writing 10 Section A (10 points) Directions: Some sentences have been removed in the following text. Choose the most suitable one from the list A—G to fit into each of the blanks. There are two extra choices which do not fit in any of the blanks.(1) __________________ Player 1 may not know these particular words of wisdom, but chances are she’s thinking much the same as she tries to decide whether to send Player 2 some of her $10 stake. If she does, the money will be tripled, and her anonymous partner can choose to return none, some, or all of the cash. But why should Player 2 send anything back? And why should Player 1 give anything in the first place? Despite the iron logic of this argument, she types in her command to send some money. A few moments later she smiles, seeing from her screen that Player 2 has returned a tidy sum that leaves them both showing a net profit.(2) ___________________ Based on exactly the same cold logic that Player 1 dismissed, the so-called Nash equilibrium predicts that in economic transactions between strangers, where one has to make decisions based on a forecast of another’s response, the optimal level of trust is zero. Yet despite the economicorthodoxy, the behavior of Players 1 and 2 is not exceptional. In fact, over the course of hundreds of such trials, it turns out that about half of Player 1s send some money, and three- quarters of Player 2s who receive it send some back.Zak is a leading protagonist in the relatively new field of neuroeconomics, which aims to understand human social interactions through every level from synapse to society. It is a hugely ambitious undertaking. By laying bare the mysteries of such nebulous human attributes as trust, neuroeconomists hope to transform our self- understanding. (3) _________________ “ As we learn more about the remarkable internal order of the mind, we will also understand far more deeply the social mind and therefore the external order of personal exchange, and the extend ed order of exchange through markets.”(4) __________________ As Zak’s collaborator Steve Knack of the World Bank points out: “Trust is one of the most powerful factors affecting a country’s economic health. Where trust is low, individuals and organizations are more wary about engaging in financial transactions, which tends to depress the national economy.”And trust levels differ greatly between nations. The World Values Survey, based at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, has asked people in countries around the world, “Do you think strangers can generally be trusted?” the positive response rate varies from about 65% in Norway to about 5% in Brazil. (5) __________________ “Policy-makers in these latter countries might be urgently interested in mechanisms that enable them to raise national trust levels,” observes Knack.A. Even more intriguingly, it seems that this urge to respond positively when someone shows trust in us is largely outside ourcontrol.B. Crucially for international economic development, what is true for individuals turns out also to be true for nations.C. Disturbingly, countries where trust is lower than a critical level of about 30%—as is the case in much of South America and Africa – risk falling into a permanent suspicion- locked poverty trap.D. “It’s good to trust; it’s better not to,” goes an Italian proverb.E. They believe their findings even have the potential to help make societies more productive 11 and successful.F. He points out that our brains have been tailored by evolution to cope with group living.G. This outcome doesn’t just flout proverbial wisdom, it thumbs its nose at economic theory.Section B (10 points) Directions: Write a 100—120-word summary of the article in this part.。
2022年考研考博-考博英语-中国财政科学研究院考试预测题精选专练VII(附带答案)第1套一.综合题(共25题)1.单选题He displayed a complete lack of courtesy and tact in dealing with his employer.问题1选项A.tenacityB.curiosityC.civilityD.hostility【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。
2.单选题Bankers have been blaming themselves for their trouble in public. Behind the scenes, they have been taking aim at someone else: the accounting standard-setters. Their rules, moan the banks, have forced them to report enormous losses, and it’s just not fair. These rules say they must value some assets at the price a third party would pay, not the price managers and regulators would like them to fetch.Unfortunately, banks’ lobbying now seems to be working. The details may be unknowable, but the independence of standard-setters, essential to the proper functioning of capital markets, is being compromised. And, unless banks carry toxic assets at prices that attract buyers, reviving the banking system will be difficult.After a bruising encounter with Congress, America’s Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) rushed through rule changes. These gave banks more freedom to use models to value illiquid assets and more flexibility in recognizing losses on long-term assets in their income statements. Bob Herz, the FASB’s chairman, cried out against those who “question our motives”. Yet ban k shares rose and the changes enhance what one lobbying group politely calls “the use of judgment by managers.”European ministers instantly demanded that the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) do likewise. The IASB says it does not want to act without overall planning, but the pressure to fold when it completes its reconstruction of rules later this year is strong. Charlie McGreevy, a European commissioner, warmed the IASB that it did “not live in a political vacuum” but “in the real world” an d that Europe could yet develop different rules.It was banks that were on the wrong planet, with accounts that vastly overvalued assets. Today they argue that market prices overstate losses, because they largely reflect the temporary illiquidity of markets, not the likely extent of bad debts. The truth will not be known for years. But banks’ shares trade below their book value, suggesting that investors are skeptical. And dead markets partly reflect the paralysis of banks which will not sell assets for fear of booking losses, yet are reluctant to buy all those supposed bargains. To get the system working again, losses must be recognized and dealt with. America’s new plan to buy up toxic assets will not work unless banks mark assets to levels which buyers find attractive. Successful markets require independent and even combative standard-setters. The FASB and IASB have been exactly that, cleaning up rules on stock options and pensions, for example, against hostility from special interests. But by giving in to critics now they are inviting pressure to make more concessions.31. Bankers complained that they were forced to ________.32. According to the author, the rule changes of the FASB may result in ________.33. According to Paragraph 4, McGreevy objects to the IASB’s attempt to ________.34. The author thinks the banks were “on the wrong planet” in that they ________.35. The author’s attitude towards standard-setters is the one of ________.A.follow unfavorable asset evaluation rulesB.collect payments from third partiesC.cooperate with the price managersD.reevaluate some of their assets问题2选项A.the diminishing role of managementB.the revival of the banking systemC.the banks’ long-term asset lossesD.the weakening of its independence问题3选项A.keep away from political influencesB.evade the pressure from their peersC.act on their own in rule-settingD.take gradual measures in reform问题4选项A.misinterpreted marked price indicatorsB.exaggerated the real value of their assetsC.neglected the likely existence of bad debtsD.denied booking losses in their sale of assets问题5选项A.satisfactionB.skepticismC.objectivenessD.sympathy【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:D【解析】31.事实细节题。
【答案】41. In order to invigorate the market to offset downward economic pressure, we must comprehensively deepen reform.42. Despite the slowdown in the growth of government revenue and increased pressure on expenditures, we must continue to put people first, sustaining increases to spending in areas that are important to improving standards of living.43. Efforts should be made to promote Public-Private-Partnership in infrastructure, public utilities and other areas.44. We will fully promote the law-based governance of the country; move more swiftly to build an innovative, clean, service-oriented rule of law government.45. There is enormous potential in China’s market for energy conservation and environmental protection; energy conservation and environmental protection industry can develop into a new pillar of the economy.2.单选题We held a meeting to sum up our experience ______ we finish the work.问题1选项A.incidentallyB.whileC.immediatelyD.before【答案】C【解析】考查词义辨析。
生还需要阅读大量的 paper,读哪一些、怎么去读、读完之后应该怎么做,这些
12 财政理论与税 收
解学智 孙钢
13 宏观调控与财 政
何盛明 贾康 白景明
李金早,1958 年 1 月生,湖北仙桃人,1976 年 2 月入党,1978 年 12 月参加
叶振鹏,男,1933 年 11 月出生,福建省安溪县人,财政部财政科学研究所
吕旺实,男,1954 年 10 月出生。博士学位。博导、研究员职称。现任财政
部财政科学研究所外国财政研究室主任。学 术 兼 职:财政学会外国财政研究
赵全厚,男,1965 年 2 月生,汉族,籍贯:山西偏关。现任财政部科研所金
融研究室主任,研究员, 博士研究生导师。
赵云旗,男,汉族,1953 年 4 月生,籍贯山西太原,现任财政部科研所科研
2022年考研考博-考博英语-中国财政科学研究院考试预测题精选专练VII(附带答案)第1套一.综合题(共25题)1.单选题It is amazing that two researches working independently made the same discovery ______. 问题1选项A.spontaneouslyB.simultaneouslyC.collaborativelyD.conscientiously【答案】A【解析】考查副词辨析。
A选项spontaneously“自发地”;B选项simultaneously“同时地”;C 选项collaboratively“协作地”;D选项conscientiously“良心上”。
2.单选题So much data indicate the world’s progress towards meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a set of targets adopted by world leaders at the UN more than ten years ago. But the goal-setting exercise has further pitfalls. Too often, the goals are reduced to working out how much money is needed to meet a particular target. Yet the countries that have made most progress in cutting poverty have largely done so not by spending public money, but by encouraging faster economic growth. As Shanta Devarajan, the World Bank’s chief eco nomist for Africa, points out, growth does not just make more money available for social spending. It also increases the demand for such things as schooling, and thus helps meet other development goals. Yet the goals, as drawn up, made no mention of economic growth.Of course growth by itself does not solve all the problems of the poor. It is also clear that while money helps, how it is spent and what it is spent on are enormously important. For instances, campaigners often ask for more to be spent on primary education. But throughout the developing world teachers on the public payroll are often absent from school. Teacher-absenteeism rates are around 20% in rural Kenya, 27% in Uganda and 14% in Ecuador. In any case, money that is allocated for such services rarely reaches its intended recipients.A study found that 70% of the money allocated for drugs and supplies by the Uganda government in 2000 was lost; in Ghana, 80% was siphoned off. Money needs to be spent, therefore, not merely on building more schools or hiring more teachers, but on getting them to do what they are paid for, and preventing resources from disappearing somewhere between the central government and their supposed destination.The good news is that policy experiments carried out by governments, NGOs, academics and international institutions are slowly building up a body of evidence about methods that work.A large-scale evaluation in Andhra Pradesh in southern India was shown, for example, that performance pay for teachers is three times as effective at raising pupil’s test scores as the equivalent amount spent on school supplies.And in Uganda the government, appalled that money meant for schools was not reaching them, took to publicizing how much was being allotted, using radio and newspaper. Money wastage was dramatically reduced. The World Bank hopes to bring such innovations to the notice of other governments during the summit, if it can. For if the drive against poverty succeed, it will owe more to such ideas and wider use than to targets set at UN-sponsored summits.26. According to the text, which of the following merits can’t we derive from economic growth?27. Teacher-absenteeism is cited as example ________.28. According to the author, we should ________ when dealing with allocated money.29. On which of the following would the author most probably agree?30. We may infer from the last paragraph that ________.问题1选项A.It increases other demands such as education.B.It may help the government to fulfill Millennium Development Goals.C.Faster growth will lift the poor out of poverty.D.Economic growth may solve some problems of the poor.问题2选项A.to call for governments apply performance pay to teachersB.to underline the importance of money should be spent on where it is neededC.to state that the allocated money should get staffs to do what they are paid forD.to show that African countries have a long way to go before reaching the UN’s goalposts问题3选项A.avoid the leakage of moneyB.give the anti-poverty plans the priorityC.promote education to a higher levelD.improve public infrastructure first问题4选项A.Economic growth does not make more money available for social spending.B.Money leakage is a big problem that Africa encounters.lennium Development Goal s may involve each country’s GDP growth.lennium Development Goals have come to be seen as applying to each developing country. 问题5选项A.the World Bank plays an important role in helping Uganda fix money leakageB.money leakage is rampantly flourishing in Ugandalennium Development Goals may have failed in lifting the poor out of povertyD.innovative ideas should come before targets set by UN【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:B第5题:D【解析】26.事实细节题。
2024年中国社会科学院大学801经济学考博真题回忆版及答案解析(一)厂商成本函数为C(Q)=F+0.5a Q21.求厂商的规模报酬区间2.厂商的供给函数3.若市场需求函数为P=A-b Q(A,b均为正数),市场由该厂商唯一供给,且厂商是价格接受者,在什么条件下存在唯一的市场均衡?【育明教育解析】1.AC=C Q=F Q+12aQ当F Q=12Aq,即Q=2F a时,AC取最小值2aF故Q在0,2F a2F a,+∞上规模不经济1.MC=dC dQ=aQ=p∴供给函数为Q=P a,(p≥2aF)0,(p<2aF)2.p=A−bQQ=P a=>p=aA a+b,Q=A a+b唯一均衡存在的条件是:p=aA a+b≥2aF(二)有a,b两人,消费物品1,2。
效用函数分别为,,a,b 的禀赋分别为(9,3)和(12,6)1.求1和2的超额需求函数,并验证瓦尔拉斯法则2.求均衡价格3.若经济禀赋为(21,9),写出契约线方程。
【育明教育解析】1.对a来说,maxx1a,x2a ln x1a+2ln x2a s.t.p1x1a+p2x2a≤9p1+3p2用lagrangean 乘子法,得:1x 1a =λP 12x 2a =λP 2=>2x 1a P 1=2x 2ap 2代入约束式并取等号解得:x 1a =3+P 2p 1,x 2a =2+6P 1p 2同理,对b 来说,解得:x 1b =4+2P 2p 1,x 2b =4+8P 1p 2∴z 1(P 1)=x 1a +x 1b−21=3P 2p 1−14;z 2(P 2)=x 2a +x 2b−9=14P 1p 2−3∴z 1(P 1)∙P 1+z 2(P 2)∙P 2=0,满足walras 法则2.令z 1(P 1)=0,得:P 2p 1=1433.在契约线上,应有两人的边际替代率相等,即∂U a∂x 1a ∂U a∂x 2a =∂U b∂x 1b ∂U b ∂x 2b ∴1x 1a 2x 2a =121−x 1a 19−x 2a =>9x 1a =21x 2a ,或写成x 2a =37x 1a(以a 的坐标轴)(三)三个小国1,2,3,其中1,2为生产国,3为消费国。
2004年中国财政科学研究院考博英语真题及详解Part I: Vocabulary (15 points):Directions:In each item, choose one word that best keeps the meaning of the sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word. Mark out yourchoice.1. The new government has just set up a monopoly in salt.A. controlB. shareC. grantD. segment【答案】A【解析】monopoly垄断,独占,专利。
2. It is impossible for parents to shield their children from every danger.A. protectB. relieveC. conserveD. free【答案】A【解析】shield保护,防护。
3. During his lifetime he was lucky to accumulate quite a fortune.A. overtakeB. confrontC. gatherD. demonstrate【答案】C【解析】accumulate积累。
4. More and more people nowadays are exercising, quitting tobacco, losing weight and becoming more health-conscious.A. given inB. giving outC. giving awayD. giving up【答案】D【解析】quit停止做某事。
现在的财政政策是否有效?你认为还需要采取哪些财政政策?(同上)5.论述第二题:与我国个人所得税有关,记不清楚了,大概是有什么缺陷,如何改革之类的……6.论述第三题:我国分税制改革15年,是否到了需要进一步改革的时候?省级以下财政体制应如何改革?第一部分、传统面试问题(Sample Traditional Interview Questions)1、What can you tell me about yourself?(关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?)这一问题如果面试没有安排自我介绍的时间的话。
”In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in.As a college student,I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily.The sale was important,but for me,it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied.It was not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them.I’m very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best.2、What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?(在毕业以后5年内你想做些什么?)你要清楚你实际上能胜任什么。
2022年考研考博-考博英语-中国财政科学研究院考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Our modern civilization must not be thought of as ______ in a short period of time.问题1选项A.being createB.having createdC.having been createdD.creating【答案】C【解析】考查定语从句。
根据civilization 被create确定用被动语态,根据create的动作从过去开始发生,持续到现在,并且将持续下去确定用现在完成时,C选项having been created符合题意。
2.单选题Not only ______ much bigger than any planet, but unlike the planets, it consists completely of gaseous material.问题1选项A.the sun isB.the sun, which isC.is the sunD.that the sun【答案】C【解析】考查定语从句。
根据题目和选项确定考查固定搭配not only…but的部分倒装,not only放在句首的倒装结构为not only+助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语+其他,C选项is the sun选项符合题意。
3.单选题______ any previous experience, John doesn’t stand a chance of getting that job.问题1选项A.Not havingB.Not having hadC.Having notD.Having not had【答案】A【解析】考查非谓语动词。
2013年经济学综合(财政学专业)试题一、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1.简述马克思的剩余价值理论2.简述马克思的投资乘数理论3.简述“恩格尔系数”二、论述题(第一题必答,后两题任选一题,每题35分,共70分)1.试论马克思社会再生产理论所揭示的“按比例”规律,并分析其与所谓“有计划按比例规律”的异同2.试论城镇化发展的一般规律,我国城镇化发展需解决的关键问题与对策思路3.请结合新制度学派的理论创新点分析我国深化经济改革的必要性与其所关联的效应2013年经济学综合(会计学专业)试题一、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1.什么是资本有机构成?其长期演变趋势如何?2.简述纳什均衡3.简述价值与交换价值的异同4.简述美国供给学派的产生背景、基本政策主张与主要贡献二、论述题(第一题必答,后两题任选一题,每题30分,共60分)1. 试论马克思社会再生产理论所揭示的“按比例”规律2. 你认为政府在解决外部性问题上可以发挥哪些积极作用?3. 试论工业化与城镇化的关系以及我国新型城镇化中的“市民化”2012年经济学综合(财政学专业)试题一、简述题(每题10分,共30分)1.简述马克思的社会扣除理论及其意义2.简述垄断的概念与成因3.简述经济外部性理论,并分别说明企业污染和国家森林公园的外部性二、论述题(第一题必答,后两题任选一题,每题35分,共70分)1.马克思社会再生产理论的主要内容及其规律概括2.运用发展经济学与制度经济学理论,分析我国城乡关系合理化的历史进程,并提出对策思路3.试论国际金融危机对西方流行经济理论的挑战2012年经济学综合(会计学专业)试题一、简述题(以下五题任选四题,每题10分,共40分)1.解释信贷资本、虚拟资本2.简述剩余价值理论3.简述经济外部性理论4.简述“凯恩斯”革命5.人民币升值对我国经济有什么影响?二、论述题(以下三题任选两题,每题30分,共60分)1.如何看待通货膨胀、失业、经济增长的关系2.试论我国中小微企业的困境与解决之道3.试论正确处理虚拟经济与实体经济的关系一、简述题(每题10分,共30分)1.简述马克思的级差地租理论2.简述新古典经济学的边际理论3.有人说中国已到了刘易斯拐点,请谈谈你的认识二、论述题(第一题必答,后两题任选一道,每题35分)1.马克思社会再生产理论所揭示的基本规律是什么?2.试论我国收入分配存在的主要问题与对策。
PART I:Cloze(20points)Directions:Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank.During the mid–1980s,my family and I spent a__(1)__year in the historic town of St. Andrews,paring life there with life in America,we were impressed by a__(2)__ disconnection between national wealth and well-being.To most Americans,Scottish life would have seemed__(3)__.Incomes were about half that in the U.S.Among families in the Kingdom of Fife surrounding St.Andrews,44percent did not own a car,and we never met a family that owned two.Central heating in this place__(4)__south of Iceland was,at that time,still a luxury.In hundreds of conversations during our year there and during three half summer stays since,we ___(5)___notice that,___(6)___their simpler living,the Scots appeared___(7)___joyful than Americans.We heard complaints about Margaret Thatcher,but never about being underpaid or unable to afford wants.Within any country,such as our own,are rich people happier?In poor countries,being relatively well off does make__(8)__somewhat better well off.But in affluent countries,where nearly everyone can afford life’s necessities,increasing affluence matters__(9)__little.In the U.S.,Canada,and Europe,the correlation between income and happiness is,as University of Michigan researcher noted in a1980s16–nation study,“virtually__(10)__”.Happiness is lower __(11)__the very poor.But once comfortable,more money provides diminishing returns.Even very rich people are only slightly happier than average.With net worth all___(12)___ $100million,providing___(13)___money to buy things they don’t need and hardly care about,4 in5of the49people responding to survey agreed that“Money can increase or decrease happiness, depending on how it is used”.And some were indeed unhappy.One fabulously__(14)__man said he could never remember being happy.One woman reported that money__(15)__misery caused by her children’s’problems.At the other end of life’s circumstances are most victims of disabling tragedies.Yet,remarkably, most eventually recover a near-normal level of day-to-day happiness.Thus,university students who must cope with disabilities are__(16)__able-bodied students to report themselves happy,and their friends agree with their self-perceptions.We have__(17)__the American dream of achieved wealth and well-being by comparing rich and unrich countries,and rich and unrich people.That leaves the final question:Over time,does happiness rise with affluence?Typically not.Lottery winners appear to gain but a temporary jolt of joy from their winnings. On a small scale,a jump in our income can boost our morale,for a while.But in the long run, neither an ice cream cone nor a new car nor becoming rich and famous produces the same feelings of delight that it initially___(18)___.Happiness is not the result of being rich,but a__(19)__ consequence of having recently become richer.Wealth,it therefore seems,is like health:Although its utter absence can breed misery,having it does not guarantee happiness.Happiness is__(20)__a matter of getting what we want than of wanting what we have.1. a.underpaid b.prosperous c.affluent d.sabbatical2. a.assumed b.seeming c.seemed d.seemly3. a.precarious b.imprudent c.spartan d.gallant4. a.not far b.as far as c.far from d.far to5. a.virtually b.remarkably c.ideally d.repeatedly6. a.forasmuch b.despite c.considering d.inasmuch7. a.no less b.less c.more d.no more8. a.for b.up c.out d.over9. a.scarely b.intentionally c.surprisingly d.provisionally10.a.diminishing b.negligible c.tripled d.perceivable11.a.in b.on c.upon d.among12.a.exceeded b.exceeding c.excess d.excessive13.a.utter b.messy c.greedy d.ample14.a.prosperous b.triumphant c.jubilant d.victorious15.a.could undo b.could intensifyc.could not undod.could not intensify16.a.as plausible as b.not as plausible asc.as likely asd.not as likely as17.a.ventilated b.deliberated c.speculated d.scrutinized18.a.does b.did c.has done d.is19.a.new b.favorite c.temporary d.normal20.a.more b.less c.better d.worsePART II:Reading Comprehension(30points)Directions:Choose the best answers based on the information in the passages below. Passage1In the1960s and’70s of the last unlamented century,there was a New York television producer named David Susskind.He was commercially successful;he was also,surprisingly,a man of strong political views which he knew how to present so tactfully that networks were often unaware of just what he was getting away with on their—our—air.Politically,he liked to get strong-minded guests to sit with him at a round table in a ratty building at the corner of Broadway and42nd Street.Sooner or later,just about everyone of interest appeared on his program.Needless to say,he also had time for Vivien Leigh to discuss her recent divorce from Laurence Olivier,which summoned forth the mysterious cry from the former Scarlett O’Hara,“I am deeply sorry for any woman who was not married to Larry Olivier.”Since this took in several billion ladies(not to mention those gentlemen who might have offered to fill,as it were,the breach),Leigh caused a proper stir,as did the ballerina Alicia Markova,who gently assured us that“a Markova comes only once every hundred years or so.”I suspect it was the dim lighting on the set that invited such naked truths.David watched his pennies.I don’t recall how,or when,we began our“States of the Union”programs.But we did them year after year.I would follow whoever happened to be president,and I’d correct his“real”State of the Union with one of my own,improvising from questions that David would prepare.I was a political pundit because in a1960race for the House of Representatives(upstate New York), I got more votes than the head of the ticket,JFK;in1962,I turned down the Democratic nomination for U.S.Senate on the sensible ground that it was not winnable;I also had a pretty good memory in those days,now a-jangle with warning bells as I try to recall the national debt or,more poignantly,where I last saw my glasses.I’ve just come across my“State of the Union”as of1972.In1972,I begin:“According to the polls,our second principal concern today is the breakdown of law and order.”(What,I wonder,was the first?Let’s hope it was the pointless,seven-year—at that point—war in Southeast Asia.)I noted that to those die-hard conservatives,“law and order”is usually a code phrase meaning“get the blacks.”While,to what anorexic,vacant-eyed blonde women on TV now describe as the“liberal elite,”we were pushing the careful—that is,slow—elimination of poverty.But then,I say very mildly,we have only one political party in the United States,the Property Party,with two right wings,Republican and Democrat.Since I tended to speak to conservative audiences in such civilized places as Medford,Oregon;Parkersburg,West Virginia;and Longview,Washington,there are,predictably,a few gasps at this rejection of so much received opinion.There are also quite a few nods from interested citizens who find it difficult at election time to tell the parties apart.Was it in pristine Medford that I actually saw the nodding Ralph Nader whom I was,to his horror,to run for president that year in Esquire?Inspired by the nods,I start to geld the lily,as the late Sam Goldwyn used to say.The Republicans are often more doctrinaire than the Democrats,who are willing to make small—very small—adjustments where the poor and black are concerned while giving aid and comfort to the anti-imperialists.Comprehension Questions:21.We may understand Alicia Markova to be______________.a.A current popular figure in the United Statesb.A much sought-after interview subjectc.A popular,rather than intellectual,interview subjectd.A Russian defector to the United States22.In the passage,the author reminds the reader that the broadcast bands are______________.e.invariably used for the public good b.private,rather than public,propertyc.public,rather than private,propertyd.fair and balanced23.The author now finds it difficult to______________.a.run for Senateb.differentiate between a Republican and a Democratc.remember details or informationd.identify code-words in the media24.The author observes that anti-crime initiatives by America’s political right often either result inor are based upon______________.a.the desire to eliminate povertyb.protection of propertyc.the State of the Uniond.profiling.25.The author was invited to participate in Suskind’s television programs because______________.a.of his varied political experiencef.he turned down the Democratic nomination for U.S.Senateg.his knowledge of Larry Olivierh.his status as an anti-imperialistPassage2Chicag’s segregation of minorities is as old as the city itself.The African-American neighborhoods of today’s South and West sides are located in exactly the same parts of the city as the African-American neighborhoods of1910.And from1930to today,these African America neighborhoods have been represented in Congress and in the state house by African-American politicians,who have done very little(other than pass Federal benefit programs)to lift African-Americans out of poverty.In the2000Census,for example,of the ten poorest census tracts in the entire United States,nine were located in the South and West Side African-American areas ruled by African-American congressmen Bobby Rush and Jesse Jackson Jr.The concept of Western Imperial Colonialism is very popular in the literature of racial exploitation.The continent of Africa was divided up into“colonies”by the major European Imperial powers in a very short period of time:just seven years,from1885to1892.Previously,Britain had seized vast territories belonging to other cultures for hundreds of years.But in20th century America a new type of colony was invented:American urban colonies in the large metropolitan areas from the Midwest and Northeast to Los Angeles.These were made possible by the Great Migration of African-Americans from the South to the North,which began during WWI.As they moved north,African-Americans were immediately confined to ghettoes defined by racial boundaries.No one doubts that this segregation was done intentionally.But it’s important to realize that this segregation was not created by the racist attitudes of the residents of Chicago(Chicago never had slaves)but by the ruling political elite.As soon as the African-American population of Chicago began to expand,the Great Depression hit and put many persons out of work.FDR’s response to this was to create the New Deal programs of welfare,food assistance,and subsidized housing.While this greatly helped unemployed persons of all races,for African-Americans it began the ghettoization of their people into what can only be called urban colonies in the large cities of the north.The pattern seen in the 20largest cities of the United States from1920to2010is remarkably consistent.In192019of the twenty largest cities were all located in the North.All of these nineteen cities were from92.5%to 99%white.The one exception was Baltimore,MD and that was85%white.It had a slightly larger black population only because it was a port of entry for the slave trade.Similarly,all of these cities saw great increases in their black populations starting in1920.By1990these cities were from26to 76%black.These cities did not lose whites because African-Americans moved in.Rather,it is more accurate to say that Americans are a highly migratory group,and the big cities were ports of entry for European immigrants.So as whites left,politicians wanted to maintain their population numbers. By the2010Census the cities with the highest black populations were Detroit,MI,which was83% black,and Newark,NJ which was52%.(Sources:Census paper No.76and Census2010Quick facts).And since in all the major industrial cities of the North,the destinations of job-seeking African-American migrants were controlled by Democrats,it is overwhelmingly clear that these great pockets of urban poverty were created and maintained by that one political party.Tragically all of these cities have very high rates of segregation,poor education for African-Americans;high unemployment,single motherhood,and crime.In Chicago,“negro wards”as they were then called, were quickly drawn up:their boundaries reflected(and promoted)the racial segregation of the time. Their political representatives were African-American,and they were expected to deliver votes tothe Democratic Party.Most Americans don’t know that Chicago is the center for black politics. Furthermore,since Lincoln freed the slaves,African-Americans in Chicago voted for Republicans, until a Democratic Mayor,Anton Cermak,took over;fired all the thousands of African-Americans who Republicans had given city government jobs,and took over the black vote.Since that time Chicago's African-Americans have been represented exclusively by black politicians,and always lived in poverty.What made the black submachine of Chicago possible was that Chicago already had in place a Democratic Machine.Exploitation is promulgated by urban Democrats as a way to manipulate residents and keep themselves in power.What makes the American Urban Colonialism plan so revolutionary and ingenious is that it does not rely on agreements with foreign governments; the market price of iron ore,or cotton for profits;but on Federal benefit programs.These program dollars are infinitely more reliable and politically stable.Comprehension Questions:26.According to the essay,American cities lost white residents due to______________.a.white voter’s minority rule in the Republican partyb.the influx of European immigrantsc.the migratory nature of Americansd.ghettoization by African-Americans27.The essays convincingly demonstrates that_______________.a.power is more important than peopleb.white Americans are essentially racistc.the Civil War was fought for nothingd.slave trade determined the fate of ethnic minorities in American cities28.The Democratic Machine in Chicago provides incentives in the form of_______________.a.segregation of minoritiesb.high unemployment,single motherhood,and crimec.federal benefit programsd.negro wards29.Obama moved to Chicago because________________.a.the black submachine already had in place a Democratic Machineb.Chicago is the center for black politicsc.the Great Migration of directed African-Americans from the South to the Northd.Chicago is the most segregated city in America30.According to the author,American urban colonialism is the result of_______________.a.the ghettoization of African-American people in American citiesb.the segregation of minoritiesc.the political clientelism of the black submachined.western imperial colonialism in AfricaPassage3It is a well-known hypothesis that newborns can immediately identify the smell of their mother’s amniotic fluid;other than this one potential exception,taste in fragrance can be thought of as nurtured in totality by experience and influence.There is,of course,an argument that nature intervenes to temper a subject’s agency by inducing unfavorable reactions to harmful and poisonous materials that causes a negative olfactory association,for example,the smell of rotten food becoming linked to the experience of food poisoning.However,in most cases the process of deciding bad from good smells is controlled by societal(parental)censorship and its converse—public appreciation.This logic is akin to the French philosopher Louis Althusser’s theory of interpellation in relation to subjectivity and identity-making.For Althusser,human subjectivity (arguably comparable to consciousness itself)is a type of ideology.In Althusser’s view it is impossible to avoid the ideology of subjectivity and for this reason subjects are‘always already interpellated’,even before they are born.Althusser’s philosophy essentially argues that one cannot see oneself outside of ideology and one’s identity is formed by mirroring oneself in the ideology already present.In relation to(olfactory)taste-making,this is significant as taste can be thought of as a subset of subjectivity and therefore choosing a fragrance is an interpellating activity that paradoxically both affirms and displaces a subject’s sense of free agency.The hail comes from marketing and emotive retail experiences;the ideology that of personal enhancement;the moment of interpellation taking place at the point of sale.There are,in my opinion,pertinent links to be made between interpellation and the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan’s work on the mirror stage in infants.This is described by Lacan as the moment when a child sees themselves for the first time in a(conceptual)mirror,recognizes themselves as the image in the mirror,and dissociates the belief in a fragmented body with a visual wholeness threatened by literal and metaphorical fragmentation(of their own body/of the replication of their body in the mirror),resulting in a tension between the physical body and the imaged body.It is also the moment when the child is able to apperceive—the concept of seeing oneself outside of oneself as an object.In an attempt to alleviate this tension, Lacan argues that the child then fully identifies itself with the image,and as a result the Ego is formed through visual means,resulting in a temporary cognitive jubilation in the baby’s apparent mastery over its own image.As Althusser,Lacan sees the ideology of subjectivity as a prerequisite of a developed consciousness.Once this has happened,further understanding of self-presentation and self-fashioning can begin that govern one’s own identity-formation for the rest of life.Although babies are aware of the fragrance stimuli around them at a young age,including the peculiarities of smells produced by them,I would argue that the moment of what I term mature olfactory apperception happens much later than other forms of practical self-awareness and tends to occur around puberty when issues of olfactory urgency arise around bodily changes.I am arguing that the recognition of one’s own scent in a conceptual olfactory mirror at that moment in life gives rise to a strong sense of olfactory hierarchy and cements involuntary links between ideology and perfume.It is no coincidence then that so many fragrance-lovers comment that their interest developed around their teens.To explicate the term further,it can be reasoned that recognition of the difference between personal and external smells in babies in relation to subjectivity is fairly limited,just as is the understanding of the imaged self before the mirror stage.However,given that Lacan argues that the Ego is initially formed through cognitive contradictions in image,the sense of sight is given immediate priority over the other senses,as the baby comprehends the significance of its own bodily image through its presence in social situations.However,the significance of its own smellsis not a subject treated with as much codified authority and therefore little olfactory context is given to the subject.As one approaches puberty and begins to apperceive the idea of a personal whole scent as opposed to a fragmented olfactory reality scent is suddenly put into an important,codified, and relevant context—a context of‘them,me,dirty,clean,sexual’.This is the moment of mature olfactory apperception.Comprehension Questions:31.With the possible exception of an infant’s ability to identify the smell of the amniotic fluid,tastein fragrance is_________________.a.naturalb.artificialc.objectived.subjective32.Mature olfactory apperception is achieved at the moment of_________________.a.pubertyb.fully developed consciousness of one’s own scentc.full comprehension of the significance of one’s own bodily imaged.a visual wholeness threatened by literal and metaphorical fragmentation33.Personal style and choice of a fragrance can be seen as__________________.a.codified authorityb.a conceptual olfactory mirrorc.a subset of subjectivityd.a fragmented olfactory reality34.Apperception can be defined as the induction of the self as__________________.a.an objectb.a subjectc.an imaged.an ego35.According to the author,a teenager’s choice of perfume__________________.a.depends on him/herselfb.is conditioned by ideologyc.is decided by a codified authority.d.is decided by commercePassage4A Cyborg Manifesto is an essay written by Donna Haraway,in which the concept of the cyborg is a rejection of rigid boundaries,notably those separating“human”from“animal”and “human”from“machine”.She writes:“The cyborg does not dream of community on the model of the organic family,this time without the oedipal project.The cyborg would not recognize the Garden of Eden;it is not made of mud and cannot dream of returning to dust.”The Manifesto criticizes traditional notions of feminism,particularly feminist focuses on identity politics,and encouraging instead coalition through affinity.She uses the metaphor of a cyborg to urge feminists to move beyond the limitations of traditional gender,feminism,and politics.Marisa Olson summarized Haraway’s thoughts as a belief that there is no distinction between natural life and artificial man-made machines.Haraway begins the Manifesto by explaining three boundary breakdowns since the20th Century that have allowed for her hybrid,cyborg myth:the breakdown of boundaries between human and animal,animal-human and machine,and physical and non-physical.Evolution has blurred the lines between human and animal;20th Century machines have made ambiguous the lines between natural and artificial;and microelectronics and the politicalinvisibility of cyborgs have confused the lines of physicality.Haraway highlights the problematic use and justification of Western traditions like patriarchy,colonialism,essentialism,and naturalism (among others).These traditions in turn allow for the problematic formations of taxonomies and what Haraway explains as antagonistic dualisms that order Western discourse.These dualisms, Haraway states,have all been systematic to the logics and practices of domination of women, people of color,nature,workers,animals...all those constituted as others.However,high-tech culture provides a challenge to these antagonistic dualisms.Haraway’s cyborg theory rejects the notions of essentialism,proposing instead a chimeric,monstrous world of fusions between animal and machine.Cyborg theory relies on writing as“the technology of cyborgs”,as“cyborg politics is the struggle for language and the struggle against perfect communication,against the one code that translates all meaning perfectly,the central dogma of phallogocentrism”.Instead,Haraway’s cyborg calls for a non-essentialized,material-semiotic metaphor capable of uniting diffuse political coalitions along the lines of affinity rather than identity.Following Lacanian feminists such as Luce Irigaray,Haraway’s work addresses the chasm between feminist discourses and the dominant language of Western patriarchy.As Haraway explains,“grammar is politics by other means,”and effective politics require speaking in the language of domination.As she details in a chart of the paradigmatic shifts from modern to postmodern epistemology within the Manifesto,the unified human subject of identity has shifted to the hybridized posthuman of technoscience,from “representation”to“simulation,”“bourgeois novel”to“science fiction,”“reproduction”to “replication,”and“white capitalist patriarchy”to“informatics of domination.”While Haraway’s “ironic dream of a common language”is inspired by Irigaray’s argument for a discourse other than patriarchy,she rejects Irigaray’s essentializing construction of woman-as-not-male to argue for a linguistic community of situated,partial knowledges in which no one is innocent.Although Haraway's metaphor of the cyborg has been labelled as a post-gender statement,Haraway has clarified her stance on post-genderism in recent interviews.She acknowledges that her argument in the Manifesto seeks to challenge the necessity for categorization of gender,but does not correlate this argument to post-genderism.She clarifies this distinction because post-genderism is often associated with the discourse of the utopian concept of being beyond masculinity and femininity. Haraway notes that gender constructs are still prevalent and meaningful,but are troublesome and should therefore be eliminated as categories for identity.Comprehension Questions:36.According to the text,a cybernetic organism or cyborg must be understood as________________.a.a gender-neutral constructb.a robotc.a posthuman speculative beingd.neither organic nor inorganic37.Haraway poses that gender constructs should be eliminated as categories for identity because________________.a.the paradigmatic shifts from modern to postmodern epistemologyb.post-genderism is often associated with the discourse of the utopian conceptc.they pose an antagonistic dualismd.they pose a non-essential,material-semiotic metaphor38.According to Haraway manicheisms are in competition with one another,creating paradoxicalrelations of domination,particularly________________.a.God/manb.right/wrongc.self/otherd.one/other39.The cyborg is a________________.a.metaphorb.mechanical productc.animistic conceptanic hybrid40.A sonographic fetus would in many ways be the ultimate cyborg because_______________.a.it is“created”in a space of virtualityb.it is neither male nor femalec.it is simultaneously human and animald.it is politically invisible请将以下题目的答案填写在答题纸上。
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