Learning and Evolution of Control Systems




高科技助力英语学习:新时代的学习革命 In the era of rapid technological advancements, high-tech tools and devices have become integral parts of our daily lives. One such area where technology has made significant impacts is in the field of education, particularly in the learning of English. The integration of high-tech solutions into English language learning has not only made the process more efficient but also engaging and interactive.**The Evolution of Learning Tools**Gone are the days when the only means of learning English were textbooks, dictionaries, and maybe a radio for listening practice. Today, we have a plethora of high-tech tools and devices that cater to every aspect of English learning. Smartphones, tablets, and laptops provide access to a wide range of applications and online platforms that offer personalized learning experiences.**Mobile Applications and Online Platforms**Mobile applications such as Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, and Babbel offer interactive and gamified learningexperiences. These apps use advanced algorithms to assess the learner's proficiency level and provide tailored lessons accordingly. Additionally, they often include real-time feedback, speech recognition technology, and practice conversations with native speakers, all of which contribute to improving language skills.Online platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udemy provide access to a vast library of English language courses taught by experts from around the world. These courses cover everything from basic grammar and vocabulary to advanced reading and writing skills. The flexibility of online learning allows students to study at their own pace, anytime, anywhere.**AI-Powered Tutors and Virtual Reality**Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we learn English. AI-powered tutors, like those found in apps like Italki or Preply, provide personalized lessons and real-time feedback from native speakers. These tutors can adapt to the learner's needs and provide tailored guidance to help them improve their pronunciation, fluency, and comprehension.Virtual reality (VR) technology is also being explored in English language learning. VR-based learning experiences immerse learners in English-speaking environments, providing them with opportunities to interact and communicate with virtual characters in a natural way. This type of immersive learning is highly effective in helping learners develop their language skills.**The Future of High-Tech Learning**The future of high-tech learning looks incredibly bright. With advancing technologies like augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and even brain-computerinterfaces (BCI), the possibilities for more immersive and effective English language learning are endless.In conclusion, high-tech tools and devices have transformed the way we learn English. By leveraging the power of technology, we can now access a wide range of learning resources and experiences that are personalized, interactive, and engaging. As we move into the future, itis exciting to imagine the new ways technology will continue to revolutionize our learning experiences.**高科技助力英语学习:新时代的学习革命**随着科技的飞速发展,高科技工具和设备已经成为我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。



2、The initial stage起步阶段 18C 60-80s: James Watt‘s steam engine and regulator/governor(调节器/控制器) (Fig.1.1) developed; (the First Industrial Revolution--steam engine times) 19C 70-90s: Farcot invented feedback regulator(反 馈调节器) used with steam valve to control the rudder of steam-droved boat; This is the earlier servo-mechanism(伺服机构);
FIGURE 1.5 Multivariable control system
What’s the working process?
FIGURE1.6 (a) Open-loop (without feedback) control of the speed of a turntable. (b) Block diagram model.
Controlled object: The device, plant (Process), or system under control.
FIGURE 1.2 Process to be controlled
Open-loop control system: A system that utilizes a device to control the process without using feedback. Thus the output has no effect upon the signal to the process.

Universities in Evolutionary Systems(系统变革中的大学)

Universities in Evolutionary Systems(系统变革中的大学)

Universities in Evolutionary Systems of InnovationMarianne van der Steen and Jurgen EndersThis paper criticizes the current narrow view on the role of universities in knowledge-based economies.We propose to extend the current policy framework of universities in national innovation systems(NIS)to a more dynamic one,based on evolutionary economic principles. The main reason is that this dynamic viewfits better with the practice of innovation processes. We contribute on ontological and methodological levels to the literature and policy discussions on the effectiveness of university-industry knowledge transfer and the third mission of uni-versities.We conclude with a discussion of the policy implications for the main stakeholders.1.IntroductionU niversities have always played a major role in the economic and cultural devel-opment of countries.However,their role and expected contribution has changed sub-stantially over the years.Whereas,since1945, universities in Europe were expected to con-tribute to‘basic’research,which could be freely used by society,in recent decades they are expected to contribute more substantially and directly to the competitiveness offirms and societies(Jaffe,2008).Examples are the Bayh–Dole Act(1982)in the United States and in Europe the Lisbon Agenda(2000–2010) which marked an era of a changing and more substantial role for universities.However,it seems that this‘new’role of universities is a sort of universal given one(ex post),instead of an ex ante changing one in a dynamic institutional environment.Many uni-versities are expected nowadays to stimulate a limited number of knowledge transfer activi-ties such as university spin-offs and university patenting and licensing to demonstrate that they are actively engaged in knowledge trans-fer.It is questioned in the literature if this one-size-fits-all approach improves the usefulness and the applicability of university knowledge in industry and society as a whole(e.g.,Litan et al.,2007).Moreover,the various national or regional economic systems have idiosyncratic charac-teristics that in principle pose different(chang-ing)demands towards universities.Instead of assuming that there is only one‘optimal’gov-ernance mode for universities,there may bemultiple ways of organizing the role of univer-sities in innovation processes.In addition,we assume that this can change over time.Recently,more attention in the literature hasfocused on diversity across technologies(e.g.,King,2004;Malerba,2005;Dosi et al.,2006;V an der Steen et al.,2008)and diversity offormal and informal knowledge interactionsbetween universities and industry(e.g.,Cohenet al.,1998).So far,there has been less atten-tion paid to the dynamics of the changing roleof universities in economic systems:how dothe roles of universities vary over time andwhy?Therefore,this article focuses on the onto-logical premises of the functioning of univer-sities in innovation systems from a dynamic,evolutionary perspective.In order to do so,we analyse the role of universities from theperspective of an evolutionary system ofinnovation to understand the embeddednessof universities in a dynamic(national)systemof science and innovation.The article is structured as follows.InSection2we describe the changing role ofuniversities from the static perspective of anational innovation system(NIS),whereasSection3analyses the dynamic perspective ofuniversities based on evolutionary principles.Based on this evolutionary perspective,Section4introduces the characteristics of a LearningUniversity in a dynamic innovation system,summarizing an alternative perception to thestatic view of universities in dynamic economicsystems in Section5.Finally,the concludingVolume17Number42008doi:10.1111/j.1467-8691.2008.00496.x©2008The AuthorsJournal compilation©2008Blackwell Publishingsection discusses policy recommendations for more effective policy instruments from our dynamic perspective.2.Static View of Universities in NIS 2.1The Emergence of the Role of Universities in NISFirst we start with a discussion of the literature and policy reports on national innovation system(NIS).The literature on national inno-vation systems(NIS)is a relatively new and rapidly growingfield of research and widely used by policy-makers worldwide(Fagerberg, 2003;Balzat&Hanusch,2004;Sharif,2006). The NIS approach was initiated in the late 1980s by Freeman(1987),Dosi et al.(1988)and Lundvall(1992)and followed by Nelson (1993),Edquist(1997),and many others.Balzat and Hanusch(2004,p.196)describe a NIS as‘a historically grown subsystem of the national economy in which various organizations and institutions interact with and influence one another in the carrying out of innovative activity’.It is about a systemic approach to innovation,in which the interaction between technology,institutions and organizations is central.With the introduction of the notion of a national innovation system,universities were formally on the agenda of many innovation policymakers worldwide.Clearly,the NIS demonstrated that universities and their interactions with industry matter for innova-tion processes in economic systems.Indeed, since a decade most governments acknowl-edge that interactions between university and industry add to better utilization of scienti-fic knowledge and herewith increase the innovation performance of nations.One of the central notions of the innovation system approach is that universities play an impor-tant role in the development of commercial useful knowledge(Edquist,1997;Sharif, 2006).This contrasts with the linear model innovation that dominated the thinking of science and industry policy makers during the last century.The linear innovation model perceives innovation as an industry activity that‘only’utilizes fundamental scientific knowledge of universities as an input factor for their innovative activities.The emergence of the non-linear approach led to a renewed vision on the role–and expectations–of universities in society. Some authors have referred to a new social contract between science and society(e.g., Neave,2000).The Triple Helix(e.g.,Etzkowitz &Leydesdorff,1997)and the innovation system approach(e.g.,Lundvall,1988)and more recently,the model of Open Innovation (Chesbrough,2003)demonstrated that innova-tion in a knowledge-based economy is an inter-active process involving many different innovation actors that interact in a system of overlapping organizationalfields(science, technology,government)with many interfaces.2.2Static Policy View of Universities in NIS Since the late1990s,the new role of universi-ties in NIS thinking emerged in a growing number of policy studies(e.g.,OECD,1999, 2002;European Commission,2000).The con-tributions of the NIS literature had a large impact on policy makers’perception of the role of universities in the national innovation performance(e.g.,European Commission, 2006).The NIS approach gradually replaced linear thinking about innovation by a more holistic system perspective on innovations, focusing on the interdependencies among the various agents,organizations and institutions. NIS thinking led to a structurally different view of how governments can stimulate the innovation performance of a country.The OECD report of the national innovation system (OECD,1999)clearly incorporated these new economic principles of innovation system theory.This report emphasized this new role and interfaces of universities in knowledge-based economies.This created a new policy rationale and new awareness for technology transfer policy in many countries.The NIS report(1999)was followed by more attention for the diversity of technology transfer mecha-nisms employed in university-industry rela-tions(OECD,2002)and the(need for new) emerging governance structures for the‘third mission’of universities in society,i.e.,patent-ing,licensing and spin-offs,of public research organizations(OECD,2003).The various policy studies have in common that they try to describe and compare the most important institutions,organizations, activities and interactions of public and private actors that take part in or influence the innovation performance of a country.Figure1 provides an illustration.Thefigure demon-strates the major building blocks of a NIS in a practical policy setting.It includesfirms,uni-versities and other public research organiza-tions(PROs)involved in(higher)education and training,science and technology.These organizations embody the science and tech-nology capabilities and knowledge fund of a country.The interaction is represented by the arrows which refer to interactive learn-ing and diffusion of knowledge(Lundvall,Volume17Number42008©2008The AuthorsJournal compilation©2008Blackwell Publishing1992).1The building block ‘Demand’refers to the level and quality of demand that can be a pull factor for firms to innovate.Finally,insti-tutions are represented in the building blocks ‘Framework conditions’and ‘Infrastructure’,including various laws,policies and regula-tions related to science,technology and entre-preneurship.It includes a very broad array of policy issues from intellectual property rights laws to fiscal instruments that stimulate labour mobility between universities and firms.The figure demonstrates that,in order to improve the innovation performance of a country,the NIS as a whole should be conducive for innovative activities in acountry.Since the late 1990s,the conceptual framework as represented in Figure 1serves as a dominant design for many comparative studies of national innovation systems (Polt et al.,2001;OECD,2002).The typical policy benchmark exercise is to compare a number of innovation indicators related to the role of university-industry interactions.Effective performance of universities in the NIS is judged on a number of standardized indica-tors such as the number of spin-offs,patents and licensing.Policy has especially focused on ‘getting the incentives right’to create a generic,good innovative enhancing context for firms.Moreover,policy has also influ-enced the use of specific ‘formal’transfer mechanisms,such as university patents and university spin-offs,to facilitate this collabo-ration.In this way best practice policies are identified and policy recommendations are derived:the so-called one-size-fits-all-approach.The focus is on determining the ingredients of an efficient benchmark NIS,downplaying institutional diversity and1These organizations that interact with each other sometimes co-operate and sometimes compete with each other.For instance,firms sometimes co-operate in certain pre-competitive research projects but can be competitors as well.This is often the case as well withuniversities.Figure 1.The Benchmark NIS Model Source :Bemer et al.(2001).Volume 17Number 42008©2008The AuthorsJournal compilation ©2008Blackwell Publishingvariety in the roles of universities in enhanc-ing innovation performance.The theoretical contributions to the NIS lit-erature have outlined the importance of insti-tutions and institutional change.However,a further theoretical development of the ele-ments of NIS is necessary in order to be useful for policy makers;they need better systemic NIS benchmarks,taking systematically into account the variety of‘national idiosyncrasies’. Edquist(1997)argues that most NIS contribu-tions are more focused onfirms and technol-ogy,sometimes reducing the analysis of the (national)institutions to a left-over category (Geels,2005).Following Hodgson(2000), Nelson(2002),Malerba(2005)and Groenewe-gen and V an der Steen(2006),more attention should be paid to the institutional idiosyncra-sies of the various systems and their evolution over time.This creates variety and evolving demands towards universities over time where the functioning of universities and their interactions with the other part of the NIS do evolve as well.We suggest to conceptualize the dynamics of innovation systems from an evolutionary perspective in order to develop a more subtle and dynamic vision on the role of universities in innovation systems.We emphasize our focus on‘evolutionary systems’instead of national innovation systems because for many universities,in particular some science-based disciplinaryfields such as biotechnology and nanotechnology,the national institutional environment is less relevant than the institu-tional and technical characteristics of the technological regimes,which is in fact a‘sub-system’of the national innovation system.3.Evolutionary Systems of Innovation as an Alternative Concept3.1Evolutionary Theory on Economic Change and InnovationCharles Darwin’s The Origin of Species(1859)is the foundation of modern thinking about change and evolution(Luria et al.,1981,pp. 584–7;Gould,1987).Darwin’s theory of natural selection has had the most important consequences for our perception of change. His view of evolution refers to a continuous and gradual adaptation of species to changes in the environment.The idea of‘survival of thefittest’means that the most adaptive organisms in a population will survive.This occurs through a process of‘natural selection’in which the most adaptive‘species’(organ-isms)will survive.This is a gradual process taking place in a relatively stable environment, working slowly over long periods of time necessary for the distinctive characteristics of species to show their superiority in the‘sur-vival contest’.Based on Darwin,evolutionary biology identifies three levels of aggregation.These three levels are the unit of variation,unit of selection and unit of evolution.The unit of varia-tion concerns the entity which contains the genetic information and which mutates fol-lowing specific rules,namely the genes.Genes contain the hereditary information which is preserved in the DNA.This does not alter sig-nificantly throughout the reproductive life-time of an organism.Genes are passed on from an organism to its successors.The gene pool,i.e.,the total stock of genetic structures of a species,only changes in the reproduction process as individuals die and are born.Par-ticular genes contribute to distinctive charac-teristics and behaviour of species which are more or less conducive to survival.The gene pool constitutes the mechanism to transmit the characteristics of surviving organisms from one generation to the next.The unit of selection is the expression of those genes in the entities which live and die as individual specimens,namely(individual) organisms.These organisms,in their turn,are subjected to a process of natural selection in the environment.‘Fit’organisms endowed with a relatively‘successful’gene pool,are more likely to pass them on to their progeny.As genes contain information to form and program the organisms,it can be expected that in a stable environment genes aiding survival will tend to become more prominent in succeeding genera-tions.‘Natural selection’,thus,is a gradual process selecting the‘fittest’organisms. Finally,there is the unit of evolution,or that which changes over time as the gene pool changes,namely populations.Natural selec-tion produces changes at the level of the population by‘trimming’the set of genetic structures in a population.We would like to point out two central principles of Darwinian evolution.First,its profound indeterminacy since the process of development,for instance the development of DNA,is dominated by time at which highly improbable events happen (Boulding,1991,p.12).Secondly,the process of natural selection eliminates poorly adapted variants in a compulsory manner,since indi-viduals who are‘unfit’are supposed to have no way of escaping the consequences of selection.22We acknowledge that within evolutionary think-ing,the theory of Jean Baptiste Lamarck,which acknowledges in essence that acquired characteris-tics can be transmitted(instead of hereditaryVolume17Number42008©2008The AuthorsJournal compilation©2008Blackwell PublishingThese three levels of aggregation express the differences between ‘what is changing’(genes),‘what is being selected’(organisms),and ‘what changes over time’(populations)in an evolutionary process (Luria et al.,1981,p.625).According to Nelson (see for instance Nelson,1995):‘Technical change is clearly an evolutionary process;the innovation generator keeps on producing entities superior to those earlier in existence,and adjustment forces work slowly’.Technological change and innovation processes are thus ‘evolutionary’because of its characteristics of non-optimality and of an open-ended and path-dependent process.Nelson and Winter (1982)introduced the idea of technical change as an evolutionary process in capitalist economies.Routines in firms function as the relatively durable ‘genes’.Economic competition leads to the selection of certain ‘successful’routines and these can be transferred to other firms by imitation,through buy-outs,training,labour mobility,and so on.Innovation processes involving interactions between universities and industry are central in the NIS approach.Therefore,it seems logical that evolutionary theory would be useful to grasp the role of universities in innovation pro-cesses within the NIS framework.3.2Evolutionary Underpinnings of Innovation SystemsBased on the central evolutionary notions as discussed above,we discuss in this section how the existing NIS approaches have already incor-porated notions in their NIS frameworks.Moreover,we investigate to what extent these notions can be better incorporated in an evolu-tionary innovation system to improve our understanding of universities in dynamic inno-vation processes.We focus on non-optimality,novelty,the anti-reductionist methodology,gradualism and the evolutionary metaphor.Non-optimality (and Bounded Rationality)Based on institutional diversity,the notion of optimality is absent in most NIS approaches.We cannot define an optimal system of innovation because evolutionary learning pro-cesses are important in such systems and thus are subject to continuous change.The system never achieves an equilibrium since the evolu-tionary processes are open-ended and path dependent.In Nelson’s work (e.g.,1993,1995)he has emphasized the presence of contingent out-comes of innovation processes and thus of NIS:‘At any time,there are feasible entities not present in the prevailing system that have a chance of being introduced’.This continuing existence of feasible alternative developments means that the system never reaches a state of equilibrium or finality.The process always remains dynamic and never reaches an optimum.Nelson argues further that diversity exists because technical change is an open-ended multi-path process where no best solu-tion to a technical problem can be identified ex post .As a consequence technical change can be seen as a very wasteful process in capitalist economies with many duplications and dead-ends.Institutional variety is closely linked to non-optimality.In other words,we cannot define the optimal innovation system because the evolutionary learning processes that take place in a particular system make it subject to continuous change.Therefore,comparisons between an existing system and an ideal system are not possible.Hence,in the absence of any notion of optimality,a method of comparing existing systems is necessary.According to Edquist (1997),comparisons between systems were more explicit and systematic than they had been using the NIS approaches.Novelty:Innovations CentralNovelty is already a central notion in the current NIS approaches.Learning is inter-preted in a broad way.Technological innova-tions are defined as combining existing knowledge in new ways or producing new knowledge (generation),and transforming this into economically significant products and processes (absorption).Learning is the most important process behind technological inno-vations.Learning can be formal in the form of education and searching through research and development.However,in many cases,innovations are the consequence of several kinds of learning processes involving many different kinds of economic agents.According to Lundvall (1992,p.9):‘those activities involve learning-by-doing,increasing the efficiency of production operations,learning-characteristics as in the theory of Darwin),is acknowledged to fit better with socio-economic processes of technical change and innovation (e.g.,Nelson &Winter,1982;Hodgson,2000).Therefore,our theory is based on Lamarckian evolutionary theory.However,for the purpose of this article,we will not discuss the differences between these theo-ries at greater length and limit our analysis to the fundamental evolutionary building blocks that are present in both theories.Volume 17Number 42008©2008The AuthorsJournal compilation ©2008Blackwell Publishingby-using,increasing the efficiency of the use of complex systems,and learning-by-interacting, involving users and producers in an interac-tion resulting in product innovations’.In this sense,learning is part of daily routines and activities in an economy.In his Learning Economy concept,Lundvall makes learning more explicit,emphasizing further that ‘knowledge is assumed as the most funda-mental resource and learning the most impor-tant process’(1992,p.10).Anti-reductionist Approach:Systems and Subsystems of InnovationSo far,NIS approaches are not yet clear and systematic in their analysis of the dynamics and change in innovation systems.Lundvall’s (1992)distinction between subsystem and system level based on the work of Boulding implicitly incorporates both the actor(who can undertake innovative activities)as well as the structure(institutional selection environment) in innovation processes of a nation.Moreover, most NIS approaches acknowledge that within the national system,there are different institu-tional subsystems(e.g.,sectors,regions)that all influence each other again in processes of change.However,an explicit analysis of the structured environment is still missing (Edquist,1997).In accordance with the basic principles of evolutionary theory as discussed in Section 3.1,institutional evolutionary theory has developed a very explicit systemic methodol-ogy to investigate the continuous interaction of actors and institutional structures in the evolution of economic systems.The so-called ‘methodological interactionism’can be per-ceived as a methodology that combines a structural perspective and an actor approach to understand processes of economic evolu-tion.Whereas the structural perspective emphasizes the existence of independent institutional layers and processes which deter-mine individual actions,the actor approach emphasizes the free will of individuals.The latter has been referred to as methodological individualism,as we have seen in neo-classical approaches.Methodological indi-vidualism will explain phenomena in terms of the rational individual(showingfixed prefer-ences and having one rational response to any fully specified decision problem(Hodgson, 2000)).The interactionist approach recognizes a level of analysis above the individual orfirm level.NIS approaches recognize that national differences exist in terms of national institu-tions,socio-economic factors,industries and networks,and so on.So,an explicit methodological interactionist approach,explicitly recognizing various insti-tutional layers in the system and subsystem in interaction with the learning agents,can improve our understanding of the evolution of innovation.Gradualism:Learning Processes andPath-DependencyPath-dependency in biology can be translated in an economic context in the form of(some-times very large)time lags between a technical invention,its transformation into an economic innovation,and the widespread diffusion. Clearly,in many of the empirical case studies of NIS,the historical dimension has been stressed.For instance,in the study of Denmark and Sweden,it has been shown that the natural resource base(for Denmark fertile land,and for Sweden minerals)and economic history,from the period of the Industrial Revolution onwards,has strongly influenced present specialization patterns(Edquist& Lundvall,1993,pp.269–82).Hence,history matters in processes of inno-vation as the innovation processes are influ-enced by many institutions and economic agents.In addition,they are often path-dependent as small events are reinforced and become crucially important through processes of positive feedback,in line with evolutionary processes as discussed in Section3.1.Evolutionary MetaphorFinally,most NIS approaches do not explicitly use the biological metaphor.Nevertheless, many of the approaches are based on innova-tion theories in which they do use an explicit evolutionary metaphor(e.g.,the work of Nelson).To summarize,the current(policy)NIS approaches have already implicitly incorpo-rated some evolutionary notions such as non-optimality,novelty and gradualism.However, what is missing is a more explicit analysis of the different institutional levels of the economic system and innovation subsystems (their inertia and evolution)and how they change over time in interaction with the various learning activities of economic agents. These economic agents reside at established firms,start-upfirms,universities,govern-ments,undertaking learning and innovation activities or strategic actions.The explicit use of the biological metaphor and an explicit use of the methodological interactionst approach may increase our understanding of the evolu-tion of innovation systems.Volume17Number42008©2008The AuthorsJournal compilation©2008Blackwell Publishing4.Towards a Dynamic View of Universities4.1The Logic of an Endogenous‘Learning’UniversityIf we translate the methodological interaction-ist approach to the changing role of universities in an evolutionary innovation system,it follows that universities not only respond to changes of the institutional environment(government policies,business demands or changes in scientific paradigms)but universities also influence the institutions of the selection envi-ronment by their strategic,scientific and entre-preneurial actions.Moreover,these actions influence–and are influenced by–the actions of other economic agents as well.So,instead of a one-way rational response by universities to changes(as in reductionist approach),they are intertwined in those processes of change.So, universities actually function as an endogenous source of change in the evolution of the inno-vation system.This is(on an ontological level) a fundamental different view on the role of universities in innovation systems from the existing policy NIS frameworks.In earlier empirical research,we observed that universities already effectively function endogenously in evolutionary innovation system frameworks;universities as actors (already)develop new knowledge,innovate and have their own internal capacity to change,adapt and influence the institutional development of the economic system(e.g., V an der Steen et al.,2009).Moreover,univer-sities consist of a network of various actors, i.e.,the scientists,administrators at technology transfer offices(TTO)as well as the university boards,interacting in various ways with indus-try and governments and embedded in various ways in the regional,national or inter-national environment.So,universities behave in an at least partly endogenous manner because they depend in complex and often unpredictable ways on the decision making of a substantial number of non-collusive agents.Agents at universities react in continuous interaction with the learn-ing activities offirms and governments and other universities.Furthermore,the endogenous processes of technical and institutional learning of univer-sities are entangled in the co-evolution of institutional and technical change of the evo-lutionary innovation system at large.We propose to treat the learning of universities as an inseparable endogenous variable in the inno-vation processes of the economic system.In order to structure the endogenization in the system of innovation analysis,the concept of the Learning University is introduced.In thenext subsection we discuss the main character-istics of the Learning University and Section5discusses the learning university in a dynamic,evolutionary innovation system.An evolution-ary metaphor may be helpful to make theuniversity factor more transparent in theco-evolution of technical and institutionalchange,as we try to understand how variouseconomic agents interact in learning processes.4.2Characteristics of the LearningUniversityThe evolution of the involvement of universi-ties in innovation processes is a learningprocess,because(we assume that)universitypublic agents have their‘own agenda’.V ariousincentives in the environment of universitiessuch as government regulations and technol-ogy transfer policies as well as the innovativebehaviour of economic agents,compel policymakers at universities to constantly respondby adapting and improving their strategiesand policies,whereas the university scientistsare partly steered by these strategies and partlyinfluenced by their own scientific peers andpartly by their historically grown interactionswith industry.During this process,universityboards try to be forward-looking and tobehave strategically in the knowledge thattheir actions‘influence the world’(alsoreferred to earlier as‘intentional variety’;see,for instance,Dosi et al.,1988).‘Intentional variety’presupposes that tech-nical and institutional development of univer-sities is a learning process.University agentsundertake purposeful action for change,theylearn from experience and anticipate futurestates of the selective environment.Further-more,university agents take initiatives to im-prove and develop learning paths.An exampleof these learning agents is provided in Box1.We consider technological and institutionaldevelopment of universities as a process thatinvolves many knowledge-seeking activitieswhere public and private agents’perceptionsand actions are translated into practice.3Theinstitutional changes are the result of inter-actions among economic agents defined byLundvall(1992)as interactive learning.Theseinteractions result in an evolutionary pattern3Using a theory developed in one scientific disci-pline as a metaphor in a different discipline mayresult,in a worst-case scenario,in misleading analo-gies.In the best case,however,it can be a source ofcreativity.As Hodgson(2000)pointed out,the evo-lutionary metaphor is useful for understandingprocesses of technical and institutional change,thatcan help to identify new events,characteristics andphenomena.Volume17Number42008©2008The AuthorsJournal compilation©2008Blackwell Publishing。

System Identification and Control

System Identification and Control

System Identification and Control System identification and control are essential components in the field of engineering and technology. They involve the process of building mathematical models of dynamic systems and using these models to design controllers that can manipulate the system to achieve desired outcomes. This process is crucial in various industries, including aerospace, automotive, robotics, and more. One of the key aspects of system identification is collecting data from the system to understand its behavior. This data can be obtained through experiments, simulations, or real-time monitoring. By analyzing this data, engineers can develop mathematical models that represent the system's dynamics accurately. These models can then be used to design controllers that can regulate the system's behavior and achieve specific objectives. Control systems play a crucial role in ensuring that a system behaves in a desired manner. These systems use feedback mechanisms to monitor the system's output and adjust the input to maintainstability and performance. By implementing control strategies, engineers can optimize the system's performance, improve efficiency, and enhance safety. In the field of autonomous vehicles, system identification and control are vital for ensuring safe and efficient operation. By accurately modeling the vehicle's dynamics and designing robust control systems, engineers can develop autonomous vehicles that can navigate complex environments, avoid obstacles, and respond to changing conditions in real-time. These technologies have the potential to revolutionize transportation and improve road safety. In industrial automation, system identification and control are used to optimize manufacturing processes, increase productivity, and reduce costs. By accurately modeling production systems and implementing advanced control strategies, engineers can improve product quality, minimize waste, and enhance overall efficiency. These technologies are essential for modern manufacturing facilities to stay competitive in today's global market. Overall, system identification and control are fundamental concepts in engineering that enable us to understand and manipulate complex systems effectively. By developing accurate mathematical models and implementing robust control strategies, engineers can design systems that meet specific performance requirements and achieve desired outcomes. These technologies have awide range of applications in various industries and play a crucial role in advancing technological innovation and improving quality of life.。


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点对点系统(peer-peer system):DHT(distributed hash table),例如Chord
随机图(random map)
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NFS (Network File System):远程访问模型

Intelligent Control Systems

Intelligent Control Systems

Intelligent Control Systems Intelligent Control Systems: Enhancing Efficiency and Automation Introduction: Intelligent Control Systems (ICS) have emerged as a game-changer in various industries, revolutionizing the way processes are managed and controlled. These systems utilize advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics to optimize operations, increase efficiency, and reduce human intervention. In this article, we will explore the benefits and challenges of implementing ICS from multiple perspectives, highlighting its impact on industries and society as a whole. Benefits of Intelligent Control Systems: From an industrial perspective, ICS offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it improves operational efficiency by automating repetitive tasks and streamlining processes. This not only reduces the risk of errors but also enhances productivity and allows employees to focus on more complex and strategic activities. Secondly, ICS enables real-time monitoring and control, providing valuable insights into system performance and enabling proactive decision-making. This helps in identifying and resolving issues before they escalate, minimizing downtime, and optimizingresource utilization. From a business perspective, ICS offers a competitive edge. By leveraging advanced algorithms and predictive analytics, ICS enables companies to make data-driven decisions, optimize resource allocation, and improve overall performance. This helps in reducing costs, maximizing profitability, and staying ahead of the competition. Additionally, ICS facilitates better risk management by identifying potential hazards and implementing preventive measures, ensuring asafe and secure working environment. From a societal perspective, ICS has the potential to transform various sectors. In healthcare, for instance, intelligent control systems can enhance patient care by automating medical processes, monitoring vital signs, and enabling remote healthcare delivery. This not only improves the quality of care but also increases accessibility, particularly in remote areas. Similarly, in transportation, ICS can optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion, and enhance safety through technologies like smart traffic lights and autonomous vehicles. Challenges and Considerations: While the benefits of ICS are undeniable, there are also challenges that need to be addressed. One of the major concerns is the potential impact on employment. As automation increases, there isa fear that jobs may be replaced by machines, leading to unemployment and social inequality. However, proponents argue that ICS can also create new job opportunities, particularly in the areas of system design, maintenance, and data analysis. It is crucial to ensure that the workforce is adequately trained and upskilled to adapt to the changing job landscape. Another challenge is thesecurity and privacy of data. With ICS relying heavily on data collection and analysis, there is a risk of data breaches and unauthorized access. It is imperative for organizations to implement robust security measures, including encryption, access controls, and regular audits, to safeguard sensitive information. Additionally, ethical considerations surrounding the use of data and AI algorithms must be addressed to prevent bias and discrimination. Integration and compatibility issues can also pose challenges during the implementation of ICS. Many industries already have existing systems and infrastructure in place, makingit difficult to seamlessly integrate new intelligent control systems.Compatibility issues between different technologies and legacy systems can hinder the adoption and effectiveness of ICS. It is essential for organizations to carefully plan and strategize the implementation process to ensure a smooth transition and maximize the benefits. Conclusion: Intelligent Control Systems have the potential to revolutionize industries, enhance efficiency, and improvethe overall quality of life. From industrial benefits such as increasedproductivity and proactive decision-making to societal advantages like improved healthcare and transportation, ICS offers a wide range of opportunities. However,it is important to address the challenges associated with ICS, including job displacement, data security, and integration issues. By carefully consideringthese factors and implementing appropriate measures, organizations can harness the power of ICS while ensuring a sustainable and inclusive future.。



融合传统与现代:探索未来教育的方向In the rapidly evolving world of technology and globalization, the future of education holds exciting prospects and challenges. The integration of traditional teaching methods with modern technological advancements offers a unique opportunity to reshape the way we educate the next generation. This integration not only enhances the learning experience but also prepares students for the demands of the 21st century.Traditional education systems have their roots in centuries-old wisdom and practices. They emphasize the importance of face-to-face interactions, the role of teachers as mentors, and the value of in-depth knowledge acquisition through books and textbooks. This approach cultivates a sense of discipline, respect for authority, and a strong foundation in academics. However, traditional methods can sometimes become rigid and outdated, lacking in adaptability to the rapidly changing world.On the other hand, modern educational technologies such as online courses, virtual reality simulations, and adaptive learning platforms offer unprecedented flexibilityand accessibility. They encourage active learning, collaborative projects, and real-world applications. These technologies foster creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, which are crucial for success in today's world. However, the excessive reliance ontechnology can lead to a lack of personal touch and interpersonal communication.The ideal approach lies in a harmonious blend of traditional and modern methods. By integrating the best of both worlds, we can create an educational system that is both rigorous and innovative. For instance, teachers can utilize digital tools to enhance classroom interactions, such as interactive whiteboards or online discussion forums. This blend allows for a more dynamic and engaging learning environment while maintaining the structure and disciplineof traditional methods.Moreover, the integration of traditional and modern methods prepares students for the diverse challenges of the future. They learn not only the core knowledge and skills but also the adaptability and resilience required to navigate through changing landscapes. This approachcultivates a generation that is both rooted in theircultural heritage and open to new ideas and experiences.In conclusion, the future of education lies in the integration of traditional and modern methods. This blend offers the best of both worlds, combining the rigor and discipline of traditional education with the flexibilityand accessibility of modern technologies. By embracing this approach, we can shape a future where students are not only well-educated but also well-prepared for the demands of the 21st century.**融合传统与现代:探索未来教育的方向**在全球化和科技飞速发展的时代,教育的未来充满了激动人心的前景和挑战。















人工智能和图像处理方面的各种会议的评级2010年8月31日忙菇发表评论阅读评论人工智能和图像处理方面的各种会议的评级澳大利亚政府和澳大利亚研究理事会做的,有一定参考价值会议名称会议缩写评级ACM SIG International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques SIGGRAPH AACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology VRST AACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking MMCN AACM-SIGRAPH Interactive 3D Graphics I3DG AAdvances in Neural Information Processing Systems NIPS AAnnual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society CogSci AAnnual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (was Eurospeech) Interspeech AAnnual Conference on Computational Learning Theory COLT AArtificial Intelligence in Medicine AIIM AArtificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe AIME AAssociation of Computational Linguistics ACL ACognitive Science Society Annual Conference CSSAC AComputer Animation CANIM AConference in Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence UAI AConference on Natural Language Learning CoNLL AEmpirical Methods in Natural Language Processing EMNLP AEuropean Association of Computational Linguistics EACL AEuropean Conference on Artificial Intelligence ECAI AEuropean Conference on Computer Vision ECCV AEuropean Conference on Machine Learning ECML AEuropean Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (now Interspeech) EuroSpeech AEuropean Graphics Conference EUROGRAPH AFoundations of Genetic Algorithms FOGA AIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition CVPR AIEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation IEEE CEC AIEEE Information Visualization Conference IEEE InfoVis AIEEE International Conference on Computer Vision ICCV AIEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems FUZZ-IEEE AIEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN AIEEE International Symposium on Artificial Life IEEE Alife AIEEE Visualization IEEE VIS AIEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision WACV AIEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design ICCAD AIEEE/ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality ISMAR A International Conference on Automated Deduction CADE AInternational Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems AAMAS A International Conference on Computational Linguistics COLING AInternational Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Application GRAPP A International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems ITS AInternational Conference on Machine Learning ICML AInternational Conference on Neural Information Processing ICONIP AInternational Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning KR A International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems ALIFE A International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI AInternational Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning IJCAR AInternational Joint Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Practical Reasoning ESQARU A Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention MICCAI ANational Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence AAAI ANorth American Association for Computational Linguistics NAACL APacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications PG AParallel Problem Solving from Nature PPSN AACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation SCA BAdvanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems ACIVS BAdvanced Visual Interfaces AVI BAgent-Oriented Information Systems Workshop AOIS BAnnual International Workshop on Presence PRESENCE BArtificial Neural Networks in Engineering Conference ANNIE BAsian Conference on Computer Vision ACCV BAsia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning SEAL BAustralasian Conference on Robotics and Automation ACRA BAustralasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence AI BAustralasian Speech Science and Technology S ST BAustralian Conference for Knowledge Management and Intelligent Decision Support A CKMIDS B Australian Conference on Artificial Life ACAL BAustralian Symposium on Information Visualisation ASIV BBritish Machine Vision Conference B MVC BCanadian Artificial Intelligence Conference CAAI BComputer Graphics International CGI BConference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas AMTA B Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation EAMT BConference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics PACLING BConference on Artificial Intelligence for Applications CAIA BCongress of the Italian Assoc for AI AI*IA BDeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mustererkennung DAGM e.V DAGM BDigital Image Computing Techniques and Applications DICTA BEurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization EGPGV BEurographics/IEEE Symposium on Visualization EuroVis BEuropean Conference on Artificial Life ECAL BEuropean Conference on Genetic Programming EUROGP BEuropean Simulation Symposium ESS BEuropean Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks ESANN BFrench Conference on Knowledge Acquisition and Machine Learning FCKAML BGerman Conference on Multi-Agent system Technologies MATES BGraphics Interface GI BIEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP BIEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo ICME BIEEE International Conference on Neural Networks ICNN BIEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis VISSOFT BIEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (was APVIS) PacificVis BIEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 3DUI BIEEE Virtual Reality Conference VR BIFSA World Congress IFSA BImage and Vision Computing Conference IVCNZ BInnovative Applications in AI IAAI BIntegration of Software Engineering and Agent Technology ISEAT BIntelligent Virtual Agents IVA BInternational Cognitive Robotics Conference COGROBO BInternational Conference on Advances in Intelligent Systems: Theory and Applications AISTABInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics AISTATS BInternational Conference on Artificial Neural Networks ICANN BInternational Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence ICAT BInternational Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns CAIP BInternational Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and Southeast Asia S IGGRAPH ASIA BInternational Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications DEXA B International Conference on Frontiers of Handwriting Recognition ICFHR BInternational Conference on Genetic Algorithms ICGA BInternational Conference on Image Analysis and Processing ICIAP BInternational Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata CIAA B International Conference on Information Visualisation IV BInternational Conference on Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems CPAIOR B International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering ISKE B International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics CICLING BInternational Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management KSEM B International Conference on Modelling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence MDAI B International Conference on Multiagent Systems ICMS BInternational Conference on Pattern Recognition ICPR BInternational Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering SEKE B International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in machine Translation TMI BInternational Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence ICTAI BInternational Conference on Ubiquitous and Intelligence Computing UIC BInternational Conference on User Modelling (now UMAP) UM BInternational Conferences in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision WSCG BInternational Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent technologies in Nuclear Science Conference F LINS B International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing IJCNLP BInternational Meeting on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming DNA BInternational Natural Language Generation Conference INLG BInternational Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Maths ISAIM BInternational Symposium on Computational Life Science CompLife BInternational Symposium on Mathematical Morphology ISMM BInternational Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks IWANN B International Workshop on Agents and Data Mining Interaction ADMI BInternational Workshop on Ant Colony ANTS BInternational Workshop on Paraphrasing IWP BInternational Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises WETICE BJoint workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms (nowICMI-MLMI) MLMI BLogic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics LENLS BMachine Translation Summit MT SUMMIT BPacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation PACLIC BPacific Asian Conference on Expert Systems PACES BPacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence PRICAI BPacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents PRIMA BPacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology PSIVT BPortuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence EPIA BRobot Soccer World Cup RoboCup BScandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence S CAI BSingapore International Conference on Intelligent Systems SPICIS BSPIE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing VCIP B Summer Computer Simulation Conference SCSC BSymposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning COMMONSENSE B The Theory and Application of Diagrams DIAGRAMS BWinter Simulation Conference WSC BWorld Congress on Expert Systems WCES BWorld Congress on Neural Networks WCNN B3-D Digital Imaging and Modelling 3DIM CACM Workshop on Secure Web Services SWS CAdvanced Course on Artificial Intelligence ACAI CAdvances in Intelligent Systems AIS CAgent-Oriented Software Engineering Workshop AOSE CAmbient Intelligence Developments Aml.d CAnnual Conference on Evolutionary Programming EP CApplications of Information Visualization IV-App CApplied Perception in Graphics and Visualization APGV CArgentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence ASAI CArtificial Intelligence in Knowledge Management AIKM CAsia-Pacific Conference on Complex Systems C omplex CAsia-Pacific Symposium on Visualisation APVIS CAustralasian Cognitive Science Society Conference AuCSS CAustralia-Japan Joint Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems AJWIES C Australian Conference on Neural Networks ACNN CAustralian Knowledge Acquisition Workshop AKAW CAustralian MADYMO Users Meeting MADYMO CBioinformatics Visualization BioViz CBrazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing SIBGRAPI C Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision CRV CComplex Objects Visualization Workshop COV CComputer Animation, Information Visualisation, and Digital Effects CAivDE C Conference of the International Society for Decision Support Systems I SDSS C Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Expert systems ANNES CConference on Visualization and Data Analysis VDA CCooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering CDVE CCoordinated and Multiple Views in Exploratory Visualization CMV CCultural Heritage Knowledge Visualisation CHKV CDesign and Aesthetics in Visualisation DAViz CDiscourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquium DAARC CENVI and IDL Data Analysis and Visualization Symposium VISualize CEuro Virtual Reality Euro VR CEuropean Conference on Ambient Intelligence AmI CEuropean Conference on Computational Learning Theory (Now in COLT) EuroCOLT C European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty ECSQARU CEuropean Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing EUFIT CEuropean Workshop on Modelling Autonomous Agents in a Multi-Agent World MAAMAW C European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems EUMAS CFinite Differences-Finite Elements-Finite Volumes-Boundary Elements F-and-B CFlexible Query-Answering Systems FQAS CFlorida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference FlAIRS CFrench Speaking Conference on the Extraction and Management of Knowledge EGC C GeoVisualization and Information Visualization GeoViz CGerman Conference on Artificial Intelligence K I CHellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence S ETN CHungarian National Conference on Agent Based Computation HUNABC CIberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis IBPRIA CIberoAmerican Congress on Pattern Recognition CIARP CIEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop ASRU CIEEE International Conference on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems ICAIS CIEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition FG CIEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics ICCI CIEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics ICCC CIEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and Applications CIMSA CIEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems CIS CIEEE International Conference on Granular Computing GrC CIEEE International Conference on Information and Automation IEEE ICIA CIEEE International Conference on Intelligence for Homeland Security and Personal Safety CIHSPS CIEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing ICCP C IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems IEEE IS CIEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS CIEEE International Symposium on Multimedia ISM CIEEE International Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Applications CNNA CIEEE International Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing NNSP CIEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium IEEE SIS CIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining IEEE CIDM CIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games CIG CIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering IEEE CIFEr C IEEE Symposium on Computational intelligence for Image Processing IEEE CIIP CIEEE Symposium on Computational intelligence for Multimedia Signal and Vision Processing IEEE CIMSVP CIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defence Applications IEEE CISDA CIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology IEEE CIBCB CIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Control and Automation IEEE CICA C IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Cyber Security IEEE CICS CIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Image and Signal Processing CIISP C IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Multi-Criteria Decision-Making IEEE MCDM CIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Scheduling IEEE CI-Sched CIEEE Symposium on Intelligent Agents IEEE IA CIEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Visual Intelligence IEEE CIVI CIEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Aerospace Applications IEEE CIAA CIEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Biometrics: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications IEEE CIB CIEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Vehicles and Vehicular Systems IEEE CIWS CIEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Virtual Environments IEEE CIVE CIEEE Workshop on Evolvable and Adaptive Hardware IEEE WEAH CIEEE Workshop on Evolving and Self-Developing Intelligent Systems IEEE ESDIS CIEEE Workshop on Hybrid Intelligent Models and Applications IEEE HIMA CIEEE Workshop on Memetic Algorithms IEEE WOMA CIEEE Workshop on Organic Computing IEEE OC CIEEE Workshop on Robotic Intelligence in Informationally Structured Space IEEE RiiSS C IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding SCW CIEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology IAT CIEEE/WIC/ACM international Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology WI-IAT CIFIP Conference on Biologically Inspired Collaborative Computing BICC CInformation Visualisation Theory and Practice InfVis CInformation Visualization Evaluation IVE CInformation Visualization in Biomedical Informatics IVBI CIntelligence Tools, Data Mining, Visualization IDV CIntelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech Processing Symposium MVSP C International Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference AWIC CInternational Colloquium on Data Sciences, Knowledge Discovery and Business Intelligence DSKDB CInternational Conference Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization CGIV CInternational Conference Formal Concept Analysis Conference ICFCA CInternational Conference Imaging Science, Systems and Technology CISST CInternational Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies 3G CInternational Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms ICANNGA C International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition and Digital Techniques ICAPRDT CInternational Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent A CII CInternational Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence ICAART CInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence I C-AI CInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law ICAIL CInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition A IPR CInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing ICAISC C International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Science and Technology AISAT C International Conference on Arts and Technology ArtsIT CInternational Conference on Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development ICCBR C International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence: Semantic Web, Social Networks and Multiagent Systems ICCCI CInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia ICCIMA C International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering CISE C International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation CIMCA CInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems CIRAS CInternational Conference on Computational Semiotics for Games and New Media Cosign C International Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Visualisation and Interaction in Africa AFRIGRAPH CInternational Conference on Computer Theory and Applications ICCTA CInternational Conference on Computer Vision Systems I CVS CInternational Conference on Cybercrime Forensics Education and Training CFET CInternational Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks EANN C International Conference on Evolutionary Computation ICEC CInternational Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge FSKD CInternational Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems HAIS CInternational Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems HIS CInternational Conference on Image and Graphics ICIG CInternational Conference on Image and Signal Processing ICISP CInternational Conference on Immersive Telecommunications IMMERSCOM CInternational Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems IEA/AIE CInternational Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering I KE CInternational Conference on Intelligent Systems ICIL CInternational Conference on Intelligent Systems Designs and Applications ISDA CInternational Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology KEOD CInternational Conference on Knowledge-based Intelligent Electronic Systems KIES CInternational Conference on Machine Learning and Applications ICMLA CInternational Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics ICMLC CInternational Conference on Machine Vision ICMV CInternational Conference on Medical Information Visualisation MediVis CInternational Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation ICMSO CInternational Conference on Natural Computation ICNC CInternational Conference on Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations NPSC C International Conference on Principles of Practice in Multi-Agent Systems PRIMA C International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing RANLP C International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing RSCTC C International Conference on Spoken Language Processing ICSLP CInternational Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games FDG CInternational Conference on Vision Theory and Applications VISAPP CInternational Conference on Visual Information Systems VISUAL CInternational Conference on Web-based Modelling and Simulation WebSim CInternational Congress on Modelling and Simulation MODSIM CInternational ICSC Congress on Intelligent Systems and Applications IICISA CInternational KES Symposium on Agents and Multiagent systems – Technologies and Applications KES AMSTA CInternational Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference IMVIP CInternational Symposium on 3D Data Processing Visualization and Transmission 3DPVT C International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics SACI C International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics SAMI C International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics AROB CInternational Symposium on Audio, Video, Image Processing and Intelligent Applications ISAVIIA CInternational Symposium on Foundations of Intelligent Systems ISMIS CInternational Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications INISTA C International Symposium on Neural Networks ISNN CInternational Symposium on Visual Computing ISVC CInternational Visualization in Transportation Symposium and Workshop TRB Viz C International Workshop on Combinations of Intelligent Methods and Applications CIMA C International Workshop on Genetic and Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems GEFS CInternational Workshop on Human Aspects in Ambient Intelligence: Agent Technology, Human-Oriented Knowledge and Applications HAI CInternational Workshop on Image Analysis and Information Fusion IAIF CInternational Workshop on Intelligent Agents IWIA CInternational Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams IWKDDS CInternational Workshop on MultiAgent Based Simulation MABS CInternational Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and Change NRAC C International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications SOFA CInternational Workshop on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality IWUVR CINTUITION International Conference INTUITION CISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop Automatic Speech Recognition ASR CJoint Australia and New Zealand Biennial Conference on Digital Image and Vision Computing DIVC CJoint Conference on New Methods in Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning NeMLaP CKES International Symposium on Intelligent Decision Technologies KES IDT CKnowledge Domain Visualisation KDViz CKnowledge Visualization and Visual Thinking KV CMachine Vision Applications MVA CNAISO Congress on Autonomous Intelligent Systems NAISO CNatural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering IEEE NLP-KE CNorth American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Conference NAFIPS CPacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia PCM CPan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing VIP CPractical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology Conference PAAM C Program Visualization Workshop PVW CSemantic Web Visualisation VSW CSGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence SGAI CSimulation Technology and Training Conference SimTecT CSoft Computing in Computer Graphics, Imaging, and Vision SCCGIV CSpring Conference on Computer Graphics SCCG CThe Conference on visualization of information SEE CVision Interface VI CVisMasters Design Modelling and Visualization Conference DMVC CVisual Analytics VA CVisual Information Communications International VINCI CVisualisation in Built Environment BuiltViz CVisualization In Science and Education VISE CVisualization in Software Engineering SEViz CVisualization in Software Product Lines Workshop VisPLE CWeb Visualization WebViz CWorkshop on Hybrid Intelligent Systems WHIS C。

Mechatronics and Control Systems

Mechatronics and Control Systems

Mechatronics and Control Systems As a mechatronics and control systems expert, I am passionate about the intersection of mechanical engineering, electronics, computer science, and control theory. This field allows me to design and create innovative systems that can automate processes, improve efficiency, and enhance overall performance. Theability to blend different disciplines and technologies to solve complex problems excites me and drives my work in this area. One of the key aspects of mechatronics and control systems is the integration of sensors and actuators to gather data, process information, and make decisions in real-time. This enables me to develop intelligent systems that can adapt to changing conditions and optimize performance. Whether it's designing a robotic arm for precise manufacturing tasks or developing an autonomous vehicle for navigation, the ability to control and monitor these systems is crucial for their success. In addition to technical skills, mechatronics and control systems also require a deep understanding of mathematical modeling, system dynamics, and control algorithms. By utilizing mathematical tools such as differential equations, Laplace transforms, and state-space representations, I can analyze system behavior, design controllers, and predict system responses. This analytical approach allows me to fine-tune system parameters, optimize performance, and ensure stability in dynamic systems. Moreover, mechatronics and control systems play a vital role in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, robotics, and manufacturing. By applying my expertise in this field, I can contribute to the development of cutting-edge technologies, improve product quality, and enhance operational efficiency. Whether it's designing a control system for a drone to deliver medical supplies in remote areas or implementing automation solutions in a smart factory, the impact of mechatronics and control systems is far-reaching and transformative. Furthermore, the rapid advancements in technology, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and Internet of Things (IoT), are driving innovation in mechatronics and control systems. By leveraging these emerging technologies, I can develop more intelligent and adaptive systems that can learn from data, make informed decisions, and continuously improve performance. This constant evolution and innovation inthe field excite me and motivate me to stay updated with the latest trends anddevelopments. In conclusion, mechatronics and control systems offer a unique blend of creativity, technical expertise, and problem-solving skills that enable me to design and develop innovative solutions for a wide range of applications. By integrating mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering principles, I can create intelligent systems that can automate tasks, enhance productivity, and improve overall performance. The interdisciplinary nature of this field challenges me to think outside the box, push boundaries, and explore new possibilities. My passion for mechatronics and control systems drives me to continue learning, experimenting, and innovating to make a positive impact on society and contribute to the advancement of technology.。



基于因果建模的强化学习控制: 现状及展望孙悦雯 1柳文章 2孙长银1, 3, 4摘 要 基于因果建模的强化学习技术在智能控制领域越来越受欢迎. 因果技术可以挖掘控制系统中的结构性因果知识,并提供了一个可解释的框架, 允许人为对系统进行干预并对反馈进行分析. 量化干预的效果使智能体能够在复杂的情况下(例如存在混杂因子或非平稳环境) 评估策略的性能, 提升算法的泛化性. 本文旨在探讨基于因果建模的强化学习控制技术(以下简称因果强化学习) 的最新进展, 阐明其与控制系统各个模块的联系. 首先介绍了强化学习的基本概念和经典算法,并讨论强化学习算法在变量因果关系解释和迁移场景下策略泛化性方面存在的缺陷. 其次, 回顾了因果理论的研究方向, 主要包括因果效应估计和因果关系发现, 这些内容为解决强化学习的缺陷提供了可行方案. 接下来, 阐释了如何利用因果理论改善强化学习系统的控制与决策, 总结了因果强化学习的四类研究方向及进展, 并整理了实际应用场景. 最后, 对全文进行总结, 指出了因果强化学习的缺点和待解决问题, 并展望了未来的研究方向.关键词 强化学习控制, 因果发现, 因果推理, 迁移学习, 表示学习引用格式 孙悦雯, 柳文章, 孙长银. 基于因果建模的强化学习控制: 现状及展望. 自动化学报, 2023, 49(3): 661−677DOI 10.16383/j.aas.c220823Causality in Reinforcement Learning Control: The State of the Art and ProspectsSUN Yue-Wen 1 LIU Wen-Zhang 2 SUN Chang-Yin 1, 3, 4Abstract Causality research has shown its potential and advantages in the reinforcement learning community.Beyond the inherent capability of inferring causal structure from data, causality provides an explainable toolset for investigating how a system would react to an intervention. Quantifying the effects of interventions allows action-able decisions to be made while maintaining robustness in the complex system (e.g., in the presence of confounders or under nonstationary environments). This paper explores how causality can be incorporated into different aspects of control systems and introduces recent advances in causal reinforcement learning. First, the concept and al-gorithms of reinforcement learning are introduced, and two main challenges, e.g., lack of causal explanation of ob-servation variables and hard to transfer in transferable environments, are discussed. Second, the lines of research within causality are reviewed, including causal effect estimation and causal discovery, which provide potential solu-tions to address the aforementioned challenges. After that, how to embed causality in reinforcement learning sys-tems is introduced. Four kinds of research advances in causal reinforcement learning are summarized and analyzed,followed by real-world applications. Finally, this paper summarizes and presents opening problems and future work prospects.Key words Reinforcement learning control, causal discovery, causal inference, transfer learning, representation learningCitation Sun Yue-Wen, Liu Wen-Zhang, Sun Chang-Yin. Causality in reinforcement learning control: The state of the art and prospects. Acta Automatica Sinica , 2023, 49(3): 661−677近年来, 人工智能的研究范围不断拓宽, 并在医疗健康、电力系统、智慧交通和机器人控制等多个重要领域取得了卓越的成就. 以强化学习为代表的行为决策和控制技术是人工智能驱动自动化技术的典型代表, 与深度学习相结合构成了机器智能决策的闭环[1]. 强化学习控制是指基于强化学习技术制定控制系统中行动策略的方法. 强化学习的主体,即智能体, 通过交互的手段从环境中获得反馈, 以试错的方式优化行动策略. 由于擅长处理变量间复杂的非线性关系, 强化学习在面对高维和非结构化数据时展现出了极大的优势. 随着大数据时代的到收稿日期 2022-10-18 录用日期 2023-02-10Manuscript received October 18, 2022; accepted February 10,2023国家自然科学基金(62236002, 61921004)资助Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (62236002, 61921004)本文责任编委 李鸿一Recommended by Associate Editor LI Hong-Yi1. 东南大学自动化学院 南京 2100962. 安徽大学人工智能学院合肥 2306013. 自主无人系统技术教育部工程研究中心 合肥 2306014. 安徽省无人系统与智能技术工程研究中心 合肥 2306011. School of Automation, Southeast University, Nanjing 2100962. School of Artificial Intelligence, Anhui University, Hefei 2306013. Engineering Research Center of Autonomous Un-manned System Technology, Ministry of Education, Hefei 2306014. Anhui Unmanned System and Intelligent Technology Engin-eering Research Center, Hefei 230601第 49 卷 第 3 期自 动 化 学 报Vol. 49, No. 32023 年 3 月ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICAMarch, 2023来, 强化学习控制技术快速崛起, 在学术界和产业界获得了广泛关注, 并在博弈[2−5]、电力系统[6−7]、自动驾驶[8−9]和机器人系统[10]等领域取得了巨大突破.在实际系统应用中, 强化学习被广泛应用于路径规划和姿态控制等方面, 并在高层消防无人机路径规划[11]和多四旋翼无人机姿态控制[12]等实际任务中取得了良好的控制性能.尽管如此, 强化学习在处理控制任务时仍面临一些缺陷, 主要体现在以下两个方面. 一是难以在强化学习过程中进行因果推理. 大多数强化学习控制算法是基于采样数据间的相关关系完成对模型的训练, 缺少对变量间因果效应的判断. 而在控制任务中, 任务的泛化和模型的预测通常建立在因果关系之上. 越来越多的证据表明, 只关注相关性而不考虑因果性, 可能会引入虚假相关性, 对控制任务造成灾难性的影响[13]. 二是无法在迁移的场景下保证控制算法的泛化性. 泛化性是指强化学习模型迁移到新环境并做出适应性决策的能力, 要求学习的策略能够在相似却不同的环境中推广. 然而在面临环境改变或者任务迁移时, 智能体收集到的观测数据表现出非平稳性或异构性, 训练数据和测试数据的独立同分布条件受到破坏. 在这种情况下, 强化学习算法常常表现不佳, 无法保证策略的泛化性[14−15],难以直接推广到更普遍的控制场景.为了解决上述问题, 目前研究人员尝试在强化学习任务中引入因果理论, 提出了基于因果建模的强化学习控制算法. 因果强化学习的中心任务是在控制问题中建立具有因果理解能力的模型, 揭示系统变量之间的因果关系, 估计数据之间的因果效应,进一步通过干预和推断, 理解智能体的运行机理.近年来, 包括ICLR, NeurIPS, ICML和AAAI在内的人工智能重要国际会议多次设立研讨会, 探索因果理论在机器学习领域的发展和应用[16−19]. 越来越多控制性能优异的因果强化学习算法被陆续提出, 成为最新的研究热点. 建立可解释的因果模型并保证算法的合理决策, 是加速推广强化学习控制算法落地的必要条件, 具有理论意义和应用价值.本文的主旨是梳理目前因果强化学习的研究现状,讨论因果理论如何提供变量间因果关系的解释, 帮助改善非平稳或异构环境下的可迁移的决策, 提高数据利用率, 并对未来工作方向提供可借鉴的思路.本文内容安排如下: 第1节介绍强化学习的基本概念和经典算法, 并指出传统强化学习算法的缺陷. 第2节介绍因果关系和因果模型的概念, 总结因果效应估计和因果关系发现的研究内容, 为解决强化学习的缺陷提供了可行方案. 第3节构建因果强化学习系统的抽象模型, 在此基础上整理出四个研究方向, 综述了因果强化学习的最新研究进展并总结了应用场景. 第4节总结全文, 指出了因果强化学习的缺点和待解决的问题, 并对未来的发展趋势进行展望.1 强化学习概述1.1 强化学习的基本概念t S t A tS t+1R t+1π(A|S) J(π)G(t)=∑∞k=0γk R t+k+1γ∈[0,1]强化学习是解决序贯决策问题的重要范式, 其主要框架如图1所示. 决策的主体称为智能体, 智能体以试错的方式与环境进行交互, 观测当前环境状态并给出执行动作. 具体地, 在任意一个时间步, 智能体根据当前所处环境的状态采取动作,并获得下一时刻的状态和实时奖励. 智能体在不同状态下选择动作的方式被称为策略.强化学习的目标是通过优化策略使得期望累积奖励 最大化. 累积奖励定义为,其中是奖励折扣因子, 用于衡量实时奖励和延迟奖励的权重参数.动作At智能体环境Rt + 1St + 1奖励Rt状态St图 1 强化学习框图Fig. 1 The framework of reinforcement learningS t⟨S,A,P,R,γ⟩S As∈S a∈AP(s′|s,a)s a ss′R(s,a,s′)s a s s′γ∈[0,1]⟨S,A,O,P,R,ϕ,γ⟩如果智能体可以观测到环境的全部状态, 则称环境是完全可观的, 然而在实际应用中, 状态并不一定能包含环境的所有信息. 如果智能体只能观测到环境的局部状态信息, 则称环境是部分可观的.对于完全可观的环境, 强化学习问题通常可描述为马尔科夫决策过程 (Markov decision process, MDP), 用一个五元组表示为. 状态空间和动作空间分别表示所有状态和所有动作的集合; 对于任意和, 状态转移概率表示在状态上执行动作, 状态转移到状态的概率. 奖励函数表示在状态上执行动作, 状态转移到状态获得的实时奖励. 折扣因子用于衡量智能体当前动作对后续奖励的累积影响. 对于部分可观的环境, 我们通常使用部分可观马尔科夫决策过程 (Partially observable MDP, POMDP)描述强化学习问题, 用一个七元组表示为. 与MDP662自 动 化 学 报49 卷S O ϕ:S →O 不同, POMDP 假设智能体无法直接观测到环境的潜在状态, 因此动作的选择是基于观测而非状态.潜在状态空间 表示所有潜在状态的集合; 观测空间 表示所有观测值的集合; 代表潜在状态到观测空间的映射.πV π(s )s π为了分析策略 的优劣, 研究人员使用两类值函数描述期望累积奖励. 状态值函数 指的是从状态 出发, 策略 对应的期望累积奖励, 定义为Q π(s ,a )s a π状态动作值函数 指的是从状态 出发, 执行动作 后再使用策略 的期望累积奖励, 定义为为了方便计算, 我们可以利用递归关系推导出状态值函数和状态动作值函数的贝尔曼方程:s π⪰π′V π(s )≥V π′(s )π∗π∗⪰π,∀πV ∗(s )=max πV π(s )Q ∗(s ,a )=max πQ π(s ,a )根据值函数, 我们可以定义策略的优劣关系: 对于任意状态 , 如果 . 那么对于任意MDP, 存在最优策略 满足 成立,且所有最优策略的状态值函数都等于最优状态值函数 , 所有最优策略的状态动作值函数也等于最优状态动作值函数, 即 .1.2 强化学习的经典算法根据智能体在策略更新中是否用到环境的动力学模型, 强化学习算法可以分为有模型强化学习方法和无模型强化学习方法. 本节从是否利用模型先验知识出发, 对主流的强化学习算法进行梳理, 并将提及的经典算法总结在表1. 关于强化学习算法的更多内容, 请参见强化学习领域的综述[20−23].s t +1=f (s t ,a t )有模型强化学习方法的特点是具有环境的先验知识. 智能体在环境模型上进行规划, 无须与真实环境进行交互便可以优化策略. 因此在相同样本量的前提下, 相对于无模型的方法, 有模型强化学习可以大幅提高数据利用率, 降低采样复杂度. 具体来说, 有模型强化学习方法可以分为两类: 第一类是模型已知的方法, 智能体可以直接利用已知的系统模型和奖励函数进行策略优化. 例如, 在Alpha-Zero 中智能体直接利用已知的围棋规则和奖励函数进行策略优化[24]. 在ExIt 算法中, 智能体利用蒙特卡罗树搜索在棋盘游戏Hex 中进行策略泛化[25].然而在现实情况中, 环境具有复杂性和不可知性,智能体有时无法直接获得环境的模型, 因此衍生了第二类模型可学习的方法. 智能体通过与环境交互收集原始数据, 并基于观测数据估计系统的前向状态转移模型 , 然后进行策略优化.这类问题的研究重点在于如何学习环境模型. 早在1980年代, 利用神经网络拟合环境模型的思想已初现端倪[26−27]. 但是早期的神经网络模型设计较为简单, 难以处理复杂环境下的模型拟合问题. 近年来,研究人员尝试结合线性回归[28]、高斯回归[29]、随机森林[30]、支持向量回归[31]和深度神经网络[32−34]等机器学习方法对模型进行更准确的估计, 其中基于深度学习的深度神经网络由于其良好的特征提取和非线性函数逼近能力, 在模型学习研究中应用最为广泛.为了减少模型误差, 提高模型的准确性, 概率推理控制PILCO (Probabilistic inference for learning control)[29]利用高斯过程学习环境的概率动力学模型, 将模型的不确定性纳入长期规划中. 尽管PILCO 提升了数据利用率, 但是此类方法需要对模型的分布做出高斯假设, 且计算复杂度较高, 只适用于低维数据. 为了解决高斯回归模型难以推广到高维空间的问题, 后续学者利用近似变分推理的贝叶斯神经网络拟合动态模型, 对PILCO 进行了拓展, 提出了深度PILCO 模型[32]. 深度PILCO 根据贝叶斯公式推理网络权值, 既保留了PILCO 算法概率模型的优势, 同时计算复杂度更低, 并成功运表 1 强化学习算法分类及其特点Table 1 Classification of reinforcement learning algorithms强化学习方法具体分类代表性模型算法特点模型已知AlphaZero [24], ExIt [25]状态转移模型已知, 现实场景下不易实现有模型强化学习模型可学习: 结构化数据PILCO [29]数据利用率高, 适用于低维状态空间模型可学习: 非结构化数据E2C [33], DSA [34]与机器学习相结合, 适用于高维冗余状态空间基于值函数的方法SARSA [37], 深度Q 网络[36, 39]采样效率高, 但是无法实现连续控制无模型强化学习基于策略梯度的方法PG [44], TRPO [45], PPO [46]对策略进行更新, 适用于连续或高维动作空间两者结合的方法DDPG [47], Actor-Critic [48]包含两个网络, 分别更新值函数和策略函数3 期孙悦雯等: 基于因果建模的强化学习控制: 现状及展望663用于更加困难的控制任务. 此外, 以视觉信号为输入的控制任务具有高维性和信息冗余性. 学者们通常利用卷积神经网络[35−36]处理高维数据, 并利用变分自编码器提取数据的低维特征, 如嵌入控制E2C (Embed to control)[33]和深度空间自动编码器DSA (Deep spatial autoencoders)[34], 提高了算法的数据利用率. 有模型方法的主要缺点是过度依赖建模精度, 难以处理由模型误差造成的性能下降问题. 例如, 在面对高维复杂的状态动作空间, 或者在交互前期数据量较少时, 有模型的方法难以估计出精确的环境模型. 智能体基于不精确的环境模型进行策略优化, 容易导致双重近似误差, 影响控制性能.πJ (π)J (π)Q V 在无模型强化学习方法中, 智能体直接与环境进行交互, 以端到端的方式优化策略, 不仅更易于实现, 而且策略具有较好的渐进性能, 适用于大数据背景下的深度网络架构. 根据优化对象的不同,无模型的强化学习可分为基于值函数的方法, 基于策略梯度的方法, 以及两者结合的方法. 基于值函数的方法在全局范围内进行贪婪搜索并估计状态动作值函数, 以值函数最大化为目标制定策略, 并基于环境反馈更新值函数. 这类方法采样效率相对较高, 值函数估计方差小, 不易陷入局部最优; 缺点是不能处理连续动作空间任务, 且最终的策略通常为确定性策略而非概率分布的形式. 经典算法包括SARSA (State-action-reward-state-action)[37], Q 学习[38], 深度Q 网络[36, 39]及其变体[40−43]. 基于策略梯度的方法直接针对动作策略进行优化, 在策略空间中针对当前策略 计算累积奖励的梯度值, 以期望累积奖励最大化为目标更新策略. 该类方法直接利用梯度下降优化性能目标 , 或者间接地对 的局部近似函数进行优化. 与基于值函数的方法相比, 基于策略梯度的方法相对直观, 算法收敛速度更快, 适用于连续或高维动作空间的场景. 经典算法包括策略梯度法PG (Policy gradient)[44], 信任域策略优化TRPO (Trust region policy optim-ization)[45]以及近端策略优化PPO (Proximal policy optimization)[46]等. 两者结合的方法基于上述两类方法取长补短, 衍生出了执行−评价方法. 评价网络利用基于值函数的方法学习状态动作值函数 或状态值函数 , 减少了样本方差, 提高了采样效率; 执行网络利用基于策略梯度的方法学习策略函数, 使得算法可以推广到连续或高维的动作空间.经典算法包括深度确定性策略梯度DDPG (Deep deterministic policy gradient)[47], Actor-critc 算法[48]及其变体[49]. 无模型强化学习方法最大的缺点是测试任务需要和环境进行大量的交互, 数据利用率低.在交互代价较高的真实场景中, 由于需要考虑时间消耗、设备损耗和探索过程中的安全性等因素, 无模型的方法难以直接应用到实际场景中.1.3 强化学习的理论困境虽然强化学习被广泛应用于复杂环境下的控制任务, 但是与人类智能相比, 仍然存在以下两类缺陷. 一是无法提供变量 (尤其是高维和非结构化数据) 间因果关系的解释; 二是在迁移场景下无法确保策略的泛化性和系统的鲁棒性.X Y X Y 可解释性研究主要对系统模型的运作机制进行解释, 通过了解模型每个组分的作用, 进而理解整个模型. 在传统的强化学习场景中, 基于统计的算法模型只能根据观测数据学习到变量间的相关性,缺少对于变量间因果关系的判断. 值得注意的是,相关性并不意味着因果性. 如果通过观察发现变量 的分布发生变化时, 变量 的分布也会发生变化,那么可以判定 和 之间存在相关性, 但是否存在因果性还需要进一步判断. 举例来说, 气压计的水银柱高度和下雨概率相关, 但是事实是由于气压发生变化同时造成了水银柱高度和下雨概率发生变化, 水银柱高度和下雨概率之间并不存在直接因果关系. 因此利用深度神经网络等统计手段解决强化学习控制问题时, 可能会引发变量间的因果混淆问题. 此外, 缺乏因果标记的观测数据无法将状态和动作联系起来, 使得算法缺乏可解释性, 限制了强化学习在安全敏感领域 (如自动驾驶和医疗诊断)中的应用. 因此缺乏变量间的因果解释俨然成为阻碍强化学习进一步发展和应用的主要障碍之一.此外, 由于基于深度神经网络的强化学习模型知其然 (关联性) 而不知其所以然 (因果性), 学习到的策略在非平稳或异构环境等迁移场景中往往缺乏鲁棒性与泛化性. 这里非平稳或异构环境指的是底层数据生成过程会随时间或跨域发生变化的环境[50]. 具体来说, 强化学习算法通常要求采样数据满足独立同分布条件. 算法一般需要在相同的环境评估策略的性能, 同时采样数据通常被人工处理为独立同分布 (如深度Q 学习中的经验回放池、异步优势Actor-critic 中的异步采样等技巧), 尽可能地降低样本数据之间的相关性. 否则神经网络的拟合将会出现偏差, 甚至无法稳定收敛. 然而在实际应用中, 观测数据通常是在相对较长的时间段进行采集 (即非平稳性), 或是在不同场景下收集的多领域数据 (即异构性), 因此数据分布会随时间或跨域发生变化. 此时破坏了独立同分布的假设, 强化学习算法性能就会表现得很脆弱[51]. 因此如何在非平稳或异构的场景下确保策略的泛化性与系统的鲁棒664自 动 化 学 报49 卷性, 成为当前研究者面临的挑战. 此外, 对泛化性开展研究有利于提高算法的数据利用率, 减少算法对于数据量的高度依赖. 当前强化学习算法性能很大程度上依赖于海量的数据和充分的算力. 然而在大多数实际场景中, 智能体与环境进行大量交互是不可行甚至危险的, 此时采样数据量往往无法满足算法训练的要求, 进而导致控制性能不佳. 因此在非平稳或异构场景下确保控制策略的可迁移性和自适应性, 是加速推广强化学习落地的必要条件, 具有重要的理论意义和应用价值.2 因果理论概述X Y Y X X Y Y X 从古至今, 人类从未停止关于事物间因果关系的思考. 具备因果关系的推理能力被视为人类智能的重要组成部分[52]. 因果关系指的是原因变量和结果变量之间的作用关系. 具体来说, 在不考虑混杂因子1的前提下, 对变量 实施适当干预会导致变量 的分布发生变化, 但对 实施干预并不会导致 发生变化, 此时可以认为 是 的原因变量, 是 的结果变量.X x (X =x )X Y X Y P (Y X =0=0|X =1,Y =1)引入因果的概念有利于分析系统中特定个体对于干预的响应. 例如在强化学习领域, 研究人员常常关心结果变量 (状态) 在原因变量 (动作) 发生变化时的效应, 诸如 “采取某种动作, 系统的状态会如何变化”或者 “如果采取某种动作, 累积奖励是否会增加”. 第一类问题称为干预, 即手动将变量 设置为某个具体值 , 一般形式化表示为do 算子 . 与标准预测问题不同, 干预会导致数据分布发生改变, 有助于分析变量之间的因果关系. 第二类问题称为反事实推理, 即在事件 已经出现, 并且事件 发生的前提下, 反过来推理如果事件 不出现, 则事件 不发生的概率. 用公式表示为 . 反事实问题致力于推理事件为什么会发生, 想象不同行为的后果, 由此决定采取何种行为来达到期望的结果. 接下来, 我们将从因果分析模型, 因果效应估计和因果关系发现三个方面概述因果理论. 关于因果理论的更多内容, 请参见因果理论的综述[53−57].2.1 因果分析模型得益于现代统计理论的发展, 因果关系已经从过去哲学层面的模糊定义发展到如今数学语言的精确描述. 当前广泛使用的因果分析模型包括潜在结果框架 (Potential outcome framework) 和结构因果模型 (Structural causal model)[58]. 文献[55]指出, 这两种模型在逻辑上是等价的.i i =1,2,···,n T i X i Y i T ∈{0,1}T =1T =0i T =t Y 1i Y 0i Y 1i −Y 0i i E i [Y 1i −Y 0i ]=(1/n )∑n i =1(Y 1i −Y 0i )1) 潜在结果框架. 潜在结果框架在已知因果结构的基础上, 能够估计治疗变量 (Treatment vari-able) 对于结果变量的因果效应. 基于潜在结果框架的工作侧重于因果推断, 即通过操纵某个特定变量的值, 观察另一些因果变量的变化. 对于每个样本 , , 可以观测到治疗变量 、特征变量 和结果变量 . 一般考虑二元治疗变量 , 的群体称为试验组, 的群体称为对照组. 对样本 施加治疗 后, 结果变量存在两个潜在结果 和 . 基于样本的潜在结果, 我们可以定义个体因果效应 , 即对样本 施加与不施加治疗导致结果的差异. 由于个体因果效应是不可识别的, 研究人员通常针对总体识别平均因果效应, 可表示为 .G =(V ,E )V E X →Z X Z n X 1,···,X n X i X i .=f i (Pa (X i ),U i )f i Pa (X i )X i U i 2) 结构因果模型. 结构因果模型通常用于描述变量之间的因果机制, 侧重于寻找变量之间的因果结构, 进行因果关系识别. 结构因果模型由两部分组成: 因果图结构 (一般是有向无环图) 和结构方程模型. 有向无环图 (如图2(a)所示)是描述变量间因果关系的有向图, 以直观的方式嵌入变量因果关系, 其中节点集 代表随机变量, 边集 代表因果关系, 例如 表示 对 有直接因果影响. 结构方程模型 (如图2(b)所示) 用于定量地描述因果关系. 不同于普通的方程模型, 结构方程模型可以表示变量生成过程, 因此具有非对称性. 令 个随机变量 为有向无环图的顶点, 每个变量 都满足方程 ,其中 为非参数函数, 表示 的父辈变量, 为独立于父辈变量的随机噪声. 给定有向无环图以及结构方程模型, 我们可以描述由有向边表示的因果关系.WXYZ(a) 有向无环图(a) Directed acyclic graphW = f 1(X , U 1)Z = f 2(X , U 2)Y = f 3(X , W , U 3)(b) 结构方程模型(b) Structural equation model图 2 结构因果模型及其组成部分Fig. 2 Structural causal model2.2 因果效应估计n [(X 1,T 1,Y 1),···,(X n ,T n ,Y n )]给定 组数据集 ,1混杂因子指的是系统中两个变量未观测到的直接原因.3 期孙悦雯等: 基于因果建模的强化学习控制: 现状及展望665。



2009年5月第16卷第3期控制工程Contr ol Engineering of China May 2009Vol .16,No .3文章编号:167127848(2009)0320286205 收稿日期:2008203219; 收修定稿日期:2008204225 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(50375102) 作者简介:马 航(19672),男,辽宁鞍山人,讲师,博士,主要从事迭代学习控制在电力电子与电力传动中的应用等方面的教学与科研工作;杨俊友(19632),男,教授,博士生导师。

迭代学习控制研究现状与趋势马 航1,2,杨俊友1,袁 琳1(1.沈阳工业大学电气工程学院,辽宁沈阳 110178; 2.沈阳工业大学工程学院,辽宁辽阳 111003)摘 要:系统论述了迭代学习控制的发展历史、研究进展。

指出了基于可重复性的经典迭代学习控制特点与不足,阐述了迭代学习控制理论的现状:线性与非线性迭代学习、因果与非因果型迭代学习、滤波器型与鲁棒H ∞迭代学习、高阶与最优迭代学习、2D 复合迭代学习、迭代域超级矢量w 变换学习系统分析理论等。

简要介绍了与Lyapunov 方法结合的新迭代学习控制,最后讨论了迭代学习控制存在问题和发展趋势。


关 键 词:迭代学习控制;综述;智能控制中图分类号:TP 27 文献标识码:ACurrent State and Trend of Iterative Learning Contr olMA Hang1,2,YAN G Jun 2you 1,YUAN L in1(1.School of Electrical Engineering,Shenyang University of Technol ogy,Shenyang 110178,China;2.School of Engineering,Shenyang University of Technol ogy,L iaoyang 111003,China )Abstract:The hist ory and current research of iterative learning contr ol (I L C )are reviewed .The feature and disadvantage of classic I L C based on repeatable contr ol envir on ment are discussed .The current state on I L C field are surveyed,including linear and nonlinearI L C,causal and non 2causal I L C,filteral I L C,r obust H ∞I L C,higher order I L C,op ti m al I L C,2D synthesis I L C,iterative domain analysis method based on super 2vect or I L C syste m etc .Ne w contr ol strategy of I L C combined with Lyapunov method is discussed .Ex 2isting p r oble m s and trends are p resented .And I L C exa mp les of engineering app licati on are synchr onously given .Key words:iterative learning contr ol;survey;intelligent contr ol1 引 言控制系统的本质为跟踪问题,工程领域期待一种快速高精度完全跟踪期望轨迹的控制理论诞生,迭代学习控制理论(I L C )则应运而生。

Optimization and Control of Dynamic Systems

Optimization and Control of Dynamic Systems

Optimization and Control of DynamicSystemsOptimization and control of dynamic systems is a crucial field in engineering that focuses on finding the best possible solution for a given problem. This field encompasses various aspects such as modeling, analysis, design, and implementation of control algorithms to achieve desired system performance. In this response, I will explore the importance of optimization and control of dynamic systems from multiple perspectives. From an engineering perspective, optimization and control of dynamic systems play a vital role in improving the performance, efficiency, and reliability of complex systems. By utilizing mathematical models and control algorithms, engineers can design and implement control strategies that ensure the system operates within desired specifications. This is particularly important in industries such as aerospace, automotive, and manufacturing, where theoptimization of systems can lead to significant cost savings, improved safety, and enhanced productivity. Moreover, optimization and control techniques areessential in addressing real-world challenges. For instance, in the field of renewable energy, the integration of renewable sources into the power gridrequires advanced control strategies to ensure stability and reliability. Optimization techniques can be used to determine the optimal placement and sizing of renewable energy sources to maximize their contribution while minimizing costs. Similarly, in autonomous vehicles, control algorithms are crucial for safe and efficient navigation, taking into account various factors such as traffic conditions, weather, and pedestrian movement. From a societal perspective, optimization and control of dynamic systems have a direct impact on our daily lives. For example, in transportation systems, traffic control algorithms optimize traffic flow, reducing congestion and travel time. This not only improves the efficiency of transportation networks but also reduces fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Similarly, in healthcare, optimization techniques can be used to improve patient scheduling, resource allocation, and treatment planning, leading to better healthcare outcomes and reduced costs. Furthermore,optimization and control of dynamic systems have significant economic implications.By optimizing processes and systems, companies can reduce operational costs, improve product quality, and enhance customer satisfaction. For instance, in manufacturing, control algorithms can be used to optimize production processes, minimizing waste and maximizing throughput. This leads to increased profitability and competitiveness in the market. Optimization techniques are also widely used in financial markets, where algorithms are employed to optimize investment portfolios and trading strategies, maximizing returns while minimizing risks. From apersonal perspective, optimization and control of dynamic systems can have a profound impact on individuals' lives. For instance, in the context of smart homes, control algorithms can be used to optimize energy consumption, adjusting heating, cooling, and lighting systems based on occupancy and weather conditions. This not only reduces energy bills but also contributes to environmental sustainability. Additionally, optimization techniques can be applied to personal finance, helping individuals make informed decisions about saving, investing, and spending, ultimately improving their financial well-being. In conclusion, optimization and control of dynamic systems are of utmost importance from various perspectives. From an engineering standpoint, these techniques enable the design and implementation of control strategies that enhance system performance andreliability. Societally, optimization and control techniques have a direct impact on transportation, healthcare, and energy sectors, leading to improved efficiency, reduced costs, and enhanced quality of life. Economically, optimization andcontrol contribute to increased profitability, competitiveness, and financialwell-being. Personally, these techniques can improve energy efficiency, financial decision-making, and overall quality of life. Thus, optimization and control of dynamic systems are essential in addressing complex problems and driving progressin various domains.。

电气工程与自动化专业英语 第13章

电气工程与自动化专业英语 第13章
Chapter 13: Adaptive Control and Predictive Control
Adaptive Control and Predictive Control
Before introduction to the advanced control design techniques, we present a brief overview of control techniques and paradigms: The 1950s gave rise to the state-space formulation of differential equations The method of dynamic programming was developed by Bellman (1957) The maximum principle was discussed by Pontryagin (1962).
Adaptive Control and Predictive Control
Kalman demonstrated that when the system dynamic equations are linear and the performance criterion is quadratic (LQ control) Produced linear-quadratic-Gaussian (LQG) control. the concept of the H- norm and -synthesis theory. Artificial Neural Network for control and Fuzzy Control are the typical AI control design techniques.

Advanced Control Theory

Advanced Control Theory

Advanced Control TheoryAdvanced control theory is a fascinating and complex field that plays acrucial role in various engineering disciplines, including mechanical, electrical, and aerospace engineering. At its core, advanced control theory involves the design and analysis of control systems to manipulate the behavior of dynamic systems. These systems can range from simple household appliances to intricate aerospace vehicles, making the study of advanced control theory both diverse and impactful. One of the primary perspectives to consider when delving into advanced control theory is the theoretical foundation that underpins the field. This includes understanding the mathematical models and principles that govern the behavior of dynamic systems. From differential equations to state-space representations, a strong theoretical foundation is essential for engineers and researchers to develop effective control strategies. Moreover, the study of advanced control theory often involves exploring complex concepts such as stability, controllability, and observability, which are fundamental for analyzing and designing control systems. From a practical standpoint, advanced control theory finds application in a wide range of real-world scenarios. For instance, in the aerospace industry, advanced control theory is instrumental in designingflight control systems that ensure the stability and maneuverability of aircraft and spacecraft. Similarly, in the field of robotics, advanced control techniques are employed to develop robots with precise motion control and adaptive behavior. By addressing real-world challenges through the application of advanced control theory, engineers can enhance the efficiency, safety, and performance of diverse systems and technologies. Another crucial perspective to consider is the interdisciplinary nature of advanced control theory. This field draws upon principles from mathematics, physics, and computer science, highlighting the interconnectedness of various scientific disciplines. As a result, researchers and practitioners in advanced control theory must possess a multidisciplinary skill set, allowing them to integrate knowledge from different domains to tackle complex control problems. This interdisciplinary approach not only enriches the study of advanced control theory but also fosters collaboration across diverse fields of science and engineering. Furthermore, the ongoing advancements in technology andcomputing have significantly influenced the evolution of advanced control theory. The emergence of powerful computational tools and algorithms has enabled engineers to implement increasingly sophisticated control strategies, such as adaptive control, predictive control, and optimal control. Additionally, the integration of machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques has opened new avenues for developing intelligent control systems capable of learning and adapting to dynamic environments. These technological advancements continue to reshape the landscapeof advanced control theory, presenting both new challenges and opportunities for researchers and practitioners. In addition to its technical aspects, it'sessential to acknowledge the human element within advanced control theory. Engineers and researchers in this field are driven by a passion for innovation and a commitment to solving complex problems. The pursuit of advancing control theoryis often fueled by the desire to improve the quality of life, enhance safety, and push the boundaries of what is possible in engineering and technology. This human aspect underscores the profound impact that advanced control theory can have on society, driving progress and innovation across various industries. In conclusion, advanced control theory encompasses a rich tapestry of theoretical, practical, interdisciplinary, and technological perspectives. From its theoreticalfoundations to real-world applications, and from its interdisciplinary nature to the influence of technological advancements, advanced control theory continues to be a dynamic and impactful field. By recognizing the human element driving innovation and progress, we can appreciate the profound significance of advanced control theory in shaping the future of engineering and technology.。

Dynamical systems and control

Dynamical systems and control

Stability and Control:Theory,Methods and ApplicationsVolume 22 Dynamical Systems and ControlE DITED BYFirdaus E. UdwadiaUniversity of Southern CaliforniaUSAH. I. WeberPontifical Catholic University of Rio de JaneiroBrazilGeorge LeitmannUniversity of California, BerkeleyUSACHAPMAN & HALL/CRCA CRC Press CompanyBoca Raton London New Y ork Washington, D.C.ContentsList of contributorsPrefacePart IA geometric approach to the mechanics of densely folded mediaLuiz BevilacquaOn a general principle of mechanics and its application to general non-ideal nonholonomic constraintsFirdaus E.UdwadiaMathematical analysis of vibrations of nonhomogeneousfilament with one end loadMarianna A.ShubovExpanded point mapping analysis of periodic systemsHenryk Flashner and Michael GolatA preliminary analysis of the phase portrait’s structure ofa nonlinear pendulum-mechanical system using the perturbedHamiltonian formulationD´e bora Belato,Hans Ingo Weber and Jos´e Manoel BalthazarA review of rigid-body collision models in the planeEdson Cataldo and Rubens SampaioPart IIOptimal round-trip Earth–Mars trajectories for roboticflight and mannedflightA.Miele,T.Wang and S.MancusoAircraft take-offin windshear:a viability approachN.Seube,R.Moitie and G.LeitmannStability of torsional and vertical motion of suspension bridges subject to stochastic wind forcesN.U.AhmedCopyright © 2004 CRC Press, LLCTime delayed control of structural systemsFirdaus E.Udwadia,Hubertus F.von Bremen,Ravi Kumarand Mohamed HosseiniRobust real-and discrete-time control of a steer-by-wire system in cars Eduard ReithmeierOptimal placement of piezoelectric sensor/actuators for smart structures vibration controlVicente Lopes,Jr.,Valder Steffen,Jr.and Daniel J.InmanA review of new vibration issues due to non-ideal energy sourcesJ.M.Balthazar,R.M.L.R.F Brasil,H.I.Weber,A.Fenili,D.Belato,J.L.P.Felix and F.J.GarzelliIdentification offlexural stiffness parameters of beamsJos´e Jo˜a o de Esp´ındola and Jo˜a o Morais da Silva Neto Active noise control caused by airflow through a rectangular duct Seyyed Said Dana,Naor Moraes Melo and Simplicio Arnaudda SilvaDynamical features of an autonomous two-bodyfloating system Helio Mitio Morishita and Jess´e Rebello de Souza Junior Dynamics and control of aflexible rotating arm throughthe movement of a sliding massAgenor de Toledo Fleury and Frederico Ricardo Ferreirade OliveiraMeasuring chaos in gravitational wavesHumberto Piccoli and Fernando KokubunPart IIIEstimation of the attractor for an uncertain epidemic modelE.Cr¨u ck,N.Seube and G.LeitmannLiar paradox viewed by the fuzzy logic theoryYe-Hwa ChenPareto-improving cheating in an economic policy gameChristophe Deissenberg and Francisco Alvarez Gonzalez Dynamic investment behavior taking into account ageing ofthe capital goodsGustav Feichtinger,Richard F.Hartl,Peter Kortand Vladimir VeliovA mathematical approach towards the issue of synchronizationin neocortical neural networksR.Stoop and D.BlankOptimal control of human posture using algorithms based on consistent approximations theoryLuciano Luporini Menegaldo,Agenor de Toledo Fleuryand Hans Ingo WeberCopyright © 2004 CRC Press, LLCContributorsN.U.Ahmed,School of Information Technology and Engineering,Department of Mathematics,University of Ottawa,Ottawa,OntarioJos´e Manoel Balthazar,Instituto de Geociˆe ncias e Ciˆe ncias Exatas–UNESP–Rio Claro,Caixa Postal178,CEP13500-230,Rio Claro,SP,BrasilD´e bora Belato,DPM–Faculdade de Engenharia Mecˆa nica–UNICAMP,Caixa Postal6122,CEP13083-970,Campinas,SP,BrasilLuiz Bevilacqua,Laborat´o rio Nacional de Computa¸c˜a o Cient´ıfica–LNCC,Av.Get´u lio Vargas333,Rio de Janeiro,RJ25651-070,BrasilD.Blank,Institut f¨u r Neuroinformatik,ETHZ/UNIZH,Winterthurerstraße190,CH-8057Z¨u richR.M.L.R.F.Brasil,Dept.of Structural and Foundations Engineering,Polytech-nic School,University of S˜a o Paulo,P.O.Box61548,05424-930,SP,BrazilEdson Cataldo,Universidade Federal Fluminense(UFF),Departamento de Mate-m´a tica Aplicada,PGMEC-Programa de P´o s-Gradua¸c˜a o em Engenharia Mecˆa nica, Rua M´a rio Santos Braga,S/No-24020,Centro,Niter´o i,RJ,BrasilYe-Hwa Chen,The George W.WoodruffSchool of Mechanical Engineering,Geor-gia Institute of Technology,Atlanta,Georgia30332,USAE.Cr¨u ck,Laboratoire de Recherches Balistiques et A´e rodynamiques,BP914,27207Vernon Cedex,FranceSeyyed Said Dana,Graduate Studies in Mechanical Engineering,Mechanical Engineering Department,Federal University of Paraiba,Campus I,58059-900Joao Pessoa,Paraiba,BrazilChristophe Deissenberg,CEFI,UMR CNRS6126,Universit´e de la M´e diterran´e e (Aix-Marseille II),Chˆa teau La Farge,Route des Milles,13290Les Milles,France Jos´e Jo˜a o de Esp´ındola,Department of Mechanical Engineering,Federal Uni-versity of Santa Catarina,BrazilGustav Feichtinger,Institute for Econometrics,OR and Systems Theory,Uni-versity of Technology,Argentinierstrasse8,A-1040Vienna,AustriaJ.L.P.Felix,School of Mechanical Engineering,UNICAMP,P.O.Box6122,13800-970,Campinas,SP,BrazilA.Fenili,School of Mechanical Engineering,UNICAMP,P.O.Box6122,13800-970,Campinas,SP,BrazilCopyright © 2004 CRC Press, LLCHenryk Flashner,Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering,Uni-versity of Southern California,Los Angeles,CA90089-1453Agenor de Toledo Fleury,Control Systems Group/Mechanical&Electrical En-gineering Division,IPT/S˜a o Paulo State Institute for Technological Research,P.O.Box0141,01064-970,S˜a o Paulo,SP,BrazilF.J.Garzelli,Dept.of Structural and Foundations Engineering,PolytechnicSchool,University of S˜a o Paulo,P.O.Box61548,05424-930,SP,BrazilMichael Golat,Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering,University of Southern California,Los Angeles,CA90089-1453Francisco Alvarez Gonzalez,Dpto.Economia Cuantitativa,Universidad Com-plutense,Madrid,SpainRichard F.Hartl,Institute of Management,University of Vienna,Vienna,Austria Daniel J.Inman,Center for Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,Blacksburg,VA24061-0261,USAFernando Kokubun,Department of Physics,Federal University of Rio Grande, Rio Grande,RS,BrazilPeter Kort,Department of Econometrics and Operations Research and CentER, Tilburg University,Tilburg,The NetherlandsG.Leitmann,College of Engineering,University of California,Berkeley CA94720,USAVicente Lopes,Jr.,Department of Mechanical Engineering–UNESP-Ilha Solte-ira,15385-000Ilha Solteira,SP,BrazilS.Mancuso,Rice University,Houston,Texas,USANaor Moraes Melo,Graduate Studies in Mechanical Engineering,Mechanical Engineering Department,Federal University of Paraiba,Campus I,58059-900Joao Pessoa,Paraiba,BrazilLuciano Luporini Menegaldo,S˜a o Paulo State Institute for Technological Re-search,Control System Group/Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Division, P.O.Box0141,CEP01604-970,S˜a o Paulo-SP,BrazilA.Miele,Rice University,Houston,Texas,USAHelio Mitio Morishita,University of S˜a o Paulo,Department of Naval Architec-ture and Ocean Engineering,Av.Prof.Mello Moraes,2231,Cidade Universit´a ria 05508-900,S˜a o Paulo,SP,BrazilFrederico Ricardo Ferreira de Oliveira,Mechanical Engineering Department/ Escola Polit´e cnica,USP–University of S˜a o Paulo,P.O.Box61548,05508-900,S˜a o Paulo,SP,BrazilHumberto Piccoli,Department of Materials Science,Federal University of Rio Grande,Rio Grande,RS,BrazilEduard Reithmeier,Institut f¨u r Meß-und Regelungstechnik,Universit¨a t Han-nover,30167Hannover,GermanyRubens Sampaio,Pontif´ıcia Universidade Cat´o lica do Rio de Janeiro(PUC-Rio), Departamento de Engenharia Mecˆa nica,Rua Marquˆe s de S˜a o Vicente,225,22453-900,G´a vea,Rio de Janeiro,BrasilCopyright © 2004 CRC Press, LLCN.Seube,Ecole Nationale Sup´e rieure des Ing´e nieurs des Etudes et Techniques d’Armement,29806BREST Cedex,FranceMarianna A.Shubov,Department of Mathematics and Statistics,Texas Tech University,Lubbock,TX,79409,USAJo˜a o Morais da Silva Neto,Department of Mechanical Engineering,Federal University of Santa Catarina,BrazilSimplicio Arnaud da Silva,Graduate Studies in Mechanical Engineering,Me-chanical Engineering Department,Federal University of Paraiba,Campus I,58059-900Joao Pessoa,Paraiba,BrazilJess´e Rebello de Souza Junior,University of S˜a o Paulo,Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering,Av.Prof.Mello Moraes,2231,Cidade Uni-versit´a ria05508-900,S˜a o Paulo,SP,BrazilValder Steffen,Jr.,School of Mechanical Engineering Federal University of Uber-lˆa ndia,38400-902Uberlˆa ndia,MG,BrazilR.Stoop,Institut f¨u r Neuroinformatik,ETHZ/UNIZH,Winterthurerstraße190, CH-8057Z¨u richF.E.Udwadia,Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering,Civil En-gineering,Mathematics,and Operations and Information Management,430K Olin Hall,University of Southern California,Los Angeles,CA90089-1453Vladimir Veliov,Institute for Econometrics,OR and Systems Theory,University of Technology,Argentinierstrasse8,A-1040Vienna,AustriaT.Wang,Rice University,Houston,Texas,USAHans Ingo Weber,DEM-Pontif´ıcia Universidade Cat´o lica–PUC–RJ,CEP 22453-900,Rio de Janeiro,RJ,BrasilCopyright © 2004 CRC Press, LLCPrefaceThis book contains some of the papers that were presented at the11th International Workshop on Dynamics and Control in Rio de Janeiro,October9–11,2000.The workshop brought together scientists and engineers in various diversefields of dy-namics and control and offered a venue for the understanding of this core discipline to numerous areas of engineering and science,as well as economics and biology.It offered researchers the opportunity to gain advantage of specialized techniques and ideas that are well developed in areas different from their ownfields of expertise.This cross-pollination among seemingly disparatefields was a major outcome of this workshop.The remarkable reach of the discipline of dynamics and control is clearly substan-tiated by the range and diversity of papers in this volume.And yet,all the papers share a strong central core and shed understanding on the multiplicity of physical, biological and economic phenomena through lines of reasoning that originate and grow from this discipline.I have separated the papers,for convenience,into three main groups,and thebook is divided into three parts.Thefirst group deals with fundamental advances in dynamics,dynamical systems,and control.These papers represent new ideas that could be applied to several areas of interest.The second deals with new and innovative techniques and their applications to a variety of interesting problems that range across a broad horizon:from the control of cars and robots,to the dynamics of ships and suspension bridges,to the determination of optimal spacecraft trajectories to Mars.The last group of papers relates to social,economic,and biological issues.These papers show the wealth of understanding that can be obtained through a dynamics and control approach when dealing with drug consumption,economic games,epidemics,neo-cortical synchronization,and human posture control.This workshop was funded in part by the US National Science Foundation and CPNq.The organizers are grateful for the support of these agencies.Firdaus E.UdwadiaCopyright © 2004 CRC Press, LLC。



工程上常常要对对象的某一参数或某些参数施加控制: 汽车定速巡航:控制车辆行驶速度; 粉末冶金成型:控制压力和温度; 数控加工:控制刀具的进给量,主轴电机速度等。
可能性空间:控制对象参数的变化范围(输出) ;控制目标: 期望值;控制:施加一定的外部操作(输入)。 对象==系统 对对象的操作==控制输入(信息) 可能性空间==对象输出(信息) 把对象视为系统是控制论的基本思想:对象是一个静态概念, 系统是一个动态概念。
系统b: k ( x(t ) y (t )) c( x(t ) y (t )) m y (t )
m y (t ) cy (t ) ky(t ) c x(t ) kx(t )

系统b (mp2 cp k ) y(t ) (cp k ) x(t )
控制:对对象施加所需的操作,产生期望的结果。 控制的三要素: 被控对象、控制装臵(机构)、控制目标。 广义对象:性能各异的任何对象。
控制人口规模 控制物价上涨 控制流行疾病
控制含有 “调节、调整”,“管理、监督”,“运用、操作”等意思。
系ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ (被控对象)
第一章 绪论
1.2 机械工程控制论的研究对象与任务 机械工程控制论研究:
1、系统(广义系统) 2、动力学问题
1、系统:相互联系相互作用的元素构成的、一定功能的有机整体。 三个要素: 元素, 元素间的联系, 功能性。 广义系统: 具备系统要素的一切事物或对象。

Advanced Control Theory and Applications

Advanced Control Theory and Applications

Advanced Control Theory and Applications Advanced control theory and applications are an essential part of modern engineering and technology. It encompasses a wide range of techniques and methodologies that are used to design and implement control systems for various applications, such as robotics, aerospace, automotive, and industrial automation. The field of control theory has seen significant advancements in recent years,with the development of new algorithms, methods, and tools that haverevolutionized the way control systems are designed and implemented. One of the key challenges in advanced control theory and applications is the need to develop control systems that are robust, reliable, and efficient. This requires a deep understanding of the underlying dynamics of the system being controlled, as wellas the ability to design control algorithms that can effectively deal with uncertainties, disturbances, and variations in the system. Advanced control techniques such as model predictive control, adaptive control, and nonlinearcontrol have been developed to address these challenges, and they have been successfully applied to a wide range of real-world systems. Another important aspect of advanced control theory and applications is the integration of control systems with other technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics. This integration allows for the development of intelligent control systems that can learn from data, adapt to changing conditions, and optimize their performance over time. This has led to the development of advanced control systems for autonomous vehicles, smart grids, and industrial processes, among others. In addition to the technical challenges, there are also practical considerations that need to be taken into account when applying advanced control theory to real-world systems. These include issues such as cost, safety, and regulatory compliance, which can have a significant impact on the design and implementation of control systems. For example, in the automotive industry, advanced control systems need to meet stringent safety standards and regulatory requirements, while also being cost-effective and reliable. From a research perspective, advanced control theory and applications present a wide range of exciting opportunities for further exploration and development. There are still many open problems and unanswered questions in the field, and researchers areconstantly working on new approaches and methodologies to address these challenges. This includes the development of new control algorithms, the integration ofcontrol systems with emerging technologies, and the application of advancedcontrol techniques to new and emerging application areas. In conclusion, advanced control theory and applications play a crucial role in modern engineering and technology, and they have the potential to revolutionize the way we design and implement control systems for a wide range of applications. The field presents a number of technical and practical challenges, as well as exciting opportunitiesfor further research and development. By addressing these challenges and opportunities, researchers and engineers can continue to advance the state of the art in control theory and applications, leading to the development of more robust, reliable, and efficient control systems for the future.。

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_______________________________________________________________________________ Learning and Evolution of Control SystemsJohn A. Bullinaria & Patricia M. RiddellDepartment of Psychology, The University of ReadingReading, RG6 6AL, UK._______________________________________________________________________________ Abstract: The oculomotor control system, like many other systems that are required to respond appropriately under varying conditions to a range of different cues, would be rather difficult to program by hand. A natural solution to modelling such systems, and formulating artificial control systems more generally, is to allow them to learn for themselves how they can perform most effectively. We present results from an extensive series of explicit simulations of neural network models of the development of human oculomotor control, and conclude that lifetime learning alone is not enough. Control systems that learn also benefit from constraints due to evolutionary type factors.IntroductionFor us to see objects clearly at different distances, the human oculomotor control system must produce appropriate eye rotations (vergence) and focus changes (accommodation). These responses are correlated and driven by a range of different cues (blur, disparity, looming, texture, etc.) with degrees of reliability and availability that vary with different viewing conditions. There are also numerous age dependent factors, such as the disparity cue only becoming available after about four months, and the ability to accommodate falling steadily between childhood and old age. The control system also needs to adapt on several timescales, initially to compensate for maturational factors such as eyeball growth, later to correct for eye damage or deterioration, and also to reduce the strain under conditions such as repeated near work.To program such a system would be a formidable task, yet evolution has resulted in an oculomotor control system that learns efficiently to organise itself during childhood to perform appropriately. We have been attempting to formulate a series of neural network models of the oculomotor control system, and to validate them by comparing the models’ development against that of humans from birth to adulthood. We are particularly interested in the emergence of cross-links between the vergence and accommodation systems, and the factors responsible for the significant individual differences that are often found. This work should help identify precursors of abnormal development in children and suggest appropriate remedial actions. Also, from a more technological point of view, our endeavours may provide guidance in the development of similar artificial control systems that are required to learn how to organise themselves to make the best use of available inputs. Allowing such systems to learn how to operate is likely to be a more efficient option than trying to program them by hand.The basic problem, then, is to build a system that learns to take in a range of cues, process them, and output appropriate responses under a range of conditions. The main questions we need to address are :.Figure 1: The basic structure of the accommodation and vergence control systems.1.Do we have to do more than just set up a general architecture and let it learn?2.How does the system organise itself and what properties emerge?3.How human-like are the resulting models?4.Could we improve upon the human system?We shall begin by describing the basics of the human oculomotor control system, and our attempts to formulate developmental neural network models of it. The lessons learnt from this case study then lead us on to considerations of the importance of evolutionary factors and suggestions on how best to approach the formulation of self-organising control systems more generally.Neural Network Models of Oculomotor ControlThe basic structure of the oculomotor control system takes the form of two cross-linked feed-back loops with appropriate cues driving the relevant responses via controllers, leaky integrator tonics and plants as shown in Figure 1. Several hand crafted engineering style control systems models already simulate the responses of the adult system to unpredictable target sequences in some detail and have been reviewed by Eadie & Cardin [3]. However, these models fail to take into account various developmental factors and have limited biological/physiological realism. Nevertheless, they do provide a convenient starting point for our neural network developmental models.Our initial modelling approach is to replace the boxes and connections of the control systems models with leaky integrator neurons linked by connections with modifiable weights, for example as shown in Figure 2. These are still fully dynamical systems, but now the models’ free parameters are the weights (WA, WV, ... in the figure) that can be learnt using some form of gradient descent algorithm. In this way the system not only learns an appropriate mode of operation, but we can also compare its development against that of humans. Many of the other network details, such as the neuron time constants, can be determined from the same empirical data as the corresponding traditional control models (e.g. [6]). However, if we want to end up with a realistic model, there are numerous additional developmental complications that need to be taken into account: The Blur and Disparity sub-systems both result in input dead-zones thatFigure 2: The neural network model based on the systems model of Figure 1. decrease considerably with age as the eye matures. The growing inter-pupil distance changes the required vergence responses. Some cues (e.g. disparity) become available at later ages than others. The performance of the accommodation plant deteriorates with age. It is not obvious what the cost function for the gradient descent learning should be, or that the learning process should start with all the weights near zero rather than at some larger innate values. Nor is there any real reason why all the weights should have the same learning rates. We also need to determine a reasonably realistic distribution for the training data and how noisy/unreliable it is. Finally, it is important that we coordinate the natural maturational time-scales with the network learning rates.It turns out that dealing with these developmental complications appropriately is crucial for the system to learn a human-like sequence of network weights. Fortunately, existing empirical data is adequate to determine most of the important details [5]. However, there remain three factors that are particularly difficult to constrain sufficiently accurately without explicit network simulation:1. The fitness function we use with the gradient descent learning algorithm.2.The choice of learning rates for the different network weights.3. The initial (pre-learning) values chosen for each network weight.Whilst blur and disparity are fairly obvious error components for the fitness function, choosing the regularization (i.e. smoothing) component, and setting the trade-off, is less easy. However, we have already presented an extensive study elsewhere showing that plausible changes to the details of the fitness function lead to relatively minor variations in the patterns of learned weights compared to those resulting from differences in the initial weights and learning rates [2], so we shall concentrate on points 2 and 3 here.Figure 3 shows the human like responses we get from our models if we manage to get all the developmental details right and train the network weights to asymptote. If weare not careful we can easily end up with poor responses like those shown in Figure 4.The time courses of the weights during training are not particularly illuminating, but the network responses under normal and open loop conditions are directly comparable with traditional measurements of human performance. Figure 5 shows the response gains (i.e. response/stimulus ratios) during training for a typical network. Like human development, we have initial flat responses followed by a period with gains increasing to the adult values [5]. The final accommodation and vergence gains (A and V) are just slightly below one under normal conditions, but when one of the feedback loops are opened, the corresponding gains (VA or AV) fall to around 0.77 and 0.67. We see that, even if we start the training with independent accommodation and vergence sub-systems, the system develops cross-links (i.e. non-zero VA and AV) that allows it to make vergence and accommodation responses even when the corresponding feedback is not available (though usually with gains somewhat less than one). Humans also tend to have gains of nearly one under normal conditions, but show considerable individual differences in their open loop performances and in their developmental histories. It is important to see if our neural network models exhibit similar individual differences.First, suppose our typical network’s initial accommodation input dead-zone were to decrease at a slightly faster rate. Figure 6 shows that this can cause the development of the A response to precede the V response, and this is reflected in the relative values of the cross-link gains (i.e. AV > VA). Now, of particular interest here are the potentialdifferences in performance due to dependencies on the initial weights prior to learning and on variations in the pattern of learning rates. To illustrate this, Figure 7 shows that, if our network started learning from large (rather than near zero) innate A weights, we can end up with AV > VA despite the V response developing earlier. In fact, with different plausible choices for each of the initial weights, learning rates and dead-zones, we can generate models with developmental and open loop performances that easily span the whole range of human individual differences. However, the robustness of the learning algorithm and feedback loops ensures that the networks learn good normal adult responses under all but the most extreme pathological conditions.Clearly then, any initial expectations that all reasonable network variations would lead to the same optimal structure have been proven unfounded. Changing the initial weights and learning rates have a significant effect on the structures (e.g. cross-links) that emerge, with little effect on the normal oculomotor responses.If we also allow the plasticities (i.e. learning rates) to be age dependent, the possibilities are endless. Evolutionary FactorsSince there are considerable inter-personal differences found within the human population, we should regard the potential variability in our models as a positive feature. The emergence of cross-links between the vergence and accommodation systems with widely varying magnitudes is one classic example of this. However, there are likely to be evolutionary factors which restrict the range of variability of the human system, and these have not yet been included in our current models. We must clearly be very careful about drawing conclusions from any models that learn without taking the constraints of evolution into account.Given that evolutionary factors will almost certainly have influenced our oculomotor control system, current human performance may simply be insufficient to fully constrain our models. It may be necessary to take into account the whole evolutionary process leading to that performance. This is particularly important given that the goals of evolution and learning within an individual’s lifetime will not necessarily be the same. For example, evolution may prevent a young system from learning a good solution which frequently proves to be detrimental in later life. Other constraints may arise fromaccidents of evolutionary history, such as accommodation evolving before vergence.To see how we might proceed, we need to consider in more detail the potentially conflicting factors that contribute to fitness from the learning and evolutionary points of view. First, the main factors relevant to lifetime learning are:L1.We must perform the required tasks well (i.e. minimise blur and disparity).L2.We must smooth/regularize the response (i.e. minimise overshoots).These are built into our models as the error and regularization terms in the gradient descent cost function. Evolution provides other factors:E1.Robustness of the learnt system will obviously be advantageous.E2.Fast learning is advantageous since it minimizes periods of helplessness.E3.Too much learning, or learning rates too large, can lead to instability.E4.Too little learning can lead to an inability to adapt.Our results above indicate that these will also affect what the model learns. It is thus clear that we need to take both learning and evolution into account when buildingrealistic developmental models, since they will both affect what properties emerge within that system. Although useful properties will tend to emerge through learning alone, the best systems may well require evolutionary type processes as well.The Baldwin EffectLifetime learning and evolution are not independent processes – they are tied together by the so-called Baldwin effect [1, 4]. This synergy comes about in two stages:1.If a mutation (e.g. a change in learning rate or initial weight) that would otherwise beuseless can be used by the learning process to allow the system to acquire better properties, then it will tend to proliferate in the population.2.If the learning has an associated cost (e.g. requires energy and time), then its resultswill tend to be incorporated into the genotype and the learned behaviours will become innate. In other words, we have genetic assimilation.However, if the system really does need to retain the ability to learn, for example to adapt to unknown or changing conditions, then we are likely to get only partial assimilation. We can still expect evolution to result in an efficient learning system that has minimal associated cost, but the required presence of a learning process will tend to diminish the genetic assimilation of the final learned behaviour. Moreover, if learning allows individuals with different genotypes to perform equally well, this will reduce the ability of natural selection to discriminate between them, and we will be left with a considerable range of individual differences.For oculomotor control it seems that some aspects are innate but not tightly constrained (e.g. the initial weights and learning rates) and some are learnt (e.g. weights that change during development). We have a population that all perform well under normal conditions, but can be shown to have considerable underlying individual differences (e.g. a wide range of vergence to accommodation cross-link ratios). In general, a range of emergent properties will arise from a combination of developmental and evolutionary effects. It seems unlikely that we will be able to predict or understand the self-organising process without taking both these effects into account. Technological ImplicationsWe have seen that modelling complicated systems like oculomotor control is not as straightforward as one might have hoped. Evolution has clearly played an important role in constraining the human system and we can not ignore this in our models. This would seem to add a whole new level of complexity to our modelling endeavours, but from a technological point of view, our results may not be so troublesome. Whilst we should still not ignore them, one may simply regard evolution and the setting of our innate parameters as just another level of cost optimization, or the addition of a few more dimensions to the search space.Since both evolution and lifetime learning require considerable computational resources, it would be wise to get the balance right. Following biological evolution may not necessarily be the best way to proceed. To produce realistic models of a human system, we should not stray too far from the real evolutionary process, but if we are simply aiming at producing efficient artificial systems, it may be sensible to attempt toimprove upon the human system. Given that evolution is effectively a case of reinforcement learning, we may be able to improve on evolution by replacing it with a more supervised learning approach. Factors such as robustness, for example, could be added into the standard learning cost function. Related (almost Lamarckian) avenues for improvement might involve using what gets learnt to bias the evolutionary mutations. It is easy to see how this could assist in choosing more appropriate innate starting weights, but it is not so clear how it could help with other evolved factors such as learning rates. Also, given that evolution and learning often have different (but equally important) goals, this could actually be counter productive. A lot will depend on exactly how we rank the various fitness factors. It seems clear that more explicit simulation and experimentation will be required to determine a good general approach. ConclusionsWe have presented a promising approach for modelling the development of the accommodation and vergence control systems using neural networks. We have built the relevant maturational features into the developmental process, shown how our models can learn to behave in a manner similar to humans, seen how easy it is for the empirical individual differences to arise, and can now begin to relate the correlations between factors in our models with the situation in normal and abnormal human development.Our main result from the technological implementational point of view is the demonstration that we should not ignore the influence of evolution and the Baldwin effect. To understand the emergence of properties from connectionist learning principles, we also have to understand the emergence of the learning principles and the innate learning starting points from the process of evolution. The minima obtained for the fitness function of lifetime learning will be constrained by the properties of the minima resulting from optimizing the fitness function of evolution. This lesson learnt from our oculomotor control models should be kept in mind when formulating other complex control systems that are expected to learn how to organise themselves. References1.Baldwin, J.M. (1896). A new factor in evolution. The American Naturalist, 30, 441-451.2.Bullinaria, J.A. & Riddell, P.M. (2000). Regularization in oculomotor control. InProceedings of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, 207-212.Brussels: D-Facto.3.Eadie, A.S. & Cardin, P.J. (1995). Evolution of control system models of ocularaccommodation, vergence and their interaction. 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