Optimization of die profile for improving die life in the hot extrusion process


Autodesk Nastran 2023 参考手册说明书

Autodesk Nastran 2023 参考手册说明书
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关于粒子群优化的英文摘要范文Particle Swarm Optimization: An Evolutionary Approach to Optimization.Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is an optimization technique that模拟 the social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling. This algorithm is based on the observation that individuals in a group tend to move towards the best performing individuals in the group, thereby improvingtheir own performance. PSO has been widely used in various fields such as engineering, finance, and machine learning due to its simplicity, efficiency, and ease of implementation.The basic idea behind PSO is to initialize a population of particles randomly in the search space. Each particle represents a potential solution to the optimization problem and is characterized by its position and velocity. The position of each particle is updated based on its own best position (pbest) and the best position found by anyparticle in the swarm (gbest). The velocity of eachparticle is adjusted based on the difference between its current position and the best positions, which effectively guides the particles towards the optimal solution.One of the main challenges in PSO is the balance between exploration and exploitation. Exploration refers to the ability of the algorithm to search for new regions in the search space, while exploitation refers to the abilityto refine the current best solution. To address this challenge, various modifications and extensions of PSO have been proposed, including the introduction of inertia weight, velocity clamping, and cognitive and social acceleration coefficients.In this paper, we propose a novel PSO variant that incorporates adaptive and time-varying inertia weights. The inertia weight controls the influence of the previous velocity on the current velocity update. By adapting the inertia weight based on the progress of the algorithm, we aim to improve the exploration and exploitation balance. Furthermore, we introduce a time-varying inertia weightthat gradually decreases over time, encouraging theparticles to converge towards the optimal solution.To evaluate the performance of our proposed PSO variant, we conduct experiments on a set of benchmark optimization problems. The results demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms traditional PSO and other state-of-the-art optimization techniques in terms of solution quality and convergence speed. Additionally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm in solving real-world optimization problems such as function optimization, parameter tuning, and feature selection.In conclusion, PSO is a powerful optimization technique that has found widespread applications in various fields.By incorporating adaptive and time-varying inertia weights, we have developed a novel PSO variant that improves the exploration and exploitation balance, leading to better performance and faster convergence. We believe that this research contributes to the advancement of PSO and its applications in real-world problems.。



T s算法的基础上融合序优化算法与分散型 kc i k移动策略 。序优化算法的应用弥补了 T s算法对 初始解 具有较 大依赖性 的不足 ,而分散型 kc 移 动策 略的引入则加强 了 T i k s算法 的全 局搜索能力 。实验 结果表 明,该算法在表面贴装路径优化问题的应用上优于 一般 的 T s算法 。
中 分 号: P06 圈 类 T3 . 1
基于表面贴装分配的改进型禁忌搜 索算法
( 华南理工 大学 自 动化科学与 工程学院 ,广州 5 0 4 ) 16 0 摘 要 :针对表 面贴装 分配的路径优化 问题 ,提 出改进型 的禁忌搜索( s算法 ,实现印刷 电路板排序与 元器件分配 的优化 。该算法在传统 T)
关健词 :表面贴装分配 ;禁忌搜索 ;序优化 ; i 策 略 kc k
I pr v d T b o S a c g rt m s d 0 m o e a o e r h Al o ih Ba e n S r a eM o n i gAr a g m e t u f c u tn r n e n
1 概述
随着 电子产 品需求 的不断增加与 电子 工业的不 断发展 ,
剩 F的元器件
表面贴装技术(ufc u t g T cn lg , MT得到 了越 S rae Mo ni eh oo y S ) n 来越 广泛的应 用。在生产过程中人们对表 面贴装设备也提 出 了更高的要求,提高表面贴装生产线的装配效率 就是其 中之
t e s q e c n fPCB n h s i n n fc mp n nt o h e u n i g o a d t e a sg me t o o e s n PCB t i e e tmo n i g ma h n s A b o s a c t i k sr t g sp o os d t o O d f r n u t c i e . t o e r h wih k c tae y i r p e O n a s l e t e p o l m to d n lo tmi ai n i p le o o t i a o a l iils l to . t o e ae o h e e d n e o h n ta o u i n o v h r b e t r i a p i z to s a p i d t b a n a f v r b e i t o u i n I mp ns t sf rt e d p n e c n t e i ii l l to ha n a c s o a o e c n o ti u e O o t i e t rr s l n a l g os i i t . c ta e se e e n o t b o s a c ,a d t e g o a e r h f t b o s a h a d c n r t s t b a n a b t e u t i a e p sb l y Kik sr tgy i mb dd d i t a o e r h n h l b l s a c r b e r i a i t ft l o t m sgr a l te gt e e . p rme t lr s l s o ha h l rt m s e f c v o o v n h CB a d t e rc mp n n s bl yo i he ag r h i e t s n h n d Ex e i n a e u t h wst tt e ago h i f e t e f r s l i g t e P n h i o o e l i y r i i a r n me t p i i a o r b e r a ge n t z t n p o l m. o m i



近似模型方法(Approximation Models )是通过数学模型的方法逼近一组输入变量(独立变量)与输出变量(响应变量)的方法。


响应面方法(Response Surface Methodology ,RSM)利用多项式函数拟合设计空间。





在Isight 近似模型中,响应面函数可以是一阶、二阶、三阶和四阶多项式,构造近似模型所需要的样本点数依赖于模型阶数和输入变量个数。


Isight 提供了四种项选择的方法,以残差平方和(RSS,Residual Sum of Squares )最小作为目标,进行项的最佳选择:顺序替换从常数项开始拟合,每次增加一个项使残差平方和( RSS,Residual Sum of Squares )最小;每增加一个项后,检查是否可以去掉或替换已经存在的项,同时使RSS 更小。

逐次替换前向选择:从常数项开始拟合,每次增加一个项使残差平方和(RSS,ResidualSum of Squares ) 最小。

每次替换两项从常数项开始拟合,每次增加一个项使残差平方和(RSS,Residual Sum of Squares )最小;每增加一个项后,检查所有项中进行替换的可能性,找到能使RSS更小的最好的项组合。



-1-Optimization 优化为优化你的Virtools 作品,以下建议将尽可能帮助你获得最好的图像帧率(FPS 帧/秒),其中包括四个主要方面。

∙Rendering Optimization 渲染优化 ∙Memory Optimization 内存优化 ∙Script Optimization and Behavior Graph Management 脚本优化及行为图表管理 ∙ Other Optimization Processes 其他优化过程在掌握渲染优化方法前,请回顾 “Virtools 渲染进程 ” 主题。

Viewing Frustrum 画面部分图像帧率(FPS 帧/秒)主要由被渲染的可见物体的数量决定。

Virtools 总是对所有可见物体进行渲染,即使是被阻挡的物体。


∙ 室外场景中,你通常在摄影机视图中工作(参见: 摄影机设置),因此远距离物体对整个场景一般而言无足轻重.首先, 尽可能增大摄影机近剖面距离(Near Clip )值,同时尽可能减小其远剖面距离(Far Clip )值.在调整过程中找到合适的平衡值,你会发现场景中被渲染的物体数量大幅减少,但是此时场景的整体效果会降低。



无雾效 有雾效∙ 室内场景中,你通常应该使用Virtools 的入口(Portal)管理。

该入口机制用来自动显示/隐藏对于当前摄影机不可见的地点(places )。






式中 , 当 n 为偶数时 , J = n /2, 当 n 为奇数时 , J = (n + 1) /2。 这样 , 通过 EMD 分解 , 滚动轴承振动信号 x ( t) 的特征就可以由初始特征向量矩阵 A 和 B 来刻画 , 对 初始特征向量矩阵 A 和 B 进行奇异值分解 , 就可以提 取滚动轴承振动信号的特征 。 本文提出的滚动轴承故障诊断方法流程图如图 3 所示 。
(3) 式可得到 : x (t) = ∑ ci (t) + rn (t) i =1
(4 )
式中 , rn (t) 为残余函数 , 代表信号的平均趋势 。 而各 M F 分量 c1 (t), c2 (t)… cn (t) I 分别包含了信号从高到 低不同频率段的成分 , 每一频率段所包含的频率成分 都是不 同的 , 且随 信号 本 身的 变 化而 变 化 。 通 常 , EMD 方法分解出来的前几个 I M F 分量集中了原信号 中主要的信息 , 从这个角度上讲 , EMD 方法就是一种 新的主成分分析方法 。 图 1 为滚动轴承 外圈有缺陷时的时域加速度振 动信号 。 图 2 为其 E M D 分解图 , 共有 22 个 I MF 分 量 , 由于篇幅原因 , 此处只给出了前 10 个 I M F 分量 。 从图中可以 看出 , EMD 把信号 分解成了若干 个 I MF 分量之和 , 不同的 I M F 分量包含了不同的时间尺度 , 可以使信号的特征在不同的 分辨率下显示出来 。 从 图 2 中还可以看出 , E M D 分解结果的前几个 I M F 分量 包含了原始信号的主要信息 。
DO I 牶 牨 牥 牣 牨 牫 牬 牰 牭 牤 j牣 cnki 牣 jvs牣 牪 牥 牥 牭 牣 牥 牪 牣 牥 牥 牬


( )= f ,
( )如果 M1 2 为奇数,那么当 Q / 一 / R Ql2 / I2 2 1 /+ 2时,
w  ̄1 其 它 w1 i a= 0, a=1;
b =0, , 1 ,) a d ! , ) I 0 1 , ( :O n w ( J = f i w i 口 =1 i , l J =ln w ( , =1 l 1 , ) a d i ) , w f , b =l, , I ,) a d ! ,) } O/ , ( =ln w ( =0 f W i i
[ 关键词] 小波变 换 半脆弱水 印 量化索 引调制

A ) DO D( 一 。 i )
随着 多媒 体和 网络 技术 的广 泛应 用 ,图 像 内容 认 证 已经成 为迫 切 需要 解 决 的问题 。对 于 具体 的应 用环 境 ,经 常要 对 数字 图像 进 行正 常 的数 字信
载体 。
( )如果 M1 1 为偶数,那么当 Q , 一Q / sR Q / + / l2 1 2 1 I2 2时,
1 1;其 他w : 0 =0 .0 。
( )水 印 的嵌入 一 ( )水印 生成 :将原始 水 印w ,W ,按如 下规 则生 成水  ̄W : 1 l 2 pa
a = 0矿 w ( =O n w ( J =0 0 O , l ,) a d : , ) f f
≯ 嚣 壁

种 基 于 非 均 匀 量 化 索 引调 制 的半 脆 弱 水 印技 术
张 靓1 李若岭2 凌 伟3
6 0 6 :3 四川大学计算机学院 107 . 四川 成都 6 06 ) 10 4 6 02 :2 四川邮电职业技术学院 四川 成都 10 1 .


集合 的基础 上 , 以开 工 时 间偏 移 最 小规 则 为 冲 突板坯 重新 指 派 加 热 炉 , 到 可行 的 调度 方案 。数据 实验验 证 得
关键 词 : 调度 ; 炉容 约束 ; 修复 式约 束满足 ; 多旅 行 商 文 章编 号 :0 283 (02 1-030 文献 标识 码 : 中图分 类号 :P 7 10 —3 12 1)80 2—4 A T 28
Ke r s c e u ig c p ct o s an ; e arb sd c n t it aifcin Mut l rv l gS ls nP o 一 y wo d :sh d l ; a a i c n t itrp i-a e o s an t a t ; l peT a ei ae ma r b n y r r s s o i n
A l—bet ema e t a mo e i maet nmi k sa n tl rc s t . steNPh r e. mut o ic v t mai l dl S d mii z maep na dt a o es i A .adfa i i h c o e o p me h
t l c e u e i g t By t s n o f c a ib e o s n l , e o ei e a sg e o t e r p a e b e f r a e i h d l s o . e t g c n i t r l sc n t t a n w n sr - s i n d f m e l c a l u n c s a s i l v a a y r h
uig Co ue n iern n pi t n , 0 2 4 (8 :32 . l . mp tr gn eiga d n E Ap l ai S2 1 , 8 1 ) 2 -6 c o



通信工程专业英语汉英对照(A-D)2008年11月14日 星期五 21:08A安全地线=safe ground wire安全特性 security feature安装线=hook-up wire按半周进行的多周期控制=multicycle controlled by half-cycle 按键电话机=push-button telephone set按需分配多地址=demand assignment multiple access(DAMA)按要求的电信业务=demand telecommunication service按组编码=encode by groupB八木天线=Yagi antenna白噪声=white Gaussian noise白噪声发生器=white noise generator半波偶极子=halfwave dipole半导体存储器=semiconductor memory半导体集成电路=semiconductor integrated circuit半双工操作=semi-duplex operation半字节=Nib包络负反馈=peak envelop negative feed-back包络延时失真=envelop delay distortion薄膜=thin film薄膜混合集成电路=thin film hybrid integrated circuit保护比(射频)=protection ratio (RF)保护时段=guard period保密通信=secure communication报头=header报文分组 packet报文优先等级=message priority报讯=alarm备用工作方式 spare mode背景躁声 background noise倍频 frequency multiplication倍频程 actave倍频程滤波器 octave filter被呼地址修改通知 called address modified notification 被呼用户优先 priority for called subscriber本地PLMN local PLMN本地交换机 local exchange本地移动用户身份 local mobile station identity ( LMSI)本地震荡器 local oscillator比功率(功率密度) specific power比特 bit比特并行 bit parallel比特号码 bit number (BN)比特流 bit stream比特率 bit rate比特误码率 bit error rate比特序列独立性 bit sequence independence必要带宽 necessary bandwidth闭环电压增益 closed loop voltage gain闭环控制 closed loop control闭路电压 closed circuit voltage边瓣抑制 side lobe suppression边带 sideband边带非线性串扰 sideband non-linear crosstalk边带线性串扰 sideband linear crosstalk边带抑制度 sideband suppression边角辐射 boundary radiation编号制度 numbering plan编解码器 codec编码 encode编码律 encoding law编码器 encoder编码器输出 encoder output编码器总工作时间 encoder overall operate time编码效率 coding efficiency编码信号 coded signal编码约束长度 encoding constraint length编码增益 coding gain编译程序 compiler鞭状天线 whip antenna变频器 converter变频损耗 converter conversion loss变容二极管 variable capacitance diode变形交替传号反转 modified alternate mark inversion便携电台 portable station便携设备 portable equipment便携式载体设备 portable vehicle equipment标称调整率(标称塞入率) nominal justification rate (nominal stuffing rate)标称值 nominal value标称呼通概率 nominal calling probability标准码实验信号 standard code test signal (SCTS)标准模拟天线 standard artificial antenna标准频率 standard frequency标准时间信号发射 standard-time-signal emission标准实验调制 standard test modulation标准输出功率 standard power output标准输入信号 standard input signal标准输入信号电平 standard input-signal level标准输入信号频率 standard input-signal frequency标准信躁比 standard signal to noise表面安装 surface mounting表示层 presentation layer并串变换器 parallel-serial converter (serializer)并馈垂直天线 shunt-fed vertical antenna并行传输 parallel transmission并行终端 parallel terminal拨号错误概率 dialing mistake probability拨号后延迟 post-dialing delay拨号交换机 dial exchange拨号线路 dial-up line拨号音 dialing tone拨号终端 dial-up terminal波动强度(在给定方向上的) cymomotive force (c. m. f)波段覆盖 wave coverage波峰焊 wave soldering波特 baud泊送过程 Poisson process补充业务 supplementary service (of GSM)补充业务登记 supplementary service registration补充业务询问 supplementary service interrogation补充业务互连 supplementary service interworking捕捉区(一个地面接收台) capture area (of a terrestrial receiving station)捕捉带 pull-in range捕捉带宽 pull-in banwidth捕捉时间 pull-in time不连续发送 discontinuous transmission (DTX)不连续干扰 discontinuous interference不连续接收 discontinuous reception (DRX)不确定度 uncertainty步谈机 portable mobile stationC采样定理 sampling theorem采样频率 sampling frequency采样周期 sampling period参考边带功率 reference side band power参考差错率 reference error ratio参考当量 reference equivalent参考点 reference point参考结构 reference configuration参考可用场强 reference usable fiend-strength参考灵敏度 reference sensibility参考频率 reference frequency参考时钟 reference clock参考输出功率 reference output power残余边带调制 vestigial sideband modulation残余边带发射 vestigial-sideband emission操作维护中心 operation maintenance center (OMC)操作系统 operation system (OS)侧音消耗 sidetone loss层2转发 layer 2 relay (L2R)插入组装 through hole pachnology插入损耗 insertion loss查号台 information desk差错控制编码 error control coding差错漏检率 residual error rate差分脉冲编码调制(差分脉码调制) differential pulse code modulation (DPCM)差分四相相移键控 differential quadrature phase keying (DQPSK)差分相移键控 differential phase keying (DPSK)差模电压,平衡电压 differential mode voltage, symmetrical voltage差拍干扰 beat jamming差频失真 difference frequency distortion长期抖动指示器 long-term flicker indicator长期频率稳定度 long-term frequency stability场强灵敏度 field intensity sensibility场效应晶体管 field effect transistor (FET)超长波通信 myriametric wave communication超地平对流层传播 transhorizon tropospheric超地平无线接力系统 transhorizon radio-relay system超高帧 hyperframe超帧 superframe超大规模集成电路 very-large scale integrated circuit (VLSI)超再生接收机 super-regenerator receiver车载电台 vehicle station撤消 withdrawal成对不等性码(交替码、交变码)paired-disparity code (alternative code, alternating code)承载业务 bearer service城市交通管制系统 urban traffic control system程序设计技术 programming technique程序设计环境 programming environment程序优化 program optimization程序指令 program command充电 charge充电率 charge rate充电效率 charge efficiency充电终止电压 end-of charge voltage抽样 sampling抽样率 sample rate初级分布线路 primary distribution link初始化 initialization处理增益 processing gain传播时延 propagation delay传播系数 propagation coefficient传导干扰 conducted interference传导杂散发射 conducted spurious emission传递函数 transfer function传递时间 transfer time传声器 microphone传输保密 transmission security传输层协议 transport layer protocol传输集群 transmission trunking传输结束字符 end of transmission character传输媒体 transmission medium传输损耗 transmission loss传输损耗 (无线线路的) transmission loss (of a radio link)传输通道 transmission path传输信道 transmission channel传真 facsimile, FAX船舶地球站 ship earth station船舶电台 ship station船舶移动业务 ship movement service船上通信电台 on-board communication station ,ship communication station船用收音机 ship radio串并变换机 serial to parallel (deserializer)串并行变换 serial-parallel conversion串话 crosstalk垂直方向性图 vertical directivity pattern唇式传声器 lip microphone磁屏蔽 magnetic shielding次级分布线路 secondary distribution link猝发差错 burst error猝发点火控制 burst firing control存储程序控制交换机 stored program controlled switching system D大规模集成电路 large scale integrated circuit (LSI)大信号信躁比 signal-to-noise ratio of strong signal带成功结果的常规操作 normal operation with successful outcome 带宽 bandwidth带内导频单边带 pilot tone-in-band single sideband带内谐波 in-band harmonic带内信令 in-band signalling带内躁声 in-band noise带通滤波器 band-pass filter带外发射 out-of-band emission带外功率 out-of-band power带外衰减 attenuation outside a channel带外信令 out-band signalling带状线 stripline单边带发射 single sideband (SSB) emission单边带发射机 single side-band (SSB) transmitter单边带调制 single side band modulation单边带解调 single side band demodulation单边带信号发生器 single side band signal generaltor单端同步 single-ended synchronization单工、双半工 simplex, halfduplex单工操作 simplex operation单工无线电话机 simplex radio telephone单呼 single call单频双工 single frequency duplex单频信令 single frequency signalling单相对称控制 symmetrical control (single phase)单相非对称控制 asymmetrical control (single phase)单向 one-way单向的 unidirectional单向控制 unidirectional control单信道地面和机载无线电分系统 SINCGARS单信道无绳电话机 single channel cordless telephone单信号方法 single-signal method单音 tone单音脉冲 tone pulse单音脉冲持续时间 tone pulse duration单音脉冲的单音频率 tone frequency of tone pulse单音脉冲上升时间 tone pulse rise time单音脉冲下降时间 tone pulse decay time单音制 individual tone system单元电缆段(中继段) elementary cable section (repeater section)单元再生段 elementary regenerator section (regenerator section)单元增音段,单元中继段 elementary repeater section当被呼移动用户不回答时的呼叫转移 call forwarding on no reply (CFNRy)当被呼移动用户忙时的呼叫转 calling forwarding on mobile subscriber busy (CFB)当漫游到原籍PLMN国家以外时禁止所有入呼 barring of incoming calls when roaming outside the home PLMN country (BIC-Roam)当前服务的基站 current serving BS当无线信道拥挤时的呼叫转移calling forward on mobile subscriber not reachable (CENRc)刀型天线 blade antenna导频 pilot frequency导频跌落pilot fall down倒L型天线 inverted-L antenna等步的 isochronous等幅电报 continuous wave telegraph等权网(互同步网) democratic network (mutually synchronized network)等效比特率 equivalent bit rate等效地球半径 equivalent earth radius等效二进制数 equivalent binary content等效全向辐射功率 equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i. r. p.)等效卫星线路躁声温度 equivalent satellite link noise temperature低轨道卫星系统 LEO satellite mobile communication system低气压实验 low atmospheric pressure test低时延码激励线性预测编码 low delay CELP (LD-CELP)低通滤波器 low pass filter低温实验 low temperature test低躁声放大器 low noise amplifier地-空路径传播 earth-space path propagation地-空通信设备 ground/air communication equipment地波 ground wave地面连线用户 land line subscriber地面无线电通信 terrestrial radio communication地面站(电台) terrestrial station第N次谐波比 nth harmonic ratio第二代无绳电话系统 cordless telephone system second generation (CT-2)第三代移动通信系统 third generation mobile systems点波束天线 spot beam antenna点对地区通信 point-area communication点对点通信 point-point communication点至点的GSM PLMN连接 point to point GSM PLMN电报 telegraphy电报电码 telegraph code电波衰落 radio wave fading电池功率 power of battery电池能量 energy capacity of battery电池容量 battery capacity电池组 battery电磁波 electromagnetic wave电磁波反射 reflection of electromagnetic wave电磁波饶射 diffraction of electromagnetic wave电磁波散射 scattering of electromagnetic wave电磁波色射 dispersion of electromagnetic wave电磁波吸收 absorption of electromagnetic wave电磁波折射 refraction of electromagnetic wave电磁场 electromagnetic field电磁发射 electromagnetic field电磁辐射 electromagnetic emission电磁干扰 electromagnetic interference (EMI)电磁感应 electromagnetic induction电磁环境 electromagnetic environment电磁兼容性 electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)电磁兼容性电平 electromagnetic compatibility level 电磁兼容性余量 electromagnetic compatibility margin 电磁脉冲 electromagnetic pulse (EMP)电磁脉冲干扰 electromagnetic pulse jamming电磁敏感度 electromagnetic susceptibility电磁能 electromagnetic energy电磁耦合 electromagnetic coupling电磁屏蔽 electromagnetic shielding电磁屏蔽装置 electromagnetic screen电磁骚扰 electromagnetic disturbance电磁噪声 electromagnetic noise电磁污染 electromagnetic pollution电动势 electromotive force (e. m. f.)电话机 telephone set电话局容量 capacity of telephone exchange电话型电路 telephone-type circuit电话型信道 telephone-type channel电离层 ionosphere电离层波 ionosphere wave电离层传播 ionosphere propagation电离层反射 ionosphere reflection电离层反射传播 ionosphere reflection propagation电离层散射传播 ionosphere scatter propagation电离层折射 ionosphere refraction电离层吸收 ionosphere absorption电离层骚扰 ionosphere disturbance电流探头 current probe电路交换 circuit switching电屏蔽 electric shielding电视电话 video-telephone, viewphone, visual telephone 电台磁方位 magnetic bearing of station电台方位 bearing of station电台航向 heading of station电文编号 message numbering电文队列 message queue电文格式 message format电文交换 message switching电文交换网络 message switching network电文结束代码 end-of-message code电文路由选择 message routing电小天线 electronically small antenna电信管理网络 telecommunication management network (TMN)电信会议 teleconferencing电压变化 voltage change电压变化持续时间 duration of a voltage change电压变化的发生率 rate of occurrence of voltage changes电压变化时间间隔 voltage change interval电压波动 voltage fluctuation电压波动波形 voltage fluctuation waveform电压波动量 magnitude of a voltage fluctuation电压不平衡 voltage imbalance, voltage unbalance电压浪涌 voltage surge电压骤降 voltage dip电源 power supply电源电压调整率 line regulation电源抗扰性 mains immunity电源持续工作能力 continuous operation ability of the power supply电源去耦系数 mains decoupling factor电源骚扰 mains disturbance电子干扰 electronic jamming电子工业协会 Electronic Industries Association (EIA)电子系统工程 electronic system engineering电子自动调谐 electronic automatic tuning电子组装 electronic packaging电阻温度计 resistance thermometer跌落试验 fall down test顶部加载垂直天线 top-loaded vertical antenna定长编码 block code定期频率预报 periodical frequency forecast定时 clocking定时超前 timing advance定时电路 timing circuit定时恢复(定时抽取) timing recovery (timing extration)定时截尾试验 fixed time test定时信号 timing signal定数截尾试验 fixed failure number test定向天线 directional antenna定型试验 type test动态频率分配 dynamic frequency allocation动态信道分配 dynamic channel allocation动态重组 dynamic regrouping动态自动增益控制特性 dynamic AGC characteristic抖动 jitter独立边带 independent sideband独立故障 independent fault端到端业务 teleservice短波传播 short wave propagation短波通信 short wave communication短路保护 short-circuit protection短期抖动指示器 short-term flicker indicator短期频率稳定度 short-term frequency stability短时间中断(供电电压) short interruption (of supply voltage)段终端 section termination对称二元码 symmetrical binary code对地静止卫星 geostationary satellite对地静止卫星轨道 geostationary satellite orbit对地同步卫星 geosynchronous satellite对讲电话机 intercommunicating telephone set对空台 aeronautical station对流层 troposphere对流层波道 troposphere duct对流层传播 troposphere propagation对流层散射传播 troposphere scatter propagation多次调制 multiple modulation多点接入 multipoint access多电平正交调幅 multi-level quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM)多分转站网 multidrop network多服务器队列 multiserver queue多工 multiplexing多工器 nultiplexer多功能系统 MRS多级处理 multilevel processing多级互连网络 multistage interconnecting network多级卫星线路 multi-satellite link多径 multipath多径传播 multipath propagation多径传播函数 nultipath propagation function多径分集 multipath diversity多径时延 multipath delay多径衰落 multipath fading多径效应 multipath effect多路复接 multiplexing多路接入 multiple access多路信道 multiplexor channel多脉冲线性预测编码 multi-pulse LPC (MPLC)多频信令 multifrequency signalling多普勒频移 Doppler shift多跳路径 multihop path多信道选取 multichannel access (MCA)多信道自动拨号移动通信系统multiple-channel mobile communication system with automatic dialing多优先级 multiple priority levels多帧 multiframe多址呼叫 multiaddress call多址联接 multiple access多重时帧 multiple timeframe多用户信道 multi-user channel通信工程专业英语汉英对照(E-H)2008年11月14日 星期五 21:09E额定带宽 rated bandwidth额定射频输出功率 rated radio frequency output power额定使用范围 rated operating range额定音频输出功率 rated audio-frequency output power额定值 rated value爱尔兰 erlang恶意呼叫识别 malicious call identification (MCI)耳机(受话器) earphone耳机额定阻抗 rated impedance of earphone二十进制码 binary-coded decimal (BCD) code二十进制转换 binary-to-decimal conversion二十六进制转换 binary-to-hexadecimal conversion二进制码 binary code二进制频移键控 binary frequency shift keying (BFSK)二进制数 binary figure二频制位 binary digit(bit)二频制 two-frequency system二维奇偶验码 horizontal and vertical parity check code二线制 two-wire system二相差分相移键控 binary different phase shift keying (BDPSK)二相相移键控 binary phase shift keying (BPSK)F发报机 telegraph transmitter发射 emisssion发射(或信号)带宽 bandwidth of an emission (or a signal)发射机 transmitter发射机边带频谱 transmitter sideband spectrum发射机额定输出功率 rated output power of transmitter发射机合路器 transmitter combiner发射机冷却系统 cooling system of transmitter发射机启动时间 transmitter attack time发射机效率 transmitter frequency发射机杂散躁声 spurious transmitter noise发射机之间的互调 iner-transmitter intermodulation发射机对答允许频(相)偏transmitter maximum permissible frequency(phase) deviation 发射类别 class of emission发射频段 transmit frequency band发射余量 emission margin发送 sending发送响度评定值 send loudness rating (SLR)繁忙排队/自动回叫 busy queuing/ callback反馈控制系统 feedback control system反射功率 reflection power反射卫星 reflection satellite反向话音通道 reverse voice channel (RVC)反向控制信道 reverse control channel (RECC)泛欧数字无绳电话系统 digital European cordless telephone 方舱 shelter方向性系数 directivity of an antenna防爆电话机 explosion-proof telephone set防潮 moisture protection防腐蚀 corrosion protection防霉 mould proof仿真头 artificial head仿真耳 artificial ear仿真嘴 artificial mouth仿真天线 dummy antenna放大器 amplifier放大器线性动态范围 linear dynamic range of amplifier放电 discharge放电电压 discharge voltage放电深度 depth of discharge放电率 discharge rate放电特性曲线 discharge character curve非等步的 anisochronous非归零码 nonreturn to zero code (NRZ)非均匀编码 nonuniform encoding非均匀量化 nonuniform quantizing非连续干扰 discontinuous disturbance“非”门 NOT gate非强占优先规则 non-preemptive priority queuing discipline 非受控滑动 uncontrolled slip非线性电路 nonlinear circuit非线性失真 nonliear distortion非线性数字调制 nonlinear digital modulation非占空呼叫建立 off-air-call-set-up (OACSU)非专用控制信道 non-dedicated control channel非阻塞互连网络 non-blocking interconnection network分贝 decibel (dB)分辨力 resolution分布参数网络 distributed parameter network分布式功能 distributed function分布式数据库 distributed database分别于是微波通信系统 distributed microwave communication system分布式移动通信系统 distributed mobile communication system 分布路线 distribution link分段加载天线 sectional loaded antenna分机 extension分集 diversity分集改善系数 diversity improvement factor分集间隔 diversity separation分集增益 diversity gain分集接收 diversity reception分接器 demultiplexer分频 frequency division分散定位 distributed channel assignment分散控制方式 decentralized control分散式帧定位信号 distributed frame alignment signal分同步(超同步)卫星 sub-synchronous (super-synchronous) satellite分谐波 subharmonic分组交换 packet switching分组码 block code分组无线网 packet radio network分组循环分散定位 block cyclic distributed channel assigment 分组组装与拆卸 packet assembly and disassembly封闭用户群 closed user group (CUG)峰包功率 peak envelop power峰值 peak value峰值-波纹系数 peak-ripple factor峰值包络检波 peak envelop detection峰值功率 peak power峰值功率等级(移动台的) peak power class (of MS)峰值检波器 peak detector峰值限制 peak limiting蜂窝手持机 cellular handset蜂窝系统 cellular system缝隙天线 slot antenna服务基站 serving BS服务访问点 service access point (SAP)服务弧 service arc服务可保持性 service retainability服务可得到性 service accessibility服务提供部门 service provider服务完善性 service integrity服务小区 serving cell服务易行性 service operability服务支持性 service supportability服务质量 quality of service服务准备时间 service provisioning time符号率 symbol rate幅度检波 amplitude detection幅度量化控制 amplitude quantized cntrol幅度失真 amplitude distortion幅度调制 amplitude modulation (AM)幅频响应 amplitude-frequency response幅相键控 amplitude phase keying (APK)辐射 radiation辐射单元 radiating element辐射方向图 radiation pattern辐射干扰 radiated interference辐射近场区 radiating near-field region辐射能 radiant energy辐射强度 radiation intensity辐射区 radiated area辐射实验场地 radiation test site辐射效率 radiation efficiency辐射源(电磁干扰) emitter (of electromagnetic disturbance)辐射杂散发射 radiated spurious emission辐射阻抗 radiation impedance俯仰角 pitch angle负极 negative electrode负离子 negative ion负荷容量(过荷点) load capacity (overload point)负逻辑 negative logic负码速调整(负脉冲塞入) negative justification (negative pulse stuffing)负载调整率 load regulation负阻放大器 negative resistance amplifier负阻效应 negative resistance effect负阻振荡 negative resistance oscillation附加符号 additional character附加位 overhead bit复合音 complex sound复接器 multiplexer复节-分接器 muldex复接制 multiple connection system复位 reset复用转接器 transmultiplexer复帧 multiframe副瓣 minor lobe副瓣电平 minor level覆盖区(一个地面发射台的) coverage area (of a terrestrial transmitting station)G概率 probability概率分布 probability distribution概率信息 probabilistic information概率译码 probabilistic decoding干扰 interference干扰参数 interference parameter干扰限值 limit of interference干扰信号 interfering signal干扰抑制 interfering suppression干扰源 interfering resource干线 trunk line感应近场区 reactive near-field region港口操作业务 port operation service港口电台 port station港口管理系统 harbor management system港口交通管理系统 harbor traffic control system高[低]电平输出电流 high (low)-level output current高[低]电平输出电压 high (low)-level output voltage高波 high-angle ray高层功能 high layer function高层协议 high layer protocol高级数据链路控制规程 high level data link control (HDLC) procedure高级通信业务 advanced communication service高级研究计划署 Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)高级移动电话系统 Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS)高频放大器 high frequency amplifier高频提升 high frequency boost高频增益控制 high frequency gain control高斯信道 Gauss channel (AWG)高斯最小频移键控 Guassian minimum shift keying (GMSK)高频制频率时的发射频偏 transmitting frequency deviation of high frequency高通滤波器 highpass filter高温高湿偏置试验 high temperature high humidity biased testing (HHBT)高温功率老化 burning高温试验 high temperature test告警接收机 warning receiver告警指示信号 alarm indication signal (AIS)戈莱码 Golay code戈帕码 Goppa codes格码调制 trellis codes modulation schemes (TCM)隔离放大器 isolation amplifier个人数字助理 personal digital assistant (PDA)个人电台 personal station (PS)个人电台系统 personal radio system个人识别号码 personal identification number (PIN)个人通信 personal communications个人通信网 personal communication networks (PCN)个人携带电话 personal handy phone (PHP)个人移动性 personal mobility个体接收(在卫星广播业务中) individual reception 跟踪保持电路 track and hold circuit跟踪带宽 tracking bandwidth更改地址插入 changed address interception工科医用(的) ISM工科医用频段 ISM frequency band工业干扰 industrial interference工作最高可用频率 operational MUF工作比 duty cycle工作范围 working range工作频率范围 operating frequency range工作站 work station (WS)工作周期 cycle of operation公共分组交换网 public packet switched network公共耦合点 point of common coupling (PCC)公开密匙体制 public key system公路交通管制系统 highway traffic control system公用数据网 public data network公众陆地移动电话网 public land mobile network (PLMN)功能键 function key功能群,功能群令 function group, function grouping 功率合成 power synthesis功能控制报文 power control message功率控制电平 power control level功率谱密度 power spectrum density功率损耗 power loss功率因子 power factor供电系统阻抗 supply system impedance共道抑制 co-channel suppression共道信令 co-channel signalling共模电压,不平衡电压 common mode voltage, asymmetrical voltage 共模电流 common mode current共模转换 common code conversion共模干扰 common code interference共模抑制比 common code rejection ratio (CMRR)共模增益 common mode gain共模阻抗 common code impedance共信道再用距离 co-channel re-use distance贡献路线 contribution link固定电台 fixed station固定基地电台 fixed base station固定信道指配 fixed channel assignment固态发射机 solidstate transmitter固有可靠性 inherent reliability固有频差 inherent frequency error故障 fault故障安全 fault safe故障保护 fault protection故障弱化 failsoft故障修复 fault correcting故障原因 fault cause故障准则 fault criteria挂机信号 hang-up signal管理中心 administration center (ADC)广播控制信道(BCCH)划分 BCCH allocation (BA)广播寻呼系统 broadcast paging system广域网 wide area network (WAN)归零码 return to zero code (RZ)归一化的偏置 normalized offset规程 protocol规范 specification规则脉冲激励编码 regular-pulse excitation (RPE)规则脉冲激励长时预测编码 regular-pulse excitation LPC (RPE-LPC)轨道 orbit国际标准 international standard国际单位制 international system of units国际电报电话咨询委员会 CCITT国际电工委员会 IEC国际电信联盟 ITU国际互连网 Internet国际民航组织 ICAO , international civil aviation organization 国际通信卫星组织 INTERAT国际海事卫星组织 INMAR-SAT国际无线电干扰特别委员会 CISPR国际无线电干扰委员会 CCIR国际移动识别码 international mobile station equipment identity (IMEI)国际移动用户识别码 international mobile subscriber identity(IMSI)国际原子时间 international automatic time (TAI)国家标准 national standard国家信息基础结构 national information infrastructure (NII)过充电 overcharge过滤带 transition band过放电 overdischarge过荷保护电路 overload protecting circuit过荷分级控制 overload control category过荷控制 overload control过调制 overmodulation过流保护 overcurrent protection过压保护 overvoltage protectionH海岸地球站 coast earth station海岸电台 coast station海事卫星通信 maritime satellite communications汉明距离 Hamming distance汉明码 Hamming code汉明重量 Hamming weight航空地球站 aeronautical earth station航空电台 aeronautical station航空器地球站 aircraft earth station航空器电台 aircraft station航空移动业务 aeronautical mobile service航天器(宇宙飞船) spacecraft毫米波 millimeter wave黑格巴哥码 Hagelbarger code恒比码 constant ratio code恒步的 homochronous恒流电源 constant current power supply恒温恒湿试验 constant temperature and humid test恒压充电 constant voltage charge恒压电源 constant voltage power supply恒电磁波小室 transverse electromagnetic wave cell (TEM cell)喉式传声器 throat microphone后瓣 back hole厚模电路 thick-film circuit呼叫 call呼叫支持 call hold (HOLD)呼叫存储 call store呼叫等待 call waiting (CW)呼叫改发 call redirection呼叫建立 call establishment呼叫建立时间 call set-up time呼叫接通率 percept of call completed呼叫控制信号 call control signal呼叫清除延时 call clearing delay呼叫释放 call release呼叫序列 calling sequence呼叫转移 call transfer (CT)呼救 distress call呼救系统 distress system呼损率 percept of call lost呼通概率 calling probability互补金属氧化物半导体集成电路complementary MOS integrated circuit (COMOS-IC)互连 interworking互连的考虑 interworking consideration互连功能 interworking function (IWF)互调 intermodulation互调产物(一个发射台的) intermodulation products (of a transmitting stastion)互调抗扰性 intermodulation immunity互调失真 intermodulation distortion互通性 interoperability互同步网 mutually synchronized network话路输入电平 voice circuit input level话路输入电平差异 voice circuit input level difference话务量 telephone traffic话音活动检测 voice activity detection (VAD)话音激活 voice exciting话音激活率 speech activity话音数字信令 speech digit signalling话音突发 speech spurt环境试验 environment test环境系数 environment factor环境应力筛选 environment stress screening (ESS)环境躁声 ambient noise环路传输 loop transmission环路高频总增益 loop RF overall gain环路可锁定最底(最高)界限角频率loop lockable minimum (maximum) margin angular frequency 环路滤波器比例系数 loop filter proportion coefficient环路躁声带宽 loop noise bandwidth环路增益 loop gain环路直流总增益 loop DC overall gain环路自然谐振角频率 loop natural resonant angular frequency 环形波 ring wave环形混频器 ring mixer环行器 circulator环行延迟 rounding relay恢复 recovery恢复规程 restoration procedure汇接交换 tandem switching汇接局 tandem office会话(在电信中) conversation (in telecommunication)会话层 session layer会议电话 conference telephone混合ARQ hybrid ARQ混合差错控制 hybrid error control (HEC)混合分集 hybrid diversity混合集成电路 hybrid integrated circuit混合扩频 hybrid spread spectrum混合路径传播 mixed-path propagation混合信道指配 hybrid channel assignment混频器 mixer混频器的寄生响应 mixer spurious response活动模式 active mode“或”门 OR gate“或非”门 NOR gate通信工程专业英语汉英对照(I-L)2008年11月14日 星期五 21:11J机壳辐射 cabinet radiation机载电台 aircraft station基本传输损耗(无线线路的) basic transmission loss (of a radio link)基本接入 basic access基本业务(GSM的) basic service (of GSM)基本越区切换规程 basic handover procedure基本最高可用频率 basic maximun usable frequency基波(分量) fundamental (component)基波系数 fundamental factor基带 baseband基地(海岸)(航空)设备 base (coast)(aeronautical) equipment 基地电台 base station (BS)基站控制器 base station controller (BSC)基站识别码 base station identity code (BSIC)基站收发信台 base transceiver station (BTS)基站系统 base station system (BSS)基站区 base station area基准条件 reference condition基准阻抗 reference impedance奇偶校验码 parity check code奇偶校验位 parity bit激活 activation吉尔伯特码 Gilbert code级联码 concatenated code即时业务 demand service急充电 boost charge急剧衰落 flutter fading集成电路 integrated circuit集成电路卡 integrated circuit card集群电话互连 trunked telephone connect集群电话互连器 trunked telephone connector集群基站 trunked base station集群效率 trunking efficiency集群移动电话系统 trunked mobile communication system集体呼叫 group call集体接收(在卫星广播业务中) community reception集中控制方式 centralized control集中式帧定位信号 bunched frame alignment signal计费信息 advice of charge计算机病毒 computer virus计算机辅助测试 computer-aided test (CAT)计算机辅助工程 computer-aided engineering (CAE)计算机辅助管理 computer-aided management (CAM)计算机辅助教学 computer-aided instruction (CAU)计算机辅助设计 computer-sided design (CAD)寄生反馈 parasitic feedback寄生调制 parasitic modulation寄生振荡 parasitic oscillation加密 encipherment加密保护 encipherment protection加密方案 encipherment scheme加权(互同步)网 hierarchic (mutually synchrohous) network。



Vol. 33 No. 3Mrs. 2221第38卷第3期2021年3月计算机应用研究Application Research of Computers 罚函数凸优化迭代算法及在无人机路径规划中的应用胡锟,张亮(武汉理工大学理学院,武汉430270)摘要:针对无人机路径规划问题,建立了具有定常非线性系统、非仿射等式约束、非凸不等式约束的非凸控制问题模型,并对该模型进行了算法设计和求解。

基于迭代寻优的求解思路,提出了凸优化迭代求解方法和罚函数优 化策略。

前者利用凹凸过程(CCCP)和泰勒公式对模型进行凸化处理,后者将经处理项作为惩罚项施加到目标函 数中以解决初始点可行性限制。



关键词:无人机;路径规划;线性化;凸优化;迭代;罚函数中图分类号:TP301.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1021-3695(2221)23-216-2725-24doi :10. 16706/j. isse. 1026-3055.2222.02.0240Peealty function convex optimization iterative algorithm andits application iv UAV path planninaHu Kun, Zhana LiainO(School of Science , Wuhan University of Technology , Wuhan 430272 , China )Abstract : Thin pater estabasheX p non-convex contal monel consists of tine-invariant nonlineac system,non -aPine exualityconstraint ann non-convexconstrain aiminn p S the path plapnina proOlem of unmanneX 86101 vehicle,alonn w:ith analgo C t h m desinneh foc solvinn the aforemexhoneh moOeii Baseh on ne r ahve ontimization ,让 pronoseh the convex ontimization iteration methoO ann pexalth function ontimization shatexy. Thx formxc useh thx conccve-convex process ( CCCP) ann Tayloc formula te convexite the moOel , while the latter andeh the processeh term te the objective function as a pexalte term te solve the feasinilite limt of the initiai point, it is proveh that the pronosed methoO strictla converaes te a Karesh-Kuhn-Tncher( KKT) point of the orivinai proOlem. Simnlation experimehtai results verify the feasinilith anV shperiority of the pexalth function convex ontimization iteration alaoCthm,and it indicates that the pronoseh aioOthm can provine a tight path sahsfyiny the conVihons for the unmanneX aeriai vehime.Keywords : unmanneX aerial vehicle (UAV) ; path plannina ; linearization ; convex ontimization ; iterative ; pexhty function无人机在空中航行障碍少、效率高、成本低,可广泛应用于 民用以及军事领域,譬如通信、物流、导弹等[1\无人机的路径规划问题是其中的核心问题,目标是生成从起点到目标点的实时全局路径,避免与障碍物的碰撞,并在运动动力学约束下使性能指标达到最优⑵。



必须 确定该 管 道剩余 强 度 的评价 是 否适 用 。一般 的
评 价 步骤 如下【: 4 J ( )根 据 管 道 的公 称 壁 厚 t确 定 管道 的 金 属 1 。 损失 t ( l mE) 。
【]石 仁 委 , 3 龙媛 媛 . 气 管 道 防 腐蚀 工 程【 . 京 : 国 石 化 出 版 社 . 油 M]北 中
2 o . 4 48 o 84 - .
『]QS 34 2 0 埋 地 钢 质 管 道腐 蚀 与 防护 检 测 技 术 规 程 [ ] 4 /H 0 1 — 0 9, S. []苏 建 国 , 媛 媛 , 言 国 , . 壁厚 度 与 缺 陷 外 检 测 技 术 的 现 状 5 龙 柳 等 管 []油 气 储 运 ,0 92 ( )5 — 8 J. 20 ,85 :6 5 .
备 的 腐蚀 防 护及 管理 工作 。
收 稿 日期 :2 1 - 1 1 0 1O—3
第3 7卷第 6期
路 焰 等 :优 化 腐 蚀 剩 余 寿命 评 价 方 法 在 油 气 长 输管 道 中 的应 用
3 l
的 检 测 、维 修 周 期 ,找 到 管 道 安 全 运 营 与 经 济 效

- +
- +
-・ — 一- + +
-・ - ● + — 卜 — 一-

第5章 优化(Optimizer)工具的使用

第5章 优化(Optimizer)工具的使用





5.1 优化(Optimizer)工具的工作流程优化(Optimizer)工具的工作流程如图5-1所示。

图5-1 优化工具(Optimizer)的工作流程图中:1.设置电路图(与第4章相同);2.调用PSpice进行电路特性模拟(与第4章相同);3.确定电路特性函数,(与第4章相同);4.检验电路特性函数模拟结果(与第4章相同);5.运行灵敏度分析,确定最关键的元器件(选作项目这与读者本身知识和经验有关);6.确定最关键的元器件的参数;7.设置优化特性函数,PSpice提供有53个电路特性函数(Measurement);8.确定优化目标函数;9.确定约束条件和目标函数的权重;10.选用优化引擎(Engine);11.运行优化工具;12.判断电路是否满足设计要求,有3项选择:13.否!调整优化过程;14.否!修改修改元器件参数或电路;15.是!已满足,依此,更新电路中元器件参数值;16.打印输出17.保存文件从流程图中可以看出,优化程序是在分析的基础上进行的,优化的方法涉及到了数学的最优化算法,下面先介绍有关优化算法的基本知识。


5.2 优化的基本概念5.2.1 设计变量优化问题离不开设计变量、目标函数和约束条件等三个方面的问题。





Optimization Algorithms

Optimization Algorithms

Optimization AlgorithmsOptimization algorithms are a crucial tool in various fields, from engineering and finance to healthcare and logistics. These algorithms aim to find the best solution to a given problem by iteratively improving a candidate solution. One of the most well-known optimization algorithms is the genetic algorithm, inspired by the process of natural selection. Genetic algorithms work by creating a population of candidate solutions, evaluating their fitness, selecting the best individuals, and applying genetic operators such as mutation and crossover to generate new solutions. This process is repeated over multiple generations until a satisfactory solution is found. Another popular optimization algorithm is the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, which is inspired by the social behavior of bird flocks or fish schools. In PSO, a population of particles moves through the search space, adjusting their positions based on their own best solution and the best solution found by the group. This collaborative approach allows PSO to efficiently explore the search space and converge to a good solution. Optimization algorithms can be applied to a wide range of problems, such as optimizing the design of a mechanical structure, finding the best route for a delivery truck, or tuning the parameters of a machine learning model. These algorithms can handle complex, high-dimensional problems that are difficult to solve using traditional methods. By exploring a large search space and iteratively improving candidate solutions, optimization algorithms can find solutions that are close to the global optimum, even in the presence of noise or uncertainty. However, optimization algorithms are not without their limitations. One common challenge is the risk of getting stuck in local optima, where the algorithm converges to a suboptimal solution instead of the global optimum. To mitigate this risk, researchers have developed techniques such as multi-start optimization, which involves running the algorithm multiple times with different starting points, or incorporating randomization to encourage exploration of the search space. Another limitation of optimization algorithms is their computational cost, especially for problems with a large number of variables or constraints. As the search space grows, the algorithm may require more iterations to find a good solution, leading to longer runtimes and higher computational resources. Researchers are constantly working on developingmore efficient algorithms, such as parallel optimization techniques or hybrid algorithms that combine different optimization methods to improve performance. Despite these challenges, optimization algorithms have proven to be valuable tools for solving complex problems in various domains. By harnessing the power of evolution, swarm intelligence, or mathematical optimization techniques, these algorithms can find solutions that are not easily achievable through manual trial and error. As technology advances and computational resources become more powerful, optimization algorithms will continue to play a crucial role in shaping the future of science, engineering, and innovation.。

VLIW EPIC静态调度的指令级并行

VLIW EPIC静态调度的指令级并行

在控制流非常没有 规律的代码中,转 移限制了基本块的 大小 在单独的基本块里 很难找到ILP
迹调度[Fisher, Ellis]
迹调度[Fisher, Ellis]
选择一串基本块,一个轨 迹,表示最频繁转移的路径 使用概貌反馈,或编译启 发,寻找共同的转移路径 一次调度整个"迹" 加入固定的代码来处理跳出 迹的转移
两个浮点运算单元 4个周期延迟
为使流水线保持繁忙,指令级并行度(ILP)需要 是 的指令 生命期
互锁检查和标签比较的数目以N*(N *L)增长,L是机器中 指令的生命期
-每发布或执行完N条指令中的一个就必须检查N *L条运行中的指令
对于按序发射的计算机,生命期L与流水时延有关 对于乱序发射的计算机,L还包括花在指令缓冲区里的时 间(指令窗或ROB) 随着N增加,需要更大的指令窗以获得足够的并行度使机 器保持繁忙=>更长的生命期L =>乱序控制逻辑增长快于N^2(~N^3)
VLIW/EPIC: 静态调度的指令级并行
Krste Asanovic 麻省理工学院 计算机科学实验室
并行度=吞吐率×运行时间 每个周期的吞吐量
一个操作 延时的周期数
一个流水段 延迟周 期数 两个整型单元 单周期延迟 两个Load/Store 单元,3个周期 延迟
推测装入决不能引起异常, 在可以在墓地寄存器里设置 "毒"位
不能把装入指令移到转移指令之上 因为会引起欺骗性异常
检查原始序列块中的异常, 如果检测到异常,跳转到 固定代码
问题:可能的存储冲突限制了代码调度 解决:硬件检查指针冲突



1.融合项目聚类和时间权重的动态协同过滤算法 [J], 吴佳炜;沈玲玲;钱钢
2.基于用户特征和时间权重的协同过滤算法 [J], 孙克雷;王琰
3.结合时间因素的LDA协同过滤算法 [J], 胡宽政;马传香
4.基于用户特征和时间权重的协同过滤算法 [J], 孙克雷;王琰;;
5.基于时间权重和用户兴趣变化的协同过滤算法 [J], 王娜娜






1.给定余度下可重构计算系统的可靠性最优化研究 [J], 周密;尚利宏;胡瑜
2.变滑动摩擦系数振动系统最优化计算方法研究 [J], 白鸿柏;郑坚;张培林;黄协清
3.计算机辅助不同溶剂系统两次展开最优化分离 [J], 李志强;蔡红革;黄永华;龙姝
4.基于云计算的船舶电站管理系统最优化设计研究 [J], 程勇兵;张羽;邓淇中
5.讲座:计算机最优控制系统的实施:第二讲监督计算机控制与最优化(续) [J], 舒燕成



1.一种基于边缘检测和区域生长的背散射图像分割算法 [J], 薛科悦;陈惠民;杨立瑞
2.一种基于边缘检测的时空视频对象分割算法 [J], 王新卫;周利莉;陈刚;郭戈
3.一种指纹图像的局部阈值分割算法 [J], 马文科;王玲;何浩
4.一种新的局部阈值分割算法 [J], 符翔;张剑;王维;黄莅辰
5.一种基于中值滤波的局部阈值分割算法 [J], 王福忠;尹凯凯

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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 142(2003)659–664Optimization of die profile for improving die lifein the hot extrusion processZou Lin ∗,Xia Juchen,Wang Xinyun,Hu GuoanState Key Lab of Plastic Forming Simulation and Die &Mold Technology,HuaZhong University of Science &Technology,1037LuoYu RD,Wuhan 430074,PR ChinaReceived 2December 2002;accepted 10April 2003AbstractAn improved method to obtain the optimal die profile which yields more uniform surface-load distribution on die profile surface via integrating finite element analysis is applied to the hot extrusion process.The die profile of the hot extrusion is represented by a cubic–spline curve.Updated sequential quadratic programming (SQP)method is adopted to accomplish the optimum calculation for unsteady metal form-ing based on the rigid–viscoplastic finite element method (FEM).The analysis for unsteady metal forming has been performed to simulate the process on the die curve acquired from optimum calculation.The above approach can improve the die life in hot extrusion processes.©2003Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.Keywords:Hot extrusion;Die profile;Optimum design;Rigid–viscoplastic FEM1.IntroductionA large number of studies on the optimization of die pro-file via integrating the classical mathematical methods of op-timization with the finite element method (FEM)have been carried out to improve the product quality and production efficiency.Ales and Boris [1]studied tool design optimiza-tion in steady-state extrusion processes by imposing two op-timization objectives separately.Wifiet al.[2]proposed an incremental slab method to obtain the extrusion pressure of the hot forward rod extrusion process for arbitrarily curved dies.Lee et al.[3]studied the optimal die profile that can yield more uniform microstructure of a hot extrusion prod-uct.They all defined the die profiles by Bezier-curves and adopted different optimization methods.Die life is an important factor in the productivity and the quality of the finished products in hot extrusion processes.In general,the service lives of tools in metal-forming processes are to a large extent limited by wear,fatigue fracture,plas-tic deformation,etc.[4].In high-temperature metal-forming processes,wear is the predominant factor in the operating lives of tools by thermal load and the contact with the hot metal during the deformation nge and co-workers [5]reported that tool lives in high temperature forming pro-cesses are affected by wear in over 70%of cases.Therefore,∗Corresponding author.Tel./fax:+86-27-87543491.E-mail address:l.zou@ (Z.Lin).the improvement of die life in hot extrusion processes is the primary concern to raise productivity.In this paper,for the purpose of improving die life,an optimization scheme coupled with rigid–viscoplastic finite element analysis for the determination of optimum die pro-file which yields more uniform surface-load distribution on die profile surface is suggested.In the hot extrusion process,as the working surface of die is subjected to re-peated thermal–mechanical loading,and the outlet of a die is provided with a high load and an intolerable amount of wear,die life is reduced.The wear in the hot extrusion process can be optimized by proper design of die geom-etry.Starting from an initial die profile,an optimized de-sign solution based on non-linear optimization procedures is found.By performing the optimal design,the level of damage can be minimized,and an optimal die profile that gives the longer die life can be found.Finally the validity of the proposed die profile was verified by comparisons between the results of simulations and the results of real experiment.2.Optimal design problem formulationIt has been proved that the geometry of a die used in hot steady-state processes is extremely important [6].Usu-ally,the die profile is chosen by past experiences.Since an optimized die design solution depends directly on the given0924-0136/$–see front matter ©2003Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/S0924-0136(03)00686-1660Z.Lin et al./Journal of Materials Processing Technology142(2003)659–664 process parameters,an optimal design could be performedto solve this problem.2.1.Design variables selectionIn order to determine an optimal die profile,there is theneed to describe an arbitrary die profile by a mathemati-cal model and derive independent design variables from themodel.The design variables will then be optimized so asto result in an optimal die profile.The cubic–spline curvewith12sub-intervals is applied to describe the shape in thisstudy.This cubic–spline curve may be expressed asy(t)=3h i(x i+1−t)2−2h i(x i+1−t)3y i+3h2i(t−x i)2−2h3i(t−x i)3y i+1+h i1h2i(x i+1−t)2−1h3i(x i+1−t)3y i−h i1h2i(t−x i)2−1h3i(t−x i)3y i+1i=0,1,...,n(1)Since description(1)includes a non-linear variation of the die radius y i,it can be used for analyzing streamline.We can define the die profile with a cubic–spline curve.In the present work,13control points(x0,x1,...,x12)are used.y i is the die radius at axial position,and y i is equal to f(x i)=r i=(x k)i+1and x n−1(n=13)stand for the inlet and outlet die coordinates in axial direction,respectively.x i< t<x i+1and h i=x i+1−x i.The boundary conditions can be set as:y 0=f (x0)=0,and y n+1=f (x n−1)=1.The profile of extrusion die,between point x0and point x12,will be changed during the optimization procedure.2.2.Objective and constraint functions definitionThe main problem in the optimization procedure is to find an objective function.In this study,the objective is to improve the die life in the hot extrusion process andfind such a function for streamline die.From the tool lifetime prospect rather than product quality,we are mainly focused on the determination of process parameters and conditions to minimize the extrusion load and stresses at tool–workpiece interfaces usingfinite element analysis.As we know,too high an extrusion load will lead to an intolerable amount of wear in a die,which is the major cause of die failure.Thus to minimize,the extrusion load can be considered as one of the objective functions.In addition,the strength of a die can lose effectiveness primarily by wear, including abrasive wear,adhesive wear,and fatigued wear. This wear is closely related to the load on the surface of a die cavity.Therefore,more uniform distributedsurface Fig.1.Schematic drawing of optimum curve,r i(i=0,1,...,12)design variable.load,that leads to more uniform distributed die wear,can enhance the life span of a die.To obtain the more uniform surface-load distribution on the die profile surface could be considered as another objective function.In the actual work,we choose the extrusion load as a constraint.In this case,the mathematical formulation of the optimal die profile can be written asminn−1i[(σi−σi+1)2+(τi−τi+1)2]s.t.p0−p≥0,r i+1−r i≥0,i=0,1,...,12 whereσi is the die axial stress in the i th node,τi the die friction stress in the i th node,p the total extrusion load,p0 the given extrusion load,and r i the design variable.Fig.1shows the schematic drawing of optimum die curve.3.Design procedure of optimal die profileIn order to design a die profile to impose a more uniform surface-load distribution on the die profile surface as possi-ble in the deforming region during the hot extrusion process, the above-mentioned optimization problem can be solved by using one of the mathematical programming methods[7].In the present investigation,the updated SQP,which is effective in solving non-linear optimization problem,is performed. The optimization problem is transformed to a quadratic pro-gramming sub-problem with a quadratic approximation to the Lagrange function.Fig.2briefly shows theflow diagram of searching algo-rithm for optimization procedure.This procedure includes a complicate simulation using rigid–viscoplasticfinite ele-ment analysis.The algorithm of the optimization procedure for objective function is as follows:Stage1Assume the initial design variables and define ini-tial die profile;set two small numbers that define theZ.Lin et al./Journal of Materials Processing Technology 142(2003)659–664661Fig.2.Flowchart of the optimization procedure.permissible constraint violation and convergence parameter,respectively.The Hessian is accordingly initialized by identity matrix.Stage 2Calculate the objective and constraint functions atthe current design iterate x i and calculate the gra-dients of the objective functions and the potentially active constraint functions.Calculate the maximumconstraint violation.If the constrains are violated,update the Hessian of the Lagrange function.Stage 3Construct the quadratic sub-problem and solve itfor the search direction and Lagrange multipliers.Table 1The optimal result Node Variable Value (mm)0r 012.00001r 110.65232r 29.814623r 38.566954r 47.919275r 57.058576r 6 6.210007r 7 5.649758r 8 5.236859r 9 4.8626110r 10 4.6320411r 11 4.4541312r 124.40000Stage 4Check for the convergence criteria.If the termina-tion criteria is satis fied,then stop.Otherwise con-tinue.Stage 5The design variables are updated by optimal de-sign technique,save the current penalty parameter,Fig.3.Schematic drawing of different die pro files:(1)the optimal pro file;(2)die pro file generated by tracing backward the forming path;(3)conical pro files (α=45◦).662Z.Lin et al./Journal of Materials Processing Technology 142(2003)659–664and go to Stage 2,where another iteration loop is started.When the procedure was performed,we obtained the op-timum result.The results of performed optimization was written in Table 1and displayed in Fig.3.The optimum die pro file generated by the optimization scheme is compared in Fig.3with the die pro file gen-erated theoretically by tracing backward the forming path [8].It is clear from the figure that both methods generate nearly the same die pro files for the same extrusion condi-tions.There is a slight difference between the two die pro-files in the die inlet with the optimum die pro file being closer axes,the reason of this behavior is that the FEM is a discrete numerical method,the increase of curvature in the die inlet conduced to the increase of discrete error.The optimal approach can produce an optimal die pro file that have continuous first derivatives at the die inlet and exit,causing the pro file to be smoothly merged with the con-tainer at the inlet and with the die land at the exit.Thus,the agreement between the theoretical and calculated results issatisfactory.(a)(b)(c)Fig.4.Deformed mesh at different increments for the optimal curved die pro file:(a)20th increment;(b)50th increment;(c)70thincrement.Fig.5.Distribution of effective strain rate for the optimal curved die pro file:(a)20th increment;(b)50th increment;(c)70th increment.4.Results and discussion4.1.Results and discussion of FE-simulationIn order to validate the optimum results,a rigid –visco-plastic FE-simulation of hot extrusion is carried out.For the present investigation,the process is a hot extrusion process with heat transfer between the workpiece and dies and environment and the material properties are also temperature-dependent,consequently to a given tempera-ture,we have taken account of the effects of temperature on the FE-simulations.The workpiece material employed in the simulation is 21-4N and is assumed as a rigid –viscoplastic material.The workpiece has an initial temperature of T =1000◦C.Di-ameter of the die cavity is 24mm.The extrusion ratio is 7.44.The friction factor at the die –material interface is as-sumed to be 0.2.The die and the punch are considered as rigid bodies with a constant temperature.The temperature of the die and of the punch are 300and 250◦C,respectively.Ram velocity is 25mm/s.Heat transfer of workpiece is de-fined as follows:heat transfer coef ficient during medium isZ.Lin et al./Journal of Materials Processing Technology 142(2003)659–664663parison of forming velocity for conical and optimum dies:(1)conical die (α=45◦);(2)optimumdie.parison of friction force for conical and optimal dies.0.0029N/(s mm K);heat transfer coef ficient during extrusion is 4.0N/(s mm K);the temperature of surrounding medium is constrained to 20◦C.The material constant and strain rate sensitivity are 23.23and 0.0820,respectively.Therefore,the flow stress –strain relationship of the workpiece material can be modeled as σMN /m 2=23.23(¯ε)0.0820In Figs.4and 5,for the optimal die pro file in the hot extru-sion,the result of the simulation is **shown graphically.Inparison of reaction force for conical and optimaldies.parison of normal stress for conical and optimaldies.parison of shear stress for conical and optimal dies.Fig.6,it shows clearly that the equivalent forming velocitydistribution developed with the optimal die pro file is more uniform than that developed with the conical die pro file.Moreover,under the same extrusion conditions,Figs.7–10demonstrate the comparison of stress and force along the tool –workpiece interface between the optimal and conical die pro files,which was calculated by the FEM.Those fig-ures illustrate clearly that the stress and force developedatFig.11.Schematic drawing of different working procedure of the exper-imental hot extrusion.664Z.Lin et al./Journal of Materials Processing Technology 142(2003)659–664Fig.12.The extruded products in different working procedure.the tool –workpiece interface of the optimal die pro file are lower than those of the conical die pro file.The resulting forming-load is smaller,and makes the die wear more even.Thus,the die life of the optimal die pro file is expected to be longer than that of the conical die pro file.4.2.Results and discussion of experimentFig.11shows the different working procedure of the ex-perimental hot extrusion.The material of the workpiece in this study is 21-4N and the material of dies is 3Cr 2W 8V .The initial workpiece is Ø24×H 25mm and is heated up to 1000◦C.The die and punch are given an initial temper-ature of 300◦C.The 6.3MN friction screw press is used in this experiment.The extruded products in different working procedure in this study are shown in Fig.12.Fig.13shows comparison of forming-load versus stroke curve for thesim-parison of forming-load vs.stroke curve for the simulation and experiment in the hot extrusion process.ulation and experiment in the hot extrusion process.The ex-perimental load is larger than computed load,the reason is that the cooling of workpiece during transmission of work-piece from heater to die do not been taken into account.Test shows that metal flow and forming-load in the FE-simulation have good agreement with the real experimental results.In the practical hot extrusion of valves,the production of a die that used the conical die pro file is about 1000–1200pieces,but if adopting the optimal die pro file which is de-veloped in the study,the production of a die is increased to about 3000–3500pieces.The adoption of optimum shape has improved the life span of the die more than twice in the hot extrusion of valves.5.ConclusionIn our research,an improved optimal design method for improving die life in hot extrusion processes has been pro-posed.It provides an effective approach for optimum design of the die curve.An algorithm based on a gradient method and a rigid –viscoplastic FEM is presented for process op-timizations.Die pro file was expressed by a cubic –spline curve,and updated SQP method was applied as an optimiza-tion technique.On the basis of the above-mentioned work,the mate-rial model and the equation of rigid –viscoplastic FEM have been built.A mathematical model of the die pro file in the hot extrusion process is also presented.By an updated SQP method,an optimum die pro file is obtained.The application of this method for optimization of die pro file for the hot extrusion of valves has been demonstrated.The idea that is put forward can be used to guide the optimum design for all types of extrusion processes.References[1]M.Ales,S.Boris,Tool design optimization in extrusion process,Comput.Struct.68(1998)283–293.[2]A.S.Wi fi,M.N.Shatla,A.Abdel-Hamid,An optimum-curved diepro file for hot forward rod extrusion process,J.Mater.Process.Tech-nol.73(1998)97–107.[3]S.K.Lee,D.C.Ko,B.M.Kim,Optimal die pro file design for uniformmicrostructure in hot extrusion product,Int.J.Mach.Tool Manuf.40(2000)1457–1478.[4]J.H.Kang,I.W.Park,J.S.Jae,S.S.Kang,A study on a die wear modelconsidering thermal softening.I.Construction of the wear model,J.Mater.Process.Technol.96(1999)53–58.[5]L.Cser,M.Geiger,nge,Tool life 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