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【摘要】目的检测不同产地枸杞子药材的主要品质指标,比较各产地药材的异同.方法在对不同产地的枸杞子进行外观品质指标测量的基础上,采用分光光度法进行枸杞多糖和甜菜碱含量测定,应用滴定法进行枸杞总糖含量测定.结果青海产枸杞果实百粒质量最高,河北最低,总体呈现青海>甘肃>新疆>宁夏>内蒙古>河北的变化趋势.枸杞果实主要药用成分多糖以宁夏、甘肃和新疆栽培的枸杞果实含量相对最高,且三者间差异不显著,其次为内蒙古产枸杞,河北和青海产枸杞果实多糖含量最低;总糖含量以宁夏和青海最高,其次为内蒙古、甘肃和新疆,且三者差异不显著,河北产枸杞总糖含量最低.甜菜碱含量以河北产枸杞最高,其次为青海、甘肃、内蒙古和新疆,而以宁夏产枸杞最低.结论不同产地枸杞质量存在差异,且不同产地枸杞果实百粒质量大小与主要有效成分含量间无准确的对应关系,提示现行枸杞商品等级划分标准尚需进一步完善.%Objective To analyze and compare the quality indexes of Lycium barbarum L . .Methods On the basis of measuring appearance quality indexes ,the contents of Lycium barbarum polysaccharide(LBP) and batain of Fructus lycii from different regions were analyzed by spectrophotometry ,meanwhile ,total sugar content were determined by titration .Results The results showed that the dry fruit weight /100 grain was the heaviest in Qinghai ,on the contrary ,the fruit from Hebei was the lightest ,and in the order of Qinghai > Gansu > Xinjiang > Ningxia > Inner
Mongolia > Hebei .The content of LBP in Lycium barbarum in Ningxia, Gansu and Xinjiang were the highest ,and no significant difference among them ,followed by L .barbarum in Inner Mongolia,and LBP content in Hebei and Qinghai were the minimum .Total sugar content of L .barbarum in Ningxia and Qinghai were the highest ,nextly ,the content of total sugar in Inner Mongolia ,Gansu and Xinjiang ,and there were no significant difference among them , and the lowest content existed in L .barbarum from Hebei .Betaine content in L .barbarum in Hebei was the
highest ,followed by Qinghai ,Gansu ,Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang ,and
L .barbarum in Ningxia was the lowest .Conclusion The significant difference existed among L .barbarum from six regions ,and there was no accurate corresponding relationship between the dry fruit weight /100 grain and contents of main effective constituents of L .barbarum in different regions ,which suggested that the current L .barbarum goods rank standard still needs to be further improved .
1.不同产地宁夏枸杞活性成分比较研究 [J], 王欢;金哲雄;温美佳;曾凡琳;谢彩香
2.22个越橘品种在不同产地果实品质比较研究 [J], 李彤彤;李亚东
3.不同产地气象因子对宁夏枸杞果实糖分积累的影响 [J], 苏雪玲;齐国亮;郑国琦;杨涓;刘建文;包晗;王俊
4.不同产地及采收时间青海产野生宁夏枸杞叶片中总黄酮含量的比较 [J], 文怀秀;邵赟;王启兰;陶燕铎;梅丽娟
5.不同产地宁夏枸杞特征化学成分及营养成分比较 [J], 马建军;周涛;朱立新
