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【摘要】目的:探讨下颌支矢状骨劈开术(sagittal split ramus osteotomy,SSRO)后下唇及颏部感觉功能障碍(neurosensory dysfunction,NSD)的发生









结论:SSRO后NSD易发生于下唇及口角内侧的皮肤;术后痛觉的恢复优于其他感觉,热觉恢复最差;颏成形术、术中神经暴露及远心骨段大幅度移动,是术后感觉障碍的危险因素;术后使用恩经复(nerve growth factor, NGF)可促进NSD的恢复。

%Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the accurate location, recovery process, and influence factors of neurosensory dysfunction (NSD) in the lower lip and
chin after sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO). Methods:20 patients with skeletal Class Ⅲ malocclusion undergone SSRO were examined at 1-week before the surgery, and 1-week, 1-month, 3-month, 6-month after the surgery. The surface skin in the lower lip and chin was divided into 4 zones. Neurosensory function of each zone was measured by tests, consisting of pinprick discrimination, algesia discrimination, warm/cold discrimination, sharp/blunt discrimination, light touch test, 2-point discrimination. The results were recorded by 5-point method. Patients were divided into 2 groups in accordance with age, gender, and the exposure of inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) repectively. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS 20.0 software package. Results: The sensory score of zone 1, zone 2, and zone 3 postoperation was lower than the score before operation. There was no significant difference in each pair of zone 1, 2, 3 (P>0.05). The sensory score of zone 4 had no change after operation. The sensory score increased gradually from 1 week to 6 months after surgery. The incidence of NSD reached the highest level at 1-week after surgery (92.5%-97.5%), and it recovered to the lowest level at 6 months after surgery (15%~40%). At the same time the algesia score was the highest in all sensations, and the warm discrimination score was the lowest. There was no significant difference between age groups or gender groups. But, there was significant statistical differences manifested between different method of genioplasty, the time of exposure of IAN, the movement of distal bone fragment and the use of neurotrophic drugs. Conclusion: The accurate position of NSD after SSRO was the lower lip and the skin inside angulus
oris. Algesia sensation recovered first, and warm discriminateon recovered at last. Genioplasty, exposure of IAN, large movement of distal bone fragment were risk factors of NSD after SSRO. Nerve growth factor ( NGF) can accelerate the recovery of NSD after SSRO.
【作者单位】同济大学附属口腔医院口腔颌面外科,口腔生物医学及转化医学实验室,上海 200072;同济大学附属口腔医院口腔颌面外科,口腔生物医学及转化医学实验室,上海 200072;同济大学附属口腔医院口腔颌面外科,口腔生物医学及转化医学实验室,上海 200072;同济大学附属口腔医院口腔颌面外科,口腔生物医学及转化医学实验室,上海 200072;同济大学附属口腔医院口腔颌面外科,口腔生物医学及转化医学实验室,上海 200072;同济大学附属口腔医院口腔颌面外科,口腔生物医学及转化医学实验室,上海 200072
1.下颌支矢状骨劈开截骨术对下牙槽神经感觉功能的影响 [J], 康非吾
2.下颌管定位与下颌支矢状骨劈开术后感觉神经障碍相关性的临床观察 [J], 马嘉;张扬;卢利
3.下颌支矢状劈开截骨术后下唇感觉功能障碍对生活质量的影响 [J], 袁灏;沈国芳;王旭东
4.下颌支矢状劈开截骨术后下唇感觉功能障碍及其恢复 [J], 袁灏;沈国芳;王旭东
5.下颌支矢状劈开截骨后退术后下唇感觉功能障碍的影响因素 [J], 袁灏;沈国芳;王旭东
