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我妈妈的一天英语作文包含有一般疑问句My Mother's Day
Do you ever wonder what your mom does all day? Well, let me tell you about my mom's typical day. It's a long one, and she works really hard. Are you ready? Here we go!
My mom's day starts bright and early, around 6 am. She gets up before anyone else in our house. The first thing she does is make a cup of hot tea. She says it helps wake her up. Doesn't coffee wake grown-ups up? I don't understand why she drinks tea instead.
After her tea, Mom goes to the kitchen and starts making our lunches for school. She makes my lunch, my little brother's lunch, and even packs a lunch for Dad to take to work. She's amazing at fitting everything into those little lunch boxes! How does she do that?
By 7 am, my brother and I are awake, and Mom has to make us breakfast. She cooks eggs, toasts bread, and cuts up fruit. We're not allowed to just eat junk food or sugary cereals for breakfast. Don't you wish you could eat Lucky Charms or Cinnamon Toast Crunch every morning? I know I do!
After we've eaten, Mom makes sure we brush our teeth, get dressed, pack our backpacks, and get ready for school. She has to nag us a lot to keep us on track. "Hurry up! You're going to miss the bus!" she'll say. Don't your parents do that too?
At 8 am, we're out the door and on our way to school. Mom hugs us goodbye and heads back inside. But her work isn't done yet!
Now it's time for Mom to clean the house. She vacuums the floors, dusts the furniture, and does loads and loads of laundry. Our family makes a lot of dirty clothes! I don't know how she manages to wash, dry, and fold it all. The laundry room looks like a tornado hit it when she's working in there.
Around 11 am, Mom has a break. She'll sit down, drink a cup of coffee, and watch a little TV or read a book. This is the only break she gets all day, so she has to make the most of it. Can you imagine only getting one short break like that every day? I can't!
At noon, Mom makes herself a quick lunch, usually a salad or a sandwich. Then it's right back to work! She cleans the bathrooms, scrubbing the toilets, tubs, and sinks. I'm glad I don't have to do that - it's so gross! Do your parents make you clean bathrooms?
In the early afternoon, if it's a nice day, Mom will go outside and work in our garden. We have a little vegetable patch and some flower beds that she takes care of. She pulls weeds, waters the plants, and puts down new mulch when needed. Getting outside for some fresh air is important during her busy day.
Around 3 pm, my brother and I get home from school. Mom helps us with our homework, packs a snack for us, and makes sure we finish our chores and practice our musical instruments. She runs back and forth, keeping us on schedule. "Have you finished your math problems yet?" "Did you practice piano for 30 minutes?" "Don't forget to fold your laundry!" She's like a drill sergeant!
When Dad gets home from work at 6 pm, Mom starts cooking dinner. She's an excellent cook and always makes healthy, delicious meals. While we're eating, she'll ask us questions about our days. "How was school today?" "Did you learn anything interesting?" "How did your test go?" She listens to what we say and helps us if we have any problems.
After dinner, the family may watch a little TV together, or we'll play a game. I love game nights! Do you have those at your house too? Before we know it, it's time for bed. Mom gets us ready with baths and pajamas. She tucks us in, reads us bedtime
stories, and makes sure we've brushed our teeth properly. I'll miss having her do that when I'm all grown up.
Finally, around 9 or 10 pm, the house is quiet and Mom gets a little time to herself. She'll do a load of dishes from dinner, lay out our clothes for the next day, and get ready for bed. Whew! What an exhausting day she's had.
Don't you wish you could thank your mom for all her hard work? I try to every day. She really is a super mom! I don't know how she does it all. What do you think the hardest part of her day is? For me, I think it's keeping my brother and me on schedule and getting us wherever we need to go. Having two kids to take care of can't be easy.
So that's a peek into my mom's typical day. She works from before the sun comes up until after it goes down again. Moms are amazing, aren't they? I hope one day, when I'm all grown up, I can be just as good of a parent as my mom is. She sets the bar pretty high!。
