2012年期末11级C口语考题 2

11级期末考试试题样板哈尔滨理⼯⼤学荣成学院Array 2012-2013学年第⼀学期末考试样题考试科⽬:⼤学英语3考试时间:100分钟试卷总分:100分考试班级:11级专科Part I Listening Comprehension (20%)Section A Short Conversations (10×1′=10′) 听⼒课本Unit 1-7testing your ears Task 1Directions:You will hear 10 short conversations. After each conversation, there will be a question. The conversations and questions will be spoken only once.1. A. I like it very much. B. I’m sorry.C. Work.D. I’m going home.2. A. It’s easy. B. No, I don’t.C. Yes, I am.D. I’m a nurse.3. A. I want to do well in it. B. I’m not feeling well.C. I don’t like it.D. I’m tired.4. A. We all like him. B. He is the oldest among us.C. He works the hardest of all.D. He gets up early.5. A. Because I enjoy study. B. Because I like being with children.C. Because I love all the teachers.D. Because I do well in English.6……10.Section B Passage (5×1′=5′) 听⼒课本testing your ears Task 4 Directions: You will hear a passage. After the passage you will hear five questions. The passage and the questions will be spoken only once.11. A. Because the e-mail address is wrong. B. Because she hasn’t prepared the letter wellC. Because nobody told her to do it.D. Because she couldn’t get on-line.12. A. Business information. B. If a number is busy.C. Phone numbers of some businesses.D. Where the business is.13. A. He doesn’t care about the result. B. He doesn’t want to cause trouble.C. He prefers to find out by himself.D. He wants to know about the result.14. A. V olleyball. B. Ping-pong.C. Tennis.D. Football.15. A. For two hours. B. For two hours and a half.C. For three hours.D. For three hours and a half.Section C Dictation (5×1′=5′) 注意:此部分试题请在答题纸上作答。

2012年上半年11级第2学期口语考试复习范围口语考试由三部分组成:课文朗读(30%)+ 简单题(30%)+ 话题(40%),请同学们认真备考!第一部分:课文朗读(30%)Unit 11-1 Americans believe no one stands still. If you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind. This attitude results in a nation of people committed to researching, experimenting and exploring. Time is one of the two elements that Americans save carefully, the other being labor.1-2 "We are slaves to nothing but the clock," it has been said. Time is treated as if it were something almost real. We budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it; we also charge for it. It is a precious resource. Many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each lifetime. Once the sands have run out of a person's hourglass, they cannot be replaced. We want every minute to count.1-3 A foreigner's first impression of the US is likely to be that everyone is in a rush—often under pressure. City people always appear to be hurrying to get where they are going, restlessly seeking attention in a store, or elbowing others as they try to complete their shopping. Racing through daytime meals is part of the pace of life in this country. Working time is considered precious. Others in public eating-places are waiting for you to finish so they, too, can be served and get back to work within the time allowed. You also find drivers will be abrupt and people will push past you. You will miss smiles, brief conversations, and small exchanges with strangers. Don't take it personally. This is because people value time highly, and they resent someone else "wasting" it beyond a certain appropriate point.1-4 Many new arrivals in the States will miss the opening exchanges of a business call, for example. They will miss the ritual interaction that goes with a welcoming cup of tea or coffee that may be a convention in their own country. They may miss leisurely business chats in a restaurant or coffee house. Normally, Americans do not assess their visitors in such relaxed surroundings over extended small talk; much less do they take them out for dinner, or around on the golf course while they develop a sense of trust. Since we generally assess and probe professionally rather than socially, we start talking business very quickly. Time is, therefore, always ticking in our inner ear.1-5 Consequently, we work hard at the task of saving time. We produce a steady flow of labor-saving devices; we communicate rapidly through faxes, phone calls or emails rather than through personal contacts, which though pleasant, take longer—especially given our traffic-filled streets. We, therefore, save most personal visiting for after-work hours or for social weekend gatherings.1-6 To us the impersonality of electronic communication has little or no relation to the significance of the matter at hand. In some countries no major business is conducted without eye contact, requiring face-to-face conversation. In America, too, a final agreement will normally besigned in person. However, people are meeting increasingly on television screens, conducting "teleconferences" to settle problems not only in this country but also—by satellite—internationally.1-7 The US is definitely a telephone country. Almost everyone uses the telephone to conduct business, to chat with friends, to make or break social appointments, to say "Thank you", to shop and to obtain all kinds of information. Telephones save the feet and endless amounts of time. This is due partly to the fact that the telephone service is superb here, whereas the postal service is less efficient.1-8 Some new arrivals will come from cultures where it is considered impolite to work too quickly. Unless a certain amount of time is allowed to elapse, it seems in their eyes as if the task being considered were insignificant, not worthy of proper respect. Assignments are, consequently, given added weight by the passage of time. In the US, however, it is taken as a sign of skillfulness or being competent to solve a problem, or fulfill a job successfully, with speed. Usually, the more important a task is, the more capital, energy, and attention will be poured into it in order to "get it moving".Unit 22-1 Nikolai Petrovich Anikin was not half as intimidating as I had imagined he would be. No, this surely was not the ex-Soviet coach my father had shipped me out to meet.2-2 But Nikolai he was, Petrovich and all. He invited me inside and sat down on the couch, patting the blanket next to him to get me to sit next to him. I was so nervous in his presence.2-3 "You are young," he began in his Russian-style English. "If you like to try for Olympic Games, I guess you will be able to do this. Nagano Olympics too soon for you, but for 2002 in Salt Lake City, you could be ready."2-4 "Yes, why not?" he replied to the shocked look on my face. I was a promising amateur skier, but by no means the top skier in the country. "Of course, there will be many hard training sessions, and you will cry, but you will improve."2-5 To be sure, there were countless training sessions full of pain and more than a few tears, but in the five years that followed I could always count on being encouraged by Nikolai's amusing stories and sense of humor.2-6 "My friends, they go in the movies, they go in the dance, they go out with girls," he would start. "But I," he would continue, lowering his voice, "I am practice, practice, practice in the stadium. And by the next year, I had cut 1-1/2 minutes off my time in the 15-kilometer race!2-7 "My friends asked me, 'Nikolai, how did you do it?' And I replied, 'You go in the movies, you go in the dance, you go out with girls, but I am practice, practice, practice.' "2-8 Here the story usually ended, but on one occasion, which we later learned was his 25th wedding anniversary, he stood proudly in a worn woolen sweater and smiled and whispered, "And I tell you, I am 26 years old before I ever kiss a girl! She was the woman I later marry."2-9 Romantic and otherwise, Nikolai knew love. His consistent good humor, quiet gratitude, perceptivity, and sincerity set an Olympic standard for love that I continue to reach for, even though my skiing days are over.2-10 Still, he never babied me. One February day I had a massive headache and felt quite fatigued. I came upon him in a clearing, and after approximately 15 minutes of striding into the cold breeze over the white powder to catch him, I fussed, "Oh, Nikolai, I feel like I am going to die."2-11 "When you are a hundred years old, everybody dies," he said, indifferent to my pain. "But now," he continued firmly. "Now must be ski, ski, ski."2-12 And, on skis, I did what he said. On other matters, though, I was rebellious. Once, he packed 10 of us into a Finnish bachelor's> tiny home for a low-budget ski camp. We awoke the first morning to find Nikolai making breakfast and then made quick work with our spoons while sitting on makeshift chairs around a tiny card table. When we were finished, Nikolai stacked the sticky bowls in front of my sole female teammate and me, asserting, "Now, girls do dishes!"2-13 I threw my napkin on the floor and swore at him, "Ask the damn boys! This is unfair." He never asked this of me again, nor did he take much notice of my outburst. He saved his passion for skiing.2-14 When coaching, he would sing out his instructions keeping rhythm with our stride: "Yes, yes, one-two-three, one-two-three." A dear lady friend of my grandfather, after viewing a copy of a video of me training with Nikolai, asked, "Does he also teach dance?"2-15 In training, I worked without rest to correct mistakes that Nikolai pointed out and I asked after each pass if it was better.2-16 "Yes, it's OK. But the faster knee down, the better."2-17 "But is it fast enough?" I'd persist.2-18 Finally he would frown and say, "Billion times you make motion —then be perfect," reminding me in an I've-told-you-a-billion-times tone, "You must be patient."2-19 Nikolai's patience and my hard work earned me a fourth-place national ranking heading into the pre-Olympic season, <p29>but then I missed the cut for the 2002 Olympics.2-20 Last summer, I returned to visit Nikolai. He made me tea... and did the dishes! We talked while sitting on his couch. Missing the Olympic Team the previous year had made me pause and reflect on what I had gained—not the least of which was a quiet, indissoluble bond with a short man in a tropical shirt.2-21 Nikolai taught me to have the courage, heart, and discipline to persist, even if it takes a billion tries. He taught me to be thankful in advance for a century of life on earth, and to remind myself every day that despite the challenges at hand, "Now must be love, love, love."Unit 44-1 Six minutes to six, said the digital clock over the information desk in Grand Central Station. John Blandford, a tall young army officer, focused his eyesight on the clock to note the exact time. In six minutes he would see the woman who had filled a special place in his life for the past thirteen months, a woman he had never seen, yet whose written words had been with him and had given him strength without fail.4-2 Soon after he volunteered for military service, he had received a book from this woman. A letter, which wished him courage and safety, came with the book. He discovered that many of his friends, also in the army, had received the identical book from the woman, Hollis Meynell. And while they all got strength from it, and appreciated her support of their cause, John Blandford was the only person to write Ms. Meynell back. On the day of his departure, to a destination overseas where he would fight in the war, he received her reply. Aboard the cargo ship that was taking him into enemy territory, he stood on the deck and read her letter to him again and again.4-3 For thirteen months, she had faithfully written to him. When his letters did not arrive, she wrote anyway, without decrease. During the difficult days of war, her letters nourished him and gave him courage. As long as he received letters from her, he felt as though he could survive. After a short time, he believed he loved her, and she loved him. It was as if fate had brought them together.4-4 But when he asked her for a photo, she declined his request. She explained her objection:"If your feelings for me have any reality, any honest basis, what I look like won't matter. Suppose I'm beautiful. I'd always be bothered by the feeling that you loved me for my beauty, and that kind of love would disgust me. Suppose I'm plain. Then I'd always fear you were writing to me only because you were lonely and had no one else. Either way, I would forbid myself from loving you. When you come to New York and you see me, then you can make your decision. Remember, both of us are free to stop or to go on after that—if that's what we choose ..."4-5 One minute to six ... Blandford's heart leaped.4-6 A young woman was coming toward him, and he felt a connection with her right away. Her figure was long and thin, her spectacular golden hair lay back in curls from her small ears. Her eyes were blue flowers; her lips had a gentle firmness. In her fancy green suit she was like springtime come alive.4-7 He started toward her, entirely forgetting to notice that she wasn't wearing a rose, and as he moved, a small, warm smile formed on her lips.4-8 "Going my way, soldier?" she asked.4-9 Uncontrollably, he made one step closer to her. Then he saw Hollis Meynell.4-10 She was standing almost directly behind the girl, a woman well past forty, and a fossil to his young eyes, her hair sporting patches of gray. She was more than fat; her thick legs shook as they moved. But she wore a red rose on her brown coat.4-11 The girl in the green suit was walking quickly away and soon vanished into the fog. Blandford felt as though his heart was being compressed into a small cement ball, so strong was his desire to follow the girl, yet so deep was his longing for the woman whose spirit had truly companioned and brought warmth to his own; and there she stood. Her pale, fat face was gentle and intelligent; he could see that now. Her gray eyes had a warm, kindly look.4-12 Blandford resisted the urge to follow the younger woman, though it was not easy to do so. His fingers held the book she had sent to him before he went off to the war, which was to identify him to Hollis Meynell. This would not be love. However, it would be something precious, something perhaps even less common than love—a friendship for which he had been, and would always be, thankful.4-13 He held the book out toward the woman.4-14 "I'm John Blandford, and you—you are Ms. Meynell. I'm so glad you could meet me. May I take you to dinner?" The woman smiled. "I don't know what this is all about, son," she answered. "That young lady in the green suit—the one who just went by—begged me to wear this rose on my coat. And she said that if you asked me to go out with you, I should tell you that she's waiting for you in that big restaurant near the highway. She said it was some kind of a test."Unit 66-1 For her first twenty-four years, she'd been known as Debbie—a name that didn't suit her good looks and elegant manner. "My name has always made me think I should be a cook," she complained. "I just don't feel like a Debbie."6-2 One day, while filling out an application form for a publishing job, the young woman impulsively substituted her middle name, Lynne, for her first name Debbie. "That was the smartest thing I ever did," she says now." As soon as I stopped calling myself Debbie, I felt more comfortable with myself... and other people started to take me more seriously." Two years after her successful job interview, the former waitress is now a successful magazine editor. Friends and associates call her Lynne.6-3 Naturally, the name change didn't cause Debbie/Lynne's professional achievement—but it surely helped if only by adding a bit of self-confidence to her talents .Social scientists say that what you're called can affect your life. Throughout history, names have not merely identified people but also described them. "As his name is, so is he." says the Bible, and Webster's Dictionary includes the following definition of name: "a word or words expressing some quality considered characteristic or descriptive of a person or a thing, often expressing approval or disapproval". Note well "approval or disapproval". For better or worse, qualities such as friendliness or reserve,plainness or charm may be suggested by your name and conveyed to other people before they even meet you.6-4 Names become attached to specific images, as anyone who's been called "a plain Jane" or "just an average Joe" can show. The latter name particularly bothers me since my name is Joe,which some think makes me more qualified to be a baseball player than, say, an art critic. Yet, despite this disadvantage, I did manage to become an art critic for a time. Even so, one prominent magazine consistently refused to print "Joe" in my by-line, using my first initials, J. S., instead. I suspect that if I were a more refined Arthur or Adrian, the name would have appeared complete.6-5 Of course, names with a positive sense can work for you and even encourage new acquaintances. A recent survey showed that American men thought Susan to be the most attractive female name, while women believed Richard and David were the most attractive for men. One woman I know turned down a blind date with a man named Harry because "he sounded dull". Several evenings later, she came up to me at a party, pressing for an introduction to a very impressive man; they'd been exchanging glances all evening. "Oh," I said. "You mean Harry." She was ill at ease.6-6 Though most of us would like to think ourselves free from such prejudiced notions, we're all guilty of name stereotyping to some extent. Confess: Wouldn't you be surprised to meet a carpenter named Nigel? A physicist named Bertha? A Pope Mel? Often, we project name-based stereotypes on people, as one woman friend discovered while taking charge of a nursery school's group of four-year-olds. "There I was, trying to get a little active boy named Julian to sit quietly and read a book—and pushing a thoughtful creature named Rory to play ball. I had their personalities confused because of their names!"6-7 Apparently, such prejudices can affect classroom achievement as well. In a study conducted by Herbert Harari of San Diego State University, and John McDavid of Georgia State University, teachers gave consistently lower grades on essays apparently written by boys named Elmer and Hubert than they awarded to the same papers when the writers' names were given as Michael and David. However, teacher prejudice isn't the only source of classroom difference. Thomas V. Busse and Louisa Seraydarian of Temple University found those girls with names such as Linda, Diane, Barbara, Carol, and Cindy performed better on objectively graded IQ and achievement tests than did girls with less appealing names. (A companion study showed girls' popularity with their peers was also related to the popularity of their names ―although the connection was less clear for boys.)6-8 Though your parents probably meant your name to last a lifetime, remember that when they picked it they'd hardly met you, and the hopes and dreams they valued when they chose it may not match yours. If your name no longer seems to fit you, don't despair; you aren't stuck with the label. Movie stars regularly change their names, and with some determination, you can, too.第二部分:简答题(30%)1. How do you understand “Once the sands have run out of a person’s hourglass, they can not be replaced”?2. Do you prefer a slow pace of life or a fast pace? Give your reasons.3. Try to describe the writer’s coach Nikolai in your own words.4. How do you understand love?5. What do you think of Hollis Meynell?6. Do you think love needs testing? Give your reasons.7. Do you think a person’s name is associated with his or her success? Give your reasons.8. Do you like your own name? Why or why not?第三部分:话题(40%)1. What do you think is the most difficult when learning English?2. If a student is afraid of speaking English in public, what advice will you give him or her?3. What do you think of your learning ability here in university? Support your conclusion.4. Why are some students crazy about the Internet games?5. Do you prefer on-line shopping or in-store shopping? Why?6. Which do you think is more important to a person, wealth or health? Why?7. What do you think can be done for the elderly if their children do not live with them?8. How do you spend your weekends?9. What qualifications do you expect of a good teacher?10. Tell us something interesting about your hometown.。

1.What pressure are you experiencing in university? What do youusually do to reduce your stress?2.How do you like university life? Which aspect of university life doyou find most interesting (stimulating/ challenging/ exciting/ enjoyable)?3.Which festival do you like most? When is that? What will you doduring this festival? Is the festival nowadays the same with 10 years ago?4.Do you often log on the Internet? What do you usually do online? Doyou think the Internet will be used more extensively in your life?Explain why.5.What role do you think school education plays in one’s success?6.Do you think mastering a foreign language is a great help to yourwork and study? Why or why not?7.What are the differences between the city and village? What are theiradvantages and disadvantages? Would you like to live in the city or the village? Why?8.How do you think of the college students doing part- time jobs? Whatare the advantages and disadvantages? Did you do some part- time jobs? How do you think about your experience of doing it?9.How do you think about the environment around you? Is theenvironment polluted? What are the reasons for the pollution? How to solve this problem in your opinion?10.What sports do most young people go in for? Why do people need toplay sports?评分细则:1)语音语调 30%26-30 语音标准,语速适中,单词、词组、意群轻重音无误,发音清晰流畅 16-25 语音基本标准,偶有部分元音、辅音发音不全,轻重音时有错误,语意表达清楚完全06-15 语音错误较为严重,无法准确断句及分清单词、词组重音,语句间停顿时间较长,只能表达清楚演讲的部分内容00-05 只能断断续续说出几个单词2)句型语法 20%16-20 句式准确,时态、词格、主谓搭配、名词单复数等使用无误。

2012-2013学年第二学期11级口语考试Oral Exam QuestionsDirections: Choose any one of the following topics and prepare a talk on it for 3 minutes individually or make a dialogue on it with a partner for 5 minutes.1.What would be your ideal job in the future? Why would you like tochoose it? Please illustrate the reasons.2.How should students cope with the stress they may experience whilestudying at school? For example: academic pressure, financial pressure, job-hunting pressure and emotional pressure…3.Have you noticed any gender difference in the university or in thesociety? Please give us an example and your comments.4.What does home mean to you? Could you give some comments on“N o place like home” and examples to support your idea?5.In your mind, what qualities should successful people possess? Canyou take someone as an example?6.Have you ever experienced any difficult time in your life? Please saysomething about it.7.Decribe your great strength or weakness with some examples.8.What is your motto in life?Please explain it.9.Please list the major factors that people usually consider in choosing acareer and order them from the most important to the least.10.What are some of the things that come to your mind when we talkabout healthy lifestyles? Make a list of healthy lifestyles.评分细则:总分为100分,其中内容30%,句型与词汇20%,语音语调30%,流利程度20%。

口语考试题目:1.What do you think university students can do to manage their time thebest?As a university student, we should not only learn many theory courses in class but also should join in many outdoor activities to strengthen our ability of practice. First of all,we should have a clear goal in mind.Because only we do have a plan in mind then we can do our things orderly and efficiently.then,we should do our things properly according to the impotance of your routes.And there is no doubt that the most important thing for our university students is to do our study well.Then we can join in clubs or students union according to our own interest.2.What is the most important achievement for Chinese people in hosting2008 Olympic Games? Why?Different social roles has its own expectations, are made from their own social roles in which the requirements of the Olympic Games or claim, expect to achieve their goals. Therefore, certain social roles is the biggest harvest of results, not necessarily the largest role in some social gains. People always maximize their own interests to identify, evaluate the results of events, "the greatest harvest" is difficult to form a unified understanding.But in my heart the people of Beijing Olympic Games has left the world a dynamic, reform and opening up, ethnic harmony and peaceful development of the national image, leaving a healthy and promising,hospitality, civility, politeness, dedicated national image and win the world people today agree that China's development, and this is one of the greatest achievements of the Chinese3.Please list the advantages and disadvantages of marrying aforeigner.I think the advantage is that foreigners in general quality of the high points, but they are more adept at communicating, not because a small or a small misunderstanding and quarrel. Furthermore, a very practical thing that the legal rights of residence in foreign countries. Others have included medical, health, insurance, welfare advantages are more attractive.With your disadvantages of different cultures, so when the inevitable communication barriers Furthermore you are not familiar with the environment of foreign countries, if they lose them you will feel a loss. Finally, the case of children and their parents should also be a big problem.4. Should romantic relation among university students be encouraged? Why or why not?As to the love of university students,I stay neutral on this problem.On one hand ,almost all of our college students are adults so we have the freedom to try our romance life. As we all know,love is an important part of oneperson’s life ,it’s not a bad thing for us to experience what is love.what’s more,if we could deal with our love in a good way.It is possible that love can be good for our study.While,on the other hand if we want to fall in love with somebody for we feel lonely or envy others’ love.Then I think it’s unnecessary for us to begin it.In my opinion ,we won’t lose the feeling of lonely for we have a girlfriend or boyfriend.5. How can parents and children improve their mutual(相互)understanding?With the development of modern technology,the space where we live is becoming smaller and smaller.But at the same time,the distance between our heart is becoming bigger and bigger in one way.For example,the problem of mutual understanding between children and parents.To improve their mutual understanding,I think ,firstly,parents should change their attitude towards children,they should respect children and treat them as a person who have the same personality as an adult.Then our parents should have a right outlook on life.They shouldn’t put pressure on children that they must get full marks in all examinations.Off course children should understanding their parents in many occasions.After all,they are not people who are born in the same age,so it is normal that they have many different values on many things.But we could enhance the understanding.6. Is there any connection between names and personalities? Pleaseillustrate.I think people’s names have great thing to do with their personalities.For example,if someone’s name sounds very expansive,then he maybe look very sunshine and passionate.And he can be outgoing.Another example is that if one person’s name is the same with a celebrity or and a very successful man,then his personality may like that person in some ways. 7. What are some of the constructive methods people use to deal with stress?As far as I am concerned,firstly, look inside. Try to figure out what is causing you to worry. Be specific. Then writing in a journal or talk to a friend about it can help you comfort your feeling. Secondly, analyze your situation. Find out what part of the situation is under your control. Access the problem to see whether the threat is real and whether you should worry about it. Maybe the problem is just a hypothetical situation. There are some other ways to relieve your stress, such as singing, shouting, dancing, and all other kinds of activities that you like doing. These can move your attention and reduce the anxiety.8.Please list the major factors that people usually consider in choosing a career and order them from the most important to the least.First, it must be because the work itself interests you, you love this work brings life to your lifestyle and the state;Next, choose a job, depending on the job can bring you added value, not just remuneration. To be really protected, can not rely on saving money, but increase the ability to rely on reserves. If you increase the reserve capacity, even if you want to leave you because of various changes in his job and the company is located, you can also find a new job immediately and continue in a new environment to protect their lives.Finally, you choose to take, "with whom to do. " Have the same values and work with people more likely to reach a tacit understanding and consensus, will work to become pleasant and relaxing, a lot less communication barriers. As a result, work efficiency and work quality will be greatly enhanced.9. What can society do to help the disabled?first of allI will teach them how to live by themselves .such as…..secondly be friendly to them and give my hand to them whenever neededand help them awake the courage to live happily .such as….thirdly communicate with them on scheduals and find out what they need most .such as…..10. What does war teach us? What can be done to avoid war?War tells us that fire will only lead to bloodshed and sorrow. We should learn to respect and to cherish, the world's most important is peace.To avoid war, the best way is to strengthen its own defense, asotherwise it will be like Iraq. The second is to increase their economy and raise national income, is to enhance the military power to promote economic. Third, to establish good diplomatic relations, so manycountries as possible Increase the contact between the economic,cultural and other aspects of more exchanges. But do not take theinitiative to challenge other countries to respect his country's cultural and religious beliefs, and strive to maintain world peace.。

2011级2011-2012学年第二学期期末口语考试题目:1, Is there any housework you don’t like doing? Did you do housework when you were a child? Do you think children should learn to do housework?2, What do you think makes happiness? What do you do to make yourself happy? What do you do to make people feel happy? Do you think money makes people happy?3.What’s your favorite color? Are colors important to you? Were colors important to you when you were a child? Is color very important to you when you are buying clothes? Do you prefer dark colors or bright colors? Why or why not? If you could change the color of your wall in the home, what color would you choose?4, How do you usually get your news? Do you prefer to read newspapers or watch TV to getyour news? What news topics are you most interested in watching/reading about? Do many people read newspaper today? Do you believe newspaper will disappear in the future?5. Please describe a positive change that you have made to your life. Y ou should say:What the change was;When it happened;Where it happened;and explain how you have benefited from this change.6. Please describe a restaurant you like (to go to). Y ou should say:Where this restaurant is;What type of food the restaurant has;What other characteristics it has;And explain why you like this restaurant.7. Please describe what you did last weekend. Y ou should say:What you did;Who you spent the weekend with;Whether you enjoyed the weekendAnd explain how last weekend has affected this week.8. Describe your favourite movie. Y ou should say:What is the name of the film;What is the theme of the film;Why do you like it.9. Describe a children’s game (sports not suggested). Y ou should say: How is it played?What can you learn from the game?What impact does it bring on your growth?10. Do you think pressure is always a bad thing? Why or why not?。

2011-2012Academci YearThe Final Spoken Test of the First SemesterPart II is compulsory work. Part I and Part III are optional ones, you may choose one of them.Part I.Paragraph recitationRequirements: You are required to recite one of the following paragraphs chosen by the teacher.1. I refused to turn my back on the friends who had made those early years bearable, even fun.I was popular, but I was still me! People respected me for this. At the same time I fit in pretty much everywhere. I told Kelly that she should try not to make herself feel better by putting others down, and left it at that. I’m glad that I changed my image, I’m glad that I went to the trouble to get rid of a “bad” reputation. I enjoyed grade ten more than any other school year and I learned that no reputation is written in stone. I changed my “Loser” image without changing who I was inside. If you want, you can do it too!2. It took me a long time and a lot of hard work but I finally returned to the University of Texas in the fall of 1983-----a year and a half after almost dying. The next few years in Austin were very difficult for me, but I truly believe that in order to see the beauty in life you have to experience some unpleasantness. Maybe I have experienced too much unpleasantness, but I believe in living each day to the fullest, and doing the very best I can. Nothing is impossible and never, never give up or quit.3. I often look back on our lunchtimes together, bathed in the soft midday light. They were the commas in my childhood, the pauses that told me life is not savored in pre-measured increments, but I the sum of daily rituals and small pleasures we casually share with loved ones. Over peanut-butter sandwiches and chocolate-chip cookies, I learned that love, first and foremost, means being there for the little things.A career is stimulating. I am glad I had one. But a career is like an open balloon. It remains inflated only as long as you keep pumping. A child is a seed. You water it. You care for it the best you can. And then it grows all by itself into a beautiful flower.4.It is one of life’s ironies that even when you are bored, dissatisfied, and stuck in a job that offers little joy or challenges, you hold on to it because you fear the unknown. But the clock is ticking, and if you are ever going to know the pleasure of the work you love, you have got to get moving.Most companies are not looking at age; they are looking at energy and experience. Go see a prospective employer armed with a great attitude, a sense of humor, and an excitement about the world around you and the doors will open.5. My parents moved to Vermont when I was still an infant and my father, a soft-spoken man,settled quietly into his medical practice in a small town there. He soon won the respect of the local people and everywhere I went, I was known as “Doctor Eppley’s son.” At first, I was delighted as I was well treated by my classmates and teachers because I had a respected father. However, things soon changed when I grew up. I got tired of being followed by my father’s good name and I wanted independence. I became very stubborn and rebellious and started to call my father by his first name, which hurt him a great deal. One day, however, something happened that changed my attitude completely.Part II. Self-introductionRequirements: You are required to present yourself at least with 70 words, or within one minute.Instructions: Introduce yourself from the following perspectives., hometown, your university’s name, your college2.your major, your major’s development in the future, your plan, your dream3.your hobby, your daily life in college……Part III. Pair workRequirements: You two are required to carry out a dialogue for 3 minutes based on any of the following topics.Instructions: Tell your partner about changes you want to make in your life. He or she makes some suggestions to you.Information for practice1.have more friends2.be more independent3.find a girlfriend/boyfriend4.buy a computer5.want to change the major……。

2012级第二学期英语口语考试题目:1. Discuss the difficulties you have in your English study. And you should be ready to find out some new learning methods to solve your problems, and improve your study habits in university.2. If you become the richest man or woman in China, what kind of life do you think you would live?3. Is there a generation gap between you and your parents? What do you think causes the generation gap? What can be done to solve the problem of it?4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet. Will the Internet isolate us from one another?5. Say something about “Father’s Day”.6. Say something about the Value of Time.7. Discuss the obstacles that you have been faced with in your life and the ways in which you overcame such difficulties.8. Are you doing part-time jobs? Why or why not? What would you do if you want to get apart- time job?9. Do you make and receive a lot of phone calls? Who do you call most often? What are good telephone manners?10. Have you had any unusual experiences? Have you read or heard about any unusual happenings? If yes, give an example.11.In recent years, fast food is very popular in China. What do you think of it? Do you like it?12.The invention of Internet has been considered as “A Double-edged Sword.” What comments do you have?13.Why do people love pets? What’s your favorite animal and why?14.What’s your favorite sport? Why?15.What do you think are the cultural differences between Chinese and American parenting?16.What do you think of advertising? Do you buy products because of advertising?17.What do you think is the biggest change in China over the past ten years?18.Does the world need more love like Mother Teresa’s or more money like Bill Gates?19. Say something about “Over-population.20.Would you like to work as a volunteer? If so, what kind of volunteer would you want to be? Why?。

11级读写教程讨论题目初稿:(共16个题目)1.The advantages and disadvantages of online learning2.Keys to successful online learning.3.How to improve your English at college?4.Reasons for Generation Gap and the solutions to the problem5.The most important thing you’ve learnt from your parents/friends/a stranger, and how did youlearn it. (A Story about Father or Mother.)6.What do you think is a “Good Heart”? How to cultivate a good heart?7.How to Make a Good Impression.8.How to make good use of body language?9.Does body language speak louder than words?10.What are the qualities of a good student at college? Give your reasons.11.Tips for becoming a good student at college.12.Tips on good test taking.13.Tips on successful major choosing.14.How to promote a healthy campus life? ( Lists of unhealthy campus life and examples ofhealthy campus life)15.Is Honesty out of Style? Give your reasons.ments on cheating on exams. (Reasons and solutions)可以在课上与学生讨论以上题目,为考试做准备。

1. Do you think man lives in harmony with nature now?No,I don't think man live in harmony with the nature. As we know, our living environment is becoming worse. In recent years, the weather is abnormal in our country. With the development of our economy, our environment has become more and more serious while this issue affects people’s work study and daily life.For example, the temperature is extreme in Fuzhou, very cold or very hot. It is surprise that sonwing appears in northern during the summer. What’s more, the southern happen a heavy snow but the northern is sunny. In addition, the sandstorm is a acute problem in the world. There are many phenomena of nature show the man being punished by nature. It seems like that we fall into a vicious circle, which makes our life becoming worse.So I don’t think man live in harmony with the nature.2. Can you give some examples to show environmental problems which are the consequences of man’ activities? According to you, what can we do to solve or to prevent the problems you have just mentioned?Nowadays, the relationship between man and nature is not as harmonies as before. Man’s unreasonable activities cause series of environmental problems, like acid rain, the greenhouse effect, soil erosion, droughts etc.In my view, we shouldn’t develop our economy at the expense of nature. We must take some active actions to protect our environment.First of all we’d better plan more trees, reduce waste. Secondly we have to reduce the number of vehicles in the streets of our cities。

Unit 2A andB are classmates in the same class. They are discussing about one of the following points:1. What subject do you like best? Why?2. What study habits seem to be common among successful students?Unit 3A andB are very close friends. They are discussing about one of the following points:1. What are the factors that contribute to a successful marriage?2. Why do people get divorced?Unit 4A andB are colleagues in a big company. They are discussing about one of the following points:1. Do yo u think one’s appearance i s important in finding a job? Why or why not?2. Tips about how to get a good job.Unit 6A andB are friends who both have aging parents. They are discussing one of the following topics:1. What do you think can be done to impro ve older people’s lives if their children do not live with them?2. What contribute to the phenomenon of empty nest(空巢现象)?Unit 7At a party, A and B are talking about the deterioration of our environment. Try to select one of the following topics:1. How has the climate changed in your memory? Has it become warmer or colder? Give some possible reasons for the change.2. What do you think of littering and spitting? What can we personally do to help protect the environment?Unit 9 Create a dialog with your partner on one of the following topics:1. Since 2008 Chinese people have five extended weekends(小长假), which makes some people out of joy. However, others do not welcome the idea and hold they are exhausted by holiday rush. What do you think of it?2. What’s the true meaning of celebrating festivals and holidays? Choose two or more holidays to illustrate your point.。

2011级口语考试实施细则212年5月16日1、考试简介:口试成绩占英语期末考试成绩的25%,即:学期总评成绩=(期末考试成绩X 75%+口试成绩X25%)X 70%+平时成绩X30%2、考试性质:考查学生的语音语调,测量学生就日常话题进行交谈和就所熟悉的主题进行口头交际的能力。
部分题型时间分值说明Part I 背诵2分钟30 考生背诵考官指定的课文段落Part II 问答2分钟30 考官发问、学生作答;Part III 会话2-3分钟40 考生抽签→准备→开始注明:Part I 为全新版综合教程第二册1-7课要求背诵的段落,可通知学生提前准备。
Part II的问答是老师从全新版综合教程第二册1-7单元题中选择某个单元的主题,围绕这个主题,要求学生即兴回答问题(可参考7套口语测试题,不向学生提供问题,学生无需准备。
)Part III 情景对话,选择《全新版大学英语听说教程2》1-13单元课文中的会话练习,可通知学生提前准备1-13课的情景对话,口语考试以学生抽签决定。
4、考试成绩评定考试评分标准有三项,即"语言的准确性" 、"话语的连贯性"和"语言交际是否积极主动"。

2011-2012学年度第二学期口语考试题目1. There are some people we admire a lot and we expect one day we could achieve success like them. Talk with your partner about a person you want to become one day. You could say who you want to become, what this person does, why you want to become a person like him/her and explain why this person influenced you this much.(Or: Talk with your partner about the person who influences you most. You could say who the person is, what this person does, and explain why he/she influences most)2. Today there is a tendency that some people, especiallywomen choose to sacrifice their career for their family.They think family is more important than career. Do you agree? Exchange ideas with your partner.3. Everyone may keep something for unforgettable memories. Talk with your partner about an old thing you keep. You could say what this old thing is; when you got it, what features it has and explain why you keep it until now.4. People can not survive without food. Nowadays some people prefer to have western food. What are the differences between western food and eastern food? Exchange ideas with your partner.5. Nowadays university students spend a lot of time online. Some of them are even becoming addicted to the internet. What are the benefits and drawbacks of internet? Exchange ideas with your partner.考生注意:1. 请在五个选题中随意抽取三个话题进行准备,考试时由主考老师抽取其中一个话题进行测试。

口试2-3分钟,脱稿1.Do you think man lives in harmony with nature now?2.Can you give some examples to show environmental problems which are the consequences of man’ activities? According to you, what can we do to solve or to prevent the problems you have just mentioned?3. How has technology make our life easier? Could you give some examples?4. Is the advance of technology always a good thing? How should we avoid its negative points?5. There are millions of students graduating from university every year. Most of them may go to work right afterwards, while others may delay their employment plan to further their education such as being engaged in postgraduate programs. In your opinion, which of the following choice is more rational—“work first and then postgraduate education, or vice versa?”6. Nowadays finding a job is not easy, which involves such factors as job hunters’experience, ability, diploma, personality and so on. As for the ability and diploma, which do you think plays the more important role in securing a job?7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “Literature can teach you a lot about real life.”8. Describe a book, a story or a movie you like most and its influence on your life.。

2012.11.2托福口语试题解析1. Is it important to have good manners in your interactions with other people? Give details and explanations to support your response.Yes, I believe it is important to be polite to other people. Good manners are a necessary part of interacting with other people. First, manners make it easier to communicate with people. If you are rude to people and interrupt them while they’re speaking, you may never actually hear what they want to communicate with you. For example, there is a boy in my class who continually interrupts my teacher when she is giving directions. He interrupts her so much, that he often doesn’t understand the directions she has given us and later he usually gets in trouble for not completing the assignment properly. In addition, continually interrupting people is annoying and tries other people’s patience. If you are rude and annoy them, they will probably avoid interacting with you. (Anna)2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to be a good teacher, one must have experience. Give specific details and explanations to support your response.There's a saying that goes something like, "Experience is the best teacher." I think there's a lot of wisdom in this. Now, this doesn't necessarily make inexperienced teachers bad; it just means that experience affords a lot of insight that you can't glean from your training alone. So Ido think that in order to be a good teacher, you need a decent amount of experience teaching. The biggest factor, I think, is that experienced teachers are more capable of commanding their students' respect which to me is a huge part of being able to teach effectively. You'll be less likely to feel intimidated by students if you're experienced, and you'll carry yourself more confidently and naturally. Students will respond to this and respect you. But newer teachers have a harder time earning their students' respect, and as a result students are less likely to pay attention to what these teachers say. The students' learning experience will suffer for it. (Richard)3.Passage一个letter关于教学楼内improvement proposal. 一是在每层楼多设power plug. 二是每层楼设打印机。

Please create a dialogue (about 3mins):
A is a northerner while B is a local. A is complaining to B aboutthe weather. He thinks the wet/rainy /humid winter brings great inconvenience to daily life.For instance, it will take days for the washing to dry out. B comforts him/her and givessuggestions to cope with theclimate.
Topic 1Ways of Learning
Please create a dialogue (about 3mins):
Topic 4 Stress
Please create a dialogue (about 3mins):
A complains to B that he is having great stress and gets angry easily. B tries to talk about the root of A’s anger and helps A to reduce stress.
Topic 6 Lifestyle of College Students

班级 姓名 考号密封线内不要答题;………………………………………………密…………………………封………………………线…………………………………郑州市科技工业学校2011-2012学年下期期末考试试卷《 11级英语 》学科(时间: 90 分钟)(请把选择题的答案写在答题纸上)一.词汇判断(每小题1分,共10分.下列每组单词中,只有一个单词符合所给汉语意思,找出这个单词并将其序号填入括号内) 1. 友谊( )A. familyB. friendC. friendshipD. fried 2. 母亲节( )A. ChristmasB. Mid-AutumnC. Father’s DayD. Mother’s Day 3. 天气( )A. weatherB. whetherC. writingD. winter 4. 季节( )A. reasonB. seasonC. sunnyD. spring 5. 重要的( )A. importantB. necessaryC. betterD. problem 6.信心n.( )A. confidentB. confidenceC. pityD. difficult 7.运动( )A. athleteB. gameC. sportsD. Olympics 8.铿锵玫瑰( )A. iron manB. medalC. rosesD. steel roses9.计算机( )A. e-mailB. InternetC. computerD. concept 10.麻烦n.( )A. disturbB. troubleC. downD. business 二.选词填空(每小题2分,共20分。
) 11. ( ) ---It is ________ hard now. ---It will ________ tomorrow.---We had a ________ summer last year. ①. rainy ②. raining ③.rainA. ①, ②, ③B.③, ②, ①C. ②, ① , ③D. ②, ③ , ① 12. ( ) We have many women star players,_____Deng Yaping,Guo Jingjing and so on.A. for exampleB. as an exampleC. such asD. example13. ( ) The more he learns, the ___________ (happy) he feels. A. happy B. happiest C. happily D. happier 14. ( ) Many people are_____ Bill Gates.A. as successful asB. not so successful asC. so successful asD. not so success as15. ( ) What___ you ___ (do) when our teacher saw you yesterday?A. are, doingB. were, doingC. did, doD.did, doing 16. ( ) The weather is getting _____ and _____.(cold) A. colder, colder B. cold, coldC. colder, coldD. cold, colder班级 姓名 考号密封线内不要答题;………………………………………………密…………………………封………………………线…………………………………17. ( ) When he arrived at the station,his ___already___(leave).A. had, leftB. have, leave C .had ,leave D. have, left18. ( ) The word “flower ”begins with ______ “f ”and endswith____ “r ”.A. a, a B .an, an C .an, a D. a, an 19. ( ) June 1st is _______ Children ’s Day. A. /, the B, /, / C. the, the D. the, /20. ( ) Paris is one of ____ most beautiful cities in ____world.A. /, theB. /, /C. the, theD. the, / 三.补充对话(每小题2分,共10分。
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Hi, students of 11 C Level!
Here are 5 situations for you to prepare for the final oral test. In the oral test, you are supposed to create a 3-5minute dialog with your partner based on one of the following situations (given to you at random by your teacher). Try to use the useful expressions you learnt from the Models in Book 3.
Situations for Band 3 Oral T est
Situation 1
Roles: A & B: are two close friends
Situation: A wants to have a party and tells B whom is going to be invited and asks B to suggest some more guests. B mentions John, who has just lost his job and is feeling low. B then mentions Julia, who has just moved to the city. B also mentions Cathy who has just come back from abroad. And B mentions more friends. A admits being forgetful always and complains about his/her bad memory. B then suggests some good ways to improve one’s memory. Finally A thanks B for his help. Situation 2
Roles: A & B: are two college students
Situation: A worries about his /her term paper and mentions ways of cheating, such as asking B to write a term paper for him/her, downloading articles from the Internet. B tells A that it’s not good to do so and states the reasons. A is also worried about the test at hand and asks B whether he/she can give some help during the test. B warns A against any forms of cheating but promises to help A to keep up with the course.
Situation 3
Roles: A: husband B: wife
Situation: Almost four years after the marriage the wife is pregnant, but she does not want the child and explains to her husband the reasons. The husband, however, is eager to be a father and tries to persuade his wife to give birth to a baby. At last, the wife agrees to have a baby.
Situation 4
Roles: A: a college graduate B: A’s former high school teacher
Situation: A has just graduated from university. One day, he/she meets his/her former high school teacher. The teacher asks him/her about his job situation. A seems upset and tells the teacher about his/her experience at the job market. And then A tells the teacher that maybe he/she will do something irrelevant to his major. The teacher doesn’t think it a good idea and states the reasons. Then the teacher suggests various kinds of ways to search for job information, encourages A not to be depressed and assures him/her that he/she will definitely find a suitable work.
Situation 5
Roles: A. & B: two advertisement designers.
Situation: A and B are two ad designers. They have just received an offer to design an ad on TV (a TV commercial) for a product (Notice: Make up one by yourself). They discuss about the target consumers, the reasons why people should buy the product and the selling techniques they will use. Later on they discuss the competitive market of advertisement industry, and decide on the price they will ask for.。