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1.What do you call the process of plants making their own food?
A. Digestion
B. Photosynthesis
C. Respiration
D. GerminationB
2.The ancient Maya civilization was known for its __________ (天文学) and calendar.
3.My _______ (猫) scratches the furniture.
4.The _______ (Apollo space missions) advanced human space exploration.
5. A __________ is a type of chemical bond formed by sharing electrons.
6.Roses grow in many _____ (颜色).
7.What is the name of the famous ocean that separates North America from Europe?
A. Atlantic
B. Pacific
C. Indian
D. ArcticA
8.What do we call a person who studies rocks?
A. Geologist
B. Biologist
C. Chemist
D. Astronomer
9.What do you call the study of the universe?
A. Astronomy
B. Cosmology
C. Astrophysics
D. Astrology
10.Fruits grow from ______ (花).
11.What is the shape of a basketball?
A. Square
B. Triangle
C. Circle
D. Oval
12.What is the capital of France?
A. Berlin
B. Madrid
C. Paris
D. Rome
13.Which season comes after spring?
A. Winter
B. Summer
C. Fall
D. AutumnB
14.The __________ is the amount of energy needed to change the temperature of a substance.
15.The _______ of a pendulum can be illustrated using a clock mechanism.
16.How many wheels does a bicycle have?
A. Two
B. Four
C. Three
D. FiveA
17.I love to ________ (参加) community events.
18.What do you call the season after summer?
A. Winter
B. Spring
C. Fall
D. Autumn
19. A cat's agility helps it catch ______ (猎物).
20.I love to ______ (阅读) books.
21.What is the capital of Guatemala?
A. Guatemala City
B. Antigua
C. Quetzaltenango
D. EscuintlaA
22.How many strings does a violin have?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7A
23.My sister enjoys learning new ____.
24.My grandmother has a __________ house. (舒适的)
25. A solar flare can disrupt communications on Earth and in ______.
26.My dad is a ______. He loves to build things.
27.The Rosetta Stone helped scholars understand ________ language.
28.I want to be a ______ when I grow up.
29.My dad is a strong __________ (榜样) for me.
30.What is the capital of Turkey?
A. Istanbul
B. Ankara
C. Izmir
D. AntalyaB
31.The monkey swung from ______ to ______.
32. A ____(reservation) is land set aside for indigenous peoples.
33.What is the name of the fairy tale character who wears a red cloak?
A. Cinderella
B. Little Red Riding Hood
C. Goldilocks
D. Snow WhiteB
34.The __________ helps some animals to glide through the air.
35.What do we call the melting of snow and ice?
A. Precipitation
B. Evaporation
C. Runoff
D. ThawingD
36. A solubility curve shows how the amount of solute affects _______.
37.The capital of Colombia is _____.
38.The _______ (蚂蚁) works hard with friends.
39.I find ________ (心理学) fascinating.
40.What type of animal is a shark?
A. Mammal
B. Reptile
C. Fish
D. AmphibianC
41.The __________ (历史的沉淀) enriches our culture.
42.The process of fermentation converts sugars into ______.
43.What do we call the natural process of breaking down rocks?
A. Erosion
B. Weathering
C. Deposition
D. SedimentationB
44.I like to collect ________ (贴纸) from different places.
45. A ____ is known for its long ears and loves to nibble on carrots.
46.What do we call the body of water that separates Europe and Asia?
A. Atlantic Ocean
B. Mediterranean Sea
C. Ural River
D. Caspian SeaD Caspian Sea
47.The element with atomic number is __________.
48.What do we call the day when we celebrate our birth?
A. Anniversary
B. Holiday
C. Birthday
D. Festival
49.The ______ is known for her unique fashion sense.
50.My uncle is great at _______ (名词). 他能 _______ (动词)很多事情.
51.The library has many _____ (books/chairs).
52.What is the capital of South Africa?
A. Pretoria
B. Cape Town
C. Johannesburg
D. DurbanA
53.What do you call the device used to look at distant objects?
A. Microscope
B. Telescope
C. Periscope
D. BinocularsB
54.We created an obstacle course with ________ (玩具车) in the backyard. It was a fun ________ (挑战).
55.The chemical formula for mercury(II) chloride is _____.
56.I have _____ (one/two) sister(s).
57.I like to collect ________ (硬币).
58. A __________ (果园) is filled with trees that bear fruit.
59.What do we call a story about someone's life?
A. Fiction
B. Biography
C. Novel
D. Fairy TaleB
60. (Globe) Theatre was associated with William Shakespeare. The ____
61.What do you call a group of cats?
A. Clowder
B. Pack
C. Flock
D. Pod
62.I feel ________ (放松) when I read a good book.
63.I like to collect ________ (邮票) from all over the world. Each one tells a different ________ (故事).
64.What is the name of the fairy tale character who fell asleep for 100 years?
A. Cinderella
B. Sleeping Beauty
C. Snow White
D. Belle
65.The ______ is a small, colorful insect that often flies around flowers.
66.ts can produce ______ (天然气体). Some pla
67.We are going to _____ (theater/zoo) this weekend.
68.What do we call a baby horse?
A. Foal
B. Calf
C. Kid
D. LambA
69. A substance that can accept protons is called a(n) _______.
70.What is the process of human growth called?
A. Development
B. Aging
C. Maturation
D. EvolutionA
71.What do we call the lines of latitude and longitude?
A. Grid
B. Network
C. Map
D. ChartA
72.Certain plants can be used to create natural ______ barriers in landscape design. (某些植物可以用于景观设计,创建自然屏障。
73.My friend is a big __________ of comics. (爱好者)
74.What do we call the imaginary line that divides the Earth into two halves?
A. Equator
B. Longitude
C. Latitude
D. MeridianA Equator
75.I have a special ________ that holds my dreams.
76.The largest mammal in the ocean is the ______.
77.The __________ (新兴城市) is rapidly growing.
78.What is the main source of energy for Earth?
A. The Moon
B. The Sun
C. The Stars
D. The WindB
79.The phase change from gas to liquid is called _____.
80.I like to collect ________ (玩具名称) from my favorite shows.
81.Which food is made from wheat and often eaten for breakfast?
A. Rice
B. Bread
C. Meat
D. FruitB
82.I like to watch the ________ (日出) in the morning.I like to watch the ________ bloom.
83.The sun is ___ in the afternoon. (setting)
84. A chemical reaction can be influenced by temperature, concentration, and _____.
85.What do you call the beginning of a story?
A. Middle
B. End
C. Introduction
D. ConclusionC
86.What do you call a young bear?
A. Cub
B. Pup
C. Kit
D. CalfA
87.What do you call a large body of salt water?
A. Lake
B. River
C. Ocean
D. Stream
88.What do you call the area where you can play sports?
A. Field
B. Playground
C. Court
D. ArenaA
89.Creating a compost pile can benefit your garden's ______ and soil health. (创建堆肥可以改善你花园的土壤质量和健康。
90.What is the main ingredient in guacamole?
A. Tomato
B. Avocado
C. Pepper
D. Onion
91.My ______ (哥哥) is learning to ride a bicycle. He is getting better every ______ (天).
92. A _______ can help to measure the temperature of a solid object.
93.The chemical formula for sodium acetate is _____.
94.The ______ is a talented writer.
95. A metal's ability to conduct electricity is called ______.
96.My grandma loves to _______ (动词) in her garden. 她的花园很 _______ (形容词).
97.What do we call the layer of gases surrounding the Earth?
A. Atmosphere
B. Biosphere
C. Hydrosphere
D. LithosphereA
98.The capital city of Vietnam is ________ (河内).
99.h Revolution began in __________ (1789) and led to the rise of democracy. The Fren
100.The flowers bloom in ________ (春天).。