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1.The movie starts at ________.
2.I see ________ in the water.
3.What is the main ingredient in bread?
A. Rice
B. Flour
C. Sugar
D. Salt答案:B
4.The first humans are believed to have lived in _______. (非洲)
5.My _____ (朋友) is coming over.
6.My uncle is a talented __________ (写作者).
7.I have a ________ that I keep my toys in.
8.The capital of Croatia is ________ (萨格勒布).
9.Chlorine is used to ______ water.
10. A __________ is a place that is protected by law.
11.I have _____ (three/four) pets.
12.The antelope runs very ________________ (快).
13.The first successful vaccine for rabies was developed by ______ (巴斯德).
14.The mouse runs very ______.
15.My favorite book is about _______ (主题). It teaches me many _______ (名词).
16.We play _____ (soccer) on Sundays.
17. A precipitate is a solid that forms during a _____ reaction.
18.The elephant is the largest ________.
19.The chemical symbol for chromium is ______.
20.What is the name of the famous ancient city in Mexico?
A. Machu Picchu
B. Teotihuacan
C. Chichen Itza
D. Tulum答案: C
21. A solution is made when a solute is dissolved in a _____.
22.The ________ (热带气候) supports diverse wildlife.
23.My favorite sport is __________, and I play it __________.
24. A solid has a __________ shape.
25. A solid has a ______ shape.
26.The stars are _____ in the night sky. (twinkling)
27.The _____ (松树) stays green all year.
28._____ (herbivore) animals eat plants.
29.My grandpa tells __________ (有趣的) jokes.
30.The ________ has a long tail and likes to swing.
31.She is wearing a ___ (yellow/blue) hat.
32.The ______ (小鹿) bounds gracefully through the ______ (林间空地).
33. A ______ is a structured approach to inquiry.
34.The speed of sound is faster than the speed of _______.
35.We will have a ________ (聚会) for the holidays.
36.I like to go ________ (骑行) on my bike.
37.Sediments can be carried away by wind and __________.
38.Electricity can flow through a ______.
39.My dog enjoys playing with other ______ (狗).
40.What is the name of the famous American author known for "Moby Dick"?
A. Mark Twain
B. Herman Melville
C. Nathaniel Hawthorne
D. Edgar Allan Poe答案: B
41.What do we call a young flamingo?
A. Chick
B. Calf
C. Kit
D. Fawn答案:A.Chick
42.The _____ (apple) tree provides shade and fruit.
43. A _______ is a liquid that can dissolve other substances.
44.The ancient Greeks are famous for their _____ and philosophy.
45.My favorite sport is ______ (美式足球).
46.The ______ (松鼠) has a fluffy tail.
47.How many legs does a spider have?
A. Six
B. Eight
C. Ten
D. Twelve答案:B
48.What is the weather like when it snows?
A. Hot
B. Cold
C. Humid
D. Sunny答案:B
49.The __________ is a famous mountain in the United States. (洛基山)
50.The stars are ________ (明亮的).
51.Lions live in _______ (群体).
52.I think it’s fun to try ________ (新食物).
53.The ancient Romans used _______ to build their roads. (石头)
54.The capital city of UAE is _____.
55.What do you call the baby of a kangaroo?
A. Cub
B. Joey
C. Calf
D. Kit答案:B
56.The symbol for copper is _____.
57.Which animal can fly?
A. Elephant
B. Kangaroo
C. Eagle
D. Turtle答案: C
58.The Earth's surface features are influenced by both ______ and erosion.
59.My favorite snack is ______ (饼干). I like to eat it with ______ (牛奶).
60.The __________ was a period of exploration and colonization. (大航海时代)
61.Understanding a plant's ______ helps in its proper care. (了解植物的需求有助于正确照顾它。

62.In conclusion, my favorite season is ______ because it brings joy and happiness. I look forward to it every year!
anic compounds contain carbon and ______.
64. Plains were home to many Native American ______ (部落). The Grea
65.The chemical symbol for osmium is _____.
66.The wind makes everything feel ______ (凉爽).
67.My family goes hiking in the ______.
68.The capital of Honduras is __________.
69.I love my . (我爱我的。

70. A flower can be a _______ for a special occasion.
71. A ____ is a gentle creature that enjoys being around people.
72.The cat naps in the ____.
73.What do we call a movie that tells a story through moving pictures?
A. Documentary
B. Animation
C. Film
D. Theater答案:C
74.I like to visit the ______ (动物园) to see a variety of animals.
75. A _____ (30) is an area with high elevation.
76.The __________ (历史的展望) can inspire hope.
77.My _____ (姑姑) gave me a beautiful plant for my birthday. 我的姑姑在我生日时送了我一盆美丽的植物。

78.An atom's mass number is the sum of its _____ and neutrons.
79.The chemical formula for potassium nitrate is _______.
80._____ (土地使用) affects local ecosystems.
81. A neutron has no electric _______.
82. A _____ (植物保育计划) can restore habitats for wildlife.
83.In which country is the Eiffel Tower located? __________. (法国)
84.The __________ (历史的创造力) fuels innovation.
85.During break time, I enjoy playing ______ (捉迷藏) with my classmates. It’s always a good laugh.
86.The hippo spends most of its time in the _________. (水)
87.On weekends, my family goes to the ______ (农场) to see the animals. My favorite animal is the ______ (小羊).
88. A substance that cannot be broken down is called an ______.
89. A molecule with two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom is called ______.
90. A non-polar solvent is used to dissolve ______ substances.
91.The _____ (房屋) is two stories high.
92.The raccoon is very ___ (clever).
93.We have a ________ (class) project to do.
94.The ________ is a small creature that loves to play.
95.I am learning how to ________ (游泳) this summer.
96.The river is ______ (calm) and clear.
97.I saw a _______ (小鸟) perched on a tree.
98.My brother has a _____ of marbles. (bag)
99.The discovery of ________ has transformed our approach to health care.
100.The _____ (植物变化) can signal environmental shifts.。
