九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems Reading(1)课件 (新版)牛津版




2018年秋九年级英语上册Unit 3 Teenage problems Period 2 Reading Ⅰ听写本(新版)牛津版编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(2018年秋九年级英语上册Unit 3 Teenage problems Period 2 ReadingⅠ听写本(新版)牛津版)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。


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Unit 3 Teenage problemsPeriod 2Reading Ⅰ 重点单词根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文单词1.除……外;只有___________2.几乎不___________3.想象,设想___________4.怀疑___________5.值得;值……钱___________6.n.建议___________7.原因___________8.严格的,严厉的___________9.课业___________10.宝贵的;贵重的___________11.友谊___________12.清单___________13.根据___________根据要求,写出下列单词的变形14.choice n.—___________ vt。

15.awake adj.—___________ v. 16.suggestion n. -___________ vt. 17.valuable adj.-___________ n。

重点短语根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语1.处理,对付___________2.除了做某事别无选择___________ 3.熬夜___________4.保持醒着___________5.按时,准时___________7.值得做某事___________8.如此多的时间___________9.梦想;想象___________10.以便___________11.给某人提供某物___________12.收到某人的来信___________ 13.对……疯狂___________14.……的原因___________15.担心___________16.陷入麻烦___________17.允许某人做某事___________18.对某人要求严格___________19.待在户外;(晚上)不回家___________ 20.取得平衡___________21.期盼,盼望___________22.确信___________24.列一个清单___________ 25.采纳某人的建议___________ 26.算出;解决 ___________。

江苏新教材牛津英语九年级上 Unit3 Teenage problems Reading1

江苏新教材牛津英语九年级上 Unit3 Teenage problems Reading1

1.知识目标: 学习词汇:deal, choice, but, awake, hardly, imagine, doubt, worth, suggestion, cause, strict, schoolwork, valuable, friendship, list,
学习词组:deal with, stay up late, stay awake, have spare time for my hobbies, be worth doing sth, dream of a long holiday, offer me some suggestions, become the cause of my problem, worry about the time, get into trouble, play outside, be strict with sb, develop our hobbies, stay out, valuable advice, make a list of, work out, according to
1.知识目标: 学习句子:
I wonder how I can achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies. Then work out how much time you need to finish it all. What about choosing your hobby according to the time you time? I hope you think my advice is worth taking.
day? • 3. Do you have enough time for your hobbies?

牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit 3 Reading (I) 示范课教案

牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit 3 Reading (I) 示范课教案
12.Studentshave a discussion and share their opinions.
13.Students figure outthesentences that showhowSimon asks for advice.
17. Students work in groups to give some advice to Millie and Simon from different perspectives (e.g., youth workers, parents, teachers ...).Then share their opinions.
环节五:基于语篇,创设情境,探究主题意义。(10 mins)
15. Students listen to the recording and read after it.
Unit 3Teenage problems
Period 2 Reading (I)

牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 3《Teenage problems》(Reading 2)教学设计

牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 3《Teenage problems》(Reading 2)教学设计

牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 3《Teenage problems》(reading 2)教学设计一. 教材分析《牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 3 Teenage problems(reading 2)》讲述了关于青少年面临的问题,通过阅读文章让学生了解并学会应对这些问题。



二. 学情分析九年级的学生已经具备一定的英语基础,能够进行简单的阅读和交流。



三. 教学目标1.让学生掌握文章主要内容,了解青少年面临的问题及解决方法。




四. 教学重难点1.重点:掌握文章主要内容,提高阅读理解能力。


五. 教学方法1.任务型教学法:通过完成各种任务,让学生在实践中学习英语。



六. 教学准备1.教材:《牛津译林版九年级上册》2.多媒体设备:电脑、投影仪、音响等3.教学素材:相关青少年问题的图片、视频等4.教学卡片:单词、短语等七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)利用图片和视频展示青少年面临的问题,引导学生思考并讨论这些问题。

同时,引入本节课的主题:Teenage problems。




九上英语课件Unit3 第2课时 Reading

九上英语课件Unit3 第2课时 Reading

(cause) ➢ She has __n_o_c_ho_i_ce__ but to do it because
she thinks it’s __i_m_p_o_rt_a_nt__ to finish on
how ➢ She feels quite __s_tr_es_s_e_d_/_w_o_rr_ie_d_ about it.
__√___ _____
Not enough time for hobbies __√___
Staying up late
Strict parents
➢ She often _s_ta_y_s__u_p_ late to _f_in_is_h__ her homework.
Suggestions for Simon important
go home earlier
don’t forget about his schoolwork strict
stay out play football for an hovaulruoabr ltewo
Language points
1. Millie has no choice but to do her homework. have no choice but to do sth. 别无选择,只能……
因为起晚了,他别无选择,只能乘出租车上班。 Because he got up late, he had no choice but to take a taxi to work.
6. I cannot imagine my life without hobbies. imagine vt. vi. 想象;设想 (1)imagine sth. “想象某事” 我们不能想象没有电的生活。 We can hardly imagine life without electricity. (2) imagine doing sth. “想象做某事” 试着想象月球上生活。Try to imagine living on the moon. (3) imagine +从句 不要想我会借钱给你。 Don’t imagine that I can lend you money.

九年级英语上册Unit3Teenageproblems课时ReadingII教案新版牛津版 (12)

九年级英语上册Unit3Teenageproblems课时ReadingII教案新版牛津版 (12)
keep it to yourself be of one’s age
care too much about your marks
1. Many students of our age have this problem.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Warm up
Ways to solve them
Step 5 Exercises
Step 6 Homework
(1) Complete the exercises in the Wb.
(2) Write a reply telling your partner how to deal with the problems.
Ask Ss tofinish the quiz and circle the best answers.
(2) Discuss how to write a reply.
①T: Before writing, it’s necessary to organize our ideas first. When writing a reply about dealing with problems, we need to tell others two points: problems and suggestions
②Presentthe structure of the reply
Part 1: Introduction (thanks)
Part 2: Main body( problems and suggestions)
Part 3: Conclusion(your hope )

牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit3 Reading精品课件

牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit3 Reading精品课件

advice important playing
stay out valuablems and give advice.
Simon: I have a problem. … I’m very worried. I don’t know how to deal with it. Can you …? Friend: I’m sorry to hear that. Perhaps you should … Simon: That’s a good idea. I’ll try. Friend: …
Scanning—Millie’s letter
1. Millie may feel tired and sleepy the next day
because of staying up late to play computer game. do her homework.
2. Millie has enough hardly has spare time for her hobbies. F
4. Why does Simon think it important to develop hobbies?
Because hobbies can help him relax and make his life more interesting.
Simon is so _______ crazy about football that he always plays football for hours after school. He never worries about the time and sometimes he even _______ forgets when to stop. Simon believes it important _______ to develop hobbies, as they can help him ______ relax and make his life more _________. interesting worry about him a lot. They don’t However, his parents _____ _____ allow him to play outside after 6 p.m. So, Simon doesn’t understand why they are so _______. strict Sometimes, he feels angry _____.



Millie She_____________________forherhob hardlyhassparetime Problems bies. staysup do/finish Sheoften________lateto________herex ercises. Causes Butsheacceptsitbecauseshethinksit’sim (原因) portantto_______herhomeworkontime finish . dealwith Shedoesn’tknowhowto________it. bad/stressed/worried Feelings Shefeelsquite____________________a boutit.
TheletterwrittenbySigmund DearMillie: Thankyouverymuchforyourletter.IhopeIcanhelpyou . stayedup Yousaidyouyouoften________latetofinishallyourho mework.Planyourdaycarefully.Makealistofallthe_ homework _________youhave.Thenworkouthowmuchtimey ouneedtofinishitall.Thiswillgiveyouanideaofhowm spare uch_________timeyouhave. Youalsosaidthatyoudonothaveenoughtimeforyour_ _______.Whataboutchoosingyourhobbyaccording hobbies tothetimeyourhave?Forexample,play_________if youhavealotoftime,andlistentomusicifyouonlyash volleyball orttime.Ihopeyouthinkthatmyadviceis______taki ng. worth Bestwishes SigmundFriend

新牛津译林版九年级英语上Unit 3 Reading教学课件

新牛津译林版九年级英语上Unit 3 Reading教学课件

备注:见视频 Reading A
A What should I do?
Millie and Simon have some problems. They wrote to Mr Sigmund Friend, a famous youth worker, and asked for some advice. Here are their letters.
Simon Luo
Millie stay awake It is hard to __________the next day. Problems hardly has spare time She ____________________ for her hobbies.
Is it bad to stay out late to play football? Should I spend less time on it? I wonder how I can achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies. I look forward to your valuable advice. Best wishes,
Free talk
1. Do you have any hobbies ?What ? 2. Do you have enough time for your hobbies? Why? 3. Do you have any teenage problems? 4. Which is your biggest problem? 5. who will you talk to about your problems?

译林版牛津英语9A unit3 reading

译林版牛津英语9A unit3 reading
accept the facts, stop worrying, find out the cause, get some advice, try your best to solve them.
1. Listen to the tape, read the letters over and over again.
5. What does Simon think of hobbies?
Hobbies can help us relax and make our lives more interesting.
Mr Friend is replying to Millie’s and Simon’s letters. Help him complete the sentences with the words in the box.
Y: You F: Mr Friend Y: Excuse me, Mr Friend. I have a problem.
Sometimes, I … and I really don’t know what to do. Can you give me some advice?
F: Well. First, you can …. Second, you can
To Simon
important go home earlier
don’t forget about his schoolwork strict stay out
play football for an vhaoluurabolre two
Make an interview. Talk about your problems with Mr Friend. Work in pairs or groups.

江苏新教材牛津英语九年级上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems Reading 2

江苏新教材牛津英语九年级上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems Reading 2

1.知识目标: 学习词汇:deal, choice, but, awake, hardly, imagine, doubt, worth, suggestion, cause, strict, schoolwork, valuable, friendship, list,
学习词组:deal with, stay up late, stay awake, have spare time for my hobbies, be worth doing sth, dream of a long holiday, offer me some suggestions, become the cause of my problem, worry about the time, get into trouble, play outside, be strict with sb, develop our hobbies, stay out, valuable advice, make a list of, work out, according to
Answer the following questions.
3. What problem does Simon have? He doesn’t have enough time to play football.
1. 浏览39 B3、B4部分的内容,完成Mr Friend 的两 封回信。 2. 朗读Mr Friend的两封回信并划出一些有用的短语。
1.知识目标: 学习句子:
I wonder how I can achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies. Then work out how much time you need to finish it all. What about choosing your hobby according to the time you time? I hope you think my advice is worth taking.

译林版九年级上册英语 Unit 3 Teenage problems(Reading)讲解学案设计

译林版九年级上册英语 Unit 3 Teenage problems(Reading)讲解学案设计

Unit 3 Teenage problemsReading1. I have a lot of homework every day, and I have no choice but to do it. I often have to stay late. Then I sometimes find it hard to stay awake the next day.(1) have no choice but to do sth的结构及含义:除了做…,别无选择【注意】but用作介词时的用法:①but与no, nobody, nothing,none,who等词连用,意为除……之外”,来排除同类,从整体中除去一部分。

如:Nobody knew her but me.除我以外,没有人认识她。

Nothing but disaster would come from such a plan.这个计划只能带来灾难,别无益处。


如:We had no choice but to wait.除了等待我们别无选择。

He did nothing all day long but watch TV.一整天他除了看电视无所事事。

Last night I did nothing but watch TV.昨天晚上除了看电视,我什么也没干。

We all went to the cinema except Tom.He was ill. 除了汤姆,我们都去看电影了。


Amy has another two good friends besides you. 除了你之外,埃米还有另外两个好朋友。

(2) stay up late的含义:熬夜,睡得很晚(3)“系表结构” stay awake的含义:保持清醒,保持醒着的。



Unit 3 Teenage problems
Period 3Reading Ⅱ重点句型
1.Then I sometimes find it hard to stay awake the next day.然后我有时发觉第二天很难保持清醒。

2.I dream of a long holiday so that I could have more time for my hobbies.

3.Then I get into trouble because my parents do not allow me to play outside after 6 p.m.

4.I hope you think my advice is worth taking.

1.It's important for us to achieve a balance between our schoolwork and our hobbies.

2.If you are crazy about one thing, you may get into trouble.



C. quarrel with
D. cothese sentences.
①你是怎么处理这些事情的? ______ How did you deal with the matters? What did you ________ _______ do with the matters ? ②我们要处理的棘手事太多了。 There are too many difficulties for us to _________ ______. with deal
Phrases P36 deal with 1.处理 2.别无选择,只能… have no choice but to do stay up 3.熬夜 keep awake 4.保持清醒 5.几乎没有空闲时间进行我的业余爱好 hardly have spare time for my hobbies 6.值得花这么多时间做作业 be worth spending so much time on homework 7.梦想有个没有作业的长假 dream of a long holiday without homework. 8.给我提供一些建议 offer me some suggestions
4. Then I sometimes find it hard to stay awake the next day. 然后我有时发现第二天保持清醒很困难。 awake adj. 醒着的, 通常用在系动词be的后面 作表语, 作定语时通常放在被修饰词之后。 我祖父整晚都醒着。 My grandfather was awake all night. 玛丽是现在唯一醒着的人。 Mary is the only person awake now. 昨天晚上,某个醒着的人打开了电视。 Someone awake turned on the TV last night.



➢He can’t _a_c_h_i_e_v_e_ a balance between his Problems s_c_h__o_o_lw__o_r_k__a_n_d__h__is__h_o_b_b__ie_s_.
➢He is _c_r_a_z_y_ about footbal_h_a_r_d_ly__h_a_s_s_p_a_r_e_t_i_m_e__ for her hobbies.
➢She often _s_t_a_y_s_u_p_ late to _d_o_/_fi_n_i_sh_ her exercises.
➢But she accepts it because she
➢Nothing is impossible if we try our best.
1) We should try our best to learn ________ problems we meet.
A.what to deal with B. how to deal with C. how to do with D. what to do
2) What’s the best way ______ this problem?
A.to deal with
B. dealing with
C. doing with
D. to do with
• 2. I have no choice but to do her homework. 我别无选择,只能去做。
True or False
1. Simon is crazy about football and likes playing football very much.

2024年译林版九年级上册英语Unit 3 Part 3 Reading Ⅱ

2024年译林版九年级上册英语Unit 3 Part 3 Reading Ⅱ
三、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 11. Students now have less homework and ____m__o_re____ (much) spare time.
【点拨】句意为“现在学生的作业少了,业余时间多 了”。根据less 可知,此空应填much 的比较级形成对比 的关系,故填more。
( B )2. —Sherry looks upset. What’s wrong with her? 【点拨—】W考e查ll,不ev定er代yo词ne。ha句s o意ne为of“th—os—e d雪ay莉s w看he起n来有 点悲伤。她__怎__么__了_ g?oe—s r—igh嗯t.,每一个人都有诸事不顺 的几天”A.。eveevreyrtyhtihnigng 每件事情B;. nothing 没什么事情; somethiCng. so某m事eth;inagnything 任何D事.。an根yth据in“gSherry looks upset. ”可知,答语是表示原因;根据语境可知,横线 上应是一个否定词,选B。
9. His improper driving was the ____ca_u__se____ (reason) of the car accident.
10. It was almost midnight but my sister was still ___a_w__a_k_e___ (not asleep) at the desk.
【点拨】用句意分析法。unless 除非;until 直到;so that 以便;though 尽管。分析句意可知,我们现在采取行动的 目的是为了我们的后代,故用so that 引导目的状语从句。 故选C。

译林版九年级英语上册Unit 3 Teenage problems 同步阅读

译林版九年级英语上册Unit 3 Teenage problems 同步阅读

Unit 3 Teenage Problems 同步阅读一、完形填空A few weeks ago, a friend from an unknown Smile Groups sent me $120 todo 1 things with. Since then I have used the money in the UK and US. It hashelped families and strangers, and generally raised a lot of 2 . They havewarmed my heart, but none was so much as the gift I was able to give just an hourago.One day I was in a 3 , looking at the second-hand books. It 4 thatthe book shelves were next to the toy shelf. I turned around and saw a poor womanwith a little girl standing 5 me. They came over to the book shelf. At once the little girl's attention was caught by a book. She spoke to her mother and her mother asked the shop owner how much it 6 . The answer was $3. Then she said "no". The child said 7 . Maybe "no" was not new for her but she couldn't 8 the sadness away from her face.I had a total of $5. I put the money in the mother's hand and said, "Buy her a book, too." I didn't 9 to see the end and walked out of the shop. I thought maybe there wasn't any 10 way to get so much happiness with so little money.The money the friend gave me was to help me find happiness of the world. Was there any better way, I wondered, to get so much happiness for so little money than to buy a little girl a book?1. A. creative B. good C. interesting D. important2. A. books B. money C. clothes D. smiles3. A. shop B. library C. restaurant D. park4. A. seemed B. happened C. noticed D. found5. A. in front of B. next to C. behind D. below6. A. took B. paid C. cost D. spent7. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing8. A. take B. keep C. get D. put9. A. wait B. want C. hope D. like10. A. better B. best C. worse D. worst二、阅读理解(A)It was nearly dark, and little Tom came back home with tears in his eyes."What's the matter, Tom? How's your trip?" his mother asked with a big smile."The mountain is so high and full of big or small stones on the way. I still go ahead. But I was Tired and it was so late that I had to come back," Tom cried.It doesn't matter. You will have another chance," his mother said.But. standing at the top of the mountain is my dream! "Tom said.His father came over and asked, "Did you see the green trees on your way to the mountain?""Sure, and there were a lot of beautiful flowers by the side of the road," Tom replied. "There were many kinds of birds singing in the trees, and the sound was very sweet.""Did you feel the beauty of nature?" his father asked."Yes, the blue sky, the white clouds, the green trees and the colourful flowers made a nice picture.'' Tom answered."That's enough! "his father smiled. "Please remember, son. For often, achieving what you expect is not the most important thing. You didn't reach the top of the mountain, but you got a lot on the way."1. Little Tom came back home with tears becauseA. he was tiredB. he failed the tripC. he wanted to see his parents too muchD. the mountain was too high2. Which is the correct order of the following?a. Tom was tired and had to come back.b. Tom's mother told him that he would have another chance.c. Tom came back home with tears in his eyes.d. Tom felt the beauty of nature.A. a-b-c-dB. a-c-d-bC. c-a-b-dD. d-a-c-b3. From the passage, we know that Tom's parents are ___.A. wiseB. helpfulC. generousD. energetic4. Which of the following is NOT Right?A. Tom's dream is to stand at the top of the mountain.B. There are no stones on our way to our dreams.C. We always have some chances to make our dreams come true.D. Tom tried his best to go to the top of the mountain but he failed.5. What can we learn from the passage?A. Every goal will be achieved.B. Every job will end up with a success.C. Every' dream will come true.D. Every person can enjoy ourselves on the way.(B)Reader's Digest is an American general-interest family magazine. It comes out every month. For many years, Reader's Digest was the best-selling consumer magazine in the United States. Global editions of Reader's Digest reach an additional 40 million people in more than 70 countries, with 49 editions in 21 languages. If you are interested, you can find more information on our website: www. rd. com.6. Reader's Digest is published __________ .A. dailyB. seasonalC. monthlyD. weekly7. If you want to read something about heroes, which part will you turn to?A. Features.B. Columns.C. Departments.D. Humours.8. If you want to know something about America, which page wilt you turn to?A. P21B. P36C. P28D. P549. We can infer from the passage that the magazine has ____________ pages.A. 120B. more than 108C. less than 108D. 10810. Which sentence is True according to the passage.'?A. Reader's Digest is published in 20 languages.B. Reader's Digest has 50 editions.C. You can find My planet in the part called Features.D. Reader's Digest was the best-selling consumer magazine in the United States.三、任务型阅读The class in America is almost the same as that in China. But somethingis different. Here are some classroom customs in America.※ If the teacher asks you a question, you should give an answer. Ifyou don't understand the question, put up your hand and ask the teacher to sayit again. If you don't know the answer, it is all right to tell the teacher that youdon't know. Then he or she knows what you need to learn.※ There is no excuse for not doing your homework. If you miss a class, you should tell your teacher or someone who is in your class and ask for the homework.※ You mustn't miss a test. If you're seriously ill, maybe it is the only reason, but you must call and let the teacher know you will not be there for the test. If your teacher allows a make-up tesl. You should take the test in one or two days after you come back to school. Serious illness is the only reason for missing a test.※ Be on time! It is impolite to be late. If you come late, be sure to do all the things quietly.Take your books out of your bag before you come into the room. Then go to your seat and sit down quietly.It isn't necessary to knock before you enter the classroom. If you have to leave during the the class,do it quietly, too. There is no need to ask the teacher.答案:一、1---5 BDABC 6---10 CDBAA二、1---5 BDABD 6---10 CCABD三、1. American 2. repeat 3. tell 4. homework5.miss6. serious7. returning8. everything9. necessary 10. without。

2021秋牛津译林版英语九上Unit 3《Teenage problems》(Reading)wor

2021秋牛津译林版英语九上Unit 3《Teenage problems》(Reading)wor

2021秋牛津译林版英语九上Unit 3《Teenageproblems》(Reading)word导学案【学习目标】1.了解如何写问题和表达情感。



4.把握下列词句:1) deal with, have no choice but to do sth,etc.2) stay up, be awake=stay awake3) be worth doing sth4) achieve a balance between …and …【自主学习】1.听录音,读、划、背本课生词及重点语句。

(P142,22-25)选择______醒着的_________ 怀疑_________ 建议_________缘故_________严格___________ 宝贵的_________几乎不想象熬夜对某人要求严格情绪品质放松的聪慧力量嫉妒安静的2.听、读、译P36-37(15分钟)自学情形反馈(家长签字)【质疑拓展】1.宾语从句1)概念:由一个句子来充当宾语,那个句子就叫宾语从句。

宾语从句可由that 引导,that 也可省略。


2.be worth doing sth.3.achieve a balance between …and4.get into trouble_______________________________________________________________5.be strict with sb____________________________________________________ Questions⑴What problem does Millie have?⑵Why does Millie accept to do so much work although she does not want to?⑶What do you think of her problem? Can you offer her some advice?⑷What problem does Simon have?⑸What do you think of Simon's problem? Can you offer him some advice?【当堂检测】翻译词组:1)颜色的力量_______________________ 2)阻碍/改变某人的情绪_______________ 3)在某人结婚那天___________________ 4)feel blue__________________________ 5)the colour of purity/wisdom/envy/heat__________________________________________ 6)更喜爱暖色_______________________ 7)使振作起来_______________________ 8)使---想起--- _______________________ 9)期望成功_________________________ 10)energetic colours___________________ 11)green with envy___________________ 12)represent power____________________ 13)需要力量_______________________ 14)做某事费劲______________________ 15)采取行动________________________ 16)做决定__________________________ 17)感到放松________________________ 18)造成一种温顺舒服的感受__________________________________________________ 19)或者---或者---_____________________ 20)安静下来_______________________【课后作业】1.听录音,读背P36-P37课文。

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nois_y_________ for her to study.
• Daniel feel lonely at times. He has
fe_w__c_lo_s_e__f_ri_e_n_d_s____ at school.
• Amy oqftueanrr_e_ls__w_i_th_____ her cousin. She wants to know how to
get_a_l_o_n_g__w_e_l_l _w_i_th_______ Suzy.
• Sandy’s parents are toto bhauvsey time _______________ for her. So she feels lonely at home from time to time.
football? • 6.How do his parents think about it? • 7.Does Simon agree with his parents? • 8.What does Simon think of spending some
time on the hobbies?
Do you find anyone to help you answer the question? Who can you go and ask for help? / What can you do to get help from others?
• Simon doesn’t have en_o_u__g_h_t_i_m_e__t_o_d_o______ his
homework. He worries a lot about this.
• At Kitty’s home, the TV is always on. It is too
1. What are Millie’s hobbies? 2. What does Millie want to do sometimes?
Did she do like that ? Why ? 3. How does Millie feel about it? 4.What does she doubt? 5.What is Millie looking forward to? 6.What do you think of her problem?
can you offer her some advice?
• 1.Why does Daniel think he is crazy about football?
• 2. What has become Simon’s problem? • 3.When does Simon play football? • 4. How does Simon feel from time to time? • 5.Can you list some advantages of playing
But his parents don’t think he should do this.
Finish part B on page 46 to see if you understand the new words and phrases.
True or false
T 1. Millie and Simon are both Grade 9 students. F 2. They both like football. F 3.They both spend much time on their homework. F 4. They both feel stressed about their study. F 5. They both think study is more important than sports.
Unit3 Teenage problems
•Do you have any hobbies?
•Do you have enough time for your hobbies?
• Millie often ___________ feinelctliaresds because she doesn’t get enough sleep.
• What is Millie’s problem?
• She has a lot of homework to do every day and doesn’t have any spare time for her hobbies.
What’s Simons problem?
He likes playing football and often stays out late to play football.
Grade Hobbies
9 playing volleyball and ping-pong

9 football
Homework a lot of homework
Call the hotline Talk to your close friends Write to some editor of newspaper and magazines Write to some youth workers …
Millie and Simon have both written letters to a youth worker. Listen and answer