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but it would further certify that he had been exposed to
some of the ideas mankind has generated within its
history. (para. 2)
to be official proof
become an expert in; have special knowledge of
Text Analysis Structure
Text Analysis Detailed Analysis
Part I: Main Idea
➢ Retell the teacher’s encounter with the student. ➢ Occasion, student’s appearance & question, what the teacher has in mind and what he says, student’s response
Detailed Analysis
Text Analysis
Text Analysis Theme
What is the purpose of university education?
University education has a two-fold purpose ➢ To provide students with technical & professional training ➢ To educate students to become civilized human beings
Text Analysis Detailed Analysis
Part I: Sentence Paraphrase
… I was fresh out of graduate school starting my first semester at the University of Kansas City. (Para. 1)
studies and began teaching at the University of
Kansas City.
Text Analysis Detailed Analysis
Part I: Sentence Paraphrase
I could have pointed out that he had enrolled, not in a drugstore-mechanics school, but in a college and that at the end of his course he meant to reach for a scroll that read Bachelor of Science. (Para. 2)
Another School Year
Unit 1
Questions / Activities Check-on Preview Objectives
Warming up
Warming up Questions/Activities
• What do you go to college for?
fighter planes went on to teach at Harvard University in 1946 in 1953 accepted a position at Rutgers University in 1961, gave up teaching and devoted himself to his own
to have just come from a particular place, to have just had a particular experience, e.g. students fresh from college
Paraphrasing: …I had just completed my graduate
Warming up Objectives
• Understand the occasion and stylistic features of the speech
• Think about the question of the purpose of university education
➢ How does the teacher try to explain to the student the importance of reading literature?
➢ How do you understand the teacher’s differentiation of the three eight hours and his emphasis on the last third besides work and sleep?
Write down the words according to the corresponding explanations.
f_a_c_u_lt_y____ all the teachers of a university or college s_u_ff_ic_e_____ to be enough p_e_n_e_t_ra_t_in_g_ showing the ability to understand things clearly and
a child of Italian immigrants Began his career teaching English at the University of
Kansas City Joined the US Air Force in 1942, served as a gunner in
College freshmen
colloquial, familiar; first humorous, mildly sarcastic; later serious and earnest
Another School Year
Unit 1
getting training for a job in a technical school but doing a
B.Sc. at a university.
Text Analysis Detailed Analysis
Part I: Sentence Paraphrase
It would certify that he had specialized in pharmacy,
literawenku.baidu.comy endeavors.
His Influence
Poet, translator, etymologist
Major works:
➢ First book of poems, Homeward to America, 1940
➢ Other Skies, focusing on his war-time experience, 1947
AnAotnhoethr eSrcShcohooloYl eYeaarr–– WWhhaatt FFoorr??
John Ciardi John Ciardi
Another School Year
Unit 1
Warming up
B ackground
T ext Analysis
R einforcement
➢ How Does a Poem Mean, a standard textbook for high school and college poetry courses
➢ Translation of Dante’s Divine Comedy (The Inferno, 1954; The Purgatorio, 1961; The Paradiso, 1970)
put in touch with
Paraphrasing: The B. S. certificate would be official proof that the holder had special knowledge of pharmacy, and it would also be proof that he had been put in touch wit.h some profound ideas of th1e7past.
➢ A very popular poet
➢ Poetry editor of Saturday Review from 1956 to 1972
➢ Fellow of the National Academy of Arts and Sciences
and a member and former president of the National
to indicate, register, or
Subjunctive mood: I didn’t point it out in
to intend to do sth.
Paraphrasing: I could have told him that he was now not
• Know something about the author • Solve your own questions about the text
Another School Year
Unit 1
His Life
John Ciardi 1916-1986
➢ What is the student’s attitude towards reading Shakespeare and towards the teacher? Find textual evidence.
➢ What is the teacher’s attitude towards the student? Find textual evidence.
deeply s_a_v_a_g_e____ an uncivilized human being l_it_e_r_a_l ____ in a basic meaning of a word c_e_rt_if_y_____ to state something is correct e_n_r_o_ll_____ to officially arrange to join a university
Institute of Arts an. d Letters
Orientation speech
period of time at the beginning of the academic year at a university during which a variety of events are held to orient and welcome new students. The orientation helps new students to organize their classes, acclimate to student life, and introduce themselves to other new students. Speeches are often given at orientation by presidents or acclaimed professors of the university.
• How has your first semester in university changed you?
• Do you now have new visions of the purpose of university? What are they?
Warming up Check-on Preview