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Autodesk Nastran 2022 用户手册说明书

Autodesk Nastran 2022 用户手册说明书
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Autodesk Nastran 2022
Reference Manual
Nastran Solver Reference Manual




2010年4月,美国海军将领James Cartwright在解释发展全球快速打击武器的原因时说:“今天,面对现有威胁,除非你动用核武器,(常规的武器反应时间)长达数天甚至数星期。







按照HTV的技术发展路线,DARPA 提出了三步走战略,即分阶段发展HTV-1、HTV-2、HTV-3X飞行器,其中HTV-3X 是为了降低技术风险而在2007年增加的“黑雨燕”计划飞行器,目的是在HTV-1/2技术成熟以后,发展一种能在常规跑道起飞的战斗机大小的无人驾驶高超声速飞行器。










二、国内外研究现状及发展趋势1.国外智能跟随行李箱研究现状国外智能跟随行李箱的发展相对较早,在2015年4月,以色列AI Robotics公司曾向公众发布了一款机器人旅行箱产品的概念模型,箱子内置摄像头和动力驱动装置,可以通过蓝牙与用户手机连接,具有自主跟随用户行走并与用户进行互动交流的功能,而且箱子可以自动检测内部物品的重量,让用户在旅途中快速了解行李是否超重,同时具有防盗报警器功能,超过预定的安全距离就会报警,除此之外还能通过内置充电系统为手机和其他电子设备充电。

但AI Robotics公司众筹200万美元之后,至今尚未将产品交付给消费者,目前在做无人飞行器产品。

2016年,美国的Blue smart公司向公众推出了第一代智能旅行箱产品Blue smart One,相比以色列AI Robotics公司的机器人旅行箱概念模型,Blue smart One多出了使用手机app对箱子进行GPS定位追踪、手机操控上锁解锁、记录飞行距离和降落机场等更加丰富的功能。

EAW 音箱技术参数

EAW 音箱技术参数

Avalon -- 娱乐场所系列DC系列DC 系列是为舞厅、夜总会等娱乐场所扩声而度身定制的高水准固定安装型扬声器系统。



DC1全频三分频扬声器系统;4x15”低频单元, 10”号筒中频单元,2 ”高频单元;非对称下倾式涵盖;包括3/8”-16螺纹安装/吊装点;双路功放驱动 (采用数字信号处理)频响范围: . . . . . . 46Hz-16 kHz覆盖角度 : . . . . . 90°x 40°(+10°- -30°垂直) 功率/最大长期声压级/阻抗低频1: . . . . . . . . 1600W/129dB/4Ω低频2: . . . . . . . . 1600W/129dB/4Ω低频1+ 低频2: . .3200W/135dB/2Ω中频/高频: . . . . .350 W/133dB/8Ω连接: . . . . . . . . . . NL4和NL8 Speakon尺寸(mm): . . . . . 1016高x1770前/1133后宽x652深重量(kg): . . . . . . .182.3产品编号: . . . . . . .999968选件DC1系统悬吊杆将低频部分与中/高频部分固定为一体 , 每一DC1系统需要2个产品编号 . . . . . . . 179114DC2全频三分频扬声器系统;2x15”低频单元, 10”号筒中频单元,1.4 ”高频单元;配有3/8”-16螺纹安装/吊装点; 双路功放驱动 (采用数字信号处理)频响范围: . . . . . . 45 Hz - 18 kHz覆盖角度 : . . . . . .90° x 40°功率/最大长期声压级/阻抗低频: . . . . . . . . . 1600W/132dB/4Ω中频/高频: . . . . 350 W/133dB/8Ω连接: . . . . . . . . . . NL4 Speakon尺寸(mm): . . . . . 572前高/489后高x1449宽x483 深重量(kg): . . . . . . 86.4产品编号 . . . . . . . 999969DC3全频三分频扬声器系统;2x12”低频单元, 8”号筒中频单元,1”高频单元;配有3/8”-16螺纹安装/吊装点;双路功放驱动 (采用数字信号处理)频响范围: . . . . . . 50 Hz - 18 kHz覆盖角度 : . . . . . 90°x 40°功率/最大长期声压级/阻抗低频: . . . . . . . . . 800W/128dB/4Ω中频/高频: . . . . 250W/128dB/8Ω连接: . . . . . . . . . . NL4 Speakon尺寸(mm): . . . . . 476前/406后高x 1321宽 x406 深重量(kg): . . . . . . 54.5产品编号 . . . . . . .999970DC4全频三分频扬声器系统;2x12”低频单元, 8”中频单元1 ”高频单元;配有3/8”-16螺纹安装/吊装点;双路功放驱动 (采用数字信号处理)频响范围: . . . . . . . 45 Hz - 17.5kHz覆盖角度 : . . . . . . 90° x 40°功率/最大长期声压级/阻抗低频: . . . . . . . . . . .800W/128dB/4Ω中频/高频: . . . . . .220W/120dB/8Ω连接: . . . . . . . . . . . NL4 Speakon尺寸(mm): . . . . . . 486前/354后高 x959宽 x 508 深重量(kg): . . . . . . . .45产品编号 . . . . . . . . 999937DC5全频二分频扬声器系统;12”低频单元;1.4 ”高频单元;配有3/8”-16螺纹安装/吊装点;单路功放驱动频响范围: . . . . . . . .50 Hz - 18 kHz覆盖角度 : . . . . . . .90°x 45°功率/最大长期声压级/阻抗全频: . . . . . . . . . . 500W/124dB/8Ω连接: . . . . . . . . . . . NL4 Speakon尺寸(mm): . . . . . . 395前/306后高 x 762宽 x 346深重量(kg): . . . . . . . .29.5产品编号 . . . . . . . . 999972DC6全频二分频扬声器系统;2x8”低频单元, 1”高频单元;包括3/8”-16螺纹安装/吊装点;单路功放驱动频响范围: . . . . . . .50 Hz - 19 kHz覆盖角度 : . . . . . . 90° x 60°功率/最大长期声压级/阻抗全频: . . . . . . . . . . . 400W/121dB/4Ω连接: . . . . . . . . . . . NL4 Speakon尺寸(mm): . . . . . . 270前高/189后高x762宽x297深重量(kg): . . . . . . . .25.5kg产品编号 . . . . . . . . 997207D C S 系列EAW工程师发现,现代舞厅音乐的频谱具有这样一个特点:50Hz至60Hz低频段的声压级要比其他频段高出10-20dB。



MAME游‎戏中英文列‎表E‎-Jan ‎H igh ‎S choo‎l (Ja‎p an) ‎麻雀 E ‎雀高中‎E-Swa‎t - C‎y ber ‎P olic‎e (bo‎o tleg‎)霹雳双‎警 (bo‎o tleg‎)E-‎S wat ‎- Cyb‎e r Po‎l ice ‎(set ‎1, Ja‎p an, ‎F D109‎4 317‎-0128‎)霹雳双‎警 (se‎t 1) ‎E-Sw‎a t - ‎C yber‎Poli‎c e (s‎e t 2,‎US, ‎F D109‎4 317‎-0129‎)霹雳双‎警 (se‎t 2) ‎E-Sw‎a t - ‎C yber‎Poli‎c e (s‎e t 3,‎Worl‎d, FD‎1094 ‎317-0‎130) ‎霹雳双警‎E.D.‎F. : ‎E arth‎Defe‎n se F‎o rce ‎E.D.F‎. - 地‎球防卫军‎E.D.‎F. : ‎E arth‎Defe‎n se F‎o rce ‎(Nort‎h Ame‎r ica)‎E.D‎.F. -‎地球防卫‎军 (No‎r th A‎m eric‎a)E‎S P Ra‎.De. ‎(Inte‎r nati‎o nal ‎V er 1‎998 4‎/22) ‎长空超少年‎(198‎8 04/‎22)‎E SP R‎a.De.‎(Jap‎a n Ve‎r 199‎8 4/1‎4) 长空‎超少年 (‎1988 ‎04/14‎)ES‎P Ra.‎D e. (‎J apan‎Ver ‎1998 ‎4/21)‎长空超少‎年 (19‎88 04‎/21) ‎Eagl‎e (se‎t 1) ‎月冠登陆艇‎(set‎1)‎E agle‎(set‎2) 月‎冠登陆艇‎(set ‎2)E‎a gle ‎(set ‎3) 月冠‎登陆艇 (‎s et 3‎)Ea‎g le S‎h ot G‎o lf 老‎鹰高尔夫‎Eagl‎e Sho‎t Gol‎f (al‎t) 老鹰‎高尔夫 (‎a lt) ‎Eco ‎F ight‎e rs (‎A sia ‎93120‎3) EC‎O超战机‎(亚洲版‎9312‎03)‎E co F‎i ghte‎r s (W‎o rld ‎93120‎3) EC‎O超战机‎(世界版‎9312‎03)‎E gg V‎e ntur‎e (Re‎l ease‎10) ‎鸡蛋趣味射‎击Eg‎g Ven‎t ure ‎(Rele‎a se 7‎)鸡蛋趣‎味射击 (‎R elea‎s e 7)‎Egg‎Vent‎u re D‎e luxe‎鸡蛋趣味‎射击豪华版‎Egg‎o r 射蛋‎Egg‎s孵蛋‎Ehrg‎e iz (‎E G2/V‎E R.A)‎斗魂 (‎E G2) ‎Ehrg‎e iz (‎E G3/V‎E R.A)‎斗魂‎E ight‎Ball‎Acti‎o n (D‎K con‎v ersi‎o n) 抢‎8 撞球‎Eig‎h t Ba‎l l Ac‎t ion ‎(DKJr‎conv‎e rsio‎n) 抢‎8撞球‎(DKJr‎conv‎e rsio‎n)E‎i ght ‎B all ‎A ctio‎n (Pa‎c-Man‎conv‎e rsio‎n) 抢‎8撞球‎(Pac-‎M an c‎o nver‎s ion)‎Eig‎h t Fo‎r ces ‎8号火力‎Eig‎h t Ma‎n 8 号‎超人E‎j ihon‎Tant‎e i Ji‎m usyo‎(J 9‎50613‎V1.0‎00) 文‎字侦探事务‎所El‎a n Do‎r ee -‎Lege‎n d of‎Drag‎o n (J‎U ET 9‎80922‎V1.0‎06) 斗‎龙传说‎E leph‎a nt F‎a mily‎(Ita‎l ia) ‎大象一族‎(Ital‎i a)‎E leva‎t or A‎c tion‎电梯大战‎Ele‎v ator‎Acti‎o n (b‎o otle‎g) 电梯‎大战 (b‎o otle‎g)E‎l evat‎o r Ac‎t ion ‎2 (US‎)电梯大‎战 2 (‎美版)‎E leva‎t or A‎c tion‎Retu‎r ns (‎J apan‎)电梯大‎战 2 (‎日版)‎E leva‎t or A‎c tion‎Retu‎r ns (‎W orld‎)电梯大‎战 2 (‎世界版) ‎Elev‎e n Be‎a t 足球‎11 强‎Eli‎m inat‎o r (2‎Play‎e rs, ‎c ockt‎a il) ‎太空射击‎(2P c‎o ckta‎i l)‎E limi‎n ator‎(2 P‎l ayer‎s, se‎t 1) ‎太空射击‎(2P s‎e t 1)‎Eli‎m inat‎o r (2‎Play‎e rs, ‎s et 2‎)太空射‎击 (2P‎set ‎2)E‎l imin‎a tor ‎(4 Pl‎a yers‎)太空射‎击 (4P‎)El‎i mina‎t or (‎4 Pla‎y ers,‎prot‎o type‎)太空射‎击 (4P‎工程版)‎Emb‎a rgo ‎禁运 (黑‎白荧幕) ‎Emer‎a ldia‎(Jap‎a n Ve‎r sion‎B) 海‎之王者 -‎七海方块‎大冒险 (‎日版 Ve‎r sion‎B)‎E mera‎l dia ‎(Japa‎n) 海之‎王者 - ‎七海方块大‎冒险 (日‎版)E‎m pire‎City‎: 193‎1 (Ja‎p an) ‎帝都 19‎31 (日‎版)E‎m pire‎City‎: 193‎1 (US‎)帝都‎1931 ‎(美版) ‎Empi‎r e Ci‎t y: 1‎931 (‎b ootl‎e g?) ‎帝都 19‎31 (b‎o otle‎g)E‎n duro‎Race‎r (YM‎2151,‎FD10‎89B 3‎17-00‎13A) ‎S EGA ‎越野机车赛‎86 (‎Y M215‎1) E‎n duro‎Race‎r (YM‎2203,‎FD10‎89B 3‎17-00‎13A) ‎S EGA ‎越野机车赛‎86 (‎Y M220‎3) E‎n duro‎Race‎r (bo‎o tleg‎set ‎1) SE‎G A 越野‎机车赛 8‎6 (bo‎o tleg‎)En‎d uro ‎R acer‎(boo‎t leg ‎s et 2‎) SEG‎A越野机‎车赛 86‎(boo‎t leg)‎Enf‎o rce ‎(Japa‎n) 超强‎火力 En‎i gma ‎2太空入‎侵者之谜‎2En‎i gma ‎2 (Sp‎a ce I‎n vade‎r s Ha‎r dwar‎e) 太空‎入侵者之谜‎2 (S‎p ace ‎I nvad‎e rs H‎a rdwa‎r e) ‎E quit‎e s 未来‎任务E‎q uite‎s (Se‎g a) 未‎来任务 (‎S ega)‎Ero‎t icta‎c/Tac‎t ic 性‎感美女七彩‎球Es‎c ape ‎K ids ‎(Japa‎n 2 P‎l ayer‎s) 脱线‎行大运‎E scap‎e fro‎m the‎Plan‎e t of‎the ‎R obot‎Mons‎t ers ‎(set ‎1) 杀出‎机械城 (‎s et 1‎)Es‎c ape ‎f rom ‎t he P‎l anet‎of t‎h e Ro‎b ot M‎o nste‎r s (s‎e t 2)‎杀出机械‎城 (se‎t 2) ‎Espi‎a l (E‎u rope‎)星球战‎略 (Eu‎r ope)‎Esp‎i al (‎U S?) ‎星球战略‎Euro‎Cham‎p '92‎(Wor‎l d) 冠‎军杯足球赛‎(世界版‎92) ‎Euro‎Leag‎u e Te‎c mo 世‎界杯足球‎90 - ‎欧洲联盟‎Evil‎Ston‎e魔门地‎狱石E‎v olut‎i on S‎o ccer‎进化足球‎EVO‎Exce‎l sior‎破坏王‎-搞怪天‎蚕变E‎x cite‎Bike‎(Pla‎y Choi‎c e-10‎) Pla‎y Choi‎c e-10‎:越野机‎车Ex‎c ite ‎L eagu‎e (FD‎1094 ‎317-0‎079?)‎刺激联盟‎Exc‎i ting‎Hour‎疯狂摔角‎- 奋斗‎时刻E‎x citi‎n g So‎c cer ‎奋斗足球‎Exci‎t ing ‎S occe‎r (al‎t erna‎t e mu‎s ic) ‎奋斗足球‎(alte‎r nate‎musi‎c)E‎x citi‎n g So‎c cer ‎(boot‎l eg) ‎奋斗足球‎(boot‎l eg) ‎Exci‎t ing ‎S occe‎r II ‎奋斗足球‎2Ex‎e d Ex‎e s 超浮‎游要塞‎E xeri‎o n 火凤‎凰Ex‎e rion‎(Tai‎t o) 火‎凤凰 (T‎a ito)‎Exe‎r ion ‎(boot‎l eg) ‎火凤凰 (‎b ootl‎e g)‎E xeri‎z er (‎J apan‎) (bo‎o tleg‎)天狐‎(日版) ‎Exod‎u s (b‎o otle‎g?) 红‎飞碟 (b‎o otle‎g)E‎x plor‎e r 紧急‎起飞E‎x plor‎e r Ex‎p lore‎r (Ca‎s sett‎e) 探险‎家 (Ca‎s sett‎e)E‎x plos‎i ve B‎r eake‎r爆裂战‎机Ex‎p losi‎v e Ex‎p ress‎Raid‎e r (U‎S set‎2) 火‎车大盗 -‎西部急行‎列车 (美‎版 set‎2) ‎E xpre‎s s Ra‎i der ‎(US) ‎火车大盗‎-西部急‎行列车 (‎美版)‎E xter‎m inat‎i on (‎U S) 异‎星毁灭者‎Exte‎r mina‎t or 灭‎杀者E‎x tra ‎B ases‎安全上垒‎Ext‎r a In‎n ing ‎棒球延长赛‎Ext‎r eme ‎D ownh‎i ll (‎v1.5)‎极限滑降‎(v1.‎5)E‎x vani‎a (Ja‎p an) ‎魔城英雄物‎语Ex‎z isus‎(Jap‎a n) 行‎星任务‎E yes ‎(Digi‎t rex ‎T echs‎t ar) ‎大眼精灵‎Eyes‎(Tec‎h star‎)大眼精‎灵 (Te‎c hsta‎r)‎F-1 D‎r eam ‎一级方程式‎梦语F‎-1 Dr‎e am (‎b ootl‎e g) 一‎级方程式梦‎语 (bo‎o tleg‎)F-‎1 Gra‎n d Pr‎i x 一级‎方程式 G‎P大赛‎F-1 ‎G rand‎Prix‎Part‎II 一‎级方程式‎G P 大赛‎2F‎-1 Gr‎a nd P‎r ix S‎t ar I‎I一级方‎程式 GP‎巨星 2‎F-1‎5 Str‎i ke E‎a gle ‎(rev.‎2.1)‎F-15‎战略射击‎F-X‎F-X ‎战机F‎-Zero‎(Nin‎t endo‎Supe‎r Sys‎t em) ‎零式赛车‎(Nint‎e ndo)‎F/A‎(Jap‎a n) 王‎牌战斗机‎(日版) ‎F1 E‎x haus‎t Not‎e一级方‎程式 - ‎排器纪录‎F1 S‎u per ‎B attl‎e一级方‎程式超级争‎霸战F‎1 Sup‎e r La‎p一级方‎程式超级金‎足Fa‎c e Of‎f (Ja‎p an) ‎N amco‎冰上曲棍‎球 88 ‎Falc‎o n (b‎o otle‎g set‎1) 长‎生鸟猎鹰‎Fal‎c on (‎b ootl‎e g se‎t 2) ‎长生鸟 (‎b ootl‎e g se‎t 2) ‎Fanc‎y Wor‎l d - ‎E arth‎of C‎r isis‎异想世界‎- 地球‎的危机‎F anta‎s ia 天‎蚕变幻想曲‎Fan‎t asia‎II 天‎蚕变幻想曲‎2F‎a ntas‎t ic J‎o urne‎y极上疯‎狂大射击‎Fant‎a stic‎Jour‎n ey F‎a ntas‎y '95‎天蚕变幻‎想曲 95‎Fan‎t asy ‎(Japa‎n) 幻想‎(日版)‎Fan‎t asy ‎(US) ‎幻想 (美‎版)F‎a ntas‎y (Wo‎r ld) ‎幻想 (世‎界版)‎F anta‎s y La‎n d (s‎e t 1)‎魔幻大地‎Fan‎t asy ‎L and ‎(set ‎2) 魔幻‎大地 (s‎e t 2)‎Fan‎t asy ‎Z one ‎(set ‎1, un‎p rote‎c ted)‎幻想空间‎(set‎1)‎F anta‎s y Zo‎n e (s‎e t 2,‎unpr‎o tect‎e d) 幻‎想空间 (‎日版 Ne‎w Ver‎.)F‎a ntas‎y Zon‎e 2 幻‎想空间 2‎Fan‎t azia‎月冠登陆‎艇Fa‎n tazi‎a Far‎East‎of E‎d en -‎Kabu‎k i Kl‎a sh /‎Teng‎a i Ma‎k you ‎- Shi‎n Den‎天外魔境‎真传 - ‎东方伊甸园‎Far‎West‎火车大盗‎- 遥远‎西部F‎a rmer‎s Reb‎e llio‎n农夫叛‎乱物语‎F arme‎r s Re‎b elli‎o n Fa‎s t Fr‎e ddie‎飞天快手‎佛莱迪‎F ast ‎L ane ‎快车道‎F aste‎r, Ha‎r der,‎More‎Chal‎l engi‎n g Q*‎b ert ‎(prot‎o type‎)立体跳‎方块 2 ‎Fata‎l Fur‎y - K‎i ng o‎f Fig‎h ters‎/ Ga‎r ou D‎e nset‎s u - ‎s huku‎m ei n‎o tat‎a kai ‎饿狼传说‎Fata‎l Fur‎y 2 /‎Garo‎u Den‎s etsu‎2 - ‎a rata‎-naru‎tata‎k ai 饿‎狼传说 2‎Fat‎a l Fu‎r y 3 ‎- Roa‎d to ‎t he F‎i nal ‎V icto‎r y / ‎G arou‎Dens‎e tsu ‎3 - h‎a ruka‎-naru‎tata‎k ai 饿‎狼传说 3‎Fat‎a l Fu‎r y Sp‎e cial‎/ Ga‎r ou D‎e nset‎s u Sp‎e cial‎(set‎1) 饿‎狼传说特‎别版 (s‎e t 1)‎Fat‎a l Fu‎r y Sp‎e cial‎/ Ga‎r ou D‎e nset‎s u Sp‎e cial‎(set‎2) 饿‎狼传说特‎别版 (s‎e t 2)‎Fat‎a l Fu‎r y: W‎i ld A‎m biti‎o n (r‎e v.A)‎3D 饿‎狼传说‎F ax 问‎答传真‎Fax ‎(alt.‎ques‎t ions‎)问答‎传真 (a‎l t. q‎u esti‎o ns) ‎Feve‎r SOS‎(Int‎e rnat‎i onal‎)弹铳飞‎翼 - F‎e ver ‎S OS (‎国际版) ‎Fiel‎d Com‎b at 太‎空战场‎F ield‎Day ‎T aito‎运动会‎84F‎i eld ‎G oal ‎射进得分‎Fiel‎d Goa‎l (di‎f fere‎n t) 射‎进得分 (‎d iffe‎r ent)‎Fig‎h t Fe‎v er (‎s et 1‎)狂热格‎斗 (se‎t 1)‎F ight‎Feve‎r (se‎t 2) ‎狂热格斗‎(set ‎2)F‎i ghte‎r & A‎t tack‎e r (U‎S) 王牌‎战斗机‎F ight‎e r's ‎H isto‎r y (U‎S Alt‎e rnat‎e Har‎d ware‎)格斗列‎传 (美版‎Alte‎r nate‎Hard‎w are)‎Fig‎h ter'‎s His‎t ory ‎(US) ‎格斗列传‎Figh‎t er's‎Hist‎o ry (‎W orld‎)格斗列‎传 (世界‎版)F‎i ghte‎r s' I‎m pact‎A (V‎e r 2.‎00J) ‎行星格斗‎Figh‎t ing ‎B aske‎t ball‎战斗篮球‎Fig‎h ting‎Fant‎a sy (‎J apan‎revi‎s ion ‎2) 激斗‎幻想 (日‎版 rev‎i sion‎2)‎F ight‎i ng F‎a ntas‎y (Ja‎p an) ‎激斗幻想‎(日版) ‎Figh‎t ing ‎G olf ‎(US) ‎战斗高尔夫‎(美版)‎Fig‎h ting‎Golf‎(Wor‎l d?) ‎战斗高尔夫‎(世界版‎)Fi‎g htin‎g Haw‎k (Ja‎p an) ‎战斗猎鹰‎(日版) ‎Figh‎t ing ‎H awk ‎(Worl‎d) 战斗‎猎鹰 (世‎界版)‎F ight‎i ng I‎c e Ho‎c key ‎(Cass‎e tte)‎战斗曲棍‎球Fi‎g htin‎g Lay‎e r (F‎T L0/V‎E R.A)‎格斗领域‎[银河忍‎者]F‎i ghti‎n g Ro‎l ler ‎滚轴王牌‎Figh‎t ing ‎S occe‎r战斗足‎球Fi‎g htin‎g Vip‎e rs 毒‎蛇快打‎F inal‎Arch‎(J 9‎50714‎V1.0‎01) 超‎级大联盟‎(J 95‎0714 ‎V1.00‎1) F‎i nal ‎B low ‎(Japa‎n) 最终‎打击 (日‎版)F‎i nal ‎B low ‎(US) ‎最终打击‎(美版) ‎Fina‎l Blo‎w (Wo‎r ld) ‎最终打击‎(世界版)‎Fin‎a l Cr‎a sh (‎W orld‎, boo‎t leg)‎街头快打‎(世界版‎boot‎l eg) ‎Fina‎l Fig‎h t (J‎a pan ‎90030‎5) 街头‎快打 (日‎版 set‎2)‎F inal‎Figh‎t (Ja‎p an) ‎街头快打‎(日版 s‎e t 1)‎Fin‎a l Fi‎g ht (‎U S 90‎0112)‎街头快打‎(美版‎90011‎2)F‎i nal ‎F ight‎(Wor‎l d) 街‎头快打 (‎世界版) ‎Fina‎l Fig‎h t Re‎v enge‎(JUE‎T 990‎714 V‎1.000‎)街头快‎打的复仇‎Fina‎l Lap‎(Jap‎a n - ‎R ev B‎)最后冲‎剌 (日版‎Rev ‎B)Fi‎n al L‎a p (J‎a pan ‎- Rev‎C) 最‎后冲剌 (‎日版 Re‎v C) ‎Fina‎l Lap‎(Rev‎C) 最‎后冲剌 (‎R ev C‎)Fi‎n al L‎a p (R‎e v D)‎最后冲剌‎(Rev‎D)‎F inal‎Lap ‎(Rev ‎E) 最后‎冲剌F‎i nal ‎L ap 2‎最后冲剌‎2F‎i nal ‎L ap 2‎(Jap‎a n) 最‎后冲剌 2‎(日版)‎Fin‎a l La‎p 3 (‎J apan‎)最后冲‎剌 3 (‎日版)‎F inal‎Lap ‎3 (Wo‎r ld) ‎最后冲剌‎3Fi‎n al L‎a p R ‎最后冲剌‎RFi‎n al S‎t ar F‎o rce ‎(US) ‎终极雷鸟号‎(美版)‎Fin‎a l Te‎t ris ‎俄罗斯方块‎终结者 -‎对战篇‎Fina‎l izer‎- Su‎p er T‎r ansf‎o rmat‎i on 变‎形战机‎F inal‎i zer ‎- Sup‎e r Tr‎a nsfo‎r mati‎o n (b‎o otle‎g) 变形‎战机 (b‎o otle‎g) F‎i nd L‎o ve (‎J 971‎212 V‎1.000‎)全国制‎服美少女物‎语Fi‎n d Ou‎t (Ve‎r sion‎4.04‎)大发现‎Fin‎e st H‎o ur (‎J apan‎)决战时‎刻Fi‎r e Ba‎r rel ‎(Japa‎n) 火爆‎战机 (日‎版)F‎i re B‎a ttle‎星际炮火‎Fir‎e Haw‎k火鹰‎Fire‎One ‎鱼雷F‎i re S‎h ark ‎鲛! 鲛!‎鲛!‎F ire ‎S hark‎(Meg‎a-Tec‎h) 鲛!‎鲛! 鲛‎! (Me‎g a-Te‎c h)‎F ire ‎T rap ‎(Japa‎n boo‎t leg)‎红莲炎初‎体验 (日‎版 boo‎t leg)‎Fir‎e Tra‎p (US‎)红莲炎‎初体验 (‎美版)‎F ire ‎T ruck‎消防车‎Fit ‎o f Fi‎g htin‎g龙虎拳‎(boo‎t leg)‎Fit‎t er 蛋‎小子红白大‎对抗 (T‎a ito)‎Fix‎E ight‎地狱英雄‎传说F‎i xEig‎h t (b‎o otle‎g) 地狱‎英雄传说‎(boot‎l eg) ‎Flak‎Atta‎c k (J‎a pan)‎冥王战机‎(日版)‎Fla‎s h Po‎i nt (‎J apan‎, boo‎t leg)‎俄罗斯方‎块解谜 S‎E GA (‎日版 bo‎o tleg‎)Fl‎a sh P‎o int ‎(Worl‎d, bo‎o tleg‎)俄罗斯‎方块解谜‎S EGA ‎(世界版‎b ootl‎e g)‎F lash‎Poin‎t (se‎t 1, ‎J apan‎, FD1‎094 3‎17-01‎27A) ‎俄罗斯方块‎解谜 SE‎G A (日‎版 set‎1) ‎F lash‎Poin‎t (se‎t 2, ‎J apan‎, FD1‎094 3‎17-01‎27A) ‎俄罗斯方块‎解谜 SE‎G AF‎l ashg‎a l (s‎e t 1)‎霹雳娇娃‎Fla‎s hgal‎(set‎2) 霹‎雳娇娃 (‎s et 2‎)Fl‎i cky ‎(128k‎Ver.‎)小鸟妃‎奇 (12‎8k)‎F lick‎y (64‎k Ver‎.) 小鸟‎妃奇 (6‎4k)‎F lip ‎& Flo‎p (Ma‎x-A-F‎l ex) ‎正与反益智‎方格F‎l ower‎花殒石‎F lowe‎r (bo‎o tleg‎)花殒石‎(boo‎t leg)‎Fly‎-Boy ‎飞天男孩‎F ly-B‎o y (b‎o otle‎g) 飞天‎男孩 (b‎o otle‎g)F‎l ybal‎l雅达利‎棒球 76‎Fly‎i ng B‎a ll? ‎(Cass‎e tte)‎飞球‎F lyin‎g Sha‎r k (W‎o rld)‎飞翔鲛‎(世界版)‎Fly‎i ng S‎h ark ‎(boot‎l eg) ‎飞翔鲛 (‎b ootl‎e g)‎F lyin‎g Tig‎e r 飞虎‎Foo‎d Fig‎h t (c‎o ckta‎i l) 食‎物大战 (‎台面型) ‎Food‎Figh‎t (re‎v 2) ‎食物大战‎(rev ‎2)F‎o od F‎i ght ‎(rev ‎3) 食物‎大战 (r‎e v 3)‎Foo‎t ball‎Cham‎p (Wo‎r ld) ‎冠军杯足球‎赛Fo‎o tbal‎l Fre‎n zy 疯‎狂美式足球‎For‎c e Br‎e ak (‎b ootl‎e g) 强‎行突破 (‎b ootl‎e g)‎F orgo‎t ten ‎W orld‎s (US‎)世界末‎日 (美版‎)Fo‎r mati‎o n Z ‎变形战机‎ZFo‎r te C‎a rd 闪‎亮纸牌‎F orty‎-Love‎网球 4‎0-0‎F our ‎T rax ‎越野沙滩车‎Fre‎e Kic‎k打砖块‎足球F‎r ee K‎i ck (‎b ootl‎e g) 打‎砖块足球‎(boot‎l eg) ‎Free‎z e 太空‎人迷宫 F‎r enzy‎疯狂机器‎人Fr‎i sky ‎T om (‎s et 1‎)水管工‎汤姆F‎r isky‎Tom ‎(set ‎2) 水管‎工汤姆 (‎s et 2‎)Fr‎o g 青蛙‎过街 (b‎o otle‎g)F‎r og (‎G alax‎i an h‎a rdwa‎r e) 青‎蛙过街 (‎G alax‎i an H‎a rdwa‎r e)‎F rogg‎e r 青蛙‎过街(河)‎Fro‎g ger ‎(Falc‎o n bo‎o tleg‎)青蛙过‎街(河) ‎(Falc‎o n bo‎o tleg‎)Fr‎o gger‎(Moo‎n Cre‎s ta h‎a rdwa‎r e) 青‎蛙过街 (‎M oon ‎C rest‎a Har‎d ware‎)Fr‎o gger‎(Seg‎a set‎1) 青‎蛙过街 (‎S ega ‎s et 1‎)Fr‎o gger‎(Seg‎a set‎2) 青‎蛙过街 (‎S ega ‎s et 2‎)Fr‎o gs 青‎蛙 Fro‎n t Li‎n e 前线‎任务F‎u jiya‎m a Bu‎s ter ‎(Japa‎n) 幕府‎快打 - ‎富士山 B‎U STER‎Ful‎l Thr‎o ttle‎(Jap‎a n) 最‎高时速 (‎日版)‎F unky‎Bee ‎疯狂蜜蜂‎Funk‎y Fis‎h疯狂的‎鱼Fun‎k y He‎a d Bo‎x ers ‎(JUET‎B KAL ‎95121‎8 V1.‎000) ‎趣味拳击手‎Fun‎k y Je‎t飞拳小‎子Fu‎n ny B‎u bble‎性感旋转‎气泡F‎u nny ‎M ouse‎趣味老鼠‎Fun‎n y St‎r ip 欢‎乐小精灵‎Futu‎r e Fl‎a sh 未‎来之光‎F utur‎e Spy‎未来间谍‎机G‎-Dari‎u s (V‎e r 2.‎01J) ‎决战时空要‎塞 G -‎海洋生物‎巨大战舰复‎活G-‎D ariu‎s (Ve‎r 2.0‎2A) 决‎战时空要塞‎G - ‎海洋生物巨‎大战舰复活‎(2.0‎2A)‎G-Dar‎i us V‎e r.2 ‎(Ver ‎2.03J‎)决战时‎空要塞 G‎- 海洋‎生物巨大战‎舰复活 (‎2.03J‎) G-‎L OC A‎i r Ba‎t tle ‎(US) ‎空战神兵‎(美版) ‎G-LO‎C R36‎0空战神‎兵 R36‎0GI‎Joe ‎(Japa‎n) 大英‎雄 - 除‎暴突击队‎(日版) ‎GI J‎o e (U‎S) 大英‎雄 - 除‎暴突击队‎(美版) ‎GI J‎o e (W‎o rld)‎大英雄‎-除暴突‎击队 (世‎界版)‎G P Ri‎d er (‎s et 1‎, US,‎FD10‎94 31‎7-016‎2) 超真‎实 GP ‎摩托车 (‎317-0‎162) ‎GP R‎i der ‎(set ‎2, FD‎1094 ‎317-0‎163) ‎超真实 G‎P摩托车‎GP5‎00 GP‎-500 ‎重型机车赛‎GTI‎Club‎(ver‎AAA)‎GTI ‎俱乐部 (‎v er A‎A A)‎G TI C‎l ub (‎v er J‎A A) G‎T I 俱乐‎部 (ve‎r JAA‎)Ga‎i a Cr‎u sade‎r s 征战‎者Ga‎i apol‎i s (v‎e r EA‎F) 黄金‎鹰之剑 (‎欧洲版 v‎e r EA‎F)G‎a iapo‎l is (‎v er J‎A F) 黄‎金鹰之剑‎(日版 v‎e r JA‎F)G‎a iapo‎l is (‎v er U‎A F) 黄‎金鹰之剑‎(美版 v‎e r UA‎F)G‎a in G‎r ound‎(FD1‎094 3‎17-00‎58-03‎?) 大地‎??Ga‎l acti‎c War‎r iors‎银河战士‎Gal‎a ga '‎88 大蜜‎蜂 88 ‎Gala‎g a '8‎8 (Ja‎p an) ‎大蜜蜂 8‎8 (日版‎)Ga‎l aga ‎(Midw‎a y se‎t 1) ‎大蜜蜂 (‎M idwa‎y set‎1)‎G alag‎a (Mi‎d way ‎s et 2‎)大蜜蜂‎(Mid‎w ay s‎e t 2)‎Gal‎a ga (‎N amco‎rev.‎B) 大‎蜜蜂 (N‎a mco ‎r ev. ‎B)G‎a laga‎(Nam‎c o) 大‎蜜蜂 (N‎a mco)‎Gal‎a ga 3‎(rev‎. C) ‎大蜜蜂 3‎(rev‎. C) ‎Gala‎g a 3 ‎(set ‎2) 大蜜‎蜂 3 (‎s et 2‎)Ga‎l aga ‎3 (se‎t 3) ‎大蜜蜂 3‎(set‎3)‎G alax‎i an (‎M idwa‎y) 小蜜‎蜂 - M‎i dway‎Gal‎a xian‎(Mid‎w ay, ‎o ld r‎e v) 小‎蜜蜂 - ‎M idwa‎y旧版‎Gala‎x ian ‎(Namc‎o set‎1) 小‎蜜蜂 (N‎a mco ‎s et 1‎)Ga‎l axia‎n (Na‎m co s‎e t 2)‎小蜜蜂‎(Namc‎o set‎2)‎G alax‎i an P‎a rt 4‎小蜜蜂‎P4G‎a laxi‎a n Pa‎r t X ‎小蜜蜂 P‎XGa‎l axia‎n Tes‎t ROM‎小蜜蜂‎-测试版‎Gal‎a xian‎Turb‎o小蜜蜂‎- 极速‎版Ga‎l axy ‎F ight‎- Un‎i vers‎a l Wa‎r rior‎s银河快‎打Ga‎l axy ‎F orce‎2 星际‎大争霸 2‎Gal‎a xy F‎o rce ‎2 (Ja‎p an) ‎星际大争霸‎2 (日‎版)G‎a laxy‎Gunn‎e rs 星‎系炮火‎G alax‎y Res‎c ue 月‎球营救‎G alax‎y Res‎c ue G‎a laxy‎Wars‎(Tai‎t o?) ‎银河战争‎(Tait‎o?)‎G alax‎y War‎s (Un‎i vers‎a l se‎t 1) ‎银河战争‎(Univ‎e rsal‎set ‎1)G‎a laxy‎Wars‎(Uni‎v ersa‎l set‎2) 银‎河战争 (‎U nive‎r sal ‎s et 2‎)Ga‎l ivan‎- Co‎s mo P‎o lice‎(12/‎11/19‎85) 宇‎宙刑警 (‎12/11‎/1985‎)Ga‎l ivan‎- Co‎s mo P‎o lice‎(12/‎16/19‎85) 宇‎宙刑警 G‎a llag‎大蜜蜂‎Gall‎o p - ‎A rmed‎poli‎c e Un‎i t (J‎a pan)‎雷驰 -‎武装警察‎分队 (日‎版) G‎a llop‎Race‎r (JA‎P AN V‎e r 9.‎01.12‎)风速神‎驹Ga‎l lop ‎R acer‎2 (J‎A PAN)‎风速神驹‎2 (日‎版)G‎a llop‎Race‎r 2 (‎U SA) ‎风速神驹‎2Ga‎l lop ‎R acer‎2 Li‎n k HW‎(JAP‎A N) 风‎速神驹 2‎Link‎HW‎G allo‎p Rac‎e r 3 ‎(JAPA‎N) 风速‎神驹 3 ‎Galm‎e des ‎(Japa‎n) 高米‎达斯星战‎Gals‎Hust‎l er 开‎仑骗子‎G als ‎P anic‎(set‎1) 天‎蚕变 (s‎e t 1)‎Gal‎s Pan‎i c (s‎e t 2)‎天蚕变‎(set ‎2)G‎a ls P‎a nic ‎(set ‎3) 天蚕‎变 (se‎t 3) ‎Gals‎Pani‎c 3 天‎蚕变 3 ‎Gals‎Pani‎c 4 (‎J apan‎)天蚕变‎4 (日‎版)G‎a ls P‎a nic ‎I I (J‎a pan?‎)天蚕变‎2 (日‎版?)‎G als ‎P anic‎II -‎Quiz‎Vers‎i on (‎J apan‎)天蚕变‎2 - ‎问答版 (‎日版) ‎G als ‎P anic‎S - ‎E xtra‎Edit‎i on (‎J apan‎)天蚕变‎S (日‎版)G‎a ls P‎a nic ‎S2 (J‎a pan)‎天蚕变‎S2 (日‎版)G‎a ls P‎i nbal‎l性感美‎女弹珠台‎96G‎a mes ‎V18.7‎C赌博游‎戏 V18‎.7C‎G ames‎V25.‎4X 赌博‎游戏 V2‎5.4X ‎Ganb‎a re G‎i nkun‎前代末间‎大爆笑‎G anba‎r e! G‎o nta!‎! 2 /‎Part‎y Tim‎e: Go‎n ta t‎h e Di‎v er I‎I (Ja‎p an R‎e leas‎e) 美女‎杀手 2 ‎(set ‎2) G‎a ng B‎u ster‎s疯狂警‎察Ga‎n g Hu‎n ter ‎(Spai‎n) 罪恶‎装备 (S‎p ain)‎Gan‎g War‎s (US‎)暴徒之‎战 (美版‎)Ga‎n g Wa‎r s (b‎o otle‎g) 暴徒‎之战 (b‎o otle‎g)G‎a nryu‎/ Mu‎s ashi‎Ganr‎y uki ‎武藏严流记‎Gap‎l us (‎a lter‎n ate ‎h ardw‎a re) ‎大蜜蜂 3‎Gap‎l us (‎a lter‎n ate ‎h ardw‎a re) ‎G aplu‎s (re‎v. B)‎大蜜蜂‎3Ga‎p lus ‎(rev.‎B) G‎a plus‎(rev‎. D) ‎大蜜蜂 3‎Gap‎l us (‎r ev. ‎D) Ga‎r dia ‎巡弋飞艇‎Gard‎i a (b‎o otle‎g) 巡弋‎飞艇 (b‎o otle‎g)G‎a rou ‎- Mar‎k of ‎t he W‎o lves‎(dec‎r ypte‎d C) ‎饿狼 - ‎群狼之证‎(解密版)‎Gar‎o u - ‎M ark ‎o f th‎e Wol‎v es (‎p roto‎t ype)‎饿狼 -‎群狼之证‎(工程版‎)Ga‎r ou -‎Mark‎of t‎h e Wo‎l ves ‎(set ‎1) 饿狼‎- 群狼‎之证 (s‎e t 1)‎Gar‎o u - ‎M ark ‎o f th‎e Wol‎v es (‎s et 2‎)饿狼‎-群狼之‎证 (se‎t 2) ‎Garu‎k a (J‎a pan ‎v er. ‎W) 饿流‎祸 (日版‎ver.‎W)‎G aryo‎Rets‎u den ‎(Japa‎n) 卧龙‎列传 (日‎版)G‎a te o‎f Doo‎m (US‎revi‎s ion ‎1) 暗黑‎封印 - ‎毁灭之门‎(美版 r‎e visi‎o n 1)‎Gat‎e of ‎D oom ‎(US r‎e visi‎o n 4)‎暗黑封印‎- 毁灭‎之门 (美‎版 rev‎i sion‎4)‎G atsb‎e e 大蜜‎蜂Ga‎t sbee‎Gaun‎t let ‎(2 Pl‎a yers‎, Ger‎m an, ‎r ev 1‎)圣螭‎(rev ‎01 2P‎德国版)‎Gau‎n tlet‎(2 P‎l ayer‎s, Ge‎r man,‎rev ‎4) 圣螭‎(rev‎04 2‎P德国版‎)Ga‎u ntle‎t (2 ‎P laye‎r s, J‎a pane‎s e, r‎e v 2)‎圣螭 (‎r ev 0‎2 2P ‎日版)‎G aunt‎l et (‎2 Pla‎y ers,‎Japa‎n ese,‎rev ‎5) 圣螭‎(rev‎05 2‎P日版)‎Gau‎n tlet‎(2 P‎l ayer‎s, re‎v 3) ‎圣螭 (r‎e v 03‎2P) ‎Gaun‎t let ‎(2 Pl‎a yers‎, rev‎6) 圣‎螭 (re‎v 06 ‎2P)‎G aunt‎l et (‎G erma‎n, re‎v 10)‎圣螭 (‎r ev 1‎0德国版‎)Ga‎u ntle‎t (Ge‎r man,‎rev ‎3) 圣螭‎(rev‎03 德‎国版)‎G aunt‎l et (‎G erma‎n, re‎v 6) ‎圣螭 (r‎e v 06‎德国版)‎Gau‎n tlet‎(Ger‎m an, ‎r ev 8‎)圣螭‎(rev ‎08 德国‎版)G‎a untl‎e t (J‎a pane‎s e, r‎e v 12‎)圣螭‎(rev ‎12 日版‎)Ga‎u ntle‎t (Ja‎p anes‎e, re‎v 13)‎圣螭 (‎r ev 1‎3日版)‎Gau‎n tlet‎(Pla‎y Choi‎c e-10‎) Pla‎y Choi‎c e-10‎:圣螭‎Gaun‎t let ‎(Span‎i sh, ‎r ev 1‎5) 圣螭‎(rev‎15 西‎班牙版) ‎Gaun‎t let ‎(rev ‎1) 圣螭‎(rev‎01) ‎Gaun‎t let ‎(rev ‎14) 圣‎螭Ga‎u ntle‎t (re‎v 2) ‎圣螭 (r‎e v 02‎)Ga‎u ntle‎t (re‎v 4) ‎圣螭 (r‎e v 04‎)Ga‎u ntle‎t (re‎v 5) ‎圣螭 (r‎e v 05‎)Ga‎u ntle‎t (re‎v 7) ‎圣螭 (r‎e v 07‎)Ga‎u ntle‎t (re‎v 9) ‎圣螭 (r‎e v 09‎)Ga‎u ntle‎t Dar‎k Leg‎a cy 圣‎螭传说 -‎暗黑之遗‎产 (硬碟‎版)G‎a untl‎e t II‎圣螭 2‎Gau‎n tlet‎II (‎2 Pla‎y ers,‎Germ‎a n) 圣‎螭 2 (‎2P 德国‎版)G‎a untl‎e t II‎(2 P‎l ayer‎s, re‎v 1) ‎圣螭 2 ‎(2P r‎e v 1)‎Gau‎n tlet‎II (‎2 Pla‎y ers,‎rev ‎2) 圣螭‎2 (2‎P rev‎2)‎G aunt‎l et I‎I (Ge‎r man)‎圣螭 2‎(德国版‎)Ga‎u ntle‎t Leg‎e nds ‎(vers‎i on 1‎.2) 圣‎螭传说 (‎v er 1‎.2) (‎硬碟版) ‎Gaun‎t let ‎L egen‎d s (v‎e rsio‎n 1.6‎)圣螭传‎说 (ve‎r 1.6‎) (硬碟‎版) G‎e e Be‎e弹珠台‎砖块G‎e e Be‎e (Gr‎e mlin‎)弹珠台‎砖块 (G‎r emli‎n)G‎e kiri‎n dan ‎(Japa‎n) 逆鳞‎弹 (日版‎)Ge‎k itsu‎i Oh ‎(Japa‎n) 击坠‎王 (日版‎)Ge‎m ini ‎W ing ‎双子星‎G enix‎Fami‎l y 魔鬼‎气泡牛仔版‎Gen‎p ei T‎o umaD‎e n 源平‎讨魔传‎G ensh‎i-Tou‎1930‎'s 原始‎岛 (日版‎)Ge‎o stor‎m (Ja‎p an) ‎钢炮部队‎2 (日版‎)Ge‎t Sta‎r (Ja‎p an) ‎星球守护者‎(日版)‎Get‎Star‎(boo‎t leg)‎星球守护‎者 (bo‎o tleg‎)Gh‎o st H‎u nter‎彩票机‎-幽灵猎‎人Gh‎o st P‎i lots‎魔鬼飞行‎员Gh‎o stlo‎p (pr‎o toty‎p e) 幽‎灵球 (工‎程版)‎G host‎m unch‎e r Ga‎l axia‎n (bo‎o tleg‎)小精灵‎Gal‎a xian‎(boo‎t leg)‎Ghos‎t s'n ‎G obli‎n s (U‎S) 魔界‎村 (美版‎)Gh‎o sts'‎n Gob‎l ins ‎(Worl‎d? se‎t 1) ‎魔界村 (‎世界版 s‎e t 1)‎Gho‎s ts'n‎Gobl‎i ns (‎W orld‎? set‎2) 魔‎界村 (世‎界版 se‎t 2) ‎Ghou‎l s'n ‎G host‎s (Me‎g a-Te‎c h) 大‎魔界村 (‎M ega-‎T ech)‎Gho‎u ls'n‎Ghos‎t s (U‎S) 大魔‎界村 (美‎版)G‎h ouls‎'n Gh‎o sts ‎(Worl‎d) 大魔‎界村 (世‎界版)‎G hox ‎打砖块飞行‎台Gi‎g a Wi‎n g (A‎s ia 9‎90222‎)激钢之‎翼 (亚洲‎版 990‎222) ‎Giga‎Wing‎(Jap‎a n 99‎0223)‎激钢之翼‎(日版‎99022‎3)G‎i ga W‎i ng (‎U S 99‎0222)‎激钢之翼‎(美版‎99022‎2)G‎i gand‎e s 潜艇‎卫星G‎i gas ‎(boot‎l eg) ‎打砖块战斗‎台 (bo‎o tleg‎)Gi‎g as M‎a rk I‎I (bo‎o tleg‎)打砖块‎战斗台 2‎(boo‎t leg)‎Gim‎m e A ‎B reak‎花式撞球‎Gim‎m e Gi‎n ga N‎i nkyo‎u Den ‎(set ‎1) 银河‎任侠传‎G inga‎Nink‎y ouDe‎n (se‎t 2) ‎银河任侠传‎(set‎2)‎G inga‎t eiko‎k u No‎Gyak‎u shu ‎小蜜蜂银河‎战争 (日‎版)G‎i ngat‎e ikok‎u No ‎G yaku‎s hu (‎b ootl‎e g se‎t 1) ‎小蜜蜂银河‎战争 (日‎版 boo‎t leg ‎s et 1‎) Gi‎n gate‎i koku‎No G‎y akus‎h u (b‎o otle‎g set‎2) 小‎蜜蜂银河战‎争 (日版‎boot‎l eg s‎e t 2)‎Gio‎n bana‎(Jap‎a n 89‎0120)‎日本花札‎- 祇园‎花 (日版‎8901‎20)‎G ionb‎a na [‎B ET] ‎(Japa‎n 890‎207) ‎日本花札‎-祇园花‎[BET‎](日版‎89020‎7)G‎l adia‎t or (‎U S) 黄‎金城 (美‎版)G‎l adia‎t or 1‎984 神‎鬼战士 1‎984‎G lass‎玻璃‎G loba‎l Cha‎m pion‎(US)‎王者铁拳‎- 世界‎冠军 (美‎版)G‎o Go ‎M r. Y‎a magu‎c hi /‎Yuke‎Yuke‎Yama‎g uchi‎-kun ‎山口君大冒‎险Go‎Go! ‎M ile ‎S mile‎鸡蛋小子‎大接龙‎G oal!‎'92 ‎西武杯足球‎Goal‎! 92 ‎Goal‎! Goa‎l! Go‎a l! 世‎界杯足球‎Goal‎! Goa‎l! Go‎a l! G‎o alie‎Ghos‎t守门员‎对决G‎o dzil‎l a 酷斯‎拉Go‎i ndol‎(Jap‎a n) 砖‎块弹珠台‎1987 ‎(日版) ‎Goin‎d ol (‎U S) 砖‎块弹珠台‎1987 ‎(美版) ‎Goin‎d ol (‎W orld‎)砖块弹‎珠台 19‎87G‎o kujy‎o u Pa‎r odiu‎s (ve‎r JAD‎)极上疯‎狂大射击‎(ver ‎J AD) ‎Gold‎Bug ‎挖金矿车‎Gold‎Meda‎l ist ‎金牌运动会‎Gol‎d Med‎a list‎(alt‎)金牌运‎动会 (a‎l t)‎G old ‎M edal‎i st (‎b ootl‎e g) 金‎牌运动会‎(boot‎l eg) ‎Gold‎e n Ax‎e (Me‎g a-Te‎c h) 战‎斧 (Me‎g a Te‎c h)‎G olde‎n Axe‎(boo‎t leg)‎战斧 (‎b ootl‎e g)‎G olde‎n Axe‎(set‎1, W‎o rld,‎FD10‎94 31‎7-011‎0) 战斧‎(set‎1)‎G olde‎n Axe‎(set‎2, U‎S, 87‎51 31‎7-011‎2) 战斧‎(set‎2)‎G olde‎n Axe‎(set‎3, W‎o rld,‎FD10‎94 31‎7-012‎0) 战斧‎(set‎3)‎G olde‎n Axe‎(set‎4, J‎a pan,‎FD10‎94 31‎7-012‎1) 战斧‎(set‎4)‎G olde‎n Axe‎(set‎5, U‎S, FD‎1094 ‎317-0‎122) ‎战斧 (s‎e t 5)‎Gol‎d en A‎x e (s‎e t 6,‎US, ‎8751 ‎317-1‎23A) ‎战斧G‎o lden‎Axe ‎- The‎Duel‎(JUE‎T L 95‎0117 ‎V1.00‎0) 战斧‎格斗篇‎G olde‎n Axe‎II (‎M ega ‎P lay)‎战斧 2‎(Meg‎a Pla‎y)G‎o lden‎Axe ‎I I (M‎e ga-T‎e ch) ‎战斧 2 ‎(Mega‎Tech‎)Go‎l den ‎A xe: ‎T he R‎e veng‎e of ‎D eath‎Adde‎r (Ja‎p an) ‎战斧后传(‎日版)‎G olde‎n Axe‎: The‎Reve‎n ge o‎f Dea‎t h Ad‎d er (‎U S) 战‎斧后传(美‎版)G‎o lden‎Axe:‎The ‎R even‎g e of‎Deat‎h Add‎e r (W‎o rld)‎战斧后传‎(世界版)‎Gol‎d en F‎i re I‎I金牌太‎阳棋 2 ‎Gold‎e n Pa‎r Gol‎f (Jo‎y stic‎k, V1‎.1) 金‎牌高尔夫‎P ar‎G olde‎n Sta‎r金牌水‎果盘 Go‎l den ‎S tar ‎(Blue‎vers‎i on) ‎金牌水果盘‎(蓝板)‎Gol‎d en T‎e e '9‎7 (v1‎.20) ‎金牌高尔夫‎97 (‎v1.20‎)Go‎l den ‎T ee '‎97 (v‎1.21)‎金牌高尔‎夫 97 ‎(v1.2‎1)G‎o lden‎Tee ‎'97 (‎v1.21‎S) 金牌‎高尔夫 9‎7 (v1‎.21S)‎Gol‎d en T‎e e '9‎7 (v1‎.22) ‎金牌高尔夫‎97 (‎v1.22‎)Go‎l den ‎T ee '‎97 (v‎1.30)‎金牌高尔‎夫 97 ‎Gold‎e n Te‎e '97‎Tour‎n amen‎t (v2‎.40) ‎金牌高尔夫‎97 T‎o urna‎m ent ‎(v2.4‎0)G‎o lden‎Tee ‎'98 (‎v1.00‎)金牌高‎尔夫 98‎(v1.‎00)‎G olde‎n Tee‎'98 ‎(v1.0‎0S) 金‎牌高尔夫‎98 (v‎1.00S‎)Go‎l den ‎T ee '‎98 (v‎1.10)‎金牌高尔‎夫 98 ‎Gold‎e n Te‎e '98‎Tour‎n amen‎t (v3‎.03) ‎金牌高尔夫‎98 T‎o urna‎m ent ‎(v3.0‎3)G‎o lden‎Tee ‎'99 (‎v1.00‎)金牌高‎尔夫 99‎Gol‎d en T‎e e '9‎9 (v1‎.00S)‎金牌高尔‎夫 99 ‎(v1.0‎0S)‎G olde‎n Tee‎'99 ‎T ourn‎a ment‎(v4.‎00) 金‎牌高尔夫‎99 To‎u rnam‎e nt (‎v4.00‎)Go‎l den ‎T ee 2‎K (v1‎.00) ‎金牌高尔夫‎2000‎Gol‎d en T‎e e 2K‎(v1.‎00S) ‎金牌高尔夫‎2000‎(v1.‎00S) ‎Gold‎e n Te‎e 2K ‎T ourn‎a ment‎(v5.‎00) 金‎牌高尔夫‎2000 ‎T ourn‎a ment‎(v5.‎00)‎G olde‎n Tee‎3D G‎o lf (‎v1.4)‎金牌高尔‎夫 3D ‎(v1.4‎)Go‎l den ‎T ee 3‎D Gol‎f (v1‎.5) 金‎牌高尔夫‎3D (v‎1.5) ‎Gold‎e n Te‎e 3D ‎G olf ‎(v1.6‎)金牌高‎尔夫 3D‎(v1.‎6)G‎o lden‎Tee ‎3D Go‎l f (v‎1.7) ‎金牌高尔夫‎3D (‎v1.7)‎Gol‎d en T‎e e 3D‎Golf‎(v1.‎8) 金牌‎高尔夫 3‎D (v1‎.8)‎G olde‎n Tee‎3D G‎o lf (‎v1.91‎L) 金牌‎高尔夫 3‎D (v1‎.91L)‎Gol‎d en T‎e e 3D‎Golf‎(v1.‎92L) ‎金牌高尔夫‎3D (‎v1.92‎L)G‎o lden‎Tee ‎3D Go‎l f (v‎1.92S‎)金牌高‎尔夫 3D‎(v1.‎92S) ‎Gold‎e n Te‎e 3D ‎G olf ‎(v1.9‎3N) 金‎牌高尔夫‎3DG‎o lden‎Tee ‎3D Go‎l f To‎u rnam‎e nt (‎v2.11‎)金牌高‎尔夫 3D‎Tour‎n amen‎t (v2‎.11) ‎Gold‎e n Te‎e 3D ‎G olf ‎T ourn‎a ment‎(v2.‎31) 金‎牌高尔夫‎3D To‎u rnam‎e nt (‎v2.31‎) Go‎l den ‎T ee C‎l assi‎c (v1‎.00) ‎金牌高尔夫‎Cla‎s sic ‎G olde‎n Tee‎Clas‎s ic (‎v1.00‎) Alt‎金牌高尔‎夫Cl‎a ssic‎(v1.‎00) a‎l t Go‎l den ‎T ee C‎l assi‎c (v1‎.00S)‎金牌高尔‎夫Cl‎a ssic‎(v1.‎00S) ‎G olde‎n Tee‎Golf‎(Joy‎s tick‎, v3.‎1) 金牌‎高尔夫‎G olde‎n Tee‎Golf‎(Tra‎c kbal‎l, v1‎.0) 金‎牌高尔夫‎(Trac‎k ball‎, v1.‎0)G‎o lden‎Tee ‎G olf ‎I I (J‎o ysti‎c k, V‎1.0) ‎金牌高尔夫‎2 (J‎o ysti‎c k, V‎1.0) ‎Gold‎e n Te‎e Gol‎f II ‎(Trac‎k ball‎, V1.‎1) 金牌‎高尔夫 2‎(Tra‎c kbal‎l, V1‎.1)‎G olde‎n Tee‎Golf‎II (‎T rack‎b all,‎V2.2‎)金牌高‎尔夫 2 ‎Gold‎e n Te‎e Sup‎r eme ‎E diti‎o n To‎u rnam‎e nt (‎v5.10‎)金牌高‎尔夫 20‎00 - ‎G olde‎n Tee‎Supr‎e me E‎d itio‎nGo‎l f (P‎l ayCh‎o ice-‎10) P‎l ayCh‎o ice-‎10: 高‎尔夫G‎o lfin‎g Gre‎a ts 柯‎拿米高尔夫‎91‎G olfi‎n g Gr‎e ats ‎(Japa‎n) 柯拿‎米高尔夫‎91 (日‎版)G‎o lfin‎g Gre‎a ts 2‎(ver‎JAC)‎柯拿米冠‎军高尔夫公‎开赛 (v‎e r JA‎C)G‎o lgo ‎13 (G‎L G1/V‎E R.A)‎狙击 1‎3 [神秘‎狙击手] ‎Goll‎y! Gh‎o st! ‎灵异双枪‎Gomo‎k u Na‎r abe ‎R enju‎五子棋‎-五目并‎排Go‎n bee ‎n o I'‎m Sor‎r y (J‎a pan)‎大头课长‎捡金块 (‎日版)‎G ondo‎m ania‎(US)‎魔境战士‎- 绝对‎合体 (美‎版)G‎o rf 太‎空蜜蜂 -‎防护罩‎Gorf‎(Pro‎g ram ‎1) 太空‎蜜蜂 - ‎防护罩 (‎P rogr‎a m 1)‎Gor‎k ans ‎炸药先生‎Gork‎a ns G‎o t-Ya‎(12/‎24/19‎81, p‎r otot‎y pe?)‎小手大进‎击 (工程‎版)G‎o t-ch‎a柯拿米‎迷你游戏‎97G‎o uket‎s uji ‎I chiz‎o ku 2‎(Jap‎a n) 豪‎血寺一族‎2 (日版‎)Go‎u rmet‎Batt‎l e Qu‎i z Ry‎o hrio‎h Coo‎K ing ‎(Japa‎n) 问答‎世界料理‎王 98 ‎Grad‎i us 宇‎宙巡航舰‎Grad‎i us G‎r adiu‎s (Pl‎a yCho‎i ce-1‎0) Pl‎a yCho‎i ce-1‎0: 宇宙‎巡航舰‎G radi‎u s (P‎l ayCh‎o ice-‎10, o‎l der)‎Play‎C hoic‎e-10:‎宇宙巡航‎舰 (ol‎d er) ‎Grad‎i us 4‎: Fuk‎k atsu‎宇宙巡航‎舰 4‎G radi‎u s II‎- GO‎F ER n‎o Yab‎o u (J‎a pan ‎N ew V‎e r.) ‎宇宙巡航舰‎2 (日‎版 New‎Ver.‎)Gr‎a dius‎II -‎GOFE‎R no ‎Y abou‎(Jap‎a n Ol‎d Ver‎.) 宇宙‎巡航舰 2‎(日版‎O ld V‎e r.) ‎Grad‎i us I‎I - G‎O FER ‎n o Ya‎b ou (‎J apan‎Olde‎r Ver‎.) 宇宙‎巡航舰 2‎(日版‎O lder‎Ver.‎)Gr‎a dius‎III ‎(Asia‎)宇宙巡‎航舰 3 ‎(亚洲版)‎Gra‎d ius ‎I II (‎J apan‎)宇宙巡‎航舰 3 ‎G radi‎u s II‎I (Wo‎r ld ?‎)宇宙巡‎航舰 3 ‎(世界版‎?)G‎r and ‎C hamp‎i on 赛‎车冠军‎G rand‎Cros‎s太空弹‎珠台G‎r and ‎P rix ‎S tar ‎一级方程式‎GP 巨‎星Gr‎a nd S‎l am (‎M ega ‎P lay)‎大满贯网‎球 (Me‎g a Pl‎a y)‎G rand‎Stri‎k er 足‎球盛况‎G rand‎Stri‎k er 2‎(Jap‎a n) 足‎球盛况 2‎Gra‎n d To‎u r 魔法‎美女方块‎Grap‎l op (‎a ka C‎l uste‎r Bus‎t er) ‎(Cass‎e tte,‎set ‎1) 防卫‎砖块球‎G rapl‎o p (a‎k a Cl‎u ster‎Bust‎e r) (‎C asse‎t te, ‎s et 2‎)防卫砖‎块球 (a‎k a Cl‎u ster‎Bust‎e r)(C‎a sset‎t e, s‎e t 2)‎Gra‎t ia -‎Seco‎n d Ea‎r th (‎91022‎-10 v‎e rsio‎n) 飞鹰‎任务 (9‎1022-‎10)‎G rati‎a - S‎e cond‎Eart‎h (92‎047-0‎1 ver‎s ion)‎飞鹰任务‎Gra‎v itar‎(pro‎t otyp‎e) 银火‎(工程版‎)Gr‎a vita‎r (ve‎r sion‎2) 银‎火 (ve‎r sion‎2)‎G ravi‎t ar (‎v ersi‎o n 3)‎银火‎G reat‎1000‎Mile‎s Ral‎l y 2 ‎U SA (‎95/05‎/18) ‎1000 ‎英哩大师赛‎车 2 (‎美版)‎G reat‎1000‎Mile‎s Ral‎l y: E‎v olut‎i on M‎o del!‎!! (9‎4/09/‎06) 1‎000 英‎哩大师赛车‎(Evo‎l utio‎n Mod‎e l)‎G reat‎1000‎Mile‎s Ral‎l y: U‎.S.A ‎V ersi‎o n! (‎94/09‎/06) ‎1000 ‎英哩大师赛‎车 (美版‎)Gr‎e at G‎o lf (‎M ega-‎T ech)‎高尔夫大‎联盟 (M‎e ga-T‎e ch) ‎Grea‎t Gun‎s游乐场‎枪神G‎r eat ‎G uria‎n os (‎J apan‎?) 黄金‎城 (日版‎)Gr‎e at M‎a hou ‎D aisa‎k usen‎(Jap‎a n 00‎0121)‎疾风魔法‎大作战 2‎(日版‎00012‎1) G‎r eat ‎S lugg‎e rs '‎94 超级‎强打 94‎Gre‎a t Sl‎u gger‎s (Ja‎p an) ‎超级强打‎93 - ‎新世界棒球‎Gre‎a t So‎c cer ‎(Mega‎-Tech‎)足球大‎联盟 (M‎e ga-T‎e ch) ‎Grea‎t Swo‎r dsma‎n (Ja‎p an?)‎西洋剑‎(日版) ‎Grea‎t Swo‎r dsma‎n (Wo‎r ld?)‎西洋剑‎Gree‎n Ber‎e t 绿色‎兵团G‎r een ‎B eret‎(Ire‎m) 绿兵‎团 (Ir‎e m)‎G reen‎Bere‎t (bo‎o tleg‎)绿色兵‎团 (bo‎o tleg‎)Gr‎i d Se‎e ker:‎Proj‎e ct S‎t ormh‎a mmer‎(Jap‎a n) 栅‎幕巡航 (‎日版)‎G rid ‎S eeke‎r: Pr‎o ject‎Stor‎m hamm‎e r (U‎S) 栅幕‎巡航 (美‎版)G‎r id S‎e eker‎: Pro‎j ect ‎S torm‎h amme‎r (Wo‎r ld) ‎栅幕巡航‎Grid‎i ron ‎F ight‎橄榄球争‎霸Gr‎i dlee‎立体跳跳‎球Gr‎i ffon‎长生鸟‎Grif‎f on G‎r ind ‎S torm‎e r 飞鹰‎风暴G‎r ind ‎S torm‎e r (o‎l der ‎s et) ‎飞鹰风暴‎(旧版) ‎Grob‎d a (N‎e w Ve‎r.) 坦‎克车 (新‎版)G‎r obda‎(Old‎Ver.‎set ‎1) 坦克‎车 (旧版‎set ‎1)G‎r obda‎(Old‎Ver.‎set ‎2) 坦克‎车 (旧版‎set ‎2)G‎r ound‎Effe‎c ts /‎Supe‎r Gro‎u nd E‎f fect‎s (Ja‎p an) ‎地面效应‎Grow‎l (US‎)森林保‎护神 (美‎版)G‎r owl ‎(Worl‎d) 森林‎保护神 (‎世界版) ‎Grud‎g e Ma‎t ch (‎p roto‎t ype)‎破坏赛手‎Gry‎z or 魂‎斗罗G‎r yzor‎Guar‎d ian ‎星球守护者‎Gua‎r dian‎Forc‎e (JU‎E T 98‎0318 ‎V0.10‎5) 战备‎武装G‎u ardi‎a ns /‎Denj‎i n Ma‎k ai I‎I电神魔‎傀 2‎G uard‎i ans ‎o f th‎e 'Ho‎o d 踢馆‎Gue‎r rill‎a War‎(US)‎革命英雄‎(美版)‎Gue‎r rill‎a War‎(Ver‎s ion ‎1) 革命‎英雄 (V‎e rsio‎n 1) ‎Guer‎r illa‎War ‎(boot‎l eg) ‎革命英雄‎(boot‎l eg) ‎Guev‎a ra (‎J apan‎)古巴大‎革命 (日‎版)G‎u ided‎Miss‎i le 回‎力火箭‎G ulf ‎S torm‎海湾风暴‎Gul‎f Sto‎r m (M‎e dia ‎S hoji‎)海湾风‎暴 (Me‎d ia S‎h oji)‎Gul‎f War‎II 海‎湾战争 2‎Gum‎b o 美女‎方块G‎u n & ‎F ront‎i er (‎W orld‎)火线圣‎战 (世界‎版)G‎u n Ba‎l l (J‎a pan)‎地狱英雄‎弹珠门(日‎版)G‎u n Bu‎l let ‎(Japa‎n) 奇幻‎双枪 (日‎版)G‎u n De‎a ler ‎'94 发‎牌高手解谜‎Gun‎Deal‎e r (T‎e cmo)‎美女枪手‎(Tec‎m o)‎G un D‎e aler‎(set‎1) 美‎女枪手 (‎s et 1‎)Gu‎n Dea‎l er (‎s et 2‎)美女枪‎手 (se‎t 2) ‎Gun ‎F ight‎枪战 G‎u n Fr‎o ntie‎r (Ja‎p an) ‎火线圣战‎(日版) ‎Gun ‎G abac‎h o (J‎a pan)‎射击乐园‎(日版)‎Gun‎Hohk‎i (Ja‎p an) ‎魔法警备队‎(日版)‎Gun‎Mast‎e r 枪王‎Gun‎.Smok‎e (Ja‎p an) ‎荒野大镖客‎(日版)‎Gun‎.Smok‎e (US‎set ‎1) 荒野‎大镖客 (‎美版 se‎t 1) ‎Gun.‎S moke‎(US ‎s et 2‎)荒野大‎镖客 (美‎版 set‎2)‎G un.S‎m oke ‎(Worl‎d) 荒野‎大镖客 (‎世界版) ‎GunN‎a il 炮‎钉Gu‎n bari‎c h 彩京‎砖块物语‎Gunb‎i rd (‎J apan‎)武装飞‎鸟 (日版‎)Gu‎n bird‎(Kor‎e a) 武‎装飞鸟 (‎韩国版) ‎Gunb‎i rd (‎W orld‎)武装飞‎鸟 [战国‎雷神]‎G unbi‎r d 2 ‎武装飞鸟‎2Gu‎n blad‎e NY ‎纽约枪战‎Gunb‎u ster‎(Jap‎a n) 飞‎跃颠峰‎G undh‎a ra 铳‎弹岚G‎u nfor‎c e - ‎B attl‎e Fir‎e Eng‎u lfed‎Terr‎o r Is‎l and ‎(Japa‎n) 钢炮‎部队 (日‎版) G‎u nfor‎c e - ‎B attl‎e Fir‎e Eng‎u lfed‎Terr‎o r Is‎l and ‎(US) ‎钢炮部队‎(美版) ‎Gunf‎o rce ‎- Bat‎t le F‎i re E‎n gulf‎e d Te‎r ror ‎I slan‎d (Wo‎r ld) ‎钢炮部队‎(世界版)‎Gun‎f orce‎2 (U‎S) 钢炮‎部队 2 ‎(美版) ‎Gunl‎o ck (‎W orld‎)枪锁‎Gunp‎e y 线条‎游戏G‎u ruri‎n小人国‎解谜G‎u ssun‎Oyoy‎o (Ja‎p an) ‎小迷糊闯天‎关 (日版‎)Gut‎s'n (‎J apan‎)勇敢小‎护士 - ‎病原菌解谜‎Gut‎t ang ‎G otto‎n g 轨道‎拼图 Gu‎t tang‎Gott‎o ng‎G uwan‎g e (J‎a pan)‎异界录‎-狱门山‎物语G‎u zzle‎r水精灵‎Gya‎k uten‎!! Pu‎z zle ‎B anch‎o (Ja‎p an) ‎番长大逆转‎方块 (日‎版)G‎y psy ‎J uggl‎e r 吉普‎赛魔术师‎Gyro‎d ine ‎战斗直升机‎Gyr‎o dine‎(Cru‎x) 战斗‎直升机 (‎C rux)‎Gyr‎u ss (‎C entu‎r i) 太‎空射击战‎(Cent‎u ri) ‎Gyru‎s s (K‎o nami‎)太空射‎击战。



GBA—1060—<AdvanceWars2>高级战争2解析全书全19名指挥官详解OrangeStar势力Andy使用方法:初期即可使用优点:无缺点:无copower:hyperrepair,恢复己方全体部队2点HP,提升所有部队10%防御力superpower:hyperupgrade,恢复己方全体部队5点HP,并提升所有部队20%的火力及一格移动力,提升所有部队10%防御力,胜利台词:AllRight!AndI'llwinnexttime,too!这是他正常时的部队状态这是使用hyperupgrade后的部队状态战术分析:虽然是主角,但能力平平,且hyperrepair太弱,因此在前作中倍受冷落.本作中,Andy 终于得到了一个优秀的superpower--hyperupgrade!这个superpower极其强大且蓄积并不慢,凭借superpower带来的优势可以发动一次大规模的反击.为了让superpower能够发挥最大限度的作用,保护好每一个受伤的部队是非常重要的,这也是评判Andy使用水平高低的重要标准。





Max使用方法:初期即可使用优点:近战机械部队火力提升20%缺点:远程部队火力降低10%,且射程减少一格copower:maxforce,提升所有近战机械部队20%的火力及一格移动力,提升所有部队10%防御力superpower:maxblast,提升所有近战机械部队40%的火力及两格移动力,提升所有部队10%防御力胜利台词:Wahoo!Easyaspie!这是他正常时的部队状态这是他使用maxforce后的部队状态这是使用maxblast后的部队状态战术分析:显而易见,发挥他的特长,使用近战机械部队强攻是很好的办法.当遇到对方远程武器的防守时,使用maxforce或者maxblast后利用快速的坦克和新型坦克突击很容易撕开对手的防线,如果再配合空军打击就更令对手心惊胆战.与其他CO不同的是,Max 几乎不需要肉盾,排好阵势后正面强攻即可。

雷霆II(Raven II)车架系列用户指南说明书

雷霆II(Raven II)车架系列用户指南说明书

This new seat post binder system must be used on all Raven II frames. Raven II frames use carbon fiber skins with a magnesium spine, and can be identified by the scooped recesses in each side of the frame in which the “Cannondale” and “Raven” decals are placed. You must only use a 27.2mm seat post with the Raven II frame and the new seat binder system.The new Raven II seat postbinder system uses theincluded aluminum sleeveto resist torsional loadsbetween the two seat postbinder clamps. The sleeveacts like a traditional bicycle seat tube to secure the seatpost, except that the seat post sleeve is attached tothe Raven II frame by the two included band clamps.SEAT POST BINDER SYSTEM INSTALLATION1. If the bike is already assembled, it will be necessary to remove the seat post and the original seat post band clamps from the Raven II frame. First mark the seat post position by putting a pen mark or a piece of tape 1/8” (3mm) above the top of the seat mast on the front surface of the seat post. Then loosen and completely remove the two band clamp bolts using the 4mm hex wrench, and slide the seat post out of both clamps. With both bolts removed, open up the band clamps and remove each from the back of the seat mast. See Fig. 1. These old clamps should be discarded.2. Apply a small amount of grease to theseat post surface which will be inside thesleeve. Also apply a bit of grease to thethreads on the new band clamp bolts.3. Slide the seatpost into the sleeve, sothat the saddle height mark which youmade comes to the top of the sleeve. Makesure that the two vertical slots in the sleevewill face the rear of the bike when installedon the Raven II frame. Also make sure thatthe seat post extends completely throughthe sleeve.4. Place the seat post sleeve against theback of the seat mast. The two slots in thetube must face the rear of the bike and thesleeve must be positioned so that it extendsevenly above and below the clamping area.See Fig 2.Fig.1 w5. With the bolts removed from the two new band clamps, snap the clamps over the sleeve from the back, so that the two tabs on the inside of the band clamps correspond with the widest part of the slots in the back of the sleeve. The clamps have two barrel shaped nuts, one of which is threaded. The threaded side of each clamp should be on the left side of the bike. Pinch in the ends of each band clamp to hold the clamp in place on the back of the seat mast. See Fig 3.Fig.3 w6. Insert one bolt through each band clamp. The bolt firstpasses through the unthreaded barrel nut on the right side,through the hole in the seat mast, and then into the leftthreaded barrel nut.5. Once both band clamps have been installed, make surethat the sleeve is oriented with the two slots facing back,and that it is located evenly between the two band clamps.If not, reposition the tube correctly.6. Make sure that the seat post extends completely thorough the aluminum sleeve, but does not interfere with the rear shock or swingarm. If you cannot achieve a tall enough saddle height and still have the seat post extending below the bottom of the sleeve, you must use a longer seat post. If you cannot achieve a low enough saddle height without having the bottom of the seat post interfere with the rear suspension, you must cut off the bottom of the seat post.7. Tighten each band clamp bolt to 70-80 In-Lbs (8-9Nm).WARNING: Use only a 27.2mm diameter seat post and be sure that the seat post is held securely by the seat post binder system. Both clamp bolts must be torqued to 70-80 In-Lbs (8-9 Nm). Also, the seat post must extend completely through the aluminum sleeve. Failure to properly torque the clamps or to properly position the seat post completely through the sleeve could lead a loss of control and risk of serious injury or death.For more information on this or any Cannondale product, please feel free to contact us.USA and Canada:(800) BIKE-USAEurope (EC):(31) 541-573580Japan:(81) 722-99-9399Australia:(61) 2-9979-5851***********************JCH/PCA 120799 #109428© Cannondale Corp. 1999, 16 Trowbridge Dr., Bethel, CT。

阿尔法狼2全覆盖GPU AIO水淋说明书

阿尔法狼2全覆盖GPU AIO水淋说明书

The Alphacool Eiswolf 2 is the first full cover GPU AIO waterblock from Alphacool. It is based on the Alphacool GPX Eisblock Aurora GPX water block, a pump unit and a 360mm NexXxoS ST30 full copper radiator.The latter is equipped with the Alphacool Aurora Rise Digital RGB fans.•Full copper radiator •Chrome plated copper cooler •Virtually silent DC-LT 2 pump •Digital RGB illuminated cooler •Digital RGB 120 mm fansV. 1.013 // 06.2023Alphacool Eiswolf 2 AIO 360mm RTX 3080/3090 FTW3 with BackplateAlphacool article number: 14414- EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra, 12GB GDDR6XRTX 3080- EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hybrid Gaming (12G-P5-3968-KR) - EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 FTW3 Ultra Gaming, (10G-P5-3897-KR)- EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 FTW3 Gaming, (10G-P5-3895-KR)- EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra Gaming, (24G-P5-3987-KR)- EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 Gaming, (24G-P5-3985-KR)1x Alphacool Eiswolf 2 1x Mounting set GPU 1x Radiator3x Fans1x Backplate4x M2x5 screws4x M2x5 washers4x M2x11 screws 1x Plug tool12x M3x30 screws12x M3x5 screws2x M3x5 screws (flat head) 2x M3x5 nuts1x Y-Adaptor 4-Pin PWM 1x Thermal Grease1x 3-Pin JST to 3-Pin 5V adaptorThe Alphacool Eiswolf 2 is the first full cover GPU AIO waterblock from Alphacool. It is based on the Alphacool GPX Eisblock Aurora GPX water block, a pump unit and a 360mm NexXxoS ST30 full copper radiator. The latter is equipped with the Alphacool Aurora Rise Digital RGB fans.Fullcover Waterblock?The Eiswolf 2 graphics card AIO water block not only cools the GPU with liquid but also all relevant components that require active cooling. This includes the graphics memory, the VRM and, if necessary, other components that require direct cooling. By using the Eisblock GPX Aurora water cooler, the cooling capacity is identical to that of a DIY graphics card water cooler.PumpThe Eiswolf 2 has a pump unit in place of the normal connection terminal. This pump unit houses the DC-LT 2 pump. An improved and quieter version of the well-known DC-LT Low Noise Ceramic Pump. Despite looking rather large, the pump unit is only 5 mm wider than a normal connection terminal.Fittings and TubingAs with all new AIO units, Alphacool uses only TPV hoses from the Enterprise Solution range for (usually reserved for servers and workstations) in the Eiswolf 2. The tubing is made of EPDM/PP and are extremely heat-resistant, durable, and free of plasticizers. All fittings are also based on the Enterprise Solution range and match the TPV hoses perfectly.ExpandabilityBy using the quick-release fastener, the Eiswolf 2 can be connected to another Alphacool AIO unit to achieve a larger loop in seconds. Alphacool offers various prefilled components with which the loop can be easily extended. For safety reasons, the quick-release fasteners are firmly screwed together and not just plugged together.Lighting and fansThe Eiswolf 2 cooler has a digital RGB LED lighting, also called addressable RGB LEDs. They run along the entire back of the graphics card cooler and provide complete illumination of the water cooler. The pump unit is more discreet and offers a green glowing logo for Nvidia and a red glowing logo for AMD cards. The name "Eiswolf" on the pump unit remains unlit, discreetly in the background. The fan used is the Aurora Rise with 120mm. Due to the special blade design, the fan is extremely quiet and the addressable RGB LEDs provide brilliant illumination. The Alphacool Aurora Rise fan convinces with a max. statistical pressure of 3.17mm/H2O and offers a max. air flow of 119.8m3/h. The PWM control allows the fan to be controlled over a wide speed range. In addition, it offers a zero control. It can therefore be regulated down to 0 rpm and then starts with approx. 350 rpm.NexXxoS RadiatorAs with all AIO units, Alphacool uses radiators from the world renowned NexXxoS series. The full copper radiators offer a much higher cooling capacity than aluminium radiators and have contributed significantly to Alphacool's worldwide success.The combination of all of the components results in a solution that is as simple as an AIO solution to install, but with the performance of a pre-assembled and prefilled custom loop.Technical note!Due to long storage times and various transport routes, the liquid in the Eiswolf 2 AIO remains still for a long time. The ingredients of the liquid can therefore deposit and lead to a brownish discoloration. As soon as the pump starts operating, the ingredients mix again and the liquid should regain an approximately clear color. This is not a reason for complaint as neither the performance nor the function of the AIO are restricted by this. If the discolouration of the cooling liquid does not disappear after the AIO has been put into operation, please contact our support team via E-Mail (******************).Youwillreceivequickanduncomplicatedhelpthere.。


















创新Audigy 2 ZS声卡使用指南

创新Audigy 2 ZS声卡使用指南

创新7.1SB Audigy 2 ZS声卡使用指南创新7.1SB Audigy2 ZS是专业级声卡,唱歌效果完全超过普通声卡影碟机卡拉OK组合。

SB Audigy2 ZS算是目前功能较为全面的声卡,全新的7.1声道输出支持Dolby Digital EX和DTS-ES双解码还有EAX 4.0 ADVANCED HD,这样这款声卡可通过EAX对于游戏不同声音进行渲染,发挥音效方面的作用。

创新SB Audigy2 ZS还是一款通过了对于音效产品要求严格的THX认证,这也得到了专业领域人士的一直认可。


一般平时K歌或者录歌最佳配置:声卡+话筒放大器(或者调音台)+电容话筒(或者动圈话筒),以下产品型号最为经济,性价比也最好,适合大众消费:恩平F4调音台:550元左右百灵达1002fx调音台:700元左右百灵达200 话筒放大器:340元左右百灵达B-1 大膜片电容麦克风:800元左右得胜SM-16电容话筒:320元左右得胜Ts-610耳机:100多元得胜ST-1000支架:199元左右得胜SM-5B电容话筒:200-400多元左右ISK BM-400 电容话筒(赠防震架、防风棉):600元上下ISK BM-700专业大震膜电容话筒(24K金网罩,全套配件) :700元上下一.创新Audigy2 ZS声卡简介创新在音频领域正是靠着声卡产品打响知名度的,这款创新Sound Blaster Audigy2 ZS代表当今娱乐声卡最高性价比声卡中最重要的一员,尤其是其支持7.1声道系统、内置DTS/DTS ES解码支持、算是为游戏领域的用户度身而做的。


BLZ-42-VHOOD ii 用户手册说明书

BLZ-42-VHOOD ii 用户手册说明书

user manualModel #:BLZ-42-VHOODii | Table of ContentsT able of Contents1 Safety Notice III-V2 Diagrams 1-3Hood Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . .1Control Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Clearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Installation 4-10Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6Venting Options . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Hood Installation . . . . . .. . . . . . 4Care & Cleaning 11-125Troubleshooting 136 Warranty Information 14Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Motor Rotation Instructions (10).Wiring Diagram (10)...8-9| III IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICEupon receipt of your hood:1)Inspect your hood for any damage inshipping2)Plug in and test controls (lights, fan)before installing.3)Call your dealer immediately to reportany damagePlease note: You must report any damage directly to your dealer immediatelyupon receipt to address any issues.CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNINGWARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including Chromium(hexavalent compounds), which are known to the State of California to causecancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information goto: Installer: Leave this guide with the homeowner.Consumer: Keep this guide for future reference.The Important Safety Notice and warnings in this manual are not meant to cover allpossible problems and situations that can occur. Use common sense and caution wheninstalling, maintaining or operating this or any other appliance.Always contact your dealer with any problems or situations that you do not understand.Safety Symbols and Labelsdanger To avoid the possibility of explosion or fire, do not store or use combustible, flammable or explosive vapors and liquids (such as gasoline) inside or in the vicinity of this orany other appliance. Keep items that could explode (such as aerosol cans) away fromcook-top burners, ovens and range hoods . Do not store flammable or explosive materialsin adjacent cabinets or surrounding areas.warningWARNING - TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE, ELECTRIC SHOCK, OR INJURY TO PERSONS,OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING:e this unit only in the manner intended by the manufacturer. If you have questions, contact your dealer. Before servicing or cleaning your hood, turn the power off.To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, serious injury or death when using your range hood,follow basic safety precautions, including the following:IMPORT ANT SAFETY NOTICEiv | Safety NoticesGeneral Safety Precautions:damaged hood.♦Do not install, repair or replace any part of the range hood unless specifically recommend-ed in the literature accompanying it.♦Use the range hood only for its intended purpose as outlined in this manual. DO NOT usethis range hood to vent hazardous or explosive materials or vapors.♦Do not tamper with the controls.♦Never allow the filters to become blocked or clogged. Do not allow foreign objects, such ascigarettes or napkins, to be sucked into the hood.♦If the cook-top and range hood is near a window, use an appropriate window treatment .Avoid long drapes or other window coverings that could blow over the cook-top and hood,resulting in a fire hazard.♦Always run the blower(s) while the appliance is in operation. Failure to do so could result in the overheating and failure of components.♦Do not leave children or pets alone or unattended in the area while the cook-top and rangehood are in use.♦The minimum vertical distance between the cooking surface and the exterior part of the hoodmust be no less than 36”. The vertical distance may be longer for the range or cook-topbeing used. To reduce the risk of a range top grease fire:1.Never leave surface units unattended at high settings. Boil-overs cause smoking and greasyspills that may ignite. Heat oils slowly on low or medium settings.2.Always turn hood ON when cooking .3.Clean ventilating fans frequently. Grease should not be allowed to accumulate on fan orfilter.To reduce the risk of injury to person in the event of a range top grease fire:4.SMOTHER FLAMES with a close-fitting lid, cookie sheet or metal tray, then turn off the burner. BE CAREFUL TO PREVENT BURNS. If the flames do not go out immediately, EVACUATE AND CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT .5.NEVER PICK UP A FLAMING PAN - you may be burned.6.DO NOT USE WATER, including wet dish clothes or towels - a violent steam explosion mayresult.IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICESafety Notices|v| BLAZE OUTDOORUSER MANUAL | 2A)LEFT FAN:B)LIGHTS:C)RIGHT FAN:A B C To adjust the speed of left motor, each motor has 4 speed settings. Turning the knob once clockwise will start the motor in the lowest speed setting. Continuing to turn the knob clockwise will allow the motor to advance to the highest setting. Turning counter clockwise will return the motor to the original position and stop the motor.To adjust the speed of right motor, each motor has 4 speed settings. Turning the knob once clockwise will start the motor in the lowest speed setting. Continuing to turn the knob clockwise will allow the motor to advance to the highest setting. Turning counter clockwise will return the motor to the original position and stop the motor.To turn on lights, turning the knob once clockwise will turn on the lights. Turning the knob once more or counter clockwise will turn off the lights.MAIN SWITCH MAIN SWITCH:To turn on or off the main power for motors and lights.3| BLAZE OUTDOORUSER MANUAL | 4♦Plug in and test controls (lights, fan) before installing.♦Allow 36-40” between the top of your cooking surface and the bottom of hood ♦Vent through a sidewall if you cannot vent directly above your range hood ♦Vent with completely straight runs of pipe. If necessary, use as few elbows in the venting as possible, with no more than 3 90-degree elbows. Every elbow in the ducting reduces airflow and the vent hoods performance.♦Make sure there is at least 24” of straight vent between any elbows♦Use silver or duct tape to seal all joints in the vent system♦Use caulking to seal exterior openings around the cap♦Always use metal or aluminum ducts for maximum airflow♦Always keep the duct clean to ensure proper airflowDO NOT:♦Terminate the vent system into an attic or other enclosed area♦Use 4” (10.2cm) laundry-type wall caps♦Use plastic ventin g♦Use corrugated flexible ducting.♦Combine ducting (see below NOTE)It is important to install the hood at the proper mounting height. Hoods mounted too low could result in heat damage and fire hazard. Hoods mounted too high will be hard to reach and will lose performance and efficiency.For best installation, we recommend you:Note: This model comes with two vent outlets each ready to accept 8” pipe. To ensure proper performance, maintain the dual exhaust paths vs. combining into a single pipe. Combining into a single pipe can create a competition between the two motors either creating poor performance and/or one motor overtaking the other. As vented as described above, one would require two vent caps with damper and screen each having a rating of 1000 CFM percap.5|BLAZE OUTDOOR5Mounting Bracket: 3 PCS Grease Trays: 2 PCS Duct Connector 2 PCSUSER MANUAL | 65|BLAZE OUTDOORWall ventingOption 1vertical roof ventingA - 10 1/4” from the side edge of the hood to the center of the ductB- 5 11/16" from the wall to the center of the duct (using the included mounting bracket which is between the wall and hoodand is roughly an 1/8” thick)C- 21 1/4” from the center of the duct to the center of the duct*Note: the included transition pieces come ready to accept 8" ductingPREPARATIONPlan where the ductwork will be located. Install proper-sized ductwork, and roof or wall cap, depending on where you will be venting your hood. Adjust your measurements to accommodate heights of ceilings, cabinets, or range-tops. Remember to plug i n and test the hood prior to installation. When planning for the installation of the vent h o o d -please include an opportunity to access the top of the hood when the installation i s complete. This i s necessary for service or replacing parts over time as there are several fasteners that will need to be accessed over time. Electrical Requirements -Hood comes with foot cord, and will plug into the top of the hood and then into an GFI protected outlet that should be wired to a AMP breaker.STEP13-10110VSecure hood to wall using appropriate screws and parts.Different wall material situation using different method.Wooden wall without studs:Using three mounting bracket (pictured) to help secure thehood to the wall.1. Using 12pcs of flat screws #1 through hole “A” to secure the3pcs of mounting brackets on the back of the hood.2. Using 3pcs of mounting screws #2 through top of the hole“B” to secure the hood on the wall.3. Using 3pcs f mounting screws #2 through hole “C” into theWall to make double secure.Dry wall or sheet rock wall:1. Using 12pcs of flat screws #1 through hole “A” to secure the 3pcsof mounting brackets on the back of the hood.2. Beat 3pcs of wall anchors #3 (make sure the inside screws aretaking out) into the wall first, screw the wall anchor’s screwinto the wall anchors (leave a space to hang the mounting bracket).3. Hang the hood on the wall, then tighten the screws #3 into the wallanchors.Install the range hood on the wall studs:Using 6pcs of mounting screws #1 directly to the wall studs.-OPTIONAL-If not using a duct cover, using #4 of shorter mounting screws,make sure top mounting screws are secured into soffit or cabinetframing use additional mounting screws, if necessary.USER MANUAL || BLAZE OUTDOORSTEP 2Install the two grease trays in the front and back of the unit. When installed, these trays. will accept the grease filters on the bottom side.Electrical Requirements - Hood comes with -foot cord, and will plug into a 110V outlet which should be wired to a AMP breaker. Install all grease fi lter handles to the fi lters using the included screws. Three fi lters cover the front section of the hood and three cover the rear. Install the fi lters leaving the bottom of the fi lters resting in the previously installed grease trays and the tops will lay in the U shaped channel in the center support. Install the center grease trays fi rst (as there is an opening for the tray to leaving the middle tray for last.STEP 3When installing the drip trays, place each tray in the recession at the front and rear as show in the drawing. Be sure to have the small front bendhook over the lip of the recession.103Getting StartedThe image to the right shows the position of the motors directly from the factory . This position of the motor is used when running vertical pipe for your venting.STEP 1 REMOVE COVER PLATE There are two sets of screws you will be working with on the cover plate. The smaller screws closest to the edges of the plate hold the plate to the hood itself. The larger screws closer to the center hold the motor to the cover plate. Remove all of the smaller screws holding the cover plate to the hood body.STEP 2Next, remove all of the larger screws,which hold the motor to the cover plate leaving the center screw . The center screw to be left in place can be seen in the below image.REMOVE MOTOR SCREWSSTEP 3DETACH MOTOR FROM PLATEHolding the center of the motor, remove the fi nal screw, which will free the motor from the cover plate. Lower the motor gently until it comes toresting position.STEP 4ROTATE MOTORAt this point, the cover piece can be removed and you are ready to rotate the motor to the horizontal discharge position. When lifting the motor out of the housing, tilting the motor down on one side is typically the best method for getting the motor out of the opening.Once out of the hood, simply rotate 180 degrees and place the motor back into the hood. For both the removal and reinstallation of the Motor, be careful not to pinch the wiring. Allow it to rest at the initial position whenyou started.STEP 5REPLACE THE COVER PLATENext, re ‐install the cover plate with the discharge in the horizontalposition. The cover plate can be reattached with the small screws.STEP 6ATTACH THE MOTORRe attach the motor to the cover plate. Start with the center screw which was the last screw removed when the motor was disattached. Once the initial screw is in place, attach the remaining screws to hold the motor onto the cover plate.STEP 7SECURE LOOSE CABLESYou will fi nd some of the connecting cables now lying below the motor. Secure wires above motor and the rotation process is complete. Repeat same process for additional motor.USER MANUAL | 10warningcleaning exterior surf aces♦Regular care will help preserve the appearance of your range hood . ♦Always wipe stainless steel surfaces with the grain to avoid scratches ♦Clean periodically with hot soapy water and clean cotton cloth . ♦For heavier soil, use a liquid degreaser such as 409™ or Fantastic™. ♦If hood looks splotchy, use a stainless steel cleaner on the surface . Promptly and gently remove cleaner with a soft towel or wipe .♦After cleaning, you may use non-abrasive stainless steel polish (such as 3m™ or ZEP™) to buff out stainless luster . Always scrub lightly and with a clean cotton cloth.DO NOT:♦Use corrosive or abrasive detergent (eg, Comet Power Scrub™ or EZ-Off™oven cleaner). ♦Use steel wool or scouring pads, which will scratch and damage the stain -less steel surface. ♦Leak cleaning solution onto or into the control panel ♦Allow deposits to accumulate or remain on the hood ♦Allow salt solutions, disinfectants, bleaches, or cleaning compounds to re -main in contact with the stainless steel for extended periods.cleaning baffle fil ters All BLAZE BBQ hoods come with stainless steel baffle filters . They should be inspected for grease accumulation periodically . The baffle filters can be washed in a dishwasher or in a sink with hot, soapy water . Simple periodic cleaning will ensure maximum filtereffectiveness ♦Never put your hand into the area housing the fan while the fan is operating.♦Turn off and disconnect power to the hood before cleaning.♦Make sure your cook-top and hood are cool before cleaning.♦Use only the types of cleaning solutions mentioned in this manual.♦Completely dry the filter(s) immediately after cleaning......| BLAZE OUTDOORstep 1step 2Slide filter forward off of rear lip.Lower filter rear, then slide filter frontout. Repeat this step for all filters on the front and back of the hood.When cleaning filters, always remove the grease channels and clean with hot soapy water. Both the filters and the channels are dishwasher safe. Dry throughly before re-installing.Wiring Diagram| 12 USER MANUALNOTHING WORKS (Control Panel not responding, Blower not working)Solution 1: Turn on power at circuit breaker panel or fuse box . Check for tripped breaker or blown fuse under the black plastic cover on the rear of the hood.Solution 2: Make sure hood power cable is plugged in and powered.LIGHTS NOT TURNING ONRANGE HOOD VIBRATES WHEN BLOWER IS ONSolution 1: Make sure the range hood has been secured properly to the ceiling or wall.Solution 2: Ensure the two nuts (one on each side) on the blower moter’s axle are tight. These are accessible by removing the safety covers on each side.Solution 3: Ensure the venting system is correct. Back-pressure caused by incorrect venting not only leads to poor performance but can also create vibrations at the hood.BLOWER SYSTEM SEEMS WEAK Solution 1: Increase the fan speed, ensure that it is at a high enough setting.Solution 2: Make sure the ducting is sized and run correctly. Range hood will not function efficiently with insufficient duct size (IE, 9” duct over 8” hole).Solution 3: Check to see if the duct is clogged or if the damper unit (half-circular flapper) is installed correctly. A tight mesh on the side wall cap unit might also cause restriction to the air flow.Solution 4: Ensure the correct vent termination cap is used with whose cfm rating matches that of each motor...AIR NOT VENTING OUT PROPERLYSolution 1: Make sure there is at least 36” between the top of the cooking surface and the bottom of the hood.Solution 2: Reduce the number of elbows and length of duct work. Check to ensure all joints are properly connected, sealed and taped.Solution 3: Make sure power is on high speed for heavy cooking.Solution 4: See checks under “Blower system seems weak” above.Solution 1: see “nothing works”Solution 2: Check the wiring on the lights to insure a secure connection/no. loose wires.Solution 3: Swap out lights to determine if bulbs are defective.13 | BLAZE OUTDOOROne Year Warranty - Parts Only For one year from the date of original purchase, we will repair or replace any non-consumable parts or components that failed due to manufacturing defects. What is NOT Covered:♦Consumable parts such as light bulbs and filters (stainless, aluminum, or charcoal)♦Damage due to natural wear, improper maintenance, or use of abrasive cleaning products♦Chips, dents, or cracks due to abuse, misuse, or improper installation ♦Damage caused by accident, fire, floods, or natural disaster ATTENTION International Customers: Please consult your selling dealer or distributor for specifics pertaining to your product warranty and procedure. No one else is authorized to perform any obligations under this warranty.| 14USER MANUAL。



EN 14619
90 kg
10 kg
0.5 m/s
12 km
10 kg
1 m/s
25 km
⑹ 短路保护
本标准的制定,力求既涵盖目前市场上电动滑板车产品的实际生产和应用情况,又能给予其技术水 平的发展空间,对规范企业生产,推动电动滑板车技术进步,将起到很好的促进作用。
六、与国际、国外对比情况 本标准没有采用国际标准。针对部分机械强度项目,如:车把强度、整车疲劳强度参考了欧盟的滑 板车标准 EN 14619-2015《滑板车安全要求及试验方法》中要求。 本标准制动过程中未查到同类国际、国外标准。 标准制定过程中未测试国外的样品、样机。 本标准水平为国内先进水平。 七、与现行相关法律、法规、规章及标准,特别是强制性标准的协调性 无。 八、重大分歧意见和处理经过和依据 无。 九、标准性质的建议说明 建议本标准的性质为地方标准。
示作用,声压等级选择了 GB 3565-2005《自行车安全要求》中鸣号装置的要求。
⑶ 车把强度
小参考了 EN 14619-2015《滑板车安全要求及试验方法》中操纵杆静态负载 500N 的要求。



















Airwheel畅想绿色未来 中国电动独轮车专家

Airwheel畅想绿色未来 中国电动独轮车专家











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Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告爱尔威仕(安徽)健康科技有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:爱尔威仕(安徽)健康科技有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分爱尔威仕(安徽)健康科技有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。


1.2 企业画像类别内容行业科技推广和应用服务业资质空产品服务空1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。



① 撕开魔术贴扎带,展开对折的车架(见图1-①箭头),确保车架折叠销钉已对准圆孔;拉住手拧螺丝上的圆环逆时针转动将折叠手柄松开(见图2-②箭头)。



② 先放下撑脚(见图6-⑩箭头)。




③ 根据需要调节车头和坐垫高度。

调节车头:打开升降杆锁扣(见图7- 箭头),按箭头方向(见图7- 箭头)上下调节,调节到需要的高度后,闭合升降杆锁扣。

调节坐垫:打开升降锁扣(见图8- 箭头),按箭头方向(见图8- 箭头)上下调节,调节到需要的高度后,闭合升降锁扣。

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性能 Airwheel产品优秀的性能来源于专业的产品设计、顶级的原 材料选购、严格的品控管理以及创新的生产工艺。 产品设计:Airwheel在美国洛杉矶、中国北京与常州拥有50 多人的专业研发设计团队。每一款产品均由本公司设计团队倾心 打造,承接了Airwheel公司的文化元素与”不妥协“的精神。 原材料选购:Airwheel秉持”品质第一“的要求,在原材料 选购方面严挑细选。目前我们的供应商遍布全球各地,均是世界 著名的顶级原材料生产企业。 品控管理:Airwheel首创自建了国内第一家智能电动车行业 的质检实验室。多个创新性的质检项目与设备的引进为产品性能 与质量提供了充分的保障。 生产工艺:Airwheel采用了目前国内、外最先进的生产工艺, 如:精细的镁合金处理工艺和人体硅胶在产品应用上的率先导入 等。不仅保证了产品的质量,同时在安全性、人体工学等方面体 现着与众不同的人文精神
限速保护 为防止因速度过快时跌倒带来的伤害,Airwheel火星车限制了最大行驶速度。 当车速超过12Km/h时,踏板前端会随速度的增加缓慢抬起,车速到达 16Km/h时,抬起角度接近10°,您很难再通过前倾身体的方式加速。 低电量保护 当剩余电量小于15%时,四颗LED会全部闪烁,蜂鸣器也会响起连续“嘀”声, 同时踏板前端开始逐渐下沉,强迫您逐渐减速至停止。此时请不要再次启动骑行, 以免电量耗尽突然断电,造成您摔倒。 侧倾保护 当车体侧倾超过45°时,例如Airwheel火星车摔倒后,控制系统会启 动侧倾保护,电机随即停止转动,以防止高速旋转的电机对人造成伤 害 安全提示 当剩余电量小于15%时,四颗LED会全 部闪烁,蜂鸣器也会响起连续“嘀”声。 侧倾保护启动后,蜂鸣器会长鸣,同时 电源开关上的LED会不停闪烁。速度过快, 蜂鸣器会长鸣,同时系统会阻止你进一步 加速
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公司简介 常州爱尔威(Airwheel)智能科技有限公司坐落于素有"三吴重镇、 八邑名都"之称的江苏省常州市新北区。公司成立于2013年,是常州市重 点引进的“龙城英才计划”领军类高科技企业,同时也是江苏省优质诚信 服务单位。 公司的主导产品便携型电动智能车因其“低能耗、零排放、易出行” 的产品特点与市场需求而诞生,是近两年出现的时尚、便携、新型的环 保交通工具。在响应中国政府提倡的绿色出行号召下,致力于解决城市 空气碳排放污染与出行难的问题。目前公司主要的产品主要有X系列及Q 系列,以及重新定义了智能电动车市场价值典范的S系列。 Airwheel始终坚信“科技应该服务于大众,而不是贵族的玩具”这一 信条。我们正在致力于新产品的研发,未来的3年,公司将陆续推出至少 50款(3-4个系列)全新智能产品以回馈广大消费者对我们的信任与期待。 目前Airwheel产品在全国便携智能交通领域市场占有率达60%以上。 作为新兴的全球战略品牌,Airwheel已成功完成由中国制造到中国创造 的飞跃,走出国门,走向世界,产品已销往美国、德国、英国、法国、 意大利、新加坡、澳大利亚、巴西、奥地利、韩国等多个国家,国外市 场占有率达60%以上。在中国调整出口型产业结构与创新性企业升级的 经济改革过程中写下了辉煌的一笔。

奥迪A8时速=280KM\H 百公里耗油17个 97号油 17*8.2=139.4 一度电0.6元
最高时速 约18公里/小时,(12公里/小时开始报警) 续航距离 18km~20km(视骑行者体重及路况气温而定) 最大爬坡角度 约15度(体重60公斤者,实际路测可达18度) 电池 132瓦时锂电池(另有88.8wh和170wh锂电池,详情请见官网) 适用温度 -10℃~40℃(最适合适用温度20-30℃) 最大载重 120kg 充电器电压 AC220V50-60Hz 充电时间 130瓦时约90分钟(60分钟即可充至约80%) 尺寸 高450mm,长392mm,厚度163mm