Baryonic Resonances from Baryon Decuplet-Meson Octet Interaction
Gaudi's building in different we usually see European architecture. As with the expression of architectural thoughts of philosophers, Gaudi thinks, building is a sculpture, painting, poetry, symphony.
Have you ever thought of the sky, clouds, water, mountains, and a wide variety of plant and animal model can be applied to architecture? And in the Gaudi’s building, the world has architectural aura.
Gaudi's architectural is the fusion of nature. Certainly, he is a great world class designers.
Although Gaudi has left us, but his is eternal.
Pablo Picasso The Spanish painter, sculptor. He is the founder of modern art, a major representative of western modern art.
He also has great influence on Barcelona. This is the Picasso Museum in Barcelona.
From Little Bangs to the Big Bang
a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0504501v 1 22 A p r 2005From Little Bangs to the Big BangJohn EllisTheory Division,Physics Department,CERN,CH-1211Geneva 23,Switzerland CERN-PH-TH/2005-070astro-ph/0504501Abstract.The ‘Little Bangs’made in particle collider experiments reproduce the conditions in the Big Bang when the age of the Universe was a fraction of a second.It is thought that matter was generated,the structures in the Universe were formed and cold dark matter froze out during this very early epoch when the equation of state of the Universe was dominated by the quark-gluon plasma (QGP).Future Little Bangs may reveal the mechanism of matter generation and the nature of cold dark matter.Knowledge of the QGP will be an essential ingredient in quantitative understanding of the very early Universe..1.The Universe is Expanding The expansion of the Universe was first established by Hubble’s discovery that distant galaxies are receding from us,with redshifts proportional to their relative distances from us.Extrapolating the present expansion backwards,there is good evidence that the Universe was once 3000times smaller and hotter than today,provided by the cosmic microwave background (CMB)radiation.This has a thermal distribution and is very isotropic,and is thought to have been released when electrons combined with ions from the primordial electromagnetic plasma to form atoms.The observed small dipole anisotropy is due to the Earth’s motion relative to this cosmic microwave background,and the very small anisotropies found by the COBE satellite are thought to have led to the formation of structures in the Universe,as discussed later [1].Extrapolating further back in time,there is good evidence that the Universe was once a billion times smaller and hotter than today,provided by the abundances of light elements cooked in the Big Bang [2].The Universe contains about 24%by mass of 4He,and somewhat less Deuterium,3He and 7Li.These could only have been cooked by nuclear reactions in the very early Universe,when it was a billion times smaller and hotter than today.The detailed light-element abundances depend on the amount of matter in the Universe,and comparison between observations and calculations suggests that there is not enough matter to stop the present expansion,or even to explain the amount of matter in the galaxies and their clusters.The calculations of the light-element abundances also depend on the number of particle types,and in particular on the number of different neutrino types.This is now known from particle collider experiments to be three [3],with a corresponding number of charged leptons and quark pairs.2.The Very Early Universe and the Quark-Gluon PlasmaWhen the Universe was very young:t →0,also the scale factor a characterizing its size would have been very small:a →0,and the temperature T would have been very large,withcharacteristic relativistic particle energies E ∼T .In normal adiabatic expansion,T ∼1/a ,and,while the energy density of the Universe was dominated by relativistic matter,t ∼1/T 2.The following are some rough orders of magnitude:when the Universe had an age t ∼1second,the temperature was T ∼10,000,000,000degrees,and characteristic thermal energies were E ∼1MeV,comparable with the mass of theelectron.It is clear that one needs particle physics to describe the earlier history of the Universe [1].The very early Universe was presumably filled with primordial quark-gluon plasma (QGP).When the Universe was a few microseconds old,it is thought to have exited from this QGP phase,with the available quarks and gluons combining to make mesons and baryons.The primordial QGP would have had a very low baryon chemical potential µ.Experiments with RHIC reproduce cosmological conditions more closely than did previous SPS experiments,as seen in Fig.1,and the LHC will provide [4]an even closer approximation to the primordial QGP.I shall not discuss here the prospects for discovering quark matter inside dense astrophysical objects such as neutron stars,which would have a much larger baryon chemical potential.TµTc ~ 170 MeV µ ∼ o 922 MeV Figure 1.The phase diagram of hot and dense QCD for different values of the baryon chemical potential µand temperature T [5],illustrating the physics reaches of SPS,RHIC and the ALICE experiment at the LHC [4].To what extent can information about the early Universe cast light on the quark-hadron phase transition?The latest lattice simulations of QCD with two light flavours u,d and one moderately heavy flavour s suggest that there was no strong first-order transition.Instead,there was probably a cross-over between the quark and hadron phases,see,for example,Fig.2[5],during which the smooth expansion of the Universe is unlikely to have been modified substantially.Specifically,it is not thought that this transition would have induced inhomogeneities large enough to have detectable consequences today.3.Open Cosmological QuestionsThe Standard Model of cosmology leaves many important questions unanswered.Why is the Universe so big and old?Measurements by the WMAP satellite,in particular,indicate that its age is about 14,000,000,000years [6].Why is its geometry nearly Euclidean?Recent data indicate that it is almost flat,close to the borderline for eternal expansion.Where did the matter come from?The cosmological nucleosynthesis scenario indicates that there is approximately one proton in the Universe today for every 1,000,000,000photons,and no detectable amount0.81 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.82T/Tµq /T =0.8µq /T =1.0µq /T =0.6µq /T =0.4µq /T =0.2∆(p/T 4)Figure 2.The growth of the QCD pressure with temperature,for different values of the baryon chemical potential µ[5].The rise is quite smooth,indication that there is not a strong first-order phase transition,and probably no dramatic consequences in the early Universe.of antimatter.How did cosmological structures form?If they did indeed form from the ripples observed in the CMB,how did these originate?What is the nature of the invisible dark matter thought to fill the Universe?Its presence is thought to have been essential for the amplification of the primordial perturbations in the CMB.It is clear that one needs particle physics to answer these questions,and that their solutions would have operated in a Universe filled with QGP.4.A Strange Recipe for a UniverseAccording to the ‘Concordance Model’suggested by a multitude of astrophysical and cosmological observations,the total density of the Universe is very close to the critical value:ΩT ot =1.02±0.02,as illustrated in Fig.3[6].The theory of cosmological inflation suggests that the density should be indistinguishable from the critical value,and this is supported by measurements of the CMB.On the other hand,the baryon density is small,as inferred not only from Big-Bang nucleosynthesis but also and independently from the CMB:ΩBaryons ∼few%.The CMB information on these two quantities comes from observations of peaks in the fluctuation spectrum in specific partial waves corresponding to certain angular scales:the position of the first peak is sensitive to ΩT ot ,and the relative heights of subsequent peaks are sensitive to ΩBaryons .The fraction Ωm of the critical density provided by all forms of matter is not very well constrained by the CMB data alone,but is quite tightly constrained by combining them with observations of high-redshift supernovae [7]and/or large-scale structures [8],each of which favours ΩMatter ∼0.3,as also seen in Fig.3.As seen in Fig.4,there is good agreement between BBN calculations and astrophysical observations for the Deuterium and 4He abundances [2].The agreement for 7Li is less striking,though not disastrously bad 1.The good agreement between the corresponding 1It seems unlikely that the low abundance of 7Li observed could have been modified significantly by the decaysFigure3.The density of matterΩm and dark energyΩΛinferred from WMAP and other CMB data(WMAPext),and from combining them with supernova and Hubble Space Telescope data[6].determinations ofΩBaryons obtained from CMB and Big-Bang nucleosynthesis calculations in conventional homogeneous cosmology imposes important constraints on inhomogeneous models of nucleosynthesis.In particular,they exclude the possibility thatΩBaryons might constitute a large fraction ofΩT ot.Significant inhomogeneities might have been generated at the quark-hadron phase transition,if it was stronglyfirst-order[10].Although,as already discussed,lattice calculations suggest that this is rather unlikely,heavy-ion collision experiments must be thefinal arbiter on the nature of the quark-hadron phase transition.5.Generating the Matter in the UniverseAs was pointed out by Sakharov[11],there are three essential requirements for generating the matter in the Universe via microphysics.First,one needs a difference between matter and antimatter interactions,as has been observed in the laboratory in the forms of violations of C and CP in the weak interactions.Secondly,one needs interactions that violate the baryon and lepton numbers,which are present as non-perturbative electroweak interactions and in grand unified theories,but have not yet been seen.Finally,one needs a breakdown of thermal equilibrium, which is possible during a cosmological phase transition,for example at the GUT or electroweak scale,or in the decays of heavy particles,such as a heavy singlet neutrinoνR[12].The issueof heavy particles[9]:it would be valuable to refine the astrophysical determinations.Figure4.Primordial light element abundances as predicted by BBN(light)and WMAP(dark shaded regions)[2],for(a)D/H,(b)the4He abundance Y p and(c)7Li/H[2].then is whether we will be able to calculate the resulting matter density in terms of laboratory measurements.Unfortunately,the Standard Model C and CP violation measured in the quark sector seem unsuitable for baryogenesis,and the electroweak phase transition in the Standard Model would have been second order.However,additional CP violation and afirst-order phase transition in an extended electroweak Higgs sector might have been able to generate the matter density[13],and could be testable at the LHC and/or ILC.An alternative is CP violation in the lepton sector,which could be probed in neutrino oscillation experiments,albeit indirectly, or possibly in the charged-lepton sector,which might be related more directly to the matter density[14].In any case,detailed knowledge of the QGP equation of state would be necessary if one were ever to hope to be able to calculate the baryon-to-entropy ratio with an accuracy of a few percent.6.The Formation of Structures in the UniverseThe structures seen in the Universe-clusters,galaxies,stars and eventually ourselves-are all thought to have developed from primordialfluctuations in the CMB.This idea is supported visually by observations of galaxies,which look smooth at the largest scales at high redshifts, but cluster at smaller scales at low redshifts[15].This scenario requires amplification of the smallfluctuations observed in the CMB,which is possible with massive non-relativistic weakly-interacting particles.On the other hand,relativistic light neutrinos would have escaped from smaller structures,and so are disfavoured as amplifiers.Non-relativistic‘cold dark matter’is preferred,as seen in a comparison of the available data on structures in the Universe with the cosmological Concordance Model[8].The hot news in the observational tests of this scenario has been the recent detection of baryonic ripples from the Big Bang[16],as seen in Fig.5.These are caused by sound waves spreading out from irregularities in the CMB,which show up in the correlation function between structures in the(near-)contemporary Universe as features with a characteristic size.In addition to supporting the scenario of structure formation by amplification of CMBfluctuations, these observations provide measurements of the expansion history and equation of state of the Universe.Figure5.The baryonic‘ripple’in the large-scale correlation function of luminous red galaxies observed in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey of galactic redshifts[16].7.Do Neutrinos Matter?Oscillation experiments tell us that neutrinos have very small but non-zero masses[17,18], and so must make up at least some of the dark matter.As already mentioned,since such light neutrinos move relativistically during the epoch of structure formation,they would have escaped from galaxies and not contributed to their formation,whereas they could have contributed to the formation of clusters.Conversely,the success of the cosmological Concordance Model enables one to set a cosmological upper limit on the sum of light neutrino masses,as seen in Fig.6:Σνmν<0.7eV[6],which is considerably more sensitive than direct laboratory searches.In the future,this cosmological sensitivity might attain the range indicated by atmospheric neutrino data[17].However,even if no dark matter effect of non-zero light neutrino masses is observed,this does not mean that neutrinos have no cosmological role,since unstable heavier neutrinos might have generated matter via the Sakharov mechanism[11].8.Particle Dark Matter CandidatesCandidates for the non-relativistic cold dark matter required to amplify CMBfluctuations include the axion[19],TeV-scale weakly-interacting massive particles(WIMPs)produced thermally in the early Universe,such as the lightest supersymmetric partner of a Standard Model particle(probably the lightest neutralinoχ),the gravitino(which is likely mainly to have been produced in the very early Universe,possibly thermally),and superheavy relic particles that might have been produced non-thermally in the very early Universe[20](such as the‘cryptons’predicted in some string models[21]).9.Supersymmetric Dark MatterSupersymmetry is a very powerful symmetry relating fermionic‘matter’particles to bosonic ‘force’particles[22].Historically,the original motivations for supersymmetry were purely theoretical:its intrinsic beauty,its ability to tame infinities in perturbation theory,etc.The first phenomenological motivation for supersymmetry at some accessible energy was that itFigure6.The likelihood function for the total neutrino densityΩνh2derived by WMAP[6]. The upper limit mν<0.23eV applies if there are three degenerate neutrinos.might also help explain the electroweak mass scale,by stabilizing the hierarchy of mass scales in physics[23].It was later realized also that the lightest supersymmetric particle(LSP)would be stable in many models[24].Moreover,it should weigh below about1000GeV,in order to stabilize the mass hierarchy,in which case its relic density would be similar to that required for cold dark matter[25].As described below,considerable effort is now put into direct laboratory searches for supersymmetry,as well as both direct and indirect astrophysical searches.Here I concentrate on the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model(MSSM), in which the Standard Model particles acquire superpartners and there are two doublets of Higgs fields.The interactions in the MSSM are completely determined by supersymmetry,but one must postulate a number of soft supersymmetry-breaking parameters,in order to accommodate the mass differences between conventional particles and their superpartners.These parameters include scalar masses m0,gaugino masses m1/2,and trilinear soft couplings A0.It is often assumed that these parameters are universal,so that there is a single m0,a single m1/2,and a single A0parameter at the input GUT scale,a scenario called the constrained MSSM(CMSSM). However,there is no deep theoretical justification for this universality assumption,except in minimal supergravity models.These models also make a prediction for the gravitino mass: m3/2=m0,which is not necessarily the case in the general CMSSM.As already mentioned,the lightest supersymmetric particle is stable in many models,this because of the multiplicative conservation of R parity,which is a combination of spin S,lepton number L and baryon number B:R=(−1)2S−L+3B.It is easy to check that conventional particles have R=+1and sparticles have R=−1.As a result,sparticles are always produced in pairs,heavier sparticles decay into lighter ones,and the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP)is stable.The LSP cannot have strong or electromagnetic interactions,because these would bind it toconventional matter,creating bound states that would be detectable as anomalous heavy nuclei.Among the possible weakly-interacting scandidates for the LSP,one finds the sneutrino ,which has been excluded by a combination of LEP and direct searches for astrophysical dark matter,the lightest neutralino χ,and the gravitino .There are good prospects for detecting the neutralino or gravitino in collider experiments,and neutralino dark matter may also be detectable either directly or indirectly,but gravitino dark matter would be a nightmare for detection.10.Constraints on SupersymmetryImportant constraints on supersymmetry are imposed by the absences of sparticles at LEP and the Tevatron collider,implying that sleptons and charginos should weigh >100GeV [26],and that squarks and gluinos should weigh >250GeV,respectively.Important indirect constraints are imposed by the LEP lower limit on the mass of the lightest Higgs boson,114GeV [27],and the experimental measurement of b →sγdecay [28],which agrees with the Standard Model.The measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon,g µ−2,also has the potential to constrain supersymmetry,but the significance of this constraint is uncertain,in the absence of agreement between the e +e −annihilation and τdecay data used to estimate the Standard Model contribution to g µ−2[29].Finally,one of the strongest constraints on the supersymmetric parameter space is that imposed by the density of dark matter inferred from astrophysical and cosmological observations.If this is composed of the lightest neutralino χ,one has 0.094<Ωχh 2<0.129[6],and it cannot in any case be higher than this.For generic domains of the supersymmetric parameter space,this range constrains m 0with an accuracy of a few per cent as a function of m 1/2,as seen in Fig.7[30].m 0 (G e V )m 1/2 (GeV)m 0 (G e V )m 1/2 (GeV)Figure 7.The (m 1/2,m 0)planes for (a)tan β=10and tan β=50with µ>0and A 0=0,assumingm t =175GeV and m b (m b )Figure8.The factor h eff(T)calculated using different equations of state[31].11.The Relic Density and the Quark-Gluon PlasmaThe accurate calculation of the relic density depends not only on the supersymmetric model parameters,but also on the effective Hubble expansion rate as the relic particles annihilate and freeze out of thermal equilibrium[25]:˙n+3Hn=−<σann v>(n2−n2eq).This is,in turn,sensitive to the effective number of particle species:Y0≃ 4521g eff 13d ln h effm N L V S P (G e V )m LVSP (GeV)Figure 9.Scatter plot of the masses of the lightest visible supersymmetric particle (LVSP)and the next-to-lightest visible supersymmetric particle (NLVSP)in the CMSSM.The darker (blue)triangles satisfy all the laboratory,astrophysical and cosmological constraints.For comparison,the dark (red)squares and medium-shaded (green)crosses respect the laboratory constraints,but not those imposed by astrophysics and cosmology.In addition,the (green)crosses represent models which are expected to be visible at the LHC.The very light (yellow)points are those for which direct detection of supersymmetric dark matter might be possible [33].13.Strategies for Detecting Supersymmetric Dark MatterThese include searches for the annihilations of relic particles in the galactic halo:χχ→antiprotons or positrons,annihilations in the galactic centre:χχ→γ+...,annihilations in the core of the Sun or the Earth:χχ→ν+···→µ+···,and scattering on nuclei in the laboratory:χA →chiA .After some initial excitement,recent observations of cosmic-ray antiprotons are consistent with production by primary matter cosmic rays.Moreover,the spectra of annihilation positrons calculated in a number of CMSSM benchmark models [32]seem to fall considerably below the cosmic-ray background [37].Some of the spectra of photons from annihilations in Galactic Centre,as calculated in the same set of CMSSM benchmark scenarios,may rise above the expected cosmic-ray background,albeit with considerable uncertainties due to the unknown enhancement of the cold dark matter density.In particular,the GLAST experiment may have the best chance of detecting energetic annihilation photons [37],as seen in the left panel of Fig.10.Annihilations in the Solar System also offer detection prospects in some of the benchmark scenarios,particularly annihilations inside the Sun,which might be detectable in experiments such as AMANDA,NESTOR,ANTARES and particularly IceCUBE,as seen in the right panel of Fig.10[37].The rates for elastic dark matter scattering cross sections calculated in the CMSSM are typically considerably below the present upper limit imposed by the CDMS II experiment,in both the benchmark scenarios and the global fit to CMSSM parameters based on present data [38].However,if the next generation of direct searches for elastic scattering can reach a sensitivity of 10−10pb,they should be able to detect supersymmetric dark matter in many supersymmetric scenarios.Fig.11compares the cross sections calculated under a relatively optimistic assumption for the relevant hadronic matrix element σπN =64MeV,for choices of CMSSM parameters favoured at the 68%(90%)confidence level in a recent analysis using theFigure 10.Left panel:Spectra of photons from the annihilations of dark matter particles in the core of our galaxy,in different benchmark supersymmetric models [37].Right panel:Signals for muons produced by energetic neutrinos originating from annihilations of dark matter particles in the core of the Sun,in the same benchmark supersymmetric models [37].10-1210-1110-1010-910-810-710-610-50 200 400 600800 1000σ (p b )m χ (GeV)CMSSM, tan β=10, µ>0Σ=64 MeV CDMS II CL=90%CL=68%10-1210-1110-1010-910-810-710-610-5 0 200 400 600 800 1000σ (p b )m χ (GeV)CMSSM, tan β=50, µ>0Σ=64 MeV CDMS II CL=90%CL=68%Figure 11.Scatter plots of the spin-independent elastic-scattering cross section predicted in the CMSSM for (a)tan β=10,µ>0and (b)tan β=50,µ>0,each with σπN =64MeV [38].The predictions for models allowed at the 68%(90%)confidence levels [39]are shown by blue ×signs (green +signs).observables m W ,sin 2θW ,b →sγand g µ−2[39].14.Connections between the Big Bang and Little BangsAstrophysical and cosmological observations during the past few years have established a Concordance Model of cosmology,whose matter content is quite accurately determined.Most of the present energy density of the Universe is in the form of dark vacuum energy,with about 25%in the form of dark matter,and only a few %in the form of conventional baryonic matter.Two of the most basic questions raised by this Concordance Model are the nature of the dark matter and the origin of matter.Only experiments at particle colliders are likely to be able to answer these and other fundamental questions about the early Universe.In particular,experiments at the LHC will recreate quark-gluon plasma conditions similar to those when the Universe was less than a microsecond old[4],and will offer the best prospects for discovering whether the dark matter is composed of supersymmetric particles[40,41].LHC experiments will also cast new light on the cosmological matter-antimattter asymmetry[42].Moreover,discovery of the Higgs boson will take us closer to the possibilities for inflation and dark energy.There are many connections between the Big Bang and the little bangs we create with particle colliders.These connections enable us both to learn particle physics from the Universe,and to use particle physics to understand the Universe.References[1]J.R.Ellis,Lectures given at16th Canberra International Physics Summer School on The New Cosmology,Canberra,Australia,3-14Feb2003,arXiv:astro-ph/0305038;K.A.Olive,TASI lectures on Astroparticle Physics,arXiv:astro-ph/0503065.[2]R.H.Cyburt, B. 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每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.答案是C。
1. What is the man doing?A. Buying a book.B. Looking for a job.C. Applying for a library card.听下面一段对话,回答第2个小题。
2. What does the man think about the lecture?A. Boring.B. Useful.C. Difficult.听下面一段对话,回答第3个小题。
3. How will the man go to the shop?A. On foot.B. By bike.C. By bus.听下面一段对话,回答第4个小题。
4. What does John suggest the woman do?A. Take the subway.B. Go by bus.C. Walk to the cinema.听下面一段对话,回答第5个小题。
5. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Strangers.B. Classmates.C. Parents and child.听下面一段对话,回答第6至7两个小题。
6. What is the man worried about?A. Being unprepared for the exam.B. Joining the student club.C. Following the woman's advice.7. What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Join the club with her.B. Ask Mr. Grey for help.C. Study for the exam.听下面一段对话,回答第8至9两个小题。
Midnight Visitor
Midnight Visitor Comprehensive Reading
4. 这部喜剧如此神秘和浪漫,看完几天后 还能够感受到当时的那种兴奋。( so…that)
Unit 4 Midnight Visitor
Midnight Visitor Lead-in Activity
some famous secret service/intelligence agencies
MI6 (Military Intelligence 6) 英国陆军情报六局 简称军情六局 1909 Oxford & Cambridge
Midnight Visitor Lead-in Activity
You're expected to answer the following qustions after watching the video.
What is the most likely job for this man?
Setting: a French hotel room Protagonists: Ausable, Fowler, Max and a waiter
Midnight Visitor Comprehensive Reading
Structure of the text
Part 1
CIA (Central Intelligence Administration) 美国中央情报局 1947 president Truman
描述巴塞罗那英文作文英文:Barcelona is a vibrant and beautiful city located in the northeast of Spain. It is the capital of Catalonia and is known for its stunning architecture, rich history, delicious food, and lively culture.One of the most iconic landmarks in Barcelona is the Sagrada Familia, a basilica designed by the famousarchitect Antoni Gaudi. It is still under constructionafter more than 100 years, but it is a must-visit for anyone traveling to Barcelona. Another famous attraction is Park Guell, also designed by Gaudi, which offers breathtaking views of the city.Aside from its architecture, Barcelona is also famous for its food. The city is home to numerous tapas bars where you can try a variety of small dishes, such as patatas bravas (fried potatoes with a spicy sauce) and croquetas(fried balls of cheese or ham). If you have a sweet tooth, you must try churros con chocolate, a popular dessert consisting of fried dough dipped in hot chocolate.The people of Barcelona are known for their friendlyand welcoming nature. They are proud of their city and are always happy to share their knowledge and recommendations with visitors. Learning a few basic phrases in Catalan or Spanish can go a long way in making connections with locals.Overall, Barcelona is a city that has something tooffer for everyone. Whether you are interested in history, architecture, food, or culture, you will find it all inthis amazing city.中文:巴塞罗那是西班牙东北部一个充满活力和美丽的城市。
Notes on a species of barnacle parasitic on the gills of edible crabs
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A large number of the common edible crabs, or blue crabs (Oallinectes sapidu8 [Ordway] Rathbun), of Beaufort, N. C., are found to be infested with a small lepadide barnacle, ectoparasitic on the gills (fig. 1). This form was first observed at Beaufort by Mr. T. G. Pearson. To ascertain somewhat definitely the proportion of crabs containing this parasite, record was made of 180 mature crabs examined during August and the first half of September, and barnacles were found in 128, or in 71 pCI' cent. These crabs were taken just as they were brought into the laboratory, no selection being made except that soft crabs and evidently young crabs were disregarded. The barnacles were much more abundant later than earlier in the summer. The sexes were found to be unequally burdened; the percentage for males infested was only 56, while for females it reached 89 per cent. It was also easily seen that the average number of barnacles in infested females was considerably above the corresponding average for males. A possible explanation of this difference is that
抹香鲸呼吸 英语作文
抹香鲸呼吸英语作文The Mighty Sperm Whale: A Breath of LifeThe ocean, a vast and mysterious realm, is home to an array of captivating creatures, each with its own unique story to tell. Among these majestic beings, the sperm whale, also known as the cachalot, stands out as a true marvel of nature. With its powerful presence and awe-inspiring capabilities, this leviathan of the deep has captured the imagination of humankind for centuries.At the heart of the sperm whale's captivating nature lies its remarkable respiratory system. Unlike many other marine mammals, the sperm whale has evolved a remarkable ability to hold its breath for extended periods, diving to depths that would be unimaginable for most other creatures. This extraordinary feat is made possible by a complex network of adaptations that allow the sperm whale to maximize the efficiency of its oxygen utilization.One of the most striking features of the sperm whale's respiratory system is its massive size. With a body that can reach lengths of up to 20 meters, the sperm whale's lungs are correspondingly massive, capable of holding a staggering volume of air. This capacity is furtherenhanced by the whale's unique lung structure, which features a series of air sacs that can be expanded and contracted to regulate the flow of air.As the sperm whale dives, it is able to slow its heart rate and redirect blood flow to its vital organs, preserving the precious oxygen it has stored in its lungs. This remarkable ability, known as the "dive response," allows the whale to remain submerged for up to 90 minutes at a time, far exceeding the capabilities of most other marine mammals.But the sperm whale's respiratory prowess is not limited to its diving abilities. The whale's massive size and powerful lungs also enable it to produce some of the loudest vocalizations in the animal kingdom. The sperm whale's distinctive clicks and buzzes, which can reach up to 230 decibels, are used for a variety of purposes, including communication, echolocation, and even stunning prey.These powerful vocalizations are a testament to the sperm whale's remarkable control over its respiratory system. By precisely regulating the flow of air through its massive lungs, the whale is able to produce a wide range of sounds that serve a variety of important functions.But the sperm whale's respiratory abilities are not just a marvel ofevolution – they also play a crucial role in the health and well-being of the entire marine ecosystem. As the whale dives to great depths, it brings nutrient-rich water to the surface, helping to sustain the delicate balance of life in the ocean.Moreover, the sperm whale's ability to hold its breath for extended periods also means that it is less vulnerable to the effects of ocean acidification and other environmental stressors that can impact the respiratory systems of other marine creatures. This resilience makes the sperm whale an important indicator species, helping to shed light on the overall health of the ocean.Despite the sperm whale's remarkable respiratory capabilities, however, the species faces a number of threats that threaten its very existence. Overfishing, pollution, and climate change have all taken a toll on sperm whale populations, with many facing the risk of extinction.But there is hope. Through conservation efforts and a greater understanding of the sperm whale's role in the ecosystem, we can work to protect these magnificent creatures and ensure that their breath of life continues to be felt throughout the oceans for generations to come. By preserving the sperm whale's remarkable respiratory system, we not only safeguard the future of this iconic species, but also the delicate balance of the entire marine world.。
关于北印度洋海峡的英文阅读理解The Bay of Bengal is connected to the Arabian Sea by the Strait of Malacca, an important waterway separating the Indonesian island of Sumatra from Malaysia. The Strait of Malacca is one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world, facilitating most of the trade between Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. It is a significant source of income for Malaysia and Indonesia.The Strait of Malacca is located between the Andaman and Nicobar Islands on the east and the Malay Peninsula on the west. It is approximately 805 km long and at its narrowest point, it is only 1.5 nautical miles wide. The strait is susceptible to piracy due to its narrow width and heavy traffic, which makes it a challenge for ships to navigate safely.Many countries rely on the Strait of Malacca for theiroil imports and exports. It is a vital passage for oil transportation, connecting the oil-rich Middle East with countries like China, Japan, and South Korea. Any disruption in the strait due to piracy or natural disasters like earthquakes or tsunamis can have a significant impact on global oil prices and trade.To ensure the safety of vessels passing through theStrait of Malacca, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia have set up the Malacca Strait Patrol (MSP) in collaboration with other countries like Thailand and the Philippines. The MSP conducts regular patrols to deter piracy and ensure the security of the strait. Additionally, a Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) has been implemented to regulate the movement of vessels and reduce the risk of collisions.The importance of the Strait of Malacca as a trade route cannot be overstated. It is estimated that around one-thirdof global trade passes through this waterway, including oil, gas, and other commodities. Countries like Singapore have established themselves as major shipping hubs due to their strategic location along the strait.Now, let's see some examples of bilingual sentences:1. The Strait of Malacca plays a crucial role in facilitating international trade.马六甲海峡在促进国际贸易方面起着至关重要的作用。
近蜥龙是怎么被发现的英语作文The discovery of the Neosauropod is a fascinating story in the field of paleontology. Let's explore how this dinosaur was uncovered in an English composition.The journey of discovering the Neosauropod began with the dedicated work of paleontologists.They scoured various locations, searching for signs of ancient remains.Through careful fieldwork and meticulous exploration, they eventually stumbled upon the presence of the Neosauropod.The discovery might have been made in a specific region known for its rich dinosaur fossil deposits.Paleontologists used various techniques and methods to identify and study the fossils found.They analyzed the sedimentary layers, looking for clues that would lead them to the discovery of the Neosauropod.Detailed examination and comparison of the fossil remains allowed them to confirm the identity of this particular dinosaur species.The discovery of the Neosauropod added to our understanding of the diversity and evolution of dinosaurs.It provided valuable insights into the morphology, behavior, and ecological niche of this intriguing creature.Further research and analysis continued to shed light on the characteristics and significance of the Neosauropod in the paleontological record.。
This is golden square, which contains some of the best architectures of that style.
La Sagrada Familia 圣家堂) (圣家堂)
This famous church, Also designed by Gaudi, is still under construction. wonderful carvings on the outside show scenes from the life of Jesus.Carvings of animals and plants decorate the walls inside.
Wish you a happy tour in Barcelona in the future!
Hasta la Vista
Gracias !
You will find 3000 woks by famous artist Picasso. He spent his formative years in Barcelona!
Besides enjoying the arts and architecture, we must Ramble on La Rambla, Spain’s most famous street!
The city’s buildings and churches will capture your attention First, Barcelona is king of Modernism architecture. From 1880 To 1910,architects used themes and shapes from nature in designing their buildings. They abandoned straight lines in favor of curves. They decorated buildings faces with wildlife, fruit and flowers. Barcelona has more of this kind of architecture than any other cities in the world.
英文描写贝林厄姆的作文Berinheim, a picturesque town situated amidst lush green landscapes, exudes an old-world charm that enchants visitors with its timeless beauty. Nestled at the foothills of majestic mountains, it is a haven of tranquility and a testament to the rich history and cultural heritage it proudly holds. Allow me to take you on a virtual journey through the enchanting streets of Berinheim, where every corner unfolds a story of its own.As you wander through the cobbled streets, the quaint houses with their thatched roofs and vibrant flower gardens create a whimsical atmosphere. The town square, adorned with a beautiful fountain at its center, serves as a meeting point for locals and tourists alike. The sound of laughter and music fills the air, as street performers captivate passersby with their mesmerizing skills. The aroma of freshly bakedbread wafts from the nearby bakeries, tempting you with their mouthwatering delicacies.One of the town's notable landmarks is Berinheim Castle, perched atop a hill. The castle's imposing architecture dating back centuries is a testament to the town's rich history. Its towering turrets and fortified walls transport you to a bygone era when knights and princesses abounded. A guided tour through its grand halls and magnificent gardens unveils tales of courage, intrigue, and romance that left an indelible mark on Berinheim's heritage.For art enthusiasts, the Berinheim Art Gallery is a must-visit. The gallery showcases a diverse collection of artworks that span centuries, ranging from classical masterpieces to contemporary wonders. The striking paintings, intricate sculptures, and awe-inspiring photography speak volumes about the vibrant artistic community thriving within the town’s borders.Nature enthusiasts find solace in Berinheim's surrounding landscape. The rolling hills and verdant forests offer a plethora of outdoor activities, including hiking, camping, and birdwatching. The crystal-clear streams and tranquil lakes dotting the countryside provide the perfect setting for a peaceful retreat, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. The harmony of nature in Berinheim is palpable,inviting visitors to reconnect with the beauty of the natural world.Berinheim's charm is not merely confined to its architectural and natural beauty; it also lies in the warmth and hospitality of its inhabitants. The locals take immense pride in their town and enthusiastically share its history and cultural traditions. Festivals and celebrations, such as the annual Berinheim Carnival and the Midsummer Night's Bonfire, bring the community together in joyous harmony. Embracing the traditions passed down through generations,these festivities showcase Berinheim's lively spirit, making visitors feel like cherished members of the community.In conclusion, Berinheim is a captivating town that seamlessly blends history, art, and natural splendor. Its picturesque streets, adorned with charming houses and vibrant gardens, welcome visitors with open arms. Berinheim Castle stands as a testament to the town's rich history, while the Berinheim Art Gallery ignites the senses with its diverse collection. Nature lovers find solace amidst the rollinghills and serene lakes, while the warmth and hospitality of the locals create an atmosphere of belonging. Berinheim is not just a town; it is an experience of timelessness and enchantment, leaving an everlasting impression on all who venture into its embrace.。
【培优冲刺专练02】三大从句 冠 代 数词(原卷版)【查缺补漏】(1)
Part A1.(2024·重庆九龙坡·二模)It is a beautiful drone (无人机) shot, 1 popular kind of video you might see in a travel video.(2024·河北沧州·一模)The ZQ-2 Y3 has 16 total length of 49.5 meters, which is capable of placing a 1.5-ton payload into a typical sun-synchronous orbit at about 500 kilometers above the Earth.2.(2024·河北沧州·模拟猜测)The Long March 4C rocket, also 43 product of the Shanghai-based academy, has a liftoff weight of 250 metric tons, and is mainly used to send satellites to sun-synchronous orbit.3.(2024·新疆·一模)Astronauts stay underwater in suits weighing over 100 kilograms for six hours at 73 time.4.(2024·安徽滁州·二模)Language is naturally acquired when children are able to use it pleasurably, and language acquisition by children 95 (them) saves both time and labor, said English-language education expert Chen Yaping.5.(2024·河北张家口·模拟猜测)In June 2017, Bonino visited China for three weeks, and found 111 (her) pleasantly surprised. She recalled, “I was crazy about China. It fascinated me.”6.(2024·湖南·一模)The highlighted experience for your visit should be cooking the typical Sichuan dishes 122 the guidance of the professional chef. There is arguably no better way to know more about a cuisine 123 learning how to cook it yourself.7.(2024·江苏·模拟猜测)It has attracted considerable attention 127 food enthusiasts and social media influencers online, celebrating the city’s iconic dish of hot pot.8.(2024·上海普陀·二模)the researchers found that people from countries with low English proficiency spent an average of 90.8 percent more time reading scientific articles141 native English speakers.9.(2024·上海嘉定·二模)I heard the garden door starting to break down 149 the pressure of the flood, and the water was now up to my waist.考查介词。
关于巴塞罗那旅行的英语作文Barcelona: A Melting Pot of Culture and ColorNestled on the Mediterranean coast, Barcelona is a city that dances to the rhythm of tradition and modernity. It's a place where the echoes of Gaudi's architectural genius resonate through the streets, and the vibrant tapestry of Catalan culture is woven into the very fabric of its neighborhoods.Upon arriving in Barcelona, one cannot help but be captivated by the city's most iconic symbol, the Sagrada Familia. This colossal basilica, with its surreal spires reaching for the heavens, stands as a testament to Gaudi's creativity and the city's enduring commitment to his vision. The intricate details and the play of light through thestained glass windows leave visitors in awe, as they marvelat the fusion of faith and art.Strolling down the famous Las Ramblas, one is immediately immersed in the bustling life of the city. Street performers add a touch of the unexpected, while the scent of fresh seafood from the nearby Boqueria Market tantalizes the senses. The promenade is a microcosm of Barcelona itself, with its diverse array of people and the lively exchange of ideas and goods.The Gothic Quarter, or Barri Gòtic, is a step back intime, with its narrow, winding streets and medieval buildings that tell stories of a bygone era. The Barcelona Cathedral, with its magnificent Gothic architecture, stands as a silent guardian of the city's history. Here, one can lose themselves in the labyrinth of alleys, discovering hidden plazas and ancient fountains that have witnessed centuries of change.Barcelona's commitment to the arts extends beyond its architecture. The city is home to an array of museums and galleries that showcase the works of local and international artists. The Picasso Museum, in particular, holds an extensive collection of the artist's early works, providing insight into the formative years of a master.For those seeking a more active experience, the city offers a plethora of options. The beaches of Barcelona are a haven for sun worshippers and water sports enthusiasts alike. The golden sands and the clear blue waters of the Mediterranean provide a perfect backdrop for relaxation and recreation.Culinary delights are also a significant part of the Barcelona experience. Tapas bars and restaurants serve up a variety of traditional dishes, with the famous paella and churros being just the tip of the iceberg. The city's cuisine is a reflection of its diverse influences, offering a gastronomic adventure for the palate.In conclusion, Barcelona is a city that offers a rich blend of history, culture, and entertainment. It is a place where the past and the present coexist harmoniously, creatinga unique experience for every visitor. Whether it's the awe-inspiring architecture, the lively streets, the rich culinary scene, or the welcoming embrace of the Mediterranean, Barcelona is truly a city that captivates the heart and soul.。
巴塞罗那英语作文Barcelona is a vibrant city in Spain, full of energy and passion. The streets are alive with music, laughter, and the sound of people enjoying life. The architecture is stunning, with buildings that seem to reach up to the sky. The food is delicious, with tapas and paella being some of the local favorites. 。
The beaches in Barcelona are beautiful, with golden sand and clear blue water. The sun shines brightly, warming your skin as you relax and soak up the Mediterranean atmosphere. The beach bars are always busy, serving up refreshing drinks and tasty snacks to keep you going throughout the day. 。
Exploring the city is a treat for the senses, with colorful markets selling fresh produce and local crafts. The narrow streets are filled with boutique shops, offering unique souvenirs and fashion items. The street performers entertain passersby with their talents, adding to thelively atmosphere of the city. 。
西班牙的动物英文作文Spain is home to a wide variety of animals. From the majestic Iberian lynx to the playful dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea, there is no shortage of fascinating wildlife in this country.One of the most iconic animals in Spain is the Iberian lynx. This beautiful and elusive feline is native to the Iberian Peninsula and is known for its distinctive spotted coat and tufted ears. Unfortunately, the Iberian lynx is currently endangered, with only a few hundred individuals left in the wild.In addition to the Iberian lynx, Spain is also home to a diverse range of bird species. The country's varied landscapes, including mountains, forests, and wetlands, provide habitats for a wide array of avian life. From the colorful bee-eater to the majestic Spanish imperial eagle, birdwatchers will find plenty to admire in Spain.Of course, we can't talk about animals in Spain without mentioning the famous fighting bulls. These powerful animals have been a central part of Spanish culture for centuries and are featured prominently in the country's traditional bullfights. While the practice of bullfighting is controversial, there is no denying the strength and beauty of these magnificent creatures.Moving from land to sea, Spain's coastal waters are teeming with marine life. The Mediterranean Sea, in particular, is home to a rich diversity of marine species, including dolphins, sea turtles, and various types of fish. For nature lovers, a boat trip to see dolphins in their natural habitat is an unforgettable experience.In conclusion, Spain is a country blessed with a rich tapestry of animal life. Whether on land or at sea, thereis no shortage of fascinating creatures to discover in this beautiful country. From the Iberian lynx to the fighting bulls, Spain's wildlife is as diverse and captivating as the country itself.。
呼吸 英语作文
Breathing is an essential function of life,a process that is both automatic and vital to our survival.It is the means by which our bodies take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide, maintaining the balance of gases that our cells need to function properly.Here is an essay on the importance of breathing and its role in our daily lives.The Art of Breathing:A Vital Aspect of LifeBreathing is often taken for granted,yet it is one of the most fundamental processes that sustain life.It is the silent rhythm that underpins our existence,a constant reminder of the delicate balance between inhalation and exhalation.The act of breathing is not merely a physiological necessity it is a profound experience that connects us to the world around us.The Mechanics of BreathingThe process of breathing begins with the diaphragm,a muscular sheet that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity.As the diaphragm contracts,it creates a vacuum, drawing air into the lungs.The intercostal muscles between the ribs also play a role, expanding the rib cage and increasing the volume of the chest cavity.Oxygenrich air enters the lungs,where it is absorbed into the bloodstream through the alveoli,tiny air sacs that facilitate gas exchange.The carbon dioxide,a waste product of cellular respiration,is then expelled from the body as we exhale.Breathing and HealthBreathing is not just about sustaining life it is also about maintaining health.Proper breathing techniques can help reduce stress,improve focus,and enhance physical performance.For instance,deep,diaphragmatic breathing can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system,promoting relaxation and reducing the heart rate.This type of breathing is often used in meditation and yoga practices to achieve a state of calm and mindfulness.The Cultural Significance of BreathingBreathing has also been a subject of cultural and spiritual significance throughout history. In many Eastern philosophies,such as Hinduism and Buddhism,breath is considered the life force,or prana,that sustains the body and mind.Controlled breathing is a central component of practices like pranayama in yoga,which aims to balance the life force andachieve spiritual enlightenment.The Environmental Impact on BreathingIn todays world,the quality of the air we breathe is increasingly under threat.Pollution, industrial emissions,and the burning of fossil fuels have led to a decline in air quality, with serious implications for our respiratory health.This environmental challenge underscores the importance of protecting our atmosphere and promoting sustainable practices that can ensure clean air for future generations.ConclusionBreathing is a complex and multifaceted process that is integral to our physical,mental, and spiritual wellbeing.It is a testament to the interconnectedness of life and a reminder of our dependence on the natural world.As we go about our daily lives,it is worth pausing to appreciate the simple act of breathing,and to consider the ways in which we can protect and preserve this essential aspect of our existence.。
全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:恐龙和鸟类的资料袋写一篇英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Dinosaurs and Birds: An Evolutionary JourneyAs a student fascinated by the natural world, I have always been captivated by the incredible story of how dinosaurs evolved into the birds we see around us today. It's a tale that spansmillions of years, filled with remarkable discoveries andmind-boggling adaptations. In this essay, I'll take you on a journey through time, exploring the evidence that links these two seemingly disparate groups of animals and unraveling the mysteries of their shared ancestry.Let's start at the beginning, in the Mesozoic Era, when dinosaurs ruled the Earth. These ancient reptiles were a diverse group, ranging from the massive, long-necked sauropods to the fearsome, meat-eating theropods. It was among the latter group that we find the earliest clues to the avian connection.One of the most significant discoveries in this regard was the fossilized remains of Archaeopteryx, a creature that lived around 150 million years ago. Archaeopteryx possessed a unique combination of features – it had feathers and wings like a bird, but also retained many characteristics of its dinosaur ancestors, such as teeth and a long, bony tail. This remarkable fossil provided the first tangible evidence that birds evolved from a specific group of dinosaurs known as theropods.But Archaeopteryx was just the beginning. As paleontologists continued to unearth fossils, more and more similarities between dinosaurs and birds came to light. For instance, many theropod dinosaurs, such as Velociraptor andDeinonychus, had lightweight, hollow bones and a rigid, birdlike furcula (wishbone) – adaptations that likely helped them move quickly and efficiently.Furthermore, the discovery of feathered dinosaurs like Microraptor and Protarchaeopteryx revealed that feathers, once thought to be a unique avian trait, had actually evolved in dinosaurs long before the first birds took flight. These feathers likely served a variety of functions, from insulation to display, and eventually paved the way for the development of powered flight.As compelling as the fossil evidence is, scientists have also found support for the dinosaur-bird connection in their genetic makeup. By studying the DNA of modern birds and comparing it to that of other reptiles, researchers have identified a close evolutionary relationship between birds and certain theropod dinosaurs, such as Tyrannosaurus rex and Velociraptor.But how did these feathered, bipedal dinosaurs eventually evolve into the diverse array of birds we know today? The answer lies in a series of remarkable adaptations that allowed early birds to take to the skies.One key adaptation was the evolution of a lightweight, hollow-boned skeleton, which made it easier for these animals tobecome airborne. Additionally, the development of a specialized respiratory system, involving air sacs that helped facilitate efficient gas exchange, allowed birds to meet the high metabolic demands of powered flight.Another crucial adaptation was the evolution of feathers specialized for flight. These feathers, with their intricate structure and aerodynamic properties, enabled birds to generate lift and maneuver with precision in the air. Over time, these feathers became increasingly specialized, leading to the diverse array of wing shapes and flight styles we see in modern birds.As birds took to the skies, they underwent a rapid diversification, adapting to different environments and ecological niches. Some became specialized for soaring and gliding, like eagles and hawks, while others evolved for agile, maneuverable flight, like hummingbirds and swallows. Still others, like ostriches and emus, lost the ability to fly altogether, adapting to life on the ground.But despite this incredible diversity, all modern birds share a common ancestor – a feathered, theropod dinosaur that took those first tentative steps towards powered flight millions of years ago.In recent years, our understanding of the dinosaur-bird connection has been further enriched by the study of living birds and their behavior. For instance, researchers have observed that many modern birds exhibit behaviors and traits that are reminiscent of their dinosaur ancestors, such as parental care, nest building, and complex social structures.Additionally, the study of bird development has shed light on the evolutionary processes that shaped their unique anatomy and physiology. By examining the embryonic stages of bird development, scientists have found striking similarities to the development of their dinosaur ancestors, providing further evidence of their shared evolutionary history.As we continue to unravel the mysteries of this fascinating evolutionary journey, one thing is clear: the story of dinosaurs and birds is a testament to the incredible power of adaptation and evolution. It reminds us that life on Earth is constantly changing and evolving, and that even the most unlikely of transformations can occur over vast spans of time.For me, as a student, this story not only fuels my curiosity about the natural world but also serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of scientific inquiry and discovery. It is through the tireless efforts of paleontologists, geneticists, andresearchers in various fields that we have been able to piece together this remarkable tale, shedding light on one of the most captivating chapters in the history of life on our planet.As I continue my studies, I am filled with a sense of wonder and appreciation for the incredible journey that has brought us from the age of dinosaurs to the present day. And who knows what other fascinating revelations await us as we continue to explore the intricate tapestry of life on Earth? One thing is certain – the story of dinosaurs and birds is far from over, and the chapters yet to be written promise to be just as fascinating as those that have come before.篇2Dinosaurs and Birds: A Surprising ConnectionWhen I was a little kid, I loved dinosaurs. I had dinosaur toys, dinosaur books, dinosaur pajamas - you name it. I was obsessed.I knew all the names and could rattle off facts about every species. Tyrannosaurus rex was the king of the dinosaurs, Triceratops had those awesome horns, and don't even get me started on the long-necked plant eaters like Brachiosaurus. Dinosaurs were just the coolest things ever.Little did I know back then just how closely related dinosaurs were to modern birds, the unassuming little feathered creatures we see all around us every day. It seems totally bizarre to link massive prehistoric reptiles to the robins, sparrows, and pigeons of today. But the more you dig into it, the more that unexpected connection starts to make sense.Let's start with the basics. Dinosaurs first appeared around 230 million years ago during the Triassic period. For around 165 million years after that, dinosaurs absolutely dominated the land, evolving into thousands of diverse species across the globe. Then, around 66 million years ago, a catastrophic asteroid impact caused mass extinction, wiping out all the remaining dinosaurs except for a handful of feathered theropods - the dinosaur group that included Velociraptor and, ultimately, modern birds.So how do we know birds descended from dinosaurs? The evidence is overwhelming. For one, we've discovered countless preserved dinosaur fossils with intricate feather patterns and even wings. Archaeopteryx, which lived around 150 million years ago, is one of the most famous examples. It had feathers like a bird but many other reptilian traits like teeth and a bony tail. It was essentially a dino-bird link between the two groups.Even more convincingly, birds and dinosaurs share over 300 distinct anatomical traits, from the shape of their eggs and bone structures to the positioning of their eyes, nostrils, and reproductive systems. A bird's wishbone is actually aDeveloped fusing of dinosaur collar bones. When you look at an X-ray of a bird, the skeletal similarities to dinosaurs are unmistakable.Beyond the physical evidence, we've also sequenced dinosaur protein compounds extracted from fossilized bone and compared them to modern bird proteins. The molecular makeup matches, confirming the evolutionary relationship. Paleontologists have traced theropod dinosaur species branching off into birds through clear transitional fossils over millions of years.Perhaps the coolest link between birds and dinosaurs though is their behavior. Lots of dinosaurs engaged in behaviors we associate with modern birds. Fossil sites have uncovered preserved nests, clutches of eggs, tracks of baby dinosaurs, hints of feather shaking and dust bathing, and even evidence of parental care like brooding. Some dinosaur species may have engaged in mating dances and calls like birds. Thanks to analysis of lung structures, we think at least some dinosaurs may havebeen warm-blooded and able to engage in high energy activity like flight.So next time you see a robin hopping around or a hawk soaring high overhead, just remember that you're looking at one of the last surviving lineages of dinosaurs that managed to live through the mass extinction event 66 million years ago. Birds are literally modern dinosaurs.This dinosaur-bird link has totally reshaped how scientists view the evolution of life on earth and the branching of species over immense timescales. As a dinosaur-obsessed kid, I never could have imagined that birds were essentially feathery, shrunk-down versions of creatures like T. rex. But the more you learn, the more it makes perfect sense.While the giant prehistoric megafauna may be long gone, we're surrounded every day by the descendants of dinosaurs that survived by evolving into feathered, flying forms. Birds are incredibly diverse and successful, inhabiting virtually every ecosystem across the planet. In many ways, they rule the earth just like their massive ancestors once did.So embrace your inner child's dinosaur fascination! Study birds, appreciate their links to the prehistoric past, and marvel at the incredible journey of evolution that allowed one branch ofthe dinosaurs to live on in the form of majestic hawks, hummingbirds, penguins, and all the other remarkable bird species we share the world with today. Dinosaurs may be extinct, but their distant grandchildren live all around us, soaring through the skies. How amazing is that?篇3The Dinobird ConnectionBy A Curious StudentWhen I was little, I loved dinosaurs. What kid doesn't? They were these gigantic, fierce creatures that dominated the Earth for millions of years before becoming extinct. I had dinosaur toys, books, bedsheets, you name it. My favorites were always the theropods – the "beast-footed" dinosaurs like T. Rex and Velociraptor that walked on two legs and had deadly claws and teeth.Little did I know back then just how closely related those scary dinos were to our modern-day feathered friends. It wasn't until I was older that I learned about the profound evolutionary link between dinosaurs and birds. This blew my mind and made me see birds in a whole new light. Those innocent little songbirdsat the feeder? Distant cousins of Tyrannosaurus Rex. It's one of the most fascinating areas of paleontology.The story begins in the late 1800s when scientists first started discovering excellently preserved dinosaur fossils with imprints of feathers and feather-like structures. This was revolutionary because it showed that dinosaurs weren't just big dumb lizards, but had evolved some remarkably bird-like characteristics tens of millions of years before the first true birds arrived.One of the most important dinosaur fossils that revealed this link was the Archaeopteryx, which lived around 150 million years ago in what is now Germany. The first Archaeopteryx fossil was discovered in 1861, and even by modern definitions, it was the earliest known bird. It had the feathers, wings, and wishbone of a bird, but also retained many dinosaur features like jaws with teeth and a bony tail.This "dino-bird" was clear evidence that birds evolved from small feathered dinosaurs, providing a transitional fossil showing their reptilian ancestors. Over the next century and a half, many more feathered dinosaur fossils were uncovered, further cementing the dinosaur-bird connection. A famous example isthe Microraptor, a four-winged dromaeosaurid covered in iridescent plumage.So how did this happen? How did a group of dinosaurs slowly evolve the characteristics of modern birds over millions of years? According to the evidence, bird-like traits like feathers first appeared in some lineages of small raptor-like theropod dinosaurs in the Late Jurassic period, around 160 million years ago.These early feathers were probably used for insulation and display at first, much like those on many modern reptiles. But eventually, natural selection favored feathers and skeletal structures better adapted for gliding or primitive flight as these gave theropods better mobility to hunt prey or escape predators. The feathers grew more aerodynamic and complex wing structures slowly took shape.Birds inherited many other unique adaptations from their dinosaur ancestors too. Their lungs, skeletal pneumaticity,egg-brooding behavior, nest-building abilities, and even the proteins that make up their feathers all have their origins in the dinosaur lineage. The relatively large size of birds' brains compared to other modern reptiles is another holdover from their highly intelligent theropod forebears.While birds are the only living dinosaurs today, they're just an evolutionary twig on the branching tree of theropod diversity that existed during the Mesozoic Era. other dinosaur lineages like the horned ceratopsians, armored ankylosaurs, duck-billed hadrosaurs, and gigantic long-necked sauropods all branched off from the main theropod trunk.But birds' direct ancestors were modest-sized feathered theropods called maniraptorans, which split off from other theropods like the iconic meat-eaters Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus. These agile, grasping maniraptorans eventually gave rise to lineages like dromaeosaurids ("raptors"), troodontids, oviraptorosaurs and birds.So while Velociraptor itself didn't have a direct lineage that became modern birds, it had a very similar body plan to the animals that did. Raptors were just fancy, non-avian maniraptorans, if you will. Their close cousins are the ones that kept gaining more and more birdlike adaptations over time until the first true birds evolved.That pivotal moment – the origin of the first birds as we'd define them today – happened around 150-160 million years ago in the Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous Period. It was around thistime that the earliest members of the avian lineage became so advanced that they crossed the threshold into bona fide birds.These first avians were small, lightweight, winged maniraptorans that were finally optimized for powered flight rather than just gliding, with advanced feathers, fused hand bones, and other avian adaptations. Archaeopteryx was one of these early birds, but there were many other Archaeopteryx-like species.Once the basic avian body plan was established, birds took off (pun intended) into a wildly diverse range of forms over the next 100 million years, from swan-sized predators to diving sea birds to herding omnivores, all thriving alongside the other dinosaurs. But then a mass extinction struck 66 million years ago, wiping out all dinosaurs except the avian lineage.So after that cataclysmic asteroid or series of impacts, the descendants of the Archaeopteryx and other early birds inherited the Earth once dominated by the giant dinos. In the resulting ecological vacancies, birds evolved into many of the modern lineages we know today like raptors, shorebirds, waterfowl and more as they expanded to fill different niches.This incredible evolutionary story of how birds descended from feathered dinosaurs is now backed by tons of fossilevidence and biological data. It has become a simple fact in science. Yet it still seems mind-blowing when you really think about it deeply: that innocuous little sparrow on a branch is a surviving remnant and a very real "living dinosaur" – however distant and unrecognizable as its heritage may seem!Sure, they're just small, lightweight offshoots today of the mighty dinosaur lineages that once dominated the world. But birds branched off from feathered theropod dinosaurs, sharing things like egg-brooding, bone-pneumaticity, nest building behaviors and other traits with their ancestors like dromaeosaurids and other dino-cousins.Next time you see a bird, I want you to appreciate that creature for what it is – one of the last surviving dinosaurs. Birds are literally dinosaurs that lost weight and evolved feathers to become optimized for flight. So the next time a pigeon pecks at your toes for a bit of your hot dog, show some respect. You're in the presence of true dinosaur royalty!。
Barcelona is regarded as Spain's second city, behind capital Madrid. The city is rich in history. Barcelonawas founded by Carthaginians and according to tradition, it got its name from the great Barker family ofancient Carpage. After numerous different conquers, including the Romans and the Moores that seriouslydamaged the city, the Argons made Catalonia, of which Barcelona was the capital. Strong and prosperous,since the 1970s, the city has formed its Catalon background. But it wasn't until the summer Olympics in 1992that Barcelona became the modern, lively city that it still is today. And with this prosperity have comewonderful hotels. The Raewon Callas the 1st was opened in 1992, by the King and Queen of Spain.With buildings like the Casa Cal Bain and the Casa Minga, Antony Gaudy is believed to have made greatimpact on the image of Barcelona. He also built the fantastic Park Quell. Antony Gaudy died in 1926, leavingan unfinished cathedral as his epitaph (墓志铭).There are the attractions of coming to Barcelona?There are many, many different attractions: culture, leisure, monuments, our architecture, and thegastronomy (美食). Barcelona has commercial areas and shopping areas of five kilometers that goes aroundto the sea to the north. You can also see our architecture, our monuments, our museums, and our restaurants.So there is a mix between shopping and services.One label that's hot among fashion consciousness is MIRO, and these trendy designs of clothing and shoesoriginate in Barcelona. The region itself now produces for other international labels, like for the Gallic giantLacose.No visit to the city would be complete without a tour of the Nou Camp, the home of one of Spain's finestteams, Barcelona Football Club. FC Barcelona was founded in 1899 along with the other Spanish team, RealMadrid. It's one of the greatest football teams in Europe. With players like Maradona and Ronaldo havingplayed for Barca, it's easy to explain their success! FC Barcelona is known to have won more cups than anyother team in European football history. The stadium, the Nou Camp, can hold one hundred and twelvethousand people, making it one of the greatest places to watch and play "the beautiful game".1. This passage is most probably taken from _____.[ ]A. a history bookB. a government documentC. a geography bookD. a travel book2. The first paragraph is mainly about the _____ of Barcelona.[ ]A. historyB. famous buildingsC. big eventsD. present3. Who is believed to have greatly affected the image of Barcelona? [ ]A. Antony CaudyB. The great Barker family of ancient CarpageC. The King and Queen of SpainD. The Romans4. Which of the following is NOT among the attractions of Barcelona? [ ]A. CultureB. SportsC. ArchitecturesD. Theatres5. In the last paragraph, the author intends to _____. [ ]A. highly praise Barcelona Football ClubB. tell us the development of FC BarcelonaC. tell us how to end our tour in BarcelonaD. tell us the great success of Spanish football答案:1-5 DAADC。
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The Flower of Europe
All about Barcelona History Tourist attractions Local Food Sport
语法填空1One of the main ___1___(attract) of the 2024 Paris Olympics is, of course, Paris. The City of Lights and ___2___(it) many worldfamous landmarks will take center stage at this year’s Games. Swimmers will, weather ___3___(permit), race in the Seine. But it’s hard ___4___(imagine) that any one event will offer as magnificent a tribute to Paris as Friday’s Opening Ceremony, which eschewed the confines of a stadium and made the entire city its stage. The ceremony, ___5___ took place in the hours surrounding sunset in France and will reair in "enhanced" form at 7:30 pm ET on NBC, was occasionally weird, wildly ambitious, ultimately wonderful, and ___6___(extreme) French. On the roof of the GrandPalais, mezzosoprano Axelle SaintCirel sang "La Marseillaise." A footbridge ___7___(convert) into a catwalk, near the Eiffel Tower, for a celebration of French fashion. And in the ceremony’s final minutes, there was Celine Dion, long rumored to be performing in Paris, singing Édith Piaf’s “Hymne à l’amour”___8___ a stage midway up the same tower, belting triumphantly for all the city and the world to hear. Vive la révolution. An ode to love and literature that began in the library ___9___ ended with what was, by all appearances, a ménage à trois entering ___10___ apartment and saucily closing the door on the camera operator?Ooh la la. It wouldn’t be Paris without that frisson.答案:1. attractions 2. its 3. permitting 4. to imagine 5. which 6. extremely7. was converted8. on9. and10. an【导语】本文是关于巴黎奥运开幕式的一篇文章。
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a r X i v :n u c l -t h /0407025v 2 4 J a n 2005Baryonic Resonances from Baryon Decuplet-MesonOctet InteractionSourav Sarkar,E.Oset and M.J.Vicente Vacas Departamento de F´ısica Te´o rica and IFIC,Centro Mixto Universidad de Valencia-CSIC,Institutos de Investigaci´o n de Paterna,Aptd.22085,46071Valencia,Spain February 8,2008Abstract We study S -wave interactions of the baryon decuplet with the octet of pseu-doscalar mesons using the lowest order chiral Lagrangian.In the S =1sector,we find an attractive interaction in the ∆K channel with I =1while it is repulsive for I =2.The attractive interaction leads to a pole in the second Riemann sheet of the complex plane and is manifested as a large strength in the scattering amplitude close to the ∆K threshold,which is not the case for I =2.We use the unitarized coupled channel approach to also investigate all the other possible values of strangeness and isospin.We find two bound states in the SU (3)limit corresponding to the octet and decuplet representations.These are found to split into eight different trajectories in the complex plane when the SU (3)symmetry is broken gradually.Finally,we are able to provide a reasonable description for a good number of 4-star 31IntroductionThe introduction of unitary techniques in a chiral dynamical treatment of the meson baryoninteraction has been very successful.It has lead to good reproduction of meson baryon data with a minimum amount of free parameters,and has led to the dynamical generationof many low lying resonances which qualify as quasibound meson baryon states.Thesestates would qualify as pentaquarks in the quark picture,although the molecular structure in terms of mesons and baryons is more appropriate from the practical point of view.Ata time when evidence is piling up for a positive strangeness pentaquark state[1](see[2] for a thorough list of related theoretical and experimental papers),it is also worth statingthat claims for this multiquark nature of many non exotic resonances,in the sense thatthey could be generated dynamically in a meson-baryon coupled channel approach,have been done before[3–7].In this sense although the generation of theΛ(1405)in a multichannel approach hadbeen proved long ago[8],the combined use of chiral Lagrangians with the Lippmann Schwinger equation in coupled channels[9,10]leads to a successful generation of thisresonance and a fair reproduction of the low energy K−N data.The consideration of the full basis of SU(3)allowed channels in[11]made it possible to reproduce all these datawith the lowest order Lagrangian and just one cut offto regularize the loops.Further workto make the chiral unitary approach more systematic was done in[12,14–16].In particular, dimensional regularization was used in[12]which allowed one to make predictions at higherenergies.In this way,other resonances,theΛ(1670)and theΣ(1620),were generated in thestrangeness S=−1sector[17],and thefinding of another resonance in the S=−2sector allowed one to associate it to theΞ(1620)and hence predict theoretically[18]the spin andparity of this resonance,so far unknown experimentally.In addition the N∗(1535)has also been for long claimed to be another of these dynamically generated resonances[19–21].Within similar chiral approaches,the same results concerning some of these resonanceshave been found in[22].All these works led gradually to a more general result in which a detailed study ofthe SU(3)breaking of the problem could show that there are actually two octets and one singlet of dynamically generated baryons with J P=1/2−,coming from the interaction of the octet of pseudoscalar mesons of the pion and the octet of stable baryons of theproton[23,24].The success of thesefindings motivated further searches and recently it was foundthat the interaction of the baryon decuplet of the∆and the octet of mesons of the piongives rise to a set of dynamically generated resonances[25],some of which could be easily identified with existing resonances and others were more difficult to identify.In addition some peaks of the speed plot in[25]appeared on top of thresholds of channels and deserve more thought as to their physical meaning.In the present work we have taken over the work of[25]and conducted a systematicsearch of dynamically generated resonances by looking at poles in the complex plane.We have also calculated the residues at the poles,which allow us to determine partial decay widths into different channels and,hence,have more elements to associate the resonancesfound to known resonances or new ones so far unknown.In addition,we have done a systematic study of the evolution of the poles as we gradually break SU(3)symmetry from the exactly symmetric case to the physical case where the difference in physical masses of the mesons and the baryons lead to a certain amount of SU(3)breaking.The results are interesting.We confirm the correspondence to known resonances done in[25]for the most clear cases and discuss others not so clear,as well as the meaning of the peaks at the thresholds.In addition we take into account the width of the∆which is too large to be neglected for a more quantitative study.Predictions for new resonances are made,some of which could,in principle,be easily identified,while others are very broad and lead to small effects in scattering amplitudes,which could justify why they have not been reported so far.In view of our results,particularly concerning partial decay widths of the resonances found,experimental implications appear which are also discussed in the paper and should allow further progress in thisfield.The paper proceeds as follows:in section2,we develop the formalism of the problem. In section3a systematic search for the poles in the complex plane is done and in section4 a detailed discussion of each resonance is made,concluding in section5with a summary, comments and suggestions.2FormulationThe lowest order term of the chiral Lagrangian relevant for the interaction of the baryon decuplet with the octet of pseudoscalar mesons is given by[26]1L=−i¯TµD/Tµ(1) where Tµis the spin decupletfield and Dνthe covariant derivative given by abcDνTµabc=∂νTµabc+(Γν)d a Tµdbc+(Γν)d b Tµadc+(Γν)d c Tµabd(2) whereµis the Lorentz index,a,b,c are the SU(3)indices.The vector currentΓνis given by1Γν=2Φ/f(4)whereΦis the ordinary3×3matrix offields for the pseudoscalar mesons[27]and f=93 MeV.We shall only study the S-wave part of the baryon meson interaction and this allows some technical simplifications.We take for the Rarita-Schwingerfields Tµthe representa-tion T uµfrom ref.[28,29]with the Rarita-Schwinger spinor uµgiven byuµ= λ,s C(112;λs s∆)eµ(p,λ)u(p,s)(5)with eµ=(0,ˆe)in the particle rest frame,ˆe the spherical representation of the unit vector (λ=0,±1),C the Clebsch Gordan coefficients and u(p,s)the ordinary Dirac spinors (s=±123234f2(Φ∂νΦ−∂νΦΦ).(10)Tofinalize the formalism let us recall the identification of the SU(3)component of T to the physical states[15,30]:T111=∆++,T112=13∆+,T122=13∆0,T222=∆−,T113=13Σ∗+,T123=16Σ∗0,T223=13Σ∗−,T133=13Ξ∗0,T233=13Ξ∗−,T333=Ω−.Hence,for a meson of incoming(outgoing)momenta k(k′)we obtain using(9)the simple form for the S-wave transition amplitudes,similar to[11],V ij=−1respectively.According to eq.(11),positive diagonal C ij coefficients indicate attraction in the channel.Hence,there is attraction in the I=1channel and repulsion in I=2.Next we consider S=0.For I=12we have the∆ηstate in addition to these two.The C ij coefficientsare given in tables1and2respectively.In I=5∆π22.∆πΣ∗K∆η2 20Σ∗K√2.We then consider S=−1.In this case there are theΣ∗πandΞ∗K states in I=0, the∆K andΣ∗πstates in I=2.The coefficients are given in tables3,4and5respectively.Σ∗πΞ∗K4√32there are four states that couple with each other.These are theΣ∗K andΞ∗πstates couple in I=3K couples with theΩηstate in I=0and withΩπin I=1.The coefficients are given in the tables8and9below.Finally,for S=−4,there is only the stateΩ2for which C=−3.∆∆41√202Σ∗η6Ξ∗KTable4:C ij coefficients for S=−1,I=1.∆∆0√−22−states obtained from the combination of a decupletand a octet is given by10⊗8=8⊕10⊕27⊕35.(12) In order to perform a systematic study of possible dynamically generated resonances,it is instructive to evaluate the strength of the potential in each of the above representations.To this end the matrix elements of the transition potential or equivalently the C ij coefficients calculated above are now projected on to the basis of SU(3)states,Cαβ= i,j i,α C ij j,β (13)whereα,βdenote the basis of SU(3)states on the right hand side of eq.(12)and i,j represent the states in the isospin ing the SU(3)Clebsch-Gordan coefficientsΣ∗Σ∗2130Ξ∗π√032ΩKTable6:C ij coefficients for S=−2,I=1Σ∗Σ∗−12Ξ∗πTable7:C ij coefficients for S=−2,I=3KΩηK(2π)4M lk0+p0−q0−E l( q)+iǫ1(2π)31E l( q)1(2π)41q2−m2l+iǫΞ∗Ξ∗−2√−216π2 a l (µ)+lnM 2l 2s ln m 2l √s )+ln(s +(M 2l −m 2l )+2q l√s )−ln(−s −(M 2l −m 2l )+2q l√2√µ2which is not homogeneous in the externalfour-momenta of the mesons.This problem appearing when calculating loops relativisti-cally is well known [13].It is possible to obtain expressions which behave as O (p )and one of them is given in Ref.[25].For what respects our work,we refer to Ref.[12]where the problem is discussed and it is concluded that a matching to χP T at low energies can be equally done in spite of this.Another difference of the present approach with respect to the one in Ref.[25]concerns the choice in [25]of an energy where the loop function G (s )vanishes and hence T ≡V ,as a consequence of which the T -matrix manifests the crossing symmetry of the kernel V at thisenergy.This energy is chosen in[25]at the mass of the baryons,an educated guess which makes the scheme more symmetric with respect to extrapolations above and below that energy using the unitarization schemes[31],and which leads to acceptable results when compared to experiment.In our scheme we choose the subtraction constant in eq.(17)as the one found in[17]which gives good results in the study of the K−p interactions,and wefind that it also leads to sensible results in the present situation.In fact,our scheme and others in the literature[11,12]also have the G function vanishing at an energy similar to the one of Ref.[25].For instance,in the present case for the∆πloop wefind that G(s)√vanishes for3Search for poles√We look for poles of the transition matrix T in the complex√4π.(19)The variables on the right hand side of the above equation are evaluated in thefirst√(physical)Riemann sheet.In eq.(19),p CM,M and√s)=T∗(mesons and baryons.The masses of the baryons and mesons are given respectively byM i (x )=M 0+x (M i −M 0),m 2i (x )=m 20+x (m 2i −m 20),(20)with 0≤x ≤1.We use two sets of masses for the SU (3)limit;a)the average mass M 0=1382MeV for the decuplet and m 0=368MeV for the octet mesons,and b)M 0=1250MeV and m 0=280MeV.In the SU (3)limit (i.e.for x =0)we find two poles on the real axis one of which is found to correspond to a bound state belonging to the octet and the other one to the decuplet representation.As the symmetry is broken gradually,different branches for each combination of S,I appear.This means four branches each for the octet and the decuplet.We plot the resulting trajectories for the octet and decuplet representations in fig.1for parameter set a).For the octet (left panel),all the trajectories coincide in the SU (3)limit at 1673MeV.Of the four branches,all except the one with S =−2,I =12actually disappears at x =1where it reaches the ∆πthreshold.In the case of the decuplet representation,all the branchescoincide at 1738MeV in the SU (3)limit.Two of the branches move to lower energies and two shift towards higher energies with increasing value of x .The pole with S =−2,I =1K threshold in the limit of the physical masses.The poleswhich disappear are marked with a ?-sign in fig.1.We then look for them in the sheet R 3.The results are discussed in the next section.135014501550165017501850195020502150Re z R (MeV)050100150200−I m z R (M e V )Figure 2:Trajectories of some poles other than the 8and 10representations.The values of x given in brackets indicate the appearance of the poles and the arrows indicate the final position (x =1)of these poles in the complex plane.In addition to the poles corresponding to the octet and the decuplet which we find already in the SU (3)limit,we search for poles of the 27-plet representation in this limit135014501550165017501850195020502150Re z R (MeV)050100150200 −I m z R (M e V )135014501550165017501850195020502150 Re z R (MeV)050100150200−I m z R (M e V )Figure 3:Same as fig.1with SU (3)limit b)and we do not find them.However,we find that for several values of the SU (3)breaking parameter x ,new poles in R 2develop as seen in fig.2.Of course we cannot associate them to the evolution of the 27-plet poles in the SU (3)symmetric case (which do not show up),but the fact that these poles are distinct from the 8and 10representations,makes us conclude that they are tied to the 27-plet,but with a mixture with the octet and decuplet,since these appear at finite values of x for which the SU (3)symmetry has already been broken.There can also be a small admixture with the 35-plet representation but since the interaction is repulsive in this case,it should play a minimal role in the build up of the states.The trajectories of the poles belonging to the decuplet and octet obtained with param-eter set b)for the SU (3)limit are shown in fig.3.In this case,at x =0,the octet and decuplet poles appear at 1470MeV and 1529MeV respectively.With increasing values of x ,almost all of the trajectories move towards the right to their final positions,which are the same as in fig.(1)in the physical limit.It is interesting to see that the final points of the trajectories are the same as with set a).It could have happened that starting from a different pole in the case of SU (3)symmetry,some trajectories would have finished at a different point,revealing new poles missed before,but this is not the case.We now determine the couplings of the resonances with the different physical states which are the residues at the poles of the scattering matrix.The amplitude close to the pole at z R is identified with a formT ij =g i g jsheets one may obtain shadow poles or virtual poles.Our own experience in this kind of problems[11,17,18,21,23]is that the second Riemann sheet is the most suited to establish the correspondence between poles and resonances.Close to threshold the poles corresponding to resonances might move to the sheet R3discussed in the next section,as was found in[12],and hence we have investigated this possibility in the appropriate cases. The existence of poles,together with the amplitudes on the real axis showing the resonance structure,gives double support to the resonances claimed.In case we did notfind a pole in R2or R3and a peak appeared at a threshold this was an indication that one had a cusp and not a resonance and we call the attention whenever this happens.4Detailed study of the313001500170019002100E CM (MeV)|T |2 (1/M e V 2)∆πΣ*K ∆π (with width)Σ*K (with width)(S,I)=(0,1/2)N *(1520)13001500170019002100E CM (MeV)00.0010.0020.0030.0040.005|T |2 (1/M e V 2)∆πΣ*K ∆η(S,I)=(0,3/2)∆(1700)∆ (?)Figure 5:Amplitudes for S =0and I =1/2(left)and I =3/2(right).strength in the I =1channel accumulated close to the ∆K threshold is actually a reminder of the existence of the pole in R 3.For all these reasons,this singularity can qualify as a dynamically generated resonance as claimed in [40],even if it does not exactly correspond to a bound state which is a pole below threshold on the first Riemann sheet.The possibility for a resonance to emerge in this channel was already suggested in [25].4.2S =0,I =1¯q 3CM Θ(q 2and M ∆(or M Σ∗)respectively [40].Γ0istaken as 120MeV for the ∆and 35MeV for the Σ∗.This shifts the peak at 1372by about 50MeV towards higher energies as indicated by the short dashed line in fig.5.The closest object to this resonance which we find in the Particle Data Book (PDB)[41]is the N ∗(1520)which also couples to Nρsuggesting that this extra channel could provide a source of repulsion.Indeed the contact ρN →ρN interaction is shown to be repulsivein[42],and together with further corrections done in theρinteraction with the medium in[43],which can be cast into an effectiveρN→ρN interaction,pile up to a netρN repulsion.As to the peak on the threshold around1877MeV,it does not correspond to any pole in the trajectories infigs.1and2and neither shows up as a pole in R3.We thus attribute it to a threshold cusp.This conclusion is corroborated by the fact that the peak does not move when we change the subtraction constant a within reasonable boundaries.4.3S=0,I=31478−i165g i|g i|2.0−i1.92.81.6−i1.62.30.3−i0.10.3to various channels.24.4S =−1,I =013001500170019002100E CM (MeV)00.0050.010.0150.020.025|T |2 (1/M e V 2)Σ∗πΞ*K(S,I)=(−1,0)Λ(1520)13001500170019002100E CM (MeV)|T |2 (1/M e V 2)∆K Σ∗πΣ∗ηΞ*K (S,I)=(−1,1)−Σ(1670)Σ(1940)Figure 6:Amplitudes for S =−1and I =0(left)and I =1(right).The states involved in this case are the Σ∗πand Ξ∗K .In the second Riemann sheet we find a pole at (1550−i 67),seen in the octet of fig.1.In table 11we show the coupling of this resonance to the different states and a strong coupling to the Σ∗πchannel is seen.The pole position can be made to coincide with the mass of the Λ(1520)by taking the subtraction constant a =−2.7in eq.(17)when it actually appears as a bound state.The absolute value of the coupling to Σ∗πthen reduces to 1.14.In order to do a proper comparison with the results of the PDB we then evaluate the width of the Λ(1520)into Σ∗πby taking this value of the coupling and making a convolution over the mass distribution of the Σ∗(1385).One can also make an extra folding for the Λ(1520)mass distribution,but since its width is smaller than ΓΣ∗(=35MeV),one folding is sufficient for a rough estimate.We haveΓΣ∗π= M Λ(1520)−m πM Σ∗−ΓΣ∗dM 1(M −M Σ∗)2+(ΓΣ∗/2)2g 2Σ∗πM Λ(1520)(23)where q CM =λ1/2(M 2Λ(1520),M 2,m 2π)/(2M Λ(1520)).This gives us ΓΣ∗π=2.4MeV,which iswell within the 15MeV width [41]of the Λ(1520),although somewhat larger,of the order of magnitude of the branching ratio of the Λ(1520)to the Σ∗π,or Λππ(Γi ∼1.5,not easily separable from the former channel)with the inherent uncertainties of a channel so close to threshold [41].This is an extra test of consistency that the association of the resonance obtained to the Λ(1520)is reasonable,in spite of the apparent larger width obtained from the complex pole.The squared amplitude as a function of the CM energy is shown in the left panel of fig.6where,in addition to the broad peak around 1550MeV,we also observe a peak around the Ξ∗K threshold i.e.2026MeV which remains static for reasonable changes ofthe subtraction constant.This peak around threshold does not correspond to any pole. Indeed,the pole of the octet with S=−1,I=0corresponds to the resonance found around 1550MeV and the decuplet does not have a resonance with these quantum numbers(see fig.1).So we should not expect another pole,except if the27-plet representation provides it,which is not the case as we have checked.Hence,we must conclude that this peak is a cusp effect and,unlike in ref.[25],we do not associate it to theΛ(1690)resonance,which however does not show up in our study.z RΣ∗π0.9−i0.81.2Table11:Couplings of the resonance with S=−1and I=0to various channels.4.5S=−1,I=1For these quantum numbers we observe three poles of the scattering amplitude for the coupled channels∆K as seen infig.6(right).Its position is found to be very sensitive to the value of the subtraction constant.This peak can be well associated to with the4-star resonanceΣ(1670)which has a width of60MeV.The width of about30MeV found from the complex pole position would go mostly to theΣ∗πsince the other channels are closed.Although no numbers are provided in the PDB,this decay islisted there and we get from this channel a smaller width than the total,which gets at least half of the strength from the meson-baryon decay channels.It becomes clear that further experimental research into the meson-meson-baryon decay channels would shed light on these theoretical ideas exploited here.Our approach develops a distinct second pole at a nearby position(1687MeV)but with a much larger width which does not allow it to show up in the|T|2plot in the real axis of fig.6.The third pole which couples strongly to theΞ∗K produces a small bump on the real axis and could well correspond to theΣ(1940)(right offig.6)as also claimed in[25].The width of90MeV for this resonance found here is also reasonably smaller than the total width of around220MeV mentioned in the PDB,which partly goes to the meson-baryon decays.Once more,the experimental study of the meson-meson-baryon channels would be more useful as a test of the present theory.z R1687−i178g i|g i|∆3.7−i0.033.70.4−i0.50.6Σ∗π2.2−i2.03.01.8−i0.31.91.0−i0.71.2Ξ∗K2.7−i1.43.02Here there are the four statesΣ∗K threshold(1877MeV).In the complex plane R2,this corresponds to one of the four branches of the decuplet which disappears at theΣ∗K channel to which the resonance couples strongly,the apparent width is smaller,close to18MeV,as one can see infig.7(left panel).This would be compatible with the30±15%branching of theΞ(1820)into theΞ∗π.We have also donefine tuning to bring the pole position to lower energies, however,the proximity of the second pole at1832−i182MeV to the nominal energy oftheΞ(1820)distorts the other pole when we try to bring it closer to1820MeV.So,no new valuable information can be obtained with this exercise.We also observe another smaller and relatively narrow peak on the real axis at2162MeV which is just below theΩK threshold(2165MeV)in the left offig.7.It is found to couple very strongly to theΩK(see table13).This strong coupling to theΩK compared to the other much smaller couplings and the fact that the peak appears below theΩK threshold makes this state qualify clearly as a quasiboundΩK state.There are several candidates of theΞresonance in the vicinity of this mass with spin and parity unknown.It would be interesting to confirm experimentally the quantum numbers of these resonances to allow us the identification of the resonance found.Alternatively,one can make progress by measuring the partial decay widths which we can predict in this model.This could also help identify our resonance with a particular one and indirectly predict spin and parity of this resonance as was done in[18]to predict the spin and parity of theΞ(1620).In table 13we see two more states.The first one at 1832MeV corresponds to the one found in the evolution of the octet (see fig.1).The second one at 1920MeV (as well as the one at 2162MeV mentioned above)are those found in fig.2corresponding to some mixture with the 27-plet representation.These two states,however,are very broad and they do not show up in the |T |2plot of the amplitudes in the real plane (fig.7),hence the chances of observation are not too bright.z R 1832−i 1822162−i 19g i |g i |g i |g i |Σ∗1.9+i−i−i−i 0.41.72to various channels.Notethat the couplings for the 1877MeV resonance are evaluated at x = =−3,I =013001500170019002100E CM (MeV)|T |2 (1/M eV2)Σ*K Ξ∗πΞ∗ηΩK (S,I)=(−2,1/2)−Ξ(1820)Ξ (?)13001500170019002100E CM (MeV)|T|2(1/MeV2)Ξ*KΩη(S,I)=(−3,0)−Ω (?)Figure 7:Amplitudes for S =−2and I =1/2(left)and S =−3,I =0(right).There are two coupled states in this case,the Ξ∗the real axis at2141MeV(right panel offig.7).The position shifts with the value of the subtraction constant and has a strong coupling to theΩηchannel as seen in table14.There is only one excited resonance with these quantum numbers tabulated in the PDB[41],the Ω(2250)of which neither the spin nor the parity are known.The identification of our resonance with this one is possible,given the fact that the decay modeΞ∗2141−i38g i|g i|K3.3+i0.43.4Table14:Couplings of the resonance with S=−3and I=0to various channels.5ConclusionsWe have done a systematic study of the interaction of the baryon decuplet with the meson octet taking the dominant lowest order chiral Lagrangian,which accounts for the Weinberg Tomozawa term.We have looked in detail at the resonances which are generated dynami-cally by this interaction by searching for poles in the complex plane in different Riemann sheets.The search was done systematically,starting from an SU(3)symmetric situation where the masses of the baryons are made equal and the same is done with the masses of the mesons.In this case we found attraction in an octet,a decuplet and the27representa-tion,while the interaction was repulsive in the35representation.In the SU(3)symmetric case all states of the SU(3)multiplet are degenerate and the resonances appear as bound states with no width.As we gradually break SU(3)symmetry by changing the masses, the degeneracy is broken and the states with different strangeness and isospin split apart generating pole trajectories in the complex plane which lead us to the physical situation in thefinal point.This systematic search allows us to trace the poles to their SU(3)symmet-ric origin,although there is a mixing of representations when the symmetry is broken.In addition we alsofind poles which only appear for a certain amount of symmetry breaking and thus have no analog in the symmetric case.We evaluated the residues of the poles from where the couplings of the resonances to the different coupled channels was found and this allowed us to make predictions for par-tial decay widths into a decuplet baryon and a meson.There is very limited experimentalinformation on these decay channels but,even then,it represents an extra check of con-sistency of the results which allowed us to more easily identify the resonances found with some resonances known,or state that the resonance should correspond to a new resonancenot yet reported in the Particle Data Book.In particular,in view of the information of thepole positions and couplings to channels we could associate some of the resonances found to the N∗(1520),∆(1700),Λ(1520),Σ(1670),Σ(1940),Ξ(1820)resonances tabulated in the PDB,in agreement with thefindings of[25]based on peaks of the speed plot.However,a peak at theΞ∗K threshold(2026MeV)suggested to correspond to theΛ(1690)in[25] does not show up here as a pole,but only as a cusp effect,insensitive to the variations of the input parameters.We could also favour the correspondence of a resonance found in S=−3,I=0to theΩ(2250)on the basis of the quantum numbers,position and compatibility of the partialdecay width found with the total width of theΩ(2250).We also found several extra resonances,well identified by poles in the complex planewhich do not have a correspondent one in the PDB.Some of them are too broad,which could justify the difficulty in their observation,but two other resonances,the∆(1500)with a width around300MeV and theΞ(2160)with a width of about40MeV stand much better chances of observation.Thefirst one because of its large strength in the∆πchannel and the second one because of its narrowness.In addition,our study produces couplings of the resonances to baryon-meson channelswhich could facilitate the identification when further information on these branching ratios is available.Another output of our results is that in some cases the resonances found couple very strongly to some channels with the threshold above the resonance energy,what makes them qualify as approximately single channel quasibound meson-baryon states.The experimental implications of this work are important since clear predictions on the partial decay widths into a baryon of the∆decuplet and a meson of the pion octet are made,which are amenable to experimental observation.Another case was done about the∆K resonance found in S=1,I=1which showsup as a pole in R3and leads to∆K cross sections much larger than the corresponding∆K cross sections in I=2.These two cross sections could be seen in∆K production in pp→Λ∆K and pp→Σ∆K reactions which could provide evidence for this new’exotic pentaquark’state,although its structure is more efficiently taken into account in the meson baryon picture where it has been generated.6AcknowledgementsWe would like to thank D.Jido for checking the SU(3)matrix elements.One of us (S.Sarkar)wishes to acknowledge support from the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia on his stay in the program of doctores y tecnologos extranjeros.This work is partly supported by DGICYT contract number BFM2003-00856,and the E.U.EURIDICE network contract no.HPRN-CT-2002-00311.。