UWB radar antenna
uwb 单位000 射频电路 解读
UWB射频电路解读UWB(Ultra Wide Band)是指超宽带技术,它是一种能够在较宽频带范围内传输信息的无线通信技术。
1. UWB技术概览UWB技术是指信号带宽占用超过20%的无线通信技术,能够实现高速数据传输和精准定位。
2. UWB射频电路的原理UWB射频电路主要包括UWB信号的发射和接收两个部分。
3. UWB射频电路的特点UWB射频电路的特点主要体现在以下几个方面:a. 宽带性能:UWB射频电路需要支持带宽大、中心频率低的特点,能够满足UWB信号的传输要求。
b. 抗干扰能力:UWB射频电路需要具备强大的抗干扰能力,能够在复杂的信道环境下保持通信质量稳定。
c. 低功耗:UWB射频电路需要在实现高性能的尽可能降低功耗,以满足无线通信设备对电能的要求。
4. UWB射频电路的应用UWB射频电路广泛应用于各种UWB通信系统中,如室内定位、无线传感器网络、雷达测距、车联网等领域。
UWB超宽带的特点1.宽频带范围: UWB超宽带技术的一项主要特点是其宽频带范围。
2.低功率: UWB超宽带技术在传输数据时使用低功率,这使得它可以在不干扰其他无线设备的情况下工作。
3.高精度定位: UWB超宽带技术可以实现高精度的室内定位。
UWB超宽带的应用1. 室内定位UWB超宽带技术在室内定位方面具有特殊优势。
2. 物体追踪利用UWB超宽带技术,可以实现对物体的追踪。
3. 雷达应用UWB超宽带技术在雷达领域也得到了广泛应用。
4. 无线传感器网络UWB超宽带技术在无线传感器网络中起到重要作用。
uwb antenna新型超宽带天线
Department of Broadcasting Eng. Radio wave and propagation Department, IRIB University * Iran Telecommunication Research center Tehran, Iran.
razavizadeh@iribu.ir 2 fallahi@itrc.ac.ir
Initial dimensions of patch are calculated by classic formulas [14], for three important frequency points of 3GHz, 7GHz and 10GHz, as an averaging manner. The simulations and optimizations are based on Ansoft HFSSv11.
Abstract— In this paper, a novel microstrip-fed planar monopole antenna with optimized patch and ground for Ultra wideband (UWB) application is proposed. Exponential shape of lower edge of patch was optimized and then upper edge of ground plane,.too. Proposed antenna has excellent performance in the UWB band with omnidirectional pattern. The measured results show that proposed antenna achieves a broadband impedance bandwidth of 2.2- 14.5GHz for a 10dB return loss. Keywords- Ultra wideband Antenna, microstrip-fed. Antenna, Planar monopole
超宽带 ( UWB ) 系统具有高传输速率、低功耗、探测精度高、穿透性强、安全性高等优势,在军事、雷达、生物探测、短距通信及室内室外高精度定位等场景有着广泛的应用。
并且随着半导体技术的发展,基于 CMOS 的 UWB 雷达芯片成为研究热点。
国内外众多学者及商业公司提出各具优势的 UWB 芯片及系统。
来自西安电子科技大学与军事科学院的研究团队在《电子与信息学报》发表最新文章,从UWB 系统、UWB 芯片架构中关键电路和关键技术的研究现状和发展进行综述。
什么是超宽带雷达(UWB)20 世纪 60 年代超宽带 ( Ultra-Wide Band,UWB ) 的构想首次在 "time-domain electromagnetics" 中被提出,采用一种无载波的窄脉冲信号进行通信。
2002 年 2 月,美国联邦通信委员会(Federal Communications Commission,FCC)正式批准超宽带民用,规定超宽带的工作频率为 3.1~10.6 GHz,发射带宽大于 500 MHz,但为了防止超宽带与其他通信带宽产生干扰,对发射机发射功率进行了限制,即有效全向辐射功率小于– 41.2 dBm/MHz。
UWB 系统在军事雷达领域应用之外,在生物探测、室内定位等商业应用场景的得到重要的应用。
图 1 展示的是 UWB 系统的优势和应用场景。
图 1 UWB 系统的优势与应用场景UWB 雷达芯片中的关键技术UWB 雷达芯片关键技术主要包括了信号产生技术、超宽带功率放大器、超宽带低噪声放大器、高速量化技术等。
UWB雷达信号处理与目标检测技术研究近年来,随着技术的不断发展,UWB(Ultra Wide Band,超宽带)雷达成为了目标检测领域中备受关注的技术。
表1 各种无线定位技术的对比超宽带(UWB)技术在军用和民用场景都有很多应用,并且具有光明的前景。
美国的Zebra公司推出了Dart UWB系统,该系统建立在Sapphire DART核心功能之上,能够快速、准确的进行定位,精度达到30cm,测距范围达到100m。
UWBAntennaPrinted circular disc monopole antennafor ultra-wideband applicationsJ.Liang,C.C.Chiau,X.Chen and C.G.PariniA novel and simple design of a printed circular disc monopole antennafor ultra-wideband applications is presented.The parameters whichaffect the performance of the antenna are investigated.Good agree-ment is achieved between simulation and experiment.Introduction:With the de?nition and acceptance of ultra-wideband (UWB)impulse radio technology in the USA[1],there is increasing demand for antennas capable of operating at an extremely wide frequency range.In recent years,several broadband monopole con?g-urations,such as circular,square,elliptical,pentagonal and hexago-nal,have been proposed for UWB applications[2–5].These broadband monopoles feature wide operating bandwidths,satisfactory radiation properties,simple structures and ease of fabrication. However,they are not planar structures because their ground planes are perpendicular to the radiators.As a result,they are not suitable for integration with printed circuit boards.This drawback limits practical applications of these broadband monopoles.In this Letter,a novel design of a printed circular disc monopole fed by a microstrip line is proposed based on our previous studies[6].The parameters which affect the operation of the antenna are analysed both numerically and experimentally.It has been demonstrated that the optimal design of this type of antenna can yield an ultra-wide band-width with satisfactory radiation properties over the entire bandwidth.Antenna design:The proposed monopole antenna is illustrated in Fig.1.A circular disc monopole with a radius of R?10mm and a 50O microstrip feed line are printed on the same side of the dielectric substrate(in this study,the FR4substrate of thickness1.5mm and relative permittivity4.7was used).L and W denote the length and the width of the dielectric substrate,respectively.L is constant at50mm in this study.The width of the microstrip feed line is?xed at W1?2.6mm to achieve50O impedance.On the other side of the substrate, the conducting ground plane with a length of L1?20mm only covers the section of the microstrip feed line.h is the height of the feed gap between the feed point and the groundplane.in backFig.1Geometry of proposed printed circular disc monopoleResults and discussion:The simulations are performed using the CST Microwave Studio TM package which utilises the?nite integration technique for electromagnetic computation[7].It has been shown in the simulation that the operating bandwidth of the proposed monopole antenna is critically dependent on the feed gap h and the width of the ground plane W,and these two parameters should be optimised for maximum bandwidth.Fig.2illustrates the simulated return loss curves with different feed gaps(h?0,0.3,0.7,and1.5mm)when W is?xed at42mm.It is observed in Fig.2that theà10dB bandwidth changes signi?cantly with varying feed gap h.This is due to the sensitivity of the impedance matching to the feed gap.The ground plane,serving as an impedance matching circuit,tunes the input impedance and the operating band-width while the feed gap is varied[6].The optimised feed gap is found to be at h?0.3mm.The simulated return loss curves with optimal feed gap h of0.3mm and different widths W of the ground planes,are plotted in Fig.3.It can be seen that the performance of the antenna is heavily dependent on the width W because the current is mainly distributed and transmitted on the upper edge of the ground plane along the y-direction.Simulation shows that the ground plane with a width of W?42mm can achieve the maximum bandwidth.---eturnloss,dBfrequency, GHzFig.2Simulated return loss for different feed gaps with W?42mm------returnloss,frequency, GHzFig.3Simulated return loss for different width of ground plane with h?0.3mmThe prototype of the printed circular disc monopole antenna with optimal design,i.e.h?0.3mm and W?42mm,as shown in Fig.1, was tested in the laboratory at Queen Mary,University of London (QMUL).The return losses were measured using an HP8720ES network analyser and the radiation pattern measurements were carried out inside an anechoic chamber.Fig.4shows the simulated and measured return loss curves.The measured return loss agrees well with the simulation.The measured operating bandwidth ofà10dB is from2.78to9.78GHz,and in simulation from2.69to10.16GHz.The measurement con?rms the UWB characteristic of the proposed printed circular disc monopole,as predicted in the simulation.--------returnloss,dBfrequency, GHzFig.4Simulated and measured return loss curves with W?42mm and h?0.3mmThe measured and simulated radiation patterns at3and9GHz are plotted in Figs.5and6,respectively.The patterns obtained in the measurement are close to those in the simulation.It can be seen that the proposed antenna is omnidirectional over the entire operating bandwidth.ELECTRONICS LETTERS30th September2004Vol.40No.20330300270240210180150120906030330300270240210180150120906030-40-30-20-10a b-40-30-20-100Fig.5Simulated and measured radiation patterns with W?42mm and h?0.3mm at3GHza E-planeb H-plane——simulated-------measured330300270240210180150120906030-40-30-20-100a330300270240210180150120906030-40-30-20-100bFig.6Simulated and measured radiation patterns with W?42mm and h?0.3mm at9GHza E-planeb H-plane——simulated-------measuredConclusion:A printed circular disc monopole antenna fed by micro-strip line is proposed and investigated.It has been shown that the operating bandwidth of the antenna is heavily dependent on the feed gap due to the impedance matching.The width of the ground plane also plays an important role in determining the performance of the antennabecause the current is mainly distributed along the y-direction on the ground plane.It has been demonstrated numerically and experimen-tally that the proposed printed circular disc monopole can yield an ultra-wide bandwidth,from2.78to9.78GHz,covering the frequency bands of most commercial wireless systems.It is also observed that the radiation patterns are similar to those of a traditional monopole.The results show this antenna is a good candidate for future UWB applica-tions.Acknowledgments:The authors wish to thank J.Dupuy of the Department of Electronic Engineering,QMUL,for his help inthe fabrication and measurement of the antenna.They acknowledge Computer Simulation Technology(CST),Germany,for the compli-mentary licence of the Microwave Studio TM package.#IEE200424June2004Electronics Letters online no:20045966doi:10.1049/el:20045966J.Liang, C.C.Chiau,X.Chen and C.G.Parini(Department of Electronic Engineering,Queen Mary,University of London,MileEnd Road,London E14NS,United Kingdom)E-mail:jianxin.liang@/doc/3d5769781.html References1FCC Report and Order for Part15acceptance of Ultra Wideband(UWB) systems from3.1–10.6GHz,February,2002,FCC website2Ammann,M.J.,and Chen,Z.N.:‘Wideband monopole antennas for multi-band wireless systems’,IEEE Antennas Propag.Mag.,2003,45,(2), pp.146–1503Agrawall,N.P.,Kumar,G.,and Ray,K.P.:‘Wide-band planar monopole antennas’,IEEE Trans.Antennas Propag.,1998,46,(2),pp.294–2954Antonino-Daviu,E.,Cabedo-Fabre’s,M.,Ferrando-Bataller,M.,and Valero-Nogueira,A.:‘Wideband double-fed planar monopole antennas’, Electron.Lett.,2003,39,(23),pp.1635–16365Chen,Z.N.,Chia,M.Y.W.,and Ammann,M.J.:‘Optimization and comparison of broadband monopoles’,IEE Proc.Microw.Antennas Propag.,2003,150,(6),pp.429–4356Liang,J.,Chiau,C.C.,Chen,X.,and Parini,C.G.:‘Analysis and designof UWB disc monopole antennas’.IEE Seminar on Ultra Wideband Communications Technologies and System Design,Queen Mary, University of London,July2004(accepted for presentation)7CST-Microwave Studio,User’s Manual,4,2002 ELECTRONICS LETTERS30th September2004Vol.40No.20。
超宽带通信是一种不用载波,而通过对具有很陡上升和下降时间的脉冲进行调制(通常,脉冲宽度在0.20-1.5ns之间)的一种通信,也称为脉冲无线电(Impulse Radio).时域(Time Domain)或无载波(Carrier Free)通信。
图1.1 超宽带频谱图UWB由于占有带宽达到数GHz,即使传送路径特性良好也会产生失真,但其具有以下的优点,使得UWB仍然倍受重视。
高等天线 UWB Monopole antenna
超宽带(Ultra-wideband)天线技术最早可追述到二十世纪五十 年代,美国伊利诺伊大学 V.H. Rumsey 与 J.D. Dyson 提出了非频变 天线的概念 (Frequency Independent Antennas),随后出现了等角螺 旋天线、阿基米德螺旋天线和圆锥螺旋天线等形式,这些天线可 采用印刷电路工艺(PCB)在高强度、低介质损耗的微波介质基片上 一次加工而成,可以获得很高的加工精度和整体辐射效率。广泛 应用于电磁兼容(EMC)、宽带通信(美国联邦委员会 FCC 对超宽带 技术做出了如下的规定:确定 3.1-10.6 GHz频段为民用 UWB 通信) 和军事电子对抗等领域的对数周期天线也受到了相当多的关注, 出现了对数周期齿形天线、对数周期振子天线、印刷对数周期天 线等形式。在宽带通信的需求推动下,涌现出了双锥天线、盘锥 天线、套筒天线、笼状天线和阻-容加载振子等宽频带线天线,可 应用于宽带跳频通信、无线电视接收等领域。此外,精心设计的 波纹喇叭天线、抛物面天线和 Vivaldi(指数渐变) 天线也具有较 为优良的超宽带特性。
频域分析&模型仿真 Nhomakorabea 时域特性
脉冲(Impulse Radiation)超宽带技术曾广泛应 用于探测、预警等雷达系统,近年来才逐渐向民 用高速无线通信业务开放。与传统的载波系统不 同,上述超宽带系统中的天线直接辐射和接收调 制短脉冲,这需要超宽带天线具有良好的时域特 性,即由天线引起的辐射脉冲宽度扩展、脉冲失 真以及振铃现象都应较小。因此为提高时域超宽 带系统的整体性能,优化超宽带天线的时域特性 是十分重要的环节。UWB 天线在时域的角度性 能参数包括: 传输函数 H(ω)、 波形保真系数 F、 能量方向性系数 D 、辐射阻抗、增益、有效截面、 极化特性。
UWB天线的基础知识及应用场景随着无线通信技术的不断发展,UWB(Ultra Wideband,超宽带)技术逐渐受到了人们的关注。
一、UWB天线的工作原理1. UWB天线概述UWB天线是一种能够实现超宽频带通信的天线。
2. UWB天线的发展历程UWB天线最早是在雷达系统中应用,在20世纪90年代后期逐渐应用于通信系统。
3. UWB天线的工作原理UWB天线的工作原理主要是利用其特殊的结构和材料来实现对超宽频带信号的辐射和接收。
二、UWB天线的设计要点1. UWB天线的结构UWB天线的结构多种多样,常见的有螺旋天线、宽缝天线、双极子天线等。
2. UWB天线的频率响应由于信号的超宽频带特性,UWB天线需要具有较为均匀的频率响应,以保证在整个通信频段内都能获得良好的信号传输效果。
3. UWB天线的辐射特性UWB天线的辐射特性对于通信系统中的信号传输距离、穿透能力、抗干扰能力等都有着重要影响,因此需要通过合理的设计和优化来实现良好的辐射特性。
三、UWB天线的应用场景1. 无线通信系统UWB天线在无线通信系统中得到了广泛的应用,包括室内定位、室内通信、传感器网络等领域。
2. 雷达系统UWB天线在雷达系统中也具有重要的应用价值,能够实现对目标的高精度检测和跟踪。
二、UWB技术的特点1. 高精度:UWB能够在高噪声环境下,精确地检测出不同物体之间的距离;2. 大容量:UWB能够以超高速传输数据,支持多用户同时传输;3. 低功耗:UWB以低功率的方式进行通信,并且不会产生信道干扰,能够大大延长电池寿命;4. 高安全性:由于UWB通信使用了加密技术,这使得它成为一个非常安全的通信技术;5. 高可靠性:由于UWB信号的宽带特性,在噪声和干扰环境下,其数据传输的稳定性和可靠性都非常高。
三、UWB技术的应用1. 定位和跟踪:UWB能够将物体的位置精确到毫米级别,因此被广泛应用于室内定位、人员跟踪、物品追踪等领域。
2. 短距离通讯:UWB能够进行高速无线传输,因此可以实现高清晰度的视频和音频传输,被用于VR/AR设备、智能家居和车载娱乐系统。
3. 调制:UWB技术可以用在数字调制和基带调制中,可以用于接口标准化。
4. 当地环境监测:UWB技术也可以用于当地环境监测中,例如,检测空气污染和土壤水分。
超宽带通信是一种不用载波,而通过对具有很陡上升和下降时间的脉冲进行调制(通常,脉冲宽度在0.20-1.5ns之间)的一种通信,也称为脉冲无线电(Impulse Radio).时域(Time Domain)或无载波(Carrier Free)通信。
图1.1 超宽带频谱图UWB由于占有带宽达到数GHz,即使传送路径特性良好也会产生失真,但其具有以下的优点,使得UWB仍然倍受重视。
二、UWB测距方案的应用领域1. 室内定位UWB测距方案在室内定位领域具有广泛应用。
2. 车联网UWB测距方案在车联网领域也有着广泛的应用。
3. 工业应用在工业领域,UWB测距方案可以用于机器人导航和定位。
三、UWB测距方案的优势UWB测距方案相比于其他传统测距技术具有以下优势:1. 高精度:UWB技术通过测量超短脉冲信号的到达时间,可以实现高精度的距离测量,精度可达几厘米。
uwb 波长
uwb 波长UWB波长是指超宽带信号中的波长。
超宽带(Ultra-Wide Band,简称UWB)技术是一种新兴的无线通信技术,其特点是传输速率高、抗干扰能力强、穿透障碍物能力强等。
1. 无线医疗
2. 自动驾驶汽车
3. 安全防护
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An Ultrawide-band Microwave Radar Sensor for Nondestructive Evaluation of Pavement SubsurfaceJoongsuk Park and Cam Nguyen,Fellow,IEEEAbstract—A new ultrawide-band(UWB)microwave radar sensor operating from0.6to5.6GHz has been developed using microwave integrated circuits for pavement subsurface charac-terization.UWB antennas operating from0.5–10-GHz have been designed and tested for use in the sensor.A new simple,yet effec-tive,accurate procedure was also developed to compensate for the common amplitude deviations and nonlinear phase errors pro-duced by the inherent imperfection of the system.The developed compensation method is applicable to other systems and effec-tively reduces the potential masking of adjacent targets as well as facilitating and increasing the accuracy for target identification of the sensor.The sensor has been used to assess a pavement sample with less than0.1in of error in the pavement’s layer thickness. The developed system represents thefirst UWB stepped-frequency radar sensor completely realized using microwave integrated circuits over the frequency range of0.6–5.6GHz for subsurface sensing applications.Index Terms—Evaluation of civil infrastructures,microwave sensors,nondestructive evaluation,stepped-frequency radar, ultrawide-band(UWB)systems.I.I NTRODUCTIONM ICROW A VE sensing has been proven as a valuable technique for nondestructive characterization of sub-surfaces.Microwave SFR can provide both deep penetration andfine resolution simultaneously for subsurface sensing and is,thus,attractive for subsurface evaluation such as measuring layer thickness and detecting damages in pavement structures. The instantaneous bandwidth of this radar at each frequency is very narrow,resulting in high signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver.Additionally,nonlinear effects caused by the inherent imperfection of the transmitter and receiver can be corrected through appropriate digital signal processing.Moreover,very low sampling frequency for the analog-to-digital converter (ADC)can be used,hence facilitating the system design. Most of the reported microwave SFRs for subsurface appli-cations operate at low frequencies and have narrow bandwidths. For example,a SFR,developed for detection of water below the pavement surface,operates from600MHz to1.112GHz [1].Another SFR operating from490to780MHz was devel-oped for detection of buried objects[2].An HP network ana-Manuscript received September9,2003;revised September7,2004.This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation and in part by the National Academy of Sciences.The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was Dr.Dwight Woolard.J.Park is with the Digital Media R&D Center,Samsung Electronics Com-pany,Ltd.,Suwon,443-742,Korea(e-mail:joongsuk.park@). Professor C.Nguyen is with the Sensing,Imaging,and Communications Sys-tems Laboratory,Department of Electrical Engineering,Texas A&M University, College Station,TX77843-3128USA(e-mail:cam@).Digital Object Identifier10.1109/JSEN.2005.851002Fig.1.Block diagram of the UWB SFR sensor.lyzer operating from0.5to6GHz was also used as a SFR todetect concrete cracks[3],which is bulky and very expensive.Recently,an integrated-circuit SFR has been reported for sub-surface sensing[4].In this paper,we report a new compact UWB microwave SFRsensor operating from0.6to5.6GHz for measuring subsur-face characteristics of pavement.It is an extension of the workpresented in[4].The sensor is implemented using a coherentsuper-heterodyne scheme and completely realized using MICs.It employs two UWB antennas operating from0.5GHz to morethan10GHz.Its performance has been demonstrated throughaccurate measurements of pavement subsurface.A new com-pensation technique was also developed and used for correctingthe amplitude and phase errors of the system.II.S YSTEM P RINCIPLESFR sensor transmits sequencesof sinusoidal signals of different frequencies toward a target,receives return signalsfrom the target,and processes them for extracting the targetcharacteristics.In each sequence,the frequency is shifted indiscrete values—each value is held constant for a period oftime and then changed to a next higher value[5].The received signals at step frequencies,reflected from thetarget,are down-converted into an immediate-frequency(IF)signal.This IF signal is then demodulated into in-phase ()andquadrature-phase()signals in base band.The/signals rep-resent both the amplitude and phase information of the targets. 1530-437X/$20.00©2005IEEEFig.2.Photograph of the transceiver.Upon converting these analog/signals into digital/sam-ples,digital signal processing is applied on the/samples to retrieve a representative complex vector at each frequency.Each setof samples is combined to form a complex vectorarray,,from which a time-domain synthetic pulse or range pro-file representing the target is extracted and processed to reveal the pavement ’s subsurface characteristics.III.S YSTEM D ESIGNFig.1shows the system block diagram of the newly devel-oped UWB (0.6–5.6GHz)microwave SFR sensor based on the coherent super-heterodyne architecture.This frequency range was chosen to allow suf ficient penetration while achieving good resolution.The sensor consists of a transceiver,two antennas,and a digital signal processing.The transceiver architecture can be either a homodyne or super heterodyne scheme.The super-heterodyne scheme is more complex,but enables easier correc-tion of the/errors.Hence,it was selected for the developed sensor.A.TransceiverThe temperature compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO)in the transceiver generates a signal of 10MHz,which is used as the LO signal for the quadrature detector and the IF signal for the up-converter.The up-converter converts the incoming 0.59–5.59-GHz LO signals from the synthesizer to 0.6–5.6-GHz signals to be transmitted toward the targets (through an UWB transmit antenna).Alternately,the down-converter converts the returned signals from the targets (through the receiver antenna)to an IF signal of 10MHz by mixing them with the coherent LO signals from the synthesizer.The IF signal is then converted into the baseband/signal in the quadrature detector by mixing it with the coherent LO signal from the TCXO.The/signals are finally digitized with the ADCs and processed in the digital signal processing blocks to extract the target information.The transceiver is separated into two parts for easy fabrica-tion,evaluation,and trouble-shooting.One is for low-frequencycircuits and the other is for high-frequency circuits.Both low-and high-frequency circuits were fabricated on 31-mil FR-4sub-strates.The high-frequency circuits include an up-converter,a cascaded RF ampli fier,two LO ampli fiers,a low-noise ampli-fier (LNA),and a down-converter.The up-converter modulates the IF signals into the RF signals with the aid of external LO signals.The cascaded ampli fier increases the power of the trans-mitting RF signals,and the two LO ampli fiers boost the external LO up to the required power level for pumping the up-con-verter and down-converter,respectively.The LNA reduces the total noise figure of the transceiver and increases the power of the received RF signals.The down-converter demodulates the received RF signals into a single frequency called the IF signal.The low-frequency circuits consist of a stable local os-cillator (STALO),attenuators,low-pass filters (LPFs),power di-viders,an IF ampli fier,an LO ampli fier,an/detector,and a two-channel video ampli fier.A temperature controlled crystal oscillator (TCXO)is used for the STALO.The attenuators limit the power of the LO and IF signals below the speci fications of the subsequent circuits.The LPFs reduce the high frequency harmonics included in the IF signal and the IF harmonics added in the baseband/signals.The power divider splits the output of the TCXO into two,one for the IF of the up-converter and the other for the LO of the quadrature detector.The LO ampli fier increases the LO power to pump the quadrature detector.The quadrature detector down-converts the single frequency input,which includes information on targets,into the baseband/signals.The two-channel video ampli fier increases the power of the baseband/signals to meet the input range of the ADC.Fig.2depicts the photograph of the developed transceiver.B.AntennaTEM horn antennas are attractive for UWB radars owing to their inherent characteristics of wide bandwidth,high direc-tivity,good phase linearity,and low distortion.Various types of TEM horn antennas have been developed [6]–[8].A TEM horn antenna,however,needs a balun at its input,prohibiting aPARK AND NGUYEN:ULTRAWIDE-BAND MICROW A VE RADAR SENSOR3Fig.3.Sketch of the UWB antenna.direct connection between antennas and the transceiver circuit. The use of balun also limits the antenna’s operating bandwidth. Moreover,direct coupling between the transmitting and re-ceiving antennas in a bi-static system is severe.Novel UWB antennas[9]are employed in our system to allow a direct integration with the transceiver while main-taining adequate isolation between the two antennas.Fig.3 shows a sketch of the antenna.It consists of a conductor on top of a grounded dielectric substrate and,hence,resembling a microstrip structure.The dielectric medium,and,hence,the height of the conductor above the ground plane,can be changed in any particular fashion,and the conductor’s profile depends on the contour of the dielectric substrate.The antenna can be directly connected to the connector without any balun and/or transition,making it simpler physically and higher-performance electrically.When two such antennas used for the transmitter and receiver are placed against each other,the common ground plane acts as a shield between these antennas,resulting in a high isolation between them.This unique feature is extremely attractive for radar applications where a certain degree of isola-tion is always needed between transmit and receive antennas. The operation of the antenna is based on the principle of wave propagation along a transmission line.In the uniform section of the microstrip line,where the spacing between the top conductor and the ground plane is very small compared to a wavelength, wave propagation is mostly confined within the dielectric be-tween the top conductor and the ground plane.However,as the separation between the conductor and ground plane gradually increases and approaches approximately a half-wavelength or more,the energy begins to radiate in the end-fire mode and,con-sequently,the wave is no longer guided between the conductor and ground plane.The entire structure effectively behaves as an antenna.The width of the antenna aperture primarily controls the radiation at low frequencies and,hence,sets the low-fre-quency limit for radiation,while the antenna length and the con-ductor and dielectric contours control the matching over the op-erating bandwidth.The antenna used in the sensor was designed to present at least10dB of return loss over a wide band of0.5–10GHz.The length of the antenna,which is primarily restricted by the lowest operating frequency,is set to16in.Styrofoam is used as the di-electric medium to support the antenna’s top conductor.Reflec-tions from the open end and the edges were significantly reduced by appending a resistive pad to the open end and absorber tothe Fig. 4.Antenna’s reflection coefficient in the(a)time domain and (b)frequency domain,where(I)indicates the antenna alone and(II)represents the antenna with a resistive pad and absorber.edges.The resistive pad,which is made of a metalfilm with thickness and resistivity of0.025in and250/,respectively, was tuned empirically to an optimal size ofputer simulations were performed using Ansoft’s HFSS program to theoretically verify the reflection coefficients and the farfield radiation patterns.The gain and3-dB beamwidth of theantenna -plane was within6–17dBi and25–45from0.6–5GHz,re-spectively.These results led to a lateral resolution of9.5in at a distance of12in.Fig.4shows the measured reflection coefficient in both the time and frequency domains.The reflection coefficient at the low frequency end,as seen in the frequency-domain plot,is im-proved significantly due to the incorporation of the resistive pad and absorber.1The resistive pad and absorber,however,reduce the gain of the antenna and degrade the system’s sensitivity and dynamic range.A better illustration of the impact of these acces-sories is shown in the time domain plots.An additional narrow peak,indicating deterioration of the input reflection coefficient, is observed at around3.5ns when the resistive pad and absorber were not incorporated.C.Digital Signal Processing and Systematic Error Correction The baseband analog/signals are digitized into digital/signals at ADCs.These digitized/signals need signal processing to be transformed into a synthetic pulse in the time 1The resistive pad and absorber absorb energy at the low frequencies,which cannot be radiated by afinite-size antenna.4IEEE SENSORS JOURNALdomain.Therefore,signal processing including/error com-pensation and inverse discrete Fourier transform (IDFT)was de-veloped using LabView.2In the absence of errors in the/channels,thephase of thebasebandand signals,expressed in terms of the targetrange and frequencystep ,is givenby(1)where is the speed of the electromagnetic wave in themedium,is the angular frequency step,and is the number of the frequency steps.The timedelay is equal to a two-way traveltimeof.A practical (nonideal)system produces common and differ-ential amplitude and phase errors intheand channels.The common errors are caused by the common signal path such as the antennas,ampli fiers,mixers,transmission lines,filters,etc.On the other hand,the differential errors are generated in the quadrature detector due to the difference between the two mixers and the phase imbalance of the 90coupler contained in the quadrature detector.The differential amplitude and phase errors generate a Hermitian image of the response in the re-sultant synthetic range pro file,resulting in a reduction of the sensor ’s unambiguous range by one half [9].In a super-hetero-dyne system,these errors are constant in the operating frequency range,as a single constant intermediate frequency is used for the quadrature detector.Consequently,measurement and com-pensation of these errors is simple.The differential amplitude and phase errors intheand channels at an intermediate fre-quency can be measured by using the methods presented in [5]or [10].Following these techniques,the differential amplitude and phase errors were measured as 1dB and 3,respectively,for the developed microwave SFR sensor.After these differen-tial errors are corrected and normalized,the complexvectors,,for a fixed angular frequency can be written in terms of therangeas(2)where is the common amplitude deviationand is the common phase error,which consists of a linear phaseerror and a nonlinear phaseerroras(3)The common linear phase error results in a constant shift of the response in the synthetic range pro file due to the fact that a fre-quency-dependent linear phase is transformed into a constant time delay through the inverse Fourier transform (IFT)[11].Therefore,it is not needed to correct for the common linear phase error.However,the nonlinear phase error causes shifting as well as imbalance of the response in the synthetic range pro-file.The common amplitude error affects the shape of the syn-thetic range pro file signi ficantly,as they tend to defocus the re-sponse in the pro file and increase the magnitudes of the side2Agraphical software system called “Virtual Instruments ”from National In-struments.Fig. 5.Phase of the complex vector I +jQ versus frequency.(a)Linear transformation of the trace of calculated phases to a linear phase line,( + )!.(b)Magni fied drawing of (a)showing the trace of calculated phases obtained by cumulating the phase differences 18;...;18;...;18.(c)Nonlinearity of the calculated phases in polar form,where C is the k th complex vector after compensating for the common amplitudedeviation.Fig.6.Amplitude deviations and nonlinear phase errors of the complex vectors due to the imperfection of the system.lobes.Therefore,these common nonlinear phase and amplitude errors need to be corrected.To this end,a new,simple,yet ef-fective,and accurate compensation technique for the common amplitude and nonlinear phase errors of the system has been developed.In the process of correction using the new compensation tech-nique,the complex vector is measured when a metal plate is moved along a track at a fixed frequency.The metal plate has a size of33ft in order to accommodate the sensor ’s lateral reso-lution.From (2),it is seen that these complex vectors will rotate circularly as the/channels are completely balanced during the movement of the metal plate at a fixed frequency.The mag-nitude of the rotating vector is then measured and stored.This procedure is repeated at each frequency step across the oper-ating frequency range.These measured magnitudes are used as reference data to compensate for the common amplitude error.After compensating for the common amplitude error,the common nonlinear phase error needs to be corrected.Fig.5PARK AND NGUYEN:ULTRAWIDE-BAND MICROW A VE RADAR SENSOR5Fig.7.Flowchart describing the compensation procedure for the amplitude deviations and nonlinear phase errors.depicts the calculated phases of the complexvector,,over a frequency range.Cumulating the phase dif-ference between two consecutive frequencysteps,,unwraps the calcu-lated phases and makes it easy to draw the trace of the calculated phases as shown in Fig.5(a)and (b).Fig.5(c)shows that the rate of rotation of the complex vector is not constant due to the non-linear phaseerror .After drawing an appropriate linear phase line as shown in Fig.5(a),the nonlinear phaseerrors is then determined by subtracting the linear phase line from the trace ofthe calculated phases.The nonlinear phaseerrorsat all the frequency steps for the metal plate are stored in memory and used as reference data to compensate for the nonlinear phase error of an actual target.Consequently,after corrected for the nonlinear phase error,the complex vector is obtainedas(4)Fig.6shows the amplitude deviations and nonlinear phase er-rors of the measured vectors for the metal plate in the frequency band of interest.In order to compensate for the common ampli-tude and nonlinear phase errors occurred in the complex vec-tors measured for the targets,the reference data obtained for the metal plate described earlier are applied to these measuredvectors.The stored reference data()for the common amplitude errors are normalized to the maximum value of the reference data and inversed.The inverted values are stored into memory as compensation factors for the common amplitude de-viation.These factors are multiplied with the new complex vec-tors collected from the targets.The stored referencedatafor the common nonlinear phase errors are subtracted from the ex-tracted phases of the new complex vectors collected from thetargets.The procedure of compensation for the common am-plitude deviations and nonlinear phase errors is illustrated in a flowchart shown in Fig.7.Fig.8shows the normalized/outputs of the quadrature de-tector before and after compensating for the common amplitude and nonlinear phase errors.The simulation result for a (fixed)point target is shown in Fig.9,which shows that the developed compensation method for the common errors not only reduces but also balances the side lobes of the synthetic range pro file.Reduction of the side lobes reduces the possibility of masking the responses from adjacent targets and,hence,facilitating their detection.Balancing the side lobes increases the possibility and accuracy in identifying the target.Upon compensating for the errors intheand channels,thedigitaland components are combined into a complex vectorfor each frequency step.Anarray consistingofcomplex vectors correspondingto frequency steps is then formedas(5)where.Adding zeros to the complex vectorarray generates a newarrayof ele-ments.This zero padding is needed to improve the accuracy of the range and the speed of IDFT using the fast Fourier transform(FFT).Applying -point IDFT on thearraythengives (6)6IEEE SENSORSJOURNALFig.8.Normalized I/Q(a)before and(b)after compensating for the amplitude deviations and nonlinear phaseerrors.Fig.9.Synthetic range profile obtained from a target,whose main peak indicates the target location(a)before and(b)after compensating for amplitude deviations and nonlinear phase errors.Simplifying and rearranging(6)gives the magnitude response of the synthetic range profileas(7)where is the frequency stepand is the speed of light inair.From(7),the rangeinformation of a target can be derived.It is noted that an appropriate window function is also used toreduce the side lobes of the synthetic range profile,which mightmask other profiles produced by multiple targets.This windowfunction can be selected based on individual target responses.IV.M EASUREMENTA pavement sample was constructed with two layers in awooden box of3636in The top layer is asphalt having a thick-ness of2.6–2.7in.The bottom layer is base.It has a thickness of4.1in and isfilled with limestone.The sensor’s antennas werepointed directly onto the sample through air.Fig.10illustrates the single reflected signals at the interfacesbetween the sample’s layers.Multiple reflections in thesampleFig.10.Sketch of the pavement sample in a wooden box together with theincident and reflected waves.E is the incident wave;E,E,and E arethe reflected waves at the interfaces between layers0and1,layers1and2,andlayer2and the wooden box,respectively.were ignored,as they are typically very small compare to thesingle reflected signal.It is assumed that the layers are homo-geneous and have negligible loss.These assumptions are notcorrect for practical pavement materials.However,as will beseen later,accurate measured results,for practical engineeringpurposes,were achieved for a practical pavement sample,thusjustifying the supposition.With reference to Fig.10,the singlereflectedwave is givenas(8)where represents the incidentwave;is the reflectioncoefficient at the interface between layers1and2;andandare the transmission coefficients from layers0to1and1to0,respectively.The relative dielectricconstant oflayer(,1,2)can be derived,assuming an incident wavefrom layer tolayer,as(9)where is the relative dielectric constant of layerandis the reflection coefficient at the interface between layersand.The reflection coefficient between the air and asphaltlayer can be expressedas(10)PARK AND NGUYEN:ULTRAWIDE-BAND MICROW A VE RADAR SENSOR7Fig.11.Synthetic range pro files obtained from a metal-plate target and the pavement sample.where is the amplitude of a wave re flected from a metal plate,which is approximately equal to the amplitude of the in-cidentwave.is the amplitude of the re flected wave at the interface between the air and asphalt layer.The relative di-electricconstantof the asphalt layer can be obtained from (9)and (10).The re flection coef ficient at the interface between the asphalt and base layers is obtained from (8)as(11)where represents the amplitude of the re flected wave at the asphalt ing (9)and (11),the relative dielectric constant of the base layer can be calculatedas(12)The thickness of layer can be derived from (7)in Section IIas(13)where is the range cell number between layers andlayer .It should be mentioned here that this procedure can also be applied for structures containing more than three layers.Fig.11shows the synthetic range pro files obtained from the pavement sample and the metal plate.Table I shows the mea-sured parameters of the pavement sample along with the ac-tual values.The measured thickness of each layer agrees well with the actual values.Note that the theoretical relative dielec-tric constants of the sample ’s asphalt and base materials are not known.Several values of dielectric constants for asphalt and base can be found from literature but these are not used for com-parison here since 1)the reported values vary over a wide range,2)they are at frequencies different from those used here,and 3)the reported asphalt and base materials are not the same as those in our pavement sample.It should be noted that the sensor can also be used to as-sess other samples that have more complicated layer structuresTABLE IC OMPARISON B ETWEEN A CTUAL AND M EASURED DATAwithin the constraints of penetration depth and resolutions pro-vided by the sensor.V .C ONCLUSIONA new integrated-circuit UWB microwave stepped-fre-quency radar sensor including antennas has been successfully developed and demonstrated for accurate measurement of pavement subsurface.A new correction procedure was also developed to compensate for the imperfection of the system.This simple compensation method reduces and balances the side lobes of the synthetic range pro file representing the target,which helps reduce the potential masking of adjacent targets and facilitate and increase accuracy for identi fication of the target responses.The sensor ’s operation has been veri fied by measuring layer thickness and relative dielectric constants of a pavement sample.The system represents the first 0.6–5.6-GHz portable microwave SFR developed for pavement subsurface sensing and is useful not only for nondestructive evaluation of pavements and other highway structures,but also for other subsurface sensing applications like detection of buried mines.A CKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors would like to thank T.Scullion and L.Gustavus of the Texas Transport Institute for providing the pavement sample.8IEEE SENSORS JOURNALR EFERENCES[1]R.C.Pippert,K.Soroushian,and R.G.Plumb,“Development ofa ground-penetrating radar to detect excess moisture in 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systems.In2004,he joined the Digital Media Research Center,Samsung Electronics,Suwon,Korea, as a Principal Engineer,where he is currently developing a wireless home networking system.His research interests include the design of microwave and millimeter-wave integrated circuits and antennas and wireless sensors and communicationsystems.Cam Nguyen(F’03)joined the Department of Elec-trical Engineering,Texas A&M University(TAMU),College Station,in December1990,where he nowholds the position of Texas Instruments EndowedProfessor.From2003to2004,he was ProgramDirector at the National Science Foundation,respon-sible for research programs in RF electronics andwireless technologies.From1979to1991,he heldvarious positions in industry.He was a MicrowaveEngineer with ITT Gilfillan Company,a Member ofTechnical Staff with Hughes Aircraft Company(now Raytheon),a Technical Specialist with Aeroject ElectroSystems Company, a Member of Professional Staff with Martin Marietta Company(now Lock-heed-Martin),and a Senior Staff Engineer and Program Manager at TRW(now Northrop Grumman).While in industry,he led numerous microwave and mil-limeter-wave activities and developed many microwave and millimeter-wave integrated circuits and systems up to220GHz for communications,radar,and remote sensing.His research group at TAMU focuses on CMOS RF ICs and systems,microwave and millimeter-wave ICs and systems,and UWB devices and systems for various engineering applications.Particularly,his research group has been at the forefront of developing UWB ICs and systems for radar and wireless communications and pioneered the development of microwave and millimeter-wave integrated circuit systems for sensing applications.He has published more than140papers,one book,and several book chapters.Dr.Nguyen is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of Subsurface Sensing Technolo-gies and Applications:An International Journal.。