Modeling Methodology for Component Reuse and System Integration for Hurricane Loss Projecti
s t n h o r cn s n e mi a in o hs meh d w s p o e . T e p o o e y a c mo e ig meh d i e ,a d t e c re t e sa d tr n t f t i o to a rv n h rp s d d n mi d l t o m- n
m d1 h e nt no ecn io a t nio s m( T )w s i nb e o cp o cn io a t nio s o e.T edf io fh o dt n lr s i s t C S a v yt ne t f odt n a sin. i i t i a tn y e ge h c i l r t
HUANG n —a HUANG h o b n, Ho g t o, S a — i ZHANG a To
( ol eo C m ue c n eadT cnlg , abnE g er gU i ri , abn10 0 , hn ) C l g f o p tr i c n ehooy H ri ni e n nv sy H ri 5 0 1 C ia e Se n i e t
A o e i g m e h d b s d o i e o n o p t to m d l t o a e n fx d p i t c m u a i n n f r a pr d to n wldg a e o o uc i n k o e e b s
b h o dto a r nsto y t m s b i y s l i g t e s l x pon ft e c n tu tn u c in o h t ts y t e c n iin lta iin s se wa u l b ov n h malf i to h o sr ci g f n t ft e sae t i o
第2 O卷 第 1 期 u e d d En i e i g trAi e gne rn
V0 _ O .1 l2 No Ma.2 r 01l
文章 编 号 :0 6—0 7 ( 0 1 O —0 90 10 8 1 2 1 ) 10 1 —5
m u p y is a a y i u to x e sb l y, d t r n f ra n i e e tph sc edsa d m u i h sc hih sc n l ss fnci n e t n i ii t aa ta se mo g df r n y i sf l n h p y is f i
S UN e HE Yi g o W U i nh , S I h n jn L u n L h n b , Ru a H e gu ,IY f g Z e
( .Istt o yt nier g b o p t p l ao ntue a ntue f s ms gne n ; .C m ue A pi t nIstt, i S e E i r ci i 1 hn cdm f n ier gP yis Mi yn 2 90, ih a , h a .C i A ae yo E g ei hs , a ag6 10 Scun C i ) a n n c n n
cu l gsri eg f bet r ne ii l n aa e cm uai rm w r A D o pi ev e d i o jc—i tdf t ee tp rl l o p tt n f e ok P N A,ie n c n o oe n e me l o a ..
利用遗传算法的全局搜索能力和并行计算优势,实现 高效优化。
通过模拟鸟群、鱼群等生物群体的行为规律来进行优 化搜索。
通过引入随机因素和冷却机制,在搜索过程中避免陷 入局部最优解,提高搜索效率。
首先,采用等几何分析方法对移动可变形组件进行精确建模;其次,结合拓扑 优化算法,提出一种新的移动可变形组件拓扑优化模型;最后,通过数值实验 验证所提方法的可行性和优越性。
基于等几何分析的拓扑优 化方法
等几何分析(Isogeometric Analysis,简称IGA)是一种新型的 数值分析方法,将计算机图形学与计 算机科学相结合,通过非均匀B样条 (NURBS)等几何基函数对物理问 题进行表示和分析。
虽然该方法在处理移动可变形组件的 形状和拓扑优化问题上取得了一定的 成果,但是在某些复杂的情况下,该 方法可能会出现收敛速度较慢或者求 解精度不高等问题,需要进一步完善 和改进。
在实际应用中,需要考虑的因素很多 ,包括材料属性、边界条件、载荷条 件等等,这些因素对移动可变形组件 的形状和拓扑优化有着重要的影响, 需要进一步研究和探讨。
全局优化算法用于求解大规模、复杂结构的拓扑优化问 题,如遗传算法、模拟退火算法等。
procedural code,usually written in FORTRAN.The codes contain many complex data structures which are accessed throughout the program.This global decreases the
华南理工大学 硕士学位论文 面向对象的有限元软件设计 姓名:游东东 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:计算机应用技术 指导教师:万江平
通常有限元程序都是用FORTRAN语言来编写的结构化程序代码,这些代码 包含了许多复杂的数据结构,通过过程来访问。这就大大降低了程序的灵活性。 要通过修改现有的代码来适应新的应用、新模型和求解程序,这将是很困难的。 面向对象程序设计所拥有的数据抽象和信息隐蔽等机理以及面向对象语言的继 承性、封装性、多态性等特性为软件开发提供了理想的模块化机制和比较理想的 软件可重用成分。目前面向对象方法应用于科学计算领域有限元程序设计中的研 究相对较少,尚处于起步阶段。
专利名称:METHOD FOR OPTIMIZING A MODEL OF A COMPONENT GENERATED BY AN ADDITIVEPRODUCTION METHOD, METHOD FORPRODUCING A COMPONENT, COMPUTERPROGRAM AND DATA CARRIER发明人:Blattner, Franz-Georg,Küsters, Yves申请号:EP18196770.4申请日:20180926公开号:EP3629202A1公开日:20200401专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:In order to be able to realize particularly advantageous mechanical properties and at the same time a particularly low weight of a component to be manufactured additively, a method for optimizing a virtual model (12) of the component having at least one virtual lattice structure (10) is proposed. In the method, at least the virtual lattice structure (10), which nodes (14) as first structural elements, struts (16) connected to one another at the nodes (14) as second structural elements and as connection points (18) to a virtual component outer skin (20) of the virtual model (12) formed third structural elements, optimized on the basis of a topology optimization (TOP), which is carried out by an electronic computing device, and defined as a design area (22), the structural elements of which have a respective initial geometry (DEF). The topology optimization (TOP) determines a respective load of the respective structural element resulting from at least one load acting on the virtual model (12) and eliminates at least one of the structural elements, the determined load of which falls below a predetermined threshold value, from the design area (22).申请人:Siemens Aktiengesellschaft地址:Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 1 80333 München DE国籍:DE更多信息请下载全文后查看。
建模算法(Modeling algorithm)1. Monte Carlo algorithm. The algorithm is also called random simulation algorithm, which is the algorithm to solve the problem through computer simulation. At the same time, it can verify the correctness of the model by simulation. It is almost the method that must be used in the game.2. data processing algorithms, such as data fitting, parameter estimation, interpolation, etc.. Games usually encounter a lot of data that needs to be processed, and the key to data processing is that these algorithms usually use MATLAB as a tool.3. linear programming, integer programming, multiple planning, two programming and other planning algorithms. Most of the problems in the modeling contest belong to optimization problems. In many cases, these problems can be described by mathematical programming algorithms, and usually solved by Lindo and Lingo software.4. graph theory algorithm. This algorithm can be divided into many kinds, including the shortest path, network flow, two points diagram and other algorithms, involving the graph theory problems can be solved by these methods, need to seriously prepare.5. computer algorithms, such as dynamic programming, backtracking search, divide and conquer algorithm, branch and bound algorithm. These algorithms are commonly used in the algorithm design, competition will be used in many occasions.6. non classical algorithms of optimization theory: simulated annealing algorithm, neural network algorithm, and genetic algorithm (three). These problems are used to solve some difficult optimization problems, which are very helpful for some problems, but the implementation of the algorithm is difficult and needs careful use.7. mesh algorithm and exhaustive method. Both are the most violent search algorithms have advantages, applications in many competitions, when focus on the model itself and despise the algorithm, you can use this violence program, it is best to use some advanced language as programming tool.8. some discretization methods for continuous data. Many problems are actual, data can be continuous, and the computer can only deal with discrete data, so the discrete difference, instead of differential summation instead of integral thought is very important.9. numerical analysis algorithm. If you use high-level language programming in the game, those commonly used algorithms in numerical analysis, such as equations solving, matrix calculation, function integration algorithm, you need to write additional library functions to call.10. image processing algorithm. Cup title has about a class of problems with graphics, graphics and even if the problem has nothing to do, we also will need pictures to illustrate the problem, these figures show how and how to deal with is the need to solve the problem, usually use MATLAB for processing.The following will be combined with competition issues over the years, the ten types of algorithms are described in detail.The following will be combined with competition issues over the years, the ten types of algorithms are described in detail.A detailed description of the 20 algorithms2.1 Monte Carlo algorithmMost modeling problems can not be separated from computer simulation, random simulation is one of the most common algorithms.One example is the 97 year A title, each part has its own calibration value, also have their own tolerance level, while the optimal combination scheme will face is a very complicated formula and 108 kinds of tolerance selection, it is impossible to obtain analytical solutions, then how to find the best solution? Stochastic simulation is a method to search the optimal solution in the feasible interval of each parts in accordance with the normal distribution of random selection of a calibration value and selects a tolerance value as a solution, and then through the Monte Carlo simulation algorithm of a large number of programs, from selecting a best. Another example is the last of the lottery second Q, needs to design a better solution, the first scheme depends on many complicated factors, the same can not describe for a model that can only rely on random simulation.2.2 data fitting, parameter estimation, interpolation andother algorithmsData fitting is used in many questions, many problems associated with graphics processing and fitting relationship, is an example of 98 years in the United States A title game, 3D interpolation of biological tissue sections, the 94 title in A altitude of the mountain cut paths through mountains, interpolation calculation,There is also a lot of noise, may be the "SARS" problem also need to use the data fitting algorithm, observe the trend of the data processing. Such problems in MATLAB have many ready-made functions can be called, familiar with MATLAB, these methods can be used with ease and ease.2.3 programming class problem algorithmThe competition there are many problems and mathematical programming, can be said that many of the models can be reduced to a set of inequality constraints, as some function as the objective function of the problem, meet this kind of problem solving is the key, for example, 98 years of B problem, with a lot of different type can describe clearly, to more convenient solution with Lindo and Lingo software, so the listing plan, so also need to be familiar with the two software.2.4 graph theory problem98 years, B 00 years B, 95 years of packing locks problems reflect the importance of the problem of graph theory, there are many algorithms for this problem include: Dijkstra, Floyd,Prim, Bellman-Ford, maximum flow, two points, etc.. Each algorithm should be implemented once, otherwise it will be written late in the game.2.5 problems in the design of computer algorithmsComputer algorithm design includes many contents: dynamic programming, backtracking search, divide and conquer algorithm, branch and bound. For example, 92 year B problem using branch and bound method, 97 year B problem is a typical dynamic programming problem, in addition, 98 year B problem reflects the divide and conquer algorithm. This problem is similar to the problem in the ACM programming contest. It is recommended to look at the book "computer algorithm design and analysis" (Electronic Industry Press) and other computer related books.Three non classical algorithms of 2.6 optimization theoryThe optimization theory has developed rapidly in the past ten years. The three algorithms, simulated annealing, neural network and genetic algorithm, are developing very fast. In recent years, the competition is more and more complex, not what good model for many problems we can learn, so these three kinds of algorithm many times can come in handy, for example: 97 years of simulated annealing algorithm A problem, neural network classification algorithm B problem for 00 years, 01 years as B problem this problem can also be the use of neural network, and the competition for 89 years A questions and BP algorithms, was just 86 years of proposed BP algorithm, 89 years passed, that tournament title may be abstract reflect today'scutting-edge technology. 03 years B gamma knife is a researchtopic, the current algorithm is the best genetic algorithm.2.7 mesh algorithm and exhaustive algorithmJust like the exhaustion method, the mesh method is only the exhaustive problem of the continuous problem. For example, the optimization problem in the case of N variables, then the space for picking these variables, for example, in the [a; b] interval, take M +1 points, that is, a; a+ (B-A) /M; a+2 (B-A) /M;...... B, then this cycle requires (M + 1) N times operation, so the amount of calculation is great. For example, 97 year A problem, 99 year B problem can be searched by grid method, this method is best in the operation speed is fasterIn the computer, but also to use high-level language to do, it is best not to use MATLAB as a grid, otherwise it will be long. Exhaustive method is familiar to everyone, do not say.2.8 some discretization methods for continuous dataMost of the programming of physics problems are related to this method. The physics problem reflects that we live in a continuous world. The computer can only deal with the discrete quantity, so it is necessary to discretize the continuous quantity. This method is widely used and is related to many algorithms above. In fact, the grid algorithm, the Monte Carlo algorithm and the simulated annealing use this idea.2.9 numerical analysis algorithmThis algorithm is specially designed for advanced languages.If you use MATLAB, Mathematica, you don't need to prepare, because there are many functions in numerical analysis, such as general mathematical software.2.10 image processing algorithmIn the 01 year A question, you need to read the BMP image and the 98 year A question of the American tournament. You need to know the 3D interpolation calculation,In the 03 year, the B question requires higher, not only the programming calculation, but also the processing, and the digital model paper also has many pictures to display, therefore the image processing is the key. It is important to learn MATLAB well, especially the part of image processing.。
(7 分)
a 0 0 0 -a 0 1 1 1 B1 2 0 -a , B2 2 0 a , B3 2 0 0 ; B B1 a a a -a a a 0 0 -a
2N / m 1N / m 2
2N / m 2m 2m
(a ) 2、解: (1) 对称性及计算模型正确 (2) 正确标出每个单元的合理局部编号 (3) 求单元刚度矩阵 K e () (4 分) (3 分)
(5) 应用适当的位移约束之后,给出可供求解的整体平衡方程(不需要求解) 。 (5 分)
1、有限元分析的基本思路(3 分)
首先,将物体或求解域离散为有限个互不重叠仅通过节点互相连接的子域(即单元),原始边界条件也被转化为节点上的边界条件, 此过程称为离散化。其次,在单元内,选择简单近似函数来分片逼近未知的求解函数,即分片近似。具体做法是在单元上选择一些合适的 节点作为求解函数的插值点,将微分方程中的变量改写成由各变量或其导数的节点值与所选用的插值函数组成的线性表达式,这是有限元 法的创意和精华所在。而整体区域上的解函数就是这些单元上的简单近似函数的组合。最后,基于与原问题数学模型(基本方程和边界条 件)等效的变分原理或加权残值法,建立有限元方程(即刚度方程),从而将微分方程转化为一组变量或其导数的节点值为未知量的代数 方程组。从而借助矩阵表示和计算机求解代数方程组得到原问题的近似解。
(1)位移模式必须包含单元刚体位移;(2)位移模式必须包含单元的常应变;(3)位移模式在单元内要连续,且唯一在相邻单元 之间要协调。
4、写出弹性力学的基本方程、基本假设和基本变量(3 分)
平衡方程 几何方程 物理方程 具体方程见笔记
掺杂建模 高熵合金建模 刃型位错建模 多晶结构建模 晶界偏析建模 -回复
一、掺杂建模1. 什么是掺杂建模?掺杂建模是一种将材料中掺杂元素的效应进行建模和研究的方法。
2. 掺杂建模的研究方法有哪些?掺杂建模的研究方法包括从第一性原理出发的计算模拟、连续介质模型、粒子模型等。
3. 掺杂建模在材料科学中的应用有哪些?掺杂建模在材料科学中有广泛的应用。
二、高熵合金建模1. 什么是高熵合金建模?高熵合金建模是一种研究高熵合金材料的方法。
2. 高熵合金建模的方法有哪些?高熵合金建模的方法包括分子动力学模拟、Monte Carlo模拟、相图计算等。
多模态表征方法1.引言1.1 概述概述多模态表征方法是一种将不同类型的数据进行融合和表示的技术。
a fushion modeling method -回复
a fushion modeling method -回复什么是融合建模方法,以及在不同领域的应用。
通过结合多个模型,如ARIMA 模型、神经网络模型和支持向量机模型,可以提高对股票市场未来走势的预测准确性。
传统建模的应用场景与优势- 应用场景
传统建模适用于需要精确预测系统行为的场景,如科学研究、工程设计、经济分析等。在科学研究领域,传统建模用于探索自然现象的本质和规律;在工程设计领域,传统建模用于设计和优化工程系统;在经济分析领域,传统建模用于预测市场趋势和经济发展。- 优势
约化建模的定义:约化建模是一种通过简化复杂系统来建立数学模型的方法。它通过忽略某些细节和次要因素,将复杂系统简化为更容易处理和分析的模型。- 约化建模的特点:约化建模具有简单性、近似性和有效性。它强调对系统主要特性的关注,忽略次要细节,从而简化模型。同时,通过公道的近似和忽略非关键因素,约化建模能够提供对系统本质特性的有效描述。
传统建模的原理是通过物理定律和数学方程来描述系统的行为。这些方程可以是微分方程、积分方程、差分方程等,根据问题的性质选择合适的方程情势。- 传统建模的过程
1. Poisson表面重建算法:该算法通过最小化表面能量函数来重建三维表面。
2. Ball Pivoting算法:该算法通过旋转一个球体并检测球体与点云数据的交点来重建三维表面。
3. Marching Cubes算法:该算法是一种基于体素的表面重建算法,它通过在三维数据场中遍历体素并提取表面三角形来重建三维表面。
4. Poisson-based Marching Cubes算法:该算法是Marching Cubes算法和Poisson表面重建算法的结合,它使用Marching Cubes算法提取体素表面三角形,然后使用Poisson 表面重建算法对三角形进行优化处理,最终生成高质量的三维表面模型。
Geometric Modeling
Geometric ModelingGeometric modeling is a crucial aspect of computer-aided design (CAD) and computer graphics. It involves the creation of digital representations of objects and environments using mathematical algorithms and geometric techniques. These models are used in various fields such as engineering, architecture, animation, and virtual reality. Geometric modeling plays a significant role in the design and visualization of complex structures, the simulation of physical phenomena, and the creation of realistic computer-generated imagery. One of the primary challenges in geometric modeling is achieving accuracy and precision in representing real-world objects and scenes. This requires the use of advanced mathematical concepts such as calculus, linear algebra, and differential geometry. Geometric modeling also involves the use of computational algorithms to generate and manipulate geometric shapes, surfaces, and volumes. These algorithms need to be efficient and robust to handle large-scale and intricate models while maintaining visualfidelity and integrity. Another important aspect of geometric modeling is the representation of 3D objects in a 2D space, which is essential for visualization and rendering. This process involves techniques such as projection, rasterization, and rendering, which are used to convert 3D geometric data into 2D images for display on screens or print. Achieving realistic and visually appealing representations requires careful consideration of lighting, shading, and texture mapping, which are fundamental in computer graphics and visualization. Inaddition to the technical challenges, geometric modeling also raises issuesrelated to usability and user experience. Designing intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for creating and manipulating geometric models is crucial for enabling efficient and effective design workflows. This involves considerations such as interactive manipulation, real-time feedback, and intuitive control mechanisms, which are essential for empowering users to express their creative ideas and concepts. Furthermore, geometric modeling has a significant impact on the manufacturing and production processes. The digital models created through geometric modeling are used for computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) and numerical control (NC) machining, enabling the production of precise and complex parts and assemblies. This integration of geometric modeling with manufacturing technologieshas revolutionized the way products are designed, prototyped, and manufactured, leading to advancements in efficiency, quality, and innovation. From an academic perspective, geometric modeling is a multidisciplinary field that draws from mathematics, computer science, and engineering. Researchers and educators in this field are constantly exploring new methods and techniques for geometric modeling, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in terms of representing and manipulating geometric data. This includes areas such as parametric modeling, geometric constraints, and procedural modeling, which are essential for enabling flexible and adaptable design processes. In conclusion, geometric modeling is a complex and multifaceted field with far-reaching implications for various industries and disciplines. It encompasses technical challenges related to accuracy, efficiency, and visualization, as well as considerations of usability, manufacturing, and academic research. As technology continues to advance, geometric modeling will play an increasingly critical role in shaping the way we design, create, and interact with the world around us.。
半导体器件建模方法English:One of the commonly used methods for modeling semiconductor devices is the use of simulation software such as SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis). SPICE allows designers to create models of various semiconductor components such as diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits, and simulate their behavior under different operating conditions. This enables designers to predict the performance of their semiconductor devices before actual fabrication and testing, saving time and resources. Another method for modeling semiconductor devices is the use of mathematical equations and physical principles to describe the behavior of the devices. This method requires a deep understanding of semiconductor physics and material properties, but it allows for a more detailed and accurate representation of the device behavior. Additionally, compact models, which are simplified versions of detailed physical models, are often used for efficient circuit simulation and design optimization. These compact models capture the essential behavior of the device without the complexity of adetailed physical model, making them suitable for large-scale circuit simulations. Overall, the various modeling methods for semiconductor devices provide designers with the tools to accurately predict and optimize the performance of their devices, leading to the development of more efficient and reliable electronic systems.中文翻译:半导体器件建模的常用方法之一是使用模拟软件,如SPICE(带有集成电路重点的仿真程序)。
1. 数据预处理:对不同模态的数据进行预处理,包括数据清洗、格式转换、特征提取等操作,以便于后续的处理和融合。
2. 特征提取:从不同模态的数据中提取出有意义的特征,这些特征应该能够代表相应模态的数据信息。
3. 特征融合:将不同模态的特征进行融合,以提取出它们之间的共同信息和关联。
4. 模型训练:利用融合后的特征进行模型训练,以实现多模态的语义理解和分析。
5. 模型评估:对训练好的模型进行评估,以检验其性能和效果。
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Modeling Methodology for Component Reuse and System Integration for Hurricane Loss Projection ApplicationKasturi Chatterjee1, Khalid Saleem1, Na Zhao1, Min Chen1, Shu-Ching Chen1, Shahid S. Hamid21Distributed Multimedia Information System LaboratorySchool of Computing and Information SciencesFlorida International University, Miami, FL 33199, USA2Department of FinanceFlorida International University, Miami, FL 33199, USA1{kchat001, ksale002, nzhao002, mchen005, chens}@, 2hamids@AbstractHurricanes are one of the deadliest and perilous natural calamities on the face of earth having a severe impact both on the lives of the people and economy of a nation. Attempts have been made to mitigate hurricane after-math, by utilizing research and tools that can analyze hurricanes and estimate projected losses. The need for such research methodologies and tools stimulated the de-velopment of a multi-disciplinary cutting edge public hur-ricane model called Public Hurricane Risk and Insured Loss Projection Model (PHRLM). The complex and di-verse nature of the application raises the need for module abstraction, seamless integration and effective reusability to create a uniform generic environment. Providing effi-cient interaction between these complex multi-disciplinary modules using different abstractions, formal-isms, data formats and communications and making each module transparent enough to be reusable becomes a complicated task. This paper presents a UML based for-mal Modeling Methodology, enabling component reuse and integration of the application.1. IntroductionHurricanes pose one of the greatest environmental threats to human beings and economy of the nations. For the past few years, hurricanes have been more frequent in U.S due to increased warming of water in the Atlantic Ocean causing loss of human lives and destruction of properties in the coastal regions. Over the period of time, different commercial modeling companies have devel-oped risk and assessment models to assist insurance com-panies in formulating their rating policies. These models lack transparency in describing the assumptions and ra-tionales used to estimate the losses and leave the general public and regulators at the whims of the companies, to accept the scenarios as presented without being able to judge their credentials and accuracy. The public systems like HAZUS [6], though have the transparency of infor-mation lack portability and easy maintenance. Due to their PC-based implementation, new hardware needs to be deployed with the increase of users and installations need to be repeated. Moreover, the different modules of the application execute rather independently making informa-tion exchange, reuse and efficient resource management a hurdle. In order to address all the above stated problems, a multi-disciplinary public model was developed called Public Hurricane Risk and insured Loss projection Model (PHRLM) [9] by the State of Florida, funded by Florida Office of Insurance Regulation. The model has a compo-nent-based approach where each sub-application corre-sponding to a different genre has been modularized. The model was developed by an interdisciplinary team of ex-perts belonging to meteorology, statistics, finance, actuar-ial science, engineering and computer science disci-plines. It is an open model facilitating ease of maintainability and portability. The complexity and diver-sity of the system makes system integration a challenge. Different modules carrying domain specific tasks need to seamlessly interact with one another which necessitate semantic maintenance and data integrity as well as the presence of efficient interfaces enabling abstraction. Moreover, to enhance the utility of the application, the individual components should be reusable by different applications with minimum system customization.The diverse and complicated structure of the PHRLM ap-plication necessitates the introduction of a modeling tech-nique to achieve the desired abstraction required both for efficient integration as well as independent component re-use. A model is an abstract representation of a system that enables us to answer questions about the system [2]. Mod-eling is a way to deal with complexity by ignoring irrele-vant details. Efficient system integration and reuse requires an object-oriented and component based approach,Figure 1. System Architecture of PHRLMas the main essence of object oriented paradigm is reuse and encapsulation. Hence, to model the application, UML was found to be the appropriate language as the main goal of UML is to provide a standard notation that can be used by all object-oriented methods and to select and integrate the best elements of precursor notations [2]. Model driven reuse and integration differs from integra-tion and reuse by programming. Programming approach concentrates on a particular scenario and inextensible so-lution to a specific challenge. Model-driven integration focuses on abstracting the information content into a model that describes the application's information re-sources and thus makes it easy to be applicable to any system within the same genre. This paper proposes a UML based modeling technique to enable and enhance efficient system integration and component reuse for the PHRLM application and serves as a prototype to solve similar problems for multi-disciplinary large-scale research applications. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents a brief overview and System Architecture of the PHRLM Project, Section 3 discusses the Modeling meth-odologies undertaken to successfully formalize the appli-cation with a focus to enable component reuse and system integration modeling techniques followed by Section 4 which presents the conclusion. 2. Overview of PHRLMThe PHRLM model is a probabilistic model designedto estimate damage and insured losses due to the occur-rence of hurricanes in the Atlantic Basin. The PHRLMestimates the full probabilistic distribution of damage andloss for any significant storm event. The modeling meth-odology of PHRLM can be partitioned into three major components: (a) Wind Module, (b) Vulnerability Module and (c) Insured Loss Module. The major components are developed independently before integration. The Wind Hazard Module is a meteorological module which deals with estimating the number of hurricanes and storm gene-sis time, generating storm track, open terrain wind speeds and ultimately the wind probability for each zip code. Thenext module is the Vulnerability Module which is an en-gineering module which simulates the wind damages, generates the damage matrices and the vulnerability func-tions for mitigated structures. The final module is the In-sured Loss Module which models the wind deductibles, generates the annual loss and the expected loss cost for a specific hurricane. The model can estimate losses in a particular zip code and can also simulate a potential storm. Each module can be considered as a business ob-ject component which provides a service-oriented inter-face to external systems and allows interoperability be-tween systems.2.1. System ArchitectureAn appropriate system architecture provides flexible yet robust infrastructures to build, extend and maintain any application. The PHRLM system uses a modular compo-nent-based architecture. PHRLM being a multi-disciplinary project, different modules relate to one or more domains. Due to the research nature of this applica-tion, each module is subject to constant revision and up-date. Thus, the modules are made as loosely coupled as possible to meet the flexibility and adaptability require-ments. In Figure 1, the system architecture of the applica-tion is illustrated.Figure 2. Use Case Diagram of PHRLM3. Modeling MethodologyThe multi-disciplinary nature of the project makes inte-gration and component reuse a challenging job as it in-creases the complexity of the system manifold. Thus, arose the need of modeling to provide the necessary ab-straction required to achieve seamless integration and re-use efficiently. The modular nature of the system and the reusability requirement makes object-oriented modeling apt for the job.3.1. Enabling Component Reuse Using UMLWith the increase of complexity and size of applications, development costs have increased manifold. Thus, effi-cient reuse of existing technologies has become very im-portant. Object-oriented paradigm enables easy reuse of components. An object-oriented framework is defined as a set of classes that embodies an abstract design for solu-tions to a family of related problems [2].Since, our application is a public-benefiting open model; one of the main requirements was reuse by other similar applications. As explained earlier, there are several mod-ules in the system performing specific tasks. For example, the Vulnerability Module calculates the damage ratios with the supplied values of vulnerability statistics and wind speed. The same module has the potential to be ex-tended for being reused in calculating the damage caused by other kind of wind based natural calamity like Torna-dos etc. by appropriate control of the input parameters and customization. Moreover, currently the model can es-timate hurricane losses for only residential structures. However, the model is highly extensible and allows for the addition of components to estimate losses for com-mercial structures and high rise buildings. The model can also be used as a reference to develop similar models for other vulnerable coastal areas and can be extended to de-velop general Disaster Control and Management models. For effective reuse several criteria should be satisfied by each module as well as by the entire system. The module should have a proper abstraction to make the complex functionalities transparent to the user, it should be port-able and should be able to exist and co-operate independ-ently outside the existing framework. Efficient compo-nent reuse also needs the entire system to be loosely coupled so that the dependence of each module with one another is as minimal as possible. To fulfill all the above requirements, a modeling technique is required. UML provides the required abstraction and a complete stan-dardized description of the system. Each UML diagram is designed to let developers and customers view a software system from a different perspective and varying degree of abstraction. UML diagrams commonly include Use Case Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Interaction Diagrams, State Diagrams, Activity Diagrams and physical Diagrams. Major reuse scenarios can be modeled by three generali-zation relationships supported by Use Case Diagrams [5] viz. <extend>, <include> and <inheritance>. An extend-ing use case is an alternate course of the base use case. An include dependency is a generalization relationship denoting the inclusion of the behavior described by an-other use case. The third way of reuse is inheritance of use cases where one use case is inherited from other use cases and the inheriting use case would completely re-place one or more of the courses of action of the inherited use case. The introduction of these generalization tech-niques allows reuse both within the application as well as by other external applications.Based on the component reuse frameworks proposed in [7, 8], two major characteristics need to be considered: class generality assessment and relations among classes. As proposed in [7, 8], a class may be marked as general or specific . A general class is expected to be reused but a specific class is intended for a particular application. This concept is extended and used in modeling of our system. Since every component is aimed to be reusable, hence classes belonging to different modules should be a gen-eral class. However within a particular module, the class can be specific . Figure 2 denotes the Use Case diagram of the entire system which depicts the implementation of <include> relationship among different modules. To maintain the generality of the classes and to make each module independent, <extend> or <inheritance> rela-tionship is not used within the system. Thus, the individ-ual modules can be easily extended or inherited in other applications without any constraint of inter-modular de-pendability. Figure 3 explains one such scenario where the Vulnerability Module could be extended to different types of application specific estimation scenarios like theDamage Estimation for other Wind Associated Natural Calamity and the generation of Damage Matrices and Vulnerability Function for Commercial buildings. The modeling technique applied to PHRLM aiming at compo-nent reuse can be formalized as:Definition 1:If, there is a loosely coupled system with self sufficient in-teracting modules, each module will be modeled using a separate Use Case.Definition 2:Suppose there exist two Use Cases UC A and UC B for modules A and B respectively. The only generalization relation that can exist between A and B is UC A <include> UC B due to the loosely coupled nature of the system. However, in order to reuse a generic Use Case UC A,it should have a generalization relationship of <extend> with any customized external Use Case.Once the Use Cases have been defined, the class dia-grams are required to model classes. Class Diagrams de-scribe the structure of the system in terms of classes and objects. The reuse potential of class depends on the extent to which class to class relationship or coupling is defined [7, 8]. Classes are related to other classes if they expect to use and reuse other classes in present implementations and future applications [5]. The class to class relationship is very useful to plug in a component from one applica-tion to another. One of the ways to design the class rela-tionship is by formulating the use case to a class relation-ship, i.e., by keeping track of the classes included in each use case and then using the use case relationship to de-termine if the classes are related. Figure 4 denotes the Class Diagram of a component of the PHRLM model which explains the class relationships and hierarchy in detail. For example, the class fitDistriBean is related to SimuSelection. Hence in order to reuse fitDistriBean in some other application, the class SimuSelection needs to be present in that particular application too. Thus, if a component of an application was to be reused, the de-tailed class relationship gives the flexibility of functional application-nature dependent modification and customiza-tion. The rationale used behind modeling the classes of PHRLM to help efficient component reuse is as follows: Definition 3:Within the classes of the same Use Case, <extend> rela-tionship can exist but not between classes of different Use Cases.The three definitions described above form the basic ra-tionale by which efficient component reuse was modeled for a diverse loosely coupled system where modules communicate with each other using Data Flow. The ap-proach provides a modeling prototype for any Disaster Management Application consisting of several compo-nents performing different domain specific jobs. Thus, with proper UML modeling using Use Case Diagrams and Class Diagrams, the different components of the PHRLM system can be customized and plugged in by other applications efficiently.Figure 4. Modeling of Class level Coupling of aPHRLM Module3.2. Enabling Component Integration Using UML The multi-disciplinary nature of PHRLM makes system integration an indispensable but a very complex task. Maintaining semantic uniformity of the data as well as their seamless communication among the different mod-ules becomes a challenging job. Due to the diverse nature of the project, the integration of PHRLM could not be achieved by following any one of the popular integrating techniques like File Transfer, Shared Database, RemoteProcedure Invocation or Messaging in their absolute forms, instead it required a combination of these tech-niques and customization at some places to suit the re-quirements of the project. From the implementation point of view, semantic integration is achieved by selecting the key terms across the entire application and making them uniform. Due to domain specific requirements, these key terms have different local meanings which were resolved using a mapping technique that involved the mapping of local terms with the global terms. Asynchronous messag-ing technique is used to integrate the loosely coupled components of the system by overcoming the limitations of latency and unreliability. To achieve the above tech-nique, each module is developed into a web-based appli-cation and they are made to communicate through Event Messaging and Document Messaging over a secured channel. For data that is too voluminous or too sensitive to be transmitted over communication channel, a central-ized database is used for storage, maintenance and effi-cient access of sensitive data.Minimum Pressure Central PressureFigure 5. Semantic Integration Modeling for Global Concept “Minimum Pressure”The above integration methodologies and planning for PHRLM explicitly depicts the use of several integration approaches which calls for an efficient modeling repre-sentation of the entire integration approach for formaliza-tion and efficient understanding. The integration method-ologies adopted in PHRLM cannot be compared with any Enterprise Integration Architecture as it has an essential research approach which calls for constant revision and update of requirements as well as design thus hindering it from following the strict life-cycle of any enterprise inte-gration architecture (e.g. CIMOSA [3] and ARIS [1] ) which is composed of domain identification, concept de-sign, requirement definitions, design specifications, im-plementation description, domain operation and decom-mission definition [10]. Here, we propose an integration modeling specification for PHRLM which can be ex-tended for other Disaster Management and Recovery Sys-tems. The modeling involves combination of the UML Data Modeling Technique [4] and Use Case and Class Diagrams to depict the integration plans utilized by PHRLM. In our system, Semantic Integration is modeled using Use Case Diagrams with generalization relationship de-picting the semantic uniformity. For each global term allthe modules using it are related to one another by a <in-clude> relationship to depict the flow. The method can be formalized with the following definition.Definition 4:If Module A, Module B and Module C use a global con-cept I with different local terms, then there exist a Use Case U I for the global concept I which consists of the use cases for Module A, B and C and the local terms in each of them related to each other by a <include> relationship depicting the presence of the Global Term I in each one of them.The above definition is explained in Figure 5 where the use of the global concept “the minimum pressure of the hurricane” in different modules is illustrated. In Wind Field Module, the term Minimum Pressure is synonymous to the term Central Pressure in Storm Track module, both depicting the concept of minimum pressure of a hurri-cane.The integration through messaging is modeled using Se-quence Diagrams for pairs of modules that communicate with one another. The sequence diagram for individual module also depicts the communication among the differ-ent sub-modules within the module. The proposed con-cept is conceptualized with the following definition.Figure 6. Asynchronous CommunicationModeling across ModulesDefinition 5:If Module A communicates with Module B, then there ex-ists a Sequence Diagram S AB which depicts the communi-cation sequence among them.System Integration using Centralized Database is mod-eled using the UML Data Modeling Profile as introduced in [4]. Here, the concept of tables and relationships used in a database maps to the concept of classes and associa-tions in UML. The database used in PHRLM has several components like Tables, Schemas, TableSpace, View, Columns, Key, Index and Constraints. Each of them is modeled using the UML Data Modeling Technique. Some of them are explained below:1.Tables: A table represents a set of records having asimilar structure containing data. A table is repre-sented in the UML diagram as class diagrams.2.Schemas: A Schema is used to organize tables. InUML modeling, a schema is represented by a pack-age.3.Columns: Column is the field in the table where datais stored. Columns are modeled using Attribute rep-resentation in UML.4.Constraints: Constraint is a rule imposed on the col-umns or on rows of a database. They are modeled through stereotyped operations as well.The data modeling techniques discussed are illustrated in Figure 7. The detailed modeling of the database using easy to understand UML diagrams helps in integration and use of the centralized database by all the participating modules. Such detailed representation helps in easy communication and adaptation of any change in the cen-tralized database. This leads to a uniform and detailed un-derstanding of the database schema by all the participat-ing modules, thus facilitating the integration process without suffering from inconsistency and ambiguous in-terpretation.Thus, we propose a unique modeling technique for inte-gration of complex, multi-disciplined and loosely coupled systems by combining three types of modeling ap-proaches applied to semantic integration, communication and centralized databases. The approach can be easily ex-tended and used as a prototype for developing and inte-grating other similar applications.4.ConclusionThis paper proposes a modeling methodology for com-ponent reuse and system integration for a diverse multi-disciplinary application PHRLM, which analyzes hurri-canes to predict their paths and occurrence and estimate projected losses. The proposed modeling methodology is unique and customized for a loosely coupled, multi-domain large scale research oriented application and can be used as a prototype to design Disaster Management and Recovery Systems for different kinds of natural ca-lamities. It will also assist in solving imperative problems of system integration, extensibility and component reuse which are a critical concern for successful software engi-neering implementation.5. AcknowledgementThis work is partially supported by Florida Office of In-surance Regulation (OIR) under “Hurricane Loss Projec-tion Model.” While the project is funded by the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation, the OIR is not responsi-ble for this paper content.References[1]ARIS Reference, “http://www.ids-/international/english/products/aris_design_platform/50324”.[2] B. Bruegge and A.H. 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