grammar translation method
Grammar-Translation Method(revised)
• The principal practice technique is translation from and into the target language. • sentence is the basic unit of language teaching and learning. (distinctive feature) • the teacher emphasizes accuracy rather than fluency.
• understanding and memorization of complicated grammatical rules of languages were regarded as important means of development of mentality. • Viewed from the nature and purpose of education, the GT Method was an expression of classical humanism. The language was regarded as a body of esteemed knowledge to be learned with an emphasis on intellectual rigor (exactness).
Only in the late 18th century did the regular combination of grammar rules with translation into the target language become the principal practice technique. Therefore, it is accepted by most experts of foreign language teaching that the Grammar-Translation Method originated from the 18th century. In the mid-19th century, more experts of foreign language teaching adopted the strategy of combining grammar rules with translation and the Grammar-Translation Method became the principal method of teaching modern languages in schools.
一、语法翻译法(The Grammar-Translation Method)语法翻译法产生于18世纪末的欧洲。
它是用母语翻译教授外语书面语的一种传统外语教学法,即用语法讲解加翻译练习的方式来教学外语的方法,也叫古典法(Classical Method)、旧式法(Old Method)。
(4)强调死记硬背,教学方式单调泛味,因而课堂气氛沉闷,难以调动学生学习的积极性二、直接法(The Direct Method)直接法产生于19世纪90年代,是外语教学史上的一次革新,是批评语法翻译法的产物。
1)通过任务活动可以同时锻炼几种语言技能,有利于自动性的提高; 2)学生能接触到形式多样的语言,也可以根据需要使用自己的语言资源,
不但有利于词汇、句法和语篇等语言知识的学习,而且有助于提高语用能 力; 3)以学生为中心,交际活动多,语境自然,相关性强,有利于培养交际能 力; 4)活动多样,有助于激发学生的学习兴趣,易于保持学习的积极性,激发 动力; 5)活动内容涉及面广,信息量大,有助于拓宽学生的知识面; 6)任务有利于培养想象、思考、决策和应变能力和创造性思维,对课堂学 习和终身学习都有益。
由于这些优点,这种教学理论和方法受到广泛注意,也被引进我国。2000 年,教育部颁布《全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准(试验稿) 》,首次提出倡导‘任务型’教学途径。2003年,《普通高中英语课程标 准(实验稿)》再次明确提出要倡导‘任务型’教学,培养学生综合语言 运用能力。
2)意念和功能并不容易确定,例如标准、数量、顺序等问题 难以掌握;
4)理论上对语言能力的认识还不够清楚,例如理论上是 competence,教学中是 proficiency,没有统一的框架。对 技能和自动性的解释也没有上升到理论高度。
在外语课堂上使用任务的做法并不新鲜,因为几百年来各种 教学法都是用任务的方法,类型包括翻译、造句、写作、调 查、复述、故事、标语广告、小册子、口头陈述、广播剧、 录像、网页制作、戏剧表演、讨论、问答等,但过去的任务 只是为了进一步练习和巩固所学的一种一种辅助手段,而现 在的任务则是一种占主导地位的课堂教学模式。
第二种关系是学生之间的相互信任的平等协作关系,课堂学 习通过互动活动进行。
教学活动包括翻译、小组活动、录音、听写分析、纪录课堂 感想、观察报告、自由交谈等。该教学法可以用于听说读写 等技能教学,但通常用于口语教学。
grammar translation method教学文案
Theoretical base
? Theory of language( 语言理论) ? Theory of learning( 学习理论)
Theory of language( 语言理论)
? (1)All languages originate from one language and are ruled by a common grammar. (所有语言都 源于一种共同语言,受约于同一种语法)
Teaching materials & methods
? 1 Teaching Aim ? GTM's teaching aim is to train students to be
able to read and write, mainly for listening and speaking which aren't paid more attention.
? 2 Curriculum (总课程)plan ? The content and progress of GTM, is in
accordance with the difficult principle of teaching grammar and vocabulary ,which focus on training thosn to be the basic procedures in foreign language teaching from the 16th century when modern languages such as French, Italian and English gained in importance as a result of political changes in Europe.
英语教学法主要流派一、语法翻译法(Grammar-Translation Method)语法翻译法是最古老的外语教学法,是中世纪欧洲人教希腊语、拉丁语等死语言的教学法,到了18世纪,欧洲的学校虽然开设了现代外语课,但仍然沿用语法翻译法,当时语言学的研究对象基本上还是书面语。
二、直接法(Direct Method)直接法是19世纪下半叶始于西欧的外语教学改革运动的产物,是语法翻译法的对立面。
</i>Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching<i>语法翻译法是最原始的英语教学方法。
</i>Grammar method / Grammar translation method Ollendorff’s method / Jacotot’s method Traditional method Classical method / Old method<i>语法翻译法是最原始的英语教学方法。
</i>Translation MethodGrammar Translation MethodLexicon Translation MethodTranslation Comparison MethodModern Translation Method<i>语法翻译法是最原始的英语教学方法。
</i>What is Grammar Translation Method?The Grammar-Translation Method is a method of foreign or second language teaching derived from the classical method of teaching Greek and Latin which uses translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities.<i>语法翻译法是最原始的英语教学方法。
</i>BackgroundIn Middle Ages, Latin was the dominant language of education, commerce, religion, and government in the Western world. In the 16th century, however, French, Italian, and English gained in importance as a result of political changes in Europe, and Latin gradually became displaced as a language of spoken and written communication.The study of classical Latin and an analysis of its grammar and rhetoric became the model for foreign language studyfrom the 17th century to the 19th century.<i>语法翻译法是最原始的英语教学方法。
英语教学法种类(转)一、翻译法(Translation Method)翻译法也叫语法翻译法(Grammar-Translation Method)、阅读法(Reading Method)、古典法(Classical Method)。
翻译法历史悠久,其优点是:1. 学生语法概念清晰;2. 阅读能力较强,尤其是遇到长而难的句子时通过分析句子结构便能理解意思;3. 有助于培养翻译能力和写作能力。
翻译法的缺点是:1. 忽视口语教学,学生的语音语调差,不利于培养学生用外语进行交际的能力;2. 教学方式单一,学生容易失去兴趣。
二、直接法(Direct Method)直接法也叫自然法(Natural Method)、心理法(Psychological Method)、口语法(Oral Method)、改良法(Reformed Method)。
直接法流行甚广,其优点是:1. 采用各种直观教具,广泛运用接近实际生活的教学方式,有助于培养用外语思维的能力;2. 强调直接学习和直接应用,注重语言实践练习,学生学习积极性高,学习兴趣浓厚;3. 重视口语和语音教学,能有效地培养学生的语言运用能力。
其缺点是:1. 排斥母语,使学生对一些抽象和复杂的概念难以理解;2. 没有明晰的语法解释,导致学生说出的话语法错误较多。
三、听说法(Audiolingualism, Audiolingual Method)听说法于20世纪40至60年代盛行于美国。
语法翻译法(Grammar-Translation Method)是一种传统的英语授课方法,它倾向于用母语翻译外语表示原文,关注的是外语的语法和词汇的认知。
英语教学法 之 Grammermethod.
Unit 2 Communicative Language Teaching (交际教学,简称CLT) Traditional teaching methods (传统教学法) 1 Grammar-translation Method (语法翻译法) 2 Direct Method (直接法) 3 Audio-lingual Method (听说法)
• 8:00—8:10 同类型I • 8:10-8:20 同类型I但两人一组 对话及学生上讲台对话时间减少5分钟。 • 8:20-8:30 句型操练――机械操 练:同类型I句型操练,但减少每一步骤时 间。 • 8:30-8:40 句型操练有意义练习: 教师给出情景,要求学生用动词现在进行时 的形式表达。情景如下:
• 1 Key points • 2 Reflection (T) • 3 Ss’ practice (assignment checking)
• T: Zhang, please stand up. (After Zhang stood up.) • T: (To the class): Now Zhang is standing, but you : (To Zhang): Zhang, please go to the door. • T: (To the class, while Zhang is walking to the door): Now Zhang is walking to the door. 用不同的动词做了类似的练习后,教师总结动 词现在分词变化规律及现在进行时的意义。 8:25—8:30 根据教师示范,学生两人一组, 一个说英语,一个做动作,练习动词现在进行 时。 • 8:30—8:45 教授新课文:教师出示一幅表 述课文内容的图画。一边讲解图画,一边检查 学生是否理解。讲解后根据图画提问,要求学 生回答。 • 8:45—8:50 学生两人一组根据图画提问与 回答。
grammar translation method
grammar translation methodGrammar Translation MethodThe Grammar Translation Method (GTM) is one of the oldest known methods for teaching foreign languages. This method originated in the late 19th century and was widely used in the early 20th century. GTM is characterized by the emphasis placed on learning vocabulary, grammar rules, and translations from one language to another. This approach is still used in many countries around the world, especially in countries where there is a high demand for learning academic or literary language.TheoryThe GTM is based on the idea that a foreign language should be learned through the analysis of its grammar rules and vocabulary. The method assumes that language is a set of rules that must be learned by memorization and through the translation of texts. Vocabulary is reduced tolists of words to be memorized, and grammar rulesare taught through explicit instruction and translation exercises. Texts are used mainly for the practice of reading comprehension and to provide cultural context.MethodThe main techniques used in the GTM are translation, memorization, repetition, anddrilling. The focus of instruction is on thewritten form of the language, with little attention given to the spoken form. The teacher explains the grammar rules and presents example sentences, which students then translate into their native language. Students then practice these rules through written exercises and reading comprehension.AdvantagesThe GTM has some advantages. Firstly, it is an effective method for learning grammar rules and vocabulary. Secondly, it allows students to translate texts from one language to another, which can be useful for reading comprehension andliterary appreciation. Thirdly, it can be appliedto different languages and can be used to teach both written and spoken forms of the language.DisadvantagesDespite its advantages, the GTM has several disadvantages. Firstly, it does not emphasize the importance of communication or the spoken form of the language. Secondly, the focus on grammar rules may be demotivating for learners who prefer a more communicative approach to learning. Thirdly, the method does not encourage creativity or critical thinking in the process of learning.RelevanceIn recent years, the GTM has fallen out of favor, and many language teachers and experts have criticized it as an outdated method. However, it still holds relevance in some contexts. In countries where literary or academic language is a key learning goal, the GTM may still be an effective method. Also, it can be useful for students who are preparing for standardized tests that focus on grammar and vocabulary.ConclusionThe Grammar Translation Method is an old-fashioned and traditional way of learning languages. Although it still has its advantages, such as being effective for learning grammar and vocabulary, it also has several disadvantages, including its lack of emphasis on communication and creativity. As such, it is not suited to everyone and should be used in conjunction with other modern methods for optimal language learning.。
第二语言 教学法流派总汇
第二语言教学法流派一、语法翻译法(the Grammar-Translation Method)又称翻译法(Translation Method)、传统法(Traditional Method)、阅读法(Reading Method)或古典法(Classical Method)。
翻译法代表有普洛茨(Karl Plotz)、奥朗多弗(H. Ollendorff)和雅科托(Jacotot)。
语法翻译法的基本特点: 1、翻译是教学的基本手段。
二、直接法(the Direct Method)又称自然法(Natural Method)。
代表人物有贝利兹(M.D. Berlitz)、古恩(F. Gouin)、帕默(H.E. Parmer)、耶斯帕森(O. Jesperson)和韦斯特(M. West)等。
谢 谢!
1.过分强调解释的作用,忽视非翻译性训练手段 的运用;不理解两种语言之间很难有等价的翻译。
缺 2.过分重视语法知识传授,忽视语言运用能力的 培养。
点 3.忽视听说能力的培养,重文轻语。
4.强调死记硬背,教学方式单一,不易引起学生 的兴趣。
逐句翻译后学生 对课文内容有了 更加深入的了解。 为了使学生能够 把课文的内容用 比较规范的母语 表达出来,要进 行切合原意的翻 译,以培养学生 的翻译技巧。
语法翻译法强调语言的准确性。要求学生在翻译方面达到较 高的水平。 语法翻译法认为外语学习的目的是阅读文学经典或通过外语 的学习促进文化知识修养。 课堂管理采取教师权威模式,教学是教师向学生灌输知识的 单向行为。 阅读和写作能力是语法翻译法教学关注的焦点,这种教学法 一般不注重口语和听力。 教学用母语进行,翻译是学习的主要活动形式。
教师在黑板上列 出本课新词的单 词、音标及母语 解释,逐字讲解, 并带读单词使学 生知道单词的发 音和意义。
教师用本族语把 文章的作者和写 作背景做简单叙 述,接着教师对 文章大意进行译 述,以使学生对 文章的整体有一 个初步理解。
对课文进行语言 分析并进行逐词、 逐句的翻译。在 逐句翻译的时候, 教师先朗读句子, 然后用母语解释 词义、短语的意 义和句子的意义。 遇到语法方面的 问题,教师会较 详细地解释语法。
法 翻
教师在教学设计和教学实践中,不但要重视对口语内容的安排,还 要在整个教学过程中坚持听、说、读、写全面发展的教学思想。
外语教学法主要流派及其特点一、翻译法(Translation Method)翻译法也叫语法翻译法(Grammar—Translation Method)、阅读法(Reading Method)、古典法(Classical Method)。
学生语法概念清晰;2. 阅读能力较强,尤其是遇到长而难的句子时通过分析句子结构便能理解意思;3。
翻译法的缺点是:1. 忽视口语教学,学生的语音语调差,不利于培养学生用外语进行交际的能力;2。
教学方式单一,学生容易失去兴趣.二、直接法(Direct Method)直接法也叫自然法(Natural Method)、心理法(Psychological Method)、口语法(Oral Method)、改良法(Reformed Method)。
采用各种直观教具,广泛运用接近实际生活的教学方式,有助于培养用外语思维的能力;2. 强调直接学习和直接应用,注重语言实践练习,学生学习积极性高,学习兴趣浓厚;3。
排斥母语,使学生对一些抽象和复杂的概念难以理解;2. 没有明晰的语法解释,导致学生说出的话语法错误较多.三、听说法(Audiolingualism,Audiolingual Method)听说法于20世纪40至60年代盛行于美国。
中学英语常见的教学方法介绍1.语法翻译法(grammar translation method)2.直接法(direct method)3.听说法(audio-lingual method4.视听法(audio--visual approach)一、语法翻译法(grammar translation method)(一)语法翻译法及其理论基础1.定义:语法翻译法(grammartranslationmethod),又称“翻译法”、“传统法”、“古典法”。
对中国产生过影响的教学法流派及其优缺点一、语法翻译法(the Grammar Translation Method)语法翻译法对近代和当代语言教学产生重大影响,对中国外语教学的影响达数十年。
16 ~17 世纪,处于文艺复兴中心的欧洲人崇尚古典文化,学习拉丁文,通过阅读来继承文化遗产。
18 世纪以后,以英语和法语为代表的现代语言作为外语取代拉丁文,但其教学方法仍然沿用教授拉丁文时的方法,因为当时的语言学家认为:世界上大多数语言源于同一种语言,词汇概念和语法结构都是相同的,通过“等值翻译”可以实现不同语言之间的理解和沟通。
语法翻译法从20 世纪初就开始影响我国的外语教学,经过几十年的实践运用,我国教师运用“语法翻译法”颇有心得,将其总结为“八字诀”,即“读( 课文) ”、“译( 句子) ”、“讲( 语法规则) ”、“问( 提问) ”、“背( 规则) ”、“练( 习) ”、“记 ( 单词) ”、“测 ( 试) ”。
Grammar-Translation Method
Class is over ***
Grammar-translation method
The grammar translation method is a method of teaching foreign languages derived from the classical (sometimes called traditional) method of teaching Greek and Latin. In grammar-translation classes, students learn grammatical rules and then apply those rules by translating sentences between the target language and the native language. Advanced students may be required to translate whole texts word-for-word.
Oi=Indirect object Od=Direct object
Detailed Explanation
buy sb sth
eg: I bought some beautiful flowers.
eg: I bought Mom some beautiful flowers.
Principles and goals
There are two main goals to grammar-translation classes. One is to develop students’ reading ability to a level where they can read literature in the target language. The other is to develop students’ general mental discipline. The users of foreign language wanted simply to note things of their interest in the literature of foreign languages. Therefore, this method focuses on reading and writing and has developed techniques which facilitate more or less the learning of reading and writing only. As a result, speaking and listening are overlooked.
Grammar Translation method
2. Reading and writing are the major focus; little or nor systematic attention is paid to speaking and listening.
3.Vocabulary selection is based solely on the reading texts used, and words are taught through bilingual word lists, dictionary study, and memorization. In a typical Grammar-translation text, the grammar rules are presented and illustrated, a list of vocabulary items is presented with their translation equivalents, and translation exercises prescribed.
1.The method by definition has a very limited scope of objectives.
2.Through grammar translation, students lacked an active role in the classroom.
1. Grammar-translation is a way of studying a language that approaches the language first through detailed analysis of its grammar rules, followed by application of this knowledge to the task of translating sentences and texts into and out of the target language. "The first language is maintained as the reference system in the acquisition of the second language".
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3. The Grammar-Translation Method
Grammar Translation Method is a way of studying a language that approaches the language first th rough detailed analysis of its grammar rules, followed by application of this knowledge to the task of translating sentences and texts into and out of the target language. It hence views language lear ning as memorizing rules and facts in order to understand and manipulate the morphology and syn tax of the foreign language.
3.1 The principal characteristics
The goal of foreign language study is to learn a language in order to read its literature or in orde r to benefit from intellectual development that result from foreign-language study.
Reading and writing are the major focus; little or no systematic attention is paid to speaking or l istening.
V ocabulary selection is based on the reading texts, and words are taught through bilingual word lists and memorization.
In a typical
Grammar-Translation text, the grammar rules are presented and explained, and a list of vocabulary items are presented with their translation.
The sentence is the basic unit of teaching. Much of the lesson is devoted to translating sentences into and out of the target language, and it is this focus on the sentence that is a distinctive feature of the method.
Accuracy is emphasized. Students are expected to attain high standards in translation.
Grammar is taught deductively — that is, by presentation and study of grammar rules, which ar e then practiced through translation exercises. There was an attempt to teach grammar in an organi zed and systematic way. The student's native language is the medium of instruction. It is used t o explain new items and to enable comparisons to be made between the foreign language and the s tudent's native language.
3.2 The procedure
Classes were conducted in the native language.=> A chapter in a distinctive textbook of this metho d would begin with a massive bilingual vocabulary list. Grammar points would come directly fro m the texts and be presented in the textbook, to be explained elaborately by the teacher. => Gram mar thus provided the rules for assembling words into sentences. Tedious translation and grammar drills would be used to exercise and strengthen the knowledge without much attention to content. => Sentences would be translated. Eventually, entire texts would be translated from the target lang uage into the native language. => Very little attention was placed on pronunciation or any commun icative aspects of the language. The skill exercised was reading, and then only in the context of tra nslation.
3.3 Summary In this method:
while teaching the text book, the teacher translates every word, phrase from English into the mo ther tongue of learners;
students are required to translate sentences from their mother tongue into English;
the exercises are based on various items covering the grammar of the target language;
the method emphasizes the study of grammar through deduction that is through the study of the rules of grammar.
3.4 Advantages of the method
1. The target language is quickly explained. Translation is the easiest way of explaining meanings or words and phrases from one language into another.
2. Teacher’s labour is saved. The textbooks are taught through the medium of the mother tongue, as well as the communication between the te acher and students.
3.5 Disadvantages of the method
1. The learning process is reversed. The teaching of the second language starts with the teaching o
f readin
g rather than listening and speaking.
2. Speech is neglected. The Grammar Translation Method lays emphasis on reading and writing. T he students will fail to express themselves adequately in spoken English.
3. Exact translation is not possible. Translation is a difficult task and exact translation from one la nguage to another is not always possible.
4. The Method does not provide any practice to the learner. It rather attempts to teach language th rough rules and not by use. The students may find it difficult to give up the habit of first thinking i n their mother tongue and than translating their ideas into the second language.。