Moral development – the learning theory approach
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unconditional response Anxiety
+ Shout/smack Immoral act
Conditional stimulus Immoral act
conditional stimulus
Unconditional stimulus
UCR Anxiety
conditional response Anxiety
+ The moral behaviours of a society will be positively
reinforced (rewarded) by attention and praise when children show them, while immoral behaviours will usually be punished and so are less likely to occur again. Avoiding immoral behaviour will be negatively reinforced by threats of punishment. 当孩子表现出的道德行为受到注意和赞扬时,社 会的道德行为会得到正加强。相同地,当不道德 行为受到惩罚时,会大大减少它再次发生的几率。 因害怕惩罚而回避不道德行为形成负强化。 positively reinforced 正强化 negatively reinforced 负强化
2)Learning theories underestimate cognitive factors in moral development. Although the social learning approach has introduced cognitive aspects such as expectancies and internal reinforcement and punishment, the theory neglects the complexity and influence of moral reasoning on behaviour. 学习理论低估了认知因素在道德发展中的作用。 社会学习方法引进了认知方面的因素,例如期待 和内部强化和惩罚,但是理论忽略了道德推理在 行为中的复杂性和影响力。 moral reasoning 道德推理
• 2)These theories can account for moral
inconsistency since morality is reinforced differently by different environmental situations. • 这些理论能够解释道德不一致现象,因为 在不同的环境条件下,道德行为受到不同 的强化。 • Hartshorne and May(1930) found that the consistency of immoral behaviour across different situations was not high. • Hartshorne和May发现这些不同情境下的不 道德行为,一致性并不高。
道德发展观 的 学习理论方法
+ Explains moral behaviour in terms of conditioned
+ According to Eysenck, the timing of the associations
will produce different moral effects + 根据Eysenck的理论,这种关联的时间性会导致不 同的道德影响。
• A. punishment before immoral acts causes a
+ B. punishment does not reinforce the correct
behaviour, leads to resentment, hostility and tolerance, and may increase bad behaviour if that behaviour is used to gain attention. 惩罚并不会强化正确行为,相反会导致怨 恨感,敌意 和容忍,如果这行为是用来获得 关注的话可能增加不良的行为。 resentment 怨恨 tolerance 容忍
+ Generalised imitation may provide a better
explanation of acquiring parental morals than Freudian identification.
+ 总体的模仿能够提供一个更好百度文库解释,我
们所获得的道德规范更多地来源于父母, 而不是弗洛伊德的精神分析识别。
+ Suggests that the development of moral
behaviour depends upon the reinforcement consequences of a child's behaviour. 认为道德行为发展依赖于儿童行为的强化 结果。 reinforcement consequences 强化后果
verbally before touching a forbidden toy were more able to resist touching it when the experimenter left the room than boys punished after touching it.
• Aronfreed发现在实验者离开房间之前给予
男孩子们禁止触碰玩具的口头警告,比在 他们触碰后接受惩罚更可能抵抗这一行为。
+ Solomon et al(1968) found similar effects
when punishing dogs before or after eating forbidden food. When starved and left alone with the food the dogs that had been punished before touching it resisted longer, while those punished afterwards showed more signs of "doggy guilt". Solomon在惩罚狗吃禁止食物前后发现相同 的结果。 Solomon 所罗门
非条件性刺激 (Shout/smack) 骂/打 条件刺激 非条件刺激 骂/打
无条件性反应 焦虑
+ 不道德行为
条件刺激 不道德行为
无条件反 应 焦虑 条件反应 焦虑
+ Repeated pairing of the conditional stimulus
and unconditional stimulus will eventually cause anxiety just at the thought of an immoral act. + 重复一对条件刺激和非条件刺激将最终导 致紧张感,在想到不道德的行为时。
• Disadvantage
• 1)the evidence gathered from non-human
subjects is of doubtful generalisability, and social learning theory experiments often take place in artificial laboratory conditions. 然而,这些证据来源于非人类的客体,存 在令人怀疑的适用性,并且社会学习理论 实验经常发生在人为的实验条件下。 generalisability 适应能力
• 3)Moral behaviour may be better explained in
terms of children's compliance or conformity to adult norms and rules, rather than fixed learning. Kochanska and Aksan (1995) distinguish between committed compliance and situational compliance (where parents have to constantly prompt children to do as they are told). 通过儿童更顺从和从众于成人的规范和规则,而 不是固定的学习,能够更好地解释道德行为。 • 。Kochanska和Aksan对约束性顺从和条件性顺从 进行了区别 committed compliance 约束性顺从 Prompt 提示
• Suggest that children learn moral behaviour by
observing and imitating model who behave in moral way, especially if they see the model's behaviour positively reinforced and expect similar rewards. 认为儿童学习到的道德行为是通过观察和一些模 仿那些表现出道德行为的人,特别是他们看见那 些人行为是正强化并且期待能够得到相似的奖赏 时。 imitating model 模仿模式
+ Advantage
1)The theories and their application to morality have received experimental support. 道德的社会学习理论及应用已经得到实验支持
• Aronfreed(1963) found boys punished
+ Positive reinforcement is usually more effective than
punishment because + 正强化相对于惩罚而言更有效是因为: + A. rewards give information about correct behaviour, a sense of pride, and the motivation to repeat the good behaviour. 奖励传递给我们关于正确行为的信息,产生自豪感和重 复正确行为的动机。
sense of conscience ( resistance to temptation ), 在不道德行为发生之前惩罚会引起一种道德心 (对引诱的抵抗) • B. punishment after immoral acts develops feelings of guilt ( a sense of remorse ). 如果在不道德行为之后给予惩罚会发展成内疚 感(懊悔感) Conscience 道德心、良知
emotional responses, formed in the usual classical conditioning manner.
用一系列的条件化情绪反应解释道德行为,形成了一般 经典条件行为
+ Conditioned emotional responses 条件化情绪反应
unconditional stimulus Shout/smack
• Observation of models who are punished for an
immoral act will cause the child to experience vicarious(indirect) punishment, resulting in the child avoiding that particular behaviour. 通过观察那些由于不道德行为所导致的惩罚会 使儿童产生替代性惩罚,从而使儿童避免特定 的行为 Vicarious punishment替代性惩罚