


大学生英语俱乐部(EnglishClub)是由 外国语学院组织发起,受大学生联合会统 一管理、属于大学生社团联合会会员单位 之一,面向全校师生的学生社团。我们俱 乐部聘请外国语学院胡荣华担任指导老师, 聘请外籍教师担任活动顾问,我们如期开 展丰富多彩的大型活动与常规活动,深受 广大师生的欢迎与支持。
活动期间,同学们积极参与互 动,配合工作人员开展活动。同时 同学们也体验到许多美国地道的万 圣节游戏,在忙碌的学习之余得到 身心的放松。
活动前期,工作人员提前一备背景音 乐等。为此次活动顺利开展打下基 础。
此次活动不仅丰富了同学们的 课余生活,也给英语俱乐部的各位
副会长 周佳
aaron (外教)
alex (外教)
策划部 熊倩
会长 吴亚玲
宣传部 杨雪敏
文艺部 杨玉梅
副会长 向雨欣
学习部 王小华
后勤部 杨诗怡
秘书部 杨娇
这张照片是2019年11月1日星 期五,在绣A举办的万圣节活动。 图1中外教alex与同学们积极互动; 图2为活动期间同学们亲手制作的 精美南瓜灯。

风云成功英语俱乐部发展历程 (1)-

风云成功英语俱乐部发展历程 (1)-















One for all, all for one!中南大学英语俱乐部章程(1995年4月第一届常务委员会制订,2008年8月第十四届常务委员会修订)总纲中南大学英语俱乐部成立于1995年4月,直属于共青团中南大学委员会,是以中南大学外国语学院为学术依托,加上成员的自身的学术蕴涵行成的学术型人文社团之一。

英语俱乐部坚持正确的政治方向,贯彻党的教育方针及学校的育人思想,以“活跃校园英语学术氛围、提高大学生英语应用水平、感受中西方文化精髓、促进大学生”为指导思想,以高校大学生英语学习为中心,提出了“Enjoy English, Enjoy Your Life”的口号,“When things get tough, the tough gets going!”的社团精神和“One for all, all for one!”的经营理念,服务广大会员及学生,弘扬校园文化,尽心打造一流社团的品牌。










第三条会员的权利及义务中南大学英语俱乐部的会员享有如下权利:增强创新理念,创和谐社团When things get tough, the tough gets going!选举及被选举权:社团会员可以参加社团干部的选拔并享有录用的优先权。



One for all, all for one!中南大学英语俱乐部简介中南大学英语俱乐部成立于1995年4月17日,由中南大学外国语学院(原中南工业大学外国语学院)创建,目前直属于中南大学校团委,设有主校、铁道、湘雅三个分会,是中南大学第一家大型综合性英语社团。





自成立以来,我们本着“提高同学英语应用能力”的基本宗旨,“融学习娱乐为一体”的工作思路,秉承“享受英语,享受生活”(“Enjoy English, Enjoy your life!”)“When things get tough, the tough gets going!”的精神和”One for all, all for one!”的经营理念,创新性的组织了内容丰富多彩的活动,得到了上级主管和广大会员的充分肯定。

英语俱乐部坚持正确的政治方向,贯彻党的教育方针及学校的育人思想,以“活跃校园英语学术氛围、提高大学生英语应用水平、感受西方文化精髓、促进中西大学生交流”为指导思想,以大学生英语学习为中心,提出了“ Enj oy English,Enjoy Your Life ”的口号,在校内外开展颇具特色和影响增强创新理念,创和谐社团When things get tough, the tough gets going!力的活动。



英语社团简介BEA协会介绍商务英语协会,英文全称Business English Associatio 简称BEA, 成立于四川大学2005年11月,是一批有激情,有责任心的同学申请创建。

作为一个充满阳光而最具活力的组织,这里聚集着一批最为优秀,最有梦想与激情的年轻人,在这里,他们畅谈人生,他们飞扬青春,用心实践,一起努力着为美好的未来而奋斗!我们的理念:Benevolence 服务他人Enthusiasm 释放激情Ability 提高技能You are unique,no one can replace you !我们的宗旨:立足实际,以英语应用为基础,广泛深入地开展具有学术性,知识性,实践性的课外活动,为广大有抱负心的同学搭建与商务世界的桥梁,营造一个真正属于我们有梦想的年轻人的一个最具青春活力与温馨的大家庭,并更好的促进学校人文建设!自2008年6月换届以来,BEA开始了制度化责任型学生组织建设,用制度固化优良传统,并努力提升自身文化底蕴,规划新学年工作重点,用心和责任提高组织战斗力。











曼城俱乐部介绍英语作文English Answer:Manchester City Football Club.Manchester City Football Club is a professionalfootball club based in Manchester, England. The club was founded in 1880 as St. Mark's (West Gorton), and its first competitive match was played in November 1880 against Gorton St. Marks. The club was renamed Manchester City in 1894 and moved to its current home ground, the Etihad Stadium, in 2003.Manchester City has won numerous trophies throughoutits history, including eight Premier League titles, six FA Cups, eight League Cups, and the 1970 European Cup Winners' Cup. The club has also competed in the UEFA Champions League regularly in recent years, reaching the semi-finals in 2016 and 2023.Some of the most famous players to have played for Manchester City include Sergio Agüero, David Silva,Vincent Kompany, Yaya Touré, and Kevin De Bruyne. The club is currently managed by Pep Guardiola, who has led the team to three Premier League titles in four years.Chinese Answer:曼城足球俱乐部。



观光旅游及第七届全 国小学生英语 短剧大赛 等活动 。在短
短五天的共 同的学 习和生活 中,小学生们充分展现 了他们
的英语 和才 艺风采 , 他们互相交 流 、 学习 , 高英语 虚心 在提
水平的同时, 也建立 了深厚的友谊 。
7月 1 9日, 从第 九届全 国小学生英语故事大赛预赛 中 脱颖而出的 9 名 营员代表全 国各省( 0 自治区、 直辖市 ) 参加
短 短五 天 的 2 0 0 8年全 国小学 生英 语 竞赛 总决 赛 暨 20 0 8年全 国小学 生英语 夏令 营活动结束了 , 是它的影响 但 是深远 的。 夏令营生活虽然短暂 , 但在每一位小学生营员的 记忆 中却是美丽和难忘的。 在本次活动中, 我们也发现了小 学生们存在的不足 ,如各地小学生 的英语听说能力发展不 平衡 ,部分营员暴露 出英语语言基础知识不牢和基本技能 方 面的欠缺 , 在英语学习经验交流会 、 故事大赛及短剧大赛 中思路 不够宽 、 语言准 确度差 、 表达不流畅 , 部分小学 生的 生活 自理能力 、 心理承受能力和团队协作能力较差等 问题。 由这些问题引发的思考将为我 国小学教学改革的深入进行 和广大小学英语教师的教学实践提供有力 的参考。
本 届全 国小学生英语 竞赛 总决赛选手共计 1 5名 , 8 分 别代 表全国 2 个省 ( 3 自治 区、 直辖市 ) 参赛 , 体现 了中国小
学生 的最高英语水平 。
本届总决赛 于竞赛组织委员会主任包 天仁教
外专家 、评委为在第九届全国小学 生英语故事大赛和第七 届全 国小学生英语短 剧大赛 中获奖 的营员颁发 了奖杯 、 奖 牌及证 书。国家基础教育实验中心外语教育研究 中心秘书 处负责人盖丽娃女士致闭幕辞 ,她在肯定了本次夏令营活 动举办 的意义 的同时也 对小学 生营员 们提 出了鼓励 和希 望。最后 , 长春市小学生献上 了一 台精彩的英语 文艺节 目, 来 自长春市十几所小学的数百名小学生在演 出中展示 了他 们的才艺 , 同时展示 了长春市小学英语教学 的丰硕成果。 在本次夏令营活动期间组 委会 召开 了全 国小学生英语 竞赛组委会工作座谈会 , 会上各省( 治 区、 自 直辖市 ) 的竞赛 主要负责同志谈 了各 省( 自治 区、 直辖市 ) 的竞赛 工作情况 , 对全国小学生英语竞赛活动提出了许多建设性 的意见和建 议 ,充分肯定了此竞赛对 当地小学英语教学 的促进和推动



2008 Beijing Olympic Club
2008北京奥林匹克 俱乐部
每人表演一个国家 的运动员,四人一 组,用今天所学句 型进行自由交谈.
Q1:Where are you from? Q2:Do you speak…? Q3:What’s your hobby? Q4:What do you usually do on Sundays? Q5:…..
1、上北京奥运会官方网站浏览更多有 关本届奥运会的知识。
2、在网上搜索你喜欢的各国运动员的国籍、语言、 爱好,为他/她制作一张个性名片,发至老师的E-Mail vivi_radio@hotmail.colm。
3、搜集奥运英语,并大声朗读。 4、完成今天的对话,并大声朗读UNIT9 B、C、D
great and beautiful
Who is he?
He’s ________. Beckham He’s from________. the UK
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland
Drills: (Fill in the blanks)
1.Nancy is from the UK . She is British . 2.Is Bush from the UK? No , he is from The USA . He is American . 3.Is Panpan from China ? Yes , it is . It is Chinese .



武术俱乐部英语简介作文The Martial Arts Club。

The Martial Arts Club is a place where people of all ages can come together to learn and practice the ancientart of martial arts. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, you will find a welcoming and supportive community here.Our club offers a wide range of classes and programs, including traditional Chinese martial arts such as Tai Chi, Shaolin Kung Fu, and Wing Chun, as well as modern styles like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai. Our experienced instructors are passionate about sharing their knowledge and helping students achieve their goals.In addition to our regular classes, we also offer workshops and seminars with visiting master instructors from around the world. These events provide a unique opportunity for students to learn from some of the bestmartial artists in the world and to deepen their understanding of the art.At The Martial Arts Club, we believe that martial arts training is not just about physical fitness and self-defense, but also about personal growth and development. Our classes emphasize discipline, focus, and respect, and our students often report feeling more confident, centered, and empowered as a result of their training.Whether you are looking to improve your fitness, learn self-defense skills, or simply explore a new hobby, The Martial Arts Club is the perfect place to start. Come join us and discover the many benefits of martial arts training!。



乒乓球俱乐部简介的英语作文Our Awesome Ping Pong Club.Hey, you! Yeah, you! Come join our ping pong club! It's not just a place to play, it's a community of passionate players. We've got all sorts of folks here, from beginners to pros, and everyone's welcome.The atmosphere is super chill. You can just show up, grab a paddle, and start hitting. Or, if you're feeling social, there's always someone ready to play a friendly match. We've even got regular tournaments where you cantest your skills against the best.The club is open all week, so you can come whenever you feel like it. We've got all the equipment you need, and if you need help with your technique, there are always members around who are happy to give you a few pointers.And let's not forget the fun part! Ping pong is notjust a sport, it's a great way to relax and unwind after a long day. You can make new friends, have some laughs, and maybe even improve your hand-eye coordination. So what are you waiting for? Come on down and join the fun!。



介绍舞蹈俱乐部英文作文英文:Dance club is a great place for people who love dancing.I joined a dance club in my college last year, and it has been an amazing experience. We have different types ofdance classes like salsa, hip hop, contemporary, and many more. The instructors are very professional and friendly. They teach us step by step and make sure that we understand the moves properly.Apart from the dance classes, we also have danceparties every month. It's a great opportunity for us to showcase our skills and also have fun. We also organize dance competitions where we can compete with our fellow members.The best thing about the dance club is the community. We are like a big family, and we support each other. We practice together, share our experiences and help eachother to improve. It's a great feeling to be a part of such a supportive community.Overall, the dance club has been a great addition to my college life. It has not only helped me to improve my dancing skills but also made some great friends.中文:舞蹈俱乐部是一个很棒的地方,适合喜欢跳舞的人。



介绍围棋社团英语作文Introduction to Go Club。

Go Club is a popular club in our school that focuses on the ancient board game of Go. This club provides a platform for students who are interested in learning and playing Go to come together and improve their skills. In this article, we will introduce the Go Club, its activities, benefits, and how to join.The Go Club meets every Tuesday and Thursday after school in the school library. It is open to students of all ages and skill levels, from beginners to advanced players. The club is led by Mr. Zhang, a passionate Go player and experienced teacher. Under his guidance, students have the opportunity to learn from a skilled player and improve their understanding of the game.During the club meetings, various activities are organized to engage the members. The first hour is dedicated to learning and practicing basic Go strategies. Mr. Zhang provides interactive lessons, explaining the rules, tactics, and techniques of the game. He also shares his own experiences and insights, which greatly benefit the members.After the lessons, the club members engage in friendly matches with each other. This gives them the opportunity to apply what they have learned and further develop their skills. The matches are not only competitive but also foster a sense of camaraderie among the members. The club also organizes internal tournaments where members can compete and showcase their abilities.Apart from regular meetings, the Go Club also participates in inter-school competitions. These competitions provide a chance for our members to test their skills against players from other schools. It is a great opportunity to gain experience, learn from others, and build connections with fellow Go enthusiasts.Joining the Go Club has numerous benefits for students. Firstly, it helps to improve logical thinking and strategic planning skills. Go is a game that requires deep analysis, forward thinking, and decision-making, which are valuable skills applicable in variousaspects of life. Secondly, it enhances concentration and focus. Playing Go requires intense concentration and the ability to think several moves ahead, thus improving mental discipline. Lastly, the club provides a social platform for students who share a common interest. It allows them to make new friends, exchange ideas, and develop a sense of belonging.To join the Go Club, interested students can simply attend the regular meetings held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There is no formal registration process or membership fee required. All they need is enthusiasm and a desire to learn and play Go. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, the Go Club welcomes everyone with open arms.In conclusion, the Go Club provides a wonderful opportunity for students to learn and play the ancient board game of Go. With engaging activities, experienced guidance, and a friendly environment, the club offers a platform for students to improve their skills, make new friends, and enjoy the game. Joining the Go Club not only enhances logical thinking and concentration but also provides a sense of belonging. So why wait? Come and join the Go Club today to embark on an exciting journey of strategy and intellect.。



介绍游泳社团英语作文60词左右全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Introduction to Swimming ClubThe swimming club is a popular club at our school. It is open to all students who are interested in swimming and want to improve their skills. The club meets twice a week at the school pool for practice sessions.The club is led by Coach Jackson, who is a professional swimming coach with many years of experience. He provides expert guidance and training to all club members to help them improve their technique and endurance in the water.Swimming is a great way to stay fit and healthy. It is afull-body workout that can improve cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and flexibility. Swimming is also a low-impact exercise, making it suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels.Being a member of the swimming club is not only about improving your swimming skills, but also about building friendships and having fun. The club organizes regular socialevents and team-building activities to bring members together and create a sense of camaraderie.If you are interested in joining the swimming club, you can sign up at the school gym. No previous swimming experience is required, so don't be afraid to give it a try! Swimming is a rewarding and enjoyable sport that can help you stay active and healthy for years to come.篇2Swimming club is a popular extracurricular activity for students. It offers a chance for people who enjoy swimming to come together, improve their skills, and have fun. Our swimming club meets twice a week at the local pool. We have a dedicated coach who helps us train and gives us guidance on different swimming techniques.One of the benefits of joining the swimming club is the opportunity to meet new people and make friends. We have members from all grades and different backgrounds, but we all share a love for swimming. It's a great way to bond and socialize with others who have similar interests.Another advantage of being part of the swimming club is the chance to compete in swim meets. We participate in inter-schoolcompetitions and local swim meets, which allows us to test our skills and see how much we have improved. It's a thrilling experience to race against other swimmers and push ourselves to do our best.Not only does the swimming club provide a physical outlet and competitive opportunities, but it also promotes a healthy lifestyle. Swimming is a great form of exercise that improves cardiovascular health, builds muscle strength, and boosts endurance. It's a full-body workout that can help students stay fit and active.In conclusion, the swimming club is a fantastic opportunity for students to come together, have fun, improve their swimming skills, and lead a healthy lifestyle. If you enjoy swimming and want to meet new people, I highly recommend joining a swimming club.篇3Swimming Club IntroductionThe swimming club is a popular extracurricular activity available to students at our school. The club is open to all skill levels, from beginners to experienced swimmers. Our goal is to provide a fun and supportive environment for students toimprove their swimming abilities, stay active, and meet new friends.The club meets twice a week at the school pool for practice sessions led by our experienced coaches. During practice, students have the opportunity to work on their strokes, endurance, and overall technique. We also offer specialized training for those interested in competitive swimming and provide guidance on nutrition and fitness to help members reach their full potential.In addition to regular practice sessions, the swimming club organizes social events and team-building activities throughout the school year. These events allow members to bond with their teammates, develop leadership skills, and create lasting memories. We also participate in inter-school swimming competitions, giving students the chance to showcase their skills and represent our school with pride.Joining the swimming club is a fantastic way to stay active, make friends, and improve your swimming abilities. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced swimmer seeking to take your skills to the next level, our club has something for everyone. We welcome all students to come and join us for a fun and rewarding swimming experience!。



象棋社团介绍英语作文English:The Chinese Chess Club is a vibrant and engaging community for students who are passionate about the game of Xiangqi. Our club aims to provide a platform for members to enhance their skills, connect with fellow chess enthusiasts, and participate in friendly matches and tournaments. We hold regular weekly meetings where members can practice and learn from each other, as well as participate in organized events such as workshops and demonstrations from skilled players. The club also fosters a sense of camaraderie and teamwork, encouraging members to collaborate and learn from each other in a supportive and inclusive environment. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics or a seasoned player looking for a competitive challenge, the Chinese Chess Club offers something for everyone.中文翻译:中国象棋社团是一个充满活力且引人入胜的社区,适合对象棋游戏充满热情的学生。



介绍大学中的各种俱乐部英语作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hey guys, do you know there are so many cool clubs in college? Let me tell you all about them!First, we have the sports clubs. There are clubs for basketball, soccer, volleyball, and so much more! If you love playing sports, you can join one of these clubs and have fun with your friends while staying active.Next, we have the music clubs. If you love singing or playing an instrument, you can join the choir or the band. You can perform at school events and even compete in music competitions. It's a great way to show off your talent and make new friends who share your love for music.There are also clubs for art lovers. You can join the art club and learn how to draw, paint, or sculpt. You can even showcase your artwork in galleries and art fairs. It's a wonderful opportunity to express your creativity and meet other artists who inspire you.If you're interested in helping others, you can join the community service club. You can volunteer at local shelters, organize charity events, and make a positive impact on your community. It's a rewarding experience that will make you feel good about yourself.Last but not least, we have the academic clubs. If you love science, math, or literature, you can join a club that focuses on your favorite subject. You can participate in competitions, attend lectures, and collaborate with other students who share your passion for learning.So there you have it, guys! The clubs in college are awesome and there's something for everyone. Don't be afraid to join one or even several clubs to make the most of your college experience. Have fun exploring your interests and meeting new friends!篇2Hello everyone! Today, I want to introduce to you the different clubs in university. There are so many cool clubs to choose from, and I'm sure you'll find one that you love!First, let's talk about the sports clubs. If you love playing sports, there are clubs for basketball, soccer, volleyball, and evenrock climbing! You can join a team and compete with other schools, or just play for fun with your friends. It's a great way to stay active and make new friends.Next, we have the arts and music clubs. If you're into singing, dancing, acting, or playing an instrument, there are clubs for you too! You can join the choir, the dance team, the theater club, or the orchestra. You'll have the chance to perform in front of an audience and show off your talents.Then, there are the academic clubs. If you're interested in science, math, literature, history, or any other subject, there's a club for you! You can join a debate club, a mathletes team, a book club, or a language club. You'll have the opportunity to learn more about your favorite subjects and participate in competitions.Lastly, there are the hobby clubs. If you have a special hobby or interest, there's probably a club for it! Whether you like cooking, photography, gardening, or gaming, you can find a club where you can share your passion with others. It's a great way to meet people who have the same interests as you.In conclusion, university clubs are a great way to get involved on campus, meet new people, and have fun outside of class. Don't be afraid to try out a few clubs and see which oneyou like the best. Who knows, you might discover a new passion or make lifelong friends!篇3Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about the various clubs in university. There are so many cool clubs to join, and they are a great way to make new friends and learn new things.First, let's talk about the music club. In the music club, you can learn how to play an instrument, sing, or even write your own songs. It's a fun way to express yourself and maybe even perform in front of an audience at a concert.Next, there's the sports club. Whether you like basketball, soccer, or volleyball, there's a club for you. You can practice and play games with your teammates, and maybe even compete in tournaments against other schools.If you're into art, the art club is perfect for you. You can paint, draw, or sculpt with other creative minds. You can also participate in art exhibitions and showcase your work to the university community.For those who love nature, the environmental club is a great way to make a difference. You can participate in tree planting,beach cleanups, and other eco-friendly activities to help protect our planet.There are also clubs for debate, photography, cooking, and so much more. No matter what your interests are, there's a club for you in university. So don't be shy, join a club and have fun!篇4Hey guys, do you know that there are so many fun clubs in college? Today, I'm going to introduce you to some of them!Firstly, we have the sports club! If you love playing sports like basketball, volleyball, or soccer, this is the perfect club for you. You can make friends while staying active and healthy.Next up, we have the music club! If you enjoy singing, playing instruments, or just listening to music, this club is for you. You can even learn to write your own songs and perform at school events.Then, there's the art club! If you're into drawing, painting, or just being creative, this is the club for you. You can unleash your artistic talents and even showcase your artwork at school exhibitions.Another cool club is the drama club! If you love acting, dancing, or being on stage, you should definitely join this club. You can participate in plays, musicals, and even improvise performances.Last but not least, there's the community service club! If you want to give back to the community and make a difference in the world, this is the club for you. You can volunteer at local charities, organize fundraisers, and help those in need.So guys, what are you waiting for? Join a club and have fun while making memories that will last a lifetime!篇5Hello everyone! Today I am going to talk about the different clubs in college. There are so many awesome clubs to join in college, and each one offers unique opportunities for students to learn new things, make friends, and have fun!First, let's talk about the sports clubs. If you love playing sports, there are clubs for basketball, soccer, tennis, and more. You can join a team and compete against other schools, or just play for fun with your friends. It's a great way to stay active and healthy while having a good time.Next, there are academic clubs for students who are interested in a specific subject. There are clubs for science, math, history, and more. These clubs often have guest speakers, field trips, and projects that help students learn more about their favorite subjects outside of the classroom.If you are interested in the arts, there are clubs for music, dance, theater, and art. You can showcase your talents in performances, exhibitions, and competitions. It's a great way to express yourself and meet other creative people who share your interests.There are also community service clubs that focus on giving back to the community. These clubs organize volunteer projects, fundraisers, and awareness campaigns for important causes. It's a great way to make a positive impact on the world while building valuable skills and experiences.Lastly, there are social clubs for students who just want to have a good time and hang out with friends. There are clubs for movies, games, food, and more. You can attend fun events, parties, and activities with other students who share your interests.Overall, college clubs offer something for everyone and are a great way to get involved on campus. So don't be shy, join a cluband start making the most of your college experience! Thank you for listening, and have a great day!篇6Hey guys, do you know that there are many fun clubs in college? Let me tell you about them!First, there is the music club. In the music club, you can learn to play instruments like guitar, piano, drums, and even sing! It's a great way to make new friends and express yourself through music.Next, we have the sports club. If you love playing sports like basketball, soccer, or volleyball, this is the club for you! You can compete with other colleges and improve your skills while staying fit and healthy.There is also the art club, where you can unleash your creativity through painting, drawing, and sculpting. You can learn different techniques and styles from experienced artists and showcase your work in exhibitions.If you're into helping others, you can join the volunteering club. You can participate in community service projects,fundraising events, and make a difference in the lives of those in need.For those interested in technology and coding, the computer science club is the perfect fit. You can learn programming languages, build websites, and create apps while collaborating with other tech enthusiasts.Last but not least, there is the debate club. If you enjoy expressing your opinions and defending your arguments, this is the club for you! You can participate in debates, discussions, and improve your public speaking skills.So, what are you waiting for? Join a club and have a blast in college!篇7Hey guys, do you know there are so many cool clubs in college? Let me introduce you to some of them!First up, we have the music club. If you love singing, dancing, or playing instruments, this is the perfect club for you. You can join a choir, learn to play the guitar, or even start your own band. Music club is a great way to express yourself and make new friends who share your love for music.Next, we have the sports club. Whether you're into basketball, soccer, or volleyball, there's a team for you to join. You can play games against other colleges, train with your teammates, and even compete in tournaments. Sports club is a fun way to stay active, healthy, and competitive.If you're more into art and creativity, the art club is the place for you. You can learn to draw, paint, sculpt, or even make jewelry. The art club often hosts exhibitions and workshops where you can showcase your work and learn from others. It's a great way to unleash your inner artist and explore your creativity.For all the bookworms out there, the literature club is a haven for you. You can discuss your favorite books, share your writing, or even start a book club. The literature club often hosts book fairs, poetry readings, and author talks. It's a great way to meet like-minded people and deepen your love for reading.Last but not least, we have the volunteer club. If you're passionate about helping others and making a difference in the community, this is the club for you. You can participate in charity events, organize fundraisers, or volunteer at local shelters. The volunteer club is a rewarding way to give back and make the world a better place.So, what are you waiting for? Join a club and make the most of your college experience!篇8Introduction to Various Clubs in CollegeHey everyone! Today, I'm going to tell you all about the different clubs you can join at college. College is not just about studying; it's also about having fun and exploring your interests. Joining a club is a great way to meet new people, learn new skills, and have a great time. So, let's dive in and see what clubs you can join!First up, we have the sports clubs. If you love playing sports, then these clubs are perfect for you. There are clubs for basketball, soccer, volleyball, and even ultimate frisbee. You can join a team and compete against other colleges, or you can just play for fun with your friends. Either way, sports clubs are a great way to stay active and healthy while having a blast.Next, we have the arts and culture clubs. If you have a passion for music, dance, theater, or art, then these clubs are for you. You can join the choir, the dance team, the theater club, or the art club. You can showcase your talents, learn new skills, and express yourself creatively. These clubs often put onperformances and exhibitions, so you can share your talents with the whole college community.Then, we have the academic clubs. If you love learning and challenging yourself, then these clubs are perfect for you. There are clubs for every subject, from biology to history to psychology. You can join a club related to your major or explore a new subject that interests you. These clubs often host lectures, discussions, and study sessions, so you can deepen your understanding of the subject and connect with other students who share your passion for learning.Last but not least, we have the community service clubs. If you want to make a difference in the world and help those in need, then these clubs are for you. You can join a club that volunteers at local shelters, cleans up the environment, or fundraises for important causes. You can give back to your community, build connections with others, and make a positive impact on the world.In conclusion, there are so many clubs to choose from in college, so there is something for everyone. Whether you love sports, arts, academics, or community service, you can find a club that suits your interests and passions. So, don't be shy – go out there, join a club, and have the time of your life!篇9Are you guys curious about the clubs in college? Let me tell you about them!First of all, there are sports clubs in college where you can play all kinds of sports like basketball, volleyball, soccer, and more. If you love sports and want to stay active, join a sports club is the best choice. You can make new friends, improve your skills, and have fun at the same time.Next, there are art clubs for those who have a passion for painting, drawing, photography, or any other form of art. You can unleash your creativity, learn new techniques, and showcase your talents in art clubs. It's a great place to express yourself and appreciate the beauty of art.Moreover, there are academic clubs in college where you can deepen your knowledge in a specific field of study. Whether you're interested in science, history, literature, or any other subject, there's a club for you. You can participate in discussions, workshops, and competitions to challenge yourself and expand your horizons.Furthermore, there are cultural clubs that celebrate diversity and promote cultural exchange. If you want to learn aboutdifferent cultures, traditions, and languages, joining a cultural club is a wonderful opportunity. You can make friends from all over the world, share experiences, and broaden your perspective.Last but not least, there are community service clubs that focus on giving back to society and making a positive impact on the community. You can volunteer in various activities, fundraisers, and projects to help those in need. It's a fulfilling experience to contribute to the well-being of others and create a better world.In conclusion, college clubs offer a wide range of options for students to explore their interests, develop their skills, and have a good time. Whether you're into sports, art, academics, culture, or community service, there's a club for everyone. Don't hesitate to join a club and make the most of your college experience!篇10Hello everyone, today I want to introduce to you the various clubs in college.First of all, we have the sports clubs where you can join different teams like basketball, soccer, volleyball, and badminton. It's a great way to stay active and make new friends while competing in friendly matches and tournaments.Next, there are the arts clubs where you can explore your creativity in music, dance, drama, and art. You can join the choir, dance troupe, theater group, or art club to showcase your talents and express yourself in a fun and supportive environment.Then, we have the academic clubs where you can delve deeper into your favorite subjects like science, math, history, and literature. You can participate in debates, quizzes, and workshops to enhance your knowledge and skills in various fields of study.Moreover, there are the cultural clubs where you can learn about different traditions, languages, and cuisines from around the world. You can celebrate festivals, attend cultural exchange events, and engage in cross-cultural activities to broaden your horizons and appreciate diversity.Lastly, we have the service clubs where you can give back to the community through volunteering projects and charity initiatives. You can make a positive impact on society, help those in need, and develop a sense of empathy and compassion through meaningful service.Overall, joining a club in college is a fantastic way to expand your interests, network with like-minded individuals, and enhance your personal and professional growth. So don'thesitate to explore the various clubs on campus and find the perfect one for you. Let's make the most out of our college experience together!。



关于介绍英语志愿者俱乐部英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The English Volunteer Club - Way Fun!Hi friends! Today I want to tell you about the super cool English Volunteer Club at my school. It's the best club ever and you'll definitely want to join after hearing about all the awesome things we do!First of all, the English Volunteer Club is run by Ms. Jessica, who is from America. She's really nice and funny, and she makes learning English a total blast. At our club meetings, we never just sit around doing boring worksheets or anything like that. No way! Everything we do is an adventure.One of my favorite activities is when we play games entirely in English. Last week, we played Zeus's Lightning Game where we had to run around the gym and Ms. Jessica would zap people out by calling their names in English. The last person remaining was the winner! I made it to the final three. Games like that make practicing English easy and hilarious.Sometimes we have special guests come from other countries to visit our club too. A few months ago, we had a college student named Julio from Mexico come. He taught us some Spanish words and expressions, and we taught him some English ones in return. We also learned about awesome places to visit in Mexico from Julio. Meeting people from around the world is so cool.But the most incredible thing about the English Volunteer Club is...we actually get to go on field trips to use our English in real situations! A couple of times per year, we go into the city and practice our English by asking people for directions, ordering food, or just striking up conversations. It's a little scary at first, but it gets a lot easier and fun once you get the hang of it.Our last field trip was amazing. We went to a Mexican restaurant and had to order our whole meal in English. I successfully ordered a taco salad, rice, and horchata to drink. The server understood me perfectly! After that, we walked around the downtown outdoor mall篇2My English Volunteer ClubHi everyone! My name is Emma and I'm going to tell you all about the super cool English Volunteer Club at my school. It's the best club ever and I love being a part of it!In our club, we have a group of really nice older students who come to help the younger kids like me learn English. They are all really good at English and some of them have even lived in countries where they speak English. Isn't that amazing? I wish I could travel to different countries too!Every week, we get together after school and the older students lead different activities to practice our English skills. We play games, sing songs, read stories, and have interesting conversations. My favorite is when we play English board games or act out little skits and dramas. It's so much fun!The club members are all really patient and kind. They never get frustrated if we make mistakes or have trouble understanding something. Instead, they just help us and encourage us to keep trying our best. They use lots of hand motions, pictures, and props to help explain things in a way we can understand.I remember my very first day at the club, I was really shy and nervous because my English wasn't very good. But the club members welcomed me with big smiles and made me feel reallycomfortable. They introduced themselves and asked me questions about my interests and hobbies. Slowly, I started feeling more confident to speak up and participate.Now, I look forward to the club every week! I've made lots of new friends and I'm learning English so quickly. The best part is, it doesn't even feel like hard work. We're just having fun and learning through games and activities.Last month, the club put on a little English drama performance for our parents and teachers. I got to play the lead role of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz! At first, I was super nervous to speak and act in English in front of everyone. But my club friends helped me practice my lines over and over. On the big day, they cheered me on and I felt brave enough to do my best. My mom and dad were so proud of me!The English Volunteer Club has really helped me in so many ways. Of course, my English skills have improved a ton. I can understand and speak much better now. I've also become more confident and enjoy trying new things. Most importantly, I've made wonderful new friends who support and care about me.I'm so grateful to all the amazing older students who volunteer their time to run the club. They work so hard to create fun activities and ways to help us learn. I look up to them andhope I can be like them one day – smart, kind, and willing to help others.If there was an English Volunteer Club at your school, I would definitely recommend joining it! You'll have a blast learning English through games and activities. You'll make lots of new friends and awesome memories. Who knows, maybe you'll even get to be Dorothy like me!Well, that's all I have to share about my favorite club. Thanks for reading! If you have any other questions, just let me know. I'll be happy to tell you more. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to run along to this week's club meeting. There's a new English song I want to learn. Bye!篇3My Awesome English Volunteer Club!Hi there! My name is Emma and I'm a fifth grader at Oakwood Elementary School. I want to tell you all about the super cool English Volunteer Club that I'm a part of. It's the best club ever and I'm so excited to share it with you!Our club is called the "Lingo Leaders" and it's made up of kids from 3rd to 5th grade who really love learning English. Wemeet once a week after school to do all sorts of fun activities that help us practice our English skills. I'll tell you about some of the things we do.One of my favorite things is when we get into small groups and play games like charades or Pictionary, but we have to act out words or phrases in English. It's so silly watching my friends try to act out phrases like "a hot air balloon" or "eating spaghetti"! We laugh a lot during those games.Sometimes we read children's books together out loud, taking turns reading the pages. After we finish a book, we talk about what happened in the story and share our favorite parts. I really like the discussions because I get to hear what my friends thought about the book.We also do arts and crafts projects related to the books we read. Once we read a book about jungle animals, so we made masks of different jungle creature faces. I made a really cool tiger mask! Another time we read about gardening, so we planted some seeds in little cups to grow seedlings. My seedling grew into a tomato plant!But my absolute favorite club activity is when we get to be "teachers" and go read books to the kindergarten and first grade classes. The little kids get so excited when we come read to them!We practice reading with expression and doing funny voices for different characters. The kids are always cracking up at the silly voices we use.Sometimes we also help the younger students with simple English worksheets or flashcards after reading to them. It's awesome getting to be the teacher and watch them learn. The kindergarteners are just starting to learn English, so we feel like experts helping them out!We take turns each week deciding what book to read and activities to do with the little kids. That's one of the best parts –we get to choose and plan things ourselves. Our club supervisor, Mrs. Roberts, is so nice and lets us make most of the decisions.Oh, I almost forgot to mention the best part of all – the end of year celebration! At the end of the school year, we put on a huge performance for our families and teachers. We pick a famous children's book, cachother roles, make costumes and props, and perform a tiny play based on the story. We get to show off all our awesome English skills.Last year, we did a play of "Where the Wild Things Are" and it was epic! I got to play the main character, Max. We made these crazy monster costumes out of cardboard and painted fur. Mymonster costume looked so cool and scary. We even learned some crazy monster sound effects to make the play more fun.At the end of the performance, we gave out awards for things like "Best Monster Roar" or "Most Enthusiastic Narrator." I won an award for "Most Expressive Acting" because of my amazing monster snarls and roars. My parents literally had no idea I could be so dramatic! We also had snacks and cookies afterwards to celebrate with our families. It's just the best day of the whole year.Being in the Lingo Leaders club has helped me improve my English so much. My reading, writing, speaking, everything is better than before I joined. And it's not even like I'm working hard or struggling – the activities are just so fun that I'm learning without even realizing it!I've also made so many great friends in the club who love English as much as I do. We have a blast together every week. To be honest, this is definitely the highlight of my whole school experience. I look forward to English Club day more than anything!If your school doesn't have an English club like this, you 100% need to start one. It is hands down the most fun way to practice your English skills and just have a good time. Any student wholikes English would absolutely love being a part of it, I can promise you that!Well, I think that's about it. Thanks for reading about my amazing English Volunteer Club! We're having our bigend-of-year play in a couple weeks, so wish me luck. Maybe I'll win another award this time... Best Monster Roar, here I come!篇4My Awesome English Volunteer ClubHi everyone! My name is Emily and I'm going to tell you all about the super cool English Volunteer Club that I'm a part of at my school. Get ready - it's going to be epic!It all started last year when Ms. Jackson, our English teacher, had this brilliant idea. "Why don't we start an English club where you can practice your skills and help others too?" she asked during class one day. Well, you can imagine how pumped we all got! An English club? Where we could speak more English and not just learn from books? It sounded like a dream come true.Ms. Jackson explained that we would meet once a week after school. We would play games, read stories, and find fun ways to use our English. But the most exciting part was that we wouldalso become English volunteers! Once a month, we would go to the local elementary school and help teach English to the younger kids. How cool is that?I couldn't wait to sign up. A bunch of my friends joined too - Sarah, Michael, Jayden, and Ava. When the first meeting came around, I was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. We gathered in Ms. Jackson's classroom, and she started telling us all about her big plans for the club.The first thing we did was come up with a name. Everyone threw out ideas, but my suggestion "The Lingo Legends" was the winner! Doesn't it sound awesome? We talked about the kinds of activities we would do, like reading plays out loud, telling silly stories, and playing word games. Then Ms. Jackson dropped the bombshell - we were going to put on an English musical at the end of the year! I couldn't believe it. A musical, with singing, dancing, the whole shebang. This club was going to be off the charts.For the first few meetings, we just had fun with English. We played charades, acted out scenes from books, and did tongue-twisters until our tongues were tangled up in knots. It was hilarious. But we also started learning the篇5My Awesome English ClubHi there! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. I go to Oakwood Elementary School. I have something really cool to tell you about - the English Volunteer Club at my school! It's the best club ever.What is the English Volunteer Club? It's a group of kids from different grades who love learning and practicing English. We meet once a week after school to do all sorts of fun activities and games in English. The club is run by Ms. Rebecca, who is a super nice teacher who came from America to teach at our school.I joined the club last year when I was in 4th grade. My friend Sophia was already in it and she told me how awesome it was, so I decided to sign up too. I'm so glad I did! The English Club has become one of the highlights of my week.At the start of each meeting, Ms. Rebecca has us go around and say our names and one new English word or phrase we learned that week. Then we dive into the activities! Sometimes we play games like English Charades or Hangman to practice vocabulary. Other times we read short stories or watch videosand discuss them together. My favorite activities are when we get to act things out or do English skits and plays!Ms. Rebecca always makes sure none of the activities are too hard or too easy. She adjusts them based on our different levels so we all can learn at our own pace. The club has kids from 1st grade all the way up to 6th grade, with different English abilities. But Ms. Rebecca finds a way to challenge everyone.One really cool thing is that sometimes the club gets English speakers from other countries or cultures to come visit us! We've had guests from America, England, India, and more. They teach us fun phrases, songs, and traditions from their home countries. It's an amazing way to experience different cultures while practicing English.Another thing I love about the club is that we get to do lots of creative projects and performances. A few months ago, we all worked together to write and perform a short play entirely in English about a group of friends going on a camping篇6My Super Cool English ClubHi there! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. I go to Maple Grove Elementary School. I love learning English and I'm part of the coolest club ever - the English Volunteer Club! Let me tell you all about it.The English Volunteer Club is run by Ms. Jessica, who is the nicest English teacher. She started the club last year because she wanted to give kids like me a fun way to practice our English outside of class. I was so excited when I heard about it!We meet every Wednesday after school in Ms. Jessica's classroom. There are about 15 of us in the club, ranging from 3rd graders all the way up to 6th graders. We do all sorts of fun activities revolving around English.One of my favorite things we do is play English board games and card games. There are awesome ones like Scrabble, UpWords, Mad Libs, and Apples to Apples. We split into teams and the teams that use the most English correctly get points. It's such a blast!We also do improvisational acting games where we have to come up with skits and conversations on the spot using certain English words or phrases. It's really funny watching everyone get creative. Sometimes we can't stop laughing at the silly stories we make up!Another cool thing is when we have debates and discussions on different topics, all in English of course. We've talked about things like what makes a good friend, what are the best foods, and what we want to be when we grow up. Everyone gets to share their opinion using as much English as they can.Sometimes we'll just hang out and do fun English writing activities too. We could be working on short stories, poetry, scripts for plays, or even comics. Ms. Jessica is always there to help us if we get stuck. She's so supportive and never judges us when we make mistakes.But my absolute favorite part of the English Club is when we have parties to celebrate holidays and special events! We've had awesome theme parties for Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day, and even Pi Day. We play games, eat delicious snacks, and everything is centered around practicing English vocabulary related to the theme.For the Halloween party, we went trick-or-treating around the classrooms and had to ask for candy in English. For Christmas, we made English poetry cards to give to our families. On Valentine's Day, we wrote English valentines for our friends and did fun activities about love and friendship words. Pi Day wasepic - we had pie eating contests and did math puzzles and riddles all using terms related to pi and circles. So much fun!Being in the English Volunteer Club has helped my English skills improve like crazy. I'm not as shy about speaking it anymore, and my writing has gotten way better too. Plus, I've made so many new friends who love English as much as I do. We're like one big English-speaking family!Ms. Jessica is always telling us that learning another language gives us a "superpower" to connect with people across the world. I think she's right. Knowing English has already opened up so many opportunities for me. Who knows where this superpower could take me in the future?If you're a kid who loves English like I do, I totally recommend joining an English club or looking for other chances to practice. It'll help you learn the language way faster than just sitting in class. And most importantly, it's a ton of fun!Well, that's pretty much all I have to say about my awesome English Volunteer Club. Thanks for reading, and happy English learning! Let me know if you have any other questions.。




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排名 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 12 12 14 15 15 15 18 19 19 19 22 22 22 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 姓名 李 喆 公茂鑫 曾少眩 于欣源 孙 鹏 徐俊超 王 钰 卢 昊 陈 卅 朱本强 杜 野 岑国宾 柏 衍 常 雨 张 择 张 晖 高 万 周卓卿 尹晓龙 李玉成 高 磊 施 吉 曲文博 邓宏博 张 亮 杨一帆 薛 峰 王楚涵 齐 霄 梅天超 马亚楠 吕 阳 娄亨渊 高 鹏 冯 年 余 骞 杨子栋 杨 洋 吴 迪 李大伟 李 杰 海明龙 单位 天津 江苏 江苏 北京 天津 空军 天津 空军 上巴 湖北 浙江 广东 上巴 天津 江苏 天津 北京 浙江 个人 空军 天津 浙江 河北 成都 天津 河南 江苏 北京 浙江 湖北 湖北 北京 上巴 北京 空军 湖北 江苏 天津 上巴 北京 上巴 天津 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 4 4 2 10 20 4 4 4 2 1 15 4 4 2 3 3 1 4 15 4 10 10 4 10 2 4 4 3 10 3 4 4 截止日期:2008.10.10 F1 F2 4 4 F3 25 30 F4 30 20 15 10 15 4 10 4 4 10 4 2 总分 63 50 40 34 27 25 21 19 16 14 14 12 12 11 10 10 10 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4



皮埃尔· 德· 顾拜旦(Pierre De Coubertin,1863年1月1日— 1937年9月2日),现代奥林匹克 运动会的发起人,被誉为“现 代奥林匹克之父”,终生倡导 奥林匹克精神。1863年1月1日 出生于法国巴黎,1896年至 1925年任国际奥林匹克委员会 主席,也是奥林匹克会徽、奥 林匹克会旗的设计者。顾拜旦 不仅是世界著名的国际体育活 动家,同时也是卓有成就的教 育学家和历史学家。顾拜旦在 第五届奥运会上发表著名诗作 《体育颂》。该诗获得首次举 办的奥林匹克文学艺术比赛金 质奖。
课 文 结
歌颂体育,高度评价了体育 主旨: 在现代社会的功能和作用, 抒发了奥林匹克运动的豪壮 气魄和不可摧毁的力量。
课题中“颂”为何意?通过这个字反映了 作者对体育的什么感情?试着概括文章主 旨。
难点句子分析: “你猝然降临在灰蒙蒙的林间空地,受
难者激动不已”受难者为何激动? 体育给地球和全人类带来希望的阳 光,带来生命的活力。
现代奥林匹克运动会从创办到1912年举行第五届 奥运会前夕,奥林匹克运动在西方世界被蒙上阴影,发生 变异,暴露出弊端。
奥国的马拉松选手“以车代 步”、“打兴奋针” 。 1908年在伦敦举行的第四届奥运会,英国裁判偏袒本 国选手,引起各国运动员不满。
1.每段都有“啊,体育”开头; 2.句式一致,语言简洁工整,文 笔优美激昂; 3.全部都用第二人称. 但各有差异:各段的核心意思不同
1.体育是生命的动力 2.体育能塑造美丽 3.体育能体现正义 4.体育能培养人的勇气 5.体育能使人赢得荣誉 6.体育能给人带来乐趣 7.体育能增强体质 8.体育可以推动进步 9.体育可以促进和平
你像高山之巅出现的晨曦,照亮了昏暗的 大地。
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One for all, all for one!中南大学英语俱乐部简介中南大学英语俱乐部成立于1995年4月17日,由中南大学外国语学院(原中南工业大学外国语学院)创建,目前直属于中南大学校团委,设有主校、铁道、湘雅三个分会,是中南大学第一家大型综合性英语社团。





自成立以来,我们本着“提高同学英语应用能力”的基本宗旨,“融学习娱乐为一体”的工作思路,秉承“享受英语,享受生活”(“Enjoy English, Enjoy your life!”)“When things get tough, the tough gets going!”的精神和”One for all, all for one!”的经营理念,创新性的组织了内容丰富多彩的活动,得到了上级主管和广大会员的充分肯定。

英语俱乐部坚持正确的政治方向,贯彻党的教育方针及学校的育人思想,以“活跃校园英语学术氛围、提高大学生英语应用水平、感受西方文化精髓、促进中西大学生交流”为指导思想,以大学生英语学习为中心,提出了“ Enj oy English,Enjoy Your Life ”的口号,在校内外开展颇具特色和影响When things get tough, the tough gets going!力的活动。





(2)英语俱乐部的口号:Enjoy English,enjoy your life.(3)英语俱乐部的精神和信念:When things get tough, the tough gets going!(4)经营理念:One for all, all for one!2003年“中南大学优秀社团”2004年“中南大学明星社团”2004年“中南大学优秀团支部“2005年“中南大学明星社团”2006年“中南大学明星社团”2006年“第二届湖南省优秀学生社团”2007年“中南大学明星社团”2007年“校团委青年工作立项项目且是第一名”2008年“中南大学第一届大众最喜爱的学生社团”2008年“中南大学明星社团”中南大学英语俱乐部部分大型活动简报One for all, all for one!1)1996年成功地举办大型英语角系列活动“英语黄金段”2)1996年元旦化妆舞会3)1997年在全校同学准备四级考试之前,组织外语院多名优秀同学对考生进行辅导4)1999年承办“李阳工大之行”,邀请外教Kevin与同学座谈5)1999年排演话剧《睡美人》,参加三校话剧巡回演出6)1999年传统项目——经典名片赏析,人文讲坛7)2000年开展外国风土人情系列活动(美国、加拿大)8)2000年英语文化节开幕式,举办大型游园活动9)2000年举办英语角暨父亲节签名活动10)2000年为使同学更好地了解异域风情,开展“外国风情录——加拿大、美国系列”11)2000年举办“你来我来大家来”大型英语角暨英语文化节开幕式12)2001年举办“留学之路”系列活动——德国篇13)2001年举办“外国风情录——澳大利亚系列”14)2001年举办南校会员交流会15)2002年“环球风采”——“梦想号”之旅大型英语角16)2002年“秋天·我们·相聚”留学生交流会暨新老会员交流会17)2002年研究生大型英语角18)2002年经典名片展播——《乱世佳人》19)2003年举办第三届校园社团文化艺术节英语全能大赛20)2003年在招新开始前,为展现社团风采举办大型英语角暨新生交流会,同时邀请留学生Rumman和广大新同学交流21)2003年正式将“英语角”作为本社团常规活动定期举行(至11月底)When things get tough, the tough gets going!22)2003年正式发放会刊23)2003年经典名片展播——《泰坦尼克号》24)2003年与基础教育学院学习部合办英语学习经验交流25)2004年开始进行为期2个月的会员培训26)2004年“英语角”成为校团委重点立项项目27)2004年“温馨母亲节”大型英语角暨母亲节签名活动28)2004年“英语之声”三校联合话剧巡回公演,排演话剧《威尼斯商人》29)2005第二届全国翻译形象大使大奖赛(长沙)30)2005公益活动“我爱我家,清理荷花池”31)2005校园之星英语风采大赛32)2005年举办万圣节舞会33)2005年创办中南大学首份英文类型报纸《VIEWS》34)2005英语俱乐部常规活动会员评价调查35)2005万圣节舞会36)2005美度瑜伽校园行37)2006会报《English compus》转为正式英文报纸《Views》并在各校区同步发行38)2006年组建中南大学首家社团网站( )39)2006“冲刺四、六级”英语学习讲座(三次)40)2006李阳疯狂英语全国巡回演讲中大站41)2006英语俱乐部十一周年庆42)2006“海伦杯”英语演讲比赛43)2006参加沃尔德国际英语主办的“英语沙龙”One for all, all for one!44)2006 三校区英语俱乐部联合会议45)2006组织会员参加湖南“大学生网“和“金色年华“的英语沙龙46)2006 李阳老师亲临中南大学演讲47)2006 与湖南信息职业技术学院疯狂英语俱乐部联谊,建立长期合作伙伴关系48)2006 与中南大学资生院合作英语角“英语之夜”,我校邱校长和外语院徐院长亲临现场49)2006 Super Star迎评促建主题月启动:包含“军人风采”国防生大型特色英语角;四六级英语学习讲座之新老题型的对比(外国语学院徐院长主讲);English Star英语全能大赛(三校区同时举办);感恩节大新图片展;感恩节晚会暨社团才艺大盘点大型综艺联欢晚会50)2007与湖南信息科学职业学院、湖南农业大学、涉外经济学院的院校英语类社团联谊并商讨组建高校英语联盟及联盟网站“中南英语在线——高校英语联盟”51)2007联合基础教育学院各分部举办大型新四级模拟冲刺训练52)2007 与资生院在本部和平广场合作英语角53)2007 与基础教育学院四分部学习部在17栋前共同举办“五月激情,舞动英语”大型英语角活动,盛况空前54)2007 9月英语俱乐部招干(初试和复试),以及俱乐部招新55)2007 9月俱乐部干部培训56)2007 10月“Just show yourself”大型英语角暨英语角主持人选拔赛57)2007 10月“激情十月,放飞梦想”大型迎新英语晚会58)2007 10月与资生院团学会学习部在本部和平广场联合举办“金秋十月,你我飞翔“大型英语角59)2007 11月与校红十字协会联合举办"健康--你我携手行"主题讲座When things get tough, the tough gets going!60)2007 11月与校红十字协会联合举办“First Aid”大型英语角61)2007 11月中南大学英语听力大赛(由校教务处、外语院、校团委主办,由英语俱乐部独立承办,三校区同时举行)62)2007 12月中南大学、湖南商学院、湖南中医药大学、湖南信息职业技术学院四首高校英语俱乐部聚首南校体育馆联谊交流63)2007 12月 "圣诞嘉年华"英语晚会64)2008 3-4月第二届奥运之星英语全能大赛65)2008 3月朗阁雅思英语讲座66)2008 4月北京雅思董事长、现代雅思教父刘洪波老师莅临中南讲学67)2008 5月我校外国语学院徐院长亲自主讲英语四六级68)2008 5月中南大学英语俱乐部第十四届民主换届选举大会69)2008年8月29~31日英语俱乐部印制会服,并自发组织参与学校迎新工作,得到好评70)2008年9月7~10日招干圆满成功71)2008年9月20~21日招新圆满成功,招到会员达611名72)2008年9月20日本学期第一期英语学习分享讲座73)2008年9月26日本学期第一期大型英语角“NEW”,到场人数远远超过200人第十四届常委会2008.9~2009.6。
