步骤第一循环(a) 滤袋和样品的准备1) 样品准备:将待测样品烘干后过40目和60目筛(大于60目小于40目)2) 用耐溶剂的记号笔给滤袋编号。
3) 直接准确称取1.0 g 左右制备好的样品(m ) 于滤袋中。
4) 在距离滤袋上边缘大约5 mm用封口机封口。
封口后滤袋和样品的总质量位M,计算出封口后空滤袋的质量(m1=M-m)5) 至少取一个空白滤袋(C1) C1 为空白袋子校正系数(烘干后质量m3/原来质量m0),同时做空白测定。
6) 一次最多可以在滤袋架上放24个滤袋。
(b) 向2000 mL中性洗涤剂溶液中加入无水亚硫酸钠20 g (0.5 g/50 mL ND 溶液) 和4.0 mL 热稳定α-淀粉酶并保证无水亚硫酸钠在溶液中充分溶解。
(c) 打开搅拌和加热开关,确保滤袋支架搅拌正常。
处理时间75 min,包括加热升温时间。
(d) 消煮结束,关上加热和搅拌开关,打开排液阀(开始要慢一点),在打开盖子之前一定将热的溶液排完。
(e) 溶液排完后,打开盖子,关闭排液阀,加2000 mL 预先加热好的(85°C~90°C) 去离子水,并且第1和第2次淋洗时同时加4.0 mL α-淀粉酶,放下盖子,但不旋紧。
打开搅拌开关(不打开加热开关)搅拌3~5 min。
(f) 最后一次淋洗后,加冷的去离子水以操作和使冷却容器,为下轮测定做好准备。
SECTION A:地址文件ADDRESS FILE1. 企业地址提供地址,联系方式2. 生产地址提供地址,联系方式3. 相关代理3.1 本国联络人指出本国联络人,联系方式3.2 美国代理FDA要求国外生产商在美国指定一个文件代理,须明确该代理的职责。
SECTION B:承诺声明STA TEMENT of COMMITMENT我们承诺严格按照文件所描述的生产条件及规程生产***产品,我们承诺在生产操作中遵守cGMP.没有与文件描述不一致的地方,任何重大变更都将呈报FDA及该DMF的授权引用人征得其审核和批准。
We hereby commit to producing strictly according to manufacturing conditions and procedures described in the DMF as well as cGMP.No deviation of description in this document is permitted.Any major amendment will be submitted to FDA and also submitted to the person(s) authorized to refer to the document for their review and approval.我们特此证明,我们不会在任何情况下接受违反联邦食品,药品和化妆品法案1992年修订本501(a)或(b)与本申请文件有关部分的人的服务。
本栏目责任编辑:梁书计算机工程应用技术一种混合的信用卡欺诈检测模型毛铭泽(同济大学电子与信息工程学院计算机科学与技术系,上海201804)摘要:信用卡欺诈检测是一个重要的问题,为了提升对于真实世界的信用卡欺诈数据的识别率,提出了一种混合的信用卡欺诈检测模型AWFD (Anomaly weight of credit card fraud detection ),首先通过异常检测的方法将数据划分为可信和异常数据,然后利用半监督的方法训练一个集成模型,最终再利用异常检测进一步剔除检测结果中的异常结果。
AWFD 在保障对于可信数据的学习效果上,通过半监督集成学习的方法,利用异常数据进一步扩充集成模型的多样性,并将异常检测和集成模型融合。
实验结果表明,比起一些传统的机器学习方法,AWFD 可以提高整体的信用卡欺诈检测的识别率。
关键词:信用卡欺诈检测;异常检测;半监督;集成学习;多样性中图分类号:TP311文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-3044(2021)02-0194-03开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID ):A Hybrid Credit Card Fraud Detection Model MAO Ming-ze(Department of Computer Science and Technology,College of Electronics and Information Engineering,Tongji University,Shang⁃hai 201804,China)Abstract :Credit card fraud detection is a serious problem.In order to improve the recognition rate of real-world credit card fraud data,a hybrid credit card fraud detection model AWFD (Anomaly weight of credit card fraud detection)is proposed.Firstly,the da⁃ta is divided into trusted and abnormal data by anomaly detection method,and then an ensemble model is trained by semi-super⁃vised method.Finally,anomaly detection is used to further eliminate the abnormal results in the detection results.On the basis of guaranteeing the learning effect of trusted data,AWFD uses the abnormal data to further expand the diversity of the ensemble mod⁃el by semi-supervised ensemble learning method,and integrates the anomaly detection and the ensemble model.The experimental results show that AWFD can improve the overall recognition rate of credit card fraud detection compared with some traditional ma⁃chine learning methods.Key words :credit card fraud detection;anomaly detection;semi-supervised;ensemble learning;diversity 由于社会的不断发展,人的消费需求也在不断上升,随之而来的支付手段的改变,导致信用卡欺诈问题日趋严重,每年会导致数十亿美元的损失[1],因此对于信用卡欺诈检测问题的研究也受到了广泛的关注[5-6],有许多学者从不同的角度研究这一问题,例如:有从数据不均衡角度研究采样问题的[2],有从模型融合角度研究的[1],也有从特征工程角度研究该问题的[3-10]。
供应商要求手册第九版铁姆肯公司标准 29.1目录前言/简介 (1)标准要求–质量 (2)1.0 供应商最低要求 (4)1.1 简介 (4)1.2 供应商质量系统要求 (4)1.3 产品检验 (4)1.4 不合格(偏离)产品 (5)1.5 设计和过程变更的管理 (6)1.6 采购产品的提交和批准过程 (7)1.7 测量系统分析 (7)1.8 样品提交要求 (7)1.9 文件、证书和数据要求 (8)1.10 有害材料 - 化学品安全说明书 (8)1.11 发运和包装要求 (8)1.12 供应链要求 (8)1.13 供应商材料的追溯性 (9)1.14 材料质保书数据库 (9)1.15 控制项目 ( ) 部件和特殊项目或过程..... .. (9)1.16 记录 (10)1.17 供应商评估和过程 (10)1.18 供应商升级过程 (11)1.19 供应商控制发运 (11)1.20 供应商安全投产 (11)2.0 供应商发展和推荐的最佳实践 (11)2.1 前期产品质量策划和预防 (12)2.2 目标设定和问题解决 (12)2.3 成本削减方针 (13)2.4 费用索赔过程 (13)2.5 防错 (13)2.6 统计技术 (13)2.7 持续改善过程 (14)2.8 环境、健康和安全 (14)3.0 供应商质量保证航空规定 (15)3.1 抽样计划要求 (15)3.2 接受权威媒体 (15)3.3 检验和测试报告 (15)3.4 出货产品合格证 (15)3.5 首件检验 (15)3.6 可追溯性 (15)3.7 文件保留 (16)3.8 变更批准 (16)3.9 材料批准委员会授权 (16)3.10 政府财产 (16)3.11 访问权限 (16)3.12 符合 DFARS 美国国防联邦采购条例增补条例(252.225-7014 优先采购美国国产特种金属)要求的一致性Alternate I (16)3.13 DFARS 252.225-7016对钢球和滚子的限制 (18)3.14 NADCAP 对特殊过程的要求 (19)3.15 外物损坏 (19)术语[黑体字] (19)前言/简介供应商应对其产品及服务的质量负责。
东芝英文缩写说明ADF ........................................ 自动输稿器ADU ........................................ 自动双面器APS ........................................ 自动纸型选择AMS ........................................ 自动倍率选择APC ........................................ 自动电源控制API ........................................ 应用程序接口BYPASS ........................................ 旁路(手送供纸)CCD ........................................ 电荷耦合器/光电转换器CM ........................................ 纸盒组件CODEC ........................................ 编码解码器DDNS ........................................ 动态域名服务DF ........................................ 输稿器DRAM ........................................ 动态随机存储器DPI ........................................ 点/英寸Firmware ........................................ 固化程序FQDN ........................................ 完全合格域名HPF ........................................ 高通滤波器HVPS ........................................ 高压板HSYNC ........................................(激光单元)水平同步检测IGBT ........................................ 绝缘栅双极性晶体管I/F ........................................ 接口IPC ........................................(复印机与整理器之间)接口板IVSYNC ........................................ 图象垂直同步LDAP ........................................ 轻量目录存取协议LCD ........................................ 液晶显示屏LED ........................................ 发光二极管LSI ........................................ 大规模集成电路LSU ........................................ 激光单元LVDS ........................................ 低电压差分信号LVPS ........................................ 低压电源板NCP ........................................ Netware 核心协议NDS ........................................ Netware 目录服务NVRAM ........................................ 非易失性随机访问存储器MIB ........................................ 管理信息基础系统MIME ........................................ 多用途网际邮件扩充协议PLL ........................................ 相位锁定环路PM ........................................ 定期保养PFP ........................................ 供纸工作台PWM ........................................ 脉冲宽度调制RADF ........................................ 翻转(双面)自动输稿器RFC ........................................ 请求注解RTC ........................................ 实时时钟SFB ........................................ 旁路(手送)供纸SLP ........................................ 服务定位协议SNMP ........................................ 简单网络管理协议SRAM ........................................ 静态随机存储器STP ........................................ 装订器WINS ........................................ Windows 网名服务英文缩写说明。
纸和纸板 耐脂度的测定 第3部分:松节油法-最新国标
纸和纸板耐脂度的测定第3部分:松节油法1 范围本文件规定了纸和纸板耐脂度的一种测定方法。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的内容通过文中的规范性引用而构成本文件必不可少的条款。
GB/T 450 纸和纸板试样的采取及试样纵横向、正反面的测定(GB/T 450—2008,ISO 186:2002,MOD)GB/T 10739 纸、纸板和纸浆试样处理和试验的标准大气条件(GB/T 10739—2023,ISO 187:2022,MOD)3 术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本文件。
3.1耐脂度grease resistance纸和纸板抗表面污点形成及油脂渗透的能力。
3.2孔隙 voids纸张中由于纤维排列形成的可使油脂渗透的部位。
4 原理将试样放在一张表面平整的铜版纸上,然后在试样上放置一小堆沙子,用彩色松节油溶液渗透沙子,记录铜版纸上出现油污所需的时间,所需时间越长,耐脂度越好。
5 试剂5.1 松节油20 ℃时密度为860 kg/m3~875 kg/m3。
5.2 无水氯化钙分析纯。
5.3 油溶性染料例如苏丹红。
5.4 沙子测试专用沙。
5.5 测试溶液向100 mL松节油(5.1)中加入5 g无水氯化钙(5.2)和1.0 g油溶性染料(5.3),并储存于带塞玻璃瓶中。
充分摇匀,溶液至少静置10 h,偶尔摇晃。
6 仪器和设备6.1 空心管以刚性材料制成,内径25 mm,长度至少为25 mm,且两端打磨光滑。
纸业专业英语词汇翻译abrasive paper 砂纸abrasive base paper 砂纸原纸absorbing paper 吸水纸;吸收性纸account book paper 帐簿纸accounting machine paper 计算机用纸acid-free paper 无酸纸acid-proof paper 耐酸纸acid resistant paper 耐酸纸acoustic paper 隔音纸actinometer paper 溴化银印相纸active paper 吸湿纸adding machine paper 计算机用纸address label paper 地址标签纸adhesive paper 胶粘纸advertising paper 广告纸,招贴纸agate paper 仿大理石纸agate marble paper 仿玛瑙大理五石纹纸age resistant paper 耐老化纸air paper 航空信纸air-dried paper 风干纸air-filtration paper 空气滤纸air-knife coated paper 气刀涂布纸air-mail paper 航空信纸air-proof paper 不透气纸air-tight paper 气密纸alabaster paper 名片纸alabaster paper 薄纸albumenized paper 蛋白胶纸,蛋白纸albumin paper 蛋白胶纸aligning paper 地图纸alkali-proof paper 耐碱纸all rag paper 全棉纤维纸all-wood paper 全木浆纸allogator imitation paper 仿鳄皮纸alpha printing paper 西班牙草浆印刷纸alpha-writing paper 西班牙草浆书写纸aluminum paper 铝纸aluminum-castling paper 铝衬纸aluminum-coated paper 铝涂布纸aluminum-dusted paper 铝粉纸aluminum-foil backing paper 铝箔衬纸aluminum diaphragm paper 石棉隔膜纸aluminum (electrical)insulating paper 石棉(电)绝缘纸aluminum wall paper 石棉壁纸aseptic paper 消毒纸,防腐纸ash less paper 无灰纸ash filter paper 无灰滤纸aluminum laminated paper 铝箔夹层纸amber laid paper 琥柏条纹纸ammunition paper 弹药筒纸amplitude response recording paper 频率感应记录纸analytical filter paper 分析化学用滤纸angle paper 斜面纸angle-cut yarer 斜截面纸angular paper 斜角纸animal tub-sized paper 动物胶表面施胶纸anti-acid paper 耐酸纸,抗酸纸anti-acid manila paper 耐酸马尼拉纸anti-corrosion paper 防蚀纸anti-falsification paper 仿伪造纸anti-fungicide paper 防霉纸anti-fusion paper 服装剪裁用纸anti-tarnish paper 防锈纸anti-rust base paper 防锈原纸anti-tarnish paper 防锈纸antique paper 低光泽纸,仿古纸antique book paper 仿古书籍纸antique-bristol paper 仿古整饰光泽厚纸antique-cover paper 仿古整饰封面纸antique-eggshell paper 粗糙表面仿白纸粗糙表面仿白纸antique-glazed paper 低光泽纸antique-printing paper 仿古印刷纸,低光泽印刷纸anti-rust paper 防锈纸antiseptic paper 杀菌纸antitarnish paper 保光泽纸apricot paper 粉红色水果包装纸aquare(le) paper 水彩图画纸,水彩画纸archival paper 档案纸armature paper 绝缘纸aromatic paper 香料纸arsenical paper 含砷纸art paper 美术纸,铜版纸,涂料纸art-cover paper 美术装饰纸art-drawing paper 水彩例纸art-poster paper 美术广告纸;美工宣传纸articulating paper 牙科用纸artificial leather paper 人造革纸artificial parchment paper 仿羊皮纸asbestos paper 石棉纸asbestos base paper 钡地原纸,照相原纸asphalt paper 防潮纸,沥青纸,柏油纸asphalt base paper 沥青原纸asphalt coated paper 沥青涂布纸asphalt laminated paper 沥青层合纸asphalt saturated paper 防潮纸,沥青纸asphalt moisture proof paper 防潮纸,沥青纸asphalt sheathing paper 涂布防潮纸,沥青涂布纸asphalting paper 防潮纸,沥青纸asthma paper 防喘纸atlas paper 地图纸,绘图纸,印图纸autochion printing paper 彩色印刷纸auto copy paper 压感复写纸autograph paper 纪念册纸autographic register paper 自动(划线)记录纸autographic transfer paper 复印纸automobile-bag paper 汽车袋用纸automobile tire roll paper 轮胎包装纸autotype paper 复制纸,影印纸avenue paper 食品包装纸azure laid(writing) paper 蓝条纹书写纸A printing A级印刷纸(含漂白磨木浆)absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute temperature 绝对温度absorbency of paper 纸张吸收性能absorbent 吸收性的,吸收剂absorbent paper 吸水纸,易吸墨的印刷纸addition agent 添加剂additional agent 添加剂autotype pigment paper 碳素纸autogtaphic printing paper 转写纸autographic stencil paper 誊写版蜡纸articulating paper 双面复写纸artificial parchment 仿硫酸纸artist's illustration board 绘图用厚纸ash content 灰分纸张Ashcroft tester 纸张耐破裂度测试仪ashless filter paper 无灰滤纸art board 涂料板纸art vellum 仿羊皮纸antitarnish paper 防锈纸antiquarian 纸张尺寸antifalsification paper 防伪造纸animal parchment 羊皮纸anopisthographic block book 单面印刷的木版纸A flute A级瓦楞纸波形数abaca(Musa texilis) 马尼拉麻,蕉麻abele(Populus alba) 银白杨abienol 松香醇abies 冷杉属abietate 松香酸酯abieteae(Abietoideae) 冷杉(亚科),松亚科abietene 松香烯abietic acid 松香酸abrader 研磨机abrading machine 研磨机abrasion 磨损,磨蚀abrasion resistance 抗磨性能abrasion test 耐磨试验abrasion t3ester 耐磨试验机abrasive 磨损的,磨蚀的abrasive acrion 磨蚀作用abrasive fiber 砂纸原纸用纤维abrasive grain 磨(料)粒(度)abrasive machine 研磨机abrasive resistance 抗磨性能abrasive tester 耐磨试验机abrasiveness 磨蚀absolute alcohol 无水酒精absolute alcohol dry 绝干absolute alcohol humidity 绝对湿度absolute alcohol temperature 绝对温度absolute unit 绝对单位absorb 吸收absorbability 吸收性能absorbed water 吸收水absorbency 吸收能力;吸收本领absorbent 吸收剂absorbent felt 吸水毛毯absorber 吸收器,吸收剂,减震器absorbing capacity 吸收能力absorbing capacity column 吸收塔absorbing capacity pad 防震垫absorbing capacity power 吸收能力absorbing capacity quality 吸收性能;吸收能力absorbing capacity tower 吸收塔absorption 吸收作用absorption ability 吸收能力absorption band 吸收光带absorption coefficient 吸收系数absorption measurement 吸收测定absorption rate 吸收率absorption spwctrum 吸收光谱absorption tester 吸收试验仪absorption tower 吸收塔absorptive capacity 吸收能力absorptivity 吸收能力,吸收率acacia (Acacia) 金合欢(属)acacia false (Robinia psendon cacia L.) 刺槐;洋槐acacia gum 金合欢胶accelerant 催速剂,促进剂,加速剂accelerated ageing 加速老化accelerated cement 速凝水泥accelerated oxidation 加速氧化accelerated weathering 人工加速风干accelerating agent 催速剂,促进剂accelerator 加速器,促进剂acceptability 合格率acceptable fiber 合格纤维accepted chips 合格木片accepted chips product 合格产品accepted chips stock 合格浆料acceptance sampling system 合格率抽样系统acceptance sampling system test 合格率检查accepts 合格品;良浆access time 存取时间,选取时间,信息发送时间accessibility 可及度accessory 附件;零件a.c. commutator motor 整流式交流电动机accident prevention 技术保安措施accidental error 偶(然误)差accordion fold 手风琴式折纸法accumulation 累积,蓄积,储积,堆积accumulator 储存槽,回收槽;蓄电池;污热水槽accumulator acid (亚硫酸盐制浆)回收酸accumulator relief 储存槽排气,回收槽排气accumulator tank 储存槽,回收槽,污热水槽accuracy 准确(度,性);精密(度,性)acer 枫树,槭树<BR>acetal 乙缩醛,乙醛缩二乙醇acetaldehyde 乙醛acetate 醋酸盐;醋酸酯;醋酸根(或基)acetate fiber 醋酸纤维acetate film 醋酸盐胶片acetate rayon 醋酸人造丝acetic acid 醋酸acetic acid anhydride 醋(酸水)解acetone 丙酮acetonitrile 乙腈aceto-veratrone 乙酰藜芦酮acetyl 乙酰(基)acetyl cellulose 醋酸纤维素acetyl vanilloyl 乙酰基香草酰acetylate 乙酰化,乙酰化产物acetylation 乙酰化(作用)achromatic 消色的,消色差的acid accumulator (酸液)回收锅(或槽)acid accumulator alizarin dye 茜素染料,1,2-二羟基蒽醌染料acid accumulator alum 酸性明矾acid accumulator bath 酸溶;脱酸槽acid accumulator bleaching 酸性漂白acid accumulator chloride 酸性氯化物acid accumulator circulation 酸液循环acid accumulator composition 酸液组成acid accumulator dye(stuff) 酸性染料acid accumulator extract 酸抽提acid accumulator fastness 耐酸度acid accumulator filter 滤酸器acid accumulator fortitying system 酸液强化系统acid accumulator free 无酸的,脱酸的,不含酸的acid accumulator group 酸根(或基)acid accumulator halide 酸性卤化物acid accumulator insoluble lignin 酸不溶木素acid accumulator lignin 酸木素acid accumulator line 酸液管道acid accumulator liquor 酸液acid accumulator maker 制酸工acid accumulator making 制酸acid accumulator number 酸值acid accumulator penetration 酸液渗透,酸液浸透acid accumulator plant 制酸车间acid accumulator preheater 酸液预热器acid accumulator press (羊皮纸机用)压酸辊acid accumulator proof enamel 防酸搪瓷acid accumulator prmp 酸泵acid accumulator recovery plant 酸液回收车间acid accumulator reduction 酸性还原acid accumulator resistance 耐酸性能,耐酸强度acid accumulator resistant 耐酸合金acid accumulator tesistant brick 耐酸砖acid accumulator tesisting bronze 耐酸铜acid accumulator resisting felt 耐酸毛毯acid accumulator resisting mortar 耐酸灰泥acid accumulator resisting paint 耐酸油漆acid accumulator resisting steel 耐酸铜acid accumulator resisting tile 耐酸砖acid accumulator rosin size 酸性松香胶acid accumulator settling basin 酸液澄清槽acid accumulator salt 酸式盐acid accumulator size 酸性施胶剂acid accumulator soluble 酸溶(性)acid accumulator soluble lignin 酸溶性木素acid accumulator souring 酸处理acid accumulator stable size 酸稳性施胶剂acid accumulator storage 贮酸槽acid accumulator strength 酸液浓度acid accumulator sulfite 酸性亚硫酸盐acid accumulator tank 酸槽acid accumulator tower 制酸塔,酸塔acid accumulator trap 分酸器acid accumulator treatment 酸处理acid accumulator treatment tower 酸处理塔acid accumulator tub 酸槽acid accumulator wash 酸洗acid accumulator water 酸水acidic 酸的,酸性的acidification 酸化(作用)acidifier 酸化器;酸化剂acidified water 酸化水acidify 酸化acidity 酸度acidity control 酸度控制acidolysis 酸解acidometer 酸度计,PH计,酸(液)比重计acidproof 耐酸的acidproof brick 耐酸砖acidproof cement 耐酸水泥acidproof lining 耐酸衬里acifulate 酸化acoustic insulation 隔音acoustic insulation properties 声学性质Aeroart 高密度聚乙烯合成纸(美国Aeroline产品,商业名称)across grain 横纹理acrylamide 丙烯酰胺acrylate 丙烯酸盐acrylic acid 丙烯酸acrylic acid bound coating 丙烯酸盐涂布acrylic acid compound 丙烯酯化合物acrylic acid emulsion 丙烯乳液acrylic acid fiber 丙烯纤维acrylonitrile 丙烯腈acrylonitrile butadiene rubber latex 丙烯腈,丁二烯其聚体乳胶activared carbon 活性碳activared carbon clay 活性白上activared carbon silica 活性硅activared carbon sludge 活性污泥activared carbon sulfur 活性硫酸activation 活性(作用)active alkali 活性碱active alkali alkali to wood ration 碱比,活性碱对木材量的比率active alkali carbon 活性碳active alkali chemical to wood ratio 碱比,用碱量active alkali chlorine 有效氯active alkali lime 有效石灰active alkali sulfur 有效硫酸active alkali surface 活性表面activity 活性度actual volume 有效容积,实际容积actual volume weight 实际重量,有效重量actuating signal 驱动信号,作用信号actuation time 动作时间actuator 驱动器;执行机构;激励器acylate 酰化;酰化产物acylation 酰化(作用)adapter 接合器;连接器;接头addition compound 加成化合物addition compound polymer 加成聚合物addition compound product 加成产物addition compound reaction 加成反应additional acid tank 辅助贮酸槽,辅助酸液槽additional dryer 附加烘缸additive 添加剂additive reaction 加成反应adherence 粘附adherent 粘附的adhesion 粘附(现象);粘附力adhesion of wet web 湿纸胎粘附现象adhesion strength 粘附强度adhesion tester 粘附力测定仪adhesive 粘附剂,粘合剂,胶粘剂,粘着剂;胶粘的adhesive capacity 粘附能力;胶粘度adhesive dissolving tank 溶胶桶adhesive felt 衬底用纸板adhesive force 胶粘力,粘着力,粘附力adhesive glassine tank 粘胶槽adhesive (glassine)tape 胶(带)纸adhesive migration 胶粘剂的迁移adiabatic condition 绝热状态,绝热情况adiabatic condition eficiency 绝热效率adiabatic cindition expansion 绝热膨胀adiabatic cindition throtling 绝热调节adipo-cellulose 含脂纤维素adjective color 间接染料adjust 调节,调整;修正adjustable bow curved roll (可调节)弧形辊,(可调)弓形辊adjustable bow curved roll orifice 可调锐板adjustable bow curved roll speed motor 调速电动机adjusting color 调色adjusting color device 调节装置adjusting color screw 调节螺旋adjusting color controls 调节控制器admission valve 进气阀;进浆阀admixture 掺和剂;掺和,混合adsorb 吸附adsorbability 吸附性(能)adsorbate (被)吸附物;吸附质adsorbed water 吸附水adsorbent 吸附剂,吸附的adsorption 吸附(作用)adsorptive capncity 吸附能力adsorptivity 吸附性(能)adulf wood 成年材advanced water treatment AWT 污水处理法,(污水)三级处理<BR>aerate 曝气,充气aerated lagoon 曝气塘aeration 曝气,充气aeration basin 曝气塘aeration tank 充气槽,充气罐aerator 曝气机aerobic 需氧的aerobic bacteria 好氧细菌,需氧细菌aerobic treatment 充氧处理aerogel 气凝胶aeromix wet scrubber 文丘里型洗涤塔affinity 亲力,亲合势;亲合能,亲合性afforestation 造体after dryer 后部烘缸组after dryer sizing 后施胶,表面施胶afrer dryer treatment 后处理agalite 滑石agar 琼脂agave 龙舌兰aged wood 老化材ag(e)ing 老化agglomerate 附聚(作用);烧结(作用)agglutinant 烧结剂;凝集剂agglomeration 聚集体agitating valve 搅拌浆agitation 搅拌(作用)agitator 搅拌器aging quality 耐久性;老化性能aging quality resistance 抗老化性能aging quality test 老化试验Ahlfors screen Ahlfors 木片筛aid 促进剂,辅助剂air bells (水印辊构成的)气泡(纸病)air bells blade 气刀air bells blast duster 风选机aidr bells blast system 鼓风系统;风选系统air bells bleed press 抽气压榨,吸风压榨air bells blower 鼓风机air bells blowing roll 热风辊air bells borne drying 气垫干燥,气托干燥air bells brake 空气制动器,风闸air bells brush 气刷air bells bubble (空)气泡air bells cap(drying) 热风罩(干燥)air bells chamber 通风室air bells channel 通风道air bells chip distributor 风送木片分布器air bells compressor 压缩空气机,空压机air bells condenser 空气冷凝器air bells conditioner 空气调节装置,空调设施air bells conditioning equipment 空气调节装置,空调设施air bells content 空气含量air bells controlled 气控air bells centrolled dilution valve 气控稀释阀air bells cooled 空气冷却air bells cooling 空气冷却air bells curtain 气帘,气幕air bells cushion 气挚air bells damper 风挡air bells deekle 气控定边器air bells doctor 气刀,空气刮刀air bells drainer 空气助滤压榨air bells dried 风干air bells dried wood 风干材air bells dry 风干air bells dry basis 风干基础air bells dry weight 风干重量air bells dryer 空气干燥器,热风干燥器air bells drying 风干的;热风干燥air bells drying machine 用热风干燥的造纸机air bells ejector 空气喷射器air bells entrainment 空气含量air bells escape valve 排气阀,放空阀air bells exhauster 排风机air bells filter 空气过滤器air bells float dryer 气垫干燥装置,气托干燥装置air bells float(drying) 气垫(干燥),气托(干燥)air bells float table 气托堆纸台air bells flow 气流air bells foil 热风气翼air bells foil dryer 气翼箱式热风干燥装置air bells heater 空气加热器air bells intake 进风口,空气入口air bells jet 空气喷嘴air bells knife 气刀air bells knife coating 气刀涂布air bells knife mark 气刀痕(纸病)air bells laid 空气沉降air bells -lay drying 热风干燥air bells line 空气管道air bells loaded headbox 气垫网前箱,气垫式压力流浆箱air bells loaded tension device 气动张力装置air bells nozzle 喷气嘴air bells operated automatic control 气动调湿控制器air bells operated thermostat 气动恒温器air bells outlet flue 排气管air bells permeability 透气性,透气度air bells permeability tester 透气度测定仪air bells piping 风管air bells pollution 大气污染air bells preheater 空气预热器air bells proof 不透气的;密封的air bells press 空气压力air bells quality 空气质量air bells regulator 空气调节器air bells removing roll 排气辊,(伏辊上方)小压辊air bells reservoir 贮气箱;气库air bells resisTANCE 空气阻力air bells roll 压纸辊air bells scrubber 空气洗涤器,净气器air bells seal 气封air bells separator 吹(气分)离器air bells space 空域,大气层;空隙air bells spring 气垫air bells stripping 空气脱吸,空气抽提air bells sword (卸纸垛装置的)气刀air bells tight 不透气的air bells trap 空气阱air bells valve (空)气阀air bells velocity pressure 气流速度压力air bells vent 排气口air bells wash 浮气器Aladdin former (纸板机用)Aladdin夹网成形器(日本三菱制作所)albumen 蛋白(胶)albumin 白蛋白albuminous substances 白蛋白物质alburnum 边材alcohol 乙醇,酒精alcohol acid 醇酸alcohol benzene extractive 笨醇抽提物alcohol extractive 乙醇抽提物alcohol lignin 乙醇木素alcoholic extract 乙醇抽提物alcoholic extract fermentation 乙醇发酵alcoholic extract hydroxyl group 醇羟基alcoholysis 醇解alcoholytic splitting 醇分裂aldehyde 醛aldehyde resin 聚醛树腊alder(Alnus) 桤木(属)aldo-醛aldonic acid 糖醛酸,醛糖首酸aldose 醛糖alfa (Stipa tenacissima) 非洲蒲草alga(e) 藻类algicide 灭藻剂alginate 藻朊酸盐;藻朊酸纤维alginic acid 藻朊酸algorithm 算法alignment 顺序;划线;对准;调直aliphatic 脂(肪)族的aliphatic acid 脂族酸aliphatic compound 脂族化合物alizarine dyestuff 茜素染料alkali 碱alkali cellulose 碱纤维素alkali charge 用碱量alkali consumption 碱耗,耗碱量alkali extract 碱抽提物alkali extraction 碱抽提alkali extractive (substance) 碱抽提物alkali fastness 抗碱牢度,抗碱性alkali filler 碱性填料alkali free 无碱的,不含碱的alkali fusion 碱熔alkali hydrolysis 碱性水解alkali lignin 碱木素alkali loquor 碱液alkali proof 抗碱的alkali ratio 碱比alkali reeovery 碱回收alkali reslstance 抗碱性(能)alkali resisting 抗碱的alkali resisting cellulose 抗碱纤维素alkali sensitive 对碱活泼的alkali solubility 碱溶性alkali soluble 碱溶性的alkali stable 对碱稳定的alkali staining resistance 抗碱染性(能)alkali treatment 碱处理alkaline bleach liquor 碱性漂液alkaline bleach liquor cleavage 碱性分裂,碱性裂解alkaline bleach liquor degradation 碱性降解alkaline bleach liquor extraction 碱抽提alkaline bleach liquor extraction tower 碱抽提塔alkaline bleach liquor filler 碱性填料alkaline bleach liquor purification 碱处理;碱净化alkaline bleach liquor reducing agent 碱性还原剂alkaline bleach liquor sizing 碱性施胶alkaline bleach liquor solubility 碱溶性alkaline bleach liquor soluble 可溶于碱的alkaline bleach liquor solutioln 碱性溶液alkaline bleach liquor steeping test (溶解浆)碱浸试验alkaline bleach liquor treatment 碱处理alkaline bleach liquor wash 碱洗(涤)alkalinity 碱度,碱性alkaloid 生物碱alkyl 烷基alkyl hydrosulfide 烷基硫醇alkyl ketene 烷基烯酮alkyl ketene dimer 烷基烯酮二聚体alkyl sulfhydrate 烷基硫醇,烷基硫氢alkyl sulfide 硫醚,烷基硫alkylaryl sulfonate 烷基芳基磺酸盐alkylation 烷(基)化all purpose computer 通用电子计算机allowable current 容许电流allowable current deviation 容许误差allowable current error 容许误差allowable current load 容许负荷alloy 合金alloy steel 合金钢alpha cellulose a 纤维素alpha cellulose a gage a 射线仪alpha cellulose a protein a 蛋白质alpha cellulose a pinene a 蒎烯alum 明矾alum cake (明)矾块alum earth 铝矾土alum liquor 明矾液,矾土液alum speck (明)矾斑(点)纸病alum spot (明)矾斑(点)纸病alumina 氧化铝alumina baryta white 铝钡门alumina oxide 氧化铝aluminate 铝酸盐alumine 钡土,氧化铝aluminum foil 铝箱aluminum foil resinate 树脂酸铝aluminum foil stearate 硬酯酸铝aluminum foil sulfate 硫酸铝alumite 耐酸铝alunite 明矾石ambient conditions 环境条件,外界条件ambient comditions temperature 环境温度American arbor-vitae (Thujaoccidentalis L.) 香柏,美国侧柏,金钟柏American arbor-vitae (Thujaoccidentalis L.) aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) 颤杨,美国白杨amide 酰胺amine 胺amino acid 氨基酸amino acid ethyl cellulose 氨基乙基纤维素amion acid group 氨基amion acid polumer 氨基聚合物amion acid propyl cellulose 氨基丙基纤维素amion acid sugar 氨基糖ammeter 安培计,电流表ammonia 氮ammoniabase liquor 铵基蒸煮液ammonia liquor (粗)氨水ammonia test 氨试验ammonia water 氨水ammoniacal copper solution 铜氨(溶)液ammonium base 铵基ammonium base base liquor 铵基蒸煮液ammonium base bisulfate 硫酸氢铵ammonium base bisulfite 亚硫酸铵ammonium base compounds 铵基化合物ammonium base salts 铵盐ammonium base stearate 硬脂酸铵ammonium base sulfate 硫酸铵ammonium base sulfite 亚硫酸铵amorphous 无定形的amorphous cellulose 无定形纤维素,非结品纤维素amorphous region 无定形区,非结品区amorphous resin 无定形松香amphiphatic 偶极性amphoteric 两性的amphoteric reaction 两性反应amphoteric surface reactive agent 两性表面活性剂amplifier 放大器amplitude(of shake) 振幅amur corktree (Phellodendron amurense Rup.) 黄檗amylaceous 淀粉的amyulase 淀粉酶amylopectin 支链淀粉amylose 支链淀粉anaerobic 厌氧的anaerobic treatment 厌氧处理analog 类似,模似analog computer 模拟计算机analog speed/draw system 车速和牵引力模拟控制系统analog sensor 模拟传感器analog signal 模拟信号analogy 模拟,类似analysis of variance 方差分析analytical balance 分析天平anatase 锐钛矿anchot bolt 地脚螺丝Anderson moisture expeller Anderson 螺旋挤水机Anderson moisture expeller Anderson barker Andersson 刀式剥皮机anenometer 风速机angiosper 被子植物angiospermous wood 被子树木angle cutting machine 斜切机angle cutting machine steel 角钢angle cutting machine valve 角阀anhydride (酸)酐anhydroglucose 葡萄糖酐anhydrous 无水的anhydrous alcohol 无水酒精anhydro-xylan unit 无水多缩木糖aniline 苯胺aniline color 苯胺染料aniline dye 苯胺染料aniline printing 苯胺染色animal glue 动物胶animal glue size 动物胶anion 阴离子anion exchange 阴离子交换anion exchange resin 阴离了交换树脂anion exchanger 阴离子交换剂anionic 阴离子的anionic compound 阴离子化合物anionic starch 阴离子淀粉annealing temperature 退火温度annual growth 一年生annual growth layer 年轮(层)annual growth plant 一年生植物annual growth ring 年轮annual growth zone 年轮区annular 环形的;轮壮的;有环纹的annular vessel 环纹导管annuli 环壮体anode 阳极anode protection 阳极保护anode ray 阳极射线anthraquinone 蒽醌anti-acid 耐酸的anti-acidblocking agent 防粘附剂;防阻塞剂antichlor 脱氯剂anticorrosion 耐腐蚀anticorrosion paint 耐蚀漆anti-crawl agent 防滑动剂anti-crawl agentdefiection 抗挠anti-crawl agentdeflection press roll 中固(抗挠)压榨辊anti-crawl agentdefiection roll 抗挠辊anti-crawl agentdetonator 抗爆剂anti-crawl agentflocculant 防絮凝剂anti-crawl agentflocculation 防絮凝作用anti-crawl agentfoam 消泡anti-crawl agentfoam oil 消泡油anti-crawl agentfoaming agent 消泡剂anti-crawl agentfoggant 防翳的;防翳剂anti-crawl agentfogging compound 防腐剂;防污剂anti-crawl agentfriction bearing 抗磨轴承anti-crawl agentfroth oil 消沫油anti-crawl agentknock agent 抗爆剂anti-crawl agentoxidant 抗氧剂;防老化剂anti-crawl agentpollution sequence(漂白车间)污染防治流程antique bristol 仿光泽纸antique bristol finish 仿古整饰antique bristol laid bond 仿证券纸antique bristol woven 仿光泽布纹纸anti-rust 防锈anti-rustrusting paint 防锈漆anti-rustskid 防滑动anti-rustskid coating 防滑涂布anti-rustskid treatment 防滑动处理antiseptic 防腐antiseptic agent 防腐剂antiseptics 防腐剂anti-static agent 抗静电剂anti-static agenttarnish agent 防锈剂aperture 孔;筛孔;网孔apex 顶端apical zone 顶生区Apmew(centrifugal)screen (阿牟)离心式圆筛,A型圆筛apparatus 仪器;装置apparent density 表观密度apparent density specific gravity 表观比重apparent density specific volume 表观体积apparent density viscosity 表观粘度apparent density weight 表观重量appearance 外观appendage 附属部分;附件appendix 附录application valve 控制阀applicator 上涂装置;施胶装置applicator roll 涂料辊;施胶辊applying felt 专用毛毯approach flow(of stock) 浆料上网approach flow(of stock) folw system (纸机上)流浆系统aoproach flow(of stock) (onto wire) 放料上网apron board 下唇板,裙板apron board (cloth) 唇布,裙布apron board conveyor 带式干燥机aquapel(size)聚烷基烯酮胶料(商业名称);乙烯酮二聚物胶料aquapulper 水力碎浆机aqueous 含水的,液态的;水成的aqueous emulsion 水乳液aqueous lignin 水木素aqueous phase 液相aqueous solution 水溶液araban 聚阿拉伯糖,多阿拉伯糖arabic gum 阿拉伯胶arabinose 阿拉伯糖,阿戊糖Arathene 高密度聚乙稀合成纸(商业名称,比利时UCB产品)arbor-vitae(Thuja occidentalissL.) 香柏,美国侧柏,金钟柏are foil 弧形案板,弧形脱水板arch dryer 拱状热风干燥室,拱式烘房arching 搭桥Arcu formq Arcu 夹网成形装置area of bars 打浆面积areal(dried)wejight 定量argilla 泥土,铝氧土arithmetic and logic unit 算数与逻辑装置arithmetic mean 算术平均arithmetic mean mean temperature 算术平均平均温度arithmetic mean unit 运算器armature winding 电枢绕线aromatic 芳香族的,芳烃的aromatic acid 芳酸aromatic alcohol 芳醇aromatic compound 芳香族化合物aromatic group 芳烃基arrester 制动片,制动机构arresting device 制动机构Arrhenius equation Arrhenius 方程式,阿雷尼厄斯方程式arrow root starch 木薯淀粉art cover 装饰面板art cover (regetable)parchment 美术(植物)羊皮纸artificial aging 人工老化artificial aging cotton 人造棉artificial aging dyestuff 合成染料artificial aging fiber 人造纤维artificial aging grindstone 人造磨石artificial aging leather 人造革artificial aging parchment 仿羊皮纸artificial aging pulpstone 人造磨石artificial aging regeneration 人工再生artificial aging resin 合成树脂artificial aging silk 人造成丝artificial aging stone 人造磨石artificial aging stone roll 人造石辊asbestine 滑石棉asbestos 石棉asbestos felt 石棉毛毯asbestos fiber 石棉纤维asbestos packing 石棉垫asbestos roll 石棉辊asbestos roofing felt 屋顶石棉毡asbestos rope 石棉绳asbestos sheet 石棉板asbestos wall 石棉壁板(纸)asbestos washer 石棉垫圈asbestos waterproof(ing)felt 防水石棉毡ascending chromatography 上行色谱(分离)法ash(Fraxinus) 灰分;炉灰ash content 灰分含量ash content dissolving tank 黑灰溶解槽ash content free 无灰的ash content hopper (锅炉)灰斗ash content tester 灰分试验器Ashcroft tester Ashcroft 耐破度试验仪Ashcroft tester Ashcroft thickness gage Ashcroft 厚度计ashless 含灰分较少的;无灰的aspect ratio 纵横比(值)aspen(Populus) 杨属aspen(Populus tremula L.) 欧洲山杨asphalt 沥青asphalt coating 沥青涂布asphalt emulsion 沥青乳胶asphalt felt 沥青油毛毡asphalt laminator 沥青层压机asphalt roofing 油毡线asphalt saturated felt 沥青纸,油毡纸asphalt size 沥青胶料asphaltum 沥青aspirated pit (pair) 闭塞纹孔(对)aspitation 抽气aspirator 抽气机Asplund defibrator Asplund 单动纤维分离机Asplund defibrator Asplund digester Asplund 卧式连续蒸煮器assay 鉴定;分析assay procedure 分析程序assembly 机组;成套设备;联动装置;基团,组assimulation 同化(作用)assistant superintendent 车间副主任Astrom barker Astrom 链式剥皮机Astrom barker Astrom barking machine Astrom 链式剥皮机asynchronous motor 异步电机asymmetry 不对称(现象)at maximum temperature 保温atmospheric conditions 大气状态atmospheric conditions humidity 大气湿度atmospheric conditions pressure 大气压力atomic bond 原子键atomization 雾化atomized suspension technique AST法,(亚硫酸盐废液)雾化回收法atomizer 喷雾器;雾化器attachment 附件attapulgate 无水硅酸铝矿石attenuant 稀释剂;衰减器attenuation 衰减作用attrition mill 磨碎机;磨浆机auger method (for sampling pulp) (纸浆取样)钴取法Austrian pine(Pinus nigra Ahr.) 南欧黑松autoclave 高压釜,高压锅auto cut-out 自动断路(器)automatic control 自动控制automatic control electric feed 电控自动装料automatic control feed 自动进料,自动喂料automatic control felt guide 毛毯自动校正器automatic control felt stretcher 毛毯自动张紧器automatic control flashing apparatus 自动闪蒸设备automatic control fraction collector 自动分选机automatic control guide(roll) 自动导辊automatic control knife grinde 自动磨刀机automatic control line 自动线automatic control logging 自动记录automatic control operation 自动操作automatic control pick-up 自动递纸装置,自动引纸装置automatic control plant 自动化工厂;自动化车间automatic control pressure controller 压力自动控制器automatic control pressure vent 自动排气阀automatic control production 自动化生产automatic control proportioning and metering device 自动配浆箱automatic control regulating box 自动调节箱automatic control tegulating device 自动调节装置automatic control regulator 自动调节器automatic control set-up box machine 自动制盒机automatic control sheet counting device 自动数纸装置automatic control sheetfeeder 自动续纸器automatic control sheet handling machine 自动码纸机automatic control sorter 自动选纸机automatic control stoker 自动加煤器automatic control stuff box 自动调节箱automatic control temperature controller 温度自动控制器automatic control tip time service 自动定时转换automatic control valve 自动阀automatic control wire guide (roll) 自动校网器,自动校网辊automatically feed 自动进料的,自动喂料的automation 自动化automobile storage bag 汽车轮胎包装用纸袋auto-oxidation 自动氧化auto-panel 自动控制批示板autc-slice 真空刮刀auto tire wrap 汽车轮胎包装用纸autumn wood 晚材,秋材auxiljaries 辅助装置auxiliary air 补给空气,二次风auxiliary air caustization 辅助苛化auxiliary air causticizer 辅助苛化器auxiliary air equipment 辅助装置auxiliary air screen 辅助筛auxiliary air separator 辅助分离器auxiliary air sizing agent 辅助施胶剂auxiliary air strainer 辅助滤带;辅助筛浆机available alkali 有效碱available alkali capacity 有效容量available alkali chlorine 有效氯available alkali crosssection 有效截面average fiber length 纤维平均长度average fiber lengthincrement 平均增量average fiber length moisture(of pulp bales) 成捆浆板平均水分含量average fiber length pressure 平均压力average fiber length temperature 平均温度average fiber length velocity 平均速度avometer 安伏欧计,万能(电)表,三用电表axial 轴向axial bond 主键;轴键axial flow pump 轴流泵axis 轴Aylesford refiner (实验室用)Aylesford盘磨机(英国制)azo compounds 偶氮化合物azo compounds dye(stuff) 偶氮染料absorbing board 吸收纸板accordion board 手风琴纸板acoustic(al) board 隔音纸板advertisement board 广告招贴用纸板air-dried board 风干纸板album board 相册纸板alkaline-proof soap box board 肥皂包装用抗碱纸板ammunition board 弹筒纸板antique board 仿古纸板anti-tarnish board 防锈纸板art board 铜版纸板artist board 绘画纸板artist's illustration board 绘画纸板asbestos board 石棉纸板asbestos asbestos board 石棉洋灰板asphalt board 沥青纸板,防潮纸板automobile board 汽车用纸板auto(mobiole) panel board 汽车仪表盘纸板abrasive coater 砂纸涂布机air brush coater 气刷涂布机air blade coater 气刀涂布机air doctor coater 气刀涂布机air knife coater 气刀涂布机arch bed brush coater 刷式拱形涂布机asphalt coater 沥青涂布机acid cooking 酸法蒸煮alkaline cooking 碱法蒸煮actic acid 乳酸actic acid method (纸板施胶度)abrasive paper 砂纸abrasive base paper 砂纸原纸absorbent paper 吸水纸absorbing paper 吸水纸;吸收纸account book paper 帐簿纸accunting machine paper 计算机用纸acid free paper 无酸纸acid proof paper 耐酸纸acid resistant paper 耐酸纸acoustic paper 隔音纸actinometer paper 溴化银印相纸active paper 吸湿纸adding machine paper 计算机纸address label paper 地址标签纸adhesive paper 胶粘纸advertising paper 广告纸,招贴纸agate paper 仿大理石纸agate marble paper 仿大理石纸age resistant paper 耐老化纸air paper 航空信纸air dried paper 风干纸。
pEGFP-N3质粒分别通过Endofree Maxi Piasmid Kit(Qiagen),PerfectPrep Endofree Piasmid Maxi Kit(5 PRIME,inc)及NucleoBond DNA Maxi Kit(MACHEREY-NAGEL GmbH&Co.KG)制备,我们测定了230,260,280及320nm的吸光值检测DNA的质量。
通过上述三种方法制备的DNA质量如下:MACHEREY-NAGEL >5Prime>Qiagen。
因此,MACHEREY-NAGEL GmbH & Co.KG的质粒制备试剂盒被认为是制备转染级别DNA的最佳选择。
How to prepare transfection grade plasmid DNATransfection efficiencies are affected by a variety of different parameters. Besides factor such as cell culture, medium and vectors, one of most critical parameters is DNA quality. We prepared pEGF-N3 plasmid DNA by large plasmid preparation kits from three different vendors and tested transfection efficiencies by delivering pEGFP-N3 DNAs prepared by different methods to NIH-3T3 cells.We prepared pEGFP-N3 plasmid with Endofree Maxi Plasmid Kit (Qiagen), PerfectPrep Endofree Plasmid Maxi Kit (5 PRIME, Inc.) and NucleoBond DNA Maxi Kit (MACHEREY-NAGEL GmbH & Co. KG). The DNA quality was determined by measuring absorbance at 230, 260, 280 and 320 nm by spectrometry.The purity of DNA prepared by the three methods is as follows: MACHEREY-NAGEL > 5 Prime > Qiagen.Then pEGFP DNA was delivered with PolyJet™ (Cat # SL100688) DNA transfection reagent to NIH-3T3 cells per manufacturer’s protocol. In accordance with DNA purity results, we found that DNA from MACHEREY-NAGEL gave the best transfection efficiency while Qiagen DNA gave the worst efficiency. Therefore plasmid preparation kit from MACHEREY-NAGEL GmbH & Co. KG is confirmed to be the best choice to prepare tansfection grade DNA.表皮细胞的转染表皮细胞广泛遍布于身体,正常的表皮细胞较难转染,尤其是使用基于脂质体技术的转染试剂。
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在使用本机之前,请仔细阅读本手册;将本手册存放在便于查阅的地方,以备日后参考。为了安全正确使用本设备,在使用之前, 请务必阅读本手册的安全信息。
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防伪纸1(Voidable Paper)
62克 白格拉辛(BG40 WH)
亚光纸70(局部涂胶)(Woodfree 70 PG)
95克 白涂塑纸(P95 WH)
基础薄膜(Prime Films)
产品编号( Spec.#)
6பைடு நூலகம்克 白格拉辛(BG40 WH)
铜版纸(Semigloss Paper)
62克 白格拉辛(BG40 WH)
铜版纸(Semigloss Paper)
95克 白涂塑纸(P95 WH)
铜版纸(Semigloss Paper)
62克 白格拉辛(BG40 WH)
热敏纸20WS(Multi Thermal 20WS)
62克 蓝格拉辛(BG40 Blue)
热转印纸2C(Thermal Transfer 2C)
62克 白格拉辛(BG40 WH)
优质激光打印纸(LCJ Premium 64)
95克 白涂塑纸(P95 WH)
亚银铝箔纸(Matte Silver Foil)
95克 白涂塑纸(P95 WH)
铜版纸(Semigloss Paper)
62克 白格拉辛(BG40 WH)
Constraint DFT:如果正确的设置了片段(设置片段的方式,参考费米科技 WIKI 中“ADF 知识库” :如何进行分区计算:QMMM、QUILD 的使用中对应的部分) , 那么在此处可以为每个片段单独设置电荷。点击 Change Constraints 之后,在 Region 下拉框选择要设置的区域,然后在 Charge 里面为该区域指定电荷。
Minimum Energy Crossing Point:计算 MECP 的设置 Nudged Elastic Band:使用 NEB 方法搜索过渡态。ADF 原先有更为精确的过渡 态搜索方法。 此处的 NEB 方法是一种比较粗糙的过渡态搜索方法。 但该方法很流行。
Region:设置片段。参考费米科技 WIKI 中“ADF 知识库” :如何进行分区计算: QMMM、QUILD 的使用中对应的部分。
Geometry Opt & Freqs:对分子进行结构优化,完成之后,自动计算优化好的那 个结构的频率。如此就可以检查是不是存在负的频率(也就是所谓的虚频)
Linear Transit:线性过渡。其用途参考费米科技 WIKI 中“ADF 知识库” :ADF 搜 索过渡态典型案例
Transition State Search:过渡态搜索。其用途参考费米科技 WIKI 中“ADF 知识 库” :ADF 搜索过渡态典型案例
Single Point:计算某一种分子结构的性质(比如计算 HOMO、LUMO,或者吸收 光谱、NMR 性质等等) ,之所以叫做单点,是指这种性质只由当前的这种结构就可 以计算出来。其他选项,例如 Fragment Analysis、Properties Only、Strict 选项 实际上等同于选择 Single Point,具体可以参考费米科技 WIKI 中“ADF 知识库” : 如何计算 HOMO、LUMO、文献重现:锌酞菁的基态与激发态计算(第二部分) 、 如何计算 NMR Shielding 化学位移
ADF 培养基简介:植物根际存在各种微生物,2-5%的细菌能促进植物生长,增加作物产量,被称为根际促生细菌(PGPR),植物根际促生细菌的研究对开发植物专化型微生物菌剂,促进农作物增产增收有重要意义。
Leagene ADF 培养基主要由磷酸盐、葡萄糖、葡萄糖酸、柠檬酸等组成,并含有众多微量元素如锰、铜、铁、锌等金属离子等,经无菌处理,该试剂含ACC(又称1-氨基羰酰-1-环丙烷羧酸)。
DF 培养基常与ADF 培养基联合使用,用于分析细菌的ACC 脱氨酶特性,菌株置于ADF 培养基中的生长要好于DF 培养基,说明该菌株能够以ACC 为唯一氮源进行生长,即该菌株能够产生ACC 脱氨酶。
组成:材料:1、 DF 培养基、NDF 培养基(选做)2、 无菌离心管或培养器皿3、 接种环4、 摇床5、 比色杯6、 分光光度计步骤(仅供参考):1、 取无菌离心管或培养器皿,加入ADF 培养基、DF 培养基(选做)、NDF 培养基(选做)。
2、 将纯化的菌株同时接种于上述ADF 培养基、DF 培养基(选做)、NDF 培养基(选做)中,置于摇床振摇培养。
3、 观察同一菌株在ADF 培养基、DF 培养基(选做)、NDF 培养基(选做)三种不同培养基中的生长情况。
4、 用分光光度计测定各培养菌液的OD 值,以便判断菌株长势。
结果: 编号 名称 CM0315 Storage ADF 培养基 500ml 4℃ 使用说明书 1份当菌株置于ADF培养基中的生长明显好于DF培养基时,说明该菌株能够以ACC为唯一氮源进行生长,即该菌株能够产生ACC脱氨酶。
沃尔夫纸张打印对比传感器DK20-9,5 B 110 124商品说明书
R e l e a s e d a t e : 2017-02-15 17:31D a t e o f i s s u e : 2017-02-15418082_e n g .x m lT echnical dataG eneral specifications Sensor range 9.5 mm ± 3 mm Light source LED Light type Visible green/red/blue, modulated light Light spot representation Light spot diameter 1.5 mm Angle deviation max. ± 3°Ambient light limit Continuous light 7000 LuxTeach-In static T each-In Functional safety related parametersMTTF d 650 a Mission Time (T M ) 20 a Diagnostic Coverage (DC) 0 %Indicators/operating means Function indicatorLED yellow; switching operation: lights up if print mark is detec-tedT each-In operation: flashing slowlyalarm display: flashing quickly, if no safe operation is possible Control elementsT each-In keyElectrical specifications Operating voltage U B 10 ... 30 V DCRipple 10 %No-load supply current I 0≤ 70 mA InputFunction inputT each-In inputOutputSwitching type light/dark on switchable, results from the order of the T each-In Signal output Push-pull output, short-circuit protected, reverse polarity protec-tedSwitching voltage PNP: ≥ (+U B -2.5 V) , NPN: ≤ 1.5 V Switching current max. 200 mA Switching frequency f16.5 kHz Response time30 µsAmbient conditions Ambient temperature -20 ... 60 °C (-4 ... 140 °F)Storage temperature-20 ... 75 °C (-4 ... 167 °F)Mechanical specifications Degree of protection IP67Connection 5-pin, M12 x 1 connector Material Housing PC (glass-fiber-reinforced Makrolon)Optical face glassMass 200 gCompliance with standards and directi-vesStandard conformity Product standard EN 60947-5-2:2007IEC 60947-5-2:2007Shock and impact resistance IEC / EN 60068. half-sine, 40 g in each X, Y and Z directions Vibration resistance IEC / EN 60068-2-6. Sinus. 10 -150 Hz, 5 g in each X, Y and Zdirections Approvals and certificates UL approval cULus Listed , Class 2 power sourceCCC approvalCCC approval / marking not required for products rated ≤36 VOther suitable accessories can be found at AccessoriesV15-G-5M-PVCFemale cordset, M12, 5-pin, PVC cable V15-W-5M-PVCFemale cordset, M12, 5-pin, PVC cable OMH-DKRight-Angled Mounting Bracket OMH-DK-1Flat Mounting BracketR e l e a s e d a t e : 2017-02-15 17:31D a t e o f i s s u e : 2017-02-15418082_e n g .x m lConstructionThis device is supplied with a changeable Lens. By interchanging Lens and cover the sensor is able to be modified from a side-looker to a top-looker and vice versa.Adjustment1.Point the light spot to the print mark. With mirroring or shiny object surface the sensor has to be tilt by 10° ... 15°.2.Press Teach-In key at the device or apply a positive pulse (UB+) for at least 50ms to the external Teach-In input.After finishing this first step, the indicator LED flashes slowly (approx.1Hz).3.Point light spot to the underground/background.4.Press Teach-In key or apply Teach-In signal once more.5.If Teach-In successful: sensor in switching mod, LED off.Alarme-Function: insufficient contrast. No reliable switching operation possible. Indicator LED flashes fast (approx. 4Hz)6.Return to switching mode when pressing keyThe switching signal level is set automatically to the middle between print mark and background.If there is the same contrast between mark and background for various transmitter colours, the sensor selects a transmitter co-lour by random.For exact contrast evaluation the DK... , as an option, can be delivered with an additional analogue output.Additional information。
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1,kit, 订货号PSAxxxxx/xxxx 或PSPxxxxx/xxxx 为完整的试剂盒包装,包括样品提取缓冲液、包被好抗体的微孔板(可拆分)、酶标记物、稀释液、缓冲液、底物发色剂、阳性质控(如果应该供应)。
特别注明Indirect ELISA 方法的kit 包括未包被的微孔板及联接用的抗体,所含有的其他组分同上。
2, Reagent Set, 订货号SRAxxxxx/xxxx ,XRAxxxxx/xxxx或SRPxxxxx/xxxx 只含有未包被的微孔板、包被需要的抗体或联接用的抗体、酶标记物。
3, Bacterial Reagent Set, 订货号BRAxxxxx/xxxx 只含有未包被的微孔板、包被需要的抗体或联接用的抗体、酶标记物。
4, Bacterial ID订货号BIDxxxxx/xxxx 为完整的试剂盒包装,包括样品提取缓冲液、包被好抗体的微孔板(可拆分)、酶标记物、稀释液、缓冲液、底物发色剂、质控(如果应该供应)。
5, PS A或SR A中的A代表碱性磷酸酶标记;PS P或SR P中的P代表过氧化物酶标记。
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模造纸(semi-woodfree paper)--系模仿道林纸的,而其纸浆为旧纸,破布等。
铜版纸(coated paper)--是以模造纸为纸芯,在其表面加上一层涂料并轧光,使纸面的纤维缝隙填满,而印刷效果更佳,此种纸通常用来印制彩色印刷品。
雪面铜版纸(matt art paper)--是于铜版纸之纸面再加涂料使之不反光。
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J. Dairy Sci. 95 :2567–2570/ 10.3168/jds.2011-4946© American Dairy Science Association®, 2012 .A BSTRACTT he importance of a consistent and comprehensive milking routine as a critical component of any masti-tis control program is well documented. However, as pressure on time increases, farmers are faced with 3 options: (1) adjust the milking routine to suit the time available, (2) undertake the task less thoroughly, or (3) examine which elements of the milking routine can be automated and substitute capital expenditure for labor. A study was undertaken on 5 farms in the United Kingdom in October and November 2007 to assess the effect on milking time of installing a commercial au-tomatic postmilking teat disinfection and cluster back flushing system (ADF). Two of the farms recruited for the study were intending to purchase the ADF system in the near future and 3 farms had already invested in the technology. The farms ranged in size from 120 to 550 cows and included three 90° rapid exit parlors, a herringbone parlor, and an abreast parlor. All 5 farms were visited for 2 successive milkings before the ADF was installed or disabled, and a detailed time and mo-tion analysis was undertaken. After ADF was installed or the system reactivated, a further 2 milkings were monitored. All monitored farms showed a measurable reduction in milking time after the ADF system was installed. However, the magnitude of the reduction was greater than would be expected by simply removing the elements of postmilking teat disinfection and clus-ter sanitization. The benefits of ADF are greater than simply disinfecting teats and back flushing clusters and the time saving obtained may allow a more structured milking routine that may have additional benefits in terms of mastitis prevention and control.K ey words:p ostmilking teat disinfection ,d ipping , m ilking ,t imeShort CommunicationD airy herds in Europe and North America have in-creased considerably in size over the past decade. This increase in herd size has not seen a comparative increase in staff numbers, which has resulted in a labor squeeze (Wall Street Journal, 2009). One consequence of this labor squeeze is an increase in pressure on staff through the working day and in particular at and around milk-ing time. This has resulted in many farms compromis-ing their mastitis control programs (Bradley, 2007).T he time associated with milking an individual cow (the work routine) is likely to be the largest determi-nant of the performance of the milking system, whether it is measured in terms of cows milked per hour or liters produced per hour (Baines, 2001). Farms are con-stantly examining their milking routines to streamline the operation and improve performance. However, it is important that the streamlining not occur at the expense of milk quality or udder health. Postmilking teat disinfection (PMTD) is a good example of this in practice (Pankey et al., 1984). Spraying of teats after milking using a hand-held lance has emerged as the most popular method of PMTD as dairy farms look to reduce the time spent on any element of the work routine; spraying takes about half the time of teat dip-ping (Burks et al., 2006). Although teat spraying may be quicker than teat dipping, most dairy practitioners recommend that teats be disinfected after milking by dipping. Dipping should ensure better teat coverage and better penetration of product into the teat canal. As a result, the incidence and prevalence of new IMI and bulk milk SCC are higher in herds that use spraying compared with dipping as a PMTD method (Barkema et al., 1998).M any dairy farms in the United Kingdom faced with a contagious mastitis challenge have resorted to manu-ally disinfecting the milking cluster after each animal (Bradley, 2007). Although farmers believe this practice helps to reduce cross infection, it adds considerably to the work routine, reducing milking system performance.Short communication: Effect of automatic postmilking teat disinfection and cluster flushing on the milking work routineI. O hnstad ,*1R. G. M. O lde Riekerink ,† P. H ogewerf ,‡ C. A. J. M. d e Koning ,‡ and H. W. B arkema §*T he Dairy Group, Taunton, TA1 2PX United Kingdom†G D Animal Health Service, NL-7425SB Deventer, the Netherlands‡W ageningen UR Animal Sciences Group, NL-8200AB Lelystad, the Netherlands§D epartment of Production Animal Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, CanadaR eceived September 16, 2011.A ccepted December 3, 2011.1Corresponding author: i an.ohnstad@25672568OHNSTAD ET AL.Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 95 No. 5, 2012Dairy farmers are increasingly interested in the ap-plication of technology to replace labor to work more efficiently (Wilson, 2011). If a technological solution can be applied to automate any task within the milk-ing routine, the potential exists to improve milking system performance. Any improvement in the effi-ciency of the work routine could lead to a reduction in overall milking time, less stress on the operator and cows, or the release of time to concentrate on other essential elements of the routine. Clearly, the technol-ogy must be at least as consistent as the operator that it replaces.An automatic postmilking teat disinfection and clus-ter back flushing system (ADF ; ADF Milking Ltd., Slindon, UK) is designed to both disinfect the teat and sanitize the cluster between cows (Hogewerf et al., 2008). When the automatic cluster remover is activated, teat disinfectant is introduced into the hood of the liner while the liner is still located on the teat. As the liner is removed from the teat, disinfectant is applied to the teat surface. Once the liner is removed, the system goes through a series of flushes, alternating a peracetic acid solution with bursts of compressed air, to sanitize the liner surface. Similar systems have been described by Galton (2004) and Grindal and Priest (1989), in which the disinfectant is injected through the short milking tube or via a delivery tube within the long and short pulse tubes, respectively.Several motivations may lead a dairy farmer to invest in technology such as ADF. These include expected improvements in individual cow and bulk milk SCC (our unpublished data), reduction in the incidence rate of new IMI, and improved efficiency in the milk-ing routine. Improvements in udder health have also been described in earlier experimental studies with comparable but slightly different systems (Grindal and Priest, 1989; Galton, 2004). To quantify the poten-tial efficiency gains that could be achieved by fitting ADF, a detailed time and motion study was carried out during 20 milkings. Five dairy farms were studied during 2 consecutive milkings with and 2 consecutive milkings without an ADF installed. The means of the consecutive milking times with an ADF installed were compared with the means of the consecutive milking times without an ADF installed.A milking technology specialist from The Dairy Group (Taunton, United Kingdom) visited 5 dairy farms during October and November 2007. The 5 farms selected included 2 new ADF installations and 3 existing users of the technology. A range of milking systems was selected (Table 1). Farms A andB were new users of ADF. These farms were visited for 2 con-secutive milkings before the ADF system was installed. Once the system had been installed and commissioned, another visit was undertaken and 2 consecutive milk-ings observed. Farms C, D, and E were already users of the ADF system. These farms were visited for 2 consecutive milkings where they used the ADF system as designed. These farms were then asked to disable the ADF system and revert to their previous practice before installation of the ADF.A full analysis of every operation carried out by the milkers was undertaken, and total time associated with each task was calculated (Armstrong and Quick, 1986). A rolling record of milking time was used to assess the time associated with cow loading, teat preparation, feeding, cluster attachment, PMTD, parlor unloading, cleaning equipment surfaces, and cleaning cow stand-ings, with any time not attributed to a main task con-sidered as miscellaneous.Overall milking times for each farm without ADF installed varied between 122 and 271 min (Table 1). All values were rounded to the nearest minute. Milk-ing time after the installation of the ADF system was reduced on all 5 farms visited and varied between 99 and 219 min. However, when the data from each farm were examined, it became clear that some of the time savings were related to other elements of the milkingSHORT COMMUNICATION:AUTOMATIC DIPPING AND MILKING ROUTINE2569routine, such as loading the milking parlor, teat prepa-ration, and miscellaneous time.The saving in milking time that was directly attrib-utable to automatic dipping of teats and cluster sanita-tion ranged between 15 and 62 min (Table 1). With the exception of farm C, the reduction in time directly attributable to the installation of ADF ranged from 48 to 85% (Table 1). Although farm C demonstrated a 15-min reduction in milking time that could be directly attributable to ADF, the farmer spent an extra 5 min washing the milking equipment, resulting in only a 10-min reduction in overall milking time.Farms A and B, with reductions in milking time ap-proximately twice that expected by simply automating PMTD and cluster back flushing, both demonstrated a reduction in parlor loading time and miscellaneous time (Table 1). Although both farms A and B showed a reduction in overall milking time, time associated with teat preparation increased slightly, suggesting a more thorough cleaning.The majority of the reduction in milking time noted on farms D and E (74 and 85%, respectively) was as-sociated with the practice of PMTD and cluster back flushing. Farm E was able to spend slightly longer on teat preparation, and cow loading and miscellaneous time decreased with both farms. Farm E manually disinfected every cluster after milking when the ADF system was not installed.Of the farms visited, each farm showed a reduction in milking time following the installation of the ADF system. The potential time savings obtained on farm C was markedly less than that on other visited farms because the operator chose to spend additional time washing the external cluster surfaces. Previous studies showed a cow milking routine time reduction of 10% if PMTD was replaced by an automatic spraying system (Armstrong and Quick, 1986).It was apparent that the milking routine was more structured and less erratic when milkings were moni-tored with the ADF operating. The automation of certain elements of the milking routine potentially re-leases time for the operator to assist with cow loading and adopt a more structured, more efficient milking routine. This may explain, in part, why reductions in overall milking time were observed beyond that directly associated with dipping teats and sanitizing clusters. To quantify the labor saving from fitting ADF, an hourly labor charge of €10/h was used (I. Powell, The Dairy Group, Taunton, UK; personal communication). For the purpose of this calculation, we assumed that farms A and D used 1.3 labor units per milking (a labor unit was defined as a member of staff exclusively em-ployed for the milk harvesting process; he/she was not involved in marshalling cows, feeding calves, or other associated tasks); farms B and C used 1.0 labor unit per milking; and farm E used 2.0 labor units per milk-ing. The potential annual labor savings from reducing overall milking times ranged from €1,217 to € 17,763 per year (Table 2). When this figure was considered on a per-cow basis, the potential benefits ranged from €5 to €65 per cow.The labor saving that can be directly attributed to ADF ranged from €1,825 to €15,087 per year, with the labor saving on a per-cow basis ranging from €7 to €31 per cow (Table 2).In conclusion, the 5 farms monitored all showed a reduction in overall milking time following the installa-tion of the ADF system. When the reduction in milking time is considered, the potential to reduce labor costs exists. Reductions in overall milking time occurred be-yond that expected directly by automating PMTD and cluster flushing. We suggest that some of the additional labor saving is obtained by a more structured and or-ganized milking routine that is achieved following the automation of key components. In reality, capturing the labor saving is difficult when milking staff are paid a salary, although the reduction in milking time can be viewed as an opportunity to improve working condi-tions for staff, free up time for other tasks, or milk more animals. The scale of the benefit obtained from installing ADF was closely related to the milking rou-tine previously used and the size of the herd.Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 95 No. 5, 20122570OHNSTAD ET AL.Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 95 No. 5, 2012ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors acknowledge the assistance and coopera-tion of the dairy farmers who took part in this study.REFERENCESArmstrong, D. V., and A. J. Quick. 1986. Time and motion to measuremilking parlor performance. J. Dairy Sci. 69:1169–1177.Baines, J. R. 2001. Choosing a milking parlour to minimise mastitis.Pages 39–44 in Proc. British Mastitis Conference, Stoneleigh, UK. Institute for Animal Health Compton, Compton, UK.Barkema, H. W., Y. H. Schukken, T. J. G. M. Lam, M. L. Beiboer, H.Wilmink, G. Benedictus, and A. Brand. 1998. Management prac-tices associated with low, medium, and high somatic cell counts in bulk milk. J. Dairy Sci. 81:1917–1927.Bradley, A. J. 2007. The way forward for UK mastitis control. Pages25–32 in Proc. British Mastitis Conference, Stoneleigh, UK. Crown Publishing, Lincoln, UK.Burks, T. F., L. W. Turner, and W. L. Crist. 2006. Distribution fittingand parameterization of individual operator work routine times for small dairy parlors. J. Dairy Sci. 89:2343–2352.Galton, D. M. 2004. Effects of an automatic postmilking teat dippingsystem on new intramammary infections and iodine in milk. J. Dairy Sci. 87:225–231.Grindal, R. J., and D. J. Priest. 1989. Automatic application of teatdisinfectant through the milking machine cluster. J. Dairy Res. 56:579–585.Hogewerf, P. H., A. H. Ipema, C. J. A. M. de Koning, H. J. Schuiling,B. A. Slaghuis, V. Tancin, I. Ohnstad, and H. W. Barkema. 2008. Impact of automatic teat dipping and cluster flushing system on iodine residuals, milking characteristics and teat coverage. Pages 349–356 in Mastitis Control: From Science to Practice, T. J. G. M. Lam, ed. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, the Netherlands.Pankey, J. W., R. J. Eberhart, A. L. Cuming, R. D. Daggett, R. J.Farnsworth, and C. K. McDuff. 1984. Uptake on postmilking teat antisepsis. J. Dairy Sci. 67:1336–1353.Wall Street Journal. 2009. Got workers? Dairy farms run low on labor.Even in recession, U.S. job candidates are scarce; milk producers relying on immigrants worry about a crackdown. Accessed Sept. 16, 2011. /article/SB124890678343891639.html.Wilson, P. 2011. Decomposing variation in dairy profitability: The im-pact of output, inputs, prices, labour and management. J. Agric. Sci. 149:507–517.。