高密度聚乙烯生产技术的研究进展【摘要】1953年高压合成HDPE,与LDPE、LLDPE比较,HDPE 支链化程度最小,分子能紧密地堆砌,密度最大(0.941~0.965 gPcm3),结晶度高。
1.浆液聚合法此法是生产HDPE主要方法,工艺成熟,生产技术主要有Hostalen、Phillips、Innovene S、Equistar、Borieas、CX、Equistar 等。
1.1 搅拌釜式浆液聚合(Z-N催化剂己烷溶剂,双釜聚合工艺)双釜聚合技术主要分为:basell:hostalen技术和CX技术,这两种技术具有很相似的工艺。
1.2 环管反应器工艺(Cr系催化剂异丁烷反应介质)环管反应器工艺主要分为Phillips:Phillips工艺(单环管)和NNOS:Innovene S工艺(双环管)。
2.世界聚乙烯技术的最新进展气相法工艺:Univation公司的Unipol工艺、BP公司的Innovene工艺和Basell 公司的Spherilene工艺。
气相法工艺由于流程较短、投资较低、生产灵活等特点发展较快,目前的生产能力约占世界聚乙烯总生产能力的34%,新建的LLDPE 装置近70%采用气相法技术。
高端管材 领域 , 已成为发达 国家和地 区在给水 管道 度 下熔融 , 通 过 毛细管 口模 被 柱塞 均匀 挤 出 ; 熔体
料 条 向下 落 人 一 组 反 向旋 转 的 夹 辊 中 , 夹 辊 以恒 定
2 种 不 同类 型 的催 化 剂 生产 高 密度 聚 乙烯 管材 料
HD 4 8 0 1 E X, 我 们 对 不 同 催 化 剂 生 产 的 管 材 进 行 性能 分析 。
u l a r ma s s a n d me l t s t r e ng t h a n d o x i d a t i o n i nd uc t i o n t i me o f H D 4 8 0 1 - 2 i S l o we r t ha n t ha t o f H D 4 8 0 1 - 1, bu t t h e s h e a r v i s c os i t y o f H D 4 8 01 — 2 i S i nf e r i o r t O H D 4 8 0卜 1 .Th e p r o c e s s a b i l i t y o f H D 4 8 01 — 1 i S e x— c e l l e d t h a n t ha t o f H D 4 8 01 — 2 . Key wor d s: c a t a l y s t ;p ol y e t hy l e ne;t u be r e s i n;pe r f o r ma nc e
( 1 .Du s h a n z i Pe t r o c h e mi c a l C o mp a n y, Pe t r o Ch i n a , Du s h a n z i 8 3 3 6 0 0, Ch i n a ; 2 . ‘ X i n j i a n g Ke y L a b o r a t o r y o f Ru b b e r — P l a s t i c s Ma t e r i a l , D u s h a n z i 8 3 3 6 0 0 , C h i n a )
由于马来酸酐上的羧基和蒙脱土上的胺基相互作用使A G<0,同时极性的
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3.都有为超微颗粒的物理特性[期刊论文]-材料导报 1992(5)
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37.漆宗能.马永梅.张世民.张泽源.岳群纳米塑料[期刊论文]-石化技术与应用 2001(5)
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10.Moet A.Akelah A Polymer-clay nanocomposites: polystyrene grafted onto montmorillonite interlayers 1993
11.Kato C查看详情 1989
12.Aranda P.Ruiz_Hitzky E Poly(ethylene oxide)-silicate intercalation materials 1992
4.Birriiner R.Gleiter H Structure of Nanocomposites 1984
5.张立德.牟季美纳米材料和纳米结构 2001
6.Okada A.Kawasumi M.Kurauchi T查看详情 1987
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3721C5021D 5121B 5421B 5621D
绵阳职业技术学院材料工程系高分子材料应用技术专业毕业论文论文题目:高密度聚乙烯的合成工艺研究学院:绵阳职业技术学院系部:材料工程系班级:高分子111班学生:石鑫指导老师:唐云、王燕时间:2013.9.30——2013.11.05高密度聚乙烯的合成工艺研究摘要:自1953 年在低压下使乙烯聚合生成HDPE, 迄今已有50 多年, 高密度聚乙烯的开发生产突飞猛进, 技术进展突出表现在催化剂开发的进展、生产工艺技术的进展。
关键词:高密度聚乙烯,合成工艺Abstract: Since 1953, in the ethylene polymerization under pressure HDPE, far more than 50 years, the development of high-density polyethylene.Production by leaps and bounds, technological advances outstanding performance in catalyst development progresses, the progress of production technology. This article describes the high-density polyethylene used in the industrial production of the latest technology, using equipment and its use, development prospects and so on.The synthesis and processing conditions of high density polyethylene.Keywords: high-density polyethylene synthesis process目录1.聚乙烯介绍 (2)1.1聚乙烯结构 (1)1.2聚乙烯性质 (2)2.高密度聚乙烯介绍 (3)2.1高密度聚乙烯特性 (3)2.2高密度聚乙烯历史发展背景 (4)3.高密度聚乙烯的生产方法 (5)3.1浆液聚合法 (5)3.2气相聚合法 (7)3.3溶液聚合法 (8)3.4三种HDPE技术比较 (9)4.高密度聚乙烯的生产工艺 (9)5. 高密度聚乙烯制品生产工艺和质量影响因素分析 (12)5.1加工成型生产工艺分类 (12)5.2影响塑料制品(聚乙烯)产品的质量相关因素 (14)5.3机械设备的性能和模具的质量与精度分析 (14)6.高密度聚乙烯市场应用 (15)参考文献 (16)致谢 (17)1.聚乙烯介绍1.1聚乙烯结构简写:nCH2=CH2→—[CH2—CH2]n—聚乙烯的分子是长链线型结构或支结构,为典型的结晶聚合物。
聚乙烯具有以下几个主要性能特点: 1. 化学稳定性:聚乙烯具有较好的耐化学性,能够抵抗许多化学品的侵蚀,因此在各种化工领域得到广泛应用。
2. 机械性能:聚乙烯具有较高的机械强度和韧性,同时具备较好的耐磨性和冲击性,适用于制造各种耐用产品。
3. 绝缘性能:聚乙烯是一种良好的绝缘材料,可用于电气绝缘材料的制造。
4. 易加工性:聚乙烯具有良好的加工性能,可通过吹塑、注塑、挤出等工艺制成各种形状。
模拟设计部分以Aspen Plus软件为平台,在设计过程中对聚合工艺进行计算。
关键词:高密度聚乙烯,淤浆聚合,工段设计,聚合设备,ASPENAbstractHigh-density polyethylene (HDPE),the popular polymerization resin products have been used widely. It is a great important instruial products which have been developed by a rocket speed. It plays an important role in the development of the national economy .It have a good processing and application performance consumerzation increased year by year.This paper describes the progress of production technology of high density polyethylene, HDPE development and current situation (including the use of the production technology, production equipment and capacity changes, production changes, etc.), and domestic market demand for high-density polyethylene a comprehensive .The results show that high-density polyethylene in our development prospects.The part of design by simulation is used by Aspen Plus software as its platform. In the design process, it is calculated for the polymerization process according to the design data. We have been steady-state simulated for the production proces of high-density polyethylene and made the sensitivity analysis drawing according to the temperature, size and feeding quantity of the number average molecular weight, respectively, molecular weight and yield mapping. We can find the effects of those differences by deisgn paper directly. Finally, we design the section of high-density polyethylene polymerization procss and the polymer devices on material balance and heat balance. And we draw the process flow diagrams and assembly drawings polymerization reactor according to the desgn data..Keyword: high-density polyethylene, slurry polymerization, technology design , AspenPlus目 录摘要 (I)Abstract (III)目 录 (IV)第一章 前 言 (1)1.1聚乙烯的发展历史 (1)1.2国内外聚乙烯市场发展状况 (2)1.2.1 国际市场 (2)1.2.2 国内市场 (3)第二章 高密度聚乙烯 (4)2.1聚乙烯的分类 (4)2.2 高密度聚乙烯的结构和性能 (5)2.2.1 结构特点 (5)2.2.2 性能及加工特性 (5)2.2.3 高密度聚乙烯的应用 (8)2.3高密度聚乙烯的制备 (9)2.3.1 高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)的开发 (9)2.3.2 聚合反应机理 (10)2.3.3 催化剂 (12)2.3.4 聚合动力学模型 (13)2.3.5 影响因素 (16)2.4高密度聚乙烯的生产 (18)2.4.1 聚合方法 (18)2.4.2 工业概况 (19)2.5技术进展与展望 (20)2.5.1 冷凝及超冷凝技术 (20)2.5.2 不造粒技术 (21)2.5.3 共聚技术 (21)2.5.4 反应器新配置 (22)2.5.5 双峰技术 (22)2.5.6 激光法技术 (23)第三章Aspen化工模拟软件介绍 (24)3.1 Aspen Plus简介 (24)3.2 Aspen Plus功能特点 (24)3.2.1 产品具有完备的物性数据库 (24)3.2.2 产品线比较长,集成能力很强 (25)3.2.3 序贯算法 (25)3.2.4 结构完整 (26)3.2.5 模型/流程分析功能: (26)3.3基本流程模拟 (26)3.3.1 定义流程 (27)3.3.2 计算全局信息的规定 (27)3.3.3 规定组分 (27)3.3.4 选择物性方法 (28)3.3.5 规定物流 (28)3.3.6 单元操作模型的参数设置 (28)3.4灵敏度分析 (28)3.5设计规定 (29)3.6物性分析 (29)3.7物性估计 (29)3.8物性数据回归 (30)第四章高密度聚乙烯Aspen建模 (31)4.1 工艺流程简述 (31)4.2系统组分确定 (31)4.3 物性模型 (32)4.4 聚合动力学模型 (32)4.5 模拟工艺条件的确定 (33)4.6 模拟结果 (35)4.7 灵敏度分析 (36)4.7.1 对引发剂的灵敏度分析 (36)4.7.2 对釜温度的灵敏度分析 (38)4.7.3 对釜体积灵敏度分析 (40)4.7.4 灵敏度分析小结 (41)第五章物料衡算 (42)5.1设计任务 (42)5.2设计条件 (42)5.3参考配方 (42)5.4物料衡算 (42)5.4.1 全系统物料衡算 (43)5.4.2 首釜优化物料衡算 (44)5.4.3 二釜优化物料衡算 (45)第六章聚合釜的设计与计算 (47)6.1 聚合釜的设计 (47)6.2 夹套的设计 (47)6.2.1 夹套的直径 Dj 计算 (47)6.2.2 确定夹套高度 Hj (48)6.2.3 夹套筒体的具体设计 (48)6.2.4 夹套的传热面积 (48)6.2.5 夹套筒体厚度及封头厚度 (48)6.3 搅拌装置的设计 (48)6.3.1 符号说明 (48)6.3.2 搅拌器的选择 (49)6.3.3 第一反应釜搅拌功率的计算 (49)第七章热量衡算 (51)7.1 基础数据 (51)7.2 首釜热量衡算 (51)7.3 传热面积核算 (53)第八章结论与展望 (54)8.1 结论 (54)8.2 HDPE未来发展和研究方向 (54)参考文献: (55)致谢 (57)附录1:Aspen Plus程序源文件: (58)附录2:设计图纸 (74)声明 (76)第一章 前 言1.1聚乙烯的发展历史聚乙烯根据其名称应是由乙烯加聚而成。
二、材料与方法1. 材料本实验所使用的材料包括超高分子量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)、高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)、TiO2纳米粒子以及其他必要的添加剂。
2. 方法(1)制备工艺:采用熔融共混法制备TiO2纳米粒子增强UHMWPE和HDPE复合材料。
三、结果与讨论1. 微观结构分析通过扫描电子显微镜观察发现,TiO2纳米粒子在UHMWPE 和HDPE基体中具有良好的分散性,且与基体之间存在较好的界面相互作用。
2. 力学性能分析实验结果表明,TiO2纳米粒子的加入显著提高了UHMWPE 和HDPE复合材料的力学性能。
3. 热稳定性分析热重分析结果表明,TiO2纳米粒子的加入提高了UHMWPE 和HDPE复合材料的热稳定性。
二、实验部分1. 材料与制备本实验选用的TiO2纳米粒子具有高纯度、高分散性等特点。
2. 实验方法通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察复合材料的微观结构;采用拉伸试验、硬度测试等手段评价其力学性能;同时通过热重分析(TGA)、动态力学分析(DMA)等手段对复合材料的热性能进行分析。
三、结果与讨论1. 微观结构分析SEM观察结果表明,TiO2纳米粒子在聚乙烯基体中分布均匀,形成良好的纳米复合结构。
2. 力学性能分析TiO2纳米粒子的加入显著提高了UHMWPE和HDPE复合材料的拉伸强度、冲击强度和硬度等力学性能。
3. 热性能分析TGA和DMA分析结果表明,TiO2纳米粒子的加入提高了复合材料的热稳定性和玻璃化转变温度。
聚乙烯论文Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】毕业论文设计(论文)题目:聚乙烯塑料生产工艺专业班级:学生姓名:刘亮指导教师:设计时间:重庆工程职业技术学院摘要近年来我国乙烯及其下游加工装置在规模化水平、技术进步、节能降耗、技术开发和创新等方面取得长足的进步,整体实力明显增强:塑料工业已是世界上发展最迅速的工业领域之一,是一种产量最大、用途广泛的热塑性通用材料,简称PE。
高密度聚乙烯论文:碳纳米管改性不相容共混物HDPE/PA6的研究【中文摘要】高密度聚乙烯(High density polyethylene, HDPE)因其优良的韧性和防水性在工农业生产中得到了广泛的应用,但是较低的强度和不防油的特点限制了它的使用范围。
将尼龙6 (Polyamide6, PA6)与HDPE共混既可以改善共混物的防油性能,也可以利用PA6的高强度提升共混物的强度。
得益于其超高的模量、强度和长径比,碳纳米管(Carbon nanotubes, CNTs)不仅可以起到增强的效果,还能够通过桥接裂纹的方式阻止裂纹的引发和扩展,从而明显地增韧材料。
主要研究成果如下:1)利用HDPE为非极性聚合物而PA6为强极性聚合物,以及碳纳米管与极性相近的聚合物具有更大亲和力的特性,同时兼顾PA6分子链端的氨基能与羧基反应的特点,本次实验通过硝酸高温加热的方式,将碳纳米管表面的五元、七元环氧化为具有较大极性的羧基,成功制得了改性多壁碳纳米管(Functionalizedmultiwalled carbon nanotubes, FMWCNTs),以期通过控制碳纳米管极性的方式以及加工工艺的选择实现碳纳米管在共混物中不同位置的选择性分布。
2)采用不同的FMWCNTs加工工艺成功实现了FMWCNTs 在HDPE/PA6不相容共混物中不同位置的选择性分散,并且对复合材料的力学性能产生了不同的影响。
高密度聚乙烯性能研究2 杭州联通管业有限公司,浙江杭州 3114003 浙江工业大学,浙江杭州 310014摘要:本文研究了不同回收料含量的高密度聚乙烯的冲击性能、拉伸性能、红外、TG、DSC等性能变化,得到了较全面的基础数据,得出可用衰减全反射ATR-FTIR法测试不同回收料含量的高密度聚乙烯的定性和定量方法。
2.实验2.1 主要原材料HDPE,牌号P5003D-B,市售产品;HDPE回收料,市售产品。
2.2主要仪器双螺杆挤出机,LTE-b020,上海精宏试验设备有点公司;注塑机,HTF 60W2,宁波海天塑机有限公司;差示扫描量热仪(DSC),8000,PerkinElmer;傅里叶变换红外光谱仪,Nicolet 6700,美国热电尼高力公司;热重分析仪,TAQ5000IR,美国TA;熔体流动速率仪,XNR-400A,承德金和;高低温双立柱试验机,Instron 5996,美国英斯特朗公司;透射电子显微镜,JEM-1230,日本电子株式会社;全自动冲击试验仪,ZBC-1252-2,新三思材料检测;2.3试样制备将HDPE新料和再生料按照不同比例(0,5%,10%,15%,20%,30%,40%,100%)进行配混,经搅拌机充分混合后,喂入双螺杆挤出机,各段挤出温度见表1。
高密度聚乙烯论文:碳纳米管改性不相容共混物HDPE/PA6的研究【中文摘要】高密度聚乙烯(High density polyethylene, HDPE)因其优良的韧性和防水性在工农业生产中得到了广泛的应用,但是较低的强度和不防油的特点限制了它的使用范围。
将尼龙6 (Polyamide6, PA6)与HDPE共混既可以改善共混物的防油性能,也可以利用PA6的高强度提升共混物的强度。
得益于其超高的模量、强度和长径比,碳纳米管(Carbon nanotubes, CNTs)不仅可以起到增强的效果,还能够通过桥接裂纹的方式阻止裂纹的引发和扩展,从而明显地增韧材料。
主要研究成果如下:1)利用HDPE为非极性聚合物而PA6为强极性聚合物,以及碳纳米管与极性相近的聚合物具有更大亲和力的特性,同时兼顾PA6分子链端的氨基能与羧基反应的特点,本次实验通过硝酸高温加热的方式,将碳纳米管表面的五元、七元环氧化为具有较大极性的羧基,成功制得了改性多壁碳纳米管(Functionalizedmultiwalled carbon nanotubes, FMWCNTs),以期通过控制碳纳米管极性的方式以及加工工艺的选择实现碳纳米管在共混物中不同位置的选择性分布。
2)采用不同的FMWCNTs加工工艺成功实现了FMWCNTs 在HDPE/PA6不相容共混物中不同位置的选择性分散,并且对复合材料的力学性能产生了不同的影响。
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Thermochimica Acta 502 (2010) 35–42Contents lists available at ScienceDirectThermochimicaActaj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /t caThermal properties of silicon powder filled high-density polyethylene compositesT.K.Dey ∗,M.TripathiThermophysical Measurements Laboratory,Cryogenic Engineering Centre,Indian Institute of Technology,Kharagpur,Kharagpur 721302,West Bengal,Indiaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 14June 2009Accepted 2February 2010Available online 10 February 2010Keywords:High-density polyethylene/Si composites Thermal stabilityEffective thermal conductivityCoefficient of thermal expansion (CTE)a b s t r a c tThermal conductivity and coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE)of silicon particulates reinforced high-density polyethylene (HDPE)composites are posite samples were fabricated by mixing the components in proper volumetric ratio,molding and hot pressing.Incorporation of Si powder in HDPE enhances both the thermal stability and the effective thermal conductivity of the composites.CTE of the composites display substantial reduction with increasing Si content in HDPE,while with increasing temperature CTE increases linearly.Effective thermal conductivity for HDPE containing 20-volume fraction (%)Si becomes double than that for unfilled HDPE.Results on both the effective thermal conductivity and CTE of the composites have been discussed in light of various theoretical models.Our analysis confirms that the effective thermal conductivity of HDPE/Si composites is predicted extremely well by the model proposed by Agari et al.and conductive channels are not easily formed in HDPE/Si composites.We also show that CTE data could be successfully explained taking into account the role of the interphase volume and the strength of the polymer–filler interactions.© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionWith miniaturization of microelectronics and associated increase in power densities,thermal management has become a critical issue to achieve sustained device performance and their lifetime [1].Polymer filled with appropriate fillers having improved thermal conductivity offers possibilities of its applications as heat sinks in electronic packaging [2].In addition,thermally conduc-tive polymer composites are advantageous due to their enhanced chemical resistance,processability and non-corrosive nature.Poly-mer composites can offer a varied combination of properties,which cannot be achieved by a single element.Investigations on the thermophysical and mechanical properties of polymers contain-ing various kinds of fillers have been widely reported [3–7]and it is now known that the thermal properties of particles filled polymers is a complex function of their geometry,thermal con-ductivity of different phases,distribution in the matrix and contact between the particles.Further,the physical properties of polymer composites can be tailored according to the need by reinforcing the polymer with different kind of fillers and their amount in polymeric matrix.Though,many theoretical and empirical mod-els have been proposed to predict the thermophysical properties of particulate composites,the accurate prediction of the effective thermal conductivity still remains a challenge and consequently measurement of thermal conductivity of the composites is impor-∗Corresponding author.E-mail address:tapasdey@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in (T.K.Dey).tant.The metal–polymer and/or,ceramic–polymer composites are widely used in electronic packaging of integrated circuits,in which polymer films act as the interlayer dielectrics.Heat dissipation problems are very critical now a days due to the miniaturization and the increase in power density of integrated circuits.Conse-quently,the CTE mismatch in materials adjacent to each other tends to become a major source of failure in microelectronic devices [8].Typically,thermal expansion coefficient of an electronic device composed of silicon is about 4×10−6/◦C,while that of polymer is about 50–100×10−6/◦C.One of the most effective approaches to improve the CTE of a polymer is the addition of particulate inorganic filler material with low ually,higher loading of fillers is required to decrease the CTE of the polymer.Fillers generally incorporated for control of CTE of elastomers,include mica,chalk,kaolin,carbon black and glass fibers [9,10].Iyer et al.[11]recently reported significant reductions in CTE for boron nitride elastomeric composites as compared to pure elastomers.High-density polyethylene (HDPE)is one of the most widely used commercial polymers,because of its superior mechanical and phys-ical properties.However,its toughness,weather resistance,and environmental stress cracking resistance are not good enough which limited its application in many high-technology areas.Rein-forcing HDPE with fillers (viz.,aluminum and copper particles,short carbon fibers,carbon,graphite,aluminum nitrides and magnetic particles)has been found to improve its properties.Tavman and co-worker [12]reported a significant improvement of thermal con-ductivity of HDPE containing 33%by volume of aluminum particles and more recently,Sofian et al.[13]and Kuriber and Alam [14]also observed a moderate enhancement in the effective thermal0040-6031/$–see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.tca.2010.02.00236T.K.Dey,M.Tripathi/Thermochimica Acta502 (2010) 35–42conductivity of metal powder and aligned carbon nanoscalefibers filled in HDPE and polypropylene,respectively.Silicon being the primary material used in microelectronic devices,use of Si-based polymer composite as material for elec-tronic packaging material is expected to reduce appreciably the problems associated with thermal mismatch in the device.It may be noted that relatively large thermal conductivity(∼140W/mK) and very low CTE of silicon are favorable for the above applications. In the present communication,we report our results on the use of silicon powder as afiller material to enhance the effective thermal conductivity and to reduce the coefficient of thermal expansion of high-density polyethylene(HDPE).Results obtained have been discussed and analyzed in light of various theoretical models.2.Theoretical models2.1.Models on thermal conductivity of compositesThe effective thermal conductivity of a composite material is dependent on several factors,viz.,filler concentration,particle size and shape,and homogeneity of the dispersed phase in the matrix, the thermal conductivity of different phases and contact between thefiller particles,etc.The review and derivation of these models are out of the scope of the present study and only a brief sum-mary for the background of the equations is given.Over the years, numerous theoretical models have been reported to predict the precise value of the thermal conductivity of two phase and mul-tiphase composites.By solving Laplace’s equation and assuming absence of any interactions between thefiller particles,Maxwell [15]calculated the effective thermal conductivity of a random dis-tribution of spheres in a continuous medium which worked well for lowfiller concentrations.Starting with Maxwell model,Brugge-man[16]derived another exact model for the effective thermal conductivity,under different assumptions for permeability and field strength.However,the model failed to predict the measured data on AlNfilled epoxy system[17].Hamilton and Crosser[18] extended Maxwell’s model to include an empirical factor n to account for the shape of the particles(n=3for spheres and n=6for cylinders).It may be noted that both Maxwell,nor,the Hamilton and Crosser model contains any dependence on particle size,and they also imply that the temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity is approximately the same as that of the basefluid.A useful theoretical model for highfiller-loaded composites was first suggested by Meredith and Tobias[19],with a reasonable suc-cess[20].Cheng and Vachon[21]assumed a parabolic distribution of the discontinuous phase in a continuous medium and deter-mined the parabolic distribution constants by analysis,which was related to the discontinuous phase volume fraction.The effective thermal conductivity was then derived for the two-phase solid mix-ture.A semi-empirical model was reported by Lewis and Neilson [22],which was based on modification of the Halpin–Tsai equa-tion[23,24].Their proposition takes into account the effect of the shape and the orientation of the particle or,the type of packing for a two-phase system.The constant A,in their equation,takes care of the particle shape and how they are oriented with respect to the direction of the heatflow,while the type of packing is accounted by the term m,For example,for randomly packed spherical particles, A=1.5and m=0.637;where as for randomly packed aggregates of sphere or for randomly packed irregularly shaped particles,A=3 and m=0.637.This model has been reported to be more success-ful for low and mediumfiller-loaded composites(<20%).Agari and Uno[25]also proposed another semi-empirical model,which is based on the argument that the enhanced thermal conductivity of highfiller-loaded composites originates from forming conductive channels or,chains offillers.Their expression contains two param-eters,C1and C2,which respectively accounts for the effect of the crystallinity of the polymer and the ease in formation of conductive chains offillers.The equations used in the present study to describe the effective thermal conductivity of polymer composites are given in Table1.2.2.Models on CTE of compositeSeveral theoretical or,empirical equations exist in the litera-tures to predict the thermal expansion coefficient of composites. Some of them are based on the theory of elasticity,some others uses mechanics of materials approach or,express a law of mixtures,and some try to match theoretical expressions to the experimental data by suitably defining the existing constants in these expressions. Amongst them,most widely used ones are,the rule of mixtures (ROM).In the absence of the interaction between the matrix and thefillers,the rule of mixtures[26]serves as thefirst-order approx-imation to estimate the CTE of composites.The rule of mixtures model was modified by Turner[27]to take into account of the mechanical interactions between materials in the composite[28]. Turner et al.derived thefinal equation(11)assuming the same dimensional changes with temperature for all the constituents present in the composite.Kerner[29]and Schapery[30]derived the CTE equations(12)and(13),respectively,considering simple spherical shape of the second phase.Schapery model,modified by Hashim[31]derived the bounds on effective thermal expansion coefficients of isotropic and anisotropic composites consisting of isotropic phases by employing extremum principles of thermoelas-ticity.Among these bounds for elastic constants,H–S bounds could cover most of the experimental data on elastic modulas[32,33]. Based on the experimental data,Thomas[34]and by Chen et al.[35]suggested purely empirical equations(16)and(17),respec-tively.Recently,Vo et al.[36]proposed a novel microscopic model for predicting the effective CTE of underfills and other polymeric composites by considering the effect of an interface zone surround-ing thefiller particles in a polymer matrix.The model appears to resolve several conflicts associated with the effect offiller concen-tration,filler size and shape,and thefiller–polymer interaction on the effective CTE of polymeric composite materials.3.Experimentalposites preparation and characterizationHDPE/Si composite for the present studies are prepared using commercial grade high-density polyethylene(HDPE)powder(den-sity of0.94g/cm3)andfine Si powder(density2.3g/cm3)obtained from Loba Chemicals(India).Si powder used in the present inves-tigation is approximately spherical in shape and particle size between5and10m.Various volume concentration of Si powder is mechanically mixed with appropriate amount of HDPE powder for30min.Calculated amount of xylene is then added and the mix-ture is slowly heated to about70◦C for about2h.The heating is accompanied with vigorous stirring of the viscousfluid mixture to ensure a homogeneous distribution of Si powder.Heating and stir-ring is continued till xylene is completely evaporated.The resultant homogeneous mixture of HDPE and Si is then slowly cooled to room temperature.Pieces cut from the solidified HDPE–Si mixture is transferred to a stainless steel die and subjected to hot compression molding at120◦C.After cooling and complete solidification under pressure,the HDPE/Si composite sample is carefully taken out of the die.Typical size of the HDPE/Si composite prepared for the thermal conductivity measurements was35mm long and25mm diameter.Typical XRD patterns of HDPE composites containing7and 10vol.%Si are shown in Fig.1a and ing Debye–Scherer equa-T.K.Dey,M.Tripathi /Thermochimica Acta 502 (2010) 35–4237T a b l e 1M o d e l p r e d i c t i o n s f o r t h e e f f e c t i v e t h e r m a l c o n d u c t i v i t y o f p a r t i c l e fil l e d p o l y m e r s .M o d e lP r e d i c t i o nM a x w e l l [15]k c =k mk f +2k m +2 (k f −k m )k f +2k m − (k f −k m )(1)B r u g g e m a n [16](1− )=(k f −k c )(k m /k c )1/3(k f −k m )(2)H a m i l t o n a n d C r o s s e r [18]k c =k f +(n −1)k m +(n −1)(k f −k m )k f +(n −1)k m −(k f −k m )k m(3)M e r i d t h a n d T o b i a s [19]k c k m =2(2+k f /k m )−2(1−k f /k m ) 2(2+k f /k m )+(1−k f /k m ) ×(2− )(2+k f /k m )−2(1−k f /k m ) (2− )(2+k f /k m )+(1−k f /k m )(4)C h e n g a n d V a s h o n [21]1k c=1C (k f −k m )(B (k f −k m ))l nk m +B (k f −k m )+B /2C (k f −k m )k m +B (k f −k m )−B /2C (k f −k m )+1−Bk mw h e r e ,B =3 2a n d ,C =−423(5)L e w i s a n d N i e l s e n [22]k c =k m1+A ˇ 1−ˇ,w h e r e ˇ=k f /k m −1k f /k m +Aa n d =1+1− m2m(6)A g a r i a n d U n o [25]l o g k c = C 2l o g k f +(1− )l o g (C 1k m )(7)k c ,k m a n d k f a r e t h e t h e r m a l c o n d u c t i v i t y o f t h e c o m p o s i t e s ,p o l y m e r a n d fil l e r ,r e s p e c t i v e l y .ϕi s t h e c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f t h e a d d e d fil l e r ; m i s t h e m a x i m u m p a c k i n g f r a c t i o n o f t h e d i s p e r s e d p a r t i c l e s ,A i s a c o n s t a n t d e p e n d s o n t h e s h a p e a n d o r i e n t a t i o n o f t h e d i s p e r s e d p a r t i c l e s ,C 1i s a f a c t o r i n flu e n c i n g t h e e f f e c t o f c r y s t a l l i n i t y o f t h e p o l y m e r ;C 2r e p r e s e n t s e a s e i n f o r m a t i o n o f t h e c o n d u c t i v e c h a i n s o f t h e fil l e r p a r t i c l e s .Fig.1.Typical XRD patterns for HDPE/7vol.%Si and HDPE/10vol.%Si composites.tion corresponding to the most intense peak,the average crystallite sizes of the filler are estimated to be ∼10m.Fig.2a and b is two typical scanning electron micrographs of the prepared composites.SEM photographs show that the Si fillers are mostly spherical in shape and are distributed fairly uniformly in the HDPE matrix.Thermo-gravimetric analysis of the prepared composites is per-formed in nitrogen atmosphere using PerkinElmer Pyris Diamond DTA/TGA Analyzer between 45and 650◦C,with a heating rate of ∼10◦C/min.TGA curves of pure HDPE and HDPE composites with different silicon loadings are shown in Fig.3.The temperature at which sample looses 35%of its weight of given composites (T 35)is taken as measure of thermal stability of the composites.It may be seen that the thermal decomposition of all the composites occurs mostly between 300and 500◦C.It is apparent from Fig.3that Si loading in HDPE enhances the thermal stability of the composites.Observed increase in thermal stability is thought to be due to the restriction of mobility of segmental movement of HDPE,due to the enhanced interaction between Si and the polymer matrix.3.2.Measurement of thermal conductivityEffective thermal conductivity of HDPE–Si composites is mea-sured by a 30mm long duel needle sensor (SH-1),which is coupled to the thermal properties analyzer (model KD2Pro,Decagon Device,Inc).KD2Pro thermal analyzer is based on transient hot wire method,which has the advantages of convenience,ease of construction,accuracy and short measurement time.The duel nee-38T.K.Dey,M.Tripathi /Thermochimica Acta502 (2010) 35–42Fig.2.Typical SEM micrographs for HDPE/7vol.%Si and HDPE/10vol.%Si compos-ites.dle probe (SH-1)consists of two parallel needles spaced 6mm apart.One needle contains a line heat source and the other a thermo-couple.The probe (SH-1)is buried in the homogeneous material (sample)and the heater is excited to produce a constant heat output per unit length.Temperature distribution in the material depends on the thermal properties of the material.Rise in temperature with time is recorded by the temperature sensor located 6mm away from the heat source.When a quantity of constant heat flux per unit wire length q (w/m)is applied to the line heat source over a period of time,the temperature rise at distance,r from theheatFig.3.TGA curves of HDPE/Si composites.source is given by [37]: T (r,t )=−q4 ÄEi−r 24at0<t ≤t 1(8)where,k and a is the thermal conductivity and diffusivity of the medium,respectively,t 1is the heating time and Ei is the exponen-tial integral.The decrease in temperature after the heat is turned off is given by: T =−q4 k−Ei−r 24at+Ei−r 24a (t −t 1)t >t 1(9)Thermal conductivity (K)of the composite is determined by fitting the time-temperature data during heating to Eq.(8),and to Eq.(9)during cooling.Thermal conductivity at 300K for each sample is measured at least five times and the mean value is recorded.Overall uncertainty in the measurement of thermal conductivity is ∼3%.3.3.Measurement of coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE)CTE measurement on the prepared samples were performed between 30and 100◦C at 5◦C/min using Thermo Mechanical Analyzer (TMA)(M/S,PerkinElmer,Diamond TMA).The average dimension of the sample used for TMA was 5mm ×5mm ×5mm.TMA measures linear or volumetric changes in the dimension of the material as a function of time,temperature,or force.The coef-ficient of thermal expansion was determined from the slope of the plot between thermal expansion and temperature by using TMA data analysis software.4.Results and discussions4.1.Thermal conductivity of HDPE–Si compositeThermal conductivity of HDPE/Si composites at room tempera-ture as a function of filler (Si)concentration is shown in Fig.4a.It is seen that with the increase in filler loading,the effective thermal conductivity of the composite increases.Effective thermal conduc-tivity of 0.833W/mK is achieved for HDPE containing 20-vol.%Si,which is more than double of pure HDPE.The enhancement in the effective thermal conductivity of HDPE/Si composites is expected,as the thermal conductivity of the filler (Si)is significantly higher (K Si =140W/mK)than that of HDPE (K HDPE =0.362W/mK).With the increase in volume content of silicon in HDPE,the interac-tion between Si particles increases and they come in contact with each other,resulting in the ease in transfer of heat and consequent enhancement of thermal conductivity.Fig.4b shows the temper-ature dependence of the thermal conductivity of the composites.For all the filler contents in HDPE/Si composites,only a marginal decrease in thermal conductivity is observed between room tem-perature and 80◦C.The decrease observed in thermal conductivity with increased in temperature is expected due to the dominance of both phonon–phonon and phonon–electron scattering.Measured effective thermal conductivity of the HDPE/Si com-posite and those predicted by the various models (Table 1)are plotted (Fig.5a)over a wide range of filler content between 0and 20%.Most of the models fail to predict the measured effective ther-mal conductivity of HDPE/Si composites over the entire range of filler concentration used in the present study.It may be noted that Maxwell,Bruggeman and Russell equations largely over estimate the experimental data over the entire range of filler concentration,while Hamilton Crosser model (with n =3,spherical shape of fillers)severely under estimates the effective thermal conductivity.Geo-metric mean model as well as Meredith equation predicts fairly well the effective thermal conductivity only for very low concentration of Si in HDPE.Meredith and Tobias model [19],which is based on theT.K.Dey,M.Tripathi/Thermochimica Acta502 (2010) 35–4239Fig.4.(a)Room temperature effective thermal conductivity of HDPE/Si composites as a function of Si content.(b)Temperature dependence of the effective thermal conductivity of HDPE/Si composites.generalization of models for parallel and series conduction in com-posites usually,predicts the thermal conductivity of composites with high conductivityfillers and for highfiller content.However, in the present case,thermal conductivity calculated by Geomet-ric mean and Meredith equations for composites with highfiller concentration(>5vol.%)of Si gives∼40%higher and∼30%lower effective thermal conductivity compared to the measured values, respectively.It may be pointed out that Cheng-Vashon model[21] is derived for composites with k f/k m>100.However,our analysis shows that even with k f/k m∼380(for HDPE/Si),satisfactory agree-ment with the measured data is achieved only up to∼15vol.% Si and at higherfiller concentration it largely over estimates the effective thermal conductivity.As is evident from Fig.5b,models proposed by both Neilson and co-worker[22]and Agari and co-worker[25]predicts well the effective thermal conductivity of the present composite over the studied range offiller concentration. Neilsen equation(6),which takes into account the shape and ori-entation of the dispersed medium,predicts our data more closely for A=3andϕ=0.74.This indicates that the dispersed phase in the composite are randomly oriented aggregates of spherical par-ticles with hexagonal close/face centered cubic type of packing.It is interesting to note from Fig.5b that Agari and Uno model[25] also predicts extremely well( 2=8×10−5),the effectivethermal Fig.5.(a)Comparison between the measured and predicted values of effective ther-mal conductivity in terms of various models.(b)Effective thermal conductivity of HDPE/Si plotted with the predicted values using Eqs.(6)and(7).(c)Deviation(%) (=((k measured−k calculated)/k measured)×100)vs.Si volume fraction.40T.K.Dey,M.Tripathi /Thermochimica Acta 502 (2010) 35–42conductivity of the HDPE/Si composite in the whole range of Si con-centration (0–20vol.%).The situation becomes clear from Fig.5c,where deviation (%)from the measured thermal conductivity has been compared for both Neilson and Agari models.As seen from Fig.5c,thermal conductivity of HDPE/Si composites calculated from Agari et al.model [25]fits the measured data to better than 2%both for lower and higher concentration range.The values of the param-eters C 1and C 2obtained from the best fit of Eq.(7)are 0.98092and 0.66116,respectively.According to Agari and Uno,the param-eters C 1and C 2should be in between 0and 1.The parameter C 1obtained from the fit is close to 1,which indicates that the intro-duction of Si into HDPE does not have any effect on the crystallinity of the polymer.Further,the closure C 2values are to 1;more easily the conductive chains/channels are formed in composites.It may be noted that,depending on the dispersion state of the particu-lates,the thermal conductivity of the composites may be different,even if the composition of the composites is same.Zhou et al.[38]reported that composites with smaller particle size of the filler give higher value of C 2.This is because a better state of filler dispersion can be achieved in smaller particles reinforced composites com-pared to the larger particles and formation of conductive channels in smaller particles filled composites is more likely [39,40].How-ever,in the present composite,the average filler size is ∼10m and the value of C 2(viz.,0.66116)obtained from the fit indicates that the conductive channels/chains are not easily formed in HDPE/Si composites.This is in agreement with the observations of Zhou et al.[38]on HDPE/BN composites,prepared with filler (BN)of various sizes.4.2.CTE of HDPE–Si compositesCoefficient of thermal expansion (CTE)of HDPE/Si composites have been measured both as function of volume fraction of the filler concentration and temperature.Fig.6a shows the variation of (CTE)of the composites with various filler loading at different temperatures between 40and 100◦C.It is seen that for all com-positions CTE steadily decreases with Si volume fraction (%).The temperature dependence of CTE for composites with different filler concentration is shown in Fig.6b.CTE of all the studied compos-ites increases linearly with temperature.However,the slope of the dimensional change versus temperature becomes shallower for the entire temperature interval as the reinforcement volume frac-tion increases from 3%to 20%.As is expected,the composite with higher filler loading shows consistently lower CTE values than the composites with lower filler pared to the CPE of pure HDPE,CTE of HDPE composite with 0.2Si concentrations decreases by more than an order of magnitude at around room temperature.The decrease in CTE of the composites depends on the difference between the CTE of the polymer matrix and the filler particles.In the present case,the filler (Si)particle has a very low CTE value (4.1×10−6/◦C)as compared to HDPE (∼100×10−6/◦C).The reduction of CTE is,however,also influenced by the strength of the interfacial adhesion between the matrix and the filler.Fig.7shows the comparison of the experimental CTE with the values calculated by various models (Table 2).It is seen that most of the models display significant deviations from the measured data.The primary reason for the observed deviation lies on the fact that thermal expansion of the composite is influenced by several fac-tors that could not be fulfilled by any single model.The rule of mixtures (ROM),which is widely used for the calculation of the effective CTE of the composite,fails to predict the measured CTE in the present case.It may be noted that estimation of CTE based on Turner model [27]significantly under-predicts the measured CTE values of the HDPE/Si composites.Turner model [27]predicts fairly well the CTE of composites,only when bulk modulus of both filler and the matrix are of comparable magnitude.In the presentT a b l e 2M o d e l p r e d i c t i o n s f o r t h e c o e f fic i e n t o f t h e r m a l e x p a n s i o n o f p a r t i c l e fil l e d p o l y m e r s .M o d e lP r e d i c t i o nR u l e o f m i x t u r e (R O M )[26]˛c =˛m (1− )+˛f(10)T u r n e r m o d e l [27]˛c =(1− )K m ˛m + K f ˛f(1− )K m + K f(11)K e r n e r m o d e l [29]˛c =˛m (1− )+˛f +[ (1− )(˛f −˛m )]×K f −K m(1− )K m + K f +(3K f K m /4G m )(12)S c h a p e r y ’s m o d e l [30]˛c =˛f +(˛m −˛f )1/K c −1/K f1/K m −1/K f(13)K (−)c=K m +(1/(K f −K m ))−((1− )/(K m +(4/3)G m ))(l o w e r b o u n d s )(14)K (+)c =K f +1− (1/(K m −K f ))−( /(K f +(4/3)G f ))(u p p e r b o u n d s )(15)T h o m a s m o d e l [34]˛a c =˛a m +˛a f (1− ),e x p o n e n t ‘a ’m a y v a r y f r o m +1t o −1(16)C h e n e t a l .m o d e l [35]˛c =a ˛m e x p− b+(1−a )˛m ;a a n db a r ec o n s t a n t s(17)V o e t a l .m o d e l [36]˛c =11+k 0 (1− )[ ˛f +(1− )˛m +k 0 (1− )(˛f +˛m )+k 0 (1− )k 1](18)˛c ,˛m a n d ˛f a r e r e s p e c t i v e l y t h e C T E o f t h e c o m p o s i t e ,p o l y m e r a n d t h e fil l e r . :t h e fil l e r v o l u m e f r a c t i o n .K a n d G a r e t h e b u l k a n d s h e a r m o d u l i ,r e s p e c t i v e l y a n d t h e s u b s c r i p t s m a n d f s t a n d s f o r m a t r i x a n d fil l e r ,r e s p e c t i v e l y .T h e s h e a r m o d u l u s i s c a l c u l a t e d u s i n g t h e s t a n d a r d r e l a t i o n s h i p ,K =E /(3(3−E /G )).K 0r e fle c t s t h e m a t r i x –fil l e r i n t e r a c t i o n s t r e n g t h :K 1i s a m e a s u r e o f t h e t e m p e r a t u r e d e p e n d e n c e o f K 0.。