BF423ZL1 BF423ZL1G
TO−92 (Pb−Free)
2000/Ammo Pack 2000/Ammo Pack
Publication Order Number: BF421/D
BF421, BF423
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted) Characteristic
Base −Emitter Saturation Voltage (IC = −20 mA, IB = −2.0 mA)
Current −Gain − Bandwidth Product (IC = −10 mAdc, VCE = −10 Vdc, f = 20 MHz)
Common Emitter Feedback Capacitance (VCB = −30 Vdc, IE = 0, f = 1.0 MHz)
1. Pulse Test: Pulse Width v 300 ms; Duty Cycle v 2.0%.
−300 −250 −300 −250
−5.0 −50 100
830 6.6
Vdc Vdc Vdc mAdc mA mW mW/°C
Operating and Storage Junction TJ, Tstg −55 to +150
Temperature Range
arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages.
TB 421-64
57 TB/T 422-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用护轨平肩垫板
TB 422-64
58 TB/T 428-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用顶铁 59 TB/T 429-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用接头铁 60 TB/T 431-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用拉杆 61 TB/T 432-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用连杆 62 TB/T 433-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用辙跟鱼尾板 63 TB/T 437-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用轨撑 64 TB/T 438-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔辙跟外轨撑 65 TB/T 439-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔护轨中部间隔铁 66 TB/T 440-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用垫圈 67 TB/T 441-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用辙跟垫圈 68 TB/T 442-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用鱼尾板垫圈 69 TB/T 443-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用扣铁 70 TB/T 444-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用绝缘垫圈 71 TB/T 445-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用绝缘管 72 TB/T 447-2004 高锰钢辙叉技术条件
TB 451-86 TB 454-63 TB 456-84
77 TB/T 493-2004 铁道车辆车钩缓冲装置组装技术条件
78 TB/T 494-1997* 铁路照明照度标准 79 TB/T 564-1992 螺旋道钉 80 TB/T 574-1975 铁路钢桥产品技术条件 81 TB/T 776-2005 机车车辆用螺纹管接头 球接头 82 TB/T 777-2005 机车车辆用螺纹管接头 接头螺母 83 TB/T 778-2005 机车车辆用螺纹管接头 技术条件 84 TB/T 780-1993 扁开口销 85 TB/T 781.1-1999 集尘器 A 型 86 TB/T 781.2-1999 集尘器 B 型 87 TB/T 782-1999 13 号车钩用冲击座 88 TB/T 783-1999 2 号车钩用车钩托梁 89 TB/T 798-1991* 内接活接头 90 TB/T 799-1993* 内外活接头 91 TB/T 800-1993* 内接活弯头 92 TB/T 801-1993* 外接活弯头 93 TB/T 802-1993 活接三通
TinyARM T23硬件说明手册广州致远电子有限公司类别 内容关键词 TinyARM T23、嵌入式工控模块摘 要讲解TinyARM T23外部硬件电路的设计方法ARM 嵌入式工业控制模块修订历史版本日期原因V1.00 2008/04/12 创建文档V1.01 2008/04/24 补充部分硬件说明内容硬件手册 ©2008 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics CO., LTD.共21页硬件手册 ©2008 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics CO., LTD.共21页销售与服务网络(一)广州周立功单片机发展有限公司地址:广州市天河北路689号光大银行大厦12楼F4 邮编:510630 电话:(020)38730916 38730917 38730972 38730976 38730977 传真:(020)38730925 网址:广州专卖店地址:广州市天河区新赛格电子城203-204室 电话:(020)87578634 87569917 传真:(020)87578842南京周立功地址:南京市珠江路280号珠江大厦2006室 电话:(025)83613221 83613271 83603500 传真:(025)83613271北京周立功地址:北京市海淀区知春路113号银网中心712室 (中发电子市场斜对面)电话:(010)62536178 62536179 82628073 传真:(010)82614433重庆周立功地址:重庆市石桥铺科园一路二号大西洋国际大厦(赛格电子市场)1611室 电话:(023)68796438 68796439 传真:(023)68796439杭州周立功地址:杭州市登云路428号浙江时代电子市场205号电话:(0571)88009205 88009932 88009933 传真:(0571)88009204成都周立功地址:成都市一环路南二段1号数码同人港401室(磨子桥立交西北角)电话:(028)85439836 85437446 传真:(028)85437896深圳周立功地址:深圳市深南中路 2070号电子科技大厦A 座24楼2403室电话:(0755)83781788(5线) 传真:(0755)83793285武汉周立功地址:武汉市洪山区广埠屯珞瑜路158号12128室(华中电脑数码市场)电话:(027)87168497 87168297 87168397 传真:(027)87163755上海周立功地址:上海市北京东路668号科技京城东座7E 室 电话:(021)53083452 53083453 53083496 传真:(021)53083491西安办事处地址:西安市长安北路54号太平洋大厦1201室 电话:(029)87881296 83063000 87881295 传真:(029)87880865硬件手册 ©2008 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics CO., LTD.共21页销售与服务网络(二)广州致远电子有限公司地址:广州市天河区车陂路黄洲工业区3栋2楼 邮编:510660 传真:(020)38601859 网址: (嵌入式系统事业部) (工控网络事业部) (楼宇自动化事业部)技术支持: CAN-bus :电话:(020)22644381 22644382 22644253 邮箱:****************************iCAN 及模块:电话:(020)28872344 22644373 邮箱:*********************ARM 工控板:电话:(020)28872684邮箱:******************************以太网及无线:电话:(02 0)22644385 22644386 邮箱:************************* *********************************编程器:电话:(020)38681856 28872449 邮箱:*************************分析仪器:电话:(020)22644375 28872624 28872345 邮箱:********************ARM 嵌入式系统:电话:(020)28872347 28872377 22644383 22644384 邮箱:**********************楼宇自动化:电话:(020)22644376 22644389 邮箱:************************ *************************销售:电话:(020)22644249 22644399 28872524 28872342 28872349 28872569 28872573维修:电话:(020)22644245目录1. 适用范围 (1)2. 系统硬件设计 (2)2.1 TinyARM最小系统 (2)2.2 电源电路 (3)2.3 复位系统与ISP电路 (5)2.4 调试端口设计 (5)2.5 UART接口设计 (6)2.6 I2C接口设计 (8)2.7 SSP接口设计 (10)2.8 模拟量输入 (11)2.9 开关量输入与输出 (11)2.10 SD/MMC总线接口电路 (12)2.11 以太网接口电路设计 (13)2.12 USB Device接口电路设计 (14)2.13 CAN总线接口电路 (14)3. 声明 (16)硬件手册©2008 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics CO., LTD.共21页1. 适用范围本手册是TinyARM T23系列嵌入式工控模块的硬件说明手册,适用于T2365I、T2366I、T2367I、T2368I、T2387I五个型号的外部硬件电路的设计。
Features • Non-reflective 75-ohm switch • Integrated 0.25 watt terminations • CTB performance of 100dBc • High isolation: 90 dB at 5 MHz, 53 dB at 1 GHz • Low insertion loss: 0.5 dB at 5 MHz, 0.75 dB at 1 GHz • High input IP2: >80 dBm • CMOS/TTL single-pin control • Single +3-volt supply operation • Extremely low bias: 33 µA @ 3V Figure 2. Pin Configuration
Table 3. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Power supply voltage Voltage on CTRL input Storage temperature Operating temperature Input power (50Ω), CTRL=1/CTRL=0 ESD voltage (Human Body Model)
-0.3 -0.3 -65 -40
4.0 5.5 150 85 33/24 200
V V °C °C dBm V
Table 4. DC Electrical Specifications @ 25 °C
is a registered trademark of Genesys Logic, Inc. All trademarks are the properties of their respecnesys Logic, Inc. 12F, No. 205, Sec. 3, Beishin Rd., Shindian City, Taipei, Taiwan Tel: (886-2) 8913-1888 Fax: (886-2) 6629-6168 http ://
TB铁路行业标准目录序号标准编号标准名称代替标准号1TB/T n 1-1985 铁路电话交换网长途自动电话编号TB n 1-782 TB/T n 3-1987 2000毫升轻油样品包装箱3 TB/Z 5-1976* 螺旋道钉硫磺锚固及绝缘防锈涂料4 TB/T 1.1-1995 铁道车辆标记一般规则GB 7703.1-875 TB/T 1.2-1995 铁道车辆标记文字与字体GB 7703.2-876 TB/T 2-1999 车辆用票插TB 2-687 TB/T 3-1974 客车编组顺位牌插(A、B型)型式尺寸8 TB/T 5-1993 客车运行区间牌TB 5-869 TB/T 19-1999 货车手制动轴套TB 19-7410 TB/T 23-1999 机车车辆用防尘堵及链TB 23-8211 TB/T 24-1999 机车车辆用三通接头TB 24-7412 TB/T 25-1999 货车制动管吊组装TB 25-7413 TB/T 26-1999 货车制动管吊板TB 26-7414 TB/T 33-1999 货车用闸瓦插销TB 33-7415 TB/T 34-1999 货车用闸瓦销环TB 34-7416 TB/T 35-1999 货车用中心销TB 35-6817 TB/T 36-1999 车辆用从板TB 36-7418 TB/T 37-1999 货车用右闸瓦托TB 37-7419 TB/T 38-1999 货车用左闸瓦托TB 38-7420 TB/T 39-1974 车辆用闸瓦托技术条件TB 39-5921 TB/T 40-1999 车辆用前从板座TB 40-8222 TB/T 41.1-1999 车辆用后从板座A型TB 41-8223 TB/T 41.2-1999 车辆用后从板座B型TB 41-8224 TB/T 42-1999 2号车钩用冲击座TB 42-7425 TB/T 46-1995 车辆用上下心盘技术条件TB 46-7426 TB/T 48-1999 扶梯TB 48-6827 TB/T 54-1993 光圆销TB 54-8428 TB/T 55-1993 半光圆销TB 55-8429 TB/T 56-1993 毛圆销TB 56-8430 TB/T 59-1993 圆销用垫圈TB 59-8431 TB/T 60-2001 制动软管连接器总成TB 60-8932 TB/T 66-1995 机车车辆制动机弹簧技术条件TB 66-5933 TB/T 85-1999 截断塞门TB 85-7434 TB/T 112-1974 客车用注水口(A、B型)型式与尺寸TB 112-6835 TB/T 119-1974 客车紧急制动阀型式与尺寸TB 119-6836 TB/T 122-2001 机车车辆产品图样及设计文件编号原则TB 122-7437 TB/T 304-1995 机车用总风缸技术条件TB 304-8238 TB/T 312-1993 塞门TB 312-8439 TB/T 313-1993 插接塞门(一) TB 313-8440 TB/T 314-1993 插接塞门(二) TB 314-8441 TB/T315-2005 机车车辆用球阀TB 315-84代替TB/T312~321-199342 TB/T 316-1993 Dg16截止阀TB 316-8443 TB/T 317-1993 Dg20截止阀TB 317-8444 TB/T 318-1993 Dg25截止阀TB 318-8445 TB/T 319-1993 Dg32截止阀TB 319-8446 TB/T 320-1993 Dg40截止阀TB 320-8447 TB/T 321-1993 Dg50截止阀TB 321-8448 TB/T333-2005 机车车辆用螺纹管接头TB 333-84代替TB/T333-199349 TB/T 335-1975 H-6 自动制动阀技术条件TB 335-6150 TB/T 336-1975 H-6 自动制动阀型式尺寸TB 336-6151 TB/T 399-1975* 标准轨距铁路每米43和50公斤钢轨9、12号单开道岔TB 399-6452 TB/T 402-1975* 标准轨距铁路每米43公斤钢轨6.25米尖轨转辙器TB 402-6453 TB/T 403-1975* 标准轨距铁路每米43公斤钢轨7.7米尖轨转辙器TB 403-6454 TB/T 404-1975* 标准轨距铁路每米50公斤钢轨6.25米尖轨转辙器TB 404-6455 TB/T 405-1975* 标准轨距铁路每米50公斤钢轨7.7米尖轨转辙器TB 405-6456 TB/T 412-2004 标准轨距铁路道岔技术条件TB 412-75代替TB/T412-199057 TB/T 413-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用半圆头方颈螺栓(粗制) TB 413-6458 TB/T 414-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用方头螺栓(粗制) TB 414-6459 TB/T 415-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用双头螺栓(粗制) TB 415-6460 TB/T 416-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用长方头螺栓(粗制) TB 416-6461 TB/T 417-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用六角厚螺母(粗制) TB 417-6462 TB/T 418-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用弹簧垫圈TB 418-6463 TB/T 419-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用双肩平垫板TB 419-6464 TB/T 420-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用轨撑垫板TB 420-6465 TB/T 421-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用滑床板TB 421-6466 TB/T 422-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用护轨平肩垫板TB 422-6467 TB/T 428-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用顶铁TB 428-6468 TB/T 429-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用接头铁TB 429-6469 TB/T 431-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用拉杆TB 431-6470 TB/T 432-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用连杆TB 432-6471 TB/T 433-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用辙跟鱼尾板TB 433-6472 TB/T 437-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用轨撑TB 437-6473 TB/T 438-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔辙跟外轨撑TB 438-6474 TB/T 439-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔护轨中部间隔铁TB 439-6475 TB/T 440-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用垫圈TB 440-6476 TB/T 441-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用辙跟垫圈TB 441-6477 TB/T 442-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用鱼尾板垫圈TB 442-6478 TB/T 443-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用扣铁TB 443-6479 TB/T 444-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用绝缘垫圈TB 444-6480 TB/T 445-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用绝缘管TB 445-6481 TB/T 447-2004 高锰钢辙叉技术条件TB 447-74代替TB/T447-1990、TB/T2327-199282 TB/T 449-2003 机车车辆车轮轮缘踏面外形TB/T 449-1976 TB/T 1967-198783 TB/T 451-1996 车辆和煤水车用车轴技术条件TB 451-8684 TB/T 454-1981 铁路信号名词术语TB 454-6385 TB/T 456-1991 车钩、钩尾框技术条件TB 456-8486 TB/T 493-2004 铁道车辆车钩缓冲装置组装技术条件TB/T 493-1993,TB/T 1612-1985,TB/T 1953-1987,GB/T 15836.2,-1995(已向国标委申报废止)87 TB/T 494-1997* 铁路照明照度标准TB 494-8788 TB/T 564-1992 螺旋道钉TB 564-7689 TB/T 574-1975 铁路钢桥产品技术条件TB 574-6490 TB/T776-2005 机车车辆用螺纹管接头球接头TB 776-84,B/T776-199391 TB/T777-2005 机车车辆用螺纹管接头接头螺母TB 777-84,TB/T777-199392 TB/T778-2005 机车车辆用螺纹管接头技术条件TB 778-74,TB/T778-199193 TB/T 780-1993 扁开口销TB 780-8494 TB/T 781.1-1999 集尘器A型TB 781-7695 TB/T 781.2-1999 集尘器B型TB 781-7696 TB/T 782-1999 13号车钩用冲击座TB 782-8297 TB/T 783-1999 2号车钩用车钩托梁TB 783-7698 TB/T 798-1991* 内接活接头TB 798-8499 TB/T 799-1993* 内外活接头TB 799-84100 TB/T 800-1993* 内接活弯头TB 800-84101 TB/T 801-1993* 外接活弯头TB 801-84102 TB/T 802-1993 活接三通TB 802-84103 TB/T 803-1991 套管TB 803-84104 TB/T 804-1991 内螺纹带肩套管TB 804-84105 TB/T 805-1993 外螺纹带肩套管TB 805-84106 TB/T 806-1993 活弯头体TB 806-84107 TB/T 807-1993 活接三通体TB 807-84108 TB/T 808-1991 活接头螺母TB 808-84109 TB/T 809-1991* 接头垫TB 809-84110 TB/T 810-1993* 管接头TB 810-74111 TB/T 811-1993* 异径管接头TB 811-74112 TB/T 812-1993* 弯头TB 812-74113 TB/T 813-1974* 带孔弯头TB 813-68114 TB/T 814-1993* 异径弯头TB 814-74115 TB/T 815-1993* 内外弯头TB 815-74116 TB/T 816-1993* 制动软管弯头TB 816-74117 TB/T 817-1993 异径制动软管弯头TB 817-74118 TB/T 818-1993* 三通TB 818-74119 TB/T 819-1993* 异径三通TB 819-74120 TB/T 820-1993* 四通TB 820-74121 TB/T 821-1993* 异径四通TB 821-74122 TB/T 822-1993* 三向四通TB 822-74123 TB/T 823-1991* 内外接头TB 823-84124 TB/T 824-1991* 外接头TB 824-84125 TB/T 825-1991* 管帽TB 825-84126 TB/T 826-1991* 锁紧螺母TB 826-74127 TB/T827-2005 机车车辆用表管接头TB 827-84,TB/T827-1993128 TB/T828-2005 机车车辆用球面弯头TB 828-84,TB/T828-1993129 TB/T829-2005 机车车辆用球面直角接头TB 829-84,TB/T829-1993130 TB/T830-2005 机车车辆用球面三通TB 830-84,TB/T830-1993131 TB/T831-2005 机车车辆用球面栽入三通TB 831-84,TB/T831-1993132 TB/T832-2005 机车车辆用单球面直通接头TB 832-84,TB/T832-1993 133 TB/T833-2005 机车车辆用双球面直通接头TB 833-84,TB/T833-1993 134 TB/T 844-1991 六角头螺堵TB 844-74135 TB/T 845-1991* 方头螺堵TB 845-84136 TB/T 846-1991* 方孔螺堵TB 846-84137 TB/T 894-1999 链环TB 894-68138 TB/T 895-1999 链蹄环TB 895-74139 TB/T 896-1999 羊眼螺栓TB 896-68140 TB/T 897-1999 眼环螺栓TB 897-74141 TB/T 1002-2006 铁道客车用直流无刷电风扇TB 1002-68,TB/T 1002-1982142 TB/T1010-2005 铁道车辆用轮对型式与基本尺寸TB 1010-63,TB/T1010-1985143 TB/T 1013-1999 碳素钢铸钢车轮技术条件TB 1013-63144 TB/T 1022-1998 铁路信号产品型号编制原则及管理办法TB 1022-77145 TB/T 1023-1992 铁路信号文字符号编制原则TB 1023-78146 TB/T 1025-2000 机车车辆用热卷螺旋压缩弹簧供货技术条件TB/T 1025-91147 TB/T 1027-1991 机车车轴技术条件TB 1027-86148 TB/T 1076-1975 机车车辆用检查锤TB 1076-61149 TB/T 1117-1961* 信号用电锁器技术条件150 TB/T 1118-1980 信号用变阻器TB 1118-61151 TB/T 1120-2000 通信信号产品图样及技术文件的编号原则TB 1120-75152 TB/T 1121-1998 通信信号企业标准的编号原则TB 1121-75153 TB/T 1122-1992 铁路信号图形符号TB 1122-78154 TB/T 1123-1992 铁路信号联锁图表编制原则TB 1123-78155 TB/T 1124-2002 机车车辆通用件图样编号办法TB 1124-73156 TB 1126-1999 机车控制与照明电路标准电压TB 1126-87157 TB/T 1132-1996 内燃、电力机车的管路涂色TB 1132-84158 TB/T 1133-1999 折角塞门TB 1133-74159 TB/T 1134-1974 货车木材技术条件160 TB/T 1135-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用尖轨补强板161 TB/T 1136-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用辙跟内轨撑162 TB/T 1137-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用辙跟间隔铁163 TB/T 1138-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用护轨端部间隔铁164 TB/T 1139-1983 机车用天然水分析方法(部分内容被TB/T 2725-1996代替) TB 1139-75 165 TB/T 1143-1975 铁路软水用离子交换树脂分析方法166 TB/T 1145-1975 溶液配制及标定方法167 TB/T 1146-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用拉杆调整片168 TB/T 1147-1975* 标准轨距铁路道岔用绝缘片169 TB/T 1160-1993 内燃机车用铜散热器技术条件TB 1160-86170 TB/T 1162-1977* 标准轨距铁路每米43公斤钢轨9号辙叉及护轨(高锰钢整铸直线辙叉) 171 TB/T 1163-1977* 标准轨距铁路每米43公斤钢轨12号辙叉及护轨(高锰钢整铸直线辙叉) 172 TB/T 1164-1977* 标准轨距铁路每米50公斤钢轨9号辙叉及护轨(高锰钢整铸直线辙叉) 173 TB/T 1165-1977* 标准轨距铁路每米50公斤钢轨12号辙叉及护轨(高锰钢整铸直线辙叉) 174 TB/T 1166-1977* 标准轨距铁路道岔用导电销175 TB/T 1167-1991 扁孔圆销TB 1167-77176 TB/T 1168-1991* K1、K2、GK型三通阀技术条件TB 1168-76177 TB/T 1169-1991* 铁路通信工程图形符号TB 1169-77178 TB/T 1170-1995* 42724QT 圆柱滚子轴承基本尺寸与技术要求TB 1170-77179 TB/T 1171-1995* 152724QT圆柱滚子轴承基本尺寸与技术要求TB 1171-77180 TB/T 1172-1995* 42726QT 圆柱滚子轴承基本尺寸与技术要求TB 1172-77181 TB/T 1173-1995* 152726QT圆柱滚子轴承基本尺寸与技术要求TB 1173-77182 TB/T 1235-1977* 铁路会议电话设备制式系列183 TB/T 1240-1991 钢衬套TB 1240-77184 TB/T 1243-1982 客车门窗玻璃TB 1243-77185 TB/T 1250-1993 椭圆法兰TB 1250-81186 TB/T 1251-1993 椭圆法兰垫片TB 1251-81187 TB/T 1252-1993 三角法兰TB 1252-81188 TB/T 1253-1993 三角法兰垫片TB 1253-81189 TB/T 1254-1980 倾翻汽缸技术条件190 TB/T 1255-1993 方法兰TB 1255-81191 TB/T 1256-1993 方法兰垫片TB 1256-81192 TB/T 1257-1993 圆法兰TB 1257-81193 TB/T 1258-1993 圆法兰垫片TB 1258-81194 TB/T 1259-1991 一端固定单管卡TB 1259-81195 TB/T 1260-1991 两端固定单管卡TB 1260-81196 TB/T 1261-1991 两端固定双管卡TB 1261-81197 TB/T 1262-1991 中间固定双管卡TB 1262-81198 TB/T 1263-1991 异径双管卡TB 1263-81199 TB/T 1265-1993 软管卡TB 1265-81200 TB/T 1266-1993 内六角螺堵TB 1266-81201 TB/T 1281-1978 组合、组合架及综合架202 TB/T 1333.1-2002 铁路应用机车车辆电气设备第1部分:一般使用条件和通用规则TB/T 1333-1996203 TB/T 1333.2-2002 铁路应用机车车辆电气设备第2部分:电工器件通用规则TB/T 1333-1996204 TB/T 1333.3-2004 铁路应用机车车辆电气设备第3部分:电工器件直流断路器规则205 TB/T1333.4-2005 铁路应用机车车辆电气设备第4部分:电工器件交流断路器规则代替TB/T1453-1997、TB/T2055-1999206 TB/T1333.5-2005 铁路应用机车车辆电气设备第5部分:电工器件高压熔断器规则207 TB/T 1334-1993 直接作用模拟指示机车电测量仪表技术条件TB 1334-82208 TB/T 1335-1996 铁道车辆强度设计及试验鉴定规范TB 1335-78209 TB/T 1343-1979* 铁路长途通信传输质量指标210 TB/T 1344-1993 内燃机车用齿轮油泵TB 1344-81211 TB/T 1346-1979 普通道钉212 TB/T 1347-2004 电动捣固镐通用技术条件TB/T 1347-1990213 TB/T 1350-1983 铁路曲线轨距加宽214 TB/T 1352-1994 铁路线路术语TB 1352-79215 TB/T 1353-1979 铁路道岔和交叉名词术语216 TB/T 1354-1979 钢轨实物弯曲疲劳试验方法217 TB/T 1355-1993 铁路1 t叉车技术条件TB 1355-79218 TB/T 1356-1996 铁路用卸煤机、装砂机技术条件TB 1356-79219 TB/T 1357-1992 铁路货场门式起重机技术条件TB 1357-79220 TB/T 1358-2003 机车车辆车轮轮缘踏面样板TB/T 1358-1998,TB/T 1359-1999,TB/T 1968-1987,TB/T 1969-1987 221 TB/T 1360-1980 机车车轮检查器222 TB/T 1361-1980 车辆车轮检查器223 TB/T 1362-1996 轮对内距尺TB 1362-80224 TB/T 1365-1980* SH2-180型转换锁闭器225 TB/T 1381-1995* 铁路通信产品型号命名方法及管理办法TB 1381-87226 TB/T 1382-2006 机车、动车用柴油机零部件活塞环TB 1382-82,TB/T 1382-1993227 TB/T 1383-2003 铁道动力装置柴油机用涡轮增压器技术条件TB/T 1383-1982228 TB/T 1384-2003 铁道动力装置柴油机用涡轮增压器试验方法TB/T 1384-1982229 TB/T 1386-1982 液力传动箱技术条件230 TB/T 1387-1982 液力传动箱试验方法231 TB/T 1388-1981 混凝土轨枕、混凝土轨枕板用每米50公斤钢轨橡胶垫板型式尺寸232 TB/T 1389-1981 混凝土轨枕板用每米43公斤钢轨橡胶垫板型式尺寸233 TB/T 1391-1993 机车司机控制器技术条件TB 1391-81234 TB/T 1392-1993 机车电空阀技术条件TB 1392-81235 TB/T 1393-2003 铁路应用机车车辆电气设备开启式功率电阻器规则TB/T 1393-1993 236 TB/T 1395-2003 直流110 V机车控制电源柜技术条件TB/T 1395-1981237 TB/T 1398-2001 机车电气设备文字符号TB 1398-81238 TB/T1400-2005 机车用铸钢轮心技术条件代替TB/T1400-1991239 TB/T 1401-1991* 铁道气动自翻车技术条件TB 1401-80240 TB/T 1402-1996* 敞、棚、平车通用技术条件TB 1402-82241 TB/T 1403-2002 铁道无盖漏斗车通用技术条件TB 1403-1982242 TB/T 1404-1999 XYD-2型液压捣固机通用技术条件TB 1404-81243 TB/T 1405-1996 液压轨缝调整器通用技术条件TB 1405-81244 TB/T 1407-1998 列车牵引计算规程TB 1407-82TB 1407.1-89245 TB/T 1413-2001 透镜式色灯信号机构及信号表示器TB/T 1413-91246 TB/T 1418-1989 铁路货场门式起重机起重量、跨度系列TB 1418-81247 TB/T 1421-1982 铁路机车车辆用制动软管垫圈技术条件248 TB/T 1422-1982 铁路机车车辆用门窗密封胶垫技术条件249 TB/T 1423-1982 通信信号产品表面涂色250 TB/T 1424-1982 通信信号产品的温升251 TB/T 1428-1990 铁路货场桥式、门式起重机防风制动装置技术条件TB 1428-82252 TB/T 1429-2006 机车、动车用柴油机零部件铸铁气缸套TB 1429-82,TB/T 1429-1993 253 TB/T 1433-1999 铁路信号产品环境条件地面固定使用TB 1433-82254 TB/T 1434-1999 铁路通信产品环境条件地面固定使用TB 1434-82255 TB/T 1435-1993 内燃机车柴油机用主轴瓦及连杆轴瓦技术条件TB 1435-82256 TB/T 1436-2002 内燃机车机油滤清器技术条件TB 1436-1982257 TB/T 1437-2002 内燃机车燃油滤清器技术条件TB 1437-1982258 TB/T 1443-1983 铁路机车车辆用铸造轴承合金锭技术条件259 TB/T 1444-2002 内燃机车用橡胶密封件TB/T 1444-1983260 TB/T 1445-1982 轨道电路参数261 TB/T 1447-1982 信号产品的绝缘电阻262 TB/T 1448-1982 通信信号产品的绝缘耐压263 TB/T 1451-2001 机车、动车组用电加温玻璃技术条件TB 1451-89264 TB/T 1453-1997* 机车空气主断路器技术条件TB 1453-82265 TB/T 1454-1993 机车电空接触器技术条件TB 1454-82266 TB/T 1456-2004 铁路应用机车车辆干线机车车辆受电弓特性和试验TB/T 1456-1999 267 TB/T 1457-1993 机车位置转换开关技术条件TB 1457-82268 TB/T 1458-1983 JS型塞钉式钢轨接续线269 TB/T 1459-1983 YG型钢轨引接线270 TB/T 1460-1983 AD型道岔跳线271 TB/T 1461-1982 内燃机车柴油机活塞销技术条件272 TB/T 1462-1983 内燃机车柴油机调速器一般技术条件273 TB/T 1463-2006 机车轮对组装技术条件TB 1463-83,TB/T 1463-1991、TB/T 1757-1991 274 TB/T 1464-1991* 铁道机车车辆用碳钢铸件通用技术条件TB 1464-83275 TB/T 1465-1993* 铁道机车车辆用球墨铸铁件通用技术条件TB 1465-83276 TB/T 1466-1991* 铁道机车车辆用灰铸铁件通用技术条件TB 1466-83277 TB/T 1472-1983 综合护套、铝护套信号电缆技术条件278 TB/T 1476-1983 铁路信号箱、架、柜外型基本尺寸系列279 TB/T1477-2005 ZD6系列电动转辙机TB 1477-83,TB/T1477-1998280 TB/T 1478-1983* 铁路长途通信电缆制式系列及主要技术条件281 TB/T 1479-1991 铁道车辆车轴轴端螺栓TB 1479-83282 TB/T 1480-1983 车辆滚动轴承用防松片283 TB/T 1481-1983 滚动轴承压板284 TB/T 1484.1-2001 铁路机车车辆电缆订货技术条件第1部分:额定电压3kV及以下电缆TB 1484-83285 TB/T 1484.2-2001 铁路机车车辆电缆订货技术条件第2部分:额定电压30kV电力电缆TB 1484-83286 TB/T 1484.3-2001 铁路机车车辆电缆订货技术条件第3部分:通信网络用电缆TB 1484-83287 TB/T 1486-1999 13号车钩用车钩托梁TB 1486-83288 TB/T 1488-1983 铁路机车车轴排列型式表示方法289 TB/T 1489-1983 钢轨组合辙叉堆焊技术条件290 TB/T 1490-2004 铁道客车转向架通用技术条件TB/T 1490-1983,TB/T 2976-2000291 TB/T1491-2004 机车车辆油压减振器技术条件代替TB/T1491-1983、TB/T1671-1985292 TB/T 1492-2002 铁道车辆制动机单车试验方法TB/T 1492-1983 ,TB/T 2401-1993293 TB/T 1495.1-1992 弹条I型扣件组装和配置TB 1495.1-84294 TB/T 1495.2-1992 弹条I型扣件弹条TB 1495.2-84295 TB/T 1495.3-1992 弹条I型扣件轨距挡板TB 1495.3-84296 TB/T 1495.4-1992 弹条I型扣件平垫圈TB 1495.4-84297 TB/T 1495.5-2003 弹条I型扣件第5部分: 弹条I型、Ⅱ型扣件挡板座TB/T 1495.5-1992298 TB/T 1497-1984 钢轨绝缘技术条件299 TB/T 1498-1984 铁路通信信号产品包装技术条件300 TB/T 1500-2003 双线自动闭塞集中联锁(设信号员)接发列车作业标准TB/T 1500-1992301 TB/T 1501-2003 双线自动闭塞集中联锁(未设信号员) 接发列车作业标准TB/T 1501-1992302 TB/T 1502-2003 单双线半自动闭塞集中联锁(设信号员) 接发列车作业标准TB/T 1502-1992303 TB/T 1503-2003 单双线半自动闭塞集中联锁(未设信号员) 接发列车作业标准TB/T 1503-1992304 TB/T 1504-2003 单双线半自动闭塞色灯电锁器联锁接发列车作业标准TB/T 1504-1992305 TB/T 1506-2003 单双线电话闭塞无联锁接发列车作业标准TB/T 1506-1992306 TB/T 1507-1993 机车电气设备布线规则TB 1507-84307 TB/T1508-2005 机车电气屏柜技术条件TB 1508-84,TB/T1508-1993308 TB/T 1512-1984 道镐309 TB/T 1513-1984 道碴叉310 TB/T 1514-1984 道碴耙311 TB/T 1515-1984 道钉锤312 TB/T 1516-1984 耙镐313 TB/T 1517-1984 撬棍314 TB/T 1520-1984 机务设备车辆设备图例图形符号2005.6.27废止315 TB/T 1527-2004 铁路钢桥保护涂装TB/T 1527-1995316 TB/T 1528.1-2002 铁路信号电源屏第1部分:总则TB/T 1528-1994317 TB/T1528.2-2005 铁路信号电源屏第2部分:试验方法318 TB/T 1528.3-2002 铁路信号电源屏第3部分:继电联锁信号电源屏TB/T 2315-1992,TB/T 2474-1993,TB/T 2475-1993,TB/T 2669-1995319 TB/T 1528.4-2002 铁路信号电源屏第4部分:计算机联锁信号电源屏320 TB/T1528.5-2005 铁路信号电源屏第5部分:驼峰信号电源屏321 TB/T 1528.6-2002 铁路信号电源屏第6部分:区间信号电源屏322 TB/T 1528.7-2002 铁路信号电源屏第7部分:25Hz信号电源屏323 TB/T 1534-1984* 铁路客车方形灯具技术条件324 TB/T 1537-1997 保温车隔热性能试验评定方法TB 1537-84325 TB/T 1552-1984 车辆减速器液压传动系统技术条件326 TB/T1555-2005 驼峰专用气动系统技术条件代替TB/T1555-1984327 TB/T 1556-1984 驼峰机车信号技术条件328 TB/T 1557-1984 驼峰进路控制技术条件329 TB/T 1558-1984 对接焊缝超声波探伤330 TB 1560-2002 货车安全技术的一般规定TB 1560-1984331 TB/T 1561-1985 BX1-34型信号变压器332 TB/T 1562-1985* WD型道岔握柄333 TB/T 1563-1985* WX型信号握柄334 TB/T 1564-1985 BD型道岔表示器335 TB/T 1565-1985* DG型导管导轮336 TB/T 1566-1985* TG型导管调整器337 TB/T 1567-1990 铁路自动闭塞技术条件TB 1567-85338 TB/T 1577-1985* DZB型臂板自控信号灯339 TB/T 1578-1998 液压起道器通用技术条件TB 1578-85340 TB/T 1580-1995 新造机车车辆焊接技术条件TB 1580-85341 TB/T 1581-1996 机车车辆修理焊接技术条件TB 1581-85342 TB/T 1588-2005 铁路科学技术档案分类与代码代替TB/T 1588-1985343 TB/T 1591-1985 内燃机车和内燃动车主要控制装置的布置、型式和操纵方向的规定344 TB/T 1594-1996 内燃、电力机车车钩(上作用) TB 1594-85345 TB/T 1595-1996 内燃、电力机车车钩(下作用) TB 1595-85346 TB/T 1596-1996 内燃、电力机车车钩用前从板TB 1596-85347 TB/T 1597-1985 铁路企业综合能耗计算方法348 TB/T 1606-1985 球墨铸铁曲轴超声波探伤349 TB/T 1607-1991 机车转车盘技术条件TB 1607-85350 TB/T 1608-2001 机车车辆用三相异步电机基本技术条件TB 1608-85351 TB/T 1611-1985 货车空气制动管系设计参数352 TB/T 1613-1985 货车手制动装置设计参数353 TB/T 1617-1985 机车车辆热处理通用技术条件354 TB/T 1618-2001 机车车辆车轴超声波检验TB 1618-85355 TB/T 1619-1998 机车车辆车轴磁粉探伤TB 1619-85356 TB/T 1620-1985 臂板电锁器联锁技术条件357 TB/T 1621-1985 色灯电锁器联锁技术条件358 TB/T 1626-1985* 通信信号塑料制件尺寸公差359 TB/T 1630-1985 电气化区段150/450MHz铁路列车无线电通信最小可用接收电平及其测量方法360 TB/T 1631-2002 钢轨电弧焊补技术条件TB 1631-1985361 TB/T1632.1-2005 钢轨焊接第1部分:通用技术条件TB 1632-85,TB/T1632-1991、TB/T1632.2-1997 362 TB/T1632.2-2005 钢轨焊接第2部分:闪光焊接TB/T1632-1991、TB/T1632.2-1997363 TB/T1632.3-2005 钢轨焊接第3部分:铝热焊接TB/T1632-1991、TB/T1632.2-1997364 TB/T1632.4-2005 钢轨焊接第4部分:气压焊接TB/T1632-1991、TB/T1632.2-1997365 TB/T 1651-1996* 牵引变电所变压器容量的计算条件和方法TB 1651-85366 TB/T 1652-1996* 牵引供电系统电压损失的计算条件和方法TB 1652-85367 TB/T 1653-1996* 牵引供电系统电能损失的计算条件和方法TB 1653-85368 TB/T 1659-1985 内燃机车柴油机钢背铝基合金双金属轴瓦超声波探伤369 TB/T 1661-1991 铁道车辆高磷闸瓦TB 1661-85,TB 1610-85370 TB/T 1662-2001 内燃机车用机油胶管TB 1662-85371 TB/T 1666-1985 铁路货车二轴转向架设计参数372 TB/T 1667-1985 棚车车体设计参数373 TB/T 1668-1985 煤炭漏斗车车体设计参数374 TB/T 1669-2004 13号车钩样板TB/T 1669.1~.13-1985,TB/T 1669.21~.33-1985,TB/T 1669.41~.60-1985 375 TB/T 1670.1-1985 15号车钩闭锁位开口尺寸工作样板376 TB/T 1670.2-1985 15号车钩全开位开口尺寸工作样板377 TB/T 1670.3-1985 15号车钩轮廓工作样板378 TB/T 1670.4-1985 15号车钩钩体上牵引台样板379 TB/T 1670.5-1985 15号车钩钩体下牵引台样板380 TB/T 1670.6-1985 15号车钩钩体耳部工作样板381 TB/T 1670.7-1985 15号车钩钩体尾部工作样板382 TB/T 1670.8-1985 15号车钩钩体防跳台样板383 TB/T 1670.9-1985 15号车钩钩体耳距工作样板384 TB/T 1670.10-1985 15号车钩钩体上下耳孔工作量规385 TB/T 1670.11-1985 15号车钩钩舌上牵引面样板386 TB/T 1670.12-1985 15号车钩钩舌下牵引面样板387 TB/T 1670.13-1985 15号车钩钩舌耳端距工作样板388 TB/T 1670.14-1985 15号车钩钩舌横截面样板389 TB/T 1670.15-1985 15号车钩推铁外形样板390 TB/T 1670.16-1985 15号车钩推铁厚度工作样板391 TB/T 1670.17-1985 15号车钩锁铁65.70尺寸工作样板392 TB/T 1670.18-1985 15号车钩锁铁尾部样板393 TB/T 1670.19-1985 15号车钩锁铁槽工作量规394 TB/T 1670.20-1985 15号车钩锁提23、24.5尺寸综合样板395 TB/T 1670.21-1985 15号车钩锁提外形样板396 TB/T 1670.22-1985 15号车钩锁提厚度工作样板397 TB/T 1671-1985 机车车辆油压减振器基本尺寸及参数398 TB/T 1672-1985 铁路客车用感应子发电机技术条件399 TB/T 1673-1985 铁路客车用感应子发电机试验方法400 TB/T 1674-1993 铁道客车隔热性能试验方法TB/T 1674-91401 TB/T 1675-2001 铁道客车空气调节试验方法TB 1675-85402 TB/T 1676-1991 铁路客车防寒采暖试验方法TB 1676-85403 TB/T 1677-1997 电气化铁道牵引供电系统术语TB 1677-85404 TB/T 1678-1997 交流电气化铁道通信防护专业术语TB 1678-85405 TB/T 1679-1997 电气化铁道牵引供电系统电气图用图形符号TB 1679-85406 TB/T 1680-1997 牵引变压器和电抗器TB 1680-85407 TB/T 1681-1999 机车过电流继电器技术条件TB 1681-85408 TB/T 1683-1993 内燃机车电压调整器技术条件TB 1683-85409 TB/T 1686-2000 25 t电动架车机技术条件TB 1686-85410 TB/T 1688-1993* 铁路电话交换网用户信号方式TB 1688-85411 TB/T 1689-1993* 铁路电话交换网带内单频脉冲线路信号方式TB 1689-85412 TB/T 1690-1993* 铁路电话交换网数字型线路信号方式TB 1690-85413 TB/T 1691-1995* 铁路电话交换网所间直流信号方式TB 1691-85414 TB/T 1692-1993* 铁路电话交换网多频记发器信号方式TB 1692-85415 TB/T 1693-1995* 铁路电话交换网自动电话交换机的信号接口TB 1693-85416 TB/T 1694-1995 调度集中和调度监督系统技术条件TB 1694-85417 TB/T 1697-1985 铁路涵洞孔径系列418 TB/T 1698-1993 铁路1 t通用集装箱技术条件和试验方法TB 1698-85419 TB/T 1699-1985 铁路车站行车作业人身安全标准420 TB/T 1700-2004 铁路手信号灯技术条件TB/T 1700-1985421 TB/T1701-2005 铁道货车无轴箱滚动轴承压装技术条件代替TB/T1701-1985422 TB/T 1703-2000 电力机车用交流电度表TB 1703-86423 TB/T 1704-2001 机车电机试验方法直流电机TB 1704-86424 TB/T 1715-2006 机车柴油机柱塞偶件密封性试验台技术条件TB/T 1715-1986、TB/T 1841-1987 425 TB/T 1716-1986 铁道新造车辆短圆柱滚子轴承轴箱组装技术条件426 TB/T 1718-2003 铁道车辆轮对组装技术条件TB/T 1718-1991427 TB/T 1719-1998 铁道客车采暖装置通用技术条件TB 1719-86428 TB/T 1720-1998 铁道客车给水装置通用技术条件TB 1720-86429 TB/T 1723-1994* 铁路电话交换网铃流及信号音TB 1723-86430 TB/T 1726-1986 铁路站场无线通信设备制式系列及主要技术条件431 TB/T 1728-1991 铁路铺轨机、架桥机术语TB 1728-86432 TB/T 1730-1995 轨道车型号与功率系列TB 1730-86433 TB/T 1732-1986 内燃机车热交换器性能试验方法434 TB/T 1733-1986 内燃机车冷却风扇性能试验方法435 TB/T 1734-1986 内燃机车散热器性能试验方法436 TB/T 1735-1986 内燃机车中冷器性能试验方法437 TB/T 1736-1996 内燃、电力机车车型及车号编制规则TB 1736-86438 TB/T 1737-1996 内燃、电力机车标记TB 1737-86439 TB/T 1739-2005 内燃机车柴油机油换油指标代替TB/T 1739-1986440 TB/T 1740-1997 铁道机车车辆重量测定方法TB 1740-86441 TB/T 1741-1986 内燃机车柴油机机体焊接技术条件442 TB/T 1742-1991 内燃机车用球墨铸铁曲轴技术条件TB 1742-86443 TB/T 1749-1993 铁路运输企业单位产品综合能耗换算系数TB 1749-86444 TB/T 1750-1996 铁路内燃机车用冷却液TB 1750-86445 TB/T 1752-1986* 车辆圆柱螺旋弹簧修理技术条件446 TB/T 1754-1986 机车车辆滚动轴承缺陷名词术语447 TB/T 1755-1986 硬座车座椅尺寸参数及技术条件448 TB/T 1756-2004 铁路常用金属电刷镀通用技术条件TB/T 1756-1986449 TB/T 1757-1991 机车车轮与车轴注油压装技术条件TB 1757-86,2006.6.22被TB/T 1463-2006代替450 TB/T 1758-1986 机车车辆弹簧喷丸技术条件451 TB/T 1759-2003 铁道客车配线布线规则TB/T 1759-1986452 TB/T1760-2005 铁道客车门锁TB/T1760-1986453 TB/T 1761.1-1999 货车用脚蹬A型TB 1761-86454 TB/T 1761.2-1999 货车用脚蹬B型TB 1761-86455 TB/T 1762.1-1999 货车用上拉杆Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型TB 1762-86456 TB/T 1762.2-1999 货车用上拉杆Ⅲ型TB 1762-86457 TB/T 1762.3-1999 货车用上拉杆Ⅳ型、Ⅴ型TB 1762-86458 TB/T 1762.4-1999 货车用上拉杆Ⅵ型TB 1762-86459 TB/T 1763-1999 货车用上旁承TB 1763-86460 TB/T 1764-1999 货车用绳栓TB 1764-86461 TB/T 1765-1986 铁路客车供电电压设计参数462 TB/T 1774-1986 继电式电气集中联锁技术条件463 TB/T 1777-2000 铁路车站客运广播设备制式系列及主要技术条件TB 1777-86464 TB/T 1778-1986 钢轨伤损分类465 TB/T 1779-1993 道岔钢轨件淬火技术条件TB 1779-86466 TB/T 1780-1986 普通轨距杆467 TB/T 1781-2004 混凝土枕用轨下调高垫板技术条件TB/T1781-1986、TB/T1783-1986、TB/T1784-1986468 TB/T 1783-1986 混凝土枕、宽枕用竹调高垫板,混凝土枕用竹衬垫技术条件469 TB/T 1784-1986 混凝土枕、宽枕用木调高垫板,混凝土枕用木衬垫技术条件470 TB/T 1786-1986 104型空气分配阀技术条件471 TB/T 1787-1986 机械冷藏车热工计算方法472 TB/T 1788-1986 敞车车体设计参数473 TB/T 1789-1986 104和103型客、货车空气分配阀试验规范474 TB/T 1790-1986 铁道气动自翻车报废原则475 TB/T 1791.1-1999 货车用制动缸前杠杆A型TB 1791-86476 TB/T 1791.2-1999 货车用制动缸后杠杆TB 1791-86477 TB/T 1791.3-1999 货车用制动缸前杠杆B型TB 1791-86478 TB/T 1792.1-1999 货车用空重车指示牌Ⅰ型TB 1792-86479 TB/T 1792.2-1999 货车用空重车指示牌Ⅱ型TB 1792-86480 TB/T 1792.3-1999 货车用空重车指示牌Ⅲ型TB 1792-86481 TB/T 1792.4-1999 货车用空重车指示牌Ⅳ型TB 1792-86482 TB/T 1793-1999 货车用缓解阀拉杆吊TB 1793-86483 TB/T 1794-1999 货车用空重车调节手把TB 1794-86484 TB/T 1795-1999 货车用车钩提杆座TB 1795-86485 TB/T 1796-1986 铁路餐车车内设备设计参数486 TB/T 1797-1987 铁路货车洗刷废水处理技术条件487 TB/T 1801-1999 货车用车钩尾框托板TB 1801-86488 TB/T 1802-1996 铁道车辆漏雨试验方法TB 1802-86489 TB/T 1803-1986 铁道罐车水压试验技术条件490 TB/T 1804-2003 铁道客车空调机组TB/T 1804-1986,TB/T 2430-1993,TB/T 2431-1993,TB/T 2432-1993491 TB/T 1805-1986* 加冰冷藏车通用技术条件492 TB/T 1806-1986 客车车体静强度试验方法493 TB/T 1807-2002 货车车体静强度试验方法TB 1807-1986494 TB/T 1808-1986 机械冷藏车电气装置技术条件495 TB/T 1809-1986 动车组噪声的评定496 TB/T 1811-1986 机械冷藏车制冷加温装置技术条件497 TB/T 1812-1986 机械冷藏车柴油发电机组安装技术条件498 TB/T 1813-1986 客车车门设计参数499 TB/T 1816-1986 铁路货车密封式双列圆锥滚子轴承装置基本尺寸和性能参数500 TB/T 1817-2006 机车、动车用柴油机零部件气门TB/T 1817-1987501 TB/T 1818-1987 内燃机车用柴油机连杆技术条件502 TB/T 1819-1996 内燃机车用柴油机中冷器技术条件TB 1819-87503 TB/T1820-2005 机车车辆用钢丝编织胶管总成TB/T1820-1987、TB/T1821-1987、TB/T1822-1987、TB/T2061-1989504 TB/T 1821-1987 钢丝编织胶管及接头铰接式505 TB/T 1822-1987 钢丝编织胶管及接头混合式506 TB/T 1828-2004 铁道机车和动车组司机室人体全身振动限值和测量方法TB/T 1828-1997507 TB/T 1838-1987 铁道车辆用路徽标记508 TB/T 1839-1991 机车电动落轮机技术条件TB 1839-87509 TB/T 1841-1987 东风4 型机车柱塞偶件密封性能试验技术条件510 TB/T 1842.1-2002 电力机车受电弓滑板粉末冶金滑板TB 1842-1987511 TB/T 1842.2-2002 电力机车受电弓滑板浸金属碳滑板512 TB/T 1844-1987 25kV交流电气化铁道用无间隙金属氧化物避雷器技术条件513 TB/T 1849-1987 隧道内接触网绝缘间隙514 TB/T 1852-1986 铁路桥梁名词术语515 TB/T 1853-2006 铁路桥梁钢支座TB 1853-86,TB/T 1853-1995516 TB/T 1854-2006 铁路线路机械产品型号编制方法TB/T 1854-1996517 TB/T1855-2005 小型道碴清筛机通用技术条件TB/T1855-1986518 TB/T 1857-1986 普通线路轨缝的预留和检查方法519 TB/T1864-2005 驼峰车轮传感器通用技术条件TB/T1864-1987520 TB/T 1865-2006 T·CJ型驼峰音频测长器TB/T 1865-1987521 TB/T 1866-1987 T·ZY型驼峰压磁测重机522 TB/T 1867-1987* JB型臂板接触器523 TB/T 1868-1987* ZB型臂板转极器524 TB/T 1869-1990 铁路信号用变压器通用技术条件TB 1869-87525 TB/T 1870-1987 BG1-50型轨道变压器526 TB/T 1871-1987 XB型变压器箱527 TB/T 1872-1987 DBD型道岔表示器灯、DBT型脱轨表示器灯528 TB/T 1873-1987* DX型信号灯529 TB/T 1874-1987* KJ型脚踏开关530 TB/T 1875-1987 列车无线电通信天线类型、基本参数及测量方法531 TB/T 1876-1987 非电气化区段150/450MHz频段列车无线电通信最小可用接收电平及其测量方法532 TB/T 1878-2002 预应力混凝土枕疲劳试验方法TB 1878-1987533 TB/T 1879-2002 预应力混凝土枕静载抗裂试验方法TB 1879-1987534 TB/T 1881-1987 交流电气化铁路对电信线路静电危险影响的计算条件和计算方法535 TB/T 1882-2001 铁路机车用粗制轮箍订货技术条件TB 1882-87536 TB/T 1883-1987 货车两轴转向架通用技术条件537 TB/T 1884-1996 机械冷藏车组通用技术条件TB 1884-87538 TB/T 1885-1987 机械冷藏车空车静置性能试验评定方法539 TB/T 1886-1987 保温车气密性能试验方法540 TB/T 1887-1999 铁道客车用独立温水采暖锅炉技术条件TB 1887-87541 TB/T 1889-1987 铁道产品标准化系数计算方法542 TB/T 1891-1987 内燃、电力机车门锁技术条件543 TB/T 1893-1987 铁路桥梁板式橡胶支座技术条件544 TB/T 1895-1987 客车蓄电池托盘545 TB/T 1897-1987 家畜车通用技术条件546 TB/T 1898-1987 车辆转向架型号编制规则547 TB/T 1899-1987* ST1-600型双向闸瓦间隙调整器548 TB/T 1900-1998 铁道车辆用储风缸通用技术条件TB 1900-87549 TB/T 1901-1999 车辆制动装置组装技术条件TB 1901-87550 TB/T 1906.1-2003 铁道货车耐大气腐蚀冷弯型钢第1部分:敞车上侧梁TB/T 1905-1987551 TB/T 1906.2-2003 铁道货车耐大气腐蚀冷弯型钢第2部分:敞车侧柱TB/T 1906-1987552 TB/T 1906.3-2003 铁道货车耐大气腐蚀冷弯型钢第3部分:端墙横带TB/T 1904-1987553 TB/T 1906.4-2003 铁道货车耐大气腐蚀冷弯型钢第4部分:棚车门框554 TB/T 1906.5-2003 铁道货车耐大气腐蚀冷弯型钢第5部分:棚车波纹门板555 TB/T 1906.6-2003 铁道货车耐大气腐蚀冷弯型钢第6部分:棚车车顶侧梁556 TB/T 1910-2004 铁路线路机械术语TB/T 1910-1987557 TB/T 1911.1-1987 弹条Ⅰ型调高扣件组装配置。
© Faraday Technology. As part of continual product improvement the specifications, details and dimensions shown in this publication are subject to change without noticeIn many 4:2:2 YUV format A-D and D-A video interface applications operating at standard sampling rates of 13.5 MHz for the luminance (Y) channel and 6.75 MHz for the Colour Difference (U and V) channels a filter meeting the full requirements of Rec. ITU-R BT. 601-5 should be specified but cost may be prohibitive. Practical 601 filters allow a small compromise in performance resulting in significant cost savings which may be acceptable.• Choice of package format to suit requirement • Flat and Sinx/x versions• Tight passband ripple specification• Aqueously washable versions availableFilter type Luminance Pre Luminance Post Chrominance Pre Chrominance Post Passband Shape Flat Sinx/x Flat Sinx/x Impedance (ohms)75757575Sampling Frequency13.50 MHz13.50 MHz 6.75 MHz6.75 MHz Insertion loss at 100 kHz < 1.5 dB < 4.5 dB < 1.5 dB< 4.5 dB End of Passband 5.50 MHz 5.50 MHz2.20 MHz2.2 MHzAmplitude ripple (dB)< 0.05 to 5.25 MHz < 0.051 to 5.25 MHz <± 0.050 to 2.20 MHz <± 0.0502 to 2.20 MHz wrt 100 kHz< 0.10 to 5.50 MHz < 0.101 to 5.50 MHz Delay time at 200 kHz 550 ± 5 ns 556 ± 5 ns 1051 ± 5 ns1060 ± 7 nsGroup delay ripple< 6 ns to 5.50 MHz < 6 ns to 5.50 MHz <± 6 ns to 2.20 MHz <± 6 ns to 2.20 MHz wrt delay at 200 kHz<±12 ns to 2.40 MHz <± 12 ns to 2.40 MHzAttenuation at 1/2 S.F.> 12 dB > 12 dB 1> 6 dB > 6 dB 2wrt loss at 100 kHzStart of stopband 8.00 MHz 8.00 MHz 4.00 MHz 4.00 MHz Stopband attenuation> 40 dB > 40 dB > 40 dB > 40 dB wrt loss at end of passbandType numberFL594FL595FL596FL597DR00024B package Type numberFL400FL470FL423FL471DR00003A package1Measured against sinx/x roll-off for a sampling frequency of 13.5 MHz.2Measured against sinx/x roll-off for a sampling frequency of 6.75 MHz.PRACTICAL 601 FILTERSYUV ANTIALISINGPACKAGE DETAILFaraday Technology Ltd.Tel:+ 44 (0)1782 661501 Croft Road Industrial Estate,Fax:+ 44 (0)1782 630101 Newcastle, Staffordshire Email:sales@ ST5 0QZ. England.Web site:。
8d423ts手册【原创版】目录1.8D423TS 手册概述2.手册的主要内容3.手册的适用对象4.手册的价值和作用正文一、8D423TS 手册概述8D423TS 手册是一本针对产品设计、生产、质量控制等环节的专业指南,旨在帮助企业提高产品质量、降低生产成本、提升客户满意度。
三、手册的适用对象8D423TS 手册适用于各类制造业企业,尤其是那些致力于提高产品质量、提升生产效率、增强客户满意度的企业。
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 题名 3D打印 烹饪学基础 LATEX入门 食品加工与保藏原理 食品微生物学 啤酒酿造 食品保鲜与冷藏链 茶哲睿智 吃一碗文化 中文版Photoshop CS2时尚服装表现技法 著者 利普森 王圣果 刘海洋 曾庆孝 何国庆 康明官 刘北林 赖功欧 薛兴国 温鑫工作室 索书号 TS853/2 2013 TS972.11/1 TS803.23/56 2013 TS205/8二 TS201.3/24 2009 TS262.5/11-311 TS205/12-2 TS971/34 TS971/35 TS941.26/1 ISBN 978-7-5086-3858-4 7-308-04329-0 978-7-121-20208-7 978-7-122-00750-6 978-7-81117-837-1 7-5019-0801-X 7-5025-5614-1 7-80145-158-9 978-7-300-07869-4 978-7-80172-860-9
分类: TM
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 题名 现代电力系统分析理论与方法 现代配电系统分析 交直流电力系统动态行为分析 聚合物燃料电池膜技术 电工学 神奇的超导材料 电力电子技术基础 MATLAB电力系统设计与分析 西门子S7-200 PLC编程与工程实例详解 发电厂变电所电气部分 著者 刘天琪 王守相 徐政 张伟 秦曾煌 丁世英 洪乃刚 吴天明 韩战涛 马永翔 索书号 TM711/31-2 TM727/13 TM711/29 TM911.4/17 2007 TM1/15六 TM26-49/1 TM1/A95 TM71/13 TM571.61/4 2013 TM62/33 2010 ISBN 978-7-5083-5964-9 978-7-04-022354-5 7-111-14294-2 978-7-80196-333-8 7-04-013007-6 7-03-010981-3 978-7-302-16268-1 7-118-03339-1 978-7-121-19293-7 978-7-301-16493-8
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ VI TELEFILTER Vectron International, Inc. Potsdamer Straße 18 267 Lowell Road D 14 513 TELTOW / Germany Hudson, NH 03051 / USA Tel: (+49) 3328 4784-52 / Fax: (+49) 3328 4784-30 Tel: (603) 598-0070 Fax: (603) 598-0075 Measurement condition Ambient temperature: 23 °C Input power level: 10 dBm Terminating impedancesfor input: 50Ω || 0pF for output: 50Ω || 0pFConstruction and pin configurationsee page 2CharacteristicsRemark: Remark:The minimum of the pass band attenuation a min is defined as the insertion loss a e . The centre frequency f o is the frequency of the minimum of the passband attenuation a min . The tolerancxe for the resonant frequency also includes a centre frequency shift due to the temperature coefficient of frequency TC f in the operating temperature range and a production tolerance for the resonant frequency f R .D a t a typ. value tolerance/limit______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Insertion loss a e = a min 1,2 dB max. 1,9 dB (Reference level)______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Resonant frequency f R 423,22MHz ± 75 kHz ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Series loss resistance R 1 13Ω ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Operating temperature range - 10 °C ... + 70 °C Storage temperature range- 30 °C ... + 85 °C__________________________________________________________________________________________Frequency change with temperature between –10 °C ... + 70 °C95 ppm__________________________________________________________________________________________Phase ϕ 20 ° ... – 20°______________________________________________________________________________________________________Generated:Checked / approved:______________________________________________________________________________________________________ VI TELEFILTER Vectron International, Inc. Potsdamer Straße 18 267 Lowell Road D 14 513 TELTOW / Germany Hudson, NH 03051 / USA Tel: (+49) 3328 4784-52 / Fax: (+49) 3328 4784-30 Tel: (603) 598-0070 Fax: (603) 598-0075 Construction, pin configuration and 50 Ω - matching network(All dimensions in mm)423 R L4Pin 1 Ground Pin 5 Ground Pin 2 Output Pin 6 Input Pin 3 Ground Pin 7 Ground Pin 4 Package Ground Pin 8 Package ground50 Ohm Test circuit 12626______________________________________________________________________________________________________ VI TELEFILTER Vectron International, Inc. Potsdamer Straße 18 267 Lowell Road D 14 513 TELTOW / Germany Hudson, NH 03051 / USA Tel: (+49) 3328 4784-52 / Fax: (+49) 3328 4784-30 Tel: (603) 598-0070 Fax: (603) 598-0075Stability CharacteristicsAfter the following tests the filter shall meet the whole specification:1. Shock: 100g, 18 ms, half sine wave, 3 shocks each plane;DIN IEC 68 T2 - 272. Vibration: 10 Hz to 500 Hz, 0,075 mm or 1g respectively, 1 octave per min, 10 cycles per plan, 3 plans;DIN IEC 68 T2 - 63. Damp heat: 90 % to 95 % rel. humidity, 40 °C, 10 days; (steady state)DIN IEC 68 - 2 - 34. Resistance tosolder heat (reflow): max. 2 times reflow process;for temperature conditions refer to the attached "Air reflow temperature conditions" on sheet 4;PackingTape & Reel: IEC 286 - 3, with exception of value for N and minimum bending radius; tape type II , embossed carrier tape with top cover tape on the upper side;max. pieces of filters per reel: 3400COVER TAPE13,4Tape (all dimensions in mm)W : 16 ± 0,3Po : 4 ± 0,1Do : 1,5 + 0,5E : 1,75 ± 0,1F : 7,5 ± 0,1G (min) : 0,75P2 : 2 ± 0,05P1 : 8 ± 0,1D1(min) : 1,5Ao : 5,4 ± 0,1Bo : 5,4 ± 0,1D1 : 1,5 + 0,5Reel (all dimensions in mm):A : 330W1 : 16,4 +2W2 (max) : 22,4N (min) : >= 90C : 13 ± 0,25The minimum bending radius is 45 mm. The mounting surface of the filters faces the bottom side of the embossed carrier tape. The marking of the filters is able to read if the view is directed on the upper side of the carrier tape with the sprocket holes on the right side of the tape.______________________________________________________________________________________________________ VI TELEFILTER Vectron International, Inc. Potsdamer Straße 18 267 Lowell Road D 14 513 TELTOW / Germany Hudson, NH 03051 / USA Tel: (+49) 3328 4784-52 / Fax: (+49) 3328 4784-30 Tel: (603) 598-0070 Fax: (603) 598-0075 Air reflow temperature conditions1st and 2nd air reflow profileName:pre-heating periods main-heating periods peak temperature Temperature: 150 °C - 170 °C over 200 °C 255 °C ± 5 °CTime:60 sec. - 90 sec.20 sec. - 25 sec.Tolerance of temperatures: ± 5 °C time / sec. temperature / °C time / sec. temperature / °C 0 23 140 160 10 34 150 161 20 46 160 164 30 60 170 170 40 80 180 180 50 103 190 205 60 121 195 230 70 134 200 255 80 143 205 230 90 150 210 205 100 154 215 180 110 156 220 165 120 158 230 140 130 159 240 120。
DS423 产品手册说明书
P ro d u c t Ma n u a l D S423Ta ble o f C o n t en tsC h a pt e r1 B ef or e Y ou S t a rt21.1Pa ck a ge c o n t en ts2 1.2S y n o l o g y D S423 a t a gl a nce3 1.3S yst em m o de s a nd L ED indic a tors4 1.4O t he r L ED defini t i o n s6 1.5H a r d w a r e S p ecific a t i o n7 1.6S p a r e Pa rts81.7O pt i o n a l A cce ssor ie s9C h a pt e r2 H a r d w a r e C o m po nen ts in st a ll a t i o n102.1R ec o mmended too l s10 2.2P r ec a ut i o n s10 2.3I n st a ll d r i v e s14 2.4A dd a M em ory M o d u le to S y n o l o g y N A S16 2.5A dd a n M.2NVM e SS D to S y n o l o g y N A S182.6S t a rt up Y our S y n o l o g y N A S20C h a pt e r3 I n st a llD SM o n S y n o l o g y N A S213.1I n st a ll D SM w i t h W eb A ss i st a n t213.2L e a r n M or e22C h a pt e r4 S yst em Ma in t en a nce234.1R e p l a ce t he Ma lf u nc t i o ning F a n23C h a pt e r5 T rou ble s h oot ing325.1T rou ble s h oot ing checkli st32 5.2C o mm o n i ssu e s r e so l ut i o n33 5.3B ef or e you c o n t a c t S y n o l o g y T echnic a l S upport37 5.4C o n t a c t ing S y n o l o g y T echnic a l S upport38 5.5G e tt ing inf or m a t i o n,hel p,a nd s e rv ice38C h a pt e r 1 B ef or e Y ou S t a rtT h a nk you f or pur ch a s ing t hi s S y n o l o g y pro d u c t ! B ef or e s e tt ing up your ne w S y n o l o g y N A S ,p le a s e check t he p a ck a ge c o n t en ts to v e r if y t h a t you h a v e r ecei v ed t he i t em s bel ow . A l so , m a ke sur e to r e a d t he s a fe ty in stru c t i o n s c a r ef u ll y to a vo id h a r ming yours elf or d a m a ging your S y n o l o g y N A S .N ot e s :A ll im a ge s bel ow a r e f or ill ustr a t i v e purpos e s o nl y , a nd m a y diffe r f ro m t he a c tu a l pro d u c t .1.1 Pa ck a ge c o n t en tsC o n t a c t your r e s elle r if your p a ck a ge i s mi ss ing a n y o f t he bel ow c o n t en ts :Ma in u ni t x 1AC pow e r c or d x 1AC pow e r a d a pt e r x 1RJ 45 L A N c a ble x 1S c r e ws f or 2.5" d r i v e s x 18H a r d d r i v e tr a y ke y x 21.2S y n o l o g y D S423 a t a gl a nceN o.Na me D e s c r i pt i o n1ST A TUSI ndic a torD i sp l a ys t he st a tus o f t he syst em.F or m or e inf or m a t i o n,s ee"S yst em m o de s a nd L ED indic a tors".2D r i v e S t a tusI ndic a torD i sp l a ys t he st a tus o f e a ch d r i v e.F or m or e inf or m a t i o n,s ee"O t he r L ED indic a tors".3D r i v e T r a y L o ck L o ck or u nl o ck d r i v e tr a ys.4US B3.2G en1P ortC o nnec t e xt e r n a l d r i v e s or ot he r US B de v ice s to t he S y n o l o g yN A S he r e.5P ow e r B utto nP r e ss to pow e r o n your S y n o l o g y N A S.T o pow e r o ff your S y n o l o g y N A S,pr e ss a nd h o ld u n t il youhe a r a bee p sou nd a nd t he P ow e r L ED st a rts fl a s hing.6D r i v e T r a y I n st a ll d r i v e s(h a r d di s k d r i v e s or so lid st a t e d r i v e s)he r e.7L A N P ort C o nnec t ne twor k c a ble he r e.8R E S E T B utto nM o de1 P r e ss a nd h o ld u n t il you he a r a bee p sou nd to r e stor e t he I P a dd r e ss,D NS s e rv e r,a nd p a sswor d f or t he a dmina cc ou n t to def a u l t.M o de2 P r e ss a nd h o ld u n t il you he a r a bee p,r ele a s e t heb utto n immedi a t el y,t hen pr e ss a nd h o ld a g a in w i t hin10s ec o nd s to r ein st a ll D i s k S t a t i o n Ma n a ge r D SM .F or de t a iled inf or m a t i o n o n h ow to r e s e t your S y n o l o g y N A S,p le a s e r efe r to t hi s a rt icle.9US B3.2G en1P ortC o nnec t e xt e r n a l d r i v e s or ot he r US B de v ice s to t he S y n o l o g yN A S he r e.10P ow e r P ort C o nnec t pow e r c or d he r e.11F a n D i spos e s o f e x ce ss he a t a nd c oo l s t he syst em.I f t he f a n m a lf u nc t i o n s,t he S y n o l o g y N A S w ill emi t a bee p ing sou nd.12K en s ing to nS ec ur i ty S l otA tt a ch a K en s ing to n s ec ur i ty l o ck he r e.1.3S yst em m o de s a nd L ED indic a torsS yst em m o de s defini t i o n sT he r e a r e7syst em m o de s in S y n o l o g y N A S.T he S yst em m o de s a nd t hei r defini t i o n s a r e a s bel ow:S yst em m o de D efini t i o nP ow e r ing o n S y n o l o g y N A S i s pow e r ing o n w hen you pr e ss t he pow e r b utto n or r e st a rt ing w hen you ru n op e r a t i o n s in D SM.D ur ing t he b oot up pro ce ss,t he de v ice a l so p e r f or m s h a r d w a r e ini t i a li z a t i o n,su ch a s h a r d w a r e r e s e t or BI OS ini t i a li z a t i o n.S h utt ing d ow n S y n o l o g y N A S i s s h utt ing d ow n a s a r e su l t o f pr e ss ing t he pow e r b utto n or op e r a t i o n in D SM.D SM n ot r e a d y D SM i s n ot r e a d y f or us e.T hi s c ou ld ei t he r be:S y n o l o g y N A S i s pow e r ed o n,b ut D SM i s n ot prop e r l yin st a lled.S y n o l o g y N A S i s c urr en t l y pow e r ing o n a nd ini t i a li z ings e rv ice s nece ss a ry f or D SM to f u ll y f u nc t i o n.T he a tt a ched UPS de v ice h a s in su fficien t pow e r;D SM stopsa ll s e rv ice s to pr e v en t d a t a l oss(en t e rs s a fe m o de).D SM i s r e a d y f or us e D SM i s f u ll y f u nc t i o ning,a nd us e rs c a n s ign in.H ibe r n a t i o n S y n o l o g y N A S h a s been idle f or a w hile a nd i s n ow in H ibe r n a t i o n m o de.A pp lic a t i o n C e rt a in p a ck a ge s/s e rv ice s(e.g.,USBC opy a nd F ind me s e rv ice) w hile in op e r a t i o n w ill c o n tro l t he a c t i o n s o f t he L ED.A f t e r t he op e r a t i o n i s c o m p le t e,t he L ED indic a tor w ill r e tur n to i ts n or m a l st a t e.P ow e r ed o ff S y n o l o g y N A S i s pow e r ed o ff.I den t if y S yst em M o de sY ou c a n iden t if y t he syst em m o de t h rou gh t he POW E R a nd ST A TUS L ED indic a tors.P le a s e r efe r to t he t a ble bel ow f or m or e de t a il s.S yst em M o dePOW E R L ED ST A TUS L EDB l u e G r een O r a ngeP ow e r ing o n B linking O ff O ffS h utt ing d ow n B linking S t a t ic O ff/S t a t ic1D SM n ot r e a d y S t a t ic B linking O ff/B linking1D SM i s r e a d y f or us e S t a t ic S t a t ic O ff/S t a t ic1H ibe r n a t i o n S t a t ic O ff O ff/S t a t ic1A pp lic a t i o n S t a t ic S w i t chingP ow e r ed o ff O ff O ff O ffN ot e s:I f t he ST A TUS L ED r em a in s st a t ic or a nge or c o n t in uous l y blink s or a nge,t hi s indic a t e st he r e a r e syst em e rrors su ch a s f a n f a il ur e,syst em ov e r he a t ing,or vo l u me deg r a de.P le a s e s ign in to D SM f or de t a iled inf or m a t i o n.T r a n s i t i o n s be tw een S yst em M o de sT o be tt e r u nde rst a nd t he tr a n s i t i o n be tw een syst em m o de s,p le a s e r efe r to t he e x a m p le s bel ow:P ow e r ed o n w i t h n o D SM in st a lled:P ow e r ed o ff>P ow e r ing o n>D SM n ot r e a d yP ow e r ed o n w i t h D SM in st a lled:P ow e r ed o ff>P ow e r ing o n>D SM n ot r e a d y>D SM i s r e a d y f or us eE n t e r ing hibe r n a t i o n t hen w a king up f ro m hibe r n a t i o n:D SM i s r e a d y f or us e>I n hibe r n a t i o n>D SM i s r e a d y f or us eS h ut d ow n:D SM i s r e a d y f or us e>S h utt ing d ow n>P ow e r ed o ffP ow e r f a il ur e w i t h UPS a tt a ched:D SM i s r e a d y f or us e>D SM n ot r e a d y(d u e to pow e r f a il ur e,D SM en t e rs s a fe m o de)>S h utt ing d ow n>P ow e r ed o ff>P ow e r ing o n(pow e r h a s r ec ov e r ed,D SM w ill r eb oot)>D SM n ot r e a d y>D SM i s r e a d y f or us e1.4O t he r L ED defini t i o n sL ED I ndic a tor C o l or S t a tus D e s c r i pt i o nS t a t ic D r i v e r e a d y a nd idleD r i v e st a tusG r eenB linking A cce ss ing d r i v eO r a nge1S t a t ic L o c a t ing d r i v eD r i v e de a c t i v a t ed b y us e rP ort di s a bled2D r i v e he a l t h st a tus i s C r i t ic a l or F a ilingR em ov ing t hi s d r i v e w ill c a us e syst emd a m a ge;t hi s i s t he o nl y d r i v e w i t h D SMin st a lledO ff N o in t e r n a l D r i v eR e a r1G b E L A N (o n upp e r s ide o fj a ck)G r eenS t a t ic N e twor k c o nnec t edB linking N e twor k a c t i v eO ff N o ne twor kR e a r1G b E L A N (o n l ow e r s ide o fj a ck)G r eenS t a t ic1G b ps c o nnec t edO r a nge100M b ps c o nnec t ed O ff10M b ps c o nnec t ed/N o ne twor kN ot e s:W hen t he d r i v e L ED indic a tor i s or a nge,w e r ec o mmend you s ign in to D SM a nd g o to S tor a ge Ma n a ge r >HDD/SS D f or m or e inf or m a t i o n.P le a s e try to r e st a rt your S y n o l o g y N A S or r e-in s e rt t he d r i v e s,t hen ru n t he HDD/SS D m a n u f a c tur e r's di a gn ost ic too l to check t he he a l t h st a tus o f t he d r i v e s.I f you c a n s ign in to D SM,p le a s e ru n t he b u il t-in S.M.A.R.T.t e st to s c a n t he d r i v e s.I f t he pro blemr em a in s u n r e so l v ed,p le a s e c o n t a c t S y n o l o g y T echnic a l S upport f or hel p.1.5H a r d w a r e S p ecific a t i o nI t em D S423C PU I n t el C ele ro n J4125R A M DD R42GBC o m p a t ibleD r i v e T yp e•3.5"/2.5"S A T A x4•M.22280NVM e SS D x2E xt e r n a l P ort•US B3.2G en1x2L A N P ort1G b E RJ 45 x2 S i z e H x W x D (mm)166x199x223 W eigh t(kg) 2.18A genc y C e rt ific a t i o n • FCC C l a ssB • CEC l a ss B • UK CA • B SM I C l a ss B •EAC • V CCI • CCC • R C M • K C • R o H S C o m p li a n tHDD H ibe r n a t i o n Y e s S ched u led P ow e r O n /O ffY e s Wa ke o n L A NY e sE n v i ro nmen t R e qu i r emen t • L ine vo l t a ge : 100V to 240V AC• F r e qu enc y : 50 / 60H z• O p e r a t ing T em p e r a tur e : 32˚F to 104˚F 0˚C to 40˚C • S tor a ge T em p e r a tur e : 5˚F to 140˚F 20˚C to 60˚C• R el a t i v e H u midi ty : 5% to 95% R HN ot e s :M o del sp ecific a t i o n s a r e su bjec t to ch a nge w i t h out n ot ice . R efe r to S y n o l o g y w eb s i t e f or t he l a t e st inf or m a t i o n .1.6 S p a r e Pa rtsV i s i t S p a r e Pa rts if you need to r e p l a ce syst em f a n s , di s k tr a ys , or pow e r supp l y u ni ts .M o del Na meP ic tur eD e s c r i pt i o nD i s k T r a y T yp e D 93.5"/2.5" D r i v e T r a y W i t h L o ckFA N 92 92 25_1S yst em F a n 92 92 25 mm1.7O pt i o n a l A cce ssor ie sW i t h S y n o l o g y a cce ssor ie s,you c a n c usto mi z e your S y n o l o g y N A S to fi t diffe r en t b us ine ss en v i ro nmen ts w i t h out worry ing a b out c o m p a t ibili ty a nd st a bili ty.R efe r to S y n o l o g y P ro d u c tsC o m p a t ibili ty L i st f or m or e inf or m a t i o n.C h a pt e r2 H a r d w a r e C o m po nen tsin st a ll a t i o n2.1R ec o mmended too l sT hi s s ec t i o n li sts t he r e qu i r ed a nd opt i o n a l too l s us ed in t he in st a ll a t i o n pro ced ur e s.P hilli ps#2s c r e w d r i v e r(w i t h a c ross t i p)A t le a st o ne3.5"or2.5"S A T A d r i v e(s ee he r e f or c o m p a t ible m o del s)C a ut i o n:I f you in st a ll a d r i v e t h a t c o n t a in s d a t a,t he syst em w ill f or m a t t he d r i v e a nd e r a s e a lle x i st ing d a t a.B a ck up a n y im port a n t d a t a bef or e in st a ll a t i o n.N ot e s:I f a n a uto m a t ic s c r e w d r i v e r i s us ed,s e t i ts torqu e r e a ding to4.0(+/ 0.3 kgf-cm.2.2P r ec a ut i o n sB ef or e in st a lling or r em ov ing a n y c o m po nen ts in your S y n o l o g y N A S,r e v ie w a ll s a fe ty inf or m a t i o n.C a ut i o n:L e a v ing str a y or l oos e s c r e ws in s ide your S y n o l o g y N A S m a y s e v e r el y d a m a ge i tsc o m po nen ts.A vo id d ropp ing a n y me t a llic o bjec ts in to t he N A S,su ch a s p a p e r cli psa nd h a i rp in s.D o n ot pu ll a c a ble b y i ts c o nnec tor or i ts pu ll t a b w hen di s c o nnec t ing i t.C e rt a inc a ble s h a v e c o nnec tors w i t h l o cking t a b s or t h u mb-s c r e ws t h a t m ust be r ele a s edbef or e di s c o nnec t ing t he c a ble.W hen di s c o nnec t ing a c a ble,kee p i t e v enl y a ligned toa vo id bending t he c o nnec tor p in s.W hen c o nnec t ing a c a ble,m a ke sur e t h a t t he portsa nd t he c o nnec tors a r e c orr ec t l y or ien t ed a nd a ligned.I f you need to m ov e your S y n o l o g y N A S,ge t so me o ne to a ss i st you.D o n ot a tt em pt tolif t i t o n your ow n to pr e v en t inj ury.Ma ke sur e t h a t your S y n o l o g y N A S i s wor king c orr ec t l y bef or e in st a lling opt i o n a lh a r d w a r e c o m po nen ts.I f your S y n o l o g y N A S i s n ot wor king c orr ec t l y,s ee t he"T rou ble s h oot ing"ch a pt e r to d o b a s ic trou ble s h oot ing.I f t he pro blem c a nn ot beso l v ed,s ee t he s ec t i o n"G e tt ing inf or m a t i o n,hel p,a nd s e rv ice"f or m or e inf or m a t i o n.A l w a ys c a r ef u ll y h a ndle syst em c o m po nen ts(su ch a s P CI e c a r d s,mem ory m o d u le s,a nd syst emb o a r d s)b y t he edge s or t he f r a me.D o n ot tou ch so lde r j o in ts,p in s,ore xpos ed ci r c u i try.D o n ot p l a ce p a rts a nd ot he r c o m po nen ts(su ch a s P CI e c a r d s,mem ory m o d u le s,a ndsyst em b o a r d s)o n t he top c ov e r o f t he N A S or ot he r me t a l sur f a ce s.O nl y sp ecific S y n o l o g y N A S support t he h ot-sw a pp ing o f c o m po nen ts a nd a r ede s igned to op e r a t e s a fel y w hile i t i s tur ned o n.B ef or e wor king in s ide your S y n o l o g y N A SP ow e r o ff t he S y n o l o g y N A S,incl u ding a ll a tt a ched p e r i p he r a l s.D i s c o nnec t t he S y n o l o g y N A S f ro m t he elec tr ic a l out le t a nd di s c o nnec t t he p e r i p he r a l s.A f t e r wor king in s ide your S y n o l o g y N A SR ec o nnec t t he p e r i p he r a l s a nd c o nnec t t he S y n o l o g y N A S to a n elec tr ic a l out le t.P ow e r o n t he a tt a ched p e r i p he r a l s a nd t hen pow e r o n t he S y n o l o g y N A S.P r e v en t ing elec trost a t ic di s ch a r geS t a t ic elec tr ici ty di s ch a r ge f ro m a finge r or ot he r c o nd u c tors migh t le a d to syst em h a l t,l oss o f d a t a,or ot he r d a m a ge s to syst em b o a r d s or ot he r st a t ic-s en s i t i v e c o m po nen ts.T hi s typ e o f d a m a ge m a y a l so r ed u ce t he life e xp ec t a nc y o f t he S y n o l o g y N A S.P r e v en t e xposur e to st a t ic elec tr ici ty b y d o ing t he f o ll ow ing:A vo id h a nd c o n t a c t b y tr a n sport ing a nd stor ing h a r d w a r e c o m po nen ts in st a t ic-s a fec o n t a ine rs.K ee p elec trost a t ic-s en s i t i v e h a r d w a r e c o m po nen ts in t hei r c o n t a ine rs u n t il t he y a rr i v e a tst a t ic-f r ee wor k st a t i o n s.P l a ce h a r d w a r e c o m po nen ts o n a g rou nded sur f a ce or tou ch t hem bef or e r em ov ing t hem f ro m t hei r c o n t a ine rs.A vo id tou ching j o in ts,p in s,le a d s,or ci r c u i try.A l w a ys be prop e r l y g rou nded w hen tou ching a st a t ic-s en s i t i v e h a r d w a r e c o m po nen t ora ss embl y.W hen h a ndling a h a r d w a r e c o m po nen t,c a r ef u ll y h o ld i t b y t he edge s or t he f r a me.U s e a n elec trost a t ic-di s ch a r ge wr i st str a p or ot he r g rou nd syst em s.T he S y n o l o g y N A S s h ou ld be p l a ced o n a n a n t i-st a t ic m a t E S D m a t).T he S y n o l o g y N A S w ill prov ide st a ndb y pow e r w hen i t i s c o nnec t ed to AC pow e r e v en if i t i s pow e r ed o ff.D a m a ge c a n be d o ne to t he N A S if a c o nd u c tor i s a cciden t a ll y tou ched a nd p a rtsa r e s h ort-ci r c u i t ed u nde r t hi s c o ndi t i o n.B ef or e r em ov ing t he top r e a r c ov e r,m a ke sur e t he ACpow e r supp l y i s di s c o nnec t ed.Sa fe ty in stru c t i o n sK ee p a w a y f ro m di r ec t su nligh t a nd chemic a l s.E n sur e a st a ble en v i ro nmen tw i t h n o a b rupt ch a nge s in t em p e r a tur e or h u midi ty.P l a ce t he u ni t r igh t s ide up a t a ll t ime s.K ee p t he u ni t a w a y f ro m li qu id s.B ef or e cle a ning,u n p l u g t he pow e r c or d(s)a nd us e a d a m p cl ot h to w i p e t hesur f a ce.D o n ot us e chemic a l a e roso l cle a ne rs.T o pr e v en t t he u ni t f ro m f a lling ov e r,d o n ot p l a ce i t o n c a rts or a n y u n st a blesur f a ce s.W hen s e tt ing up t hi s pro d u c t,us e o nl y S y n o l o g y-prov ided or de s ign a t edc a ble s,pow e r c ord s,PSU s,a nd powe r a d a pt e rs t h a t a dhe r e to l o c a lr eg u l a t i o n s a nd s a fe ty r e qu i r emen ts.E n sur e t he pow e r c or d(s)a r e p l u ggedin to t he c orr ec t pow e r supp l y vo l t a ge a nd t h a t t he AC vo l t a ge prov ided i sc orr ec t a nd st a ble.F a il ure to d o so m a y r e su l t in m a lf u nc t i o n s or fi r e s.D o n ot us e S y n o l o g y-prov ided a cce ssor ie s o n n o n-S y n o l o g y pro d u c ts.Wa r ning,elec tr ic s h o ck h a z a r d.T o r em ov e a ll elec tr ic a l c urr en t f ro m t hede v ice,en sur e t h a t a ll pow e r c or d s a r e di s c o nnec t ed f ro m t he pow e r sour ce.T he r e i s a r i s k o f e xp l os i o n if t he b a tt e ry i s r e p l a ced w i t h a n inc orr ec t typ e.D i spos e o f us ed b a tt e r ie s a ppropr i a t el y.P ow e r c or d(s)m ust be p l u gged in to a so cke t-out le t w i t h e a rt hingc o nnec t i o n.K ee p your b o d y p a rts a w a y f ro m a m ov ing f a n.T hi s pro d u c t m ust be in st a lled b y qu a lified p e rso nnel in a r e str ic t ed a cce ssl o c a t i o n(e.g.,dedic a t ed e qu i p men t roo m s,s e rv ice cl os e ts,e t c.).S yst em r eli a bili ty g u ideline sT o g u a r a n t ee a de qu a t e syst em c oo ling a nd r eli a bili ty,f o ll ow t he syst em r eli a bili ty g u ideline s li st ed bel ow.L e a v e a de qu a t e sp a ce a rou nd t he S y n o l o g y N A S to en sur e t h a t i ts c oo ling syst em wor k s w ell.L e a v e a pprox im a t el y50mm 2inche s)o f op en sp a ce a rou nd t he f ro n t a nd r e a r o f t heS y n o l o g y N A S.D o n ot p l a ce o bjec ts in f ro n t o f t he f a n s.F or prop e r c oo ling a nd a i r fl ow,in st a ll t he S y n o l o g y N A S c ov e r bef or e you pow e r i t o n.O p e r a t ing a S y n o l o g y N A S w i t h out i ts c ov e r migh t d a m a ge S y n o l o g y N A S c o m po nen ts.I f your S y n o l o g y N A S h a s a i r d u c ts or a i r b a ffle s,d o n ot r em ov e t hem w hile t he S y n o l o g y N A Si s ru nning.O p e r a t ing t he S y n o l o g y N A S w i t h out t he a i r d u c ts or a i r b a ffle s migh t c a us e yoursyst em to ov e r he a t.O p ening or r em ov ing t he S y n o l o g y N A S top c ov e r w hile t he syst em i s pow e r ed o n m a y e xpos e you to a r i s k o f elec tr ic s h o ck.I f you m ust pow e r o n t he S y n o l o g y N A S w i t h out i ts top c ov e r,en sur e t h a t n o o ne i s ne a r t heS y n o l o g y N A S a nd t h a t n o too l s or ot he r o bjec ts h a v e been lef t in s ide i t.D o n ot op e r a t e t he syst em w i t h out S y n o l o g y N A S c ov e r f or a d ur a t i o n e x ceeding fi v e min ut e s.W hen r e p l a cing a h ot-sw a p d r i v e,in st a ll t he ne w h ot-sw a p d r i v e a s soo n a s poss ible.B a ck up a ll im port a n t d a t a bef or e you m a ke ch a nge s to d r i v e s.2.3I n st a ll d r i v e sT o r em ov e t he d r i v e tr a y,pu ll out t he d r i v e tr a y h a ndle in t he di r ec t i o n a s s h ow n in t he im a ge bel ow.L o a d d r i v e s in t he d r i v e tr a ys.F or3.5"d r i v e s: R em ov e t he f a st ening p a nel s f ro m t he s ide s o f t he d r i v e tr a y.P l a ce t hed r i ve in t he d r i v e tr a y.T hen in s e rt t hef a st ening p a nel s to s ec ur e t he d r i v e in p l a ce.F or2.5"d r i v e s: R em ov e t he f a st ening p a nel s f ro m t he s ide s o f t he d r i v e tr a y a nd stor et hem in a s a fe p l a ce.P l a ce t he d r i v e in t he a r e a o f t he d r i v e tr a y indic a t ed in t he im a gebel ow.T ur n t he tr a y ups ide d ow n a nd t igh t en t he s c r e ws to s ec ur e t he d r i v e in p l a ce.I n s e rt t he l o a ded d r i v e tr a y in to t he em pty d r i v e b a y a nd pus h i t b a ck u n t il you he a r a clickw hen t he tr a y i s l o cked in to p l a ce.N ot e s:Ma ke sur e t he tr a y i s c o m p le t el y in s e rt ed.O t he rw i s e,t he d r i v e migh t n ot f u nc t i o nprop e r l y.I n s e rt t he h a r d d r i v e tr a y ke y in to t he h a r d d r i v e tr a y l o ck,tur n t he ke y cl o ck w i s e(to t he"I"pos i t i o n)to l o ck t he h a r d d r i v e tr a y h a ndle,a nd t hen r em ov e t he ke y.R e p e a t t he st e ps a b ov e to in st a ll a ll pr e p a r ed d r i v e s.D r i v e s a r e n u mbe r ed a s s h ow n bel ow.N ot e s:I f you p l a n to c r e a t e a R AID vo l u me,w e r ec o mmend in st a lling d r i v e s o f iden t ic a l s i z e tom a ke t he be st us e o f d r i v e c a p a ci ty.2.4A dd a M em ory M o d u le to S y n o l o g y N A SO pt i o n a l S y n o l o g y mem ory m o d u le i s de s igned to e xp a nd t he mem ory o f your S y n o l o g y N A S.F o ll ow t he st e ps bel ow to in st a ll,check,or r em ov e a mem ory m o d u le o n your S y n o l o g y N A S.T o in st a ll t he mem ory m o d u leS h ut d ow n your S y n o l o g y N A S.D i s c o nnec t a ll c a ble s f ro m your S y n o l o g y N A S to pr e v en t poss ible d a m a ge.R em ov e t he d r i v e tr a ys f ro m t he d r i v e b a ys.A n em pty mem ory s l ot i s l o c a t ed o n t he inne r-r igh t s ide o f your S y n o l o g y N A S.N ot e s:W hen you r em ov e t he d r i v e tr a ys,s en s i t i v e in t e r n a l c o m po nen ts a r e e xpos ed.A vo id tou ching a n yt hing ot he r t h a n t he mem ory a ss embl y w hen r em ov ing ora dding mem ory.I n s e rt t he ne w mem ory m o d u le in to t he em pty s l ot:a A lign t he s m a ll g a p be tw een t he g o ld c o nnec tors o f t he mem ory m o d u le w i t h t he n ot ch o nt he em pty s l ot.I n s e rt t he mem ory m o d u le in to t he s l ot.Ma ke sur e t h a t t he m o d u le i sprop e r l y in s e rt ed.b G en t l y pus h d ow n t he mem ory m o d u le u n t il you he a r a click.N ot e s:H o ld t he mem ory m o d u le b y i ts edge s a nd a vo id tou ching t he g o ld c o nnec tors.S y n o l o g y w ill n ot prov ide f u ll pro d u c t w a rr a n ty or t echnic a l support if a n o n-S y n o l o g y mem ory m o d u le i s us ed f or mem ory up g r a de.I n s e rt t he d r i v e tr a ys b a ck in to t he d r i v e b a ys.R ec o nnec t t he c a ble s r em ov ed in st e p1,t hen pr e ss t he pow e r b utto n to tur n o n yourS y n o l o g y N A S.T o m a ke sur e your S y n o l o g y N A S r ec o gni z e s t he ne w mem ory c a p a ci ty I n st a ll D i s k S t a t i o n Ma n a ge r D SM .P le a s e s ee"I n st a ll D SM o n S y n o l o g y N A S"f or m or einf or m a t i o n.S ign in to D SM a s a dmin or a us e r bel o nging to t he a dmini str a tors g roup.G o to C o n tro l Pa nel> I nf o C en t e r a nd check T ot a l P h ys ic a l M em ory.I f your S y n o l o g y N A S d o e s n ot r ec o gni z e t he mem ory or d o e s n ot st a rt up su cce ss f u ll y,p le a s em a ke sur e t h a t t he mem ory m o d u le i s in st a lled c orr ec t l y.T o r em ov e t he mem ory m o d u leF o ll ow st e p1to2o f t he"T o in st a ll t he mem ory m o d u le"s ec t i o n to s h ut d ow n your S y n o l o g yN A S,di s c o nnec t t he c a ble s a nd r em ov e t he d r i v e tr a ys.P us h t he le v e rs o n b ot h s ide s o f t he mem ory m o d u le outw a r d.T he mem ory m o d u le w ill be r ele a s ed f ro m i ts s l ot.H o ld t he mem ory m o d u le b y i ts edge s a nd r em ov e i t f ro m t he s l ot.I n s e rt t he d r i v e tr a ys b a ck in to t he d r i v e b a ys.R ec o nnec t t he c a ble s r em ov ed in st e p1,t hen pr e ss t he pow e r b utto n to tur n o n yourS y n o l o g y N A S.2.5A dd a n M.2NVM e SS D to S y n o l o g y N A SY ou c a n in st a ll up to two M.2NVM e2280SS D s o n your S y n o l o g y N A S.F o ll ow t he st e ps bel ow f or SS D m o d u le in st a ll a t i o n a nd r em ov a l.T o in st a ll a n M.2NVM e SS D m o d u leS h ut d ow n your S y n o l o g y N A S.D i s c o nnec t a ll c a ble s f ro m your S y n o l o g y N A S to pr e v en t poss ible d a m a ge.T he SS D s l ots a r e l o c a t ed a t t he b otto m o f your S y n o l o g y N A S.R em ov e t he two c ov e rs prot ec t ing t he m o d u le s.Y ou w ill s ee two em pty s l ots t h a t a r en u mbe r ed a s s h ow n bel ow.N ot e s:H o ld t he SS D m o d u le b y i ts edge a nd a vo id tou ching t he g o ld c o nnec tors.S t a rt f ro m t he s l ot1.I n s e rt your SS D m o d u le in to t he em pty s l ot:a A lign t he s m a ll g a p be tw een t he g o ld c o nnec tors o f t he SS D m o d u le w i t h t he n ot ch in t heem pty s l ot.I n s e rt t he m o d u le in to t he s l ot.Ma ke sur e t h a t t he m o d u le i s prop e r l y in s e rt ed.b P us h t he le v e r outw a r d a s s h ow n bel ow.W hile h o lding t he le v e r,pus h d ow n t he SS Dm o d u le,t hen r ele a s e t he le v e r to s ec ur e t he SS D m o d u le.R e p l a ce t he c ov e rs.I f needed,r e p e a t t he st e ps a b ov e to in st a ll a s ec o nd SS D m o d u le in to t he s ec o nd s l ot.R ec o nnec t t he c a ble s r em ov ed in st e p1,t hen pr e ss t he pow e r b utto n to tur n o n yourS y n o l o g y N A S.T o r em ov e t he M.2NVM e SS D m o d u leS h ut d ow n your S y n o l o g y N A S.D i s c o nnec t a ll c a ble s f ro m your S y n o l o g y N A S to pr e v en t poss ible d a m a ge.P us h t he le v e r outw a r d.T he m o d u le w ill pop up a nd be r ele a s ed f ro m t he s l ot.H o ld t he SS D m o d u le a nd r em ov e i t f ro m t he s l ot.R e p l a ce t he c ov e rs.R ec o nnec t t he c a ble s r em ov ed in st e p1,t hen pr e ss t he pow e r b utto n to tur n o n yourS y n o l o g y N A S.2.6S t a rt up Y our S y n o l o g y N A SU s e t he L A N c a ble to c o nnec t t he S y n o l o g y N A S to your sw i t ch,rout e r,or h u b.C o nnec t o ne end o f t he AC pow e r a d a pt e r to t he pow e r port o f your S y n o l o g y N A S.C o nnec to ne end o f t he AC pow e r c or d to t he AC pow e r a d a pt e r,a nd t he ot he r to t he pow e r out le t.P r e ss t he pow e r b utto n to tur n o n t he S y n o l o g y N A S.C o ng r a tu l a t i o n s!Y our S y n o l o g y N A S i s n ow o nline a nd de t ec t a ble f ro m a ne twor k c o m put e r.。
药通用名中英文对照(按英文排序)前13种没英文名1 哒幼酮2 抑食肼3 茴蒿素4 增效磷5 甲基增效磷6 增效胺7 灭鼠安8 克菌磷9 氟吡禾灵10 氟萘禾草灵11 氟草净12 唑嘧磺隆13 二氯己酰草胺14 萘乙酸1-naphthyl acetic acide(NAA)15 三碘苯甲酸2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acide16 草芽畏2,3,6-TAB17 2,4,5_涕2,4,5-T18 2,4,5_涕丁酸2,4,5-TB19 2,4_滴2,4-D20 2,4_滴丁酸2,4-DB(草案)21 避虫醇2_(octylthio)ethanol22 邻苯基苯酚2-phenylphenol23 氯苯氧乙酸4-CPA24 吲哚丁酸4-indol-3-ylbutylic acide(IBA)25 苄氨基嘌呤6-benzolaminopurine26 苄腺嘌呤6-benzylaminopurine27 8_羟基喹啉8_hydroxyquinoline sulphate28 阿维菌素abamectin29 虫螨腈AC 30363030 甲咪唑烟酸AC 26322231 环丙嘧磺隆AC32214032 乙酰甲胺磷acephate33 啶虫脒acetamiprid34 家蝇磷acethion35 乙草胺acetochlor36 乙酯磷acetophos(非通用名)37 三氟羧草醚acifluorfen(酸) cifluorfen-sodiuma38 苯草醚aclonifen(草案)39 氟丙菊酯acrinathrin(草案)40 腺嘌呤adenine41 氟草醚AKH-708842 甲草胺alachlor(草案)43 棉铃威alanycarb(草案)44 丙硫多菌灵albendazole45 涕灭威aldicarb46 涕灭砜威aldoxycarb47 烯丙菊酯allethrin48 二丙烯草胺allidochlor49 禾草灭alloxydim50 除害威allyxycarb51 顺式氯氰菊酯alpha-cypermethrin(草案)52 磷化铝aluminium phosphide53 莠灭净ametryn54 拌种灵amicarthiazol(草案)55 赛硫磷amidithion56 酰嘧磺隆amidosulfuron57 灭害威aminocarb58 胺草磷amiprophos59 甲基胺草磷amiprophos-methl60 双甲脒amitraz61 杀草强amitrole62 代森铵amobam(日本)63 新烟碱anabasine(JMAF)64 环丙嘧啶醇ancymidol65 敌菌灵anilazine66 莎稗磷anilofos(草案)67 安妥antu68 杀螨特aramite(JMAF)69 福美胂asomate70 磺草灵asulam71 莠去津atrazine72 氧环唑azaconazole草案)73 甲基吡恶磷azamethiphos74 四唑嘧磺隆azimsulfuron75 益棉磷azinphos_ethyl76 保棉磷azinphos_methyl77 三唑锡azocyclotin78 苏云金杆菌bacillus thuringiensis(Bt)79 燕麦灵barban80 碳酸钡barium carbonate81 醚菌酯BAS 490F82 氟环唑BAS 480F83 苯霜灵benalaxyl(草案)84 草除灵benazolin-ethul,benazolin85 恶虫威bendiocarb86 乙丁氟灵benfluralin87 丙硫克百威benfuracarb(草案)88 呋草黄benfuresate(草案)89 麦锈灵benodanil90 苯菌灵benomyl91 解草嗪benoxacor(草案)92 醌肟腙benquinox93 苄嘧磺隆bensulfuron-methyl ,bensulfuron(酸)(草案)94 地散磷bensulide95 杀虫磺bensultap96 灭草松bentazone97 苯噻硫氰benthiozole(日本)98 苯草灭bentranil99 吡草酮benzofenap(草案)100 苯螨特benzoximate101 新燕灵benzoylprop-ethyl102 苯噻隆benzthiazuron103 高效氯氰菊酯beta_cypermethrin(草案)104 高效氟氯氰菊酯beta-cyfluthrin(草案)105 双丙氨膦bialaphos-sodium,bialaphos(酸)106 甲羧除草醚bifenox(草案)107 联苯菊酯bifenthrin(草案)108 乐杀螨binapacry109 生物烯丙菊酯bioallethrin110 生物氯菊酯biopermethrin111 生物苄呋菊酯bioresmethrin112 联苯biphenyl113 叶枯唑bismerthiazol(中国)114 联苯三唑醇bitertanol(草案)115 灰瘟素blasticidin S116 波尔多液bordeaux mixture117 芸苔素内酯brassinolide(BR)118 溴鼠灵brodifacoum119 溴灭菊酯brofenvalerate(中国)120 溴氟菊酯brofluthrinate(中国121 除草定bromacil122 溴敌隆bromadiolone123 溴鼠胺bromethalin(草案)124 溴苄呋菊酯bromethrin(非通用名)125 溴乙酰胺bromoacetamide126 溴丁酰草胺bromobutide(草案)127 溴酚肟bromofenoxim128 溴硫磷bromophos129 乙基溴硫磷bromophos_ethyl130 溴螨酯bromopropylate131 溴菌腈bromothalonil132 溴苯腈bromoxynil133 辛酰溴苯腈bromoxynil octanoate 134 溴莠敏brompyrazon135 糠菌唑bromuconazole(草案)136 溴硝醇bronopol(BAN)137 增效特Bucarpolate(商品名)138 合杀威bufencarb139 乙嘧酚磺酸酯bupirimate140 噻嗪酮buprofezin(草案)141 畜虫威butacarb142 丁草胺butachlor143 抑草磷butamifos144 丁烯草胺butenachlor(草案)145 苄烯菊酯butethrin(JMAF)146 丁硫啶buthiobate147 丁酮威butocarboxim148 丁酯膦butonate149 避蚊酮butopyronoxyl(美国药典) 150 丁酮砜威butoxycarboxim151 仲丁灵butralin152 叶锈特butrizol(中国)153 炔草隆buturon154 丁草敌butylate155 硫线磷cadusafos(草案)156 砷酸钙calcium arsenate157 敌敌钙calvinphos158 毒杀芬camphechlor159 敌菌丹captafol160 克菌丹captan161 吗菌威carbamorph162 甲萘威carbaryl163 多菌灵carbendazim164 双酰草胺carbetamide165 克百威carbofuran166 三硫磷carbophenothion167 丁硫克百威carbosulfan(草案) 168 萎锈灵carboxin169 杀螟丹cartap170 叶枯炔cellocidin171 环虫腈CGA 183893172 唑草胺CH 900173 灭螨猛chinomethionate174 甲氧除草醚chlomethoxyfen(草案) 175 草灭喂chloramben176 四氯对醌chloranil177 丁酰草胺chloranocryl178 杀螨醚chlorbenside179 灭幼脲chlorbenzuron(中国)180 氯溴隆chlorbromuron181 氯炔灵chlorbufam182 氯丹chlordane183 杀虫脒chlordimeform184 氯烯炔菊酯chlorempenthrin(中国)185 氯氧磷chlorethoxyfos186 杀螨醇chlorfenethol187 杀螨酯chlorfenson188 敌螨特chlorfensulphide189 毒虫畏chlorfenvinphos190 氟啶脲chlorfluazuron(草案)191 整形醇chlorflurenol192 氯草敏chloridazon193 氯嘧磺隆chlorimuron-ethyl ,chlorimuron(酸)(草案) 194 氯甲硫磷chlormephos195 矮壮素chlormequat ,chlormequat- chloride196 氯乙灵chlornidine197 草枯醚chlornitrofen198 炔禾灵chloroazifop-propynyl199 乙酯杀螨醇chlorobenzilate200 灭虫脲chloromethiuron201 氯苯甲醚chloroneb202 氯硝丙烷chloronitropropane(中国)203 氯鼠酮chlorophacinone204 氯化苦chloropicrin205 丙酯杀螨醇chloropropylate206 百菌清chlorothalonil207 燕麦酯chlorphenprop-methyl208 三丁氯苄膦chlorphonium209 氯辛硫磷chlorphoxim210 氯苯胺灵chlorpropham211 毒死蜱chlorpyrifos212 甲基毒死蜱chlorpyrifos_methyl213 四氯喹恶啉chlorquinox214 氯磺隆chlorsulfuron(草案)215 氯酞酸甲酯chlorthal-dimethyl216 氯硫酰草胺chlorthiamide217 虫螨磷chlorthiophos218 绿麦隆chlortoluron219 枯草隆chlorxuron220 乙菌利chlozolinate(草案)221 氯化胆碱choline chloride222 瓜叶菊素I cinerin I223 瓜叶菊素II cinerin II224 环庚草醚cinmethylin(草案)225 醚磺隆cinosulfuron(草案)226 咯草隆cisanilide227 烯草酮clethodim(草案)228 咪菌酮climbazole(英国药典委员会认可的英国名称,简称BAN) 229 炔草酸clodinafop-propargyl230 除线威cloethocarb(草案)231 四螨嗪clofentezine(草案)232 异恶草松clomazone(草案)233 氯甲酰草胺clomeprop(草案)234 调果酸cloprop235 二氯吡啶酸clopyralid(草案)236 解草酯cloquitocet_mexyl237 座果酸cloxyfonac(草案)238 噻唑硫磷colophonate(非通用名)239 硫酸铜copper sulfate(化学名称)240 氢氧化铜copper hydroxide(化学名称)241 碱式碳酸铜copper carbonate(化学名称)242 王铜copperchloride243 氯灭鼠灵coumachlor244 克鼠灵coumafuryl245 蝇毒磷coumaphos246 杀鼠醚coumatetralyl247 畜虫磷coumithoate248 害扑威CPMC(JMAF)249 醚草敏credazine(JMAF)250 鼠立死crimidine251 巴毒磷crotoxyphos252 育畜磷crufomate253 络氨铜cuaminosulfate(中国)254 氧化亚铜cuprous oxide255 氰草净cyanatryn256 氰草津cyanazine257 苯腈膦cyanofenphos258 杀螟睛cyanophos259 果虫磷cyanthoate260 环虫菊酯cyclethrin(非通用名)261 环草敌cycloate262 放线菌酮cycloheximide263 环螨酯cycloprate(曾用名)264 乙氰菊酯cycloprothrin(草案)265 噻草酮cycloxydim(草案)266 环莠隆cycluron267 氟氯氰菊酯cyfluthrin(草案)268 氰氟草酯cyhalofop-butyl(BSI建议)269 氯氟氰菊酯cyhalothrin(草案)270 三环锡cyhexatin271 霜脲氰cymoxanil(草案)272 解草胺腈cyometrinil(草案)273 氰菌灵cypendazole274 氯氰菊酯cypermethrin TOP275 苯醚氰菊酯cyphenothrin(草案)276 环丙津cyprazine277 环丙唑醇cyproconazole(草案)278 嘧菌环胺cyprodinil(BSI)279 酯菌胺cyprofuram280 环酰草胺cypromid281 灭蝇胺cyromazine(草案)282 畜蜱磷cythioate(非通用名)283 右旋烯丙菊酯d_allethrin284 右旋苯醚菊酯d_phenothrin285 茅草枯dalapon(BSI)286 丁酰肼daminozide287 棉隆dazomet288 二氯异丙醚DCIP(JMAF)289 增产胺DCPTA(JMAF)290 滴滴涕DDT291 咪菌威debacarb292 异丁草胺delachlor293 溴氰菊酯deltamethrin(草案)294 田乐磷demephion demephion_O(I) demephion(II) 295 内吸磷demeton(ESA)296 甲基内吸磷demeton_S_methyl297 砜吸磷demeton_S_methylsulphone298 甜菜安desmedipham299 敌草净desmetryn300 燕麦敌di_allate301 丁醚脲diafenthiuron302 氯亚胺硫磷dialifos303 二嗪磷diazinon304 二溴氯丙烷dibromochloropropane305 驱虫特dibutyl succinate306 麦草畏dicamba307 增糖酯dicamba-methyl308 异氯磷dicapthon(美国昆虫学会,简称ESA)309 敌草腈dichlobenil310 除线磷dichlofenthion311 苯氟磺胺dichlofluanid312 二氯萘醌dichlone313 除幼脲dichlorbenzuron(中国)314 苄胺灵dichlormate315 烯丙酰草胺dichlormide(WSSA)316 双氯酚dichlorophen317 滴.滴混剂dichloropropene-dichloropropene mixture 318 2,4_滴丙酸dichlorprop319 精2,4_滴丙酸dichlorprop-P320 敌敌畏dichlorvos321 菌核利dichlozolin322 苄氯三唑醇diclobutrazol(草案)323 禾草灵diclofop_methyl324 哒菌酮diclomezin(草案)325 氯硝胺dicloran(BSI)326 三氯杀螨醇dicofol327 百治磷dicrotophos328 乙酰甲草胺diethatyl-ethyl,diethatyl(酸)329 乙霉威diethofencarb(草案)330 避蚊胺diethyltoluamide331 鼠得克difenacoum332 苯醚甲环唑difenoconazole(草案)333 苯虫醚difenolan334 枯莠隆difenoxuron335 野燕枯difenzoquat336 噻鼠灵difethialone(草案)337 除虫脲diflubenzuron338 吡氟酰草胺diflufenican(草案)339 调呋酸dikegulac340 甲氟磷dimefox341 恶唑隆dimefuron342 哌草丹dimepiperate(草案)343 菌核净dimetachlone(中国)344 地麦威Dimetan(商品名)345 混灭威dimethacarb(中国)346 二甲草胺dimethachlor347 异戊乙净dimethametryn348 二甲吩草胺dimethenamid349 噻节因dimethipin(草案)350 二甲嘧酚dimethirimol351 苄菊酯dimethirn352 乐果dimethoate353 烯酰吗啉dimethomoph(草案)354 避蚊酯dimethyl phthalate355 驱蚊灵dimethylcarbate356 甲基毒虫畏dimethylvinphos357 敌蝇威dimetilan(BSI)358 杀草隆dimuron(草案)359 消螨酚dinex360 烯唑醇diniconazole(草案)361 氨氟灵dinitramine362 消螨通dinobuton363 戊硝酚dinosam364 地乐酚dinoseb365 地乐酯dinoseb acetate366 特乐酚dinoterb367 特乐酯dinoterb acetate368 蔬果磷dioxabenzofos(草案)369 敌恶磷dioxathion370 二氧威dioxocarb371 敌鼠diphacinone372 双苯酰草胺diphenamide373 地乐灵dipropalin374 异丙净dipropetryn375 驱蝇啶dipropyl pyridine 2,5-dicarboxylate 376 敌草快diquat377 杀虫双disosultap(中国)378 乙拌磷disulfoton379 灭菌磷ditalimfos380 二氰蒽醌dithianon381 氟硫草定dithiopyr(草案)382 敌草隆diuron383 解草烯DKA_24384 二硝酚DNOC385 十二环吗啉dodemorph386 多果定dodine387 肼菌酮drazoxolon388 右旋胺菊酯d-tetramethrin389 稻瘟净EBP(JMAF)390 敌瘟磷edifenphos391 多杀威EMPC(JMAF)392 右旋烯炔菊酯empenthrin(草案)393 烯腺嘌呤enadenine394 硫丹endosulfan395 茵多酸endothal396 因毒磷endothion397 异狄氏剂endrin398 苯硫膦EPN(ESA)399 茵草敌EPTC400 抑草蓬erbon401 Es_生物烯丙菊酯esbiothirn402 S_氰戊菊酯esfenvalarete403 戊草丹esprocarb(草案)404 吡草醚ET 751405 乙烯硅etacelasil406 乙环唑etaconazole407 代森硫etem(BSI)408 克草胺ethachlor(中国)409 乙丁烯氟灵ethalfluralin410 胺苯磺隆ethametsulfuron411 杀草胺ethaprochlor(中国)412 乙烯利ethephon(ANSI)413 磺噻隆ethidimuron414 乙硫苯威ethiofencarb415 硫草敌ethiolate416 乙硫磷ethion417 乙嗪草酮ethiozin(草案)418 乙嘧酚ethirimol419 益硫磷ethoate_methyl420 乙氧苯草胺ethobenzanid421 乙氧呋草黄ethofumesate422 驱蚊醇ethohexadiol(美国药典) 423 灭线磷ethoprophos424 乙氧喹啉ethoxyquin425 吲熟酯ethychlozate(JMAF)426 乙蒜素ethylicin(中国)427 氯化乙基汞ethylmercury chloride 428 醚菊酯etofenprox(草案)429 土菌灵etridiazole430 乙嘧硫磷etrimfos431 唑草酯F8426432 伐灭磷famphur(ESA)433 敌磺钠fenaminosulf434 苯线磷fenamiphos435 咪菌腈fenapanil436 氯苯嘧啶醇fenarimol437 抗螨唑fenazaflor438 喹螨醚fenazaquin(草案)439 腈苯唑fenbuconazole(草案)440 苯丁锡fenbutatin oxide441 解草唑fenchlorazole(草案)442 皮蝇磷fenchlorphos443 解草啶fenclorim(草案)444 五氟苯菊酯fenfluthrin445 甲呋酰胺fenfuram446 种衣酯fenitropan(草案447 杀螟硫磷fenitrothion448 仲丁威fenobucarb(草案)449 2,4,5_涕丙酸fenoprop450 苯硫威fenothiocarb(草案)451 恶唑禾草灵fenoxaprop-ethyl ,fenoxaprop(酸)(草案) 452 精恶唑禾草灵fenoxaprop-P ,fenoxaprop-p-ethyl(草案) 453 苯氧威fenoxycarb(草案)454 拌种咯fenpiclonil(草案)455 吡氯氰菊酯fenpirithrin(草案)456 甲氰菊酯fenpropathrin457 苯锈啶fenpropidin(草案)458 丁苯吗啉fenpropimorph(草案)459 唑螨酯fenpyroximate(草案)460 芬螨酯fenson461 丰索磷fensulfothion462 噻唑禾草灵fenthiaprop-ethyl ,fenthiaprop(酸)(草案) 463 倍硫磷fenthion464 三苯锡fentin465 三苯基乙酸锡fentin acetate466 三苯基氯化锡fentin chloride467 三苯基氢氧化锡fentin hydroxide468 非草隆fenuron469 氰戊菊酯fenvalerate470 福美铁ferbam471 嘧菌腙ferimzone(草案)472 氟虫腈fipronil473 麦草氟异丙酯flamprop-isopropyl474 麦草氟甲酯flamprop-methyl475 啶嘧磺隆flazasulfuron(草案)476 氟鼠灵flocoumafen477 氟乙酰胺floroacetamide478 吡氟禾草灵fluazifop(草案)479 精吡氟禾草灵fluazifop-P-butyl ,fluazifop-p(酸)(草案) 480 氟啶胺fluazinam(草案)481 啶蜱脲fluazuron482 氯乙氟灵fluchloraline483 氟环脲flucycloxuron(草案)484 氟氰戊菊酯flucythrinate(草案)485 咯菌腈fludioxonil486 氟虫脲flufenoxoron(草案)487 氟氯苯菊酯flumethrin(英国)488 氟节胺flumetralim(草案)489 唑嘧磺草胺flumetsulam490 氟烯草酸flumiclorac ,flumiclorac-pentyl491 丙炔氟草胺flumioxazin(草案)492 氟草隆fluometuron493 增糖胺fluoridamid494 氟咯草酮fluorochloridone(草案)495 三氟硝草醚fluorodifen496 乙羧氟草醚fluoroglycofen ,fluoroglycofen-ethyl(草案) 497 氟氯菌核利fluoromide(JMAF)498 氟除草醚fluoronitrofen499 三氟苯唑fluotrimazole500 氟胺草唑flupoxam(草案)501 氟鼠啶flupropadine(草案)502 氟喹唑fluquinconazole(草案)503 解草胺flurazole(WSSA)504 芴丁酯flurenol505 氟啶草酮fluridone506 氯氟吡氧乙酸fluroxypyr-methyl, fluroxypyr(草案) 507 呋嘧醇flurprimidol(草案)508 呋草酮flurtamone(草案)509 氟硅唑flusilazole(草案)510 磺菌胺flusulfamide(草案)511 氟酰胺flutolanil(草案)512 粉唑醇flutriafol(草案)513 氟草肟fluxofenim(草案)514 灭菌丹folpet(草案)515 氟磺胺草醚fomesafen(草案)516 地虫硫膦fonofos517 氯吡脲forchlorfenuron(草案)518 伐虫脒formetanate519 安硫磷formothion520 杀木膦fosamine521 三乙膦酸铝fosetyl-aluminium(草案)522 丁苯硫磷fosmethilan(草案)523 噻唑膦fosthiazate(草案)524 丁硫环磷fosthietan525 麦穗宁fuberidazole526 呋霜灵furalaxyl527 炔呋菊酯furamethrin(JMAF)528 呋线威furathiocarb(草案)529 二甲呋酰胺furcarbanil530 呋菌唑furconazole(草案)531 呋醚唑furconazole_cis(草案)532 解草恶唑furilazole533 呋氧草醚furyloxyfen(草案)534 格螨酯Genit(商品名)535 赤霉酸gibberellic acide(GA)(草案)536 鼠甘伏glitor(中国)537 增甘膦glophosine538 草铵膦glufosinate-ammonium539 果绿啶glyodin540 草甘膦glyphosate541 增甘膦钠glyphosate sesquisodium542 灰荑霉素griseofulvin543 双胍辛乙酸盐guazatine acetate(草案)544 丙烯酸喹啉酯halacrinate545 苄螨醚halfenprox546 氯吡嘧磺隆halosulfuron-methyl,halosulfuron547 氟乳醚HC-252548 六六六HCH,BHC549 狄氏剂HEOD or dieldrin(含>85%HEOD)550 七氯heptachlor551 庚烯磷heptenopos552 增产肟heptopargil(草案)553 六氯苯hexachlorobenzene554 毒菌酚hexachlorophen(中国)555 己唑醇hexaconazole(草案)556 氟铃脲hexaflumuron(草案)557 环嗪酮hexazinone558 噻螨酮hexythiazox(草案)559 艾氏剂HHDN or aldrin(含95%HHDN)560 氟蚁腙hydramethylnon(草案)561 烯虫乙酯hydroprene(草案)562 恶霉灵hymexazol563 嘧菌酯ICIA 5504564 除虫菊素II pyrethrin II565 抑霉唑imazalil566 咪草酸imazamethabenz-methyl, imazamethabenz(草案) 567 咪唑烟酸imazapyr, imazapyrisopropylammonium(草案) 568 咪唑喹啉酸imazaquin,imazaquin-ammonium(草案) 569 咪唑乙烟酸imazethapyr ,imazethapyr-ammonium(草案) 570 唑吡嘧磺隆imazosulfuron571 亚胺唑imibenconazole(草案)572 吡虫啉imidacloprid(草案)573 双胍辛胺乙酸盐iminoctadine triacetate(草案)574 双胍辛胺iminoctadine(草案)575 抗倒胺inabenfide(草案)576 吲哚乙酸indol-3-yl acetic acide(IAA)577 苯稻瘟净inezin(中国)578 碘硫磷iodfenphos579 碘苯腈ioxynil580 辛酰碘苯腈ioxynil octanoate581 种菌唑ipconazole582 异稻瘟净iprobenfos(草案)583 异菌脲iprodione584 氯唑磷isazofos585 丁咪酰胺isocarbamide586 水胺硫磷isocarbophos(非通用名)587 异艾剂isodrin588 异柳磷isofenphos589 甲基异柳磷isofenphos_methyl(中国)590 异索威isolan(法国)591 丁嗪草酮isomethiozin592 异丙威isoprocarb593 异丙乐灵isopropalin594 稻瘟灵isoprothiolane(中国)595 异丙隆isoproturon596 异拌磷isothioate597 异恶隆isouron(草案)598 异恶草醚isoxapyrifop(草案)599 恶唑磷isoxathion(草案)600 异恶酰草胺ixoxaben(草案)601 浸种磷izopamfos(草案)602 喃烯菊酯japothrins(商品名)603 茉酮菊素I jasmolin I604 茉酮菊素II jasmolin II605 井冈霉素jiangangmycin(中国)606 噻恩菊酯Kadethrin(非通用名)607 特胺灵karbutilate608 春雷霉素kasugamycin(JMAF)609 嗪草酸KIH 9201610 嘧草醚KIH 6127611 双草醚KIH 2023612 糖氨基嘌呤kinetin613 烯虫炔酯kinoprene614 乳氟禾草灵lactofen (美国国家标准所,ANSI,美国杂草学会, WSSA) 615 高效氯氟氰菊酯lambda-cyhalothrin(草案)616 砷酸铅lead arsenate617 环草定lenacil618 溴苯膦leptophos619 保松噻levamisole(非通用名) 620 石硫合剂lime sulfur(ESA)621 林丹lindane622 利谷隆linuron623 浏阳霉素liuyangmycin(中国) 624 磺草膦LS 830556625 虱螨脲lufenuron626 田安MAFA(日本)627 马拉硫磷malathion628 抑芽丹maleic hydrazide629 代森锰铜mancopper630 代森锰锌mancozeb631 代森锰maneb632 苦参碱matrine633 2甲4氯MCPA634 2甲4氯乙硫酯MCPA-thioethyl 635 2甲4氯丁酸MCPB636 邻酰胺mebenil637 灭蚜磷mecarbam638 四甲磷mecarphon639 2甲4氯丙酸mecoprop640 精2甲4氯丙酸mecoprop-P 641 杀螨脒medimeform(中国)642 苯噻酰草胺mefenacet(草案) 643 氟磺酰草胺mefluidide644 敌鼠灵melitoxin(中国)645 灭蚜硫磷menazon646 嘧菌胺mepanipyrim(草案)647 地胺磷mephosfolan648 甲哌翁mepiquate chloride649 灭锈胺mepronil(草案)650 安百亩meta-ammonium651 甲霜灵metalaxyl652 四聚乙醛metaldehyde653 苯嗪草酮metamitron654 威百亩metam-sodium655 吡唑草胺metazachlor656 叶菌唑metconazole657 甲基苯噻隆methabenzthiazuron 658 虫螨畏methacrifos659 甲胺磷methamidophos660 磺菌威methasulfocarb(草案)661 灭草唑methazole(BSI)662 杀扑磷methidathion663 甲硫威methiocarb664 灭多威methomyl665 烯虫酯methoprene666 甲氧滴滴涕methoxychlor667 苯草酮methoxyphenone(JMAF)668 呋菌胺methuroxam(草案)669 甲基乙酯磷methylacetophos(非通用名)670 甲基硫化胂methylarsenic sulphide671 甲基杀草隆methyldymron(JMAF)672 溴甲烷methyle bromide673 吡喃隆metobenzuron674 溴谷隆metobromuron675 异丙甲草胺metolachlor676 速灭威metolcarb677 磺草唑胺metosulam678 恶虫酮metoxadiazone(草案)679 甲氧隆metoxuron680 嗪草酮metribuzin681 噻菌胺metsulfovax(草案)682 甲磺隆metsulfuron-methyl, metsulfuron(酸)(草案) 683 速灭磷mevinphos684 兹克威mexacarbate685 解草烷MG191686 代森环milmeb(BSI)687 丙胺氟磷mipafox688 禾草敌molinate689 庚酰草胺monalide690 单甲脒monoamitraz(中国)691 久效磷monocrotophos692 绿谷隆monolinuron693 杀虫单monosultap(中国)694 灭草隆monuron695 茂硫磷morphothion696 诱虫烯muscalure(ESA)697 腈菌唑myclobutanil(草案)698 甲菌利myclozolin699 代森钠nabam700 二溴磷naled701 萘丙胺naproanilide(JMAF)702 敌草胺napropamide703 萘草胺naptalam704 草不隆neburon705 杀螺胺niclosamide706 烟嘧磺隆nicosulfuron(草案)707 烟碱nicotine708 氟蚁灵nifluridide(草案)709 华光霉素nikkomycin(中国)710 氟氯草胺nipyralofen(草案)711 烯啶虫胺nitenpyram712 甲磺乐灵nitralin713 三氯甲基吡啶nitrapyrin714 戊氰威nitrilacarb715 除草醚nitrofen716 酞菌酯nitrothal-isopropyl717 鼠特灵norbormide718 氟草敏norflurazon719 原烟碱nornicotine720 草完隆noruron721 氟苯嘧啶醇nuarimol722 八氟二丙醚octachlorodipro pylether(中国)723 辛噻酮octhilinone724 呋酰胺ofurace725 氧乐果omethoate726 坪草丹orbencarb(草案)727 氨磺乐灵oryzalin728 解草腈oxabetrinil(草案)729 恶霜灵oxadixyl(草案)730 恶草酮oxadizon731 杀线威oxamyl732 喹啉铜oxine-copper733 喹菌酮oxolinic acide(草案)734 氧化萎锈灵oxycarboxin735 亚砜磷oxydemeton_methyl736 异亚砜磷oxydeprofos737 砜拌磷oxydisulfoton738 羟烯腺嘌呤oxyenadenine739 乙氧氟草醚oxyfluorfen740 对二氯苯p_dichlorobene741 多效唑paclobutrazol(草案)742 百草枯paraquat743 对硫磷parathion744 甲基对硫磷parathion_methyl745 氯苯吡啶parinol(美国国家标准所认为的农药名称,简称ANSI) 746 五氯酚(钠) PCP747 克草敌pebulate748 稻瘟酯pefurazoate(草案)749 戊菌唑penconzole(草案)750 戊菌隆pencycuron(草案)751 二甲戊灵pendimethalin752 氟幼脲penfluron(非通用名)753 甲氯酰草胺pentanochlor754 戊烯氰氯菊酯pentmethrin(中国)755 氯菊酯permethrin756 叶枯净phenazine oxide(日本)757 棉胺宁phenisopham758 芬硫磷phenkapton759 甜菜宁phenmedipham760 酰草隆phenobenzuron761 苯醚菊酯phenothrin762 苯螨醚phenproxide763 稻丰散phenthoate764 乙酸苯汞phenylmercury acetate765 氯化苯汞phenylmercury chloride766 甲拌磷phorate767 伏杀硫磷phosalone768 毒鼠磷phosazetin769 氯瘟磷phosdiphen(JMAF)770 硫环磷phosfolan771 甲基硫环磷phosfolan_methyl(中国) 772 甘氨硫磷phosglycin(非通用名)773 亚胺硫磷phosmet774 磷胺phosphamidon775 辛硫磷phoxim776 甲基辛硫磷phoxiom_methyl(中国) 777 四氯苯酞phthalide(JMAF)778 氨氯吡啶酸picloram779 增效醚pieronyl butoxide780 鼠完pindone781 哌丙灵piperlin(日本)782 增效环piperonyl cyclonene(中国)783 哌草磷piperophos784 哌壮素piproctanly,piproctanly-bromide 785 抗蚜威pirimicarb786 嘧啶氧磷pirimioxyphos(中国)787 嘧啶磷pirimiphos_ethyl788 三氯杀虫酯plifenate<建议名>789 代森福美锌polycarbamate(日本)790 多抗霉素polyoxin(JMAF)791 多噻烷polythialan(中国)792 右旋炔丙菊酯prallethrin(草案)793 丙草胺pretilachlor794 氟嘧磺隆primisulfuron-methyl ,primisulfuron(酸)(草案) 795 甲基嘧啶磷pririmiphos_methyl796 烯丙苯噻唑probenazole(JMAF)797 咪鲜胺prochloraz798 腐霉利procymidone799 氨氟乐灵prodiamine800 丙溴磷profenofos801 环丙氟灵profluralin802 甘扑津proglinazine803 调环酸prohexadione(草案)804 蜱虱威promacyl(澳大利亚)805 猛杀威promecarb806 扑灭通prometon807 扑草净prometryn808 灭鼠肼promurit(中国)809 毒草胺propachlor810 霜霉威propamocarb811 丙虫磷propaphos<草案>812 恶草酸propaquizafop(草案)813 快螨特propargite814 甲呋炔菊酯proparthrin(JMAF)815 扑灭津propazine816 胺丙畏propetamphos817 苯胺灵propham818 丙环唑propiconazol(草案)819 敌稗propinal820 丙森锌propineb821 异丙草胺propisochlor822 残杀威propoxur823 增效酯propylisome(ESA)824 炔苯酰草胺propyzamide825 苄草丹prosulfocarb(草案)826 氟磺隆prosulfuron827 硫菌威prothiocarb828 丙硫磷prothiofos829 发硫磷prothoate830 丙炔草胺prynachlor831 吡蚜酮pymetrozine832 吡喃灵pyracarbolin833 吡唑硫磷pyraclofos(草案)834 嘧啶威Pyramat(商品名)835 吡唑特pyrazolate(草案)836 吡菌磷pyrazophos837 吡嘧磺隆pyrazosulfuron-ethyl ,pyrazosulfuron(酸)(草案) 838 吡硫磷pyrazothion(非通用名)839 苄草唑pyrazoxyfen(草案)840 除虫菊素I pyrethrin I841 除虫菊素pyrethrins842 稗草丹pyributicarb(草案)843 哒螨灵pyridaben(草案)844 哒嗪硫磷pyridaphenthione(JMAF)845 哒草特pyridate846 啶菌腈pyridinitril847 啶斑肟pyrifenox(草案)848 嘧霉胺pyrimethanil(草案)849 嘧螨醚pyrimidifen850 灭鼠优pyrinuron851 吡啶醇pyripropanol(中国)852 吡丙醚pyriproxyfen(草案)853 嘧草硫醚pyrithiobac-sodium854 吡唑威Pyrolan(商品名)855 咯喹酮pyroquilon(草案)856 喹硫磷quinalphos857 二氯喹啉酸quinclorac(草案)858 氯甲喹啉酸quinmerac(草案)859 灭藻醌quinoclamine(草案)860 五氯硝基苯quintozene861 喹禾灵quizalofop(草案)862 精喹禾灵quizalofo-P-ethyl ,quizalofop-p(酸)(草案)863 喹禾糠酯quizalofop-P-tefuryl(草案)864 苄呋菊酯resmethrin865 富右旋反式烯丙菊酯rich_d_transallethrin(中国)866 砜嘧磺隆rimsulfuron867 鱼藤酮rotenone868 脱叶磷S,S,S-tributyl phosphorotrithioate869 S_生物烯丙菊酯S_bioallethrin870 氟硅菊酯salifluofen871 八甲磷schradan872 烯禾啶sethoxydim(草案)873 环草隆siduron874 毒鼠硅silatrane875 西玛津simazine876 西草净simetryn877 氟硅酸钠sodium fluosilicate878 敌鼠钠sodium diphacinone(中国)879 敌锈钠sodium p-aminobenzensulfonate880 复硝酚钠sodium nitrophenolate881 苏硫磷sophamide882 环菌唑SSF-109883 增效砜sufoxide(ESA)884 磺草酮sulcotrione(BSI)885 菜草畏sulfallate886 甲磺草胺sulfentrazone887 氟虫胺sulfluramid(草案)888 甲嘧磺隆sulfometuron-methyl ,sulfometuron(酸) 889 治螟磷sulfotep890 硫磺sulfur891 硫酰氟sulfuryl fluoride892 草硫膦sulphosate893 硫丙磷sulprofos894 灭草灵swep895 氟胺氰菊酯tau-fluvalinate(草案)896 稗草烯tavron897 噻螨威tazimcarb898 戊唑醇tebuconazole(草案)899 虫酰肼tebufenozide900 吡螨胺tebufenpyrad(草案)901 牧草胺tebutam(草案)902 丁噻隆tebuthiuron903 叶枯酞tecloftalam(草案)904 四氯硝基苯tecnazene905 氟苯脲teflubenzuron草案)906 七氟菊酯tefluthrin(草案)907 双硫磷temephos908 环戊烯丙菊酯terallethrin909 特草定terbacil910 特草灵terbucarb911 特丁草胺terbuchlor912 特丁硫磷terbufos913 特丁津terbuthylazine914 特丁净terbutryn915 四氟醚唑tertraconazole(草案)916 四环唑tetcyclacis917 杀虫畏tetrachlorvinphos918 三氯杀螨砜tetradifon919 胺菊酯tetramethrin920 硫酸亚铊thallous sulphate921 噻吩草胺thenychlor922 噻菌灵thiabendazole923 噻丙腈thiapronil(非通用名)924 噻氟隆thiazfluron925 噻菌腈thicyofen(草案)926 噻苯隆thidiazuron927 噻吩磺隆thifensulfuron-methyl, thifensulfuron(酸)(草案) 928 噻呋酰胺thifluzamide929 禾草丹thiobencarb930 杀虫环thiocyclam931 硫双威thiodicarb932 久效威thiofanox933 甲基乙拌磷thiometon934 虫线磷thionazin935 硫菌灵thiophanate936 甲基硫菌灵thiophanate_methyl937 克杀螨thioquinox938 灭鼠特thiosemicarbazide(中国)939 福美双thiram940 噻唑烟酸thrizopyr941 螨蜱胺Tifatol(商品名)942 仲草丹tiocarbazil(草案)943 环线威Tirpate(商品名)944 甲基立枯磷tolclofos-methyl945 甲苯氟磺胺tolyfluanid946 楝素toosedarin947 三甲苯草酮tralkoxydim(草案)948 溴氯氰菊酯tralocythrin(非通用名)949 四溴菊酯tralomethrin(草案)950 四氟苯菊酯transfluthrin951 野麦畏tri_allate952 三十烷醇triacontanol953 三唑酮triadimefon954 三唑醇triadimenol955 威菌磷triamiphos956 抑芽唑triapenthenol(草案)957 苯螨噻triarathene(草案)958 醚苯磺隆triasulfuron(草案)959 唑蚜威triaxamate960 唑蚜威triazamate961 三唑磷triazophos962 咪唑嗪triazoxide(草案)963 苯磺隆tribenuron-methyl, tribenuron(酸)(草案)964 杀草畏tricamba965 水杨菌胺trichlamide(草案)966 三氯吡氧乙酸trichlopyr967 敌百虫trichlorfon968 毒壤膦trichloronat969 三环唑tricyclazole970 十三吗啉tridemorph971 灭草环tridiphane(草案)972 草达津trietazine973 杀螺吗啉trifenmorph974 氟菌唑triflumizole(草案)975 杀铃脲triflumuron(草案)976 氟乐灵trifluralin977 氟胺磺隆triflusulfuron-methyl ,triflusulfryon(酸) TOP978 嗪氨灵triforine979 混杀威trimethacarb980 抗倒酯trinexapac,trinexapac-ethyl981 烯虫硫酯triprene982 杀虫钉trithialan(中国)983 灭菌唑triticonazole984 烯效唑uniconazole(草案)985 福美甲胂urbacide(JMAF)986 戊菊酯valerate(中国)987 有效霉素validamycin(JMAF)988 杀鼠酮Valone(商品名)989 蚜灭磷vamidothion990 抑霉胺Vangard(商品名)991 灭草敌vernolate992 藜芦碱vertrine993 乙烯菌核利vinclozolin994 杀鼠灵warfarin995 灭除威XMC(JMAF)996 二甲苯草胺xylachlor(WSSA)997 灭杀威xylylcarb(草案)998 氰菌胺zarilamid(草案)999 磷化锌zine phosphide1000 甲基胂酸锌zine methanearsonate1001 代森锌zineb1002 福美锌ziram植物生长调节剂2-chloroethyl phosphonic acid乙烯利16672-87-0 Chlormequat chloride 矮壮素999-81-5 Cyclanilide 环丙酰胺酸113136-77-9 Diquat dibromide 敌草快85-00-7 Diuron 敌草隆330-54-1 Ethephon 乙烯利16672-87-0 Flumetralin 氟节胺、抑芽敏62924-70-3Imazaquin 咪唑喹啉酸81335-37-7Maleic hydrazide 抑芽丹123-33-1Mepiquat chloride 缩节胺24307-26-4 246-147-6(EC) Paclobutrazol 多效唑76738-62-0Prohexadione-calcium 调环酸钙127277-53-6Thidiazuron 噻苯隆51707-55-2Tribufos 脱叶磷78-48-8Trinexapac-ethyl 抗倒酯95266-40-3杀菌剂1,3-Dichloropropene 二氯丙烯(杀线虫剂) 542-75-6Acibenzolar-S-Methyl 苯并噻二唑135158-54-2Aluminum tris 三乙磷酸铝39148-24-8Azoxystrobin 嘧菌酯131860-33-8Ametoctradin 辛唑嘧菌胺865318-97-4Benzene, pentachloronitro 五氯硝基苯Benzamidoxime 苯甲酰胺肟613-92-3Bitertanol 双苯三唑醇55179-31-2Boscalid 啶酰菌胺188425-85-6Carboxin 萎锈灵5234-68-4Carbamate 氨基甲酸酯Chloropicrin 三氯硝基甲烷76-06-2Chlorothalonil 百菌清1897-45-6Copper hydroxide 氢氧化铜20427-59-2Cyclohexanone 环己酮Cymoxanil 霜脲氰57966-95-7Cyproconazole 环唑醇94361-06-5Cyprodinil 嘧菌环胺121552-61-2Difenoconazole 苯醚甲环唑119446-68-3Dimethomorph 烯酰吗啉110488-70-5Dimoxystrobin 醚菌胺149961-52-4Dithianon 二噻农3347-22-6 222-098-6(EC) Epoxiconazole 氟环唑133855-98-8,106325-08-0 Fenamidone 咪唑菌酮161326-34-7Fenbuconazole 腈苯唑114369-43-6Fenhexamid 环酰菌胺126833-17-8Fenpropidin 苯锈啶67306-00-7Fenpropimorph 丁苯吗啉67564-91-4Fluazinam 氟啶胺79622-59-6Fludioxonil 咯菌腈131341-86-1Fluopicolide 氟吡菌胺239110-15-7Fluoxastrobin 氟嘧菌酯361377-29-9Fluquinconazole 氟喹唑136426-54-5Flutriafol 粉唑醇76674-21-0Fosetyl 三乙膦酸15845-66-6Fosetyl Aluminium 三乙磷酸铝39148-24-8Furalaxyl 呋霜灵57646-30-7Hexaconazole 己唑醇Imazalil 抑霉唑35554-44-0Imazalil sulfate 抑霉唑硫酸盐58594-72-2Iprodione 异菌脲36734-19-7 253-178-9(EC) Isopyrazam 881685-58-1Kresoxim-methyl 醚菌酯143390-89-0Mancozeb 代森锰锌8018-01-7Mandipropamid 双炔酰菌胺374726-62-2Mefenoxam 精甲霜灵70630-17-0 69516-34-3 Meptyldinocap 硝苯菌酯131-72-6Metalaxyl 甲霜灵57837-19-1Metalaxyl-M 精甲霜灵Metconazole 叶菌唑125116-23-6Metrafenone 苯菌酮220899-03-6Myclobutanil 腈菌唑88671-89-0Organophosphate 有机磷酸酯Pencycuron 戊菌隆66063-05-6Penconazole 戊菌唑66246-88-6 Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB) 五氯硝基苯82-68-8Penthiopyrad 吡噻菌胺Picoxystrobin 啶氧菌酯Prochloraz 咪鲜胺67747-09-5Prochloraz Copper Chloride complex 咪鲜胺铜盐156065-03-1Prochloraz-manganese 咪鲜胺锰75747-77-2Prothioconazole 丙硫菌唑178928-70-6Propamocarb 霜霉威24579-73-5Propamocarb hydrochloride霜霉威盐酸盐25606-41-1Propiconazole 丙环唑60207-90-1Propineb 丙森锌9016-72-2 又称:甲基代森锌Pyraclostrobin 吡唑醚菌酯175013-18-0Pyrimethanil 嘧霉胺53112-28-0Quinoxyfen 喹氧灵124495-18-7Spiroxamine 螺环菌胺118134-30-8Strobin/strobulirinSulphur 硫磺7704-34-9Tebuconazole 戊唑醇107534-96-3Thiabendazole 噻菌灵148-79-8Thiophanate-methyl 甲基托布津23564-05-8Thiram 福美双137-26-8Tolylfluanid 甲苯氟磺胺731-27-1 又称:对甲抑菌灵Triazole 三唑类Triadimenol 三唑醇55219-65-3Triazolopyrimidine 三唑嘧啶Triazoxide 咪唑嗪72459-58-6Trifloxystrobin 肟菌酯141517-21-7Triticonazole 灭菌唑131983-72-7Ziram 福美锌137-30-4Tolylfluanid 对甲抑菌灵Propineb 甲代森锌Prothioconazole 丙硫菌唑Folpet 灭菌丹Ipconazole 种菌唑flutriafol 粉唑醇除草剂2,4-D-2-ethyl hexyl ester 2,4-D异辛酯1928-43-42,4-D BEE 2,4-D丁氧基乙酯1929-73-7 butoxyethyl ester=BEE2,4-D Dimethylamine Salt 2,4-D二甲胺盐2008-39-12,4-D Dimethylethanolamine Salt 2,4-D二甲乙醇铵盐2,4-D Ethyl Ester 2,4-D酸乙酯533-23-32,4-D IPA 2,4-D异丙胺盐5742-17-6 isopropylamine salt=IPA2,4-D TIPA Salt 2,4-D三异丙醇胺盐18584-79-7 Triisopropanol ammonium salt=TIPA Acetochlor 乙草胺34256-82-1Aminopyralid Hexyloxypropylalmine Salt氯氨吡啶酸150114-71-9Aminopyralid Potassium氯氨吡啶酸钾盐566191-87-5Aminopyralid TIPA 氯氨吡啶酸三异丙醇胺盐566191-89-7Ammonium Sulphate 硫酸铵7783-20-2Amidosulfuron 酰嘧磺隆120923-37-7Ametryn 莠灭净834-12-8Atrazine 莠去津1912-24-9Bentazone 灭草松25057-89-0Benzofenap 吡草酮82692-44-2Benzoic acid 3,6-二氯茴香酸104040-79-1 diglycolamine Bromoxynil 溴苯腈Bromoxynil octanoate 辛酰溴苯腈1689-99-2Bromoxynil heptanoate 庚酰溴苯腈56634-95-8Butafenacil 氟丙嘧草酯134605-64-4Carfentrazone-ethyl 唑草酮,唑酮草酯128639-02-1Clethodim 烯草酮99129-21-2Clodinafop-propargyl 炔草酯,炔草酸105512-06-9Clomazone 异恶草酮81777-89-1。
3、封装封装形式宽度引脚间距封装说明订货型号SOP28 7.62mm 300mil 1.27mm 50mil 标准的28脚贴片CH423S SDIP28 10.16mm 400mil 1.78mm 70mil 窄距28脚双列直插CH423D4、引脚5、功能说明5.1. 内部电路原理(用于解释功能,不含动态驱动,仅供参考)5.2. 一般说明本手册中的数据,以B 结尾的为二进制数,以H 结尾的为十六进制数,否则为十进制数,标注为x 的位表示该位可以是任意值。
单片机(也可以是CPU 、DSP 、微处理器、MCU 等控制器)通过2线串行接口控制CH423芯片,CH423的2线串行接口是由硬件实现的,单片机可以频繁地通过串行接口进行高速操作,而绝对不会降低CH423的工作效率。
5.3. 双向输入输出引脚CH423的IO7~IO0引脚为双向输入输出引脚,默认为输入方向,用于输入外部引脚的当前状态,当设置为输出方向时,可以输出高低电平以驱动LED 发光管或者进行I/O 扩展。
Synology DiskStation DS423+ 产品说明说明书
DiskStationHighlights• Centralized Data StorageStore up to 72 TB of data 1in one place, maintain 100% data ownership, and enjoy multi-platform access • Dependable PerformanceUp to 226/224 MB/s sequential read/write throughput supports stable data transfers 2• Built-in Data Management ToolsLeverage built-in file and photo management, data protection, and surveillance solutions • Effortless Data Sharing and SyncingAccess, share, and sync your data and media easily across different operating systems and devicesAn all-in-one data management and sharing platformThe 4-bay DS423+ is a capable performer with all the tools you need to secure, share, back up, and sync your data and media. Built-in solutions available in Synology DiskStation Manager (DSM) let users create their own private cloud, organize and stream music, video, and photo collections across all devices, seamlessly collaborate with partners, set up an intuitive surveillance system, and more.DS423+Access Your Data Anytime, AnywhereSecurely and conveniently store any type of data with the aid of our comprehensive and intuitive access and management tools.• Access from anywhere directly from your browser without configuring complex port forwarding rules, with Synology QuickConnect• Browse and manage your files from any browser or through Windows File Explorer, Finder on Mac, and more.• Keep your photos and videos organized using Synology Photos’ smart sorting functions• Docker support provides access to a wide range of media management applications available as containers• Easily incorporate into existing network infrastructure as edge storage thanks to Windows AD and LDAP supportShare, Sync, and CollaborateWhether sharing photos and videos with family or working on business projects with coworkers around the globe, Synology solutions make sharing, collaboration, and synchronization a breeze.• Build a private data cloud for easy file management and sharing across all desktop and mobile devices, and keep data on your Synology systems in sync with Synology Drive• Synchronize data from and to popular cloud storage platforms with Synology Cloud Sync• Securely share photos and videos with family, friends, or business clients using Synology Photos• Keep multiple sites in sync by leveraging the power of C2 cloud servers with Synology Hybrid Share.3 Reduce local storage and bandwidth usage by downloading files from the cloud only when neededFlexible Data Protection OptionsSynology DSM comes with host of backup solutions for different scenarios available at no extra cost.• Centrally set up and manage backups of Windows endpoints, Linux servers, VMware, Hyper-V, Microsoft 365, and Google Workspace with Active Backup Suite• Leverage real-time and scheduled backups of your PC folders with Synology Drive to protect data against ransomware attacks or accidental deletion • Safeguard photos and videos taken on mobile devices with automatic backups to Synology Drive or Synology Photos• Efficiently back up your entire Synology NAS or select folders to a wide variety of destinations using Hyper Backup• Store backups to C2 Storage,3 a dedicated and secure cloud destination powered by Synology C2• Create point-in-time copies of shared folders that can be replicated to other Synology systems and rapidly restored with Snapshot ReplicationPrivate Video SurveillanceSynology Surveillance Station transforms any Synology system into a powerful network video recorder (NVR).• 8,300+ supported camera models• ONVIF support for a broader selection of cameras• Private, subscription-free storage of recordings• Access through web browsers, desktop clients, and mobile apps• Event-based rules to trigger specific actions• Email, SMS, and push notification options• Simultaneous recording to the cloud with C2 Surveillance for an extra layer of data protection and more convenient sharing4Hardware Overview1Status Indicator 2Drive Status Indicators 3Memory Expansion Slot 4Drive Tray Locks 5USB 3.2 Gen 1 Port 6Power Button7Drive Trays81GbE RJ-45 Ports9Reset Button 10USB 3.2 Gen 1 Port 11Power Port 12Fans13Kensington Security Slot14M.2 NVMe SSD SlotsTechnical SpecificationsCPU Intel® Celeron® J4125Memory 2 GB DDR4 SODIMM (expandable up to 6 GB)5Compatible drive types • 4 x 3.5" or 2.5" SATA SSD/HDD (drives not included)• Synology only guarantees full functionality, reliability, and performance for Synology drives listed on the compatibility list. The use of non-validated components may limit certain functionalities and result in data loss and system instability6Hot swappable drives YesExternal ports 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports Form factor DesktopSize (HxWxD)166 x 199 x 223 mm Weight 2.18 kgLAN ports 2 x 1GbE RJ-45 Wake on LAN/WAN YesScheduled power on/off YesSystem fans 2 x (92 x 92 x 25 mm) AC input power voltage100 V to 240 V AC Power frequency50/60 Hz, single phaseOperating environment • Temperature: 0°C to 40°C (32°F to 104°F)• Relative humidity: 8% to 80% RHStorage environment • Temperature: -20°C to 60°C (-5°F to 140°F)• Relative humidity: 5% to 95% RHMaximum operating altitude5,000 m (16,400 ft) HardwareNetworking protocols SMB, AFP, NFS, FTP, WebDAV, CalDAV, iSCSI, Telnet, SSH, SNMP, and VPN (PPTP, OpenVPN™, L2TP)File systems • Internal: Btrfs, ext4• External: Btrfs, ext4, ext3, FAT32, NTFS, HFS+, exFATSupported RAID types Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR), Basic, JBOD, RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID 6, RAID 10Storage management • Max. single volume size: 108 TB• Max. number of system snapshots: 65,5367• Max. number of internal volumes: 64SSD cache8• Read/write cache support• M.2 NVMe and 2.5" SATA SSD supportFile sharing capabilities • Max. number of local user accounts: 2,048• Max. number of local groups: 256• Max. number of shared folders: 512• Max. number of concurrent SMB/NFS/AFP/FTP connections: 500Privileges Windows® Access Control List (ACL) and application privilegesDirectory services Connects with Windows® AD/LDAP servers enabling domain users to login via SMB/NFS/ AFP/FTP/File Station using their existing credentialsSecurity Firewall, shared folder encryption, SMB encryption, FTP over SSL/TLS, SFTP, rsync over SSH, login auto block, Let's Encrypt support, and HTTPS (configurable cipher suite)Supported browsers Google Chrome®, Firefox®, Microsoft Edge®, Safari® 13 and later, and Safari (iOS 13.0 and later) on iPad, Chrome (Android™ 11.0 and later) on tabletInterface languages English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Español, Dansk, Norsk, Svensk, Nederlands, Русский, Polski, Magyar, Português do Brasil, Português Europeu, Türkçe, Český, ภาษาไทย, 日本語, 한국어, 繁體中文, 简体中文General DSM SpecificationsFile Server & Synchronization DriveFile StationHybrid Share3Presto File Server9Cloud SyncUniversal Search Migration AssistantSurveillance Surveillance Station11Data Protection & Backup SolutionsHyper BackupSnapshot ReplicationSynology High AvailabilityActive Backup for BusinessActive Backup for Google WorkspaceActive Backup for Microsoft 365MultimediaSynology PhotosVideo StationAudio StationiTunes® ServerSAN StorageSAN ManagerOffice ProductivitySynology OfficeSynology CalendarNote StationOthersiOS/Android™ applicationsOther packagesSynology Directory Server Central Management System VPN ServerActive Insight11Storage Analyzer Antivirus Essential Web Station DNS Server RADIUS Server Log CenterManagement & AdministrationPackages and ApplicationsEnvironment and Packaging Environment safety RoHS compliantPackage contents • 1 x DS423+ main unit • 1 x Quick Installation Guide • 1 x Accessory pack• 1 x AC power adapter • 1 x AC power cord• 2 x RJ-45 LAN cableOptional accessories13• DDR4 non-ECC SODIMM: D4NESO-2666-4G• M.2 2280 NVMe SSD: SNV3400 series• 2.5" SATA SSD: SAT5200 series• 3.5" SATA HDD: HAT5300 series• MailPlus License Pack10• Surveillance Device License Pack11• Extended Warranty: EW201, Extended Warranty Plus14Warranty 3 years14,151. Raw capacity. Usable storage capacity may vary depending on drivesused and RAID configuration.2. Performance figures obtained through internal testing by Synology.Actual performance may vary depending on the testing environment, usage, and configuration. See performance charts for moreinformation.3. C2 Storage for Hyper Backup and Hybrid Share requires purchase ofan eligible annual or monthly subscription. A free trial is available foreach newly registered device.4. C2 Surveillance requires purchase of an eligible annual subscription.Each additional channel requires a separate subscription. A free trial is available.5. DS423+ comes with 2 GB DDR4 on board and can support up to 6GB by adding one optional DDR4 non-ECC 4 GB SO-DIMM memorymodule.6. View our compatibility list for supported drives.7. System snapshots include snapshots taken by SAN Manager andSnapshot Replication.8. Synology SNV3400/3410 series M.2 NVMe SSD drives can be installedthrough the built-in M.2 slots to enable SSD caching or create SSDstorage pools. Drives are sold separately9. Presto File Server license can be purchased separately through theapplication.10. Five MailPlus email accounts are included with the DS423+. Additionalemail accounts can be added with the purchase of Synology MailPlus License Packs. Learn more11. Surveillance Station includes two free licenses. Connecting morecameras and devices requires additional licenses. Learn more12. Certain advanced features require purchase of an eligible annualsubscription. A free trial is available.13. Please refer to our compatibility list for the latest optional accessorieslist.14. Up to 5 years of warranty are available as an additional bundle withExtended Warranty Plus, a 2-year extended warranty service add-on available in select regions. Check availability for Extended WarrantyPlus.15. The warranty period starts from the date of purchase as stated onyour purchase receipt. Visit https:///company/legal/ warranty for more information.Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice. Please refer to the model’s specifications page for the most up to date information.SYNOLOGY INC.© 2023, Synology Inc. All rights reserved. Synology, the Synology logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Synology Inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. Synology may make changes to specification and product descriptions at anytime, without notice.DS423plus-2023-ENU-REV000。
0.019 DIA. 0.016 0.100
0.500 MIN.
2 3 4 1 8 5 6 7
0.150 (3.81) 0.158 (4.01)
45° 0.046 0.036
45° 0.048 0.028 0.028 0.034
0.188 (4.78) 0.197 (5.00)
Linear Integrated Systems
4042 Clipper Ct., Fremont, CA 94538 TEL: (510) 490-9160 • FAX: (510) 353-0261
LS421, LS422, LS423, LS424, LS425, LS426
Linear Integrated SLeabharlann stemsFEATURES
S1 D1 D1 G1 SS N/C G1
1 2 3 4
8 7 6 5
G2 N/C SS G2 D2 D2 S2 S2
0.228 (5.79) 0.244 (6.20)
S1 D1 G1 N/C
N/C G2 D2 S2
1. These ratings are limiting values above which the serviceability of any semiconductor may be impaired.
G1 3 C 4 5 6 D2 S2
General DescriptionThe MAX4230–MAX4234 single/dual/quad, high-output-drive CMOS op amps feature 200mA of peak output current, rail-to-rail input, and output capability from a single 2.7V to 5.5V supply. These amplifiers exhibit a high slew rate of 10V/µs and a gain-bandwidth product (GBWP) of 10MHz. The MAX4230–MAX4234 can drive typical headset levels (32Ω), as well as bias an RF power amplifier (PA) in wireless handset applications.The MAX4230 comes in a tiny 5-pin SC70 package and the MAX4231, single with shutdown, is offered in the 6-pin SC70 package. The dual op-amp MAX4233 is offered in the space-saving 10-bump UCSP™, provid-ing the smallest footprint area for a dual op amp with shutdown.These op amps are designed to be part of the PA con-trol circuitry, biasing RF PAs in wireless headsets. The MAX4231/MAX4233 offer a SHDN feature that drives the output low. This ensures that the RF PA is fully dis-abled when needed, preventing unconverted signals to the RF antenna.The MAX4230 family offers low offsets, wide bandwidth,and high-output drive in a tiny 2.1mm x 2.0mm space-saving SC70 package. These parts are offered over the automotive temperature range (-40°C to +125°C).ApplicationsRF PA Biasing Controls in Handset Applications Portable/Battery-Powered Audio Applications Portable Headphone Speaker Drivers (32Ω)Audio Hands-Free Car Phones (Kits)Laptop/Notebook Computers/TFT Panels Sound Ports/Cards Set-Top BoxesDigital-to-Analog Converter Buffers Transformer/Line Drivers Motor DriversFeatureso 30mA Output Drive Capability o Rail-to-Rail Input and Output o 1.1mA Supply Current per Amplifier o 2.7V to 5.5V Single-Supply Operation o 10MHz Gain-Bandwidth Product o High Slew Rate: 10V/µso 100dB Voltage Gain (R L = 100k Ω)o 85dB Power-Supply Rejection Ratio o No Phase Reversal for Overdriven Inputs o Unity-Gain Stable for Capacitive Loads to 780pF o Low-Power Shutdown Mode Reduces Supply Current to <1µA o Available in 5-Pin SC70 Package (MAX4230)o Available in 10-Bump UCSP Package (MAX4233)MAX4230–MAX4234High-Output-Drive, 10MHz, 10V/µs,Rail-to-Rail I/O Op Amps with Shutdown in SC70________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products 119-2164; Rev 4; 5/04Ordering Information continued at end of data sheet.For pricing, delivery, and ordering information,please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct!at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at .Selector Guide appears at end of data sheet.Pin Configurations appear at end of data sheet.UCSP is a trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.Ordering InformationTypical Operating CircuitM A X 4230–M A X 4234High-Output-Drive, 10MHz, 10V/µs,Rail-to-Rail I/O Op Amps with Shutdown in SC702_______________________________________________________________________________________ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Supply Voltage (V DD to V SS )....................................................6V All Other Pins....................................(V SS - 0.3V) + (V DD + 0.3V)Output Short-Circuit Duration to V DD or V SS (Note 1)..................1s Continuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)5-Pin SC70 (derate 3.1mW/°C above +70°C)..............247mW 5-Pin SOT23 (derate 7.1mW/°C above +70°C)............571mW 6-Pin SC70 (derate 3.1mW/°C above +70°C)..............245mW 6-Pin SOT23 (derate 8.7mW/°C above +70°C) ...........696mW 8-Pin SOT23 (derate 8.9mW/°C above +70°C) ...........714mW 8-Pin µMAX (derate 4.5mW/°C above +70°C) ............362mW 10-Pin µMAX (derate 5.6mW/°C above +70°C) ..........444mW 10-Bump UCSP (derate 6.1mW/°C above +70°C) .....484mW 14-Pin TSSOP (derate 9.1mW/°C above +70°C) ........727mW 14-Pin SO (derate 8.3mW/°C above +70°C) ...............667mW Operating Temperature Range .........................-40°C to +125°C Junction Temperature......................................................+150°C Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+300°CNote 1:Package power dissipation should also be observed.DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V DD = 2.7V, V SS = 0V, V CM = V DD /2, V OUT = (V DD /2), R L = ∞connected to (V DD /2), V SHDN = V DD , T A = +25°C , unless otherwiseMAX4230–MAX4234High-Output-Drive, 10MHz, 10V/µs,Rail-to-Rail I/O Op Amps with Shutdown in SC70_______________________________________________________________________________________3DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(V DD = 2.7V, V SS = 0V, V CM = V DD /2, V OUT = (V DD /2), R L = ∞connected to (V DD /2), V SHDN = V DD , T A = +25°C , unless otherwise noted.) (Note 2)DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V DD = 2.7V, V SS = 0V, V CM = V DD /2, V OUT = (V DD /2), R L = ∞connected to (V DD /2), V SHDN = V DD , T A = -40 to +125°C , unless oth-M A X 4230–M A X 4234High-Output-Drive, 10MHz, 10V/µs,Rail-to-Rail I/O Op Amps with Shutdown in SC704_______________________________________________________________________________________Note 3:SHDN logic parameters are for MAX4231/MAX4233 only.DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(V DD = 2.7V, V SS = 0V, V CM = V DD /2, V OUT = (V DD /2), R L = ∞connected to (V DD /2), V SHDN = V DD , T A = -40 to +125°C , unless oth-erwise noted.) (Note 2)AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V DD = 2.7V, V SS = 0V, V CM = V DD /2, V OUT = (V DD /2), R L = ∞connected to (V DD /2), V SHDN = V DD , T A = +25°C , unless otherwise noted.)(Note 2)MAX4230–MAX4234High-Output-Drive, 10MHz, 10V/µs,Rail-to-Rail I/O Op Amps with Shutdown in SC70_______________________________________________________________________________________5GAIN AND PHASE vs. FREQUENCYFREQUENCY (Hz)0.01k 10k100k1M10M 0.1k 1k100MG A I N (d B )70-30-20-100102030605040P H A S E (D E G R E E S )120-90-60-300906030GAIN AND PHASE vs. FREQUENCY(C L = 250pF)FREQUENCY (Hz)0.01k 10k100k1M10M 0.1k 1k100MG A I N (d B )70-30-20-100102030605040-180P H A S E(D E G R E E S )120-150-120-90-60-30090603000. CURRENT vs. TEMPERATUREM A X 4230 t o c 05TEMPERATURE (°C)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (m A )POWER-SUPPLY REJECTION RATIOvs. FREQUENCYFREQUENCY (Hz)0.01k10k100k1M0.1k1k10MP S R R (d B )0-100-90-80-70-60-50-40-10-20-3010001001010.10.011k100k 1M10k10MOUTPUT IMPEDANCE vs. FREQUENCYFREQUENCY (Hz)O U T P U T I M P E D A N C E (Ω)5060708090100110-400-2020406080100120TEMPERATURE (°C)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (n A )SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE(SHDN = LOW)__________________________________________Typical Operating Characteristics(V DD = 2.7V, V SS = 0V, V CM = V DD /2, V OUT = V DD /2, R L = ∞, connected to V DD /2, V SHDN = V DD , T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)M A X 4230–M A X 4234High-Output-Drive, 10MHz, 10V/µs,Rail-to-Rail I/O Op Amps with Shutdown in SC706_______________________________________________________________________________________00. A X 4230 t o c 07SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (m A )SUPPLY CURRENT PER AMPLIFIERvs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE-40-2020406080100120TEMPERATURE (°C)-2-1012V O S (m V )INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE vs. TEMPERATURE020406080100-400-2020406080100120OUTPUT SWING HIGH vs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)V D D - V O U T (m V )040208060120100140-40020-20406080100120OUTPUT SWING LOW vs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)V O U T - V S S (m V ) 1.0 2.53.0 3.54.0 4.55.0SUPPLY CURRENT PER AMPLIFIER vs. COMMON-MODE VOLTAGECOMMON-MODE VOLTAGE (V)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (m A )-2.0-1.0-1.5-0.50.501. OFFSET VOLTAGE vs. COMMON-MODE VOLTAGEM A X 4230/3 t o c 11COMMON-MODE VOLTAGE (V)I N P U T O F F S E T V O L T A G E (m V ) CURRENT PER AMPLIFIER vs. COMMON-MODE VOLTAGECOMMON-MODE VOLTAGE (V)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (m A )0.45101001k10k100kTOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION PLUS NOISE vs. FREQUENCY0.05FREQUENCY (Hz)T H D +N (%) HARMONIC DISTORTION PLUS NOISE vs. PEAK-TO-PEAK OUTPUT VOLTAGEPEAK-TO-PEAK (V)T H D +N (%)100.00014. 4.44.8____________________________Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(V DD = 2.7V, V SS = 0V, V CM = V DD /2, V OUT = V DD /2, R L = ∞, connected to V DD /2, V SHDN = V DD , T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)MAX4230–MAX4234High-Output-Drive, 10MHz, 10V/µs,Rail-to-Rail I/O Op Amps with Shutdown in SC70_______________________________________________________________________________________7400ns/div SMALL-SIGNAL TRANSIENT RESPONSE (NONINVERTING)IN50mV/divMAX4230/34 toc16OUT400ns/div SMALL-SIGNAL TRANSIENT RESPONSE (INVERTING)IN50mV/divMAX4230/34 toc17OUT400ns/divLARGE-SIGNAL TRANSIENT RESPONSE (NONINVERTING)IN1V/div MAX4230/34 toc18OUT400ns/divLARGE-SIGNAL TRANSIENT RESPONSE (INVERTING)IN1V/divMAX4230/34 toc19OUT0501501002002502. CURRENT vs. OUTPUT VOLTAGE(SOURCING, V DD = 5.0V)OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V)O U T P U T C U R R E N T (m A )20103060705040801.0 1.4 1.6 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.83.0OUTPUT CURRENT vs. OUTPUT VOLTAGE(SOURCING, V DD = 2.7V)OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V)O U T P U T C U R R E N T (m A )-80-60-70-40-50-30-20-10000. 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6OUTPUT CURRENT vs. OUTPUT VOLTAGE(SINKING, V DD = 2.7V)OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V)O U T P U T C U R R E N T (m A )-250-200-100-150-5001. CURRENT vs. OUTPUT VOLTAGE(SINKING, V DD= 5.0V)OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V)O U T P U T C U R R E N T (m A )2001001010010k 100kFREQUENCY (Hz)I N P U T V O L T A G E N O I S E (n V /√H z )1k INPUT VOLTAGE NOISE vs. FREQUENCYM A X 4230/34 t o c 24____________________________Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(V DD = 2.7V, V SS = 0V, V CM = V DD /2, V OUT = V DD /2, R L = ∞, connected to V DD /2, V SHDN = V DD , T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)M A X 4230–M A X 4234Detailed DescriptionRail-to-Rail Input StageThe MAX4230–MAX4234 CMOS operational amplifiers have parallel-connected N- and P-channel differential input stages that combine to accept a common-mode range extending to both supply rails. The N-channel stage is active for common-mode input voltages typi-cally greater than (V SS + 1.2V), and the P-channel stage is active for common-mode input voltages typi-cally less than (V DD - 1.2V).Applications InformationPackage Power DissipationWarning: Due to the high output current drive, this op amp can exceed the absolute maximum power-dissi-pation rating.As a general rule, as long as the peak cur-rent is less than or equal to 40mA, the maximum packagepower dissipation is not exceeded for any of the package types offered. There are some exceptions to this rule,however. The absolute maximum power-dissipation rating of each package should always be verified using the fol-lowing equations. The equation below gives an approxi-mation of the package power dissipation:where:V RMS = RMS voltage from V DD to V OUT when sourcing current and RMS voltage from V OUT to V SS when sink-ing current.I RMS = RMS current flowing out of or into the op amp and the load.θ= phase difference between the voltage and the cur-rent. For resistive loads, COS θ= 1.P V I COS IC DISS RMS RMS ()≅θHigh-Output-Drive, 10MHz, 10V/µs,Rail-to-Rail I/O Op Amps with Shutdown in SC708_______________________________________________________________________________________For example, the circuit in Figure 1 has a package power dissipation of 196mW:where:V DC= the DC component of the output voltage.I DC= the DC component of the output current.V PEAK= the highest positive excursion of the AC com-ponent of the output voltage.I PEAK= the highest positive excursion of the AC com-ponent of the output current.Therefore:P IC(DISS)= V RMS I RMS COS θ= 196mWAdding a coupling capacitor improves the package power dissipation because there is no DC current to the load, as shown in Figure 2:Therefore:P IC(DISS)= V RMS I RMS COS θ= 15.6mWIf the configuration in Figure 1 were used with all four of the MAX4234 amplifiers, the absolute maximum power-dissipation rating of this package would be exceeded (see the Absolute Maximum Ratings section).60mW Single-Supply StereoHeadphone Driver Two MAX4230/MAX4231s can be used as a single-sup-ply, stereo headphone driver. The circuit shown in Figure 2 can deliver 60mW per channel with 1% distor-tion from a single 5V supply.The input capacitor (C IN), in conjunction with R IN, forms a highpass filter that removes the DC bias from the incoming signal. The -3dB point of the highpass filter isgiven by:MAX4230–MAX4234High-Output-Drive, 10MHz, 10V/µs, Rail-to-Rail I/O Op Amps with Shutdown in SC70_______________________________________________________________________________________9Figure 2. Circuit Example: Adding a Coupling CapacitorGreatly Reduces Power Dissipation of its PackageFigure 1. MAX4230/MAX4231 Used in Single-Supply OperationCircuit ExampleM A X 4230–M A X 4234Choose gain-setting resistors R IN and R F according to the amount of desired gain, keeping in mind the maxi-mum output amplitude. The output coupling capacitor,C OUT , blocks the DC component of the amplifier out-put, preventing DC current flowing to the load. The out-put capacitor and the load impedance form a highpass filer with the -3dB point determined by:For a 32Ωload, a 100µF aluminum electrolytic capaci-tor gives a low-frequency pole at 50Hz.Bridge AmplifierThe circuit shown in Figure 3 uses a dual MAX4230 to implement a 3V, 200mW amplifier suitable for use in size-constrained applications. This configuration elimi-nates the need for the large coupling capacitor required by the single op-amp speaker driver when sin-gle-supply operation is necessary. Voltage gain is set to 10V/V; however, it can be changed by adjusting the 82k Ωresistor value.Rail-to-Rail Input StageThe MAX4230–MAX4234 CMOS op amps have parallel-connected N- and P-channel differential input stages that combine to accept a common-mode range extend-ing to both supply rails. The N-channel stage is active for common-mode input voltages typically greater than (V SS + 1.2V), and the P-channel stage is active for common-mode input voltages typically less than (V DD -1.2V).Rail-to-Rail Output StageThe minimum output is within millivolts of ground for sin-gle-supply operation, where the load is referenced to ground (V SS ). Figure 4 shows the input voltage range and the output voltage swing of a MAX4230 connected as a voltage follower. The maximum output voltage swing is load dependent; however, it is guaranteed to be within 500mV of the positive rail (V DD = 2.7V) even with maximum load (32Ωto ground).The MAX4230–MAX4234 incorporate a smart short-cir-cuit protection feature. When V OUT is shorted to V DD or V SS , the device detects a fault condition and limits the output current, therefore protecting the device and the application circuit. If V OUT is shorted to any voltage other than V DD or V SS , the smart short-circuit protection is not activated. When the smart short circuit is not active, the output currents can exceed 200mA (see Typical Operating Characteristics .)Input CapacitanceOne consequence of the parallel-connected differential input stages for rail-to-rail operation is a relatively large input capacitance C IN (5pF typ). This introduces a pole at frequency (2πR ′C IN )-1, where R ′is the parallel combi-nation of the gain-setting resistors for the inverting or noninverting amplifier configuration (Figure 5). If the pole frequency is less than or comparable to the unity-gain bandwidth (10MHz), the phase margin is reduced, and the amplifier exhibits degraded AC performance through either ringing in the step response or sustained oscilla-tions. The pole frequency is 10MHz when R ′= 2k Ω. To maximize stability, R ′<< 2k Ωis recommended.High-Output-Drive, 10MHz, 10V/µs,Rail-to-Rail I/O Op Amps with Shutdown in SC7010______________________________________________________________________________________Figure 4. Rail-to-Rail Input/Output RangeFigure 3. Dual MAX4230/MAX4231 Bridge Amplifier for 200mW at 3VIN (1V/div)OUT (1V/div)5µs/divV CC = 3.0V R L = 100k ΩTo improve step response when R ′> 2k Ω, connect small capacitor C f between the inverting input and out-put. Choose C f as follows:C f = 8(R / R f ) [pf] where R f is the feedback resistor and R is the gain-set-ting resistor (Figure 5).Driving Capacitive LoadsThe MAX4230–MAX4234 have a high tolerance for capacitive loads. They are stable with capacitive loads up to 780pF. Figure 6 is a graph of the stable operating region for various capacitive loads vs. resistive loads.Figures 7 and 8 show the transient response with excessive capacitive loads (1500pF), with and without the addition of an isolation resistor in series with the output. Figure 9 shows a typical noninverting capaci-tive-load-driving circuit in the unity-gain configuration.MAX4230–MAX4234Rail-to-Rail I/O Op Amps with Shutdown in SC70______________________________________________________________________________________11Figure 5. Inverting and Noninverting Amplifiers with Feedback CompensationFigure 6. Capacitive-Load Stability1µs/divV DD = 3.0V, C L = 1500pF R L = 100k Ω, R ISO = 39ΩFigure 8. Small-Signal Transient Response with Excessive Capacitive Load with Isolation Resistor1µs/divV DD = 3.0V, C L = 1500pF R L = 100k Ω, R ISO = 0ΩFigure 7. Small-Signal Transient Response with Excessive Capacitive LoadM A X 4230–M A X 4234The resistor improves the circuit ’s phase margin by iso-lating the load capacitor from the op amp ’s output.Power-Up and Shutdown ModesThe MAX4231/MAX4233 have a shutdown option.When the shutdown pin (SHDN ) is pulled low, supply current drops to 0.5µA per amplifier (V DD = 2.7V), the amplifiers are disabled, and their outputs are driven to V SS . Since the outputs are actively driven to V SS in shutdown, any pullup resistor on the output causes a current drain from the supply. Pulling SHDN high enables the amplifier. In the dual MAX4233, the two amplifiers shut down independently. Figure 10 shows the MAX4231’s output voltage to a shutdown pulse. The MAX4231–MAX4234 typically settle within 5µs after power-up. Figures 11 and 12 show I DD to a shutdown plus and voltage power-up cycle.When exiting shutdown, there is a 6µs delay before the amplifier ’s output becomes active (Figure 10).Rail-to-Rail I/O Op Amps with Shutdown in SC7012______________________________________________________________________________________Figure 9. Capacitive-Load-Driving Circuit 100µs/divFigure 11. Shutdown Enable/Disable Supply Current40µs/divFigure 12. Power-Up/Down Supply Current4µs/divFigure 10. Shutdown Output Voltage Enable/Disable Selector GuideAMPS PER PACKAGE SHUTDOWN MODESingle Single Dual Dual QuadMAX4230–MAX4234Rail-to-Rail I/O Op Amps with Shutdown in SC70______________________________________________________________________________________13Pin ConfigurationsPower Supplies and LayoutThe MAX4230–MAX4234 can operate from a single 2.7V to 5.5V supply, or from dual ±1.35V to ±2.5V sup-plies. For single-supply operation, bypass the power supply with a 0.1µF ceramic capacitor. For dual-supply operation, bypass each supply to ground. Good layout improves performance by decreasing the amount of stray capacitance at the op amps ’ inputs and outputs.Decrease stray capacitance by placing external com-ponents close to the op amps ’ pins, minimizing trace and lead lengths.Ordering Information (continued)Chip InformationMAX4230 TRANSISTOR COUNT: 230MAX4231 TRANSISTOR COUNT: 230MAX4232 TRANSISTOR COUNT: 462MAX4233 TRANSISTOR COUNT: 462MAX4234 TRANSISTOR COUNT: 924M A X 4230–M A X 4234Rail-to-Rail I/O Op Amps with Shutdown in SC7014______________________________________________________________________________________Package Information(The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information go to /packages .)MAX4230–MAX4234Rail-to-Rail I/O Op Amps with Shutdown in SC70Package Information (continued)(The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline informationM A X 4230–M A X 4234Rail-to-Rail I/O Op Amps with Shutdown in SC7016______________________________________________________________________________________Package Information (continued)(The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information go to /packages .)MAX4230–MAX4234Rail-to-Rail I/O Op Amps with Shutdown in SC70______________________________________________________________________________________17Package Information (continued)(The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information go to /packages .)Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.18__________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 737-7600©2004 Maxim Integrated ProductsPrinted USAis a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.M A X 4230–M A X 4234Rail-to-Rail I/O Op Amps with Shutdown in SC70Package Information (continued)(The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information go to /packages .)。
HP 423A 和 8470A сбор器操作与维修手册(1976年7月版)说明书
ErrataTitle & Document Type: 423A and 8470A Crystal Detector Operating andService ManualManual Part Number: 00423-90001Revision Date: July 1976About this ManualWe’ve added this manual to the Agilent website in an effort to help you support your product. This manual provides the best information we could find. It may be incompleteor contain dated information, and the scan quality may not be ideal. If we find a bettercopy in the future, we will add it to the Agilent website.HP References in this ManualThis manual may contain references to HP or Hewlett-Packard. Please note that Hewlett- Packard's former test and measurement, life sciences, and chemical analysisbusinesses are now part of Agilent Technologies. The HP XXXX referred to in this document is now the Agilent XXXX. For example, model number HP8648A is now model number Agilent 8648A. We have made no changes to this manual copy.Support for Your ProductAgilent no longer sells or supports this product. You will find any other availableproduct information on the Agilent Test & Measurement website:Search for the model number of this product, and the resulting product page will guideyou to any available information. Our service centers may be able to perform calibrationif no repair parts are needed, but no other support from Agilent is available.。
Features Array•High Dynamic Range for AM and FM•Integrated AGC for AM and FM•High Intercept Point 3rd Order for FM•FM Amplifier Adjustable to Various Cable Impedances•High Intercept Point 2nd and 3rd Order for AM•Low Noise Output Voltage•Low Power Consumption•Low Output Impedance AM1.DescriptionThe ATR4251 is an integrated low-noise AM/FM antenna amplifier with integrated AGC in BiCMOS2S technology. The device is designed in particular for car applica-tions, and is suitable for windshield and roof antennas.Figure 1-1.Block Diagram QFN24 Package24913I–AUDR–03/08ATR4251Figure 1-2.Block Diagram SSO20 Package34913I–AUDR–03/08ATR42512.Pin ConfigurationFigure 2-1.Pinning QFN24Table 2-1.Pin Description QFN24Pin Symbol Function1NC Pin must not be connected to any other pin or supply chain except GND.2GND Ground FM3AGC1AGC output for pin diode 4AGC2AGC output for pin diode 5VREF2Reference voltage for pin diode 6AMIN AM input, impedance matching7NC Pin must not be connected to any other pin or supply chain except GND.8CREG AM - AGC time constant capacitance 29AGCAMIN AM - AGC input10AGCAM AM - AGC output for pin diode11TCONST AM - AGC - time constant capacitance 112NC Pin must not be connected to any other pin or supply chain except GND.13GND1Ground AM14AMOUT1AM output, impedance matching 15VREF4Bandgap16AGCCONSTFM AGC time constant 17VS Supply voltage18NC Pin must not be connected to any other pin or supply chain except GND.19AGCIN FM AGC input 20FMOUT FM output 21GND2Ground22FMGAIN FM gain adjustment 23FMIN FM input24VREF1Reference voltage 2.7V PaddleGNDGround Paddle44913I–AUDR–03/08ATR4251Figure 2-2.Pinning SSO20Table 2-2.Pin Description SSO20Pin Symbol Function1FMGAIN FM gain adjustment 2FMIN FM input3VREF1Reference voltage 2.7V 4GND FM ground5AGC1AGC output for PIN diode 6AGC2AGC output for PIN diode 7VREF2Reference voltage for PIN diode 8AMIN1AM input, impedance matching 9CREG AM AGC constant capacitance 210AGCAMIN AM input, AM AGC11AGCAM AM AGC output for PIN diode 12TCONST AM AGC constant capacitance 113GND1AM ground14AMOUT1AM output, impedance matching 15VREF4Band gap 6V 16AGCCONSTFM AGC constant 17VS Supply voltage 18AGCIN FM AGC input 19FMOUT FM output 20GND2FM ground54913I–AUDR–03/08ATR42513.Functional DescriptionThe ATR4251 is an integrated AM/FM antenna impedance matching circuit. It compensates cable losses between the antenna (for example windshield, roof, or bumper antennas) and the car radio which is usually placed far away from the antenna.AM refers to the long wave (LW), medium wave (MW) and short wave (SW) frequency bands (150kHz to 30MHz) that are usually used for AM transmission, and FM means any of the fre-quency bands used world-wide for FM radio broadcast (70MHz to 110MHz).Two separate amplifiers are used for AM and FM due to the different operating frequencies and requirements in the AM and FM band. This allows the use of separate antennas (for example,windshield antennas) for AM and FM. Of course, both amplifiers can also be connected to one antenna (for example, the roof antenna).Both amplifiers have automatic gain control (AGC) circuits in order to avoid overdriving the amplifiers under large-signal conditions. The two separate AGC circuits prevent strong AM sig-nals from blocking FM stations, and vice versa.3.1AM AmplifierDue to the long wavelength in AM bands, the antennas used for AM reception in automotive applications must be short compared to the wavelength. Therefore these antennas do not pro-vide 50Ω output impedance, but have an output impedance of some pF. If these (passive)antennas are connected to the car radio by a long cable, the capacitive load of this cable (some 100pF) dramatically reduces the signal level at the tuner input.In order to overcome this problem, ATR4251 provides an AM buffer amplifier with low input capacitance (less than 2.5pF) and low output impedance (5Ω). The low input capacitance of the amplifier reduces the capacitive load at the antenna, and the low impedance output driver is able to drive the capacitive load of the cable. The voltage gain of the amplifier is close to 1 (0dB), but the insertion gain that is achieved when the buffer amplifier is inserted between antenna output and cable may be much higher (35dB). The actual value depends, of course, on antenna and cable impedance.The input of the amplifier is connected by an external 4.7M Ω resistor to the bias voltage (pin 7,SSO20) in order to achieve high input impedance and low noise voltage.AM tuners in car radios usually use PIN diode attenuators at their input. These PIN diode atten-uators attenuate the signal by reducing the input impedance of the tuner. Therefore, a series resistor is used at the AM amplifier output in the standard application. This series resistor guar-antees a well-defined source impedance for the radio tuner and protects the output of the AM amplifier from short circuit by the PIN diode attenuator in the car radio.64913I–AUDR–03/08ATR42513.2AM AGCThe IC is equipped with an AM AGC capability to prevent overdriving of the amplifier in case the amplifier operates near strong antenna signal level, for example, transmitters.The AM amplifier output AMOUT1 is applied to a resistive voltage divider. This divided signal is applied to the AGC level detector input pin AGCAMIN. The rectified signal is compared against an internal reference. The threshold of the AGC can be adjusted by adjusting the divider ratio of the external voltage divider. If the threshold is reached, pin AGCAM opens an external transistor which controls PIN diode currents and limits the antenna signal and thereby prevents overdriv-ing the AM amplifier IC.3.3FM AmplifierThe FM amplifier is realized with a single NPN transistor. This allows use of an amplifier config-uration optimized on the requirements. For low-cost applications, the common emitter configuration provides good performance at reasonable bills of materials (BOM) cost (1). For high-end applications, common base configuration with lossless transformer feedback provides a high IP3 and a low noise figure at reasonable current consumption (2). In both configurations,gain, input, and output impedance can be adjusted by modification of external components.The temperature compensated bias voltage (VREF1) for the base of the NPN transistor is derived from an integrated band gap reference. The bias current of the FM amplifier is defined by an external resistor.Notes:1.See test circuit (Figure 8-1 on page 11)2.See application circuit (Figure 9-1 on page 12)3.4FM/TV AGCThe IC is equipped with an AGC capability to prevent overdriving the amplifier in cases when the amplifier is operated with strong antenna signals (for example, near transmitters).It is possible to realize an external TV antenna amplifier with integrated AGC and external RF transistor. The bandwidth of the integrated AGC circuit is 900 MHz.FM amplifier output FMOUT is connected to a capacitive voltage divider and the divided signal is applied to the AGC level detector at pin AGCIN. This level detector input is optimized for low dis-tortion. The rectified signal is compared against an internal reference. The threshold of the AGC can be adjusted by adjusting the divider ratio of the external voltage divider. If the threshold is reached, pin AGC1 opens an external transistor which controls the PIN diode current, this limits the amplifier input signal level and prevents overdriving the FM amplifier.74913I–AUDR–03/08ATR42514.Absolute Maximum RatingsStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Reference point is ground (pins 4 and 13 for SSO20 and pins 2, 13, 21 and Paddle for QFN24 package).Parameters Symbol Value Unit Supply voltageV S 12V Power dissipation, P tot at T amb = 90°C P tot 550mW Junction temperatureT j 150°C Ambient temperature SSO20 package T amb –40 to +90°C Ambient temperature QFN24 package T amb –40 to +105°C Storage temperature T stg –50 to +150°C ESD HMB All pins ±2000V ESD MMAll pins±200V5.Thermal ResistanceParametersSymbol Value Unit Junction ambient, soldered on PCB, dependent on PCB Layout for SSO 20 packageR thJA 92K/W Junction ambient, soldered on PCB, dependent on PCB Layout for QFN packageR thJA40K/W6.Operating RangeParameters Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Unit Supply voltageV S 81011V Ambient temperature SSO20 package T amb –40+90°C Ambient temperature QFN 24 packageT amb–40+105°C84913I–AUDR–03/08ATR42517.Electrical CharacteristicsSee Test Circuit, Figure 8-1 on page 11; V S = 10V , T amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified. Pin numbers in () are referred to the QFN package.No.Parameters Test ConditionsPin Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Unit Type*1.1Supply currents 17 (17)I S 111417mA A 1.2Reference voltage 1 outputI vref1=1mA 3 (24)V Ref1 2.65 2.8 2.95V A 1.3Reference voltage 2 output7 (5)V Ref20.38 V S 0.4 V S 0.42 V S V B 1.4Reference voltage 4 outputI vref4=3mA 15 (15)V Ref46.06.256.5VA2AM Impedance Matching 150kHz to 30MHz (The Frequency Response from Pin 8 to Pin 14)2.1Input capacitance f = 1MHz8 (6)C AMIN2.22.452.7pF D 2.2Input leakage current T amb = 85°C8 (6)40nA C 2.3Output resistance 14 (14)R OUT 458ΩD 2.4Voltage gainf = 1MHz8/14(6/14)A0.940.971A2.5Output noise voltage (rms value)Pin 14 (14), R 78=4.7M Ω,B =9kHz,C ANT =30pF 150 kHz 200 kHz 500 kHz 1 MHz14V N1V N2 V N3V N4–8–9 –11 –12–6–7–9–10 dBµV dBµV dBµV dBµV C2.62ndharmonicV s =10V ,50Ω load, f AMIN =1 MHz, input voltage = 120dBµV AMOUT1–60–58dBcC2.73rdharmonic V s =10V ,50Ω load, f AMIN =1 MHz, input voltage = 120dBµVAMOUT1–53–50dBc C3AM AGC 3.1Input resistance 10 (9)R AGCAMIN 4050k ΩD 3.2Input capacitance f =1MHz 10 (9)C AGCAMIN 2.6 3.2 3.8pF D 3.3AGC input voltage thresholdf =1MHz10 (9)V AMth757779dBµV B 3.4 3 dB corner frequencyAGC threshold increased by 3dB10MHzD 3.5Minimal AGCAM output voltage ViHF = 90 dBµV at pin 10 (9)10/11 (9/10)V AGC V S –2.4V S –2.1V S –1.7V A 3.6Maximal AGCAM outputvoltageViHF = 0V at pin 10 (9)10/11 (9/10)V AGC V S –0.2V S –0.1V A 3.7Maximal AGCAM output voltage (1)ViHF = 0V at pin 10 (9) T =+85°C 10/11 (9/10)V AGC V S –0.4V S –0.3VC 3.8Maximum AGC sink currentViHF =0V at pin 10 (9)U (pin 12 (11)) = 2V12 (11)I AMsink–150–120–90µAA*) Type means: A = 100% tested, B = 100% correlation tested, C = Characterized on samples, D = Design parameter Notes:1.Leakage current of PIN diode can be adjusted by an external resistor between pin 11 and VS2.Demo board measurements (see Figure 8-1 on page 11 “Common Emitter Configuration”)3.Demo board measurements (see Figure 9-1 on page 12 “Common Base Configuration”)94913I–AUDR–03/08ATR42513.9Transconductance of Level detector ViHF = V AMth at pin 10 (9)10/12 (9/11)20C3.10IP3 at level detector inputFigure 9-2 on page 13, 1MHz and 1,1MHz, 120dBµV10 (9)150170dBµVD3.11PIN diode current generation d(20log I Pin-diode )/dU Pin12T =25°C, U Pin12=2V30dB/V D 3.12Output resistance 9 (8)R OUT273545k ΩD4FM Amplifier 4.1Emitter voltage 1 (22) 1.85 1.95 2.05V A 4.2Emitter voltage T = –40°C to +85°C 1 (22) C 4.3Supply current limit R ε = 56Ω19 (20)I 1937mA D 4.4Maximum output voltage V S = 10V 19 (20)12V pp D 4.5Input resistance f =100MHz 2 (23)R FMIN 50ΩD 4.6Output resistance f =100MHz 19 (20)R FMOUT50ΩD 4.7Power gain (2)f =100MHz FMOUT/FMIN G 5dB A 4.8Output noise voltage (emitter circuit)(2)f =100MHz, B =120kHz 19 (20)V N –5.1dBµV D 4.9OIP3 (emitter circuit)(2)f =98+99MHz19 (20)I IP3140dBµV C 4.10Gain (3)6dB C 4.11Noise figure (3) 2.8dB C 4.12OIP3(3)f =98+99MHz 148dBµVCParameters Dependent of External Components in Application Circuit: R FMIN , R FMOUT , G, V N , IIP35FM AGC 5.1AGC threshold f =100MHz f =900MHz 18 (19)V th1,100 V thl,900818183858587dBµV dBµV B B 5.2AGC1 output voltage AGC1 active, V pin16(16)=5V 5 (24)V AGC V S – 2.1V V S – 1.9V V S – 1.7V V C 5.3AGC1 output voltage AGC1 inactive, V pin16(16)=1.7V 5 (24)V AGC V S – 0.2VV SV C 5.4AGC2 output voltage AGC2 active, V pin16(16)=1.7V 6 (4)V AGC V S – 2.1V V S – 1.9V V S – 1.7V V C 5.5AGC2 output voltage AGC2 inactive, V pin16(16)=5V6 (4)V AGC V S – 0.2VV S V C 5.6Input resistance18 (19)R Pin18172125k ΩD7.Electrical Characteristics (Continued)See Test Circuit, Figure 8-1 on page 11; V S = 10V , T amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified. Pin numbers in () are referred to the QFN package.No.ParametersTest Conditions Pin Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Unit Type**) Type means: A = 100% tested, B = 100% correlation tested, C = Characterized on samples, D = Design parameterNotes:1.Leakage current of PIN diode can be adjusted by an external resistor between pin 11 and VS2.Demo board measurements (see Figure 8-1 on page 11 “Common Emitter Configuration”)3.Demo board measurements (see Figure 9-1 on page 12 “Common Base Configuration”)I AM sin k V AMth-------------------µA mV rms ----------------104913I–AUDR–03/08ATR42515.7Input capacitance F =100 MHz18 (19)C Pin181.51.75 1.9pF D 5.8IP3 at AGC input Figure 9-2 on page 13, 100MHz and 105MHz, V Gen =120dBµV 18 (19)150dBµV D 5.9IP3 at AGC input 900MHz and 920MHz V Gen =120dBµV 18 (19)148dBµV D 5.10Max. AGC sink current V iHF =0V16I Pin16–11–9–7µA C 5.11Transconductance V iHF = V th1,100,dI Pin16(16)/dU Pin18(19)dI Pin16/ dU Pin180.8 1.0 1.3mA/V (rms)C 5.12Gain AGC1, AGC2U Pin16 = 3V ,dU Pin5(3)/dU Pin16(16), –dU Pin6(4)/dU Pin16(16)0.50.560.6C7.Electrical Characteristics (Continued)See Test Circuit, Figure 8-1 on page 11; V S = 10V , T amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified. Pin numbers in () are referred to the QFN package.No.Parameters Test Conditions Pin Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Unit Type**) Type means: A = 100% tested, B = 100% correlation tested, C = Characterized on samples, D = Design parameter Notes:1.Leakage current of PIN diode can be adjusted by an external resistor between pin 11 and VS2.Demo board measurements (see Figure 8-1 on page 11 “Common Emitter Configuration”)3.Demo board measurements (see Figure 9-1 on page 12 “Common Base Configuration”)114913I–AUDR–03/08ATR42518.Test Circuit FM/AMFigure 8-1.Common Emitter Configuration124913I–AUDR–03/08ATR42519.Application Circuit (Demo Board)Figure 9-1.Common Base Configuration134913I–AUDR–03/08ATR4251Figure 9-2.Antenna Dummy for Test Purposes144913I–AUDR–03/08ATR425110.Internal Circuitry154913I–AUDR–03/08ATR4251164913I–AUDR–03/08ATR4251174913I–AUDR–03/08ATR4251184913I–AUDR–03/08ATR425112.Package InformationFigure 12-1.SSO2011.Ordering InformationExtended Type Number Package Remarks A TR4251-TKSY SSO20SticksA TR4251-TKQY SSO20Taped and reeled A TR4251-PFSY QFN24, 4mm ×4mm SticksA TR4251-PFQYQFN24, 4mm ×4mmTaped and reeled194913I–AUDR–03/08ATR4251Figure 12-2.QFN24204913I–AUDR–03/08ATR425113.Revision HistoryPlease note that the following page numbers referred to in this section refer to the specific revision mentioned, not to this document.Revision No.History4913I-AUDR-03/08• Figure 1-1 “Block Diagram QFN24 Package” on page 1 changed • Figure 2-1 “Pinning QFN24” on page 3 changed• T able 2-1 “Pin Description QFN24” on page 3 changed• Table 10-1 “Equivalent Pin Circuits (ESD Protection Circuits Not Shown) on page 14 changed4913H-AUDR-10/07• Section 7 “Electrical Characteristics” numbers 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.3 and 5.1 on pages 8 to 9 changed• Section 7 “Electrical Characteristics” numbers 2.8 and 2.9 deleted • Figure 8-1 “Common Emitter Configuration” on page 11 changed 4913G-AUDR-07/07• Figure 8-1 “Common Emitter Configuration” on page 11 changed • Figure 9-1 “Common Base Configuration” on page 12 changed 4913F-AUDR-06/07• Put datasheet in a new template• Figure 8-1 “Common Emitter Configuration” on page 11 changed • Figure 8-1 “Common Base Configuration” on page 12 changed4913E-AUDR-02/07• Put datasheet in a new template• Figure 1-1 exchanged with figure 1-2 on pages 1 to 2• Figure 2-1 exchanged with figure 2-2 on pages 3 to 4• T able 2-1 exchanged with table 2-2 on pages 3 to 4• Section 3.1 “AM Amplifier” on page 5 changed• Section 3.4 “FM AGC” on page 6 renamed in “FM/TV AGC” and changed • Section 7 “Electrical Characteristics” on pages 8 to 10 changed • Figure 9-1 “Common Base Configuration” on page 12 changed4913I–AUDR–03/08HeadquartersInternationalAtmel Corporation 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131USATel: 1(408) 441-0311Fax: 1(408) 487-2600Atmel Asia Room 1219Chinachem Golden Plaza 77 Mody Road Tsimshatsui East Kowloon Hong KongTel: (852) 2721-9778Fax: (852) 2722-1369Atmel Europe Le Krebs8, Rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud BP 30978054Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Cedex FranceTel: (33) 1-30-60-70-00 Fax: (33) 1-30-60-71-11Atmel Japan9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg.1-24-8 ShinkawaChuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033JapanTel: (81) 3-3523-3551Fax: (81) 3-3523-7581Product ContactWeb SiteTechnical Support broadcast@Sales Contact/contactsLiterature Requests /literatureDisclaimer: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise,to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN ATMEL ’S TERMS AND CONDI-TIONS OF SALE LOCATED ON ATMEL ’S WEB SITE, ATMEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDEN-TAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF ATMEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel’s products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life.© 2008 Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. Atmel ®, logo and combinations thereof, and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others.。
TB铁道标准,TB铁道行业标准目录速查TB/T 2370-1993 铁路旅客列车纵向动力学试验方法与评定指标TB/T 2371-1993 机车汞氙灯触发器技术条件TB/T 2372-1993 铁路机车车辆用耐油橡胶垫技术条件TB/T 2373-1993 WH-1号酸洗缓蚀剂TB/T 2374-1999 铁道机车车辆用耐候钢焊条和焊丝TB/T 2375-1993 铁路用耐候钢周期浸润腐蚀试验方法TB/T 2376-1993 内燃机车零件离子氮化技术条件TB/T 2377-1993 锻钢曲轴离子氮化技术条件TB/T 2378-1993 铁路机车车辆用锌电镀层技术条件TB/T 2379-1993 铁路机车车辆镍+铬和铜+镍+铬电镀层技术条件TB/T 2380-1993 内燃机车出厂水阻试验方法TB/T 2381-1993 内燃机车线路运行试验TB/T 2382-1993 机车牵引用圆柱齿轮技术条件TB/T 2383-1993 内燃机车用离心式冷却水泵技术条件TB/T 2384-1993 内燃机车用离心式冷却水泵试验方法TB/T 2385-1993 内燃机车用柴油机锻钢曲轴技术条件TB/T 2386-1993 内燃机车用柴油机铸焊机体技术条件TB/T 2387-1993 内燃机车用柴油机铸造机体技术条件TB/T 2388-1993 内燃机车柴油机用喷油泵及喷油器清洁度测定方法及限值TB/T 2389-1993 Z-2.4/9型往复活塞式空气压缩机基本参数TB/T 2390-1993 内燃机车用柴油机45GP80型涡轮增压器TB/T 2391-1993 内燃机车用柴油机调速器清洁度测定方法TB/T 2392-1993 内燃机车用柴油机45GP80系列涡轮增压器清洁度测定方法TB/T 2393-2001 铁路机车车辆用面漆TB/T 2394-1993 内燃机车热交换器技术条件TB/T 2395-1993 机车车轴设计与强度计算方法TB/T 2396-1993 铁道空调客车用发电车技术条件TB/T 2397-1993 铁道空调客车用发电车试验方法TB/T 2398-1993 客车采暖水泵技术条件TB/T 2399-1993 车钩、钩尾框强度试验方法TB/T 2400-1993 车辆制动梁载荷试验方法TB/T 2401-1993 装有闸瓦间隙调整器的货车制动机单车试验方法TB/T 2402-1993 铁道客车非金属材料的阻燃要求TB/T 2403-1993 货车高摩擦系数合成闸瓦TB/T 2404-1999 铁路货车用低磨擦系数合成闸瓦TB/T 2405-1993 铁道客车清洗技术条件TB/T 2406-1993 客车上开式增强塑料窗框TB/T 2407-1993 铁道货车转9型转向架技术条件TB/T 2408-1993 铁道车辆用三相动力连接器TB/T 2409-1993 机械冷藏车制冷系统试验方法TB/T 2410-1993 铁道车辆用103型空气分配阀技术条件TB/T 2411-1993 高磷、中磷闸瓦中碳、硫、硅、锰、磷简易化学分析方法TB/T 2412.1-1993 铁道货车用竹材层压板技术条件TB/T 2412.2-1993 铁道货车用竹材层压板物理力学性能测试方法TB/T 2413-1993 铁道货车用缓冲器冲击试验方法及评定TB/T 2414-1993 JZ-7型机车空气制动机试验台技术条件TB/T 2415-1993 客车车辆段设备配备技术要求TB/T 2416-1993 内燃机车柴油机喷油泵试验台技术条件TB/T 2417-1993 铁路大桥供电技术条件TB/T 2418-1993 水质中常用量与单位的名称和符号TB/T 2419-1993 铁道产品技术图样简化规定TB/T 2420-1993 内燃机车空气制动机技术条件TB/T 2421-1993 空气式列车制动试验机TB/T 2422-1993 JZ-7型机车空气制动机自动制动阀技术条件TB/T 2423-1993 制动软管连接器检修技术条件TB/T 2424-1993 货车水平轮链式手制动机技术条件TB/T 2425-1993 铁道车辆滚动轴承清洁度TB/T 2426-1993 铁道车辆滚动轴承清洁度测量方法TB/T 2427-1993 铁道客车滚动轴承用轴箱装置技术条件TB/T 2428-1993 铁道客车上燃式型煤茶炉TB/T 2429-1993 铁道货车转向架基础制动装置技术条件TB/T 2430-1993 铁道客车车顶单元式空调机组型式与基本参数TB/T 2431-1993 铁路客车车顶单元式空调机组技术条件TB/T 2432-1993 铁路客车车顶单元式空调机组试验方法TB/T 2433-1993 铁路客车空调装置运用试验方法TB/T 2434-1993 标准制造图样编号办法TB/T 2435-1993 铁路货车车种车型车号编码TB/T 2436-1993 铁路机车动车用旋转电机通用技术条件TB/T 2437-1993 机车半导体变流装置技术条件TB/T 2438-1993 模拟指示机车速度表TB/T 2439-1993 内燃机车电阻制动控制箱技术条件TB/T 2440-1993 内燃机车有挡边滚动轴承轴箱组装技术条件TB/T 2441-1993 内燃机车滚动轴承轴箱组装技术条件TB/T 2442-1993 铁道高锰钢铸件通用技术条件TB/T 2443-1993 内燃机车用球墨铸铁活塞技术条件TB/T 2444-1993 铁道机车车辆用蠕墨铸铁件通用技术条件TB/T 2445-1993 货车钢材(喷抛射)预处理清洁度技术条件TB/T 2446-1993 机车车辆耐候钢焊接技术条件TB/T 2447-1993 内燃机车转向架焊接技术条件TB/T 2448-1993 合金灰铸铁单体铸造活塞环金相检验TB/T 2449-1993 蠕墨铸铁件金相检验TB/T 2450-1993 ZG230--450铸钢金相检验TB/T 2451-1993 铸钢中非金属夹杂物金相检验TB/T 2452.1-1993 整体薄壁球铁活塞无损探伤球铁活塞超声波探伤TB/T 2452.2-1993 整体薄壁球铁活塞无损探伤球铁活塞磁粉探伤TB/T 2453-1993 15号车钩样板使用方法TB/T 2454-1993 机车车辆点焊技术条件(低碳钢)TB/T 2455-1993 机车车辆等离子弧切割技术条件TB/T 2456.10-1993 车辆车轴轴颈后肩弧度样板TB/T 2456.11-1993 转8A侧架变形及导框外侧距检具TB/T 2456.1-1993 车轴全长测量尺TB/T 2456.12-1993 转8A侧架导框开距量规TB/T 2456.13-1993 转8A侧架轴箱档宽度量规TB/T 2456.14-1993 转8A侧架滑槽量规TB/T 2456.15-1993 转8A货车减振器斜楔量规TB/T 2456.16-1993 转8A摇枕45°斜面卡尺TB/T 2456.17-1993 转8A摇枕斜楔槽宽度量规TB/T 2456.18-1993 转8A摇枕两弹簧承台面检具TB/T 2456.19-1993 下心盘工作量规TB/T 2456.20-1993 铁道车辆用闸瓦样板TB/T 2456.2-1993 车轴轴端三螺孔位置度综合量规TB/T 2456.3-1993 C62A敞车底架牵引梁上翘下垂测量尺TB/T 2456.4-1993 敞车中、下侧门孔对角线差测量尺TB/T 2456.5-1993 货车制动梁“L”差值测量尺TB/T 2456.6-1993 货车牵引梁甩头测量器TB/T 2456.7-1993 货车转向架高度测量尺TB/T 2456.8-1993 车辆轮对车轮踏面跳动测量器TB/T 2456.9-1993 机车车辆车钩中心高度测量尺TB/T 2457-1993 铁路列车无线调度通信系统设备技术条件TB/T 2458.10-1993 铁道标准体系表工务工程TB/T 2458.11-1993 铁道标准体系表施工机械TB/T 2458.1-1993 铁道标准体系表基础TB/T 2458.12-1993 铁道标准体系表修车设备TB/T 2458.13-1993 铁道标准体系表电力照明TB/T 2458.14-1993 铁道标准体系表电气化铁道TB/T 2458.15-1993 铁道标准体系表铁路运输TB/T 2458.16-1993 铁道标准体系表安全卫生环境保护TB/T 2458.17-1993 铁道标准体系表信息分类编码TB/T 2458.18-1993 铁道标准体系表物资TB/T 2458.2-1993 铁道标准体系表蒸汽机车TB/T 2458.3-1993 铁道标准体系表内燃机车TB/T 2458.4-1993 铁道标准体系表电力机车TB/T 2458.5-1993 铁道标准体系表牵引电气设备TB/T 2458.6-1993 铁道标准体系表车辆TB/T 2458.7-1993 铁道标准体系表机车车辆工艺TB/T 2458.8-1993 铁道标准体系表通信TB/T 2458.9-1993 铁道标准体系表信号TB/T 2459-1993 一次性沥青集装袋TB/T 2460-1993 减速顶通用技术条件TB/T 2461-1993 铁路通信光缆、光电综合缆制式系列及主要技术条件TB/T 2462-1993 铁路数字网时钟和同步设备的进网要求TB/T 2463.1-1993 铁路通信产品检验规则总则TB/T 2463.2-1993 铁路通信产品检验规则Ⅰ类产品检验规则TB/T 2463.3-1993 铁路通信产品检验规则Ⅱ类产品检验规则TB/T 2463.4-1993 铁路通信产品检验规则Ⅲ类产品检验规则TB/T 2464-1993 交流电气化铁道对调幅广播收音台无线电干扰的防护距离TB/T 2465-1993 铁道车站电码化技术条件TB/T 2465-2003 铁路车站电码化技术条件TB/T 2466-1993 铁路桥梁、隧道信号技术条件TB/T 2467-1993 驼峰微机监测系统技术条件TB/T 2468-1993 铁路信号产品可靠性要求评定方法TB/T 2469-1993 T·JY型车辆减速器重力式系列TB/T 2470-1993 T·JK型车辆减速器重力式系列TB/T 2471-1993 DK·*3型道口信号机TB/T 2472-1993 DK·S型道口闪光器TB/T 2473-1993 DK·K3型道口控制盘TB/T 2474-1993 2.5kVA铁路信号电源屏TB/T 2475-1993 5kVA铁路信号电源屏TB/T 2476.1-1993 铁路信号电缆一般规定TB/T 2476.2-1993 铁路信号电缆塑料护套信号电缆TB/T 2476.3-1993 铁路信号电缆综合护套信号电缆TB/T 2476.4-1993 铁路信号电缆铝护套信号电缆TB/T 2477-1993 铁路道岔的容许通过速度TB/T 2478-1993 弹条金相组织评级图TB/T 2479.10-1993 线路机械通用试验方法钢轨整修机械TB/T 2479.11-1993 线路机械通用试验方法其它轨道作业机械TB/T 2479.1-1993 线路机械通用试验方法整机结构和运行性能试验TB/T 2479.2-1993 线路机械通用试验方法系统性能试验TB/T 2479.3-1993 线路机械通用试验方法道碴清筛机械TB/T 2479.4-1993 线路机械通用试验方法道碴捣固机械TB/T 2479.5-1993 线路机械通用试验方法轨道动力稳定机械TB/T 2479.6-1993 线路机械通用试验方法配碴整形机械TB/T 2479.7-1993 线路机械通用试验方法轨行式装运机械TB/T 2479.8-1993 线路机械通用试验方法铺轨机械TB/T 2479.9-1993 线路机械通用试验方法起拨道机械TB/T 2480-2001 铁路职业危害件业人员健康检查规范TB/T 2481-1993 铁路染毒货车洗刷消毒安全要求TB/T 2482-1993 铁路劳动保护基本术语TB/T 2483-1993 小型电焊间电焊烟尘治理技术规定TB/T 2484-1993 先*法预应力混凝土铁路桥简支梁技术条件TB/T 2485-1994 高锰钢辙叉弯曲疲劳试验方法TB/T 2486-1994 铁路钢梁涂膜劣化评定TB/T 2487-1994 路基基床动应力测试方法TB/T 2488-1994 道床应变、振动测试方法TB/T 2489-1994 轮轨水平力、垂直力地面测试方法TB/T 2490-1994 扣件荷载参数测试方法TB/T 2491-1994 扣件组装疲劳试验方法TB/T 2492-1994 粘接式绝缘轨距杆TB/T 2493-1995 线路及信号标志TB/T 2494.1-1994 轨道车辆车轴探伤方法新制车轴超声波探伤TB/T 2494.2-1994 轨道车辆车轴探伤方法在役车轴超声波探伤TB/T 2495-1994 DJ4型调度监督设备技术条件TB/T 2496-1994 电气集中微机监测系统技术条件TB/T 2497-1994 铁路半自动闭塞技术条件TB/T 2498.2-1999 *SZ-150、*SZ-200型组合式信号机构TB/T 2498-1994 *SZ-135型组合式信号机构TB/T 2499-1994 调度集中和调度监督的数据通信系统终端接口和链路控制规程TB/T 2500-1994 铁路区间设备(有线)制式系列及主要技术条件TB/T 2501-1994 电气化区段用音频绝缘变压器TB/T 2502-1994 铁道道口自动广播机TB/T 2503-1994 铁路短距离电缆漏泄载波通信设备制式系列及主要技术条件TB/T 2504-1994 铁路短距离用户环路载波通信设备制式系列及主要技术条件TB/T 2505-1994 通信电缆加感箱技术要求和试验方法TB/T 2506-1994 铁路电缆十二路漏泄载波设备技术要求和试验方法TB/T 2507-1994 铁路机车乘务员职业体检规定听觉功能TB/T 2508-1994 铁路运输放射性物质事故监测方法TB/T 2509-1995 电力机车总效率试验方法TB/T 2510-1995 电力机车牵引特性试验方法TB/T 2511-1995 电力机车牵引力特性试验方法TB/T 2512-1995 电力机车牵引支路电流脉动系数试验方法TB/T 2513-1995 电力机车牵引电动机输入特性试验方法TB/T 2514-1995 电力机车阻力试验方法TB/T 2515-1995 电力机车电气制动特性试验方法TB/T 2516-1995 电力机车过电压试验方法TB/T 2517-1995 电力机车功率因数和谐波的测试方法TB/T 2518-1995 电力机车牵引电动机励磁率试验方法TB/T 2519-1995 电力机车牵引电动机装车后的温升试验方法TB/T 2520-1995 辅助机组装车后的起动和功率测量试验方法TB/T 2521-1995 电力机车平波电抗器装车后温升与电感值试验计算方法TB/T 2522-1995 电力机车主变压器装车后的温升试验方法TB/T 2523-1995 电力机车接地过载保护试验方法TB/T 2524-1995 电力机车供电电流特性试验方法TB/T 2525-1995 电力机车有功电流试验方法TB/T 2526-1995 内燃机车功率转移试验方法TB/T 2527-1995 内燃机车功率随大气条件变化的试验方法TB/T 2528-1995 内燃机车粘着性能试验方法TB/T 2529-1995 液力传动内燃机车液力制动性能试验方法TB/T 2530-1995 内燃机车柴油机空转油耗试验方法TB/T 2531-1995 内燃机车柴油机调速器与电压调整器性能试验方法TB/T 2532-1995 内燃机车柴油机--主发电机组负载性能试验方法TB/T 2533-1995 内燃机车柴油机起动性能试验方法TB/T 2534-1995 内燃机车辅助装置消耗功率试验方法TB/T 2535-1995 内燃机车限流限压性能试验方法TB/T 2536-1995 内燃机车恒功率速度范围的试验方法TB/T 2537-1995 内燃机车热平衡性能试验方法TB/T 2538-1995 内燃机车安全保护装置试验方法TB/T 2539-1995 内燃机车牵引电动机电流分配不均匀度试验方法TB/T 2540-1995 内燃,电力机车空气压缩机排风量试验方法TB/T 2541-1995 内燃、电力机车车体静强度试验方法TB/T 2542-2000 铁路机车车辆部件振动试验方法TB/T 2543-1995 旅客列车纵向冲动评定方法TB/T 2544.1-1995 铁路内燃机车冷却水缓蚀剂快速分析法二氧化硅的测定分光光度法TB/T 2544.2-1995 铁路内燃机车冷却水缓蚀剂快速分析法亚硝酸盐的测定紫外分光光度法TB/T 2544.3-1995 铁路内燃机车冷却水缓蚀剂快速分析法苯骈三氮唑的测定紫外分光光度法TB/T 2545-1995 铁路内燃机车柴油机油换油指标总碱值和pH值测定方法(电位差法)TB/T 2548-1995 铁道车辆滚动轴承II型润滑脂TB/T 2607-1994 铁道行业体力劳动强度分级TB/T 2608-1994 铁道行业噪声作业危害程度分级TB/T 2609-1994 铁道行业局部振动作业危害程度分级TB/T 2610-1994 铁路防皲裂型劳动护肤剂供货技术条件TB/T 2611.1-1999 铁路一次性餐盒供货技术条件TB/T 2611.2-1999 铁路一次性餐盒降解性能试验光降解性能试验方法TB/T 2611.3-1999 铁路一次性餐盒降解性能试验生物降解性能试验方法TB/T 2612-1994 铁路卫生厕所判定标准TB/T 2613-1994 转辙机试验方法TB/T 2614-1994 转辙机通用技术条件TB/T 2615-1994 铁路信号故障--安全原则TB/T 2616-1994 铁路通信光缆数字段技术要求TB/T 2618-1995 集装箱在铁路国境站的检查交接TB/T 2619-1995 集装箱运输成本的计算方法TB/T 2620-1995 叉车货叉的检验和修复TB/T 2621-1995 铁路旅客运输餐营作业规范(列车部分)TB/T 2622.1-1995 移动式钢轨气压焊设备压接机技术条件TB/T 2622.2-1995 移动式钢轨气压焊设备加热器技术条件TB/T 2622.3-1995 移动式钢轨气压焊设备气体控制箱技术条件TB/T 2622.4-1995 移动式钢轨气压焊设备钢轨端面磨平机技术条件TB/T 2622.5-1995 移动式钢轨气压焊设备拉轨器技术条件TB/T 2622.6-1995 移动式钢轨气压焊设备钢轨变型压力机技术条件TB/T 2623-1995 钢轨低接头平轨机通用技术条件TB/T 2624-1995 轨道车辆车轴型式与基本尺寸TB/T 2625-1995 列车测速仪通用技术条件TB/T 2626-1995 铁道混凝土枕轨下用橡胶垫板技术条件TB/T 2627-1995 铁路钢桥明桥面技术条件TB/T 2628-1995 普通钢筋混凝土梁技术条件TB/T 2630-1995 木枕用铸铁轨撑垫板技术条件TB/T 2631-1995 铁路物资仓库技术管理规定TB/T 2632-1995 铁路物资供销企业企业标准编号规定TB/T 2633-1995 铁路职工伤亡事故代码TB/T 2634-1995 钢轨超声波探伤探头技术条件TB/T 2635-1995 全长淬火钢轨技术条件TB/T 2636-1995 机车车辆用紧急制动阀技术条件TB/T 2637-1995 客车转向架构架及摇枕技术条件TB/T 2638-1995 车辆用闸瓦、闸片性能试验方法TB/T 2639.1-1995 铁道车辆用材料耐火性能试验辐射试验方法TB/T 2639.2-1995 铁道车辆用材料耐火性能试验电燃烧器试验方法TB/T 2639.3-1995 铁道车辆用材料耐火性能试验火焰蔓延试验方法TB/T 2639.4-1995 铁道车辆用材料耐火性能试验易熔材料辐射滴落试验方法TB/T 2641-1995 空车安全阀技术条件TB/T 2642-1995 铁道客车出厂检验空调装置验收技术条件TB/T 2643-1995 铁道客车空调装置控制柜用计时器技术条件TB/T 2644-1995 铁路客货车辆滚动轴承清洗技术条件TB/T 2645-1995 车辆滚动轴承检测技术条件TB/T 2646-1995 铁道卧车通用技术条件TB/T 2647-1995 铁路客货车滚动轴承检测装置技术条件TB/T 2648-1995 集尘器技术条件TB/T 2649-1995 铁道气卸散装粉状货物货车通用技术条件TB/T 2650-1995 铁道座车通用技术条件TB/T 2653-1995 铁路信号设备雷电防护用变压器技术条件TB/T 2653-2003 铁道信号设备雷电防护用变压器TB/T 2654-1995 玻璃钢道口栏杆技术条件TB/T 2655-1995 铁路电化引入架技术要求及试验方法TB/T 2656-1995 铁路电化车站引入架技术要求及试验方法TB/T 2657-1995 JZSJC型交流灯丝转换继电器TB/T 2658.1-1995 工务作业标准防护员作业TB/T 2658.2-1995 工务作业标准无缝线路大中修作业TB/T 2658.3-1995 工务作业标准线路大修作业TB/T 2658.4-1995 工务作业标准线路中修作业TB/T 2658.6-1995 工务作业标准路基作业TB/T 2658.7-1995 工务作业标准林业作业TB/T 2658.8-1995 工务作业标准采石作业TB/T 2658.9-1995 工务作业标准钢轨超声波探伤作业TB/T 2659.1-1995 钢桥制造通用技术条件TB/T 2659.2-1995 钢桥制造桁梁技术条件TB/T 2659.3-1995 钢桥制造板梁、箱梁技术条件TB/T 2660-1995 隧道装药升降车技术条件TB/T 2661-1995 架桥机安全操作规程TB/T 2662-1995 重型铺轨机检查与试验规则TB/T 2663-1995 铺轨机安全操作规程TB/T 2664-1995 减速顶安装、运用、维修要求TB/T 2665-1995 铁路货物运输分类成本计算方法TB/T 2666-1995 门式起重机检测工艺和方法TB/T 2668-1995 自动站间闭塞技术条件TB/T 2673-2002 ZY系列电液转辙机TB/T 2687-1996 铁路危险货物运输包装技术条件TB/T 2688-1996 铁路危险货物分类试验方法TB/T 2689.1-1996 铁路货物集装化运输词汇TB/T 2689.2-1996 铁路货物集装化运输通用要求TB/T 2689.3-1996 铁路货物集装化运输一次性集装袋TB/T 2690-1996 铁路货物运输品名分类与代码TB/T 2691-1996 铁路旅客运输餐营作业规范(车站部分)TB/T 2692-1996 预应力混凝土枕荷载弯矩测试方法TB/T 2693-1996 轨道起重车型号与系列TB/T 2694-1996 轨道车安全操作规程TB/T 2695-1996 PH-5A型喷粉桩机TB/T 2696-1996 铁道货车用耐磨烧结合金钢衬套TB/T 2697-1996 铁路车辆用组合式集尘器TB/T 2698-1996 铁路货车用球芯折角塞门TB/T 2699-1996 荧光灯用晶体管逆变器试验方法TB/T 2700-1996 客车单元空调机组控制柜检验规则TB/T 2701-1996 塑料燃烧氧指数的确定TB/T 2702-1996 铁道客车电器设备非金属材料的阻燃要求TB/T 2703-1996 回转和固定式联锁车钧、钩尾框技术条件TB/T 2704-1996 客车电气采暖装置技术条件TB/T 2705-1996 车辆车轴设计与强度计算方法TB/T 2706-1996 铁路客车冷弯型钢系列TB/T 2707-1996 铁路货车用厚浆型醇酸漆技术条件TB/T 2740-2003 内燃机车转向架技术条件TB/T 2743-2001 内燃机车燃油预热系统技术条件TB/T 2769.1-1997 重型轨道车试验方法牵引性能试验TB/T 2769.2-1997 重型轨道车试验方法运行阻力试验TB/T 2769.3-1997 重型轨道车试验方法液力传动轨道车冷却能力试验TB/T 2769.4-1997 重型轨道车试验方法起动加速性能试验TB/T 2769.5-1997 重型轨道车试验方法单机紧急制动距离试验TB/T 2769.6-1997 重型轨道车试验方法安全保护装置试验TB/T 2769.7-1997 重型轨道车试验方法空压机打风时间与排风量试验TB/T 2769.8-1997 重型轨道车试验方法车体内部噪声测量TB/T 2769.9-1997 重型轨道车试验方法动力学性能试验方法及评定标准TB/T 2776-1997 铁路工种分类与名称代码TB/T 2797-1997 电气化铁道负序电流计算条件和方法TB/T 2800-1997 电气化铁道接触网用*力自动补偿器技术条件TB/T 2801-1997 电气化铁道接触网用耐污棒形玻璃绝缘子TB/T 2802-1997 电气化铁道牵引网回流技术要求TB/T 2803-1997 高原型27.5kV户内单相真空断路器技术条件TB/T 2803-2003 电气化铁道用断路器技术条件TB/T 2804-1997 电气化铁道牵引变电所接地标准TB/T 2805-1997 电气化铁道牵引变电所供电设备绝缘水平TB/T 2806-1997 电气化铁道接地保护放电装置技术条件TB/T 2807-1997 电气化铁道故障显示器技术条件TB/T 2808-1997 电气化铁道电力机车与牵引供电系统继电保护及自动装置配合的技术要求TB/T 2809-1997 电气化铁道用接触线通用技术条件TB/T 2820.1-1997 铁路桥隧建筑物劣化评定标准钢梁TB/T 2820.2-1997 铁路桥隧建筑物劣化评定标准隧道TB/T 2820.3-1997 铁路桥隧建筑物劣化评定标准支座TB/T 2820.5-1999 铁路桥隧建筑物劣化评定标准混凝土梁TB/T 2820.6-1999 铁路桥隧建筑物劣化评定标准墩台基础TB/T 2820.7-1999 铁路桥隧建筑物劣化评定标准桥渡TB/T 2820.8-1999 铁路桥隧建筑物劣化评定标准明桥面TB/T 2822-1997 电气化铁道27.5kV单相铜芯交联聚乙烯绝缘电缆TB/T 2826-1997 电气化铁道密集型并联电容器技术条件TB/T 2827-1997 电气化铁道接触网供电金具(零件)试验夹具技术条件TB/T 2828-1997 电气化铁道牵引网阻抗计算方法TB/T 2829-1997 牵引变电所常用电流电压定义及计算方法TB/T 2830-1997 牵引变电所主变压器结线型式及其相序轮换方式TB/T 2831-1997 电气化铁道牵引供电远动系统技术条件TB/T 2832-1997 交流电气化铁道对油(气)管道(含油库)的影响容许值及防护措施TB/T 2833-1997 电气化铁道接触网接地技术条件TB/T 2835-1997 铁道重载列车用货车的基本要求TB/T 2836-1997 铁道车辆用电线电缆火性能的定级试验方法TB/T 2839-1997 铁道客车用电热开水器技术条件TB/T 2839-2003 铁道客车用电热开水器TB/T 2845-1997 车辆减速器通用技术条件TB/T 2849-1997 TD4型单元控制台TB/T 2854-1997 臂板电锁器联锁车站股道空闲检查设备技术条件TB/T 2856-1997 铁路喷漆作业混苯治理技术规定TB/T 2857-1997 铁路危险货物专办站安全卫生要求TB/T 2858-1997 铁路客运机车乘务员精神疲劳评定方法临界闪光频率法TB/T 2867-1998 机车、动车司机室安全规则TB/T 2869-1998 内燃机车封存规则TB/T 2870-1998 内燃机车冬季防护TB/T 2878-1998 机车标志灯及辅助照明灯技术条件TB/T 2897-1998 铁路碎石道床底碴TB/T 2898-1998 铁路桥梁竖向挠度的评定与测量方法TB/T 2901-1998 GC120型轨道车变速箱装配检查与试验TB/T 2902-1998 货物转向架TB/T 2903-1998 30型脱轨器TB/T 2904-1998 铁路固定锅炉和压力容器压力管道设备事故代码TB/T 2936-1998 JH型钢轨接续线焊接通用技术条件TB/T 2939-1999 单臂式铁路架桥机技术条件TB/T 2940-1999 零担装卸搬运设施的技术要求TB/T 2941-1999 铁路集装箱验收标准TB/T 2942-1999 铁道用铸钢件采购与验收技术条件TB/T 2943-1999 钩舌销和钩尾销技术条件TB/T 2944-1999 铁道用碳素钢锻件TB/T 2945-1999 铁道车辆用LZ50钢车轴及钢坯技术条件TB/T 2946-1999 材料高温分解气体毒性分析TB/T 2947-1999 列车干线供电技术条件TB/T 2948-1999 铁道机客车橡胶风挡技术条件TB/T 2949-1999 铁道车辆用高度调整阀技术条件TB/T 2950-1999 联锁车钩连接轮廓TB/T 2951-1999 铁路车辆用120型货车空气控制阀技术条件TB/T 2952-1999 SDH 传输设备技术要求TB/T 2953-1999 铁路地面信号产品高温及低温试验方法TB/T 2954-1999 铁路货物运输鉴别放射性物质的方法TB/T 2955-1999 铁路机车轮对滚动轴承润滑脂TB/T 2956-1999 铁路内燃机车单级和多级四代柴油机油TB/T 2957-1999 内燃机车液力传动油TB/T 2958-1999 滑动轴承薄壁轴瓦周长检验TB/T 2959-1999 滑动轴承金属多层滑动轴承粘结层的超声波无损检验TB/T 2960-1999 钢与钢产品力学性能试验用试块和试样的位置与制备TB/T 2961-1999 机车司机室座椅TB/T 2962-1999 内燃机车、轨道车、内燃动车组操纵装置技术要求TB/T 2963-1999 牵引动力单元标记和图形符号TB/T 2964.2-1999 内燃机车柴油滤清器滤芯效率检验方法重量法TB/T 2964.3-1999 内燃机车柴油滤清器滤芯压差检验方法TB/T 2964.4-1999 内燃机车柴油滤清器滤芯清洁度检验方法TB/T 2964-1999 内燃机车柴油滤清器滤芯寿命检验方法TB/T 2965-1999 铁路混凝土桥梁桥面TQF-I型防水层技术条件TB/T 2966-1999 铁路运输设备分类与代码基本规定TB/T 2967.1-2002 铁路旅客运输服务质量标准第1部分:车站TB/T 2967.2-2002 铁路旅客运输服务质量标准第2部分:列车TB/T 2967-1999 铁路旅客运输服务质量标准TB/T 2968-1999 铁路货物运输服务质量标准TB/T 2969-1999 平交道口自动控制或报警的技术要求TB/T 2970-1999 铁路灯光信号机的一般要求TB/T 2971-2000 铁路行李、包裹事故代码TB/T 2973-2000 列车尾部安全防护装置通用技术条件TB/T 2974-2000 国际铁路联运出口货物运输包装质量要求TB/T 2975-2000 胶接绝缘钢轨技术条件TB/T 2976-2000 客车转向架分类与技术性能要求TB/T 2977-2000 铁道车辆金属部件的接地保护TB/T 2978-2000 铁道货车垂直轮齿轮传动手制动机技术条件TB/T 2979-2000 铁道货车制动管阻力试验TB/T 2980-2000 客车用制动盘技术条件TB/T 2981-2000 材料燃烧最高热值的确定TB/T 2982-2000 13号车钩厂修样板TB/T 2983-2000 铁道车轮磁粉检验TB/T 2984-2000 滑动轴承金属多层滑动轴承渗透无损检测TB/T 2985-2000 金属材料的动态撕裂试验方法TB/T 2986-2000 铁路机车牵引电机悬挂抱轴瓦油TB/T 2987.1-2000 内燃、电力机车牵引电动机抱轴瓦铜背合金化学分析方法TB/T 2987.2-2000 内燃、电力机车牵引电动机抱轴瓦轴承合金化学分析方法TB/T 2988-2000 铁路机车车辆部件冲击试验方法TB/T 2989-2000 机车轴辆用齿轮供货技术条件TB/T 2990-2000 机车、动车的牵引电机悬挂和轮对传动系统及其推荐使用范围TB/T 2991-2000 机车空调装置试验方法TB/T 2992-2000 区间道口信号设备故障监测技术条件TB/T 2993.1-2000 铁路通信站用交流配电设备TB/T 2993.2-2000 铁路通信站用-48V直流配电设备TB/T 2993.3-2000 铁路通信站用-48V高频开关整流设备TB/T 2996-2000 数字式集中机技术要求及试验方法TB/T 2997.1-2000 铁路程控共线设备主控机技术要求及试验方法TB/T 2997.2-2000 铁路程控共线设备共线话机技术要求及试验方法TB/T 2997.3-2000 铁路程控共线设备汇接机技术要求及试验方法TB/T 2998-2000 450MHz独立同步半双工列车无线调度设备TB/T 2999.1-2000 ZP Y1-18型移频自动闭塞设备TB/T 2999.2-2000 ZP Y2-18型移频自动闭塞设备TB/T 3003-2001 铁路客车用球芯截断塞门TB/T 3004-2001 LM71无绝缘轨道电路自动闭塞设备TB/T 3005-2001 机年用粉末冶金闸瓦TB/T 3009-2001 客车制动防滑系统技术条件TB/T 3010-2001 铁道车辆滚动轴承高碳铬轴承钢订货技术条件TB/T 3011-2001 铁道通用货车上心盘疲劳试验及评定方法TB/T 3012-2001 铁道货车铸钢摇枕、侧架采购与验收技术条件TB/T 3013-2001 合成材料车钩钩体磨耗板技术条件TB/T 3014-2001 铁道用合金钢锻件TB/T 3015-2001 铁道车辆整体车轮外形尺寸检测量具技术条件TB/T 3016-2001 内燃机车柴油机排气不透光度测量TB/T 3017-2001 机车车辆轴箱滚动轴承在轴箱试验机上的耐久试验方法TB/T 3018-2001 牵引电机换内器云母槽自动卜刻机技术条件TB/T 3019-2001 变牙型防松螺母TB/T 3021-2001 铁道机车车辆电子装置TB/T 3022-2001 TD系列单元控制台技术条件TB/T 3023-2001 铁路光缆接头盒主要技术条件TB/T 3024-2001 ZP·Y-8型移频自动闭塞设备TB/T 305-1991 塞门手把TB/T 3063-2002 旅客列车DC600V供电系统技术条件TB/T 3064.1-2003 轨道动力稳定车第1部分:整机性能TB/T 3064.2-2003 轨道动力稳定车第2部分:动力传动装置TB/T 3064.3-2003 轨道动力稳定车第3部分:系统性能TB/T 3064.4-2003 轨道动力稳定车第4部分:稳定装置TB/T 3065.1-2002 弹条Ⅱ型扣件第1部分:组装与配置TB/T 3065.2-2002 弹条Ⅱ型扣件第2部分:弹条TB/T 3066-2002 异性钢轨技术条件TB/T 3067-2003 机车车辆制动管系用法兰接头TB/T 3068-2002 电气化铁道接触网用棒形悬式复合绝缘子TB/T 3069-2002 S700K-C型电动转辙机TB/T 3070-2002 铁路机车车辆自动识别设备技术条件TB/T 3071-2002 配碴整形车通用技术条件TB/T 3072-2002 铁路运输通信服务标准TB/T 3073-2003 铁道信号电气设备电磁兼容性试验及其限值TB/T 3074-2003 铁道信号设备雷电电磁脉冲防护技术条件TB/T 3075-2003 铁路应用机车车辆设备电力电子电容器TB/T 3076-2003 铁路应用机车车辆电气隐患防护的规定TB/T 3078-2003 铁道车辆高灰闸瓦超声波检验TB/T 3079.2-2003 装载加固材料和装置第2部分:条形草支垫TB/T 3080-2003 混凝土岔枕技术条件TB/T 308-1991 双臂手柄TB/T 309-1991 填料压盖TB/T 310-1991 填料衬环TB/T 312-1993 塞门TB/T 313-1993 插接塞门(一)TB/T 314-1993 插接塞门(二)TB/T 315-1993 拉接塞门TB/T 316-1993 Dg16截止阀TB/T 317-1993 Dg20截止阀TB/T 318-1993 Dg25截止阀TB/T 319-1993 Dg32截止阀TB/T 320-1993 Dg40截止阀TB/T 321-1993 Dg50截止阀TB/T 322-1993 Dg10直角阀TB/T 323-1993 Dg16直角阀TB/T 324-1993 Dg20直角阀TB/T 325-1993 Dg25直角阀TB/T 326-1993 Dg32直角阀TB/T 327-1993 Dg40直角阀TB/T 328-1993 Dg50直角阀TB/T 330-1995 E-6型分配阀型式尺寸。
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FO R DED 532 N E M E L7 COM SEETechnical Brief E R NOT
Using the EL7562 Demo Board
June 20, 2002 TB423
The EL7562 is a Buck (Step Down) DC:DC controller with integrated synchronous MOSFETs in a 16-pin QSOP package. With very few external components, a 2A step-down DC:DC converter can be very easily built, resulting in saved board space (0.5in2), minimal design effort, and improved design time.
Layout Considerations
The layout is very important for the converter to function properly. Power Ground ( ) and Signal Ground ( ) should be separated to ensure that the high pulse current in the Power Ground never interferes with the sensitive signals connected to Signal Ground. They should only be connected at one point (normally at the negative side of either the input or output capacitor.) The trace connected to pin 14 (FB) is the most sensitive trace. It needs to be as short as possible and in a “quiet” place, preferably between the PGND and SGND traces. In addition, the bypass capacitor C3 should be as close to pins 1 and 3 as possible. The heat of the chip is mainly dissipated through the PGND pins. Maximizing the copper area around these pins is preferable. In addition, a solid ground plane is always helpful for the EMI performance.
Technical Brief 423 EL7562 Demo Board Circuit Schematic for VIN = 3.3V Application
R 2 V O = 0.975 × 1 + ------ R 1
C3 0.1µF R3 39Ω
I IN,rms = [ D × ( 1 – D ) ] × IO
R 2 V OUT = 0.975 × 1 + ------ R 1
For VIN = 3.3V
2. Choose the converter switching frequency FS. FS, inductor L1, output capacitor C7, and EL7562’s switching loss are closely related. many iterations (or thermal measurements) may be required before a final value can be decided. Please refer to the EL7562 data sheet for the FS vs COSC curve. 3. Inductor L1. The EL7562 is internally ramp-compensated. For optimal operation, the inductor current ripple should be less than 0.6A. If ∆IL = 0.5A, then:
C5 R2
FB 14 VDRV 13 LX 12 LX 11 VHI 10 PGND 9 EL7562 C6 R1
L1VO C7VIN NhomakorabeaEL7562 Demo Board Bill of Material
REFERENCE DESIGNATION C1 C2, C3, C5, C6 C4 C7 L1 R1 R2 R3 VALUE 100µF 0.1µF, 0603 270pF, 5%, 0603 100µF 4.7µH 1kΩ, 0603 2370Ω, 0603 39Ω, 0603
which is 0.16A. For a capacitor or combination of capacitors with 89mΩ parallel ESR, it is more than enough to handle this current. 5. Input capacitors C1 and C2. If all the AC current is handled by the input capacitors its RMS current is calculated as:
R 2 V OUT = 0.985 × 1 + ------ R 1
For VIN = 5V
4. Output capacitor C7. ∆VO and ∆IL normally decide C7 value. ∆VO requires ESR of C7 be less than:
VIN = 3.3V, VOUT = 2.5V MANUFACTURER Sprague Any Any Sprague Coilcraft Any Any Any Vishay Telefunken 402-563-6863 Bat54S 207-324-4140 847-639-6400 293D107X0010D2 D01813472HC MANUFACTURER’S PHONE NUMBER 207-324-4140 PART NUMBER 293D107X0010D2
There are 2 demo boards, one for nominal 5V input and another for 3.3V input. This document outlines the design consideration and lists the bill of materials and the layout. Please also refer to the advanced data sheet of EL7562 for detailed applications of the features.
Technical Brief 423 Design Considerations
Choosing the Component Values
The following requirements are specified for a DC:DC converter: • Input voltage range: VIN = 4.5V-5.5V • Output voltage: VO = 3.3V • Max output voltage ripple: ∆VO = 50mV • Output max current: IO = 2A The following steps briefly outline the steps to choose components. 1. Choose the feedback resister divider. The output voltage is decided by:
VIN = 5V, VOUT = 3.3V MANUFACTURER Sprague Any Any Sprague Coilcraft Any Any Any 207-324-4140 847-639-6400 293D107X0010D2 D01813472HC MANUFACTURER’S PHONE NUMBER 207-324-4140 PART NUMBER 293D107X0010D2
∆ VO - = 89m Ω ESR = -------------------∆ I LMAX
Double-check the RMS current requirement of the output capacitor:
∆ I LMAX ∆ I C7 = -------------------12
C4 270pF
C5 0.1µF
FB 14 VDRV 13 LX 12 LX 11 VHI 10 PGND 9
D3 C8 0.1µF
D4 C9 0.1µF L1
C1 100µF
C2 0.1µF
VO (2.5V, 2A) C7 100µF R2 1.54kΩ R1 1kΩ
C6 0.1µF
VIN (3V-3.6V)
EL7562 Demo Board Bill of Material