


主要Part 1话题:
music sleep family howntown entertainment internet boat
主要Part 2话题:
an important plant in your country
a polite person
a language not english do you learn in the future
Section 3 =新题V Section 3(一级预测命中)
↘Passage 1—反刍动物(旧题)
↘Passage 2—新题
↘Passage 3—新题
↘Passage 1—新手和专家(旧题)
task2——教育——In some countries, the parents expect children to spend long time in studying both in and after school and have less free time. Do you think it has positive or negative effects on children and the society?
trainning session
products that not satisfied
a film about real people or event
a garden you visited
person who has important job



雅思考试阅读考题回顾朗阁海外考试研究中心王飞燕4. 根据划出的关键词去文中定位5. 对定位部分进行分析,选出答案选择题的做题步骤1. 阅读指令 (Instruction)这一步骤主要是针对多项选择而言的,单项选择题的指令几乎没有作用。



2. 阅读题干,划出定位词由于选择题考察细节的特点,故题干中的词往往能够提供定位3. 阅读选项,划出核心词在寻找正确答案之前,一定要事先通读选项,因为选项提供了对原文正确或者是错误的同义转换。


4. 找到相关句子段落,摆脱干扰找到答案这是做题的最后一个步骤,也是最重要的步骤。



一般说来,干扰项有如下几个类别:1) 数字陷阱选择题的特点便是选项进行深度的同义转换。




2) 相似陷阱同理,如果题目中出现的个别单词与原文中的用词一模一样,尤其是一些经常被同义替换掉的动词、形容词等,这个选项往往就是干扰选项。

3) 偷换概念陷阱有时候选项中虽然与文中有对应的词,但选项中偷换了关键性的成分(如谓语部分),使得答案错误。

4) 搭配不当陷阱这是最具有诱惑性的选项。




前言:绿色话题为本季度新出现的题建议重点复习(2013年2、3、4月的考生均可使用)Part 1Your Work or Your StudiesDo you work or are you a student?1a) Your Work1. What work do you do?2. Why did you choose to do that kind of work?3. Do many people in your country choose to do that type of work?4. What are your responsibilities at work?5. Do you remember your first day at work?6. What did you do on your first day at work?7. Did you like your first day at work?8. (Similar to above) How did you feel on your first day at work?9. Do you think the first day at work is important?10. (Similar to above) Do you think a person's first impressions of a newjob are important?1b) Your Studies1. What subject(s) are you studying?2. Why did you choose to study that? / Why did you choose to studythose subjects?3. Do many students in your country study that subject?4. (Similar to above) Is that a popular subject to study in your country?5. What school/university do you attend?6. Why did you choose that school/university?7. What do you plan to do after you finish your studies?8. Your First Day at University9. Did you like your first day at university?10. (Similar to above) Did you have a good first day at university?11. (Similar to above) How did you feel on your first day at university/highschool?12. Do you think the first day at university is important?13. How important do you think it is for people to have an enjoyable firstday at university (or, school)?14. (Similar to above) Do you think a person's first impressions of a newschool or university are important?Your Hometown1. Where did you grow up?2. What was it like when you were a child?3. Has it changed much?4. Would you say it was a good place to live?5. Would you say your hometown is a good place for tourists to visit?6. What do you like about your hometown?Your Home (Your Accommodation)1. Can you describe the place where you live?2. What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?3. Are the transport facilities to your home very good?4. Please describe the room you live in.5. Is there anything you don't like about the place where you live?6. What kind of decorations does it have?7. How do you think this room could be improved?8. What can you see when you look out the window of your room?9. How well do you know your neighbors?10. What kind of people are your neighbors?11. Do you spend much time socializing with your neighbors in yourneighbors' homes?12. Do you like the environment where you live?13. Would you say the place where you live is good for families withchildren?14. In the future, what type of place would you like to live in?15. What kind of neighborhood/environment/surroundings would you liketo live in?Concentration1. Is it important to focus on things?2. When do people need to concentrate on things?3. What do you do to help you focus?4. What do people in your country do to focus?5. How can people deal with 2 different things at the same time?6. How do you deal with distractions?Sleep1. How many hours do you sleep everyday? Why?2. What are the benefits of getting enough sleep?3. When do people in your country usually sleep?4. Do you think staying up late is a good thing?5. How can people get good rest?Music1. Do you often listen to music?2. Do you like listening to music?3. Do you like music?4. Is music important to you?5. How important is music to you?6. When do you listen to music?7. How much time do you spend listening to music every day?8. What kinds of music do you like to listen to?9. What kinds of music do you most often listen to?10. What's your favourite kind of music?11. How often do you listen to music?12. When did you start listening to this type of music?13. Where do you listen to it?14. How do you feel when you listen to this music?15. Do you like listening to songs?16. Have you ever been to a musical performance?Writing1. Do you often write things?2. Do you write everyday?3. What do you usually write?4. Do you like writing to people?5. How often do you send e-mails?6. What are your main reasons for using e-mails?7. Do you like to send e-mails?8. Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer?9. Nowadays, how do most people write things?10. Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?11. When do children begin to write in your country?12. How did you learn to write?13. Do you think handwriting is very important (nowadays)?Newspapers1. Do you often read newspapers?2. Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers?3. What kinds of newspapers (or magazines) do you usually read?4. How old were you when you first started to read newspapers?5. Do you think it's important to read newspapers?6. Why do people read newspapers?7. What different types of newspaper are there in China?8. Do you care about the news?9. Is the news important?10. What kinds of news do Chinese people read in newspapers?11. Do you prefer to read about domestic (or local) news or internationalnews?12. What are some methods that newspapers use to attract readers?13. What influence do you think newspapers have on society?Do you think the internet is a good way to get news?Transportation1. How did you get to the test today?2. Why did you choose that form of transport?3. Do you often use public transportation?4. What kind(s) of transport do you usually use?5. For you, what are the benefits of using that form of transportation?6. Is it very expensive?7. What vehicles (or, what means of transport) do people in China most oftenchoose to use?Cars1. What form of transport do you usually use?2. Do you often use public transportation?3. Why do you think so many modern people drive a car?4. Do you have a car?5. Do you (know how to) drive a car?6. When did you get your driver's license?7. Do you think it's important to get a driver's license?8. Do you think it's important to pay attention to safety when driving?9. Do you think it's important to drive well?10. How important do you think it is for drivers to have good driving skills?11. What do you think might happen if a driver had poor driving skills?12. What advice would you give people about safe driving?Mobile Phones1. Do people in your country like using mobile phones?2. (Similar to above) Are mobile phones very popular in your country?]3. Do you have a mobile phone?4. Is your cell phone important for you in your daily life?5. What do you use it for?6. How often do you use it?7. When did you get it?8. (Similar to above) When did you get your first mobile phone?9. How did you get your first mobile phone?10. How did you feel when you got your first mobile phone?11. What feature (or, function) of your cell phone do you like the best?12. Is there anything you dislike about using cell phones?Entertainment1. What do you do for entertainment?2. What did you do for entertainment when you were a child?3. What do (other) people do for entertainment around where you live?4. (Similar to above) What do you friends do for entertainment?5. What choices for entertainment are there for young people around whereyou live6. Are there any entertainment places near your school?7. Have you recently been to any place for entertainment?8. Do you think modern lifestyles give people enough time for leisure?The Internet1. Do you often use the internet?2. (Similar to above) How often do you use the internet?3. What do you use it for?4. (Similar to above) What do you do in the internet?5. Do you think there are any bad points about (using) the internet?6. Have you ever bought anything on the internet?7. When did you first start using the internet?8. Where did you learn to use the internet?9. How did you learn to use the internet?10. What do you think is the best way to learn about (or learn how to use) theinternet?11. Is there anything you don't understand about the internet?12. Do you think the internet is a good thing?13. Is there anything that's not so good about (or, on) the internet?14. Do you think the use of the internet needs to be controlled?15. Is the internet very popular in China?16. What kinds of people most often use the internet?17. What age group of people most often use the internet?18. How can people best make use of the internet?19. In general, what impact does the internet have on people's lives?20. How can people learn things on the internet?21. What sorts of things can people learn on the internet?22. What do you think are the benefits of "e-learning"?Dancing1. Do you like dancing?2. When do people in your country dance?3. Do young people in your country like old-style dancing (or, traditionaldancing)?4. Have you ever learned to dance?5. When was the last time you danced?6. Why do you think some (or, many) people like dancing?7. Do you think there are any benefits for young people to go dancing?8. When do Chinese people like to dance?9. Does China have any traditional dances?10. Is traditional dance still popular today in China? (Why?/Why not?)11. Is there much difference between traditional dancing and modern dancing?(What?)12. What kinds of dancing are popular with young people in China?13. Do old people in China like the same kind of dancing as young people?(Why?/Why not?)14. What do you think is the influence of dance on society?15. Do you like to watch dance performances?16. (Similar to above) How do you feel when you watch dance performanceson TV?Cards1. Do you ever receive letters or cards?2. Have you ever sent a postcard to a friend?3. When was the last time you received a card?4. Do you (ever) give cards to your friends?5. Which do you think is better (to send or receive), a card or an email?6. Which do you prefer, to send a card or to receive a card?7. Do you keep (or, collect) any cards?Museums1. Do you often visit museums?2. (Similar to above) How often do you visit museums?3. Do you think museums are important?4. Are there any museums or art galleries in your hometown?5. Have you ever visited any of these art galleries or museums?6. How often do you museums and art galleries?7. Did you ever go to art galleries or museums when you were a child?8. Would you recommend that schools take their students to visit museums?9. Do people in China like visiting museums and art galleries?10. Do you think people can learn anything from art galleries and museums?11. What do you think is the role of museums and art galleries?12. Do you think going to museums and art galleries is beneficial for children?13. Do schools in China have excursions to museums?14. Do you think teachers should take their students on visits to museums?Bags1. Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?2. What types of bags do you use (in your everyday life)?3. (Similar to above) Do you have different bags for different occasions (or,different purposes)?4. What do you put in these bags?5. What sorts of bags do women like to buy?6. When you are buying a bag, what factors do you consider?7. Do you think the style of a bag is very important? (Why?/Why not?)8. Do you have a bag for special occasions?9. Have you ever lost a bag?The Weather1. What's the weather like today?2. What kind of weather do you like (best)? (Why?)3. What sort of weather do you least like?4. What do you usually do during your favourite weather (or season)?5. What's the weather (usually) like in your hometown?6. Do you like that weather (or, that kind of climate)?7. How often is the weather good in your hometown?8. What did you do the last time the weather was good?9. Are there any bad points about the weather in your city?10. Have there been any changes in the weather over the past few years?11. Does the weather ever affect what you do?A Healthy Lifestyle1. What do you do to keep healthy?2. (Similar to above) How do people maintain good health?3. What would you say is a "healthy lifestyle"? *4. Is there any sport that you would like to try in the future?Art1. Are you very interested in art?2. How often do you draw (or paint)?3. Do you think drawing (or painting) is difficult?4. Have you (ever) studied (or, learned) anything about art?5. Did you do any artistic activities such as painting when you were a child?6. Do you think art is an important part of people's lives?7. (Possibly) Would you say art is an important part of your life?8. Have you ever been to an art gallery (or, an art exhibition)?9. How often do you visit art galleries (or, an art exhibition)?10. Would you like to visit some places that have art (such as an art gallery)?Weekends1. What do you usually do on weekends (or, on the weekend)?2. Do you think employees should have to work on weekends?3. Are weekends important to you?4. How do you (usually) spend the weekend?5. (Similar to above) What do you like to do on weekends?6. Which do you prefer, Saturday or Sunday? (Why?)7. What do you usually do on that day?8. Are your weekends today more interesting than your weekends were whenyou were a child?9. What are you going to do next weekend?10. Would you say weekends are important to people?11. How does the average person in China spend his or her weekend?12. Do children (or, young people) today spend their weekends differently tochildren (or, young people) in the past?Clothes1. Do you think it's important what clothes a person wears? (Why?/Why not?)2. Is it important what clothes you wear at your job? (your company)3. Do you think the clothes a person wears leaves an impression on others?4. What kinds/styles of clothes do you like (or, prefer) to wear? (Why?)5. Do you wear the same clothes both at work and after work?6. Do you wear the same kinds of clothes in winter and summer?7. Do your friends have the same tastes in clothes as you?friends wear the same kinds of clothes as you?8. What kinds of (or, style of) clothes do people in your country like to wear?Sport1. Do you like sport?2. Did you play any sport when you were a child?3. What sports do young people like to do?4. What sports do you think are suitable for children to play?5. Do old people and young people like to do the same sports?6. What sports do old people like to do?7. Is there any sport that you have never played that you would like totry?8. Do you ever do any exercise to keep fit or healthy?9. Do you think everybody should do some exercise? (Why?)10. Do you think exercise is beneficial for older people?11. What do you think are the benefits of exercise?Cars1. Do you like cars?2. Do you have a driver's license?3. Do you (or your family) have a car?4. Do you often drive it?5. (If you don't have a car) Do you plan to buy a car in the future?6. If you wanted to buy a car, what kind of car would you choose?7. What kinds of cars are most popular in your country?8. Do you like traveling by car?9. Who do you prefer to travel with?10. Do you like to take long trips in a (your) car?11. Is there anything you don't like about cars?12. (Possibly the question above is this) Is there anything you don't like abouttraveling in cars?Names1. Who gave you your name?2. Does your name have any particular (or, special) meaning?3. Do you like your name?4. Would you like to change your name?5. (Similar to above) Have you ever considered changing your name?6. Is it easy to change your name in your country?7. (Similar to above) In your country, are there any problems that couldoccur if someone changed their name?8. Who usually names babies in your country?9. Do you have any special traditions about naming children?10. (Similar to above) What do people consider when they are giving ababy a name in your country?Photographs1. Do you like taking photographs?2. How often do you take photographs?3. When (or, in what situations) do you take photographs?4. (Similar to above) What do you like to photograph?5. Do you prefer to take pictures of scenery or of people?6. Is taking photographs very popular in your country?7. What kinds of photographs do you most like to look at?8. Which do you think is better to send to someone, a postcard that has aphotograph on it, or a photograph you took yourself?9. (Similar to above) When traveling, do you prefer to buy postcards ortake your own photographs?Friends1. What do you do in your free time with your friends?2. Is friendship important to you?3. Do you prefer to spend time with friends or spend time alone?4. What kind of people do you like to have as friends?5. Do you like to spend time with friends? (Why?)6. What do you and your friends do together?7. What do your friends think of you?8. Are friends more important than family? (Why?)9. How do Chinese people make friends?10. Do adults and children make friends in the same way?Part 2People 人物A Good ParentDescribe a good parent you know.You should say:who the parent ishow you know the parentwhat the parent looks likeWhy you think the parent is good.A close friendDescribe a friend that is close to youYou should say:Who the person isHow you know him/herWhat kind of person he/she isWhy are you so closeA person who has an important jobDescribe a person who has an important job.You should say:who the person iswhere the person workswhat the person does in the jobwhy you think the person’s job is important.A polite personDescribe a polite person you knowYou should say:Who this person isHow you knew him or herWhat kind of person he or she isWhy this person is a polite personAn Interesting Old PersonDescribe an interesting old person who you know. You should say:how you know this personhow often you see themwhat you do togetherwhy you think he or she is interestingA Teenager You KnowDescribe a teenager who you know.You should say:how old they arehow and where you met him or her what you and this person do togetherwhat kind of person he or she ishow you feel about him or her.A Person You Enjoy Talking ToDescribe a person you enjoy talking with.You should say:how often you speak with this personwhen you usually talk with him/herwhat topics you usually speak aboutWhy you enjoy speaking to themA Good NeighbourDescribe a good neighbour of yours.You should say:how long you have known this neighbourwhat sort of person they arehow often you see themWhy you consider this person to be a good neighbour.A Famous PersonDescribe a famous person from your country who has impressed you. You should say:when you learned about this personwhat sort of life they had before they became famouswhat achievement this person hadwhy this person influenced you .A Good StudentDescribe a good student you have studied with.You should say:who they werewhen you studied togetherwhat relationship you had with this personwhy you think he or she was a good student.Place 地点A MuseumDescribe a museum that you have visitedYou should say:Where it isWhen you visitedWhat does it displayyour feeling about this museumA RoomDescribe a room that you have lived in:Where it isWhat is in the roomWhat you did in the roomWhy you like this roomA cafeDescribe a cafe that you know in your hometown. You should say:where it ishow often you go therewhat kind of food they serve therewhy you like to choose in this place.A LibraryDescribe a library that you know.You should say:where it iswhen do you go therewhat kinds of books and facilities this library has what you like or dislike about this library.A crowded placeDescribe a crowded place you have been to Where it wasWho you were withWhat did you do thereWhy it was crowdedA City You VisitedDescribe a city that you have visited.You should say:where the city iswhen you went therewhat you liked & disliked about the citywhy you visited this city.A Home You LikeDescribe a beautiful house or flat that you have visited. You should say:when you visited this homewhere it waswhat it looked likewhy you liked it.A GardenDescribe a garden you visited and liked.You should say:where it waswhat you saw in this gardenwhat you did therewhy you liked it.A StreetDescribe a street that you know well.You should say:where it iswhat the main buildings are in that streetwhat you usually do in that streethow you feel about this street.A Place Near WaterDescribe a place near waterYou should say:where this place waswhat you did at this placewho you went there withyou liked this place.Event 事件A leisure activity by the seaDescribe a leisure activity that you do by the sea. You should say:what type of it iswho you do it withWhat you would dowhy you like this activity.A Perfect vacationDescribe a vacation that you have been on:Where you wentWhat you didWho you went withWhy it was niceA time when you were lateDescribe a time when you were lateYou should say:When it wasWhat happenedWho was with youWhy you were late / Were there any consequencesA Time You Helped OthersDescribe a time when you helped someone.You should say:who you helpedhow you helped themwhy you helped themWhat was the person’s reactionA ChangeDescribe a recent change in your lifeWhat the change wasWhat you did to changeWhen it happenedHow you benefited from this changeA Way to RelaxDescribe a way to relax that you find effective.You should say:what you dowhere you usually do itwho is usually with you at this placewhy this is relaxing for you.A ProjectDescribe a project or some work that you did with others. You should say:what the project or work was.when you did thiswho was with youhow easy or difficult it waswhy you did this with other people.A Traditional EventDescribe an important traditional eventYou should say:when this event is heldwho attends this eventwhat people do during this eventwhy this event is important.A Wrong DecisionDescribe someone you know who made a wrong decision. You should say:who the person waswhat the situation waswhat decision they madewhy you think it was the wrong decision.A PlanDescribe a plan you have for the future (but not related to work or study). You should say:what it iswhy you have this planwhat the first step in your plan iswhat you will need to do in order to make the plan workhow you think you will feel after you achieve this.An Occasion When You Had to be PoliteDescribe an occasion when you had to be polite.You should say:what the occasion waswhere it waswho was with youwhy you had to be polite.An Important Event in HistoryDescribe an important event in the history of your country.You should say:what event it waswhen it occurredwho was leading this eventhow you know about this eventwhy you think it was important.Object 物品An AdvertisementDescribe an advertisement you have seen:What it isWhat was in the ADWhat kinds of people does it attractWhy you think this advertisement is goodA PlantDescribe a plant in your countryYou should say:What it isWhat it looks likeWhat uses does it haveWhy do you like itA ShowDescribe a show or performance that you have watched. You should say:what kind of performance it waswhen and where you saw itwho was in the showhow you felt about this performance.A Useful WebsiteDescribe a useful website that you visitedYou should say:What it iswhat the contents of the website arehow often you go to this websiteHow this website helps you.A Math ClassDescribe a math class you attended when you were youngYou should say:when and where you attended the classwhat the teacher was likehow did you learnwhat you learned from the class/ how you felt about the class.A childhood gameDescribe a game you played when you were a childWhat the game wasWho you played it withHow you played itHow you felt about itA languageDescribe a language you would like to learn (not Chinese or English) You should say:What it isWhere you heard itHow you can learn itWhy you would like to learn itA RobotDescribe a robot you know.You should say:How you knew about itwhat it looks likewhat are it’s functionshow you feel about this robot.A Gift You Would Like to GiveDescribe a gift you would like to give to your friend You should say:who you would like to give this gift towhat the gift would behow much it would costwhy you would like to give this gift to this person.An Old PhotographDescribe an old photograph that you like.You should say:who took the photowhen it was takenwhere it was takenwhy you like it.An Unusual JobDescribe an unusual job you would do if you had the opportunity. You should say:what job it would bewhat you would do in that jobwhy this job is unusualwhy you would like to do that job.A Meaningful SongDescribe a song that has meaning for you.You should say:what song it iswhen you first heardwhat the song is aboutwhy this song has special meaning for you.A Meal You Like to EatDescribe a meal that you like to eat.You should say:what it iswhere you usually eat itwhat the meal is made ofwhy you like it.A Lesson, Class or Training SessionDescribe a class or training session that you enjoyed. –You should say:what the teacher didwhen & where you had this classwhat you learned in this class or training sessionwhy you enjoyed itA Film About a Real Person or EventDescribe a film about a real person or event that you have watched. You should say:when you saw this filmwhat person or event the film was aboutwhat happened in the filmhow you felt about this film.A Product You Were Dissatisfied WithDescribe something that you bought that you were dissatisfied with. You should say:what the item waswhen and where you bought itwhy you bought itwhy you were not happy with this product.Something learned from a family memberDescribe something useful you learned from a family memberYou should say:what it waswho you learned it from。



事件经历题A recent change you madeDescribe a recent change in your lifeYou should sayWhat it isWhen it happenedHow it happenedWho was involvedAnd explain why it is so important范文:In my growth, I’ve made many changes and one of the most recent change is that I’ve turned myself to an early bird. I had a bad habit of staying up for playing computer games or chatting online and as a result I was quite often late for classes or something important. But I never felt sorry for my bad habit until last term when I was late for an important exam the other day,.I was late for almost an hour and because of this I didn’t finish my exam on time and failed.After the failure, my math teach came to me and learned the cause of my being late for my exam, she taught me the negative influence staying up might have on me and my study and encouraged me to give up the bad habit and change to a better lifestyle.My failure in the exam and my teacher’s words made me realized what I had to pay for the bad habit. After that, I tried to go to bed earlier and get up early for reading. Now, I’’ve totally given up my bad habit and turned to a happy early bird.A wrong decision someone madeDescribe a wrong decision someone madeYou should sayWhat the decision wasWho made itWhat the result wasAnd explain why you think it is wrong范文:During my growth, I’ve made quite a few decisions. Some are wise, and some are wrong. One of the wrong decisions that I have made is to give up English learning after I went to college. In college, my major is practical math which has little connection with English, and therefore soon after starting my college life, I made a decision to stop learn English. As a result, I often skipped the English classes and threw away my English books. But now when preparing for my further study aboard, I realized my decision was completely wrong, for now I have almost no idea about English and failed in my first ELTS. For my dream of studying aboard for better education, currently I have to work harder to study English for the upcoming english test. I feel regretful for my original decision of giving up english learning otherwise I would feel easier in my study.A team/group projectDescribe a team project you did.You should sayWhat it isWhen you did itWith whom you did itHow you finished itWhat you can learn from it范文:Well, to say something I did with somebody else, I would talk about the project I did with my classmate in the summer holiday when I just finished my first schooling in the college It was an interview about more than a thousand credit card holders in Hefei, and the result was even now used by the professor in my university as a case for new students. I was one of the five-member team for that project.We discussed a day together about our questions to ask, and then made our first questionnaire of ten questions. But you know, we were quite nervous at first and dare not to stop the strangers and then interview them. For a whole day in front of the department store, we only collected 3 papers.That night, we gathered together in the dorm and encouraged each other. After discussion we had strength, and we learned that success is based on our courage to face difficulties. Then, the next day, we went there again and we successfully collected 92 papers. After that, things became easier to us. We went to the supermarkets, the book stores, the movie theatres, and even the train stations. In the end, we successfully finished our interview.From the unforgettable experience, I learned that with cooperation, with wisdom from other members, with the encouragements from each other, and with the joint efforts, nothing will be so difficult.A speech or talk you have listened toDescribe a speech/talk you attendedYou should sayWhat it was aboutWhere it was heldWho the speaker wasAnd explain why you attended it范文:Last Sunday, one of my friends invited me to attend a gathering held in a church located in the downtown area of Hefei. The theme of the gathering was about family education and as one of the lecturers, my friend gave an amazing speech on parenting.Actually, as a college student, I take no interest in the topic, but the speech attracted me so much and I paid great attention to the speech. Though the speech was about education kids in a family, I understood a lot about being a parent. The hard work of being a qualified parent. F r om these, I began to understand my parents’ care about me and their deep love for me.Sitting in the church and listening to the speech, I suddenly realized everything my parent had done for me in so many years. I thought I would do better not let them down.地点题A café you have been to (此题可套用拥挤的地方那道题,但在套用的时候注意要增加信息——“和谁去”,可答和同学一起去,“一般你们在那干什么”,除了吃饭还可适当增加聊天,增进友谊等Describe a cafe you like going toYou should sayWhere it isWhat it is likeWith whom you went thereWhat you normally do thereAnd explain why you like going thereA room in which you spend a lot of timeDescribe a room in which you spend a lot of timeYou should sayWhat it isWhat it is likeWhat you do in itAnd explain why you like using it范文:My house is quite large. It has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen, a study, a living room, a dining room, among which, the one I spent a l ot of time is my bedroom It has a d oubl e bed, a sofa and a d esk and it is full of my personal possessions. It is the only room in my house where I can l ock myself away from the rest of the worl d. After a l ong hard day, all I want to d o is go up to my cozy bedroom and either listen to some mell ow music or lie d own watching a bit of T.V or a relaxing film. This room is very special to me because I have lived it for l ong, and It has become a part of me. I enjoy staying there, d oing whatever I want, for it is a place that totally bel ongs to me and I can be myself without any disguise as I have to d o sometimes outsid e.A LibraryDescribe a library that you knowYou should say:where it iswhen you went therewhat books and facilities this library hasand explain what you like or dislike about this library范文:There is a big library in my city l ocated in the d owntown area and not far from where I live. Ever since I was young I have been there quite often .The library has four fl oors. The first fl oor is basically a reception area which consist of a very nicel obby where visitors can rest, and of course there is a lso a check-in counter. From the second fl oor above, there are many large reading rooms and newly renovated multimedia centre ,which when weren’t there when I was young. I like to go to the library because it is near and it has almost all kinds of books I want to read. The multimedia center is so cool, providing rapid internet connection, a coll ection of vid eos and all the virtual software. However, because there is only one library in my city, it is unavoidabl e, more often than not, there are too many peopl e on weekends. So it is a littl e noisy and distracting then. For this, I seld om go there on weekends, and instead, I often go there reading and searching information on schools days after class.A crowded placeDescribe a crowded placeYou should sayWhere it isWhat it is likeWhat people do thereAnd explain why it is crowded范文:注意,此范文也可用于“描述一个餐馆”(也是热点话题)的话题,“你去的咖啡馆”Well, due to the speed of our life, crowded places can be seen almost here and there,such as an airport, a bus station, a construction site, and even a locally famous restaurant. My university is just near a crowded Chinese restaurant known in our city. The restaurant is located in the downtown area and its traditional outlook makes it look like a temple, which partially helps it to attract customers near and far. The fabulous lay-out combined with the mouth-watering cuisine and the high-quality service are the main characteristics of the restaurant catching eaters. Students in my university are also favouring the restaurant. Whenever there is a gathering like someone’s birthday party or graduation gathering, they prefer to go there for its delicacy and cheap price.So you can see, the restaurant is always crowded and brings joy of gathering for our students despite the noises it may produce.A beautiful /ideal apartment/house you have visitedDescribe a beautiful apartment/house you visitedYou should sayWho you went withWhat you did thereWhat you saw thereWhy you went thereAnd explain your feelings about the experience范文:(注意:本范文也可以用于套用和“家人的旅行”,或“一次难忘的旅行”等和旅行有关的话题I am luck to have a big family and I have many relatives. On vacations, my parents and I often visit them. Last winter vacation, we went to my uncle’s house for the Spring Festival family gathering. We ate the Spring Festival Eve dinner together. My uncle’s house is located near a lake and faces eye-catching view. The surroundings makes it an ideal place to live with the fresh air the quite environment. We spent around a week there, and during the week, my uncle showed us around his house , his garden and his garage.We talked a lot about our relatives, our friends, our kids and the future plan of the older generation and their plan for us the younger generation.My parents even talked about my future studying-aboard plan. The week spent there makes me feel the warmth of a big family, the importance and meaning of family bond. Most importantly, I felt the love and care my family brought to me. That ttip will be always on my mind wherever I go.A town/city you visited as a touristDescribe a town/city you visited as a touristYou should sayWhere it isWhen you visited itHow you visited itWhat you did thereAnd explain how you like it范文:Today I would like to talk about a city I have been to as a travell er in my country, which is call ed Shanghai, and widely acknowl edged as an economy powerhouse in China. Shanghai is situated on the east of Jiangsu Province, and this city, which is entitl ed as the Pearl of East, lies in the southern part of our country.Frist of all, Shanghai is symbolized for its hospitabl e resid ents. This metropolitan offers its citizens various opportunities and jobs. Everyone almost d evotes himself or herself in accomplishing their work, so the high pace of living is the main theme of this city. Rarely d o these peopl e, who live in this dynamic and cosmopolitan city, see the skyline in the skyscraper area.There are a variety of reasons why I think Shanghai is an important city in my country, and now I will talk about it in the respect of its culture. Compare to a l ot of ancient cities in China, the rapid d evel opment of Shanghai could merely date back to 19 century. However, with a generous attitud e, it welcomes the peopl e from diverse cultural backgrounds.Frankly speaking, I just got two chances to visit Shanghai, and it is such a magnificent city that I almost lost my way every time I went there.A garden /park you visitedDescribe a garden you visited.You should sayWhere it isWhat kind it isWhen you visited itWhat people can do thereAnd explain the reason why you like to visit there.范文一When talking about parks or gard ens, the first place that comes across my mind is Xiaoyaojin Park, a park which I spent much of my chil dhood. Xiaoyaojin Park is situated in the centre of Hefei city, and in my memory, it is one of the largest parks in this city. The entertainment facilities, which are comparatively advancing, attract peopl e in all ages: children played on the huge lawn near the main entrance of the park, teenagers or youths camping or boating in the park, and ol d peopl e usually play chess or taichi everyday.If you ask me why I l ove this park, I would say that the main reason is because itjust 5-minute-walk from my house and I d o not need to spend a large amount time on the way to it. Also, for me, it is an excellent place for relaxation. The limpid water and tranquil serene make me feel very comfortabl e, which is quite different from the rush of mod ern life.范文二:物品题A product you want to buy after you saw the advertisementDescribe something you want to buy after you saw the advertisementYou should sayWhat product it isWhere you see the advertisementHow the advertisement sells the productAnd explain why you were attracted to it范文:A recent show/dance performance you likeDescribe a recent show/dance performance you likeYou should sayWhat it isWhen you watch itWhere you watch itAnd explain why you like it范文:I enjoy watching TV for relaxation when feeling tried in study. Last Saturday, I watched a show named. “Happy Dictionary”, a quiz show on TV. I am impressed by its host “Wang Xiao Ya”. An beautiful and incredibl e. In the show the participants are introduced at first. Then they will be asked a question, the person who can answer correctly and quickly will have a change to take the quiz. If you answer all question, you can get a big prize for exampl e, a fridge, computer, digital vid eo camera, laptop,a free package holiday, and so on. I like this program because it can enhances my general knowl edge and by watching the show I have l earned tremend ously about society, culture, history, geography, biol ogy and almost everything on the world we live in. It is well-informed and arm me with the necessary knowl edge I need to know.A game you liked in your childhood(not sports game)Describe a game you enjoyed when you were a child. (Not a sport.)You should say:what the game waswhen, where and with whom you usually played ithow you played itand explain what was special about this game.范文:When I was a chil d, I usually played a game named “eagl e preys on chicken” with myfriends. One child acted as the wicked eagl e, and one child acted as the hen. The otherchildren acted as chicken. It is wid ely played in my country. Most of the children used to play it and liked it very much. The hen should protect the chickens from being caught by the eagl e. She usually extended her arms and the chickens hid behind her. If the chickens coul d not cooperate well with each other and with the hen, they would fall prey to the eagl e.This game has l eft a d eep impression on me. Team work was very important to the fate of those chickens in the game. Many years passed, I have my own company. As a coll ege stud ent, I always encourage team spirit and I believe with the co-operation between peopl e we can achieved great accomplishments in d oing everything.An important plant in your countryDescribe an important plant/vegetable in your country that you think is specialYou should sayWhat it isWhere it growsWhat special meaning it hasAnd explain why it is important in your countryThere are many plants growing in my country, but if I have to select one that I think important and special, I would like to give my support to bamboo.Bamboo grows in South China and mostly in Sichuan province.As it is known, bamboo represent the spirit of perseverance and nobility of Chines nation.Ever since ancient China, people like to consider good qualities of a gentleman as bamboo. So for all Chinese, bamboo stand for our national characteristics and besides it is also the only food that can sustain our national treasure pandas.Thanks to it spiritual and practical purposes, we Chines people always value the plant considerably and give us special love for it. You can see it in almost paintings ,china products or silk works representing Chinesculture.A foreign language that you want to learn (except English)Describe another language you would learn (not English)You should sayWhat it isWhere you learn itHow you learn itAnd explain why you would learn it范文:When talking about a foreign language I want to learn besides English, I would say it’s French.If time permitted, I would like to learn the language in a language training school from teachers or learn it on the internet by self-study. I am crazy about the French culture representing romance and I’m always dreaming of traveling to the country one day to experience the romantic landscapes and to enjoy the fabulous cultural atmospheric in Paris and to chat with the beautiful and graceful girls in the street. For my dream, I have to learn French, so I can communicate with local people there.A movie based on a real person or eventDescribe a movie based on a real person or eventYou should sayWhat it isWhat it is aboutWhen you watched itHow you felt of itWhat you learnt from it范文一:(本题套用你想向别人推荐的书-西游记)注意:在套用本题时要先说这本书是根据唐朝玄奘的真人真事改编的即可范文二:Well, talking about a movie based on real event, I woul d like to introduce a one I have seen titl ed The Tangshan earthquake.It’s a disaster film but has a happy st year I saw the film in a cinema .The touching pl ot with the use of 3D technol ogy impressed me d eeply. The film tol d a story based on the real earthquake occurred in Tangshan in a night in 1976.Over the night ,many peopl e l ost their lives and the city was d estroyed.The film focused on a common family in Tangshan and showed how the disaster influence on the life of the family.The director of the film ,FengXiaogang ,is famous for his Feng Styl e comedy,however,I think this film is also a excell ent one.There is a very very heart-broken scene in the film.The main rol e,who is a mother of two children, faced a choice that both of her children were dying,but peopl e coul d only save one’s life.After a miserabl e way to the d ecision ,the mother abandon the sister.The film provid es me a oppotunity to realize that how little the human-being is when we faced the natural disaster.Whereas ,if people can well co-operate ,not be afraid of sacrificing,any difficulties can be overcomed.Now the Tangshan has been a prosperous city .A childhood toyDescribe a toy that you enjoyed playing with in your childhood.You should say:what it looked likehow you got this toywhat you did with this toyand explain why you enjoyed playing with this toy.范文:I want to describe a toy in my childhood. Actually, and is a model car. When I was a kid, I was very interested in car models and guns. But my mother didn’t know that and she bought many story books for me. To tell you the truth, my father found that I liked model car s, so he bought me one as a little present. It’s as big as a book and the color was very bright, it was red. I think the car was cool and I liked it very much. I would always take it out and study it. I figured out many functions of the car. I felt it was amazing that people could invent this tool for transportation. Since it was the gift that my father gave me, I kept it very carefully. Even now, it still looks like a brand new car. I think it’s very meaningful for a kid to own something that they like.A training session or a lesson you enjoyed (本题可套用数学课)Describe a training session or a lesson you enjoyedYou should sayWhat it is aboutWhen you learned itWhat is taught in itWhat you learnt from itHow you like itAnd explain the reason why you enjoyed it.A piece of useful electronic equipment (not computer)Describe a piece of useful electronic equipment you bought.You should sayWhat it isWhen you bought itWhy you bought itHow well you use itAnd explain why it is useful it is范文:Well, I would love to talk about my little “girlfriend”---my Samsung mobile phone which I always takes along with me wherever I go. I bought it in my first year in my university when I had to part from my parents and live independently on campus. To keep in close contact with my dad and mum. I bought the amazing tool.Each day I would use it to call my parents telling them I am Ok in school,sharing them the interesting news about their son.My Samsung is not only a tool for me to chat with my loved ones far away, it also a means of relaxation and learning, for whenever I feel tired I will use it to listen to music and when I need some information, I will use it to surf online and access to what I need.Besides, each morning I would turn on the radio on me cellphone for many different programs, about culture, news, politics and even language learning.In short, my Samsung mobile phone is useful to me not only because it can accompany me wherever I go, just like my girlfriend, but also because it is a new form of technology that I have greatly benefited in language learning.Something you do for relaxingDescribe something you do fro relaxingYou should sayWhat it isWhere you do itHow often you enjoy itWith whom you enjoy itAnd explain the reason why you enjoy it.范文:Something you bought that you were not satisfied withDescribe something you bought that you were not satisfied with.You should sayWhat you boughtWhere you bought itWhy you bought itWhat you are unsatisfied withWhat you did afterwards范文:Well, as a man , I am not crazy about shopping like many girls, so I d on’t like shop often. But if I d o buy something, I really hate to go back to the store to returnthings. Last summer, I bought a backpack in a big shopping mall in the preparations for my upcoming trip to Shanghai with my friends. It was a famous brand and therefore quite expensive. However, to my great disappointment, it didn’t take l ong before I discovered that the zip of the bag didn’t work well and was about to come off. Immediately I took it back to the stroe and d emand ed a refund. Fortunately the store keeper’s attitud e wasn’t very bad and he happily exchanged a new bag for me. But since then, l l earned a l esson that famous brands are not always a guarantee of quality. There may also be some d efects in their products, so I must check carefully before I buy them.A gift or a present you received recentlyDescribe a gift or a present you have receivedYou should say:who gave this giftwhat is the giftand explain how you feel about this gift.范文注意:将范文的所提及的年龄改为你自己的真实年龄(这道题也可套用电子产品的范文)A useful website that you like to visit (Or, that you have visited)Describe a useful website that you like to visit. (Or, that you have visited)You should say:what he contents of the website are (or, were)how and when you first found this websitehow often you go to this website范文A book or magazine you’d like to recommend to othersDescribe a book or magazine you would like to recommend to othersYou should say:what's the name of the bookwhat type of book it iswhat content it hasand explain you would like to recommend to others范文:I want to talk about a book called“the journey to west”.I read it when I was in junior high school .It is a magic novel adapted from a real adventure. In Tang dynasty ,four monks travelled to the old India by foot for the truth of Buddism.Before they reached their destination,there were monsters,robbers and evils that wanted to kill them.Inspite of all these dangers,troubles and the far distance,they finally succeed by overcoming all those difficulties.As the only masterpiece of the writer ,it impressed me deeply by the main characters’ bravery and their strong will of moving on.In my eyes, the story is inspiring and thought-provoking. For me ,now I am on a journey to West,the Britain.I would like to go there for further study.There are also many difficulties I have to face,such as the economic problems ,the different culture. Like the four heroes I will manage to fight on with my persistence and bravery until I have my dream achieved.In short, I think the book is worth reading and appreciating and I would like to recommend it to more dreamers like me.An unusual job in the future you would like to doDescribe an unusual job in the future you would like to doYou should sayWhat it isWhat the job is aboutWhat is interesting about the jobHow you like it范文:Since I was a middle school student , I have been dreaming of various jobs that I will take in my future and some of them are quite unusual like a philosopher,a historian or a basketball player, and etc.But at present, when it comes to an unusual job I want to take after my graduation, what I am dreaming about is to open a online store. Open a online store can allows me to stay at home while making money, a ideal job to make a living for a guy like me who enjoys staying at home. Nowadays with the increasing popularity of online shopping , more and more people in particular, turn to online stores for products., which means huge potential for profits and in the meanwhile opening a store in the internet is rather cheaper in terms of cost compared with opening a real store in real life. For a fresh graduate, online store means low cost and high profits.So, I dream of being a online store owner upon my graduation. And I believe because of the advantages a online store may enjoy, I am likely to make money and with support of the money I will further my study on business. I hope one day I can have a business kingdom of my own online.A math class in your childhood(本题可在实际考试中套其他关于上课的题)Describe mathematics class in your childhoodYou should sayWhat it isWhere you learnt itHow you learnt itAnd explain why it is useful范文When talking about a math class, I can’t help thinking of one of the math class that I had when I was a primary school stud ent not only because the content is more interesting , but also because I was lucky enough to have a good math teacher, Mr. Zhang.Math is a subject which studies the numbers and formulas and the rul es calculating activities, to put it simply, it’s about something abstract and complicated. When I originally l earned the subject I was headached by numbers and cal culations, but it was Mr. Zhang who changed my negative understanding and attitud es towards math. His humorous explanation and interpretation always make the teaching content interesting. He often asked us to participate in the class. For exampl e, once when he talked about the a certain formula, he taught us to draw some l ovely signs on the paper standing for the numbers in the formula.I did as he said and at that moment I found math was not as boring and abstract as I thought. “It was amazing!” I said to myself. From that day on, my understanding of the subject totally changed and I gradually fell in l ove with math, finding that it was actually applied in almost every aspect of our daily life. For instance, if we buy something we need to know something about calculating. With the help of math, our life becomes easier.Now I’m a big fan of the subject and even a math major in university, and l ooking back I find the math class when I was a kid very instructive and inspirational. On the class, I began to l earn about a whol e new worl d in the numbers, discovering the mystery of life on the earthAn important message you receivedDescribe an important message/letter you receivedYou should sayWhen you received itWho sent itWhat it was aboutAnd explain why it is so important范文:Well, as for me an important l etter I got shoul d be the one about my admission to university. I was so exciting when I knew I was accepted into my University last August not soon after I had just finished my exam.and I was watching TV.I really thought I had not passed. I was quite d epressed and d ecid ed to forget it. Then one day my mother came in with the mail telling me I had passed and had been accepted, but I didn't believe her. The next day I phoned all my friends.I guess the reason I felt it important was because I really wanted to make my l oved ones proud, and make myself confid ent.So when I found out that I'd passed, I felt this immediate burst of relief. And the l etter has taught me to realize that sometimes you win and sometimes you l ose. But if you work hard you can always be sure you tried your best and that you have nothing to worry about.A movie or book about the futureDescribe a movie/book about the futureYou should sayWhat it isWhen you watched/read itWhat is special about itAnd explain why it attracts you范文:I am a fan of movies and whenever I’m free I would like to go to cinema. I’ve seen many movies and one of them that impressed me is called 2012 a movie about the future I watched last year. The movie teaches our human beings the extreme importance of environmental protection with eye-catching pictures and breath-taking scenes.It told how our earth was destroyed due to human’s destruction. When viewing the movie, I was totally moved because the impressing message it tended to convey to human being. The movie told us if we didn’t raise our awareness of environmental protection and stop our destructive activities to our motherland, our earth one day may disappear and even impose endless disasters on our humans.A Sport Event (将范文中的第一句介绍语中的sports match 改为sports event)Describe a sporting event you have never been to but would like to go to and watch. You should say:what it iswhat happens at this event。



Names1.Who gave u your name?It is my grandpa who gave me my name coz he was the oldest person in my family,so all the family members should respect his opinion. Beside,my mother told me that my grandpa had already decided the name to me before I was born.2.Does your name have any particular meaning?Yes,you know,my name is ZYR. In Chinese meaning,“yong”means forever and perpetual, while …Rui‟means clever and smart..so I guess my grandpa hoped that I could be an intelligent person throughout my life.3.Do u like u name?Actually ,I pretty like it.It conveyed the love from my grandpa and it always reminds me of my grandpa.4.In your country,do people feel that their name is very important?It depends,some folks think that their names play a crucial role in their lives and careers.a particular name can bring luckiness to them.While other people regard name just as a simple symbol,it does not matter what it is.5.Would u like to change your name?It is unnecessary for me to change my name,you know ,My name represents the love from my grandpa,so obviously, I would not change it.6.Is it easy to change your name in your country?I guess it is a bit difficult to do it. Actually ,It is complex Coz you need to get a couple of official recognitions,and exchange your ID card and so many other things.Most importantly, it is time-consuming coz you are required to wait several weeks between every steps.7.Wo usually names babies in your country?It is common for babies‟parents to give their names in china. I guess.almost all parents are eager to name their babies,as it can show their love and expectations to their babies.8.Do u have any special traditions about naming children?I do not have ,but many folks do coz they regard it as a meaningful way to show their respect to their ancestors. So this folks would obey the discipline which was made by their ancestors to name their babies.9.What names are most common in your country?I guess the names called ‟long or hui‟ are the most common names in my hometown coz all of this stand for gorgeous and brilliant future. And they consider that if you own the name like this you are more possible to have a promising future.Home1 & 2.Do u like live in a house or a flat/Please describe it a littleI live in a flat. My flat locates in the heart of my hometown so the transport facilities there are really convenient. Besides it is surrounded by two parks ,so it is really comfortable for us to live there.More specifically ,my flat are made up of 4 bed rooms and a bid living room.3.What‟s your favourite room in your home?My favorite room is the big living room,of course. Because i can invite my best friends to there and sit on the comfortable sofa to watch a couple of movies .Sometimes,we also can hole a big party there,it is a nice way for us to kid back and relax. so I really like the living room.4.What have u done to your room to make it look nice?I have bought tons of cute stuff to decorate my bed room such as some fashion toys and mini robot.Besides,I also have bought a couple of plants and put them in the living room,which makes the room looks dynamic and graceful.5.Which room dose your family spend most of time in?I guess it is the living room coz nearly every night ,we always take some snakes while watching some TV programs.Besides we like to have a chat with each other in the living room.6.What do u usually do in your house/flat/room?I usually browse the Internet ,coz I can not only get tons of news from it but I can communicate with my friends through the internet as well.More importantly,browsing the internet can definitely expand my outlook and let off my steam.7.Are the transport facilities to your home very good?Yes,coz my flat lies in the heart of my hometown so the transport system is quite convenient. And there are several types of public transport for us to choose such as subway and bus. But ,in the rush hour,it will also suffer from traffic jam .8.Do u plan to move/are u prepare to move?I do not intend to move to another place.you know,it is really comfortable to live there,the transport there,the entertaining life style there and the rent there all are satisfactory. So I don‟t want to change my flat.Hometown1.What‟s your hometown?My hometown locates in the south of Guangdong province. It is a seaside city and there are a couple of tourist attractions in my hometown with over ten thousand people visiting there each year.2.Do u like your hometown?Yep,I pretty like my hometown coz the environment there is beautiful and clean.you can hardly see any rubbish in the street.And the weather there is comfortable and extremely suit to live.moreover,the local residents are friendly and approachable. 3.Would u say it‟s an interesting place?Of course i would,coz it is a seaside city so it is convenient for us to get to the beach.and in the beach,we could do tons of stimulating leisure activities such as strolling around the beach,drawing picture on the sand or playing beach volleyball.So the life in my hometown is really interesting.4.What would u say are the good and bad points of your hometown?The good points of my hometown,in my mind,are that the environment there is clean and beautiful and the local residents there are friendly and approachable they always wear a friendly smile.While,in terms of the bad point,I would like to say that it is a crowd place.when it was the ruch hour,the traffic there are severely congested and in summer,sometimes,the temperature would be high.5.What‟s your favourite part of your hometown?I guess it is the beach nearby my hometown.Coz in the summer holiday,my friends and i will get together to take a couple of interesting activities there to kid back and relax.we will always have a ball.So,the beach does bring me tons of memories.6.Are there any tourist attractions in your hometown?Yes,there are a theme park and a brilliant and clean beach in my hometown ,which appeals over ten thousand people visiting there each year.Actually,all the visitors pretty adore the beautiful beach.7.Did you friends also grow up in the same place as u?Some of them grow up with me in the same place.you know,when it comes to the summer holiday,we will get together to have a fun in the beach.8.Would u like to live there in the future?To be honest with you,I pretty like to live there in the future,because the environment is really attractive.More importantly,that place brings me tons of memories which is the most treasure thing in my life.So living there can make me feel happiness.Work or study1.Do u work or are u a student?I am a junior student studying in South China University of Technology. My major is mathematics.2.Why did u choose to study that?Coz leaning mathematics can stimulate my creativity,expand my thought and mold my character. I mean working out mathematical problems requires tons of patient.Most importantly,i will feel a strong sense of achievement when i tackle a difficult problem.I guess that is exactly why I chose this subject.3.Do u like studying at that university?Actually i really adore to study in my university coz our campus is large and beautiful.More importantly, the teachers there are so nice and professional that we can learn tons of knowledge from them.4.What‟s the most important thing in your study life?It is friendship I guess.without friendship,my study life would lack of colour and suffer from a series of problems. It is my friends who always encourage me and cheer me up when I feel frustrated.So friendship is the most important thing in my study life.5.What do u plan to do after u have finished your study?I will travel to Lijiang with my best friends,you know,Lijiang is definitely one of the most beautiful cities in China. We all desire to visit there to celebrate our graduations.I believe we will have a ball.Advertisement1.Are there many ads in your country?Yep,advertisements in my county are prevalent.Specifically,When you watch TV,browse the internet or listen to the radio programs you can always contact advertisements.2.Why do u think there are so many ads now?As advertising is a good way to introduce products of manufacturers and attract consumers to buy these products.By that I mean advertisements can guarantee a satisfactory sale .So it is common to see many advertisements surrounding us.3.What are the various places where we see ads?I guess tons of advertisements are displayed in the crowded place such as the bus and the business streets ,which can ensure more people to see it. Displayed in this place, the advertisements can be well rewarded.4.How do u feel about ads?I would say I enjoy some of them coz they are creative and stimulating.But it‟s true that When we watch TV, most of them always disturb the fun of enjoying the programs. Besides the information they bring us always are misleading.5.What kinds of ads do u like the most?Actually I like the advertisements which pass correct information to us and show their products in a creative way.This ads were not copied the same thing over and over again.on the other hand it could leave us a deep impression.6.Do ads influence your choice about what to buy?Some of them would,when the products they introduce are really attractive and I do need this goods. In other world ,if there are several ads showing the same thing I will choose the better performance one.7.Do u prefer ads on TV or those in magazine?I would say I prefer to ads on TV rather than those in magazine coz ads shown on TV are more vivid and dynamic than those in magazine,which seems more attractive and clear.8.What do u think is the purpose of ads?You know,Advertising is a good way to introduce products of manufacturers and attract consumers to buy these products.By that I mean advertisements can guaranteea satisfactory sale .9.Do u think advertising plays a very important role in today‟s world?Obviously,it does.It become a trend for every well-known brand to make advertisements.Coz it can enhance and boost the power and reputation of the brand effectively.10.What sorts of ads leave the deepest impression on people?I would say the most creative and stimulating one leave the deepest impression on people.You know,nowadays, there are excessively numerous ads ,folks have already been fed up with the boring ads.11.What do u think about the developments in ads in China today?In china,today, you can see that the ads displayed in the internet are becoming increasingly frequent while those on newspaper are generally reduced.So in the future,the ads on internet will play a dominant role in advertising.Computers1.Do u use computers very much?Actually I use it practically very night.You know,browsing the internet is decent a good way for us to kid back and relax while expanding our outlooks.Sometimes I need it to help me finish my homework2.What do u use a computer?I often use it to do various thing such as browsing the internet,watch movies and sending emails.Besides,when I feel lonely or boring,I will also use it to play computer games.3.What was your impression when u used a computer the first time?Actually I was shocked when I touched the computer the first.I thought it was an amazing invention coz it is so powerful and advanced that it can solve tons of problem effectively.I guessed I could hardly get the hang of it.4.How do u learn to use a computer?At first,my folks taught me the basic skills and then I learned it by myself with the help of watching some teaching videos.Sometimes,my teacher will teach us some professional knowledge about the softwares.5.Have computers changed your life in any way?Yes,it puters have changed my lifestyle.you know ,Before touching computer,I liked to play basketball or to join a plenty of outside activities with my friend.Due to the attraction of computer,now,I prefer to browse the internet after class rather than take some outdoor activities.Beside,I always buy goods though computer instead of going to the supermarkets. .6.Are computers used much in your county?I would like to say that it is prevalent for individuals to use computers in China.Now,at work,folks may need computers to assist them to finish their assignments while in life, people would choose to play computer as a way to kid back and relax themselves.7.Do you think computers are useful in everyday life?Well ,as I said,no matter at work or in life,computers have played a important role in human beings‟ live as .it brings substantial benefits and convenience to us.puters are now used a lot in education,What do you think of this?Well,Students really benefit from computer coz they can use it to enrich their academic experience by surfing the internet.However, there still some students just simply copy others results which they searched in the internet when they do their homework.I guess that is one of the most serious drawbacks it brings to education.9.Do you paly computer games?I would say I paly it sometimes.Now,many parents regard this behavior as a bad behavior coz tons of students drop out of school because of excessively playing computer games.But,I guess it is a good way to relax ourselves if we play it properly.10.Do you think computers are perfect now or do they still need to be improved? Even though, computers seems perfect now, there are still somethings for them to be improved.They could be more smaller ,operating more faster and designed more flexible to use.Cooking1.Do you know how to make a meal?I would like to say I know some about it.I have made some food by rice cooker.It is easy to cook some soups and snakes through using it.But it is a bit difficult for me to make a real meal.2.How well do you cook?Well , I just do not how to make food delicious but I have tried to fried egg and I mother told me that it was just not bad and I really need to practice more about it,3.Have you ever thought about learning how to cook?(Do u like to cook?)Yes ,I have.You know,my uncle ,my father and my grandpa all of them can make a big and delicious male.It seems that it is a skill that every man in my family is required to learn.And i think cooking is a pretty fun,you can get a strong sense of achievement when you can cook well.So, I guess I would like to cook.4.What do you like to cook?I would choose dumplings I guess.Coz dumplings are one of my favourite food and more importantly, it seems easy to cook well. All you need to do just put them into boiling water and wait the water boiling again.5.How did u learn to cook/Who taught u how to cook/When did u learn how to cook?I remember that I have learned from my mother how to make soups by a rice cooker last summer vocation.My mother shew me patiently how much raw materials are demanded and how to allocate the time properly,which are the most important steps to ensure the soup is delicious .After that ,I just followed what she had told and cooked that soup. The result was not too bad in my memory6.Do you usually eat at home or do u usually eat away from home?Now,I live the most of time in my dorm which is far away from my home.As a result ,it is hard for me to eat at home.I usually eat at the halls of residence in my school.7.Who usually does the cooking in your home?My mother cooks most of the time.But,actually,my father‟s cooking skill is better than my mother and he is too lazy to do this job.But in some important festivals such as the spring festival he would make meals for our family.8.Do you do any cooking at home?Yes,when my parents are out I will make a small meal for myself.At that time,I would like to cook a soup and fry some simple food such as egg and vegetables.9.Do you think everyone should learn how to cook?I would say yes,you know,Cooking is a basic skill in our lives.Though there are various kinds of fast food in our society, it is not good for us to eat much of those and the food cooked by ourselves is much healthy than that.So everyone should learn to cook in order to keep our healthy.10.Do you think university students should learn how to cook?I would suggest university students to learn cooking if they still have leisure time after finishing their works.Coz it is common that when students graduate from school,they will have less time and passion to learn cooking as far as I know.11.Do you think it would be useful to teach cooking in school?I guess I would be useful as students are eager to learn new skills and they could learn fastly when they really want.But it is difficult to implement because of the facilities and security.12,When was the last time you did some cooking?Last month I returned home I had cooked a soup for my family Coz my mother was busy at the time.So I had to help her make meals.13.Can u see yourself cooking more in the future?Why?I would say yes,because I intend to stay in GuangZhou rather than go home after graduation.So I need to find a place to live.and there would be a kitchen in the place so it would be convenient for me to cook.So I believe i will cook more than now. Daily Routine1.What are you usually doing at this time?I usually stay in my dorm and browse the internet to kid back and relax.you know,after studying hard for a week,browsing the internet is definitely a pleasant experience for me to let off steam.2.Do u do the same thing every day/Tell me something about your daily routine. From Monday to Friday,I mainly focus on my study.and sometimes I will go to the library to read some magazines.Besides, i am the monitor of my class ,So I need to deal with different problems.In addition, at weekends,I will do various things,I will go shopping ,do a part-time job or play basketball with my friends.3.In a typical day,what do u do in the classroom.In the classroom,I mainly listen to the class in the daytime and at night,I usually review what the teachers have told us during the class and finish my home work.4.For u,what‟s the best time of day for study?Studying at night can make me effectively concentrate on my study coz I would be more filled with energy at night and the environment would be more quire as well.5.When do u do most of your study?I do most of my study in the evenings coz at the time I can study efficiently and effectively.Besides,I have more leisure time in the evening coz there is no more lessons at night.6.What time do u usually get up?It depends.If I don‟t need to go to class I usually get up at 9 o‟clock while if I need I usually get up at 7 o‟clock.7.What do u usually do after u get up?Firstly I will brush my teeth and wash my face,then,I will go out to have breakfast.If there is on class in the morning,I will turn on my computer as well.8.If your life now the same as it was before?Well,now is bit more different than before.In the past,all the thing I need to do is just study only.But,now,i will go out to find a part-time job to relieve my parents financial burdens and I also need to deal with some works of my class coz i am the monitor of my class.9.If u could make one change to ur daily routine ,what would it be?The jobs related to my class could be much less,by that,I can have more leisure time to do the thing i like,such as reading books, watching movies to kid back and relax or accompanying my friends to go shopping.(learning a new skill like driving)10.If u had more free time,what would u do?(同9)11.Do u usually do the same things at the same time each day?Well it depends,generally I would do the same things at the same time which help to make my life regularly.But,it is hard to maintain you know.Many emergencies could disturb it.For example,If my girl friend ask me to accompany with her,then, I have to put them away.12.How do u plan your study time?Firstly,I will review what the teachers have taught during the day,then,I will choose to finish my homework.When all the work would accomplished and there still be time for leisure I would read some novels.13.Do you ever change these plans?No,no,no,I would force myself to execute my study plans coz I adore to maintain everything regularly so I would not change my plans frequently.14.Can u think of any improvements to your routine?Yes,I always intend to arrange my schedule more effectively and efficiently coz I would be usually disturbed by little things as a result I can‟t accomplish my plan.But it seems it is hard to improve.Emails1.Do u often write email/What do u write about?I would say yes coz I am the monitor of my class so,at work,I need to write various kinds of emails to convey the pubic affairs of our college.And,sometimes,I will write emails to some companies to look for a part-time job.2.Do u think emails are useful?Yes ,It is really convenient to use.Especially,when u need to write a long content to specify some things.Besides,Unlike letters,it can be sent and received quickly.More importantly,you will bot be charge for that.3.What kinds of emails do u send and receive?Well ,most of it are business emails coz as i said ,i am a monitor ,my job ask me to send and receive business emails frequently.But sometimes,i would also send some personal emails to my friends.Besides,I will receive some ads which really disturbs me.4.Do u think it is a good thing that some companies send out letters/spam emails for the purpose of advertising?In terms of manufacturers,it is reasonable for them to take this action coz they can advertise their products at the lowest possible cost.However,as a consumer,I do not really like this,it does disturb me and i practically do not scan this emails.Letters1.How often do u write letters?Actually ,it is uncommon for me to write letters.But i would also write some postcards to my friends when I travel to some tourist attractions.2,What do u write about?I usually write some blessings to my friends or some feeling I felt at the moment.By that I mean I will tell him or her i am happy ,sad or excited.3,On what occasions do u write letters?When I travel to some tourist attractions I will write some postcards to my friends and my family.Besides,in some important festival like the Spring Festival I will also write some blessings to my friends but it is uncommon.4.Do u and your friends keep in touch by letter.Exactly,I would say no coz we often use phone messages or phone calls to make a communication.If we do want to write something we would prefer to write by emails which are much more convenient than letters,5.How do u keep in touch with your friends and relatives?(同4)Gift1.Do u often give gifts to people?I guess it is not often.I usually give gifts to my friends and family mainly on their birthdays.Besides,I will make a couple of gifts to my girlfriend by myself in some festival like Valentine's day and Christmas Day.2.What the last gift u received?Well,the last gift I received was a watch given by my girlfriend.She told me that it took she several hours to choose in the internet.I really adore this gift it is pretty gorgeous.3.Have u friends ever given you gift?Yep ,almost on my birthday, they would present me a couple of gifts which are really exquisite.4.What was the last gift u gave someone.Well,I gave a CD of jay who is one the most famous ginger in China to my friend.It is a special CD coz there is a jay‟s signature on it which really drives my friend crazy.I mean she was pretty adore it.5.Do u like giving presents to other people?Yes exactly,because giving gifts to people could not only make them happy but i would get a strong sense of achievement.you know,Making other people pleasant is an exciting thing i am really into in.6,Do u and your friends of family members give each other gift.I would say it common for us to present gifts to each other especially on someone‟s birthday.For instance,on my father‟s last birthday my mother gave him a beautiful cloth while I gave him a gorgeous pen.7.What sorts of gifts do u give to someone,how do u select this gift?Well,it depends.i will choose different types of gifts to different people.It all depends on their characters and personalities.For example,I would select sport goods to those who like sport.8.Do u think it‟s easy to choose what to give other people?Well,I don‟t think so.I always spent a lot of time selecting gifts coz i am really afraid that the gifts I selected my friends do not like it.So as for me,it is hard to choose presents to others.9.When considering a present to give to someone,how do you select this gift?(同7)10.Do u think it is important to give expensive gifts?Of course no.The value of gifts are no depended on the price it is depended on your heart.I really agree that a gift made by yourself is overwhelmingly more important than a expensive gift bought directly in the shops.11.Have u ever given someone a gift you made yourself?Yes ,I have.I often present gifts made by myself to others,coz I think it can make the gift more meaningful and st time I had made a toy car by some woods to my friend and he love it so much.12.Do u think gift-giving is very important?Well,actually I do think it is important .I just regard it as a way to show your love and blessing to others.I mean you can do many thing instead of giving gifts to represent your emotion.So the important thing is your heart and your love to others.13.Do people in China like to give gifts?I would say yes.you know,it is really common for chinese to present gifts on some important festivals such as the spring festival.Chines regard it as a decent way to show respect and love to others.Drawing1.Have u ever learned to draw?(do u like drawing?why/why not)Well ,when I was a child,my folks sent me to a art lesson to learn draw coz I really like drawing at the time and my folks wanted me to develop this interest.I consider that drawing can stimulate one‟s creativity and imagination and it also can bring u a strong sense of achievement when u draw well.So,i am really into it.2.Do u draw now?Well,it is less time left for me to draw now.Because there are tons of homeworks and job I need to deal with everyday.I mean I am alway busy with my study and jobs.3.How often do u draw something?In the past,i always drew(dru:)once a week mainly on weekends coz after working hard during the whole week,drawing could really help me kid back and relax.4.What kind of pictures do u like to draw.Well,I like to draw some some cartoon figures coz it is more easy and interesting to draw.But sometimes I will draw real cars as well coz it looks really cool.5.Do u think drawing is difficult?It depends,It is obviously difficult if want to draw something complicated and delicate while it will be easy to draw some simple cartoon characters ,which is still interesting. 6,Do u think it‟s important for child to learn to draw?I would say yes.It it common that many shools now have set a painting class,in some way,it illustrates that learning drawing is significant for children.I guess it is because drawing can materialise children‟s thinking which is beneficial to stimulate their creativities and imaginations.7.What do u think are some of the benefits for children from drawing?(同6)8.Do adults draw very often.It depends.People who are majoring in painting or design would draw often,as this is their jobs.While I guess other people would not draw often coz the pace of life today is so accelerating that adults are often busy with their works or study.so it is less time left by them to draw.9.What are the benefits of drawing for adults?I guess the best beneficial it brings us is that drawing can help individuals to relax themselves and mould their characters as well.By that I mean,drawing could clam person down and make them more patient.10.What‟s the difference between an adult and a child learning to draw?A child learning to draw can mainly stimulate their creativities and imaginations while as to adult, learning to draw mainly influences their temper,I mean drawing can make adult clam down and relax.11.Do u think a person can teach him or herself how to draw?I would say yes.I guess every person can learn drawing by watch some educational videos and books all by themselves.Or they can attempt to simulate some pictures to learn drawing.12.To draw well,what factors do u think are important?I guess it is patience as well as calm temper which are the most two important factors to draw well.I mean it is hard for anxious people to draw a nice picture.Patience1.Is it important to be patient ?Why?I would say yes coz a patient person is more likely to own a ability to achieve his goal today.Besides,patience can also make people more approachable which is important in communication.2.Is it easy to be patient?why?Well,it seems that it is increasingly hard to be patient due to the society today.you know, fast pace of life intend to make people more inpatient than before.Busy works and heavy stress all of them may people loose patience.3.How can people be patient?Well,I guess the main reason to make people inpatient is that they living under the weather.So learning to let off steam properly would be a good way to let people be patient.。



第一套I.SpeakingSection A1.The guide made it really interesting with his funny stories.2.A fresh water crisis has already begun that threatens to leavemuch of the world dry in the next 20 years.Section BIf you have a moment to spare on Christmas morning, go down to the beach near Brighton town centre where you can see another British sporting tradition. Every year, a group of about 50 people go for a swim in the sea. With a water temperature that is rarely more than seven degrees and an air temperature that is close to zero, most people keep their swim very short. More experienced swimmers stay in the water for nearly twenty minutes. The idea began in 1860 and there are similar events in other parts of the country.Section CQuestions 1~2: Your uncle is just back from a family holiday in Thailand. You would like to know about it. You ask your uncle two questions.Questions 3~4: You are going to take your friend from Australia to see a movie this evening. You call the cinema to make an inquiry about it. Ask 2 questions.Section DII.Listening and SpeakingSection A1. I lost my new cell phone on the way here.2. I‟m sorry I‟ve taken your umbrella by mistake.3. Would you kindly not make that noise? (评分说明:只回答I‟m sorry.得0.5分。



事件经历题A recent change you madeDescribe a recent change in your lifeYou should sayWhat it isWhen it happenedHow it happenedWho was involvedAnd explain why it is so important范文:In my growth, I’ve made many changes and one of the most recent change is that I’ve turned myself to an early bird. I had a bad habit of staying up for playing computer games or chatting online and as a result I was quite often late for classes or something important. But I never felt sorry for my bad habit until last term when I was late for an important exam the other day,.I was late for almost an hour and because of this I didn’t finish my exam on time and failed.After the failure, my math teach came to me and learned the cause of my being late for my exam, she taught me the negative influence staying up might have on me and my study and encouraged me to give up the bad habit and change to a better lifestyle.My failure in the exam and my teacher’s words made me realized what I had to pay for the bad habit. After that, I tried to go to bed earlier and get up early for reading. Now, I’’ve totally given up my bad habit and turned to a happy early bird.A wrong decision someone madeDescribe a wrong decision someone madeYou should sayWhat the decision wasWho made itWhat the result wasAnd explain why you think it is wrong范文:During my growth, I’ve made quite a few decisions. Some are wise, and some are wrong. One of the wrong decisions that I have made is to give up English learning after I went to college. In college, my major is practical math which has little connection with English, and therefore soon after starting my college life, I made a decision to stop learn English. As a result, I often skipped the English classes and threw away my English books. But now when preparing for my further study aboard, I realized my decision was completely wrong, for now I have almost no idea about English and failed in my first ELTS. For my dream of studying aboard for better education, currently I have to work harder to study English for the upcoming english test. I feel regretful for my original decision of giving up english learning otherwise I would feel easier in my study.A team/group projectDescribe a team project you did.You should sayWhat it isWhen you did itWith whom you did itHow you finished itWhat you can learn from it范文:Well, to say something I did with somebody else, I would talk about the project I did with my classmate in the summer holiday when I just finished my first schooling in the college It was an interview about more than a thousand credit card holders in Hefei, and the result was even now used by the professor in my university as a case for new students. I was one of the five-member team for that project.We discussed a day together about our questions to ask, and then made our first questionnaire of ten questions. But you know, we were quite nervous at first and dare not to stop the strangers and then interview them. For a whole day in front of the department store, we only collected 3 papers.That night, we gathered together in the dorm and encouraged each other. After discussion we had strength, and we learned that success is based on our courage to face difficulties. Then, the next day, we went there again and we successfully collected 92 papers. After that, things became easier to us. We went to the supermarkets, the book stores, the movie theatres, and even the train stations. In the end, we successfully finished our interview.From the unforgettable experience, I learned that with cooperation, with wisdom from other members, with the encouragements from each other, and with the joint efforts, nothing will be so difficult.A speech or talk you have listened toDescribe a speech/talk you attendedYou should sayWhat it was aboutWhere it was heldWho the speaker wasAnd explain why you attended it范文:Last Sunday, one of my friends invited me to attend a gathering held in a church located in the downtown area of Hefei. The theme of the gathering was about family education and as one of the lecturers, my friend gave an amazing speech on parenting.Actually, as a college student, I take no interest in the topic, but the speech attracted me so much and I paid great attention to the speech. Though the speech was about education kids in a family, I understood a lot about being a parent. The hard work of being a qualified parent. F r om these, I began to understand my parents’ care about me and their deep love for me.Sitting in the church and listening to the speech, I suddenly realized everything my parent had done for me in so many years. I thought I would do better not let them down.地点题A café you have been to (此题可套用拥挤的地方那道题,但在套用的时候注意要增加信息——“和谁去”,可答和同学一起去,“一般你们在那干什么”,除了吃饭还可适当增加聊天,增进友谊等Describe a cafe you like going toYou should sayWhere it isWhat it is likeWith whom you went thereWhat you normally do thereAnd explain why you like going thereA room in which you spend a lot of timeDescribe a room in which you spend a lot of timeYou should sayWhat it isWhat it is likeWhat you do in itAnd explain why you like using it范文:My house is quite large. It has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen, a study, a living room, a dining room, among which, the one I spent a l ot of time is my bedroom It has a d oubl e bed, a sofa and a d esk and it is full of my personal possessions. It is the only room in my house where I can l ock myself away from the rest of the worl d. After a l ong hard day, all I want to d o is go up to my cozy bedroom and either listen to some mell ow music or lie d own watching a bit of T.V or a relaxing film. This room is very special to me because I have lived it for l ong, and It has become a part of me. I enjoy staying there, d oing whatever I want, for it is a place that totally bel ongs to me and I can be myself without any disguise as I have to d o sometimes outsid e.A LibraryDescribe a library that you knowYou should say:where it iswhen you went therewhat books and facilities this library hasand explain what you like or dislike about this library范文:There is a big library in my city l ocated in the d owntown area and not far from where I live. Ever since I was young I have been there quite often .The library has four fl oors. The first fl oor is basically a reception area which consist of a very nicel obby where visitors can rest, and of course there is a lso a check-in counter. From the second fl oor above, there are many large reading rooms and newly renovated multimedia centre ,which when weren’t there when I was young. I like to go to the library because it is near and it has almost all kinds of books I want to read. The multimedia center is so cool, providing rapid internet connection, a coll ection of vid eos and all the virtual software. However, because there is only one library in my city, it is unavoidabl e, more often than not, there are too many peopl e on weekends. So it is a littl e noisy and distracting then. For this, I seld om go there on weekends, and instead, I often go there reading and searching information on schools days after class.A crowded placeDescribe a crowded placeYou should sayWhere it isWhat it is likeWhat people do thereAnd explain why it is crowded范文:注意,此范文也可用于“描述一个餐馆”(也是热点话题)的话题,“你去的咖啡馆”Well, due to the speed of our life, crowded places can be seen almost here and there,such as an airport, a bus station, a construction site, and even a locally famous restaurant. My university is just near a crowded Chinese restaurant known in our city. The restaurant is located in the downtown area and its traditional outlook makes it look like a temple, which partially helps it to attract customers near and far. The fabulous lay-out combined with the mouth-watering cuisine and the high-quality service are the main characteristics of the restaurant catching eaters. Students in my university are also favouring the restaurant. Whenever there is a gathering like someone’s birthday party or graduation gathering, they prefer to go there for its delicacy and cheap price.So you can see, the restaurant is always crowded and brings joy of gathering for our students despite the noises it may produce.A beautiful /ideal apartment/house you have visitedDescribe a beautiful apartment/house you visitedYou should sayWho you went withWhat you did thereWhat you saw thereWhy you went thereAnd explain your feelings about the experience范文:(注意:本范文也可以用于套用和“家人的旅行”,或“一次难忘的旅行”等和旅行有关的话题I am luck to have a big family and I have many relatives. On vacations, my parents and I often visit them. Last winter vacation, we went to my uncle’s house for the Spring Festival family gathering. We ate the Spring Festival Eve dinner together. My uncle’s house is located near a lake and faces eye-catching view. The surroundings makes it an ideal place to live with the fresh air the quite environment. We spent around a week there, and during the week, my uncle showed us around his house , his garden and his garage.We talked a lot about our relatives, our friends, our kids and the future plan of the older generation and their plan for us the younger generation.My parents even talked about my future studying-aboard plan. The week spent there makes me feel the warmth of a big family, the importance and meaning of family bond. Most importantly, I felt the love and care my family brought to me. That ttip will be always on my mind wherever I go.A town/city you visited as a touristDescribe a town/city you visited as a touristYou should sayWhere it isWhen you visited itHow you visited itWhat you did thereAnd explain how you like it范文:Today I would like to talk about a city I have been to as a travell er in my country, which is call ed Shanghai, and widely acknowl edged as an economy powerhouse in China. Shanghai is situated on the east of Jiangsu Province, and this city, which is entitl ed as the Pearl of East, lies in the southern part of our country.Frist of all, Shanghai is symbolized for its hospitabl e resid ents. This metropolitan offers its citizens various opportunities and jobs. Everyone almost d evotes himself or herself in accomplishing their work, so the high pace of living is the main theme of this city. Rarely d o these peopl e, who live in this dynamic and cosmopolitan city, see the skyline in the skyscraper area.There are a variety of reasons why I think Shanghai is an important city in my country, and now I will talk about it in the respect of its culture. Compare to a l ot of ancient cities in China, the rapid d evel opment of Shanghai could merely date back to 19 century. However, with a generous attitud e, it welcomes the peopl e from diverse cultural backgrounds.Frankly speaking, I just got two chances to visit Shanghai, and it is such a magnificent city that I almost lost my way every time I went there.A garden /park you visitedDescribe a garden you visited.You should sayWhere it isWhat kind it isWhen you visited itWhat people can do thereAnd explain the reason why you like to visit there.范文一When talking about parks or gard ens, the first place that comes across my mind is Xiaoyaojin Park, a park which I spent much of my childhood. Xiaoyaojin Park is situated in the centre of Hefei city, and in my memory, it is one of the largest parks in this city. The entertainment facilities, which are comparatively advancing, attract peopl e in all ages: children played on the huge lawn near the main entrance of the park, teenagers or youths camping or boating in the park, and ol d peopl e usually play chess or taichi everyday.If you ask me why I l ove this park, I would say that the main reason is because itjust 5-minute-walk from my house and I d o not need to spend a large amount time on the way to it. Also, for me, it is an excell ent place for relaxation. The limpid water and tranquil serene make me feel very comfortabl e, which is quite different from the rush of mod ern life.范文二:物品题A product you want to buy after you saw the advertisementDescribe something you want to buy after you saw the advertisementYou should sayWhat product it isWhere you see the advertisementHow the advertisement sells the productAnd explain why you were attracted to it范文:A recent show/dance performance you likeDescribe a recent show/dance performance you likeYou should sayWhat it isWhen you watch itWhere you watch itAnd explain why you like it范文:I enjoy watching TV for relaxation when feeling tried in study. Last Saturday, I watched a show named. “Happy Dictionary”, a quiz show on TV. I am impressed by its host “Wang Xiao Ya”. An beautiful and incredibl e. In the show the participants are introduced at first. Then they will be asked a question, the person who can answer correctly and quickly will have a change to take the quiz. If you answer all question, you can get a big prize for exampl e, a fridge, computer, digital vid eo camera, laptop,a free package holiday, and so on. I like this program because it can enhances my general knowl edge and by watching the show I have l earned tremend ously about society, culture, history, geography, biology and almost everything on the world we live in. It is well-informed and arm me with the necessary knowl edge I need to know.A game you liked in your childhood(not sports game)Describe a game you enjoyed when you were a child. (Not a sport.)You should say:what the game waswhen, where and with whom you usually played ithow you played itand explain what was special about this game.范文:When I was a chil d, I usually played a game named “eagl e preys on chicken” with myfriends. One child acted as the wicked eagl e, and one child acted as the hen. The otherchildren acted as chicken. It is wid ely played in my country. Most of the children used to play it and liked it very much. The hen should protect the chickens from being caught by the eagl e. She usually extended her arms and the chickens hid behind her. If the chickens coul d not cooperate well with each other and with the hen, they would fall prey to the eagl e.This game has l eft a d eep impression on me. Team work was very important to the fate of those chickens in the game. Many years passed, I have my own company. As a coll ege stud ent, I always encourage team spirit and I believe with the co-operation between peopl e we can achieved great accomplishments in d oing everything.An important plant in your countryDescribe an important plant/vegetable in your country that you think is specialYou should sayWhat it isWhere it growsWhat special meaning it hasAnd explain why it is important in your countryThere are many plants growing in my country, but if I have to select one that I think important and special, I would like to give my support to bamboo.Bamboo grows in South China and mostly in Sichuan province.As it is known, bamboo represent the spirit of perseverance and nobility of Chines nation.Ever since ancient China, people like to consider good qualities of a gentleman as bamboo. So for all Chinese, bamboo stand for our national characteristics and besides it is also the only food that can sustain our national treasure pandas.Thanks to it spiritual and practical purposes, we Chines people always value the plant considerably and give us special love for it. You can see it in almost paintings ,china products or silk works representing Chinesculture.A foreign language that you want to learn (except English)Describe another language you would learn (not English)You should sayWhat it isWhere you learn itHow you learn itAnd explain why you would learn it范文:When talking about a foreign language I want to learn besides English, I would say it’s French.If time permitted, I would like to learn the language in a language training school from teachers or learn it on the internet by self-study. I am crazy about the French culture representing romance and I’m always dreaming of traveling to the country one day to experience the romantic landscapes and to enjoy the fabulous cultural atmospheric in Paris and to chat with the beautiful and graceful girls in the street. For my dream, I have to learn French, so I can communicate with local people there.A movie based on a real person or eventDescribe a movie based on a real person or eventYou should sayWhat it isWhat it is aboutWhen you watched itHow you felt of itWhat you learnt from it范文一:(本题套用你想向别人推荐的书-西游记)注意:在套用本题时要先说这本书是根据唐朝玄奘的真人真事改编的即可范文二:Well, talking about a movie based on real event, I woul d like to introduce a one I have seen titl ed The Tangshan earthquake.It’s a disaster film but has a happy st year I saw the film in a cinema .The touching plot with the use of 3D technol ogy impressed me d eeply. The film tol d a story based on the real earthquake occurred in Tangshan in a night in 1976.Over the night ,many peopl e l ost their lives and the city was d estroyed.The film focused on a common family in Tangshan and showed how the disaster influence on the life of the family.The director of the film ,FengXiaogang ,is famous for his Feng Styl e comedy,however,I think this film is also a excell ent one.There is a very very heart-broken scene in the film.The main rol e,who is a mother of two children, faced a choice that both of her children were dying,but peopl e coul d only save one’s life.After a miserabl e way to the d ecision ,the mother abandon the sister.The film provid es me a oppotunity to realize that how little the human-being is when we faced the natural disaster.Whereas ,if peopl e can well co-operate ,not be afraid of sacrificing,any difficulties can be overcomed.Now the Tangshan has been a prosperous city .A childhood toyDescribe a toy that you enjoyed playing with in your childhood.You should say:what it looked likehow you got this toywhat you did with this toyand explain why you enjoyed playing with this toy.范文:I want to describe a toy in my childhood. Actually, and is a model car. When I was a kid, I was very interested in car models and guns. But my mother didn’t know that and she bought many story books for me. To tell you the truth, my father found that I liked model car s, so he bought me one as a little present. It’s as big as a book and the color was very bright, it was red. I think the car was cool and I liked it very much. I would always take it out and study it. I figured out many functions of the car. I felt it was amazing that people could invent this tool for transportation. Since it was the gift that my father gave me, I kept it very carefully. Even now, it still looks like a brand new car. I think it’s very meaningful for a kid to own something that they like.A training session or a lesson you enjoyed (本题可套用数学课)Describe a training session or a lesson you enjoyedYou should sayWhat it is aboutWhen you learned itWhat is taught in itWhat you learnt from itHow you like itAnd explain the reason why you enjoyed it.A piece of useful electronic equipment (not computer)Describe a piece of useful electronic equipment you bought.You should sayWhat it isWhen you bought itWhy you bought itHow well you use itAnd explain why it is useful it is范文:Well, I would love to talk about my little “girlfriend”---my Samsung mobile phone which I always takes along with me wherever I go. I bought it in my first year in my university when I had to part from my parents and live independently on campus. To keep in close contact with my dad and mum. I bought the amazing tool.Each day I would use it to call my parents telling them I am Ok in school,sharing them the interesting news about their son.My Samsung is not only a tool for me to chat with my loved ones far away, it also a means of relaxation and learning, for whenever I feel tired I will use it to listen to music and when I need some information, I will use it to surf online and access to what I need.Besides, each morning I would turn on the radio on me cellphone for many different programs, about culture, news, politics and even language learning.In short, my Samsung mobile phone is useful to me not only because it can accompany me wherever I go, just like my girlfriend, but also because it is a new form of technology that I have greatly benefited in language learning.Something you do for relaxingDescribe something you do fro relaxingYou should sayWhat it isWhere you do itHow often you enjoy itWith whom you enjoy itAnd explain the reason why you enjoy it.范文:Something you bought that you were not satisfied withDescribe something you bought that you were not satisfied with.You should sayWhat you boughtWhere you bought itWhy you bought itWhat you are unsatisfied withWhat you did afterwards范文:Well, as a man , I am not crazy about shopping like many girls, so I d on’t like shop often. But if I d o buy something, I really hate to go back to the store to returnthings. Last summer, I bought a backpack in a big shopping mall in the preparations for my upcoming trip to Shanghai with my friends. It was a famous brand and therefore quite expensive. However, to my great disappointment, it didn’t take l ong before I discovered that the zip of the bag didn’t work well and was about to come off. Immediately I took it back to the stroe and d emand ed a refund. Fortunately the store keeper’s attitud e wasn’t very bad and he happily exchanged a new bag for me. But since then, l l earned a l esson that famous brands are not always a guarantee of quality. There may also be some d efects in their products, so I must check carefully before I buy them.A gift or a present you received recentlyDescribe a gift or a present you have receivedYou should say:who gave this giftwhat is the giftand explain how you feel about this gift.范文注意:将范文的所提及的年龄改为你自己的真实年龄(这道题也可套用电子产品的范文)A useful website that you like to visit (Or, that you have visited)Describe a useful website that you like to visit. (Or, that you have visited)You should say:what he contents of the website are (or, were)how and when you first found this websitehow often you go to this website范文A book or magazine you’d like to recommend to othersDescribe a book or magazine you would like to recommend to othersYou should say:what's the name of the bookwhat type of book it iswhat content it hasand explain you would like to recommend to others范文:I want to talk about a book called“the journey to west”.I read it when I was in junior high school .It is a magic novel adapted from a real adventure. In Tang dynasty ,four monks travelled to the old India by foot for the truth of Buddism.Before they reached their destination,there were monsters,robbers and evils that wanted to kill them.Inspite of all these dangers,troubles and the far distance,they finally succeed by overcoming all those difficulties.As the only masterpiece of the writer ,it impressed me deeply by the main characters’ bravery and their strong will of moving on.In my eyes, the story is inspiring and thought-provoking. For me ,now I am on a journey to West,the Britain.I would like to go there for further study.There are also many difficulties I have to face,such as the economic problems ,the different culture. Like the four heroes I will manage to fight on with my persistence and bravery until I have my dream achieved.In short, I think the book is worth reading and appreciating and I would like to recommend it to more dreamers like me.An unusual job in the future you would like to doDescribe an unusual job in the future you would like to doYou should sayWhat it isWhat the job is aboutWhat is interesting about the jobHow you like it范文:Since I was a middle school student , I have been dreaming of various jobs that I will take in my future and some of them are quite unusual like a philosopher,a historian or a basketball player, and etc.But at present, when it comes to an unusual job I want to take after my graduation, what I am dreaming about is to open a online store. Open a online store can allows me to stay at home while making money, a ideal job to make a living for a guy like me who enjoys staying at home. Nowadays with the increasing popularity of online shopping , more and more people in particular, turn to online stores for products., which means huge potential for profits and in the meanwhile opening a store in the internet is rather cheaper in terms of cost compared with opening a real store in real life. For a fresh graduate, online store means low cost and high profits.So, I dream of being a online store owner upon my graduation. And I believe because of the advantages a online store may enjoy, I am likely to make money and with support of the money I will further my study on business. I hope one day I can have a business kingdom of my own online.A math class in your childhood(本题可在实际考试中套其他关于上课的题)Describe mathematics class in your childhoodYou should sayWhat it isWhere you learnt itHow you learnt itAnd explain why it is useful范文When talking about a math class, I can’t help thinking of one of the math class that I had when I was a primary school stud ent not only because the content is more interesting , but also because I was lucky enough to have a good math teacher, Mr. Zhang.Math is a subject which studies the numbers and formulas and the rul es calculating activities, to put it simply, it’s about something abstract and complicated. When I originally l earned the subject I was headached by numbers and cal culations, but it was Mr. Zhang who changed my negative understanding and attitud es towards math. His humorous explanation and interpretation always make the teaching content interesting. He often asked us to participate in the class. For exampl e, once when he talked about the a certain formula, he taught us to draw some l ovely signs on the paper standing for the numbers in the formula.I did as he said and at that moment I found math was not as boring and abstract as I thought. “It was amazing!” I said to myself. From that day on, my understanding of the subject totally changed and I gradually fell in l ove with math, finding that it was actually applied in almost every aspect of our daily life. For instance, if we buy something we need to know something about calculating. With the help of math, our life becomes easier.Now I’m a big fan of the subject and even a math major in university, and l ooking back I find the math class when I was a kid very instructive and inspirational. On the class, I began to l earn about a whol e new worl d in the numbers, discovering the mystery of life on the earthAn important message you receivedDescribe an important message/letter you receivedYou should sayWhen you received itWho sent itWhat it was aboutAnd explain why it is so important范文:Well, as for me an important l etter I got shoul d be the one about my admission to university. I was so exciting when I knew I was accepted into my University last August not soon after I had just finished my exam.and I was watching TV.I really thought I had not passed. I was quite d epressed and d ecid ed to forget it. Then one day my mother came in with the mail telling me I had passed and had been accepted, but I didn't believe her. The next day I phoned all my friends.I guess the reason I felt it important was because I really wanted to make my l oved ones proud, and make myself confid ent.So when I found out that I'd passed, I felt this immediate burst of relief. And the l etter has taught me to realize that sometimes you win and sometimes you l ose. But if you work hard you can always be sure you tried your best and that you have nothing to worry about.A movie or book about the futureDescribe a movie/book about the futureYou should sayWhat it isWhen you watched/read itWhat is special about itAnd explain why it attracts you范文:I am a fan of movies and whenever I’m free I would like to go to cinema. I’ve seen many movies and one of them that impressed me is called 2012 a movie about the future I watched last year. The movie teaches our human beings the extreme importance of environmental protection with eye-catching pictures and breath-taking scenes.It told how our earth was destroyed due to human’s destruction. When viewing the movie, I was totally moved because the impressing message it tended to convey to human being. The movie told us if we didn’t raise our awareness of environmental protection and stop our destructive activities to our motherland, our earth one day may disappear and even impose endless disasters on our humans.A Sport Event (将范文中的第一句介绍语中的sports match 改为sports event)Describe a sporting event you have never been to but would like to go to and watch. You should say:what it iswhat happens at this event。



雅思考试写作G类考题回顾朗阁海外考试研究中心尧亿丛Task 1考试日期:2013.04.06类别道歉信题目Write an apology letter to a friend from overseas that it will be impossible for him or her to stay with you. In the letter, you should:1 tell why it is not possible2 give him alternative choice to live3 invite him or her to come in the future题目翻译写一封道歉信,一个国外的朋友将来到你所在的国家,但是你不能和他/她呆在一起。

写作指导1)首先表达自己的歉意,请求原谅2)阐述你不能和他/她呆在一起的原因3)提出一些补救措施,或者建议4)再次表达自己的歉意重点表达I’m writing to you to …As soon as you …please give me a call题目评价难度一般推荐练习道歉信近期考试趋势友情信,申请信,告知信为复习重点。

Task 2考试日期:2013.04.06类别教育类题目Some people think that things learnt at school are not as useful, and there are importantskills to learn outside school. Do you agree or disagree?题目翻译有些人认为,在学校里学到的东西没有用,在校外有更重要的技能需要学。

你是否同意?写作指导半支持半反对1)改写题目,表明自己的观点2)在学校学到的东西有用a. 学到的专业技能,工作技能b. 学会如何与同学/老师相处,将来与同事相处3)校外的技能也有用a. 能够获得实际的工作经验b. 能学到处理突发事情的能力4)结尾,重申自己的观点重点表达Acquire knowledge; how to communicate with; interpersonal skills; work skills; gainwork experience; deal with problems题目评价难度一般推荐练习Some people think the key for a person to succeed is irrelevant to the knowledge that hegets in school. Do you agree or disagree?近期考试趋势教育类,社会类是考试的重点。



04月06日版本一:南通学校考试科目难度类别机经版本号新题背景雅思听力一般四旧(但问题和答案都有改变)V08114S1 V113S2V100805S3V003S4(预测补丁)无Section1背景:一男一女在聊Online shopping, 两人各自想买一些东西,女孩儿不知道如何付款。

然后两人还聊了有关job application的事项。

1-5题答案(填空题):1:女人想在online shop上买什么:Clothes2:男人想在online shop上买什么:sport equipments3:女人不知道如何:pay4:男人和女人约在哪一天?:Saturday5:那个女人可以帮男人有关:letter on job application6-10题答案(选择题):6:男人喜欢上网的原因:C. A lot of choice. A选项说花费少,B选项是节约时间。

7:女人觉得网上购物不好的地方:A. Poor quality B. Instructions are Confused. C. The payment system is unsafe.8:男人讲关于网上买CD的好处:B. (CDs) from other countries are available9:女人想要online shopping的时候提供:a phone number10:男人说在网上买一些东西必须注意:B. Fresh products(FOOD)Section2场景是house renting11-14单选11:Weekly rent选B250欧元12:What did city open to attract tourists?选:people are friendly13: Which school was recommended in teaching foreign language?选:C15-20 搭配15. Switch Street选:A. near workplace16. King Street选:B. good value17. …选B. three bedrooms18. Bridge Steet选:very quiet19 …选:with a garden20. Bus Station选:underground car parkingSection3场景内容是一个女生要求换课程,谈论学习中遇到的问题及解决方法21-24信息填空:21. Original course: Politics22. 开始时间:last September23. 想换课程:Journalism24. 想换课程:Business Studies25-28表格填空:Problem Solutions25. lectures are too difficult 女生采用录音的方式,已经起到一定的作用26. 老师建议她参加discussion group27. not enough tutorials——Bad assignments do more background reading28. seek for help from Student Service29-30单句填空:29. 预约下次见面的时间:Feb 730. 找Senior Adviser做反馈Section 4场景内容是About a report on a small town near Sydney.31. The town’s major business used to be carbon mining.32. training for fishing lesson33. for members of the club34. The most popular summer activity is horse riding.35. time manager36. location: south of the city37. use an annual festival to attract people38. radio39. update website for the town40. offer bus service and transports service考试科目难度类别机经版本号新题背景社会发展问题类雅思阅读一般两旧一新Passage 1 Radio Automation 收音机制作(可参考阅读真题V070602的P1)题型:Flow Charts Compeltion & Summary & Multiple Choices文章内容及相关答案:文章主要讲生产radio的automation,先是说某人为了省cost设计了一个自动的机器什么的,之后介绍生产过程,然后讲实际应用的问题.有一个流程图要填,是制作radio的过程图示第一给出的单词中有Bakelite(酚醛塑料),之后有两个(enter)的地方,是分别填两个stop后的内容,图示最后一空是_and_.Flow Charts Compeltion:制作radio的流程图,生词较多.(primitive) chip,girt,milling machine,robot hands, loudspeaker,valves,Melton Zinc Summary:radio为什么被发明的: 1.因为cost太贵 2.因为有很多的components所以很麻烦,后来重量lighter后,运费也变便宜了.Multiple Choices:1. 刚推出这个自动系统,大家的反应如何?答案不详2.文章主旨:选an application of the automation in the early stage第二篇厄尔尼诺与海鸟El Nino题型: Matching & T/F/NG & Multiple Choice文章内容:讲的是什么是厄尔诺现象,厄尔尼诺对海洋生物的影响。



2013年4月6日雅思听力考题回顾2013年4月6日雅思听力考题回顾来源:朗阁培训中心编辑:xm 发布日期:2013-04-12 摘要:厦门朗阁培训中心为烤鸭们整理了4月6日雅思口语考题回顾以及备考建议。

考试日期2013年4月6日总体评析§ 四旧:Section 1&2&3&4§ 有些内容机经和考生回忆并不相同,括号中为不同意见,考生可以结合起来关注一下Sectio n 1版本号场景题型V08114S1ShoppingCompletion /Multiple choice一句话简介讨论online shopping详细回忆重点词汇及扩展Section 2一句话简介详细回忆重点词汇及扩展复习租房话题相关词汇。

Sectio n 3版本号场景题型V100805S3CourseChangeCompletion一句话简介换专业详细回忆一个女生到Students Service Centre要求换专业,填卡片。

21-24表格题:21.原先学习的课程是EconomicHistory23.想换专业的第一选择是Politics,这个课程比较热门(部分考生回忆是Journalism)22. lastSeptember开始上24.第二选择是Philosophy(部分考生回忆是Business Studies)25-28表格题,女生和老师探讨了下原课程中遇到的问题以及可能找到的对策:Problems Solutions25.问题一:lectures过于difficult 26.解决方案是讲课录音,参加discussion group(该部分考生不同意见较多:讲课录音record,女的建议review notes,男的说careful preparation,女的说learning support unit, reading之后女的说去schoolwebsite看when doing essay_______)27.问题二:do not have enough tutorial s 28.向Student Services寻求帮助问三:作业做得很差多做background reading29.下次预约时间February 1730.如果不在,找Senior Advisor重点词汇及扩展Section 3通篇填空题单词难度往往比Section 4要大,考生一定要好好背单词;补充有关学习、课程讨论相关场景话题,特别注意学科单词。



2013年4月雅思考试:雅思口语考前练习素材超全面Why would you like to go abroad?I would like to further my study in Britain. There are a lot of famous universities in Britain. World-renowned universities like Cambridge and Oxford are all in Britain. I believe I can receive first-class education in Britain. I don’t like the weather there.I would like to further my study in Britain for the reason that there are a lot of famous universities there, especially some world-renowned universities like Cambridge and Oxford. For this reason, I believe I can receive first-class education in Britain in spite of the fact that I hate the weather there.Are you a student or are you working now?I am a college student studying Business with the major in Finance, which is also the area I’d like to further study in Britain.What kinds of leisure activities are popular in China?Well, that’s quite an interesting question. Uh…how can I put it? Maybe I can put it this way.In truth I would have to say that it really depends.For young people like me, I guess the most popular leisure activity would be playing online games.Take the famous online game WOW as an example, as far as I know, the game has more than 20 million users in China.Whereas on the other hand, for the older generation like my parents, I assume their favorite pastime would be playing Mah-jong, because as you know, this traditional Chinese game is often regarded not only as a game but also a good way to socialize with family members or neighbors in China.What kinds of sports/physical activities are popular among college students in China?Well, that’s quite an interesting question. Uh…How can I put it? Maybe I can put it this way.In truth I would have to say that it really depends.For guys like me, I guess the most popular sports activity would be playing basketball.You know, in campus, if you play basketball really well, chances are that some pretty girls might be attracted to you and a case in point is that campus basketball stars always have the most attractive girlfriends.Whereas on the other hand, for girl students, I assume their favorite physical activity would be doing YOGA,because as you know, almost all the girls I know believe they are overweight and they regard YOGA as an excellent way to keep their body shape slim.Describe your idol.My idol is Jay. He is a Taiwanese pop singer and he has a lot of crazy fans all over Asia.My idol is Jay, who is a Taiwanese pop singer having huge number of die-hard fans all over Asia,whose songs are mostly written by himself.Can you tell me something about your grandparents?My grandfather is turning 86 this yearMy grandfather is retired and enjoying life at home.My grandfather, who is turning 86 this year, is retired and enjoying the life at home at the moment.My mother’s father passed away when I was only 2 years old, which means that I do not have a clear, distinct memory of him.Describe a day that is special to you.Valentine’s Day is the day I hate the most in a year, when Iam always surrounded by loneliness.At what age do people in your country get married?In China, most people tie the knot between the age 25 and 28, when both parts of the couple are generally financially capable and mentally ready for the marriage.Talk about a shopping center you are familiar with.For boys, there are shops highlighting football, where you can buy pillows with Manchester United and AC Milan’s emblem on them.There are also special shops featuring DIY, where you can do a range of things from hammering your own silver necklace to making soap and perfumes.Describe a sport star you like.(1). David Beckham is a football player. (2). David Beckham is famous for his handsomeness.(3). David Beckham is enjoying great popularity in China.David Beckham, who is famous for his handsomeness, is a football player enjoying great popularity in China.Describe a person who is controversialLu Yang is a super model. In China, she is regarded as ugly. But on the stage of the world, she is shining.Lu Yang, who is regarded as ugly in China, is a supermodel shining on the stage of the world.Do people take as much exercise as in the past?Most people are stressed out and no longer taking as much as exercise as in the past because they are facing the ever-increasing working pressure.Facing the ever-increasing working pressure, most people are stressed out and no longer taking as much exercise as in the past.Describe a kind of bird.Magpies enjoy great popularity in China because they are often regarded as the symbol of happiness in Chinese culture.Often regarded as the symbol of happiness in Chinese culture, magpies enjoy great popularity in China.Describe an embarrassing experience.Describe a city you have visited.There are numerous attractive scenic spots in Sydney, with the Sydney Opera being the most impressive in my opinion.Describe a band group that you like.I like a band group called May Day from Taiwan.Influenced by my sister, I started to be interested in a band group called May Day from Taiwan.Influenced by my sister, who is crazy about pop music, I started to be interested in a band group called May Day from Taiwan.Influenced by my sister, who is a crazy about pop music, I started to be interested in a group band called May Day from Taiwan, whose members are all passionate young men Influenced by my sister, who is a crazy about pop music, I started to be interested in a group band called May Day from Taiwan, whose members are all passionate young men, with one group member Nicknamed Monster being my favorite one.What’s your name?My Chinese name is Yu Weiguo, which was given by my grandfather, meaning a great and prosperous country in Chinese.Where are you from?I am a local resident in Shanghai, where I have been living since I was born.I am from Dalian, which is a coastal city in the north eastChina famous for seafood.Tell me about your hometown.Well, I think today’s Shanghai is totally different from what it was hundreds of years ago.In the past, Shanghai used to be a small village on the east coast of China whose incomes exclusively come from fishing.Nowadays, however, as one of the biggest cities in China, Shanghai has become the financial hub in the country and boasts for its convenient transportation and services.Well, as you can probably guess, I come from Beijing, where I have been living all my life. Although at the moment I am studying in another city-Tianjing.I suppose if I have to describe Beijing, the first thing I would say is that it is absolutely enormous, maybe even one of the biggest cities in Asia I guess. It is so big that even the locals have problems finding their way around.Another significant characteristic is that it offers examples of both classical and contemporary architecture. Actually some of the China’s most renowned landmarks like Forbidden City are ‘slap-bang’ in the middle of Beijing.Are you a student or are you working now?I am a senior majoring in Chinese in Shanghai University, which is also the school where current mayor of Shanghai graduated.What are you studying?Well, you know as a college student majoring in legal English, I have to study both English and law courses.For English courses, I study listening, speaking and translation courses, in which I believe I’m doing qui te well because I have been interested in English since I was kid.(In fact, representing my university, I took part in the national English speech contest and managed to finish the competition as the runner-up, which might be seen as a proof of my English level.) (To be more specific, I am quite confident of my pronunciation, which is commented as authentic British accent by my friends from UK.)Where in contrast, I must admit that my performance in law courses, which include international law and domestic law, is quite unsatisfactory due to the fact that I find it hard to make myself interested in this section, which is actually quite boring from what I see.Tell me about your job.OK then, I could start off by saying that I’m an English teacher in a secondary school.In fact, being a teacher always gives me a feeling of fulfillment for the simple reason that you would probably feel proud of yourself when your students achieve academic progress under your instruction.In addition to what I have just said, I can add that sometimes it is not an easy task to be a teacher, especially when you teach some naughty kids who simply don’t listen to what you say at all.This means that I will have to rack my brain to think of some ways to ‘take care of’ them.Do you like listening to music?Well to be quite honest, in general I would say that I’m totally mad about music, specifically RAP, which rocks me up whenever I listen to it.As well as this, I am also a fan of classical music, in particular some world class masterpieces by Mozart or Beethoven.Listening to the classical works, you feel like being indulged in a melody paradise.And only in such time would I feel fully relaxed from the heavy working stress.What kinds of restaurants are popular in your country?OK, certainly there are quite a range of widespread restaurants in China, with restaurants which serve Sichuan food enjoying the greatest popularity.I assume they are so popular because Sichuan food, which is often quite spicy, is to the Chinese people’s taste as well as economical.In fact, it is quite common that people have to stand in queue waiting for about 2 or 3 hours before they could guarantee a seat in some most ‘hot’ Sichuan restaurants in Shanghai.In addition, another kind of trendy restaurant would be Japanese restaurant.And the unique aspect of Japanese restaurant is that the food there is often served in an “all-you-can-eat” style, which means you can enjoy unlimited amount of delicious Sashimi, Sushi and etc as long as you have a big enough stomach.What is your favorite spare time activity?Well, in this case I think I have to say my answer really depends.Like for instance, if the weather is fine, I would probably invite my friends to have a cup of coffee in Starbucks, where we could chat over coffee and kill time.On the contrary, if it is raining outside, I would be happy to be a ‘couch potato’ watching American TV series like Prison Break, by doing so I can improve my English as well as get to know a lot about the United States.Is fast food popular in your country?Alright, I guess that on the one hand, fast food enjoys great popularity among young people and this is definitely the case when you see that majority of the customers in restaurants like KFC or McDonald are young guys of my age.But you also have to understand that to older generation like my parents, it is a totally different story for the reason that older people in China often prefer traditional food like chicken soup, which is more nutritious according to them.So on the whole, I suppose the answer has to be Yes and No.Do you get on well with your family members?Well, I guess on the one hand, I bound with my mother.It seems that I can always find something in common to talk with her, who is also a pretty talkative person like me.We almost talk about everything ranging from recent events to gossip news.While on the other hand, I have to admit that the connection bet ween my father and I doesn’t seem to be that close.I think this is mainly due to the fact that my father is a quite reserved person, which means he would prefer to conceal his feelings instead of speaking out.Would you like to be in a film?Well, quite h onestly I don’t think I’ve ever thought about that, but I guess I would probably consider playing a role in a film, especially when I had the chance to be a character in a Hollywood movie.You know, if I played a role in a Hollywood movie I would have the opportunity to get to know some world-famous movie stars like Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt, who have been my idol since I was a kid and chances are that my talent in acting might bediscovered by the professional talent scouts, which means I could be a superstar myself someday in the future.Describe a singer or musician that you admireWho the person isWhat type of music/songs he she plays/singsWhy you admire this personWhether this person is popular in your countrySo, to start with I will talk about who the person is, and the one I’d pick is Jay, who is a pop singer from Taiwan.Continuing then with the next point of what type of songs he sings, and what I need to emphasize here is that his music is an excellent mixture of modern pop music and traditional Chinese style, which is so unique that his music could be easily distinguished from other types of music.Progressing to the subject of why I admire him, I would like to explain that it is his versatile talent in music that deeply attracts me; you know, he writes most of his songs all by himself as well as being able to sing.As a final point, if time permits, I’d like to bring in the position of whether he is popular in China and I should say not only does he enjoy great popularity in China but also he has huge number of fans all over the world.Describe a successful businessman you admireWho the person isWhat makes him/her a good leader?Why you admire this personWhether this person has influenced youSo I suppose I should commence with the first aspect which is who the person is, and I’d probably select Jack Ma, the current director of .Regarding the theme of what makes him successful, and the thing that needs to be highlighted here is that his success should mostly be attributed to some priceless qualities he possesses such as entrepreneurship, leadership and the courage to take risks.This also explains the reason why I admire him, you know, he is a successful entrepreneur who started from the scratch.When he set up his company, all he had was a budget of 50,000 Yuan and merely 5 staff.Hard as the condition was, he managed to lead his team to achieve business success one after another just like the King Midas.To cut a long story short, as my very last point, with reference to the question of whether he has influenced me, I have to say so deeply has his legendary story influenced me that I have made up my mind to set up my own company after I graduate following his steps.Describe a public event you have attendedWhat the event wasWhen and where was the event held?What you felt about itWould you like to attend the same event again?Alright, in response to the first question of what the event was, and I’d have to go for the 5th Asian musical festival, which took place in Shanghai 2 years ago, when I took part in the event as an interpreter for the organizing committee throughout.Continuing then with the next point of what I felt about it, and what I need to emphasize here is that I have mixed feelings towards the festival.Obviously, there are lots of exciting aspectsEspecially when you realize that you can meet the super stars, who generally could be seen only on televisions, face to face.In addition, I have to say I also tasted a sense of hardship due to the fact that working as an interpreter for the organizing committee was extremely busy and tiring.Having interpreted and translated continuously for at least 12 hours a day, you inevitably feel exhausted, losing energy and motivation to keep working.And so finally then, if I have time, in answer to the question of whether I’d like to attend the same event again, really I should mention that tiring as attending the event might be, I would definitely participate in the festival again should I have the chance.Describe a person who is controversialYou should sayWho the person iswhat does he/she doWhy is he/she controversialwhat do you think of him/herWell, actually, when it comes to the topic of a controversial person, a lot of names would immediately come to my mind.Anyway, if I do have to choose a typical one, I guess I would have to pick a woman called Lu Yan.You know, Lu Yan, who is actually regarded as ugly by most Chinese people, is a supermodel shining on the stage of the world, which means her appearance is the main reason why she is controversial.You know, in the eyes of most Chinese people, girls like Lu Yan, who have big round face with small eyes, flat nose and thick lips are often labeled as the least popular type.On the contrary, astonishingly, judged by the appreciation of the aesthetics from the majority of westerners, she is purely a fair lady.I guess the major explanation for the controversy on her appearance lies in the different perceptions of beauty between the West and the East.According to most Chinese people, a truly gorgeous woman should have an oval face, long and thick eyelashes, willow leaf-shaped eyebrows, long black straight hair, slender legs and smooth skin.On the other hand, however, from the standards of many westerners, it is girls like Lu Yan that distinctively represents the typical image of eastern beauties, whose appearances are so different and convey a feeling of mystery, which I guess is highly appreciated by the people in western countries.Describe a website you have usedWhat the website isWhat you used it forHow you found about itWhether you have used other websites similar this one.Ok, then, I guess I could begin by saying something about what the website is, and I think I would have to choose , which is one of the most popular websites featuring news in China.Going on to my next point which is what I used it for, I really need to add that providing a range of news from global update to entertainment or sports news, the website really entitles me to the access to what is going on around the globe.For example, when the earth quake in Sichuan happened in May 12th, it was just through this website that I knew about thenatural disaster.And now with reference to how I found about it, the point I want to make here is that the website is actually so famous here that you simply don’t have to ‘find’ it.You know, just like in USA, it is a website that everyone knows.And so finally then, if I have time, in answer to the question of whether I have used other similar websites, really I should mention that I used to visit other similar websites like , which was actually established earlier than SINA, for checking news Hardly had been established when I immediately switched to the latter For the reason that the former one is obviously inferior to when it comes to the quality of the news.Are the ways in which people become famous nowadays the same way that people became famous 100 years ago?Well obviously there are a number of underlying differences here.However, I guess that the most significant would be that it is much easier for people today to become well-known than 100 years ago.I think this should mainly be attributed to the development of different types of media like the internet, which entitles people to be easily known by others all over the world. On the other hand, people living in the world one century ago would find it hard to be a celebrity due to the lack of efficient media.In addition, a second key distinction would be that contemporary people can be famous as long as you have certain unique characteristic.Say if you are extremely funny, or even ridiculous, chancesare that your unique attribute would be appreciated by a lot of people.And the fact that a woman nicknamed ‘Sister Lotus’, wh o is known for her extreme narcissism, enjoys great popularity among natives in China is a case in point.While on the other hand, 100 years ago, only the people who are distinguished in a certain aspect may be discovered and got to know by others.What is the difference between the way children and adults make friends?Obviously there are quite a lot of differences in the way kids and adults make friends, with the following two characteristics being the most evident from my point of view.Firstly, I think a major difference lies in the motive of making friends.Children tend to make friends purely out of intuition, which means the sole criteria for them is the so called ‘chemistry’ whilst for adults, often driven by a specific purpose; they tend to make friends with those people who could potentially benefit them.What’s more, I guess another distinct difference is the stability of the friendship.You know, children start their friendship with others very quickly, but they also tend to forget their friends easily.While I think for adults, they cherish their friendship more seriously for they are perfectly aware of what a significant role good interpersonal relationship plays in the contemporary world to achieve success.What are the advantages of spending time in a foreign country?Well I suppose that there are quite a few clear benefits.But it goes without saying that the most apparent would be that living in a foreign country helps us master the language there in a relatively short period of time.This is without doubt beneficial because surrounded by native speakers, one has a lot of chances to listen to and speak the language, so I guess big progress could be easily made.At the same time a second bonus might be that you can travel throughout the country you live in.This is definitely valuable since by doing so, you can have a taste of different culture and have your horizon broadened.What are the major problems related to using computers?Well, to be honest, there are indeed quite a few problems associated with using computers, with security risks obviously being the most prominent.You know, sometimes so vulnerable is your computer under attacks from hackers that it could potentially reveal your privacy.Actually, I think the recent case of Hong Kong star Edison’s erotic pictures being uploaded on the internet may serve as a convincing example.In addition, it is just due to using computers that some health problems are caused as well.You know, it is generally believed that computers release a kind of radiation, which deteriorates people’s immune systems, leading to terrible diseases including cancer.What is your opinion on one child policy?Generally speaking, I think one child policy could be regarded either as a blessing or a curse.For the positive side, the practice is definitely beneficial for the control of the population in China, which is estimated to haveexceeded 1.4 billion.For the negative side, spoiled by the parents, the only child in a family is likely to lose certain crucial qualities they should have possessed.For example, they tend to be more dependent on their parents and often lack of practical hands-on abilities.What do you think ‘real love’ means?Well, that’s a difficult question, especially for someone who has never actually been in love like me.I think the concept of ‘real love’, or ‘true love’ has various meanings to different people.Some people might define it as a kind of mania in which people indulge in.From what I see, however, real love means not only a pleasure, not also loyalty and obligation, which indicates that so indispensable does a person mean to you that you are willing to sacrifice everything you have for his or her well being.What problems are associated with overcrowded cities?This issue is weighed down with a few problems.Essentially, one fundamental concern is probably the overcrowded population in a city is likely to contribute to high unemployment rate.This is clearly alarming because it is evident that the more people there are in a city, the more difficult it is to find a job.Additionally, another major cause for concern has to be the fact that the over population tends to result in more traffic jams.And the underlying repercussion of this is that people would have to spend much more time on traveling between home and company.What are the solutions to this problem?In my view we could go about this in a number of ways.In reaction to the initial issue, the most effective way to get to the root of the problem would be that the government should provide some skill training courses to the unemployed to help them improve the professional skills and find a decent job.Taking on the second problem, the most successful way to confront this would be to restrict the use of private cars by the means like raising the prices of license plates or something like that, which I think is a great way to relieve the problem to a certain extent.Describe a TV programWhat the name of the program isWhen you watched itWhat it talked aboutWhy you like this programI guess I could begin by saying something about the name of the program, and I think I would have to choose The Apprentice, which is an American reality show held by real estate tycoon Donald Trump, featuring business competition.Going on to my next point which is when I watched it, I really need to add that it was just in this summer vacation that I watched the latest season of the show.And now with reference to the content of the program, the point I want to make here is that the show is actually a com petition testing the candidates’ practical business skills, in which 20 candidates would be divided randomly into 2 teams competing each other, with one candidate in the losing team being ‘fired’ by Donald Trump due to the worst performance or the least contribution in each episode.And so finally then, if I have time, in answer to the questionof why I like this program, really I should mention that I do have learned a lot, from which you learn authentic English expressions as well as business skills.What influence do TV programs have on children and older people?Well, obviously TV programs have varied influence on children and older people.For children, it is just through TV programs that kids, who have limited access to the society, get to know about the outside world.。



大作文:100 years ago, human race believed we would make continuous progress in all areas of life. Today, some people feel less certain about this. Which areas of progress has human race made? Which areas haven't we developed?相关题目分析:今天的题目和2009.05.21的题目完全相同,其实也是2周前即2013.03.23刚刚考过的题目。


Technological progress in the past century has its negative effect, despite its remarkable contribution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2013.3.23Scientific progress influences our daily life greatly. Do you think this is a positive or negative development? 10.02.27A hundred years ago, people thought that human race was steadily improving in every area of life. Now it seems this is not certain inthat situation. In which areas do you think we have made important progress nowadays? In which areas do you think we still need to make progress? 2009.05.212009.07.23 People are optimistic about 21st century and many of them think it a good opportunity to find positive changes in future. How do you think of their optimistic? What would you like to change in the 21st century?科技进步对中国人来说是绝对的好事,例如生活水平的提高,交流的便捷,交通发达,娱乐多元等等。



雅思考试阅读考题回顾朗阁海外考试研究中心王飞燕4. 根据划出的关键词去文中定位5. 对定位部分进行分析,选出答案选择题的做题步骤1. 阅读指令 (Instruction)这一步骤主要是针对多项选择而言的,单项选择题的指令几乎没有作用。



2. 阅读题干,划出定位词由于选择题考察细节的特点,故题干中的词往往能够提供定位3. 阅读选项,划出核心词在寻找正确答案之前,一定要事先通读选项,因为选项提供了对原文正确或者是错误的同义转换。


4. 找到相关句子段落,摆脱干扰找到答案这是做题的最后一个步骤,也是最重要的步骤。



一般说来,干扰项有如下几个类别:1) 数字陷阱选择题的特点便是选项进行深度的同义转换。




2) 相似陷阱同理,如果题目中出现的个别单词与原文中的用词一模一样,尤其是一些经常被同义替换掉的动词、形容词等,这个选项往往就是干扰选项。

3) 偷换概念陷阱有时候选项中虽然与文中有对应的词,但选项中偷换了关键性的成分(如谓语部分),使得答案错误。

4) 搭配不当陷阱这是最具有诱惑性的选项。




2013年4月6日雅思口语考题回顾D2013年4月6日雅思口语考题回顾来源:朗阁培训中心编辑:xm 发布日期:2013-04-12摘要:厦门朗阁培训中心为烤鸭们整理了4月6日雅思口语考题回顾以及备考建议。

考试日期:2013年4月6日Part 1考题总结考题总结: Your WorkWhat work do you do?Why did you choose to do that kind of work?Do many people in your country choose to do that type of work? What are your responsibilities atwork?popular subject to study in your country?What school/university do you attend?Why did you choose thatschool/university?Your HometownWhere did you grow up?What was it like when you were a child?Has it changed much?Would you say it was a good place to live?Your Home (Your Accommodation)Can you describe the placewhere you live?What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?Are the transport facilities to your home very good?Please describe the room you live in.Is there anything you don't like about the place where you live?EntertainmentWhat do you do for entertainment?What did you do for entertainment when you were a child?What do (other) people do for entertainment around where you live?(Similar to above) What do you friends do for entertainment? BagsWhat types of bags do you use? What do you put in these bags? Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?What sorts of bags do women like to buy?Do you have a bag for special occasions?The WeatherWhat's the weather like today? What kind of weather do you like (best)? (Why?)What sort of weather do you least like?What do you usually do during your favourite weather (orseason)?What's the weather (usually) like in your hometown?WeekendsWhat do you usually do on weekends (or, on the weekend)? Do you think employees should have to work on weekends?Are weekends important to you? How do you (usually) spend the weekend?ShoppingDo you like (going) shopping? (Why?/Why not?)(Similar to above) How do you feel about (going) shopping? (Similar to above) Do you like to go shopping? (Why?/Why not?) What do you think is the most difficult (or, unpleasant) part about shopping?Is there anything you don't like (or, dislike) about shopping? What don't you like aboutshopping?ColoursWhat was your favourite colour when you were a child?Is that still your favourite colour now?What colour is most popular among your friends?ConcertsWhat kind of music do you like to listen to?Have you ever been to a (live)concert?Or: Do you often go to concerts? Would you like to go to a concert in the future?What sorts of concerts do you have in your country?NamesWho gave you your name? Does your name have any particular (or, special) meaning? Do you like your name?Time ManagementHow do you organize your time? Do you think young people and older people organize their time in the same way?How do you manage your time?FriendsWhat do you do in your free time with your friends?Is friendship important to you? Do you prefer to spend time with friends or spend timealone?What kind of people do you liketo have as friends?Part 2&3考题总结A place you live in right now,house or flat?A person you always talk with?考题总结:a magazine you like to readA wild animal you knowA job you like to do in the futureA famous person you know in your countryA cafe in your hometownA parent you knowA sport eventA physical experimentA mathematics class you had inthe primary schoolA product you bought which you were unhappy withA message you receivedA vehicle you’d like to buyAn important plant in your countryA neighbor you knowA documentary movie you watchedAn advertisementA movie about a real person or eventA perfect vocation you hadA project you did with othersA game you played in your childhoodA skill you’ve learn from a family memberA language you’d like to learnA book you’d like to read again雅思口语趋势分析和备考指导从本次考试回忆来看难度一般,没有超出我们预测的范围。



为⼤家整理了2013年4⽉雅思真题:4⽉6⽇雅思⼝语真题,仅供参考!!2013年4⽉6⽇雅思⼝语考试回忆(共168条) 回忆1 南理⼯Room305,Part1,entertainment什么的balabala...Part2,sports event.part3,跟运动有关的电视节⽬什么的。

⽩⼈⼤叔抓着sports不放了,尼玛我不喜欢运动啊我不感兴趣啊然后就词穷了,你问我shopping不好啊⼝语铁定砸了,他⼀直笑,笑笑⾥藏⼑啊,求⼈品,不要死得太难看 回忆2 悉尼西悉尼⼤学考场应该有参考价值吧 P1:major, museum. P2: a plan u want to do in the future apart from study and work. P3: day to day plan, do we need plan for everything, why some dislike plan, plan and career, parents' influence 回忆3 杭州room317 unsatisfide 购物和蔼的爷爷!⼩范围命中! 回忆4 Room201,study or work, bag, healthP2参观过的花园 回忆5 杭州RM219 ⽩⼈⼥考官语速飞快⼝齿不清态度不耐烦各种打断我居然还发出冷笑!p1 amusement系列art系列dance系列bag系列postcard还有忘了好多 p2 合作项⽬。

p3系列问题顺便提⼀句对⾯218⽼头超好他房间各种学⽣缺考所以他在门⼝徘徊着玩还和⼀直我聊天让我relax! 回忆6 杭州315 P1 major/ weekend P2 sports event P3 popular sports in china /watch from TV?/girls' favorite sports 回忆7 杭州206,很nice的⼥的,part2⼀个家庭成员⾝上学习什么part3关于孩⼦教育问题,part2没讲完就被打断 回忆8 319光头可爱哥,part1 name part2equipment(not computer)还问了很多关于designer的问题。

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2013年4月6日雅思口语考题回顾来源:朗阁培训中心编辑:xm 发布日期:2013-04-12 摘要:厦门朗阁培训中心为烤鸭们整理了4月6日雅思口语考题回顾以及备考建议。

考试日期:2013年4月6日Part 1考题总结考题总结:Your WorkWhat work do you do?Why did you choose to do that kind of work?Do many people in your country choose to do that type of work? What are your responsibilities at work?Do you remember your first day at work?What did you do on your first day at work?Your StudiesWhat subject(s) are you studying?Why did you choose to study that? / Why did you choose to study those subjects?Do many students in your country study that subject?(Similar to above) Is that a popular subject to study in your country?What school/university do you attend?Why did you choose that school/university?Your HometownWhere did you grow up?What was it like when you were a child?Has it changed much?Would you say it was a good place to live?Your Home (Your Accommodation)Can you describe the place where you live?What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?Are the transport facilities to your home very good?Please describe the room you live in.Is there anything you don't like about the place where you live?EntertainmentWhat do you do for entertainment?What did you do for entertainment when you were a child?What do (other) people do for entertainment around where you live? (Similar to above) What do you friends do for entertainment? BagsWhat types of bags do you use?What do you put in these bags?Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?What sorts of bags do women like to buy?Do you have a bag for special occasions?The WeatherWhat's the weather like today?What kind of weather do you like (best)? (Why?)What sort of weather do you least like?What do you usually do during your favourite weather (or season)? What's the weather (usually) like in your hometown?WeekendsWhat do you usually do on weekends (or, on the weekend)?Do you think employees should have to work on weekends?Are weekends important to you?How do you (usually) spend the weekend?ShoppingDo you like (going) shopping? (Why?/Why not?)(Similar to above) How do you feel about (going) shopping? (Similar to above) Do you like to go shopping? (Why?/Why not?) What do you think is the most difficult (or, unpleasant) part about shopping?Is there anything you don't like (or, dislike) about shopping?What don't you like about shopping?ColoursWhat was your favourite colour when you were a child?Is that still your favourite colour now?What colour is most popular among your friends?ConcertsWhat kind of music do you like to listen to?Have you ever been to a (live) concert?Or: Do you often go to concerts?Would you like to go to a concert in the future?What sorts of concerts do you have in your country?NamesWho gave you your name?Does your name have any particular (or, special) meaning?Do you like your name?Time ManagementHow do you organize your time?Do you think young people and older people organize their time in the same way?How do you manage your time?FriendsWhat do you do in your free time with your friends?Is friendship important to you?Do you prefer to spend time with friends or spend time alone?What kind of people do you like to have as friends?Part 2&3考题总结考题总结:A place you live in right now, house or flat?A person you always talk with?a magazine you like to readA wild animal you knowA job you like to do in the futureA famous person you know in your countryA cafe in your hometownA parent you knowA sport eventA physical experimentA mathematics class you had in the primary school A product you bought which you were unhappy with A message you receivedA vehicle you’d like to buyAn important plant in your countryA neighbor you knowA documentary movie you watchedAn advertisementA movie about a real person or eventA perfect vocation you hadA project you did with othersA game you played in your childhoodA skill you’ve learn from a family member A language you’d like to learnA book you’d like to read again雅思口语趋势分析和备考指导从本次考试回忆来看难度一般,没有超出我们预测的范围。

但是,朗阁海外考试研究中心分析发现,在面对某些Part 2考题时,很多考生只能惆怅叹息,比如描述小学时候上的一节数学课,很多同学迷失在学习内容的描述上,认为很难说。


