



1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 Introduction1.3 Application2.0 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSThe followings are maximum values which, if exceed, may cause faulty operation or3.0 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 3.1Electrical Specifications4.0 OPTICAL SPECIFICATION4.1 OverviewNote :5.0INTERFACE CONNECTION.5.1 Electrical Interface Connection5.2 LVDS Interface (Tx; THC63LVDF83A or Equivalent)6.0 SIGNAL TIMING SPECIFICATION6.1 The HT150X02-100 is operated by the DE & H-Sync & V-Sync mode ( LVDS Transmitter Input )6.2 LVDS Rx Interface Timing ParameterThe specification of the LVDS Rx interface timing parameter is7.0 SIGNAL TIMING WAVEFORMS OF INTERFACE SIGNAL7.1 Sync Timing Waveforms7.3 Horizontal Timing Waveforms8.0 INPUT SIGNALS, BASIC DISPLAY COLORS & GRAY SCALE OF COLORS9.0 POWER SEQUENCETo prevent a latch-up or DC operation of the LCD module, the power on/off sequence10.0 MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS10.1 Dimensional Requirements11.0 RELIABLITY TESTPRODUCT GROUPTFT- LCD PRODUCTREV P0ISSUE DATE 2006.01.1712.0 HANDLING & CAUTIONS(1) Cautions when taking out the module Pick the pouch only, when taking out module from a shipping package. (2) Cautions for handling the module As the electrostatic discharges may break the LCD module, handle the LCD module with care. Peel a protection sheet off from the LCD panel surface as slowly as possible. As the LCD panel and back - light element are made from fragile glass material, impulse and pressure to the LCD module should be avoided. As the surface of the polarizer is very soft and easily scratched, use a soft dry cloth without chemicals for cleaning. Do not pull the interface connector in or out while the LCD module is operating. Put the module display side down on a flat horizontal plane. Handle connectors and cables with care. (3) Cautions for the operation When the module is operating, do not lose CLK, ENAB signals. If any one of these signals is lost, the LCD panel would be damaged. Obey the supply voltage sequence. If wrong sequence is applied, the module would be damaged. (4) Cautions for the atmosphere Dew drop atmosphere should be avoided. Do not store and/or operate the LCD module in a high temperature and/or humidity atmosphere. Storage in an electro-conductive polymer packing pouch and under relatively low temperature atmosphere is recommended. (5) Cautions for the module characteristics Do not apply fixed pattern data signal to the LCD module at product aging. Applying fixed pattern for a long time may cause image sticking. (6) Other cautions Do not disassemble and/or re-assemble LCD module. Do not re-adjust variable resistor or switch etc. When returning the module for repair or etc., Please pack the module not to be broken. We recommend to use the original shipping packages.SPEC. NUMBER B2006-C001-O(3/3)SPEC. TITLE HT150X02-100 Preliminary Product SpecificationPAGE 21 OF 28 A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPTFT- LCD PRODUCTREV P0ISSUE DATE 2006.01.1713.0 PRODUCT SERIAL NUMBERSPEC. NUMBER B2006-C001-O(3/3)SPEC. TITLE HT150X02-100 Preliminary Product SpecificationPAGE 22 OF 28 A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPTFT- LCD PRODUCTREV P0ISSUE DATE 2006.01.1714.0 Packing14.1 Packing OrderPut pads into the box.As shown in figure, place Modules bundled shielding bag in box.the the by theAfter sealing the box, attach Packing Label on the attach position sign area of the box.Place a cover on the top of the box.SPEC. NUMBER B2006-C001-O(3/3)SPEC. TITLE HT150X02-100 Preliminary Product SpecificationPAGE 23 OF 28 A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPTFT- LCD PRODUCTREV P0ISSUE DATE 2006.01.1714.2 Packing Note Box Dimension : 333mm(W) × 333mm(D) × 435mm(H) Package Quantity in one Box : 8pcs 14.3 Box label Label Size : 108 mm (L) × 56 mm (W) Contents Model : HT150X02 Q`ty : Module Q`ty in one box Serial No. : Box Serial No. See next page for detail description. Date : Packing Date FG Code : FG Code of ProductHT150X02- ### 00000000000008 2006.04.30.00 Type0 0 00 0 Grade Line Year Month0 00000 ITEM-CODE Serial_noFG CODESPEC. NUMBER B2006-C001-O(3/3)SPEC. TITLE HT150X02-100 Preliminary Product SpecificationPAGE 24 OF 28 A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPTFT- LCD PRODUCTREV P0ISSUE DATE 2006.01.1715.0 APPENDIXFigure 1. Measurement Set Up(L = 50cm )Figure 2. White Luminance and Uniformity Measurement Locations (5 points)102 512 92276384692SPEC. NUMBER B2006-C001-O(3/3)SPEC. TITLE HT150X02-100 Preliminary Product SpecificationPAGE 25 OF 28 A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPTFT- LCD PRODUCT Figure 3. Response Time TestingDisplay data White(TFT OFF) TR Optical Response 100% 90% Black(TFT ON)REV P0ISSUE DATE 2006.01.17White(TFT OFF) TF10% 0% TimeFigure 4. Cross Modulation Test DescriptionVIEW AREA VIEW AREA256,192 768,192 L31 256,576 768,576 YA (896,384) YB - YA YA L0 YB(896, 384)Cross-Talk (%) =× 100Where: YA = Initial luminance of measured area (cd/m2) YB = Subsequent luminance of measured area (cd/m2) The location measured will be exactly the same in both patternsSPEC. NUMBER B2006-C001-O(3/3)SPEC. TITLE HT150X02-100 Preliminary Product SpecificationPAGE 26 OF 28 A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPTFT- LCD PRODUCTREV P0ISSUE DATE 2006.01.17Figure 5. TFT-LCD Module Outline Dimensions (Front view)SPEC. NUMBER B2006-C001-O(3/3)SPEC. TITLE HT150X02-100 Preliminary Product SpecificationPAGE 27 OF 28 A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPTFT- LCD PRODUCTREV P0ISSUE DATE 2006.01.17Figure 6. TFT-LCD Module Outline Dimensions (Rear view)SPEC. NUMBER B2006-C001-O(3/3)SPEC. TITLE HT150X02-100 Preliminary Product SpecificationPAGE 28 OF 28 A4(210 X 297)。



150機車使用說明書前 言親愛的愛用者:承蒙選購光陽超級金牌150謹致萬分謝忱。















.目 錄1.安全駕駛注意事項11駕駛前檢查請詳細熟讀使用手冊及注意事項內容。







目录一、透盖零件的综述 (2)1.透盖的用途 (2)2.透盖的技术要求 (2)二、确定毛坯,毛坯简图 (4)1.选择毛坯 (4)2.确定毛坯的尺寸 (5)三、工艺路线的确定 (5)1.定位基准的选择 (5)1.1粗基准的选择 (5)1.2精基准的选择 (5)2.表面加工方法的确定 (5)3.加工阶段的划分 (6)4.工序的集中和分散 (6)5.加工工序顺序的安排 (7)6.确定工序路线 (8)四、机床设备及工艺装备的选用 (9)1.机床的选用 (9)2.工艺装备的选用 (9)五、设计总结 (9)一、透盖零件的综述1.透盖的用途透盖应用广泛,是非常重要的机械零件之一。












TH150里氏硬度仪 使用说明书时代集团公司北京时代润宝科技发展有限责任公司½öÓÃÓÚÆÀ¹À¡£°æȨËùÓÐ (c) by Foxit Software Company, 2004ÓÉ Foxit PDF Editor ±à¼-前言亲爱的用户,感谢您购买了我公司生产的时代TH150里氏硬度计,(以下简称“硬度计”)此硬度计为手持式检测仪器,采用D2型冲击装置和数据处理系统一体化的结构。



本硬度计符合以下标准:《里氏硬度计技术条件》 ZB N71 010-90《TH1系列里氏硬度计》 Q/HD SDJ004-2000目录1硬度计各部分名称 (3)2硬度计性能及应用 (3)2.2 主要技术参数 (3)2.3 主要功能 (4)2.4 拟合软件 (4)2.5 测试及换算范围 (5)3 里氏硬度测试原理 (5)3.1 基本原理 (5)3.2 冲击装置输出信号示意图 (5)3.3 里氏硬度计 (6)4 试件的预处理 (6)4.1 概述 (6)4.2 测试时试件的支承与耦合 (6)4.3 测试内外圆柱和内外球面时支承环的选择 (6)5 使用与操作 (6)5.1 启动 (6)5.2 设置测试参数 (7)5.3 进行测试 (8)5.4 检查测试结果 (8)5.5数据输出及打印 (8)5.6系统设置 (9)5.7存储空间管理 (10)5.8 背光使用 (10)5.9 附加说明 (10)5.10 故障排除 (10)6保养与维修 (11)6.1 冲击装置 (11)6.2 主机 (11)6.3 维修 (11)6.4 检定 (11)2 硬度计性能及应用本硬度计是一种先进的手持式硬度测试仪器。






图1 轴承盖零件图1.2轴承盖的技术要求零件的材料为HT150,灰铸铁生产工艺简单,铸造性能优良,但塑性较差、脆性高,不适合磨削,零件的主要技术要求分析如下:(1).由零件图可知,零件的底座底面、内孔、端面及轴承座的顶面有粗糙度要求,其余的表面精度要求并不高,也就是说其余的表面不需要加工,只需按照铸造时的精度即可。




表1 轴承盖零件技术要求表1.3 确定轴承盖生产类型已知此轴承盖零件的生产纲领为中批或大批生产,所以初步确定工艺安排为:加工过程划分阶段;工序适当集中;加工设备以通用设备为主,大量采用专用工装。

2轴承盖的机械加工工艺规程设计2.1确定毛坯、绘制毛坯图2.1.1 选择毛坯零件材料为HT150。






2.1.2 确定毛坯尺寸和机械加工余量参阅《机械制造技术基础课程设计指导书》表2-4,选用加工余量为RMA-H 级,并查表2.2-4确定各个加工面的铸件机械加工余量,铸件的分型面的选用及加工余量。

表2 轴承盖铸造毛坯尺寸公差及机械加工余量2.1.3 绘制轴承盖铸件毛坯图由表2所得结果,绘制毛坯图如图2所示。



---文档均为word文档,下载后可直接编辑使用亦可打印--- 摘要本文通过对灰铸铁阀体的铸造工艺方案的设计,包括浇注位置、分型面的选择,砂芯和各项铸造工艺参数的确定以及浇注系统、砂箱、芯盒、模板的设计。




关键词:阀体;铸造工艺设计;浇注系统;铸造工艺图.AbstractIn this paper, the casting process design of gray iron valve cover, including casting location, parting surface selection, sand core and casting process parameters determination and casting system, sand box, core box, template design. According to the characteristics of small castings, it is divided into four parts in one box, and the method of closed casting system is adopted. By analyzing the temperature field of solidification process and casting defects, the process was improved, and then the screen was drawn to analyze the casting process diagram and box diagram, and the data was materialized to effectively adjust the process parameters, reduce the possible casting loss and ensure the reliability of the process. Finally, a reasonable casting process plan was established.Key words: valve cover; Casting process design; Casting system; Casting process drawing.目录一绪论 (6)1.1概述 (7)1.2铸造行业的历史 (8)1.3国内铸造行业的现状 (8)1.4铸造工艺(技术)发展展望 (9)1.5本课题的研究内容 (10)二铸件结构的工艺性 (10)2.1零件的设计 (10)2.2铸造工艺对铸件结构的要求 (12)三铸造工艺方案的设计 (13)3.1造型和造芯方法的选择 (13)3.2浇注位置的确定 (14)3.3分型面的选择 (15)3.4砂箱中铸件的数量及排列方式 (16)四铸造工艺参数及砂芯的设计 (16)4.1铸造工艺参数的确定 (16)4.2砂芯的设计 (21)五浇注系统的设计 (22)5.1浇注系统类型的选择 (22)5.2浇注系统尺寸的确定 (22)5.3直浇道的设计 (25)5.4横浇道的设计 (25)5.5内浇道的设计 (26)5.6浇口杯的设计 (27)5.7冒口的设计 (27)5.8冷铁的设计 (27)六铸造工艺装备设计 (27)6.1模样的设计 (27)6.2模板的设计 (28)6.3芯盒的设计 (31)6.4砂箱的设计 (32)七铸件的落砂、清理及后处理 (35)7.1铸件的冷却 (35)7.2落砂 (35)7.3表面清理 (35)7.4铸件的矫形 (35)7.5铸件的缺陷修补 (36)7.6铸件的内应力消除 (36)结论与展望 (36)参考文献 (38)小结引言重力铸造是指金属液在地球重力作用下注入铸型的工艺,也称浇铸。

PCE-HT 150 硬度计 说明书

PCE-HT 150 硬度计 说明书

PCE Ibérica S.L.INDICE1. CARACTERÍSTICAS (3)2 ESPECIFICACIONES (3)3. DESCRIPCIONES DEL PANEL FRONTAL (4)4. PROCEDIMIENTO DE MEDICIÓN (4)5. COMPROBACIÓN DE LA CALIBRACIÓN (5)6. CAMBIO DE BATERÍAS (5)7. NOTA (5)1. CARACTERÍSTICASEl medidor está diseñado para determinar la dureza de penetración de materiales desde productos celulares a plásticos rígidos. Cada durómetro está realizado para una escale específica (es decir. A, C, D) y es capaz de producir un valor entre 0 y 100. El modelo Shore A está diseñado para medir la dureza de penetración de la goma, elastómeros y otros tipos de sustancias de goma como neopreno, silicona y vinilo. También se puede usar para plásticos blandos, fieltro, cuero y materiales similares. El modelo Shore C está diseñado para varias espumas y esponjas. El modelo Shore D está diseñado para Plásticos, Formica, Epoxi y Plexiglás. El medidor cumple los requisitos: DIN 53505, ISO 868, ISO 7619, ASTM D 2240, JIS K7215.Usa el exclusivo micro-ordenador con circuito LSI y base temporal de cristal para ofrecer una mayor precisión en la medición.La pantalla digital muestra lecturas exactas sin cabida para suposiciones o errores.Se puede usar con un PC para grabar, imprimir y analizar los datos a través del software y cable opcionales para el interfaz RS232C. Desconexión automática para ahorrar energía. Usando los accesorios opcionales puede conseguir mayor precisión debido a la fuerza de medición constante para eliminar errores causados por la fuerza ejercida artificialmente.2 ESPECIFICACIONES•Pantalla 4 dígitos, LCD de 10 mm•Rango 10~90 H(A, C, D)•Resolución 0.1•Desviación de la medición: error 1•Alimentación: 4 baterías de1.5v AA (UM-3)•Condición de uso: Temp. 0~50 Humedad <80%•Tamaño 162x65x28mm (6.4x2.6x1.1pulgadas)•Peso sobre 170g (sin baterías•PC interfaz: RS232C interfaz•Desconexión: 2 modos•Manual en cualquier momento presionando la tecla de conexión hasta que OFF aparezca en pantalla o automática después de 2 minutos desde la última operación.• Accesorios•Bolsa de transporte 1 pc.•Manual de Operación 1 ud.Bloque de prueba de 1 ud.•Accesorio opcional:Cable y el software para RS232C3. DESCRIPCIONES DEL PANEL FRONTAL3-1 Sensor de3-2 Pantalla3-3 Tecla multifunción3-4 Max mantener la tecla3-5 Tecla cero3.6 N / Promedio clave3-7 interfaz de RS232C3-8 Compartimiento de la batería / Tapa3-9 Indicador de Max. Valor3.10 Indicador de valor de la media3.11 Estado de valor medio3.12 Número de medicionesen el estado de valor medio de4. PROCEDIMIENTO DE MEDICIÓN4.1 Muestra de ensayoShore A: mínimo de espesor 6 mmShore D: mínimo de espesor 3 mmEl ensayo debe permitir que la medición se tome por lo menos a una distancia de 12 mm de cualquier filo.La superficie de la prueba debe ser lisa y paralela para permitir que la cara que presiona entre en contacto con la prueba en un área que debe tener un radio mínimo de 6mm desde la sonda del durómetroLa muestra debe estar construida con piezas laminadas para alcanzar el espesor requerido, sin embargo, las mediciones que se tomen en esa muestra pueden no coincidir con las que se toman en muestras sólidas, debido a que las caras de las superficies entre láminas no están en contacto total.4.2 Presione y suelte la teclapara encender el aparato.4.3 Presione la tecla 'MAX' hasta que aparezca MAX en la pantalla.4.4 Coloque el durómetro verticalmente con el punto que se quiere medir al menos a 12 mm de cualquier filo. Ponga el pie prensador a la muestra tan pronto como sea posible sin golpearlo y manteniendo el pie en posición paralela a la superficie de la muestra. Ejerza suficiente fuerza para conseguir un contacto firme entre el pie prensador y la muestra. Manténgalo durante uno o dos segundos, la lectura máxima se puede obtener automáticamente.4.5 Para obtener la siguiente medición, solo presione la tecla 'ZERO' y repita el punto 4.4. Por otro lado, puede presionar la tecla 'MAX' hasta que la marca MAX desaparezca de la pantalla. Después repita el paso 4.3 y Si se necesita otra lectura que no sea máxima, no es necesario que la marca MAX se muestre en la pantallaEn tal caso, la lectura en la pantalla es un valor instantáneo. Ponga el durómetro en un lugar sin movimiento y obtenga la lectura después del intervalo de tiempo requerido (normalmente menos de un segundo4.7 Como tomar un valor medio4.7.1 Para tomar el valor medio de numerosas mediciones, pulse y suelte la tecla 'N/AVE' hasta que 'N' aparezca en la pantalla seguido de un dígito entre 1-9 con el prefijo 'No'. El dígito es el número de mediciones usadas para calcular el valor medio. Cada vez que presione la tecla 'N/ AVE' el dígito se incrementará en 1 y este dígito será '1' cuando pulse la tecla 'N/AVE' en el nivel '9'.4.7.2 Ajuste el dígito al número que necesite, presione la tecla 'MAX' o 'ZERO' para volver al estado de medición o espere unos segundos hasta que '0' aparezca en pantalla.4.7.3 Tome las mediciones como se indica en los pasos 4.3 - 4.5. Asegúrese que cada test deberá tomarse a una distancia de 6 mm. Cada vez que tome una medición, la lectura y el número de mediciones se mostrarán en la pantalla. Cuando el número de mediciones es igual al número ajustado, la unidad mostrará la lectura del último, y después mostrará el valor medio de las últimas mediciones seguidas por dos pitidos con un símbolo 'AVE' indicado en la pantalla.4.7.4 Para tomar el próximo valor medio repita el paso Para salir de la medición de valor medio, presione la tecla 'N/AVE' hasta que 'N' desaparezca.5. COMPROBACIÓN DE LA CALIBRACIÓN5.1 Calibración ceroMantenga el durómetro en posición vertical en relación al puntote penetración suspendido en el aire, la lectura de la pantalla será. Si no, presione la tecla 'ZERO' para hacer que el indicador muestre '0'.5.2 Calibración del punto más alto5.2.1 Inserte el penetrador en el agujero del peso calibrado. Produzca suficientemente fuerza para tener un contacto firme entre la superficie del bloque de prueba y el pie prensador.5.2.2 La lectura deberá ser igual al valor que aparece en el bloque de prueba. Si no, realice una calibración más precisa.5.2.3 Presione la tecla y no la suelte hasta que 'CAL' aparezca en la pantalla. Repita el paso 5.2.1.Cuando la lectura interna sea estable, presione 'N/AVE' para volver a '0'. Repita el paso 5.2.1 y 5.2.3 hasta que el resultado sea correcto.6. CAMBIO DE BATERÍAS6.1 Cuando el símbolo de la batería aparezca en la pantalla, es el momento de cambiar las baterías.6.2 Deslice la tapa de la batería y retire las baterías del aparato.6.3 Ponga baterías nuevas prestando especial atención a la polaridad.7. NOTALecturas inferiores a 10HD para medidores tipo Shore D pueden ser inexactas para algunos materiales. La medición se deberá hacer con un modelo Shore A. Las lecturas superiores a 90HA para el tipo Shore A se deberán hacer con el modelo del durómetro Shore D.En esta dirección encontrarán una visión de la técnica de medición: esta dirección encontrarán un listado de los medidores: esta dirección encontrarán un listado de las balanzas: entregarnos el anemómetro para que nosotros nos deshagamos del mismo correctamente. Podremos reutilizarlo o entregarlo a una empresa de reciclaje cumpliendo así con la normativa vigente.WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE64249495。




Ironton 150 Watt Heavy-Duty Hot Knife 产品说明书

Ironton 150 Watt Heavy-Duty Hot Knife 产品说明书

150 WATT HEAVY-DUTY HOT KNIFEOWNER’S MANUALWARNING:Read carefully and understand all ASSEMBLY AND OPERATIONINSTRUCTIONS before operating. Failure to follow the safety rules and otherbasic safety precautions may result in serious personal injury.Thank you very much for choosing an Ironton product! For future reference, please complete the owner’s record below:Model: _______________ Purchase Date: _______________Save the receipt, warranty and these instructions. It is important that you read the entire manual to become familiar with this product before you begin using it.This machine is designed for certain applications only. The distributor cannot be responsible for issues arising from modification. We strongly recommend this machine not be modified and/or used for any application other than that for which it was designed. If you have any questions relative to a particular application, DO NOT use the machine until you have first contacted the distributor to determine if it can or should be performed on the product.For technical questions please call 1-800-222-5381.INTENDED USEIdeal for cutting foam nylon rope or other craft materials.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSVoltage: 120VFrequency: 60HzInput power: 150 WattsBlade length: 5 7/16 in.Max. temperature: 842°F (450°C)GENERAL SAFETY RULESWARNING: Read and understand all instructions. Failure to follow all instructions listed below may result in serious injury.CAUTION:Do not allow persons to operate or assemble this Hot Knife until they have read this manual and have developed a thorough understanding of how the Hot Knife works.WARNING:The warnings, cautions, and instructions discussed in this instruction manual cannot cover all possible conditions or situations that could occur. It must be understood by the operator that common sense and caution are factors which cannot be built into this product, but must be supplied by the operator.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSIMPORTANT SAFETY CONSIDERATIONSWORK AREA• Keep work area clean, free of clutter and well lit. Cluttered and dark work areas can cause accidents.• Do not use your tool where there is a risk of causing a fire or an explosion; e.g. in thepresence of flammable liquids, gasses, or dust. Power tools create sparks, which may ignite the dust or fumes.• Keep children and bystanders away while operating a Hot Knife. Distractions can cause you to lose control, so visitors should remain at a safe distance from the work area.• Be aware of all power lines, electrical circuits, water pipes and other mechanical hazards in your work area, particularly those hazards below the work surface hidden from the operator's view that may be unintentionally contacted and may cause personal harm or property damage.• Be alert of your surroundings. Using power tools in confined work areas may put youdangerously close to cutting tools and rotating parts.Electrical safetyWARNING:Always check to ensure the power supply corresponds to the voltage on the rating plate.• Do not abuse the cord. Never carry a portable tool by its power cord, or yank tool orextension cords from the receptacle. Keep power and extension cords away from heat, oil, sharp edges or moving parts. Replace damaged cords immediately. Damaged cords maycause a fire and increase the risk of electric shock.• Grounded tools must be plugged into an outlet properly installed and grounded in accordance with all codes and ordinances. Never remove the grounding prong or modify the plug in any way.Do not use any adapter plugs. Check with a qualified electrician if you are in doubt as to whether the outlet is properly grounded.• Double insulated tools are equipped with a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other). This plug will fit in a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not fit fully in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still doesn't fit, contact a qualified electrician to install a polarized outlet. Do not change the plug in any way.• Avoid body contact with grounded surfaces such as pipes, radiators, ranges, and refrigerators.There is an increase risk of electric shock if your body is grounded.• When operating a power tool outside, use an outdoor extension cord marked “W-A” or “W.”These cords are rated for outdoor use and reduce the risk of electric shock.• Extension Cord Use:A. Use only 'Listed' extension cords. If used outdoors, they must be marked “For Outdoor Use.”Those cords having 3-prong grounding type plugs and mating receptacles are to be used with grounded tools.B. Replace damaged or worn cords immediately.C. Check the nameplate rating of your tool. Use of improper size or gauge of extension cord may cause unsafe or inefficient operation of your tool. Be sure your extension cord is rated to allow sufficient current flow to the motor. For the proper wire gauge for your tool, see chart.CHART FOR MINIMUM WIRE SIZE OF EXTENSION CORD:Nameplate AMPS CORD LENGTH25’ 50’ 100’ 150’0-6 18 AWG 16 AWG 16 AWG 14 AWG6-10 18 AWG 16 AWG 14 AWG 12 AWG10-12 16 AWG 16 AWG 14 AWG 12 AWG12-16 14 AWG 12 AWG (NOT RECOMMENDED)If in doubt, use larger cord. Be sure to check voltage requirements of the tool to your incoming power source.• Do not expose power tools to rain or wet conditions.Water entering a power tool will increase the risk of electric shock.• Do not let your fingers touch the terminals of plug when installing to or removing from the outlet.• Ground fault circuit interrupters. If work area is not equipped with a permanently installed Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter outlet (GFCI), use a plug-in GFCI between power tool or extension cord and power receptacle.Personal Safety:• Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use common sense when operating a power tool. Do not use a power tool while you are tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol or medication.A moment of inattention while operating power tools may result in serious personal injury.• Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing, dangling objects, or jewelry. Keep your hair, clothing and gloves away from moving parts. Loose clothes, jewelry or long hair can be caught in moving parts.• Use safety apparel and equipment. Use safety goggles or safety glasses with side shields which comply with current national standards, or when needed, a face shield. Use as dust mask in dusty work conditions. This applies to all persons in the work area. Also use non-skid safety shoes, hardhat, gloves, dust collection systems, and hearing protection when appropriate.• Avoid accidental starting. Do not carry the power tool with your finger on the switch. Ensure the switch is in the off position before plugging tool into power outlet. In the event of a power failure, while a tool is being used, turn the switch off to prevent surprise starting when power is restored.• Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance at all times.• Remove adjusting keys or wrenches before connecting to the power supply or turning on the tool. A wrench or key that is left attached to a rotating part of the tool may result in personal injury.HOT KNIFE USE AND CARE•Do not modify the Hot Knife in any way. Unauthorized modification may impair the function and/or safety and could affect the life of the equipment. There are specific applications for which the Hot Knife was designed.•Always check of damaged or worn out parts before using the Hot Knife. Broken parts will affect the Hot Knife operation. Replace or repair damaged or worn parts immediately.•Store idle Hot Knife. When Hot Knife is not in use, store it in a secure place out of the reach of children. Inspect it for good working condition prior to storage and before reuse.•Maintain labels and nameplates on the Hot Knife. These carry important safety information. If unreadable or missing, contact the distributor for a replacement.•This Hot Knife can create heat up to approximately 840° Fahrenheit. Always keep fingers, hands, body, and clothing away from the heated components of this tool.•Avoid unintentional starting. Prepare to begin work before turning on the Hot Knife. Do not allow any objects (liquid or metal) to fall into the Heat Block holes of the tool. Doing so can cause short-circuiting and/or electric shock.•Do not lay the Hot Knife down on a flammable surface. Use and lay this tool on a fireproof work surface only.•Always keep multiple class ABC fire extinguishers nearby.•Use the Hot Knife in a well-ventilated area only.•Do not leave the Hot Knife unattended when it is plugged into an electrical outlet. Turn off the tool, and unplug it from its electrical outlet before leaving.•Allow the Hot Knife to completely cool before storing.•This product is not a toy. Keep it out of reach of children.•People with pacemakers should consult their physician(s) before use.Electromagnetic fields in close proximity to heart pacemaker could cause pacemakerinterference or pacemaker failure. In addition, people with pacemakers should:•Avoid operating alone.•Do not use with Power Switch (19) locked on.•Properly maintain and inspect to avoid electrical shock.•Any Power Cord (21) must be properly grounded. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) should also be implemented – it prevents sustained electrical shock.WARNING: Handling the Power Cord on this product will expose you to lead, a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer, and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling. (California Health & Safety Code § 25249.5, et seq.)•The warnings, precautions, and instructions discussed in this instruction manual cannot cover all possible conditions and situations that may occur. It must be understood by the operator that common sense and caution are factors that cannot be built into this product, but must besupplied by the operator.OPERATIONProduct Features:When unpacking, check to make sure that the item is intact and undamaged. If any parts are missing or broken, please call the distributor at 1-800-222-5381 as soon as possible.Operating Instructions:Read the ENTIRE IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION section at the beginning of this manual including all text under subheadings therein before set up or use of this product.WARNING: TO PREVENT SERIOUS INJURY FROM ACCIDENTAL OPERATION: Turn the Power Switch (19) of the tool to its “OFF” position and unplug the tool from its electrical outlet before performing any inspection, maintenance, or cleaning procedures.Adjust The Cutting Depth:• The cutting depth of the Hot Knife may be adjusted up to 3-3/4in. when using the Scale Bracket. To adjust the depth, loosen the two Clamping Screws (3). Pull out or retract the Scale Bracket to the desired cutting depth. Then retighten the two Clamping Screws. (See Figure A.)Work Area and Workpiece Set Up:• Designate a well-ventilated work area that is clean and well lit. The work area must not allow access by children or pets to prevent injury and distraction.• Route the Power Cord (21) along a safe route to reach the work area without creating a tripping hazard or exposing the Power Cord to possible damage. The Power Cord must reach the work area with enough extra length to allow free movement while working.• Avoid hazardous objects, such as nearb utility lines or foreign objects, that will present a hazard while working.General Operating Instructions• Plug the Power Cord Plug (21) into the nearest 120 Volt, grounded, electrical outlet.• Turn the Temperature Selector Knob (9) to the desired temperature. (See Figure A.) • 1-Level = 212° Fahrenheit• 2-Level = 302° Fahrenheit• 3-Level = 446° Fahrenheit• 4-Level = 680° Fahrenheit• 5-Level = 842° Fahrenheit• Press and hold the Power Switch (19) to heat up the Blade (2). The Blade will reach thepre-set operating temperature in about one minute and will remain at the temperature selected. Also, the Power ON Light (22) will illuminate during operation. (See Figure A.)• When the Blade (2) has reached the pre-set temperature, you may use the sharp edge of the Blade for line cutting or use the side of the Blade for wide groove cutting.• When pressure on the Power Switch (19) is released, power to the Blade (2) is cut off and the Blade will cool down gradually. (See Figure A.)WARNING: The residual heat on the Blade (2) takes several minutes to dissipate. Use caution while the Blade is still hot.• Unplug the Hot Knife from its electrical outlet.• Once the Hot Knife has completely cooled, store the tool in a clean, dry, and safe location out of reach of children and other unauthorized persons.MAINTENANCEMaintain your Hot Knife. It is recommended that the general condition of any Hot Knife be examined before it is used. Keep your Hot Knife in good repair by adopting a program of conscientious repair and maintenance. Have necessary repairs made by qualified service personnel.WARNING: TO PREVENT SERIOUS INJURY FROM ACCIDENTAL OPERATION:Turn the Power Switch (19) of the Hot Knife to its “OFF” position and unplug the tool from its electrical outlet before performing any inspection, maintenance, or cleaning procedures.TO PREVENT SERIOUS INJURY FROM TOOL FAILURE:Do not use damaged equipment. If abnormal noise or vibration occurs, have the problem corrected before further use.• BEFORE EACH USE, inspect the general condition of the Hot Knife. Check for loose screws, misalignment or binding of moving parts, cracked or broken parts, damaged electrical wiring, and any other condition that may affect its safe operation.• AFTER USE, clean external surfaces of the tool with clean cloth.WARNING: If the Power Cord (21) of this power tool is damaged, it must be replaced only by a qualified service technician.DIAGRAM AND PARTS LISTWARNINGSome dust created by power sanding, sawing, grinding, drilling, and other construction activities contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Some examples of these chemicals are: • lead from lead-based paints,• crystalline silica from bricks and cement and other masonry products, and • arsenic and chromium from chemically-treated lumber.Your risk from these exposures varies, depending on how often you do this type of work. To reduce your exposure to these chemicals: work in a well ventilated area, and work with approved safety equipment, such as those dust masks that are specially designed to filter out microscopic particles.NO. Part NameQT NO. Part NameQT 1 Scale Bracket1 12 Self Tapping Screw (ST3 x 14)3 2 Blade1 13 Housing (B) 1 3 Clamping Screw (M4 x 8)2 14 Sheath 1 4 Blade Bracket 1 15 Electric Wire 1 5 Nut with Cover (M4)2 16 Rubber Grip 1 6 Nut (M4) 2 17 On/Off Switch 1 7 Insulating Patch 1 18 Housing (A) 1 8 Heating Assembly 1 19 Power Switch 1 9 Temperature Selector Knob1 20 Rating Label2 10 Circuit Board1 21 Power Cord/Plug 1 11Pan Head Screw (M4 x 15)222Power ON Light1Page of 1111Distributed byNorthern Tool + Equipment Co., Inc.Burnsville, Minnesota 55306Made in China。






本硬度计符合以下标准:《里氏硬度计技术条件》ZB N71010-90《TH1系列里氏硬度计》Q/HD SDJ004-20001 2目录硬度计各部分名称.................................................................................................................................................... (33)硬度计性能及应用.................................................................................................................................................... (33)2.2主要技术参数 (3)2.3主要功能 (4)2.4拟合软件 (4)2.5测试及换算范围 (5)3里氏硬度测试原理........................................................................................................................................................ (55)3.1基本原理 (5)3.2冲击装置输出信号示意图 (5)3.3里氏硬度计 (6)4试件的预处理................................................................................................................................................................ (66)4.1概述 (6)4.2测试时试件的支承与耦合 (6)4.3测试内外圆柱和内外球面时支承环的选择 (6)5使用与操作.................................................................................................................................................................... (66)5.1启动 (6)5.2设置测试参数 (7)5.3进行测试 (8)5.4检查测试结果 (8)5.5数据输出及打印 (8)5.6系统设置 (9)5.7存储空间管理 (10)5.8背光使用 (10)5.9附加说明 (10)5.10故障排除 (10)6保养与维修.............................................................................................................................................................. (1111)6.1冲击装置 (11)6.2主机 (11)6.3维修 (11)6.4检定 (11)1硬度计各部分名称A向B向1支承环2冲击装置3主机4开关键5菜单键6选择键7确认键8视窗9释放键10电池仓11传输接口2硬度计性能及应用本硬度计是一种先进的手持式硬度测试仪器。

Heated Carts with TH15 顶部加热器说明书

Heated Carts with TH15 顶部加热器说明书

Heated Carts with TH15 Top Mount HeaterModels Include:PH188, PH1820, PH1840 with flush doorPH1835 with non-flush doorRECOMMENDED "TIPS" FOR CLEANING STAINLESS STEELPurpose Frequency Cleaning Agent Method of ApplicationRoutine DailySoap, ammonia detergent Sponge with cloth, rinse with clear water and wipe and waterSmears/ As Needed Vista, Stainless Shine or Rub with cloth as directed on package. Rub in directionfingerprints similar products of grain of stainless steel. Do not use on vinyl trim. Stubborn DailyHousehold cleaners or Apply with damp sponge or cloth. Rub in direction of polish spots and As NeededGoddards Stainless Steel lines. Rinse thoroughly after use, especially if cleaner stainsCare. Revere Stainless contains chlorine bleach. Do not use on vinyl trim.Cleaner or similar products.Hard waterDailyVinegarSwab with cloth. Rinse with water and wipe dry. spotsAs NeededCAUTION: Do not use steel wool pads as they will result in rusting from the ferrous metal in the pads.NOTE:This equipment has been designed and manufactured to meet aU applicable health and safety codes and will give years of dependable service if used properly. This cart should be thoroughly cleaned before it is used.Cleaning Instructions1. Before cleaning, unplug heating unit.2. Racks or shelves are easily removed without tools for cleaning. Simply lift up and pull out. The tray slides may be hand washed or run through an automatic washer.3. If applicable, vinyl trim or laminate should be washed with a chlorine-free detergent and water. Rinse thoroughly with clear water and allow to dry. Never use abrasive cleaners, waxes, car polish or substances containing strong aromatic solvents or alcohol. Caution: When using solvents, it isessential that proper precautionary measures be observed. Refer to solvent manufacturer's instructions. Use of direct steam/hot water cleaning at temperatures above 190°F may result in "bubbling" or loosening of vinyl adhesive. 4. To clean stainless steel surfaces use only cleansers, detergents, degreasers, or sanitizers that are certified to be "chloride-free" and "phosphate-free," and cleansers, degreasers, or sanitizers only in the recommended concentrations. DO NOT exceed recommendedconcentrations or mixing ratios. After cleaning and sanitizing, rinse all exposed surfaces thoroughly with large amounts of clean, clear water. Wipe off any standing liquid or residue from all surfaces, corners, or near edges,The heater should not be exposed to direct contact withWARNING water or cleaning sprays. Permanent damage to the electrical components will result.Cleansers, detergentsdegreasers, sanitizers, or bleaching agentsCAUTION that contain chlorides or phosphates will cause permanent damage to stainless steel products. The damage appears as pits, eruptions, voids, small boles, cracks, severe discol- oration, or dulling of the metal finish. Water with high chloride content can also damage stainless steel. If unsure of your water quality, we recommend you have it tested. THIS DAMAGE IS PERMANENT, COSTLY TO REPAIR, AND IS NOT COVERED BY THE WARRANTY.[A] THERMOMETER CALIBRATIONPlace an oven thermometer in the center of the cabinet. Turn heater on;turn thermostat to maximum setting and wait approximately 45 minutes. Open the door and check inside thermometer temperature. If recalibration is required, pry the plastic cover off the dial body and with a small flat blade screwdriver insert into the pointer as shown. Carefully turn the pointer with your finger to the correct setting. Be careful not to bend the pointer, it is very fragile.[B] THERMOSTAT CALIBRATIONIf additional heat range is required in the heating unit, unplug unit, remove black thermostat knob, insert small straight blade screwdriver into opening and turn limit control set screw counter clockwise one full turn. Replace thermostat knob and turn clockwise to reach new maximum temperature. Repeat this until desired temperature is reached. Each 1/4 turn of the calibration set screw will raise the element heating capacity by approximately 25-35T.If a reduction of heat is desired, turn limit control set screw clockwise one full turn. Hold the door open allowing unit to cool until inside temperature is below the temperature desired. Close the door and allow unit to rise to new maximum temperature. Repeat this until desired temperature is reached.2Heater/CabinetOperations1. Familiarize yourself with the heater controls.A. Dial Thermometer/Digital ThermometerB. On/Off SwitchC. White Indicator Light/Red Indicator LightD. Thermostat2. Plug heater into a proper power source. Remove water pan from interior of cabinet, fill halfway with warm water and return to cart.3. Turn power switch on. The fan motor will operate continuously. The white indicator light will cycle with the heat element.4. To pre-heat the cabinet, turn the thermostat to "7" and heat for 45 minutes. Be sure the cabinet door is closed securely.5. Food serving temperature will vary with the mass, type and quantity of food served. Set the thermostat for the desired hold setting. Clockwise to increase the temperature and counter-clockwise to decrease the temperature.6. During loading, the cabinet temperature will drop. Try not to move the cabinet right away; wait 10-15 minutes until the cabinet recovers air temperature.7. Be sure to remove the plug from the outlet and wind the cord on the cord bracket or push handle before moving the cart. Move the cart to the service area as quickly as possible.8. Upon reaching the serving area, unwind the power cord and reconnect the heater as quickly as possible. Wait 5-10 minutes (check the thermometer to see if the temperature is at the desired level). If not; adjust the thermostat as required.9. When removing items, start at the bottom and work to the top position This keeps food hotter and eliminates spillage on lower items.NOTE:This unit is designed/or HOLDING hot foods. To insure hest results, he sure your food containers and covers are at or above the desired holding temperature and the cabinet iscompletely pre-heated.[A] CASTERSSome casters are equipped with Zerk grease fittings so that they may be easily lubricated with a grease gun. Recommended lubrication is at least once every six months. Lubrication will be required more frequently if carts are cleaned with a hot water or steam cleaning system. Casters with special bearings are recommended for frequent cart wash or steam cleaning situations. [B] LATCH ESCheck frequently to insure that all door latches are secure. Latches may become "sticky" due to residue buildup from daily use and cleaning. Lubricate latches regularly with WD-40, silicone spray, graphite or other commercial lubricants for stainless steel products. Do not use oil. [C] PERIMETER BUMPERSIf applicable, vinyl which has been dislodged from the channel due to severe bumping or scraping can be pried back into place with a common screwdriver.Replacement PartsTH15 TOP MOUNT HEATER: PH188, 1820, 1840 WITH FLUSH MOUNT DOOR Part Number Description Part Number Description16500-8273 Heater Cover 18600-0046 HI-Limit (300° Auto Reset) 16500-8276 Control Panel 18616-0015 Dial Thermometer18314-0070 Water Pan18602-0055 Lighted On/Off Switch 120 Volt 18614-0320 Fan Motor - Dual Volt 18602-0056 Lighted On/Off Switch 220 Volt 18614-0321 Fan Blade18601-0070 Indicating Light 120 Volt 18614-0306 Fan Blade Housing18601-0080 Indicating Light 220 Volt 18612-0096 Heat Element 120 Volt/1500 Watt 18605-0010 Power Cord w/Plug 120 Volt 18612-0110 Heat Element 220 Volt/1500 Watt 18605-0015 Power Cord w/Plug 220 Volt 18600-0010 Thermostat16500-8266 Cord Wrap18608-0010Thermostat KnobWiring DiagramTOP MOUNT HEATERSFOR FLUSH MOUNT DOORS 11000-1262 120 VOLT____TOP MOUNT HEATERSWITH FLUSH DOOR MOUNT 11000-1312 220 VOLT_____3Maintenance InstructionsReplacement PartsTHIS TOP MOUNT HEATER: PH1835 WITH NON-FLUSH DOORPart NumberDescription Part Number Description16501-6685 Heater Cover 18608-0010 Thermostat Knob 16501-4832 Control Panel18616-0094 Transformer 18312-0153 Vinyl Control Panel Overlay 18616-0096 Digital Thermometer 18314-0070 Water Pan29037-9000 Red Thermometer Cover 18614-0320 Fan Motor - Dual Volt 18616-0097 Probe Assembly 18614-0321 Fan Blade18601-1150 Red Pilot Light 18614-0306 Fan Blade Housing 18602-0055 Lighted On/Off Switch 120 Volt 18614-0314 Cooling Fan 120 Volt 18602-0056 Lighted On/Off Switch 220 Volt 18614-0315 Cooling Fan 220 Volt18605-0010 Power Cord w/Plug 120 Volt 18600-0042 Cooling Fan Sensor (Snap Disc) 18605-0015 Power Cord w/Plug 220 Volt 18600-0046 HI-Limit (300° Auto Reset)16500-8266 Cord Wrap 18612-0096 Heat Element 120 Volt/1 500 Watt 29034-0028 High Temp Heater Gasket18612-0111Heat Element 208 Volt/1 500 Watt Heat Element 240 Volt/1 500 Watt* Contact factory wi t h your model and serial number forWiring DiagramTOP MOUNT HEATERSFOR NON-FLUSH DOOR MOUNT 11000-1258 120 VOLTTOP MOUNT HEATERSFOR NON-FLUSH DOOR MOUNT 11000-1259 220 VOLTSpecifications subject to change through product improvement and innovation. Printed in U.S.A.Since 1947, Foodservice Equipment That Delivers!!1551 McCormick Avenue, Mundelein, Illinois 60060 Tel. 1-800-323-9793 Fax No. (847) 367-8981 NOVEMBER 1997 18400-3013C SN/97P1342。

214号 HT-150操作规程

214号 HT-150操作规程

第 1 页共 4 页编号:CQTLCDC3H2078-2016











TH501洛氏硬度计通过ISO9001-2000国际质量管理体系认证执行标准:GB/T230.2北京时代之峰科技有限公司目录1. 注意事项2. 硬度计简介3. 硬度计的技术参数4. 硬度计的安装5. 面板键功能介绍6. 硬度计的正确使用7. 硬度计的保养及注意事项8. RS232接口9. 附件(装箱单)1 注意事项1.1 使用前应仔细阅读《使用说明书》, 详细了解硬度计的操作步骤及使用注意事项,避免由于使用不当而造成硬度计损坏或发生安全事故。

1.2 硬度计安装调试时请小心地卸去扎带和防震胶带。


1.3 硬度计各电器元件、开关插座安装位置严禁自行拆装,如果擅自拆装,将可能引发事故。

1.4 硬度计在施加或卸去试验力和试验力保荷过程中,不可转动变荷手轮,同时不准上升或下降试台。

1.5 本单位致力于提高硬度计的质量,不断更新结构,若使用说明书所述内容与硬度计结构略有不同,恕不另行通知,敬请原谅。

2 硬度计简介2.1 硬度是金属材料力学性能最常用的一个性能指标。


2.2 数显洛氏硬度计外形新颖、功能齐全、操作方便、显示清晰直观、性能稳定,是集机电于一体的高新技术产品,可进行洛氏硬度测试。

其主要功能如下:2.2.1 洛氏硬度全部标尺的选用;2.2.2 各硬度标尺之间的换算值;2.2.3 硬度测试保持时间的选择;2.2.4 年、月、日的修改;2.2.5 RS232串行通讯,供用户扩展功能。

2.2.6 本硬度计还具备储存功能,可浏览硬度测试页面。


3 硬度计的技术参数3.1 洛氏硬度试验力和标尺(表3-1)3.2 洛氏硬度示值允许误差(表3-2)表3-23.3 洛氏硬度试验标尺、压头、试验力及应用举例(表3-3)表3-33.4 电源电压:AC220V±5%;50HZ~ 60Hz3.5 延时控制:0~60秒可调3.6 被测试件允许最大高度:175mm3.7 压头中心到机壁最大距离:165mm3.8 硬度计净尺寸(长×宽×高): 525×215×700 (mm)3.9 硬度计重量约:78 kg4 硬度计的安装4.1 工作条件:4.1.1 在室温摄氏10~30度范围内;4.1.2 室内的相对湿度不大于65%;4.1.3 在无震动的环境中,周围无腐蚀性介质。


*使用三角脚架 测量同样是从他的后背部开始 而不是从 螺纹孔的中间部位开始的
按下 长度测量 按钮 2 长度测量标
测量时 请完全按下测量按钮 7 测量
志就会显示在显示屏的顶端 按照长度测量模式先后测量长度 宽度 和高度 三次测量结束后 体积值就会 自动计算出并且显示出来 个别测量值 即会显示在显示屏顶端 体积结果显示 在下端
距仪可以对位到指定的直线 激光束可以平行该直线 射出 见图 A 当关闭测距仪电源时 所有存在存储器中的数据会被 保存下来 然而 如果移出尾件 更换尾件或电池时 存储的数据将会丢失
紧凑尾件 17 可以减小测距仪的尺寸 他适于在平坦表面
更换尾件时 从两边按下尾件门锁 19 然后卸下尾件 插
入新尾件 测量时 测距仪会自动考虑不同尾件长度的不同 测量以 不同尾件的各自后背部作为起始测量点
浮标尺 3 可附在显示屏 8 外壳的左右两端 先用支架的较
进行远距离测量时特别需要三角脚架 室外作业时 测距
仪可以通过 1/4 螺纹孔 20 拧在照相机三角脚架上
产品元件号请查阅插页中的图示 1 持续测量按钮/最小 最大测量 2 长度测量按钮 3 浮标尺* 4 对准辅助 5 面积测量按钮 6 开关按钮 7 测量按钮 两步按钮分别为瞄准和测量 8 显示 9 显示灯按钮 10 显示激光束按钮 11 体积测量按钮 12 清除按钮 13 间接长度测量按钮
24 把手 25 铰链板 26 铰链板按钮 27 定位角 28 激光观察镜** 29 激光靶板** 30 防护套 *附件 附送 **可选购附件 不附送




1. Z308用于一般灰口铸铁的焊补,Z408/Z408A用于重要高强度灰口铸铁的焊补。
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