Toad for Oracle v11 安全管理功能指南




一、toad功能综述在oracle 应用程序的开发过程中,访问数据库对象和编写sql程序是一件乏味且耗费时间的工作,对数据库进行日常管理也是需要很多sql脚本才能完成的。

quest software为此提供了高效的oracle应用开发工具-toad(tools of oracle application developers)。





toad 主要具有如下特点:模式浏览:模式浏览功能可以让我们快速访问数据字典,浏览数据库中的表、索引、存储过程。

toad 提供对数据库的快速访问,使用极为方便,用户界面简洁,结构安排合理。




sql 编辑器:sql 编辑器的主要功能是编辑、运行和调整sql语句。

toad 的高级编辑窗口包括众多的特性来提高开发人员编写sql语句的产品化程度。


sql 编辑器包括一个编辑窗口和运行结果窗口,允许开发人员在编辑的过程中测试运行结果。


这个窗口可以处理大到4gb 的内容,对大的开发项目来说非常有用。


Toad For Oracle_安装指南_中文版

Toad For Oracle_安装指南_中文版
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详细信息 1 GHz 处理器 32 位 需 要 1 GB RAM 64 位 需 要 2 GB RAM 注:内存要求可能依以下情况而定:
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ORACLE开发工具TOAD 使用说明(MS平台,TOAD7.4)TOAD 意思是癞蛤蟆(蛤蟆虽然癞,但是工具很好使,呵呵),是常用的oracle开发工具之一,作为一个oracle的客户端,toad可以通过网络连接远程oracle数据库进行开发或者维护(一)安装toadtoad是免费的oracle开发工具,安装toad应该首先安装好需要连接的oracle数据库,7.4版本有13.5M 。










怎么配置网络服务名呢?第一步:操作系统开始菜单 程序第二部:打开配置助手下一步下一步第三步:填写要连接的数据库名称,本例是DBNAME下一步第四步:填写要连接数据库的主机名或者IP到这一步基本完成了配置,你可以选择测试,来考察以下你的网络服务名是否可以连到指定的oracle主机,向导提供默认的scott帐户,密码为tiger进行测试。

Toad for Oracle v11 SQL跟踪器功能指南

Toad for Oracle v11 SQL跟踪器功能指南

Toad for Oracle SQL Tracker功能指南
Quest Software
1.什么是SQL Tracker



SQL Tracker是Toad for Oracle的一个可以独立启动的附件工具,用于监控、收集客户端机器访问数据库的应用所发出的SQL语句。

在旧版本中称作SQL Monitoring。


2.SQL Tracker的使用

进入菜单“Database|Monitor|SQL Tracker”,显示下图:
SQL Tracker自动捕获所有本机器所有连接到数据库的会话。



个功能(Schema Browser中选择一张表),则:



Oracle ATG 一手指南版本 11.0说明书

Oracle ATG 一手指南版本 11.0说明书

Version 11.0Repository Guide Oracle ATGOne Main StreetCambridge, MA 02142USARepository GuideProduct version: 11.0Release date: 01-10-14Document identifier: AtgRepositoryGuide1402071827Copyright © 1997, 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable:U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are "commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at /pls/ topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.Access to Oracle Support: Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http:// /pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit /pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.Table of Contents1. Introduction (1)2. Repository API (3)Repository Architecture (4)Repository Items (4)Item Descriptors (5)MutableRepository (6)Core Repository API Elements (6)atg.repository.Repository (7)atg.repository.RepositoryView (7)atg.repository.RepositoryItem (8)atg.repository.MutableRepository (8)atg.repository.PropertiesChangedEvent (10)Cloning Repository Items (11)3. Repository Queries (13)Repository Query API (13)atg.repository.QueryBuilder (13)atg.repository.QueryOptions (14)Repository Query Examples (15)Repository Queries in the ATG Control Center (17)Repository Query Language (18)RQL Overview (18)Comparison Queries (19)Text Comparison Queries (19)Date and Timestamp Queries (20)Property of Property Queries (20)Logical Operators (20)Multi-Valued Property Queries (20)INCLUDES ITEM (21)IS NULL (21)COUNT (21)ALL (22)PROPERTY HINT (22)Full Text Search Queries (22)ID-based Queries (22)ORDER BY (23)RANGE (23)Parameters in Queries (24)Parameterized Field Queries (24)RQL Examples (25)RQL Grammar (25)4. SQL Repository Overview (27)5. SQL Repository Architecture (29)Repositories and Transactions (29)Managing Transactions (30)Repository Definition Files (31)Default Values and XML File Combination (32)SQL Repository Items (32)SQL Repository Item Descriptors (33)6. SQL Repository Data Models (35)Primary and Auxiliary Tables (35)id Property (35)Repository Guide iiiCompound Repository IDs (36)IdSpaces and the id Property (37)Database Sequences and Repository IDs (38)Auxiliary Tables (38)References Constraints (39)Properties and Database Columns (39)One-to-Many Relationships: Multi-Valued Properties (40)Operating on Multi-Valued Properties (42)Many-to-Many Relationships (42)Default Item Descriptor (43)Cascading Data Relationships (43)Cascade Insert (43)Cascade Update (44)Cascade Delete (44)Cascade Example (45)Item Descriptor Inheritance (46)Benefits of Item Descriptor Inheritance (47)Queries and Item Descriptor Inheritance (49)Item Descriptor Inheritance with the copy-from Attribute (49)Limitations of SQL Repository Inheritance (49)Derived Properties (50)Derivation Syntax (50)Override Properties (52)Properties Derived from the Same Item (52)Complex Derivations (52)Derivation Methods (53)Repository Items and Session Backup (56)7. SQL Repository Item Properties (59)Enumerated Properties (59)enumerated (60)enumerated String (61)Required Properties (62)Unique Properties (63)Date and Timestamp Properties (63)Last-Modified Properties (63)Null Properties (64)Grouping and Sorting Properties (64)Property Validation with a Property Editor Class (65)Maintaining Item Concurrency with the Version Property (66)Repository Items as Properties (67)Multiple Item Properties (68)Adding an Item to a Multi-Item Property (69)Querying Subproperties (70)Transient Properties (70)Assigning FeatureDescriptorValues with the <attribute> Tag (70)Attributes Used in the ACC (71)Linking between Repositories (72)SQL Types and Repository Data Types (72)User-Defined Property Types (73)Identifying a User-Defined Property Type (74)Using the property-type Attribute (74)Implementing a User-Defined Property Type (74)Property Conversion Methods (76)iv Repository GuideNull Values in User-Defined Property Types (76)User-Defined Properties and the ACC (76)User-Defined Property Type Examples (77)Property Fetching (79)Handling Large Database Columns (80)8. SQL Repository Queries (81)Repository Filtering (81)<rql-filter> (82)filterQuery and rqlFilterString Properties (83)Overriding RQL-Generated SQL (83)Parameterized Queries (84)Parameterized Query API (84)Query Types that Support Parameters (85)QueryCache and Parameterized Queries (85)Parameterized Query Example (85)Named Queries (87)Named Queries in an SQL Repository Definition File (87)Java Code Access to Named Queries (90)Text Search Queries (92)Simulating Text Search Queries (94)Wildcards in Queries (94)Not Queries and Null Values (95)Outer Joins (95)Table Ownership Issues (96)Constraints (97)Setting Ownership at the Repository Level (97)Unsupported Queries in the SQL Repository (97)9. Localizing SQL Repository Definitions (99)Defining a Resource Bundle (99)Localizing Properties (100)Localizing Enumerated Properties (100)10. SQL Repository Caching (103)Item and Query Caches (103)Item Caches (104)Query Caches (104)Caching Modes (104)Setting Caching Mode (105)Disabling Caching (105)Inherited Caching Modes (106)Simple Caching (106)Locked Caching (106)Prerequisites (106)ClientLockManager Component (107)ServerLockManager Component (107)Processing Lock Requests (109)Isolation Levels (110)Locking Exceptions (111)Resolving Lock Contention (111)Monitoring Lock Managers (112)Locking Scenarios and Workflows (113)Distributed Caching Modes (114)Simple versus Distributed Caching (114)Distributed Caching Mode Options (114)Repository Guide vDistributed TCP Caching (115)Distributed TCP Caching Setup (116)Restoring Subscriber Data (117)Invalidating Cached Items (117)Disabling Automatic Updates to das_gsa_subscriber (117)Distributed JMS Caching (118)Distributed JMS Caching Setup (118)Distributed Hybrid Caching (119)Distributed Hybrid Caching Setup (120)Distributed Hybrid Caching Initialization (123)Optimizing Performance (123)Monitoring Cache Manager Activity (124)Distributed External Caching (124)Cache Configuration (124)Query Cache Tuning (126)Item Cache Tuning: ATG Commerce (126)Cache Timeout (126)Monitoring Cache Usage (127)Weak Cache Hashtable (128)Caching by Repository IDs (129)Restoring Item Caches (129)Preloading Caches (130)Enabling Lazy Loading (131)Lazy Loading Settings (132)Integration with Batch Loading (133)Using Preloading Hints in Lazy-Loaded Queries (133)Cache Flushing (134)Flushing All Repository Caches (134)Flushing Item Caches (135)Flushing Query Caches (136)Cache Invalidation Service (136)Enabling the Cache Invalidator (136)Invoke the Cache Invalidator Manually (136)Use the Cache Invalidator with Distributed JMS Caching (137)11. External SQL Repository Caching (139)Choosing Repository Items for External Caching (139)Configuring Repository Items for External Caching (139)Cache Locality (140)Cache Modes for External Caching (141)External Caching and Cache Invalidation (142)External Caching and Cache Warming (142)External Cache Naming (143)External Caching Statistics (144)Batch Mode for External Caching (145)Enabling Batch Mode for External Caching (145)Repository Configuration for Batch Mode (146)12. Developing and Testing an SQL Repository (147)Adding Items (147)Adding Items with Composite IDs (148)Adding Items without Specifying IDs (148)Adding Items to Multi-Item Properties (149)Updating Items (149)Removing Items (150)vi Repository GuideRemoving References to Items (150)Querying Items (151)Importing and Exporting Items and DDLs (151)startSQLRepository (151)Requirements (152)Syntax (152)Exporting Repository Data (155)Importing Repository Data (155)Importing to a Versioned Repository (156)SQL Repository Test Example (157)Using Operation Tags in the Repository Administration Interface (158)Debug Levels (159)Modifying a Repository Definition (159)13. SQL Repository Reference (161)SQL Repository Definition Tag Reference (161)<!DOCTYTPE> (162)<gsa-template> (162)<header> (162)<item-descriptor> (163)<property> (168)<derivation> (173)<option> (173)<attribute> (174)<table> (175)<expression> (176)<rql-filter> (176)<named-query> (177)<rql-query> (177)<rql> (177)<param> (177)<sql-query> (177)<sql> (177)<input-parameter-types> (178)<returns> (178)<dependencies> (178)<transaction> (178)<rollback-transaction> (179)<add-item> (179)<update-item> (180)<remove-item> (180)<remove-all-items> (181)<query-items> (181)<print-item> (182)<set-property> (183)<import-items> (183)<export-items> (184)<load-items> (184)<dump-caches> (185)<print-ddl> (186)DTD for SQL Repository Definition Files (186)Sample SQL Repository Definition Files (192)Simple One-to-One (193)One-to-One with Auxiliary Table (194)Repository Guide viiOne-to-Many with an Array (195)One-to-Many with a Set (196)One-to-Many with a Map (197)One-to-Many Mapping to Other Repository Items (198)Ordered One-to-Many (199)Many-to-Many (200)Multi-Column Repository IDs (201)Configuring the SQL Repository Component (203)Registering a Content Repository (203)SQL Repository Component Properties (204)14. SQL Content Repositories (213)Setting Up an SQL Content Repository (213)Creating an SQL Content Repository Definition (214)Folder and Content Item Descriptors (214)Path and Item ID Attributes (215)Defining Content Item Descriptors (217)Content Attributes and Properties (217)Storing Content on a File System (218)Content Repository Example (218)Book Item Type Properties (219)Locating the Content with Path and Folder Properties (219)Book Example Repository Definition File (220)Book Example SQL Table Creation Statements (220)Adding Content to the Content Repository (221)Accessing Items in the Content Repository (221)Configuring an SQL Content Repository (222)15. Repository Loader (223)Repository Loader Architecture (223)Repository Loader Components (224)FileSystemMonitorScheduler (225)FileSystemMonitorService (225)LoaderManager (227)TypeMapper and TypeMappings (229)ContentHandlers (232)Repository Loader Administration (233)RLClient (234)Supplemental RLClient Parameters (234)Repository Loader Manifest (235)Manifest File Tags and Attributes (236)Importing Versioned Repository Data (236)Configuring the VersionedLoaderEventListener (237)Importing Targeters that Reference rules Files (240)Configuring TypeMapping Components for the PublishingFileRepository (241)Repository Loader Example (241)User Item Type (242)Item Pathnames (243)Type Mappings and Content Handlers (244)TypeMapper (244)xml2repository Schemas (245)Running the Repository Loader Example (245)16. Purging Repository Items (247)Selecting Repository Items (248)Related Conditions and Actions (249)viii Repository GuidePurge Statistics (249)Scheduling a Purge Operation (251)Stopping a Purge Operation (252)Asset Purge Error Handling (252)Throttling and Performance (252)Configuring Throttle Settings for an Asset Purge Function (252)Configuring the Thread Count for an Asset Purge Function (253)Using the Profile Asset Purge Function (253)Creating and Configuring an Asset Purge Function (254)Asset Purge Process Overview (255)Configuring Asset Condition Components (256)Configuring Related Condition Components (257)Configuring Related Action Components (260)Configuring Basic Purging Components (264)Configuring Additional Processing Components (267)Configuring the Asset Purge Pipeline (267)Configuring the Asset Purge User Interface (270)17. Repository Web Services (271)GetRepositoryItem Web Service (271)PerformRQLQuery Web Service (274)PerformRQLCountQuery Web Service (275)Repository Web Service Security (277)18. Composite Repositories (279)Use Example (279)Primary and Contributing Item Descriptors (279)Item Inheritance and Composite Repositories (280)Transient Properties and Composite Repositories (280)Non-Serializable Items and Composite Repositories (280)Property Derivation (281)Configuring a Composite Repository (281)Property Mappings (281)Excluding Properties (282)Link Methods (282)Creating Composite and Contributing Items (283)Missing Contributing Items (283)Configuring the Composite Repository Component (284)Composite Repository Queries (284)Composite Repository Caching (285)Composite Repository Definition Tag Reference (285)<composite-repository-template> (285)<header> (composite repository) (285)<item-descriptor> composite repository (286)<primary-item-descriptor> (287)<contributing-item-descriptor> (288)<attribute> composite repository (288)<property> composite repository (289)<primary-item-descriptor-link> (290)<link-via-id> (291)<link-via-property> (292)DTD for Composite Repository Definition Files (292)Sample Composite Repository Definition File (294)19. Secured Repositories (299)Features and Architecture (299)Repository Guide ixCreating a Secured Repository (301)Modify the Underlying Repository (301)Configure the Secured Repository Adapter Component (302)Register the Secured Repository Adapter Component (303)Create the Secured Repository Definition File (304)Secured Repository Example (305)Modify the SQL for the Repository Data Store (305)Modify the XML definition file (306)Define the Secured Repository Adapter’s Definition File (307)Configure a Secured Repository Adapter Component (308)Register the Repositories (309)ACL Syntax (309)Standard Access Rights (310)ACL Examples (310)Secured Repository Definition File Tag Reference (311)<secured-repository-template> (311)<item-descriptor> secured repository (311)<property> secured repository (312)<default-acl> (312)<descriptor-acl> (312)<owner-property> (313)<acl-property> (313)<creation-base-acl> (313)<creation-owner-acl-template> (314)<creation-group-acl-template> (314)DTD for Secured Repository Definition File (315)Performance Considerations (317)Exceptions Thrown by the Secured Repository (318)20. LDAP Repositories (319)Overview: Setting Up an LDAP Repository (320)LDAP Directory Primer (320)Hierarchical Tree Structure (321)LDAP Data Representation (321)Hierarchical Entry Types (322)Directory Schema (322)LDAP and JNDI (324)LDAP Sources (324)LDAP Repository Architecture (324)LDAP Repository Items and Repository IDs (325)Item Descriptors and LDAP Object Classes (325)Item Descriptor Hierarchies and Inheritance (327)Id and ObjectClasses Properties (328)Additional Property Tag Attributes (329)New Item Creation (330)Repository Views in the LDAP Repository (331)Repository View Definition (331)LDAP Repository View Example (332)LDAP Repository Queries (333)ID Matching Queries (333)Unsupported Queries in the LDAP Repository (334)Configuring LDAP Repository Components (334)/atg/adapter/ldap/LDAPRepository (335)/atg/adapter/ldap/InitialContextPool (336)x Repository Guide/atg/adapter/ldap/InitialContextEnvironment (337)/atg/adapter/ldap/LDAPItemCache (339)/atg/adapter/ldap/LDAPItemCacheAdapter (339)/atg/adapter/ldap/LDAPQueryCache (339)/atg/adapter/ldap/LDAPQueryCacheAdapter (340)LDAP Password Encryption (340)LDAP Repository Definition Tag Reference (341)<!DOCTYPE>LDAP repository (341)<ldap-adapter-template> (342)<header>LDAP repository (342)<view> (342)<item-descriptor>LDAP repository (342)<id-property> (343)<object-classes-property> (344)<object-class> (345)<property>LDAP repository (345)<option>LDAP repository (347)<attribute>LDAP repository (347)<child-property> (348)<new-items> (349)<search-root> (350)Sample LDAP Repository Definition File (351)DTD for LDAP Repository Definition Files (352)Index (355)Repository Guide xixii Repository Guide1 Introduction 11IntroductionData access is a large part of most Internet applications. Oracle ATG Web Commerce Data Anywhere Architecture™ provides a unified view of content and data across a business for organizations and their customers. The core of the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Data Anywhere Architecture is the Repository API.Through the Repository API, you can employ a single approach to accessing disparate data types, including SQL databases, LDAP directories, content management systems, and file systems.With the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Data Anywhere, the application logic created by developers uses the same approach to interact with data regardless of the source of that data. One of the most powerful aspects of this architecture is that the source of the data is hidden behind the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Repository abstraction. It is easy to change from a relational data source to an LDAP directory as none of the application logic needs to change. After data is retrieved from a data source, it is transformed into an object-oriented representation. Manipulation of the data can be done using simple getPropertyValue and setPropertyValue methods. The Repository API ties in closely with Oracle ATG Web Commerce’s targeting APIs, so you can retrieve items from the repository based on a variety of targeting rules, as well as retrieving specific identified items.The figure below provides a high-level overview of the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Data Anywhere Architecture.Oracle ATG Web Commerce Data Anywhere Architecture offers several advantages over the standard data access methods such as Java Data Objects (JDO), Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), and Java Database Connectivity (JDBC).Among the differences:Data source independenceOracle ATG Web Commerce Data Anywhere Architecture provides access to relational database managementsystems, LDAP directories, and file systems using the same interfaces. This insulates application developersfrom schema changes and also storage mechanism. Data can even move from a relational database to an LDAPdirectory without requiring recoding. Java Data Objects support data source independence, but it is up tovendors to provide an LDAP implementation.Fewer lines of Java codeLess code leads to faster time-to-market and reduced maintenance cost. Persistent data types created withOracle ATG Web Commerce Data Anywhere are described in an XML file, with no Java code required.Unified view of all customer interactionsA unified view of customer data (gathered by web applications, call center applications, and ERP systems) can beprovided without copying data into a central data source. This unified view of customer data leads to a coherentand consistent customer experience.Maximum performanceIntelligent caching of data objects ensures excellent performance and timely, accurate results. The JDO and EJBstandards rely on a vendor implementation of caching that might not be available.Simplified transactional controlThe key to overall system performance is minimizing the impact of transactions while maintaining the integrityof your data. In addition to full Java Transaction API (JTA) support, Oracle ATG Web Commerce Data Anywherelets both page developers and software engineers control the scope of transactions with the same transactionalmodes—required, supports, never—used by EJB deployment engineers.Fine-grained access controlYou can control who has access to which data at the data type, data object, even down to the individualproperty with Access Control Lists (ACLs).Integration with ATG product suitesOracle ATG Web Commerce personalization, scenarios, commerce, portal, and content administrationapplications all make use of repositories for data access. A development team is free to use EJBs along sideof Oracle ATG Web Commerce technology, but the easiest way to leverage investment in Oracle ATG WebCommerce technology is to follow the example set by the solution sets. The Oracle ATG Web Commerce solutionsets satisfy all their data access needs with repositories.2 1 Introduction2Repository APIThe Oracle ATG Web Commerce Repository API (atg.repository.*) is the foundation of persistent objectstorage, user profiling, and content targeting in Oracle ATG Web Commerce products. A repository is a dataaccess layer that defines a generic representation of a data store. Application developers use this genericrepresentation to access data by using only interfaces such as Repository and RepositoryItem. Repositoriesaccess the underlying data storage device through a connector, which translates the request into whatever callsare needed to access that particular data store. Connectors for relational databases and LDAP directories areprovided out-of-the-box. Connectors use an open, published interface, so additional custom connectors can beadded if necessary.Developers use repositories to create, query, modify, and remove repository items. A repository item is likea JavaBean, but its properties are determined dynamically at runtime. From the developer’s perspective, theavailable properties in a particular repository item depend on the type of item they are working with. One itemmight represent the user profile (name, address, phone number), while another might represent the meta-dataassociated with a news article (author, keywords, synopsis).The purpose of the Repository interface system is to provide a unified perspective for data access. For example,developers can use targeting rules with the same syntax to find people or content.Applications that use only the Repository interfaces to access data can interface to any number of back-end datastores solely through configuration. Developers do not need to write a single interface or Java class to add a newpersistent data type to an applicationEach repository connects to a single data store, but multiple repositories can coexist within Oracle ATG WebCommerce products, where various applications and subsystems use different repositories or share the samerepository. Applications that use only the Repository API to access data can interface to any number of back-end data stores solely through configuration. For example, the security system can be directed to maintainits list of usernames and passwords in an SQL database by pointing the security system at an SQL repository.Later, the security system can be changed to use an LDAP directory by reconfiguring it to point to an LDAPrepository. Which repositories you use depends on the data access needs of your application, including thepossible requirement to access data in a legacy data store.The Oracle ATG Web Commerce platform includes the following models for repositories:•SQL repositories use Oracle ATG Web Commerce’s Generic SQL Adapter (GSA) connector to map betweenOracle ATG Web Commerce and the data in an SQL database. You can use an SQL repository to access content,user profiles, application security information, and more.•SQL profile repository, included in the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Personalization module, uses the GenericSQL Adapter connector to map user data that is contained in an SQL database. See the PersonalizationProgramming Guide.•LDAP Repositories (page 319) use the Oracle ATG Web Commerce LDAP connector to access user data in anLDAP directory. See the LDAP Repositories (page 319) chapter.•Composite Repositories (page 279) let you use multiple data stores as sources for a single repository.2 Repository API3。



Toad_for_OracleToad for Oracle是Oracle数据库管理工具中最受欢迎的工具之一、它提供了一些非常有用的功能,可以帮助开发人员更高效地管理和使用Oracle数据库。

以下是一些常用技巧和常见问题的解答,可以帮助您更好地使用Toad for Oracle。

常用技巧:1. 优化查询:Toad for Oracle提供了一些分析查询性能的工具,如执行计划分析器和查询优化向导。


2. 自动完成:Toad for Oracle的自动完成功能可以帮助您更快地编写SQL代码。


3. 代码调试:在Toad for Oracle中,您可以通过设置断点、单步执行和查看变量值等功能来调试PL/SQL代码。


4. 数据比较和同步:使用Toad for Oracle的数据比较和同步工具,您可以轻松比较数据库中的表、数据和结构的差异,并将这些差异同步到另一个数据库。












Toad 使用快速入门目录一.Toad功能综述二.系统需求三.安装指南四.快速入门1.Schema browser的用法简介2.SQL Editor的使用介绍3.Procedure Editor的用法介绍4.如何进行PLSQL的debug5.如何使用SQLab Xpert优化SQL6.如何使用SQL Modeler来编写查询7.如何使用Toad的DBA方面的功能一、Toad功能综述在Oracle应用程序的开发过程中,访问数据库对象和编写SQL程序是一件乏味且耗费时间的工作,对数据库进行日常管理也是需要很多SQL脚本才能完成的。

Quest Software 为此提供了高效的Oracle应用开发工具-Toad(Tools of Oracle Application Developers)。





Toad 主要具有如下特点:模式浏览:模式浏览功能可以让我们快速访问数据字典,浏览数据库中的表、索引、存储过程。

Toad 提供对数据库的快速访问,使用极为方便,用户界面简洁,结构安排合理。




SQL 编辑器:SQL 编辑器的主要功能是编辑、运行和调整SQL语句。

TOAD 的高级编辑窗口包括众多的特性来提高开发人员编写SQL语句的产品化程度。

例如,简单地生成代码模板,在编写SQL 前自动发现包的内容和列的名字等等。



toad for oracle 使用手册/a/db/oracle/2009/1020/2430_6.html#时间:2009-10-20 12:55来源:未知作者:admin 点击:408次目录一.Toad功能综述二.系统需求三.安装指南四.快速入门 1. Schema browser的用法简介 2. SQL Editor的使用介绍 3. Procedure Editor的用法介绍 4.如何进行PLSQL的debug 5.如何使用SQLab Xpert优化SQL 6.如何使用SQL Modeler来编写查询 7.目录一.Toad功能综述二.系统需求三.安装指南四.快速入门1. Schema browser的用法简介2. SQL Editor的使用介绍3. Procedure Editor的用法介绍4.如何进行PLSQL的debug5.如何使用SQLab Xpert优化SQL6.如何使用SQL Modeler来编写查询7.如何使用Toad的DBA方面的功能一、 Toad功能综述在Oracle应用程序的开发过程中,访问数据库对象和编写SQL程序是一件乏味且耗费时间的工作,对数据库进行日常管理也是需要很多SQL脚本才能完成的。

Quest Software为此提供了高效的Oracle应用开发工具-Toad(Tools of Oracle ApplicationDevelopers)。





Toad 主要具有如下特点:模式浏览:模式浏览功能可以让我们快速访问数据字典,浏览数据库中的表、索引、存储过程。

Toad for Oracle中文手册

Toad for Oracle中文手册

Toad™ for OracleQuest 虹天软件(北京)有限公司二零零六年八月测试版本目 录1.方案简介..................................................................................................................................4 2. TOAD™ FOR ORACLE.. (5)2.1. S CHEMA B ROSWER (6)2.2. SQL E DITOR (6)2.3. P ROCEDURE E DITOR (7)2.4. SQL M ODELER (8)2.5. F AST R EPORT (9)2.6. S CRIPT MANAGER (10)2.7. M ASTER /D ETAIL B ROWSER (10)2.8. C ONNECTION C OLOR -C ODING (11)3. TOAD™ FOR ORACLE PROFESSIONAL (11)3.1. PL/SQL D EBUGGER (12)3.2. C ODE P ROFILING (12)3.3. K NOWLEDGE X PERT ™ FOR PL/SQL (13)3.4. T EAM C ODING (14)3.5. C ODE X PERT (14)4. TOAD™ FOR ORACLE XPERT (15)4.1. SQL S CANNER (15)4.2. SQL I NSPECTOR (15)4.3. SQL O PTIMIZER (16)4.4. I NDEX E XPERT (19)4.5. C ROSS I NDEX A NALYSIS (19)4.6. O UTLINE M ANAGER (20)4.7. P LAN C HANGE A NALYZER (20)4.8. B EST P RACTICES ..............................................................................................................22 5. TOAD™ FOR ORACLE SUITE.. (22)5.1. DBA M ODULE (22)5.1.1. Database Monitor (22)5.1.2. Database Probe (23)5.1.3. Health Check (24)5.1.4. Instance Manager (24)5.1.5. Top Session Finder (25)5.1.6. Oracle Parameters (26)5.1.7. Session Browser (26)5.2. K NOWLEDGE X PERT ™ FOR O RACLE A DMINISTRATION (27)5.3. D ATA F ACTORY ™ D EVELOPER E DITION (27)5.4. B ENCHMARK F ACTORY ™ FOR D ATABASES (27)测试版本5.5. T OAD D ATA M ODELER™ (28)5.6. O RACLE E-B USINESS M ODULE (30)测试版本1. 方案简介Toad ――加速你的数据库设计、开发、测试和管理数据库的优异性能和高可用性源自于良好的数据库设计,Quest 软件公司为您提供了Toad Data Modeler ――一个专业的数据库设计管理工具,可以可视化的为各种数据库生成与维护实体关系图,是数据库开发人员的理想选择。

Toad 使用操作手册

Toad 使用操作手册

Toad 使用操作手册目录一.Toad功能综述二.系统需求三.安装指南四.快速入门1.Schema browser的用法简介2.SQL Editor的使用介绍3.Procedure Editor的用法介绍4.如何进行PLSQL的debug5.如何使用SQLab Xpert优化SQL6.如何使用SQL Modeler来编写查询7.如何使用Toad的DBA方面的功能一、Toad功能综述在Oracle应用程序的开发过程中,访问数据库对象和编写SQL程序是一件乏味且耗费时间的工作,对数据库进行日常管理也是需要很多SQL脚本才能完成的。

Quest Software 为此提供了高效的Oracle应用开发工具-Toad(Tools of Oracle Application Developers)。





Toad 主要具有如下特点:模式浏览:模式浏览功能可以让我们快速访问数据字典,浏览数据库中的表、索引、存储过程。

Toad 提供对数据库的快速访问,使用极为方便,用户界面简洁,结构安排合理。




SQL 编辑器:SQL 编辑器的主要功能是编辑、运行和调整SQL语句。

TOAD 的高级编辑窗口包括众多的特性来提高开发人员编写SQL语句的产品化程度。

例如,简单地生成代码模板,在编写SQL 前自动发现包的内容和列的名字等等。

Toad for Oracle标准操作指南(规范开发流程)v2.5

Toad for Oracle标准操作指南(规范开发流程)v2.5

Toad for Oracle标准操作指南(规范开发流程)Quest Software2012版本信息目录1序 (5)2开发流程剖析 (5)2.1标准开发流程描述 (5)2.2Toad推荐流程 (5)3标准操作指南 (7)3.1准备开发环境 (7)3.1.1准备 (7)3.1.2目的 (7)3.1.3操作 (7)3.2PL/SQL业务逻辑设计 (8)3.2.1准备 (8)3.2.2目的 (9)3.2.3操作 (9)3.3测试用例设计 (9)3.3.1准备 (9)3.3.2目的 (9)3.3.3操作 (10)3.4PL/SQL程序编写 (12)3.4.1准备 (12)3.4.2目的 (13)3.4.3操作 (13)3.5PL/SQL格式化 (14)3.5.1准备 (14)3.5.2目的 (14)3.5.3操作 (14)3.6PL/SQL编译 (16)3.6.1准备 (16)3.6.2目的 (16)3.6.3操作 (16)3.7PL/SQL代码规范性检查 (17)3.7.1准备 (17)3.7.2目的 (17)3.7.3操作 (17)3.8PL/SQL单元测试 (19)3.8.1准备 (19)3.8.2目的 (19)3.8.3操作 (19)3.9PL/SQL调试 (21)3.9.1准备 (21)3.9.2目的 (22)3.9.3操作 (22)3.10PL/SQL代码规范性第二次检查 (23)3.11PL/SQL代码性能检查 (23)3.11.1准备 (23)3.11.2目的 (23)3.11.3操作 (23)3.12PL/SQL性能优化 (24)3.12.1准备 (24)3.12.2目的 (24)3.12.3操作 (24)3.13SQL与PL/SQL代码可扩展性测试 (26)3.14数据库对象发布 (27)3.14.1准备 (27)3.14.2目的 (27)3.14.3操作 (27)1序通过实际案例描述Toad的标准操作,目的是使两个项目组的每一位开发者(包括测试者)都可以使用Toad完成所有常规操作。



ToadforOracle使⽤⽂档Toad®for Oracle版本 12.0.1发⾏说明30 July 2013⽬录欢迎使⽤ Toad for OracleToad for Oracle 为各种技能和经验⽔平的数据库专业⼈员提供了⼀种直观有效的⼯作⽅法,并且全⾯改善⼯作流程、效率和⽣产⼒。

有了 Toad for Oracle,您可以:通过可视化展⽰,理解数据库环境。

通过⾃动化和平滑的⼯作流程,轻松按期完成⼯作仅仅使⽤⼀个⼯具便可执⾏基本的开发和管理任务部署满⾜⽤户要求的⾼质量应⽤程序;在⽣产环境上性能可预测并且运⾏可靠验证数据库代码,以确保达到最佳可能的性能并遵守最佳实践标准轻松管理和共享项⽬、模板、脚本及更多Toad for Oracle 解决⽅案是为您⽽建的,也是由您建造的。

凭借逾 10 年的开发和来⾃不同社区(例如 Toad World)的反馈,Toad for Oracle 已经成为最强⼤和最实⽤的⼯具。

装机量超过 200 万的 Toad for Oracle 会继续成为数据库开发和管理的“事实”标准⼯具。

Toad for Oracle 版本Toad 所有商业版均捆绑了附加的 Quest 产品,依您购买的版本⽽定。

欲知您 Toad 版本及捆绑产品的详情,请参阅。

版本更新 (12.0)请审阅以下部分,了解本发⾏版本的新功能。

12.0.1 修补程序信息Toad 12.0.1 ⽀持 Oracle 12c;。


所有 Toad 版本在 Toad 12 中,以前只存在于 DB Admin Module 的这些功能,在 Toad 专业版中也可以使⽤:模式⽐较 - 同步脚本和模式定义⽂件模式的 HTML ⽂档⽣成器 – 模式的定义⽂件⽣成模式脚本借助 Toad for Oracle 12.0 提供的平滑⼯作流程节省时间借助可以查找功能和答案的“跳转”搜索、直接访问 Toad World ⽤户论坛、快速⽐较多个模式的功能、⽤于团队编码和版本控制的简化⼯作流程以及新的私⼈脚本存储库,可以更快地完成您的功能。



Toad for Oracle常用技巧与常见疑问解答Quest Software2012目录1Toad for Oracle (4)1.1相关疑问解答 (4)1.1.1如何快速查看对象属性? (4)1.1.2如何在调试(Debug)时查看输出参数? (5)1.1.3如何最大化Editor窗口?自动隐藏子窗口? (6)1.1.4如何在编辑器中不加Schema名称也能使用Code Assist功能? (8)1.1.5如何让装载的对象不显示Owner Name? (9)1.1.6调试(Debugger)打印输出需要每次配置 (10)1.1.7怎样自动Debug? (10)1.1.8调试(Debugger)中执行PL/SQL不是多线程 (11)1.1.9为什么编辑器中显示的代码格式与实际格式化不一致? (11)1.1.10在哪儿管理表空间? (11)1.1.11如何拷贝提取出来的数据? (12)1.1.12使用Oracle Instant Client怎样用Toad连接? (12)1.1.13怎样格式化代码? (13)1.1.14打开Schema Browser时为什么比较慢? (14)1.1.15怎样在编辑器的左侧显示对象列表? (15)1.1.16Tab页太多影响了桌面显示区域怎么办? (15)1.1.17为什么查看Explain Plan时出错? (17)1.1.18怎样快速编写Insert/update/select语句? (18)1.1.19怎样图形化编辑表中的数据或结果集中的数据? (18)1.1.20怎样显示或隐藏工具栏按钮? (19)1.1.21怎样转换SQL语句为其他语言格式? (20)1.1.22怎样在Toad中调用SQL*Plus? (20)1.1.23QSR是什么?有什么用? (21)1.1.24怎样控制数据提取的行数? (21)1.2小技巧 (23)1.2.1快捷键 (23)1.2.2修改字体 (24)1.2.3以颜色标识数据库连接 (25)1.2.4快速启动 (26)1.2.5多线程执行 (26)1.2.6只读数据库连接 (27)1.2.7自动连接数据库 (28)1.2.8与Schema Browser相关的小技巧 (28)1.2.9与Editor相关的小技巧 (31)1.2.10与Data Grid(数据表格)相关的小技巧 (37)最后修订日期:2012-03-31 1 Toad for Oracle1.1 相关疑问解答1.1.1如何快速查看对象属性?在代码编辑窗口,如果要查看数据库对象的定义,可以按下“Ctrl”键同时用鼠标点击对象名(此时对象名有下划线),会弹出Descript Objects窗口,比如查看表的字段等信息。

Toad for Oracle v11 命令行接口功能指南

Toad for Oracle v11 命令行接口功能指南

Toad for Oracle v11 Command Line功能指南Quest Software2012目录1命令行接口介绍 (3)2命令行语法 (3)2.1命令列表 (3)2.2举例 (5)3在命令行中运行Toad Apps/Toad Actions (6)3.1命令行语法 (6)3.2命令行参数 (6)3.2.1创建Action参数文件 (6)3.2.2例子 (6)3.2.3运行带有参数文件的action (7)3.3命令行中的连接 (7)3.4举例 (8)1命令行接口介绍几乎所有Toad中的操作都可以通过命令行toad.exe加参数的形式执行。



1)创建Toad Actions。

使用自动化任务可以创建Toad Apps/Toad Actions,以一定的顺序和较复杂的逻辑运行一批Toad功能。

Toad Apps不能和其他命令联合使用。

请参阅《Toad for Oracle v11 Automation Designer功能指南》。

注意,有些功能已经不能再通过命令行直接运行,而必须设计成Toad Apps/Toad Actions,然后再通过命令行接口调用。

包括:Data Import Wizard、Health Check、Schema Doc、Schema Compare等等。

在这些功能的界面左下方,都有按钮(Snapshot),点击此按钮可以直接生成Toad Apps。


2命令行语法2.1命令列表2.2举例3在命令行中运行Toad Apps/Toad Actions可以在命令行方式下运行Toad Apps或者Toad Actions而无需激活Toad软件自身。

3.1命令行语法使用 –a 参数并指定Toad Action或Toad App或一系列动作。

如果值指定action,则action名称必须在所有Toad Apps中唯一。

Toad 使用说明

Toad 使用说明

Toad 使用说明一.Toad功能综述二.系统需求三.安装指南四.快速入门1.Schema browser的用法简介2.SQ Editor的使用介绍3.Procedure Editor的用法介绍4.如何进行PLSQL的debug5.如何使用SQLab Xpert优化SQL6.如何使用SQ Modeler来编写查询7.如何使用Toad的DBA方面的功能一、 Toad功能综述Toad 是 Oracle 的第三方工具。

Toad 是Oracle应用开发工具(Tools of Oracle Application Developers,缩写:Toad)。

在 Oracle 应用程序的开发过程中,访问数据库对象和编写SQL程序是一件乏味且耗费时间的工作,对数据库进行日常管理也是需要很多SQL脚本才能完成的。

Quest Software为此提供了高效的Oracle应用开发工具-Toad(Tools of Oracle Application Developers)。

在Toad的新版本中,还加入了DBA模块,可以帮助DBA 完成许多日常管理工作。


使用 Toad,我们可以通过一个图形化的用户界面快速访问数据库,完成复杂的SQL和PL/SQL代码编辑和测试工作。


Toad 主要具有如下特点:1.模式浏览:模式浏览功能可以让我们快速访问数据字典,浏览数据库中的表、索引、存储过程。

Toad 提供对数据库的快速访问,使用极为方便,用户界面简洁,结构安排合理。


例如,当我们点一个数据库的表,所有和此表相关的索引、约束、存储过程、SQL 语句以及和其他表的相互引用关系都在同一界面显示出来。


Toad for Oracle v11 测试数据生成功能指南

Toad for Oracle v11 测试数据生成功能指南
8 Quest Software版权所有
Data Generation功能指南
删除重复数据的方法: 在Schema Browser上点击右键,选择“Data Duplicates” 。如下图:
用于判断重复的一个列或多个列,选中“Find dupes of selected columns” 。点击Tab页 “Duplicate Data (Summary)”查看重复数据;点击Tab页“Duplicate Data (Editable)”可修 改重复的值。如下图:
Data Generation
Enable Constraints after Data 选中,则在生成数据之后,启用所有约束。注意,由于有 Generation 重复数据,所以主键/唯一键的使能可能会出错。请参阅 “数据生成的出错处理”一节。 Triggers 说明
Disable Triggers before Data 选中,则在生成数据之前,禁止表的触发器。因为是人工 Generation 生成测试数据,所以,一般地都禁止触发器。
Quest Software版权所有
Data Generation功能指南
1. 数据生成功能简介
在开发、测试环境下,通常我们都需要大量的数据用来测试 SQL语句的运行效率,有时也 用来测试业务的正确性。 在Toad中提供了以下两种方式生成测试数据: 为一个或多个单表直接生成测试数据。对应Generate Data功能。生成的数据之间没 有太多关联。但可以选择主外键关系。 从一个库中某Schema导出部分数据(数据子集)到另一个库的Schema中。例如从 生产库导出部分数据到开发/测试库。这种情况下可以保持数据间的业务联系。
Quest Software版权所有

Toad for Oracle v11 代码规范化分析功能指南

Toad for Oracle v11 代码规范化分析功能指南

Toad for Oracle v11 Code Analysis功能指南Quest Software2012前言Toad for Oracle第11版于2011年9月底正式发布。

Toad for Oracle第11版极大地改进了代码分析能力。

老版本中的Code Xpert/Code Review,已经改名为Code Analysis。


Code Analysis是一个自动化的代码检查和分析工具。



从我们的经验看,Code Analysis是开发者/开发团队/开发中心最爱用、最有效的功能。

Code Analysis使用一系列的规则来评估代码(最新版中预定义了超过130个规则),开发团队或企业可以根据自己的实际情况设置各自的规则集。


Code Analysis既可以用于单个的开发者,也可以用在集中化管理的环境中。

Code Analysis对代码的评估使用了一系列指标。

包括但不限于以下三种:∙Computational Complexity (Halstead Volume)(计算复杂度)∙Cyclomatic Complexity (McCabe's)(圈复杂度)∙Maintainability Index (MI)(可维护指数)如果想知道以上软件评测指标的含义,请查阅互联网。

Code Analysis报告中也有很多详细信息供参考。


目录1在Editor中使用Code Analysis (4)1.1在编辑器中分析代码 (4)1.2描述规则冲突 (4)1.3改变规则集 (5)2在Code Analysis窗口中分析代码 (6)3在命令行中执行代码分析 (8)4创建和编辑规则集 (9)5编辑规则 (10)最后更新:2012-03-221在Editor中使用Code Analysis缺省地,在Editor(编辑器)中敲入代码时,Code Analysis实时自动检查代码是否违反了规则。



TOAD for Oracle工具使用(讲义)易拓华东事业部工程技术组目录一、安装Toad的注意点 3二、使用Toad —登录 (3)1.登录到Toad (3)2.开启新的连接 (4)3.创建新的连接 (5)4.由于连接所引起的报错 (8)三、使用Toad——数据紧急恢复 (9)四、使用Toad —执行SQL语句 (9)五、使用Toad —导出查询结果 (11)六、使用Toad —监控会话实时情况 (14)七、使用Toad —监控索引 (17)八、使用Toad —系统近期效能报告ASH (18)九、使用Toad —查看SQL执行计划 (21)十、使用Toad —查看各个数据库对象 (22)十一、使用Toad —查看表空间 (24)十二、使用Toad —数据库健康检查 (25)十三、使用Toad —对比表结构 (26)十四、Toad的秘密 (29)十五、绑定变量 (32)Toad&Oracle优化Toad——Tools of Oracle Application Developer一、安装Toad的注意点✓在安装oracle时,要注意安装路径写成英文的路径,若写为中文的,则会安装失败。

✓Commit after every statement千万不要勾选✓Excute queires in threads一定要进行勾选二、使用Toad —登录1.登录到Toad一个连接可以开很多个window,不同的window执行不同的任务,因此关闭了某个window并没有断开连接,如果要真正断开连接,请看上图红框的地方。

通过上图中鼠标所指的位置可以开启新的window2.开启新的连接session ----New Connection引申知识点:在对表做更新操作时,若发现系统速度并不慢,但是点击执行以后没反应,则应该想到是不是该表被锁,查哪些表被锁的脚本是在TIPTOP下的@q_locktable。

3.创建新的连接A.通过TNS方式在Connection type 的下拉框中选择以“D”开头的就可以注意:此时在Database的下拉框中并没有刚创建的连接DIGIWIN_15,这时要重新连接一次就可以在Database的下拉框中看到连接DIGIWIN_15,如下图所示:B.通过Direct方式4.由于连接所引起的报错情况一:只需再执行一次,Toad就可以自动连接。

Toad for Oracle DBA功能及应用

Toad for Oracle DBA功能及应用

1. 概述1.1 DBA的角色DBA角色定义DBA是机构内负责维护一套或者多套数据库系统环境的技术专家。





面对如此众多的问题,DBA需要一个专业化的工具来简化工作,这个工具就是Toad DBA Suite for Oracle。

它利用Quest Software 提供的系统方法,简化您的数据库管理,解除心头之忧。



DBA的通常职责:管理监控/诊断调整• 建立和管理Oracle数据库实例,对象和用户权限• 生成关于数据库整体性能状况和数据库对象等的综合报表• 完成高级数据管理,包括数据比较和产生• 管理,同步和发布数据库模式变化• 评估安全漏洞• 按数据库结构图形化展示数据库实时或者历史运行信息,从中可以直观查找数据库性能问题• 回放录制的数据库活动历史信息,查找问题根源• 详尽显示各种数据库性能指标,出现性能瓶颈是提供告警• 从SGA区中或者从源代码中查找出性能低效的SQL语句• 按专家建议优化SQL语句• 自动批量优化SQL和PL/SQL• 通过模拟索引查找通过建立索引达到提高SQL性能的方法• 数据库健康检查,整理碎片,重建索引• 分析数据库变更对性能的影响• 在测试系统上线前,通过回放生产系统的负载,确保系统上线后足够健壮1.2 Toad DBA Suite组成Toad DBA Suite for Oracle 由以下部分组成:Toad® for Oracle Xpert• 识别并快速修复性能不佳的代码• 为单个或多个SQL语句生成或重建索引DB Admin 模块• 简化管理和报表工作• 评估会话级信息,高效解决最终用户相关的问题• 评估数据库健康状况和安全漏洞Spotlight® on Oracle• 通过图形化显示数据库组件的状态,查找性能瓶颈• 指出导致实时性能问题或历史性能问题的原因• 利用专家建议解决问题Toad® Data Modeler• 同步数据库与当前数据模型,构建精确的变更部署脚本• 生成现有数据库结构的详细报告,提供给开发团队Benchmark Factory® for Databases• 重现数据库负荷,在应用上线前模拟生产系统情景• 自动执行日常任务,地降低开发和管理成本• 在用户受到影响前解决问题,降低Oracle 的拥有成本,缩短应用开发周期• 提高事务处理效率,减少宕机风险,更好满足服务等级协议(SLA)• 确保应用程序满足业务需求,且在生产环境中运行良好无论您的DBA 经验何其丰富,Toad DBA Suite for Oracle 都可以助您一臂之力,使您的工作更简单、更轻松、更主动。

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Toad for Oracle Toad Security功能指南
Quest Software
1.什么是Toad Security (3)
2.Toad Security的设置 (3)
3.Toad Security的使用 (4)
1.什么是Toad Security
Toad Security用于限制Toad的使用者使用某些特殊的功能。



Toad Security是和Oracle数据库用户相结合限制Toad的菜单(或非菜单)功能使用的。

如果数据库用户有DBA角色,则Toad Security不起作用。

如果License具有 DB Admin Option,则Toad Security无法限制和DB Admin Option重复的菜单选项。

但可以在Toad Security中限制DB Admin Option模块的功能。

2.Toad Security的设置
1)点击菜单“Database|Administer|Toad Security”。

第一次使用Toad Security时,会提



开始选择哪些用户可以授权,以管理Toad Security功能。

授权Frank管理Toad Security,并且Frank可以将此权限授予其他用户(Grant Option)。







3.Toad Security的使用
1)以具有Toad Security权限的用户登录Toad。


2)点击菜单“Database|Administer|Toad Security”。




前者是所有菜单功能;后者是诸如Read only override、DB Admin Module、Kill Session等功能。

请参阅Toad Help。

例如,如果想让这个用户在Toad中只有只读权限,则选择Read only override到右侧。

4)点击“Grant Select”。

注:点击 Grant Select(图标显示为Revoke Select),启动安全管理;点击Revoke Select(图标显示为Grant Select),则取消安全管理,用户可以使用所有Toad功能。




