

Kernel SHAP 0.4.1 说明书

Kernel SHAP 0.4.1 说明书

Package‘kernelshap’December3,2023Title Kernel SHAPVersion0.4.1Description Efficient implementation of Kernel SHAP,see Lundberg and Lee(2017),and Covert and Lee(2021)<>.Furthermore,for up to14features,exact permutation SHAP values can be calculated.Thepackage plays well together with meta-learning packages like'tidymodels','caret'or'mlr3'.Visualizations can be done using theR package'shapviz'.License GPL(>=2)Depends R(>=3.2.0)Encoding UTF-8RoxygenNote7.2.3Imports foreach,stats,utilsSuggests doFuture,testthat(>=3.0.0)Config/testthat/edition3URL https:///ModelOriented/kernelshapBugReports https:///ModelOriented/kernelshap/issuesNeedsCompilation noAuthor Michael Mayer[aut,cre],David Watson[aut],Przemyslaw Biecek[ctb](<https:///0000-0001-8423-1823>)Maintainer Michael Mayer<************************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2023-12-0314:20:02UTCR topics documented:is.kernelshap (2)is.permshap (3)12is.kernelshapkernelshap (3)permshap (9)print.kernelshap (11)print.permshap (12)summary.kernelshap (13)summary.permshap (14)Index15 is.kernelshap Check for kernelshapDescriptionIs object of class"kernelshap"?Usageis.kernelshap(object)Argumentsobject An R object.ValueTRUE if object is of class"kernelshap",and FALSE otherwise.See Alsokernelshap()Examplesfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)s<-kernelshap(fit,iris[1:2,-1],bg_X=iris[,-1])is.kernelshap(s)is.kernelshap("a")is.permshap3 is.permshap Check for permshapDescriptionIs object of class"permshap"?Usageis.permshap(object)Argumentsobject An R object.ValueTRUE if object is of class"permshap",and FALSE otherwise.See Alsokernelshap()Examplesfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)s<-permshap(fit,iris[1:2,-1],bg_X=iris[,-1])is.permshap(s)is.permshap("a")kernelshap Kernel SHAPDescriptionEfficient implementation of Kernel SHAP,see Lundberg and Lee(2017),and Covert and Lee (2021),abbreviated by CL21.For up to p=8features,the resulting Kernel SHAP values are exact regarding the selected background data.For larger p,an almost exact hybrid algorithm involving iterative sampling is used,see Details.Usagekernelshap(object,...)##Default S3method:kernelshap(object,X,bg_X,pred_fun=stats::predict,feature_names=colnames(X),bg_w=NULL,exact=length(feature_names)<=8L,hybrid_degree=1L+length(feature_names)%in%4:16,paired_sampling=TRUE,m=2L*length(feature_names)*(1L+3L*(hybrid_degree==0L)),tol=0.005,max_iter=100L,parallel=FALSE,parallel_args=NULL,verbose=TRUE,...)##S3method for class rangerkernelshap(object,X,bg_X,pred_fun=function(m,X,...)stats::predict(m,X,...)$predictions, feature_names=colnames(X),bg_w=NULL,exact=length(feature_names)<=8L,hybrid_degree=1L+length(feature_names)%in%4:16,paired_sampling=TRUE,m=2L*length(feature_names)*(1L+3L*(hybrid_degree==0L)),tol=0.005,max_iter=100L,parallel=FALSE,parallel_args=NULL,verbose=TRUE,...)##S3method for class Learnerkernelshap(object,X,bg_X,pred_fun =NULL,feature_names =colnames(X),bg_w =NULL,exact =length(feature_names)<=8L,hybrid_degree =1L +length(feature_names)%in%4:16,paired_sampling =TRUE,m =2L *length(feature_names)*(1L +3L *(hybrid_degree ==0L)),tol =0.005,max_iter =100L,parallel =FALSE,parallel_args =NULL,verbose =TRUE,...)Argumentsobject Fitted model object....Additional arguments passed to pred_fun(object,X,...).X(n ×p )matrix or data.frame with rows to be explained.The columns should only represent model features,not the response (but see feature_names on how to overrule this).bg_XBackground data used to integrate out "switched off"features,often a subset of the training data (typically 50to 500rows)It should contain the same columns as X .In cases with a natural "off"value (like MNIST digits),this can also be a single row with all values set to the off value.pred_funPrediction function of the form function(object,X,...),providing K ≥1predictions per row.Its first argument represents the model object ,its second argument a data structure like X .Additional (named)arguments are passed via ....The default,stats::predict(),will work in most cases.feature_names Optional vector of column names in X used to calculate SHAP values.By de-fault,this equals colnames(X).Not supported if X is a matrix.bg_w Optional vector of case weights for each row of bg_X .exactIf TRUE ,the algorithm will produce exact Kernel SHAP values with respect to the background data.In this case,the arguments hybrid_degree ,m ,paired_sampling ,tol ,and max_iter are ignored.The default is TRUE up to eight features,and FALSE otherwise.hybrid_degreeInteger controlling the exactness of the hybrid strategy.For 4≤p ≤16,the default is 2,otherwise it is 1.Ignored if exact =TRUE .•0:Pure sampling strategy not involving any exact part.It is strictly worse than the hybrid strategy and should therefore only be used for studying properties of the Kernel SHAP algorithm.•1:Uses all 2p on-off vectors z withz ∈{1,p −1}for the exact part,which covers at least 75%of the mass of the Kernel weight distribution.The remaining mass is covered by random sampling.•2:Uses all p (p +1)on-off vectors z withz ∈{1,2,p −2,p −1}.This covers at least 92%of the mass of the Kernel weight distribution.The remaining mass is covered by sampling.Convergence usually happens in the minimal possible number of iterations of two.•k>2:Uses all on-off vectors withz ∈{1,...,k,p −k,...,p −1}.paired_samplingLogical flag indicating whether to do the sampling in a paired manner.This means that with every on-off vector z ,also 1−z is considered.CL21shows its superiority compared to standard sampling,therefore the default (TRUE )should usually not be changed except for studying properties of Kernel SHAP algo-rithms.Ignored if exact =TRUE .m Even number of on-off vectors sampled during one iteration.The default is 2p ,except when hybrid_degree ==0.Then it is set to 8p .Ignored if exact =TRUE .tolTolerance determining when to stop.Following CL21,the algorithm keeps iter-ating until max (σn )/(max (βn )−min (βn ))<tol,where the βn are the SHAP values of a given observation,and σn their standard errors.For multidimen-sional predictions,the criterion must be satisfied for each dimension separately.The stopping criterion uses the fact that standard errors and SHAP values are all on the same scale.Ignored if exact =TRUE .max_iter If the stopping criterion (see tol )is not reached after max_iter iterations,the algorithm stops.Ignored if exact =TRUE .parallelIf TRUE ,use parallel foreach::foreach()to loop over rows to be explained.Must register backend beforehand,e.g.,via ’doFuture’package,see README for an example.Parallelization automatically disables the progress bar.parallel_argsNamed list of arguments passed to foreach::foreach().Ideally,this is NULL (default).Only relevant if parallel =TRUE .Example on Windows:if object is a GAM fitted with package ’mgcv’,then one might need to set parallel_args =list(.packages ="mgcv").verbose Set to FALSE to suppress messages and the progress bar.DetailsPure iterative Kernel SHAP sampling as in Covert and Lee (2021)works like this:1.A binary "on-off"vector z is drawn from {0,1}p such that its sum follows the SHAP Kernel weight distribution (normalized to the range {1,...,p −1}).2.For each j with z j =1,the j -th column of the original background data is replaced by the corresponding feature value x j of the observation to be explained.3.The average prediction v z on the data of Step 2is calculated,and the average prediction v 0on the background data is subtracted.4.Steps 1to 3are repeated m times.This produces a binary m ×p matrix Z (each row equals one of the z )and a vector v of shifted predictions.5.v is regressed onto Z under the constraint that the sum of the coefficients equals v 1−v 0,where v 1is the prediction of the observation to be explained.The resulting coefficients are the Kernel SHAP values.This is repeated multiple times until convergence,see CL21for details.A drawback of this strategy is that many (at least 75%)of the z vectors will havez ∈{1,p −1},producing many duplicates.Similarly,at least 92%of the mass will be used for the p (p +1)possible vectors withz ∈{1,2,p −2,p −1}.This inefficiency can be fixed by a hybrid strategy,combining exact calculations with sampling.The hybrid algorithm has two steps:1.Step 1(exact part):There are 2p different on-off vectors z withz ∈{1,p −1},covering a large proportion of the Kernel SHAP distribution.The degree 1hybrid will list those vectors and use them according to their weights in the upcoming calculations.Depending on p ,we can also go a step further to a degree 2hybrid by adding all p (p −1)vectors with z ∈{2,p −2}to the process etc.The necessary predictions are obtained along with other calculations similar to those described in CL21.2.Step 2(sampling part):The remaining weight is filled by sampling vectors z according to Kernel SHAP weights renormalized to the values not yet covered by Step 1.Together with the results from Step 1-correctly weighted -this now forms a complete iteration as in CL21.The difference is that most mass is covered by exact calculations.Afterwards,the algorithm iterates until convergence.The output of Step 1is reused in every iteration,leading to an extremely efficient strategy.If p is sufficiently small,all possible 2p −2on-off vectors z can be evaluated.In this case,no sampling is required and the algorithm returns exact Kernel SHAP values with respect to the given background data.Since kernelshap()calculates predictions on data with MN rows (N is the background data size and M the number of z vectors),p should not be much higher than 10for exact calculations.For similar reasons,degree 2hybrids should not use p much larger than 40.ValueAn object of class "kernelshap"with the following components:•S :(n ×p )matrix with SHAP values or,if the model output has dimension K >1,a list of K such matrices.•X :Same as input argument X .•baseline :Vector of length K representing the average prediction on the background data.•SE :Standard errors corresponding to S (and organized like S ).•n_iter :Integer vector of length n providing the number of iterations per row of X .•converged :Logical vector of length n indicating convergence per row of X .•m :Integer providing the effective number of sampled on-off vectors used per iteration.•m_exact :Integer providing the effective number of exact on-off vectors used per iteration.•prop_exact :Proportion of the Kernel SHAP weight distribution covered by exact calcula-tions.•exact :Logical flag indicating whether calculations are exact or not.•txt :Summary text.•predictions :(n ×K )matrix with predictions of X .Methods(by class)•kernelshap(default):Default Kernel SHAP method.•kernelshap(ranger):Kernel SHAP method for"ranger"models,see Readme for an exam-ple.•kernelshap(Learner):Kernel SHAP method for"mlr3"models,see Readme for an exam-ple.References1.Scott M.Lundberg and Su-In Lee.A unified approach to interpreting model predictions.Proceedings of the31st International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 2017.2.Ian Covert and Su-In Lee.Improving KernelSHAP:Practical Shapley Value Estimation Us-ing Linear Regression.Proceedings of The24th International Conference on Artificial Intel-ligence and Statistics,PMLR130:3457-3465,2021.Examples#MODEL ONE:Linear regressionfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)#Select rows to explain(only feature columns)X_explain<-iris[1:2,-1]#Select small background dataset(could use all rows here because iris is small)set.seed(1)bg_X<-iris[sample(nrow(iris),100),]#Calculate SHAP valuess<-kernelshap(fit,X_explain,bg_X=bg_X)s#MODEL TWO:Multi-response linear regressionfit<-lm(as.matrix(iris[,1:2])~Petal.Length+Petal.Width+Species,data=iris) s<-kernelshap(fit,iris[1:4,3:5],bg_X=bg_X)summary(s)#Non-feature columns can be dropped via feature_namess<-kernelshap(fit,iris[1:4,],bg_X=bg_X,feature_names=c("Petal.Length","Petal.Width","Species"))spermshap Permutation SHAPDescriptionExact permutation SHAP algorithm with respect to a background dataset,see Strumbelj and Kononenko.The function works for up to14features.Usagepermshap(object,...)##Default S3method:permshap(object,X,bg_X,pred_fun=stats::predict,feature_names=colnames(X),bg_w=NULL,parallel=FALSE,parallel_args=NULL,verbose=TRUE,...)##S3method for class rangerpermshap(object,X,bg_X,pred_fun=function(m,X,...)stats::predict(m,X,...)$predictions,feature_names=colnames(X),bg_w=NULL,parallel=FALSE,parallel_args=NULL,verbose=TRUE,...)##S3method for class Learnerpermshap(object,X,bg_X,pred_fun=NULL,feature_names=colnames(X),bg_w=NULL,parallel=FALSE,parallel_args=NULL,verbose=TRUE,...)Argumentsobject Fitted model object....Additional arguments passed to pred_fun(object,X,...).X(n×p)matrix or data.frame with rows to be explained.The columns should only represent model features,not the response(but see feature_names on howto overrule this).bg_X Background data used to integrate out"switched off"features,often a subset of the training data(typically50to500rows)It should contain the same columnsas X.In cases with a natural"off"value(like MNIST digits),this can also be asingle row with all values set to the off value.pred_fun Prediction function of the form function(object,X,...),providing K≥1 predictions per row.Itsfirst argument represents the model object,its secondargument a data structure like X.Additional(named)arguments are passed via....The default,stats::predict(),will work in most cases.feature_names Optional vector of column names in X used to calculate SHAP values.By de-fault,this equals colnames(X).Not supported if X is a matrix.bg_w Optional vector of case weights for each row of bg_X.parallel If TRUE,use parallel foreach::foreach()to loop over rows to be explained.Must register backend beforehand,e.g.,via’doFuture’package,see READMEfor an example.Parallelization automatically disables the progress bar.parallel_args Named list of arguments passed to foreach::foreach().Ideally,this is NULL (default).Only relevant if parallel=TRUE.Example on Windows:if object isa GAMfitted with package’mgcv’,then one might need to set parallel_args=list(.packages="mgcv").verbose Set to FALSE to suppress messages and the progress bar.ValueAn object of class"permshap"with the following components:•S:(n×p)matrix with SHAP values or,if the model output has dimension K>1,a list of K such matrices.•X:Same as input argument X.•baseline:Vector of length K representing the average prediction on the background data.•m_exact:Integer providing the effective number of exact on-off vectors used.•exact:Logicalflag indicating whether calculations are exact or not(currently TRUE).•txt:Summary text.•predictions:(n×K)matrix with predictions of X.print.kernelshap11Methods(by class)•permshap(default):Default permutation SHAP method.•permshap(ranger):Permutation SHAP method for"ranger"models,see Readme for an ex-ample.•permshap(Learner):Permutation SHAP method for"mlr3"models,see Readme for an ex-ample.References1.Erik Strumbelj and Igor Kononenko.Explaining prediction models and individual predictionswith feature contributions.Knowledge and Information Systems41,2014.Examples#MODEL ONE:Linear regressionfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)#Select rows to explain(only feature columns)X_explain<-iris[1:2,-1]#Select small background dataset(could use all rows here because iris is small)set.seed(1)bg_X<-iris[sample(nrow(iris),100),]#Calculate SHAP valuess<-permshap(fit,X_explain,bg_X=bg_X)s#MODEL TWO:Multi-response linear regressionfit<-lm(as.matrix(iris[,1:2])~Petal.Length+Petal.Width+Species,data=iris) s<-permshap(fit,iris[1:4,3:5],bg_X=bg_X)s#Non-feature columns can be dropped via feature_namess<-permshap(fit,iris[1:4,],bg_X=bg_X,feature_names=c("Petal.Length","Petal.Width","Species"))sprint.kernelshap Prints"kernelshap"ObjectDescriptionPrints"kernelshap"Object12print.permshapUsage##S3method for class kernelshapprint(x,n=2L,...)Argumentsx An object of class"kernelshap".n Maximum number of rows of SHAP values to print....Further arguments passed from other methods.ValueInvisibly,the input is returned.See Alsokernelshap()Examplesfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)s<-kernelshap(fit,iris[1:3,-1],bg_X=iris[,-1])sprint.permshap Prints"permshap"ObjectDescriptionPrints"permshap"ObjectUsage##S3method for class permshapprint(x,n=2L,...)Argumentsx An object of class"permshap".n Maximum number of rows of SHAP values to print....Further arguments passed from other methods.ValueInvisibly,the input is returned.summary.kernelshap13See Alsopermshap()Examplesfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)s<-permshap(fit,iris[1:3,-1],bg_X=iris[,-1])ssummary.kernelshap Summarizes"kernelshap"ObjectDescriptionSummarizes"kernelshap"ObjectUsage##S3method for class kernelshapsummary(object,compact=FALSE,n=2L,...)Argumentsobject An object of class"kernelshap".compact Set to TRUE for a more compact summary.n Maximum number of rows of SHAP values print....Further arguments passed from other methods.ValueInvisibly,the input is returned.See Alsokernelshap()Examplesfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)s<-kernelshap(fit,iris[1:3,-1],bg_X=iris[,-1])summary(s)14summary.permshap summary.permshap Summarizes"permshap"ObjectDescriptionSummarizes"permshap"ObjectUsage##S3method for class permshapsummary(object,compact=FALSE,n=2L,...)Argumentsobject An object of class"permshap".compact Set to TRUE for a more compact summary.n Maximum number of rows of SHAP values print....Further arguments passed from other methods.ValueInvisibly,the input is returned.See Alsopermshap()Examplesfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)s<-permshap(fit,iris[1:3,-1],bg_X=iris[,-1])summary(s)Indexforeach::foreach(),6,10is.kernelshap,2is.permshap,3kernelshap,3kernelshap(),2,3,7,12,13permshap,9permshap(),13,14print.kernelshap,11print.permshap,12stats::predict(),5,10summary.kernelshap,13summary.permshap,1415。


该固态函数库通过校验所有库函数的输入值来实现实时错误检测。该动态校验提高了软件的鲁棒性。实时 检测适合于用户应用程序的开发和调试。但这会增加了成本,可以在最终应用程序代码中移去,以。
因为该固件库是通用的,并且包括了所有外设的功能,所以应用程序代码的大小和执行速度可能不是最优 的。对大多数应用程序来说,用户可以直接使用之,对于那些在代码大小和执行速度方面有严格要求的应 用程序,该固件库驱动程序可以作为如何设置外设的一份参考资料,根据实际需求对其进行调整。
1.3.1 变量 ................................................................................................................................................ 28 1.3.2 布尔型 ............................................................................................................................................ 28 1.3.3 标志位状态类型 ........................................................................................................................... 29 1.3.4 功能状态类型 .............................................................................................................



目次1总则 (3)2术语和符号 (4)2.1 术语 (4)2.2 符号 (5)3材料及性能 (6)3.1 原材料 (6)3.2 性能 (6)4设计 (8)4.1 一般规定 (8)4.2 性能设计 (8)4.3 结构设计 (9)4.4 附属工程设计 (10)4.5 设计计算 (10)5配合比 (13)5.1 一般规定 (13)5.2 配合比计算 (13)5.3 配合比试配 (14)5.4 配合比调整 (14)6工程施工 (15)6.1 浇筑准备 (15)6.2 浇筑 (15)6.3 附属工程施工 (15)6.4 养护 (16)7质量检验与验收 (17)7.1 一般规定 (17)7.2 质量检验 (17)7.3 质量验收 (18)附录A 发泡剂性能试验 (20)附录B 湿容重试验 (22)附录C 适应性试验 (22)附录D 流动度试验 (24)附录E 干容重、饱水容重试验 (25)附录F 抗压强度、饱水抗压强度试验 (27)附录G 工程质量检验验收用表 (28)本规程用词说明 (35)引用标准名录 (36)条文说明 (37)Contents1.General provisions (3)2.Terms and symbols (4)2.1 Terms (4)2.2 Symbols (5)3. Materials and properties (6)3.1 Materials (6)3.2 properties (6)4. Design (8)4.1 General provisions (8)4.2 Performance design (8)4.3 Structure design (9)4.4 Subsidiary engineering design (9)4.5 Design calculation (10)5. Mix proportion (13)5.1 General provisions (13)5.2 Mix proportion calculation (13)5.3 Mix proportion trial mix (14)5.4 Mix proportion adjustment (14)6. Engineering construction (15)6.1 Construction preparation (15)6.2 Pouring .............................................................. .. (15)6.3 Subsidiary engineering construction (16)6.4 Maintenance (17)7 Quality inspection and acceptance (18)7.1 General provisions (18)7.2 Quality evaluate (18)7.3 Quality acceptance (19)Appendix A Test of foaming agent performance (20)Appendix B Wet density test (22)Appendix C Adaptability test (23)Appendix D Flow value test.................................................................................. .. (24)Appendix E Air-dry density and saturated density test (25)Appendix F Compressive strength and saturated compressive strength test (27)Appendix G Table of evaluate and acceptance for quality (28)Explanation of Wording in this code (35)Normative standard (36)Descriptive provision (37)1总则1.0.1为规范气泡混合轻质土的设计、施工,统一质量检验标准,保证气泡混合轻质土填筑工程安全适用、技术先进、经济合理,制订本规程。


Add a "name" column to the Status Code definitions, review all Clause 6 parameters that are intended to map into a Status Code field value and populate name column in Status Code definition where there is a clear match with an existing Status Code description.Reserve new Status Code entries for any such unmatched Clause 6 parameter, inventing new names or descriptions as appropriate.
Class 3 frame received from nonassociated STA
Disassociated because sending STA is leaving (or has left) BSS
STA requesting (re)association is not authenticated with responding STA
Ensure consistency between .confirm and .response by making the enumerated listof the .confirm contain all the values in the .response.
The Changes
Changes are specified relative to D7.03.

Decree 248 Single Window Operation Manuals and Tut

Decree 248 Single Window Operation Manuals and Tut

Voluntary Report –Voluntary - Public Distribution Date:December 22, 2021Report Number:CH2021-0174Report Name:Decree 248 Single Window Operation Manuals and Tutorial Country:China - People's Republic ofPost: BeijingReport Category:Agricultural Situation, Agricultural Trade Office Activities, Policy and Program Announcements, National Plan, Beverages, Agriculture in the News, Citrus, Coffee, Dairy and Products, Market Development Reports, Avocado, Canned Deciduous Fruit, Dried Fruit, Fresh Deciduous Fruit, Fresh Fruit, Kiwifruit, Raisins, Stone Fruit, Strawberries, Fishery Products, Grain and Feed, Livestock and Products, MISC-Commodity, Oilseeds and Products, Potatoes and Potato Products, Poultry and Products, Sugar, Tomatoes and Products, Tree Nuts, Vegetables, WinePrepared By:Alan HallmanApproved By:Adam BransonReport Highlights:The report contains FAS China's understanding of the overseas facility registration process as required by the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China (GACC) in Decree 248. In addition, this report contains attachments of unofficial translations of the Competent Authority and Overseas Enterprise Operation Manuals for the GACC Single Window registration website. In addition, the report contains information from recent training sessions and background information on Decree 248 to facilitate self-registration for U.S. food and agribusiness operations affected by Decree 248.General Information:This report provides information related to FAS China’s understanding of the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China (G ACC) overseas facility registration process. This report includes translations of GACC operation manuals for 1) Competent Authorities; 2) Overseas Enterprises; and 3) a tutorial to the Single Window website self-registration process developed by a third party. In addition, the report has an Excel table attachment that includes the Harmonized System (HS) tariff codes and commodity descriptions affected by Decree 248. FAS China conveys its thanks and appreciation to staff and officers at the Embassies of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and other colleagues at the United States Embassy in Beijing, China who jointly translated the two GACC manuals.Decree 248 notified by GACC requires the registration of overseas food production and cold storage facilities that produce or handle specific food products exported to China. The regulation sets out two registration pathways for facilities that produce products within its scope – self-registration, and registration by a competent authority located in the exporting country.Article 7 of Decree 248 lists 18 product categories that GACC initially indicated would require an overseas facility to register before having product be presented for customs clearance in China. GACC indicated that it expects facilities producing products in those categories to register through a competent authority. In addition, Article 9 of Decree 248 requires the self-registration of overseas facilities that are outside of the 18 product categories. Since publishing the list of 18 product categories GACC has provided and continues making “systems improvements” to a table of Chin a’s Harmonized System (HS) tariff codes at the 10-digit level inside the Single Window website that are apparently the actual scope of goods that require registration. The table also provides GACC inspection and quarantine codes and additional descriptions for the products affected by Decree 248. However, there are several food and related products that are not in GACC’s table. Moreover, some commodities can fall in or outside the scope of Decree 248 depending upon their end use.For example, although the HS code 0805100000 for “Oranges, Fresh or Dried” is included on the table, the GACC inspection and quarantine code indicates that only those facilities handling “Oranges, Fresh or Dried” that have also been “candied” or “sweetened” need to self-register. In other words, facilities handling “regular” oranges are not required to register with the GACC under Decree 248.Another example is sorghum, which appears in the table under the Chinese HS code 1007900000 with GACC inspection and quarantine codes 102 and 103 – for other edible sorghum, inshell and shelled, respectively. GACC is requesting that facilities handling inshell or shelled sorghum for human consumption register that facility through a competent authority. Based on this information, there is no expectation that U.S. exporters of sorghum for non-food use register under Decree 248. However, the United States Government already provides a complete list, based on a previous agreement, of U.S. grain exporting companies to GACC for food and non-food sorghum. Numerous attempts to seek clarification from GACC have gone unanswered.GACC recently announced that a facility registration number will have to be presented during customs clearance for imports of commodities covered by Decree 248 starting on January 1, 2022. GACC has said that products produced prior to January 1, 2022, will not require facility registration numbers printed on the inner and outer packaging of the products. GACC officials have also said that either the GACC facility registration number or the facility registration number issued by the competent authority in the exporting country must be printed on the inner and outer packaging of products produced on or after January 1, 2022. Because the destination of most products is not known at the time of production or manufacturing, U.S.-based facilities working with these products will need to assess what facility registration number to use on products that could be destined for China.The Single Window self-registration website requires that facilities attempting to register select a Chinese 10-digit HS code and the 3-digit GACC inspection and quarantine code to identify their product(s). The attached Excel table can be a guide for identifying this information. If a facility cannot identify which HS code may be used, they should consider the description and end-use of their product(s) and/or contact their existing or a potential importer to assess the tariff line that will be used for customs clearance. Companies attempting to self-register should contact GACC staff, identified below, when they have questions about the Single Window system and the applicability of the registration requirements to their establishments and product(s). As China continues making “system improvements” to the Single Window website, facilities attempting to self-register should consult official information and conduct a “Product type Query” in the Single Window website. The attached table and the information in the Single Window website also include a column where GACC indicates if facilities producing that product should self-register or be registered by a competent authority.The self-registration process requires a significant amount of information. Registrants may find it helpful to review the rest of this report and the attached translation of GACC’s operation manual for enterprises before commencing.The translation of GACC’s operation manual for competent authorities is attached as a reference. U.S.-based facilities that GACC is requesting register through a competent authority are encouraged to read the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Constituent Update dated December 6. It can be found at this link.FAS China has published the following reports on Decrees 248 and 249 to inform and educate U.S. food and agricultural stakeholders.∙Decrees 248 and 249 – January 1 Implementation Date [Public Notice 103] – December 14, 2021∙Decree 248 - FDA Constituent Update – December 8, 2021∙Decree 248 Single Window User Manual and Training - November 30, 2021∙Decree 248 HS Codes Published in GACC Single Window – November 30, 2021∙Informing Industry and Supporting Trade Facilitation as China Implements Decrees 248 and 249 –November 10, 2021∙Decree 248 Information Update – November 19, 2021∙GACC Issues Interpretation of Decree 248 - November 6, 2021∙Decree 248 Foreign Facilities Self-Registration Website Launched - November 3, 2021∙Decree 248 Unofficial Self-Registration Guide for Overseas Food Facilities - November 2, 2021∙Notes from Information Sessions on GACC Decrees 248 and 249 - October 22, 2021∙GACC Issues Explanatory Letter on Decree 248 - October 8, 2021∙Interpretative Guidance on Imported Food Labeling Requirements in Decree 249 - August 13, 2021 ∙Decrees 248 and 249 Status Update on Facilities Registration and Food Safety Measures - May 25, 2021∙Administrative Measures on Import and Export Food Safety - Decree 249 - May 7, 2021∙Overseas Facilities Registration Regulation - Decree 248 - April 20, 2021∙China Notified the Draft Administrative Measures on Import and Export Food Safety - December 11, 2020∙China Notifies Revised Overseas Facilities Registration Regulations as TBT 1522 - December 2, 2020∙China Released Draft Administrative Measures for Registration of Overseas Producers of Imported Foods - December 6, 2019Attachments:211221 GACC 248 SW Overseas Enterprise Operation Manual Eng Translation.docx211221 FAS China Third Party SW Self Registration Guide.docx211215 GACC Decree 248 HS Code List English Translation.xlsx211223 GACC 248 SW Competent Authority Operation Manual Eng Translation.docx。

GLPKAPI R包用户指南说明书

GLPKAPI R包用户指南说明书

Introduction to glpkAPILouis Luangkesorn∗November10,20221IntroductionThis document introduces the use of the glpkAPI package1for R.The GNU Linear Programming Package(GLPK)is intended for solving linear program-ming(LP)and mixed integer programming(MIP)and other related problems. In addition,it includes facilities for converting problem information between the GNU MathProg language(a subset of the AMPL mathematical programming language),free andfixed MPS,and the CPLEX LP formats.2The GLPK pack-age is an interface into the C Application Programming Interface(API)to the GLPK solver.This document will introduce the use of the GLPK package through the use of the cannery problem from Dantzig3which is used in the GNU MathProg documentation.4The modelfile describing the cannery problem can be found in Appendix A.2Entering the modelTo use glpk,first load the package.>library(glpkAPI)Next read in the model and data.There are several ways of entering the model.glpk can read the model and data in a GNU MathProg Language(GMPL)modelfile.Alternatively,the model and data can be entered using the GLPK API.∗*******************.Thanks to Leo Lopes for his comments and suggestions.1Package glpkAPI maintained by Gabriel Gelius-Dietrich2GNU Linear Programming Kit:Reference Manual,Version4.54Draft,March2014.3The demand data here is from the GLPK documentation,which differs slightly from Dantzig,Linear Programming and Extensions,Princeton University Press,Princeton,NJ, 1963.The documentation demand values are used here for consistancy.4GNU Linear Programming Kit:Modeling Language GNU MathProg,Version4.50Draft, May2013.12.1Reading a GNU MathProg Language modelTo use a GNU MathProg model requires several steps.1.Allocating the workspace using initProbGLPK().The problem can thenbe given an name using setProbNameGLPK().2.Reading model section using mplAllocWkspGLPK()and mplReadModelGLPK().3.Reading data section(s)using mplReadDataGLPK().4.Generating the model using mplGenerateGLPK().5.Building the problem object using result<-mplBuildProbGLPK().6.Solving the problem using solveSimplexGLPK().7.Postsolving the model using mplPostsolveGLPK().8.Freeing the workspace using mplFreeWkspGLPK()and delProbGLPK()>mip<-initProbGLPK()>setProbNameGLPK(mip,"transport")>trans<-mplAllocWkspGLPK()>result<-mplReadModelGLPK(trans,+system.file("extdata","transport.mod",package="glpkAPI"),skip=0) >result<-mplGenerateGLPK(trans)>result<-mplBuildProbGLPK(trans,mip)If the data was in a separatefile,it would need to be read in usingmplReadDataGLPK(trans,"transport.mod")Then examine the problem size within R.The rows represent the objective function as well as the supply and demandconstraints.>numrows<-getNumRowsGLPK(mip)>numrows[1]6>for(i in1:numrows){+print(getRowNameGLPK(mip,i))+}[1]"cost"[1]"supply[Seattle]"[1]"supply[San-Diego]"[1]"demand[New-York]"[1]"demand[Chicago]"[1]"demand[Topeka]"2The columns represent the decision variables,which are the units sent over the cannary-market links.>numcols<-getNumColsGLPK(mip)>numcols[1]6>for(j in1:numcols){+print(getColNameGLPK(mip,j))+}[1]"x[Seattle,New-York]"[1]"x[Seattle,Chicago]"[1]"x[Seattle,Topeka]"[1]"x[San-Diego,New-York]"[1]"x[San-Diego,Chicago]"[1]"x[San-Diego,Topeka]">print(getNumNnzGLPK(mip))[1]18After the model and data are entered,the model can then be solved using any one of many algorithms and the output would go to the specified output file.For the Simplex method,the solveSimplexGLPK()takes the problem name and solves it using the Simplex method.>return<-solveSimplexGLPK(mip)>return<-mplPostsolveGLPK(trans,mip,GLP_MIP);We can then look at the solution in terms of the objective and constraints >for(i in1:numrows){+print(getRowNameGLPK(mip,i))+print(getRowPrimGLPK(mip,i))+}[1]"cost"[1]153.675[1]"supply[Seattle]"[1]350[1]"supply[San-Diego]"[1]550[1]"demand[New-York]"[1]325[1]"demand[Chicago]"[1]300[1]"demand[Topeka]"[1]2753as well as the decision variables.>for(j in1:numcols){+print(getColNameGLPK(mip,j))+print(getColPrimGLPK(mip,j))+}[1]"x[Seattle,New-York]"[1]50[1]"x[Seattle,Chicago]"[1]300[1]"x[Seattle,Topeka]"[1]0[1]"x[San-Diego,New-York]"[1]275[1]"x[San-Diego,Chicago]"[1]0[1]"x[San-Diego,Topeka]"[1]275Finally,clean up the workspace.>mplFreeWkspGLPK(trans)>delProbGLPK(mip)2.2Using the APIIf the problem data already in R,such as pulled from a database or the result of previous analysis,the model and the data can be specified using the API.First create R data objects to hold the various model parameters.>print("USING API")[1]"USING API">canneries<-c("Seattle","San-Diego")>capacity<-c(350,600)>markets<-c("New-York","Chicago","Topeka")>demand<-c(325,300,275)>distance<-c(2.5,2.5,1.7,1.8,1.8,1.4)>dim(distance)<-c(2,3)>freight<-90To use the API,define a problem instance and indicate that the objective is to minimize cost.>lpi<-initProbGLPK()>setProbNameGLPK(lpi,"cannery API")>setObjNameGLPK(lpi,"Total Cost")>setObjDirGLPK(lpi,GLP_MIN)4There are6columns,corresponding to the six potential cannery-market pairswhose transport the model solving for,each of which has a lower bound of zero.>numlinks<-length(distance)>nummarkets<-length(markets)>numcanneries<-length(canneries)>addColsGLPK(lpi,numlinks)[1]1>for(i in1:numcanneries){+cannerystartrow<-(i-1)*nummarkets+for(j in1:nummarkets){+colname<-toString(c(canneries[i],markets[j]))+transcost<-distance[i,j]*freight/1000+setColNameGLPK(lpi,cannerystartrow+j,colname)+setColBndGLPK(lpi,cannerystartrow+j,GLP_LO,0.0,0.0)+setObjCoefsGLPK(lpi,cannerystartrow+j,transcost)+}+}Next,we will add constraints.There are5constraints,two supply con-straints relating to the canneries and three demand constraints relating to themarkets.In addition,we will make thefirst row correspond to the objectivefunction.The objective row will be free,and does not have upper or lowerbounds.>numcanneries<-length(canneries)>nummarkets<-length(markets)>addRowsGLPK(lpi,numcanneries+nummarkets+1)[1]1>setRowsNamesGLPK(lpi,1,getObjNameGLPK(lpi))>for(i in1:numcanneries){+setRowsNamesGLPK(lpi,i+1,toString(c("Supply",canneries[i])))+setRowBndGLPK(lpi,i+1,GLP_UP,0,capacity[i])+}>for(j in1:nummarkets){+setRowsNamesGLPK(lpi,numcanneries+j+1,toString(c("Demand",markets[j]))) +setRowBndGLPK(lpi,numcanneries+j+1,GLP_LO,demand[j],0)+}Now,load the constraint matrix which represents the objective function andthe constraints.The non-zero values of the matrix are entered as three vectors,each with one element for each non-zero value.A vector to indicate the row,avector to indicate the column,and a vector which contains the matrix elementst,we call loadMatrixGLPK(lpi)tofinish.5>#create variables to hold the constraint information>ia<-numeric()>ja<-numeric()>ar<-numeric()>#add in objective coefficients>>for(i in1:numcols){+ia[i]<-1+ja[i]<-i+ar[i]<-getObjCoefGLPK(lpi,i)+}>for(i in1:numcanneries){+#supply constraints+cannerysupplyrow=numcols+(i-1)*nummarkets+for(j in1:nummarkets){+ia[cannerysupplyrow+j]<-(i+1)+ja[cannerysupplyrow+j]<-(i-1)+numcanneries*(j-1)+1 +ar[cannerysupplyrow+j]<-1+}+#demand constraints+marketdemandrow=numcols+numcanneries*nummarkets+for(j in1:nummarkets){+colnum<-(i-1)*nummarkets+j+ia[marketdemandrow+colnum]<-numcanneries+j+1+ja[marketdemandrow+colnum]<-colnum+ar[marketdemandrow+colnum]<-1+}+}>loadMatrixGLPK(lpi,length(ia),ia,ja,ar)Then,examine the problem entered in the API.>numrows<-getNumRowsGLPK(lpi)>numrows[1]6>numcols<-getNumColsGLPK(lpi)>numcols[1]6>for(i in1:numrows){+print(getRowNameGLPK(lpi,i))+}[1]"Total Cost"[1]"Supply,Seattle"6[1]"Supply,San-Diego"[1]"Demand,New-York"[1]"Demand,Chicago"[1]"Demand,Topeka">for(j in1:numcols){+print(getColNameGLPK(lpi,j))+}[1]"Seattle,New-York"[1]"Seattle,Chicago"[1]"Seattle,Topeka"[1]"San-Diego,New-York"[1]"San-Diego,Chicago"[1]"San-Diego,Topeka">print(getNumNnzGLPK(lpi))[1]18Finally solve using the simplex method and look at the solution. >solveSimplexGLPK(lpi)[1]0>for(i in1:numrows){+print(getRowNameGLPK(lpi,i))+print(getRowPrimGLPK(lpi,i))+}[1]"Total Cost"[1]153.675[1]"Supply,Seattle"[1]325[1]"Supply,San-Diego"[1]575[1]"Demand,New-York"[1]325[1]"Demand,Chicago"[1]300[1]"Demand,Topeka"[1]275>for(j in1:numcols){+print(getColNameGLPK(lpi,j))+print(getColPrimGLPK(lpi,j))+}7[1]"Seattle,New-York"[1]325[1]"Seattle,Chicago"[1]300[1]"Seattle,Topeka"[1]0[1]"San-Diego,New-York"[1]0[1]"San-Diego,Chicago"[1]0[1]"San-Diego,Topeka"[1]275And save the results to afile.>printSolGLPK(lpi,"transout.api")[1]02.3Using API to modify the modelNow,we will solve the version of the problem that is found in Dantzig.The demand at New York and Topeka are both300instead of325and275.This next section will use the API to modify the problem as read through the MathProg file.In order to examine an individual row,we need to index the rows and columns.This is done through the use of createIndexGLPK().Then we can use the findRowGLPK()and findColGLPK()>cindex<-createIndexGLPK(lpi)>new_york_row=findRowGLPK(lpi,"Demand,New-York")>topeka_row=findRowGLPK(lpi,"Demand,Topeka")>new_york_row[1]4>topeka_row[1]6>setRowBndGLPK(lpi,new_york_row,GLP_LO,300,0)>setRowBndGLPK(lpi,topeka_row,GLP_LO,300,0)We can solve this modified problem and look at the results.>solveSimplexGLPK(lpi)[1]08>for(i in1:numrows){+print(getRowNameGLPK(lpi,i))+print(getRowPrimGLPK(lpi,i))+print(getRowDualGLPK(lpi,i)) +}[1]"Total Cost"[1]151.2[1]0[1]"Supply,Seattle"[1]300[1]0[1]"Supply,San-Diego"[1]600[1]0[1]"Demand,New-York"[1]300[1]0.225[1]"Demand,Chicago"[1]300[1]0.153[1]"Demand,Topeka"[1]300[1]0.126>for(j in1:numcols){+print(getColNameGLPK(lpi,j))+print(getColPrimGLPK(lpi,j))+print(getColDualGLPK(lpi,j))+print(getObjCoefGLPK(lpi,j)) +}[1]"Seattle,New-York"[1]300[1]0[1]0.225[1]"Seattle,Chicago"[1]300[1]0[1]0.153[1]"Seattle,Topeka"[1]0[1]0.036[1]0.162[1]"San-Diego,New-York"[1]0[1]09[1]0.225[1]"San-Diego,Chicago"[1]0[1]0.009[1]0.162[1]"San-Diego,Topeka"[1]300[1]0[1]0.126Finally,clean up the workspace.>delProbGLPK(lpi)A ModelfileTRANSPORT.MOD#A TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM##This problem finds a least cost shipping schedule that meets#requirements at markets and supplies at factories.##References:#Dantzig,G B.,Linear Programming and Extensions#Princeton University Press,Princeton,New Jersey,1963, #Chapter3-3.set I;/*canning plants*/set J;/*markets*/param a{i in I};/*capacity of plant i in cases*/param b{j in J};/*demand at market j in cases*/param d{i in I,j in J};/*distance in thousands of miles*/param f;/*freight in dollars per case per thousand miles*/10param c{i in I,j in J}:=f*d[i,j]/1000;/*transport cost in thousands of dollars per case*/var x{i in I,j in J}>=0;/*shipment quantities in cases*/minimize cost:sum{i in I,j in J}c[i,j]*x[i,j];/*total transportation costs in thousands of dollars*/{i in I}:sum{j in J}x[i,j]<=a[i];/*observe supply limit at plant i*/s.t.demand{j in J}:sum{i in I}x[i,j]>=b[j];/*satisfy demand at market j*/data;set I:=Seattle San-Diego;set J:=New-York Chicago Topeka;param a:=Seattle350San-Diego600;param b:=New-York325Chicago300Topeka275;param d:New-York Chicago Topeka:=Seattle 2.5 1.7 1.8San-Diego 2.5 1.8 1.4;param f:=90;end;B OutputThe following is the output of the command:printSolGLPK(lpi,"transout.api") Problem:cannery APIRows:6Columns:6Non-zeros:18Status:OPTIMALObjective:Total Cost=153.675(MINimum)11No.Row name St Activity Lower bound Upper bound Marginal------------------------------------------------------------------------1Total Cost B153.6752Supply,SeattleB325350 3Supply,San-DiegoB575600 4Demand,New-YorkNL3253250.225 5Demand,ChicagoNL3003000.153 6Demand,TopekaNL2752750.126 No.Column name St Activity Lower bound Upper bound Marginal------------------------------------------------------------------------1Seattle,New-YorkB32502Seattle,ChicagoB30003Seattle,TopekaNL000.036 4San-Diego,New-YorkNL00<eps 5San-Diego,ChicagoNL000.009 6San-Diego,TopekaB2750Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions:KKT.PE:max.abs.err=2.84e-14on row1max.rel.err=9.22e-17on row1High qualityKKT.PB:max.abs.err=0.00e+00on row0max.rel.err=0.00e+00on row0High qualityKKT.DE:max.abs.err=0.00e+00on column0max.rel.err=0.00e+00on column0High qualityKKT.DB:max.abs.err=0.00e+00on row0max.rel.err=0.00e+00on row012High qualityEnd of output13。



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祝广大读者朋友们新年快乐!身体健康!万事顺意!Research Review 中国info@1.强化降糖治疗对2型糖尿病患者总死亡率、心血管疾病相关死亡和微血管并发症的影响作用:基于随机对照临床试验的一项荟萃分析作者:Boussageon R 等摘要:研究纳入13项评估强化降糖治疗对2型糖尿病患者总死亡率、心血管疾病相关死亡和微血管并发症影响的随机对照临床试验,共纳入34,533名成人患者(年龄≥18岁),其中18,315名患者接受了强化降糖治疗而16,218名患者接受标准治疗。









参考文献:BMJ. 2011;343:d4169./content/343/bmj.d4169.abstract2.罹患慢性阻塞性肺疾病的终生风险作者:Gershon AS等摘要:这项回顾性纵向人群研究监控了加拿大安大略省所有在1996年时年龄不大于14岁、且不患有慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的儿童,持续随访至受试者80岁,观察人群患COPD的终生风险。






参考文献:Lancet 2011;378(9795):991–6/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2811%2960990-2/fulltext3.全科医疗中,能预测慢性阻塞性肺疾病诊断准确性的相关因子作者:Zwar NA等摘要:研究者们在全科医疗中,比较了慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)临床诊断标准和支气管扩张剂后肺功能检查这两种方法的诊断作用,并研究了医护人员、医疗实践及患者的特征与两种诊断结果一致性之间的相关性。








参考文献:Med J Aust. 2011;195(4)连续服用两片单药和单片复方药(氨氯地平和阿托伐他汀)的疗效对比:澳大利亚人在2006年---2010年间的经验作者: Simons LA 等摘要:澳大利亚药物福利计划收集自2005年4月至2010年3月的全国药物使用数据,在连续接受药物治疗高血压和血脂异常的患者中,对比单片复方药与两片单药疗法的效果。









参考文献:Med J Aust. 2011;195(3)在全科医疗中,使用简单检查能否鉴别出良性前列腺增生?-------意在改善全科医疗诊断方法的一项临床试验作者:Carballido J等摘要:文章报道了一项意在改善全科医疗诊断方法的临床试验(D-IMPACT)的研究结果,该试验试图在全科医疗中寻找能帮助全科医生对年龄≥50岁、自然出现下尿路症状(LUTS)的男性患者中鉴别、诊断出良性前列腺增生(BPH)的一类简单检查。







参考文献:Int J Clin Pract. 2011;65(9):989-96./doi/10.1111/j.1742-1241.2011.02735.x/abstract6.甲氧苄氨嘧啶-硫酸甲恶唑可能诱发服用螺内酯的中老年患者出现高血钾作者:Antoniou T等摘要:这项为期18年的病例对照研究评估了复方新诺明(甲氧苄氨嘧啶-硫酸甲恶唑)在年龄≥66岁服用螺内酯患者出现高血钾的风险。







参考文献:BMJ 2011;343:d5228/content/343/bmj.d5228.full7.类风湿关节炎患者的贫血:我们是否能够忽略它?作者: Bloxham J等摘要:研究者从一所医院2009年的数据库中收集数据,调查了2,000名类风湿关节炎(RA)患者的贫血原因。





