Novel 600-V trench high-conductivity IGBT (trench HiGT) with short-circuit capability
Effect of Nb addition on the microstructure and properties of AlCoCrFeNi high-entropyalloy
article info
Article history: Received 18 January 2011 Received in revised form 20 September 2011 Accepted 28 October 2011 Available online 11 November 2011
Keywords: High entropy alloy Eutectic Laves phase Solid solution
The microstructures and properties of the AlCoCrFeNbxNi high-entropy alloys (HEAs) were investigated. Two phases were found in the prepared AlCoCrFeNbxNi HEAs: one is body-centered-cubic (BCC) solid solution phase; the other is the Laves phase of (CoCr)Nb type. The microstructures of the alloy series vary from hypoeutectic to hypereutectic, and the compressive yield strength and Vickers hardness have an approximately linear increase with increasing Nb content. The residual magnetization (Mr) reaches a maximum for AlCoCrFeNb0.1Ni alloy, which is 6.106 emu/g. The factor of ˝, which is defined as entropy of mixing times 1000 over enthalpy of mixing, well predicts the phase formation for the multicomponents alloys.
Copyright © Infineon Technologies AG 2016. All rights reserved.
1200V 1200/1350V
IFX H3 / RC-H5
600/650V 600V
Non SC rated IFX L5
Vcemax [V] 600 Single IGBT 650 IDC @ 100°C [A] 40 60 90 7 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 90 160 15 40 50 60 90 160 TO-262 TO-251 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-PAK . . . IRGR4607D IRGR4610D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D2PAK . . . IRGS4607D IRGS4610D IRGS4615D IRGS4620D IRGS4630D IRGS4640D . . . . IRGS4715D . . . . . TO-220 . . . IRGB4607D IRGB4610D IRGB4615D IRGB4620D IRGB4630D IRGB4640D . . . . IRGB4715D . . . . . TO-220 FullPak . . . IRGIB4607D IRGIB4610D IRGIB4615D IRGIB4620D IRGIB4630D IRGIB4640D . . . . . . . . . . TO-247-3 IRGP4640 IRGP4760 IRGP4790 . . . IRGP4620D IRGP4630D IRGP4640D IRGP4650D IRGP4660D IRGP4690D . . IRGP4740D IRGP4750D IRGP4760D IRGP4790D . TO-247 TO-247-PLUS (Long Lead) (Super247) IRGP4640-E IRGP4760-E IRGP4790-E . . .
Abstract In recent years, the performances of IGBT have been dramatically improved and the application fields of IGBT have widely been expanding, especially in high power applications. It is reported that the trench gate IGBT"'3' has superior characteristics in power loss compared to the conventional planer gate IGBT. However, the trench gate could not be only solution for future device structure, because the performance of the planer gate IGBT has not yet reached its limit. There are some factors to be considered when determining the device technology for the future devices in practical applications. And there are some drawbacks of the trench gate IGBT as follows: 1)Excessive over current under a short circuit because of the higher transconductance. 2)More complex wafer process technologies and relatively low yields. 3)POOr gate oxide quality. In this paper, the possible design aspects of device geometry for hture high performance 600V IGBT are discussed. Introduction Figure 1 shows the cross section of the planer gate IGBT (a)-(c) and the trench gate IGBT (d). The trench gate structure makes it possible to introduce high cell density, which is impossible for the planer gate structure due to JFET effect. In addition, the higher the cell density is, the larger the current under a short circuit flows, It brings very poor short circuit capability, which can be fatal problem for inverter applications. Therefore, high density cell design, whch is one of the ;advantagesin trench gate structure, is not suitable for IGBT in a motor application and so on. On the other hand, the planer gate IGBT has advantages on gate oxide quality, fabrication cost, yield and so on. Therefore, there may be a room for studying the device structures for next generation IGBT. And there are three major candidates for the next Gen. IGBT structure to be considered, which are the planer gate PT-IGBT with fine pattern technology, NPT-IGBT and the trench gate PTIGBT for 600V class indicated in Fig.l'4'. It becomes important to investigate the performance limit of planer gate IGBT.
Effi cient Semiconductor Solutions for Motor Control and Drives Applications]w /motorcontrol]ContentsSolutions for Motor Control and Drives 04Low-Voltage Applications 06High-Voltage Applications 08Choosing the right Microcontroller 10Product Families 12Low-Voltage Products 12High-Voltage Products 20Microcontrollers 26Sensors 27Support Tools 284REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD by capitalizing on the integration capabilities and function-ality of Infi neon’s motor control solutions. Our extensive portfolio covers a wide range of voltage and power classes, supporting a broad application spectrum across the industrial, consumer and automotive markets.This guide showcases the full range of products spanning, microcontrollers, gate drivers, MOSFETs, IGBTs, voltage regulators, sensors, integrated bridge driver ICs, integrated power modules and high-power modules.With our power products and microcontrollers, you can design effi cient, robust and cost-eff ective control units for virtually all types of motors, from brushless DC and permanent magnet synchronous motors, through induction and stepper motors to switched reluctance motors.We complement this vast product off ering with excellent customer support from our ap-plication experts, technical documentation and online education. We also deliver a variety of evaluation and application kits supporting all motor designs. Each application kit comes with a reference code and instructions, along with all the software you need to start and successfully complete your design as rapidly as possible.We hope you enjoy exploring the benefi ts of our effi cient semiconductor solutions for motor control and drives applications.Effi cient Semiconductor Solutions for Motor Control and Drives Applications56Solutions for Low-Voltage ApplicationsStepper Driver(TLE 472xx)Servo Driver(TLE 420xx)Full-Bridges(TLE 520xx, TLE 720xx,TLE 82xx)Multi-Half-Bridges(TLE 841xx, TLE 6208xx,TLE 844xx, TLE 820xx)Full-Bridges Trilith IC(BTM 7xxx)Half-Bridges NovalithIC™ (BTN 7xxx)Driver ICs (TLE 628xx)OptiMOS™T3(30V – 250V)Driver ICs (TLE 718xx)EiceDRIVER™ (6ED003L06xx)OptiMOS™T3 (30V – 250V)Monolithic Driver ICs,Half-Bridges, Full-Bridges,Multi-Half-BridgesIntegrated Motor Driver ICs H-Bridge Driver + MOSFETs 3 Phase-Bridge Driver + MOSFETs 0,1A 5V - 48V DC Supply Voltage1A 10A100AM M M M 3~3~++Infi neon’s solutions cover a broad range of target applications includingP umps (fuel, heating, water)F ans / blowersB attery-driven vehicles (e.g. ebike)A utomotive applicationsT ruck / transportationF orkliftS cootersW heelchairsI ndustrial drivesR obotics D oor openers P ower tools, cordless power tools G ardening tools S mall robots (cleaning robots) E lectric toys K itchen machines / food processors / coff ee machinesLow-Voltage ApplicationsApplication Solutions for Motor Control and DrivesINFINEON IS THE PARTNER OF CHOICE when it comes to drive solutions for low-voltage motors. Across the full current range from 0.1 to 100A and across the entireapplication spectrum from steppers to 3-phase drivers, you can rely on us to provide the perfect fi t.7Solutions for Low-Voltage ApplicationsInfi neon off ers products and solutions for the main parts of motor control applications. The block diagram shows an example of a 3-phase BLDC motor drive.M Driver StageCentral Control Unit Sense &MonitorAC/DC DCSupplyAF Discretes User Interface&Communication Power ManagementIntegratedMotor DriversTransceiversCAN TransceiverTLE 625xxxLIN TransceiverTLE 725xx Sensors Hall Switches TLE 49xxx, TLI 49xxx Linear Hall Sensors TLE 49xxx Microcontroller 8-bit XC866, XC886, XC888, XC87816-bitXE164, XE167Integrated Driver ICs / NovalithIC™s BTN793x, BTN796x, BTN797xCoolMOS™IPD xxx, IPB xxx, IPI xxxCoolSET™ICE xxxxDiodesIDD xxx, IDB xxx, IDP xxx Linear Voltage Regulator TLE 42xxx DC/DC Converter TLE 6389, TLE 8366, TLE 7388Gate Drivers 3-Phase Bridge Drivers TLE 7183x, TLE 7184x, TLE 7185x, TLE 7189x EiceDRIVER™6ED003L06x Power Stage LV MOSFETs (30V – 250V)Automotive MOSFETs (30V – 100V)8Solutions for High-Voltage Applications600V 1200V V o l t a g e R a t i n g50W 150W 500W 1kW 2kW 5kW xxMWPower DWRefryPumpFanRoom AC Washing machine Vacuum CleanerPFC Pac Door Tread Mill Industrial Drives Fan Industrial DrivesPublic AC Discrete IGBTs, EiceDRIVER ™s, CIPOS ™* and Modules* Transferred to LS Power Semitech Co., Ltd., a joint venture between Infineon and LSvesInfi neon’s solutions cover a broad range of target applications includingP umpsF ans / blowersC ompressorsI ndustrial drivesR oboticsA ir conditioning W ashing machines D ish washers R efrigeration K itchen Hoods V acuum cleaners D oor openersWITH OUR GATE DRIVER ICs, discrete IGBTs, integrated modules and high-power modules Infi neon covers the whole range of power classes for high-voltage drives. We off er optimized, cost-eff ective solutions for each power class.High-Voltage ApplicationsApplication Solutions for Motor Control and Drives910MCU FeatureControl Scheme Load Behavior Application V ector computer(MDU + Cordic)1 x CCU61 x ADC S ensorless FOC T rapezoidal Hall T rapezoidal sensorlessV /FO pen loop L ow noise V ariable load V ariable speed K nown load dynamics (look-up table) H VAC fans D omestic heating pumps V alve control Washing machines e BikeMCU FeatureControl Scheme Load Behavior Application M AC unit2 x ADC4 x CCU6 D irect torque R esolver FOC Encoder FOCS ensorless FOC H ighest dynamic load response A ccurate positioningH igh speedD ynamic loadresponseS peed control G P inverters,Elevator, S pindle drives, T ransportation assembly lines, P LC, Servo, CNCXC800 (8-bit)XE166 (16-bit)XC800 familyR educed system costF lash from 4KB to 64KBP in c ounts from 20-TSSOP to 64-QFPC apCom6 (CCU6) – PWM generationT wo 16-bit timersC ontrol of three half-bridgesS pecial modes for motor control A DC hardware linked to PWM16-bit vector computer for FOC(vector) control-nested executionof CoRDIC & MDU F lexible interfaces, high-speed synchronous, communication (SPI compatible) U ARTs M ultiCAN T wo CAN n odes 32 message objects A DC 10-bit, 1.5 usec P WM sync. trigger M ultiple result registersE N/IEC60335-1 class B standardChoosing the Right Microcontroller Choosing the Right Microcontrollerneon Power Bond technology has improved600V TRENCHSTOP TM 600V RC-Drives 600V HS3 Family1200V TRENCHSTOP TM1200V HS3 Family756050403025201510864LIN STEPPER APPLICATION KIT [www.infi /LINStepper ]XC800 FOC APPLICATION KIT [www.infi /XC800FOC ]Key Features X C866 P WM unitF ast ADC with <200ns sample time S upporting 50 to 200mA stepper motor O n-board stepper gaugeS oftware package included to control the stepper motor and deploy your own design F ree toolchain including compiler and debuggerM iniWiggler for JTAG debug via USB interfaceR eady for LIN prototypingD AvE™-compatible software packages S uitable for Windows 98/2000/XPKey FeaturesX C886 with vector computer P WM unitF ast ADC with <200ns sample time D iscrete power inverter 24V, 1.2A 15W PMSM motor and plug-in power supply 24VS oftware package including source code for sensorless FOC of PMSMF ree toolchain including compiler and debuggerR eal-time monitoring tool (USB to CAN bridge)D AvE™-compatible software packages S uitable for Windows 98/2000/XPApplicationsI nstrumentation / gauges M ulti-axis positioning S urveillance equipmentC NC machining P rintersB usiness machinesApplications V alve controlsG ear motorsSupport ToolsSupport ToolsBLDC (BRUSHLESS DC) APPLICATION KIT [www.infi /BLDC ]DAVE™ DRIVE APPLICATION KIT [www.infi /DAvEdrive ]Key Features X C866 P WM unitF ast ADC with <200ns sample time P ower board 9V - 18V, 20A50W PMSM motor and plug-in power supply 12VU ses Infi neon NovalithIC™ BTN 7960B and TLE 4264 LDOD AvE™ Drive auto-code generator (fully functional application code) forB lock switching with Hall sensors and sensorlessF ree toolchain including compiler and debuggerD igital isolated real-time monitoring tool (USB to JTAG and CAN bridge) T utorial videos showing how to use the kitS uitable for Windows 98/2000/XPKey FeaturesX C886 with vector computer P WM unitF ast ADC with <200ns sample time P ower Board 23V - 56V, 7.5A 15W PMSM motor and plug-in power supply 24VU ses Infi neon 6ED003L06 gate driver, BSC196N10, MOSFETs, CoolSET™ICE3B0565 power supply and TLE 4264 LDOD AvE™ Drive auto-code generator (fully functional application code) for B lock switching with Hall sensors and sensorlessS ensorless FOC of PMSMF ree toolchain integrated in DAvE™ DriveF lexibly generates optimized code and is not based on static libraries C onfi gures Infi neon’s powerful and fl exible motor control peripherals C ompresses a detailed user manual into a few mouse clicksH elps designers to quickly and easily implement advanced motor control techniques on low-cost components D igital isolated real-time monitoring tool (USB to JTAG and CAN bridge) S uitable for Windows 98/2000/XPApplications W ater pumps F uel pumps F ansV alves P ower ToolsApplicationsI ndustrial motor controls T ransportation systemsC onsumer motor controls A ppliance motor controlsSupport ToolsFOC DRIVE APPLICATION KIT [www.infi /FOCdrive ]3-PHASE DRIVE APPLICATION KIT [www.infi /3phasedrive ]Key FeaturesX C878 with vector computer T wo independent PWM unitsF ast ADC with <200ns sample time X E164 real-time signal controller wit MAC unit T hree independent PWM unitsT wo independent fast ADCs with <200ns sample time P ower board 23V - 56V, 7.5A 15W PMSM motor and plug-in power supply 24VU ses Infi neon 6ED003L06 gate driver, BSC196N10, MOSFETs, CoolSET™ICE3B0565 power supply and TLE 4264 LDOS oftware package including source code S ensorless FOC of PMSM with XE164S ensorless FOC of PMSM with XC878 F ree toolchain for XC878 and XE164 including compiler and debugger D igital isolated real-time monitoring tool (USB to JTAG and CAN bridge) D AvE™-compatible software packages S uitable for Windows 98/2000/XPKey FeaturesX C886 with vector computer P WM unitF ast ADC with <200ns sample time P ower board 110V - 230V AC, 3AI nverter with 375W – 750WU ses Infi neon IKCS12F60 CIPoS™ 12A, CoolSET™ ICE 3B0565 power supply and TLE 4264 LDOS oftware package including source code S ensorless FOC of PMSM V /f control of ACIM for quick evaluationF ree toolchain including compiler and debugger D igital isolated real-time monitoring tool (USB to JTAG and CAN bridge) D AvE™-compatible software packages D AvE™ Drive-readyS uitable for Windows 98/2000/XPApplications I ndustrial drives F ans, blowersP umpsApplications H ome appliances W ashing machinesD ishwashersI ndustrial motor controls P umpsF ansSupport Tools3112V24V48V230VLIN StepperXC866200mAGaugesXC800 FOCXC8661.2AValves, Gear MotorsFOC Motor DriveXC878XE1647.5ADAvE™ DriveXC8867.5AIndustrial Drives, Pumps, Fans, Valves and Power ToolsDual FOC + PFCMotor DriveXC878/XE1647.8A + 0.8AAir conditioning 3-Phase-DriveXC8863AWhite GoodsBLDCXC86620APumps/BlowersBlock SwitchingField Oriented ControlDUAL MOTOR DRIVE APPLICATION KIT [www.infi /2motordrive ]Key FeaturesX C878 with vector computer T wo independent PWM unitsF ast ADC with <200ns sample time X E164 real-time signal controller with MAC unit T hree independent PWM unitsT wo independent fast ADCs with <200ns sample time P ower Board 110V - 230V AC, 8A I nverter A with 900W – 1800W I nverter B with 100 - 200WB oost converter for Power Factor Correction (PFC)U ses Infi neon IKCS17F60 CIPoS™ 17A, 6ED003L06 gate driver,SPD04N50C3 MOSFETs, IDT08S60 SiC diode, SPA15N60C3 MOSFETs, CoolSET™ ICE3B0565 power supply and TLE 4264 LDO S oftware package including source codeS imultaneous control of two PMSM with sensorless FOC & digital PFC with XE164S ensorless FOC & digital PFC with XC878V /f control of ACIM for quick evaluationF ree toolchain for XC878 and XE164 including compiler and debugger D igital isolated real-time monitoring tool (USB to JTAG and CAN bridge) DAvE™-compatible software packages S uitable for Windows 98/2000/XPApplications A ir conditioning I ndustrial drives F ans, blowersP umps W hite goodsSupport ToolsInfineon Technologies – innovative semiconductor solutions for energy efficiency, communications and security.Published byInfineon Technologies AG85579 Neubiberg, Germany© 2010 Infineon Technologies AG.All Rights Reserved.Visit us:Order Number: B158-H9357-G1-X-7600 Date: 11 / 2009Attention pleAse!The information given in this document shall in no eventbe regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics(“Beschaffenheitsgarantie”). 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造纸专业词汇————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:Weld: 焊接,焊缝end product: 成品Hexagon nut: 六脚螺栓spare part: 备品Valid: 有效的,正确的leveling screw: 水准螺旋Tolerance: 容忍,公差commutator: 换向器Anchor bolt: 地脚螺栓UPS: 不间断电源Rag bolt: 棘螺栓goggle: 护目镜Foundation bolt: 地脚螺栓apparel: 衣服Grout: 水泥浆,用水泥浇灌entrust: 委任Galvanize: 电镀jolt: 摇晃Louver: 天窗crate: 板条箱Hand over: 手柄,移交state: 国家,声明,规定,陈述Surplus: 剩余,剩余的forwarder: 代运人,转运公司Saturate: 使饱和,浸透synchro motor: 同步电机Ambient: 周围的squirrel motor: 鼠笼电机Electrical cubicle: 配电房slip ring motor: 滑环电机Insulated strand: 绝缘线perforated plate: 孔板Cablet: 电缆钢索contour: 轮廓Copperbusbar: 铜线beak suction tubes: 鸭嘴吸入管Transformer room: 变压器室lode cell: 测压元件Air impingement: 空起冲击haul: 拖拉,改变方向Incidental: 附带的,伴随的,偶然的dismantle:拆除In charge:看管,主管withdrawal:取回收回,取消Hazardous: 危险的consignment: 交托,交货,发货Supplementary:辅助的,增补的defect: 过失缺点Corrodible:会腐蚀的peripheral: 外围的Preservative: 防护剂grease: 油脂贿赂Axes: 轴workmanshop: 手艺,技巧做工Staircases and walkways: 楼梯和过道instrumentation: 使用仪表Positioner: 远程位置调节器issue: 发布,发给,出版发行Hose: 软管prerequisite: 先决条件Rubberized roll: 包胶辊built-in: 内置的,固定的Rinse: 冲洗ventilation: 通风,暖通Insulation: 绝缘sling: 吊索Broad padded sling: splinter: 裂片,碎片Nail: 钉,指甲rope lashing:Timber: 木材chill: 寒冷,变冷,使冷冻Monorail: 单轨铁路cotter bolt: 销螺栓,牵条螺栓,地脚螺栓Magnetic flow meter: 磁流量测量计spacer plate: 隔板Align: 使成行,排列,结盟false work: 脚手架Scaffold: 脚手架elevation: 标高Volute: 涡形的implementation: 执行Halloween: 万圣节前夕Hallowmas:万圣节Vigour: 气势,元气responsible: 有责任的,负责的Dedicated to: 献身,专注于battery limit: 界区Conquer: 战胜,克服deactivation: 钝化Client: 客户exclude: 不包括Saturated steam: 饱和蒸汽viscosity: 粘度Specific gravity: 比重sulphate: 硫酸盐Potassium: 钾sodium: 钠Anti-foaming agent: 消泡剂optimize: 使优化Coefficient: 系数efficiency: 效率temperature profile: 温度曲线图rotator: 转子rotate: 旋转sag: 下垂disassembly: 拆卸take-down: 拆卸,病倒,记下knock down: 拆卸,击倒gradient: 梯度,倾斜的scaling: 结垢top nut: 顶部螺帽top washer: 顶部垫片base frame: 底架tough: 艰苦的,坚强的fantastic: 幻想的,奇异荒谬的vapour body: 蒸汽室vapour: 二次蒸汽,闪蒸汽stripping system : 汽提系统reflux : 回流precipitate : 沉淀crystal :结晶plug : 堵塞velocity : 速度,速率previously : 以前,先前,优先的neutral : 中性的atmospheric mix tank: 常压混合槽medium steam: 中压蒸汽tube surface condenser: 管式表面冷凝器plus: 加上segregation baffle : 隔板volatile : 不稳定的,挥发deviate : 背离,偏离rectification : 精馏,纠正,校正tray : 塔板,板exitine : 外壁内层ions : 离子persistent : 持久稳固的plate heat exchanger : 板式换热器strainer : 过滤器,滤网(油,汽) arrestor : 捕集器wreck : 破坏,毁坏compliance with : 遵守comply : 遵守accomplish : 完成,实现carbide : 碳化物live steam : 新鲜蒸汽corrosion allowance : 腐蚀余量cladding : 包裹层mild steel : 软钢vent gas : 排气inspection : 检查,视察chevron : v形mist elimination : 汽膜分离器shop-built : 车间制造tube sheet : 管程,管板plenum : 充满,高压subcooling :低温冷却weld rod : 焊条cone : 锥形物,使成锥形stipper column :汽提塔valve tray : 浮阀塔板trim condenser: 平衡冷凝器plate heater: 板式加热器tube heater: 管式加热器pending: 悬而味觉的whip-lash: 鞭打,反方向猛扭hammering: 捶打dead point: 盲点dynamic: 动力的,动力学的thermodynamic: 使用热动力的, cement: 水泥,结合self regulating: 自我调节trace pipe: 伴管potable water: 可饮用水trench: 沟渠spill: 溢流overflow: 溢流conductivity meter: 电导计level indication: 液位指示here in: 在此parameter: 参数“AI” signal: 模拟输入信号“AO” signal: 模拟输出信号“DI” signal: 数字输入信号“DO” signal: 数字输出信号Deviation: 偏差remote: 遥控Via: 通过philosophy: 哲学,原理Principle: 原理elements: 原理基础Oscillating: 振荡,摆动filtrate: 滤液Boost: 增强booster: 加压机Sump: 地坑stabilization: 稳定性Day tank: 储槽(一天) sedimentation: 沉淀Diesel engine: 柴油机submittal: 服从,屈服helmet头盔toe-plates鞋尖铁片entanglement纠缠illumination照明,阐明,启发abrasive material磨擦材料grinding研磨welding焊接spark火花explosive gas爆炸性气体intact完整无缺的ultraviolet紫外线的,紫外线辐射ventilation通风fume(浓烈和难闻的)烟,气体property damage财产损失squeeze挤压defect过失,缺点,缺陷crushing挤压shearing剪切cutting or severing切割或切断entanglement纠缠drawing-in or trapping抽进或捕捉impact碰撞stabbing or puncture刺穿或刺破friction or abrasion磨擦或磨损a self-priming pump自吸式泵high pressure fluid ejection高压液体喷出electrical shock电击live parts带电部件burns and scalds灼伤或烫伤inhalation吸入a full-body safety harness全身安全带safety belt asbuilt document竣工文件custom clearance清关material takeoff所需材料的估算run out condition跳动、变动(机械:变工况)条件closeout出清存货progressive cavity pump渐进容积泵(螺杆泵)trip out断路,跳闸,甩负荷characteristics特征concentration浓度residual alkali残碱chloride氯化物magnesium镁calcium钙methanol甲醇aluminium铝silica硅sodium carbonate碳酸钠sodium sulphate硫酸钠electronic file电子文档eliminate消除steam trap疏水器desuperheated water减温水washing connection冲洗水甩头drainer排放导淋sog汽提塔臭气disclaimer不承担责任的声明tag标签a unique consecutive number唯一的连续编号prerequisite前提auxiliary equipment辅助设备architectural engineering drawings建筑设计图supplementary增补物sheet-metal working板金工加工X-Y coordinates X-Y座标obstacle障碍torque wrench扭矩板钳lubrication with grease用油脂润滑scaffolding脚手架mandatory强制的,命令的foremost最先的,最重要的safety precaution安全防范immunity to Electro-magnetic and radio frequency interference(EMI and RFI)免受电磁和无线电频率干扰solenoid valve电磁阀intermediate relay中间继电器hazardous area危险区域limit switch限位开关on-off valve开关阀analogue signal模拟信号auxiliary power supply辅助电源main power supply主电源differential pressure transmitter压差变送器capillary毛细管manifold歧管diaphragm seal膜片封rmoured 铠装的thermowell 热电偶套管vibration resistant抗振signal linearization线性信号even figure偶数coil excitation线圈励磁magnetic flow meter磁通量计anticorrosion 防腐automatic temperature compensation自动温度补偿tropicalized耐热的complete dossier全部档案elevation device起重装置manual valve手动阀mecharical cartridge seal 机械封筒密封ceramic coat陶瓷涂层feed back反馈minutes of meeting会议记录design liaison meeting设计联络会keep a log on记入日志pending issue未决事项authority approval官方批准heat expansion热膨胀buffer缓冲器isometric drawing三维图fire fighting消防fire hose灭火水龙头lightning conductor避雷针coder编码器position switch位置开关expansion joint膨胀连接frequency converter变频器assembly drawing组装图isolating valve隔离阀fuse保险丝blow tank喷放槽sump pit pump污水坑泵junk trap除渣器sand separator除砂器drain排水沟sewer下水道recausticizing system苛化系统suspended solids悬浮物causticizing efficiency苛化率sulfidity (of a.a.)硫化度(aa)total titrateable alkali(asna2o)总可滴定碱(na2o)reburnt lime再生石灰lime mud白泥actuator执行器linearization mode线性模式check valve止逆阀in verbal口头的dosing screw加药螺旋rake:耙screw classifier螺旋提渣机booster compressor增压机lime mud vessel白泥网槽advance payment预付款polymer絮凝剂freight forwarder运输行stevedore搬动工prevail胜过,优先discrepancy矛盾,差异oil day tank 常用油箱shrink tank收缩槽jet condenser喷射冷凝器eyewash system洗眼系统continuous precoat renewal (CPR) system连续预挂更新系统safety shower安全喷淋infrastructure基础结构steam drum汽包furnace燃烧炉generating section产汽区economizer省煤器economizer header省煤器联箱superheater过热器steam attemperator蒸汽调温器sweet water condenser净水冷凝器drain排水vent放空hanger rod悬臂buckstay支架、支柱ash hopper灰斗refractory耐火材料start up burner开车烧嘴flame scanner火焰扫描器sootblower吹灰器primary air一次风secondary air二次风tertiary air三次风flue gas duct烟气导管combustion air燃烧空气control damper控制挡板electrostatic precipitator静电除尘器ash dilution tank飞灰稀释槽vent stack烟囱smelt spout熔融物出口vent scrubber排放洗涤器continuous blowdown tank连续排污槽reserve water tank贮水槽chemical dosing system加药系统special tool专用工具maintenance platform检修平台raw green liquor tank绿液缓冲槽digester蒸煮器field instrument现场仪表field junction box现场接线箱special cable特殊电缆cable tray电缆沟,电缆架cable fitting电缆接头pneumatic air tube气动空气管MC discharge scraper中浓出口刮料机tower bottom dropleg塔底水腿vacuum pump真空泵drum displacer washer鼓式置换洗浆机(dd洗浆机)perforated plate孔板digester blowtank蒸煮器喷放槽agitator搅拌器filtrate pump滤液泵integrated knot separator and brown stock primary screen集成节子分离器和未漂浆初筛机secondary screen二次筛选机tertiary screen三次筛选机knot and reject washer节子和浆渣洗涤机pressure thickener压力浓缩机surface condenser表面冷凝器stripper unit汽提塔trim condenser平衡冷凝器preheater预热器flash tank闪蒸槽level tank液位槽stripper reflux tank汽提塔回流槽spill liquor tank溢流槽insulation and lagging保温和保温材料pipe bridge管廊soil excavation and filling挖填土process sewer工艺排水沟dregs filter hood ventilation blower绿泥过滤器送风机reburned lime再生石灰lime slaker classifier石灰消化提渣机causticizer tank苛化器lime bin dust collection system石灰仓除尘系统filtration compressor压滤机kiln shell石灰窑体bricklining砖衬riding ring 滚圈carrying roller set支承辊(传送辊)thrust roller set推力辊girth gear矢圈(矢轮)driving mechanism驱动机械firing hood燃烧罩feed head进料端(窑尾)burnt lime crusher燃烧石灰粉碎机burnt lime bucket elevator燃烧石灰斗提机control philosophy控制原理limestone discharge vibrator石灰石排放振动机others pending其他未确定事项infrastructure: 基础,结构buckstay: 支柱,支架hanger rod: 悬臂control damper: 控制挡板turbo-generator: 汽轮机turbine: 透频,涡轮发电机rear end: 后端thrust bearing: 推力轴承sketch: 草图impeller: 叶片thermo-electricity plant: 热电设备casing: 缸abstract: 抽提back pressure: 背压grease: 油脂parameter: 参数governor: 控制器,危急保安器converter: 转换器pressure guage: 压力计thermo couple: 热电偶balance test: 平衡测试static: 静态的critical speed: 临界速度turbulence: 震动,絮流trip: 跳车baseplate: 底板integrate: 集成tack welding: 点焊string welding: 线焊welding rod: 焊条sight glass: 视镜hatch: 开口,策划slop: 溢出oil mist eliminator: 油雾消除器bore: 孔submerge: 进入bridge over: 从旁边接通nitrogen: 氮气adjustable oil orifice: 可调节油孔板turbine generator set: 发电机组accessory: 附件gland steam: 密封蒸汽atmospheric: 常压sub-contractor: 分包商medium: 介质,中间的coupling: 连接,耦合turning device: 盘车装置coupling house: 连轴箱rear bearing house: 后轴承箱jaw: 钳夹,狭长入口stroke: 行程,冲程abbreviation: 缩写terminal strip: 接线条implement: 工具,器具,执行rated load: 额定负载hood: 盖子cooling plate: 冷却板forged-on: 铸造exciter machine: 励磁设备rectifier: 校正者,整流器voltage: 电压resistance thermometer: 电阻温度计ground fault: 接地故障leakage: 泄漏test bay: 试验间winding: 绕组stator: 定子trip-valve: 截断阀insulation resistance: 绝缘电阻tilting-pad: 倾斜垫,可倾瓦overspeed test: 超速试验protection relay: 继电保护器phase: 相位circuit breaker: 回路断路器redundancy: 冗余undercxcitation: 欠励磁unbalance load: 失衡负载over current: 电流过载impedance resistance: 阻抗电阻cubicle: 室core: 芯synchronization: 同期,同步angular velocity: 角速度paralleling: 平行的,相似的diode: 二极管power factor: 功率因素switchgear: 开关设备trigger: 激发tracing: 伴管protocol: 协议smolder: 自燃divergence:分歧eradicate:根除irrevocable:不能取消的scaling:缩放比例hoist:提升间,升起scratch:乱写,抓痕,打草稿用的stiffen:变硬,使变硬bulge:凸出部分,膨胀manhole:人孔socket:空穴,插座pickle:盐汁,泡腌circumference:圆周,周围pitch:斜度,掷投reduction gear: 减速齿轮器bevel gear:锥齿轮line shaft:主传动轴master signal:主信号reference signal:参考信号taut:张紧的,拉紧的reference speed: 基准速度,给定的计算速度strain gauge:应变仪,变形测量器rheostat:可变电阻器double acting:双重作用的parallel:平行的air lock:气塞surplus:剩余,过剩的plenum:充实,充满,高压guide vane:导流叶片orifice:孔orifice plate:孔板facilitate:使容易,使便利,推动pneumatic cylinder: piston:活塞angle iron:角钢,角铁time relay: 时间电阻器local regulation:局部调节in force:有效的,大规模的commence:开始,着手control package:成套控制设备power converter:整流器vendor:卖主longitudinal:纵向的spiral:螺旋形的,螺旋bushing:轴衬,套管pivot:轴支点,中心点,枢轴,枢轴上转动interlayer:夹层,隔层side force:侧力vertical alignment:竖向定线vice versa:反之亦然cylinder rod:活塞杆draft:草图,草稿,起草,气流cutting edge:刀刃bearing stand:轴承座(台)house shoe:马蹄铁,装马蹄铁于bearing race:轴承座圈journal:轴颈oxyacetylene:氧乙炔的ignite:点燃spacer ring:隔离环,隔离垫圈soak:浸泡eccentric:偏心的eccentric bolt:偏心螺栓ring gear:齿圈,环形齿轮relocate:重新布置cap screw:螺帽closure:封条,贴封,关闭angular position:角位,角坐标cover screw:盖用螺钉helical:螺旋状的noise abatement:噪音消除控制taper wedge:调整楔hold down bolt:抑制螺栓,锁紧螺栓slack off:松懈jack screw:顶丝螺旋worm:蜗杆,螺纹lock screw:锁紧螺丝bearing house:轴承座foreign matter:杂质heel:跟部drive down:压低knife edge:刀口dial indicator:千分表,刻度盘指示器cap screw:帽螺栓clamping screw:紧固螺栓,夹紧螺钉clean cut:净切割dynamic load:动载荷static load:静载荷jut out:伸出antiskid:防滑装置loose flange:活套法兰loose collar:活动环implementation: 执行weld bead:焊缝,焊珠bipolar:有两极的,双极的bipartite:双向的rangeability:可调整范围splash ring:润滑油环valve stem::阀杆hysteresis:滞后现象backlash:后座,反冲resolution:分辨率,决心discrete:不连续的feed back:反馈duration:持续时间,为期pulse:脉冲remote:远程的,遥控downtime:停工期compatible:一致兼容fore side:操作侧analog:类似的,相似的vicinity:附近roller chain:滚子链refrain:节制避免tail:引纸窄条tail cutter:切纸水针tail end:引纸窄条trim:纸边,冲边trim squirt:切边水针wire ring:磨损环voltage drop:电压降落delivery head:压头,压力差vent screw:放气螺旋overrunning clatch:超越离合器overrunning coupler:超越离合器open draw:开式引纸steering frame:转向架lateral:横向的span跨度,范围,跨距,横跃flow pattern::流型,流态circular hole:圆孔triangular hole:三角孔skew:倾斜的carriage:机架pinion:小齿轮fluorescent:荧光的telescopic:伸缩杆staggered:交错排列的vice:老虎钳light armature:电枢halogen:卤素knurled roll:槽纹扎辊retractable:可回收的chute:斜道,瀑布counterweight :平衡物Brittleness:脆性Intact:完整无缺Remedial maintenance:补救维修Rectify:改正矫正Malfunction:故障Solvent:溶剂auxiliary sealing(O-ring):o型环negligence:忽略other than:除了consent : 同意patch up:修补supplement:增补downtime:停工期Intend for:为…..准备Withstand:抵档,经受住Detachable:可分开的Dimension:尺寸尺度Append:附加的Short-term:短期的Hoisting:提升起重Depressurize:使减压Transport pallet:转运货物的货架Enclosed:被附上的Dispatch note:发货票据Centralization:集中Overrunning clutch:超越离合器Sprocket:链轮齿Bearing lid:轴承盖Grease gun:润滑油脂抢Taper bush:锥形衬套Shaft sleeve:轴套Sliding face:滑动面Lifting eye screw:吊耳Fastening screw:紧固螺丝Dimensional drawing:尺寸图Junk trap:渣浆收集管Shaft seal:轴封Crate:板条箱柳条箱Regulating valve:调节阀Magnetic flow meter:电磁流量计Jack:千斤顶Chain plug:手动葫芦Bracket:托架支架Concrete:混泥土LWC:low weight coating paperSCP:Super calender paper Innovation:创新Stuff box:高位箱Degasser:脱气器Pitch:树脂Microbiological:微生物的Flocs:絮凝Reflocculation:再絮凝Pulsation:脉冲Cavitation:气蚀Compressibility:可压缩性Pinhole:针孔Agglomeration:聚集Hydrophobic trash:气泡附着物疏水垃圾Intense:强烈的剧烈的Conventional machine:传统设备Biocide:杀菌剂Change over loss:改产损失Grade change:等级改变Retention aid:助留剂Dispersant:分散剂Dedusting system:除尘系统Hopper:加料斗漏斗Dosing:定量给料Bentonite:斑脱土Cationic starch:阳离子淀粉Optical Brightener:增白剂Sizing:胶料Defoamer:消泡剂Web sizing:sizing surface:surface sizing:表面施胶Fine paper:高级纸张Calender:压光机Scale:结垢Grammage:定量Slice opening:开口宽度(流浆箱)Filler:填料Chemical aid:化学助剂First pass retention:一次留着率Air permeability:透气度Porosity:透气度气孔度Surface strength:表面强度Gloss:光泽度Printability:适印性Delamination strength:层间强度(scott bond表示J/m2)Tensile:抗张强度CSF:游离度Stiffness:挺度Offset paper:胶版纸Fiber support index:纤维支撑指数Yarn:单丝线(网子毛布)Mesh:网密目数Extended nip:宽压区Slush pulp:液体浆湿浆Base paper:原纸Reel:卷纸机Winder:复卷机Predryer:预热烘缸Formation:匀度Uniformity:均匀度Smoothness:平滑度Bulk:松厚度Newsprint:新闻纸Profile:横向成型分布Unwind:unwinding:退纸展开Unwinder:unwind stand:退纸架Runnability:运转性能Hybrid former:混合成型器Deflocculation:抗絮聚Attenuator:衰减器Electropolish:电解法抛光Turbulence generator:湍动发生器Transition pipe connection:大小头接管Inlet header:进浆总管Disturbance:扰动Tubular:管状的Geometry:几何学Enlarging:扩大Manifold tube bank:(进浆总管之后的)管束Equalizing chamber:管束之后的平衡室Weir:堰Contraction:渐缩式收缩Compact:紧凑的简洁的Eddying:涡流Groove:凹槽Pedestal:基架基础Subassembly:部件组件Fourdrinier:长网纸机Rigid:刚性的Vacufoil:真空脱水板Foil:案板Girder:梁Tilt:倾斜度Irrespective:无关的不考虑Drop leg:大气水腿Vacushoe:真空靴Amplitude:振幅丰富Clad:覆层Worm gear:涡轮Electromechanical:电动机械Mist collector:集雾器Intermittent:间歇的Hydrant:消防栓Socket wrench:管钳Torque wrench:扭矩扳手Impact wrench:套筒扳手Spacer sleeve:间隔套Spacer ring:间隔环Circlip:卡簧Gasket:垫子Shim:薄垫片Retaining ring:扣环定位环Converge:聚合会聚Beneath:在…之下Compatibility:兼容性Straight press:正压榨Patent:专利Helical:螺旋状的Hydrostatic:流体静力学Deflection:偏差偏斜Momentum:动力要素Tackle:工具滑车装备Sling :Strap:吊装带Winch:绞盘Implement:工器具执行Dummy head:仿真头人工头Siphon:虹吸管Negative pressure:负压Intake:(水气)进口Cast iron:铸铁Insulation:绝缘隔热Elongation:延长伸长Drive pin:定位销传动销Crown:Crowning:中高Toothed rod:带齿的杆Linear velocity:线速度Hood:(烘缸)罩子Hoist:提升吊升Trolley:电车Dolly:移动推车Clearance gauge:塞尺Compliance:依据Applicator:施胶装置Solid content:固形物含量Thermostatic:温度调节装置的Drip pan:接水盘Universal shaft:万向轴Chrome:铬合金Chromium:铬Conduit:导管穿线管Antifriction bearing:抗磨轴承Circumference:周围Caliper:厚度Conical grinding:圆锥磨法Spherical plain bearing:球面滑动轴承Roller bearing:滚柱轴承Serrate:锯齿状的Induction coil:感应线圈电感器Profiler:横向调节器Parent roll:大卷筒Reel drum:卷纸缸Oblique loading:斜加载Sheave:滑轮Synchronizing shaft:同步轴Turn-up:换卷Pick up:引纸Dryer bar:扰流杆Press fit:压配合Deflaker:纤维疏解机Instantaneous production:瞬时产量Destacker:卸包机Integral:完整的整体的Aggregate:合计集合体Dewiring machine:除铁丝机Metal detector:金属探测器Adjustable bearing:可调轴承Dump tower:出料塔Intermediate chest:中间池Refiner:磨浆机OCC:废箱板纸制浆ONC:废新闻纸制浆DIP:脱墨浆Packing cord:填料绳Squeeze:压榨挤压Flush joint:齐平接缝Butt joint:对接接头Lantern ring:套环Undo:松开Symmetric:均衡的Homogeneous:均一的均匀的相似的Disintegration:瓦解Disperse:使分散使散开Composite:合成物合成的Coefficient:系数Impingement:冲击侵犯Robust:精力充沛Fluidization:使液化Instantly:立即地即刻地Pick-up felt:引纸毛毯Magnification:扩大放大倍数dtex=g/L*100 其中g为丝线的重量(克),L为丝线的长度(米)Underpressure:真空抽空Wiper:拭擦器拭擦布Entrainment:夹走带走Pigment:色素颜料Bill of lading:提货单Fibril:细纤维Sand blasting:喷砂Shock absorber:减震器Potentiometer:电位计Rear drum:后底辊Bowing rool:弧形辊Tungsten carbide:碳化钨Aluminium:铝Blade steel:刀片钢Chuck:复卷机纸芯夹头Rewinding head:复卷机纸芯夹头Saw tooth:锯齿状Roll lowering table:复卷机卸纸台。
Strictly Confidential for Power Management Roadshow 2013
Devices Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4 D1,D2,D3,D4 Q5,Q6 Q7,Q8 Q9 D5
Function Primary side MOS Rectifier Diode Unfolding switch Unfolding switch Buck MOS Buck Diode
低导通损耗+低开关损耗+ 快恢 CoolMOS P6/C6 (CFD 考虑无功功率要求) 复反并二极管(考虑无功功率要求) 低导通损耗 IGBT 600V Trenchstop
SiC SBD 600V or Gen5 650V SiC Diode
Strictly Confidential for Power Management Roadshow 2013
Strictly Confidential for Power Management Roadshow 2013
Copyright © Infineon Technologies 2011. All rights reserved.
Page 6
微型逆变器: 150W..900W
Strictly Confidential for Power Management Roadshow 2013
Copyright © Infineon Technologies 2011. All rights reserved.
Page 3
CES Wireless Technologies Model 600L 产品说明书
Model 600LDTMF MicrophoneMaster OEM Manual01100119 REV GDecember 4, 1995MAN03Limited WarrantyCES Wireless Technologies (C ES) warrants it's products to be free of defects in material and workmanship and extends this warranty under intended use and normal service conditions to the original owner for a period of one year from the date of purchase.This warranty does not apply to any product that has been subjected to repairs or alteration not authorized by CES, or for any product that has been damaged due to accident, abuse, neglect, vandalism, loss, unreasonable use, improper installations, lightning, fire, or water damage.The obligations of CES are limited to repairing or replacing, at the option of CES, any product or component that is returned to the factory all transportation charges prepaid, accompanied by proof of purchase and which examination reveals to have been defective within the warranty period stated above. CES does not assume, nor is any person authorized to assume for it, any obligation other than that stated herein.Any implied warranties, including but not limited to fitness for a particular purpose, are limited in duration for the above one year period. CES shall not be liable under this warranty, or any implied warranty, for the loss of use of the product or for any other consequential loss or damage incurred by the purchaser.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or consequential damages and so the above exclusions or limitations may not apply. This warranty gives you special legal rights and you may have other rights that vary from state to state.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *CES takes pride in the products and after the sale support that we offer our many customers.Copyright 1995 by CES, Winter Park, Florida. All rights reserved. Due to continual product improvements, descriptions and specifications are subject to change without notice.file: 600L-uni.manModel 600L Universal Microphone ManualGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe CES Model 600L DTMF Encoder Microphone is engineered specifically for use with a wide variety of mobile radio applications. Whether used on SMR trunked systems, conventional telephone interconnected shared mobile radio systems, or in dedicated single-user radio systems, your new 600L microphone will enhance the utility of your mobile communications. Standard features in the Model 600L microphone include:n Automatic push-to-talk transmitter keyingn Direct compatability with many models of mobile radio productsn Installed mating connector available for many popular model radios n Durable backlighted silicone rubber keypadn Precise crystal controlled tone generationn Automatic microphone mutingn Audible DTMF sidetone to ensure proper dialingn Rugged urethane extreme temperature coil cordn Optional fixed length DTMF digit dialing (150 milliseconds)Page 1INSTALLATIONYour CES Model 600L DTMF Encoder microphone may be easily configured for the particular application. Power is supplied to the microphone through the radio's microphone connector for all functions, including: audible sidetone and keypad illumination.If the Model 600L microphone was ordered for a specific application, a mating connector is installed; or, an appropriate connector may be installed using the information supplied below:FunctionCable WireColorBLUE+12 VDC InputRED Push-To-Talk (logic low)WHITE TX Audio OutputBLACK CTCSS Hang Up (logic low)SHIELD Audio/Logic GroundYELLOW Logic and Power GroundCTCSS Hang Up (Monitor) is a logical function that will normally (as shipped) provide an off-hook (open-circuit) to the radio for CTCSS or DCS squelch "monitor" , or other decoder functions, and a logic low when placed on-hook. A grounded microphone hang-up clip is required.A CTCSS Inverter is available as a factory option that provides reversed logic from the method described above. That is: the CTCSS Hang Up logic is an open-circuit when on-hook, and a closed circuit (logic low) when taken off hook.Page 2LEVEL SETTING AND INTERFACE ADJUSTMENTSTo accomplish level setting and any changes in (jumper) options, remove the four screws and the microphone back cover.Jumper JP1 - Audio Gain Select JumperThis jumper is used to set the range of microphone and DTMF audio output from the 600L microphone. When JP1 is installed (factory default, as shipped), it will accommodate requirements where the microphone audio is in the range of 40 mV or less. For higher voice and DTMF tone input levels, remove JP1.DTMF Tone Output Level (RV1)For reliable DTMF signaling: The DTMF tone deviation should be approximately 2/3 of the maximum deviation (for example: if the modulation limiting is set to 5.0 kHz, then the DTMF level should be 3.3 kHz). In any event, the DTMF Tone transmitted by the 600L microphone should not be clipped or distorted. If your service monitor does not have a CRT display to observe the transmitted waveform, use an oscilloscope connected to the "demod" output from the service monitor to visually verify the quality of this signal. Set RV1 for the proper DTMF Tone level (3.3 kHz). For applications where a 2.5 kHz deviation limit is used, set the DTMF level to approximately 1.7 kHz with no CTCSS tone, or 2.2 kHz with CTCSS tone. If the output is insufficient for proper modulation deviation, then remove JP1.Voice Level Adjustment (RV2)This adjustment sets the microphone level for voice modulation only. While monitoring the transmitter frequency on a service monitor, press the microphone PTT switch and set RV2 on the 600L microphone so that the voice deviation peaks just before limiting (clipping) occurs while speaking in an average voice level. Remove JP1 if the proper modulation level cannot be reached.Tone Burst ModeThe 600L microphone is shipped for the continuous DTMF tone mode. This mode provides a DTMF tone for the duration that the user presses a key. For the Burst Mode option, where a fixed length DTMF tone burst of 150 milliseconds is desired, install jumper JP4 (shown on figure "A").Automatic Push-To-Talk (PTT)The 600L microphone is shipped with Automatic Push-To-Talk enabled, where PTT occurs upon depressing any keypad digit. Should the application require that the user press the PTT switch in order to encode DTMF dialing, then remove resistor R2 (10K) to invoke this operation, and disabling the Automatic PTT feature. See Figure "A" for the location of R2. If R2 is removed, sidetone audio will not be heard from the microphone during DTMF dialing.Page 3Adjusting DTMF TwistThe DTMF microphone generates two tones when any keypad button is pressed. The following table illustrates the row tones and column tones generated by activating a keypad button:Column Tones (Hz)120913361477Row123697Tones456770(Hz)789852*0#941The term "DTMF Twist" is the ratio between the level of the column tone and the row tone generated by any keypad button. In application, the higher frequency (column) tones are more readily attenuated than the lower frequency (row) tones, the high frequency tones of any DTMF are generated by the microphone at a slightly higher level.The 600L microphone is shipped with the proper DTMF twist required for most applications, and this procedure should not be necessary.Should a particular application require the DTMF twist to be tested or changed, the following may be accomplished: (the temporary modification allows two keypad digits to be pressed within a column or row - resulting in the generation of a single tone applicable to that column or row):(1) Cut the plating run on the bottom of the 600L printed circuit board at JP6.(2) If installed, remove 600L microphone jumper JP4 (disables Burst Mode operation).(3) Press two keys within a column (for high tones) or two keys within a row (for lowtones) while monitoring the transmitted tone level on a service monitor.Page 4(4) The ratio of high to low tones may be modified by changing the value of C9 (470 pf):Increase the value to reduce the DTMF twist ratioDecrease the value to increase the DTMF twist ratioTable of Single-Tone Encoding - Service ModeKeypad Location ReferenceTone (Hz)ActualTone Output (Hz)PercentDeviationRow Tone 1697699.1+0.30Row Tone 2770766.2-0.49Row Tone 3852847.4-0.54Row Tone 4941948.0+0.74Column Tone 112091331.7+0.57Column Tone 213361331.7-0.32Column Tone 314771471.9-0.35(5) Reinstall JP6 with a wire jumper, returning the microphone to normal operation. Isolating Analog, Logic, and Power GroundsIf your application requires that the microphone audio, push-to-talk logic, and -12 VDC grounds be separate: Cut the jumper JP2 on the printed circuit board as shown in Figure "A".PTT Logic associated with Microphone AudioIf your application requires that the push-to-talk logical low signal be on the microphone audio line: Then install a wire jumper or resistor, as required by the application, at JP3. CTCSS Monitor (Standard Communications GX series)For the Standard Communications GX series mobile radios: Install a 10K ohm 1/8 watt resistor at R6. If you ordered the 600L microphone for this application, this (GXC) option has already been installed.Page 5CTCSS Monitor (Inverted Logic)For applications where the CTCSS monitor hookswitch circuit is open-circuit when the microphone is on-hook, and closed-circuit when off hook (Ericsson-GE and others):Remove R11Install R20 (27K ohm)Install R22 (27K ohm)Install C17 (.001 uf)Install Q3 (MPS2222)If you ordered the 600L with this specification, this option has already been installed.If an operating voltage (+8 to +12 VDC) not already available at microphone connector, locate a spare or unused pin on the radio microphone connector. Some radio microphone connectors may not have any obvious "spare" pins, but an existing function such as speaker or handset receive audio may be disconnected to free up the pin. Make a wire connection from this pin to a switched voltage within the radio (+8 to 12 VDC), and one that is filtered and/or regulated. Connect the microphone cable Blue wire to this source voltage connector pin on the microphone connector plug.If the radio application has no provision for providing the necessary operating voltage for the microphone and the radio microphone audio circuit incorporates a bias voltage of approximately 7 volts or more, a special version of the 600L is available from CES to interface with this requirement. Contact your CES Sales Representative for more information.Page 6THEORY OF OPERATIONPower to the microphone is provided via the radio microphone connector. This +12 VDC source voltage is filtered by C3 and regulated to 5.0 volts by VR1.Each time a key is pressed on the keypad, the normally low output of U2 pin 8 goes high, forward biasing CR2 and causing C2 to charge. The rise in voltage on inputs of U1C pins 8 and 9 causes the output pin 10 to go low. A low on either U1A pin 1 or U1B pin 6 results in the output of U1A-3 and U1B-4 to latch to a high state. The high input on the gate of Q1 in the drain output going to a low state and asserting a push-to-talk output to the radio. The charge on C1 will keep PTT low for approximately 1.5 seconds after each key is pressed. This delay allows for an adequate period of time for another user-initiated key to be subsequently pressed before transmitter push-to-talk is allowed to return to the unkeyed mode.With jumper JP4 in-place, the DTMF tone generated will be a tone burst of approximately 150 ms per digit, irregardless of how long the key is pressed. As received from the factory, the jumper is removed and each DTMF tone is generated for the entire duration of a pressed key.If the Burst Mode is enabled (JP4 installed), the length of the DTMF tone burst may be changed to accommodate a particular system requirement: Change R18 (270K) to a higher value to increase, or to a lower value to decrease the time period for each DTMF tone.If the automatic push-to-talk feature is disabled by removal of resistor R2, the microphone will have to be manually keyed (PTT depressed) to send the DTMF tones. In this mode, when the PTT switch is depressed, an active high is placed on the gate of Q1 causing the PTT output to go low enabling the transmitter and permitting the DTMF tones to be transmitted.The DTMF tone output is generated at U2 pin 16, and the DTMF output level is set with RV1. The microphone element voice output is amplified by U3A, where the gain and voice level is set by RV2 and then combined with the previously set DTMF audio level. Both voice and DTMF tones are further amplified by U3B (the actual gain determined by jumper JP1 setting: JP1 installed = low output, JP1 out = high output). The combined DTMF tones and voice audio are coupled through a non-polarized capacitor C11 to the microphone high input to the radio.The DTMF tones are connected to the microphone element EM1 when the PTT button is not depressed to provide audible sidetone of dialed digits. Sidetone is disabled if resistor R2 is removed for the Manual PTT option.Page 7Model 600L Universal Microphone Parts ListSymbolNumber Description CES PartNumberSymbolNumber DescriptionCES PartNumberC1,8,19C2,6,16C3C4C5C7,12,18 C9C10C11C13,14,15 CR1,3 CR2,4 EM1Q1Q2Q3R1R2,6R3R4R5,13R7,14,23 R8,9R10R11,19,21 R12R15R16,17R18R20,22 RV1RV2.1 uf 35V Capacitor10 uf 16V Tant. Capacitor10 uf 25V Tant. Capacitor1500 pf Capacitor.01 uf Capacitor1 uf Capacitor470 pf Capacitor22 pf Capacitor2.2 uf 16V NP Capacitor220 pf Capacitor1N5248 Zener Diode1N914 DiodeMicrophone ElementN CH Mosfet VN10KMNPN Transistor MPSA06MPS2222 Transistor200K 1/8W Resistor10K 1/8W Resistor100 1/8W Resistor1K 1/8W Resistor4.7K 1/8W Resistor150K 1/8W Resistor82K 1/8W Resistor680 1/8W Resistor0 1/8W Resistor8.2K 1/8W Resistor470 1/8W Resistor100K 1/8W Resistor270K 1/8W Resistor27K 1/8W Resistor100K Potentiometer10K PotentiometerCM.1CT10CT106CM1501CM.01CT1CM471CC22PCT2.2NPCM221D5248D914MIC01-KQVN10QA06Q2222ARC204RC10KRC101RC103RC472RC154RC823RC681RC-JUMPERRC8.2KRC471RC104RC274RC273RV100KRV103P1P2SW1U1U2U3VR1Y1NON-REFITEMSConnector, 6 PoleFlex Strip, 9-circuitPTT Switch DPDTIC CMOS CD4011IC DTMF EncoderIC TL062IC Regulator 78L053.579 Mhz CrystalFront Case Half(includes DTMF keypad)Rear Case HalfHang-up ButtonGround wire w/terminalFelt ScreenMetal ScreenPTT Lever, PlasticRubber RingNeoprene PadCase Screw #4 x 5/16"Microphone CordStrain ReliefRubber BootComplete Case AssemblyRear Label: 600L U nivCON54FLEX1MIC01-MU4011U2559U062U78L05XTAL3MIC01-AMIC01-BMIC01-CMIC01-DMIC01-EMIC01-FMIC01-GMIC01-HPAD03SCREW40CRDCES-1STRNREL04BOOT1600LMFLABEL002。
DPAK (TO-252) DPAK (TO-252)
DPAK (TO-252) DPAK (TO-252)
DPAK (TO-252)
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Packages PG-TO263-3 PG-TO263-3 PG-TO263-3 PG-TO263-3 PG-TO263-3 PG-TO263-3 PG-TO263-3 PG-TO263-3 PG-TO263-3 PG-TO263-3 PG-TO263-3 PG-TO263-3 PG-TO263-3 PG-TO263-3 PG-TO263-3 PG-TO263-3 PG-TO263-3 PG-TO263-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3 PG-TO252-3
SVD501DEAG 说明书 - 30mA、600V N沟道耗尽型场效应管
SVD501DEAG 说明书30mA 、600V N 沟道耗尽型场效应管描述SVD501DEAG N 沟道耗尽型高压功率MOS 场效应晶体管,采用士兰微电子的平面高压VDMOS 工艺技术制造。
特点♦ 30mA ,600V ♦ 耗尽型(常开器件) ♦ 提升了ESD 能力 ♦开关速度快♦提升了dv/dt 能力命名规则产品规格分类产品名称 封装形式 打印名称 环保等级 包装 SVD501DEAGTRSOT-23501DE无卤编带极限参数参数名称符号参数范围单位漏源电压V DS600 V 栅源电压V GS±20 V漏极电流T C=25°CI D0.03A T C=70°C 0.024漏极冲击电流I DM0.12 A耗散功率(T C=25°C)-大于25°C每摄氏度减少P D0.8 W0.007 W/°C工作结温范围T J-55~+150 °C 贮存温度范围T stg-55~+150 °C热阻特性参数名称符号参数范围单位芯片对管壳热阻RθJC150 °C/W 芯片对环境的热阻RθJA250 °C/W 电性参数(除非特殊说明,TC=25°C)参数名称符号测试条件最小值典型值最大值单位漏源击穿电压BV DSS V GS=-5V,I D=250µA 600 -- -- V 漏源漏电流I D(off)V DS=600V,V GS=-5V -- -- 0.1 µA 栅源漏电流I GSS V GS=±20V,V DS=0V -- -- ±10 µA 栅极阈值电压V GS(th)V DS=3V,I D=8µA -2.7 -- -1.0 V 导通漏极电流I DSS V GS=0V,V DS=25V 12 -- -- mA导通电阻R DS(on)V GS=0V,I D=3mA -- 310 700ΩV GS=10V,I D=16mA -- 330 700输入电容C issV DS=25V,V GS=-5V,f=1.0MHZ -- 10.03pF输出电容C oss-- 2.92 反向传输电容C rss-- 0.12开启延迟时间t d(on)V DD=300V,I D=0.01AV GS=-5~7VR G=6Ω(注1,2) -- 12.36ns开启上升时间t r-- 60.44 关断延迟时间t d(off)-- 25.48 关断下降时间t f-- 100栅极电荷量Q g V DS=400V,I D=0.01AV GS=-5~7V(注1,2) -- 2.75nC栅极-源极电荷量Q gs-- 0.55 栅极-漏极电荷量Q gd-- 1.61源-漏二极管特性参数参数名称符号测试条件最小值典型值最大值单位源极电流I S MOS管中源极、漏极构成的反偏P-N结-- -- 0.03A源极脉冲电流I SM-- -- 0.12源-漏二极管压降V SD I F=16mA,V GS=-5V -- -- 1.2 V反向恢复时间T rr I F=0.01A,V R=300V,dI F/dt=100A/µs -- -- 367 ns反向恢复电荷Q rr-- -- 963 nC 注:1. 脉冲测试:脉冲宽度≤300μs,占空比≤2%;2. 基本不受工作温度的影响。
华宏2017_8 Power Device IGBT
Process Frozen Single Product T/O WLR 1200V 1700V 600-1200V 600-1200V Trench NPT Trench NPT Trench FS(FDB) Trench FS IGBT IGBT IGBT (GDB) IGBT Completed Yes Yes Pass Completed Yes Yes Pass Completed Yes Yes Pass Completed Yes Yes Pass Pending on Product Request 3300V-6500V IGBT Completed Yes
VGE=0V,IC= 1.0mA 1200
VGE=15V,IC=25A IC=25mA,VGE=VCE 4 VCE=1200V,VGE=0 μA V nA VCE=0V,VGE=20V pF pF pF ns ns ns ns mJ mJ mJ
Electrical Characteristics
3 2.5 FOM=Vce(V)*Eoff(mJ) 2 1.5
CompetitorA HHGrace
0 1990
HHGrace Proprietary
1200V NPT IGBT Performance
1200V NPT IGBT @ Ic=25A (Customer product sample)
HHGrace Proprietary
DMN6140L 60V N-CHANNEL 增强模式 MOSFET 产品说明书
DMN6140L60V N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE MOSFET Product SummaryDescriptionThis new generation MOSFET is designed to minimize the on-stateresistance (R DS(ON)) and yet maintain superior switching performance,making it ideal for high efficiency power management applications.Applications∙DC-DC Converters∙Power Management Functions∙Analog SwitchFeatures and Benefits∙Low On-Resistance∙Low Input Capacitance∙Fast Switching Speed∙Low Input/Output Leakage∙Totally Lead-Free & Fully RoHS Compliant (Notes 1 & 2)∙Halogen and Antimony Free. “Green” Device (Note 3)∙Qualified to AEC-Q101 Standards for High ReliabilityMechanical Data∙Case: SOT23∙Case Material: Molded Plastic, “Green” Molding Compound;UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0∙Moisture Sensitivity: Level 1 per J-STD-020∙Terminal Connections: See Diagram∙Terminals: Finish – Matte Tin Annealed over Copper Leadframe.Solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208∙Weight: 0.0072 grams (Approximate)Ordering Information(Note 4)Notes: 1. No purposely added lead. Fully EU Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) & 2011/65/EU (RoHS 2) compliant.2. See /quality/lead_free.html for more information about Diodes Incorporated’s definitions of Halogen- and Antimony-free, "Green"and Lead-free.3. Halogen- and Antimony-free "Green” products are defined as those which contain <900ppm bromine, <900ppm chlorine (<1500ppm total Br + Cl) and<1000ppm antimony compounds.4. For packaging details, go to our website at /products/packages.html.Marking InformationTop View Pin ConfigurationSOT23N61 = Marking CodeYM = Date Code MarkingY = Year (ex: Y = 2011)M = Month (ex: 9 = September)DGEquivalent CircuitN61YMe3Maximum Ratings (@T A = +25°C, unless otherwise specified.)Thermal Characteristics (@TA = +25°C, unless otherwise specified.)Notes: 5. Device mounted on FR-4 PC board, with minimum recommended pad layout, single sided.6. Device mounted on FR-4 substrate PC board, 2oz copper, with thermal vias to bottom layer 1in. square copper plate.10.0V , DRAIN-SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)Figure 1 Typical Output CharacteristicDS I , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A )D2468V , GATE-SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)Figure 2 Typical Transfer Characteristics GS I , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A )DI , DRAIN-SOURCE CURRENT (A)D Figure 3 Typical On-Resistance vs.Drain Current and Gate VoltageR , D R A I N -S O U R C E O N -R E S I S T A N C E ()D S (ON )Ω00. , GATE-SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)Figure 4 Typical Drain-Source On Resistancevs. Gate-Source Voltage GS R , D R A I N -S O U R C E O N -R E S I S T A N C E ()D S (O N )Ω00. , DRAIN CURRENT (A)Figure 5 Typical On-Resistance vs.Drain Current and T emperatureD R , D R A I N -S O U R CE O N -R E S I S T A N C E ()D S (O N )Ω-50-250255075100125150T , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (C)Figure 6 On-Resistance Variation with Temperature J ︒R , D R A I N -S O U R C EO N -R E S I S T A N C E (N O R M A L I Z E D )D S (O N )0.3TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (C)Figure 7 On-Resistance Variation with Temperature ︒R , D R A I N -S O U R C E O N -R E S I S T A N C E ()D S (O N )ΩV , G A T E T H R E S H O L D V O L T A G E (V )G S (t h)V , SOURCE-DRAIN VOLTAGE (V)Figure 9 Diode Forward Voltage vs. Current SD 012345678910I , S O U R C E C U R R E N T (A )S 101000V , DRAIN-SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)Figure 10 Typical Junction CapacitanceDS C , J U N C T I O NC A P A C I T A N C E (p F )T Q , TOTAL GATE CHARGE (nC)Figure 11 Gate Chargeg V G A T E T H R E S H O L D V O LT A G E (V )G S 0.0010.010.11100V , DRAIN-SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)Figure 12 SOA, Safe Operation AreaDS I , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A )DPackage Outline DimensionsPlease see AP02002 at /datasheets/ap02002.pdf for the latest version.Suggested Pad LayoutPlease see AP02001 at /datasheets/ap02001.pdf for the latest version.0.11t1, PULSE DURATION TIME (sec)Figure 13 Transient Thermal Resistancer (t ), T R A N S I E N T T H E R M A L R E S I S T A N C EX E YC Z All 7°。
Kent-Taylor 600T Series Transmitters 产品说明书
Specification SheetHigh flexibility and wide rangeability Primary element and calibration selectable User-selectable output drive under input failure conditionsComplies with relevant IEC requirements for test procedure and environmental protection CENELEC Intrinsic Safety / Flameproof and Factory Mutual approvalsConfigurable to the actual application by standard PC600T Series transmitterA complete family of process transmitters providing high performance in real operatingconditions600T Series Transmitters Model 653LElectronic temperature transmitter (PC programmable for RTD andresistance)FEATURESModel 653L electronic transmitter is an extension of the Kent-Taylor 2-wire analog product line.It is designed for factory setting, in order to meet the specific application requirement of measuring low level signals from resistance thermometer (RTD) or resistance (ohm).The instrument can be easily reconfigured for actual requirements by simple procedures through a standard PC equipped with a specific software available on request. (Part no. AN0239)The temperature transmitter can be mounted directly on a thermowell and thermowell extension, or it can be mounted remotely on a pipestand.The transmitter assures operational security by using non-volatile memory and also handling up/down scale procedure under sensor anomalies.Compact, rugged, lightweight, easy to install and service, Kent-Taylor transmitters provide consistently reliable and stable perfor-mance under all types of process conditions, coupled with minimum maintenance requirements.FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONSRTD INPUTResistance thermometer Pt100 3 wires(IEC 751/DIN 43760; α = 0.00385)Measuring range : -200 to +850°C (-328 to +1562°F)Minimum span : 25°C (45°F)Resistance thermometer Ni100 3 wires(DIN 43760; α = 0,00618)Measuring range : -60 to +250°C (-76 to +482°F)Minimum span : 25°C (45°F)LINEAR RESISTANCE INPUT3 wiresMeasuring range : 0 to 10 kΩMinimum span : 30 ΩResponse Time selectable time constant (63%)0.33 to 60 sec. as defined.Loss of inputThe analog signal can be selected up to a minimum value of3.5 mA or a maximum value of 23 mA.Power supply (at transmitter terminals)The transmitter operates on 8 to 35 Vdc with no load and is protected against reverse polarity connection.Minimum operating voltages :• 8 Vdc without options• 10 Vdc with optional LCD meterFor Ex ia approval power supply must not exceed 28 Vdc. Warm-up timeOperation within specification in less than 5 min.Update time135 ms approx.Input impedance10 MΩOutput signalTwo-wire 4 to 20 mA dc., linear with ohms or linear with true temperature for RTD.Optional output meterLCD : 3 1/2 digit (±1999 counts) with 10 mm (3/8 in) high,7-segment characters. Engineering unit labels are provided. Max. offset (input)50% of max. valueLoad limitationsTotal loop resistance including optional remote indicator line : see figure.Temperature limitsAmbient-40 and +85°C (-40 and +185°F)with LCD meter : -20 and +80°C (-4 and +176°F)Storage-50 and +120°C (-58 and +248°F)with LCD meter : -40 and +85°C (-40 and +185°F)Humidity0 to 90% RHR(kΩ) =Supply voltage - min. operating voltage (Vdc)23Va - Supply voltage (Vdc)R-Totalloopresistance(Ω)1200PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONSIf not otherwise stated values as % should be considered percent of calibrated span.COMMON CHARACTERISTICSLinearity error< 0.1%Temperature coefficient<± 0.01%/°CSignal/noise ratiomin. 60 dBOutput meter indication accuracyLCD : ± 0.1% of calibrated span ± 1 digitSupply voltageWithin voltage/load specified limits the total effect is less than0.005%/V.LoadWithin load/voltage specified limits the total effect is less than0.01%/100Ω.EMI/RFIMeets EN50081 for emmission and EN50082 for immunity when instrument is properly installed with or without output meter.VibrationIEC 68-2-6 Test FCLloyd's specification no. 1 : 4g/2-100 HzMounting PositionThe transmitter may be mounted in any position with no effect on output signal.RTD INPUTBasic accuracy± 0.3°CSensor current0.2 mA to 0.4 mATemperature coefficientspan <100°C : ± 0.01°C/°CEffect of sensor cable resistance (3-wire)<0.002 Ω/ΩMax. cable resistance per wire10 ΩLINEAR RESISTANCE INPUTSensor current0.2 mA to 0.4 mAEffect of sensor cable resistance (3-wire)< 0.002 Ω/ΩMax. cable resistance per wire10 ΩConfigurationThe transmitter is supplied according to ordered configuration option as follows :Standard configurationSensor type, calibration @ 4-20 mA values (specify range when ordering), response time, broken sensor drive and optional LCD meter scale are in accordance with selected options . PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONSMaterialsHousing and coversLow copper aluminium alloy with baked epoxy finish;AISI 316 L ssCovers O-ringBuna NTaggingAISI 316 ss data plate attached to the electronics housing. Mounting bracket (*)Zinc plated carbon steel with chrome passivation; AISI 316 L ss Optional extrasOutput meter Plug-in rotatable type, LCD.Standard LCD meter scale is 0 to 100% linear; special linear scale to specified range and engineering unit is available. Supplemental customer tagAISI 316 ss tag fastened to the transmitter with stainless steel wire for customer's tag data up to a maximum of 56 characters and spaces on two lines for tag number and tag name, and up to a maximum of 28 characters and spaces for calibration details.Configuration kitIncludes 3.5" configuration program disk, a RS232 interface unit, a cable set for transmitter and PC connection providing adaptor and the user manual (order as Part no. AN0239). Mounting bracketFor 60 mm. (2in) stand pipe or wall mounting.Electrical connectionsTwo 1/2 NPT or M20 x 1.5 or PG 13.5 or 1/2 GK threaded conduit entries, direct on housing, both available for output/supply signal when the sensor is mounted remotely.Alternatively, one 1/2 NPT threaded entry for integrally mounted sensor and one 1/2 NPT or M20 x 1.5 or PG 13.5 or 1/2 GK threaded entry for output/supply signal, direct on housing.Terminal block- two terminals for 4-20 mA output/supply signal wiring up to 2.5 mm 2 (14 AWG) and two jacks compatible with 3 mm dia miniature plugs.- three terminals for input signal wiring up to 1.5 mm 2 (16 AWG)GroundingInternal and external 6 mm 2 (10 AWG) ground termination points are providedMass1 kg approx (2 lbs) without sensor and optionsPackingExpanded polythene boxEnvironmental protectionWet and dust-laden atmospheresThe transmitter is dust and sand tight and protected against immersion effects as defined by IEC 529 (1989) to IP67.Suitable for tropical climate operation as defined in DIN 40.040,application class GQC.Hazardous atmospheresWith or without output meter INTRINSIC SAFETY- CENELEC DEMKO approval; certificate no. 97D.122159EEx ia IIC T4 (T amb -40 to +85°C)/T6 (T amb -40 to +60°C)FLAMEPROOF-CENELEC/CESI Approval; certificate no. Ex-95.D.111EEx d IIC T5 (T amb -40 to +85°C)/T6 (T amb -40 to +70°C)FACTORY MUTUAL :-Explosionproof: Class I, Div. 1, Groups B, C, D -Dust ignitionproof : Class II, Div. 1, Groups E, F, G-Suitable for : Class II, Div. 2, Groups F, G; Class III, Div. 1, 2-Nonincendive: Class I, Div. 2, Groups A, B, C, D-Intrinsically safe: Class I,II, III, Div. 1, Groups A, B, C, D,E, F, G(*) U-bolt material : AISI 400 ss; screws material: high-strength alloy steel or AISI 316ssORDERING INFORMATIONSelect one character or set of characters from each category and specify complete catalog number.Use code0013th - 14th character l 123MOUNTING BRACKET- 12th character NoneCarbon steel AISI 316 L ssk135OUTPUT METER - 11th characterNoneDigital LCD linear 0-100% user scalableDigital LCD linear scale (specify range and engineering units)j1234A C D FHOUSING - 10th character Material Electrical connections 1/2" NPT CM 20Pg 13.51/2" GK 1/2" NPT CM 20Pg 13.51/2" GKAISI 316 L ssAluminium alloyBASE MODEL - 1st to 5th charactersCodice 653LYabcde Temperature TransmitterfINPUT SENSOR - 6th characterRemoteIntegrally mounted (NOTE 1) (one 1/2" NPT CONNECTION ENTRY IS PROVIDED)15NOTE 1 : quoted separately Use code YYgh7th and 8th characters 123U 7iELECTRICAL CERTIFICATION - 9th characterGeneral PurposeIntrinsic Safety to CENELEC EN50014/20 DEMKO approval to EEx ia IIC T6/T4Flameproof to CENELEC EN50014/18 CESI approval to EEx d IIC T6/T5 (NOTE 2)Intrinsic Safety and Flameproof, as above, CESI approval (NOTE 2)Factory Mutual (FM) (only available with Remote sensor and 1/2" NPT electrical connections )NOTE 2 : if integral sensor is required this must be supplied by ABB Kent-Taylor Lenno PRODUCT CODEBASE MODEL INPUT SENSORELECTRICAL CERTIFICATION HOUSINGOUTPUT METERMOUNTING BRACKETCALIBRATION/CERTIFICATEYY00abcde f gh i j k l mn omn o134CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE - 15th character Not requiredFor the transmitter onlyFor the transmitter and the integrally mounted input sensorTERMINAL CONNECTION INPUT TYPE ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSDIMENSIONS AND MOUNTING DETAILS (Not for construction unless certified)Resistancethermometer and Linear resistanceTerminals 3 and 6 = inputs Terminal 4 = 3rd wireABB Instrumentation spa Via Statale 11322016 Lenno (Como)ItaliaTel. (0344) 58111Facsimile (0344) 56278ABB Automation Inc.125 East County Line Road Warminster, Pa.18974-4995 USATel. (215) 674-6693/6320/6777Facsimile (215) 674-7184ABB Automation Ltd.Howard RoadSt. Neots, Cambs.England PE19 3EU Tel. (01480) 475321,Facsimile (01480) 217948The Company's policy is one of continuous product improvement and the right is reserved to modify the specifications contained herein without notice.S S /653L R e v 1。
电气专业英语词汇 中英对照表 精华版
AAbnormal异常Accuracy精度ACSR = aluminum conductor steel reinforced钢芯钻铰线adjustment 调整adjustable range可调范围fine adjustment细调rough adjustment粗调air gap气隙alarm 报警alarm bell警铃alarming window报警窗口ampacity载流量ampere安培kilovolt ampere千伏安amperemeter安培表,电流表amplifier放大器announciator报警器anode阳极anti-corrosion防腐蚀anti-pumping device防跳装置AOL = aircraft obstruction lamp航空障碍灯low intensity AOL低光强航空障碍灯high intensity AOL高光强航空障碍灯AQR = automatic reactive power regulator自动无功功率调整器arcing chamber灭弧室armature电枢ASS = automatic synchronizing system 自动同期系统asynchronous 非同期non-asynchronous capability非同期能力Bballast镇流器ballast-factor镇流器系数ball eyes 球头挂环battery蓄电池Cd-Ni battery镉-镍蓄电池lead-acid battery铅-酸蓄电池maintenance free battery 免维护蓄电池battery capacity蓄电池容量battery rack电池架battery room蓄电池室end battery端电池BIL = basic insulation level绝缘基本冲击耐压水平blocking diode闭锁二极管box 盒,箱cast aluminum junction box铸铅接线盒cast Ferro alloy junction box铸铁合金接线盒junction box接线盒lead box出线箱maintenance box检修箱marshalling box(总配线箱)power supply box动力箱terminal box端子箱test box试验盒normal lighting box 工作照明箱breaker 断路器close the breaker 合断路器open the breaker打开断路器breaker compartment 断路小室PT circuit broken PT回路断线brush 刷graphite brush石墨碳刷brush holder刷握brush supporter刷架brushless excitation system无刷励磁系统bus 母线branch bus分支母线by-pass bus 旁母main bus 主母线bus tie母联flexible busbar 软母线hard busbar硬母线miniature busbar 小母线tubular busbar管型母线changeover busbars倒母线bushing 套管oil filled bushing充油套管seal-off bushing密封套管wall bushing穿墙套管bushing lead terminal套管端子button 钮子push button 按钮self-holding push-button 自保持按钮turn button旋钮buzzer蜂鸣器Ccabinet 柜control cabinet控制柜distribution cabinet 配电柜cable 电缆3 cores cable三芯电缆armoured cable铠装电缆coaxial cable同轴电缆control cable控制电缆copper wire braid shield cable铜编织线屏蔽电缆fiber-optical cable光纤电缆fire resistant cable耐火电缆flame retardant cable阻燃(难燃)电缆heat tracing cable伴热电缆heating cable加热电缆heating sensitive cable热敏电缆high voltage oil-filled cable高压充油电缆impregnated paper insulated cable油浸纸绝缘电缆lead covered cable铅皮电缆mineral insulated cable无机绝缘电缆overhead cable架空电缆power cable动力电缆signal cable信号电缆stranded copper cable铜铰线电缆telephone cable电话电缆triple-core cable 三芯电缆twin-core cable 两芯电缆unarmoured cable 非铠装电缆communication cable 通讯电缆single-core cable单芯电缆tag of cable 电缆标牌cable clip 电缆夹flexible cable conduit 电缆软管cable conduit 电缆管cable head 电缆头cable laying 电缆敷设cable laying & list 电缆敷设及清册cable mezzanine 电缆夹层cable raceway system 电缆通道系统cable rack 电缆支架cable shaft 电缆竖井cable support 电缆支架cable suspender 电缆吊架cable terminal 电缆终端头cable tray 电缆桥架cable trench 电缆沟cable tunnel电缆隧道cable vault 电缆夹层control cable with copper tape shield 铜带屏蔽的控制电缆call 呼叫call back 回叫call signal呼叫信号external calling 外部呼叫internal calling 内部呼叫calling 主叫detail calling record 呼叫详细记录candle power distribution curve 配光曲线capability 能力out-of-phase breaking capability 失步开断能力pressure relief capability 压力释放能力rated closing capability 额定关合能力short-line fault breaking capability近区故障开断能力transient overvoltage capability 暂态过电压能力capability of switching long no-load line 分合长空载线路能力capability of switching no-load transformer 分合空载变压器能力capacitance 电容adjustable capacitor 可变电容器shunt capacitor 并联电容器voltage sharing capacitor 均压电容器capacitor 电容器capacitor divider 电容分压器capacity 能量,容量current carrying capacity 载流能量spare capacity 备用容量cavity ratio 室腔比cell jar 电瓶chain link 挂环changeover 切换automatic changeover 自动切换star-delta changing device 星角切换装置charge 充电equalizing charge 均衡冲电float charge 浮充电fully charged 全充charger 充电器boost charging voltage 大充电压initial charging voltage 起始充电电压check phase order核对相序circuit 电路,回路auxiliary circuit 辅助回路follow-up circuit 跟踪回路main circuit 主电路short circuit plate 短路板spare circuit(feeder)备用回路series circuit 串联电路circuit breaker 断路器air circuit breaker 空气断路器bus tie circuit breaker 母联断路器by-pass bus circuit breaker 旁路断路器current-limiting circuit breaker 限流断路器earth leakage circuit breaker 漏电开关field circuit breaker 磁场开关oil circuit breaker 油断路器residual current circuit breaker 漏电开关sectionalized circuit breaker 分段断路器SF6 gas insulated circuit breaker 六氟化硫断路器frame-type circuit breaker 框架式断路器clamp 线夹strain clamp耐张线夹suspension clamp 悬垂线夹clearance 带电距离clip 线夹quick clip 快速线夹closing 合闸open phase closing of breaker 非全相合闸closing pulse 合闸脉冲coil 绕组arc-suppression coil 消弧线圈armature coil 电枢绕组holding coil 保持线圈redundant trip coil 双跳闸线圈reset coil 复归线圈shunt excitation coil 分励线圈trip coil 跳闸线圈combined 综合combined filter 综合滤波器combined starter 综合起动器commission 调试communication 通信communication building 通信楼communication line 通信线communication monitoring 通信监听dispatching communication system 调度通信系统intra-plant communication system 厂内通信系统wireline communication system 有线通信系统component 分量fundamental component 基波分量harmonic component 谐波分量conductor 导体high conductivity 高导电率composite conductor 组合导线flexible conductor 伸缩节flexible conductor 软导线conductor cross-section 导体截面conform to 符合connection 连接,接线double bus connection 双母线接线open-delta connection 开口三角形连接star connection 星形连接zigzag connection 曲折形连接1 and 1/2 circuit breaker connection 1个半断路器接线connection pin 连接端子connection plate 联接片double bus connection with bypass 双母线带旁路接线end connector 终端接头power connector 电源接头removable connector 可拆接头oil conservator 油枕contact 触头arcing contact 弧触头arcing-extinguishing contact 灭弧触头common alarm contact 公用报警接点electrical independent contact 无源接点main contact 主触头moving contact 动触头normally closed contact 常闭接点normally opened contact 常开接点stationary contact 静触头auxiliary contact 辅助触头contactor 接触器electromagnetic pneumatic contactor 电磁气动接触器vacuum contactor真空接触器electromagnetic contactor 电磁接触器between open contacts 断口间continuous duty (service) 连续运行continuous rating 连续额定值control 控制automatic control 自动控制centralized control 集中控制local control 就地控制one-to-one control 一对一控制photoelectric control 光电控制器remote control 远方控制control circuit 控制回路electrical auxiliary control panel 电气辅助控制屏mosaic surface control panel马赛克控制屏network control room 网控室cool 使冷却hydrogen inner cooled 氢内冷water cooled 水冷却natural cooling 自冷式forced air cooling system 强迫风冷系统copper bus-bar 铜母线core limb 铁芯柱corona 电晕corona-proof cover防晕罩correcting circuit 校正电路correction factor 校正系数COS = change-over switch 切换开关CP = candle power 烛光creepage distance 爬距crest 峰,峰值crest voltage 峰值电压CS = control switch 控制开关CT = current transformer 电流互感器burden of CT CT的二次容量zero sequence CT 零序CTCU = coefficient of utilization 利用系数current电流capacitive current 电容电流dynamic stable current 动稳定电流field current 磁场电流impressed current 外加电流inductive current 电感电流interrupting current 开断电流leakage current 泄漏电流line-charging current 线路充电电流making current 关合电流momentary current 瞬时电流negative sequence current 负序电流no-load current 空载电流nominal discharge current 标称放电电流peak withstand current 峰值耐受电流rated breaking current 额定开断电流rated short time current 额定短时耐受电流reactive current 感性电流short circuit current 短路电流starting current 起动电流stray current 泄漏电流rated continuous current 额定持续电流zero sequence current 零序电流current amplification 电流放大current collector 集电器current converter 变流器current intensity 电流强度secondary current of CT CT的二次电流current shunt 分流器phase current 相电流DDC system 直流系统de-energized equipment 不带电设备definite time lag 定时限deformation 变形dehydrating breather 吸湿器delay 延时long time delay 长延时short time delay 短延时delta connection 三角形连接depth of embedded grounding wire 接地线埋深derating factor 降容系数diagram 图图纸CWD =control wiring diagram 控制接线图EWD =elementary wiring diagram 原理接线图mimic diagram 模拟图one-line diagram 单线图dial 拔号diameter 直径direct dialling 直拨directly burying 直埋敷设discharge 放电deep discharge 过放电intercept lightning discharge 截取雷电流self discharge 自放电discharge counter 放电计数器discharge final voltage 放电未期电压disconnection 解列busbar disconnection 母线解列system disconnection 系统解列system disconnection and field extinction 解列灭磁dispatcher 调度员distortion factor 畸变系数diversity factor 分散系数document 文件double column 双柱DP = drip-proof 防滴型draw-out carriage 抽出式小车dust proof type 防尘型Eearthing 接地earthing rod 接地极earthing terminal 接地端子efficiency 效率electric 电气electric braking 电气制动electric welding machine 电焊机electrical life 电气寿命electricity engineering 电气工程electrode pole 电极electrolyte 电解液electromagnet 电磁铁electromagnetic induction 电磁感应electromotance 电动势electronic element 电子元件emergency bell 事故铃energy 能,能量forced line energization 线路强送电successful forced line energization 线路强送电成功trial line energization 线路试送电enter the cubic from the top 柜顶进线enter the cubicle from the bottom 柜底进线excitation 励磁reducing excitation 减励磁force excitation 强励low excitation 低励磁over excitation 过励磁excitation cubicle 励磁柜excitation current 励磁电流force excitation factor 强励系数excitation initiating equipment 起励设备static excitation system 静态励磁系统excitation system response ratio励磁系统响应比excitation transformer 励磁变压器excitation voltage 励磁电压exciter 励磁机main exciter 主励磁机pilot exciter 副励磁机standby exciter 备用励磁机expansion join 伸缩节expected life 期望寿命explosion-proof type 防爆型Ffailure alarming signal 事故报警信号fault 故障grounding fault 接地故障fault recollecting and recording device 事故追忆记录装置fault recorder 故障记录F-C = high-voltage current limiting fuse and vacuum contactor 高压限流熔断器及真空接触器feeder 馈线incoming feeder 进线outgoing feeder 出线feeder bay馈线间隔field 磁场field extinction 灭磁field flashing equipment起励设备field voltage 磁场电压fire 火fire proof blockage 防火堵料fire proof limit耐火极限fire proof partition 耐火隔板fire protection pillows 阻火包fire retardant coating 阻燃涂料single face exit sign fixture 单面出口标志灯flexible joint 挠性接头FOA = forced oil air cooled 强油风冷foot candle ( F.C ) 英尺-烛光forced outage 强迫停机frequency频率frequency converter station 变频站fuse 熔断器no powder-filled cartridge fuse无填料封闭管式熔断器plug-in type fuse 插入式熔断器powder-filled cartridge fuse 有填料封闭管式熔断器screw-type fuse螺旋式熔断器self-mending fuse 自复熔断器fast acting fuse 快速熔断器fuse blow熔断器熔断Ggalvanic protection system 牺牲阳极保护系统galvanized steel镀锌钢gap 间隙protective gap 保护间隙gapless metaloxide type 无间隙金属氧化型generator 发电机direct current generator 直流发电机dual inner water cooled generator 双水内冷发电机signal generator 信号发生器water-hydrogen-hydrogen cooling generator 水-氢-氢冷发电机generator hydrogen cooling system 发电机氢冷却系统generator load curve发电机负荷曲线generator pedestal发电机基座generator rotor发电机转子generator sealing oil system 发电机密封油系统generator stator 发电机定子generator terminal 发电机端子generator terminal lead 发电机引出线generator termination room 发电机出线小室generator water cooling system 发电机水冷却系统generator-transformer extension unit 发变组扩大单元generator-transformer unit 发电机变压器组GIS = gas insulated switchgear 全封闭组合电器Glare眩光glass cloth tape 波纤带grading ring 均压环、屏蔽环ground pad 接地端子groundbed 接地床anode groundbed 阳极接地床distributed-type groundbed 分散型接地床impressed current groundbed 泄漏电流接地床directly (solid) grounded 直接接地effectively grounded 有效接地un- grounded 不接地grounded through resistor 通过电阻接地grounding 接地single-phase grounding 单相接地grounding conductor 接地导体grounding megger 接地电阻测试仪main grounding network (grid)主接地网grounding system 接地系统grounding terminal 接地端子grounding wire 接地线guarantee 保证Hharmonics 谐波even harmonic 偶次谐波odd harmonic 奇次谐波heater 加热器self limiting parallel heater 自限制式并联加热器heating element 加热元件hertz (Hz) 赫兹high 高high pressure sodium ( HPS ) 高压钠灯high voltage transmission line 高压线路high-frequency amplification 高频放大high-frequency filter 高频滤波器hot-dipped galvanized 热镀锌Iidentification 识别igniter触发器illuminance 照度impedance 阻抗asymmetrical impedance 不对称阻抗negative-sequence impedance 负序阻抗positive-sequence impedance 正序阻抗zero sequence impedance 零序阻抗impressed current cathodic protection 外加电流阴极保护indicator 指示器indoor type 户内式initial 首次initial power transmission 首次送电initial synchronization 首次并网input 输入instrumentation测量仪表insulation 绝缘epoxy resin insulation 环氧树脂绝缘insulating strength绝缘强度layer insulation 层间绝缘4 - 8 电气专业mica insulation 云母绝缘plastic insulation 塑料绝缘section insulation 段间绝缘turn insulation 匝绝缘insulation between phase 相间绝缘insulation class 绝缘等级insulation level 绝缘水平porcelain insulator 瓷质绝缘子post insulator 柱式绝缘子supporting insulator支撑绝缘子suspending insulator 悬挂式绝缘子tension insulator 耐张绝缘子insulator绝缘子interlock 联锁inverse time lag反时限inverter 逆变器IPB = isolated phase bus duct 离相封闭母线Jtesting jack 试验端子Kkilovar (kVAR) 千乏kilovolt 千伏kilowatt (kW) 千瓦kilowatt-hour 千瓦时Llagging phase 滞后相lamp 灯left(right)arrow lamp 单面出口标志灯portable lamp 行灯mercury lamp 水银灯metal halide lamp 金属卤化物灯high intensity discharge lamp 高强气体放电灯fluorescent lamp荧光灯incandescent lamp 白炽灯self-ballasted lamp自镇流灯tungsten halogen lamp碘钨灯projection lamp 投光灯lamp socket 灯座layer-to-layer 层间LDD = luminaire dirt depreciation 照明器污秽减光系数leading phase 超前相down- light 筒灯light source (illuminant)光源flood lighting泛光照明local lighting 局步照明emergency lighting 应急灯lighting box 照明箱emergency lighting box 事故照明箱double-faced plate lighting fixture 双块板灯flush mounted fluorescent lighting fixture嵌入式荧光灯tube fluorescent lighting fixture 简式荧光灯anticorrosive, dust-proof and water-resistant lighting fixture三防灯具wrap-around fluorescent lighting fixture 全密封荧光灯garden lighting fixture 庭院灯waterproof fluorescent lighting fixture 防水荧光灯flameproof fluorescent lighting fixture 防爆耐火荧光灯road lighting fixture路灯lighting fixture 灯具lightning 雷电tube type lightning arrester 管形避雷器valve type lightning arrester 阀型避雷器lightning arrester避雷器lightning current 雷电流lightning protection 防雷lightning recorder 雷电记录器lightning rod避雷针4 - 9 电气专业lightning strike 雷击lightning wave front shape雷电波头形状lightning wire避雷线live line connection带电接线live line disconnection 带电拆线LLD = lamp lumen depreciation 光通量衰减系数Load 负荷target load 目标负荷load characteristic curve负载特性曲线load rejection甩负荷locked rotor current 转子堵转电流locked rotor torque 转子锁定转矩looping-off 解环loss 损耗copper loss 铜损iron loss 铁损load loss 负载损耗no-load loss空载损耗supplementary load loss附加损耗loss-ratio 损耗比louver 格栅louver all ceiling 大面积发光天棚lug 接线片ring lug 环型接线片spade lug 铲型接线片terminal lug 接线端子lumen 流明background luminance 背景亮度luminaries 照明器effective luminous intensity 有效光强LX = lux 勒克司Mmagnetic lock 电磁锁maintenance 维护malfunction 误动作manhole 人孔marking strip 标识条MCB = miniature circuit breaker 微型断路器MCCB = moulded case circuit breaker 塑壳式断路器mechanical life 机械寿命megawatt (MW) 兆瓦metal clad 金属铠装meter 表计gravity meter 比重计insulation supervision meter 绝缘监察表kVAR-hour meter 无功电度表kW-hour meter 有功电度表phase meter 相位表plier-type current meter钳型表power factor meter 功率因数表secondary meter 二次表计single-phase kilowatt-hour meter 单相电能表three-phase kilowatt-hour meter 三相电能表voltage meter 电压表watt-hour meter 电度表MF = maintenance factor维护系数MHF = mounting height above the floor 距地面安装高度MHWP = mounting height above the work-place 距工作面安装高度milliammeter 毫安表millivoltmeter 毫伏表mimic bus 模拟母线mis-operation 误操作MOC = mechanism operated cell switch 机构操作式开关motor 电动机adjustable speed motor调速电动机commutator motor整流子电动机governor motor 调速电动机horizontal type motor卧式电动机induction motor 诱导电动机synchronous motor同步电动机variable speed motor 可变速电动机vertical type motor 立式电动机motor maximum torque 电动机最大转矩mounted 镶嵌,安装standing pole mounted 立杆安装4 - 10 电气专业ceiling mounted嵌入顶棚handrail mounted 扶手安装open mounted 明装wall mounted 吸壁flush mounted 暗装pendant mounted 悬挂stanchion mounted 柱上安装surface mounted 吸顶安装mounting type 安装方式movable type 移动式Nnameplate 铭牌negative pole 负极neutral point 中性点normal 正常NPB = non-segregated phase bus duct 共箱母线Oohm 欧姆OHM = ohmmeter 欧姆表oil level indicator 油位指示器OLTC = on-load tap-changer 有载分接开关open circuit characteristic curve 开路特牲曲线operate 操作operated in single phase 分相操作operated in three phase 三相操作operating duty cycle 操作顺序hydraulic operating mechanism 液压操作机构pneumatic operating mechanism 气动操作机构spring stored-energy operating mechanism 弹簧贮能操作机构operating mechanism 操作机构operation 运行load limit operation 限负荷运行open phase operation 非全相运行trial operation 试运行pole slip operation 滑差运行operation mode 运行方式oscilloscope 示波器outdoor type 户外式outgoing feeder gantry structure 出线门型架构outgoing line 出线direction of outgoing line 出线方向output 输出shaft output轴功率output increment 增负荷output reduction降负荷overhead line 架空线over-flux 过激磁over-voltage times 过电压倍数oxygen index 氧指数PP.U. value = per unit value标幺值packing instruction 包装说明paging dispatching unit 扩音调度机panel 盘control panel 控制盘side panel 边屏parallel 并联parallel branch 并联支路parameter 参数partial discharge 局部放电periodic duty service定期运行phase 相in-phase 同相phase angle 相角phase sequence 相序phase shifter 移相器phase to ground 相对地phase-angle difference 相角差plug-in unit 插件pole and tower 杆塔pole plate 极板pole-mounting type 柱上式positive pole 正极potential 电位,电势protective potential 保护电位step potential 跨步电压touch potential 接触电压transferred potential 传递电位zero potential 零电位potentio meter 电位计power 功率,能量active power 有功功率apparent power 视载功率electric power 电功率loss of power 失电reactive power 无功功率stand by power 备用电源power factor 功率因数line power flow线路潮流power grid电网auxiliary power ratio 厂用电率AC power source 交流电源DC power source 直流电源power system swing 系统振荡auxiliary power system 厂用电系统power system 电力系统printed wiring board 印刷电路板protection 保护back-up protection 后备保护branch overcurrent protection 分支过流保护busbar protection 母线保护cathodic protection 阴极保护differential protection 差动保护distance protection 距离保护freeze protection 防冻generator main protection 发电机主保护grounding protection 接地保护high-frequency protection 高频保护impedance protection 阻抗保护instantaneous overcurrent protection 速断保护longitudinal differential protection 纵差保护loss-of field protection 失磁保护low frequency protection 低频保护negative-sequence current protection负序电流保护out-of step protection 失步保护over current protection 过流保护over excitation protection 过励磁保护reverse power protection 逆功率保护start-up protection 起动保护thermo-magnetic protection 热磁保护transverse differential protection 横差保护under voltage protection 低电压保护zero-sequence current protection 零序电流保护PT (=potential transformer) balance protection PT断线保护protection level at steep current 陡波冲击保护水平protective zone 保护范围PVC(polyvinyl chloride) insulated cable 聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆Qquality assurance 质量保证quality control 质量控制Rradio 无线电rated 额定rated input 额定输入rated output 额定输出rated value 额定值reactance 电抗capacitive reactance 容抗inductance reactance 感抗subtransient reactance 次暂态电抗synchronous reactance 同步电抗transient reactance 暂态电抗reactive power compensation device 无功补偿装置reactor 电抗器current-limiting reactor 限流电抗器disruptive reactor 分裂电抗器grounding reactor 接地电抗器shunt reactor 并联电抗器receiver 接收机receptacle (socket) 插座receptacle plug 插头re-close 重合闸recording 记录recording duration 记录时间recording instrument 记录仪表rectifier 整流器rectify 整流redial 重拨reflectance factor 反射系数reignite 重燃relative 有关的relay 继电器auxiliary relay 辅助(中间)继电器blocking relay 闭锁继电器Buchholtz relay 瓦斯/压力断电器closing relay 合闸继电器control relay 控制继电器current relay 电流继电器current-limiting relay 限流继电器delayed relay 延时继电器digital type protection relay 数字式继电保护directional relay 方向继电器distance relay 距离继电器flicker relay 闪光继电器lockout relay 出口继电器micro-processor based protective relay 微机继电保护pilot relay 辅助继电器plugging relay 防逆转继电器position relay 位置继电器reclosing relay 重合闸继电器reed relay 舌簧继电器self-starting relay 自启动继电器SIC protection relay 半导体继电保护thermal relay 热继电器time relay 时间继电器tripping relay 跳闸继电器two zone distance relay 两段距离继电器voltage relay 电压继电器voltage-controlled overcurrent relay 电压控制过电流继电器relay 继电器combined protection relay 综合保护继电器protection relay panel 继电保护屏relay protection 继电保护relay station 中继站relevant 相关的repeater 中继器repeater circuit 中继电路repeater group 中继组resistance 电阻high resistance 高阻low resistance 低阻arc suppression resistor 灭弧电阻dynamic braking resistor 制动电阻non-liner resistor 非线性电阻standard resistor 标准电阻starting resistor 起动电阻resistor 电阻器resolution 分辨率rheostat 变阻器slider-type rheostat 滑线式变阻器start rheostat 起动变阻器ripple contain factor 波纹系数RMS = root-mean-square 有效值rotor 转子squirrel-cage type rotor 鼠笼型转子wound type rotor 绕线式转子rotor conductor slot 转子线槽rotor retaining ring 转子护环rotor slip ring 转子滑环rotor winding 转子线圈rubber cushion 橡皮绝缘垫SS/MH = spacing-to-mounting height ratio 距高比sampling frequency 采样频率saturation 饱和saturation factor 饱和系数scanner 扫描器scope 范围scope of supply 供货范围scope of work 工作范围seismic 地震self-holding 自保持sensitivity 灵敏度series 串联serial capacitor compensation device 串联电容补偿装置service level 服务级别setting range 整定范围setting value 整定值SF6 gas leakage detector SF6气体泄漏检测器SF6 gas moisture analyzer SF6气体湿度分析仪SF6 gas reclaiming equipment SF6气体回收设备shade and railing 遮栏sheath 护套inner sheath 内护套outer sheath 外护套shield 屏蔽short circuit 短路three-phase short circuit 三相短路two-phase short circuit 两相短路system short circuit capacity 系统短路容量short circuit characteristic curve 短路特牲曲线short circuit ratio 短路比short time parallel 短期并列signal 信号failure signal 事故信号flash signal 闪光信号status signal 状态信号signal indicator 信号指示器SIL = switching impulse level 操作冲击水平silicon-steel sheet 硅钢片single-phase 单相sinusoid 正弦波slight pressure device 微正压装置soil resistivity 土壤电阻率solid state rectifier 固态整流器solver plated 镀银spacer 间隔棒spare parts 备品备件special tool 专用工具splice 接头factory splice 工厂接头field splice 现场接头SS = select switch 选择开关stabilized power supply device 稳压电源装置starter 起动器full-voltage starter 全电压启动器reduced-voltage starter 降压启动器rotor resistance starter 转子电阻启动器star-delta starter星-三角起动器magnetic starter 磁力起动器stator 定子stator core 定子铁芯stator end cover 定子端盖stator housing 定子外壳stator winding 定子线圈storage 贮存storage battery 蓄电池substation 变电站sub-synchronous resonance 低频共振surge 冲击浪涌surge absorber 过电压吸收装置zinc- oxide surge arrester 氧化锌避雷器surge arrester 避雷器magnetic blow surge arrester 磁吹避雷器SVC = static VAR compensator 静态无功补偿装置switch 开关disconnecting switch 隔离开关double earthing switch 双接地刀electronic switch 电子开关fuse- switch 熔断器式开关grounding (earthing) switch 接地开关iron clad switch 铁壳开关proximity switch 极近开关single earthing switch 单接地刀static transfer switch 静态转换开关voltmeter change-over switch 电压表切换开关switch 开关dimmer switch 调光开关knife switch 刀开关pull switch 拉线开关single pole switch 单极开关switch off 断开switch on 合上switch-fuse 负荷开关switchgear 配电装置in-door switchgear 屋内配电装置out-door type switchgear 户外配电装置day-night switching unit 昼夜开关step-up switchyard 升压站switchyard 开关站symmetrical 对称的synchronization 同期single phase synchro-control 单相同期控制synchronization checking 同期鉴定automatic quasi-synchronization 自动准同期manual quasi-synchronization 手动准同期synchronizing device 同期装置synchronous condenser 调相器synchroscope 同期表system 系统system oscillation 系统振荡Ttap lead 抽头tap position indicator 分接头位置指示器tapping 分接tapping range 分接范围tapping step 分接级全封闭风冷型telecontrol 遥控telemetering 遥测telephon 电话telephon set 电话机automatic exchange telephone 自动交换机dispatching telephone 调度电话机extension telephone 电话分机noise-reducing telephone 抗噪音电话机talking on the telephone 通话video telephone 可视电话telephone booth 电话亭telephone handset 电话听筒teleregulation 遥调telesignalisation 遥信terminal 端子compression terminal 压缩端子compression type terminal 压接型端子terminal block 端子排terminal screw 端子螺钉test 试验AC withstand voltage test 交流耐压试验continuous breaking capability test 连续开断能力试验DC withstand voltage test 直流耐压试验evolving fault breaking test 开断发展性故障试验insulation withstanding test 绝缘耐受试验mechanical performance test 机械性能试验out-of-phase breaking test 失步开断试验parallel breaking test 并联开断试验partial discharge test 局部放电试验performance test 性能试验rain proof test 防雨试验routine test 例行试验routine test 常规试验sealing test 密封试验seismic test 抗震试验short circuit test 短路试验short circuit making and breaking test 短路关合和开断性能试验short-line fault test近区故障试验site test 现场试验standard type test 标准型式试验static test 静态试验switching no-load long line test 分合空载长线试验switching no-load transformer test 分合空载变压器试验switching shunt reactor test 分合并联电抗器试验temperature rise test 温升试验test report 试验报告test voltage 试验电压pen tester 试电笔TEWAC = totally enclosed with water cooled air cooler 全封闭水空冷型thermo-couple 热电偶thermometer 温度计thyristor element 硅整流元件auto-reclosing dead time 自动重合闸无电流时间time 时间breaking time 分闸时间inherent closing time 固有合闸时间inherent opening time 固有分闸时间reclosing time 重合闸时间Max.breaking time 最大全分闸时间time delay de-engergizing 延时释放time delay energizing 延时带电time lead 导前时间tin galvanized 镀锡TOC = truck operated cell switch 小车操作式开关torque 转矩breakdown torque 破坏转矩starting torque 起动转矩torsional stress 扭应力transducer 变送器transformer 变压器auto- transformer 自耦变压器booster transformer 增压变压器busbar straight-through current transformer 母线式电流互感器bushing current transformer 套管式电流互感器core type transformer 芯式变压器coupling-capacitor voltage transformer 耦合电容式电压互感器current transformer 电流互感器dry type transformer 干式变压器isolated transformer隔离变压器lighting transformer 照明变压器low voltage auxiliary transformer 低压厂用变压器low voltage common transformer 低压公用变压器main transformer 主变压器maintenance transformer 检修变压器measuring transformer 测量用互感器oil-immersed type transformer 油浸变压器protecting transformer 保护用互感器PT = potential transformer 电压互感器shell type transformer壳式变压器single-phase transformer 单相变压器split winding type transformer 分裂变压器start-up/stand by transformer 起动/备用变压器step-down transformer 降压变压器step-up transformer 升压变压器three-phase transformer 三相变压器tie transformer 联络变压器transformer 变压器auxiliary building transformer辅助厂房变压器transformer angular displacement 变压器联接组别current transformer calibrating device 电流互感器校验装置transformer cooling system 变压器冷却系统transformer fitted with O.L.T.C (on-load tap-changer)有载调压变压。
VANNER 600 Watt VLT Series Inverter 用户手册说明书
TABLE OF CONTENTS1INTRODUCTION (3)2IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (3)2.1.1General Safety Precautions (3)2.1.2Precautions When Working With Batteries (4)3SPECIFICATIONS AND FEATURES (5)3.1.1Specifications (5)3.1.2Front Panel (6)3.1.3ON / OFF Control Switch (6)3.1.4Remote Control Terminal (6)3.1.5DC Input Level LED (6)3.1.6AC Load Level LED (7)3.1.7AC Output GFCI Duplex Receptacle (7)3.1.8Rear Panel (8)3.1.9Single Wire Remote Control (8)3.1.10DC Input Terminals (9)3.1.11Chassis Ground Bonding Lug (9)3.1.12Fan (9)3.1.13Measurements (9)4INSTALLATION (10)4.1.1DC Wiring Considerations (10)4.1.2DC Cable and Fuse Sizing Chart (11)4.1.3DC Wiring Installation Procedure (11)5TROUBLESHOOTING (12)6MAINTENANCE (12)1 INTRODUCTIONThank you for purchasing a Vanner 600 Watt VLT SERIES Inverter. We are confident that you will be satisfied with the inverter’s performance and its many features. With proper installation and care, you can look forward to years of service from this high performance product.This document will describe the operation, technical specifications and installation procedures.2 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSElectrocution hazard existsFire hazard existsA potentially dangerous conditionExplosive hazard existsCorrosive hazard existsTo get the most out of the power inverter, it must be installed and used properly. Please read the instructions in this manual before installation. Keep this manual for future reference.2.1.1 General Safety PrecautionsDo not expose the inverter to rain, snow, spray, or dust. To reduce risk of hazard, do not obstruct the ventilation openings. Do not install the inverter in a zero-clearance compartment. Overheating may result.To avoid a risk of fire and electric shock, make sure the wiring is in good electrical condition and is proper gauge. Do not operate the inverter with damaged or substandard wiring.This equipment contains components that can produce arc or sparks. To prevent fire or explosion, do not install in compartments containing batteries or flammable materials or in locations which require ignition protected equipment This includes any space containing gasoline-powered machinery, fuel tanks, or joints, fittings, or other connection between components of the fuel system2.1.2 Precautions When Working With BatteriesIf battery acid contacts skin or clothing, wash immediately with soap and water. If acid enters eye, immediately flood eye with running cold water for at least 20 minutes and get medical attention immediately.Never smoke or allow a spark or flame in vicinity of battery or Engine.Do not drop a metal tool onto the battery. The resulting spark or short-circuit on the battery or other electrical part may cause an explosion.Remove personal metal items such as rings, necklaces, and watches when working with a lead-acid battery. A lead-acid battery can produces a short-circuit current high enough to weld a ring or the like to metal, causing severe burns.3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FEATURES3.1.1 SpecificationsModel Number SPECIFICATIONSVLT12-600 VLT24-600 AC Power OutputRated Continuous Output 600 WattsSurge Rating (3S) 800 WattsOutput Waveform True Sine WaveTotal Harmonic Distortion < 3% THDOutput Voltage 120 VAC +/- 3%Output Frequency 60 HzAC Output Wiring Method GFCI Duplex ReceptacleMaximum, Efficiency % 88 90DC Input Voltage 12V Nominal 24V Nominal DC Input Voltage Range 11.5 to 16.0 23.0 to 32.0 Low DC voltage Shutdown / Restart 11.3 / 13.5 22.5 / 26.5 High DC voltage Shutdown / Restart 16.3 / 15.8 32.6 / 31.5 DC Input CurrentInverter ON with no AC load < 1ASystemProtection Overload, Short Circuit, Reverse Polarity (internal fuses), Over/Under Input Voltage, Over TemperatureSafety UL458Remote Control ON/OFF Control by customer supplied external switch Ambient Operating Temperature -25 +50ºC (-13 to +122ºF)Storage Temperature -30 to +70ºC (-22 to 158ºF)Fan Cooling Thermostatically controlled cooling fan Enclosure Painted aluminumDimensions (L x W x H) 11.0” L x 7.25” W x 3.0” HWeight 6.6 pounds3.1.2 Front Panel3.1.3 ON / OFF Control SwitchThe ON/OFF Switch must be in the ON position when using Remote Control.3.1.4 Remote Control TerminalA green two-terminal connector located on the rear panel allows remote ON/OFF control of the inverter by a customer-supplied ON/OFF switch. The connector can be removed from the inverter by pulling the connector outward. The two upward facing screws are used to tighten the compression terminals for attachment of the signal wire(s). Torque to 4 lb-in max.Standard Operation (no remote control)The inverter is shipped with a jumper connecting terminals Vout and Vin. With the jumper in place (remote control not being used) the inverter is fully functional using the ON/OFF control switch located on the front of the inverter.3.1.5 DC Input Level LED3.1.6 AC Load Level LEDLED Display and Color Approximate Load ConditionDark 0 ~ 30WGreen 30W ~ 200WOrange 200W ~ 450WRed 450W ~ 580WRed Blink Over 580WRed Fault Led – Solid when unithas shut down for over load.3.1.7 AC Output GFCI Duplex ReceptacleThe AC output neutral conductor is connected to AC ground and inverter chassis ground inside the inverter. This conforms to National Electrical Code requirements that separately derived AC sources (such as inverter and generators) have their neutral conductors tied to ground in the same way that the neutral conductor from the utility is tied to ground at the AC breaker panel.Do not connect AC neutral to AC ground downstream of the GFCI.This would cause the GFCI to trip.Never connect the inverter output to another AC power source such as a generator or utility power. The inverter would be destroyed.3.1.8 Rear Panel3.1.9 Single Wire Remote Control3.1.10 DC Input Terminals•DC Input terminals are for the included 6AWG ring terminals. The ring terminal entry is limited to a maximum of 4AWG wire.•Connect DC Input Terminals to a 12v battery (24v battery for 24v units). (+) is positive,(-) is negative. Reverse polarity connection will blow the internal fuses andmay cause permanent damage to the inverter.3.1.11 Chassis Ground Bonding LugConnect Chassis Ground Bonding Lug to vehicle chassis using 12AWG or larger copper wire.Operating the inverter without a proper groundconnection may cause an electrical hazard.3.1.12 FanDo not obstruct the rear fan exhaust or front ventilation intake openings. Allow at least 3 inches of clearance for airflow.3.1.13 MeasurementsVLTxx-600 Mounting Bolt Pattern4 INSTALLATIONInverter Installation Considerations•Mounting: Locate a flat secure, dry, horizontal or vertical surface large enough to mount the inverter.The location should be as close to the battery as practical, usually within six feet, but not in the same compartment and should provide adequate ventilation while the inverter is operating. The location must be clean, dry and free from road spray, dripping water or other moisture contamination. •Cooling Fan Clearance: The mounting location must allow unobstructed airflow for cooling. Allow a minimum clearance of 3 inches on the front and back of the inverter. The Cooling Fan is thermostatically controlled. Obstruction of the fan exhaust or the front intake vents will diminish the inverter output capacity due to overheating.4.1.1 DC Wiring Considerations•Do not connect the 12V model to a 24V battery. The unit will be destroyed immediately.Operation of the inverter without a proper ground connection may result an electrical safety hazard.Damage caused by reversed polarity will void warranty.• A DC FUSE IS REQUIRED to protect the DC cables in case of a short circuit. The wiring of the inverter installation should conform to the National Electric Code (NEC) and any other state or local codes in effect at the time of installation. Article 551 of the NEC requires any DC cable from a battery, which measures longer than 18 inches along its length, be protected by a fuse.•BE AWARE, as a large number of capacitors become charged upon completion of the DC circuit, THERE WILL BE A LARGE SPARK when the last battery connection is made. The spark is normal and will occur every time the batteries are connected. It is advisable to make the last DC connection at the inverter, not at the battery, to reduce the risk of battery explosion.•To minimize electromagnetic radiation that could interfere with sensitive electronics, route the AC output wiring and DC power wiring with as much physical separation as possible from low voltage wiring such as audio and video signal wires. Route the DC positive and negative cables as close together as possible and use cable ties to keep them together.•If passing through steel or other ferrous metal walls, the DC input cables need to pass through the same hole to prevent causing a transformer effect. If two holes are required, cut a slot to connect the two holes to prevent heating of the ferrous metal.•P roper DC cable size is critical for the performance and safe operation of the inverter system. The DC Cable and Fuse Sizing Chart shows the minimum cable sizes recommended. These sizes allow a ½ volt maximum voltage drop at maximum inverter capacity and will insure optimum inverter performance. DC cable to be used with these fuse sizes should be minimum insulation temperature rating of 105°C and voltage rating of 600V.•DC cables should be as short as possible.•Do not use the vehicle chassis as the DC negative conductor. The negative cable should be the same size as the DC positive cable and should be connected directly to the battery negative terminal.VANNER Incorporated Owner’s Manual600 Watt VLT Series Inverter Owner’s Manual - 11 -4.1.2 DC Cable and Fuse Sizing ChartModel NumberVLT12-600VLT24-600Distance from battery to inverter in feet (Total circuit length is 2 times the distance.) Wire Size8 6.5 13.5 6 10.0 20 416.0 20 Fuse Rating 80 Amp 60 Amp Fuse Part Number 013910013909Fuse Holder Part Number 012992 Ring Terminal 4 AWG,1/4stud, narrow 0119734.1.3 DC Wiring Installation Procedure• Verify the Power ON/OFF Switch is in the OFF position before connecting inverter to the battery. •Route the negative DC cable to the battery. Verify cable polarity before proceeding. The fuse will be blown and inverter may be damaged if the DC cables are reversed. Route the positive DC cable to the fuse and then to the battery. Protect cables with loom and use grommets or other appropriate means where cables may contact hard, sharp edges.•Connect Chassis Ground Bonding Lug to the vehicle chassis and/or earth ground using 8AWG or larger copper wire. (The wire must be sized to safely carry DC current as needed to blow the DC fuse located near the battery in the inverter’s positive DC input cable.)VANNER Incorporated Owner’s Manual- 12 - 600 Watt VLT Series Inverter Owner’s Manual5 TROUBLESHOOTINGWARNING! Do not open or disassemble the Inverter. Attempting to service theunit yourself may result in a risk of electrical shock or fire, and will void warranty.Problems and SymptomsPossible CauseSolutionsNo AC output voltageLed Blinking Red Fast.High DC input voltage. Check input voltage. Reduce input voltage.Led Blinking Red Slowly.Low DC input voltage.Recharge battery. Check connections and cable.No Led’s onNo LED’s onOver temperature shut downBlown DC input fuseImprove ventilation.Make sure inverter ventilation openings are not obstructed.Reduce ambient temperature. Unit will automatically turn on when it cools.Replace inverter DC input fuseFault Led ON Solid RedUnit with remoteimmediately shuts down following power upsequence. Unit displays the input level led and a solid fault led.Overload, short circuitBlown fuse on inverter positive DC input.Remove AC load.Check AC wiring for short circuit.Replace inverter DC input fuse.6 MAINTENANCEVery little maintenance is required to keep the inverter operating properly.• Clean the exterior of the unit periodically with a damp cloth to prevent accumulation of dust and dirt. • At the same time, verify the battery and fuse connections are clean and tight. • Test and reset the GFCI monthly.VANNER Incorporated Owner’s Manual Vanner Incorporated4282 Reynolds DriveHilliard, Ohio 43026Ph: 800-AC POWERPh: 614-771-2718Fax: 614-771-4904Manual P/N: D916054-BJuly 2016600 Watt VLT Series Inverter Owner’s Manual - 13 -。
Reference600电化学工作站操作说明书Reference 600 电化学工作站操作说明书目录一、Gamry Framework二、循环伏安测量(Cyclic Voltammetry)三、电化学阻抗谱测量(Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy)四、直流腐蚀测量(DC corrosion)五、脉冲伏安测量(Pulse Voltammetry)附录:Reference 600 电化学工作站快速入门指南一、Gamry Framework1.0 主菜单●Experiment:已安装的软件包;最近运行的实验;运行指定脚本。
●Analysis:启动Gamry Echem Analyst进行数据分析。
③Editor Font:Framework编辑器窗口字体。
④Setup Font:Framework设置对话框字体。
⑤View Device Status Bar:选中View Device Status Bar则显示设备状态栏。
1.1运行窗口(Runner Windows)●F2-Skip:通常实验完成后按F2-Skip关闭运行窗口,其快捷键为F2。
●Curve List:控制显示在运行窗口中的曲线,大多数实验并不只产生一条曲线。
1.3 设置控制按钮(Setup Control Buttons)●Default:恢复所有参数为默认值。
FVL-600LOW PROFILE VARIABLE VOLUME FAN TERMINAL UNITSPECIFIABLE FEATURESFVL–2Metal Industries For complete product specifications and submittal data, visit us at F V L -600 L O W P R O F I L E V A R I A B L E V O L U M EFVL-600 LOW PROFILE VARIABLE VOLUME FAN TERMINAL UNITMETALAIRE’s model FVL-600 parallel fan-powered terminal unit is designed to provide superior comfort to zones by intermittent parallel fan operation. Conditioned primary air is varied during cooling while the fan cycles on during heating. Parallel fan-powered terminal units allow for recovery of waste heat from the return plenum and a potential reduction in central fan energy, thereby lowering operating costs. In the heating mode with the fan energized, parallel fan-powered terminal units improve air circulation through better diffuser performance. The primary air does not pass through the fan.The primary function of the METALAIRE model FVL-600 parallel fan-powered terminal unit is to deliver variable volume, constant temperature primary air to the space in the cooling mode. The volume of supply air is varied in response to a control signal. In the heating mode, with the fan energized, the terminal unit mixes conditioned air and plenum air in response to a control signal to supply constant volume, variable temperature supply air into the space. Supplemental heating is available in both electric heat and hot water coils if plenum heat is insufficient. METALAIRE model FVL-600 parallel fan-powered terminal units are available with a wide range of control options to suit any application. These include pneumatic, analog electronic, electric, factory provided commissioneddirect digital control (DDC) or factory mounted field supplied (DDC) controls. With the demands of today’s building designs to reduce energy in smaller mechanical spaces, the METALAIRE model FVL-600 parallel fan-powered terminal unit is the perfect choice.STANDARD FEATURES■ Available in 3 casing sizes to handle 200 – 2500 CFM.■22 ga. galvanized steel casing, mechanically sealed, low leakage construction.■Mechanically fastened damper assembly is double layer, 18 gauge equivalent, galvanized steel with integral blade seal. (<1% at 3" static pressure).■ Factory calibrated controls per each job requirement.■METALAIRE multi-quadrant averaging flow sensor provideshighly accurate +/- 5% flow readings after certified balancer has balanced terminal.■ Easy access, steel balancing taps on inlet flow sensor.■Energy efficient six pole single speed PSC motors with adjustable SCR solid state fan speed controllers are standard.■ Available fan motor voltages of 120, 277, and 208-240 (50 / 60 HZ).■ External control cabinet with offset mounting plate as standard.■Single point electrical connections.■3-beaded primary inlet connection tube for added rigidity and secure flex duct connections.■Round inlets available in sizes 4" through 8" round, 12" and 14" flat oval and 14 x 8" rectangular.■1/2" thick, dual density (1.5lb / ft 3 min.) fiberglass insulation with edges coated. Meets NFPA 90A and UL 181.■Rectangular flanged discharge with optional slip and drive cleat duct connection.■Large Bottom access panel provides access to fan motor / blower as-sembly.■ Independently tested and certified laboratory performance data.■Full range of options and accessories available (heating coils, discon-nects, attenuators, etc.).■ Full range of liners / insulation available.■Auto and manual thermal resets on every electric heater.FVL-600 LOW PROFILE VARIABLE VOLUME 10987611FVL–4Metal Industries ■ For complete product specifications and submittal data, visit us at P A R A L L E L F A N P O W E R E DF V L -600 L O W P R O F I L E V A R I A B L E V O L U M ECaseInlet Size Horse Rated Motor Amps Unit Unit Unit Induction Attenuator Discharge Size Standard Optional Power 120 V277V Height Width LengthHeightWidthLengthHeight WidthHW L A B C E F 2 6 (152) 4 & 51/8 2.6 1.110 1/2 (267)30 (718)32 (813)10 (254)12 (305)11 (279)10 (254)12 (305)48 (203)14 x 81/4 3.1 1.310 1/2 (267)36 (914)36 (914)10 (254)18 (457)18 (457)10 (254)16 1/2 (419)610 (254)12 & 14 Flat Oval1/38.82.912 1/2 (318)38 (965)36 (914)12 (305)18 (457)18 (457)12 1/2 (318)18 (457)Casesize Inlet SizeHorsepower Rated Motor AmpsUnit DimensionsInduction AttenuatorDischargeStandard Optional 120 V277 VHeight H Width W Length L Height A WidthB LengthC HeightE WidthF2 6 (152)4,51/8 2.6 1.110 1/2 (267)30 (718) 32 (813)10 (254)12 (305)11 (279)10 (254)12 (305)48 (203)14 x 81/4 3.11.310 1/2 (267)36 (914)36 (914)10 (254)18 (457)18 (457)10 (254)16 1/2 (419)610 (254)12,14 Flat Oval1/38.8 2.912 1/2 (318)38 (965)36 (914)12 (305)18 (457)18 (457)12 1/2 (318)18 (457)FVL-600 LOW PROFILE PARALLEL FAN POWERED AIR TERMINAL UNIT COOLING ONLYThe standard location for control enclosure is Left Hand on Model FVL. Looking in the direction of airflow, the control enclosure is on the left.All dimensions are in inches; parentheses ( ) indicate millimeters.Updated Page Version 9/26/2016FVL–6Metal Industries ■ For complete product specifications and submittal data, visit us at P A R A L L E L F A N P O W E R E DF V L -600 L O W P R O F I L E V A R I A B L E V O L U M ECase Inlet SizeHorse Rated Motor AmpsUnit Unit UnitInduction Attenuator DischargeSize Standard Optional Power 120 V 277V Height Width Length Height Width Length Height WidthH W L A B C E F2 6 (152) 4 & 51/8 2.6 1.110 1/2 (267)30 (718)32 (813)10 (254)12 (305)11 (279)10 (254)12 (305)48 (203)14 x 81/4 3.1 1.310 1/2 (267)36 (914)36 (914)10 (254)18 (457)18 (457)10 (254)16 1/2 (419)610 (254)12 & 14 Flat Oval1/38.82.912 1/2 (318)38 (965)36 (914)12 (305)18 (457)18 (457)12 1/2 (318)18 (457)Case sizeInlet SizeHorsepowerRated Motor AmpsUnit DimensionsInduction Attenuator DischargeStandard Optional 120 V277 V Height H Width W Length L Height A Width B Length C Height E Width F 2 6 (152)4,51/8 2.6 1.110 1/2 (267)30 (718) 32 (813)10 (254)12 (305)11 (279)10 (254)12 (305)48(203)14 x 81/4 3.1 1.310 1/2 (267)36 (914)36 (914)10 (254)18 (457)18 (457)10 (254)16 1/2 (419)610 (254)12,14 Flat Oval1/38.82.912 1/2 (318)38 (965)36 (914)12 (305)18 (457)18 (457)12 1/2 (318)18 (457)FVL-600 LOW PROFILE PARALLEL FAN POWERED AIR TERMINAL UNIT WITH DISCHARGE MOUNTED HOT WATER COILThe standard location for control enclosure is Left Hand on Model FVL. Looking in the direction of airflow, the control enclosure is on the left.All dimensions are in inches; parentheses ( ) indicate millimeters.Updated Page Version 9/26/2016FVL–8Metal Industries For complete product specifications and submittal data, visit us at F V L -600 L O W P R O F I L E V A R I A B L E V O L U MEFilters are mounted on the fan induction and are available in 1" or 2" thickness.FVI-500 APPROXIMATE SHIPPING WEIGHTSFVI-500 FILTER SIZES PER CASE SIZE■ Units tested per ASHRAE Standard 130-2016.■ All model sizes certified in accordance with AHRI 880-2017 certification program.■ ETL listed to meet requirements of UL 1995 and CSA 236.■ Dual-density fiberglass insulation meets UL 181 and NFPA 90A/90B.■ Insulation meets ASHRAE 62.1 requirements for resistance to mold growth and erosion.■Hot water coils are manufactured in accordance to AHRI Standard 410.CERTIFICATIONS AND STANDARDSFVL–10Metal Industries For complete product specifications and submittal data, visit us at F V L -600 L O W P R O F I L E V A R I A B L E V O L U M EFVL RADIATED AND DISCHARGE SOUND - PSC MOTOR - FAN ONLY HEATING1) AHRI certified data is highlighted while all other data are application ratings 2) Radiated sound is the noise transmitted through the unit casing 3) Sound power levels expressed in decibels, (dB) re 10-12 Watts 4) Min ΔPs is the minimum operating pressure requirement of the unit with the damper full open and is the static pressure drop from the unit inlet to the unit discharge5) Performance data based on laboratory tests conducted in accordance with ASHRAE 130-2016 and AHRI 880-20176) NC values are calculated using attenuation credits outlined in AHRI 885-2008 Appendix E7) Blank spaces indicate Minimum Ps if unit exceeds the ΔPs across the unit 8) Sound performance based on units lined with standard dual density fiberglass insulation9) Discharge (external) static pressure is 0.25” w.g. for all cases10) Discharge sound power levels include duct end reflection corrections per AHRI Standard 880-2017F VL-6LOWPROF ILEVA RIAB LEVOLUMEFVL DISCHARGE SOUND - PSC MOTOR - PRIMARY AIR ONLY COOLING 1) AHRI certified data is highlighted while all other data are application ratings 2) Radiated sound is the noise transmitted through the unit casing 3) Sound power levels expressed in decibels, (dB) re 10-12 Watts 4) Min ΔPs is the minimum operating pressure requirement of the unit with the damper full open and is the static pressure drop from the unit inlet to the unit discharge 5) Performance data based on laboratory tests conducted in accordance with ASHRAE 130-2016 and AHRI 880-20176) NC values are calculated using attenuation credits outlined in AHRI 885-2008 Appendix E 7) Blank spaces indicate Minimum Ps if unit exceeds the ΔPs across the unit 8) Sound performance based on units lined with standard dual density fiberglass insulation 9) Discharge (external) static pressure is 0.25” w.g. for all cases 10) Discharge sound power levels include duct end reflection corrections per AHRI Standard 880-2017F VL-6LOWPROF ILEVA RIAB LEVOLUM EFVL-600 HOT WATER COILS When ordered with the air terminal, the hot water coil is shipped attached to the discharge of the terminal cas-ing. The discharge end of the casing has slip and drive connections for easy connection to downstream ductwork. The hot water coil is constructed of aluminum fin and copper serpentine-type tubes with male sweat connections tested at 300 psig.Coil selection may be made using METALAIRE Terminal Selection Software. Contact your METALAIRE representative for a copy. In the interest of energy conservation and due to the possibility of condensation, all hot water coils are marked, “Coil must be externally insulated after installation in the field.” Hot water coils are tested in accordance to AHRI. Options, at an additional charge on hot water coils, include access doors for inspection and cleaning, and inlet/outlet on opposite sides of coils.HOT WATER COIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ■ Hot Water Coils are factory mounted to the discharge of the terminal and are available with an optional factory mounted discharge plenum section with access door. ■ Hot water coils are enclosed in a 20 gauge coated steel casing allowing for attachment to metal ductwork with a slip and drive connection.■ Fins are rippled and sine wave type constructed from heavy gauge aluminum and are mechanically bonded to the tubes.■ Tubes are copper with a minimum wall thickness of 0.016" with male sweat header connections.■ Coils are leak tested to 300 psi with minimum burst of 2000 psi at ambient temperature. Coil performance data is based on tests run in accordance withAHRI standard 410. Coils are AHRI certified and include an AHRI label.All accessories that can be attached to the Parallel Fan Boxes are not a part of the AHRI certification programbut ratings can be affected by their use.F VL-6LOWPROF ILEVA RIAB LEVOLUM EFVL-600 PSC FAN MOTOR AMPERAGE RATINGSFVL-600 DAMPER LEAKAGE Motors also available: 208-240 V, 50 / 60 Hz.Contact your METALAIRE Representative for details.PERFORMANCE NOTES1) Leakage testing conducted in accordance with ASHRAE 130-20162) Per ASHRAE Standard 130-2016 “terminal damper leakage: the amount of air in ft 3/min (L/s) leaking through a fully closed damper/valve of a supply/exhaust terminal unit at a given inlet pressure”opened”3) Damper leakage shall not exceed 1% of the maximum rated airflow at 3” w.g. 4) 4” and 5” inlets are built with 6” casingsELECTRIC HEATER ASSEMBLY CONSTRUCTION DETAILSElectric Reheat Coils are factory mounted on the discharge of the Air Terminal. The heaters are ETL® listed for zero clearance, are tested in accordance Standard 1995, CSA-C22.2 No. 236 and the National Electric Code (NEC). Heater casings are constructed of galvanized steel. Element wire is high grade nichrome alloy derated to 45 watts per square inch density. Element wire is supported by moisture-resistant steatite ceramics.F VL-6LOWPROF ILEVA RIAB LEVOLUM EFVL-600 ELECTRIC HEATER CAPACITIES NOTES:1. Heaters less than 10 kW are specifiable to nearest 0.5 kW. Heaters greater than 10.0 kW are specifiable to nearest 1.0 kW.2. Minimum flow rate for electric heat is 70 CFM / kW. Lower CFM’s can cause nuisance tripping, excessive discharge temperatures, rapid cycling, and rapid element failure. Electric Heat units running below 70 CFM / kW will void all warranties.3. For optimum thermal comfort, the suggested discharge temperature should not exceed 20°F above room set point.4. We do not recommend discharge temperatures in excess of 115°F to protect heater coils.5. Maximum number of steps at Min kW per step is one step.6. If more than 1 heater is wired into a building’s circuit breaker (multi-outlet branch circuit) each heater will require the addition of power side fusing.ELECTRIC HEAT SELECTION:A. Specify electric duct heaters using voltage, phase, kW, and number of steps.B. Use above chart to select voltage. Calculate required kW using following equations:kW = BTU / HR kW = CFM X Δ X 1.085 Δ = kW X 34133413 3413 CFM X 1.085CFM = kW X 3413 CFM = kW X 3413Δ x 1.085 Δ x 1.085* air density at sea level — reduce by 0.036 for each 1000 feet of altitude above sea levelWhere: BTU / Hr = Required heating capacityCFM = volume of air during heating. Typically 100% of maximum cooling air volumeΔ = desired air temperature rise across the electric heater Inlet air temperature = primary air temperature, usually 55°FF VL-6LOWPROF ILEVA RIAB LEVOLUM EFVL-600 FAN PERFORMANCE CURVES CASE SIZE 2 - STANDARD HW COIL FVL-600 FAN PERFORMANCE CURVES CASE SIZE 4 - STANDARD HW COIL 1002003004000 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 A i r F l o w R a t e (C F M ) Static Pressure (in.wg.) Standard HW Coil 2003004005000 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7A i r F l o w R a t e (C F M ) Static Pressure (in.wg.)Standard HW Coil。
Infineon 600 V CoolGaN高压GaN开关绝缘栅驱动方案infineon公司的600 V CoolGaN高压GaN开关是单路绝缘栅驱动器,是GaN EiceDRIVER™系列产品. CoolGaN™增强模式HEMT是Infineon公司的EiceDRIVER™ IC中1EDF5673K, 1EDF5673F 和1EDS5663H最好驱动器.单路电流绝缘VIO=1500VDC,输出脉冲宽度大于18ns,传输时延精度13ns,降低死区损坏多达50%,可配置和恒定GaN开关转换速率,强健和节能的开关电源(SMPS)设计,缩短产品上市时间,集成的电流绝缘可工作在苛刻的开关应用,可用在需要安全绝缘的地方.本文介绍了CoolGaN HEMT主要特性, 600V CoolGaN大功率SMPS应用案例以及600 V CoolGaN™半桥评估板指标和极限值,应用电路和评估板电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.CoolGaN™ e-mode HEMTs are best driven by Infineon’s EiceDRIVER™ ICs, the 1EDF5673K,1EDF5673F and 1EDS5663H. They ensure robust and highly e_ icient high voltage GaN switch operation whilst concurrently minimizing R&D e_ orts and shortening time-to-market.CoolGaN HEMT主要特性:› Low ohmic outputs:Source: 0.85 _Sink: 0.35 _› Single-channel galvanic isolation:Functional: VIO= 1500 VDCVIOWM = 510 Vrms (16-pin DSO)VIOWM = 460 Vrms (LGA 5x5)Reinforced: VIOTM = 8000 Vpk(VDE 0884-10 pending)VIOWM = 1420 VDCCMTI min: 200 V/ns› Tim ing:Minimum output pulse width: 18 nsPropagation delay accuracy: 13 nsKey advantages of designing with the GaN EiceDRIVER™ familyPositive and negative gate drive currents:› Fast turn-on / turn-o_ GaN switch slew-ratesFirmly hold gate voltage at zero, during o_ -phase:› Avoids spurious GaN switch turn-on› Up to 50% lower dead-time lossesConfigurable and constant GaN switching slew-rates, across wide range of switchingfrequency and duty-cycle:› Robust and energy e_ icient SMPS designs› Short time-to-marketIntegrated galvanic isolation:› Robust operation in hard-switching applications› Safe isolation where needed图1. 600V CoolGaN大功率SMPS应用案例600 V CoolGaN™半桥评估板600 V CoolGaN™ half-bridge evaluation platform featuring GaN EiceDRIVER™600 V Cool GaN™ half-bridge evaluation platformThis 600 V Gallium Nitride (GaN) half-bridge evaluation board enable s easy, rapid setup and test of CoolGaN™ transistors along with the dedicated GaN EiceDRIVER™ isolated gate driver IC. The generic topology is configurable for boost or buck operation, pulse testing or continuous full-power operation. Test points provide easy access to connect signals to an oscilloscope for measuring the switching performance of CoolGaN™ transistors and gate driver. This board saves the user the time to design their own gate driver and power circuit to evaluate GaN power transistors.The half-bridge circuit board has a single PWM input intended for connection to a 50 Ω pulse or signal generator. Board power comes from a single 5 V supply input, which powers everything including the isolated gate driver power supplies. Deadtime between the high and low-side is pre-set to 100 ns, but is adjustable via trimpots. An external (user-supplied) inductor connects to the supplied pluggableterminal-block connector. The output and bus voltage can range up to 450 V, limited by the capacitor rating. This half-bridge can switch continuous currents of 12 A, and peak currents of 35 A, hard orsoft-switching. Operating frequency can be up to several MHz, depending on transistor dissipation (limited to about 15 W per device with appropriate heatsink and airflow).This Application Note explains how to set-up and use the 600 V CoolGaN™ half-bridge evaluation board. The board features a half-bridge of 70 mΩ GaN power transistors, and a pair of EiceDRIVER™ GaN gate drivers, along with input logic that provides adjustable deadtime. Using an external inductor, the board can be configured for buck or boost-mode, double-pulse testing or continuous PWM operation, hard or soft-switching at power levels to several kW and frequencies into the MHz.This document is intended for power electronic engineers and designers who are already famil iar with MOSFET or IGBT-based converters, inverters and gate drivers, who are interested in looking at the similarities and differences of GaN power transistors compared to their Silicon counterparts.600 V CoolGaN™半桥评估板指标和极限值:图2. 600 V CoolGaN™半桥评估板前和后外形图图3.600 V CoolGaN™半桥评估板应用案例(双脉冲测试)图4.600 V CoolGaN™半桥评估板反向双脉冲测试图图5.600 V CoolGaN™半桥评估板电路图600 V CoolGaN™半桥评估板材料清单:图6. CoolGaN™半桥评估板PCB设计图:顶层铜和元件布局图图7. CoolGaN™半桥评估板PCB设计图:上中层铜布局图和底层元件套图图8. CoolGaN™半桥评估板PCB设计图:下中层铜布局图和底层元件套图图9. CoolGaN™半桥评估板PCB设计图:底层铜布局图和底层元件套图。
关键字:IGBT; RC-IGBT; CS-TBT; SJ-IGBT; SIC-IGBTOverview of IGBT chip technology developmentAbstract: Reviewing the development history of IGBT chip technology, after continuous research from the beginning, it has been widely used in industrial control, electric vehicles, rail transit, smart grid and frequency conversion equipment. This article focuses on the technical problems solved in different periods during the development of IGBT chip technology, including latch-up problems, IGBT turn-off tailing, reduction of saturation voltage drop, etc., as well as future development prospects.Keywords: IGBT; RC-IGBT; CS-TBT; SJ-IGBT; SIC-IGBT图1 IGBT Latch-Up示意图图2 Non-Latch-Up IGBT器件结构至此,IGBT进入快速发展的阶段,多家厂商成功量产出IGBT,并不断迭代升级。
高速集电极沟槽绝缘栅双极晶体管蒋梦轩;帅智康;沈征;王俊;刘道广【摘要】在前期高速绝缘栅双极晶体管(IGBT)的基础上提出一种高速集电极沟槽绝缘栅双极晶体管(CT-IGBT).该器件沟槽集电极与漂移区的内建电势差感应形成电子沟道而加快关断速度,且集电极沟槽具有不同于传统电场截止层(FS)的电场截止机制,并引入低浓度N型层以降低集电极沟槽对空穴注入的抑制作用.硅基材料有限元仿真结果表明,新结构CT-IGBT的关断下降时间比传统沟槽FS-IGBT少49%,且前者耐受的雪崩能量比后者高32%.因此,新结构CT-IGBT具有比FS-IGBT更优越的关断速度和强度,可应用于大功率高速电力电子系统.%This paper proposes a novel collector trench insulated gate bipolar transistor (CT-IGBT) with an electron extraction channel formed on the collector side to enhance the electron extraction effect, in which a low doped n-type layer is introduced to increase hole injection efficiency at the collector side. TCAD simulation indicates that the proposed IGBT structure offers a turn-off fall time 49% lower and avalanche energy 32% higher than a conventional field-stop IGBT (FS-IGBT). Therefore, the proposed IGBT is attractive for high-speed and large-power electronic converters.【期刊名称】《电工技术学报》【年(卷),期】2017(032)024【总页数】6页(P53-58)【关键词】绝缘栅双极晶体管;电场截止;关断下降时间;雪崩能量;强度【作者】蒋梦轩;帅智康;沈征;王俊;刘道广【作者单位】输配电装备及系统安全与新技术国家重点实验室(重庆大学) 重庆400044;湖南大学电气与信息工程学院长沙 410082;湖南大学电气与信息工程学院长沙 410082;湖南大学电气与信息工程学院长沙 410082;清华大学核能与新能源研究院北京 100084【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM46目前,产业化的高电压大功率绝缘栅双极晶体管(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor, IGBT)普遍采用新结构设计制造技术,以ABB、三菱、东芝和日立等为代表的国际领先研发制造公司均采用了新结构设计制造技术,如软穿通技术、注入增强门极晶体管(Injection Enhanced Gate Transistor, IEGT)技术、载流子存储增强技术和平面注入增强技术等[1-4]。
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Collector Side
c -
1 TrenchHiGT
. . I
? i
- -=
Conventional Trench IGBT
Fig. 3 Hole concentration at different cross section lines. saturation current by discovering the IGBT scalingrulel). Moreover, the planer HiGT had drastically lower on-state voltage, keeping saturation current low, by placing a hall barrier around the p-channel region. This development increased the excess camer stored in it2).Our new trench HiGT is based on the HiGT concept, which has a lower on-state voltage and a suppressed saturation current with a tough short circuit capability. Figure 2 @) shows the our trench HiGT with punchthrough structure. It has a narrow emitter region, a wide p-floating region and a trench gate placed at its end. The figure also shows the hole density distribution, and the black lines represent the hole current flows.
Fine Pattern IGBT (Conventional Trench IGBT)
Collector-Emitter Voltage (VI Fig. 1 Basic concept of HiGT
HiGT concept
Figure 1 shows the basic concept of our HiGT1)2). The conventional IGBT (planer IGBT) offers lower saturation current. However, it also has t h e
IGBTs which are being developed as the nextgeneration IGBTs. Although the trench IGBT offers
h e disadvantage of higher on-state voltage. Although t
fine-pattern IGBT (conventional trench IGBT) offers the advantage of low on-state voltage, it has the disadvantage of high saturation current. In contrast, our HiGT has both a lower on-state voltage and a suppressed saturation current. This results in low power dissipation and high short-circuit capability. Therefore, this HiGT does not need an additional protection circuit to reduce saturation current. Using the HiGT concept, we have been continuously developing high performance IGBTs. With the planer IGBT, we achieved low power dissipation and low 417
(b) Trench HiGT
Experimental Results
Fig. 2 Hole distribution.
Figure 4 shows a photograph of the trench HiGT chip, The rated current is 12 A at 200 Alcm2.
Figure 3 shows the hole concentrations at cross sections A, B, and C from figure 2 . In the conventional trench IGBT, the hole concentration is lowest at the shallowest depth, and line C decreases gradually from the collector to the emitter. In the trench HiGT, the concentration at cross section B also decreases gradually, contrary to previous reports3H). At cross section A, near the floating-p layer, the hole concentration is higher. The electrons are injected from the trench gate wall of the
the advantage of low on-state voltage, it also has the
disadvantage of not having the short-circuit capability of the planer IGBT. To overcome this disadvantage, we have previously proposed an HiGP) with a plane gate structure, a low on-state voltage, and a low saturation current. In this paper, we describe a 600-V high-conductivity IGBT (trench HiGT) with a trench gate structure that has a lower on-state voltage than a conventional trench IGBT and a better short-circuit capability with no additional protection circuits.
K.Oyama,Y.Kohno, J. Sakano, J. Uruno,I)K. Ishizaka, z)D.Kawase and M. Mori
Hitachi Research LaboratoIy, Hitachi L t d . 7-1-1 Omika-cho Hitachi-shi Ibaraki-ken 3 19-1292, Japan. Phone: +81-294-52-7592, Fax: +81-294-52-7949, E-mail: 1)h4ulti-PurposeSemiconductor Business Div., Hitachi Ltd. 2Bower& Industrial Systems Div., Hitachi Ltd.
(a) Conventional trench IGBT
wii Emitter
floating p-layer side, that is activated by hole current potential flowing from the floating-p layer. This provides the high conductivity of the trench HiGT.
voltage (1.55 V) than that of the trench IGBT, with saturation current under 842 A/cm2 This level is the same as that of the planer IGBT. This low saturation current allows the trench HiGT to have a short-circuit capability of 10 p s without a protection circuit, as shown
This paper describes new 600-V trench highconductivity IGBTs (trench HiGTs) that have lower onstate voltages of 1.42 and 1.55 V at 200 NcmZ and tough short-circuit capabilities of 5 and 10 LL s, respectively. These HiGT have a better trade-off between turn-off losses and on-state voltages than conventional trench IGBTs, even better than planar IGBTs. They also offer a lower reverse transfer capacitances (-5PA) than the planar IGBT. The input capacitance obtained were lower (-30% to -60%) than that of a conventional trench IGBT.