思科6500与4500区别思科Catalyst 6500交换机是针对大型企业核心网络/数据中心建设所需要的高端口密度、高转发性能、高级智能特性而开发的,其机箱、电源、内部交换架构均是依据大型企业核心网络和数据中心的应用特点而特别优化设计的。
而思科Catalyst 4500系列产品则不同,它通常用作中小型企业(SMB)的核心设备或大型网络的汇聚层设备。
6500与4500的具体区别主要体现在如下几个方面:1、性能:6500系列交换机的交换能力可达到720Gbps(每槽位40G),IPV4数据包吞吐量450Mpps (基于硬件);而且MAC地址表的容量能够达到64K,IPV4路由表最大达到1M;而4500交换机即使采用思科最新推出的Supervisor Engine 6-E 引擎,其交换能力最大也只能达到320Gbps(每槽位最大24G),IPV4包转发率也只能达到250Mpps,其整体性能与6500E相比相差甚远。
2、硬件架构:6500E的交换架构为无阻塞的交换矩阵架构(Switch Fabric),通过交换矩阵架构,交换机各插槽的板卡能够实现点到点的分布式转发,数据交换效率大大提高;而4500E采用的仍然是传统的总线架构(Classic BUS),交换机各插槽板卡间的通信需要经过一条共享带宽的总线,由交换机控制引擎进行统一调度,它的缺点在于整个交换机的路由性能受限于总线带宽和控制引擎,数据交换能力低下,而且加重了交换机控制引擎的负担。
思科Catalst 6500系统防火墙服务模块
Cisco PIX 设备管理器的直观图形化用户界面(GUI)可以用于管理和配置 FWSM 的各项功能。 Cisco PIX 设备管理器可以在系统和设备级别——以及更加具体的安全环境等级——简化 FWSM 的管理和监控。 客户还可以利用可扩展的 CiscoWorks VPN/ 安全管理解决方案(VMS) ,从一个集中控制台管理 FWSM。CiscoWorks VMS 为在一个思科网络中管理和监控安全解决方案提供了一种模块化,集 成化的、可扩展的管理中心可以支持多种解决方案,包括 VPN、路由器、交换机、防火墙和思科 安全代理。CiscoWorks 管理中心能够以一种统一的方式,集中地、全面地管理网络中的 FWSM、 Cisco PIX 安全设备和基于 Cisco IOS 路由器的防火墙,从而加快大型安全系统的部署速度。
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Catalyst 6500系列服务模块汇总介绍
Cisco Catalyst 6500系列服务模块汇总产品型号:WS-SVC-FWM-1-K9用于6500 和7600 的防火墙刀片,独立虚拟防火墙许可证Cisco Catalyst® 6500交换机和Cisco 7600系列路由器的防火墙服务模块(FWSM)是一种高速的、集成化的服务模块,可以提供业界最快的防火墙数据传输速率:5Gb的吞吐量,100000CPS,以及一百万个并发连接。
作为世界领先的Cisco PIX防火墙系列的一部分,FWSM可以为大型企业和服务供应商提供无以伦比的安全性、可靠性和性能。
FWSM采用了Cisco PIX技术,并且运行Cisco PIX操作系统(OS)--一个实时的、牢固的嵌入式系统,可以消除安全漏洞,防止各种可能导致性能降低的损耗。
利用ASA,FWSM可以根据源地址和目的地地址,随机的TCP序列号,端口号,以及其他TCP 标志,为一个会话流创建一个连接表条目。
硬件性能 5 Gbps一百万个并发连接每秒建立和断开超过10万个连接思科无线控制服务模块(WISM)∙适用于Catalyst 6500的无线局域网控制器∙每个模块最多支持300个轻型接入点,能支持10,000多个无线客户端设备,提供了出色的企业可扩展性∙第三层快速、安全漫游∙能够与Catalyst 6500防火墙和IDS模块互操作∙企业可靠性∙集成RRM∙零配置部署∙多层安全∙入侵检测、定位和隔离∙移动管理Catalyst 6500系列入侵检测系统(600M IDSM-2)服务模块Cisco IDSM-2是思科入侵检测系统的组成部分。
1Catalyst 6500系列Cisco IOS 软件模块化概览Cisco IOS 软件模块化用于Catalyst 6500的Cisco IOS 软件模块化通过在最需要网络可用性的环境中提供故障抑制和更快的故障恢复速度为网络可用性树立了新的标准这些环境包括网络中的各单故障点――从数据中心到企业配线间这项针对Catalyst 6500的创新可以让网络管理员在不影响网络可用性的情况下逐步安装新的补丁以满足迫切的需求――例如修复严重的安全漏洞而且通过将这些功能与Catalyst 6500上的嵌入式事件管理器EEM 的监控自动响应功能结合可以简化网络运营图1 Cisco IOS 软件模块化的组成结构高可用性基础设施 Catalyst 6500数据平面网络优化微内核 优势图2 软件模块化的优势在思科的首要企业平台上率先推出Cisco IOS 软件模块化可以通过动态地将模块化子系统组合到多个模块化运行进程中增强Cisco IOS 的功能 高可用性基础设施可以判断在发生故障时应当采取什么措施重启进程还是切换到一个备用交换管理引擎最大限度地缩短计划外停机时间受保护内存每个进程和相关子系统都位于一个单独的内存空间之中故障抑制发生在一个进程中的故障不会影响系统的其他部分 可重启进程如果处理器或者子系统进入某个异常状态时例如持续等待另外一个进程发来的信号用户可以根据操作要求方便地自动或者手动重启受影响的进程最大限度地缩短计划内停机时间子系统运行中软件升级ISSU 因为可以针对每个漏洞安装补丁而且安装过程不会对正常的分组转发产生任何影响所以代码验证和部署的速度将会大幅加快软件模块化的可用性丰富的功能在目前用于Catalyst 6500系列的Cisco IOS 软件12.2SX 版本的功能的基础上软件模块化提供了很高的可用性和可管理性操作一致性软件模块化为支持新的功能添加了一些新的命令但是其他的CLI SNMP MIB 和系统日志信息都与以前的Cisco IOS 版本保持一致模块化进程多个控制平面功能已被模块化其中涵盖了一些最常用的功能模块化进程的例子包括但不仅限于− 路由进程 − 互联网守护进程 − 原始IP 处理 − TCP 进程 − UDP 进程 − CDP 进程 − 系统日志守护进程− 所有嵌入式事件管理器组件 − 文件系统 − 介质驱动器 − 安装管理器补丁安装支持软件模块化将支持针对公开宣布的安全漏洞的补丁补丁将在维护包中提供其中包含了多组补丁支持的配置用于Catalyst 6500的Cisco IOS 软件模块化将于2005年第四季度推出它将支持Catalyst 6500 Supervisor Engine 720系统对Catalyst 6500 Supervisor 32系统的支持将于2006年第一季度实现嵌入式事件管理器嵌入式事件管理器EEM 是对Cisco IOS 基础设施的一项强大改进根据预先定义的事件它可以在本地系统上执行指定的操作这些操作的触发事件和各个步骤本身都可以利用工具命令语言TCL 脚本设定这使得用户可以自由地根据自己的需求定义触发事件和所采取的措施因为EEM 是Cisco IOS 基础设施的一部分所以即使在与中央管理站的连接暂时中断时它也可以独立执行任务EEM 的组成结构可以分为三个部分事件检测器 策略引擎嵌入式事件管理器服务器事件检测器可以被视为操作系统的不同部分中的传感器这些事件检测器可以触发包含定制操作的脚本的执行事件检测器可以根据CLI 输入计数器资源阈值计时器服务SNMP 和SYSLOG 信息以及路由协议事件等发出事件信息如需查看事件检测器的完整列表请参阅EEM 文档策略引擎的作用是将用户定义的策略绑定到系统中策略引擎为此提供了两个界面TCL 脚本CLI应用小程序策略引擎的工具命令语言TCL脚本提供了一个TCL 界面尽管系统中包含了一些预定义的脚本但是网络操作人员可以利用TCP 脚本界面添加一些他们自己的脚本从而让系统按照他们自己的需要执行操作可供执行的操作包括从收集指定命令的输出到对交换机的全面补丁管理的多项任务嵌入式事件管理器最终将所有这些部分组合到一起事件检测器会将它们的输出发送到EEM 服务器而后者会利用策略引擎执行操作软件模块化和EEM 的结合带来了更加强大的功能EEM 本身就是一个模块化进程可以根据进程行为执行操作例如在进程崩溃时相关信息例如崩溃暂存信息和内存分配信息会被存储在本地或者一个集中服务器以便于分析崩溃原因在此基础上交换机会向网络管理员发出一个警报管理员随后可以进行更加深入的分析或者联系思科技术支持中心TAC2005年9月翻译。
CATALYST 6500系列Supervisor Engine简明手册CATALYST 6500系列Supervisor Engine简明手册一.Supervisor Engine的介绍:CATALYST 6500系列交换机上的Supervisor Engine分为SupervisorEngine 1/2/32/720四种.Supervisor Engine 1又分:1.WS-X6K-SUP1-2GE:包含双1000BASE-X GBIC uplink口.QoS端口体系结构(Rx/Tx):1q4t/2q2t.2.WS-X6K-SUP1A-2GE:包含双1000BASE-X GBIC uplink口.QoS端口体系结构(Rx/Tx):1p1q4t/1p2q2t.3.WS-X6K-S1A-MSFC2:包含双1000BASE-X GBIC uplink口,PFC和MSFC2卡.QoS端口体系结构(Rx/Tx):1p1q4t/1p2q2t.4.WS-X6K-SUP1A-MSFC:包含双1000BASE-X GBIC uplink口,PFC和MSFC卡.QoS端口体系结构(Rx/Tx):1p1q4t/1p2q2t.5.WS-XSUP1A-PFC:包含双1000BASE-X GBIC uplink口以及PFC卡.QoS端口体系结构(Rx/Tx):1p1q4t/1p2q2t.注:CATALYST 6513不支持Supervisor Engine 1.Supervisor Engine 2又分:1.WS-X6K-S2-MSFC2:包含双1000BASE-X GBIC uplink口,矩阵特性,支持PFC2和MSFC2卡,在Supervisor Engine 2和MSFC2卡上各支持128M存储空间.QoS端口体系结构(Rx/Tx):1p1q4t/1p2q2t.2.WS-X6K-S2U-MSFC2:包含双1000BASE-X GBIC uplink口,矩阵特性,支持PFC2和MSFC2卡,在Supervisor Engine 2和MSFC2卡上各支持256M存储空间.QoS端口体系结构(Rx/Tx):1p1q4t/1p2q2t.3.WS-X6K-S2-PFC2:包含双1000BASE-X GBIC uplink口,矩阵特性,支持PFC2卡.QoS端口体系结构(Rx/Tx):1p1q4t/1p2q2t. Supervisor Engine 32又分:1.WS-SUP32-GE-3B:包括9个GE uplink口(其中8个为SFP接口另1个为10/100/1000Mbps RJ-45接口),MSFC2卡.QoS端口体系结构(Rx/Tx):2q8t/1p3q8t.2.WS-SUP32-10GE-3B:包含2个GE口,1个10/100/1000Mbps端口,FPC3B和MSFC2卡.QoS端口体系结构(Rx/Tx):2q8t/1p3q8t.Supervisor Engine 720包含:1.2个以太网uplink口(其中端口1支持SFP模块;端口2支持千兆SFP 或10/100/1000Mbps RJ-45接口),FPC3A卡,以及bootflash为64M,DRAM为512M的MSFC3卡.2.集成720Gbps的交换矩阵.3.2个CompactFlash Type II插槽(DISK 0/1).4.在6/9槽机箱必须插在5号或6号插槽;在13插槽机箱必须插在7号或8号插槽.要求安装高速风扇托盘.5.QoS端口体系结构(Rx/Tx):1p1q4t/1p2q2t.各个组件的介绍:1.RESET按键:用于重启交换机.2.CONSOLE口:用于本地或通过modem远程配置交换机.3.Switch Load(交换机负载):用于直观查看背板流量.4.PCMCIA插槽:额外的flash存储卡插槽,可用于保存软件镜象.5.uplink口以及USB 2.0口(只在Supervisor Engine 32上有).6.LED.各种LED颜色含义:1.STATUS LED:绿:诊断测试通过,运转正常.橘黄:模块刚启动或正在诊断测试中;模块温度过热.红:诊断测试失败;模块温度过热.2.SYSTEM LED:绿:所有环境监测状态正常.橘黄:供电失败或风扇故障;电源不兼容;VTT(电压终止)模块故障或温度过热.红:VTT(电压终止)模块故障或温度过;Supervisor Engine模块温度过热.3.ACTIVE LED:绿:运转正常并且为主模块.橘黄:Supervisor Engine模块处于备用(standby)状态.4.PWR MGMT LED:绿:所有模块电量充足.橘黄:模块电量不足.5.LINK LED:绿:端口正常.橘黄:交换机软件化的禁用该端口.闪烁橘黄:链路故障或硬件问题.熄灭:未检测到信号.二.CATALYST 6000/6500系列交换机的介绍:CATALYST 6000系列交换机支持Supervisor Engine 1/2(不支持Supervisor Engine 720),背板带宽高达32Gbps.CATALYST 6000系列交换机分为两种:1.6插槽(6006).2.9插槽(6009).CATALYST 6500系列交换机分以下几种:1.3插槽(6503).2.6插槽(6506).3.9插槽(6509).4.垂直结构的9插槽(6509-NEB).5.垂直结构的9插槽(6509-NEB-A).6.13插槽(6513).其中6503背板带宽上限为32Gbps,其余几款可扩展到256Gbps.CATALYST 6000/6500系列交换机支持双Supervisor Engine(必须一致),并可以采用以下几种搭配方式:1.不带PFC和MSFC卡的双Supervisor Engine.2.带PFC卡的双Supervisor Engine.3.带PFC和MSFC卡的双Supervisor Engine.注:6513不支持Supervisor Engine 1.CATALYST 6500系列交换机除支持相应的Supervisor Engine和交换模块等,还支持交换矩阵模块(WS-C6500-SFM/WS-X6500-SFM2).但要注意的是:1.只有Supervisor Engine 2支持交换矩阵模块;Supervisor Engine 720不支持.2.WS-C6500-SFM/WS-X6500-SFM2模块可安装于6插槽机箱(如6506/6509)的5号插槽,备用模块可插在第6号插槽.3.只有WS-X6500-SFM2模块能安装在6513的7号插槽,备用模块可以插在8号插槽.注:WS-C6500-SFM/WS-X6500-SFM2模块可以组合使用.谁先被安装,谁就做为主模块;如果同时安装,那么5/7号插槽的模块为主模块,6/8号的模块为备用模块.如果此时把5/7号插槽的模块重启,那么6/8号插槽的模块将做为主模块.CATALYST 6500系列交换机的存储组件:1.512K的NVRAM用于存储配置文件.2.Supervisor Engine上的EEPROM组件用于存储特定模块信息,如模块序列号,硬件修正号等.3.Supervisor Engine 1/2用于存储默认系统软件的DRAM大小为128M;Supervisor Engine 2U为256M;Supervisor Engine 720为512M.用于存储软件镜象的flash大小,Supervisor Engine 1为16M;Supervisor Engine 2为32M;Supervisor Engine 720为64M.4.flash文件系统(bootflash和PCMCIA卡).注:Supervisor Engine 1和2支持不同的PCMCIA卡,因此在使用前先格式化.CATALYST 6500系列交换机物理接口编址方式:插槽号/端口号(slot/port).模块插槽的自上而下进行编号,从1开始;端口号从左向右编号,也是从1开始.如下图:Supervisor Engine的热插拔(hot swapping):可以在不关闭电源的情况下插拔备用Supervisor Engine(即热交换,或热插拔).当热插拔备用Supervisor Engine模块的时候:1.交换机先确定该模块是否有充足电量可用.2.进行背板扫描,修改配置.3.初始化新插入的模块,或把移除的模块标记为管理性关闭(administratively down)的状态.4.将之前配置好的接口还原为移除模块后的配置;新增接口处于管理性关闭状态.交换机将对新增模块上的接口进行诊断测试,如果测试通过,交换机将继续正常工作.如果Supervisor Engine有故障,交换机正常运转的同时,将该模块处于禁用状态;如果诊断测试未通过,交换机将报错.本地化配置交换机可以通过CONSOLE口进行配置,PC超级终端的设置如下:。
具体的启动顺序:1 启动过程从SP开始,在sup-bootflash:或sup-disk:的IOS映像(SP部分)解压,上载到SP内存。
2 当SP完成启动过程,这时把console口交给RP。
此时会看到信息:00:00:28: %OIR-SP-6-CONSOLE: Changing console ownership to route processor所以如果需要做密码还原的话,应该在这时按Ctrl+Break,而不是SP开始时(如果是,那你进入的是SP的rommon,而不是RP的rommon)。
Cisco Catalyst 6500系列无线局域网服务模块
概述问:什么是Cisco® Catalyst® 6500系列无线局域网服务模块?答:Cisco Catalyst 6500系列无线局域网服务模块(WLSM)是为Cisco Catalyst 6500系列交换机开发的高级服务模块,它支持能够自主运行的Cisco Aironet 系列接入点。
该产品中包含了为企业提供的思科无线域服务(WDS),能够执行以下功能:∙将自主接入点无线管理信息汇总起来,提供给CiscoWorks无线局域网解决方案引擎(WLSE);∙利用思科中央密钥管理保证客户端漫游的安全性;∙对网络基础设施内的Cisco Aironet®自主接入点进行身份验证;∙提供第二层和第三层漫游和客户端移动性管理。
问:Catalyst 6500系列WLSM是处于无线数据流路径中吗?答:不在。
Catalyst 6500系列WLSM不在无线数据流的转发路径中。
8Gbps的网络连接是专为汇总的接入点无线管理信息,以及与移动性相关的协议和客户端IEEE 802.1X身份验证流量而保留的。
问:哪些客户适合部署Catalyst 6500系列WLSM?答:Catalyst 6500系列WLSM是为那些正在使用自主接入点,并希望建立集成化企业级有线和无线局域网的中型企业、大学和电信运营商而开发的。
特性和优点问:Catalyst 6500系列WLSM有哪些主要特性和优点?答:Catalyst 6500系列WLSM能够为客户提供企业级可扩展性、安全性、可用性、漫游和更简洁的可管理性。
Catalyst 6500系列WLSM的主要特性和优点包括:∙快速、安全的第三层漫游--提供50ms以下的安全的自主接入点间切换时间,支持各种对延迟敏感的应用,例如IP语音(VoIP)、视频流、无线VPN以及基于客户端/服务器的应用。
∙业界领先的可扩展性--最多能支持600个运行Cisco IOS? 软件的Cisco Aironet系列接入点,能够自主运行,最多能支持6000个Cisco Aironet 设备、思科兼容设备或通过无线保真(Wi-Fi)认证的客户端设备。
65xx系列交换机配置手册(Native IOS)中软网络技术股份有限公司2004年4月65xx系列交换机配置手册(Native IOS)目录1. 6509介绍 (2)2. 连接设备 (3)2.1. 从CONSOLE连接 (3)2.2. 远程TELNET连接 (6)3. 基本信息配置 (7)3.1. 交换机软件版本 (7)3.2. 查看交换机基本配置 (7)3.3. 配置机器名、TELNET、密码 (10)3.4. 配置SNMP网管串 (11)3.5. 启动三层功能 (11)3.6. 查看和配置系统环境变量 (11)4. 端口设置 (12)4.1. 端口基本设置 (12)4.2. 配置二层交换接口 (12)4.3. 配置三层路由端口 (13)4.4. 配置端口TRUNK (13)4.5. ETHERNAET CHANNEL (14)4.6. 查看端口配置 (15)5. 配置VLAN (15)5.1. 配置VTP (15)5.2. 配置VLAN端口 (15)5.3. 创建VLAN (15)5.4. 给VLAN分配端口 (16)5.5. 配置VLAN地址 (16)6. 配置HSRP (17)7. 配置NTP (18)8. 配置镜像端口 (18)9. 升级配置 (19)9.1. 交换机IOS保存和升级 (19)9.2. 配置从另外一个版本的IOS启动 (20)1.6509介绍Cisco Catalyst 6500系列交换机提供3插槽、6插槽、9插槽和13插槽的机箱,以及多种集成式服务模块,包括数千兆位网络安全性、内容交换、语音和网络分析模块。
Catalyst 6500系列中的所有型号都使用了统一的模块和操作系统软件,形成了能够适应未来发展的体系结构,由于能提供操作一致性,因而能提高IT基础设施的利用率,并增加投资回报。
从48端口到576端口的10/100/1000以太网布线室到能够支持192个1Gbps或32个10Gbps骨干端口,提供每秒数亿个数据包处理能力的网络核心,Cisco Catalyst 6500系列能够借助冗余路由与转发引擎之间的故障切换功能提高网络正常运行时间。
CISCO Catalyst 6500
一种低密度配线间机箱, 可以与更大型的机箱共享接口模块和控制引擎, 实现了通用 备件
Catalyst 6504-E
一种小型高性能机箱, 与较大的机箱使用相同的接口模块和控制引擎, 实现通用备件, 适用于中小型企业核心/分布层、城域边缘和大型企业广域网边缘
最大功耗(瓦)(冗余模式) 内部交流电源 1 内部直流电源 1 1,400 950 2,700 2,700 6,000 4,000 6,000 4,000 6,000 4,000 6,000 4,000
最大 Class 3 设备 (15.4W)电源数目 内部交流电源 1 内部直流电源 1 广域网接口 48 31 DS0 到 OC-48 110 110 DS0 到 OC-48 可用的带宽 可扩展至 240Gbps 可扩展至 320 Gbps 吞吐率 可扩展至 99Mpps 可扩展至 147 Mpps 冗余控制引擎 热插拔电源 最大 VLAN 数量 FEC/GEC 有 有 4096 有 有 有 4096 有 284 173 DS0 到 OC-48 可扩展至 480 Gbps 可扩展至 243 Mpps 有 有 4096 有 可扩展至 720 Gbps 可扩展至 387 Mpps 有 有 4096 有 288 184 DS0 到 OC-48 215 206 281 176 DS0 OC-48 可扩 展至 720 Gbps 可扩 展至 425 Mpps 有 有 4096 有 到
Catalyst 6500 控制引擎和交换矩阵模块 WS-SUP720-3BXL WS-SUP720-3B WS-SUP720 WS-SUP32-10GE-3B WS-SUP32-GE-3B WS-X6K-S2U-MSFC2 WS-X6K-S2-MSFC2 WS-X6K-S2-PFC2 WS-X6500-SFM2 Catalyst 6500 万兆以太网 WS-X6704-10GE Catalyst 6500 千兆以太网 WS-X6408A-GBIC WS-X6516A-GBIC WS-X6724-SFP WS-X6748-SFP 8 端口千兆以太网模块,增强 QoS (需要 GBIC) 16 端口千兆以太网模块, 矩阵型(需要 GBIC) 24 端口千兆以太网模块, 矩阵型(需要 SFPs) 48 端口千兆以太网模块, 矩阵型(需要 SFPs) 4 端口万兆以太网模块(需要 XENPAK) Supervisor 720 矩阵 MSFC3 PFC3BXL Supervisor 720 矩阵 MSFC3 PFC3B Supervisor 720 矩阵 MSFC3 PFC3A Supervisor 32 ,带 2 端口 10 GbE 和 PFC3B Supervisor 32 ,带 8 GbE 上行链路和 PFC3B Supervisor 2U, 256 MB 控制引擎, 512 MB MSFC2 Supervisor Engine-2, 2 GbE, MSFC-2/PFC-2 Supervisor Engine-2, 2 GbE, PFC-2 交换矩阵模块 2
产品手册Cisco 6500 系列交换机的 6800 系列万兆和千兆以太网接口模块产品概述Cisco Catalyst® 6500 系列交换机提供多种可与新型 Catalyst® 6500 管理引擎 2T/2TXL(VS-S2T-10G 和 VS-S2T-10GXL)协同工作的万兆和千兆以太网模块,以满足企业、商业和服务提供商客户的园区和数据中心内的不同需求。
本系列中的模块包括全新的 6800 系列 16 端口万兆以太网光纤模块、16 端口万兆以太网铜缆模块、48 端口千兆以太网铜缆模块、48 端口千兆以太网光纤模块和 24 端口千兆以太网光纤模块。
万兆光纤模块支持 10GBASE-CX4、-SR、-LRM、-LX4、-LR、-ZR 和 -ER X2 光纤模块,以通过单模光纤提供长达 80 千米的操作距离。
万兆以太网铜缆模块支持 RJ-45 连接器和通过 6 类非屏蔽双绞线 (UTP) 铜缆提供的长达 55 米的操作距离;100 米 6 类屏蔽双绞线 (STP) 铜缆、100 米 6A 类 UTP 和 STP 铜缆以及 100 米 7 类 STP 铜缆。
与此相似,千兆以太网铜缆模块支持 RJ-45 连接器并通过 5、5E 和 6 类 UTP 铜缆提供长达 100 米的操作距离。
千兆光纤模块支持热插拔光纤并通过单模光纤和多模光纤提供长达 80 千米的操作距离。
6800 系列 16 端口万兆以太网光纤模块6800 系列 16 端口万兆以太网光纤模块适合于在园区和数据中心内的接入和聚合网络中进行部署:●WS-X6816-10G-2T:带 DFC4 的 16 端口万兆以太网光纤模块(图 1),以及●WS-X6816-10G-2TXL:带 DFC4XL 的 16 端口万兆以太网光纤模块(图 1)●背板连接:使用双全双工 20 Gbps 交换矩阵通道(总共 40 Gbps)连接到交换矩阵●机箱/插槽支持:可以占用 Cisco Catalyst 6503E、6504E、6506E、6509E 和 6509-V-E 中的任何插槽。
cisco 6500 sup2t引擎
产品手册Cisco Catalyst 6500 系列管理引擎 2T产品概述Cisco® Catalyst® 6500 管理引擎 2T(图 1)是管理引擎系列新增的最新产品。
管理引擎 2T 旨在提供更高的性能、更好的可扩展性和支持硬件的增强功能。
管理引擎 2T 集成了 2T比特的高性能交换矩阵,可在所有 Cisco Catalyst 6500 E 系列机箱内实现每个插槽 80 Gbps 的交换容量。
管理引擎 2T 上的转发引擎能够为 2 层和 3 层服务提供高性能转发。
管理引擎 2T 在安全、服务质量 (QoS)、虚拟化和可管理性等领域提供了许多新的基于硬件的创新。
管理引擎 2T 的丰富功能集增强了传统 IP 转发、2 层和 3 层多协议标签交换 (MPLS) VPN 以及 VPLS 等应用。
Cisco Catalyst 6500 管理引擎 2T 通过所有功能和技术进步确立了在无边界网络和数据中心部署领域的产品领先地位。
图 1. 管理引擎 2T功能和优点管理引擎 2T 提供了可扩展的性能、智能和大量的功能,以满足无边界网络、数据中心和服务提供商网络的需求。
管理引擎 2T 的一些主要功能包括:●平台可扩展性:在 E 系列机箱上提供每个插槽多达 80 Gbps 的交换容量;可将使用单个 6513-E 机箱的 2T比特带宽容量扩展到使用 VSS 的 4 T比特容量。
支持利用 VSS 部署的多达 1056 个 1Gbps 端口和 352 个10Gbps 端口的系统。
提供 1Gbps/10Gbps 和 40Gbps 的接口支持,以满足未来的客户带宽增长需求。
●安全性:支持 Cisco TrustSec 和 CTS,从而提供 MacSec 加密和基于角色的 ACL。
●虚拟化:原生支持 VPLS,以及可感知 VPN 的 NAT、VPN 统计和 VPN Netflow等部署网络虚拟化所需的重要功能的强化。
Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 2T 产品
Data SheetCisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 2TProduct OverviewThe Cisco® Catalyst® 6500 Supervisor Engine 2T (Figure 1) is the newest addition to the family of supervisor engines. The Supervisor Engine 2T is designed to deliver higher performance, better scalability, and enhanced hardware-enabled features. Supervisor Engine 2T integrates a high-performance 2-Terabit crossbar switch fabric that enables 80 Gbps switching capacity per slot on all Cisco Catalyst 6500 E-Series Chassis. The forwarding engine on Supervisor Engine 2T is capable of delivering high-performance forwarding for Layer 2 and Layer 3 services. Supervisor Engine 2T delivers many new hardware-enabled innovations in the areas of security, quality of service (QoS), virtualization, and manageability. The rich feature set of Supervisor Engine 2T enhances applications such as traditional IP forwarding, Layer 2 and Layer 3 Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) VPNs, and VPLS. The Cisco Catalyst 6500 with Supervisor Engine 2T and all the features and the technical advancements establish product leadership in borderless networks as well as data center deployments.Figure 1. Supervisor Engine 2TFeatures and BenefitsSupervisor Engine 2T delivers scalable performance, intelligence, and a broad set of features to address the needs of Borderless Networks, data centers, and service provider networks. Some of the primary features for Supervisor Engine 2T include:●Platform scalability: Delivering up to 80 Gbps per slot of switching capacity on E-Series chassis; 2-Terabitaggregate bandwidth capacity using the 6513-E chassis, scaling to 4-Terabit capacity with VSS. Support for up to 1056 ports of 1Gbps and 352 ports of 10Gbps systems deployed with VSS. Providing 1Gbps/10Gbps and 40Gbps interface support to address future customer bandwidth growth requirements.●Security: Support for Cisco TrustSec, CTS, providing MacSec encryption and Role-Based ACL. Providingcontrol plane policing to address denial of service attacks.●Virtualization: Native support for VPLS, as well as enhancements such as VPN-aware NAT, VPN statistics,and VPN netflow as important features needed for deployment of network virtualization.●Netflow application monitoring: Supervisor Engine 2T supports enhanced application monitoring such asFlexible and Sampled Netflow for intelligent and scalable application monitoring.Primary Supervisor Engine 2T ComponentsPolicy Feature Card 4Supervisor Engine 2T features the integrated Policy Feature Card 4 (PFC4), which improves performance and scalability and provides new and enhanced hardware features. The PFC4 is equipped with a high-performance ASIC complex that enables hardware acceleration for existing and new software features. The PFC4 supports Layer 2 and Layer 3 forwarding, QoS, Netflow and Access Control List (ACLs) and multicast packet replication and processes security policies such as access control lists (ACLs) operations all simultaneously enabled with no performance impact. The PFC4 supports all of these operations for both IPv4 and IPv6.PFC4 also provides enhanced performance and scalability and supports many new innovations such as native VPLS, flexible NetFlow, egress NetFlow, Cisco TrustSec, distributed policers, control plane policing, and comprehensive IPv6 features.Multilayer Switch Feature Card 5Supervisor Engine 2T features the Multilayer Switch Feature Card 5 (MSFC5), providing high-performance, multilayer switching and routing intelligence. Equipped with a high-performance processor, the MSFC5 runs both Layer 2 protocols and Layer 3 protocols on the dual-core CPU complex. These include routing protocol support, Layer 2 protocols (for example, Spanning Tree Protocol and VLAN Trunking Protocol), and security services.The MSFC5 builds the Cisco Express Forwarding information base (FIB) table in software and then downloads this table to the hardware application-specific-integrated circuits (ASICs) on the PFC4 and Distributed Forwarding Card 4 (DFC4), if present on a module, which make the forwarding decisions for IP unicast and multicast traffic.Features and Benefits detailsThis section provides details of scalability and performance capabilities of Supervisor Engine 2T and functions supported.Tables 1 through 4 show the scalability, virtualization and security features for Supervisor Engine 2T.Table 1. ScalabilityName VS-S2T-10G VS-S2T-10G-XLIPv4 routing In hardwareUp to 720 Mpps**In hardwareUp to 720 Mpps**IPv6 routing In hardwareUp to 390 Mpps**In hardwareUp to 390 Mpps**L2 bridging In hardwareUp to 720 Mpps**In hardwareUp to 720 Mpps**MPLS MPLS in hardware to enable use of Layer 3 VPNs and EoMPLStunneling. Up to 8192 VRFs with a total of up to 256K*forwarding entries per system. MPLS in hardware to enable use of Layer 3 VPNs and EoMPLS tunneling. Up to 8192 VRFs with a total of up to 1024K forwarding entries per system.VLAN 4K 4KBridge domains 16k 16kVPLS In hardware (Up to 390 Mpps**) In hardware (Up to 390 Mpps**) GRE In hardware (Up to 390 Mpps**) In hardware (Up to 390 Mpps**) NAT Hardware assisted Hardware assistedMAC entries 128k 128kRoutes 256K(IPv4)128K (IPv6) 1024K (IPv4) 512K (IPv6)Name VS-S2T-10G VS-S2T-10G-XL Netflow entries 512K 1024KMulticast routes 128K (IPv4)128K (IPv6) 128K (IPv4) 128K (IPv6)* 1K=1024.** Requires fully populated 6513-E chassis with DFC4/DFC4XLTable 2. QoS Features and ScalabilityFeature VS-S2T-10G VS-S2T-10G-XLLayer-3 classification and marking access control entries (ACEs) 64K shared for QOS / Security 256K shared for QOS/Security Aggregate traffic rate-limiting policers 16348 16348Flow-based rate-limiting method; number of rates Per source address, destinationaddress, or full flow; 64 rates Per source address, destination address, or full flow; 64 ratesLayer 2 rate limiters 20 ingress/6 egress 20 ingress/6 egressMAC ACLs featuring per-port/per VLAN granularity Yes YesDistributed policers Yes YesShared uFlow policers Yes YesEgress uFlow policers Yes YesPacket or byte policers Yes YesPer port per VLAN Yes YesTable 3. Security Features and ScalabilityFeature VS-S2T-10G VS-S2T-10G-XLPort security Yes YesIEEE 802.1x and 802.1x extensions Yes YesVLAN and router ACLs and port ACLs Yes Yes1:1 mask ratio to ACE values Yes YesSecurity ACL entries 64K shared for QOS / Security 256K shared for QOS/Security CPU rate limiters (DoS protection) 57 57uRPF check (IPv4/IPv6) Up to 16 Up to 16Number of interfaces with unique ACL 16k 16kRPF interfaces 16 16Private VLANs Yes YesMAC ACLs on IP Yes YesLogical interfaces 128k 128kEtherChannel hash 8 bits 8 bitsCisco TrustSec support (including L2 encryption) Yes YesCPU HW rate limiters by PPS or BPS Yes YesCoPP for multicast L2 and L3 support L2 and L3 supportCoPP for exceptions (MTU, TTL) Yes YesCoPP exceptions Netflow support Yes YesACL labels 16K 16KPort ACL 8K 8KACL dry run Yes YesHitless ACL changes Yes YesTable 4. MPLS and Virtualization FeaturesFeature VS-S2T-10G VS-S2T-10G-XLVSS Yes YesLabel imposition/disposition (MPLS-PE), swapping (MPLS-P) Yes YesLabel Distribution Protocol (LDP) Yes YesMPLS VPN Yes YesVRF Lite Yes YesQoS mechanisms using experimental (EXP) bits Yes YesMPLS-RSVP-TE Yes YesYes YesMPLS differentiated services (diffserv)-aware traffic engineering(MPLS-DS-TE)MPLS traceroute Yes YesEoMPLS Yes YesEoMPLS tunnels 16k 16kNative VPLS in HW Yes YesNative L2 over multipoint GRE Yes YesVRF-aware operational contexts Yes YesVPN Netflow support Yes YesVPN aware NAT Yes YesVRF-lite scalability VLAN reuse per sub-interface VLAN reuse per sub-interfacePer VPN interface statistics Yes YesPlatform Support and CompatibilityTable 5 lists product specifications.Table 5. Product SpecificationsProduct SpecificationsChassis compatibility ●E-Series only: Cisco Catalyst 6503-E, 6504-E, 6506-E, 6509-E, 6509-V-E, 6513E Switch fabric ●2.08 Tbps Crossbar Switch Fabric with 26 Fabric ChannelsLine-card compatibility ●WS-X6908-10G-2T, WS-X6908-10G-2TXL●WS-X6824-SFP-2T, WS-X6824-SFP-2TXL●WS-X6848-SFP-2T, WS-X6848-SFP-2TXL●WS-X6848-TX-2T, WS-X6848-TX-2TXL● WS-X6816-10T-2T, WS-X6816-10T-2TXL●WS-X6816-10G-2T, WS-X6816-10G-2TXL●WS-X6904-40G-2T, WS-X6904-40G-2TXL●WS-X6704-10GE with CFC●WS-X6724-SFP with CFC●WS-X6748-SFP with CFC●WS-X6748-GE-TX with CFC●WS-X6148A-RJ-45, WS-X6148A-45AF, WS-X6148-FE-SFP, WS-X6148A-GE-TX, WS-X6148A-GE-45AF, WS-X6148E-GE-45ATWith a DFC4 or DFC4XL upgrade (WS-F6k-DFC4-A, WS-F6k-DFC4-AXL)●WS-X6704-10GE●WS-X6724-SFP●WS-X6748-SFP●WS-X6748-GE-TXWith a DFC4 or DFC4XL upgrade (WS-F6k-DFC4-E, WS-F6k-DFC4-EXL)●WS-X6716-10G-3C, WS-X6716-10G-3CXL●WS-X6716-10T-3C, WS-X6716-10T-3CXLFan tray and power supply supported ●1400W for 6503-E●2700W for 6504-E●3000W AC or DC all other chassis●4000W AC or DC all other chassis●6000W AC or DC all other chassis●8700W AC all other chassisSlot requirements Occupies the Supervisor slots as follows:●3-slot E-chassis: slots 1 and 2●4-slot E-chassis: slots 1 and 2●6-slot E-chassis: slots 5 and 6●9-slot V-E chassis: slots 5 and 6●9-slot E-chassis: slots 5 and 6●13-slot E-chassis: slots 7 and 8Software compatibility ●12.2(50)SY and future releasesOptics and SFP options ●X2-10GB-LR,● X2-10GB-SR●X2-10GB-CX4,●X2-10GB-ER,●X2-10GB-LX4,●X2-10GB-LRM●X2-10GB-ZR●X2-10GB-DWDM●CVR-X2-SFP10G - OneX Adapter●SFP-H10GB-CU1M1 - 1 Meter Passive Cable●SFP-H10GB-CU3M1 -3 Meter Passive Cable●SFP-H10GB-CU5M1 - 5 Meter Passive Cable●SFP-10G-SRService Modules ●ACE 20, ACE 30, NAM-1, NAM-2, NAM-3, FWSM, ASA-SM, WiSM-1, WiSM-2SW packages ●IP BASE●IP Services●Advanced IP Services●Advanced Enterprise ServicesConnectivity management processor (CMP) ●Integrated Connectivity Management Processor for improved Out-of-Band Management DRAM ●2GB for Lite and XL (4GB upgrade with 2GB memory upgrade (2+2)NVRAM ●4 MBCompact Flash ●1GBUSB ●USB base console and file system - Support for Host and DeviceManagement LED ●Blue Beacon LEDUplink ports ●3 x GE SFP Ports●2 x 10G X2 Ports●1 x 10/100/1000 Management PortConsole ports ●One console port (RJ-45)Reliability and availability ●FSU (Fast software upgrade)●SSO+NSF (Stateful Switchover + Nonstop Forwarding)●OIR (Online insertion and removal) Hot Swap of power supplies, modules, fan trays andSupervisorsMIBs ●MPLS LDP MIB, MPLS Label Switch Router (LSR) MIB, MPLS-TE MIB, MPLS VPNMIB; see software release notes for additional information●Check the following MIB finder for more info:/public/sw-center/netmgmt/cmtk/mibs.shtmlNetwork management ●Cisco WorksPhysical specifications ●(H x W x D): 1.73 x 14.4 x 16 in (4.4 x 36.6 x 40.6 cm)●Weight: 12.0 lbsPower consumption ●Lite: 435W MAX●XL: 450W MAXECC ●ECC Protection SupportEnvironmental conditions ●Operating temperature: 32 to 104°F (0 to 40°C)●Storage temperature: -40 to 167°F (-40 to 75°C)●Relative humidity: 10 to 90 percent, noncondensing**Check software release for availability.Product SpecificationsTable 6 lists specifications and compliance information.Table 6. Product Specifications and ComplianceProduct SpecificationsRegulatory ComplianceSafety ●UL 60950-1●CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1●EN 60950-1●IEC 60950-1●AS/NZS 60950-1●GB4943EMC: emissions ●47CFR Part 15 (CFR 47) Class A●AS/NZS CISPR22 Class A●CISPR2 2 Class A●EN55022 Class A●ICES003 Class A●VCCI Class A●EN61000-3-2●EN61000-3-3●KN22 Class A●CNS13438 Class AEMC: immunity ●EN50082-1●EN61000-6-1●EN55024●CISPR24●EN300386●KN 61000-4 SeriesNEBS criteria levels ●SR-3580 NEBS level 3 GR-63-CORE, issue 3; GR-1089 CORE, issue 4 Verizon NEBS compliance ●Telecommunications Carrier Group (TCG) ChecklistQwest NEBS requirements ●Telecommunications Carrier Group (TCG) ChecklistATT NEBS requirements ●ATT TP76200 level 3 and TCG ChecklistETSI ●ETS 300 019-2-1, Class 1.2 Storage●ETS 300 019-2-2, Class 2.3 Transportation●ETS 300 019-2-3, Class 3.2 Stationary UseOrdering InformationTo place an order, visit the Cisco Ordering Home Page. Tables 7 and 8 give ordering and part number information. Table 7. Supervisor Engine and Memory Part NumberPart Number DescriptionVS-S2T-10G Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 2TVS-S2T-10G-XL Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 2T XLVS-S2T-10G= Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 2T SpareVS-S2T-10G-XL= Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 2T XL SpareVS-F6K-PFC4XL= Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor PFC 4 XL SpareMEM-SUP2T-2GB Cisco Catalyst 6500 2GB Memory for Supervisor Engine 2TMEM-SUP2T-2GB= Cisco Catalyst 6500 2GB Memory for Supervisor Engine 2T SpareMEM-C6K-CPTFL1GB Cisco Catalyst 6500 Compact Flash Memory 1GBMEM-C6k-CPTFL1GB= Cisco Catalyst 6500 Compact Flash Memory 1GB SpareMEM-C6K-CPTFL2GB Cisco Catalyst 6500 Compact Flash Memory 2GBMEM-C6k-CPTFL2GB= Cisco Catalyst 6500 Compact Flash Memory 2GB SpareTable 8. Software Part NumbersSoftware Part Number DescriptionS2TAEK9-12250SY Cisco CAT6000-VS-S2T IOS ADV ENT SERV FULL ENCRYPTS2TAEK9N-12250SY Cisco CAT6000-VS-S2T IOS ADVANCED ENTERPRISE SERVICES NPES2TAIK9-12250SY Cisco CAT6000-VS-S2T IOS ADVANCED IP SERVICES FULL ENCRYPTS2TAIK9N-12250S Cisco CAT6000-VS-S2T IOS ADVANCED IP SERVICES LAN ONLY NPES2TIBK9-12250SY Cisco CAT6000-VS-S2T IOS IP BASE LAN ONLY FULL ENCRYPTS2TIBK9N-12250SY Cisco CAT6000-VS-S2T IOS IP BASE LAN ONLY NPES2TISK9-12250SY Cisco CAT6000-VS-S2T IOS IP SERV LAN ONLY FULL ENCRYPTS2TISK9N-12250SY Cisco CAT6000-VS-S2T IOS IP SERV LAN ONLY NPES2TIB-12250SY Cisco CAT6000-VS-S2T IOS IP BASES2TIS-12250SY Cisco CAT6000-VS-S2T IOS IP SERVCisco and Partner ServicesEnable the innovative, secure, intelligent edge in the Borderless Network Architecture using personalized services from Cisco and our partners. Through a discovery process that begins with understanding your business objectives, we help you integrate the new Cisco Catalyst 6500-C4 System into your architecture and incorporate network services onto that platform. Sharing knowledge and leading practices, we support your success every step of the way as you deploy, absorb, manage, and scale new technology. Choose from a flexible suite of support services designed to meet your business needs and help you maintain high-quality network performance while controlling operational costs. For additional information about Cisco services, visit /go/services.Warranty Coverage and Technical Service OptionsThe Cisco Catalyst 6500 C4 System comes with a Cisco 90-day hardware warranty. Adding a contract for a technical service offering such as Cisco SMARTnet® Service to your device coverage provides access to the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and can provide a variety of hardware replacement options to meet critical business needs, updates for licensed OS software, and registered access to the extensive knowledge base and support tools.For more information about Cisco warranties, go to /go/warranty.For information about Cisco Technical Services, go to /go/ts.Table 9 shows the Cisco technical services available for the Cisco Catalyst 6500 C4 System.Table 9. Cisco Technical Services for Cisco Catalyst 6500 C4 SystemTechnical ServicesCisco SMARTnet Service●Around-the-clock, global access to the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC)●Unrestricted access to the extensive resources, communities, and tools●Next-business-day, 8x5x4, 24x7x4, and 24x7x2 advance hardware replacement2 and onsite parts replacement and installation available●Ongoing operating system software updates within the licensed feature set1●Proactive diagnostics and real-time alerts on Smart Call Home enabled devicesCisco Focused Technical Support ServicesThree levels of premium, high-touch services are available:●Cisco High-Touch Operations Management Service●Cisco High-Touch Technical Support Service●Cisco High-Touch Engineering ServiceValid Cisco SMARTnet or SP Base contracts on all network equipment are required.Footnotes:1. Cisco operating system updates include the following: maintenance releases, minor updates, and major updates within the licensed feature set.2. Advance hardware replacement is available in various service-level combinations. For example, 8x5xNBD indicates that shipment will be initiated during the standard 8-hour business day, 5 days a week (the generally accepted business days within the relevant region), with next business day (NBD) delivery. Where NBD is not available, same day ship is provided. Restrictions apply; please review the appropriate service descriptions for details.For More InformationFor more information about Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series switch, visit/en/US/products/hw/switches/ps708/index.html.。
Cisco Catalyst 6500系列交换机内存指南说明书
Q&AMemory Guidance for Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series SwitchesThis bulletin provides guidance on various bootflash and DRAMs to be used in Cisco®Catalyst® 6500 Series Switches.The Cisco Catalyst 6500 has an unparalleled portfolio of features that are mandated by the growing requirements of our customers for scalability, instrumentation, high availability, and other factors. As a consequence, in the future, software images might have an increased effect on memory requirements. Additionally, as the size of Internet routing tables continue to increase, the quantity of routes in enterprise networks will also grow.The Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series released its latest software image, Cisco IOS® Software Release 12.2(33)SXH, with more than 200 features to cater to different areas of the network such as Data Center, Campus Backbone, Wiring Closet, Enterprise WAN, and Carrier Ethernet. With this software introduction, current default configurations, with the exception of XL configurations, are designed to hold typical enterprise configurations. Typical enterprise configurations are defined as having 25,000 route entries and 4000 access control list (ACL) entries. Table 1 lists upgrade options for various modules with considerations for Bootflash/Compact Flash (Bootdisk)/DRAM upgradeThis does NOT affect the Compact Flash purchase for the supervisor engine’s external slot. We suggest that the Compact Flash size for the external slot be at least equivalent to the recommended size for respective supervisor engines.Figure 1 shows bootflash/Compact Flash (Bootdisk) and DRAM locations on the Cisco Virtual Switching Supervisor Engine 720 with 10 Gigabit Ethernet Uplinks. For details about individual supervisor engines, see/en/US/products/hw/switches/ps708/prod_installation_guides_list.html.Figure 1. Bootflash/Compact Flash (Bootdisk) and DRAM LocationsTable 1. Bootflash/Compact Flash (Bootdisk) and DRAM Upgrade InformationSP = Switch Processor; RP = Route ProcessorThis table lists only those memory units that need to be upgraded. For complete list of defaults, please see the first question in the FAQ section.Boot flash/Compact Flash (Bootdisk) DRAMCurrent Default UpgradeRecommendationsUpgradeProductIDsUpgradeConsiderationCurrentDefaultUpgradeRecommendationsUpgradeProductIDsUpgradeConsiderationsVS-S720-10G-3C/XL 1 GB(SP)DefaultsufficientDefaultsufficient1GB (SP)1GB (RP)DefaultsufficientDefaultsufficientWS-F6700-DFC3C – – – – 512 MB DefaultsufficientDefaultsufficientDefault sufficientWS-Sup720 WS-Sup720-3B 512 MB(SP)*1 GB (SP) WS-CF-UPG=withMEM-C6K-CPTFL1GB (SP)512 MB(SP)512 MB(RP)1 GB (SP)1 GB (RP)MEM-Sup720-SP-1GB= (SP)MEM-MSFC3-1GB= (RP)WS-Sup32-GE-3B WS-Sup32-10GE-3B 256 MB(SP)512 MB(SP)MEM-C6K-CPTFL512M= (SP)512 MB(RP)1 GB (RP) MEM-MSFC3-1GB= (RP)WS-S32-GE-PISA WS-S32-10GE-PISA 512 MB(SP)1 GB (SP) MEM-C6K-CPTFL1GB= (SP)1 GB(RP)DefaultsufficientDefaultsufficientME-6524 256 MB(SP) 512 MB(SP)MEM-C6K-CPTFL512M=(1) Storingdebuginformation(forexample,core dump)(2) Storingmore than 3images256 MB(RP)1 GB (RP) MEM-MSFC3-1GB= (RP)WS-F6700-DFC3B – – – – 256 MB 512 MB MEM-XCEF720-512M=(1) Large routetables >25kentries(2) Premiumfeatures (forexample,enhanced FastSoftware Upgrade[eFSU], In-ServiceSoftware Upgrade[ISSU])(3) Right sizememory now forfuture Cisco IOSSoftware imageson Cisco Catalyst6500/Cisco 7600Series SupervisorEngine 720 CiscoCatalyst 6500Supervisor Engine32 and ME6524*512 MB is default for software images starting with Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(18)SXE5 starting May 5, 2006.Related InformationTo see minimum memory requirements for specific images with the Cisco IOS Software Upgrade Planner, visit /support/downloads/go/MDFTree.x?butype=switches.Memory installation procedures for various modules are available at/en/US/products/hw/switches/ps708/prod_installation_guides_list.html.Q&ANote: In the following sections SP bootflash/bootdisk refers to “Sup-bootflash” and RP bootflash refers to “bootflash.”Q.What is the current shipping default memory in Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 720 (3A, 3B, 3BXL), Cisco Virtual Switching Supervisor Engine 720 with 10Gigabit Ethernet Uplinks, Cisco Catalyst 6500 Supervisor Engine 32, and ME-6524?A.Table 2 shows default memory.Table 2. Default MemorySupervisor Engine SP Bootflash/bootdisk RP Bootflash SP DRAM RP DRAMVS-S720-10G-3C/XL 1 GB64 MB 1 GB 1 GBWS-Sup720 and WS-Sup720-3B64 MB/512 MB*64 MB512 MB512 MBWS-Sup720-3BXL64 MB/512 MB*64 MB 1 GB 1 GBWS-S32-GE-PISA/WS-S32-10GE-PISA512 MB256 MB512 MB 1 GBWS-Sup32-GE-3B/WS-Sup32-10GE-3B256 MB64 MB512 MB**512 MB**ME-6524256 MB64 MB256 MB512 MB***64 MB is the default for images below Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(18)SXE and also for the LAN-only feature set on Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(18)SXE. Customers might use external Compact Flash to run larger images. 512 MB is the default for software images starting with Cisco IOS Software Release12.2(18)SXE starting May 5, 2006, except ME-6524 SP DRAM which was still shipping with 256 MB. For more information, see /en/US/products/hw/switches/ps708/prod_bulletin0900aecd8058b34f.html.**For orders placed starting 5/5/06Q.What are the minimum memory requirements for Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 720 (3A, 3B, 3BXL), Cisco Virtual Switching Supervisor Engine 720 with 10Gigabit Ethernet Uplinks, Cisco Catalyst 6500 Supervisor Engine 32, and ME-6524, to run Cisco IOS Software Modularity?A.Table 3 shows minimum memory requirements for Cisco IOS Software Modularity.Table 3. Minimum Memory RequirementsSupervisor Engine SP Bootflash/Bootdisk RP Bootflash SP DRAM RP DRAMWS-Sup720 and WS-Sup720-3B512 MB*64 MB512 MB512 MBWS-Sup720-3BXL512 MB*64 MB 1 GB 1 GBSup32256 MB64 MB512 MB512 MBME-6524256 MB64 MB512 MB512 MB*Using an external Compact Flash or the internal Compact Flash adapter.Q.What is the current shipping default memory for CEF720 distributed forwarding cards (DFCs)?A.Table 4 shows default memory for CEF720 DFCs.Table 4. Default Memory for CEF720 DFCsProduct ID Default DRAM Upgrade OptionsWS-F6700-DFC3A256 MB–WS-F6700-DFC3B256 MB MEM-XCEF720-512M=MEM-XCEF720-1GB=WS-F6700-DFC3BXL 1 GB–WS-F6700-DFC3C512 MB MEM-XCEF720-1GB=WS-F6700-DFC3CXL 1 GB–Q.What is the current shipping default memory for CEF256 DFCs?A.Table 5 shows default memory for CEF256 DFCs.Table 5. Default Memory for CEF256 DFCsProduct ID Default DRAM Upgrade OptionsWS-F6K-DFC3A*256 MB–WS-F6K-DFC3B*256 MB Yes, MEM-XCEF720-512M=, MEM-XCEF720-1GB=WS-F6K-DFC3BXL* 1 GB–*These modules have been announced end of sale (EoS). For more information, see/en/US/products/hw/switches/ps708/prod_eol_notice0900aecd806d9953.html.Q.How do I upgrade the internal SP bootflash to a larger size with a Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 720 (3A, 3B, 3BXL)?A.Table 6 shows upgrade information. Use the Compact Flash memory upgrade kit (WS-CF-UPG=). For upgrade procedure, refer to/en/US/docs/switches/lan/catalyst6500/hardware/Config_Notes/78_17277.html Table 6. Upgrade InformationProduct ID WS-CF-UPG=List Price$995Minimum Cisco IOS Software Release12.2(18)SXE5 and later; 12.2(18)SXF and laterSP ROMMON Requirement8.4(2) or later (see note)Number of Units of Upgrade Kit Required 1 per Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 720 in the chassis Upgrade Kit Contents 1 unit of Compact Flash adapter and 1 unit of 512 MB Compact Flash,installation guideIs It Field Upgradable?YesNote: To check the current SP ROMMON version, issue the command remote command switch show version | include strap. The ROMMON upgrade procedure can be found under/en/US/docs/switches/lan/catalyst6500/rommon/OL_5631.html.Note that a detailed installation guide is provided with the upgrade kit.Q.Will the Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 720 (3A, 3B, 3BXL), Cisco Virtual Switching Supervisor Engine 720 with 10 Gigabit Ethernet Uplinks ship with internal Compact Flash as an SP bootflash/bootdisk, and if so, when?A.Yes. The Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 720 (3A, 3B, 3BXL) ships with default512 MB internal Compact Flash as an SP bootflash/bootdisk for orders placed starting May 5, 2006 provided the appropriate software release is selected in configurator. Starting software is Cisco IOS Software Releases 12.2(18)SXE and 12.2(18)SXF. See Table 6 for exact Cisco IOS Software release details.Cisco Virtual Switching Supervisor Engine 720 with 10 Gigabit Ethernet Uplinks ships with 1 GB internal Compact Flash as an SP bootflash/bootdisk.Q.Can I use a 256 MB Compact Flash with the Compact Flash adapter for internal bootflash/bootdisk?A.No. 512 MB and 1 GB are the only Compact Flashes qualified and supported.Q.Is the internal Compact Flash adapter for the SP bootflash/bootdisk also supported in the hybrid Cisco Catalyst OS?A.No. There is no requirement, from an image size perspective, to support this kind ofconfiguration.Q.Can the current RP bootflash Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 720 (3A, 3B, 3BXL), Cisco Virtual Switching Supervisor Engine 720 with 10 Gigabit Ethernet Uplinks, or Cisco Catalyst 6500 Supervisor Engine 32 be extended beyond 64 MB?A.No. At this point in time there is no requirement to increase the RP bootflash size on any ofthese supervisor engines.Q.My customer ordered a Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 720 (3A, 3B, 3BXL) with an internal CF adapter, but they need to downgrade to a version that does not support the adapter. Can I leave it in and run from an external Cf, or do we need to downgrade?A.It is recommended to downgrade to 64MB bootflash using the bootflash kit. The product ID forthis kit is BF-S720-64MB-SP=. Table 7 provides downgrade information.Table 7. Downgrade InformationProduct ID BF-S720-64MB-SP=Availability Starting November 2006Minimum Cisco IOS Software Release12.2(18)SXB or laterNumber of Units of Upgrade Kit Required 1 per Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 720 in the chassis Upgrade Kit Contents 1 unit of 64-MB flash, installation guideField Upgradable?YesNote that a detailed installation guide is provided with the bootflash kit. BF-S720-64MB-SP= provides the bootflash downgrade from 512-MB compact flash to 64-MB bootflash for Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 720 units purchased after May 2006.Q.My customer standardized on dual supervisor engines. Should the memory be the same on both?A.Yes. Bootflash/Bootdisk and DRAM size on both supervisor engines should be the same. TheCisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) supports this configuration only.Q.What is the difference between the SP and RP bootflash/bootdisk?A.SP bootflash/bootdisk is the location from where the system can load and boot a Cisco IOSSoftware image. The more SP bootflash/bootdisk space you have, the greater the number of Cisco IOS Software images you have, and the greater the choice in what Cisco IOS Software images you can boot from. An image can be loaded from the SP bootflash/bootdisk using the command boot system flash sup-bootflash:IOS-image-name. Multiple boot system flashcommands can exist in the configuration file, and it is the first in the list that will be used as the image from which to boot the system. The RP bootflash can also be used as a storagelocation for Cisco IOS Software images, although the system cannot directly load an image from that location. The SP and RP bootflash can also be used as a storage location forbackup and alternate configuration files. Configuration files that are required to be used as an active configuration must be copied over to the running or startup configuration.Q.My customer already has a Cisco qualified 512 MB Compact Flash. Can I order the internal Compact Flash adapter without the Compact Flash media?A.No. The upgrade kit is always bundled with 512 MB or 1 GB Compact Flash media.Q.Are there any support issues with customers purchasing external Compact Flash froma third-party vendor? Is there an approved vendor list?A.Refer to/en/US/customer/products/prod_warranties_item09186a00800b5594.htmlCompact Flash memory cards contain internal controllers. Typically vendors change these internal controllers without notifying/marking it on the outside, visible to the user. In internal engineering validation and field trials, Cisco has found that the quality of these components varies vastly, which in turn affects the life of the Compact Flash. Therefore, Cisco does not support third-party Compact Flash.In addition, vendors approved by Cisco will provide failure analysis reports for failed Compact Flash units, which is not available for third-party Compact Flash.Q.Can I increase the DRAM in the Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 720 (WS-Sup720; 3A version)?A.No. DRAM memory is fixed at 512 MB for the Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine720 (WS-Sup720; 3A version).Q.What does a customer that wants to upgrade Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 720 (3A, 3B) to Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series/7600 Series Supervisor Engine 720-3BXLs and Cisco Virtual Switching Supervisor Engine 720 with 10 Gigabit Ethernet Uplinks (3C version) to Cisco Virtual Switching Supervisor Engine 720 with 10 Gigabit Ethernet Uplinks (3CXL version) have to order? What is the part number for theupgrade?A.To upgrade from WS-Sup720 or WS-Sup720-3B to WS-Sup720-3BXL, customers need toorder WS-F6K-PFC3BXL. The Upgrade kit comes with 1GB DRAM upgrades for both the RP and SP.To upgrade from VS-S720-10G-Sup720-3C to VS-S720-10G-3CXL, customers need to order VS-F6K-PFC3CXL. Since the PFC3C and PFC3CXL versions of the VS-S720-10G supervisor have 1GB of DRAM for the RP and SP by default, no additional memory is shipped with the upgrade kit.For installation, refer to/en/US/docs/switches/lan/catalyst6500/hardware/Config_Notes/78_16220.html .Q.I know that the Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 2 has reached EoS. But is there a 128 MB/256 MB Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) or ATA flash card for the Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 2 for image upgrade?A.No. There is no requirement to support 128 MB/256 MB PCMCIA or ATA flash cards for theCisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 2.Q.What are the memory requirements for the Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 2 to load Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(18) SXF?A.Table 8 shows the memory requirements.Table 8. Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 2 requirements for Cisco IOS Software Release12.2(18) SXFSupervisor Engine SP Bootflash RP Bootflash SP DRAM RP DRAMS2-PFC232 MB*–256 MB–S2-MSFC232 MB*32 MB256 MB256 MBS2U-MSFC232 MB*32 MB512 MB512 MB*Use an external PCMCIA ATA flash card, part number MEM-C6K-ATA-1-64M=. EoS for this part number will be announced soonFor More InformationFor more information about the Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switches, visit/en/US/products/hw/switches/ps708/index.html.Printed in USA C67-457347-00 07/08。
flash和nv作用cisco实验理论---交换机的flash和nvram的作用2010-03-26 10:03cisco实验理论---交换机的flash和nvram的作用flash : 相当于windows的c盘,存储操作系统IOS等文件,如果ios丢失只能能过xmoden方式恢复nvram : 相当于windows的d盘,交换机设定保存的地方,如果nvram的配置丢失只会恢复出厂值,不会出现不能开机的情况---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------以下抄自网上:Cisco路由器的Flash和NVRAM是两个重要的存储设备,正确地理解和掌握其使用方法可以更好地完成对路由器的配置和管理工作1 对Flash的维护Flash如同PC机上的BIOS(基本输入输出系统),其中存放的是Cisco路由器的IOS,对它的维护主要就是对IOS文件的备份和恢复在路由器的enable状态下用“dir”命令,就可以查看到Flash上存储的IOS文件名及其大小比如Cisco 1720的IOS的文件名是c1700-y-mz.120-4.T,长度为2666496字节Flash是可编程的存储器,因此可以对Flash进行编程而升级IOS,也能用“erase flash”删除Flash中的IOS,所以这一命令的使用必须非常谨慎我们可以通过备份一个IOS映像文件在计算机上,以在需要时修复IOS用作备份的计算机要作为TFTP服务器,即它需要运行TFTP Server的软件对于UNIX工作站,只要修改/etc/inetd.conf文件,开放TFTP服务,然后执行“kill -1[inetd的进程号]”,重启inetd 进程就可以了;对于Windows主机,只要将Cisco TFTP Server(可在/doc/8811717258.html,下载)安装在计算机上并运行,在设置好TFTP根目录的路径后就可以使用了TFTP的全称为Trivial File Transfer Protocol 与FTP相比,它无纠错控制口令认证等功能,但向服务器端传送文件前要求对方必须有此文件,然后追加到已有文件的末尾,服务器端无此文件则出错通常情况下,我们在TFTP服务器上生成一个名字和IOS文件名一致,但长度为零字节的文件UNIX 系统下用touch命令生成空文件后,其存取权限要改为777;Windows 主机中可新建一个空的文本文件,再改名为指定文件即可,例如对于Cisco1720可将文件名定为c1700-y-mz.120-4.T要对路由器操作,有两种方法:将终端接在其console 口上和远程登录(telnet) 前者是通用的,后者只适用于路由器局域网口已正确设置的场合IOS备份采用的TFTP必须通过网络运行,这就要求即便是使用第一种方式,也必须在局域网口设置正确的前提下才能备份在TFTP服务器正常运行,并已生成指定空文件,以及路由器局域网口已正确设置后,在路由器上键入“copy network”命令,指定TFTP服务器的IP地址,就可以将IOS文件传送到TFTP服务器里,TFTP服务器和用来控制维护路由器的计算机可以不是同一台如果不慎用“erase flash”命令将路由器的IOS删除,可以用其备份来恢复由于IOS被删除后路由器已不能正常工作,不可能通过telnet方式传送只能用微机串口连在路由器的Console口上来连接对于Windows的超级终端需要注意一个问题,即一般设定的连路由器Console口的串口速率为9600 bit/s,这也是默认的路由器Console口速率由于IOS文件较大,速率9600 bit/s的传送时间太长,可以通过“confreg”(设置寄存器)命令提高Console口速率根据提示将Console口速率设到最高的115200 bit/s,这时终端屏幕可能会出现乱码,这因为终端的串口速率没有改为5200 bit/s所致所以只需相应地修改串口速率至115200 bit/s,关闭超级终端再重新打开,乱码就不见了路由器开机启动后进入ROM Monitor状态,在终端上出现“rommon>”命令提示符在“rommon>”提示下,键入“xmodem ”,当出现“准备好接收文件”时,选取超级终端上“传送”菜单,点击“发送文件...”菜单项,在“发送文件”窗口中选择文件传送协议为“Xmodem”,并选择要发送的文件,即IOS文件点击“发送”按钮就可以将IOS文件发送到路由器上路由器将收到的文件解压后写入Flash 这时在“rommon>”提示下键入“reset”命令让路由器重启,就可以调入IOS,进入“自动配置”状态至此,路由器的IOS就成功地恢复了2 对NVRAM的维护NVRAM如同PC机上的CMOS,其中存放的是路由器的配置参数NVRAM的内容可以用“erase memory”或“write erase”将配置参数删除到出厂设置状态,所以相对于路由器丢失了IOS,删除NOVRAM的后果不是很严重,恢复起来也容易一些在路由器正常启动后,它会将NVRAM的内容拷贝到内存一份,我们对路由器的设置实际上就是修改内存中的参数所以内存和NVRAM 中的内容是可以不一样的,直到使用“write memory” “copy running-configstartup-config”将内存设置保存到NVRAM中,或用“reload” “copy startup-config running-config” 重启路由器等办法将NVRAM的内容重新调入内存,才能实现NVRAM与内存之间的同步用“show configuration”命令可查看NVRAM中的设置,用“show running-config” “write terminal”命令则可以查看当前运行的设置(在内存中)NVRAM也是可以备份的备份方法有两种:屏幕拷贝或者写到TFTP 服务器上Windows的超级终端有缓存,可以保存先前显示的内容,我们在对路由器执行“show configuration”命令后,就可以向前翻卷窗口,将此命令显示的内容拷贝生成一个文本文件,就实现了NVRAM的备份往TFTP服务器上写时也要求网络上有一台计算机充当TFTP服务器,并事先生成约定好的NVRAM文件名,在路由器上执行“write network”命令,指定TFTP服务器的IP地址,路由器当前的NVRAM配置就会作为一个文件存入TFTP服务器的根目录下若不慎删除了NVRAM的内容,使路由器进入出厂设置,恢复也有两种方式:屏幕拷贝或者从TFTP服务器读入屏幕拷贝也就是用文本编辑器打开事先备份的NVRAM文件,将其内容全部选定后拷贝到剪贴板上,在路由器的config状态下,粘贴进去,路由器将执行所粘贴的每一行命令从TFTP服务器读入则先要保证路由器的局域网口已开启(noshutdown),因为出厂设置时广域网口局域网口都是默认关闭的使用“load network”或“config network”命令就可以将TFTP服务器上的配置文件读入了注意这两个办法都只是将原备份的配置读入到路由器的内存,并未真正修改NVRAM,因此需要用前述的命令将内存中的配置保存到NVRAM里灵活利用NVRAM的恢复还可以给日常的维护带来许多方便比如,在需要对多台路由器作相似的配置时,可以先配好一个路由器,将其配置文件备份到TFTP服务器上,然后作为模板,稍加修改就变为其它路由器的配置文件用恢复的办法就可以快速配置完成多个路由器在系统升级扩容时,需要用性能更强的路由器代替原路由器,而原有的配置并不需要改变,用这种“克隆”的办法能起到事半功倍的效果。
IOS环境下CISCO6500系列 sup-bootflash bootflash的一些说明
IOS环境下CISCO6500系列sup-bootflash bootflash的一些说明IOS环境下CISCO6500系列sup-bootflash bootflash的一些说明sup-bootflash bootflash是插在不同的板子上的且不能合并。
在IOS环境下的bootflash是MSFC上的存储空间一般不存放文件或者只存放CAT OS环境下才用到的MSFC的IMAGE文件。
IOS只能存放在sup-bootflash或者compact flash slot中;6509是不能通过MSFC的BOOTFLASH上的IOS启动的。
这个要注意!在CAT OS模式或者SP下引擎(SUP1、SUP2和SUP720)上的sup-bootflash被改为bootflash,此时一定要注意CAT OS下的bootflash和IOS下的bootflash是完全不同的!正常IOS版本升级1. sh ver 命令查看当前运行的IOS版本2. sh boot查看系统通过什么位置的文件启动(分为主启动和备份启动)3. dir boot和dir sup-boot和dir slot0命令查看空间和空间内的文件4. format命令格式化需要安装新IOS的空间(包括主启动空间和备份启动空间)5. copy tftp sup-bootflash将新的IOS文件拷贝到指定位置6. 通过boot system sup-bootflash:(文件名)来指定启动文件7. 通过copy sup-bootflash slavesup-bootflash来向备份引擎拷贝IOS,进行版本同步8. 通过copy sup-bootflash slot0来将IOS备份至slot0中的flash卡,以备异常启动时使用9. 存盘重启,完成6509 IOS版本升级异常启动处理:1. 重启交换机,ctrl+break进入rommon模式2. 在rommon的条件下,使用boot bootflash:后面跟老的ios文件名还是可以引导的。
CATALYST 6500 系列交换机SUPERVISOR引擎及接口模块安装/拆卸方案2010-9-28**注:本方案是根据思科官方文档翻译整理的。
CATALYST 6500 系列SUPERVISOR引擎及接口模块安装/拆卸方案目录安装/拆卸Supervisor Engine (3)敬告: (3)备件/工具准备: (3)技术准备: (3)安装Supervisor Engine (4)拆卸Supervisor Engine (8)安装可插拔的收发连接器 (10)安装GBIC收发器 (10)安装SFP收发器 (11)安装铜缆SFP收发器 (13)安装10G BASE-X XENPAK收发器 (15)安装10Gigabit ethernet x2 收发器 (16)安装/拆卸SUPERVISOR ENGINE敬告:●最好是操作熟练的工程师对设备进行安装,替换等操作。
技术准备:确定安装引擎板卡的正确槽位:引擎类型笼子类型安装引擎的槽位Supervisor Engine 2 所有笼子槽位1和槽位2Supervisor Engine 32 3个或4个槽位的笼子槽位1和槽位2 6个或9个槽位的笼子槽位5和槽位6 13个槽位的笼子槽位7和槽位8Supervisor Engine 32 PISA 3个或4个槽位的笼子槽位1和槽位2 6个或9个槽位的笼子槽位5和槽位6 13个槽位的笼子槽位7和槽位8Supervisor Engine 720 3个或4个槽位的笼子槽位1和槽位2 6个或9个槽位的笼子槽位5和槽位6 13个槽位的笼子槽位7和槽位8Supervisor Engine 720-10GE 3个或4个槽位的笼子槽位1和槽位2 6个或9个槽位的笼子槽位5和槽位6 13个槽位的笼子槽位7和槽位8 表 1***注:如果是两个引擎作冗余,则按照表中的槽位安装,如果是单引擎,则引擎应安装在表中指定两个槽位中任意一个。
顾名思义,ROM 是只读存储器,不能修改其中存放的代码。
3.随机存储器(RAM) RAM也是可读可写的存储器,但它存储的内容在系统重启或关机后将被清除。
第二、网络标准局域网(LAN)的结构主要有三种类型:以太网(Ethernet)、令牌环(Token Ring)、令牌总线(Token Bus)以及作为这三种网的骨干网光纤分布数据接口(FDDI)。
它们所遵循的都是IEEE(美国电子电气工程师协会)制定的以802开头的标准,目前共有11个与局域网有关的标准,它们分别是: IEEE 802.1── 通用网络概念及网桥等IEEE 802.2── 逻辑链路控制等IEEE 802.3──CSMA/CD访问方法及物理层规定IEEE 802.4──ARCnet总线结构及访问方法,物理层规定IEEE 802.5──Token Ring访问方法及物理层规定等IEEE 802.6── 城域网的访问方法及物理层规定IEEE 802.7── 宽带局域网IEEE 802.8── 光纤局域网(FDDI)IEEE 802.9── ISDN局域网IEEE 802.10── 网络的安全IEEE 802.11── 无线局域网第三、交换方式目前交换机在传送源和目的端口的数据包时通常采用直通式交换、存储转发式和碎片隔离方式三种数据包交换方式。
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第一部分就是二层交换机卡,也就是正常说的super engine,是引擎卡,交换机只要有这个卡就可以工作了,可以实现VLAN的交换;
第二部分就是插在这个super engine上的子卡,通常称为MSFC或者RP,这个是做路由用的。
从硬件上看,一套完整的SUP720引擎要有base,msfc,pfc三部分组成base就是最大的那个电路板,在最下面,它上面有flash卡插槽,插到里面的flash 叫做sup-bootflash
msfc上面也有flash 卡插槽,插到里面的flash叫做bootflash。