



Chapter 1:Configuration OverviewCreating an Encrypted BitstreamBitGen, provided with the Xilinx ISE software, can generate encrypted as well as non-encrypted bitstreams. For AES bitstream encryption, the user specifies a 256-bit key as aninput to BitGen. BitGen in turn generates an encrypted bitstream file (BIT) and anencryption key file (NKY).For specific BitGen commands and syntax, refer to the Development System Reference Guide.Loading the Encryption KeyThe encryption key can only be loaded onto a Virtex-5 device through the JTAG interface.The iMPACT tool, provided with the Xilinx ISE software, can accept the NKY file as aninput and program the device with the key through JTAG, using a supported Xilinxprogramming cable.To program the key, the device enters a special key-access mode using theISC_PROGRAM_KEY instruction. In this mode, all FPGA memory, including theencryption key and configuration memory, is cleared. After the key is programmed andthe key-access mode is exited, the key cannot be read out of the device by any means, andit cannot be reprogrammed without clearing the entire device. The key-access mode istransparent to most users.Loading Encrypted BitstreamsOnce the device has been programmed with the correct encryption key, the device can beconfigured with an encrypted bitstream. After configuration with an encrypted bitstream,it is not possible to read the configuration memory through JTAG or SelectMAP readback,regardless of the BitGen security setting.While the device holds an encryption key, a non-encrypted bitstream can be used toconfigure the device; in this case the key is ignored. After configuring with a non-encrypted bitstream, readback is possible (if allowed by the BitGen security setting). Theencryption key still cannot be read out of the device, preventing the use of Trojan Horsebitstreams to defeat the Virtex-5 encryption scheme.The method of configuration is not affected by encryption. The configuration bitstream canbe delivered in any mode (Serial, JTAG, or any x8 parallel modes) from any configurationsolution (PROM, System ACE™ controller, etc.). The x16 and x32 bus widths are notsupported for encrypted bitstreams. Configuration timing and signaling are alsounaffected by encryption.The encrypted bitstream must configure the entire device because partial reconfigurationthrough any configuration interface is not permitted for encrypted bitstreams. Afterconfiguration, the device cannot be reconfigured without toggling the PROGRAM_B pin,cycling power, or issuing the JPROGRAM instruction. Fallback reconfiguration andIPROG reconfiguration (see “Fallback MultiBoot,” page153) are disabled after encryptionis turned on. Readback is available through the ICAP primitive (see “Bitstream Encryptionand Internal Configuration Access Port (ICAP)”). None of these events resets the key ifV BATT or V CCAUX is maintained.A mismatch between the key in the encrypted bitstream and the key stored in the devicecauses configuration to fail with the INIT_B pin going Low and the DONE pin remainingLow.Bitstream EncryptionBitstream Encryption and Internal Configuration Access Port (ICAP) The Internal Configuration Access Port (ICAP) primitive provides the user logic withaccess to the Virtex-5 configuration interface. The ICAP interface is similar to theSelectMAP interface, although the restrictions on readback for the SelectMAP interface donot apply to the ICAP interface after configuration. Users can perform readback throughthe ICAP interface even if bitstream encryption is used. Unless the designer wires the ICAPinterface to user I/O, this interface does not offer attackers a method for defeating theVirtex-5 AES encryption scheme.Users concerned about the security of their design should not:∙Wire the ICAP interface to user I/O-or-∙Instantiate the ICAP primitive.Like the other configuration interfaces, the ICAP interface does not provide access to thekey register.V BATTThe encryption key memory cells are volatile and must receive continuous power to retaintheir contents. During normal operation, these memory cells are powered by the auxiliaryvoltage input (V CCAUX), although a separate V BATT power input is provided for retainingthe key when V CCAUX is removed. Because V BATT draws very little current (on the order ofnanoamperes), a small watch battery is suitable for this supply. (To estimate the battery life,refer to V BATT DC Characteristics in DS202, Virtex-5 Data Sheet: DC and SwitchingCharacteristics and the battery specifications.) At less than a 100nA load, the endurance ofthe battery should be limited only by its shelf life.V BATT does not draw any current and can be removed while V CCAUX is applied. V BATTcannot be used for any purpose other than retaining the encryption keys when V CCAUX isremoved.Chapter 1:Configuration OverviewSelectMAP Configuration Interface PROM files for ganged serial configuration are identical to the PROM files used toconfigure single devices. There are no special PROM file considerations.SelectMAP Configuration InterfaceThe SelectMAP configuration interface (Figure2-6) provides an 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bitbidirectional data bus interface to the Virtex-5 configuration logic that can be used for bothconfiguration and readback. (For details, refer to Chapter7, “Readback and ConfigurationVerification.”) The bus width of SelectMAP is automatically detected (see “Bus Width AutoDetection”).CCLK is an output in Master SelectMAP mode; in Slave SelectMAP, CCLK is an input. Oneor more Virtex-5 devices can be configured through the SelectMAP bus.There are four methods of configuring an FPGA in SelectMAP mode:∙Single device Master SelectMAP∙Single device Slave SelectMAP∙Multiple device SelectMAP bus∙Multiple device ganged SelectMAPTable2-4 describes the SelectMAP configuration interface.Figure 2-6:Virtex-5 Device SelectMAP Configuration InterfaceTable 2-4:Virtex-5 Device SelectMAP Configuration Interface PinsPin Name Type Dedicatedor Dual-PurposeDescriptionM[2:0]Input Dedicated Mode pins - determine configuration modeCCLK Input andOutputDedicatedConfiguration clock source for all configurationmodes except JTAGD[31:0]Three-StateBidirectionalDual-PurposeConfiguration and readback data bus, clockedon the rising edge of CCLK. See “Parallel BusBit Order” and Table1-2.BU S YDONECCLKPROGRAM_BINIT_BD[31:0]M[2:0]C S_BRDWR_BC S O_BUG191_c2_10_072407Board Layout for Configuration Clock (CCLK)。



TX Buffering, Phase Alignment, and TX Skew Reductionor TXRESET (see “FPGA TX Interface,” page 120). Assertion of GTXRESET triggers a sequence that resets the entire GTX_DUAL tile.Using the TX Phase-Alignment Circuit to Minimize TX SkewTo use the phase-alignment circuit to force the XCLK phase of multiple lanes to match the common TXUSRCLK phase, follow these steps.Initial conditions when TX_BUFFER_USE is TRUE:♦Set TX_BUFFER_USE_0 and TX_BUFFER_USE_1 to TRUE.♦Set TXRX_INVERT0 and TXRX_INVERT1 to 011.♦Set TX_XCLK_SEL0 and TX_XCLK_SEL1 to TXOUT.♦Set PMA_TX_CFG0 and PMA_TX_CFG1 to 20'h80082.1.Set TX_XCLK_SEL0 and TX_XCLK_SEL1 to TXUSR .2.Wait for all clocks to stabilize, then drive TXENPMAPHASEALIGN High.Keep TXENPMAPHASEALIGN High unless the phase-alignment procedure must be repeated. Driving TXENPMAPHASEALIGN Low causes phase alignment to be lost.3.Wait 32 TXUSRCLK2 clock cycles, and then drive TXPMASETPHASE High.4.Wait the number of required TXUSRCLK2 clock cycles as specified in Table 6-11, and then drive TXPMASETPHASE Low. The phase of the PMACLK is now aligned with TXUSRCLK.5.Set TX_XCLK_SEL0 and TX_XCLK_SEL1 back to TXOUT.6.Assert and deassert TXRESET synchronously to TXUSRCLK. In this use mode,TXRESET must be deasserted simultaneously to all GTX Transceivers on which the deskew operation is being performed.The phase-alignment procedure must be redone if any of the following conditions occur:•GTXRESET is asserted•PLLPOWERDOWN is deasserted •The clocking source changedFigure 6-20 shows the TX phase-alignment procedure. TXENPMAPHASEALIGN(0/1) and TXPMASETPHASE(0/1) are independent for each GTX transceiver. Thisimplementation is different from the GTP_DUAL tile where TXENPHASEALIGN and TXPMASETPHASE are shared tile pins. The procedure is always applied to each GTX transceiver’s TXENPMAPHASEALIGN(0/1) signal on the tile. TXOUTCLK cannot be the source for TXUSRCLK when the TX phase-alignment circuit is used. See “FPGA TX Interface,” page 120 for details.Table 6-11:Number of Required TXUSRCLK2 Clock CyclesPLL_DIVSEL_OUT_0PLL_DIVSEL_OUT_1TXUSRCLK2 Wait Cycles18,192216,384432,767Chapter 6:GTX Transmitter (TX)TX PRBS GeneratorOverviewPseudo-random bit sequences (PRBS) are commonly used to test the signal integrity of high-speed links. These sequences appear random but have specific properties that can be used to measure the quality of a link.The GTX PRBS block can generate several industry-standard PRBS patterns. Table 6-13 lists the available PRBS patterns and their typical uses.Ports and AttributesTable 6-14 defines the TX PRBS generator ports.There are no attributes in this section.DescriptionEach GTX transceiver includes a built-in PRBS generator. This feature can be used inconjunction with other test features, such as loopback and the built-in PRBS checker, to run tests on a given channel.To use the PRBS generator, the PRBS test mode is selected using the TXENPRBSTST port. Table 6-14 lists the available settings.Table 6-13:Pseudo-Random Bit Sequences Name Polynomial Length of Sequence (bits)Consecutive ZerosTypical UsePRBS-71+X 6+X 7 (inverted)27–17Used to test channels with 8B/10B.PRBS-231+X 18+X 23 (inverted)223–123ITU-T Recommendation O.150, Section 5.6. One of therecommended test patterns in the SONET specification.PRBS-311+X 28+X 31 (inverted)231–131ITU-T Recommendation O.150, Section 5.8. A recommended PRBS test pattern for 10 Gigabit Ethernet. See IEEE 802.3ae-2002.Table 6-14:TX PRBS Generator PortsPortDirectionClock DomainDescriptionTXENPRBSTST0[1:0]TXENPRBSTST1[1:0]InTXUSRCLK2Transmitter test pattern generation control. A pseudo-random bit sequence (PRBS) is generated by enabling the test pattern generation circuit.00: Test pattern generation off (standard operation mode)01: Enable 27–1 PRBS generation 10: Enable 223–1 PRBS generation 11: Enable 231–1 PRBS generationBecause PRBS patterns are deterministic, the receiver can check the received data against a sequence of its own PRBS generator.TX Out-of-Band/Beacon SignalingChapter 6:GTX Transmitter (TX)Parallel In to Serial OutParallel In to Serial OutOverviewThe Parallel In to Serial Out (PISO) block is the heart of the GTX TX datapath. It serializes parallel data from the PCS using a high-speed clock from the shared PMA PLL.The PISO block serializes 16 or 20 bits per parallel clock cycle, depending on the internal data width for the tile (INTDATAWIDTH). The clock rate is determined by the shared PMA PLL rate, divided by a local TX divider.Ports and AttributesTable 6-15 defines the TX PISO ports.Table 6-16 defines the TX PISO attributes.DescriptionEquation 6-5 shows how to calculate the TX line rate when operating without oversampling (OVERSAMPLE_MODE = FALSE).Equation 6-5When oversampling is activated, use Equation 6-6 to calculate the line rate.Equation 6-6See “Oversampling,” page 185 for more information about oversampling.Table 6-15:TX PISO PortsPortDirectionClock DomainDescriptionINTDATAWIDTH In AsyncSpecifies the width of the internal datapath for the entire GTX_DUAL tile. This shared port is also described in “Shared PMA PLL,” page 86.0: Internal datapath is 16 bits wide 1: Internal datapath is 20 bits wideTable 6-16:TX PISO AttributesAttributeTypeDescriptionOVERSAMPLE_MODEBooleanThis shared attribute activates the built-in 5x digital oversampling circuits in both GTX transceivers. Oversampling must be enabled when running the GTX transceivers at line rates between 150Mb/s and 750Mb/s.TRUE: Built-in 5x digital oversampling enabled for both GTX transceivers on the tileFALSE: Digital oversampling disabledSee “Oversampling,” page 185 for more details about 5x digital oversampling.PLL_TXDIVSEL_OUT_0 PLL_TXDIVSEL_OUT_1IntegerSets the divider for the TX line rate for the individual GTX transceiver. The divider can be set to 1, 2, or 4.Tx Line Rate PLL Clock Rate 2×PLL_TXDIVSEL_OUT----------------------------------------------------------=Tx Line Rate PLL Clock Rate 2×PLL_TXDIVSEL_OUT 5×---------------------------------------------------------------------=。



Chapter 6:Readback and Configuration VerificationThe MSB of all configuration packets sent through the CFG_IN register must be sentfirst. The LSB is shifted while moving the TAP controller out of the SHIFT-DR state.4.Shift the CFG_OUT instruction into the JTAG Instruction Register through the Shift-IRstate. The LSB of the CFG_OUT instruction is shifted first; the MSB is shifted whilemoving the TAP controller out of the SHIFT-IR state.5.Shift 32 bits out of the Status register through the Shift-DR state.6.Reset the TAP controller.Table 6-5:Status Register Readback Command Sequence (JTAG)Step Description Set and Hold# ofClocks(TCK) TDI TMS1Clock five 1s on TMS to bring the device to the TLR state.X15 Move into the RTI state.X01 Move into the Select-IR state.X12 Move into the Shift-IR state.X022Shift the first five bits of the CFG_IN instruction, LSBfirst.00101(CFG_IN)05Shift the MSB of the CFG_IN instruction while exitingSHIFT-IR.011 Move into the SELECT-DR state.X12 Move into the SHIFT-DR state.X023Shift configuration packets into the CFG_IN dataregister, MSB first.a: 0xAA99a: 0x5566b: 0x2901c: 0x2000c: 0x2000d: 0x2000d: 0x20000111Shift the LSB of the last configuration packet whileexiting SHIFT-DR.011 Move into the SELECT-IR state.X13 Move into the SHIFT-IR state.X024Shift the first five bits of the CFG_OUT instruction, LSBfirst.00100(CFG_OUT)05Shift the MSB of the CFG_OUT instruction while exitingShift-IR.011 Move into the SELECT-DR state.X12 Move into the SHIFT-DR state.X02Readback Command SequencesThe packets shifted in to the JTAG CFG_IN register are identical to the packets shifted in through the SelectMAP interface when reading the STAT register through SelectMAP.Configuration Memory Read Procedure (IEEE Std 1149.1 JTAG)The process for reading configuration memory from the FDRO register through the JTAG interface is similar to the process for reading from other registers. However, additional steps are needed to accommodate frame logic. Configuration data coming from the FDRO register pass through the frame buffer, therefore the first frame of readback data is dummy data and should be discarded (refer to the FDRI and FDRO register description). The IEEE Std 1149.1 JTAG readback flow is recommended for most users.1.Reset the TAP controller.2.Shift the CFG_IN instruction into the JTAG Instruction Register. The LSB of theCFG_IN instruction is shifted first; the MSB is shifted while moving the TAP controller out of the SHIFT-IR state.3.Shift packet write commands into the CFG_IN register through the Shift-DR state:a.Write a dummy word to the device.b.Write the synchronization word to the device.c.Write 1 word to CMD register header.d.Specify the length of the data frame to be read back.e.Write the starting frame address to the FAR registers.4.Shift the JSHUTDOWN instruction into the JTAG Instruction Register.5.Move into the RTI state; remain there for 24 TCK cycles to complete the Shutdown sequence. The DONE pin goes Low during the Shutdown sequence.6.Shift the CFG_IN instruction into the JTAG Instruction Register.7.Move to the Shift-DR state and shift packet write commands into the CFG_IN register:a.Write a dummy word to the device.b.Write the synchronization word to the device.c.Write 1 word to CMD register header.d.Specify the length of the data frame to be read back.e.Write the starting frame address to the FAR registers.f.Write the RCFG command to the device.g.Write the read FDRO register Type-1 packet header to the device.5Shift the contents of the STAT register out of the CFG_OUT data register.0x SSSS015Shift the last bit of the STAT register out of the CFG_OUT data register while exiting SHIFT-DR.S 11Move into the Select-IR state.X 13Move into the Shift-IR State.X 026Reset the TAP Controller.X15Table 6-5:Status Register Readback Command Sequence (JTAG) (Cont’d)StepDescriptionSet and Hold# of Clocks (TCK)TDI TMSh.Write two dummy words to the device to flush the packet buffer.The MSB of all configuration packets sent through the CFG_IN register must be sent first. The LSB is shifted while moving the TAP controller out of the SHIFT-DR state.8.Shift the CFG_OUT instruction into the JTAG Instruction Register through theShift-DR state. The LSB of the CFG_OUT instruction is shifted first; the MSB is shifted while moving the TAP controller out of the SHIFT-IR state.9.Shift frame data from the FDRO register through the Shift-DR state.10.Reset the TAP controller.Table 6-6:Shutdown Readback Command Sequence (JTAG)Step Description Set and Hold# of Clocks(TCK) TDI TMS1Clock five 1s on TMS to bring the device to the TLRstate.X15 Move into the RTI state.X01 Move into the Select-IR state.X12 Move into the Shift-IR state.X022Shift the first five bits of the CFG_IN instruction,LSB first.0010105Shift the MSB of the CFG_IN instruction whileexiting Shift-IR.011 Move into the SELECT-DR state.X12 Move into the SHIFT-DR state.X023Shift configuration packets into the CFG_IN dataregister, MSB first.a: 0xFFFFb: 0xAA99b: 0x5566c: 0x30A1d: 0x0007e: 0x2000f: 0x20000111Shift the LSB of the last configuration packet whileexiting SHIFT-DR.011 Move into the SELECT-IR state.X13 Move into the SHIFT-IR state.X024Shift the first five bits of the JSHUTDOWNinstruction, LSB first.0110105Shift the MSB of the JSHUTDOWN instructionwhile exiting SHIFT-IR.0115Move into the RTI state; remain there for 24TCKcycles.X024 Move into the Select-IR state.X12 Move into the Shift-IR state.X02Required Data Spacing between MultiBoot Images。



Chapter3:About Design ElementsM8_1EMacro:8-to-1Multiplexer with EnableSupported ArchitecturesThis design element is supported in the following architectures:•XC9500•CoolRunner™-II•CoolRunner XPLA3IntroductionThis design element is an8-to-1multiplexer with enable.When the enable input(E)is High,the M8_1E multiplexer chooses one data bit from eight sources(D7:D0)under the control of the select inputs(S2:S0).The output(O)reflects the state of the selected input as shown in the logic table.When(E)is Low,the output is Low.Logic TableInputs OutputsE S2S1S0D7-D0O0X X X X01000D0D01001D1D11010D2D21011D3D31100D4D41101D5D51110D6D61111D7D7Design Entry MethodThis design element is only for use in schematics.CPLD Libraries GuideUG606(v14.7)October2,2013Chapter3:About Design ElementsKEEPERPrimitive:KEEPER SymbolSupported ArchitecturesThis design element is supported in the following architectures:CoolRunner™-IIIntroductionThe design element is a weak keeper element that retains the value of the net connected to its bidirectional O pin. For example,if a logic1is being driven onto the net,KEEPER drives a weak/resistive1onto the net.If the net driver is then3-stated,KEEPER continues to drive a weak/resistive1onto the net.Port DescriptionsName Direction Width FunctionO Output1-Bit Keeper outputDesign Entry MethodInstantiation YesInference NoCORE Generator™and wizards NoMacro support NoThis design element can be used in schematics or instantiated in HDL code.Instantiation templates for VHDL and Verilog are available below.This element can be connected to a net in the following locations on a top-level schematic file:•A net connected to an input IO Marker•A net connected to both an output IO Marker and3-statable IO element,such as an OBUFT.CPLD Libraries GuideUG606(v14.7)October2,2013。



Configuration PacketsIf it is a known-vendor command, the SPI read command needs to be loaded to GENERAL2.In case of SPI, the general register contains an 8-bit command plus a 24-bit address. See Table 5-42.BPI has a 26-bit address (there are 6 don’t care bits). See Table 5-43.MODE RegisterThe MODE register contains the mode setting (two bits for bus width, three bits for mode, and eight bits for vsel), which can be used for the reboot. The default is the original pin setting.This register is cleared in the same way as General registers, that is they can only be cleared by bus_reset0 but NOT by reboot_rst (bus_reset = bus_reset || reboot_rst ). See Table 5-44.Table 5-42:SPI General Register Examplegen2[15:0]gen1[15:0]rd_cmd[7:0], addr[23:16]addr[15:0]Table 5-43:BPI General Register Examplegen2[15:0]gen1[15:0]xxxxxx, address[25:16]addr[15:0]Table 5-44:MODE Registers DescriptionName Bits DescriptionDefault RESERVED 15Reserved.0RESERVED 14Reserved.0NEW_MODE130: Physical mode, ignore bit[10:0] (default).1: Bitstream mode, use bit[10:0], required for MultiBoot and Fallback.0BUSWIDTH 12:11The buswidth setting to reboot.SPI:00: by 101: by 210: by 400 (SPI by1)BOOTMODE 10:8Mode setting required for MultiBoot and Fallback. Enabled by NEW_MODE.bit [10]: Reserved bit [9]: BOOTMODE <1>bit [8]: BOOTMODE <0>001BOOTVSEL 7:0The vsel setting to reboot.Read only.Chapter 5:Configuration DetailsiMPACT Access to Device IdentifierThe iMPACT software in ISE 10.1 (and later) tools can also read the device DNA value.readDna -p <position> is the batch command that reads the device DNA from theFPGA.Bitstream CompressionBy default, FPGA bitstreams are uncompressed. However, Spartan-6 FPGAs support basicbitstream compression. The compression is fairly simple, yet effective for someapplications. The ISE bitstream generator software examines the FPGA bitstream for anyduplicate configuration data frames. These duplicates occur often in these situations:•FPGA designs with unused block RAM or hardware multipliers.•FPGA designs with low logic utilization, such as when most of the FPGA array isempty.The ISE software can then generate a compressed FPGA bitstream. As the FPGAconfigures, the internal configuration controller copies the redundant data frame tomultiple locations. Compression is not supported for encrypted bitstreams.The amount of compression is non-deterministic. Changes to the source FPGA design cancause the size of the compressed bitstream to grow. Sparse, mostly empty FPGA designshave the greatest overall compression factor. Similarly, FPGA designs with an emptycolumn of block RAM have a high compression factor.The overall benefits of a compressed bitstream are:•Smaller memory footprint.•Faster programming time for nonvolatile memory.•Faster configuration time.Compression is enabled using the BitGen option -g compress.Parallel Platform Flash PROMs offer their own compression mechanisms. For more details,see the “XCFxxP Decompression and Clock Options” chapter in UG161, Platform FlashPROM User Guide.Chapter 2:Configuration Interface BasicsChapter 3:Boundary-Scan and JTAG ConfigurationChapter 5:Configuration DetailsConfiguration Watchdog Timer RegisterThe configuration watchdog timer (CWDT) register stores the value of the number of clock cycles that the FPGA will wait before the watchdog time-out (in which SYNCWORD is not received). The default is 64k clock cycles. The minimum value is 16h'0201.HC_OPT_REG RegisterThe HC_OPT_REG register can only be reset to default by por_b.GENERAL Registers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5GENERAL1 and GENERAL2 registers are used to store loadable multiple configuration addresses for SPI and BPI.GENERAL3 and GENERAL4 registers have a similar function as GENERAL1 andGENERAL2, except that GENERAL3 and GENERAL4 store the golden bitstream address instead of the MultiBoot address.The GENERAL5 register is a 16-bit register that allows users to store and access any extra information desired for the fail-safe scheme. These register contents are untouched during a soft reboot.These registers are set by the bitstream. BitGen can be instructed not to write to these registers using the -g next_config_register_write:Disable command. This allows the ability to store user data in the FPGA between re-configuration attempts.If the second configuration needs a previously unknown SPI vendor command, the new vendor command has already been loaded in GENERAL2 from the bitstream by this point.Table 5-39:CWDT RegisterBits Value [15:0]16h'ffffTable 5-40:HC_OPT_REG DescriptionName Bits DescriptionDefault INIT_SKIP 60: Do not skip initialization.1: Skip initialization.0RESERVED5:0Reserved.011111Table 5-41:General RegistersName Bits DescriptionGENERAL1[15:0]The lower half of the multiple boot address.GENERAL2[15:0]15:8 – SPI opcode.7:0 – Higher half of the boot address.GENERAL3[15:0]The lower half of the golden bitstream address.GENERAL4[15:0]15:8 – SPI opcode.7:0 – Higher half of the golden boot address.GENERAL5[15:0]The user-defined scratchpad register.。



Module 1:Introduction and Ordering Information DS099 (v3.1) June 27, 2013•Introduction•Features•Architectural Overview•Array Sizes and Resources•User I/O Chart•Ordering InformationModule 2: Functional DescriptionDS099 (v3.1) June 27, 2013•Input/Output Blocks (IOBs)•IOB Overview•SelectIO™ Interface I/O Standards •Configurable Logic Blocks (CLBs)•Block RAM•Dedicated Multipliers•Digital Clock Manager (DCM)•Clock Network•ConfigurationModule 3:DC and Switching CharacteristicsDS099 (v3.1) June 27, 2013•DC Electrical Characteristics•Absolute Maximum Ratings•Supply Voltage Specifications•Recommended Operating Conditions•DC Characteristics•Switching Characteristics•I/O Timing•Internal Logic Timing•DCM Timing•Configuration and JT AG Timing Module 4: Pinout DescriptionsDS099 (v3.1) June 27, 2013•Pin Descriptions•Pin Behavior During Configuration•Package Overview•Pinout T ables•FootprintsSpartan-3 FPGA FamilyData SheetDS099 June 27, 2013Product SpecificationTable 35:Recommended Operating Conditions for User I/Os Using Single-Ended StandardsSignal Standard (IOSTANDARD)V CCO V REF V IL V IH Min (V)Nom (V)Max (V)Min (V)Nom (V)Max (V)Max (V)Min (V)GTL(3)–––0.740.80.86V REF – 0.05V REF + 0.05 GTL_DCI– 1.2–0.740.80.86V REF – 0.05V REF + 0.05 GTLP(3)–––0.881 1.12V REF – 0.1V REF + 0.1 GTLP_DCI– 1.5–0.881 1.12V REF – 0.1V REF + 0.1 HSLVDCI_15 1.4 1.5 1.6–0.75–V REF – 0.1V REF + 0.1 HSLVDCI_18 1.7 1.8 1.9–0.9–V REF – 0.1V REF + 0.1 HSLVDCI_25 2.3 2.5 2.7– 1.25–V REF – 0.1V REF + 0.1 HSLVDCI_33 3.0 3.3 3.465– 1.65–V REF – 0.1V REF + 0.1 HSTL_I, HSTL_I_DCI 1.4 1.5 1.60.680.750.9V REF – 0.1V REF + 0.1 HSTL_III,HSTL_III_DCI 1.4 1.5 1.6–0.9–V REF – 0.1V REF + 0.1HSTL_I_18,HSTL_I_DCI_18 1.7 1.8 1.1V REF – 0.1V REF + 0.1 HSTL_II_18,HSTL_II_DCI_18 1.7 1.8 1.9–0.9–V REF – 0.1V REF + 0.1HSTL_III_18,HSTL_III_DCI_18 1.7 1.8 1.9– 1.1–V REF – 0.1V REF + 0.1 LVCMOS12 1.14 1.2 1.3–––0.37V CCO0.58V CCO LVCMOS15,LVDCI_15,LVDCI_DV2_151.4 1.5 1.6–––0.30V CCO0.70V CCOLVCMOS18,LVDCI_18,LVDCI_DV2_181.7 1.8 1.9–––0.30V CCO0.70V CCOLVCMOS25(4,5),LVDCI_25,LVDCI_DV2_25(4)2.3 2.5 2.7–––0.7 1.7LVCMOS33,LVDCI_33,LVDCI_DV2_33(4)3.0 3.3 3.465–––0.8 2.0 LVTTL 3.0 3.3 3.465–––0.8 2.0PCI33_3(7) 3.0 3.3 3.465–––0.30V CCO0.50V CCO SSTL18_I,SSTL18_I_DCI 1.7 1.8 1.90.8330.9000.969V REF – 0.125V REF + 0.125 SSTL18_II 1.7 1.8 1.90.8330.9000.969V REF – 0.125V REF + 0.125 SSTL2_I,SSTL2_I_DCI 2.3 2.5 2.7 1.15 1.25 1.35V REF – 0.15V REF + 0.15 SSTL2_II,SSTL2_II_DCI 2.3 2.5 2.7 1.15 1.25 1.35V REF – 0.15V REF + 0.15 Notes:1.Descriptions of the symbols used in this table are as follows:V CCO – the supply voltage for output drivers as well as LVCMOS, LVTTL, and PCI inputsV REF – the reference voltage for setting the input switching thresholdV IL – the input voltage that indicates a Low logic levelV IH – the input voltage that indicates a High logic level2.For device operation, the maximum signal voltage (V IH max) may be as high as V IN max. See Table28.3.Because the GTL and GTLP standards employ open-drain output buffers, V CCO lines do not supply current to the I/O circuit, rather this current isprovided using an external pull-up resistor connected from the I/O pin to a termination voltage (V TT). Nevertheless, the voltage applied to the associated V CCO lines must always be at or above V TT and I/O pad voltages.4.There is approximately 100mV of hysteresis on inputs using LVCMOS25 or LVCMOS33 standards.5.All dedicated pins (M0-M2, CCLK, PROG_B, DONE, HSWAP_EN, TCK, TDI, TDO, and TMS) use the LVCMOS standard and draw power from theV CCAUX rail (2.5V). The dual-purpose configuration pins (DIN/D0, D1-D7, CS_B, RDWR_B, BUSY/DOUT, and INIT_B) use the LVCMOS standard before the user mode. For these pins, apply 2.5V to the V CCO Bank 4 and V CCO Bank 5 rails at power-on and throughout configuration. For information concerning the use of 3.3V signals, see 3.3V-T olerant Configuration Interface, page47.6.The Global Clock Inputs (GCLK0-GCLK7) are dual-purpose pins to which any signal standard can be assigned.7.For more information, see XAPP457.Table 36:DC Characteristics of User I/Os Using Single-Ended StandardsSignal Standard (IOSTANDARD) and Current Drive Attribute (mA)Test Conditions Logic Level Characteristics I OL(mA)I OH(mA)V OLMax (V)V OHMin (V)GTL32–0.4–GTL_DCI Note 3Note 3GTLP36–0.6–GTLP_DCI Note 3Note 3HSLVDCI_15Note 3Note 30.4V CCO – 0.4 HSLVDCI_18HSLVDCI_25HSLVDCI_33HSTL_I8–80.4V CCO – 0.4 HSTL_I_DCI Note 3Note 3HSTL_III24–80.4V CCO – 0.4 HSTL_III_DCI Note 3Note 3HSTL_I_188–80.4V CCO – 0.4 HSTL_I_DCI_18Note 3Note 3HSTL_II_1816–160.4V CCO – 0.4 HSTL_II_DCI_18Note 3Note 3HSTL_III_1824–80.4V CCO – 0.4 HSTL_III_DCI_18Note 3Note 3LVCMOS12(4)22–20.4V CCO – 0.4 44–466–6LVCMOS15(4)22–20.4V CCO – 0.4 44–466–688–81212–12LVDCI_15,LVDCI_DV2_15Note 3Note 3LVCMOS18(4)22–20.4V CCO – 0.4 44–466–688–81212–121616–16LVDCI_18,LVDCI_DV2_18Note 3Note 3LVCMOS25(4,5)22–20.4V CCO – 0.4 44–466–688–81212–121616–162424–24LVDCI_25,LVDCI_DV2_25Note 3Note 3。



Feature DescriptionsVITA 57.1 FMC1 HPC Connector (Partially Populated)[Figure1-2, callout 30]The VC707 board implements two instances of the FMC HPC VITA 57.1 specification connector.This section discusses the FMC1 HPC J35 connector.Note:The FMC1 HPC J35 connector is a keyed connector oriented so that a plug-on card facesaway from the VC707 board.The VITA 57.1 FMC standard calls for two connector densities: a high pin count (HPC) and a lowpin count (LPC) implementation. A 400 pin 10x40 position connector form factor is used for bothversions. The HPC version is fully populated with all 400 pins present. The LPC version is partiallypopulated with 160 pins.The 10x40 rows of an FMC HPC connector provides pins for up to:•160 single-ended or 80 differential user-defined signals•10 GTX transceivers• 2 GTX clocks• 4 differential clocks•159 ground and 15 power connectionsThe VC707 board FMC1 HPC connector J35 implements a subset of the maximum signal and clockconnectivity capabilities:•80 differential user-defined pairs•34 LA pairs (LA00-LA33)•24 HA pairs (HA00-HA23)•22 HB pairs (HB00-HB21)•8 GTX transceivers• 2 GTX clocks• 2 differential clocksThe FMC1 HPC signals are distributed across GTX Quads 118 and 119. Each Quad has the VCCOvoltage connected to V ADJ.Note:The VC707 board VADJ voltage for the FMC1 HPC (J35) connector is determined by theFMC VADJ power sequencing logic described in FMC_VADJ Voltage Control.VITA 57.1 FMC2 HPC Connector (Partially Populated)[Figure1-2, callout 31]The VC707 board implements two instances of the FMC HPC VITA 57.1 specification connector.This section discusses the FMC2 HPC J37 connector.Note:The FMC2 HPC J37 connector is a keyed connector oriented so that a plug-on card facesaway from the VC707 board.The FMC standard calls for two connector densities: a High Pin Count (HPC) and a Low Pin Count(LPC) implementation. A 400pin 10x40 position connector form factor is used for both versions.The HPC version is fully populated with all 400 pins present. The LPC version is partially populatedwith 160 pins.Chapter 1:VC707 Evaluation Board FeaturesXADC Analog-to-Digital Converter7series FPGAs provide an analog front end XADC block. The XADC block includes a dual 12-bit,1MSPS analog-to-digital convertor (ADC) and on-chip sensors. See 7Series FPGAs XADC Dual12-Bit 1MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter User Guide (UG480) [Ref11] for details on thecapabilities of the analog front end. Figure1-34 shows the XADC block diagram.Figure 1-34:XADC Block DiagramThe VC707 board supports both the internal FPGA sensor measurements and the externalmeasurement capabilities of the XADC. Internal measurements of the die temperature, VCCINT,VCCAUX, and VCCBRAM are available. The VC707 board VCCINT and VCCBRAM areprovided by a common 1.0 V supply.Jumper J42 can be used to select either an external differential voltage reference (VREF) or on-chipvoltage reference for the analog-to-digital converter.Feature DescriptionsFor external measurements an XADC header (J19) is provided. This header can be used to provide analog inputs to the FPGA's dedicated VP/VN channel, and to the V AUXP[0]/V AUXN[0],V AUXP[8]/V AUXN[8] auxiliary analog input channels. Simultaneous sampling of Channel 0 and Channel 8 is supported.A user-provided analog signal multiplexer card can be used to sample additional external analog inputs using the 4 GPIO pins available on the XADC header as multiplexer address lines. Figure 1-35 shows the XADC header connections.Table 1-33 describes the XADC header J19 pin functions.Figure 1-35:XADC Header (J19)Table 1-33:XADC Header J19 PinoutNet Name J19 Pin Number DescriptionVN, VP 1, 2Dedicated analog input channel for the XADC.XADC_V AUX0P, N 3, 6Auxiliary analog input channel 0. Also supports use as I/O inputs when anti-alias capacitor is not present.XADC_V AUX8N, P7, 8Auxiliary analog input channel 8. Also supports use as I/O inputs when anti-alias capacitor is not present.DXP, DXN 9, 12Access to thermal diode.XADC_AGND 4, 5, 10Analog ground reference.XADC_VREF 11 1.25V reference from the board.XADC_VCC5V013Filtered 5V supply from board.XADC_VCC_HEADER14Analog 1.8V supply for XADC.V ADJ 15VCCO supply for bank which is the source of DIO pins.GND16Digital Ground (board) ReferenceXADC_GPIO_3, 2, 1, 019, 20, 17, 18Digital I/O. These pins should come from the same bank. These I/Os should not be shared with other functions because they are required to support 3-state operation.Appendix A:Default Switch and Jumper SettingsAppendix B:VITA 57.1 FMC Connector Pinouts。



Feature DescriptionsSGMII GTX Transceiver Clock Generation[Figure1-2, callout 16]An Integrated Circuit Systems ICS844021I chip (U2) generates a high-quality, low-jitter, 125MHzLVDS clock from a 25MHz crystal (X3). This clock is sent to FPGA U1, Bank 113 GTXtransceiver (clock pins AH8 (P) and AH7 (N)) driving the SGMII interface. Series AC couplingcapacitors are present to allow the clock input of the FPGA to set the common mode voltage.Figure1-17 shows the Ethernet SGMII clock source.Figure 1-17:Ethernet 125 MHz SGMII GTX ClockReferencesDetails about the tri-mode Ethernet MAC core are provided in LogiCORE IP Tri-Mode EthernetMAC Product Guide for Vivado Design Suite (PG051) [Ref9] and in the LogiCORE IP Tri-ModeEthernet MAC v4.5 User Guide (UG138) [Ref13].The product brief for the Marvell 88E1111 Alaska Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver can be found at theMarvell website [Ref21].The data sheet can be obtained under NDA with Marvell. Contact information is at the Marvellwebsite [Ref21].For more information about the ICS844021 device, go to the Integrated Device Technology website[Ref22] and search for part number ICS844021.USB-to-UART Bridge[Figure1-2, callout 17]The VC707 board contains a Silicon Labs CP2103GM USB-to-UART bridge device (U44) whichallows a connection to a host computer with a USB port. The USB cable is supplied in the VC707Evaluation Kit (Type-A end to host computer, Type mini-B end to VC707 board connector J17). TheCP2103GM is powered by the USB 5V provided by the host PC when the USB cable is plugged intothe USB port on the VC707 board.Xilinx UART IP is expected to be implemented in the FPGA logic. The FPGA supports theUSB-to-UART bridge using four signal pins: Transmit (TX), Receive (RX), Request to Send (RTS),and Clear to Send (CTS).Silicon Labs provides royalty-free Virtual COM Port (VCP) drivers for the host computer. Thesedrivers permit the CP2103GM USB-to-UART bridge to appear as a COM port to communicationsapplication software (for example, TeraTerm) that runs on the host computer. The VCP devicedrivers must be installed on the host PC prior to establishing communications with the VC707 board.The USB Connector Pin Assignments and Signal Definitions between J17 and U44 are listed in Table 1-19.Table 1-20 shows the USB connections between the FPGA and the UART.Refer to the Silicon Labs website for technical information on the CP2103GM and the VCP drivers [Ref 20].HDMI Video Output[Figure 1-2, callout 18]The VC707 board provides a High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI™) video output using the Analog Devices ADV7511KSTZ-P HDMI transmitter (U48). The HDMI output is provided on a Molex 500254-1927 HDMI type-A connector (P2). The ADV7511 is wired to support 1080P 60Hz YCbCr and RGB video modes through 36-bit input data mapping.The VC707 board supports the following HDMI device interfaces:•36 data lines•Independent VSYNC, HSYNC •Single-ended input CLK •Interrupt Out Pin to FPGA •I 2C •SPDIFTable 1-19:USB Connector J17 Pin Assignments and Signal DefinitionsUSB Connector (J17)Net NameDescriptionCP2103GM (U44)Pin Name Pin Name 1VBUS USB_UART_VBUS +5V VBUS Powered7REGIN 8VBUS 2D_N USB_D_N Bidirectional differential serial data (N-side)4D –3D_P USB_D_P Bidirectional differential serial data (P-side)3D +4GNDUSB_UART_GNDSignal ground2GND129CNR_GNDTable 1-20:FPGA to UART ConnectionsFPGA (U1)Schematic NetName CP2013 Device (U12)Pin Function Direction IOSTANDARD Pin Function Direction AR34RTS Output LVCMOS18USB_CTS 22CTS Input AT32CTS Input LVCMOS18USB_RTS 23RTS Output AU36TX Output LVCMOS18USB_RX 24RXD Input AU33RXInputLVCMOS18USB_TX25TXDOutputThe VC707 board uses power regulators and PMBus compliant digital PWM system controllersfrom Texas Instruments to supply the core and auxiliary voltages listed in Table1-29.Table 1-29:Onboard Power System DevicesDevice Type ReferenceDesignatorDescriptionPower RailNet NamePower RailVoltageSchematicPageCore voltage controller and regulatorsUCD9248PFC(1)U42PMBus Controller (Addr=52)46PTD08A020WU25Adjustable switching regulator20A, 0.6V to 3.6VVCCINT_FPGA 1.00V47PTD08D210W(V OUT A)U20Adjustable switching regulatordual 10A, 0.6Vto 3.6VVCCAUX 1.80V48PTD08D210W (V OUT B)Adjustable switching regulatordual 10A, 0.6Vto 3.6VVCC3V3 3.30V48PTD08A010WU12Adjustable switching regulator10A, 0.6V to 3.6VVCC_ADJ0-3.30V49Auxiliary voltage controller and regulatorsUCD9248PFC(2)U43PMBus Controller(Addr=53)50PTD08D210W(V OUT A)U21Adjustable switching regulatordual 10A, 0.6Vto 3.6VVCC2V5_FPGA 2.50V51PTD08D210W (V OUT B)Adjustable switching regulatordual 10A, 0.6Vto 3.6VVCC1V5_FPGA 1.50V51PTD08D210W(V OUT A)U22Adjustable switching regulatordual 10A, 0.6Vto 3.6VMGTA VCC 1.00V52PTD08D210W (V OUT B)Adjustable switching regulatordual 10A, 0.6Vto 3.6VMGTA VTT 1.20V52UCD9248PFC(3)U64PMBus Controller(Addr=54)53PTD08D210W(V OUT A)U62Dual 10A 0.6V - 3.6V Adj. Switching Regulator VCCAUX_IO 2.00V54PTD08D210W(V OUT B)Dual 10A 0.6V - 3.6V Adj. Switching Regulator VCCBRAM 1.00V54PTD08D210W(V OUT A)U63Dual 10A 0.6V - 3.6V Adj. Switching Regulator MGTVCCAUX 1.80V55PTD08D021W(V OUT B)Dual 10A 0.6V - 3.6V Adj. Switching Regulator VCCBRAM 1.00V55 Linear regulatorsLMZ12002U71Fixed Linear Regulator 2A VCC5V0 5.00V46 TL1962ADC U62Fixed Linear Regulator, 1.5A VCC1V8 1.80V46 ADP123U17Fixed Linear Regulator, 300mA VCC_SPI 2.80V46 ADP123U18Fixed Linear Regulator, 300mA XADC_VCC 1.80V31Appendix C:Xilinx Constraints File。



Chapter 5:Configuration DetailsConfiguration Options Register (COR1 and COR2)The Configuration Options Register is used to set certain configuration options for thedevice. The name of each bit position in COR1 and COR2 is given in Table5-36.Table 5-36:Configuration Options (COR1 and COR2) DescriptionsRegister Field Bit Index Description BitGen DefaultCOR1DRIVE_AWAKE150: Does not drive the awake pin (open drain).1: Actively drives the awake pin.RESERVED14:5Reserved.0110111000CRC_BYPASS4Does not check against the updated CRC value.0DONE_PIPE30: No pipeline stage for DONEIN.1: Add pipeline stage to DONEIN.DRIVE_DONE20: DONE pin is open drain.1: DONE pin is actively driven High.SSCLKSRC1:0Startup sequence clock.00: CCLK.01: UserClk.1x: TCK.00COR2RESET_ON_ERROR15Option to fallback when a crc_error occurs.0: Disable reset on error.1: Enable reset on error.0 RESERVED14:12Reserved000DONE_CYCLE11:9Startup phase in which DONE pin is released.(001,010,011,100,101,110)100LCK_CYCLE8:6Stall in this startup phase until DCM or PLL lock isasserted. (001,010,011,100,101,110,111<Nowait>)111 (No wait)GTS_CYCLE5:3Startup phase in which I/Os switch from 3-state to userdesign.(000<Keep>, 001,010,011,100,101,110,111<Done>)101GWE_CYCLE2:0Startup phase in which the global write enable is asserted.(000<Keep>, 001,010,011,100,101,110,111<Done>)110Spartan-6 FPGA Unique Device Identifier (Device DNA)Spartan-6 FPGA Unique Device Identifier (Device DNA)Spartan-6 FPGAs contain an embedded, unique device identifier (device DNA). Theidentifier is nonvolatile, permanently programmed into the FPGA, and is unchangeable,making it tamper resistant.The FPGA application accesses the identifier value using the Device DNA Access Port(DNA_PORT) design primitive, shown in Figure5-13.Figure 5-13:Spartan-6 FPGA DNA_PORT Design PrimitiveIdentifier ValueAs shown in Figure5-14, the device DNA value is 57 bits long. The two most-significantbits are always 1 and 0. The remaining 55 bits are unique to a specific Spartan-6 FPGA.OperationFigure5-14 shows the general functionality of the DNA_PORT design primitive. An FPGAapplication must first instantiate the DNA_PORT primitive, shown in Figure5-13, within adesign.Figure 5-14:DNA_PORT OperationTo read the device DNA, the FPGA application must first transfer the identifier value intothe DNA_PORT output shift register. The READ input must be asserted during a risingedge of CLK, as shown in Table5-51. This action parallel loads the output shift registerwith all 57 bits of the identifier. Because bit 56 of the identifier is always 1, the DOUToutput is also 1. The READ operation overrides a SHIFT operation.To continue reading the identifier values, SHIFT must be asserted, followed by a risingedge of CLK, as shown in Table5-51. This action causes the output shift register to shift itscontents toward the DOUT output. The value on the DIN input is shifted into the shiftregister.Chapter 5:Configuration DetailsA Low-to-High transition on SHIFT should be avoided when CLK is High because this causes a spurious initial clock edge. Ideally, SHIFT should only be asserted when CLK is Low or on a falling edge of CLK.If both READ and SHIFT are Low, the output shift register holds its value and DOUT remains unchanged.Identifier Memory SpecificationsThe unique FPGA identifier value is retained for a minimum of ten years of continuous usage under worst-case recommended operating conditions. The identifier can be read, using the READ operation defined in Table 5-51, a minimum of 30 million cycles, which roughly correlates to one read operation every 11 seconds for the operating lifetime of the Spartan-6FPGA.Extending Identifier LengthAs shown in Figure 5-15, most applications that use the DNA_PORT primitive tie the DIN data input to a static value.Table 5-51:DNA_PORT Operations Operation DIN READ SHIFT CLK Shift Register DOUTHOLD X 00X Hold previous value Hold previous value READ X 1X ↑Parallel load with 57-bit IDBit 56 of identifier, which is always 1SHIFTDIN1↑Shift DIN into bit 0, shift contents of ShiftRegister toward DOUTBit 56 of Shift RegisterNotes:X = Don’t care↑= Rising clock edgeFigure 5-15:Shift in ConstantChapter 6:Readback and Configuration VerificationChapter 7:Reconfiguration and MultiBoot。



Chapter3 SimulationOverviewSimulations using GTX_DUAL tiles have specific prerequisites that the simulationenvironment and the test bench must fulfill.Synthesis and Simulation Design Guide [Ref3] explains how to set up the simulationenvironment for supported simulators depending on the used Hardware DescriptionLanguage (HDL).The prerequisites for simulating a design with GTX transceivers using the SmartModels are:Note:SmartModel support is legacy.•Simulator with a SWIFT interface to support SmartModels, which are encryptedversions of the HDL used for implementation of the modeled block.•Installed GTX_DUAL SmartModel.•Correct setting of the environment variable that points to the SmartModel installationdirectory.•Correct setup of the simulator for SmartModel use (initialization file, environmentvariable(s)).•Compilation of the SmartModel wrapper files into the UNISIM and SIMPRIMlibraries.•Compilation of the GTX_DUAL SmartModel into a simulation library.•Correct simulator resolution (Verilog).•Correct compilation order of simulation libraries.The user guide of the simulator and the Synthesis and Simulation Design Guide provide adetailed list of settings for SmartModel support. The COMPXLIB tool with sl_adminfacilitates the setup of the supported simulator.The prerequisites for simulating a design with GTX transceivers using the SecureIP modelsare:Note:New designs must use SecureIP models.• A Verilog LRM - IEEE Std 1364-2005 encryption compliant simulator with support forSecureIP models. The SecureIP models are encrypted versions of the Verilog HDLused for implementation of the modeled block.• A mixed-language simulator for VHDL simulation. SecureIP models use a Verilogstandard. To use SecureIP models in a VHDL design, a mixed language simulator isrequired. The simulator must be capable of simulating VHDL and Verilogsimultaneously.•An installed GTX SecureIP model.Chapter 3:Simulation•The correct setup of the simulator for SecureIP use, including initialization file and environment variable(s).•Running of COMPXLIB, which compiles the simulation libraries, such as UNISIM and SIMPRIMS, in the correct order.The user guide of the simulator and the Synthesis and Simulation Design Guide provide adetailed list of settings for SecureIP support.Ports and AttributesThe GTX_DUAL primitive has attributes intended only for simulation. Table 3-1 lists thesimulation-only attributes of the GTX_DUAL tile. The names of these attributes start withSIM_.There are no simulation-only ports.Table 3-1:GTX_DUAL Simulation-Only Attributes Attribute Type DescriptionSIM_GTXRESET_SPEEDUP Integer This attribute shortens the time it takes to finish the GTXRESETsequence and lock the shared PMA PLL during simulation. Must beused together with the correct setting of SIM_PLL_PERDIV2.1: Shorten the GTXRESET cycle time (fast initialization isapproximately 300ns). The value of SIM_PLL_PERDIV2 definesthe PLL frequency in this mode. Because SIM_PLL_PERDIV2cannot be changed on the fly during simulation, this mode cannotbe used for multirate designs.0: The GTXRESET sequence is simulated with its originalduration (standard initialization is approximately 160µs). Thismode must be used for multirate designs.SIM_MODE String This simulation-only attribute chooses between two availableUNISIM/SIMPRIM simulation models.FAST: When this attribute is set to FAST, a faster simulation model of the PMA is used to cut simulation run time.LEGACY: When this attribute is set to LEGACY, the legacysimulation model of the PMA is used, which results in a longersimulation run time.SIM_PLL_PER D IV29-bit HexThis attribute specifies a 9-bit hex value equal to half the period ofthe PLL clock frequency in picoseconds. For example, 400ps(decimal) is equal to 0x190 (hexadecimal), which is the defaultvalue.If SIM_PLL_PERDIV2 is not set correctly, poor locking behavior andincorrect clock frequencies occur in simulation.SIM_RECEIVER_DETECT_PASS0SIM_RECEIVER_DETECT_PASS1Boolean This attribute is used to simulate the TXDETECTRX feature in eachGTX transceiver.TRUE (default): Simulates an RX connection to the TX serialports. TXDETECTRX reports that an RX port is connected.FALSE: Simulates a disconnected TX port. TXDETECTRX reportsthat the RX port is not detected.Chapter 2:RocketIO GTX Transceiver WizardDescriptionDescriptionThe behavior of the GTX_DUAL tile is modeled using a SmartModel. The SmartModel allows the design containing GTX_DUAL tiles to be simulated in the following design phases:•Register Transfer Level (RTL)/Pre-Synthesis Simulation •Post-Synthesis Simulation/Pre-NGDBuild Simulation •Post-NGDBuild/Pre-Map Simulation •Post-Map/Partial Timing Simulation •Post-Place and Route/Timing SimulationLimitationsThe analog nature of some blocks inside the GTX_DUAL tile generates some restrictions when simulated using an HDL simulator. Receiver detection and OOB/beacon signaling are analog features of the GTX_DUAL tile that can only be modeled in a limited way with an HDL simulator. The shared PMA PLL is another analog block in the GTX_DUAL tile that is difficult to model precisely. The simulation-only attributesSIM_GTXRESET_SPEEDUP and SIM_PLL_PERDIV2 speed up the simulation by shortening the locking time of the shared PMA PLL.SmartModel AttributesSIM_GTXRESET_SPEEDUPThe SIM_GTXRESET_SPEEDUP attribute can be used to shorten the simulated lock time of the shared PMA PLL.If TXOUTCLK or RXRECCLK is used to generate clocks in the design, these clocks occasionally flatline while the GTX_DUAL tile is locking. If a PLL or a digital clockmanager (DCM) is used to divide TXOUTCLK or RXRECCLK, the final output clock is not ready until both the GTX_DUAL tile and the PLL or DCM have locked. Equation 3-1 provides an estimate of the time required before a stable source from TXOUTCLK orRXRECCLK is available in simulation, including the time required for any PLLs or DCMs used.Equation 3-1If either the PLL or the DCM is not used, the respective term can be removed from the lock time equation. When simulating multirate designs where the shared PMA PLL frequency or REFCLK frequency changes, SIM_GTXRESET_SPEEDUP must be set to FALSE. Appendix F, “Advanced Clocking” illustrates multirate design examples.SIM_MODEThis simulation-only attribute chooses between two available UNISIM/SIMPRIMsimulation models. The LEGACY setting selects the legacy simulation model of the PMA of the GTX transceiver. The FAST setting selects a faster simulation model of the PMA of the GTX transceiver to cut simulation run time.The Legacy model is available for existing users who have been using simulation models with ISE® 11.1 and older software for their designs; however, this legacy model will bet USRCLKstable t GTXRESETsequence t locktimePLL t locktimeDCM ++≅Package Placement Information。



Features•7.5 ns pin-to-pin logic delays on all pins •f CNT to 125 MHz•108 macrocells with 2,400 usable gates •Up to 108 user I/O pins•5V in-system programmable-Endurance of 10,000 program/erase cycles-Program/erase over full commercial voltage andtemperature range•Enhanced pin-locking architecture •Flexible 36V18 Function Block-90 product terms drive any or all of 18 macrocellswithin Function Block-Global and product term clocks, output enables,set and reset signals•Extensive IEEE Std 1149.1 boundary-scan (JTAG)support•Programmable power reduction mode in each macrocell•Slew rate control on individual outputs •User programmable ground pin capability •Extended pattern security features for design protection•High-drive 24 mA outputs • 3.3V or 5V I/O capability•Advanced CMOS 5V FastFLASH™ technology •Supports parallel programming of more than one XC9500 concurrently•Available in 84-pin PLCC, 100-pin PQFP , 100-pin TQFP , and 160-pin PQFP packagesDescriptionThe XC95108 is a high-performance CPLD providing advanced in-system programming and test capabilities for general purpose logic integration. It is comprised of eight 36V18 Function Blocks, providing 2,400 usable gates with propagation delays of 7.5 ns. See Figure 2 for the architec-ture overview.Power ManagementPower dissipation can be reduced in the XC95108 by con-figuring macrocells to standard or low-power modes of operation. Unused macrocells are turned off to minimize power dissipation.Operating current for each design can be approximated for specific operating conditions using the following equation:I CC (mA) = MC HP (1.7) + MC LP (0.9) + MC (0.006 mA/MHz) f Where:MC HP = Macrocells in high-performance mode MC LP = Macrocells in low-power mode MC = T otal number of macrocells used f = Clock frequency (MHz)Figure 1 shows a typical calculation for the XC95108device.DS066 (v5.0) May 17, 2013Product SpecificationFigure 1: Typical I CC vs. Frequency for XC95108找FPGA ,上赛灵思半导体(深圳)有限公司Absolute Maximum RatingsQuality and Reliability CharacteristicsSymbol DescriptionValue Units V CC Supply voltage relative to GND –0.5 to 7.0V V IN Input voltage relative to GND –0.5 to V CC + 0.5V V TS Voltage applied to 3-state output –0.5 to V CC + 0.5VT STG Storage temperature (ambient)–65 to +150o CT JJunction temperature+150o CNotes:1.Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stressratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those listed under Operating Conditions is not implied. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Ratings conditions for extended periods of time may affect device reliability.Symbol ParameterMin Max Units T DR Data Retention20-Y ears N PEProgram/Erase Cycles (Endurance)10,000-CyclesXC95108-15PCG84C 15 ns PCG8484-pin Plastic Lead Chip Carrier (PLCC); Pb-FreeC XC95108-15PQ100C 15 ns PQ100100-pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP)C XC95108-15PQG100C 15 ns PQG100100-pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP); Pb-FreeC XC95108-15TQ100C 15 ns TQ100100-pin Thin Quad Flat Pack (TQFP)C XC95108-15TQG100C 15 ns TQG100100-pin Thin Quad Flat Pack (TQFP); Pb-FreeC XC95108-15PQ160C 15 ns PQ160160-pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP)C XC95108-15PQG160C 15 ns PQG160160-pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP); Pb-FreeC XC95108-15PC84I 15 ns PC8484-pin Plastic Lead Chip Carrier (PLCC)I XC95108-15PCG84I 15 ns PCG8484-pin Plastic Lead Chip Carrier (PLCC); Pb-FreeI XC95108-15PQ100I 15 ns PQ100100-pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP)I XC95108-15PQG100I 15 ns PQG100100-pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP); Pb-FreeI XC95108-15TQ100I 15 ns TQ100100-pin Thin Quad Flat Pack (TQFP)I XC95108-15TQG100I 15 ns TQG100100-pin Thin Quad Flat Pack (TQFP); Pb-FreeI XC95108-15PQ160I 15 ns PQ160160-pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP)I XC95108-15PQG160I 15 ns PQG160160-pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP); Pb-FreeI XC95108-20PC84C 20 ns PC8484-pin Plastic Lead Chip Carrier (PLCC)C XC95108-20PCG84C 20 ns PCG8484-pin Plastic Lead Chip Carrier (PLCC); Pb-FreeC XC95108-20PQ100C 20 ns PQ100100-pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP)C XC95108-20PQG100C 20 ns PQG100100-pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP); Pb-FreeC XC95108-20TQ100C 20 ns TQ100100-pin Thin Quad Flat Pack (TQFP)C XC95108-20TQG100C 20 ns TQG100100-pin Thin Quad Flat Pack (TQFP); Pb-FreeC XC95108-20PQ160C 20 ns PQ160160-pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP)C XC95108-20PQG160C 20 ns PQG160160-pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP); Pb-FreeC XC95108-20PC84I 20 ns PC8484-pin Plastic Lead Chip Carrier (PLCC)I XC95108-20PCG84I 20 ns PCG8484-pin Plastic Lead Chip Carrier (PLCC); Pb-FreeI XC95108-20PQ100I 20 ns PQ100100-pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP)I XC95108-20PQG100I 20 ns PQG100100-pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP); Pb-FreeI XC95108-20TQ100I 20 ns TQ100100-pin Thin Quad Flat Pack (TQFP)I XC95108-20TQG100I 20 ns TQG100100-pin Thin Quad Flat Pack (TQFP); Pb-FreeI XC95108-20PQ160I 20 ns PQ160160-pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP)I XC95108-20PQG160I 20 nsPQG160160-pinPlastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP); Pb-FreeINotes:1. C = Commercial: T A = 0° to +70°C; I = Industrial: T A = –40° to +85°CDevice Ordering and Part Marking Number Speed (pin-to-pin delay)Pkg. Symbol No. of Pins Package TypeOperating Range (1)XC95108 In-System Programmable CPLDWarranty DisclaimerTHESE PRODUCTS ARE SUBJECT TO THE TERMS OF THE XILINX LIMITED WARRANTY WHICH CAN BE VIEWED AT . THIS LIMITED WARRANTY DOES NOT EXTEND TO ANY USE OF THE PRODUCTS IN AN APPLICATION OR ENVIRONMENT THAT IS NOT WITHIN THE SPECIFICATIONS STATED ON THE THEN-CURRENT XILINX DATA SHEET FOR THE PRODUCTS. PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED TO BE FAIL-SAFE AND ARE NOT WARRANTED FOR USE IN APPLICATIONS THAT POSE A RISK OF PHYSICAL HARM OR LOSS OF LIFE. USE OF PRODUCTS IN SUCH APPLICATIONS IS FULL Y AT THE RISK OF CUSTOMER SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS.。



Table 1-3 lists alphabetically the signal names, clock domains, directions, and descriptions for the GTX_DUAL ports, and provides links to their detailed descriptions.MGTRREF_R In (Pad)TXT only: Reference resistor input for the X1 column. Analog Design Guidelines (page 254)MGTRREF_L In (Pad)TXT only: Reference resistor input for the X0 column. Analog Design Guidelines (page 254)MGTRXN0MGTRXP0MGTRXN1MGTRXP1In (Pad)Differential complements forming adifferential receiver input pair foreach transceiver.RX Termination andEqualization (page 162)MGTTXN0MGTTXP0MGTTXN1MGTTXP1Out (Pad)Differential complements forming a differential transmitter output pair for each transceiver.RX Termination and Equalization (page 162)Table 1-2:GTX_DUAL Analog Pin Summary (Cont’d)PinDir DescriptionSection (Page)Table 1-3:GTX_DUAL Port Summary PortDir Domain DescriptionSection (Page)CLKINInAsyncReference clock input to the shared PMA PLL.Shared PMA PLL (page 87), Clocking (page 98),Power Control (page 110)DADDR[6:0]In DCLK DRP address bus.Dynamic Reconfiguration Port (page 117)DCLK In N/A DRP interface clock.Dynamic Reconfiguration Port (page 117)DENIn DCLK Enables DRP read or write operations.Dynamic Reconfiguration Port (page 117)DFECLKDLYADJ0[5:0]DFECLKDLYADJ1[5:0]In RXUSRCLK2DFE clock delay adjust control for each transceiver.Decision Feedback Equalization (page 167)DFECLKDLYADJMONITOR0[5:0]DFECLKDLYADJMONITOR1[5:0]Out RXUSRCLK2DFE clock delay adjust monitor for each transceiver.Decision Feedback Equalization (page 167)DFEEYEDACMONITOR0[4:0]DFEEYEDACMONITOR1[4:0]Out RXUSRCLK2Vertical Eye Scan for each transceiver (voltage domain).Decision Feedback Equalization (page 167)DFESENSCAL0[2:0]DFESENSCAL1[2:0]OutRXUSRCLK2DFE calibration status.Decision Feedback Equalization (page 167)DFETAP10[4:0]DFETAP11[4:0]In RXUSRCLK2DFE tap 1 weight value control for each transceiver (5-bit resolution).Decision Feedback Equalization (page 167)DFETAP1MONITOR0[4:0]DFETAP1MONITOR1[4:0]Out RXUSRCLK2DFE tap 1 weight value monitorfor each transceiver (5-bitresolution).Decision FeedbackEqualization (page 167)TERMINATION_CTRL[4:0]5-bitBinaryControls internal terminationcalibration circuit.Analog Design Guidelines(page254)TERMINATION_IMP_0 TERMINATION_IMP_1IntegerSet to 50. Implies 50Ω terminatedinputs and outputs with a differentialimpedance of 100Ω.RX Termination andEqualization (page163),Analog Design Guidelines(page255)TERMINATION_OVRD Boolean Selects whether the external 59Ω(2)precision resistor connected to theMGTRREF pin or an override value isused, as defined byTERMINATION_CTRL.Analog Design Guidelines(page255)TRANS_TIME_FROM_P2_0 TRANS_TIME_FROM_P2_112-bitHexTransition time from the P2 power-down state in internal 25MHz clockcycles. The exact time depends on theCLKIN rate and the setting ofCLK25_DIVIDER.Power Control (page111)TRANS_TIME_NON_P2_0 TRANS_TIME_NON_P2_18-bit HexTransition time to or from any power-down state except P2 in internal25MHz clock cycles. The exact timedepends on the CLKIN rate and thesetting of CLK25_DIVIDER.Power Control (page111)TRANS_TIME_TO_P2_0 TRANS_TIME_TO_P2_110-bitHexTransition time to the P2 power-downstate in internal 25MHz clock cycles.The exact time depends on the CLKINrate and the setting ofCLK25_DIVIDER.Power Control (page111)TX_BUFFER_USE_0 TX_BUFFER_USE_1BooleanIndicates whether or not the TX bufferis used.TX Buffering, PhaseAlignment, and TX SkewReduction (page144)TX_DETECT_RX_CFG_0 TX_DETECT_RX_CFG_114-bitHexConfiguration for the transmitterdetect remote receiver circuit.TXGEARBOX_USE_0TXGEARBOX_USE_1Boolean Enables TX Gearbox.TX Gearbox (page135)TX_IDLE_DELAY_0 TX_IDLE_DELAY_13-bitBinarySets the idle delay.TXRX_INVERT0 TXRX_INVERT13-bitBinaryControls inverters that optimize theclock paths within the GTX transceiver.When bypassing the TX buffer, set to111.Otherwise, set to 011.TX Buffering, PhaseAlignment, and TX SkewReduction (page144)Table 1-5:GTX_DUAL Attribute Summary (Cont’d)Attribute Type Description Section (Page)Chapter 3:Simulationphased out after ISE 11.1 software. The FAST setting is highly recommended for newcustomer designs.This attribute can be used independently of the SIM_GTXRESET_SPEEDUP attribute.SIM_PLL_PERDIV2The GTX_DUAL tile contains an analog PLL to generate the transmit and receive clocksout of a reference clock. Because HDL simulators do not fully model the analog PLL, theGTX_DUAL Smartmodel includes an equivalent behavioral model to simulate the PLLoutput. The SIM_PLL_PERDIV2 attribute is used by the behavioral model to generate thePLL output as accurately as possible. It must be set to one-half the period of the sharedPMA PLL. See “Examples,” page 58 for how to calculate SIM_PLL_PERDIV2 for a givenrate.SIM_RECEIVER_DETECT_PASSThe GTX_DUAL includes a TXDETECTRX feature that allows the transmitter to detectwhether its serial ports are currently connected to a receiver by measuring rise time on theTXP/TXN differential pin pair (see “Receive Detect Support for PCI Express Operation,”page 153).The GTX_DUAL SmartModel includes an attribute for simulating TXDETECTRX calledSIM_RECEIVER_DETECT_PASS. This attribute allows TXDETECTRX to be simulated foreach GTX transceiver without modelling the measurement of rise time on the TXP/TXNdifferential pin pair.By default, SIM_RECEIVER_DETECT_PASS is set to TRUE. When TRUE, the attributemodels a connected receiver, and TXDETECTRX operations indicate a receiver isconnected. To model a disconnected receiver, SIM_RECEIVER_DETECT_PASS for thetransceiver is set to FALSE.Power-Up and ResetLink Idle ResetTo simulate correctly, the Link Idle Reset circuit, described in“Link Idle Reset Support,”page 105, must be implemented and connected to each GTX_DUAL instance. This circuit isincluded automatically when the Wizard is used to configure the GTX_DUAL instance.T oggling GSRThe GSR signal is a global routing of nets in the design that provide a means of setting orresetting applicable components in the device during configuration.The simulation behavior of this signal is modeled using the glbl module in Verilog and theROC/ROCBUF components in VHDL.Providing Clocks in SimulationIn simulation, the clocks inside the PMA are generated using the SIM_PLL_PERDIV2parameter (in picoseconds). Any other clocks driven into the user clock must have thesame level of precision, or TX buffer errors (and RX buffer errors in systems without clockcorrection) can result. When generating USRCLK, USRCLK2, or reference clock signals inthe test bench, the clock periods must be related to SIM_PLL_PERDIV2 and also be a roundPackage Placement Information。


VI = GND, No load f = 1.0 MHz
160 (Typical)
Units V V V V μA
XC9500 concurrently • Available in 100-pin PQFP, 100-pin TQFP, and 160-pin
PQFP packages
The XC95144 is a high-performance CPLD providing advanced in-system programming and test capabilities for general purpose logic integration. It is comprised of eight 36V18 Function Blocks, providing 3,200 usable gates with propagation delays of 7.5 ns. See Figure 2 for the architecture overview.
MCHP = Macrocells in high-performance mode
MCLP = Macrocells in low-power mode
MC = Total number of macrocells used
f = Clock frequency (MHz)
Figure 1 shows a typical calculation for the XC95144 device.



Capture-DR:In this controller state, the data is parallel-loaded into the data registers selected by the current instruction on the rising edge of TCK.Shift-Dr, Exit1-DR, Pause-DR, Exit2-DR, and Update-DR:These controller states are similar to the Shift-IR, Exit1-IR, Pause-IR, Exit2-IR, and Update-IR states in the Instruction path.Virtex-5 devices support the mandatory IEEE 1149.1 commands, as well as several Xilinx vendor-specific commands. The EXTEST, INTEST, SAMPLE/PRELOAD, BYPASS,IDCODE, USERCODE, and HIGHZ instructions are all included. The TAP also supports internal user-defined registers (USER1, USER2, USER3, and USER4) and configuration/readback of the device.The Virtex-5 Boundary-Scan operations are independent of mode selection. TheBoundary-Scan mode in Virtex-5 devices overrides other mode selections. For this reason, Boundary-Scan instructions using the Boundary-Scan register (SAMPLE/PRELOAD, INTEST, and EXTEST) must not be performed during configuration. All instructions except the user-defined instructions are available before a Virtex-5 device is configured. After configuration, all instructions are available.JSTART and JSHUTDOWN are instructions specific to the Virtex-5 architecture andconfiguration flow. In Virtex-5 devices, the TAP controller is not reset by the PROGRAM_B pin and can only be reset by bringing the controller to the TLR state. The TAP controller is reset on power up.For details on the standard Boundary-Scan instructions EXTEST, INTEST, and BYPASS, refer to the IEEE Standard.Figure 3-2:Boundary-Scan TAP Controller1UG191_c3_02_050406NOTE: The value shown adjacent to each state transition in this figure represents the signal present at TMS at the time of a rising edge at TCK.Multiple Device ConfigurationIt is possible to configure multiple Virtex-5 devices in a chain. (See Figure3-7.) The devices in the JTAG chain are configured one at a time. The multiple device configuration steps can be applied to any size chain.Refer to the state diagram in Figure3-2 for the following TAP controller steps:1.On power-up, place a logic 1 on the TMS and clock the TCK five times. This ensuresstarting in the TLR (Test-Logic-Reset) state.2.Load the CFG_IN instruction into the target device (and BYPASS in all other devices).Go through the RTI state (RUN-TEST/IDLE).3.Load in the configuration bitstream per step7 through step11 in Table3-4.4.Repeat step2 and step3 for each device.5.Reset all TAPs by clocking five 1s on TMS.6.Load the JSTART command into all devices.7.Go to the RTI state and clock TCK 12 times.All devices are active at this point.JT AG He a derDevice 0Device 1Device 2UG191_c3_01_020609Figure 3-7:Boundary-Scan Chain of DevicesIf JTAG is the only configuration mode, then PROGRAM_B, INIT_B, and DONE can each be tied High to separate resistors as shown in the Master serial or Master/Slave Serial Mode Daisy Chain Configuration (see Figure2-3 and Figure2-4).Boundary-Scan for Virtex-5 Devices Using IEEE Standard 1149.1Reconfiguring through Boundary-ScanThe ability of Virtex-5 devices to perform partial reconfiguration is the reason that the configuration memory is not cleared when reconfiguring the device. When reconfiguring a chain of devices, refer to step3 in Table3-4. There are two methods to reconfigure Virtex-5 devices without possible internal contention. The first method is to pulse thePROGRAM_B pin, resetting the internal configuration memory. The alternate method is to perform a shutdown sequence, placing the device in a safe state. The following shutdown sequence includes using internal registers. (For details on internal registers, refer toChapter7, “Readback and Configuration Verification.”)1.Load the CFG_IN instruction.2.In the SHIFT-DR state, load the synchronization word followed by the Reset CRCRegister (RCRC) command.1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111∅ Dummy word1010 1010 1001 1001 0101 0101 0110 0110∅ Synchronization word0011 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0001∅ Header: Write to CMD register0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0111∅ RCRC command0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000∅ NO-OP0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000∅ flush pipe3.Load JSHUTDOWN.4.Go to the RTI state and clock TCK at least 12 times to clock the shutdown sequence.5.Proceed to the SHIFT-IR state and load the CFG_IN instruction again.6.Go to the SHIFT-DR state and load the configuration bits. Make sure the configurationbits contain the AGHIGH command, asserting the global signal GHIGH_B. Thisprevents contention while writing configuration data.0011 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0001∅ Header: Write to CMD0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000∅ AGHIGH command assertsGHIGH_B0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000∅ flush pipe7.When all configuration bits have been loaded, reset the TAP by clocking five 1s onTMS.8.Go to the SHIFT-IR state and load the JSTART instruction.9.Go to the RTI state and clock TCK at least 12 times to clock the startup sequence.10.Go to the TLR state to complete the reconfiguration process.Chapter 3:Boundary-Scan and JTAG ConfigurationChapter 5:Dynamic Reconfiguration Port (DRP)。



Table 1: Summary of Spartan-3 FPGA Attributes
XC3S50(2) XC3S200 (2) XC3S400 (2) XC3S1000 (2)
System Gates
CLB Array
Equivalent (One CLB = Four Slices)
Logic Cells(1) Rows Columns
Total CLBs
Distributed RAM Bits (K=1024)
Block RAM Bits (K=1024)
Dedicated Multipliers
Max. User I/O
Maximum Differential
I/O Pairs
• Logic resources • Abundant logic cells with shift register capability • Wide, fast multiplexers • Fast look-ahead carry logic • Dedicated 18 x 18 multipliers • JTAG logic compatible with IEEE 1149.1/1532



Configuration Sequence Startup (Step8)Figure 5-11:Startup Sequence (Step 8)After the configuration frames are loaded, the bitstream asserts the DESYNC command, and then the START command instructs the device to enter the startup sequence. Thestartup sequence is controlled by an eight-phase (phases 0–7) sequential state machine that is clocked by the JTAG clock or any user clock defined by the BitGen -g StartupCLK option. The startup sequencer performs the tasks outlined in Table5-15.Table 5-15:User-Selectable Cycle of Startup EventsPhase Event1–6Wait for DCMs and PLLs to lock (optional)1–6Assert Global Write Enable (GWE), allowing RAMs and flip-flops to change state1–6Negate Global 3-State (GTS), activating I/O1–6Release DONE pin7Assert End Of Startup (EOS)The specific order of startup events (except for EOS assertion) is user-programmablethrough BitGen options (refer to UG628, Command Line Tools User Guide). Table5-15 shows the general sequence of events, although the specific phase for each of these startup events is user-programmable (EOS is always asserted in the last phase). Refer to Chapter2,Configuration Interface Basics, for important startup option guidelines. By default, startup events occur as shown in Table5-16.Table 5-16:Default BitGen Sequence of Startup EventsPhase Event4Release DONE pin5Negate GTS, activating I/O6Assert GWE, allowing RAMs and flip-flops to change state7Assert EOSThe startup sequence can be forced to wait for the DCMs and PLLs to lock with theappropriate BitGen options. These options are typically set to prevent DONE and GWE from being asserted (preventing device operation) before the DCMs and PLLs have locked.Startup can wait for DCMs and PLLs by assigning the LCK_CYCLE option to a startup phase. If this is not done, startup does not wait for any DCMs or PLLs. When theLCK_CYCLE is set to a startup phase, the FPGA waits for all DCMs and PLLs to lock prior to moving to the next phase of startup. To only wait for specific DCMs to lock, assign the STARTUP_WAIT attribute to those instances. There is no corresponding attribute for PLLs.When waiting for DCM and PLL lock, the GTS startup setting must be enabled on a phase before LCK_CYCLE. Failing to do so results in the FPGA waiting for the clock componentsChapter 5:Configuration Detailsindefinitely and never completing startup. For additional information on using theLCK_CYCLE feature in master configuration modes, see Required Data Spacing between MultiBoot Images, page 138.The DONE signal is released by the startup sequencer on the cycle indicated by the user, but the startup sequencer does not proceed until the DONE pin actually sees a logic High. The DONE pin is an open-drain bidirectional signal with an internal pull-up by default. By releasing the DONE pin, the device simply stops driving a logic Low and the pin is weakly pulled High. Table 5-17 shows signals relating to the startup sequencer. Figure 5-12 shows the waveforms relating to the startup sequencer.In a Slave configuration mode, additional clocks are needed after DONE goes High to complete the startup events. In Master configuration mode, the FPGA provides these clocks. The number of clocks necessary varies depending on the settings selected for the startup events. A general rule is to apply eight clocks (with DIN all 1’s) after DONE has gone High. More clocks are necessary if the startup is configured to wait for the DCM and PLLs to lock (LCK_CYCLE).When using the external master clock (USERCCLK) pin, I/O standard becomes enabled at the EOS phase. As I/O standard changes from the default pre-configuration value to the user specified value, a glitch might appear. It is recommended to use clock enables or a reset to prevent glitches from affecting the design.Table 5-17:Signals Relating to the Startup SequencerSignal NameTypeAccess (1)DescriptionDONEBidirectional (2)DONE pin or Spartan-6 FPGA Status RegisterIndicates configuration is complete. Can be held Low externally to synchronize startup with other FPGAs. GWE StatusSpartan-6 FPGA Status RegisterGlobal Write Enable (GWE). When deasserted, GWE disables the CLB and the IOB flip-flops as well as other synchronous elements on the FPGA.GTSGlobal 3-State (GTS). When asserted, GTS disables all the I/O driversexcept for the configuration pins.DCM_LOCKDCM_LOCK indicates when all DCMs and PLLs have locked. This signal is asserted by default. It is active if the STARTUP_WAIT option is used on a DCM and the LCK_CYCLE option is used when the bitstream is generated.Notes:rmation on the Spartan-6 FPGA status register is available in Table 5-35, page 105. Information on accessing the device status register via JTAG is available in Table 6-5, page 124. Information on accessing the device status register via SelectMAP is available in Table 6-1, page 119.2.Open-drain output with internal pull-up by default; the optional driver is enabled using the BitGen DriveDone option.3.GWE is asserted synchronously to the configuration clock (CCLK) and has a significant skew across the part. Therefore, sequential elements might not be released synchronously to the system clock and timing violations can occur during startup. It is recommended to reset the design after startup and/or apply some other synchronization technique.Required Data Spacing between MultiBoot ImagesChapter 7:Reconfiguration and MultiBootChapter 9:Advanced Configuration InterfacesMultiple Device SelectMAP ConfigurationMultiple Spartan-6 devices in Slave SelectMAP mode can be connected on a common SelectMAP bus (Figure 9-3). In a SelectMAP bus, the D, CCLK, RDWR_B, BUSY,PROGRAM_B, DONE, and INIT_B pins share a common connection between all of the devices. To allow each device to be accessed individually, the CSI_B (Chip Select) inputs must not be tied together. External control of the CSI_B signal is required and is usually provided by a microprocessor or CPLD.If Readback is going to be performed on the device after configuration, the RDWR_B and BUSY signals must be handled appropriately. (For details, refer to Chapter 6, Readback and Configuration Verification .)Otherwise, RDWR_B can be tied Low and BUSY can be ignored. The BUSY signal never needs to be monitored when configuring Spartan-6 devices. Refer to Bitstream Loading (Steps 4-7), page 85 and to Chapter 6, Readback and Configuration Verification .Notes relevant to Figure 9-3:1.The DONE pin is by default an open-drain output requiring an external pull-up resistor. In this arrangement, the active DONE driver must be disabled.2.The INIT_B pin is a bidirectional, open-drain pin. An external pull-up resistor is required.3.The BitGen startup clock setting must be set for CCLK for SelectMAP configuration.4.The BUSY signals can be left unconnected if readback is not needed.5.An external controller such as a microprocessor or CPLD is needed to control configuration.Figure 9-3:Multiple Slave Device Configuration on an 8-Bit SelectMAP Bus。



BASIC Double Width 16/20-bitchannelwidth; withRateMatcher4-5-11-131-111-2-19-2316/20-bitchannelwidth;withoutRateMatcher4-5--1-111-2-8-1032/40-bitchannelwidth; withRateMatcher2-2.5- 5.5-6.50.5-111-2-11-1432/40-bitchannelwidth;withoutRateMatcher2-2.5--0.5-11-31-2-6-9Notes to Table 4–21:(1)The latency numbers are with respect to the PLD-transceiver interface clock cycles.(2)The total latency number is rounded off in the Sum column.(3)The rate matcher latency shown is the steady state latency. Actual latency may vary depending on the skip ordered set gap allowed by the protocol, actual PPM difference between the reference clocks, and so forth.(4)For CPRI 614 Mbps and 1.228 Gbps data rates, the Quartus II software customizes the PLD-transceiver interface clockingto achieve zero clock cycle uncertainty in the receiver phase compensation FIFO latency. For more details, refer to the CPRI Mode section in the Stratix II GX Transceiver Architecture Overview chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device HandbookTable 4–22.PCS Latency (Part 3 of 3) Note (1)Functional Mode Configuration Receiver PCS LatencyWordAligner Deskew FIFO Rate Matcher(3)8B/10B Decoder Receiver StateMachine Byte De-serializer Byte Order Receiver Phase CompFIFO Receiver PIPE Sum (2)50-Ω R T2.5Internal parallel termination with calibration (50-Ω setting )V CCIO = 1.8 V ±30± 30%25-Ω R S1.8Internal series termination with calibration (25-Ω setting )V CCIO = 1.8V ±5±10%Internal series termination without calibration (25-Ω setting )V CCIO = 1.8V ±30±30%50-Ω R S 1.8Internal series termination with calibration (50-Ω setting )V CCIO = 1.8 V ±5±10%Internal series termination without calibration (50-Ω setting )V CCIO = 1.8V ±30±30%50-Ω R T 1.8Internal parallel termination with calibration (50-Ω setting )V CCIO = 1.8V ±10±15%50-Ω R S 1.5Internal series termination with calibration (50-Ω setting )V CCIO = 1.5V ±8±10%Internal series termination without calibration (50-Ω setting )V CCIO = 1.5V ±36±36%50-Ω R T 1.5Internal parallel termination with calibration (50-Ω setting )V CCIO = 1.5V ±10±15%50-Ω R S 1.2Internal series termination with calibration (50-Ω setting )V CCIO = 1.2V ±8±10%Internal series termination without calibration (50-Ω setting )V CCIO = 1.2V ±50±50 %50-Ω R T1.2Internal parallel termination with calibration (50-Ω setting )V CCIO = 1.2V ±10±15%Note for Table 4–49:(1)The resistance tolerance for calibrated SOCT is for the moment of calibration. If the temperature or voltage changes over time, the tolerance may also change.(2)On-chip parallel termination with calibration is only supported for input pins.Table 4–49.On-Chip Termination Specification for Top and Bottom I/O Banks (Part 2 of 2) Notes (1), (2)SymbolDescription Conditions Resistance ToleranceCommercial Max Industrial Max UnitStratix II GX Architecture Figure2–2.Elements of the Transceiver BlockEach Stratix II GX transceiver channel consists of a transmitter and receiver. The transceivers are grouped in four and share PLL resources. Each transmitter has access to one of two PLLs. The transmitter contains the following:■Transmitter phase compensation first-in first-out (FIFO) buffer■Byte serializer (optional)■8B/10B encoder (optional)■Serializer (parallel-to-serial converter)■Transmitter differential output bufferThe receiver contains the following:■Receiver differential input buffer■Receiver lock detector and run length checker■Clock recovery unit (CRU)■Deserializer■Pattern detector■Word aligner■Lane deskew■Rate matcher (optional)■8B/10B decoder (optional)■Byte deserializer (optional)■Byte ordering■Receiver phase compensation FIFO bufferDesigners can preset Stratix II GX transceiver functions using the Quartus®II software. In addition, pre-emphasis, equalization, and differential output voltage (V OD) are dynamically programmable. EachStratix II GX transceiver channel supports various loopback modes and is。



Output Delay MeasurementsOutput delays are measured using a Tektronix P6245TDS500/600 probe (<1pF) across approximately 4" of FR4 microstrip trace. Standard termination was used for all testing. The propagation delay of the 4" trace ischaracterized separately and subtracted from the final measurement, and is therefore not included in thegeneralized test setups shown in Figure 11 and Figure 12.Measurements and test conditions are reflected in the IBIS models except where the IBIS format precludes it.Parameters V REF , R REF , C REF , and V MEAS fully describe the test conditions for each I/O standard. The most accurate prediction of propagation delay in any given application can be obtained through IBIS simulation, using the following method:1.Simulate the output driver of choice into the generalizedtest setup, using values from T able 59.2.Record the time to V MEAS .3.Simulate the output driver of choice into the actual PCBtrace and load, using the appropriate IBIS model or capacitance value to represent the load.Figure 11:Single Ended Test SetupFigure 12:Differential Test SetupTable 59:Output Delay Measurement MethodologyDescriptionI/O Standard AttributeR REF ( )C REF (1)(pF)V MEAS (V)V REF (V)LVTTL (Low-Voltage T ransistor-T ransistor Logic)LVTTL (all)1M 0 1.40LVCMOS (Low-Voltage CMOS), 3.3V LVCMOS331M 0 1.650LVCMOS, 2.5V LVCMOS251M 0 1.250LVCMOS, 1.8V LVCMOS181M 00.90LVCMOS, 1.5V LVCMOS151M 00.750LVCMOS, 1.2VLVCMOS121M 00.60PCI (Peripheral Component Interface), 33 MHz, 3.3V PCI33_3 (rising edge)2510(2)0.940PCI33_3 (falling edge)2510(2) 2.03 3.3PCI, 66 MHz, 3.3V PCI66_3 (rising edge)2510(2)0.940PCI66_3 (falling edge)2510(2) 2.03 3.3PCI-X, 133 MHz, 3.3VPCIX (rising edge)2510(3)0.94PCIX (falling edge 2510(3) 2.03 3.3GTL (Gunning T ransceiver Logic)GTL 2500.8 1.2GTL PlusGTLP 250 1.0 1.5HSTL (High-Speed Transceiver Logic), Class I HSTL_I 500V REF 0.75HSTL, Class II HSTL_II 250V REF 0.75HSTL, Class IIIHSTL_III500.91.5Input/Output Logic Switching Characteristics Table 60:ILOGIC Switching CharacteristicsSymbol DescriptionSpeed GradeUnits -2I-1I-1MSetup/HoldT ICE1CK/T ICKCE1CE1 pin Setup/Hold with respect to CLK0.49–0.240.59–0.240.59–0.17nsT ISRCK/T ICKSR SR/REV pin Setup/Hold with respect to CLK1.00–0.201.22–0.201.22–0.22nsT IDOCK/T IOCKD D pin Setup/Hold with respect to CLK without Delay0.37–0.120.39–0.120.39–0.12nsT IDOCKD/T IOCKDD DDL Y pin Setup/Hold with respect to CLK (using IODELAY)0.33–0.090.36–0.080.36–0.08nsCombinatorialT IDI D pin to O pin propagation delay, no Delay0.260.300.30ns T IDID DDL Y pin to O pin propagation delay (using IODELAY) Sequential DelaysT IDLO D pin to Q1 pin using flip-flop as a latch without Delay0.500.580.58ns T IDLOD DDL Y pin to Q1 pin using flip-flop as a latch (using IODELAY)0.460.550.55ns T ICKQ CLK to Q outputs0.520.600.60ns T RQ SR/REV pin to OQ/TQ out 1.28 1.53 1.53ns T GSRQ Global Set/Reset to Q outputs7.3010.1010.10ns Set/ResetT RPW Minimum Pulse Width, SR/REV inputs0.95 1.20 1.20ns, Min Table 61:OLOGIC Switching CharacteristicsSymbol DescriptionSpeed GradeUnits -2I-1I-1MSetup/HoldT ODCK/T OCKD D1/D2 pins Setup/Hold with respect to CLK0.36–0.210.44–0.210.44–0.14nsT OOCECK/T OCKOCE OCE pin Setup/Hold with respect to CLK0.19–0.070.23–0.070.23–0.04nsT OSRCK/T OCKSR SR/REV pin Setup/Hold with respect to CLK1.02–0.201.16–0.201.16–0.20nsT OTCK/T OCKT T1/T2 pins Setup/Hold with respect to CLK0.34–0.180.41–0.180.41–0.12nsT OTCECK/T OCKTCE TCE pin Setup/Hold with respect to CLK0.23–0.060.29–0.060.29–0.01nsCombinatorialT DOQ D1 to OQ out or T1 to TQ out0.700.830.83ns Sequential DelaysT OCKQ CLK to OQ/TQ out0.620.620.62nsT RQ SR/REV pin to OQ/TQ out 1.89 2.27 2.27nsT GSRQ Global Set/Reset to Q outputs7.3010.1010.10ns Set/ResetT RPW Minimum Pulse Width, SR/REV inputs0.98 1.25 1.25ns, MinInput/Output Delay Switching CharacteristicsCLB Switching CharacteristicsTable 64:Input/Output Delay Switching CharacteristicsSymbolDescriptionSpeed Grade Units-2I-1I-1MIDELAYCTRL T IDELAYCTRLCO_RDY Reset to Ready for IDELAYCTRL 3.00 3.00 3.00µs F IDELAYCTRL_REF REFCLK frequency 200.00200.00200.00MHz IDELAYCTRL_REF_PRECISION REFCLK precision±10±10±10MHz T IDELAYCTRL_RPW Minimum Reset pulse width50.0050.0050.00nsIODELAYT IDELAYRESOLUTIONIODELAY Chain Delay Resolution1/(64x F REF x 1e 6)(1)ps T IDELAYP AT_JITPattern dependent period jitter in delay chain for clock pattern000Note 2Pattern dependent period jitter in delay chain for random data pattern (PRBS 23)±5±5±5Note 2T IODELAY_CLK_MAX Maximum frequency of CLK input to IODELAY 250250250MHz T IODCCK_CE / T IODCKC_CE CE pin Setup/Hold with respect to CK 0.34–0.060.42–0.060.42–0.06ns T IODCK_INC / T IODCKC_INC INC pin Setup/Hold with respect to CK T IODCK_RST / T IODCKC_RST RST pin Setup/Hold with respect to CK0.28–0.120.33–0.120.33–0.12nsT IODDO_T TSCONTROL delay to MUXE/MUXF switching and through IODELAYNote 3Note 3Note 3T IODDO_IDA TAIN Propagation delay through IODELAY Note 3Note 3Note 3T IODDO_ODA TAINPropagation delay through IODELAYNote 3Note 3Note 3Notes:1.Average Tap Delay at 200MHz =78ps.2.Units in ps, peak-to-peak per tap, in High Performance mode.3.Delay depends on IODELAY tap setting. See TRACE report for actual values.Table 65:CLB Switching CharacteristicsSymbol DescriptionSpeed GradeUnits-2I-1I-1MCombinatorial Delays T ILOAn –Dn LUT address to A0.090.100.10ns, Max An –Dn LUT address to AMUX/CMUX, Max An –Dn LUT address to BMUX_A0.350.400.40ns, Max T ITO An –Dn inputs to A –D Q outputs 0.770.900.90ns, Max T AXA AX inputs to AMUX output 0.440.530.53ns, Max T AXB AX inputs to BMUX output 0.520.610.61ns, Max T AXC AX inputs to CMUX output 0.360.420.42ns, Max T AXD AX inputs to DMUX output 0.620.730.73ns, Max T BXBBX inputs to BMUX output0.410.480.48ns, MaxDSP48E Switching CharacteristicsMaximum Frequency F MAXBlock RAM in all modes500450450MHz F MAX_CASCADE Block RAM in cascade configuration 450400400MHz F MAX_FIFO FIFO in all modes500450450MHz F MAX_ECC Block RAM and FIFO in ECC configuration375325325MHzNotes:1.TRACE will report all of these parameters as T RCKO_DO .2.T RCKO_DOR includes T RCKO_DOW , T RCKO_DOPR , and T RCKO_DOPW as well as the B port equivalent timing parameters.3.These parameters also apply to synchronous FIFO with DO_REG =0.4.T RCKO_DO includes T RCKO_DOP as well as the B port equivalent timing parameters.5.These parameters also apply to multirate (asynchronous) and synchronous FIFO with DO_REG =1.6.T RCKO_FLAGS includes the following parameters: T RCKO_AEMPTY , T RCKO_AFULL , T RCKO_EMPTY , T RCKO_FULL , T RCKO_RDERR , T RCKO_WRERR .7.T RCKO_POINTERS includes both T RCKO_RDCOUNT and T RCKO_WRCOUNT .8.The ADDR setup and hold must be met when EN is asserted even though WE is deasserted. Otherwise, block RAM data corruption is possible.9.T RCKO_DI includes both A and B inputs as well as the parity inputs of A and B.10.These parameters also apply to RDEN.11.T RCO_FLAGS includes the following flags: AEMPTY , AFULL, EMPTY , FULL, RDERR, WRERR, RDCOUNT, and WRCOUNT .Table 69:DSP48E Switching CharacteristicsSymbolDescriptionSpeed Grade Units-2I -1I -1M Setup and Hold Times of Data/Control Pins to the Input Register Clock TDSPDCK_{AA, BB, ACINA, BCINB}/TDSPCKD_{AA, BB, ACINA, BCINB}{A, B, ACIN, BCIN} input to {A, B} register CLK TDSPDCK_CC/TDSPCKD_CCC input to C register CLK0.160.310.200.370.200.50nsSetup and Hold Times of Data Pins to the Pipeline Register Clock TDSPDCK_{AM, BM, ACINM, BCINM}/TDSPCKD_{AM, BM, ACINM, BCINM}{A, B, ACIN, BCIN} input to M register CLK1.440.191.710.191.710.19nsSetup and Hold Times of Data/Control Pins to the Output Register Clock TDSPDCK_{AP , BP , ACINP , BCINP}_M/TDSPCKD_{AP , BP , ACINP , BCINP}_M {A, B, ACIN, BCIN} input to P register CLK using multiplier2.74–0.303.25–0.30 3.25–0.30ns TDSPDCK_{AP , BP , ACINP , BCINP}_NM/TDSPCKD_{AP , BP , ACINP , BCINP}_NM {A, B, ACIN, BCIN} input to P register CLK not using multiplier1.54–0.10 1.83–0.10 1.83–0.10ns TDSPDCK_CP/TDSPCKD_CP C input to P register CLK1.42–0.13 1.70–0.13 1.70–0.13ns TDSPDCK_{PCINP , CRYCINP , MULTSIGNINP}/TDSPCKD_{PCINP , CRYCINP , MULTSIGNINP}{PCIN, CARRYCASCIN, MULTSIGNIN} input to P register CLK1.170.111.310.111.310.11nsSetup and Hold Times of the CE PinsTDSPCCK_{CEA1A, CEA2A, CEB1B,CEB2B}/TDSPCKC_{CEA1A, CEA2A, CEB1A, CEB2B}{CEA1, CEA2A, CEB1B, CEB2B} input to {A,B} register CLK CEC input to C register CLK TDSPCCK_CEMM/TDSPCKC_CEMMCEM input to M register CLK0.290.210.360.260.360.26nsTable 68:Block RAM and FIFO Switching Characteristics (Cont’d)SymbolDescriptionSpeed Grade Units-2I -1I -1M。



Referenced DocumentsFigure2–91.Fast PLL and Channel Layout in the EP2SGX60E to EP2SGX130 Devices Note(1) Note to Figure2–91:(1)See Tables2–39 through Tables2–41 for the number of channels each device supports.Referenced Documents This chapter references the following documents:■DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Handbook■DSP Blocks in Stratix II GX Devices chapter in Volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook■External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook■High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DP A in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Handbook■PLLs in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook■Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Handbook■Stratix II GX Device Handbook, volume 2■Stratix II GX Transceiver Architecture Overview chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX HandbookOperating ConditionsFigure4–4.Transmitter Output WaveformFigure4–5.Maximum Receiver Input Pin VoltageNote to Figure4–5:(1)The absolute V MAX that the receiver input pins can tolerate is 2V.Tables4–7 through 4–12 show the typical V OD for data rates from600Mbps to 6.375Gbps. The specification is for measurement at thepackage ball.Table4–7.Typical V OD Setting, TX Term = 100 ΩNote(1)V C C H TX = 1.5V V OD Setting (mV)200400600800100012001400 V OD Typical (mV)220430625830102012001350 Note to Table4–7:(1)Applicable to data rates from 600 Mbps to 6.375Gbps. Specification is for measurement at the package ball.Configuration & TestingTable 3–5 shows the specifications for bias voltage and current of the Stratix II GX temperature sensing diode.The temperature-sensing diode works for the entire operating range shown in Figure 3–2.Figure 3–2.Temperature Versus Temperature-Sensing Diode Voltage Table 3–5.Temperature-Sensing Diode Electrical Characteristics ParameterMinimum Typical Maximum Unit IBIAS high80100120 μA IBIAS low81012 μA VBP - VBN0.30.9V VBN0.7V Series resistance 3Ω。

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Chapter1 Configuration OverviewConfiguration Modes and PinsVirtex®-5 devices are configured by loading application-specific configuration data—thebitstream—into internal memory. Because Xilinx FPGA configuration memory is volatile,it must be configured each time it is powered-up. The bitstream is loaded into the devicethrough special configuration pins. These configuration pins serve as the interface for anumber of different configuration modes:∙Master-serial configuration mode∙Slave-serial configuration mode∙Master SelectMAP (parallel) configuration mode (x8 and x16 only)∙Slave SelectMAP (parallel) configuration mode (x8, x16, and x32)∙JTAG/Boundary-Scan configuration mode∙Master Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Flash configuration mode∙Master Byte Peripheral Interface Up (BPI-Up) Flash configuration mode(x8 and x16 only)∙Master Byte Peripheral Interface Down (BPI-Down) Flash configuration mode(x8 and x16 only)The configuration modes are explained in detail in Chapter2, “Configuration Interfaces.”The specific configuration mode is selected by setting the appropriate level on thededicated Mode input pins M[2:0]. The M2, M1, and M0 mode pins should be set at aconstant DC voltage level, either through pull-up or pull-down resistors, or tied directly toground or V CC_CONFIG. The mode pins should not be toggled during and afterconfiguration. See Table2-1, page37 for the mode pin setting options.The terms Master and Slave refer to the direction of the configuration clock (CCLK):∙In Master configuration modes, the Virtex-5 device drives CCLK from an internaloscillator. To get the desired frequency, BitGen -g ConfigRate is used. The“BitGen” section of the Development System Reference Guide provides moreinformation. After configuration, the CCLK is turned off unless the persist optionis selected or SEU detection is used. The CCLK pin is 3-stated with a weak pull-up.∙In Slave configuration modes, CCLK is an input.The JTAG/Boundary-Scan configuration interface is always available, regardless of theMode pin settings. The JTAG/Boundary-Scan configuration mode disables all otherconfiguration modes to prevent conflicts between configuration interfaces.Certain pins are dedicated to configuration (Table1-1), while others are dual-purpose(Table1-2). Dual-purpose pins serve both as configuration pins and as user I/O afterconfiguration. Dedicated configuration pins retain their function after configuration.Configuration SequenceConfiguration SequenceWhile each of the configuration interfaces is different, the basic steps for configuring a Virtex-5 device are the same for all modes. Figure 1-2 shows the Virtex-5 configuration process. The following subsections describe each step in detail, where the current step is highlighted in gray at the beginning of each subsection.The Virtex-5 device is initialized and the configuration mode is determined by sampling the mode pins in three setup steps.Setup (Steps 1-3)The setup process is similar for all configuration modes (see Figure 1-3).The setup steps are critical for proper device configuration. The steps include Device Power-Up, Clear Configuration Memory, and Sample Mode Pins.Table 1-7:Sync Word Bit Swap ExampleSync Word[31:24](1)[23:16][15:8][7:0]Bitstream Format 0xAA 0x990x550x66Bit Swapped0x550x990xAA0x66Notes:1.[31:24] changes from 0xAA to 0x55 after bit swapping.Table 1-8:Sync Word Data Sequence Example for x8, x16, and x32 ModesCCLK Cycle 1234D[7:0] pins for x8 0x550x990xAA0x66D[15:0] pins for x160x55990xAA66D[31:0] pins for x320x5599AA66Figure 1-2:Virtex-5 Device Configuration ProcessUG191_c1_01_050406StepsBoundary-Scan for Virtex-5 Devices Using IEEE Standard 1149.1TAP ControllerFigure3-2 diagrams a 16-state finite state machine. The four TAP pins control how data isscanned into the various registers. The state of the TMS pin at the rising edge of TCKdetermines the sequence of state transitions. There are two main sequences, one forshifting data into the data register and the other for shifting an instruction into theinstruction register.A transition between the states only occurs on the rising edge of TCK, and each state has adifferent name. The two vertical columns with seven states each represent the InstructionPath and the Datapath. The data registers operate in the states whose names end with"DR," and the instruction register operates in the states whose names end in "IR." The statesare otherwise identical.The operation of each state is described below.Test-Logic-Reset:All test logic is disabled in this controller state, enabling the normal operation of the IC.The TAP controller state machine is designed so that regardless of the initial state of thecontroller, the Test-Logic-Reset state can be entered by holding TMS High and pulsingTCK five times. Consequently, the Test Reset (TRST) pin is optional.Run-Test-Idle:In this controller state, the test logic in the IC is active only if certain instructions arepresent. For example, if an instruction activates the self test, then it is executed when thecontroller enters this state. The test logic in the IC is idle otherwise.Select-DR-Scan:This controller state controls whether to enter the Datapath or the Select-IR-Scan state.Select-IR-Scan:This controller state controls whether or not to enter the Instruction Path. The controllercan return to the Test-Logic-Reset state otherwise.Capture-IR:In this controller state, the shift register bank in the Instruction Register parallel loads apattern of fixed values on the rising edge of TCK. The last two significant bits must alwaysbe 01.Shift-IR:In this controller state, the instruction register gets connected between TDI and TDO, andthe captured pattern gets shifted on each rising edge of TCK. The instruction available onthe TDI pin is also shifted in to the instruction register.Exit1-IR:This controller state controls whether to enter the Pause-IR state or Update-IR state.Pause-IR:This state allows the shifting of the instruction register to be temporarily halted.Exit2-DR:This controller state controls whether to enter either the Shift-IR state or Update-IR state.Update-IR:In this controller state, the instruction in the instruction register is latched to the latch bankof the Instruction Register on every falling edge of TCK. This instruction becomes thecurrent instruction after it is latched.。
