How eccentric orbital solutions can hide planetary systems in 21 resonant orbits
空间承载的是生产和社会关系,所以新的生产关系必将生产出新的空间 [1]。
不少同学对已经开始落地的自动驾驶可能引发的空间重构都有了回应,参考谷歌Sidewalk 实验室在多伦多Waterfront 的设计,对让渡出核心区的行驶和停车空间给慢行和公共活动等进行了有了进一步的思考。
技术总是具有双面性的,人工智能技术的快速发展已经引起社会的关注和焦虑,好的空间设计是否可以作为这种焦虑乃至矛盾的协调或缓冲器?这需要深刻理解人与机器的伦理关系——从机器服务人类的角度,同时又不能完全以人为中心,以免催生惰性和交往剥夺 [2]。
升 2米 , 目前 看 来 几 乎 无 法 阻 止 。 科 学 家 说 :海 平 面 上 升 的 症 “
结 在 于 它开 始 非 常 缓 慢 , 是 一 旦 但 发 展 开 了 , 就 变 得 不 可遏 制 。 我 它 们没办法阻止海平面上升 , 即使 我 们 实 现 了零 排放 也 无 可奈 何 。 ”
象、 鹊和一种名 为“ 历克斯” 喜 亚 的 f 后 , 中的7头猪都利用镜 子中的 其
非 洲 灰 鹦 鹉 都 能 够 利 用 镜 子 找 到 某 样 东 西
l 影像找到了预先藏起来的食物
I l
但研 究者表示 , 考虑到猪能够迅速
学 会辨 认 自己在 镜 子 中 的 运 动 , 它 们 可 能 具 有 某 种 程 度 的 自 我 意 识 。 科 学 家 希 望 他 们 的 研 究 能 让
专 家 在 牛 津 大 学 举 办 的 气 候
大 会 上 警告 说 , 球 海 平 面 至 少 上 全
当气 温 稳 定 后 , 在几 个世 纪 的 时 间
里, 海平面都会 以一 个稳定 的速率
上 升 而 不 会 加 速 。 大 多 数 科 学 家 预计 , 室 气 体 的排 放 至 少 会 导 致 温
G A G N OIN 广 闻博 见 U N WE B J I A
当太 阳 挡 在 火 星 和 地 球 之 间
事 航 天 研 究 的 科 学 家 发 现 了 一 种
于 这 些 点 的 卫 星 就 能 永 远 保 持 它 们 与 太 阳 和 地 球 的 相 对 位 置 。 如 果 在 拉 格 朗 日点 投 放 一 颗 具 有 持 续 推 动 力 的 航 天 器 , 球可 以持 续 地 地 与 这 个 航 天器 保 持 联 络 , 航 天 而
快思聪方案快思聪方案1. 背景快思聪(Kuaishicong)是一家创立于2022年的创新科技公司,专注于开发智能助手和语言处理技术。
2. 方案概述快思聪方案旨在开发一款多功能的智能助手,通过语音交互和自然语言处理技术,为用户提供精准的信息查询、智能推荐、日程管理、语音翻译等功能。
2.1 语音识别模块语音识别模块是快思聪方案的核心组成部分之一。
2.2 自然语言处理模块自然语言处理模块是快思聪方案的另一个重要组成部分。
2.3 知识图谱模块知识图谱模块是快思聪方案中的重要组成部分,用于存储和管理大规模的关键知识和实体。
2.4 人机交互模块人机交互模块是快思聪方案中的一个关键环节,旨在提供友好的界面和便捷的操作方式。
3. 方案特点3.1 多功能性快思聪方案以多功能为设计目标,可以满足用户在不同场景下的需求。
1. 哈勃太空望远镜(Hubble Space Telescope)哈勃太空望远镜是一颗位于地球轨道上的巡天望远镜,由美国航天局(NASA)与欧洲空间局(ESA)合作开发和运营。
2. 大型强子对撞机(Large Hadron Collider,LHC)大型强子对撞机是位于瑞士和法国边界的地下环形粒子加速器,由欧洲核子研究组织(CERN)建造和运营。
3. 非线性光学显微成像(Nonlinear Optical Microscopy)非线性光学显微成像是一种基于激光技术的高分辨率成像方法,被用于观察和研究微观天体、生物分子以及材料结构等领域。
4. 平面偏振光测量仪(Polarimeter)平面偏振光测量仪是一种用于测量光波偏振特性的实验装置。
I G I T C W技术 研究Technology Study38DIGITCW2024.021 研究背景随着油田行业数字化技术浪潮的兴起,海上设施向信息化、无人化、智能化的方向发展。
基于先进可靠的无线通信技术,FPSO 上的工控网络、视频网络和生产网络的数据需向中心平台传输,实现FPSO 上的高速数据承载、高便捷性接入和全面信息化的建设。
FPSO 由单点平台、海底管线、系泊装置和储油轮组成。
在转动过程中,FPSO 需要调整天线,以保障海上作业的通信安全。
因此,本文重点研究了通过天线自动跟踪、双链路自动切换等关键技术建设智能微波链路,实现FPSO 与平台的稳定宽带无线通信[1]。
2 海上无线通信环境特点基于海上石油平台以及FPSO 的特殊环境,在FPSO与海上石油平台之间的无线通信系统,为满足数据可靠通信要求需要解决的问题包括但不限于以下几点。
FPSO 在转动作业的过程中船体有横向和纵向摆动,且船舶朝向不断变化,在此过程中的无线链路需要保障信号的稳定性。
(2)FPSO 自身的遮挡。
当FPSO 转动时,自身大桅和火炬等有可能处于收发天线之间,在微波可视距离上形成物理遮挡。
FPSO 在海面上进行作业时,通信遇到的阻碍较少,电波传播的障碍相对较小。
插上科学的翅膀飞英语作文大脑芯片## Brain Chips: Soaring on the Wings of Science.English Answer:Advancements in technology have brought forth the groundbreaking concept of brain chips, presenting a novel frontier in the realm of human capabilities. These minuscule implants, embedded within the intricate neural network of our brains, possess the extraordinary ability to enhance cognitive functions, augment sensory perceptions, and even restore lost neurological abilities.At the forefront of this transformative technology lies the potential to revolutionize various aspects of human existence. From unlocking the doors to unparalleled educational opportunities to empowering individuals with disabilities, brain chips hold the promise of a more equitable and inclusive society. Moreover, their applications extend far beyond the realm of medicine,venturing into fields such as entertainment, communication, and even spiritual exploration.Yet, amidst the boundless possibilities, ethical considerations loom large. The delicate balance between human augmentation and the preservation of our innate essence demands careful scrutiny. As we embark on this uncharted territory, it is imperative to establish clear guidelines and oversight mechanisms to ensure responsible development and deployment of this transformative technology.中文回答:大脑芯片,随着科学的翅膀飞翔。
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外研版高中英语选择性必修第四册Unit6 Section Ⅴ学案
Section Ⅴ1.unexceptional adj.平常的2.shadow n.坏影响,阴影3.scream v.(因疼痛、惊恐、兴奋等)尖声大叫4.suspend v.暂停,中止5.crew n.(飞机上的)全体机组人员6.submit v.提交7.awesome adj.很好的,了不起的8.telescope n.望远镜9.angle v.斜置10.invisible adj.看不见的11.straightforward adj.简单的12.self-discipline n.自我约束,自律13.fetch v.(去)拿来14.muscle n.肌肉15.pepper n.胡椒粉16.sneeze v.打喷嚏17.disc n.激光唱片;光碟,光盘1.except v.不包括;不计→exception n.例外→exceptional adj.异常的,罕见的;杰出的→unexceptional adj.平常的2.tragic adj.悲惨的→tragically ad v.悲惨地,不幸地3.suspend v.暂停,中止→suspension n.暂停,延缓4.awe n.敬畏;惊叹v.使敬畏;使惊叹→awesome adj.很好的,了不起的5.visible adj.看得见的→invisible adj.看不见的6.discipline n.纪律→self-discipline n.自我约束,自律 accustomed to 习惯于(做)某事2.cast a shadow on/over 给……蒙上阴影3.set foot on 踏上,登上4.take off (飞机)起飞;脱掉(衣服);突然大受欢迎;变得成功5.tune in 收听,收看6.on board 在飞机(火车、船)上's heart in one's mouth 提心吊胆;心提到了嗓子眼儿 to 呼唤;向……喊9.make contact with 与……接触;与……联系 reality 事实上,实际上 out 算出;锻炼身体 a/an...speed 以……的速度13.reach for the stars 有崇高的目标,雄心勃勃 engaged in 从事于,忙于 composed of 由……组成/构成16.look back to 回顾…… for 探求,探索1.[句型公式]there is/was never any doubt that...毫无疑问……But there was never any doubt that manned flights would continue,and on 29 September 1988,the space shuttle programme resumed with the successful launch of Disco v ery.但是毫无疑问,载人飞行绝不会就此停止。
效率 。
系统 将 s T的创 新 型 U B密 钥 与 E e 公 司 S nl
名 为 S a l o的 智 能 信 息 装 置 予 以 整 合 ,以 m rn tf S M3W 系 列 3 T 2 2位 A M o e— R C d x M3微 控 制器 为
提高信息获取 的便利性 , 以便对 家电使用进行合 理 安 排 。此 外 用户 还 可下 载 与节 能 相 关 的客 户 定 制式程序 , 加快 实现 家电使 用智能模 式 ,提高用 电系统整体效率 。
系 统 配 有 一 个 协 同 管 理 模 式 (oriae C odntd Ma ae n d ) 在该 模 式 下 可综 合 考 虑 电价 、 ngmet Moe .
— 一 —
(lf t ) fla o 方面均优于传统平板太阳能 电池 . i cr 而这 两 者 决定 了 太 阳能 电池 所 能 产 生 的最 大 电能 。该
电池转 换 效 率 达 54 ,与 平 板 太 阳能 电池 相 当 。 . % 研 究 人 员 表 示 . 目前 传 统 太 阳 能 电 池 采 用 高 纯 度 单 晶硅 晶 圆 制 造 .厚 度 要 求 达 到 约 10i 0 m x
工 艺 进 行 处 理 时 表 面 复 合 和 P n结 (- nt n — p ni ci ) u o 质 量 控 制 难 度 较 大 ,因此 其 填 充 系 数 和 开 路 电压 低 于 平 板 太 阳能 电池 。 而该 项 研 究 首 次 利 用 以溶 液 为 基 础 的 阳 离 子交 换 化 学 工 艺 .制 造 以硫 化 镉 为 内核 、硫 化 铜 为外 壳 的 高 质 量 单 晶 纳 米 线 。专
培养方案的主要内容包括以下几个方面:1. 课程学习:学生在博士阶段需要修读一定的学术课程,包括核心课程和选修课程。
2. 科研能力培养:培养学生的科研能力是博士培养方案的核心目标之一。
3. 学术交流:学生需要积极参与学术交流活动,如学术研讨会、国际学术会议等。
4. 专项实习:为了增强学生的实践能力和创新能力,培养方案还包括一定的专项实习计划。
t n o p rt n i a c eai . ol o
Ke od :A rj t n rao a coe t n hS cnlg , cet cdsoey yw r s MSpoe ;ient n op r i ; i t hooy sin f i vr c t il ao he i i c
科技管理{= i究 } I
S in e a c oo y M a a e e tRe e r h ce c nd Te hn lg n g m n s a c
文章 编 号 :10 7 9 (0 I 1 0 0— 6 5 2 1 ) 2—0 2 0 0 2— 3
阿尔法磁谱仪重大国际合作项 目给我们 的启示
1 A MS国际科技 合作项 目研 究历 程
收 稿 日期 :2 1 0 2 0 1— 3— 2,修 回 1 :2 l一 4—1 3期 01 0 9
王玲俐等 :阿尔法磁谱仪重大 国际合作项 目给我们 的启示
2 3
技术 产生 了深 远 的影 响 。 中 国科 学 家 的 参 与不 仅 可 以与 国外科研 机 构 进行 长期 高 水 平 的技 术 交 流 和竞 争 ,而 且使 我 国用 于空 间 科 学 的空 问 磁铁 、快 电 子 系统 、高精密探测器 、海量数据存储与传输 以及 高 级控制与分析等技术得以发展。 2 1 成功设 计 了 A 0 . MS l的磁体 系统 奠 定 坚实基 础 中国科学家通过与 丁肇 中教授 的合作 ,成功地 研制出了 A 0 MS 1的磁体 系统 。该 系 统通 过 了严格 的 空间环境模拟试验 ,满足 了磁谱仪和美 国宇航局的 要求 和 安 全 可 靠 标 准 ,成 功 地 经 受 了 空 间 飞 行1 研 究生院 , .国际合作局 ,北京 10 4 ) . 2 00 9
分析与检测T logy 科技44 食品安全导刊 2019年9月2019年8月16日,安捷伦科技公司(以下简称“安捷伦”)宣布将“安捷伦思想领袖奖”授予清华大学环境学院的余刚教授,该奖项旨在表彰余刚教授在认识有机污染物所造成的环境问题及开发相应解决方案等方面做出的贡献。
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”McBride 还补充道:“安捷伦与余刚教授已合作多年,我们开发了用于定量测定水中高关注有机污染物的分析方法,目前正致力于将这一方法应用到更多的实际水环境中。
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授课内容简介一、基于风险的过程安全培训大卫·摩尔(David A.Moore)美国AcuTech咨询公司总裁兼首席执行官。
授课内容:1.基于风险的过程安全简介2.过程安全承诺2.1过程安全文化2.2标准符合性2.3员工参与2.4过程安全能力2.5利益相关者3.理解危险与风险3.1过程安全知识3.2危险识别和风险分析4.风险管理4.1操作程序4.2安全操作规程4.3资产完整性和可靠性4.4承包商安全管理4.5培训和绩效考核4.6变更管理4.7操作准备4.8操作管理4.9应急管理5.经验学习5.1事故调查5.2测量与指标5.3审核5.4管理评审与持续改进二、安全仪表系统功能安全培训爱德华.马萨尔(Edward M.Marszal)毕业于美国俄亥俄州立大学,化学工程理学士(BSChE)。
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a r X i v :0809.1275v 1 [a s t r o -p h ] 8 S e p 2008In preparationPreprint typeset using L A T E X style emulateapj v.10/09/06HOW ECCENTRIC ORBITAL SOLUTIONS CAN HIDE PLANETARY SYSTEMS IN 2:1RESONANT ORBITSGuillem Anglada-Escud ´e 1,Mercedes L ´opez-Morales 1,2,John E.Chambers 1In preparationABSTRACTThe Doppler technique measures the reflex radial motion of a star induced by the presence of companions and is the most successful method to detect exoplanets.If several planets are present,their signals will appear combined in the radial motion of the star,leading to potential misinterpretations of the data.Specifically,two planets in resonant orbits can mimic very efficiently the signal of a single planet in an eccentric orbit.We quantify the physical implications of this solution degeneracy using the well known harmonic expressions of keplerian motion.We find that a significant fraction of the published eccentric one-planet solutions might instead be multiple planet systems in near circular orbits ,and that several planets with masses comparable to Earth could have already been detected.Subject headings:Exoplanets –Orbital dynamics –Planet detectionINTRODUCTIONMost of the +300exoplanets found to date have been discovered using the Doppler technique,which measures the reflex motion of the host star induced by the plan-ets (Mayor &Queloz 1995;Marcy &Butler 1996).The diverse characteristics of these exoplanets are somewhat surprising.Many of them are similar in mass to Jupiter,but orbit much closer to their host stars.This finding has lead to extensive work on planet formation and mi-gration theories to explain how those planets got to their present location (eg.Ward 1997;Ida &Lin 2004).Also,many of the planets seem to move in orbits with eccen-tricies significantly larger than those observed in the So-lar System (where e <0.1,except for Mercury which has e ∼0.2),This result poses a problem for the planet for-mation theories of Core Accretion (Pollack et al.1996)and Disk Instability (Boss 1997),since both predict that planets form in quasi–circular orbits.The current expla-nation is that large eccentricities are triggered by secu-lar interactions,i.e.the Kozai effect (Soderhjelm 1975),or by rare close-in encounters (Ford et al.2005).The true distribution of exoplanet eccentricities is therefore key to understand the formation of planetary systems (Thommes et al.2008).The first multi-planet system was discovered around the solar type star υAndromedae (Butler et al.1997).The second one was found around the M dwarf Gliese 876.In Gliese 876,the first detected planet was the one orbiting furthest from the star (Delfosse et al.1998).Better sampling of the Doppler curve led to the subse-quent discovery of the other two planets,one of them in the 2:1resonance (Laughlin &Chambers 2001).In-terestingly,every time an additional planet is found in a system,the eccentricities of the other planets tend to decrease.The most clear examples are the multiple systems in 55Cnc (Fischer et al.2008)and HD160691(Pepe et al.2007).None of the current four planets in HD160691nor the five planets in 55Cnc have eccentricities larger than 0.2.Electronic address:anglada@,mercedes@,chambers@ 1Carnegie Institution of Washington,Department of Terrestrial Magnetism,5241Broad Branch Rd.NW,Washington D.C.,20015,USA2Hubble Fellow In this letter we discuss in detail the case where a two–planet system can be confused with a single planet in an eccentric orbit.This happens when two planets are in 2:1circular (or quasi circular)resonant orbits;i.e.the inner planet completes two orbits while the outer body completes one.Since a single planet eccentric fit is usu-ally the first choice,this degeneracy introduces an obser-vational bias towards eccentric solutions.In the forth-coming sections we show how this bias can have deep implications:1)many very low mass planets might have been already detected,but misinterpreted as an eccen-tricity signal,and 2)a significant fraction of the reported eccentric planets may be multiple systems in nearly cir-cular orbits;a configuration more similar to our Solar System than currently assumed.The solution degeneracy is a direct consequence of the Fourier expansion of the Keplerian motion (see Moulton 1914,as an example).In Konacki &Maciejewski (1996),the method of frequency analysis was first applied to an extrasolar planetary system and Konacki &Maciejewski (1999)adapted it to Doppler measurements.The poten-tial confusion between eccentric orbits and resonant sys-tems has been briefly mentioned in (Marcy et al.2001)and Ford (2006),but this issue has not been specifically considered until now.1.MATHEMATICAL DEGENERACYMathematically,the degeneracy between the resonantand the eccentric solutions come from the fact that their equations of keplerian trajectories are identical up to first order in the eccentricity.Exact detailed analytical ex-pressions to describe the harmonic expansion of the kep-lerian motion have been previously published,for exam-ple,by Konacki &Maciejewski (1999).Here we present only the approximate expression to illustrate the nature of the degeneracy and its implications.In the case of a single eccentric planet,the reflex radial velocity motion of the star isv e r =v r 0+K cos [Ω(t −τ0)](1)+Ke cos [2Ω(t −τ0)−ω]+O (Ke 2),where v r 0is the linear radial velocity of the barycenter of the system,K is the semi-amplitude of the radial veloc-2Anglada-Escud´e,L´o pez-Morales&Chambers1a.1b.Fig. 1.—Seen from above,diagrams of the relevant orbital pa-rameters of one planet in an eccentric orbit(Left),and two planets in a2:1resonant circular orbit(Right).τ0is the instant of cross-ing of the line of nodes.The instants of transit and occulation are marked as T I and T II.ity variations induced by the planet,ωis the argument of the periastron(angle between the periastron of the orbit and the ascending node),τ0is the time of cross-ing of the ascending node,andΩ=2π/P is the orbital frequency,where P is the orbital period(see Fig.1a). The term proportional to Ke is called thefirst eccentric harmonic,while the term O(Ke2)contains all the higher order contributions.If instead we have a two–planet system,both in circu-lar orbits and the inner planet having an orbital period half of the outer one,i.e.Ω2=2Ω(see Fig.1b),the expression for the radial velocity of the star isv R r=v r0+k1cos[Ω(t−τ0)](2)+k2cos[2Ω(t−τ0)+φ0]+O(k1e1,k2e2,Ke2),where k1and k2are the radial velocity semi–amplitudes of the outer and the inner planet.Ωandτ0are the or-bital frequency and the time of crossing of the ascending node of the outer planet,and the angleφ0is the rela-tive phase between the two planets atτ0.Higher order terms,summarized here as O(k1e1,k2e2,Ke2),become significant if the orbits are allowed to be eccentric.To afirst order approximation,v e r and v R r are formally identical if k1=K,k2=Ke,andφ0=−ω.This implies that the signal k2of an inner lower-mass planet will be indistinguishable from thefirst eccentric harmonic Ke unless the observations can resolve signals at the level of the next term in the harmonic expansion whose ampli-tude is9/8Ke2∼Ke2.Figure2shows how the Doppler radial velocity curves would look like in each case(one-planet in an eccen-tric orbit versus two resonant planets in circular orbits), for different values ofωand e.Thefigure shows how easily the two configurations can be confused,specially when e<0.3in the single planet case(or equivalently, when the inner planet is significantly less massive than the outer one,i.e.k2<k1),or if the radial veloc-ity curves are sparsely sampled.In a typical situation where K∼100ms−1and e∼0.1,both orbital solutions are indistinguishable at the3–σlevel unless the preci-sion of the data is better than0.3ms−1.Only now, planet hunting groups are beginning to achieve preci-sions of0.2–0.3ms−1(Mayor et al.2008;Fischer etal.Fig.2.—Radial velocity signals normalized to K=1.The two planet case(red dashed line)can be barely distinguished from the one planet eccentric solution(solid line)for eccentricities less than 0.3(top panels).2008).In addition,the typical stellar jitter3is3–5ms−1 (Cumming et al.2008),so radial velocity instrumental precision alone might not be enough to distinguish be-tween these two solutions.2.IMPACT ON KNOWN PLANETARY SYSTEMSThe implications of this degeneracy are large,since160 of305exoplanets have reported e<0.1eccentricities. Assuming circular orbits,the mass of the inner compan-ion candidate m h can be estimated asm h sin i=eResonant planets vs.eccentric orbits3TABLE1List of low mass eccentric planets.The complete table can be found inTab.S1.Planet m sin i P e K Ke Ke2m h sin i(m earth)(days)(m s−1)(m s−1)(m s−1)(m earth)Gl581c 4.7412.930.16 3.160.510.080.60Gl581d7.2983.600.20 2.630.530.11 1.16HD69830b9.908.670.10 3.800.380.040.79GJ674b11.10 4.690.209.65 1.930.39 1.76HD69830c11.4031.560.13 2.850.370.05 1.18HD69830d17.40197.000.07 2.350.160.010.97 ........................Data extracted from the Extrasolar Planet Encyclopedia(,mantained by Jean Schneider.See the full table in the on–linematerial.Fig. 3.—Orbital eccentricity versus the amplitude Ke2whichcan brake the statistical degeneracy if measured.Even asuming asensitivity of0.2m/s,there are still70over300planets under the3–σdetection threshold.A question that needs to be addressed is whether the2:1resonant configurations in Table1are dynamicallystable.Several2:1resonant multi-planet systems havealready been found(i.e.GJ876,HD82943,HD73526,HD128311).Dynamical stability of2:1resonant config-urations has been also discussed by several authors.Forexample,Lee&Peale(2002)show that resonant lockingmay arise naturally during the migration of exoplanetsin the presence of a protoplanetary disk.The case wherethe outer planet is significantly more massive has beenrecently discussed in great detail by Michtchenko et al.(2008),concluding that long term stability is guaranteedand that the resonant capture during migration is partic-ularly favoured.Therefore,there is no theoretical objec-tion to the case addressed in this paper,on the contrary,recent work strongly support the existence and stabilityof k2<<k1systems in2:1resonant configurations.Eccentric hot Neptunes(m1sin i<50m earth),are par-ticularly interesting since their potentially hidden com-panions are of a few Earth-masses or less(see Table1).Their small Ke2makes extremely difficult to distinguishbetween solutions with the current instrumental accura-cies but are excellent targets to seek out for the effectsof dynamical interactions.3.BREAKING THE DEGENERACYThe question then becomes how to observationallyidentify eccentric impostors.We focus here on theDoppler and photometric methods,which are the onlytwo techiques with currently enough sensitivity to dis-cern between both cases.In the future,techniques suchas astrometry and direct imaging will be useful improved Doppler dataThe most direct approach is to increase the numberof radial velocity observations,N obs,and their precision,σobs,until the condition3σobs/√4Anglada-Escud´e ,L´o pez-Morales &Chambers0. e l o c i t y (m /s )12345Time (years)-10-50510V e l o c i t y (m /s )Fig. 4.—Numerical integration of the three body problem in GJ 674.Top panel contains the Doppler signal on a few orbits of the best resonant solution to GJ674b.The mass of the hidden companion is 2.2±0.6m earth .The bottom panels shows that dy-namical interactions become apparent on time–scales of hundreds of periods and the 2–planet case can be identified.pose a limit to the precision of radial velocity studies,even if dynamical interactions are present.3.2.Photometric methodsA second approach is to use photometric observations.These can confirm or discard the presence of a second planet in some circumstances,either by detection of plan-etary transits and occultations,or by observing reflected light or thermal emission from the planets.Photometric methods are mostly efficient for planets in short period orbits,since those tend to be hot and have a higher prob-ability of transiting in front of their star.Assuming that the period P ,the eccentricity e ,and τ0are known from the Doppler solution and that the orbital inclination of the planet is close to 900(edge on),the predicted instant of transit T I depends on the eccentricity asT I =τ0+NP1π+O (e 2),(4)where N is the number of integer periods elapsed from τ0.If the system contains a hidden companion,then the true e will be small and the transit will occur almost exactly 1/4P after crossing the line of nodes.This test is only significant if τ0is well constrained.An unambiguous determination of the eccentricity is obtained when both the primary transit and the occultation (planet passes behind the star),can be observed.This is because the time interval between these two events is independent of τ0.If the orbit is circular,the occultation occurs half period after the transit.If the orbit of the planet is truly eccentric,the time difference between the transit T I and the occultation T II isT II −T I =Pπ+O (e 2),(5)which can be as large as several hours on some of the known transiting planets.A representative example is GJ 436.The star hostsa hot–neptune in an eccentric orbit (e ∼0.14)with a period of only 2.63days (Maness et al.2007).The potential hidden companion would have a mass as low as 2.57m earth .GJ 436b was recently found to transit (Gillon et al.2007),but because of the uncertainity in τ0,the detection of the primary transit alone was not sufficient to confirm the eccentric orbit.Shortly after,the occultation was observed in thermal emission with the Spitzer telescope at the instant predicted by an ec-centric solution (Deming et al.2007).If the orbit of GJ 436b had been circular,the time of the occultation would differ by three hours from the observed time.4.CONCLUSIONSWe show that the Doppler signal of a single eccentric planet can mimic the signal of a two-planet system in a 2:1circular or near–circular resonant orbit.This de-generacy can be affecting more than half of the known exoplanets.If confirmed,it may result in a significant reduction of the eccentricities and a significant increase of the number of multiplanetary systems.The only techniques currently able to distinguish be-tween two resonant planets and single eccentric planet systems are limited to the Doppler and photometric ap-proaches described above.In the future,other meth-ods such as astrometry and direct imaging,will also provide ways to uncover eccentric impostors .Astrom-etry will be the first one to become sensitive enough,once the upcoming space astrometric missions Gaia/ESA (Lindegren et al.2008,to be launched in 2011)and SIM/NASA (Unwin et al.2008,to be launched after 2015),go on-line.High precision astrometry will be most helpful if the resonant orbits are not coplanar.Other-wise,it will suffer from the same degeneracies as the Doppler technique Konacki et al.(2002).The ultimate test will be direct imaging,which will allow to measure whether the orbit of the detected planet is indeed eccen-tric.This will have to wait until spaceborne missions such as a Darwin/TPF launch.The implications of this paper make worth reconsid-ering many published orbital solutions,and future an-nouncements of eccentric planets should be carefully tested before publication.Also,we find that several reported radial velocity curves (Mayor et al.2008)may contain hidden signals of hot rocky planets.Acknowledgements.GAE thanks A.Boss &A.Wein-berger for financial support.MLM acknowledges support provided by NASA through Hubble Fellowship grant HF-01210.01-A awarded by the STScI,which is operated by the AURA,Inc.,for NASA,under contract NAS5-26555.JEC would like to thank NASA’s Origins of Solar Sys-tems Program for support.We also thank A.Bonanos and all the other members of the Astronomy group at CIW-DTM for fruitful discussions.REFERENCESBoss,A.P.1997,Science,276,1836Butler,R.P.,Marcy,G.W.,Williams,E.,Hauser,H.,&Shirts,P.1997,ApJL,474,L115+Resonant planets vs.eccentric orbits5Cumming,A.,Butler,R.P.,Marcy,G.W.,Vogt,S.S.,Wright, J.T.,&Fischer,D.A.2008,PASP,120,531Delfosse,X.,Forveille,T.,Mayor,M.,et al.1998,A&A,338,L67 Deming,D.,Harrington,J.,Laughlin,G.,et al.2007,ApJL,667, L199Fischer,D.A.,Marcy,G.W.,Butler,R.P.,et al.2008,ApJ,675, 790Ford,E.B.2006,ApJ,642,505Ford,E.B.,Lystad,V.,&Rasio,F.A.2005,Nature,434,873 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1.7317.64HD76700b59.10 3.970.1326.67 3.470.45 6.10HD107148b63.0048.060.0511.400.570.03 2.50HD88133b66.00 3.410.1127.68 3.040.33 5.76HD168746b69.00 6.400.0827.92 2.260.18 4.44HD16141b69.0075.560.2111.83 2.480.5211.50HD46375b74.70 3.020.0439.00 1.560.06 2.37HD109749b84.00 5.240.0130.340.300.000.67HD101930b90.0070.460.1118.98 6.0737.72HD164922b108.001155.000.057.610.380.02 4.29HD93083b111.00143.580.1419.23 2.690.3812.33HD74156d118.80336.600.2510.83 2.710.6823.57HD83443b120.00 2.990.0169.070.550.000.76HD108147b120.0010.900.5037.7018.779.3547.43HD75289b126.00 3.510.0556.93 3.070.17 5.40HD208487b135.00123.000.3217.04 5.45 1.7434.2947Uma c138.002190.000.227.57 1.660.3724.10HD45652b141.0043.600.3830.6811.66 4.4342.53BD-103166b144.00 3.490.0767.87 4.750.338.00HD6434b144.0022.090.3038.1111.43 3.4334.29HD99109b150.60439.300.0914.79 1.330.1210.76HD155358c151.20530.300.1814.75 2.600.4621.12HD187123b156.00 3.100.0372.95 2.190.07 3.71HD160691e156.57310.550.0715.59 4.470.0762.36 6.1936.00HD37124d180.00843.600.1414.51 2.030.2820.00HD37124b183.00154.460.0625.76 1.420.087.99HD175541b183.00297.300.3314.74 4.86 1.6047.93HD27894b186.0017.990.0560.97 2.990.157.23HD216770b195.00118.450.3732.4712.01 4.4557.27HD170469b201.001145.000.1112.55 1.380.1517.55HD37124c204.902295.000.2011.96 2.390.4832.53HD209458b207.00 3.520.0795.93 6.710.4711.50Ups And b207.00 4.620.0375.11 2.180.06 4.76HD11964c210.001940.000.3011.56 3.47 1.0450.00HD224693b213.0026.730.0541.77 3.5183.93HIP14810c228.0095.290.4139.0015.94 6.5273.98HD38529b234.0014.310.2957.2716.61 4.8253.86HD4208b240.00812.200.0519.140.960.059.52HD114729b246.001131.480.3118.45 5.72 1.7760.53Gj849b246.001890.000.0627.87 1.670.1011.7255Cnc b247.2014.650.0170.150.980.01 2.75HD121504b267.0064.600.1347.52 6.180.8027.55HD155358b267.00195.000.1136.00 4.030.4523.73HD10647b273.001040.000.1818.54 3.340.6039.00HD185269b282.00 6.840.3093.5628.078.4267.15HD154345b284.103340.000.0414.670.650.039.92HD179949b285.00 3.090.02117.54 2.590.06 4.98HD114386b297.00872.000.2827.777.78 2.1866.00HD114783b297.00501.000.1028.13 2.810.2823.57HD150706b300.00264.000.3837.3014.18 5.3990.48HD142b300.00337.110.3830.9711.77 4.4790.48HD108874c305.401605.800.2519.07 4.77 1.1960.60rho CrB b312.0039.840.0465.17 2.610.109.91HD20367b321.00500.000.2328.67 6.59 1.5258.60HD130322b324.0010.720.05121.85 5.850.2812.34HD52265b339.00118.960.2945.1613.10 3.8078.03HD100777b348.00383.700.3636.3413.08 4.7199.43GJ317b360.00692.900.1975.8214.63 2.8255.15Resonant planets vs.eccentric orbits7TABLE3Planet m sin i/m⊕P e K Ke Ke2m ei/m⊕(days)(m s−1)(m s−1)(m s−1)HD65216b363.00613.100.4135.0614.37 5.89118.13HD210277b369.00442.100.4736.7317.348.18138.24HD188015b378.00456.460.1533.19 4.980.7545.00HD27442b384.00423.840.0732.13 2.250.1621.33HD177830b384.00391.000.4331.7213.64 5.86131.06HD217107b399.007.130.13146.1319.29 2.5541.80HD149143b399.00 4.070.02155.82 2.490.04 5.07HD108874b408.00395.400.0739.45 2.760.1922.67HD75898b444.00204.200.3548.3416.92 5.92123.34HD216435b447.001442.920.3425.668.73 2.97120.63HD86081b450.00 2.140.01217.81 1.740.01 2.86HD23127b450.001214.000.4430.6513.49 5.93157.15HD190360b450.602891.000.3623.388.42 3.03128.75HD12661c471.001444.500.2028.77 5.75 1.1574.77HD134987b474.00260.000.2452.4212.58 3.0290.29γCephei b480.00902.900.1228.28 3.250.3743.81HD167042b480.00416.100.0332.750.980.0311.43HD142415b486.00386.300.5051.5025.7512.87192.87HD4203b495.00400.940.4651.4723.6810.89180.73HD160691b501.00654.500.3140.8112.65 3.92123.27HD50499b513.002582.700.2323.19 5.33 1.2393.65HD82943b525.00441.200.2244.809.81 2.1591.26HD231701b534.00141.600.1066.78 6.680.6742.38HD154857b540.00409.000.4752.5424.6911.61201.44κCrB b540.001191.000.1924.83 4.720.9081.43HD73256b561.00 2.550.03251.987.560.2313.36HD68988b570.00 6.280.14197.8127.69 3.8863.34HD190647b570.001038.100.1838.01 6.84 1.2381.43Gliese876b580.5060.940.02222.58 5.540.1411.47HR810b582.00311.290.2458.4014.02 3.36110.86HD5319b582.00675.000.1235.17 4.220.5155.43HD187123c585.003700.000.2526.58 6.62 1.65115.61υAnd c594.00241.520.2559.5215.12 3.84119.75HD70642b600.002231.000.1032.66 3.270.3347.62HD19994b600.00454.000.2046.179.23 1.8595.24HD210702b600.00341.100.1540.82 6.200.9472.39HD82943c603.00219.000.3667.9324.398.76171.82HD117207b618.002627.080.1630.69 4.910.7978.48HD216437b630.001294.000.3441.5814.14 4.81170.01HD118203b639.00 6.130.31226.2869.9221.61156.72HD128311b654.00448.600.2572.4118.10 4.53129.77HD8574b669.00228.800.4082.2632.9013.16212.39HD12661b690.00263.600.3577.7027.199.52191.68HD41004A b690.00655.000.3977.3830.1811.77213.586Lyn b720.00899.000.1337.41 5.010.6776.58HD202206c732.001383.400.2744.4611.87 3.17155.12HD43691b747.0036.960.14129.3118.10 2.5383.01HD73526c750.00377.800.1473.1510.24 1.4383.34HD192699b750.00351.500.1553.838.02 1.2088.7047Uma b780.001083.200.0552.74 2.580.1330.34HD23079b783.00738.460.1057.80 5.780.5862.15HD89307b819.003090.000.2741.3011.15 3.01175.51HD66428b846.001973.000.4649.2322.8910.64312.23HD169830b864.00225.620.3184.4026.168.11212.58HD62509b870.00589.640.0248.560.970.0213.81HD73526b870.00188.300.19107.9020.50 3.90131.20HD72659b888.003177.400.2045.119.02 1.80140.96HD196885b888.001349.000.4653.0124.4911.31325.62HD196050b900.001289.000.2854.8815.37 4.30200.01W ASP-10b918.00 3.090.06560.2531.93 1.8241.53HD221287b927.00456.100.0873.65 5.890.4758.86HD125612b960.00502.000.3987.0533.9513.24297.16HD128311c963.00919.000.1782.4214.01 2.38129.94HD40979b996.00267.200.23106.7424.55 5.65181.82HD183263b1107.00634.230.3888.7033.7112.81333.88HD195019b1110.0018.200.01286.96 4.020.0612.3355Cnc d1150.505218.000.0245.98 1.150.0322.83HIP14810b1152.00 6.670.15440.1064.699.51134.41HD92788b1158.00377.700.27113.1230.548.25248.16Ups And d1185.001274.600.2467.9116.44 3.98227.61Gl86b1203.0015.770.05396.8618.260.8443.92HD169830c1212.002102.000.3356.6418.69 6.17317.45HD213240b1350.00951.000.4595.1642.8219.27482.17HD16175b1350.00856.000.4893.8045.0321.61514.32HD17092b1380.00359.900.1779.9013.26 2.20181.8214Her b1392.001773.400.3793.7334.5912.76407.68HD11506b1455.001280.000.2286.4419.02 4.18254.06HD50554b1470.001279.000.42102.6843.1318.11490.03HD190228b1497.001127.000.4394.5440.6517.48510.918Anglada-Escud´e,L´o pez-Morales&ChambersTABLE4Planet m sin i/m⊕P e K Ke Ke2m ei/m⊕(days)(m s−1)(m s−1)(m s−1)HD132406b1683.00974.000.34120.3740.9213.91454.17HD28185b1710.00383.000.07144.4610.110.7195.01HD102272b1770.00127.580.05162.268.110.4170.24HD70573b1830.00851.800.40148.6459.4623.78580.99HD10697b1836.001077.910.11115.8812.75 1.40160.30HD178911B b1887.6071.490.12309.2438.44 4.78186.22HD104985b1890.00198.200.03174.87 5.250.1645.00HD11977b1962.00711.000.40110.1444.0617.62622.90HD111232b2040.001143.000.20165.5533.11 6.62323.834Uma b2130.00269.300.43224.3896.9341.87730.33HD23596b2157.001558.000.31117.9637.0411.63537.5770Vir 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