Motorla 稽核list



类别 序号
规范 实际 文件 实施
1 材料入出库是否有“先进先出”规定、实施?
原材料仓 储管理
2 物料是否实行分类仓储与管理? 3 是否有重点或重要物料区分管理?
4 ★物料的管理是否符合相关的储存环境要求?
1 IQC全员是否有教育训练计划及实施记录?
进料检验员是否明确相关检验标准、判定依据?是否满足金立要求? 所有检验项目是否有能力完成?
★物料的环保符合性是内部测试还是外部机构测试?频率多少?如何 测试?
4 ★标准样品或限度样品是否有防止劣化或变色措施?如何保存?
进料检验 5 进料检验时待检品、检验中、合格、拒收等是否有明确标识?
6 进料检验所用的的仪器、设备、治具是否有定期校验计划并实施?
7 进料检验或生产线发生不良时,处理方式是否明确化?执行如何?
★制程检验是否有明确的检验批准、频率、方法?是否有能力完成所 有测试要求?
3 是否有产品的可靠性测试及失效分析计划?失效时如何改善?
4 现场品质人员是否有明确的拒收-重工-修理-再投入流程?实施如何?
制程品质 管控
5 ★制程检验中的仪器、设备治具是否有定期校验计划并实施? 6 制程检验记录是否有文件要求如何记录、保存?能否快速查询?
7 出货检验是否每批次都进行?记录是否可查?是否可以追溯?
8 是否每日收集分析失效产品的证据?不良批次是否有再检查?
9 ★是否有定义致命不良?有无记录?发生时如何处理?
Hale Waihona Puke 10★是否有定义生产停线或停止出货的程序?发生时如何通知金立采 购?
11 是否有针对金立产品的制程检验合格率目标?是否达成?


Factory Audit Checklist (for self-check) / 工廠自我診斷用 基礎事項 Elements 目標 Object 診断内容 Content Quality Objectives should include fitness for use, performance, safety, reliability, service, delivery, cost and customer satisfaction. There should be corporate and department objectives. ( 品質目標應該包括適當的效能,安全,信賴 性,服務,回覆,成本及客戶滿意度) 負責人Owner 狀態 Status 評估基準 Subject of evaluation 0 - No objectives無品質目標 1 - Written but not complete and / or known or understood 有書面的品質目標,但不完整/或只認識或理解品質目 標. 2 - Complete but no evidence that they have been communicated 有完整目標,但未有證據證明他們已被傳達. 3 - Complete and evidence that they have been communicated to all managers and engineers 有完整之目標且有證據證明它們已被傳達給所有主管 0 - Not used 1 - Appear in a few plans but not actually used for decisions 2 - Appear in some plans and used for some decisions 3 - Appear in all plans and actually used in most 4 - Appear and used in all plans 0 - No evidence that quality programs extend beyond manufacturing 1 - Very little evidence and no visible effort to improve the situation 2 - Evidence that a program is being initiated that includes training far all employees 3 - Evidence of significant improvements being made because of a good program implementation 4 - Evidence that significant improvements impact the entire company 0 - Procedures and policies do not exist 1 - Procedures and policies are not complete 2 - Acceptable procedures and policies are not well disseminated to all employees 3 - Acceptable procedures and policies easily accessible to all employees 4 - Evidence of an innovative program where policies and proce¬dures are continuously reinforced to all employees 0 - No formal training and / or cannot discuss tools 1 - Few have documented training and none are scheduled for training classes 2 - Some have training and all others are scheduled for class 3 - All have training and can speak fluently on tools 4 - All managers can show evidence of use of tools leading to significant improvement 0 - Nothing exists 1 - A process exists but few ideas are submitted or accepted 2 - An acceptable process exists some ideas are submitted; some ideas are accepted and there is an ongoing program to expand 3 - Process exists and many ideas are submitted and decided on in a timely manner 4 - Evidence exists that significant improvements are being made as a result of employee involvement

Supplier Audit Checklist (五金供应商稽核清单)

Supplier Audit Checklist (五金供应商稽核清单)

1. Supplier information (供应商) :Name (名称):Status (状态):Location (供应商厂址):□ Initial (首次)Telephone (电话号码):□ Follow-up (跟踪)Fax #: (传真号码)□ On-going (持续)Capital configuration(资本结构)Degree in industry(行业地位)Major customer (主要客户)Major equipment (主要测量设备)□ Yes □ No □ Yes□ No3. Supplier Remarks (供应商备注):4. Supplier Representative-Signature/Date (供应商代表-署名/日期):Signature (署名):Date (日期):5. Audit Status (稽核模式):"A1" - Approved by site visit 参观工厂式评估□ Yes "AS" - Approved by self assessment 自我评估□ Yes "CT" - Conditionally approved for Time 有时间条件地评估□ Yes "CL" - Conditionally approved for Limitatious 有限制条件地评估□ Yes "AW" - Approval Withheld 拒绝评估□ Yes "NR" - Not Rate 不用评估□ Yes6. Summary and evaluation of Audit (稽核总体概述及评价):7. Conclusion (结论,参照第9项)Total Score (稽核得分):Assess Grade (评定等级):Audit Result (稽核结果):8. Assessment -Signature/Date (评估-署名/日期):Assessor (评审员):Title (职务):Date (日期):Checked by (审核):Title (职务):Date (日期):Approved by (审批):Title (职务):Date (日期):Notes(注): No. 1-4 items should be filled by supplier.(第1-4项由供应商填写)Leviton Electronic (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.立维腾电子(东莞)有限公司2. Pre-Audit Mandatory Requirements (for initial audits only) 稽核的前提条件 :A. Does supplier conduct the QMS like as ISO 9001? 供应商是否导入质量管理体系(例如:ISO 9001)?Supplier Audit ChecklistB. Does supplier agree to upgrade the system to meet the audit requirements? 供应商是否同意提升自身系统以配合稽核的要求?请注明贵司获得的QMS 质量管理体系证书编号和有效期,以及认证机构名称等.。



A4.5 Wages are not deducted or reduced for disciplinary reasons.
Deductions or withholdings are calculated correctly and submitted to the appropriate government agency within the
Workers are informed in writing and in their own language prior to employment (in case of migrant workers, before they leave their home country/region) of the key employment terms and conditions via employment letter/agreement/contract as required by law.
time frame specified in the applicable local labor law. 工资中的扣交部份工厂是否依法在指定的时间内上交给当地政府机构?
A5) Humane Treatment
A5.1 No evidence of sexual harassment or abuse, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, verbal abuse or intimidation exists.
and available. 工厂是否有保留工人有效的正常和加班工作时间记录?

F4厂5M Check List及其他稽核依据准总-4-30

F4厂5M Check List及其他稽核依据准总-4-30

SWDL1關機拔電源時,按任意鍵關機之後,需侍LCD屏幕完全變 暗,燈全部熄灭了之後,才可把LCD閉合.
FDOS & CFG 站光碟片的取放方式,是否依照SOP作業? ( CD-R 52X、DVD-R 8X 型號的光碟使用在FDOS和CFG站).
1-55 作業區日光燈是否完好?作業環境是否為800流明以上? 1-56 溫濕度監控器是否超出標准,並安排專人每日作點檢記錄.
標準溫度:22℃~28℃ 標準濕度:40%~70%
隨時 隨時
2 物料組
材料(尤其是M/B)不可堆疊,且電子類材料不可放置於無防靜電 的容器
檢查Barcode的檢查表填寫,確認檢查的 落實
2-8 大發料BIN卡是否有管制領料人員確實填寫
2-9 BIOS 是否為最新版本
核對BIOS Control List之文號確認
2-10 測試HDD是否為最新版本(管控表)
2-11 RUI-IN磁片是否為最新版本(管控表)
1-21 流水線上是否有堆疊機臺進行鎖附螺絲現象? 1-22 組裝段是否有準備BOM表,且執行并由線上幹部確認? 1-23 各線是否有準備SFIS System 監控電腦
現場確認產線是否有在流水線上將機臺 堆疊進行鎖附螺絲.
現場確認綫上是否及時做好BOM表料件 檢查并由線上干部確認.


The facility has written policies that ban discrimination 該廠有書面明文規定禁止歧視。
Freedom of association 自由结社
The facility respects the legal rights of workers for free association 該廠尊重員工在當地法律保障下,自由結社的權利
Humane Treatment 人道的待遇
There is no evidence of (sexual) abuse, corporal punishment, physical coercion occurring at the facility 没有證據顯示該廠發生任何形式的性虐待、體罰、身體壓迫
There is no evidence of unequal treatment between employee representative(s) and other workers 没有證據顯示該廠對員工代表與其他員工之間有差別待遇
There is no evidence of (sexual) harassment, mental coercion, verbal abuse or intimidation occurring at the facility 没有證據顯示該廠發生任何形式的性騷擾、精神壓迫,口頭辱罵或脅迫 The facility provides workers with written rules and regulations regarding disciplinary procedures 該廠有提供員工有關工廠紀律程序的明文規定與規章 The disciplinary procedures are humane 紀律程序是人道的 Disciplinary actions are tracked and consistent with the procedures 紀律行動被追蹤並與程序一致 The facility has procedures to investigate reports and, if appropriate, to discipline those that commit acts of harsh or inhumane treatment against workers 該廠有程序來調查報告,而且如果適當的話,懲戒那些對員工有惡劣或不人道行為的人



11.I SO9001外审、质量月报
12.T S16949外审
13.T S16949外审
22.G R&R\2016年度关键岗位培训计划表。



摩托拉拉MAXTRAC系列产品 spare parts list说明书

摩托拉拉MAXTRAC系列产品 spare parts list说明书

MAXTRAC SeriesParts ListParts ListHLN5226B Extra Stability Mount, used with non-locking trunnionHLN5189A Non-locking Trunnion (for 820/840 series only)HLN9450A Floor Mount, 45 Degrees/60 Degrees Wedge (for100/300 model only)HLN9404A Installation Sleeve Mounting Hardware (for 35 and 60watt and low band models) for use with HLN9450AQuick Release Slide MountThe quick release slide mounts are easy to install and are availablewith a variety of mounting brackets which allow installation in anylocation within a vehicle.RLN4091A Slide Mount Kit; includes vehicle mount (RLN4092A),radio mount (RLN4093A), and mounting hardwareRLN4092A Vehicle Mount Only, with hardwareRLN4093A Radio Mount Only, with hardwareRLN4094A Bracket for high power/lowband radioRLN4077A Angle Bracket with 20 degrees Fixed Angle and 50Degrees SwivelRLN4078A Flat Bracket with 50 Degrees SwivelHSN4019BAlarm AccessoriesHLN9328C External Alarm Relay Cable, (MAXTRAC 300—16 pin connector and 800 MHz display models only)HLN9374C External Alarm Relay Cable, (MAXTRAC 100–5 pin connector and 800 MHz non-display models and 900 MHz models)RLN5132A Emergency Alarm PushbuttonHLN9330B Emergency Alarm FootswitchHLN3199C High Power Control StationPackage(25-60 watt models)Control Station AccessoriesHPN4002B Power Supply(1- 25 watt)HPN4001B Power Supply(25-60 watt)HMN3000B Standard DesktopMicrophone, blackHMN1038E Desktop Microphone,beigeHLN5292BR Base Station TrayHKN4139A Power Cable for low power control stationHKN9455A Power Cable for high power control stationNOTE: Accessories are available for all MAXTRAC series radios unless otherwise specified.HKN9327AHLN9330B HLN3199CHLN5292BRHPN4002BRRA4935A3dB, roof top w/14 ft. cable (890-960 MHz) RAF4003ARM3dB, roof top w/22 ft. cable (860-960 MHz)VHFHAD4006A1/4 Wave, roof top (136-144 MHz)HAD4007A1/4 Wave, roof top (144-152 MHz)HAD4008A1/4 Wave, roof top (150.8-162 MHz) HAD4009A1/4 Wave, roof top (162-174 MHz) RAD4010ARB3dB, roof top (136-174 MHz)UHFHAE4002A1/4 Wave, roof top (403-430 MHz) HAE4003A1/4 Wave, roof top (450-470 MHz) HAE4004A1/4 Wave, roof top (470-512 MHz) HAE4010A3.5dB, roof top (406-420 MHz)HAE4011A3.5dB, roof top (450-470 MHz)HAE4012A3.5dB, roof top (470-495 MHz)HAE4013A3.5dB, roof top (494-512 MHz)Low BandRAB4002ARB1/4 Wave Base Loaded Antenna (29.7-36.0 MHz)RAB4003ARB1/4 Wave Base Loaded Antenna (36-42 MHz )RAB4004ARB1/4 Wave Base Loaded Antenna (42-50 MHz)Antenna Adapter5880367B22Mini-UHF to UHF Antenna Adapter 2880376E84Mini-UHF Antenna Connector6680387A72T-8 Torx Bit6680387A74T-10 Torx Bit6680387A75T-15 Torx Bit6680387A77T-25 Torx BitInsertion and Extraction ToolHAE4013ARSX4043A6680163F01cable, radio programming cable, and a 9 volt snap type battery(6082728J01) or wall mount power supply, order separately.RLN4008E Radio Interface BoxTest AdapterUsed to manually key radio. Must beattached to Program/Test CableRLN4137A Test AdapterWall Mount Power SupplyUsed to supply power to RadioInterface Box.0180357A57Wall Mounted PowerSupply (110 volts)0180358A56Wall Mounted PowerSupply(220 volts)Program/Test Cable3080070N01Required to program radio; acts as a link betweenRadio Interface Box and radio.VCO Test CableProvides interface between RF board and test equipment.3080373B41VCO Test CableProgramming SoftwareUtilizing your personal computer, this software enables you to add/orreprogram frequencies as your requirements change. Compatiblewith IBM XT, AT, Model 30, 50, 60 and 80. Requires Radio InterfaceBox and proper cables; order separately.ConventionalRVN4019K Programming Software, 3-1⁄2˝ Diskette, Includes Binderand Manual.Duplex, TrunkedRVN4043P Programming Software, 3-1⁄2˝ Diskette. Includes Binderand Manual.Service Manuals6880102W84Service Manual, Low, UHF, VHF, and 800 MHzRLN4008E0180357A57RLN4137A。



Alignment Toe-in
Front Rear Front Rear Front
0.00 in (0.0 mm) 0.08 in (2.0 mm)
0° ʵ1° 3°15’
Tires Size
Hale Waihona Puke Spare FrontRear
P195/65R15 89H ˎ1 P205/65R15 92H ˎ2 P205/60R16 91V ˎ3 P215/50R17 93V ˎ4
182.8 cu-in (2,997 cm ) ˎ4
9.7 : 1ˎ3
10 : 1 ˎ4
IZFR6K-11ˎ3, ˎ4
DENSO: SKJ20DR-M11ˎ3, ˎ4
IZFR6K-13 ˎ3, ˎ5
DENSO: SKJ20DR-M13 ˎ3, ˎ5
ˎ3 : 4-cylinder models ˎ4 : V6 models ˎ5 : LX-SUL, SE-SUL, EX-SUL, and EXLSUL models
The transmission number is on a label on top of the transmission.
4-cylinder Models
V6 Models
i-VTEC 4-cylinder, SOHC VTEC
6-cylinder (V6), gasoline engine

QPA 稽核清单

QPA 稽核清单

9.2 近期厂内所发生之ISSUE,厂商8D改善动作是否落实 9.3 8D记录是否CLOSE且妥善归档 9.4 ISSUE发生之站别是否有失败记录 9.5 在此机型发生的ISSUE, 其他机型是否有做相同的预防改善措施 9.6 新机型试产阶段(NPI)ID保密管理程序是否有制定,内容是否合理 9.7 NPI ID的档案保管是否专人执行负责,并有记录可供查询 9.8 NPI保密管理是否设立隔离生产,并有封闭的区域和显明的标示 9.9 NPI须进行保密管理的样品存放及使用有专人负责,并有记录可供查寻 9.10 NPI须进行保密管理的机种须指定专人进行检验,并在可监督的环境内进行,禁止拍照 9.11 NPI须进行保密管理的机种运输有专门的套子罩住,并有记录可供查寻 9.12 制程变更是否有记录列表,并有档案可供查寻 9.13 制程变更是否有得到客户同意,并有客户同意的存档以供备案查寻
厂商自评 Self Score
评分 Inventec Score
备注 Remarks
4 3 2 1 0 N/A 4 3 2 1 0 N/A 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 已确实改善 8D报告已落实,并提供给厂商 8D记录已CLOSE且妥善归档 改善后已无失败记录 其他机型已做实验,因机型机构不一 样,无发生次issue 新机型试产阶段(NPI)ID保密管理程序 是有制定,根据保密保密协议认定 NPI ID的档案保管有专人执行负责,并 有记录可供查询 NPI保密管理设立隔离生产,并有封闭 的区域和显明的标示 NPI须进行保密管理的样品存放及使 用有专人负责,并有记录可供查寻 NPI须进行保密管理的机种已指定专 人进行检验,不可在监督的环境内进行 拍照 NPI须进行保密管理的机种运输有专 门的套子罩住,并有记录可供查寻 制程变更有记录列表,并有档案可供查 寻 制程变更有得到客户同意,并有客户同 意的存档以供备案查寻



東莞詠發電子有限公司Y&E UNICTRANS CO.,LTD 内部品質稽核計划表一稽核目的﹕審核文件體系是否完整且符合標准要求﹐審核執行之記錄是否符合文件之規定,驗証體系運行是否適切有效及持續不斷改進﹐并為提交管理審查活動作報告﹐順利迎接外部稽核做准備.二稽核范圍﹕所有部門及所有要素.三稽核依據﹕ISO9001﹑品質手冊﹑程序文件﹑法律法規.四稽核時間﹕2004.03.29(其中8.2.2安排2004.04.01進行)五稽核分組﹕共分六組A 組魯建紅﹑柳軍B 組莫群﹑聶金濤C組鐘輝﹑尹朝芬D 組何金輝﹑王元波E 組楊學勇﹑羅芬F組楊世亮稽核計划表﹕時間稽核組別稽核要素稽核文件被稽核部門備注8:00~8:30 首次會議8:40~12:00 A組制造部﹕6.3﹑6.4﹑﹑7.5.2﹑管理者代表: 4.2.2﹑8.2.3﹑8.5﹑8.5.1參考ISO9001/ROHS系統權責對照目錄內部稽核管理作業程序制造部/管理者代表資材部工程部管理部業務部總經理室品管部品管部每小組須對公共要素﹕4.2.3﹑4.2.4﹑5.3﹑5.4.1﹑5.5.3﹑6.2.2等一并查核.8:40~12:00 C組資材部﹕7.4﹑7.5.58:40~12:00 D組工程部﹕4.2.3﹑4.2.4﹑7.113:30~15:30B組管理部﹕6.2﹑6.2.1﹑6.2.2業務部﹕7.2﹑7.5.4﹑8.2.1總經理室﹕4.1﹑4.2.1﹑5.0﹑5.1﹑5.2﹑5.3﹑5.4﹑5.4.1﹑5.4.2﹑5.5﹑5.5.1﹑5.5.2﹑5.5.3﹑5.6﹑6.1﹑8.113:30~15:30 E組品管部﹕7.5.3﹑7.6﹑8.2.4﹑8.3﹑8.5.2﹑8.5.32004﹑04.018:30~10:00F組8.2.215:30~16:00 未次會議批准﹕制表﹕羅芬Y4-Q-019A。



3.50 4.577 36 20
12162016700 妈咪虾味鲜200g
32 0302 2005/05/10 50013 234.50 67.00
3.50 4.577 36 20
12162023100 大宝达金奖鸡片
32 0302 2005/05/10 38
45.50 13.00
19. 是否重复: 商品是否当天有2张(含)以上之订单;“Y”表
1. 正常DMS=当日销售量 * 0.1 + 前一日DMS * 0.9 2. 促销DMS=当日销售量 * 0.7 + 前一日DMS * 0.3 3. (库存=0 or 库存= 1)
且 当天销售为0 且 最近销售日不为0, 則 DMS 不计算 4. 当DMS〈 0.01时, 則DMS=0.01 5. 最近销售日期为0 且 最近进货日为0,則 DMS=0 6. 库存<前一日DMS 且 当天销售数量<=0, 則DMS不计算 。
5. 不含新品与DM商品: *新品:商品建档到今日未超过30天的商品 *DM商品:订单日期落在DM进价生效期间
6. 退货单不列入计算
门店ALC 下单
修改异常 订单
注意:在店长及处长未确认 下单量是否合理前门店ALC 不可擅自将订单转成正式
12230042900 二宝维生素果汁糖150g 48 0302 2005/05/10 26 102.96 13.00
7.92 6.200 41 30

Adidas Audit checklist-China(阿迪达斯2013审核文件清单)

Adidas Audit checklist-China(阿迪达斯2013审核文件清单)

Factory Inspection Documents (China)文件清单1) Time Card (at least recent 12 months)工咭记录 (至少最近12个月)2) Production Record (at least recent 6 months) 每日生产报告表(至少最近6个月)Production Summary (at least recent 6 months) 每月生产记录 (至少最近6个月)3) Payroll Record (at least recent 12 months) -with workers’signature-员工工资记录 / 粮单记录 / 银行月结单 (如用自动转帐发薪)(至少最近12个月) 连工人签收记录- Overtime register / payment record -员工加班记录 / 加班工资记录4) Worker Registration Record(current and terminated) 员工(当前/辞职)入职登记记录5) Worker Contract/员工劳动合同6)Factory Rule厂规7) Business registration商业登记 / 营业执照/税务登记证(Original原件)8)Permit from Fire Dept消防许可证 / 消防年审检查 (Original原件)9)Fire Drill Report消防逃生演习报告10)Hygiene permit ( if applicable ) 卫生许可证 / 员工健康证 (如适用) (Original原件)11)Social insurance records( Govt. Notice / Worker Name list/ Payment receipt)(社会保险记录 - 缴款通知/ 受保员工花名册 / 收据 (至少最近3个月(Original原件))12)Special operator certificate ( i.e Boiler ,Electric, Elevator etc)锅炉/电工/电梯工上岗证13)Minimum wage notice / OT waiver 最低工资通知 / 超时加班申请14)Grievance system /record( 员工申诉程序/记录)15)Age verification policy (年龄确认程序)16)Recruit process/restrictions juvenile procedure/ termination policy (招聘/未成年工/解雇程序)17)Injury record (工伤记录)18)First aid personnel/ procedure (急救员/急救程序)19)Harassment &abuse , Discrimination, Freedom of association policy强迫,反歧视,协会自由20)Discipline policy and record 惩罚程序和记录21)All Chemicals currently using with full descriptions and annual volume/ all MSDS with completeCAS number (化学品清单/MSDS) MUST be ready prior to the audit. Factory are required to report in all of the chemicals currently used at their site. The chemicals reported on should be those that are used in the production of adidas products at their site.1. All chemicals (including alcohol etc. found in production line) SHOULD be listed out with2. Annual volume in 2011, 2012 and currently using in2013审核前必需准备以下:必需列出所有现正使用的化学品及所有物料安全数据表的清单,包括化学品名称,主要详细成分,所有含量,所有分子式(CAS登记号码),现有储存的数量,在现场使用的化学品名单,特别用于生产Adidas产品及其使用的工序。

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Supplier Quality System AssessmentSection 1: Quality Management System 質量管理體系1. Quality Function, ISO standard & Responsibilities 質量機能,ISO標準&職責2. Internal Audits Quality System and other Compliance 內部稽核質量體系和其他3.Training for all Level of Organization 對組織各層次的訓練Section 2: Resource Management and Capacity Planning 資源管理和能力培訓4. New Product Introduction and Qualification Process 新產品介紹和承認過程5. Capacity Planning 能力培訓6. Change Management Process, Product and Material 管理過程,產品和物料變更7. Process Capability / Process Characterization 制程能力和制程關鍵特性8. Product & Process Quality Metric Review 產品&過程的質量基準檢討9. Customer and Field Performance Quality Data 客戶和現場性能質量數據10. Quality Data and Communication 質量數據和傳達Section 3: Production Process生產過程11.Calibration System and Control校驗系統和控制12. Measurement System Analysis (Gauge R and R)量測系統分析13. Control & Disposition of Non-conforming Material 不合格物料的控制和處理14. Receiving Material Quality System and Procedure進料質量系統和控制15. Work Instructions for Manufacturing Processes 作業指導書和製造過程16. Final Inspection and Acceptance Procedure 終檢和允收程序17. Packaging, Storage, Shipping, Material Handling and Bar Code Requirements 包裝,儲存,運輸,物料搬運和Bar code要求18. Housekeeping, POPI and Preventive Maintenance Housekeeping,知識產權和預防性的保持Housekeeping19. Out of Control Actions for an Internal Defect for Mfg/Assembly/Service Site製造/組裝/服務地點內部缺陷失控的措施Section 4: Sub-Tier Quality Control and Quality Improvements質量控制和質量改進20. Sub-Tier Supplier Selection and Management供應商的選擇和管理21. Sub-Tier Supplier Corrective and Preventative Action供應商的糾正和預防措施22. Process Flow, FMEA, Control Plan and Statistical Tool 流程,FMEA,控制計劃和統計工具23. Statistical Methods / SPC on Box X Dimensions 統計方法/ box X 尺寸SPC24. Problem Solving Techniques 問題解決技術25. Continuous Improvement and Mistake Proofing 持續改進和缺點預防Use the ED12695 Quality System Assessment Scoring Form to document the results of the audit and any required actions.Rating:SCORE 1: Unacceptable - This element is not included in the organization’s quality manag ement system.無法接受 - 這個要素沒有被組織的質量管理體系所包涵SCORE 2: Unacceptable - Both planning and execution for this element require substantial improvement.無法接受 - 這個要素的計劃和執行都需要進一步改進SCORE 3: Marginally Acceptable - This element is included in the supplier’s quality ma nagement system and planning is adequate. However, execution requires improvement.邊緣接受 - 此要素包含於供應商的質量體系,計劃比較完善。


SCORE 4: Acceptable - This element is included in the supplier’s quality management system and is generally well-executed.接受 - 此要素包含於供應商的質量體系且執行得相當完善SCORE 5: Excellent - This element is included in the supplier’s Quality Process. Planning and execution are extremely thorough.傑出 - 該要素包涵於供應商的質量過程中,計劃和實施都非常完善SECTION 1: QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, Responsibility and Internal audit.1. Quality Function, ISO Standard & Responsibilities質量機能,ISO標準&職責------品保Is there a Quality function or organization which provides customer advocate guidance to the total organization, and is this position fully supported by management? Is the Organization’s quality management system properly documented, maintained and has measurement metric?是否存在一個質量部門或組織,它能夠為客戶提供整個組織的支持性的指導;並且它的地位得到管理層的鼎力支持?這個組織的質量管理體系是否恰當的文件化,維護和標準化?SCORE 1:∙Organization has not achieved any ISO quality certification. 組織沒有完成任何ISO質量認證∙Organization does not have any quality manual.組織沒有任何質量手冊。

SCORE 2:∙Organization has obtained ISO9000 level certification and certification has not expired.組織獲得ISO9001認證,並且在認證有效期內。

∙Supplier has Quality manual and policy statement well documented and signed by top management.供應商有質量手冊和形成文件的品質政策並且經過最高管理者簽名。

SCORE 3:∙Organization has obtained ISO9001 and ISO 14000 certification and other nationally recognized quality certifications.組織已經獲得ISO9001和ISO14001認證和其他國際組織質量認證。

--------------證書復印件∙Supplier is regularly reviewing the regulatory agency requirement and keeping up compliance such OSHA, Rohs, EPA, Product Safety, ESD, and Contamination control etc…供應商定期的檢查行銷處調整的需求,保持符合OSHA,Rohs,EPA,產品安全,除静电,污染控制等等。

----------------管理審查報告,會議記錄(兩年)∙The role of the Quality function is clearly defined. Quality manual is periodically reviewed by senior management and updated as necessary質量部門的角色被清晰的定義。


----------------管理審查報告,會議記錄(兩年)SCORE 4:∙In addition to ISO 9000, the organization has a plan to pursue a higher level quality certification or award (such as TL 9000, TS16949, Malcolm Bald ridge National Quality Award, etc.). 除了ISO9000,供應商已經或計劃進行一些更高級別的質量認證或獎項.-------QC080000∙Quality function clearly serves in the customer advocacy role. 質量部門明確地扮演維護客戶利益地角色.------品質手冊----職責∙Management is supporting a Six Sigma or Zero defect and cycle time improvement program.管理支持6西格瑪或零缺陷和週期時間改進項目--------------綠帶培訓相關資料,項目∙Quality system compliance annual audit is performed by external registrar and has very few findings.質量體系符合外部稽核員實施的年度稽核並且審核發現很少。
