



第二册中国移动通信有限公司2010年直放站产品集中采购技术规范书中国移动通信有限公司2010年直放站产品集中采购技术规范书中国移动通信有限公司2010年3月目录一、总则 (1)1.1技术规范和技术标准 (1)1.2本规范书的补充要求 (1)1.3技术投标书的内容、顺序及基本要求 (1)1.4质量管理与保障体系 (3)1.5规范书的解释权 (3)二、性能要求 (4)2.1定义 (4)2.2测量条件 (4)2.3工作频段 (4)2.4性能指标及测量方法 (5)2.5标称最大输出功率(包括移频输出功率) (5)2.5.1定义 (5)2.5.2 指标要求 (5)2.5.3 测量方法 (5)2.6增益(包括移频增益) (6)2.6.1最大增益及误差 (6)2.6.2增益调节范围 (7)2.6.3增益调节步长及步长误差 (7)2.7自动电平控制(ALC)范围 (8)2.7.1 定义 (8)2.7.2 指标要求 (8)2.7.3 测量方法 (8)2.8频率误差(仅适用于移频传输直放站) (8)2.8.1 定义 (8)2.8.2 指标要求 (8)2.8.3 测量方法 (8)2.9GMSK调制时调制准确度(仅适用于移频传输直放站) (9)2.9.1 定义 (9)2.9.2 指标要求 (9)2.9.3 测量方法 (9)2.10最大允许输入电平 (10)2.10.1 定义 (10)2.10.2 指标要求 (10)2.10.3 测量方法 (10)2.11.1 定义 (10)2.11.2 指标要求 (10)2.11.3 测量方法 (10)2.12噪声系数 (11)2.12.1 定义 (11)2.12.2 指标要求 (11)2.12.3 测量方法 (11)2.13输入、输出电压驻波比 (12)2.13.1 定义 (12)2.13.2 指标要求 (12)2.13.3 测量方法 (12)2.14传输时延 (13)2.14.1 定义 (13)2.14.2 指标要求 (13)2.14.3 测量方法 (13)2.15杂散发射 (14)2.15.1 定义 (14)2.15.2 指标要求 (14)2.15.3 测量方法 (14)2.16互调衰减 (15)2.16.1 定义 (15)2.16.2 指标要求 (15)2.16.3 测量方法 (16)2.17带外增益 (16)2.17.1 定义 (16)2.17.2 指标要求 (16)2.17.3 测量方法 (17)2.18光波长及可应用的光纤 (18)2.18.1 定义 (18)2.18.2 指标要求 (18)2.18.3 测量方法 (18)2.19光输出功率(仅光传输直放站) (18)2.19.1 定义 (18)2.19.2 指标要求 (18)2.19.3 测量方法 (18)2.20光路衰减范围(仅光传输直放站) (19)2.20.1 定义 (19)2.20.2 指标要求 (19)2.20.3 测量方法 (19)2.21平均故障间隔时间(MTBF) (19)2.22.1 电源适应性要求 (19)2.22.2 测试方法 (19)2.22.3设备功耗 (19)2.23机械要求 (20)2.24环境要求和环境试验 (20)2.24.1 环境适应性要求 (20)2.24.2 测试方法 (21)2.25安全要求 (21)2.25.1 接地导体电阻和连接电阻 (21)2.25.2 抗电强度 (22)2.25.3 接触电流 (23)2.26电磁兼容要求 (23)三、监控功能 (23)四、工程、技术服务及其它 (23)4.1工程技术服务 (23)4.1.1 产品供应 (23)4.1.2 现场验收 (24)4.1.3 技术服务 (24)4.1.4 技术文件 (24)4.1.5 工程服务历史及供货记录 (24)4.2维护服务 (24)4.2.1 备品备件的要求 (25)4.2.2 服务响应 (25)4.2.3 监控软件的升级 (25)4.2.4 紧急事件的处理 (25)附录A 完成性能测试所需仪表,仅供参考 (26)附录B 直放站检验项目 (29)一、总则本文件为中国移动通信有限公司(以下简称招标方)对移动直放站产品供货商(以下简称投标方)提出的工程技术规范书,此文件将作为定货合同的附件。



活化仪电子版说明书作者: 日期:RN-XF蓄电池智能活化仪使用说明书陕西瑞能电气有限责任公司15第一部分 仪器使用说明书••… I 第' 一^章 彳概^述 ............1.1产品概述 ............... 1.2主要功能 ............... 1.3技术指标 ...............第二章主要部件及接线说明2.1主要部件 ............... 2.2接口说明及连线 .........第三章操作指南 ..............开机 .................. 电池充放电 ............ 内阻测试 ............... 电池活化 ...............数据操作 ............... 系统设置 .............. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 第四章常见问题及解决…•… 第二部分软件使用说明书••…1打开软件 ................. 2功能操作 ................. 电池充电操作 ....... 电池放电操作 ....... 内阻测试操作 ........电池活化操作 ........ 数据处理操作 ........2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.510 12 13 14 14 15 15 16 17 18第一部分仪器使用说明书第一章概述1.1、产品简介RN-XF蓄电池智能活化仪(2V/12V 一体机是陕西瑞能电气有限责任公司专利产品,适用于2V、12V蓄电池,以下简称活化仪),是日常维护中专用于对落后蓄电池处理的便携式产品。





深圳市媛子智能等离子体说明书使用手册U s e r M a n u a l智能控制Intelligent Control—数字软件Fuzzy Software功率器件Power Device—IGBT电路控制Circuit Control—DSP外型美观Beauty appearance—结构简洁simple structure维护便利Convenient maintenance—模块结构module structure◆安装、操作或调试设备前,请先详细阅读本说明P l e a s e r e a d t h e m a n u a l i n d e t a i l b e f o r e i n s t a l l i n g,o p e r a t i n g a n d d e b u g g i n g.一、大气等离子表面处理机设备简介Ⅰ.Introduction of atmospheric plasma surface processor大气低温等离子处理机由等离子发生器、气体输送系统、压力保护系统及等离子喷头等部分组成。







ContentsPagen o i t p i r c s e D Introduction ..............................2Installation . (3)Installation Instructions for Alarm (Signal)/Lockout Switch and Alarm (Signal)/Lockout Switch and Auxiliary Switch Combination for DK, KDB, KD, HKD, KDC, KW, HKW, KWCCircuit Breakers, Molded Case Switches, and K-Frame Motor Circuit Protectors (HMCP)Instruction Leaflet IL29C182F E ective February 2015Installation Instructions for Alarm (Signal)/Lockout Switch and Alarm (Signal)/Lockout Switch and Auxiliary Switch Combination for DK, KDB, KD, HKD, KDC, KW, HKW, KWCCircuit Breakers, Molded Case Switches, and K-Frame Motor Circuit Protectors (HMCP)EATON CORPORATION 23Instruction Leaflet IL29C182FInstallation Instructions for Alarm (Signal)/Lockout Switch and Alarm (Signal)/Lockout Switch and Auxiliary Switch Combination for DK, KDB, KD, HKD, KDC, KW, HKW, KWC Circuit Breakers, Molded Case Switches, and K-Frame Motor Circuit Protectors (HMCP)EATON CORPORATION E ective February 20154Instruction Leaflet IL29C182FInstallation Instructions for Alarm (Signal)/Lockout Switch and Alarm (Signal)/Lockout Switch and Auxiliary Switch Combination for DK, KDB, KD, HKD, KDC, KW, HKW, KWC Circuit Breakers, Molded Case Switches, and K-Frame Motor Circuit Protectors (HMCP)EATON CORPORATION Labels (Supplied Comb AlarmConnection Diagram Label (Pigtail Lead Label Shown)AccessoryIdent. LabelWire Marking Labels (Supplied With Double Alarm Sw. Only)Replacement Interphase BarrierWire MarkingLabels (SuppliedWith Comb.Alarm Aux. Sw.Only)Plug-In Module With Pigtail Leads (Double ASL Switch Shown)E ective February 20155Instruction Leaflet IL29C182FInstallation Instructions for Alarm (Signal)/Lockout Switch and Alarm (Signal)/Lockout Switch and Auxiliary Switch Combination for DK, KDB, KD, HKD, KDC, KW, HKW, KWC Circuit Breakers, Molded Case Switches, and K-Frame Motor Circuit Protectors (HMCP)EATON CORPORATION RecessedRecessed HoleHoleTripUnitRear Exiting LeadsPreferredSide Exiting LeadsTerminal BlockOpposite -Side Exiting LeadsSupplied With ASL Switch KitHandle Retaining Screw Molded Handle Handle ArmCradle Reset PinInterphase BarrierAt Angle ToPosition Actuator Arm Under CradleASL Switch Actuator ArmCradleSlot InReplacement Interphase BarrierE ective February 2015Instruction Leaflet IL29C182F Installation Instructions for Alarm (Signal)/Lockout Switch and Alarm (Signal)/LockoutSwitch and Auxiliary Switch Combination for DK, KDB, KD, HKD, KDC, KW, HKW, KWCCircuit Breakers, Molded Case Switches, and K-Frame Motor Circuit Protectors (HMCP)EATON CORPORATION Arm (Must BeAnd OperatedBy the Cradle)(Interphase Barrier Omitted for Clarity)UnitCircuitBreakerHandlePositioned UnderAccessoryCombination Module t oPosition ASL SwitchActuator A r m UnderASL SwitchActuator A r mSlot In Replacementlnterphase BarrierCradleAuxiliarySwitchASL Switch(Cutaway toShow Detail)CradleAccessoryOperatingProjectionAuxiliarySwitchOperatingArmE ective February 201567Instruction Leaflet IL29C182FInstallation Instructions for Alarm (Signal)/Lockout Switch and Alarm (Signal)/Lockout Switch and Auxiliary Switch Combination for DK, KDB, KD, HKD, KDC, KW, HKW, KWC Circuit Breakers, Molded Case Switches, and K-Frame Motor Circuit Protectors (HMCP)EATON CORPORATION E ective February 20158Instruction Leaflet IL29C182FInstallation Instructions for Alarm (Signal)/Lockout Switch and Alarm (Signal)/Lockout Switch and Auxiliary Switch Combination for DK, KDB, KD, HKD, KDC, KW, HKW, KWC Circuit Breakers, Molded Case Switches, and K-Frame Motor Circuit Protectors (HMCP)EATON CORPORATION 312E ective February 20159Instruction Leaflet IL29C182FInstallation Instructions for Alarm (Signal)/Lockout Switch and Alarm (Signal)/Lockout Switch and Auxiliary Switch Combination for DK, KDB, KD, HKD, KDC, KW, HKW, KWC Circuit Breakers, Molded Case Switches, and K-Frame Motor Circuit Protectors (HMCP)EATON CORPORATION E ective February 2015Instruction Leaflet IL29C182F Installation Instructions for Alarm (Signal)/Lockout Switch and Alarm (Signal)/LockoutSwitch and Auxiliary Switch Combination for DK, KDB, KD, HKD, KDC, KW, HKW, KWCCircuit Breakers, Molded Case Switches, and K-Frame Motor Circuit Protectors (HMCP)Eaton CorporationElectrical Group1000 Cherrington ParkwayMoon Township, PA 15108United States877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273)© 2013 Eaton CorporationAll Rights ReservedPrinted in Dominican Republic Publication No. IL 29C182E / TBG000553 Part No. 6632C65H06February 2015Eaton is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.The instructions for installation, testing, maintenance, or repairherein are provided for the use of the product in general commercial applications and may not be appropriate for use in nuclear applica-tions. Additional instructions may be available upon requestto replace, amend, or supplement these instructions to qualify themfor use with the product in safety-related applications in a nuclear facility.The information, recommendations, descriptions, and safety nota-tions in this document are based on Eaton’s experience and judg-ment with respect to R tting of Power Breakers. This instruction-al literature is published solely for information purposes and shouldnot be considered all-inclusive. If further information is required, you should consult an authorized Eaton sales representative.The sale of the product shown in this literature is subject to theterms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policiesor other contractual agreement between the parties. This literatureis not intended to and does not enlarge or add to any such contract. The sole source governing the rights and remedies of any purchaserof this equipment is the contract between the purchaser and Eaton.NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, OR WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE, ARE MADE REGARDING THE INFORMATION, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND DESCRIPTIONS CONTAINED HEREIN. In no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or user in contract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise for any special, indirect, incidental or conse-quential damage or loss whatsoever, including but not limited to damage or loss of use of equipment, plant or power system, costof capital, loss of power, additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claims against the purchaser or user by its cus-tomers resulting from the use of the information, recommendations and description contained herein.E ective February 2015。



PDA 系列产品的设计、制造、检查、试验及特性都应遵照适合的最新版IEC 和中国GB 标准及国际单位SI 制。

GB/T13730《地区电网数据采集与监控系统通用技术条件》GB/50171-92《电气装置安装工作盘、柜及二次回路接线施工及验收规范》DL/T630《交流采样远动终端通用技术条件》DL/478-92《静态继电保护及安全自动装置通用技术条件》GB/50062-92《电力装置的继电保护和自动装置设计规范》GB/T50063-2008《电力装置的电测量仪表装置设计规范》DL/T587-1996《微机继电保护装置运行管理规程》GB/T13729-2002《远动终端通用技术条件》GB/14285-93《继电保护和安全自动装置技术规程》GB/T17626.12-1998《振荡波抗扰度试验》GB/T17626.11-2008《电压暂降、短时中断和电压变化抗扰度试验》GB/T17626.10-1998《阻尼振荡磁场抗扰度试验》GB/T17626.8-2006《工频磁场的抗扰度试验》GB/T17626.6-2008《射频场感应的传导骚扰抗扰度》GB/T17626.5-2008《浪涌(冲击)抗扰度试验》GB/T17626.4-2008《电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度试验》GB/T17626.2-2006《静电放电抗扰度试验》GB/T 14047-1993《量度继电器和保护装置》GB 3836.3-2000《爆炸性气体环境用电气设备 第 3 部 分:增安型"e"》JB/T 10613-2006《数字式电动机综合保护装置》GB/T13850-1998《交流电量转换为模拟量或数字信号的电测量变送器》JJG596-1999《电子式电能表检定规程》GB/T17215.321-2008《静止式有功电能表(1级和2级)》GB/T 22264-2008《安装式数字显示电测量仪表》产品标准Contents 目 录A -01综合电力监控仪PDA-120系列B -13 三相智能型电力仪表 PDA-103系列C -31单相智能型电力仪表 PDA-101系列D -51 智能型电动机保护控制器 PDA-110MRK F -66参考设计图附录产品业绩G -73GB/T17215.322-2008《》静止式有功电能表(0.2S 级和0.5S 级)E -58 低压电动机保护装置 ADVP-1451产品简介功能详表产品特点PDA -120系列综合电力监控仪是北京奥德威特电力科技股份有限公司按IEC 国际标准开发,与当今国际先进技术同步的网络化综合电力监控仪表。



广东移动综合分析系统工程详细设计说明书接口详细设计说明书数据网管数据源接口方案V 1.0.4〔文档编码:OP-WGODS-LLD-G002未经许可,不得以任何形式抄袭GMCC版权所有,翻版必究GMCC综合分析系统工程组1.范围本标准规定了中国移动省级综合分析系统与外部系统数据交互的要求,供中国移动内部和厂商共同使用;适用于中国移动各省〔直辖市、自治区〕公司省级综合分析系统与外部系统进行数据交换的接口建设,各省〔直辖市、自治区〕公司在接口建设过程中须遵照执行。




3.术语、定义和缩略语术语和定义字母名词说明1 12580综合信息门户指为客户提供餐饮、娱乐、交通和旅游等各类信息查询,以及机票预订和酒店预订等各种商旅效劳1 139邮箱139邮箱是中国移动针对用户提供的新一代邮箱效劳,在具备常规互联网根底邮件效劳功能的同时,充分发挥和利用的功能优势,让用户可以方便直接地通过短信、彩信或者WAP上网等方式,随时随地收发和管理邮件4 4A接口主要是指省级综合分析系统与4A管理平台对接的接口C 初始全量指抽取第一次源系统所有数据的最新状态快照D DSMP平台指中国移动DSMP标准定义的数据业务管理平台D 短信营业厅是中国移动通过短信向客户提供效劳功能的渠道,移动客户可以通过发送短信来进行话费查询、局部业务办理等操作D 电子渠道是以互联网技术和通信技术为根底,将产品的销售与效劳数字化。

客户借助终端设备,可自助定购产品、获取效劳D 定制终端管理平台根据中国移动终端管理标准建设的平台,能够远程为用户提供参数设置和软件升级等效劳E ERP系统企业资源管理系统F 发布-订阅效劳采用基于SOAP的Web效劳实现触发式的数据互动效劳。

AXICOM P2标准信号传递器说明书

AXICOM P2标准信号传递器说明书

V23079B1201B301Axicom P2 Signal Relay, Signal Relays, 220VDC Contact Voltage Rating, 250VACContact Voltage Rating, 450mW Coil Power Rating (DC)Relays, Contactors & Switches>Relays>Signal Relays>AXICOM P2 STANDARDTerminal Type:PCB-THTMounting Type:Printed Circuit BoardCoil Power Rating (DC):450 mWContact Voltage Rating:250 VACAll AXICOM P2 STANDARD (85)FeaturesProduct Type FeaturesRelay Type P2 Relay V23079Relay Style P2 V23079 RelayProduct Type RelayElectrical CharacteristicsCoil Power Rating Class100 – 150 mWActuating System DCInsulation Initial Dielectric Between Open Contacts1000 VrmsContact Limiting Short-Time Current 2 AInsulation Initial Dielectric Between Contacts and Coil1500 VrmsInsulation Creepage Class 1.5 – 3 mmInsulation Initial Dielectric Between Coil/Contact Class1000 V – 1500 VAVoltage Standing Wave Ration (HF Parameter) 1.04 @ 100MHz, 1.4dB @ 900MHzInsulation Initial Dielectric Between Adjacent Contacts1000 VrmsPower Consumption200 mWInsulation Initial Resistance1000000 MΩContact Limiting Making Current 2 ACoil Resistance178 ΩContact Limiting Continuous Current 2 AV23079B1201B301 ACTIVEAxicomTE Internal #:3-1393788-3Axicom P2 Signal Relay, Signal Relays, 220VDC Contact VoltageRating, 250VAC Contact Voltage Rating, 450mW Coil Power Rating(DC)View on >Axicom P2 Signal Relay|Contact Limiting Continuous Current 2 AInsulation Creepage Between Contact and Coil 2.5 mm[.098 in]Coil Type Bistable, 2 CoilsContact Limiting Breaking Current 2 AContact Switching Load (Min)10mA @ .2VContact Voltage Rating250 VACCoil Power Rating (DC)450 mWCoil Voltage Rating 5 VACContact Switching Voltage (Max)220 VDCCoil Magnetic System Bistable, 2 Coils, PolarizedBody FeaturesInsulation Special Features2500V Initial Surge Withstand Voltagebetween Contacts & CoilWeight 2.8 g[.0988 oz]Contact FeaturesContact Plating Material GoldContact Current Class0 – 2 AContact Special Features Bifurcated/Twin ContactsTerminal Type PCB-THTContact Current Rating.4 AContact Arrangement 2 Form C (CO)Contact Material RutheniumContact Number of Poles2Termination FeaturesTermination Type Through HoleMechanical AttachmentMounting Type Printed Circuit BoardDimensionsWidth Class (Mechanical) 6 – 8 mmWidth7.2 mm[.283 in]Height9.8 mm[.386 in]Length Class (Mechanical)14 – 16 mmInsulation Clearance Between Contact and Coil 1.3 mm[.051 in]Height Class (Mechanical)9 – 10 mmHeight Class (Mechanical)9 – 10 mmLength14.5 mm[.571 in]Insulation Clearance Class0 – 2.5 mmUsage ConditionsEnvironmental Ambient Temperature (Max)85 °C[85 °F]Environmental Ambient Temperature Class70 – 85°CEnvironmental Category of Protection RTIIIOperating Temperature Range-40 – 85 °C, -40 – 85 °COperation/ApplicationPerformance Type StandardPackaging FeaturesPackaging Method Box & CartonProduct ComplianceFor compliance documentation, visit the product page on >EU RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU CompliantEU ELV Directive 2000/53/EC CompliantChina RoHS 2 Directive MIIT Order No 32, 2016No Restricted Materials Above ThresholdEU REACH Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006Current ECHA Candidate List: JUN 2020(209)Candidate List Declared Against: JUL 2019(201)Does not contain REACH SVHCHalogen Content BFR/CFR/PVC Free, but Br/Cl >900 ppm inother sources.Solder Process Capability Wave solder capable to 265°CProduct Compliance DisclaimerThis information is provided based on reasonable inquiry of our suppliers and represents our current actual knowledgebased on the information they provided. This information is subject to change. The part numbers that TE has identified asEU RoHS compliant have a maximum concentration of 0.1% by weight in homogenous materials for lead, hexavalentchromium, mercury, PBB, PBDE, DBP, BBP, DEHP, DIBP, and 0.01% for cadmium, or qualify for an exemption to theselimits as defined in the Annexes of Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS2). Finished electrical and electronic equipment productswill be CE marked as required by Directive 2011/65/EU. Components may not be CE marked. Additionally, the partnumbers that TE has identified as EU ELV compliant have a maximum concentration of 0.1% by weight in homogenousmaterials for lead, hexavalent chromium, and mercury, and 0.01% for cadmium, or qualify for an exemption to these limitsas defined in the Annexes of Directive 2000/53/EC (ELV). Regarding the REACH Regulation, the information TE provideson SVHC in articles for this part number is based on the latest European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) ‘Guidance onrequirements for substances in articles’ posted at this URL: https://echa.europa.eu/guidance-documents/guidance-on-reachTE Model / Part #1-1478903-0SMA STR PLG DS RG402 GSSTE Model / Part #1676143-2RN 0805 100R 0.1% 10PPM 1KRLTE Model / Part #1625856-2RH73 2A 100M 10% 100PPMTE Model / Part #1-1337445-0BNC Str PCB Skt 50Ohm Silver PTE Model / Part #1625959-7HB03RE 1G0 1% 100PPMTE Model / Part #1-1478963-0SMA PNL SKT RCPT, 2/FLNG GSSTE Model / Part #1-1337463-0BNC Plg Term 50Ohm Silver PltdSignal Relays(92)TE Model / Part #CAT-AX41-P1A AXICOM P2 STANDARDCompatible PartsAlso in the Series Axicom P2 Signal RelayCustomers Also BoughtDocumentsProduct DrawingsV23079B1201B301EnglishV23079B1201B301EnglishEnglishCAD Files3D PDF3D3D PDF3DCustomer View ModelENG_CVM_CVM_1393788-5_A.2d_dxf.zipEnglishCustomer View ModelENG_CVM_CVM_1393788-5_A.3d_igs.zipEnglishCustomer View ModelENG_CVM_CVM_1393788-5_A.3d_stp.zipEnglishCustomer View ModelENG_CVM_CVM_3-1393788-3_C.2d_dxf.zipEnglishCustomer View ModelENG_CVM_CVM_3-1393788-3_C.3d_igs.zipEnglishCustomer View ModelENG_CVM_CVM_3-1393788-3_C.3d_stp.zipEnglishTerms and ConditionsBy downloading the CAD file I accept and agree to the of use.Datasheets & Catalog PagesTransportation, Storage, Handling, Assembly and Testing of Axicom Through Hole Terminal (THT) Relays EnglishTransportation, Storage, Handling, Assembly and Testing of AXICOM THT RelaysEnglishAXICOM Latching RelaysEnglishIndustrial Relays Quick Reference GuideEnglishProduct SpecificationsDefinitions RelaysEnglishProduct SpecificationEnglish。

SMC PF2A3 PF2W3 PF2D3 流量监测仪操作手册说明书

SMC PF2A3 PF2W3 PF2D3 流量监测仪操作手册说明书

Flow MonitorOperation ManualPF2A3/PF2W3/PF2D3Installation•Never mount the product in a location that will be used as a foothold.Thank you for purchasing an SMC PF2A3/PF2W3/PF2D3Series Flow Monitor.Please read this manual carefully before operating the product and make sure you understand its capabilities and limitations.Please keep this manual handy for future reference.To obtain more detailed information about operating this product, please refer to the SMC website (URL ) or contact SMC directly.These safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage.These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of"Caution", "Warning" or "Danger". They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International standards (ISO/IEC) and other safety regulations.OperatorSafety InstructionsMaintenanceHow to reset the product after a power cut or forcible de-energizing The setting of the product will be retained as it was before a power cut or de-energizing.The output condition is also basically recovered to that before a power cut or de-energizing, but may change depending on the operating environment.Therefore, check the safety of the whole installation before operating the product.Mounting and InstallationInstallingRemoving the panel mount adapter•Remove the panel mount adapter from the product if it has been delivered assembled.•Remove the mounting bracket using a flat blade screwdriver.•Lever the hook to the outside to remove the adapter (See below).•If the panel mount adapter is pulled with the hook engaged, the product or the panel mount adapter will be damaged.FrontBackList of outputsFind the diagram of the output required in the table below. Perform settings following the Set value column on the right. Characters in ( ) are for OUT2.Key-lock functionThis function is used to prevent errors occurring due to unintentional changes of the set values.Default settingsThe default settings are as follows.If this condition is acceptable, then keep these settings.Default settingsThe default settings are as follows.If this condition is acceptable, then keep these settings.∗: When Non-Reverse output is selected as the switching operation, n becomes P.button, to display [F_].This [F_∗: When OUT1 or OUT2 is assigned to be instantaneous output mode during initialize mode, [F_1] and [F_2] are displayed.When OUT1 or OUT2 is assigned to be accumulated output mode, [F_3] is displayed.Items below can be set.•Connected sensor •Display mode •Unit selection function ∗•Output mode (OUT1)•Output mode (OUT2) •Switch operation (OUT1)•Switch operation (OUT2)•Reference condition TroubleshootingMounting with the panel mount adapter •Install the product as shown below.•Insert panel mount adapter B into section A of panel mount adapter A.Push panel mount adapter B from behind until the display is fixed onto the panel.The pin of panel mount adapter B engages the notched part of panel adapter section A to fix the display.Wiring•Connections should only be made with the power supply turned off.•Use separate routes for the product wiring and any power or high voltage wiring. Otherwise, malfunction may result due to noise.•Ensure that the FG terminal is connected to ground when using a commercially available switch-mode power supply. When a switch-mode power supply is connected to the product, switching noise will be superimposed and theproduct specification can no longer be met. This can be prevented by inserting a noise filter, such as a line noise filter and ferrite core, between the switch-mode power supply and the product, or by using a series power supply instead of a switch-mode power supply.Connecting the wiring•Use suitable crimp terminals for connection to the terminal block.•Attention should be paid to the terminals to avoid short circuits.Terminal block numberPower is suppliedOutline of settingMeasurement modeThe mode in which the flow is detected and displayed,and the switch function is operating.This is the basic operating mode;and other modes should be selected for settingchanges and other function settings.Function selection modeSpecification / Outline with DimensionsRefer to the product catalogue or SMC website (URL ) for more information about product specifications and outline dimensions in detail.Note: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer.© 2011 SMC Corporation All Rights ReservedAkihabara UDX 15F , 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JAP AN Phone: +81 3-5207-8249 Fax: +81 3-5298-5362URL Refer to the SMC website (URL ) for more information about troubleshooting.∗1: In window comparator mode, the hysteresis is fixed at 3 digits. When setting, allow 7 digits or more betweenSet point 1 and Set point 2 (Set point 3 and Set point 4).∗2: When Set point 1 = Set point 2 (Set point 3 = Set point 4), chattering may occur.Refer to the product catalogue or SMC website (URL )for more detailed information about panel cut-out dimensions.。



Miniature Circuit Breakers HN xPole Home sg03518_rDescription• H igh-quality miniature circuit brea-kers for commercial and residentialapplications• G uide for secure terminal connection• 3-position DIN rail clip, permits remo-val from existing busbar system• C omprehensive range of accessoriessuitable for subsequent installation• R ated currents up to 63 A• T ripping characteristics B, C• R ated breaking capacity 6 kA accor-ding to IEC/EN 60898-1Rated currentI n (A)TypeDesignationArticle No.Units perpackage6 kA, Characteristic Bsg02918_r6HN-B6/119481812/12010HN-B10/119481912/12013HN-B13/119482012/12016HN-B16/119482112/12020HN-B20/119482212/12025HN-B25/119482312/12032HN-B32/119482412/12040HN-B40/119482512/12050HN-B50/119482612/12063HN-B63/119482712/1201-polesg02718_r6HN-B6/1N1948386/6010HN-B10/1N1948396/6013HN-B13/1N1948406/6016HN-B16/1N1948416/6020HN-B20/1N1948426/6025HN-B25/1N1948436/6032HN-B32/1N1948446/6040HN-B40/1N1948456/6050HN-B50/1N1948466/6063HN-B63/1N1948476/601+N-polesg03118_r6HN-B6/21948586/6010HN-B10/21948596/6013HN-B13/21948606/6016HN-B16/21948616/6020HN-B20/21948626/6025HN-B25/21948636/6032HN-B32/21948646/6040HN-B40/21948656/6050HN-B50/21948666/6063HN-B63/21948676/602-polesg03418_r6HN-B6/31948784/4010HN-B10/31948794/4013HN-B13/31948804/4016HN-B16/31948814/4020HN-B20/31948824/4025HN-B25/31948834/4032HN-B32/31948844/4040HN-B40/31948854/4050HN-B50/31948864/4063HN-B63/31948874/403-poleMiniature Circuit Breakers HN xPole Home Rated currentI n (A)TypeDesignationArticle No.Units perpackage sg03618_r6HN-B6/3N1948983/3010HN-B10/3N1948993/3013HN-B13/3N1949003/3016HN-B16/3N1949013/3020HN-B20/3N1949023/3025HN-B25/3N1949033/3032HN-B32/3N1949043/3040HN-B40/3N1949053/3050HN-B50/3N1949063/3063HN-B63/3N1949073/303+N-pole6 kA, Characteristic Csg02918_r6HN-C6/119482812/12010HN-C10/119482912/12013HN-C13/119483012/12016HN-C16/119483112/12020HN-C20/119483212/12025HN-C25/119483312/12032HN-C32/119483412/12040HN-C40/119483512/12050HN-C50/119483612/12063HN-C63/119483712/1201-polesg02718_r6HN-C6/1N1948486/6010HN-C10/1N1948496/6013HN-C13/1N1948506/6016HN-C16/1N1948516/6020HN-C20/1N1948526/6025HN-C25/1N1948536/6032HN-C32/1N1948546/6040HN-C40/1N1948556/6050HN-C50/1N1948566/6063HN-C63/1N1948576/601+N-polesg03118_r6HN-C6/21948686/6010HN-C10/21948696/6013HN-C13/21948706/6016HN-C16/21948716/6020HN-C20/21948726/6025HN-C25/21948736/6032HN-C32/21948746/6040HN-C40/21948756/6050HN-C50/21948766/6063HN-C63/21948776/602-poleRated currentI n (A)TypeDesignationArticle No.Units perpackage sg03418_r6HN-C6/31948884/4010HN-C10/31948894/4013HN-C13/31948904/4016HN-C16/31948914/4020HN-C20/31948924/4025HN-C25/31948934/4032HN-C32/31948944/4040HN-C40/31948954/4050HN-C50/31948964/4063HN-C63/31948974/403-polesg03618_r6HN-C6/3N1949083/3010HN-C10/3N1949093/3013HN-C13/3N1949103/3016HN-C16/3N1949113/3020HN-C20/3N1949123/3025HN-C25/3N1949133/3032HN-C32/3N1949143/3040HN-C40/3N1949153/3050HN-C50/3N1949163/3063HN-C63/3N1949173/303+N-poleMiniature Circuit Breakers HN xPole Home - T echnical DataSpecifi cations | Miniature Circuit Breakers HNDescription• H igh selectivity between MCB and back-up fuse due to low let-throughenergy• Compatible with standard busbar• T win-purpose terminal (lift/open-mouthed) above and below• B usbar positioning optionally above or below• M eets the requirements of insulation co-ordination, distance between con-tacts ≥ 4 mm, for secure isolation• S uitable for applications up to 48 V DCAccessories:Auxiliary switch for subsequent installation ZP-IHK286052ZP-WHK286053 Tripping signal switch for subsequent installation ZP-NHK248437 Remote control and automatic switching device Z-FW/LP248296 Shunt trip release ZP-ASA/..248438, 248439 Undervoltage release Z-USA/..248288-248291 Compact enclosure KLV-TC-2276240KLV-TC-4276241 Additional terminal 35 mm2Z-HA-EK/35263960 Switching interlock Z-IS/SPE-1TE274418Technical DataHNElectricalDesign according toCurrent test marks as printed onto the deviceIEC/EN 60898-1Rated voltage Un AC: 230/400 VDC: 48 V (per pole, max. 2 poles)Rated frequency50/60 HzRated breaking capacity according to IEC/EN 60898-1Icn 6 kACharacteristic B, CBack-up fuse max. 100 A gL Selectivity class3Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp 4 kV (1.2/50 μs)Enduranceelectrical components≥ 10,000 switching operationsmechanical components≥ 20,000 switching operationsLine voltage connection at will (above/below)Minimal voltage12 V AC/DCMechanicalFrame size45 mmDevice height80 mmDevice width17.5 mm per pole (1MU)Mounting quick fastening with 3 lock-in positions on DIN rail IEC/EN 60715 Degree of protection IP20Upper and lower terminals open mouthed/lift terminalsTerminal protection fi nger and hand touch safe, DGUV VS3, EN 50274Terminal capacity1-25 mm2Terminal torque2-2.4 NmBusbar thickness 0.8 - 2 mmMounting independent of positionClimatic conditions Acc. to IEC 68-2 (25...55°C / 90...95% RH)Connection diagramsDimensions (mm)1P2P3P+N1P+N3P1-pole1+N-pole2-pole3-pole3+N-poleTripping Characteristics (IEC/EN 60898-1)Quick-acting (B), slow (C)Tripping characteristic BTripping characteristic CTRIPPING CURRENTTRIPPING CURRENTEffect of the Ambient Temperature on Thermal Tripping Behaviour Load Capacity of Series Connected Miniature Circuit BreakersAdjusted rated current values according to the ambient temperatureNumber of devices (n) 1-poleL o a d c a p a c i t y f a c t o r K NMiniature Circuit Breakers HN xPole Home - T echnical Data Let-through Energy HNLet-through Energy HN, Characteristic B, 1-poleLet-through Energy HN, Characteristic C, 1-pole500300500100015002000300040005000600070001000015000800090004009007008006001500100030002000500040002000090007000100008000600015000300005000060000400007000080000prospektiver Kurzschlussstrom [A]D u r c h l a s s e n e r g i e I t [A s e c ]22500300500100015002000300040005000600070001000015000800090004009007008006001500100030002000500040002000090007000100008000600015000300005000060000400007000080000prospektiver Kurzschlussstrom [A]D u r c h l a s s e n e r g i e I t [A s e c ]22Prospective short-circuit current [A]L e t t h r o u g h e n e r g y I 2t [A 2 s e c ]Prospective short-circuit current [A]L e t t h r o u g h e n e r g y I 2t [A 2 s e c ]Effect of Power FrequencyEffect of power frequency on the tripping behaviour I MA of the quick releasePower frequency f [Hz]162/35060100200300400I MA (f)/I MA (50 Hz) [%]91100101106115134141Short Circuit Selectivity HN towards DII-DIV fuse linkIn case of short circuit, there is selectivity between the miniature circuit breakers HN and the upstream fuses up to the specifi ed values of the selectivity limit current I s [kA] (i. e. in case of short-circuit currents I ks under I s only the MCB will trip, in case of short circuit currents above this value both protective devices will respond).*) basically in accordance with EN 60898-1 D.5.2.bShort circuit selectivity Characteristic B towards fuse link DII-DIV *)Short circuit selectivity Characteristic C towards fuse link DII-DIV *)Towards D01-D03 fuse linkShort circuit selectivity Characteristic B towards fuse link D01-D03*)Short circuit selectivity Characteristic C towards fuse link D01-D03*)Short circuit selectivity Characteristic B towards fuse link NH-00*)Short circuit selectivity Characteristic C towards fuse link NH-00*)1) Selectivity limit current I s under 0.5 kA 2)S electivity limit current I s = rated breaking capacity I cn of the MCB Darker areas: no selectivityTowards DII-DIV fuse linkTowards NH-00 fuse linkHN DII-DIV gL/gGHN DII-DIV gL/gGHN D01-D03 gL/gGHN D01-D03 gL/gGHN NH-00 gL/gG I n [A]1620253235405063801001251601)1)2)2)2)2)HN NH-00 gL/gG I n [A]1620253235405063801001251601)1)2)2)2)。



出厂签章:承认签章:TEL:86-755-27926188FAX:86-755-29128535深 圳 市 旻 泰 电 子 科 技 有 限 公 司SHENZHEN MINTAI ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD承 认 书APPROVED SHEET敬请确认此规格书内所有项目,并签名和盖章后传给我司,以作我司产品制作依据和存档之用,多谢合作!Please confirm all the items of specification, and return to us with signature and stamp. It will be basis of our production and record.Thanks your cooperation advance!在文件到期前一个月如果双方都对此文件都没有异议,此文件将自动延续有效期1年If both sides have no dissidence in one month before the maturity of the Approved. It will be considered valid automatically for a one year period.地址:深圳市西乡银田工业区西发C区雍启科技园7栋2楼客户名称Customer领跑页 码Page number1/10深 圳 市 旻 泰 电 子 科 技 有 限 公 司SHENZHEN MINTAI ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD日期DATE文件有效期限Approved date 有限期限为1年Period of validity 1 year判定judgement 研发R&D 工程PIE QA 品质批准Approved签名Signature 签名Signature 日期DATE文 件 受 控 号Controled NO. 文 件 版 别Revision NO.A0部门DepartmentR&D编制RegisteredR&D审核CheckedQA复核Re-checkedR&D批准Approved主 要 器 件Main configuration IC:R5460N208AFMOS:AO8814*2+10K NTC PCB工艺与尺寸PCB technology and size绿油/白字/喷锡/55*7.5*0.6mm文 件 编 号Document NO. 客 户 名 称Customer 领跑客 户 型 号Customer Model 2S-2004-2MOS 项 目 名 称Document NO.A0CA014送样次数:第1次送样日期 :2018/8/22产 品 类 别Product Category 双节锂电保护板深 圳 市 旻 泰 电 子 科 技 有 限 公 司SHENZHEN MINTAI ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD客户型号Customer Model2S-2004-2MOS版 本 RevisionNO.A0项目名称Document NO.A0CA014文件受控号Controled NO.0实施日期Issued date2018/8/229、包装运输指引PACKING AND SHIPPING GUIDEPAGE10客户名称Customer 领跑页 码Page number 2/107、零部件图PART MECHANICAL DRAWINGPAGE88、IC、MOS丝印说明PAGE95、材料清单PARTS LISTPAGE66、PCB Layout PAGE73、焊盘定义PAD DEFINITIONPAGE44、电气原理图CIRCUIT DIAGRAMPAGE5目录CONTENTS1、修订履历MODIFIED LISTPAGE22、技术规格SPECIFICATIONSPAGE3客户型号Customer Model2S-2004-2MOS版 本 RevisionNO.A0项目名称Document NO.A0CA014文件受控号Controled NO.0实施日期Issued date2018/8/22深 圳 市 旻 泰 电 子 科 技 有 限 公 司SHENZHEN MINTAI ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD深 圳 市 旻 泰 电 子 科 技 有 限 公 司SHENZHEN MINTAI ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD2、规格SPECIFICATION2.1、适用范围:本技术规格书仅适用于2S-2004-2MOS锂电池保护板,Using scope: The specification only applies to Li-ion battery protection module,2S-2004-2MOS.项目名称Document NO.A0CA014文件受控号Controled NO.0实施日期Issued date2018/8/22客户名称Customer 领跑页 码Page number 3/10 客户型号Customer Model2S-2004-2MOS版 本 RevisionNO.A0A2018/8/18新设计张书东A0CA0141、修订履历MODIFIED LIST产品变更履历表Product Modified Record List版本Revision日期Date 标记Mark 变更内容Modified content责任人Principal 输入编号Input NO.:R5460N208AF推荐存储条件Recommendatory storage conditionTemperature range: -5~+35℃ Humidity: 0%~75%RH0V电池充电功能0V battery charge function 允许Available最大持续放电电流Max continuous discharge current4A工作温度Operating temperature -20+55℃输入电压(B+与B-间)Input voltage(B+ to B-)-0.312V最大持续充电电流Max continuous charge current 4A过放状态下静态电流Current consumption (Power down)0.1uA导通内阻Impedance 2040mΩ短路保护延迟时间Short protection delay time150300500us正常状态下静态电流Current consumption (Operation)4.08.0uA过放保护延迟时间Over discharge protection delay time89128167ms放电过流保护延迟时间Over current protection delay time 81216ms充电过流保护电流101520A过充保护延迟时间Over charge protection delay time 0.7 1.0 1.3s放电过流检测电压Over current detection voltage0.1850.2000.215V放电过流保护电流Over current protection current 101520A过放保护电压Over discharge protection voltage2.340 2.400 2.460V过放保护恢复电压Over discharge release voltage 2.925 3.000 3.075V过充保护电压Over charge protection voltage4.225 4.250 4.275V过充保护恢复电压Over charge release voltage 4.000 4.050 4.100VProtection IC:常温25℃General temperature 25℃项目item最小值Min.典型值Type value最大值Max.单位Unit2.2、环保要求Environment request 2.2、技术参数Electric Features保护IC:参数值parameter value ROHS Halogen-Free SONY-GP无要求1)恒温恒湿测试 Humidity test :+40±2℃ 90%RH 48Hours 2)高温测试 High temperature test :+55±2℃ 2Hours 3)低温测试 Low temperature test :-20±2℃ 16Hours深 圳 市 旻 泰 电 子 科 技 有 限 公 司SHENZHEN MINTAI ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD深 圳 市 旻 泰 电 子 科 技 有 限 公 司SHENZHEN MINTAI ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD客户名称Customer 领跑页 码Page number 5/10 客户型号Customer Model2S-2004-2MOS版 本 RevisionNO.A0BM 接第一节电芯负极1 Cell negatiove pole P-接充电输入的负极/放电输出负极charging negative pole/Battery output negative poleB-接第二节电芯负极1 Cell negatiove poleT10K NTC符号Symbol 说 明DescriptionB+接第1节电芯正极1 Cell positive pole P+充电输入的正极/放电输出正极charging in positive pole /Battery output Postive pole2.6可靠性测试RELIABILITY TEST3、焊盘说明Pad description符号Symbol 说 明Description 客户型号Customer Model2S-2004-2MOS版 本 RevisionNO.A0项目名称Document NO.A0CA014文件受控号Controled NO.0实施日期Issued date2018/8/22客户名称Customer 领跑页 码Page number 4/104、5、深 圳 市 旻 泰 电 子 科 技 有 限 公 司SHENZHEN MINTAI ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD物料清单PARTS LIST项目名称Document NO.A0CA014文件受控号Controled NO.实施日期Issued date2018/8/22电气原理图Circuit Diagram客户名称Customer领跑页 码Page number6/10客户型号Customer Model2S-2004-2MOS版 本 RevisionNO.A0项目名称Document NO.A0CA014文件受控号Controled NO.实施日期Issued date2018/8/226. PCB Layout TOP SILKSCREEN深 圳 市 旻 泰 电 子 科 技 有 限 公 司SHENZHEN MINTAI ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD项目名称Document NO.A0CA014文件受控号Controled NO.0实施日期Issued date2018/8/22客户名称Customer 领跑页 码Page number 7/10 客户型号Customer Model2S-2004-2MOS版 本 RevisionNO.A0PCB ASSOON MT-A0CA014-A 两层板/喷锡绿油/白字55*7.5*0.6mm1贴片MOSFETAOSAO8814TSSOP8U2,U32贴片保护IC 理光R5460N208AF SOT23-6U11贴片NTC JOINSET 0603/10KΩ/±1%/B=34350603R41贴片电阻国巨0603/1KΩ±5%/1/10W 0603R31贴片电阻国巨0603/330Ω±5%/1/10W 0603R1,R22贴片电容三星0603/0.01uF/+80%-20%/25V 0603C31数量贴片电容三星0603/0.1uF/+80%-20%/25V 0603C1,C22物料名称品 牌型号/规格封装元件编号TOP SIDE BOTTOM SILKSCREEN BOTTOM SIDE8、深 圳 市 旻 泰 电 子 科 技 有 限 公 司SHENZHEN MINTAI ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD零部件规格---PCBSPEC--PCB Mechanical Drawing项目名称Document NO.A0CA014文件受控号Controled NO.实施日期Issued date2018/8/22客户名称Customer领跑页 码Page number8/10客户型号Customer Model2S-2004-2MOS版 本 RevisionNO.A09、深 圳 市 旻 泰 电 子 科 技 有 限 公 司SHENZHEN MINTAI ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD包装、运输指引Packing and shipping guide 9.1包装Packing将拼板用气泡膜包好,放入防静电袋中,上下各放一层隔板,再放入小箱中,四小箱装入一大箱中。

SIGLENT SDG7000A系列双通道任意波形发生器数据手册说明书

SIGLENT SDG7000A系列双通道任意波形发生器数据手册说明书

数据手册DS0207A_C01A产品综述SDG7000A 系列双通道任意波形发生器,最大带宽1 GHz,具备5 GSa/s数-模采样率和14-bit 垂直分辨率,能够产生最高2.5 GSa/s采样率的逐点任意波和最大500 MSymbol/s的矢量信号,同时还具备连续波、脉冲信号、噪声、PRBS码型和16-bit数字总线等多种信号生成的能力,并提供调制、扫频、脉冲串和双通道复制、相加、互相调制等复杂信号的生成能力,是一款高端多功能波形发生器。

其输出支持差分/单端切换,最大可提供±24 V的输出范围,并且在高频输出下仍然能保证较大的幅度,可在一定应用范围内节省外接功放,满足更广泛的需求。

特性与优点⏹双通道差分/单端模拟输出,16-bit LVDS/LVTTL数字总线输出⏹ 5 GSa/s数-模转换器采样率,14-bit垂直分辨率⏹最高输出频率1 GHz⏹可输出0.01 Sa/s ~ 2.5 GSa/s采样率的逐点任意波,最大存储深度512 Mpts,提供分段编辑和播放的功能⏹可输出最高500 MSymbol/s符号率的矢量信号⏹可输出最小脉宽1 ns,最小沿500 ps的低抖动脉冲,上升/下降沿独立精细可调,脉宽精细可调⏹可输出1 mHz ~ 1 GHz带宽的高斯噪声⏹可输出最高312.5 Mbps的PRBS码型⏹数字总线可输出最高1 Gbps的数字信号⏹提供多种模拟/数字调制,提供扫频和脉冲串功能⏹增强的双通道操作功能:通道间跟踪、耦合和复制功能;双通道叠加功能;支持通道间互为调制源⏹24 Vpp模拟输出能力叠加±12 V直流偏置,最大可提供±24V(48 V)的输出范围⏹硬件频率计功能⏹5英寸电容式触摸显示屏,分辨率800x480;支持外接鼠标和键盘操作;内建的WebServer 支持通过网页控制仪器⏹丰富的接口:USB Host、USB Device (USBTMC)、LAN(VXI-11/Telnet/Socket)、外调制/频率计输入、参考时钟输入、参考时钟输出、Marker输出、Trigger In/Out等⏹支持SCPI 远程控制命令,良好适配各种自动化集成测试系统SDG7000A任意波形发生器数据手册型号和主要参数SDG7000A任意波形发生器数据手册设计特色多功能信号发生器SDG7000A是一款集多种信号发生器功能于一体的产品。



19568Auxiliary Power Supply(Cat. No. 1771-P2)Installation Data This document provides information on: preparing to install the power supply installing the power supply connecting ac power to the power supply power supply output troubleshooting specifications The auxiliary power supply can power one bulletin 1771 I/O chassis when used with an adapter module, a 1772 Mini-PLC-2® processor, or a 1772 Mini-PLC-2/15® processor.The auxiliary power supply does not provide battery backup. For battery backup, use a system power supply (cat. no. 1771-P1).If you mount the power supply on the left side-plate of the I/O chassis,mount the I/O chassis first (if you have not already done so). See the Universal I/O Chassis Installation Data (publication 1771-2.210) for information on mounting the I/O chassis.When mounted separately, the power supply can be mounted above or next to the I/O chassis. It can not be mounted below since it is necessary to allow convection cooling of both the power supply and the I/O chassis. A minimum vertical distance of six inches should be maintained.To the InstallerPrepare for InstallationInstall the Power Supply and Connect Backplane Power2Mount the Power SupplyATTENTION: If you do not remove system power, you coulddamage the module circuitry and/or cause undesired operationwith possible injury to personnel.1.Remove system power.2.Mount the power supply.3Connect Backplane PowerTo connect backplane power:1.Connect one 9-pin plug of the power cable to the 9-pin connectorlocated on the bottom of the power supply.195702.Connect the other 9-pin plug to the external power supply connectoron the I/O chassis. To make this connection, remove theprocessor/adapter module and left-most I/O module from theI/O chassis.1+5.1V dc 2+5.1V dc 3chassis ground 4common 5common 6battery low 7+battery 8+5V dc memory 9processor enable1771ĆA2B Series B I/O chassisL1120V acL2EQUIP . GNDSPARE120V acSPARE 120V 11939L1L2EQUIP. GNDSPARE120V acSPARE220/240V120V ac4Before connecting ac power to the power supply, you must: check the input voltage check the fuse protection Check the Input Voltage The power supply is factory-shipped for 120V ac operation. You can use: 120V ac or 220/240V ac Two metal jumpers are installed on the front terminal strip at the positions indicating 120V ac.ATTENTION: Be sure the power supply is correctly jumpered for either 120V ac or 220/240V ac. Incorrect jumpering on the terminal strip may cause improper operation or damage to the power supply.If you are using the power supply for 220/240V ac operation, remove both metal jumpers on the terminal strip from their original 120V positions. Install one of these jumpers at the terminal labeled 220/240V ac.Check the Fuse Protection The power supply is protected from overcurrent at its inputs by a slow-blow fuse. The power supply comes with one 1A slow-blow fuse installed for 120V operation. If you are using the power supply for 220/240V operation, remove the 1A fuse and replace it with the 0.5A slow-blow fuse that is provided. Replacement fuses are shown below:A replacement fuse kit (cat. no. 1771-FP) containing both 1A and 0.5A fuses is available. Contact your local Allen-Bradley representative for further information.Connect AC Power5Connect AC Power LineThe power supply monitors input voltage for proper operating levels.line is restored to the normal ac input range (98V for 120V use, or 196V for 220/240V use).AC input line connections for either 120V ac or 220/240V ac are made tothe terminals marked L1 and L2. Use the grounding stud located on thebottom of the power supply to connect the power supply to the systemground bus. If you cannot do this, connect an equipment groundingconductor to EQUIP. GND.195731Use the cup washer if crimpĆon lugs are not used.In applications where the ac line is especially unstable and subject tounusual variation, a constant voltage transformer can be used to stabilizethe input voltage to the power supply as well as the input voltage to userdevices. If a constant voltage transformer is used, it must have filtering to remove high harmonic content and provide a sinusoidal output.The minimum size required for any type of external transformer feedingthe power supply is 160V A at full loading of the power supply.D.C. ON12596ĆI6For information concerning the handling of fault conditions due to temporary loss of input line voltage to the power supply, consult the documentation supplied with the device (remote I/O adapter, Mini PLC-2/15 processor, etc.) that is controlling the I/O chassis.The auxiliary power supply provides 5.1V dc with a maximum output current of 6.5A. See your I/O module data sheets for specific current requirements.Power supply outputs have built-in monitoring circuitry to protect logic circuitry in the I/O modules and the processors. During power-up and normal operation, outputs are checked for these conditions: overvoltage undervoltage overcurrent The power supply shuts down if any of these conditions are detected. If this occurs, cycle ac power to the supply. To do this, disconnect and then reconnect user-line power, preferably from the user-supplied main disconnect switch mounted near the power supply.The power supply has a D.C. ON LED indicator that provides status indication during power supply operation.For additional assistance, contact your local Allen-Bradley representative.Power Supply OutputTroubleshooting7Use these graphs to determine your: cooling requirements power cost transformer size (unless the transformer manufacturer has a recommended multiplier for sizing a transformer for an ac-to-dc power supply)02468025507510002468020406080Apparent Power (VA)Real Power (Watts)Backplane Load Current (Amps)02468050100150200Transformer Sizing (VA) = Real Power (Watts) x 2.5PLC-2 and PLC-2/15 are registered trademarks of Allen-Bradley Company, Inc.Specifications8With offices in major cities worldwide WORLD HEADQUARTERS Allen-Bradley 1201 South Second Street Milwaukee, WI 53204 USA Tel: (1) 414 382-2000Telex: 43 11 016FAX: (1) 414 382-4444EUROPE/MIDDLE EAST/AFRICA HEADQUARTERS Allen-Bradley Europe B.V .Amsterdamseweg 151422 AC Uithoorn The Netherlands Tel: (31) 2975/43500Telex: (844) 18042FAX: (31) 2975/60222ASIA/PACIFIC HEADQUARTERS Allen-Bradley (Hong Kong)Limited Room 1006, Block B, Sea View Estate 28 Watson Road Hong Kong Tel: (852) 887-4788Telex: (780) 64347FAX: (852) 510-9436CANADA HEADQUARTERS Allen-Bradley Canada Limited 135 Dundas Street Cambridge, Ontario N1R 5X1Canada Tel: (1) 519 623-1810FAX: (1) 519 623-8930LATIN AMERICA HEADQUARTERS Allen-Bradley 1201 South Second Street Milwaukee, WI 53204 USA Tel: (1) 414 382-2000Telex: 43 11 016FAX: (1) 414 382-2400As a subsidiary of Rockwell International, one of the world’s largest technology companies — Allen-Bradley meets today’s challenges of industrial automation with over 85 years of practical plant-floor experience. More than 11,000 employees throughout the world design, manufacture and apply a wide range of control and automation products and supporting services to help our customers continuously improve quality, productivity and time to market. These products and services not only control individual machines but integrate the manufacturing process, while providing access to vital plant floor data that can be used to support decision-making throughout the enterprise.Publication 1771-2.7 — December 1992Supersedes 1771-2.7 — July 1984PN 955113-24Copyright 1992 Allen-Bradley Company, Inc. Printed in USA。



IntroductionSince 1980, Eaton Innovative Technology has provided Surge Protective Devices (SPDs) to power quality equipment users around the world. Whatever your electrical surge protection need may be, Eaton Innovative Technology has a Surge Protective Device to fill it!General Features•Peak Surge Current — 48 kA per phase; 24 kA per mode •ANSI/IEEE C62.41 Location Categories — A and B•Application — Medium to Low Exposure Level, sensitive, mission critical load applications including: distribution panels, branch panels and critical load centers.•Warranty — 20-Year Free Replacement•Agency Listings — Compliant to UL ® 1449 4th Edition as Type 1* and Type 2 SPD and UL 1283•Manufacturer Qualifications — ISO ® 9001:1994 Quality System Certification BSI FM 30833•The Protector Series products are produced in the USA and conform to ARRA requirements.Mechanical and Electrical Features•Enclosure — Powder Coated Steel, weatherproof; NEMA ®Type 4 (IP66)•Connection — #10 (6 mm 2) stranded wire •Weight — PTX = 7 lbs (3kg)•Operating Temperature — -40 to 149°F (-40 to 65°C)•Protection Modes — All Mode L-N, L-L (normal mode),L-G, N-G (common mode)•Input Power Frequency — 47 – 420 Hz, -SD optioned units:47 – 64 Hz•Response Time — ≤1 nanosecondNote: Ideal for applications utilizing a ground fault circuit interrupting (GFCI) main breaker•Diagnostics — LED indicators, 1 per phase, normally on.•Remote Alarm Form C (Volt Free) relay, contact rating 60 W,***************,or30Vdc@1Amp•Overcurrent Protection Device Requirement — Reference installation instructions for details•Nominal Discharge current (I n = 10kA)•Short Circuit Current Rating (SCCR) 200kAOptional Features and Equipment•Audible Alarm, Surge Counter and Phase Loss Monitor (S.M.A.R.T.) — (-SD suffix)•Stainless Steel, Type 4X enclosure — (-SS suffix) (contact factory, minimum quantities apply)•Integrated Circuit Breaker (-C suffix)•Integrate Circuit Breaker with External Disconnect (-CD suffix)Submittal Specification Sheet Eaton Innovative T echnology ®Model PTX048Surge Protective DevicePTX048 ProtectorInnovative Technology is a registered service mark of Eaton Corporation.UL is a federally registered trademark of Underwriters Laboratories Inc.ISO is the registered trademark and sole property of the International Organization for Standardization.NEMA is the registered trademark and service mark of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.Active Tracking Network (ATN) is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation.* UL 1449 4th Edition Type 1 products available only with options -C and -CD.Note: Flush mount plate available: 6 x 4 enclosure = ZPLATE-3A.Performance Data ANSI/IEEE C62.41-1991 Measured Limited Voltage*ALL ModelsB3/C1 Impulse 6 kV, 3 kA90° Phase Angle ALL ModelsC3 Impulse20 kV, 10 kA90° Phase AngleUL 1449-2SuppressedVoltage RatingsUL 1449-3 VoltageProtection RatingPTX048SystemConfigNominalSystemVoltage MCOVL-NL-GHiL-NL-LN-GHiL-GL-NL-GHiL-NL-LN-GHiL-GL-NL-GHiL-NL-LN-GHiL-GL-NL-GHiL-NL-LN-GHiL-G1P101 Single-Phase2w+grnd 100, 110, 120, 127 150 530540—5109401060—980400400—400600600—6001P201 Single-Phase2w+grnd 200, 208, 220,230, 240, 277320 10001040—94015301640—1440800800—80010001000—10001S101 Split-Phase3w+grnd 100/200, 110/220,120/240, 127/254150/300530540910510940106012709804004008004006006009006003Y101 3-Phase Y/Star4w+grnd 100/175, 110/190,120/208, 127/220150/300 53054091051094010601270980400400800400600600900600 3Y201 3-Phase Y/Star4w+grnd220/380, 230/400,240/415, 277/480320/640 10010401730940153016402250140080080015008001000100018001000 3Y300 3-Phase Y/Star4w+grnd305/525, 347/600 420/840 1410151025101390198022103160203010001000200010001200150025001500 3D101 3-Phase Δ(Hi-Leg)4w+grnd120/240 150/320 5305401000910940104094010601530127014401640400400800150040080060060010009006001000 NN201 3-Phase Δ3w+grnd200, 208, 220,230, 240320 —1000980——17501640——800800——12001000— NN400 3-Phase Δ3w+grnd380, 400, 415,440, 480550 —17101680——24202360——15001500——18001800— NN501 3-Phase Δ3w+grnd525, 600 750 —20502030——27802690——20002000——20002000— * Test environment: All tests performed with 6" lead length, positive polarity. Voltages are peak ±10%. Measurements are taken from zero referenceper NEMA LS-1.©2004–2009 Eaton CorporationAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAForm No. PS01006006E - Rev. C -TBG287March 2020Eaton CorporationInnovative Technology SPD Products1000 Cherrington ParkwayMoon Township, PA 15108-4312USA877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273)Web: EXCLUSIVEI.T. 20 Y EAR。







全数字光纤传输平台、同平台多业务灵活配置;可提供普通型台式、集中插卡式;自主知识产权大规模专用集成电路核心;数据接口与视频接口提供三级防雷功能,能通过ITU-T K.21(10/700μS),共模:6KV,阻抗(40Ω)的测试;单纤传输;可以检测收无光时,远端设备是掉电或断纤;PAL/NTSC/SECAM全制式兼容,演播级传输质量;◆光纤部分多模光纤:50/125um或62.5/125um,传输距离********/125um多模光纤,衰减(3dbm/km)波长:850nm发射功率:-12dBm(Min)~-9dBm(Max)接收灵敏度:-28dBm(Min)链路预算:16dBm单模光纤:8/125um,9/125um,传输距离20Km@9/125um单模光纤,衰减(0.35dbm/km)(实际如需更大距离需定制)波长:1310nm(超长距离传输时选用1550nm波长)发射功率:-9dBm(Min)~-5dBm(Max)接收灵敏度:-27dBm(Min)链路预算:18dBm◆视频接口视频带宽:5Hz~10MHz信号电平:1Vp-p(典型值)采样频率:16.4M信号阻抗:75Ω物理接口:BNC(PAL、NTSC、SECAM制式兼容)微分增益(DG):<1.3%(典型值)微分相位(DP):<1.3%(典型值)信噪比(SNR):>63dB(加权)◆电气和机械特性系统电源:AC180V~260V;DC–48V;DC+24V功耗:≤5W外观结构:(长×宽×高)186*138*43桌面式◆环境指标工作温度:-10℃—+60℃储存温度:-40℃—+85℃工作湿度:0%—95%(无凝结)MTBF:>100,000小时产品名称2路正向视频(A系列)视频光端机产品功能描述由光发射机和光接收机组成,可同时传输2路正向视频,AC220V电源业务端口描述2路视频接口;电源AC220V电源)产品尺寸(长×宽×高)186*138*43桌面式重量1Kg/台飞畅科技专注光纤通信研发、生产、销售20年,为客户提供个性化技术服务与定制解决方案。

Belden DataBus ISA SP-50 PROFIBUS Cable 产品说明书

Belden DataBus ISA SP-50 PROFIBUS Cable 产品说明书

3079A Paired - DataBus® ISA/SP-50 PROFIBUS CableFor more information pleasecall1-800-Belden1See Put-ups and ColorsDescription:22 AWG solid bare copper conductors, FHDPE insulation, Beldfoil® (100% coverage) plus a tinned copper braid shield (65% coverage),PVC jacket.PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS:CONDUCTOR:Number of Pairs 1Total Number of Conductors 2AWG22Stranding SolidConductor Diameter.026 in.Conductor Material BC - Bare CopperINSULATION:Insulation Material FRFPE - Flame Retardant Foam PolyethyleneOUTER SHIELD:OUTER JACKET:Outer Jacket Material PVC - Polyvinyl ChlorideOVERALL NOMINAL DIAMETER:Overall Nominal Diameter.315 in.MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS:3079A Paired - DataBus® ISA/SP-50 PROFIBUS CableOperating Temperature Range-30°C To +75°CUL Temperature Rating75°CBulk Cable Weight45 lbs/1000 ft.Max. Recommended Pulling Tension50 lbs.Min. Bend Radius (Install) 3.5 in.APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS AND AGENCY COMPLIANCE:APPLICABLE STANDARDS:NEC/(UL) Specification PLTC, CMGCEC/C(UL) Specification CMGAWM Specification UL Style 20201 (600 V 75°C)EU CE Mark (Y/N)YesEU RoHS Compliant (Y/N)YesEU RoHS Compliance Date (mm/dd/yyyy):01/01/2004FLAME TEST:UL Flame Test UL1685 FT4 LoadingCSA Flame Test FT4ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS:3079A Paired - DataBus® ISA/SP-50 PROFIBUS CableNOTES:Notes Siemens Sinec L2 Cable. For CPE jacketed version order Part No. YR45047. ForLS0H (FRNC) jacketed version, order Part No. YR44731.PUT-UPS AND COLORS:Item Description Put-Up (ft.)Ship Weight (lbs.)Jacket Color Notes1000 56VIOLET C3079A 0071000 1 PR #22 FRFPEFRPE SH PVC2000 112VIOLET C3079A 0072000 1 PR #22 FRFPEFRPE SH PVC3600 201.6VIOLET C3079A 0073600 1 PR #22 FRFPEFRPE SH PVC3079A 0601000 11000 56CHROME CPR#22FRFPEFRPESHPVC3079A 0602000 12000 112CHROME CPR#22FRFPEFRPESHPVC3600 201.6CHROME C3079A 0603600 1PR#22FRFPEFRPESHPVCC = CRATE REEL PUT-UP.Revision Number: 1 Revision Date: 02-22-20073079A Paired - DataBus® ISA/SP-50 PROFIBUS Cable© Copyright 2006 Belden, IncAll Rights Reserved.Although Belden ("Belden") makes every reasonable effort to ensure their accuracy at the time of this publication, information and specifications described herein are subject to error or omission and to change without notice, and the listing of such information and specifications does not ensure product availability.Belden provides the information and specifications herein on an "AS IS" basis, with no representations or warranties, whether express, statutory or implied. In no event will Belden be liable for any damages (including consequential, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or exemplary damages) whatsoever, even if Belden has been advised of the possibility of such damages, whether in an action under contract, negligence or any other theory, arising out of or in connection with the use, or inability to use, the information or specifications described herein.All sales of Belden products are subject to Belden's standard terms and conditions of sale.Belden believes this product to be in compliance with the following environmental regulations: California Proposition 65 Consent Judgment For Wire & Cable Mfgs.(San Francisco Superior Court Nos. 312962 And 320342); EU RoHS (Directive 2002/95/EC, 27-Jan-2003);Material manufactured prior to the compliance date may still be in stock at Belden facilities and in our Distributor's inventory. EUELV (Directive 2000/53/EC, 18-Sept-2000); EU WEEE (Directive 2002/96/EC, 27-Jan-2003); And EU BFR (Directive 2003/11/EC, 6-Feb-2003). The information provided in this Product Disclosure, and the identification of materials listed as reportable or restricted within the Product Disclosure, is correct to the best of Belden's knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. The information provided in the Product Disclosure is designed only as a general guide for the safe handling, storage, and any other operation of the product itself or the one that it becomes a part of. This Product Disclosure is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. Regulatory information is for guidance purposes only. Product users are responsible for determining the applicability of legislation and regulationsbased on their individual usage of the product.Belden declares this product to be in compliance with EU LVD (Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC), as amended by directive 93/68/EEC.。

AELTA DVPDT02-H2 DeviceNet 从站通讯模块 说明书

AELTA DVPDT02-H2 DeviceNet 从站通讯模块 说明书

DVPDT02-H2DeviceNet从站通讯模块操作手册DVP-0205110-01DeviceNet 从站通讯模块 DVPDT02-H2DVP-PLC 操作手册1注意事项3 此操作手册提供功能规格、安装、基本操作与设定,以及有关于网络协议内容的介绍。

3 本机为开放型 (OPEN TYPE) 机壳,因此使用者使用本机时,必须将其安装于具防尘、防潮及免于电击/冲击意外的外壳配线箱内。

另必须具备保护措施 (如:特殊的工具或钥匙才可打开) ,防止非维护人员操作或意外冲击本体,造成危险及损坏,且请勿在上电时触摸任何端子。

3 请务必仔细阅读本使用手册,并依照本手册指示进行操作,以免造成产品受损,或导致人员受伤。

目录1 DT02-H2简介 (3)1.1产品特点....................................................................................................................................3 1.2功能规格....................................................................................................................................3 2 DT02-H2 单元部件. (4)2.1外观尺寸....................................................................................................................................4 2.2各部介绍....................................................................................................................................4 2.3DeviceNet 通讯连接器...............................................................................................................5 2.4地址设定开关.............................................................................................................................5 2.5功能设定开关.............................................................................................................................5 2.6 I/O 模块接口 (6)3 DT02-H2基本操作 (6)3.1安装EH2 系列PLC 主机与DT02-H2模块..............................................................................6 3.2安装EH2系列 PLC 主机及 DT02-H2 模块于导轨..................................................................6 3.3 连接DeviceNet 通讯连接器. (6)4 配置DT02-H2 (7)4.1请求报文及响应报文格式...........................................................................................................7 4.2DT02-H2控制寄存器CR...........................................................................................................8 4.3 错误状态表.. (8)5 使用DT02-H2组成DEVICENET 网络 (9)5.1应用范例(一).........................................................................................................................9 5.2 应用范例(二).. (16)6 LED 灯指示说明及故障排除 (18)6.1POWER 灯号说明...................................................................................................................19 6.2NS LED 灯号说明....................................................................................................................19 6.3 MS LED 灯号说明.. (19)DeviceNet 从站通讯模块 DVPDT02-H2DVP-PLC 操作手册2 6.4 NS LED 灯号和MS LED 灯号组合显示说明 (19)附录A DT02-H2支持的标准DEVICENET 对象 (20)附录B DT02-H2自定义的DEVICENET 对象 (22)DeviceNet 从站通讯模块 DVPDT02-H2DVP-PLC 操作手册 31 DT02-H2简介1. 谢谢您使用台达DT02-H2模块。

ULTRAFAX Premium保护2路输出电流保护器说明书

ULTRAFAX Premium保护2路输出电流保护器说明书

Isobar 2-Outlet Surge Protector, Direct Plug-In, 1410 Joules, Diagnostic LEDs, Tel/Fax/Modem, Black Metal HousingMODEL NUMBER:ULTRAFAXPremium protection for computer, A/V, fax and phone equipment against dangerous power surges, spikes and line noise.DescriptionPremium protection for your expensive computer, audio/visual, phone and fax equipment, the ULTRAFAX Isobar® 2-Outlet Surge Protector features a surge protection rating of 1410 joules to defend your sensitive electronics against even the strongest surges and spikes. In fact, Tripp Lite will repair or replace any connected equipment damaged by surges up to $10,000 for life (valid in the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico only).The ULTRAFAX features two NEMA 5-15R outlets, perfect for your flat-panel HDTV and Blu-ray player or a pair of computer peripherals, such as a printer and a router. This unit’s unique protection system prevents disruptive line noise from causing A/V distortion, computer lock-ups, data errors and similar problems. Large toroidal chokes, ferrite rod-core inductors, HF/VHF capacitors and multiple layers of metal oxide varistors remove EMI/RFI interference and prevent system crashes, reboots and performance problems. RJ11 jacks also provide single phone line protection for modems, fax machines and cordless phones.Because residential power outlets have three wires—hot line (H), neutral (N) and ground (G)—the ULTRAFAX protects all three, covering two protection modes: full normal mode (H-N) and common mode (N-G/H-G).An integrated 15A circuit breaker protects all outlets and shuts down connected equipment in case of overload. Diagnostic LEDs show power, protection and line fault status at a glance. The ULTRAFAX plugs directly into any standard NEMA 5-15R outlet. Optional mounting hardware is included for permanent attachment to the outlet cover, which will prevent the ULTRAFAX from coming loose accidentally.Features1410-Joule Surge Protection for Your Home Theater and Office Electronics Protects your components against surges and spikesFull normal mode (H-N) and common mode (N-G/H-G) line surge suppression2 NEMA 5-15R surge-protected outletsRJ11 jacks protect fax, phone and modem signalsExceeds IEEE 587 Category A and B surge suppression specificationsPremium Safety Features Automatic shutoff permanently cuts power to outlets if protection circuit is incapacitated, preventing equipment damage and indicating replacement is requiredDiagnostic LEDs confirm power, protection and ground status at a glanceConforms to current UL 1449 3rd Edition safety Highlights2 NEMA 5-15R surge-protectedoutletsq1410-joule surge protectionratingqDurable metal housing mountsout of sight behind furnitureqSingle phone line protection for modems, fax machines andcordless phonesqPlugs directly into outlet with no power cordqPackage IncludesULTRAFAX Isobar 2-OutletSurge Protector,Tel/Fax/Modem, Black MetalHousingqRJ11 telephone cable, 6 ft.qMounting hardwareqOwner’s manualqSpecificationsstandardsFits Effortlessly Into Your Setup Plugs directly into standard NEMA 5-15R outlet with no powercordOptional hardware included for permanent mounting to outlet coverMetal housing designed for long lifeBacked by Tripp Lite’s Ultimate Lifetime Insurance $10,000 Ultimate Lifetime Insurance covers any connected components damaged by power surge (U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico only)© 2021 Tripp Lite. All rights reserved. All product and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them. Tripp Lite has a policy of continuous improvement. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Tripp Lite uses primary and third-party agencies to test its products for compliance with standards. See a list of Tripp Lite's testing agencies:https:///products/product-certification-agencies。







目前公司拥有:融VPN和Firewall功能于一体的ADT安全网关SGW25系列6个型号产品和负载均衡SJW74系列4个型号产品,覆盖从“SOHO级-企业级-电信级”的全系列安全网关设备;支持Windows各平台的安全客户端软件;SSL VPN网关系列;功能完善的ADT安全网管平台,其中包括:策略服务平台、网关监控平台、数字证书平台;动态口令卡等系列网络安全产品。








金鑫电子 2SD1350,2SD1350A 电子传送管产品说明书

金鑫电子 2SD1350,2SD1350A 电子传送管产品说明书

Transistors1Publication date: November 2002SJC00218BED2SD1350, 2SD1350A2SJC00218BEDRequest for your special attention and precautions in using the technical information and semiconductors described in this material(1)An export permit needs to be obtained from the competent authorities of the Japanese Governmentif any of the products or technologies described in this material and controlled under the "Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law" is to be exported or taken out of Japan.(2)The technical information described in this material is limited to showing representative characteris-tics and applied circuits examples of the products. It neither warrants non-infringement of intellec-tual property right or any other rights owned by our company or a third party, nor grants any license. (3)We are not liable for the infringement of rights owned by a third party arising out of the use of theproduct or technologies as described in this material.(4)The products described in this material are intended to be used for standard applications or generalelectronic equipment (such as office equipment, communications equipment, measuring instru-ments and household appliances).Consult our sales staff in advance for information on the following applications:•Special applications (such as for airplanes, aerospace, automobiles, traffic control equipment, combustion equipment, life support systems and safety devices) in which exceptional quality and reliability are required, or if the failure or malfunction of the products may directly jeopardize life or harm the human body.•Any applications other than the standard applications intended.(5)The products and product specifications described in this material are subject to change withoutnotice for modification and/or improvement. At the final stage of your design, purchasing, or use of the products, therefore, ask for the most up-to-date Product Standards in advance to make sure that the latest specifications satisfy your requirements.(6) When designing your equipment, comply with the guaranteed values, in particular those of maxi-mum rating, the range of operating power supply voltage, and heat radiation characteristics. Other-wise, we will not be liable for any defect which may arise later in your equipment.Even when the products are used within the guaranteed values, take into the consideration of incidence of break down and failure mode, possible to occur to semiconductor products. Measures on the systems such as redundant design, arresting the spread of fire or preventing glitch are recommended in order to prevent physical injury, fire, social damages, for example, by using the products.(7) When using products for which damp-proof packing is required, observe the conditions (includingshelf life and amount of time let standing of unsealed items) agreed upon when specification sheets are individually exchanged.(8) This material may be not reprinted or reproduced whether wholly or partially, without the prior writtenpermission of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.2002 JULThis datasheet has been download from: Datasheets for electronics components.。

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11 P2A-UR-10集中看护中心.............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

11.1 集中看护中心 .................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

11.2 P2A-UR-11数据收发服务系统.............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

















Customer[] customers = newCustomer[MAX_CUSTOMERS];
voidaddCustomer(int index, Customer customer) {
this.customers[index] = customer
vectororderItems = new Vector();
voidaddOrderItem(OrderItem orderItem) {


如挂靠winMain窗口(mdi) 的菜单名为menuMain。

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class Byte {
public static final byte MAX_VALUE = 255;
public static final byte MIN_VALUE = 0;
public static final Class TYPE = Byte.class;
6 P2A-UR-02住户服务
6.1 住户服务
7 P2A-UR-03护理中心
7.1 护理中心
8 P2A-UR-04费用中心
8.1 费用中心
8.3 统计报表(P2A-UR-06)
