




Todays sky is especially blue, todays flowers are particularly beautiful, because today is 61 childrens day, which belongs to us.早晨,我带着鲜艳的红领巾来到学校,只见每一个同学的脸上都露出开心的笑容,为了让我们过得更开心,学校举行了庆"六一'的活动。


然后是新少先队员入队仪式,我作为少先队员代表在仪式上献辞,并带领全体少先队员重温誓词,我们举起右手,握紧拳头,庄严地宣誓:"我是中国少年先锋队队员,我在队旗下宣誓,我决心遵照中国共产党的教导,热爱祖国,热爱人民,好好学习,好好锻炼,准备着:为共产主义事业贡献一切力量!'那声音,响彻云霄,震撼人心,我心里也暗暗想:我们是祖国的花朵,我一定要好好学习,为祖国贡献一切力量!In the morning, I came to the school with a bright red scarf, only to see a happy smile on each students face. In order to make us have a more happy life, the school held a 61 celebration. First of all, a flag raising ceremony was held. I was so excited to see the rising flag. Then there is the ceremony for the new young pioneers to join the team. As arepresentative of the young pioneers, I made a speech at the ceremony and led all the young pioneers to review the oath. We raised our right hands, clenched our fists and solemnly swore: I am a member of the Chinese Young Pioneers. I swear under the teams flag. I am determined to follow the instructions of the Communist Party of China, love the motherland, love the people, study hard and exercise hard, Be prepared to: contribute to the cause of Communism! That voice, resounding, shocking, my heart also secretly thought: we are the flowers of the motherland, I must study hard, contribute all the strength for the motherland!入队仪式结束后,我们有序地回到教室,分年级举行各种游园活动。


Flying into cauliflower is nowhere to be found.
杨万里 篱落疏疏一径深, 树头花落未成阴。 儿童急走追黄蝶, 飞入菜花无处寻。
•What do you
remember more about your children´s

谢 阅 读
Suxin Xugong Store
Yangwanli The hedge is sparse and deep,
The flowers of the tree do not fall into shade.
he children rush after the yellow butterfly,
谢 阅

Drunk spring willow brush tobacco dike.
Scattered children learn early return,
Kite busy taking advantage of Dongfeng release.
高鼎 草长莺飞二月天, 拂堤杨柳醉春烟。 儿童散学归来早,
• Since June 1 was established as International Children’s Day in 1949, all countries in the world have abolished the original Children’s Day and unified it as "June 1 International Children’s Day. " In December 1949, the Central Government of China announced that it would replace the original "Children’s Day" with “ June 1 International Children’s Day" and that children and young people should take a day off.



关于儿童节的英语资料篇一:常见的六一儿童节英文介绍常见的六一儿童节英文介绍常见的六一儿童节英文介绍常见的六一儿童节英文介绍children’s day:“六一”国际儿童节’s day:六一儿童节03. happy children’s day! :儿童节快乐04. child n. 儿童,小孩例如:child abuse,child labourchildren:children是child的复数形式。

例如:chi ldren’s playgroundadj. ①孩子气的,孩子所特有的eg:the little girl spoke in a high childish voice. 这个小女孩用尖尖的童声讲话。

②贬幼稚的,傻气的eg:crying for things you can’t have ischildish. 想要的东西得不到就哭是孩子气的表现。

06. that’s children’s day. 6月1日,那是儿童节!pupils were all starched up in their new dresses for children’s day.小学生们穿得漂漂亮亮过儿童节。

篇二:六一儿童节的英语知识六一儿童节的英语知识International Children’s DayThe International Children’s Day is celebrated in numerous countries, usually on June 1 each year.The ICD had its origin in the World Conference for the Wellbeing of Children in Geneva, Switzerland in 1925. It is not clear as to why June 1 was chosen as the ICD: one theory has it that the Chinese consul-general in San Francisco gathered a number of Chinese orphans to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in 1925, which happened to be on June 1 that year, andalso coincided with the conference in Geneva.June 1 has since been observed as the ICD by numerous countries, especially by Communist countries; in the Western world the ICD is usually celebrated on other days of the year , and there is often little public awareness about these celebrations. Consequentlythere is sometimes a misperception that June 1 as the ICD was a Communist invention. Nonetheless, in recent years even some groups within the United States started observing the ICD on June 1.六一儿童节手抄报儿歌记忆里永远的童年(儿童节贺诗,也是儿歌)小时候妈妈对我讲长大了你就可以去远方走过很长很长的人生路踏遍万水千山那时候,我就盼呀盼……盼望自己快快长大长大了就可以像大人一样去远方走过很长很长的人生路踏遍万水千山童年童年记忆里永远的童年常常在我的梦里展现它美丽也温馨它纯洁也快乐篇三:儿童节英语祝福语大全1. Children’s happiness, the innocence you forever! Aunt is ready for you to eat the teeth do not hurt the sugar, to taste, welcome to.儿童节快乐,永远童真的你!阿姨准备了适合你吃不伤牙齿的糖,欢迎到时来尝尝。



©⽆忧考⽹英语资源频道为⼤家整理的六⼀国际⼉童节英⽂介绍,⼩编在这⾥祝⼤家端午节快乐天天快乐:)The June 1 International Children’s Day2. Children’s Day3. A short touching speech delivered on June 1, 19931. The June 1 International Children’s Day1.1 The June 1 International Children’s DayRegarding the International Children's Day, it is widely celebrated on June 1. Children's Day had its origin in the World Conference for the Wellbeing of Children in Geneva in 1925. The June 1 date has a Chinese-USA origin - and nothing to do with Communism. In 1925, the Chinese consul-general in San Francisco gathered a number of Chinese orphans to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. This, of course, coincided with the conference mentioned above. June 1 somehow died out in the USA, only to be revived a couple of years ago. However, each country chooses its own day to commemorate it.The date, June 1st, has been adopted in the US as the official day. More than 30 states actively participate in the June 1st observance. The flag has been adopted by dozens of states and is being manufactured.1.2 International Children's Day flagThe green background symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility; We are surrounded by the ability to grow. All we have to do is reach out and embrace it. The red & yellow, black & white figures represent diversity and tolerance. Our children are the key to peace and tolerance of: race, religion, physical, mental, and social diversity. The star, which is made up of the figures' legs, represents light. We can be a light for the world, if we choose. The five points on the star represent the continents. We are all part of one true race, the human race. The earth figure, which is directly in the center, represents our earthly home and all the blessings on it, which God has given us all to share and respect. The large blue circle engulfing the figures symbolizes peace and God's universal love. It also represents the unity that we can achieve if we reach out to one another in love. Blue symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. The blue figure at the top represents God, who is the author & finisher of all things. God loves all of us equally and we should be striving to imitate that love (which is represented by the figures reaching out to each other)2. Children’s Day2.1 Universal Children's DayObserved on November 20th each year. In 1954, the UN General Assembly recommended that all countries should establish a Universal Children's Day on an "appropriate" day. We are not sure, but perhaps each country did.....at various different dates during the year. The resolution was adopted on November 20, 1954.2.2 International Children's DayThe second Sunday in December. This is a joint initiative between UNICEF and the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. It's a day when broadcasters "tune in to kids".The following paragraphs are a piece of news concering this International Children’s Day.Let's Play! 11 December 2005UNICEF and the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences are asking broadcasters around the world to highlight sport as they celebrate this year’s International Children's Day of Broadcasting (ICDB) on 11 December 2005.The power of sport as a tool for development and peace is the theme of this year’s ICDB, the day when broadcasters throw open their studio doors and the airwaves to young producers and presenters.And, for the first time this year, the International Academy and UNICEF will offer eight regional awards to the broadcasters which best promote the principles, purpose and main themes of ICDB.Each regional winner will be invited to the International Emmy Awards Gala in New York on 21 November 2005 and one will receive the prestigious International Children's Day of Broadcasting Award.With more than 2,000 broadcasters scheduled to take part, the event will focus on how sport and games provide children and young people with opportunities to express themselves and to become agents for change in their own communities.“After 13 successful years, we continue to view ICDB as an innovative way to increase children’s participation in the broadcasting industry” said Dr. Sharad Sapra, UNICEF’s Director of Communication. “We hope regional judging will strengthen the competition and lead to greater commitment from broadcasters towards children on the day itself and during the rest of the year.”Television and radio broadcasters continue to mark the International Children's Day of Broadcasting with distinctive and dynamic programming produced in their own countries.2.3 World Children's DayThis is a day McDonald's uses as a fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House Charities. We are not sure of the date each year or the origin of this day.2.4 Children's Day in JapanChildren's Day ( こどもの⽇ , Kodomo no hi) is one of the holidays in Japan. It is celebrated on May 5 each year, when Japan celebrate their children's growth on that day. Before World War II, it was called as "Tangonosekku" ( 端午の節句 ) and it was a festival for boys. But in 1948, when the festival became an official holiday, it became a holiday for wishing all children's happiness and welfare.Children's Day is commemorated in Japan by flying flags in the shape of carp against the wind, symbolizing a child's determination to thrive against adversities.2.5 Children’s Day in South KoreaSouth Korean Children's Day ( ; Eorininal) was created in 1975 as a change from Boy's Day. It is an official holiday throughout the Republic of Korea. This is celebrated on May 5. Families usually make outings to children's parks, amusement parks, zoos, or other child friendly locations.2.6 Children’s Day in GermanyDuring the Cold War, the Children's Day (Kindertag) was handled quite differently in the two states. So, the date was different (GDR: Juni 1st, FRG: September, 20th), the name was slightly different (GDR: "International Children's Day" ("internationaler Kindertag"), FRG: "World Children's Day" ("Weltkindertag"), and most notably: the customs were different.In the GDR, the holiday was intruduced in 1950, and was from then on a yearly highlight for the children. On this day of the year, one typically received congratulations and presents from one's parents and did special activities in school, such as field trips and the like. In the FRG, Children's Day did not have such meaning to the children, and was even mostly unknown to many people.Since the affiliation in 1990, the date and name used in the FRG have become the official ones for the former GDR as well. This however was not accepted by large parts of the former GDR population, so that still many parents celebrate with their kids on the former date, June 1st, and even Children's Day public events take place on the old date.2.7 Children’s Day in IndiaIn India, the birthday of Jawaharlal Nehru is celebrated as Children's Day every year, on November 14.2.8 Chilaren’s Day in TurkeyApril 23 is the "National Sovereignity and Children's Day" in Turkey. The date commemorates the opening of Turkish National Assembly in 1920 during the Turkish Independence War. The designation of Children's Day came in 1929 upon the recommendation of the Institution of Children's Protection. Since 1986 the Turkish government organizes an international children's festival on April 23.2.9. Children’s Day in ThailandThe second Saturday of January is Children's Day in Thailand.3. A short touching speech delivered on June 1, 1993ANC WOMEN'S LEAGUE ON JUNE 1 - INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S DAY1 June 1993"Where is the New South Africa you all talk about? Show us because we do not see it...!"This was the cry of participants at the International Summit on The Rights of Children in South Africa, held in 1992, Somerset West, Cape Town.There is nothing South African children of would like more than to see the dawn of a new South Africa, where their rights will be protected, and where their childhood restored.As we mark June 1, International Children's Day, we are reminded of how South African children, especially black children, have been denied basic human rights for decades. They have suffered horribly under the brutal apartheid system.The ANC Women's League, on this particular day, would like to thank all organisations working towards promoting awareness, engagement and mobilisation of South African citizens in denouncing violations of children's rights. Equally important are welfare organisations working hard to give shelter, food and clothing to the more deprived children, whose family lives have been broken down by violence, unemployment and other societal evils.The ANC Women's League supports the call for a human rights movement which will make specific provision for the protection and development of children.At the same time, the League would like to bring to attention the plight of young girls whose special needs are threatened by the gender discrimination suffered by their mothers and themselves. Our society needs to end gender discrimination from the earliest years if girls are to be given the opportunity to reach their full potential. Furthermore, girl needs to be protected from all forms of harmful traditional practices that confine them to certain roles which do not allow them to develop to their full potential.Little girls as young as two years have become victims of rape in south Africa. Others are forced into abusive relationships and marriages. Many old men claim that a 13-year-old girl is "old enough" to agree to a relationship with a 60-year-old man. We should also bear in mind that the Organisation of African Unity recently declared June 16 the Day of the African Child. This is a tribute to the millions of South African children traumatised by the effects of apartheid repression, and also the thousands of children who have been active in drawing international and national awareness to their plights.Issued by ANC Women's League, Media Section。



庆六一儿童节的英语作文(优秀8篇)六一儿童节英语作文范文篇一Today is International Children's Day. My mother took me to the aquarium. As soon as I entered the door, I felt the smell of the ocean.There is a small black fish in it. Don't underestimate it. Although it is black and small, it is very fierce. It is a piranha.As long as it smells the smell of blood, it will not let go of its prey. It is a threat to humans, so we can't get close to it.I walked a few steps ahead and saw the sign saying "sucking fish"。

I'm curious. Why is it called "sucking fish"? When I came closer, it turned out that the child was holding a bottle with fish food in it. Put the bottle into the water and many small fish swim over. Whoever grabs it can suck the pacifier with his mouth and eat fish food. It's like a baby drinking milk. It's so cute.Further on, I came to the undersea tunnel. Many small fish swam over my head in a neat line. I really want to touch them with my hand. I also want to become a fish and swim around freely in thewater like them.Finally, I went to the Ocean theater and watched the performances of Princess Mermaid and Prince Frog. It was so wonderful that Ididn't want to leave.I had a happy children's day with marine animals in the aquarium.快乐的六一儿童节英语作文篇二In my little heart, I have experienced many things, happy, regretful and memorable.。



六一儿童节的内容英语版带翻译June 1st is a special day for children all around the world. It's International Children's Day, or what's commonly called the "June 1st Children's Day" in China. This holiday is celebrated with various events and activities all over the country.一年一度的6月1日是全世界儿童的一特殊日子。



In China, the focus of Children's Day celebrations isn't just about having fun; it's also about promoting and protecting the rights and welfare of children. Schools, communities, and other organizations come up with exciting events and activities that help children learn, develop social skills, and foster creativity.在中国,“六一儿童节”庆祝的重点不仅仅是为了让孩子们玩得开心,更关注推广和保护儿童的权利和福利。


If you go to a school or a community center on June 1st, you'll be greeted with a festive atmosphere. Children will be playing games, singing songs, and dancing to music. Some schools organize performances where children can showcase their talents in music, dance, and drama. These performances are not just ashowcase of talent; they also help to build confidence andself-esteem in children.如果你在六一儿童节去学校或社区中心,你会看到充满节日氛围的场景。




下面小编整理了六一儿童节英语作文,欢迎参考借鉴!六一儿童节的英语作文篇1Today is June 1 children's day, "I'm delighted. I came to the classroom, the teacher said, "to carry the stool to the playground for a show today." The students are in a hurry to carry the stool to the playground, the playground, the students with a happy mood to get desired sitting together, along with the music sounded the performance began.The first program is a group dance, one elder sister take handfuls of bright red fan, dance dance, the action is really beautiful, The second program is a erhu solo, song is called "horse race", the eldest brother, infatuated, we listen to with relish. The third show more wonderful, the show is solo dance, was du to strengthen his sister single performance; Fourth, the fifth story than a wonderful.When present, like Fried explode, the students take their stools quickly ran back to the classroom.参考译文:今天是“六一”儿童节,我真是高兴万分。



关于六一儿童节的英语作文(通用27篇)六一儿童节的英语作文 1Childrens Day arrived,we went to the Department to participate in the games.The morning at the school,the teacher gave each of us a piece of paper in the game.I took the paper and students went to the other room games.We played a bomb bunker,56 people laugh,selfportrait,paste the nose......Each game is very interesting.I most like the game is "paste the nose",the game is: blindfolded,turn three laps later,went to the portrait of the nose to the appropriate location.Many students are posted at sixes and sevens,some of the nose in the chin,nose against some of the eyebrows,the nose and ear......And I feel your nose properly attached to the portrait,and get a smile.This game I had three faces,from the game to get the standard chapter is still very far away,I will usually a lot of training,time for the next game,to achieve good results.六一儿童节的英语作文 2Every day looking forward to the “61” Children has finally come.Morning,5:30 on my .My mothers face cream first serious个true face wash,and then red comb black comb Liangliang the braids,in a flower on the top bar.draw good makeup,I look at themselves in the mirror left-right look,feel really good,they turned to the school run.As if my joy will not walk,do not know how I went to school from home.Went to school,teaching see hanging in front of the building to celebrate “61” Children of the huge banner,banners below are toallow us to display the broad stage of talent.We will be here to celebrate “61” International Childrens Day.Renqing “61” event at the thunderous applausebegan.First,school leaders give excellent Shaoxian squadron and outstanding young pioneers,“ten juvenile Flower”,“to help learn flower” were presented with awards in recognition of advanced,next is our childrens talent show,performances.The first one-year program are the childre n as “61” section of the clapping song rehearsal.Only a small lively Studentbeautiful,full of energy ahead.Liang opened their voice to sing hard,hard shot with open hands,small hands beat red.The second program is the sixth grade,Big Brothers and Big Sisters performing chorus.They lined up a huge team,bright open -likevoice,singing,crying to celebrate “61.” At the timesinging,laughter,applause,music passed fast.The play has been ourfifth grade.We must use the joy of dance to celebrate “61.” Standing on the platform,I do not know how good my jump,but I saw the audience of teachers and classmates are looking at our laughter towards our applause.After the U.S.dance ,Xu sweet for everyone classmates sang “Solar Rain” theme song,her sweet voice with their own resounding solo to celebrate “61.” Turn to instrumental performances,and we took to go blowing clarinet Units,tracks are “painting the Carpenter”,“cowboy”,“Spring has.” Dozens of students stood on stage together blowing,sound filled thecampus,applause reverberated in the campus,smiling at his face infull bloom.How time flies! Unconsciously program finished performing,but our hearts are still immersed in the joy of holiday in a long time shouldnot calm.Back home,turn on the TV I watch to cele brate “61” Highlights of the event.Original country,children all over the world with us as excited as joy,as happy,because today is the U.S.holiday,are “61” International Children ah!六一儿童节的英语作文 3Long for ah long for,longed for annual 61 Childrens Festivals eventually.61 Childrens Festivals are the red-letter day that the child likes most arrived one day that,what everybody dresses up is beautiful,wearing oneself new clothes and new trousers to come to the school.The school prepares the program of garden party for us,the blind feels tail of ball,picture,2 people 3 sufficient etc.I played the blind to feel a ball,the teacher binds my eye,next,I go by to be patted with the hand all the time,oh,do not pat,but,the teacher also gives me a gift.I am much happier! Finally,the teacher calls us to return a class had sat to send a gift to give us in the room,we receive the laugh with the happy gift that the teacher sends.61 Childrens Festivals are how happy! I if only 61 Childrens Festivals should open many play again.Childrens day is coming.I decided to do many things on that day. First of all.That day we will get up early,came to theschool,because we now is a junior high school student,so the school wont for us as the primary that give us after 61,although just top junior high school of time,but a little habits,half year after will probably already accustomed to junior middle school life.61 will be here soon,and now we are facing tests sports add try.Also is in the June 1 day,I hope we can take an examination of teenager years is agood grades.六一儿童节的英语作文 4Every child to love a holiday it is Childrens Day.In this holiday we can get some presents and eat some cakes.We can also have a party with friends and family.But behind the happy there is a unknown origin.The childrens Day is in order to protect the rights and interests of the children all over the world in November 1949 the International Democratic womens Federation held in Moscow the Executive Committee decided June 1 was chosen as the international childrens day.We are Childrens Day happy sad.六一儿童节的英语作文 5Today is Childrens Day.My father takes me to the zoo.There are many kinds of animals,the tigers,the pandas,the lions,theelephants,the giraffes and the bears.They are different from each other ,some are shy,some are beautiful,some are interesting ,some are friendly,some are socute.But i think these animals are unhappy,they should live in the forest,because the life in the zoo are different from that in the forest.六一儿童节的英语作文 6On June 1st day,all children are very happy.On that day ,we dont go to school.Most of the children will go to the park.In thepark,some children are flying kites,some are playing football,and some are playing a game.In the sky,there are a lot of kites.But there is only once a year we will have this happy festival.I think Childrens Day is the most important holiday for the children.Because everybody has fun on that day!六一儿童节的英语作文 7Today is Childrens Day.My father takes me to the zoo.There are many kinds of animals,the tigers,the pandas,the lions,theelephants,the giraffes and the bears.They are different from each other ,some are shy,some are beautiful,some are interesting ,some are friendly,some are socute.But i think these animals are unhappy,they should live in the forest,because the life in the zoo are different from that in the forest.六一儿童节的英语作文 8Our school will have a performance at the night of children’s day.And several classmates and I are going to perform a fairy tale--Snow White.I will perform the role snow white.I will wait for my prince to kiss me to wake me up.Then we will have a happy life.Although we have practice many times,I still feel nervous.But I believe in myself,and I also believe in my classmates.Wait for our wonderful performance!六一儿童节的英语作文 9June 1 childrens day is a feast for the children.In the childrens day,we celebrate the belongs to own time.Today is the annual June 1 childrens day,every classmates face hangs happy,happy smile.We came to the school auditorium,ready to take part in the June 1 childrens day singing contest,and other classmates to a pk contest! All say childrens songs is sounds of nature.Sure enough,each class to sing so well.My favorite number six (1) class of the worm fly.六一儿童节的英语作文 10Today,I put on the long-awaited red scarf.My mood is very excited.After a while,the tug of war began.Our bodies were all backward,our faces were red,and our hands were like carrots.Everyone shouted for us: come on! Come on.We pulled hard and lost.But I think friendship comes first and competition comes second.Its a really fulfilling experience.六一儿童节的英语作文 11Tomorrow is June 1 childrens day,mother specially bought me the new pencil sharpeners.I like it very much,because it is the shape of the apple,I love to eat apple.It has three characteristics: first,it is not easy broken,second,to save time,the third,energysaving.Whenever my pencil with coarse,my pencil will counter rotating pen knife said: big brother pencil sharpeners,would you please help me to cut his head.Pencil sharpeners,said: no problem,this is my best talents.Pencil sharpeners have an assistant,is me.I put a shorter pencil pencil plugged holes,then use the hand a shake,and finally,intact pencil is completed.Pencil sharpeners is my good friend.六一儿童节的英语作文 12In China,Childrens Day is celebrated on June 1 and is formally known as “the June 1 International Childrens Day”.Schools usually hold activities such as camping trips or free movies on Childrens Day to allow students to have fun,and children might also receive small gifts from the government.Entrance ceremonies of the Young Pioneers of China are usually held on June 1 as well.In China,it is a big day for children.On June 1,except join some activities,their parents also take children to parks or fairground to have fun,and then have a big dinner.In general,McDonalds and KFC are the most popular.六一儿童节的英语作文 13Today is Childrens Day.My father takes me to the zoo.There are many kinds of animals,the tigers,the pandas,the lions,theelephants,the giraffes and the bears.They are different from each other ,some are shy,some are beautiful,some are interesting ,some are friendly,some are so cute. But i think these animals are unhappy,they should live in the forest,because the life in the zoo are different from that in the forest.六一儿童节的英语作文 14Today is Childrens Day.My father takes me to the zoo.There are many kinds of animals,the tigers,the pandas,the lions,theelephants,the giraffes and the bears.They are different from each other ,some are shy,some are beautiful,some are interesting ,some are friendly,some are so cute.But i think these animals are unhappy,they should live in the forest,because the life in the zoo are different from that in the forest.六一儿童节的英语作文 15On June 1st day,all children are very happy.On that day ,we dont go to school.Most of the children will go to the park.In thepark,some children are flying kites,some are playing football,and some are playing a game.In the sky,there are a lot of kites.But there is only once a year we will have this happy festival.I think Childrens Day is the most important holiday for the children.Because everybody has fun on that day!六一儿童节的英语作文 16Today is June 1 international childrens day,have a holiday in theafternoon.I was thinking about where to go play,little cousin is coming.She said she would go to white dragon park and jiu niang to go to the animal fair,asked me if I go or not.I have heard,agreed to them.At 2:30 in the afternoon,we set off on time.The white dragon park,we were trying to burst into the white dragon park.To play in the park for a while will go to the animal fair.After go in,first see is a strong leopard.Leopard in the cage beside there is a brown bear from the northeast.See the brown bear pacing back and forth,appear very terrible.I ask jiu niang,why the bear walked up and down.Jiu niang say its because it is beagitated,want to come out.Once I listen to and scared the soul is gone.One thousand bear out,how can that do?I dare not in front of the bear cage again.I turned around,walked into the cage of the peacock.The peacock is too lose face,not the tail.When I turned around and want to see camels,peacock like wrong,slowly opened its beautiful feathers.I was excited,peacock suddenly withdrew no longer tail feathers.In my anger I,turned and walked to the front of the camel. See there are a lot of kids pick the leaves to feed the camel.I also had a piece of the leaves to the camel.Camel fiercely a mouth,to bite off the leaves,I frighten jump up.After seeing a crocodile,sika deer,lion,guinea fowl,and cute animals and after,we went out.六一儿童节的英语作文 17Aha! I hope the stars hope the moon,and finally give hope to the children.Fete activity began,I saw a small host,yi ling with sweet voicesay: "fete activity now,the first game,musical chairs,each group separately sent two contestants." Is the first group to send jia HeJinTeng,the second group is Yang HongYaPing,and the third group isI and yi,we all went up,with confidence and I strive to separate stand,in case we wait two rob the same position.Small host shouted voice "start." We were around the chair leisurely and are doing atany time to sit down."Stop!" A sudden cry,make me a little bit at a loss,but I still find a place to sit down quickly,well,near misses,I get the position.Eliminated in the first round two contestants,I saw both of wrinkly a balsam pear face,like a snail "climb" back to the seat.Second,the third round,the players eliminated one by one,thelast remaining "survivor" is our third group two contestants: I and yi.The teacher naughty ground say to us: "the two of you to the ultimate pk,let us a showdown,see who is the master of musicalchairs!" The host to shout,we both like ants turn! Turn around the chair.When I go to the chair back,increases the jinyi turned to the chair in front of the host to stop,in the end,he became a "master". The second game,marbles,the first group of strength is too strong,we two,three groups,so we have to look at their grades to escalate quickly.In the interest of time,we stop the game,started the colorful talent show,the show is a than a stick,really want to stick withtheir thumb to their face.This years childrens interesting,I wish every day happy children!六一儿童节的英语作文 18In China,Children’s Day is celebrated on June 1 and is formally known as “the June 1 International Children’s Day”.Schools usually hold activities such as camping trips or free movies on Children’sDay to allow students to have fun,and children might also receive small gifts from the government.Entrance ceremonies of the Young Pioneers of China are usually held on June 1 as well.InChina,it is a big day for children.On June 1,except join some activities,their parents also take children to parks or fairground to have fun,and then have a big dinner.In general,McDonald’s and KFC are the most popular.六一儿童节的英语作文 19Today is "61" childrens day.Im so happy.When I came to the classroom,the teacher said,"move the stool to the playground and watch the performance today." The students hurriedly moved their stools to the playground.When they got to the playground,the students sat together with a happy mood,and the performance began with the music.The first program is group dance.Each elder sister dances around with bright red fans.The movement is really beautiful; The second program is the erhu solo.The song is called "horse racing".The big brother is intoxicated and we are interested in it; The third program is even more wonderful.This program is a solo dance,which is Dus solo performance of his sister; The fourth program and the fifth program are more and more wonderful.When it was over,it was like a pot of porridge fried.The students ran back to the classroom with their own stools.六一儿童节的英语作文 20The gentle spring breeze has been driven away by the childrens laughter.We have ushered in June again.The first day of June is the happiest festival for our children - International Childrens Day!On this day,I came to the school happily.This afternoon,the wholeschool literature and art show will be held.Although I have practiced for a long time,I am still a little nervous,because I participated in all the five programs performed by our class.I hope I can perform well and win glory for my class.After the performance of our class,there are many wonderful programs.The students on the stage perform very seriously,and the students off the stage watch it very carefully,sometimes with happy laughter and sometimes with bursts of applause.In a warm applause,our headmaster came out.He would like to announce todays best performance award and the first,second and third prizes.When the first,second and third prizes were announced,the cheers under the stage became one.We were very disappointed because there was no our class.At this time,the headmaster said again: "students,be quiet.Next I announce that the best performance award was" we are the successor of communism ".As soon as the voicefell,the students in our class jumped up from their seatsexcitedly.At that time,I thought: if you pay,you will be rewarded. This is the most unforgettable International Childrens Day I have ever had!六一儿童节的英语作文 21Today is June 1 childrens day.In the morning,I got on my dads motorcycle and went to school happily.At school,the teacher asked us to read the extracurricular books quietly."The teacher also said:" look at the extracurricular books we can eat while watching the program Soon,we finished reading the extracurricular books,so the students began to eat and perform.We performed on stage according to the student number.Chu Heng,No.2 student,cooperated with other students to perform the idiom story of "killing people with aknife".The students in our class also performed variousprograms.Finally,its my turn.I cooperated with Qian Jing on a different program,that is,an English song Indian.We won warm applause by singing and dancing.The teacher took pictures for us! In the evening,we also went to see the movie "wonderful night in Museum 2".There was a little soldier in armor,very funny to say: "I ride the most ferocious animal in the world: Squirrel!" I had a very happy childrens day this year.六一儿童节的英语作文 22Belong to our holiday "June 1" childrens day is coming.Think of kindergarten,we are all in high spirits to celebrate their own festival.That lovely smiling face,waves the cheerful song,how happy we are!This years "children" Im happier than ever before.Because,I nowis in grade one of primary school students,but also a glorious young pioneers and outstanding class cadre.Mom saw my anticipation,for the childrens day said,"baby baby ah,you cant also like in the kindergarten,now can only think about holiday where to play? Can get what you like gift? When you grow up,you are a student,you should study harder,respect teachers,unite classmates,and make the teachers good helper,students good!"Yes,I grew up.Looking at the red scarf before the bosom,Isecretly think: do I have to refuel! Never live up to the expectations of teachers and his family to me.I want to let own have a happy and meaningful holiday!六一儿童节的英语作文 23it is to play game next,some classmates were washed out too quickly because of speed,really regretful,between the process thatplays game,a classmate at the back of me tosses paper to me here come,just was seen by the teacher,call him to go on the floor pick up of a piece of a piece of ground comes,this calls be apt to to have cable of be apt to,sow the wind and reap the whirlwind,ah.todays program was finished,the teacher says with us: want to hold pleasance activity afternoon,everybody should get ready,certificate of merit also is afternoon reappearance.what meaning is pleasance activity? we go to school afternoon,the table that sees us runs to the side,be to should play game so,when attending class,the teacher prepared a lot of ping-pongs,use those who play game,the first group game regulation is: use 3 ping-pongs to cast in t the case,in casting even if win.the 2nd group game regulation is: take bat of a ping-pong,a ping-pong is above,put the table tennis ball in ping-pong bat above,should from pass among two chairs,who holds to terminus,who calculates win.began to play,i play the first group first,took 3 table tennises,i begin to cast,the first ball was enteredoriginally,but be received,that classmate of the ball gives catching,i ask this ball does not calculate the teacher,the teacher says not to calculate actually,if calculate can get a candy.六一儿童节的英语作文 24This year I had an unforgettable International Childrens Day.I got up early in the morning and the sky was clear.I returned to the campus with a happy and excited mood.As soon as I stepped into the school gate,I saw the students with bright smiles on their faces,and they were waiting for the charity sale.The activity officially began at 9 oclock,and the whole audience was lively.Some stalls were equipped with all kinds of clothdolls,some stalls were equipped with books,and some stalls wereequipped with handicrafts and paintings.Seeing such beautiful items,I cant wait to invest in purchasing.I first thought of food,so I bought a delicious drink and put it in the bag.I found that I had saved 17 yuan.I figured out what to buy next.I walked around the stall and a peacock fan caught my eye.This peacock fan has a novel idea and exquisite workmanship.I bought it without hesitation.Then I went shopping at another stall.A funny comic book cost me five yuan.I looked at my wallet.There was not much money left,so I decided not to buy anything and went to the gym to see the auction.Some people auctioned things for 200 yuan.I saw a lot of things.I looked carefully for a moment.I couldnt help but shoot a charity sale for more than ten yuan.Today,I have gained so much.This is really an unforgettable International Childrens Day!六一儿童节的英语作文 25Today is "61" childrens day.I like it best! I got up early in the morning,put on my schoolbag and hurried to school,because I have to go to the ball today! I came to the class to have a look,ah! There is no one in the classroom! I ran to the window and saw that the teacher was forming a team! I hurried to the playground.It was our turn after the first and second grade performance.After listening to the hosts report,we hurried onto the stage,and there was applause under the stage.When the music sounded,we danced a familiar dance.The students danced like beautiful butterflies.Our formation was constantly changing and our The dance is so beautiful and the steps are so neat.After we finished dancing,someone below was shouting,"one more! One more!" Our hearts are as sweet as honey.When I got home,it was dark.My mother startled me when she turned on the light.My mothersmiled and said to me,"happy holidays! Do you want to celebrate?" I put down my schoolbag.My mother handed me a bamboo tube for fireworks.We came downstairs to set off fireworks together.I cautiously lit the firecracker.After a few seconds,a small rocket was shot out.Then the "small arrow" turned into dozens of "raindrops" and flew down like a sky girl scattered flowers.I was stunned by the beautiful scenery.The fireworks are really beautiful! After playing for a while,I heard my mothers cry.I hurried home and came to the table.Ah! Fish,potatoes,chicken...All I love to eat!There are food,drink and play.Im really happy todays "61" childrens Day!六一儿童节的英语作文 26As soon as I arrived at 7:00 in the morning,my mother made breakfast and told me to get up.I was like a spring,whizzing and bouncing out of bed! Mother said in surprise,"Oh,how can you get up so fast today? You dont get up without calling you three times.""Because today is International Childrens Day,I want to participate in the food festival with my classmates."After I finished washing and eating breakfast,my mother gave me 30 yuan and I went to school immediately.After I came to school,I saw some students come earlier than me.When the whole class arrived,the teacher told us to gather on the playground and the food festival began.Stalls with various specialties are placed around the big playground and the small playground.I took the 30 yuan given by my mother and went to the coke stand.I felt a little thirsty,so I bought a cup of coke and drank coke.I also wanted to eat ice cream.I went to the ice cream stand and bought a cup of ice cream.There was chocolateon the ice cream.I liked chocolate ice cream ter,I also bought fruit juice,potato chips and burning fairy grass.My stomach was full and burped.How happy I ate today! I havent been able to eat such delicious food at such a time as today.Happy International Childrens Day,happy International Childrens Day!六一儿童节的英语作文 27Childrens Day is coming.All the students put on newclothes,trousers and shoes.Early in the morning,I got up to go to school first.But as soon as we got to the classroom,basically all the students had arrived.The monitor talked with us about decorating the classroom.Each of us was assigned tasks,some grills,some balloons and some blackboard writing.We dressed up the classroom beautifully.When the teacher arrived,he was amazed and praised,"Wow,youre really capable of dressing up the classroom so beautifully." Praise us,we feel happy. In the morning,the students of class 2 (1) came to our classroom.The teacher said it was lively.Yu Jinjing,the little host of our class,and Lei Hu,the little host of class 2 (1),presided over the morning program.Children,do you want to know what programs weve played? Our program is very wonderful: sketch "stealing watermelon",song "clap your hands if you are happy",fashionshow,magicIn the afternoon,the rain gradually stopped.The school organized to watch the performances of each class on the previousplayground.The students came to the playground happily.The program that our two classes performed together is the textbook play "encouraging seedlings".The teacher dressed us up before theperformance.The programs performed in each class are very good.My palm is red,ha haAfter watching the program,the head teacher gave each of our students a gift on June 1.Every student has a happy smile on his face.Today,my classmates and I spent a happy and meaningful childrens day.。



关于六一儿童节的英语作文【10篇】1.关于六一儿童节的英语作文Today is the long-awaited International Children’s Day.With the arrival of the June day holiday, my spirit is also inspired.In order to celebrate our own festival, the school also specially arranged a commendation meeting to enable us to spend a happy June day in the school.Therefore, when we heard the news in the morning, we were all like happy birds, talking and laughing in the classroom.Naturally, I am also excited.At noon, I came home after lunch, put on a clean and tidy new school uniform, put on a bright red scarf, and came to the school happily.At this time, the campus is more lively than ever before.The students are playing and jumping, so they are not happy; When we came to the classroom, some of us played cards, while others played on the side.The commendation meeting to be held in the afternoon finally began.The students lined up and orderly came to the playground in front of the stage to watch.Because I won the prize in the live composition contest held not long ago, I was able to show it on the stage and hurried to the right side of the stage.Many people are waiting there with certificates of award.It seems that there are many winners!”Now let’s invite the students who won the prize in the on-site composition competition to show on the stage!” The host’s clear voice won warm applause.The award-winning students and I stepped onto the stage in order, lined up in four rows, held the certificates above our heads, and burst into another burst of warm applause.At this moment, my heart is full of happiness, and the joy is indescribable.Happy time is always short, happy “61” children’s day in the laughter of everyone unconsciously passed.I look forward to the coming of the next “June day” as soon as possible!2.关于六一儿童节的英语作文In the deep and shallow dream, “61” is soft, and she comes quietly with the fragrance of Sophora japonica; In the longer and deeper memory, “61” is sweet, and she gladly keeps the appointment in our warm expectation.“June day” always exudes a fragrant flavor, decorating a colorful childhood with a red scarf Our school is located on the Bank of the Guyun River in Qingqing.Tall locust trees are surrounded by white walls and red bricks.When we step into the classroom with our little friends carrying schoolbags full of rape flowers, the teacher always says with a smile: “I’m crazy again.Go to study.” We ran back to our seats, winked, flipped the pages, shook our heads, and shouted at the top of our voices.The happiest one is this year’s “61” festival.In order to participate in the musical instrument performance competition for primary school students in the county, the school decided that the music and dance club would rehearse the Phoenix Tail Bamboo in the moonlight, which made us very happy.Under the careful guidance of Teacher Yu, we practiced carefully after school every day.Several times, it was the teacher who urged us to go home, so we broke up and left.Otherwise,we would be happy to practice until dawn! After hard work, we won the first prize of the county.The golden certificate of award has been our pride for a long time.I will never forget this year’s “61”, the simple and happy “61”, the forever warm “61”, and the “61” that embellished my countless dreams3.关于六一儿童节的英语作文Today, we finally ushered in our own festival, “International Children’s Day.” All the teachers and students of grade 2, 3, 4 and 5 of our school came to the stadium in a neat line to watch the group gymnastics performanceThe first thing that came to my eyes was a team in military uniforms.They were coming to us with a red hat and vigorous steps After that, young pioneers in white, yellow, red and green clothes entered the venue one after another.We cheered them along with the music.The review has begun.Some of them were holding small drums and some were carrying big drums.They were beating wonderful drums on the playgroundSuddenly, the applause and drums echoed in the playground We were brought into the group gymnasticsdance performance by the cheerful music.They crossed each other like the waves of the sea There are also many large-scale group gymnastics performances Everything looks great! We ended this “61” activity with happy songs and laughterHow wonderful it would be if every day were “International Children’s Day”!4.关于六一儿童节的英语作文Every festival will bring laughter and happiness; Every festival will be a beautiful memory; Every festival will reflect our memories of each other.When you face the last festival, this feeling will be very strong.Children’s day on June 1 is a happy, enjoyable and pleasant day for those primary school students.However, it is the last festival for a middle school student.It is the most missed, remembered and unforgettable Festival.For them, they are about to bid farewell to childhood, embrace youth and embark on the journey of youth; How reluctant they are to give up; For them, how meaningful it is...I believe that everyone, when you face the last festival, will never give up and will always have the deepest memory.When you face your last 61, even if there is no grand scene, you will never forget it; When you face the last festival that belongs to you, even if there is not too much joy, you will still remember it; When you face your last favorite festival, even without dancing, you will keep it in your mind forever.I am already a primary and middle school student.For me, this festival is of great significance.5.关于六一儿童节的英语作文Children’s Day is our children’s day.That day, wearing a beautiful flower skirt and a bright red scarf, I walked into our garden like Campus - dongweiqiao primary school.On the afternoon of children’s day, my parents took me to Shijiazhuang zoo.As soon as we entered the zoo, my parents and I went to the monkey’s home “Dawang mountain” first.There were many tourists around the “mountain”.My parents and I hurried to the “mountain”.There were so many monkeys on the “mountain”.I saw one of the monkeys with his feet on the chain and looked up at the distance like a scout,making everyone laugh.Then it jumped onto the rockery as if to say, “the performance is over, give me some applause!” I took out a piece of chocolate candy from my bag and threw it to it.It quickly jumped over and took the candy, skillfully wrapped the candy paper and ate it.It also made a face at me, as if it were saying “thank you” again.That day, I also saw our “national treasure”giant pandas, beautiful peacocks, bulky elephants and other animals that I had only seen in books before.I was very happy.”61” children’s Day is my most unforgettable day.How did you spend it, children? Write it down quickly and share it with you!6.关于六一儿童节的英语作文June 1 is our children’s festival.We are looking forward to the stars and the moon.Finally, we are looking forward to the arrival of June 1.In order to celebrate children’s day, our school decided to hold an activity to welcome children’s day.When they heard that the June day celebration was going to be held, the students talked and laughed in the classroom like happy little mice.On the eve of the “June 1” festival, the school gate was filled with colorful flags on bothsides.In the morning, it was drizzling, bathing our new generation of seedlings and painting us with new colors.The flowers are nodding and smiling at us, and the birds are whispering hello to us.At ten o’clock in the morning, the school celebrated the “61”brigade.The first one was the team joining ceremony of grade one.When I saw their happy and proud expressions with red scarves, I couldn’t help thinking of the scene when I first joined the team.I don’t have to worry about how beautiful it was.Then, prizes and certificates of merit were presented to the outstanding students of each class.At last, there was an art performance.All the students were full of spirit and every class was well prepared.Time passed so quickly that a short half day passed, and the campus gradually calmed down.I had to leave the school reluctantly, looking forward to the next beautiful June day.Back home at noon, my mother bought a big bag of my favorite food.There are delicious jelly, delicious potato chips, and cool drinks.My mother said it was “61” day to comfort me.How happy our children’s Day is!7.关于六一儿童节的英语作文Today is an exciting and unforgettable day, “International Children’s Day”.I came to xiaopang cosmetics store early, regardless of the rain.I came to the cosmetics store and heard the voices of my classmates zhuweiyu and pan Enxi.I hurried into the cosmetics store.Sure enough, zhuweiyu and pan Enxi were inside.After playing three games with them, Chen Xuanyi came.We began to make up.I made up first.My aunt painted me with liquid foundation first, and then painted me with a little thick silver powder.Then, my aunt painted eye shadow for me.Finally, I applied lipstick and makeup.The following students are like this.After all the students had melted, we took a bus to the government hall of Zeguo town.We came to the second row below the stage.I am the reading star, sitting in the second row.I sat there and waited and waited until it was time for the awards.I felt very nervous when I walked onto the stage.Miss Jiang gave me an award.The award is over.Let’s step down.I waited and waited until I finally got to the Latin dance performance.All the students in the Latin dance performance wore beautiful clothes.They began to perform.All of their actions were well done.After the performance, many people applauded them.I waited and waited until the song and dance performance of class 2 (4) of class 2 (3) - “losing weight for schoolbags”.We little actors came onto the stage.My heart was pounding and my legs were shaking.The performance began, and the music began.Maoyiran ran ran out talking about his guitar.I came out with the music.When we jumped in the middle, I saw everyone smiling at us, and my heart calmed down.After the performance, I hope we are the first.”61” is really a happy holiday.8.关于六一儿童节的英语作文International International Children’s Day is a holiday for our children all over the world.Excuse me: how do you celebrate the festival? How are you? Happy? Ha ha! Let me first introduce how class 4, grade 3 of Zichuan experimental primary school came to celebrateInternational Children’s Day!This afternoon, we came to the school early, because today is the international International Children’s Day.We want to decorate the classroom.When Mr.Han came, our classmates flocked to the school.In less than a minute, all the things on the table were delicious snacks.Then, the students were busy decorating the classroom.I and some other students were decorating the outside door.After the decoration, we were all sweating.Then I blew a balloon and gave it to the group who needed it.After the decoration, the classroom was already beautiful.After sitting down, the host began to read the opening remarks carefully.We ate at the bottom, and then the host began to read the program.The second was that after I read “man Jiang Hong” with yuemingyang and wangboyuan, several other students performed magic, sang songs and guessed riddles.The most regrettable thing was that Mr.Tan didn’t come.In the middle, wushixiao took a spray, and I and a small number of students just bought it, so we began to spray.For a while, kongziqi’s face was full, because I sprayed her specifically.This time, it was really cool.At last, the host read the closing words, and the happy International Children’s Day party ended.What an interesting afternoon it was! Students, are you very happy?9.关于六一儿童节的英语作文Today is International Children’s Day.I am very happy.I am very excited to think that the hard practice a few days ago will come in handy soon.Early in the morning, we went to the canteen to make up.When we looked in the mirror, we found that we had changed.We had a red face, curved eyebrows and pink lipstick on our mouth.It was very cute.Wuyunyan is the host.She has a little thick makeup.Everyone who saw her said she was a singer.She was unhappy.I went to comfort her.Then we all participated in our own performances.10: We leave school.When I got home, I quickly opened the kite sent by my teacher.My father and I spelled it together.At noon, my mother came home from work.She promised me that my family would fly kites and play basketball in the afternoon.My brother and I shouted, “long live mother, long live mother!”The afternoon is coming, and my heart has already flown to the vast fields, the blue sky and the lively basketball court.Finally, we set out.Although it is not a famous park, each of us has a smiling face.In my heart, my family is very happy doing anything together.We arrived at the destination.Dad took out the kite.Dad ran and ran.The kite flew into the sky.It was flying in the air.I also wanted to fly in the air like a kite.Although there was a line holding it, it was full of love with the line.We left again.Now we are heading for the basketball court.There are so many people on the basketball court! There are so many experts here.Every move of every basketball player is very cool.This International Children’s Day is really fun.10.关于六一儿童节的英语作文This year’s “61” festival, we held a garden tour in our class.We had fun and had something to eat.This is my most unforgettable “61” festival.After giving out the prizes and food, we startedthe activity.The first game is the drum game.When the music stops, the students with flowers will perform.If they perform well, there will be prizes.The naughty Huo Zhihao started to make trouble again.He kept holding on to the flowers.As soon as the music stopped, he was quick with his hands and eyes.He threw the flowers to huojinhui nearby.The flowers rolled around in huojinhui’s arms and fell to the ground.Huojinhui foolishly picked them up in his hands.Then he knew that he had been cheated.He hesitated for a long time, but was pushed to the middle.He scratched his hair and swallowed hard.“Come on, make a few somersaults! Come on, make a jump!...” unable to withstand the repeated welcome of the students, he had to make a somersaultThe second game is to point the nose.At the beginning, the students lined up happily.Some students think it is not easy to draw a nose, showing that they don’t care; Some students frowned and thought of ways to draw.In the front row, Jinhui danced with joy.As soon as he covered his eyes with a red scarf, he couldn’t wait to stride forward.He didn’t see the target in advance, so he went out.As a result, the more he went, the more wrong he went.A student nearby whispered, “toofar to the left, too far to the right!” He paused for a moment.Right away, it’s too crooked.When he got to the blackboard, he did not think about the position of his nose, so he drew it casually.As a result, he drew his nose on top of his head, which made the students laugh.The students were more interested in playing, and the laughter came out one after another, far and far awayThis “61” Festival is the happiest one I have had in so many years.I think other students should feel the same.关于六一儿童节的英语作文【10篇】。



六一儿童节英语作文范文【十篇】1.六一儿童节英语作文范文Internationa.Children’ing.It’.ou.childre n’.day.O.thi.holiday.man.childre.wil.receiv.gift.f ro.thei.grandparent.an.othe.relatives.The.wil.als.g .ou.wit.thei.parents.Ho.happ.i.is.However.ther.ar.stil.man.childre.aroun.u.wh.hav.n.p arent.o.relative.t.tak.car.of.jus.lik.thos.orphan.a n.disable.childre.i.socia.welfar.institutions.The.h av.n.gifts.n.surprises.an.n.love.ones.care.It’.rea ll.pathetic.S..ha.a.idea.Althoug..a.stil..chil.an.h av.n.mone.t.bu.gift.fo.them..hav.som.book..hav.rea. an.the.ar.ver.new..ca.giv.them..tol.m.mothe.abou.thi.idea.M.mothe.als.agreed.a n.sai.tha..coul.donat.som.toy.an.schoo.supplie.tha. .ha.stoppe.playin.with.Jus.a.flower.lik.brigh.sunshine.bird.lik.blu.sky.an.fis.lik.clea.rive.water.ou.childre.als.lik.thei.ow .festiva..Internationa.Children’.Day..hop.al.th.ch ildre.ca.receiv.gifts..hop.everyon.i.happ.an.ca.hav ..happ.holida.lik.me.2.六一儿童节英语作文范文”Jun.1.children’ing.Th.childre.ar.alread.i mmerse.i.th.jo.o.th.festival.W.ar.als.immerse.i.bus .Festiva.preparatio.activities.enrichin.th.environm aniz in.clas.reunions...Everyon.i.busy.Althoug..a.ver.bu sy..lik.th.children’.da.ver.much.Afte.all..a.als.. bi.child.Thi.i.als.m.holiday.Right.Yesterday we finally finished the design and layout of the theme wall in our class!This theme wall is designed with the theme of “China refueling”, including the most touching Sichuan earthquake (the earthquake - the premier’s grandfather visits the children in the disaster area - the green ribbon activity) and the passionate welcome to the torch in Jiangsu two days ago.Th.mai.tas.toda.i.t.beautif.th.clas.environment.I.o rde.t.bette.se.of.th.festiva.atmosphere.w.hun.th.pu l.flower.w.ha.don..fe.day.ag.o.th.clas.bea.an.fluor mp.s..wa.doin.high-altitud.wor.al.afternoon dder..fel.m. fee.shakin.involuntarily.Alas....can’.hel.it.I’.s til.tryin.hard.Bu.th.effec.i.still.he.heeTomorrow.w.wil.hol..“61.party.W.hav.t.g.t.wor.a.7:0.i.th.morning.A.8:3 0.th.activit.start.o.time.an.the.th.parent-chil.par t.i.th.class..a.preparin.th.hostin.draf.fo.tomorrow ..hop.everythin.goe.wel.tomorrow.s.tha.ever.chil.ca .hav..happ.“61.children’.day.3.六一儿童节英语作文范文Toda.i.“6.Internationa.Children’.Day”.Ou.clas.ha..get-t ogether..ha..very.ver.goo.time.A.soo.a..ge.t.schoo.i.th.morning..loo.forwar.t.goin in.her.i.th.afternoon.Bu.ti m.i.a.slo.a..snail.It’.lik..year.Loo.forwar.t.th.star.an.th.moon.It’.finall.th.afte rnoon.A.soo.a.th.teache.tol.m.t.ge.up..“flew.t.th.classroo.a.th.spee.o.Li.Xiang’.10.mete .dash.Th.part.finall.began.Th.hos.wa.Shihu.an.I.W.careful l.prepare.th.hos.speec.an.rea.i.ou.lou.wit.bot.voic .an.emotion.Th.part.i.divide.int.thre.parts.talen.show.interact petition.I.th.talen.show.. enjoye.beautifu.dances.funn.sketches.amazin.danc.sk petition.petitio.is.Han.man.piece.o. pape.o..rope.o.whic.ar.questions.I.yo.kno.ho.t.d.th at.tel.th.teache.tha.yo.ca.onl.tea.of.th.not.i.yo.a nswe.correctly.I.thi.case.yo.wil.b.robbe.o.you.ow.p roblem.b.othe.students.Yo.ca.onl.admi.tha.yo.ar.unl ucky..tor.fou.piece.o.pape.an.wo.th.secon.place.bu.I’.no.proud.becaus.th.firs.plac.tor.seve.pieces.an ..wil.d.al.o.them.SobbingTh.happ.tim.i.alway.short.an.th.part.i.ove.befor.yo .kno.it..mis.thi.“Jun.day.ver.muc.an.loo.forwar.t.nex.year’.“Jun.day”.4.六一儿童节英语作文范文Thi.Wednesda.i.th.internationa.Internationa.Childre n’.Day.Du.t.th.one-da.holida.o.Jun.1.ou.schoo.arra nge.garde.activitie.o.Tuesday.Ther.wer.man.interest in.games.suc.a.throwin.tabl.tennis.checkers.wate.bo ttl.grabbin.an.s.on!Ou.schoo.hel.cultura.performances.includin.“welcom.music.playe.b.th.dru.an.bugl.team.guzhen.p layin.“Xiaoa.Jianghu”.danc.“Butterfl.Spring”.an.sitco.“le.lov.g.home”.Jus.thi.afternoon..cam.t.th.schoo .early..sa..bi.stag.se.u.i.th.middl.o.th.playground .wit.colorfu.flag.an.colorfu.balloon.flyin.wit.th.w ind.I.wa.ver.beautiful.Th.campu.wa.ful.o.happ.song. ughter.an.th.students.face.wer.ful.o.brigh.smiles.M.classmate.an..ar.ver.happy.Ou.schoo.hel..performa nc.t.celebrat.th.internationa.Internationa.Children ’.Day.Al.th.teacher.an.student.gathere.togethe.t.w atc.th.performance.Th.performance.includ.singing.da ncing.poetr.recitatio.an.sitcoms.The.ar.reall.color ful!How happy this year’s International Children’s Day was! I wish every day was June day!5.六一儿童节英语作文范文Ho.tim.flies.Anothe.children’ing.Th.teach rme.u.tha.i.orde.t.celebrat.th.children’.day .al.th.teacher.an.student.o.th.schoo.wen.t.th.Pol.T heate.t.visi.th.“Jun.1.ar.show..wa.happ.t.dance.Tha.day.m.fathe.spraine.hi.ankle.s..ha.t.g.t.th.sho .wit.m.aunt.Whe.w.go.there.man.parent.an.classmate. ha.take.thei.seats.M.aun.an..hurrie.t.fin.seat.an.w aite.fo.th.performanc.t.begin.Th.“Jun.1.ar.sho.began.an.thunderou.applaus.brok.ou.f ro.th.audience.Th.student.dance.o.th.beautifu.stage ughed. humme.t.th.music.an.clappe.m.hands.On.o.th.program. tha.impresse.m.mos.wa.“wai.fo.th.hare”.Th.students.performanc.wa.vivi.a ughte.f ro.th.audience..hear.th.teache.sa.tha.thi.i..fabl.s tory.I.tell.u.tha.n.matte.wha.w.do.w.wil.no.succeed .Onl.b.workin.har.ca.w.succeed..hav.als.gaine..lo.o .knowledge!Before I knew it, the June 1 art show was over, andI had a happy day.6.六一儿童节英语作文范文Tim.flies.Th.annua.Internationa.Children’ in.agai.wit.gentl.steps.I.th.morning.w.walke.int.th.campu.happil.an.happily .an.unconsciousl.ou.cris.an.beautifu.schoo.son.ran. ughter.revealin.lovel.smilin.faces.Afte..while.w.cam.t.th.wid.playgroun.i..nea.line.A. .“One.two....thos.crystal.ar.th.wishe.w.can’.expre s.wit.ou.hearts.Dream.ah.Let’.fl.ou.wishe.i.thi.be autifu.holida.atmosphere!petitio.fro.th.auditorium.M.Zh ang.th.principal.gav.u.som.war.word.an.wishe.fo.ou. festival.The.th.progra.began.M.favorit.progra.i.“flyin.freely.brough.t.u.b.grad..(7).Listenin.t.th .beautifu.musi.an.watchin.th.littl.sister.dancin.i. ..a.ful.o.praise.Suc.musi.bring.u..festiv. atmosphere.This children’s day makes me keep it in mind, and I look forward to the early arrival of International Children’s Day next year.7.六一儿童节英语作文范文Tim.flies.Th.annua.Internationa.Children’ in.agai.wit.gentl.steps.I.th.morning.w.walke.int.th.campu.happil.an.happily .an.unconsciousl.ou.cris.an.beautifu.schoo.son.ran. ught er.revealin.lovel.smilin.faces.Afte..while.w.cam.t.th.wid.playgroun.i..nea.line.A. .“One.two....thos.crystal.ar.th.wishe.w.can’.expre s.wit.ou.hearts.Dream.ah.Let’.fl.ou.wishe.i.thi.be autifu.holida.atmosphere!petitio.fro.th.auditorium.M.Zh ang.th.principal.gav.u.som.war.word.an.wishe.fo.ou. festival.The.th.progra.began.M.favorit.progra.i.“flyin.freely.brough.t.u.b.grad..(7).Listenin.t.th .beautifu.musi.an.watchin.th.littl.sister.dancin.i...a.ful.o.praise.Suc.musi.bring.u..festiv. atmosphere.This children’s day makes me keep it in mind, and I look forward to the early arrival of International Children’s Day next year.8.六一儿童节英语作文范文.remembe.tha.o.Internationa.Children’.Day..wen .t.schoo.t.participat.i.activities.I.th.afternoon.m .mothe.too.m.hom.an.said.“let’.g.t.th.Confuciu.Templ.today.Afte.that.we’l.ea.goo.food.”So.m.mothe.an..rod.t.th.gat.o.th.Confuciu.Templ.hap pily.O.thi.day.th.Confuciu.Templ.wa.packe.wit.peopl e.M.mothe.an..walke.around.Afte.walkin.fo..lon.time .m.mothe.an..wer..littl.tired.Whe..looke.around.the r.wa..pavilion.s..aske.m.mothe.t.tak.m.i.t.hav..res t.Afte..lon.time.w.se.ou.agai.t.fin.somethin..like. Afte..lon.walk.w.cam.t.th.sho.sellin.smal.pets.Afte ..lon.selection..onl.lik..littl.whit.hamster.Mothe. said.“th.hamste.i.to.dirty.I’.bette.bu.somethin.else.. Bu..jus.don’.lik.anythin.else..onl.lik.th.littl.hamster.Afte.m.repeate.pleading.m.mothe.finall.agreed ..bough..hamste.an.wen.t.ea.happily.Finally, my mother and I rode back home, put some food in the hamster’s cage, and I went to watch TV.This is really the happiest International Children’s Day I have ever had, and it is also the happiest day I have ever had.9.六一儿童节英语作文范文aniz e.rehearsal.o.th.children’.Da.progra.“61”.an.i.i.sai.tha.th.leader.o.th.Jiangx.Provinc catio .t.ou.school.Ho.happ.w.are!anizatio.o.ou.hea.teache.CAI.Af te.w.gathere.o.th.playground.w.sa.dow.neatly.The..h ear.th.soun.o.gong.an.drums.I.turne.ou.tha.th.leade e.Som.o.th.leader.cam.t.me..qu ickl.stoo.u.an.salute.them.Befor.th.program.som.youn.pioneers.representative.p u.o.re.scarve.fo.thei.leaders.The.w.bega.t.sin.th.s choo.son.o.Hongd.primar.school.followe.b.dancing.so l.singin.an.poetr.recitation...Finally.i.wa.th.tur. o.thre.student.i.ou.clas.t.perform.Whe.the.finishe. performing.w.cheered.“ou.class’.performanc.i.right!”Suddenly.ther.wa..ligh.rain.bu.th.student.stil.brav e.th.ligh.rai.t.perform.Th.followin.student.als.ins iste.o.watchin.th.performanc.i.th.rain.Finally.th.rai.stopped.an.ou.performanc.wa.over.Th. student.happil.returne.t.th.classroom.Som.student.s aid.“i.i.wer.lik.thi.ever.day.ho.wonderfu.i.woul.be!”Although today is not June 1, we have already hada happy “June 1” children’s day ahead of schedule!10.六一儿童节英语作文范文here.i.th.scorchin.su.i.Ju ne.I.June.ther.i.on.o.m.favorit.festival..Jun..Inte rnationa.Children’.day.I’..dru.team.Th.teache.sai.tha..woul.perfor.o.Jun.1.Th.school’.radi.broadcas.music.W.als.change.ou.c lothe.an.walke.t.th.fron.o.th.fla.raisin.platfor.wi man.o.th.teache.i.charg.o .th.team.w.bega.t.bea.th.drums.Th.soun.wa.reall.nic e.Whe.Vic.Presiden.We.announce.th.beginnin.o.Jun.1.hu angcaiya.an..wen.t.se.wha.wa.interesting.I.th.end.w .selecte.glas.bead.amon.man.activities.I.wa.eas.a.f irst.bu..didn’.kno.i.wa.difficul.unti..played.Th.g las.bea.i.roun.an.eas.t.roll.s.i.need.som.skill.t.c lam.it.Ou.secon.gam.i.blowin.candles.Candle.ar.place.horiz ontall.an.vertically.W.though.i.wa.easie.t.blo.vert . .said.“Huan.Caiyan.whe.yo.blow..sai.‘happ.birthda.t.you.an.yo.ca.blo.again!.Then.i.m.w is.yo..happ.birthday.sh.ble.ou.th.candle.It’..pit. plainin.abou.m e.H.ha.Whe.schoo.wa.over.th.teache.hande.ou.cakes.an. th.teache.mentione.tha.i.wa.no.allowe.t.touc.wate.i .th.wild.Someon.joked.d.w.stil.tak..shower.Th.whol. ughter.Thi.Jun.da.i.reall.happy..hop.i.wil.b.th.sam.nex.ye ar.六一儿童节英语作文范文【十篇】。



六一儿童节英语作文【10篇】1.六一儿童节英语作文Today is “61”International Children’s day, and it is also my third children’s day in primary school. Today, our team members who have joined the team can wear their beautiful clothes to school and carry a small schoolbag to pack gifts. Ha ha, it makes people feel very happy to think about it!Today is also a unique day for those students who have not joined the team, because today they will wear bright red scarves and become a young pioneer they have long wanted, so they are anxiously waiting and looking forward to every day. This day has finally come!At eight o’clock, the sun has begun to show its power. The new players have come on the stage and lined up neatly, waiting for the sacred moment when the big brother and sister put on red scarves for them! It reminds me that when we first joined the team, our parents came to put on the red scarf for us. When my mother put on the red scarf for me, I was particularly proud and found that I seemed to grow up and become aglorious young pioneer!A classmate of our class also spoke as the representative of the new team today. He had a loud voice and recited fluently. He was not timid at all. That’s great!Then there are various commendations. It’s a great honor. I was also rated as “campus blog star”and got the certificate of merit. I’m so happy! In the future, we will work harder and write better blog posts. Other students also got certificates of merit. Let’s cheer together and win more honor for the school and class!2.六一儿童节英语作文The annual International Children’s Day is finally warmly welcomed with our cheers and applause! On this day, we came to the school in neat uniforms and bright red scarves.The host stood on the stage, waiting for our arrival. The tranquility of the campus was broken by bursts of laughter. Everyone looked at the stage with happy faces and meticulous eyes, looking forward to the wonderful performance of the actors. Next, we all listened to the headmaster’s speech. To welcome InternationalChildren’s DayOur school held a grand International Children’s Day party. This sentence is deeply imprinted in my mind. The first program got off to a good start. The actors were dressed in yellow and tied colorful ribbons on their feet. Dance like crazy! The second program is to welcome rats to steal oil. This program: a rat king went to inquire about Elvis Presley. He was sleeping. As soon as the rat King sounded the order, the little mice poured out. They reached their shoulders and leaned against their feet, eating oil while doing exercises. The programs are more and more wonderful.Unconsciously, it’s already more than 5 o’clock.I really hope time can stop at the moment that belongs to us. After the party, everyone left the performing arts hall with more than enough to say. I had a very, very happy day today. I really hope there will be a International Children’s Day every month. Ha ha ha!3.六一儿童节英语作文Today is International Children’s Day. I am very happy. In the morning, put on the holiday costumes, and International Children’s Day begins.Along the way, the trees waved to us, and the flowers smiled at us, as if to say: “happy International Children’s Day, happy International Children’s Day.”Father-in-law sun knew we were going to celebrate the festival. He hid in the clouds. The wind girl was blowing in the breeze. It was so cool. At school, bursts of clear and powerful reading sound floated from afar and passed into my ears. The students of the performance show, with smiles on their faces and makeup on, came from the school gate to the teaching building. It was a vibrant scene.The program began soon. The programs performed by my brother and sister were really colorful, including dancing, chorus and sketch. Soon it’s our class’s turn to perform. Looking at the big stage, I’m really nervous for them. I hope our class will win the prize. We applaud and encourage our classmates to play. Today is our festival. We all smile, listen to happy music, enjoy beautiful dance and bring happiness to everyone. After the dance performance, there was a burst of warm applause.I had a good time on this June day. When I thinkof the happy festival, I feel happy and sweet like drinking honey.4.六一儿童节英语作文International Children’s Day is our children’s day. This happy day is coming soon. Every year, my parents always give me a lot of gifts and big meals on this day. I want to give these gifts to my grandparents this year. Do you know why I gave it to them? Do you want to know how my grandparents spent International Children’s Day when they were children? Please let me tell you in detail! You’ll agree with me then.My grandmother said they had a hard life when they were young. In addition to studying, they had to help their family work. For example: washing clothes. Sweep the floor. Mop the floor. Cooking. Cook vegetables and bring younger brothers and sisters. At that time, there were not so many fun toys, only throwing stones by the river. There is no such beautiful and handsome clothes as we are now. We wear patched clothes. There was no variety of big meals, snacks and snacks. At that time, they were very happy as long as they could eat enough. It turned out that grandma’s International Children’s Day was celebrated like this. Think about my grandparents. My parents bought so many things forus. I want to study hard and repay them when I grow up!Now you know why I give gifts to my grandparents!I hope you can also try to understand how your grandparents spend this festival.5.六一儿童节英语作文June 1 is our children’s festival. We look forward to the stars and the moon. Finally, we look forward to the arrival of June 1. In order to celebrate children’s day, our school decided to hold an activity to celebrate children’s day. When we heard that it was going to celebrate children’s day, the students talked and laughed in the classroom like happy little mice. On the eve of children’s day, the school gate was filled with all kinds of colorful flags on both sides.In the morning, the drizzle bathed our new generation of seedlings and painted new colors for us. The flowers are nodding and smiling at us, and the birds are whispering hello to us. At ten o’clock in the morning, School celebrates “June 1”“The group meeting began. First, the team joining ceremony of the first grade was held. When I saw their happy and proud expression with red scarves, I couldn’t help thinkingof the scene when they first joined the team. I didn’t have to worry about how beautiful it was. Then I presented prizes and certificates to the outstanding students of each class. Finally, there was a literary performance. All the students were full of energy and each class was fully prepared. Time passed so fast, A short half day passed, and the campus gradually calmed down. I had to leave the school reluctantly and look forward to the next beautiful June day.When I got home at noon, my mother bought a big bag of my favorite food. There are delicious jelly, delicious potato chips and cool drinks. Mother said it was “61” day to comfort me. How happy our “61”children’s Day is!6.六一儿童节英语作文As soon as I arrived at 7:00 in the morning, my mother made breakfast and told me to get up. I was like a spring, whizzing and bouncing out of bed! Mother said in surprise, “Oh, how can you get up so fast today? You don’t get up without calling you three times.””Because today is International Children’s Day, I want to participate in the food festival with my classmates.”After I finished washing and eating breakfast, my mother gave me 30 yuan and I went to school immediately. After I came to school, I saw some students come earlier than me. When the whole class arrived, the teacher told us to gather on the playground and the food festival began.Stalls with various specialties are placed around the big playground and the small playground. I took the30 yuan given by my mother and went to the coke stand.I felt a little thirsty, so I bought a cup of coke and drank coke. I also wanted to eat ice cream. I went to the ice cream stand and bought a cup of ice cream. There was chocolate on the ice cream. I liked chocolate ice cream best. Later, I also bought fruit juice, potato chips and burning fairy grass. My stomach was full and burped. How happy I ate today! I haven’t been able to eat such delicious food at such a time as today.Happy International Children’s Day, happy International Children’s Day!7.六一儿童节英语作文Today is “61” children’s day. I’m so happy.When I came to the classroom, the teacher said, “move the stool to the playground and watch the performance today.” The students hurriedly moved their stools to the playground. When they got to the playground, the students sat together with a happy mood, and the performance began with the music.The first program is group dance. Each elder sister dances around with bright red fans. The movement is really beautiful; The second program is the erhu solo. The song is called “horse racing”. The big brother is intoxicated and we are interested in it; The third program is even more wonderful. This program is a solo dance, which is Du’s solo performance of his sister; The fourth program and the fifth program are more and more wonderful.When it was over, it was like a pot of porridge fried. The students ran back to the classroom with their own stools.8.六一儿童节英语作文June 1 is coming. I saw the ribbon hanging on the school wall and thought of the children’s day in kindergarten.As early as a few days before InternationalChildren’s Day, the teachers were busy and prepared many programs, games, and a lot of food. The games included stepping on balloons, catching loaches, and grabbing chairs. Among them, my favorite is to grab the chair, because whenever the harsh bell rings, we will sit down in a chair. Whoever doesn’t sit down will lose, and whoever grabs the last chair is the champion. Every child in the classroom was very happy. Looking at the embarrassed appearance of some children, everyone laughed and their stomachs hurt.The June 1st Festival is coming soon. I really hope this year’s June 1st Festival can also hold such interesting programs and games9.六一儿童节英语作文Today is my long-awaited “61” children’s day. That day, my mother took me to the park to play. I saw a sea of people and noisy scenes in the park.I chose a bumper car project. Although the time of playing bumper cars was short, I experienced a kind of passionate fun. In the crowded Park, I played another game of fishing. I put the net into the water first, but the fish swam around alive for fear of being caughtby me. After a long time, I caught many clever little fish. Then, I played the water truck and rope bridge.”61” children’s Day is a holiday for children. Today is also my most unforgettable day.10.六一儿童节英语作文The annual children’s Day is coming, and the children are happy. This year’s children’s Day is very different from the previous children’s day. In the past, they used to play, but this year they watch performances.Everyone was very excited to hear the broadcast. Tomorrow, we stayed in the classroom for a while, but finally we couldCome out. My deskmate and I lifted the stool, ran out of the classroom and went to the playground. Everyone jumped up happily. The first song is sung by five (3) banweng Hanchen. She wore a colorful hair on her head and red clothes. It’s beautiful to dance and sing a crisp song. After a while, it was very hot today, and everyone made annoying noises. After talking one after another, the program was coming to an end, and everyone came back to the classroom reluctantly.Ah, what a wonderful program today!六一儿童节英语作文【10篇】。



三年级关于六一儿童节的英语作文带翻译【四篇】篇一《MyChildren'sDay我的六一儿童节》"61" is like a fairy, with excitement and joy to our school, the day of our school held a garden.“六一”就好似一位仙女,带着热闹和喜悦来到了我们的学校,那天我们学校举行了游园活动。

I with a curious heart, first came to fi*e (2) class, ah ha! The original is blowing candles ah! I stood at the door, ready to go, the door listening to sound of rolling surprised noise of shouting, like winning the lottery man shouted excitedly; no successful people are not discouraged, holding colorful. Unconsciously, it was my turn, I gingerly to stand behind the yellow line, took a deep breath, a blow hard, ha ha! I suddenly blew out two candles, one side of the female teacher smiled at me and said: "there is a candle! Refueling!"我带着一颗好奇的心,先来到五(2)班,啊哈!原来是吹蜡烛啊!我站在门口整装待发,听着门里一声声连绵起伏的惊呼声,宛如中彩票的男人激动地大喊;没有成功的人也没有泄气,夹着五颜六色。



六一儿童节的英语作文精选10篇1.六一儿童节的英语作文Today is International Children’s Day, our holiday.On the morning of June 1, I arrived at the school early. The school classrooms were beautifully decorated. After a while, Mr. Zhang said to us, “go out in line and let’s play games on the playground.”We jumped up excitedly and hurried to line up.On the playground, the PE teacher and other classes in grade 3 have made preparations on the playground. The PE teacher said to us, “now let’s play the game of ‘Stormtrooper’.” We jumped three feet high. The teacher said to us again: “the rule is: twenty people in each class participate, divided into two teams, ten people in each team, and then start playing the game. If the foul needs to be stopped for five seconds, which class completes quickly, it means that their class has won.” Gu Jiawei was the first player in our class. He turned a somersault and ran to the rope to jump. However, he didn’t jump a few times, so he threw the rope out.Our cheering, silver bell like laughter and applause intertwined to encourage him. He ran out like a rabbit, picked up the rope, continued to jump, and finally jumped 20 times. He ran to the obstacle, drilled like a clever and lively little gopher, slapped the “comrade in arms”opposite, and the next teammate ran out with all his strength. Finally, Kung Fu pays off those who have a heart, and we finally won the victory. “We have won!” At this time, the playground was full of joy, jumping and jumping. The tools lying on the playground looked at us and seemed to have a bright smile.On June 1, the playground was filled with our silver bell like laughter.2.六一儿童节的英语作文This year I had an unforgettable International Children’s Day.I got up early in the morning and the sky was clear.I returned to the campus with a happy and excited mood. As soon as I stepped into the school gate, I saw the students with bright smiles on their faces, and they were waiting for the charity sale.The activity officially began at 9 o’clock, and the whole audience was lively. Some stalls were equipped with all kinds of cloth dolls, some stalls were equipped with books, and some stalls were equipped with handicrafts and paintings. Seeing such beautiful items, I can’t wait to invest in purchasing. I first thought of food, so I bought a delicious drink and put it in the bag. I found that I had saved 17 yuan. I figured out what to buy next. I walked around the stall and a peacock fan caught my eye. This peacock fan has a novel idea and exquisite workmanship. I bought it without hesitation. Then I went shopping at another stall. A funny comic book cost me five yuan.I looked at my wallet. There was not much money left, so I decided not to buy anything and went to the gym to see the auction. Some people auctioned things for 200 yuan. I saw a lot of things. I looked carefully for a moment. I couldn’t help but shoot a charity sale for more than ten yuan.Today, I have gained so much. This is really an unforgettable International Children’s Day!3.六一儿童节的英语作文Today is children’s day. Our class held a get-together to celebrate June 1.The activity began. The first program was dance. With the sound of the host’s announcement falling, five girls came to the middle of the classroom. They were dressed in Han clothes and looked very good. I felt as if I had passed through ancient times, just like a dance troupe in the court.Then, there is the lyrics activity. The rules of the game are: the teacher plays the song randomly, presses the stop button randomly, and everyone will pick up the song. The whole class is divided into two teams. The group that answers correctly will get one point, and if they lose, they will get one point. The activity process was also very funny. Some students smoothly took out the next lyrics, some raised their hands and stood up and forgot, and some students could only lyrics without melody. Some of the students sang right, but out of tune, and everyone laughed.The most unforgettable thing for me is the “sugar sprinkle” game. A classmate stood on the stool in the middle of the classroom with a bag of sugar. Thestudents looked at him “covetously” below. He took a handful of sugar in his hand and scattered it around. In an instant, the candy fell like rain. The classroom was in a mess. My eyes were fixed on the candy. I was as light as a swallow. I stretched out my hands and threw forward, catching two. Everyone ran around one by one. Some people didn’t grab one, some people grabbed one or two, and others grabbed a lot of sugar. I ate the candy I grabbed and felt sweet in my heart.This is really an unforgettable June day!4.六一儿童节的英语作文Children’s Day is coming. All the students put on new clothes, trousers and shoes. Early in the morning, I got up to go to school first. But as soon as we got to the classroom, basically all the students had arrived.The monitor talked with us about decorating the classroom. Each of us was assigned tasks, some grills, some balloons and some blackboard writing. We dressed up the classroom beautifully. When the teacher arrived, he was amazed and praised, “Wow, you’re really capable of dressing up the classroom so beautifully.”Praise us, we feel happy.In the morning, the students of class 2 (1) came to our classroom. The teacher said it was lively. Yu Jinjing, the little host of our class, and Lei Hu, the little host of class 2 (1), presided over the morning program. Children, do you want to know what programs we’ve played? Our program is very wonderful: sketch “stealing watermelon”, song “clap your hands if you are happy”, fashion show, magicIn the afternoon, the rain gradually stopped. The school organized to watch the performances of each class on the previous playground. The students came to the playground happily. The program that our two classes performed together is the textbook play “encouraging seedlings”. The teacher dressed us up before the performance. The programs performed in each class are very good. My palm is red, ha haAfter watching the program, the head teacher gave each of our students a gift on June 1. Every student has a happy smile on his face.Today, my classmates and I spent a happy andmeaningful children’s day.5.六一儿童节的英语作文Today is a special day, which my brother and I have been looking forward to for a long time - International Children’s Day, because my mother will give us gifts.In the afternoon, dad said, “let’s try your gift and see how powerful it is.” My brother and I jumped up happily. I put on my shoes and hat, took the new football my mother bought for us and jumped downstairs. We rode to Nanchang University Gymnasium. The big brothers on the basketball court outside the gymnasium were fighting heartily. I couldn’t help getting excited at the sight. I ran into the museum with an arrow step. WOW! What a big football field. It’s much bigger than our school. It’s my first time to play in such a big field.The fight is about to begin. My father divided us into groups. My mother can’t play well, so she can be a goalkeeper. My brother and I specialize in the fortress of my father. My brother and I kicked each other, beating my father to pieces. At this time, my brother and I were sweating and sweating. Nevertheless,we still kept running and shouting, and our happy sweat was sprinkled on the football field. After playing for hours, my mother said, “it’s too late. It’s time to go home.” We left without saying enough.Although there were only four of us playing football, I had a good time, but it was a pity that our family played football!6.六一儿童节的英语作文Then comes the annual children’s day, which is full of happiness and fun.I went to a square with my father. It was very broad and suitable for lively children. Walking into the square, you can see children in groups playing together. In addition, there are people selling all kinds of snacks, balloons and toys. We walked to a lotus pond near the square, where trees are shaded, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, just like entering a fairyland by mistake. My father and I sat on the pavilion next to the lotus pond and observed the elegant lotus carefully. Some of the beautiful lotus flowers stand tall and graceful, some open their shy smiling faces to reveal the golden and green lotus roots, some seem to have dyed their hair in the hair dye shop,colorful, and some look like fairies coming down to earth, looking as beautiful as heaven.Just as I was enjoying the hard won beautiful scenery, suddenly there were three green animals jumping around in the lotus pond. They were very mysterious. They walked like special forces and disappeared in the blink of an eye. It took me a lot of effort to get close to the three kids before I caught one of them. When I saw it, it turned out to be three monkeys dancing frogs. I smiled and wanted to catch them one by one. My father said, “don’t catch frogs. This is beneficial. If you want to play, you have to release them after playing.” After listening to my father’s words, I had a good time with my frog brother for a while, and reluctantly let the frog go.Although I didn’t catch the frog, I played with the frog for the first time and saw such a beautiful lotus for the first time. This children’s Day is also worth it. I had a good time. I hope the next children’s day will be better and happier!7.六一儿童节的英语作文The gentle spring breeze has been driven away bythe children’s laughter. We have ushered in June again. The first day of June is the happiest festival for our children - International Children’s Day!On this day, I came to the school happily. This afternoon, the whole school literature and art show will be held. Although I have practiced for a long time, I am still a little nervous, because I participated in all the five programs performed by our class. I hope I can perform well and win glory for my class.After the performance of our class, there are many wonderful programs. The students on the stage perform very seriously, and the students off the stage watch it very carefully, sometimes with happy laughter and sometimes with bursts of applause.In a warm applause, our headmaster came out. He would like to announce today’s best performance award and the first, second and third prizes. When the first, second and third prizes were announced, the cheers under the stage became one. We were very disappointed because there was no our class. At this time, the headmaster said again: “students, be quiet. Next Iannounce that the best performance award was” we are the successor of communism “. As soon as the voice fell, the students in our class jumped up from their seats excitedly. At that time, I thought: if you pay, you will be rewarded.This is the most unforgettable International Children’s Day I have ever had!8.六一儿童节的英语作文On June 1 every year, we have a party class by class, and we can bring food. This year’s June 1st is a level department. Level departments are in the martial arts and dance training hall, and they can’t bring food.Last Friday after school, we rehearsed at school and walked on the stage one by one. On that day, we didn’t have a class. We were rehearsing all the time. Although we were very tired, we thought it was worth it, because it was glorious after all!In the morning, I got up early and rushed to school to make up. Then the party began. Although I was not nervous, I was still a little worried when I saw so many teachers and classmates. Hou Dongyue and I went to the stage to report. After reporting behind the scenes, Ifelt much more relieved. The stone had fallen back into my stomach.When I was singing, there was an accident. I didn’t keep up with the first paragraph. After stepping down, I was very sad, but Miss Zhao comforted me and said, “it doesn’t matter, it’s very good.”The reason is this: our song is continuous singing, and there is no interlude in the middle. In addition, the tape is a little touched, so we must listen carefully before we can hear it. But as soon as Han Xiaoshuang finished singing, the students clapped, which makes me unable to hear the music at all.But the latter is still relatively smooth. How time flies! The show is all over. We all reluctantly returned to the classroom.I had a good time today.9.六一儿童节的英语作文The annual children’s Day is coming, and our campus is full of laughter and laughter.Our school is holding a very interesting game -water shooting.The rule is that the class is divided into two groups. The first group votes and the second group takes over. After the break, the attack and defense are exchanged. I was the first group, so our group voted first. Unexpectedly, the people in the second group despised us very much. We were very angry. Our members started to throw when they got the ball, but they didn’t score a ball. I told them, “don’t be so angry, face it calmly and watch me take them by surprise!”I turned around and saw that it was Xiao Liang, the back of the whole grade, who dealt with me. I didn’t throw in at last. The students said, “boasting should also have a degree.”In this way, we didn’t score a goal and were ready for the next game.The game began. We didn’t expect that the second group was not only strong in defense, but also very strong in attack. One group is like a chicken in front of the second group! We are still unable to parry their attack when we block from left to right. In the end,we lost, 0-22.Although we lost, friendship came first and competition came second. Today’s children’s Day is so interesting!I know that the resul六一儿童节的英语作文精选10篇。



描述六一儿童节的英语作文五句话四年级示例回答如下1:In China, Children's Day, also known as "六一儿童节" (Li ù yīértóng jié), is celebrated on June 1st every year. It is a day dedicated to honoring and cherishing children, recognizing their importance in society, and promoting their well-being. On this special day, children across the country participate in various activities, events, and performances to showcase their talents and creativity. Schools often organize fun-filled programs, games, and competitions to entertain and engage the children. Parents and teachers also take this opportunity to show their love and appreciation for the children, making them feel special and valued.在中国,每年的六一儿童节是在6月1日庆祝的。






六一儿童节的英语,English:Children's Day, also known as International Children's Day, is celebrated on June 1st every year in many countries around the world. It is a day dedicated to promoting the well-being and rights of children, as well as celebrating childhood and the importance of children in society. This day is marked with various events and activities aimed at making children feel special and loved, such as performances, parties, and gifts. It is a time for children to have fun, play, and enjoy being a child without any worries. It is also a day for adults to reflect on the importance of giving children a safe and nurturing environment to grow and thrive.中文翻译:六一儿童节,也被称为国际儿童节,每年的6月1日在世界许多国家都会庆祝。






六一儿童节英语作文5句带翻译1. Children's Day is a special day for all children. It is a day for children to have fun and to celebrate their childhood.(六一儿童节是所有孩子特别的一天。


)2. Parents and guardians also play an important role in Children's Day. They should spend time with their children and make the day special for them.(父母和监护人在六一儿童节也扮演着重要的角色。


)3. Many schools hold activities and events on Children's Day, such as games, performances, and contests. These activities can bring children together and help them learn and grow in a fun environment.(许多学校在六一儿童节那天会举行各种活动和比赛,如游戏、表演和比赛等。


)4. However, Children's Day is not just about having fun and playing games. It is also a day to raise awareness of children's rights and to promote the well-being of children.(然而,六一儿童节不仅仅是玩乐和游戏。



六一儿童节英语作文10篇Dear Mary,We shall go to Chongqing Museum to visit the spaceship Yang Liwei took in the space on Children's Day. We are going to take the number 464 bus there at 8:30 a.m.out side the school gate.May I borrow your English novel " Under the Moon " for a week? Please bring it to me that day if you will第二篇:Children's Daythe Children's Day this year is the most unforgettable one for me beacause i'll soon graduate.Even though it doesn't e yet,i believe it must be the most unforgettable.I will no loneger be a child once going to middle schoolWhat a unforgettable Children's Day!六一儿童节就要到了,看看下面这位小同学是如何度过的,这可是他度过的最后一个儿童节了,你是不是也跟他一样呢?Children's Daythe Children's Day this year is the most unforgettable one for me beacause i'll soon graduate.Even though it doesn't e yet,i believe it must be the most unforgettable. I will no loneger be a child once going to middle schoolWhat a unforgettable Children's Day!这年的六一儿童节是我最难忘的,因为我快要毕业了,虽然它还没来,但我知道这年的六一儿童节是最难忘的。



【导语】国际儿童节(又称儿童节,International Children's Day)定于每年的6月1日。



1.有关儿童节的英语作文Look! How happy father-in-law sun is! That lovely smiling faces, bursts of happy songs, how happy... How lively our campus is! Let me tell you, today is our holiday "61" children's day.The sun on June 1 is always so happy; The flowers of June day are always so bright and fragrant. On the day of children's day, everything is happy and wonderful. Blue sky, white clouds, flowers and green grass are so beautiful and refreshing. The students wore holiday costumes and came to the campus happily. At eight o'clock, the whole school came to the playground in a neat line to watch the program. With the sound of salute, the whole playground became a sea of joy. The children are dancing on the stage. How beautiful the dance is, like a fairy. Singing and dancing, the activity lasted more than three hours. The students were very happy. How I hope to be so happy every day! Time passed quickly. Beautiful dancing, beautiful singing and fluent poetry reading ended in cheers, applause and praise.Today is a sunny day, today is a day of flowers, today is a day of singing and laughing... What you see in the sun is the same as what I see, that is, the smiling faces of children full of happy flowers.2.有关儿童节的英语作文The first time I played the bouncing bed was the June 1 children's day last year.At the beginning of that day, I stepped on the soft bed like stepping on cotton. I was top heavy and could not stand stably. I was very afraid. I just had to bow my waist, lower my head, lookat my feet and dare not jump. At this time, my father and mother encouraged me to say, "child, don't be afraid, jump boldly..." I tried and jumped gently on the trampoline. I thought it was very fun and not so terrible. Slowly adapted, I jumped higher and higher. Usually fell on the ground very painful, but fell on the trampoline is not painful at all, and can bounce back. This feeling is the same as that in kindergarten. As soon as my father was happy, he threw me up in his arms and gently caught me. At that time, I always let my father throw and pick up until I grinned and my father was exhausted.Jumping on the trampoline is much higher than jumping on the ground. Looking at my parents' praising eyes and smiles, my interest jumped higher and higher. The fun trampoline seemed to give me magical skills. I jumped and bounced up as much as I could. It was a little like sun Dasheng's tendon turning head cloud. Although I was sweating, I didn't feel tired at all.The 61 children's day left me a very happy memory.3.有关儿童节的英语作文Whenever the "61" International Children's day, children are happily celebrating their own festival. Those smiling faces and bursts of singing are full of happiness and joy. The weather is very helpful today. It stopped raining a few times in the morning, otherwise today's party is really choking. That means we're lucky. After all, there are festivals only one year, and the weather doesn't want to be difficult for us.Today's school's 61 day activity is the performance of textbook drama and Fairy Tale Drama... The activity is very successful. Among them, we performed a play, which was written, acted and directed by ourselves. Although we are young, it really looks like that. Our class also played a textbook play about WuSong's fight against the tiger, which was also performed smoothly. Among them, Wu Zhiyong, Li juefan and other students won applause from more than 100 people with excellent performances. June day is our holiday and our happiest day. In order to do well in this activity, teachers and students have made their own efforts. Behind the activities, there are many unknown people who care, support and make efforts for the activities. Because everyone has the same goal, we should do a good job in this activity.Although this children's day did not go home, I think it is more meaningful than before. This is also the happiest children's day I have ever had.4.有关儿童节的英语作文Today is the June 1 children's day. It's our holiday.On the morning of June 1, I arrived at school early. The school classrooms were beautifully decorated. After a while, Mr. Zhang said to us, "go out in line and let's play games on the playground." We jumped up excitedly and hurried to line up.On the playground, the PE teacher and other classes in grade 3 have made preparations on the playground. The PE teacher said to us, "now let's play the game of 'Stormtrooper'." We jumped three feet high. The teacher said to us: "the rule is: twenty people in each class participate, divided into two teams, ten people in each team, and then start playing the game. If the foul needs to be stopped for five seconds, which class completes quickly, it means that their class has won." Gu Jiawei was the first player in our class. He turned a somersault and ran to the rope to jump. However, he didn't jump a few times, so he threw the rope out. Our cheering, silver bell like laughter and applause intertwined to encourage him. He ran out like a rabbit, picked up the rope,continued to jump, and finally jumped 20 times. He ran to the obstacle, drilled like a clever and lively little gopher, slapped the "comrade in arms" opposite, and the next teammate ran out with all his strength. Finally, Kung Fu pays off those who have a heart, and we finally won the victory. "We win!" at this time, the playground was full of joy, jumping and jumping. The tools lying on the playground looked at us and seemed to have a bright smile.On June 1, the playground was filled with our silver bell like laughter.5.有关儿童节的英语作文Children's Day was once my dream Festival, but time waits for no one. In a twinkling of an eye, I have entered middle school, and children's Day is gradually far away from me.Recalling the previous children's day, I still have a half day holiday to rest, and the school will hold a party. At the party, there were various performances, including children's chorus, instrumental ensemble, dance ensemble and profound sketches. Once at a party, some of my classmates and I were still standing on the stage performing. But these have become history, and I won't have children's day anymore.The disappearance of children's day for me means that I have grown up and that I can no longer be so naive. In the past, I was like a newborn baby. I was not sensible and didn't know what was right or wrong. Now I should be like a young man, have momentum, be willing to work hard, focus on the overall situation and distinguish right from wrong. Children's day bid farewell to me. From a pessimistic point of view, it is a loss to me, losing the innocence and childishness; From an optimistic point of view, it is an incentive for me to work hard and make progress.Children's Day is gradually far away from me, but I welcome the motivation and momentum of young people. These power and momentum will guide and inspire me, just like the beacon on the vast sea and the engine on the giant plane. They will accompany me and lead me to the right road.。

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Children's Day is celebrated on June 1st in many countries of the world. It is a day to honor children, and also to remind parents that they should love their children and take care of them. Children's Day is also a time to celebrate childhood and children's rights, and to encourage children to be brave, creative, and confident in the future.
The origin of Children's Day dates back to 1925, when the World Conference for the Well-being of Children was held in Geneva, Switzerland. This conference declared June 1st as International Children's Day, and since then this day has been celebrated in many countries around the world.
In China, Children's Day is a public holiday. On this day, parents will take their children to parks and zoos for fun activities. Schools will also host various activities for their students, such as singing and dancing competitions, painting or writing competitions, and sports tournaments.
Children's Day is an important day for children all over the world. It is a day for children to have fun and be recognized for their special qualities. It is a day to remember the past, to appreciate the present, and to look forward to the future
with bright hopes.。
