这首诗就是来自英国诗人William Ernest Henley的作品,而电影片名Invictus正是取自这首短诗。
Invictusby William Ernest Henley(沪江小编原创翻译,转载敬请注明出处)Out of the night that covers me,Black as the Pit from pole to pole,I thank whatever gods may beFor my unconquerable soul.穿过笼罩我的长夜漫漫是那层层无底的黑暗无论怎样,感谢上帝赐予我不被征服的魂灵In the fell clutch of circumstanceI have not winced nor cried aloud.Under the bludgeonings of chanceMy head is bloody, but unbowed.即使被炼狱牢牢禁锢我不曾退缩,没有嚎哭就算教噩运次次戏弄我满脸鲜血,却仍不低头Beyond this place of wrath and tearsLooms but the Horror of the shade,And yet the menace of the yearsFinds, and shall find, me unafraid.这愤怒与泪水的世界之外是恐怖的阴影去了又来多少年的威胁重重今日明日,我也不会颤抖It matters not how strait the gate,How charged with punishments the scroll.I am the master of my fate,I am the captain of my soul.再狭小的出口再沉重的责罚压在肩头我是我命运的主宰我是我灵魂的舵手Invictus是英国诗人William Ernest Henley的作品,最早写于1875年,于1888年在他的诗集中发表,是他《生与死(回声)》组诗中的第四首。
Nelson Mandela:Forgiveness starts here too.Forgiveness liberates the soul.It removes fear.That is why it is such a powerful weapon.纳尔逊·曼德拉:宽恕也从这里开始,宽恕让我们的灵魂得以解放,不再畏惧,这才是我们最强大的武器。
Hey,think about it,man.He's separated from his wife,his children.How often do you see them here,huh?He's not a saint,okay?He's a man with a man's problems.He doesn't need us reminding him about them.你用脑子好好想想,被迫妻离子散这么多年,你看他们多久才来一次?他是个普通人,不是神,有平常人的喜怒哀乐,别在他的伤口上撒盐。
You know what they say about soccer.It's a gentlemen's game played by hooligans.On the other hand,rugby is a hooligan's game played by gentlemen.你知道他们怎么评论足球运动的?足球是流氓的绅士运动,相反的,橄榄球则是绅士的流氓运动。
Nelson Mandela:How do you inspire your team to do their best?纳尔逊·曼德拉:您如何激励队友全力以赴?Franois:By example.I've always thought to lead by example,sir.弗朗索瓦:以身作则,我总是以身作则。
∙谋事在人,成事在人∙2010-10-15 17:32:00 国学网《孙子兵法》“计篇”有云:“道者,令民与上同意也。
成事在人 影片简介
一、影片简介Nelson Mandela and the Game That Made a Nation about the events in South Africa before and during the 1995 Rugby World Cup, hosted in that country following the dismantling of apartheid.、二、曼德拉生平Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (born 18 July 1918) is a South African politician who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999, the first ever to be elected in a fully representative democratic election. Before being elected President, Mandela was a militant anti-apartheid activist, and the leader and co-founder of Umkhonto we Sizwe, the armed wing of the African National Congress(ANC). In 1962 he was arrested and convicted of sabotage and other charges, and sentenced to life imprisonment. Mandela went on to serve 27 years in prison, spending many of these years on Robben Island. Following his release from prison on 11 February 1990, Mandela led his party in the negotiations that led to the establishment of democracy in 1994. As President, he frequently gave priority to reconciliation, while introducing policies aimed at combating poverty and inequality in South Africa.[2][3]In South Africa, Mandela is often known as Madiba, his Xhosa clan name; or as tata (Xhosa: father).[4] Mandela has received more than 250 awards over four decades, including the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize.三、题目介绍Invictus was released in the United States on December 11, 2009. The title Invictus may be translated from the Latin as "undefeated" or "unconquered", and is the title of a poem by English poet William Ernest Henley (1849–1903).四、故事发展故事从92年曼德拉当选总统开始,影片一开始就给我们描述出两个场景白人孩子训练橄榄球和黑人孩子踢足球的场面很明显的体现出种族隔离曼德拉的上台给国内的白人带来很大的恐慌给黑人带来了希望Stories from the 1992 Mandela was elected president, the beginning of the film you give us a description of two scene white children training rugby and black children playing football scene very clearly reflect the apartheid Mandela's election to the domestic white great panic brought hope to black但是前任政府给他留下一系列烂摊子——经济萎靡、治安混乱、种族分歧、国民不团结等等问题。
成事在人谋事在天英语作文英文回答:As the ancient Chinese proverb goes, 成事在天,谋事在人. This translates to "achievement depends on luck, but planning depends on people". The proverb suggests thatwhile external factors such as luck or circumstance mayplay a role in the outcome of our endeavors, it isultimately our own planning and preparation that determine our success or failure.In life, there are countless variables that are beyond our control. We cannot predict the future, nor can wealways control the actions of others. However, we cancontrol our own actions and decisions. By carefullyplanning our goals, identifying potential obstacles, and taking proactive steps to overcome them, we increase our chances of success.Of course, there are times when even the best-laidplans go awry. Things happen. However, if we have done our due diligence, we will be better equipped to adapt and respond to unexpected challenges. We will also be more likely to learn from our mistakes and make necessary adjustments in the future.While it is tempting to rely on luck or fate to determine our destiny, it is ultimately a fruitless endeavor. Instead, we should focus on what we can control our own actions and decisions. By doing so, we empower ourselves to shape our own future and increase our chances of achieving our goals.中文回答:成事在天,谋事在人,是一句古语。
成事在人谋事在天英语作文英文回答:Success is a multifaceted concept that has been explored by philosophers, theologians, and scholars for centuries. Many believe that success is a product of both human effort and divine intervention. In the West, the adage "God helps those who help themselves" succinctly captures this sentiment. This proverb suggests that while divine assistance may be available, it is often contingent upon human initiative and hard work.On the other hand, some cultures place greater emphasis on the role of external forces in shaping human outcomes. The Chinese proverb "Cheng shi zai ren, mou shi zai tian" (成事在天,谋事在人) reflects this perspective. Itliterally translates to "Success is in heaven, but planning is in man." This proverb acknowledges the influence of fate and circumstance, suggesting that while humans have a role to play in shaping their destiny, there are also externalfactors beyond their control.The tension between human effort and external forces is a recurring theme in many religious and philosophical traditions. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, God is often portrayed as both omnipotent and benevolent. This raises the question of why God allows suffering and adversity to exist. Some theologians argue that human suffering is a consequence of sin and free will, while others maintainthat it is an inherent part of the human condition.In Hinduism, the concept of karma plays a central role in determining human outcomes. Karma refers to the sumtotal of one's actions and intentions, both in this life and in previous lives. The belief in karma suggests that human beings are responsible for their own fate and that their present circumstances are a consequence of their past actions.Ultimately, the question of whether success isprimarily due to human effort, divine intervention, or a combination of both is a matter of personal belief. Thereis no scientific consensus on this issue, and the answer likely varies depending on one's cultural, religious, and philosophical perspectives.中文回答:成事在天,谋事在人。
成事在人谋事在天的句子1. 成事在人谋事在天,就像爬山一样,咱努力往上爬,可到顶不到顶还得看老天爷给不给那好天气呀!比如那次我精心准备去登山,结果半路下起雨来,可不就是谋事在人成事在天嘛!2. 成事在人谋事在天,这不就跟比赛一样嘛,你拼命训练,可最后能不能赢还真不好说呢!就像上次小李参加比赛,准备得特充分,结果突发状况,唉,真是谋事在人成事在天呀!3. 成事在人谋事在天,好比航海远行,你做好了各种准备,可海上的风浪谁说得准呢!记得那次老王出海捕鱼,啥都准备好了,结果遇到大风浪,这不是谋事在人成事在天是啥!4. 成事在人谋事在天,就像种地,你辛勤耕耘,可最后收成好不好还得看老天爷赏不赏脸呀!咱村老张种地那叫一个用心,可那年大旱,这不就是谋事在人成事在天的例子嘛!5. 成事在人谋事在天,跟创业不是一样嘛,你有好点子努力干,可市场变化谁能预料呢!你看小张创业那会多有激情,结果行业不景气,这真的是谋事在人成事在天呀!6. 成事在人谋事在天,这不就是考试嘛,你拼命学习,可考试那天状态咋样很难说呀!我那次考试前准备得可好了,结果太紧张发挥失常,可不就是谋事在人成事在天嘛!7. 成事在人谋事在天,好比追女孩子,你各种献殷勤,可人家喜不喜欢你不还是没准嘛!小王追那女孩花了多少心思,最后还是没成,这不是谋事在人成事在天是啥!8. 成事在人谋事在天,跟求职也差不多呀,你能力强准备足,可人家公司要不要你不一定呀!小李面试了好多家,都挺不错的,可就是没被选上,这就是谋事在人成事在天呀!9. 成事在人谋事在天,就像买彩票,你选了号,中不中奖真的只能看天意啦!老赵经常买彩票,也没中过大奖,这不是谋事在人成事在天嘛!10. 成事在人谋事在天,跟治病也有点像,医生尽力治,可最后能不能好还得看病人自身情况呀!那次朋友生病,医生全力救治,可还是很遗憾,这就是谋事在人成事在天呀!。
1--Holding.Holding.Ready?顶住,顶住,准备好2---Yeah,let's go.Up,up,up.-Come on,boys,tackle,tackle.好,开始!上,上,上,快上,小伙子们,防守,快抢3--南非,1990年2月11日4--Good work,boys.Keep it up.Good work.干得好,继续,继续,好样的5--Mandela!Mandela!曼德拉!曼德拉!6--Mandela!Mandela!Mandela!曼德拉!曼德拉!曼德拉!7--Who is it,sir?教练,那是谁?8--It is that terrorist,Mandela.They let him out.是那个恐怖分子,曼德拉,他们把他放了9--Remember this day,boys.记住这一天吧,孩子们10--This is the day our country went to the dogs.咱国家从今天起算是完蛋了11--Come.Let's e.过来,走,咱们继续练12--I am now in a position to announce that Mr.Nelson Mandela will be released...我在此宣布纳尔逊·曼德兰先生将会于2月11日,周日下午三点…13--...at the Victor Verster Prison...…从维克托·韦斯特监狱…14--...on Sunday,the11th of February,at about3p.m.…被释放15--There's Mr.Nelson Mandela.那就是纳尔逊·曼德拉先生16--Mr.Mandela,a free man...曼德拉先生,现在是个自由的人了…17--...taking his first steps into a new South Africa.…他将一步步走向一个全新的南非18--This is the moment the world has been waiting for.这就是全世界都在等待的那一刻19--And the top news of the day here in South Africa and around the world.今天南非和世界的头条新闻都是…20--The recent release of Nelson Mandela from prison...纳尔逊·曼德拉最近的出狱…21--...has triggered a power struggle between the ANC and their black rivals.引发了ANC(非洲人国民大会,简称非国大)与其他黑人党派的权力之争22--There are reports that the government has been secretly providing arms...有报道指出,现任(白人)政府秘密地向这些组织提供武器…23--...to these groups,contributing to the violence...…从而导致了…24--...that has erupted throughout the country.…全国性的暴力活动25--South Africa appears to be on the verge of a civil war.南非正处于内战爆发的边缘26--Mr.Mandela has traveled to Durban...曼德拉到达德班(南非港口城市)…27--...in an effort to persuade100,000angry young ANC supporters on the frontline...…试图劝说10万名愤怒的非国大年轻支持者放弃武力…28--...to make peace.…和平解决争端29--Take your knives and your guns and your pangas...拿上你的匕首、枪和砍刀…30--...and throw them into the sea.…然后把它们丢到海里去31--After four years of talks,the day black South Africans...经过四年的对话,长期以来南非黑人…32--...have been fighting for has finally arrived.…为之奋斗的一天终于到来了33--For the first time,they are free to cast their vote alongside whites.有史以来第一次,他们终于能和白人一起投票34--An estimated23million people went to the polls today.今天,预计有2300万人参加投票35--I,Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela...我,纳尔逊·罗利拉拉·曼德拉…36--...do hereby swear to be faithful to the Republic of South Africa.…在此宣誓效忠南非共和国37--Never,never and never again shall it be...永远、永远、永远都不要…38--...that this beautiful land will again...…让这片土地再次经受…39--...experience the oppression of one by another...…一个种族对另一个种族的压迫…40--...and suffer the indignity of being the skunk of the world.…和因为丑恶行径而遭到整个世界的鄙夷41--Madiba!马迪巴!(曼德拉家族中长辈对他的荣誉头衔,此处类似于昵称)42--马迪巴!43--Here he is.Like clockwork.他来了,跟闹钟一样准44--That makes him such an easy target.这样有规律使他很危险啊45--Yes,good morning.您好,早上好46--早安老大,早安老大47--How are you?你们还好么?48---Us is sharp,Madiba.-Good.-我们挺好的,马迪巴-很好49---Linga,how's your mother?-She's much better.Thanks.-林格,你妈妈怎么样了?-她好多了,谢谢您50--Good,very good.好,很好51--Linga,watch your left.林格,小心左边52--Madiba.Madiba.马迪巴、马迪巴53--It's all right.没事的54--What does it say?那上面说什么?55--It says,"He can win an election,but can he run a country?"(报纸上的文字是阿非利卡语,或称南非荷兰语,是白人的主要语言)那上面说,“他能赢得选举,但他懂得治理国家么?56--Not even one day on the job and they are after you.都还没上任呢,他们就开始批评了57--It's a legitimate question.这问题提的没错啊58--Today marks the beginning of a new era in South Africa...今天,标志着南非进入了一个新的时代…59--...as President Mandela takes office in Pretoria.…曼德拉总统将在比勒陀利亚开始办公60--Facing issues that range from economic stagnation and unemployment...他面临问题有很多,从经济不景气和失业问题…61--...to rising crime,while at the same time...…到高发的犯罪,同时…62--...balancing black aspirations with white fears.…还要注意平衡黑人的热情和白人的恐惧63--I never thought I'd see the day.I feel sorry for you,son.我没想到自己能看到这一天,真为你感到抱歉,儿子64--You got your whole life ahead of you.What's it gonna be like now?你前头还有大把人生呢,那会是怎样的人生呢?65---Don't be so gloomy.-Yeah.-别那么消极嘛-好吧66--Now,I added vitamins.There's a horrible flu bug going around.给你,我加了维他命的,最近好像流感爆发67---You tell Nerine when you get home,eh?-Thanks,Mom.-你回家之后要告诉纳琳,知道么?-谢了,妈妈68--Now,I'm telling you,Francois.现在,我跟你说,弗朗索瓦69--Look at Angola,look at Mozambique,look at Zimbabwe.看看安哥拉,看看莫桑比克,看看津巴布韦(这些国家在黑人政府掌权后对白人的政策有些矫枉过正)70--We're next.我们也快了71--They're gonna take our jobs and they're gonna drive us into the sea.他们会抢走我们的工作然后把我们赶到海里去72--Just you wait.等着瞧吧73--Good morning.早安74---Good morning.-Good morning.-早安-早安75---早安-早安76---Good morning,everyone.-Good morning.-大家早安-早安77--Brenda,you've had your hair done.I like it.布兰达,你做了头发啊,我喜欢78--Thank you,Madiba.谢谢你,马迪巴79--Yeah,we need to talk about your cabinet appointments and ministers.嗯,我们需要讨论一下政府内阁的人选问题80---Give me one moment,please.-Yes,Madiba.-请稍等我一下-好的,马迪巴81---After you,Comrade President.-Thank you,sir.-请进,总统同志82--Office of the president,good morning.早安,总统办公室83--Brenda.布兰达84--Please assemble all the staff for me.All those who haven't already left.请帮我集合所有的工作人员,那些还没有离开的85--Right now?All of them?现在,所有人?86---Yes,please.-Yes,Madiba.-对,谢谢-好的,马迪巴87--Ladies and gentlemen,if you would like to follow me,please.女士们先生们,请跟我来88--The president would like to speak with you.总统先生有话要跟你们说89---Here he comes.-Yeah.-他来了-是啊90--He wants the satisfaction of firing us himself.他大概想亲自开除我们会比较爽91---I'd like you to stay out here.-Yes,but,Madiba...-我想你们就在这儿等着-可是,马迪巴…92--I cannot talk to them hiding behind men with guns.我不能躲在有枪的人后面跟他们说话93--[南非荷兰语]大家早安94---Good morning.-Good morning.-早安-早安95--Good morning.早安96---How are you this morning?-Fine.-你今天早上感觉怎么样?-很好97--It's good to see you.很高兴见到你98--Thank you for coming on such short notice.感谢你们这么快就来参加会议了99--Some of you may know who I am.你们中的有些人可能认识我100--I could not help noticing the empty offices...我早上来上班的时候…101--...as I came to work this morning...…没法不注意到那些空旷的办公室….102--...and all of the packing boxes.…和满满的整理箱103--Now,of course,if you want to leave,that is your right.当然,如果你要走,那是你的权利104--And if you feel in your heart that you cannot work with your new government...而且如果你内心里感到你不能和新政府一道工作…105--...then it is better that you do leave.…那么你最好还是离开吧106--Right away.马上就走107--But if you are packing up because you fear...但如果你收拾东西准备走是因为你害怕…108--...that your language or the color of your skin...…你的语言或者你的肤色…109--...or who you worked for before disqualifies you from working here...…或你过去曾经为某些人工作过的经历使你不符合这里工作的条件…110--...I am here to tell you,have no such fear.…我在此告诉各位,根本不必担心111--What is verby is verby.过去的就过去了(此处他用了南非荷兰语的“过去”)112--The past is the past.过去的就过去了113--We look to the future now.现在我们要向前看114--We need your help.我们需要你们的帮助115--We want your help.我们需要你们帮助我们116--If you would like to stay...如果你想留下…117--...you would be doing your country a great service.…你将会为你的国家做出极大的贡献118--All I ask is that you do your work to the best of your abilities...我所要求的只是尽你所能地工作…119--...and with good heart.…同时保持一颗善良的心120--I promise to do the same.我保证我将同样这么做121--If we can manage that,our country will be a shining light in the world.如果我们能做到这一点,我们的国家必将在世界上重新闪耀122--Thank you.谢谢123--早安,我的姐妹124---Is it still morning?-Yeah.-现在还是早上呢?-对125--When you get a chance,can we get the schedule for the month?你有时间的时候,能不能给我们一份这个月的行程表?126---Yeah.-We need to plan security.-好-我们需要布置安保工作127--Office of the president,good morning.早安,总统办公室128--Yes,sir.Will do,we'll have that ready for you.好的,先生,可以,我们会给您准备好的129--We need more men.我们需要更多的人手130--Did you talk to Brenda about it?你跟布兰达说了么?131--Yes.Yesterday.说了,昨天说的132--Ah.That must be Jessie with the schedule.啊,一定是杰西来送行程表了133--Come in,beautiful.进来吧,美女134--What's this?这是怎么回事?135--Mr.Jason Tshabalala?杰森·沙巴拉拉先生?136--That's me.Am I under arrest?是我,我被捕了么?137--Captain Feyder and team,reporting for duty,sir.菲德尔上尉及其小队报道,长官138--What duty?你们负责什么?139--We're the presidential bodyguard.We've been assigned to this office.我们是总统保镖,我们被指派到这个办公室140--Here are our orders.这是我们收到的命令141--You're Special Branch,right?你们是属于政治保安处的,是吧?142--You'll see that they've been signed.你可以看下,命令已经签署了143--Well,I don't care if they are signed...好吧,如果是上一届政府签的我就…144--(签名:曼德拉)145--Just wait here.等下146--Sorry to disturb you,sir.很抱歉打扰您,先生147--You look agitated,Jason.你看起来挺激动的,杰森148--That's because there are four Special Branch cops in my office.那是因为有4个政治保安处的警察到我的办公室来了149---Oh,what did you do?-Nothing.-哦,你干什么了?-没干什么150--They say they are presidential bodyguards and they have orders signed by you.他们说他们是总统保镖,他们手中有你签署的命令151--Ah,yes.Ah,yes.Well,these men are special trained by SAS.啊,对,对,对,这些人可是受过SAS(著名英国特种部队)训练的152--They have lots of experience.They protected de Klerk.他们很有经验,他们保护过德·克勒克(曼德拉之前的南非最后一任白人总统)153---Yes,but it doesn't mean that they have to...-You asked for more men,didn't you?-我知道,可是这并不意味着他们要…-你不是说了需要更多人手么,对吧?154---Yes,sir,I asked...-When people see me in public...-是的,先生,我是要了…-当我出现在公众场合时…155--...they see my bodyguards.…大家也会看到我的保镖156--You represent me directly.你们直接代表我157--The rainbow nation starts here.“彩虹之国”就从这里开始158---Reconciliation starts here.-Reconciliation,sir?-和解就从这里开始-什么,和解?159--Yes,reconciliation,Jason.对的,和解,杰森160--Comrade President,not long ago,these guys tried to kill us.总统同志,不久之前,这些家伙还想干掉我们呢161--Maybe even these four guys in my office tried and often succeeded.也许我办公室里那四个家伙也干过,可能还得手过162--Yes,I know.是的,我知道163--Forgiveness starts here too.宽容也从这里开始164--Forgiveness liberates the soul.宽容可以解放你的灵魂165--It removes fear.That is why it is such a powerful weapon.消除恐惧,这就是为什么宽容是如此强大的一件武器166--Please,Jason.Try.去吧,杰森,试一下167--Sorry to disturb you,sir.很抱歉打扰您了,先生168--Just a minute.等一小下169--Two copies of the schedule.两份行程表170--Thank you,Jessie.谢了,杰西171--Jason,can we get rid of these guys now?杰森,这些家伙可以走了么?172--This is the schedule for the month.这是这个月的行程表173--Let's look them over for assignments.咱们来仔细看看这些安排174---Right.-What?-好的-什么?175--Hey,Jason.I need to talk to you.嘿,杰森,我得和你聊聊176--How can we trust them?我们怎么能相信这些家伙呢?177--We can't.That's what Madiba wants,okay?Let's go.我们不能,但是马迪巴要这么做的,懂了么?走吧178--Are there any special orders or conditions?有什么需要特别注意的情况么?179--No.Oh,yes.没有,哦,有180--Madiba doesn't like it if you don't smile when you push people away.马迪巴希望你们在推开人群的时候能保持微笑181--Seriously?真的?182--Yes,seriously.It's the new South Africa.对,真的,现在可是新南非了183--Madiba?马迪巴?184--That's the president's clan name.那是总统家族里的名字185--That's what we call him.我们这么称呼他的186--We'll call him Mr.President.我们会叫他总统先生187--Can we go through the schedule now?咱们现在可以接着看行程表了吧?188--Can you gentlemen come closer?你们的人能靠过来些不?189--How's he going to do all this?When does he take a break?他怎么能干这么多事?他什么时候休息呢?190--He says he rested enough in prison.他说他已经在监狱里休息够了191---Here's a headache.-What?-这有个麻烦事-什么?192--The rugby match.橄榄球比赛193--England against Springboks,Loftus Stadium.英格兰对阵跳羚,洛夫特斯体育场194--Gonna be a headache for England,that's for sure.We're gonna donnerthem.英格兰可有麻烦了,肯定的,我们会好好教训他们195--I don't care about the game.All I care about...我关心的不是比赛,我关心的是…196--...is that the president will be exposed.-To a thousand drunken boys.…总统会出现在公众场合-面对1000多醉醺醺的家伙197--Sports fans?你是说球迷?198--Yes.Sports fans.对,球迷199--Who didn't vote for him.Who probably hate him.那些没投票给他的人,那些可能憎恨他的人200--Who came out of the womb with guns in their hands.那些生来手里就拿着枪的人(此处均暗指白人)201--What?什么?202--Let's welcome captain Francois Pienaar...让我们欢迎弗朗索瓦·皮纳尔队长…203--...and the South African Springboks here in Pretoria.…和南非跳羚队来到比勒陀利亚204--Today's referee is Colin Hawke from New Zealand.今天的主裁判是来自新西兰的科林·霍克205--Bokke!Bokke!Bokke!跳羚!跳羚!跳羚!206--Okay,guys.好了,伙计们207--I want your eyes on the crowd at all times.You're staying in the middle of the field.我要求你们要时刻注意观众,你们站在场地中央208--You're gonna walk in,shake hands,and walk back and that's it.他进场,握手,然后退场,就这样209---You got it?-Yup.-明白了么?-明白210--Okay,let's go.好的,走吧211--Ladies and gentlemen,it is our pleasure to have with us today...女士们先生们,今天,我们很高兴…212--...at Loftus Versfeld,our newly elected president...…新当选的总统纳尔逊·曼德拉先生…213--...Mr.Nelson Mandela.…也来到了洛夫特斯体育场214--Mandela!曼德拉!215--Well,good luck,captain.那么,祝好运了,队长216--Thank you,Mr.President.Thank you.谢谢,总统先生,谢谢217---Good luck,son.-Thank you very much.-祝好运,孩子-非常感谢218---Good luck.-Thank you.-祝好运-谢谢219---Good luck,Chester.-Yes,sir.-祝好运,切斯特-好的,先生220---Good luck.-Thank you.-祝好运-谢谢221--Sir.先生222---Stop him.-No,stay with him.-拦住他-别,跟着他223---Thank you for honoring our new flag.-It's a pleasure,sir.-感谢你挥舞着我们的新国旗-很高兴这么做,先生224--Thank you.谢谢225--How are you?How are you?你好吗?你好吗?226---Good to see you.Good to see you.-Thank you.Thank you.-很高兴见到你,很高兴见到你-谢谢,谢谢227---Madiba.-Hi.-马迪巴-你好228--Madiba?Madiba?We're delaying the rugby,sir.马迪巴?马迪巴?我们耽误了比赛开始,先生229--Oh,yes.Oh,yes,of course.哦,对,对,不好意思230---Why didn't you stop him?-Well,you try next time.-你们怎么不阻止他?-呃,下次你自己试试看吧231---Does he do that sort of thing all the time?-Ask my ulcers.-他一直都这么做么?-我都得胃溃疡了(意指长期紧张)232---Good thing it was just a cup.-And good thing he never saw it.-好在只是个杯子-好在他没看见233--Oh,he saw it.He sees everything.哦,他看见了,一切都逃不过他的眼睛234--I hate rugby.我讨厌橄榄球235--Engage!组架!236---With you,with you!-Here,onside,onside!-跟上!跟上!-快,没越位,没越位!237--Come on!Now,now,now!快快!拦,拦住!238--Try,England.英格兰达阵239--For England,scored by Ben Clarke,Number13.英格兰队,13号,本·克拉克得分240--England,11,South Africa,0.英格兰,11,南非,0241--Fuck,man.该死的,伙计们242--These okes mean business.We need to focus.这些家伙来硬的,我们需要集中精力243--Come,okes,we need to focus,focus!来吧,伙计们,咱们要集中精力,集中!244---Let's go,boys.-Right,come on.-来吧,伙计们-好的,加油245--Conversion is good.触地后射门得分246--Why don't we do a little work while we watch?咱们为什么不在看比赛的同时干点儿工作呢?247---We have a lot of promises to keep.-Yes,we do.-我们还有很多承诺要兑现呢-是的,我们有很多248--Well,it's not too late,if the boys can just pick up their game.我看,还不算太晚,只要小伙子们能找回自己的节奏249--If they don't,heads will roll.如果他们做不到,就基本完蛋了250--Come on,you bloody bastards.加油,你们这些小杂种们251--Where do you want to go first for foreign investment?您想让哪些外国投资优先进入呢?252--Where the money is.钱从哪里来?253--America,England,Saudi Arabia.美国、英国、沙特254--How long before the World Cup?离橄榄球世界杯还有多久?255--About a year.大概一年吧256--Well,it's time enough for improvement.嗯,时间足够进步了257--Mr.President.总统先生258--Don't get your hopes up.不要期望太高啊259--We're a damn disgrace.我们肯定挺丢脸的260--England,24,South Africa,9.英格兰,24,南非,9261--Do you see all those old apartheid flags?您看到那些种族隔离时代的旗子了么?262---Hm.-They're a disgrace.-嗯-看着真丢人263--It is also a constitutional right.那也是宪法规定的权利嘛264--Along with the apartheid anthem,I know.还有隔离时代的歌曲,我知道265--But it's time people moved on.但时候让大家往前看了266--Look at this.看这个267--All of the whites are cheering for the Springboks.所有的白人都为跳羚队加油268--All of the blacks are cheering for England.所有的黑人都为英格兰队加油269--We used to do that on the island,you know.你看,我们在岛上的时候也做这么干(曼德拉曾被关押于罗宾岛)270--We would cheer for anyone but the Boks.谁和跳羚比赛,我们就为谁加油271--It made the warders very angry.守卫们气坏了272--Of course it did.那是当然273---Sorry I'm late.How is it going?-Number10.-抱歉我来晚了,情况怎么样?-10号274--Very badly.非常糟糕275--Maybe it's just as well.也许这样更好276--Why?为什么?277--I've just been at a meeting of the National Sports executive.我刚刚参加了国家体育委员会的一个会议278--There's a strong support to drop the Springbok emblem and colors altogether.大家强烈支持废弃跳羚队的队徽和队服279--If they play badly,maybe it's a good time to make a change.如果他们打得不好,正好可以借机改变一下280--This could be the last time we have to look at the green and gold.也许这是我们最后一次看见绿金色了281--Fuck,man.This is bullshit.娘的,操,太烂了282--Francois Pienaar's team came to Loftus Versfeld Stadium this afternoon...今天下午,弗朗索瓦·皮纳尔的队伍出现在洛夫特斯体育场…283--...unprepared and arrogant.…自大而又缺少训练284--They left80minutes later...80分钟之后,他们夹着尾巴离开了…285--...with their tails between their legs like whipped mongrels.…好像一群被皮鞭抽了的狗崽子286--And I,for one,am glad.而我呢,觉得很高兴287--Not because they lost,but because there is now no way...并不是因为我们输球了,而是因为我们再也无法…288--...to ignore the fact that we are completely and utterly unprepared...…忽视这样一个事实:我们完全彻底地没有准备好…289--...to reenter the world of topnotch international rugby.…成为橄榄球世界的顶尖球队290--The Rugby World Cup is now less than a year away.橄榄球世界杯还有不到一年就要举行了291--And I,for one,am relieved that we are the host nation...而我呢,很欣慰我们作为主办国…292--...and therefore qualify automatically for the tournament.…可以自动进入决赛阶段,而不必参加预选赛293---Somebody gets the ax.-Because I am not sure...-有人得下台了-因为我不确定…294--...that we would get in on merit alone.-Who's it gonna be?-…我们是否单凭价值观改变就可以参赛了-开掉谁呢?295--Pienaar's team played without discipline...皮纳尔的队伍完全没有章法…296--...without strategy and without courage.…没有策略、没有勇气297---And therefore...-He's trying to get them to drop me.-因此…-他想让他们把我开了298--He's just bitter because the Springboks were boycotted when he played.他只不过是嫉妒他打球的时候跳羚队在国际上被禁赛了299--Maybe.But people listen to what he says.可能吧,不过大伙听他的300--They brought shame upon our nation.他们给我们国家带来了耻辱301--And I,for one,can say without fear of contradiction...而我呢,可以毫无异议地说…302--...that today,these15...…今天,这15个…303--...so-called men did not deserve to wear the hallowed green and gold.…被称为男人的家伙不配穿上神圣的绿金色球衣304--Here's your muti,Madiba.I warmed the milk tonight.这是您的木提茶,马迪巴,今晚我热了牛奶305--Ah.You are too good to me,Mary.啊,你对我真是太好了,玛丽306--Your daughter called to cancel her visit this weekend.您女儿打电话来说这周末不能来了307--Did she say why?她说为什么了么?308--No,she didn't.She said to tell you she was sorry.没,她没说,她说和您说很抱歉309--I see.知道了310--Do you need anything else tonight?您今晚还需要点儿别的么?311--No,Mary,thank you.I will go to bed.不了,玛丽,谢谢你,我就去睡觉了312--Good evening,Dada.晚安,老爹313--Good evening,Mary.晚安,玛丽314---Hello.There you go.-God bless you.-你好,给你-上帝保佑你315--Thank you.谢谢316---Some nice pants for you.-God bless you.-你的是条裤子-上帝保佑你317--There you go.给你318--There you go.给319--God bless you.上帝保佑你320--You're a very lucky boy.It's a real Springbok practice jersey.你可真走运,这可是件货真价实的跳羚队训练服哦321--I mean,I know it's a bit big,but it's warm and it'll last forever.我知道,它是有点儿大,但它很暖和,而且永不褪色322--Huh?Come.嗯?来啊323--Go on,take it,it's yours.给,拿着,给你了324---Why won't he take it?-Lf he wears it,the others will beat him up.-他为什么不要?-如果他穿这件衣服,其他的孩子会打死他的325--Because the Springboks are playing so badly?因为跳羚队表现得不够好么?326--No,because for them Springbok still represents apartheid.不是,是因为跳羚队代表了种族隔离制度327--And now for the next item on our agenda.好,我们议程上的下一项是…328--The NSC executive proposes a vote国家体育委员会执委会提出了一项动议:329--That,as a permanent symbol of the apartheid era...作为种族隔离时代的一项永久象征…330--...the colors,emblem...…跳羚队的队服、队徽…331--...and the name of the Springboks,be eliminated immediately.…以及“跳羚队”这个名字将被永远废除332--And that all sports teams representing South Africa...而且从今往后所有代表南非的运动队…333--...shall be known forthwith...…将采用…334--...as the Proteas.…帝王花(山龙眼,Protea)作为标志335--Now,comrades,we will submit this motion to a hand vote.现在,同志们,我们将对此动议进行举手表决336--And in the event of a close count,we'll go to a written ballot.如果出现票数接近的情况,我们将转为采用无记名投票方式表决337--All of those in favor of eliminating the Springboks,raise your hands.所有同意废弃跳羚标识的,请举手338---Viva,Proteas,viva!-Viva!-万岁,帝王花,万岁!-万岁!339---万岁,帝王花,万岁!-万岁!340---万岁,帝王花,万岁!-万岁!341--Both units to their cars right now.所有人员做好出发准备342--All right,let's go.Let's do it.好的,行动,出发343--What do I tell the Japanese trade delegation?我该怎么跟日本贸易代表团说呢?344--I delegate that decision to you.我全权委托给你了345---Do you want me to inform the VP?-No.-你要我通知副总统么?-不要346--We should at least include the minister of sport.我们至少应该通知一下体育部长吧347--No.不要348--I strongly advise against doing this,especially on your own.我强烈反对这样做,尤其是您还孤军奋战349--It gives the impression of autocratic leadership.这样会给人留下独裁统治的印象350--You risk alienating your cabinet and your party.您这样做很有可能疏远您的内阁和党派351--Your advice is duly noted.你的建议我知道了352--Madiba.The people want this.They hate the Springboks.马迪巴,是人民想要这样做,他们讨厌跳羚队353--They don't want to be represented by a team they cheered against.他们不想被一个他们喝倒彩的队伍所代表354--Yes,I know.But in this instance,the people are wrong.是的,我知道,但在这件事上,人民错了355--And as their elected leader,it is my job to show them that.作为他们选出的领袖,我有责任指出这一点356--You're risking your political capital.您在拿您的政治生命冒险357--You're risking your future as our leader.您在用您以后的政治前途冒险358--The day I am afraid to do that is the day I am no longer fit to lead.哪天如果我不敢这么做了,哪天就是我不再适合领导了359--At least risk it for something more important than rugby.冒风险至少也要选一些比橄榄球跟重要的事情吧360--Tell the boys I want to go to Eersterust,very fast.告诉他们去伊尔楚斯,快361--We,the executive,would like to applaud you for your diligence...我们,执委会,非常感谢你们的不懈努力…362--...and your courage.…和莫大的勇气363--Please join us in our anthem.请和我们一起唱国歌364--Comrades,comrades,members of the choir.同志们、同志们,唱诗班的同志们365--We would only interrupt such beautiful music for something truly important.只有在非常重要的情况下我们才会打断这美妙的音乐366--Please,welcome President Mandela.请欢迎曼德拉总统367--Thank you.谢谢368---Madiba.-Welcome,Madiba.-马迪巴-欢迎你,马迪巴369---Thank you.-Mandela.-谢谢-曼德拉370---Mandela.-Thank you.-曼德拉-谢谢371--I thank you.Please.谢谢你们,请坐372--Smile.笑一笑373--Brothers...兄弟们…374--...sisters...…姐妹们…rades.…同志们376--I am here because I believe you have made a decision...我到这儿来是因为我相信你们由于信息不充分和缺乏远见…377--...with insufficient information and foresight.…做出了一项错误的决定378--I am aware of your earlier vote.我知道了你们早先的投票结果379--I am aware that it was unanimous.我知道那是全票通过380--Nonetheless,I believe we should restore the Springboks.不管怎样,我相信我们必须保留跳羚队381--Restore their name,their emblem...保持他们的名字、队徽…382--...and their colors immediately.…和队服383--Let me tell you why.我告诉你们为什么384--On Robben Island...在罗宾岛上…385--...in Pollsmoor Prison,all of my jailers were Afrikaners.…在浦斯莫尔监狱,所有的看守都是白人386--For27years...我研究了他们…387--...I studied them.…27年388--I learned their language.我学习了他们的语言389--Read their books...阅读了他们的书籍…390--...their poetry.…他们的诗歌391--I had to know my enemy...在能够战胜我的敌人之前…392--...before I could prevail against him.…我必须要了解他们393--And we did prevail,did we not?而我们确实战胜了他们,不是么?394--All of us here,we prevailed.今天在座的所有人,我们赢了395--Our enemy is no longer the Afrikaner.我们的敌人不再是白人了396--They are our fellow South Africans...他们和我们一样是南非人了397--...our partners in democracy.…是我们这个民主国家的一部分398--And they treasure Springbok rugby.而他们,视跳羚队为无价之宝399--If we take that away,we lose them.如果我们夺走跳羚队,我们将失去他们400--We prove that we are what they feared we would be.我们已经证明了我们将会成为令他们害怕的力量401--We have to be better than that.我们还要做得更好402--We have to surprise them...我们必须让他们惊讶…403--...with the compassion...…惊讶于我们还有同情心…404--...with restraint and generosity.…克制和慷慨的品格405--I know all of the things they denied us.我了解那些他们曾经拒绝了我们的事情406--But this is no time to celebrate petty revenge.但现在并不是复仇的时刻407--This is the time to build our nation...现在是动员一切可以动员的力量…ing every single brick available to us.…来建设我们的国家的时刻409--Even if that brick comes wrapped in green and gold.即使那种力量是绿金色的。
成事在人不在天作文英文回答:"Success lies in the hands of the individual, not in the heavens." This popular saying emphasizes the importance of personal effort and determination in achieving one's goals. It suggests that success is not determined by fate or luck, but rather by the actions and choices of the individual.In today's fast-paced and competitive world, this saying holds true more than ever. With the rise of technology and globalization, individuals have more opportunities than ever to pursue their dreams and make a difference. However, these opportunities also come with increased challenges and obstacles that require hard work and perseverance to overcome.For example, in the business world, entrepreneurs must constantly innovate and adapt to changing market conditionsin order to succeed. It is their drive and determination that ultimately determine their success, not external factors beyond their control.Similarly, in the academic realm, students must put in the effort to study and learn in order to achieve good grades and excel in their chosen field. No amount of luck or fate can substitute for hard work and dedication when it comes to academic success.Overall, the saying "success lies in the hands of the individual, not in the heavens" serves as a reminder that personal effort and determination are essential for achieving success in any endeavor.中文回答:“成事在人不在天。
影片以曼德拉出狱后为起点,以感人的细节刻画了曼德拉内心世界,他U 光深远,他的胸怀,就像他出狱后的一句话,“当我走出监狱的时候,我知道,如果我不放弄种族的仇恨,那我虽然出狱了,我仍然还在监狱中”,一个领袖的风范就在于此。
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