Space Filling CurvesHierarchical Basis
石油投资项 目 一般都是高投资和高风险项 目, 目的经济评价 ,可以将石油投资项 目的各个阶段 分别作为一个整体来考虑 , 在每个 阶段结束后 , 石 其主要风险来 自于石油储量 的不确定性以及石油 产品价格 的波动性 。从理论上讲 , 石油投资具有多 油公司都可以决定是否继续投资 。 种期权特性 , 即放弃期权 、 扩张期权和延迟期权 。 无论从上游的石油 的勘探开发 , 中游的炼油化工、 实物期权是指一个投资方案的现金流量所创 造 的利润 , 自于 目前所拥有资产的使用 , 来 再加上 管道输送 以及下游的成品油销售等都存在着投资 对未来投资机会 的选择。即资产 的拥有者可 以取 的期权 特 征 。
( ) 一 实物期 权
以勘探开发为例 , 随着开发投资的开始 , 投资 得一个权利 ,在未来以一定 的价格取得或者出售 项实物资产或者投资项 目,而取得此项权利的 方逐步获得包括地质信息、 市场价格等各种信息 , 价格则可以使用期权定价公式计算 出来 。所 以实 如果地质信息显示储量并不如先前预测 ,投资方
石油投资项 目布莱克 一斯科尔斯期权定价模型建立及应用
吴剑 刚 , 一 男 , 军 , 杜 高 陆 环
[ 摘 要 ] 高投 资和 高风险特征的石油投 资项 目大多具有放 弃、 扩张和延迟 等多种期权特性 。 文章在介绍实物期权的
基础上 , 对石 油投 资项 目期权特 征、 评价 思路 、 评价准则进 行分析 , 立石 油投 资项 目 B c - coe 看涨期权 、 建 h k Sh l s 推迟投资期 权、 放弃期权三种定价模 型 , 并结合 实例进行应 用, E E 在 XC L中建立计算应用模 型 , 实现与传统评价方法的比较。
20 年第 0 08 6期 ( 总第 9 7期)
Ti元素对激光金属沉积Nb-Mo-Ta-W高熵合金缺陷的影响李青宇1, 梁景怡2, 陈珉芮1, 杨志海1, 彭 航1*, 李涤尘3(1.中国核动力研究设计院 核反应堆系统设计技术重点实验室,成都 610213;2.中国核动力研究设计院 反应堆燃料及材料重点实验室,成都 610213;3.西安交通大学 机械制造系统工程国家重点实验室,西安 710049)摘要:采用激光金属沉积工艺对成分重组设计后的Nb-Mo-Ta-W系难熔高熵合金进行成形制备,利用X射线衍射仪和扫描电子显微镜对(NbMoTa)90W10和(NbMoTaTi)90W10两种高熵合金的相结构、缺陷与微观组织进行了表征分析,并通过多功能力学试验机对两种合金进行室温拉伸性能测试。
结果表明:(NbMoTa)90W10和(NbMoTaTi)90W10两种高熵合金均为单相体心立方结构;Ti元素在Nb-Mo-Ta-W系合金中的晶界处形成了“液态薄膜”,可实现对沿晶裂纹的良好抑制;冶金缺陷的减少以及Ti元素引入的晶格畸变效应,(NbMoTaTi)90W10高熵合金的室温力学性能提升,屈服强度达到1156 MPa。
关键词:激光金属沉积;难熔高熵合金;液态薄膜;冶金缺陷doi:10.11868/j.issn.1005-5053.2023.000107中图分类号:TG40;TG401 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5053(2023)04-0086-08Effect of Ti on defects in Nb-Mo-Ta-W high-entropy alloyprepared by laser metal depositionLI Qingyu1, LIANG Jingyi2, CHEN Minrui1, YANG Zhihai1, PENG Hang1*, LI Dichen3(1. Science and Technology on Reactor System Design Technology Laboratory, Nuclear Power Institute of China, Chengdu 610213, China;2. Science and Technology on Reactor Fuel and Materials Laboratory, Nuclear Power Institute of China, Chengdu 610213, China;3. State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing System Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China)Abstract: The Nb-Mo-Ta-W series refractory high-entropy alloys with composition recombination design were manufactured by laser metal deposition process. The phase structure, defects and microstructure of(NbMoTa)90W10 and(NbMoTaTi)90W10 high-entropy alloys were characterized and analyzed by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope. The tensile properties of the two alloys were tested at room temperature by multifunctional mechanical testing machine. The results showed that both(NbMoTa)90W10 and(NbMoTaTi)90W10 high-entropy alloys are single-phase body centered cubic structures. Ti element forms a "liquid film" at the grain boundaries in Nb-Mo-Ta-W series alloy, which can effectively suppress intergranular cracks. Due to the reduction of metallurgical defects and the lattice distortion effect, the mechanical property of(NbMoTaTi)90W10 high-entropy alloy at room temperature is improved, and the yield strength reaches 1156 MPa.Key words: laser metal deposition;refractory high-entropy alloy;liquid film;metallurgical defects第四代核能系统兼具高效的燃料利用率、高固有安全性、防扩散与实体保护能力以及高经济性等诸多优势。
do you distinguish steel from cast iron? How do you distinguish low alloy steel from high alloy steel?
1.1.1 Iron and Steel
The earth contains a large number of metals which are useful to man. One of the most important of these is iron. Modern industry needs considerable quantities of this metal, either in the form of iron or in the form of steel.
Mechanical Engineering materials
Organic polymer materials Inorganic non-metallic materials
plastic rubber Synthetic Fibers Traditional ceramics Special Ceramics Metal Matrix Composites
1.1.1 Iron and Steel
The ore becomes molten, and its oxides combine with carbon from the coke. The non-metallic constituents of the ore combine with the limestone to form a liquid slag. This floats on top of the molten iron, and passed out of the furnace through a tap. The metal which remains is pig iron.
Isambard Kingdom Brunel 将其作为改造世界的宣言,并播下现代主义的种子。
有多少人能看出铝和钢的区别?木头之间明显不同,但有多少人能说出原因?塑料是混杂的;谁知道聚乙烯和聚丙烯的区别?最终,我进入牛津大学(Oxford University)材料科学系攻读学位,接着攻读喷气发动机合金博士学位,现在是伦敦大学学院(University College London)材料与社会教授和制造研究所(Institute of Making)主任。
25. Figure S15. IAST selectivities of CO2 over N2 in 1a at different mixture composition at 273 K (a) and 298 K (b). 26.Figure S16. IAST selectivites of CO2 over H2 in 1a at different mixture compositions as a function of total pressure at 273 K (a) and 298 K (b). 27. Figure S17. Gas cycling experiment for 1a under a mixed CO2–N2 (15:85 v/v) flow and a pure N2 flow at a constant temperature of 303 K for 35 cycles. 28. Figure S18. An enlargment of five cycles―TG-DSC curves from cycle 5th to cycle 9th. 29. Figure S19. The IR spectra of the as-synthesized sample (a) and acetoneexchanged one (b). 30. Table S10. The weight change for the special cycle in the gas cycling experiment. 31. Table S11. High-pressure excess sorption and total sorption data of 1a.
第07章 布莱克-舒尔斯期权定价公式的扩展
第一节布莱克-舒尔斯期权定价模型的缺陷在实际经济生活中,布莱克-舒尔斯期权定价模型(为简便起见,我们后文都称之为BS 模型)应用得非常广泛,对金融市场具有很大的影响。
2.股票价格服从波动率 和无风险利率r为常数的对数正态分布。
1. 交易成本的假设:BS模型假定交易成本为零,可以连续进行动态的套期保值,从而保证无风险组合的存在和期权定价的正确性。
2. 波动率为常数的假设:BS模型假定标的资产的波动率是一个已知的常数或者是一个确定的已知函数。
计算机辅助几何造型技术主讲教师:秦开怀教授、博导qkh-dcs@所在单位:清华大学计算机科学与技术系 时间:2007年9月~2008年1月Textbooks/ReferencesJ. Hoschek& D. Lasser, Fundamentals of Computer Aided Geometric Design A K Peters Computer Aided Geometric Design, A K Peters, Ltd, Massachusetts, 1993.David F Rogers Introduction to NURBS Morgan David F Rogers,Introduction to NURBS, Morgan Kaufmann,2001.L Piegl&W Tiller The NURBS Book(2L. Piegl & W. Tiller, The NURBS Book (2nd Edition), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, NewYork, 1997.York1997Carl deBoor, A Practical Guide to Splines, New York, Springer Verlag, 1978.York Springer-Verlag1978(Continued)M. E. Mortenson, Geometric Modeling , J h W l &S I 1985John Waley & Sons, Inc., 1985. G. Farin, Curves and Surfaces for ,Computer Aided Geometric Design (5th Edition), Elsevier Inc., 2002.(李双喜译,),,(CAGD 曲线曲面,科学出版社,2006)E J Stollnitz T DeRose &D H Salesin E. J. Stollnitz, T. DeRose & D. H. Salesin, Wavelets for Computer Graphics, Theory & Morgan Kaufmann PublishersApplications , Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., San Francisco, 1996.(Continued)Denis Zorin & Peter Schroder, Subdivision for M d li d A i ti SIGGRAPH 2000Modeling and Animation , SIGGRAPH 2000 Course Notes #23, 2000. R. Barzel, Physically-Based Modeling for Computer Graphics, A Structured Approach,Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, 1992.D. N. Metaxas, Physic-Based Deformable ,yModels, Applications to Computer Vision, Graphics & Medical Imaging , Kluwer Academicp g g ,Publishers, Massachusetts, 1997.(Continued)Donald Hearn & M.Pauline Baker, C t G hi ith O GL (Thi d Computer Graphics with OpenGL (Third Edition), Pearson Education, 2004 (中译本赫恩等著本:赫恩等著, 蔡士杰等译,《计算机图形学(第三版)》, 电子工业出版社, 200506)2005-06.) J. D. Foley, et al, Computer Graphics: y,,p pPrinciples & Practice (2nd Edition in C),Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1996.y,g,,G di P li Grading PolicyThree assignments 30%Discussions/learning in classroom 5% One project substituting for the final p j g examination 65%R kRemarksThe three assignment is to be completed individually on yourself, but discussions among fellow students areyourself but discussions among fellow students areallowed.The project substitutes for the final examination Two The project substitutes for the final examination. Twostudents can work together as a group.Absolutely no sharing or copying of any code for both Absolutely no sharing or copying of any code for boththe assignments and the project! Offenders will be givena failure grade and the case will be reported to theg pdepartment.You are welcome to turn off your mobile phone before You are welcome to turn off your mobile phone beforeattending lectures.This course concentrates on seven main issues:i iNURBS curves and surfaces (including Bezier, B-spline curves and surfaces)gTriangular surfacesGordon-Coons surfacesSubdivision surfaces of arbitrary topologySubdivision surfaces of arbitrary topologyThe 2nd generation wavelets for multi-resolution modelingmodelingSolid modelingNew technology for geometric modelingContents of This Course1.Introduction2.∆Mathematic BasicsAffine mapsAffine mapsDivided differenceFunction spaceGeometric basics from curves and surfaces 3.∆Interpolatory Polynomial SplinesHermite interpolationHermite interpolationContents of This Course Contents of This Course (Continued)Quadric polynomial spline curvesCubic polynomial spline curvesSolving a linear system of equations with a g y q tridiagonal coefficient matrix Cubic parametric spline curves Cubic parametric spline curves4.*Bezier Curves and Surfaces Bezier curves defined by edge vectorsBernstein-Bezier curvesProperties of Bernstein-Bezier curves(Continued)De Casteljau algorithmDi t ti f B iDiscrete generation of Bezier curvesDegree elevation of Bezier curvesD d i f B iDegree reduction of Bezier curvesBezier spline curvesBezier interpolation curvesMatrix formula of Bezier curvesRational Bezier curvesProduct & inner product of Bezier curves Bezier surfaces(Continued)5.*B-spline Curves and SurfacesB-spline basis functions and their p ppropertiesB-spline curvesOpen curves and knot vectorsOpen curves and knot vectorsUniform B-spline curvesEndpoint interpolating B spline curves Endpoint interpolating B-spline curvesClosed B-spline curves(Continued)Chaikin algorithmDe Boor algorithmInserting knots in B-spline curves Inserting knots in B spline curvesBoehm algorithmOlso algorithmGeneral knot insertion for B-spline curvesDegree elevation of B-spline curves Degree elevation of B-spline curvesMarsden identity and recursive degree elevationPrautzsch algorithm(Continued)Arbitrarily high degree elevation for B-spline curvesDegree reduction of B-spline curvesB-spline surfacesInterpolating B-spline curves and p g p surfaces Matrix formulas of B-spline curves and Matrix formulas of B spline curves and surfaces(Continued)Matrix formula of uniform B_spline curvesMatrix formula of non-uniform B_splines Inner product of B-spline curvesGeneralized Marsden identityB-spline curve productInner product of B-spline basis functionsInner product of B-spline curves6.*NURBS Curves and SurfacesNURBS curvesNURBS curvesRepresenting conics using NURBS(Continued)Parameterization of curvesfNURBS surfacesRepresenting quadrics using NURBS surfacesfInterpolating NURBS curves and surfaces 7.Blossoming PrincipleLooking at de Casteljau algorithm from a Looking at de Casteljau algorithm from a blossoming point of viewKnot insertion from a blossoming point of Knot insertion from a blossoming point of view(Continued)Generating de Boor points based on the blossoming principleblossoming principleDegree raising of B-spline curves by blossoming8.* Triangular SurfacesBarycentric coordinatesgTriangular Bezier surfacesContinuity conditions for triangular Bezier ppatchesRational Triangular surfaces(Continued)9.*Gordon-Coons SurfacesCoons surfacesGordon-Coons surfaces on rectanglesGordon-Coons surfaces on triangles0Subd s o Su a s o b a y 10.*Subdivision Surfaces of ArbitraryTopologyCatmull-Clark surfacesCatmull-Clark surfacesDoo-Sabin surfacesContinuity of uniform subdivision surfaces Continuity of uniform subdivision surfacesNon-uniform subdivision surfaces(Continued)Convergence and continuity of non-uniform subdivision surfaces11.*The 2nd Generation Wavelets forMulti-resolution modelingMulti-resolution modelingB-spline wavelets for Multi-resolution modeling Endpoint interpolating B-spline wavelets Endpoint interpolating B-spline waveletsArbitrary Non-uniform B-spline waveletsB-spline wavelets with constraintsB spline wavelets with constraintsSubdivision-based Surface waveletsLoop Subdivision WaveletsCatmull-Clark Subdivision Wavelets√3-subdivision-based Bi-orthogonal Wavelets(Continued)12.∆Scattered Data Interpolation13.*Intersections of Curves and Surfaces14.Solid Modeling14*Solid Modeling15.Parameterization Modeling for ShapeDesign and Feature-based Modeling 16.New Technology for Geometric 16.*New Technology for GeometricModelingHierarchical B splinesHierarchical B-splinesPhysics-based modelingContents of This Course Contents of This Course (Continued)Modeling fractalized scenes (mountains,f lowers etc.)Particle system for modeling fires, clouds, water, forests etc.1.Introduction1. IntroductionSome Applications of CAGDRepresentation of large data setsVisualizing productsAutomatically producing sectionalAutomatically producing sectional drawingsModeling surfaces arising inModeling surfaces arising in construction of cars, ships & airplanesDesigning pipe systems, e.g. in chemical plants(continued)Drawing marine charts and city and relief i h maps in cartographyProduction and quality control, e.g. in q y ,g the sewing machine, textile and shoe industriesPlanning and controlling surgery Creating images in advertising television Creating images in advertising, television and film industries(continued)Constructing virtual environmentsDescribing robot paths and controlling their movementstheir movementsControlling milling machines used in manufacturingCurve modeling with constrained B-spline wavelets 保特征点的多分辨率曲线造型29曲线的多分辨率分段无缝表示30细分曲面带约束的样条曲面小波左图是采用经典B 样条曲面小波分片多分辨率表示的结果,右图是采用带约束B 的样条曲面小波分片多分辨率表示的结果,其中约束施加在接合线处。
《高级宏观经济学》教学大纲(硕士研究生) - RonaldoCarpio《高级微观经济分析》教学大纲(博士研究生)课程代码:(按本专业或方向培养方案填写)课程名称:(按本专业或方向培养方案填写)英文名称:Advanced Microeconomic Analysis课程性质:(按本专业或方向培养方案填写)学分学时:3学分,48学时授课对象:金融学院一年级博士研究生课程简介:Based on Microeconomics I (for master students), the course will discuss thecontemporary development in microeconomics. This course is also designed to develop andextend the students’ analytical and reading skills in modern microeconomics. A student who haspassed the course should be able to read typical articles in the mainline journals, understand theanalytical derivations and arguments commonly used in the literature, and know how to solve themore widely used models.先修课程:Microeconomics for master students选用教材:1、 Mas-Colell, A., M. D. Whinston, and J. Green, Microeconomic Theory. (MWG)2、 Jehle, Geoffrey A. and Philip J. Reny, Advanced Microeconomic Theory. (JR)考核方式与成绩评定:Final Exam %; Midterm Exam %; Class Participation % 主讲教师:Carpio Ronaldo、颜建晔所属院系:金融学院联系方式:******************、*******************答疑时间及地点:求索楼123,Wednesday 13:30-14:30 (Carpio),Tuesday 15:00-17:00(颜)第一章:Consumer Theory教学目标和要求:Understand the consumer’s problem and consumer demand.教学时数:6学时教学方式:讲授准备知识:calculus教学内容:Preferences, Utility, and Consumer’s Problem第一节:Consumer’s Problem第二节:Indirect Utility, Demand作业与思考题:JR Ch 1.6参考资料:JR Ch 1, Appendix A1, A21第二章: Topics in Consumer Theory教学目标和要求:Understand duality, integrability, and uncertainty.教学时数:6 学时教学方式:讲授准备知识:statistics教学内容:Duality, Integrability, and Uncertainty 第一节:Duality of Consumer’s Problem第二节:Revealed Preferences & Uncertainty 作业与思考题:JR Ch 2.5 参考资料:JR Ch 2第三章: Theory of the Firm教学目标和要求:Understand the firm’s profit maximization problem.教学时数:6 学时教学方式:讲授准备知识:Chapter 1,2教学内容:Production, Cost, Profit Maximization 第一节:Production Functions & Cost第二节:Duality in Production, Competitive Firms 作业与思考题:JR Ch 3.6参考资料:JR Ch 3第四章: Partial Equilibrium教学目标和要求:Understand partial equilibrium markets. 教学时数:3学时教学方式:讲授准备知识:Chapter 3教学内容:Perfect & Imperfect Competition, Welfare 第一节:Competition 第二节:Equilibrium & Welfare作业与思考题:JR Ch 4.4参考资料:JR Ch 4第五章: Walras’/competitive equilibrium2教学目标和要求:competitive market economies from a Walrasian (general) equilibrium perspective.Let students understand “why the competitive market/equilibrium may work or fail?”教学时数:6学时方式:讲授教学准备知识:consumer theory, production theory教学内容:第一节:Walrasian economy and mathematical language of microeconomics 第二节:competitive equilibria of pure exchange and with production 作业与思考题:JR5.5, exercises of MWG Ch15, 18, 教师自编习题集参考资料:MWG Mathematical Appendix, Ch15, 18; JR5.4第六章: Social choice function/theory and social welfare: normative aspect of microeconomics教学目标和要求:When we judge some situation, such as a market equilibrium, as “good”or “bad”, or “better” or “worse” than another, we necessarily make at least implicit appeal to some underlying ethical standard. Welfare economics helps to inform the debate on social issues by forcingus to confront the ethical premises underlying our arguments as well as helping us to seetheir logical implications.Let students have a systematic framework for thinking about normative and social welfare topics.教学时数:3学时教学方式:讲授准备知识:Walrasian equilibrium教学内容:第一节:social choice, comparability, and some possibilities第二节:Rawlsian, Utiliterian, and flexible forms作业与思考题:JR6.5, exercises of MWG Ch21, 22, 教师自编习题集参考资料:MWG Ch21.A, Ch21.E, Ch22.C; JR Ch6第七章: Strategic Behavior and Asymmetric Information教学目标和要求:A central feature of contemporary microeconomicsafter Walrasian economy is the multi-agent interaction which represents the potential for the presence of strategicinterdependence. Let students grasp classic models of imperfect competition under symmetric and asymmetric information.3教学时数:3学时教学方式:讲授准备知识:perfect competition教学内容:第一节:monopoly and oligopoly under symmetric information第二节:oligopoly under asymmetric information作业与思考题:教师自编习题集参考资料:MWG Ch12; JR Ch4第八章: Theory of Incentives教学目标和要求:The strategic opportunities that arise in the presence of asymmetricinformation typically lead to inefficient market outcomes, a form of market failure. Underasymmetric information, the first welfare theorem no longer holds generally. Thus, the main themeto be explored is to stimulate different agents’ optimal/efficient behaviors in differentinformational settings to achieve the “second-best” market outcomes.教学时数:9学时教学方式:讲授准备知识:Strategic Behavior and Asymmetric Information教学内容:第一节:Adverse selection第二节:Moral hazard*第三节:Task separation/integration,第三节:Career concern作业与思考题:exercises of MWG Ch13, 14, 教师自编习题集参考资料:JR Ch8; MWG Ch13, 14第九章前沿研究讲座:待定邀请校外老师(待定)给学生们讲演最新研究,引导学生讨论;在学生掌握现代微观经济学基本模型之后能够接触到前沿研究。
0 引言港口在每个国家的经济发展中都起着着十分重要的作用,作为海陆联运的关键所在,港口对国际间的贸易起着至关重要的作用[1-3]。
1 三维料堆扫描系统总体设计三维料堆扫描系统主要包括点云获取硬件平台和点云处理软件系统2部分,点云获取硬件平台主要是获取料堆的点云数据,以实现后续的三维重建及料堆信息的测算;点云处理软件系统主要是对获取的点云数据进行一系列处理,达到所需结果,系统中总体的设计框架图如图1所示。
*基金项目:河南省科技研发计划联合基金项目(225101610079)、湖北省重点研发专项(2023BEB046)基于激光扫描的散货料堆实时三维重建与参数提取*曹小华1 侯文晟2 韩红安2 武 超21武汉理工大学交通与物流工程学院 武汉 430063 2河南卫华重型机械股份有限公司 新乡 453499摘 要:文中针对港口散货料堆三维重建与参数获取问题,对自动化抓取中散货料堆的三维重建方式和料堆参数测算方法进行了研究。
首先对港口散货料堆的作业方式和作业环境进行分析,设计并搭建了三维重建实验平台,然后对点云数据进行旋转变换,利用点云拼接技术实现从二维点云到三维点云的转换,最后通过求取极值并利用极值索引来获取最高点的坐标,通过AABB 包围盒获取料堆的长宽高等数据,以此计算出散货料堆的占地面积。
Unit Two pre-spud meeting 开钻前会议Lesson One vendors商家Making Hole execution of the well programcharacteristics 特征;特点well specifications 井眼的规范bit selection 选择钻头tar sands焦油沙complicate 使…复杂化ultradeep,high-pressure well working knowledge 工作知识for lowest possible cost take into account 考虑automated process 自动程序accomplish objectives 达到目标bit design 钻头设计ultimate最终bit program 钻头计划picture-perfect well projectroller cone bit 牙轮钻头tricone bit 三牙轮钻头prohibitively high cost 费用非常高soft shale 软页岩exhaust 消耗gypsum 石膏岩self-defeading 自身失败marl 泥灰岩business endeavor 行业努力red beds 红层equation 公式ball up 泥包be interfit 相互配合keep drilling cost downjournal 轴颈withstand the extreme weightwell planning 井眼设计effective least-cost drillingresult in tooth breakage 造成钻齿损坏soft limestone 软石灰岩optimization 优化钻井tough,waxy shales 坚硬,含蜡页岩offset wells 邻近井;对比井streaks=stringers 夹层geologic maps 地质图shearing action 剪切运动bit records 钻头记录improve footage 提高进尺electric logs 电测combat abrasion 抗磨daily drilling reports 日钻井记录dolomite 白云岩mud recaps 泥浆详细情况less cone offset 移轴量小spud in 开钻bit's geometry 钻头结构coordinate…with 与…协同;配合accommodate the added weightfirst job-rated 分类为首要工作in terms of 就…而论;按照geologic characteristics 地质特征emphasis 强调chipping-crushing type of actionhole-cleaning ability 井底清洁能力compromises 折中hardfacing 硬化表层使钻井费用下降费用最低效率高的钻井作业井眼计划的实施承受极大的钻压超深,高压井可能最低费用十全十美井眼工程reduce tripping time 减少起下钻时间适应增加的钻压克服岩石的抗压缩力切削-破碎作用overcome the compressive strength of rocksdull bit evaluation 磨钝的钻头评估highly compressed formationvolcanic rock 火山岩siltstone粉沙岩quartzite 石英岩diamonds are salvageablegranite 花冈岩chert sand 燧石沙burn into matrix 燃焦后成为胶体quartz sand 石英沙dislodge the diamonds 钻石被挤掉insert bits镶嵌齿钻头fishtail bit 鱼尾钻头high capacity bearings高效率轴承diamond crystals 金刚石晶体achieve the scraping-gouging effectcone erosion 牙轮冲蚀bit clasification 钻头分类consistent rate of pentrationbit rating 钻头分级standard gauge 标准井径abrasive streaks 刮磨的夹层obsolete bits 旧钻头large-diameter projectile-shaped insertsfirsthand 直接的skid marks on cones 在牙轮上滑迹cut down on the number of tripslocked cone 牙轮卡死gauge teeth of the bit 钻头的外缘部inserts set in offset conesundergauge hole 缩径井眼break through 突进;钻入produce the scraping-gouging actionbounce 弹跳junk 钻屑soft strata 软夹层off-center wear 偏心磨shorter chisel-creat compactscenter coring 中心孔扩大pertinent facts 相干的情况crushing action 破碎作用consistency 连贯性outermost 最外部achieve the optimal drilling rategauge area 保颈齿部位diamond bit 金刚石钻头conical 圆锥形的overwork the bit 过度使用钻头govern the flow of drilling fluidscause hole deviation 造成井斜in reverse proportion 成反比anhydrite 硬石膏岩fracture the bit 破裂钻头chalk 白垩岩correspond to 相符shatter the bit 击碎钻头call for 需要lifting sub 提升短节radial flow configurationimpose limitations 施加限制液体辐射流动结构slanted hole 斜井wells with sharp doglegsconstrict 缩径numerator 分子joint failure 接头失效compressive strength 抗压力twistoff 扭断geophysical stresses 地球物理应力狗腿弯度急的井眼获得刮削-铲凿作用一致的机械转速大直径冲击式镶嵌齿钻头减少起下钻次数致密地层低压汇流槽high pressure feeder slots 高压馈流槽low pressure collector slots固定在移轴牙轮上的镶嵌齿产生刮削-铲凿作用短楔形硬质合金齿引导钻井液流动indiscriminately 随意的,不分青红皂白的钻石可以回收再用聚晶金刚石钻头=PCD 钻头获得最佳钻速polycrystalline diamond bits or PCD bitsfeasible 可行的drill-off technique 试钻技术overburden 上覆岩层elastic medium 弹性体porosity 多孔性be slacked off 下放钻具加压be overlooked 被忽略a pick-up 上提钻具减压hand-held calculator 手中计算器a slack-off 下放钻具加压dominate 占优势;统治computor lag 使用计算机落后measurement while drilling systemlightweight mud 轻质泥浆随钻测井系统;hydrostatic pressure of the mud columnMWD system 随钻测井系统show great promise 表现出很有前途chip hold-down effect 钻屑压持效应borehole telemetry 井筒遥测装置a drop in the drilling rate 钻速下降beneficiary 受益者potential drawbacks 潜在缺陷directional drilling 定向钻井heavy-weight mud 重泥浆aggregate 聚集clear water drilling 清水钻井a high-viscosity sweep 高粘泥浆冲井filtration loss 滤失buildup of wall cake 泥饼形成hydratable clays and shalesplastic mass 塑性块团intruding water 侵入井筒的水silicon tetrafluoride 四氟化硅rotating head 旋转头the pros and cons are weightedbit hydraulics 钻头水马力参数be interrelated with 相关be what really counts 真正重要microscopic imperfection 微小缺陷whirlpool 漩涡crosscurrent 横流掂量赞成和反对的意见plastic-lined drill pipe 内涂塑料的钻杆钻头水马力参数泥浆液柱静压力spurt loss 初滤失量;瞬时滤失量水化粘土和页岩bit hydraulic horsepower(BHHP)Unit One Lesson TenSafety On The Rig massive machinery 巨型机械take appropriate corrective measuresphysical strength 体力equipment failures can junk a welldrilling know-how 钻井专门技术downtime 停钻hoisting tackle 起吊系统oversight 疏忽incompetence 处理不适当people make safety 安全在于人makeshift 凑合的,拼凑的do anything in a safe mannerstay constant alert to what is going oncontinual self-improvement and educationhard hat 安全帽goggles 护目镜be alert to unsafe operating practicessafety belts 安全带avoid makeshift, misfit, or defective toolshave the primary responsibility for safetykeep oneself constantly safety-conscioussupervisor 上级,监督drilling superintendent 钻井监督keep everything orderly 物品摆放井然abuse drill pipe, wire rope and toolspractical jokes are out of place on the rigfisrt-aid equipment 急救设备work posture 工作姿势workover company 修井公司personal safeguards 个人防护措施determine the overall safety policiessafety helmet 安全帽nonmetallic 非金属的handle rough materials and skin irritantsgauntlet glove 长手套neoprene 橡胶rubber-soled and rubber- heeled shoesmechanical safeguards 机械护罩胶底鞋,胶后跟鞋close-fitting clothes 紧身衣服flash burns 焊花烧伤safety director or engineeroil-satuated clothes irritates the skinsetting depth 套管下入深度receive prompt medical attentiona blowout threatens 井喷即将来临接受及时治疗培养安全作业习惯和程序安全监督或安全工程师油侵衣服刺激皮肤as much a concern to him as matters of接触伤手的物品和刺激皮肤的刺激物daily cost, drilling speed and rig performance 提高钻井船上的安全记录对他来说就像关心钻井日费用,钻进速度,钻机运转情况一样重要develop safe operating practices and procedures负有安全的主要责任时刻保持安全意识糟蹋钻杆,钢丝绳和钻井工具钻台上不是开过激玩笑的地方确定全面的安全方针Improveing rig's safety record should be 在钻井作业中培养安全意识以安全的方式工作时刻警惕注视着目前发生的事情自身再提高,再教育警觉不安全的做法避免使用凑合的,尺寸不合适的,有缺陷的工具使人终身残废a driller has every reason to be safety-conscious司钻有各种理由具备安全意识company operating procedures and safety practicesdevelop a sense of safety in drilling operation公司作业程序和安全操作习惯Safety-minded toolpusher initiates practicalsafety measures 有安全意识的队长实施安全措施use a rig-safety checklist 用安全检察单检察安全采取合适的纠正措施a peril to life and limb 对生命和肢体造成危险leave a man disabled or handicapped for life设备失效可能造成一口井眼报废chip, scrape , buff 凿削,刮削,抛光top management 高层管理机构produce flying chips 产生飞溅的碎片creosoted materials 杂酚油侵制的材料expedient 权宜的asphalt 沥青bitumastic materials 沥青状的材料stand on the outside rim of the basketflash shields 焊花防护板站在吊篮的外缘sprains and strains 扭伤和肌肉劳损winch and boom 绞车及扒杆sign in 报到pinch bars 橇杠lockers 衣柜jacks 千斤顶work vest 工作服come-alongs 紧绳器escape routes 安全通道blocks and tackle 滑轮及索具overwater transfer 水上传输do a few limbering-up exercisesescape oil or gas 逸出的油或气slippery 滑的plant the feet a shoulder-width apartdon't throw anything overboardtelescoping, self-erecting mastsdispatcher 调度员jacknife derrick rig 折叠式井架钻机board a helicopter 上直升飞机superintendent 主管,监督heliport 直升飞机机场spot the equipment 清点设备company affiliation 所属公司rig up 安装alcoholic beverages 带酒精的饮料string blocks 滑轮穿绳flammables 易燃物working shifts 倒班体系explosives 爆炸物raising tackle 起升索具A-frame sheave A 型滑轮(槽)disembark 登陆,下船proceed 进行high winds 大风floorboards 钻台台板in a crouched position 弯腰handrails 扶手栏杆walkways 过道replace the jacket where it should beramp 坡道pinch-point location 夹挤点fasten your seat belt securelypowered hoist 动力吊车,起重机don't use unsafe or makeshift toolswear hearing-protection devices带上护耳器件facilitate 使便利heed 注意snipper 白铁剪inflate life jacket 给救生衣充气cheater 铁丝钳inflatable raft 充气救生筏sledger hammer 手用大锤submerge 淹没missed blow 打空skipper 船长glance 打歪swing rope 摆绳choke 握在把手中段pry 作橇杠用remain clear of the tail rotor 远离尾部转子get clearance from the pilot 得到飞行员的安全检察把救生衣放回原位牢牢系上座位上的安全带不用不安全的或凑合的工具the boat is on top of a swell 船在浪顶上做一些伸展运动双脚叉开与肩齐不要从船上乱扔东西find the best handhold 找到合适的搭手的地方offshore orientation 熟悉海上平台的教育伸缩式,自升轻便井架spot and correct hazards 发现和纠危险的地方set pump speed and pressure 选定泵压和泵速report in at an offshore job 到海上工作的地方报到personal basket 吊篮tap(swing hammer)敲打(抡大锤)flex 弯曲impact tools 冲击工具rawhide 牛皮锤strip threads 造成螺纹缺口soft-metal hammer 软金属榔头plaything 玩物electric shock 触电,电击side cutter 侧刃short circuit短路three-way plug and receptaclepipe wrench 管钳adjustable-end wrench 活动扳手circular saws 圆锯crescent wrench 活动扳手trigger switch 板机开关open-end wrench 开口扳手grinding wheels 砂轮box-end wrench 闭口扳手buffer 抛光机socket wrench 套筒扳手cementers 固井工人make sure the wrench has a firm holdcrane operator 吊车司机roustabout 水手screwdriver 螺丝刀semisubmersible 半潜式钻井船slippery 滑的subsea engineer 井下工程师barge master 驳船船长watchstanders 了望人员screwdriver fits screw slot 与螺丝槽口吻合work three 8 hour tours 八小时三班倒screwhead 螺丝头cantilever 悬臂梁slotted-head screwdriver 普通槽头螺丝刀overturn 倾倒cross-slot(Phillips)head screwdriverguying system 绷绳系统十字头螺丝刀pipe-racking support 排管架batter 击裂,打坏pipe-racking finger 立根挡棍chisel 扁铲fingerboard 指梁chisels with mushroomed headsmechinal slides 机械下滑装置蘑菇头扁铲escape lines 救急逃离绳tang 柄脚刀根ladder rungs 楼梯蹬vise 老虎钳dislodge 脱落brittle 脆的climbing belt 爬升安全带prying bar 橇杠counterbalance weight 平衡块trip 绊倒ascend 上升jam 夹塞descend 下降kink 扭结friction element 摩擦元件jackhammer 气锤shoulder harness 肩上吊带trigger 板机lifeline 救生绳depress 按下,压下fit wearer snugly 适合穿戴人不紧不松hold …in place 定位have no excess slack 没有松散余量barrel 枪筒,圆筒drill pipe snubbing line 勒住钻杆的绳子air drill 气动钻孔机air grinder 气动砂轮机scaling tools 除锈工具hoist line 起升钢丝绳Don't hand carry tools up or down the ladder上下井架时不要手拿工具conbination slip-joint pliers 钢丝钳(鲤鱼钳)round the nut or bolt head 在螺帽螺栓上打滑三相插头插座确定扳手是否夹紧(螺帽螺栓)shank of the screwdriver 螺丝刀柄blade or bit of the screwdriver 螺丝刀刀口,刀尖air wrench 气动扳手handline 手绳water table at the crown 天车台derrick members 井架构件safety latch 安全弹簧锁销steps and guardrails 台阶和栏杆positive latch 保险弹簧锁销ground anchors(deadmen)wire sling 钢丝绳绳套hook latch 大钩锁销expanding anchors 膨胀式锚定物elevator links 吊卡的吊环screw-in anchors 旋入式锚定物clamp fastener 绳卡固定件external load guys 外加负荷绷绳hoisting line under load 承载起升绳sling 绳套latch or chain down the drum braketurnback roller 反转滚轮dead end 死绳pull lift(come-along)绷绳张紧器retainer 固定器clamps 绳卡sand line 捞砂钢丝绳level-spooling device 排绳器winch line 绞盘钢丝绳slack loops 松散绳形成的绳圈locknuts 锁紧螺母entangle 缠入hydraulic jack 液压千斤顶nicks and bruises 割口和伤痕cradle 支架worn slip 磨损卡瓦level a mast 找平井架misfitting slip 不合尺寸的卡瓦solid footing 整体基脚project 凸出load jack 带负荷的千斤顶flip the slips out of the rotarysupport beam 支撑梁把卡瓦带出转盘line up masts 找正井架neck down the drill pipe 造成钻杆缩径pull lift hoists 紧绳器钢丝绳facilitate 使便利at one's operating station 在某人操作位置physical exertion 体力消耗render the brake inoperative 使刹车失灵anchor posts 固定柱brake flanges 刹车法兰snub the breakup and makeup tongs withbrake bands 刹带brake linings 刹带片arc of the handles 大钳柄转动圆弧rotary shafts 转盘轴backup jaws 固定钳头rotary gears and chain drivesbackup torgue 反力矩seize wireline ends 捆住钢丝绳头top outer surface 顶面wicker 钢丝散开kelly slide 方钻杆滑板spliced eyes 铰接环套spin-up tongs 旋扣大钳air-powered kelly spinnermanila rope 棕绳fasten the elevator latch 将吊卡扣牢tong lever 大钳柄swinging 摆动dent or bruise the pin and box shoulderssnubbing line 拉绳,挡绳,限位绳Crown-O-Matic 天车防碰装置roller guards 滚轮护罩nip-point guards 带有轮槽格的护罩spinning line guideposts 猫头链引导滚杆公母扣台肩面碰撞后造成凹痕和伤迹swivel-connector grip(snake) 旋转连接器safety lines 用安全绳限制卸扣,上扣大钳转盘传动装置和链传动装置be jarred out of the position 因振动而移位tail end of spinning chains 猫头链链尾气动方钻杆旋扣器chains and snatch blocks 倒链和开口滑轮埋在地里的绷绳桩line spooler or stabilizer 排绳器锁住或套牢滚筒刹车bumper blocks 吸振块disengage摘离(离合器)drill collar safety clamps 钻铤安全卡子multi-engine compound 多车并车系统slip free 打滑positive-lockout means 绝对保险的锁紧工具elevator hinge pin 吊卡铰链销inadvertently不经意地,无意地link arm 吊卡臂exposed rotating parts 裸露在外的转动部件balancing strap 平衡带radiator 散热器elevator door or opening 吊卡开口cooling fans 冷却风扇latch the elecator 扣牢吊卡belt drives皮带传动系统pickup elevator with a cable slingflexible couplings 扰性联轴节shield护罩divider 滚筒绳绕分隔器automatic shutdown controls drag or grab 拖拉或摩擦signalman 信号员exhaust manifolds and pipinga length of pipe 单根water-spray arrangement 喷水系统catline hook 猫头绳绳钩combustible gas 易燃气体a flat wireline sling 平绳套mufflers 消音器single-joint elevator 单连接的吊卡transient gases from the wellair hoist (tugger)气动绞车pull capacity 起升绳拉力power train 动力系统air winch 气动绞车three-engine compound 三车并车系统multistrand roller chain 多排滚子链tag lines for controlling loadsV-belts 三角皮带roller-link chain 多排滚子链socket, splice and seize the wire ropesubstitute 替代品cotter pins 开口销rigging, fittings and fasteningsclutch 离合器plugged bit 堵塞了的钻头eye splices 铰接部分relief valves 减压阀rope thimble 套环given-size liner 给定尺寸的缸套clip nuts 绳卡螺母automatic-reset relief valveswedge-socket fastenings 楔形绳头套环defective slings 有缺陷的绳套momentary pressur surges 瞬间压力波动spreaders, pads 棱边隔板或隔垫shear relief valves 剪切减压阀sharp, unyielding surfacess 尖利,坚硬表面relief bybass line 旁通减压管线sharp bends or knots 明显的弯曲或打结missile 导弹splice area 铰接部分deactivat 断开启动choke 挤压puller 拉拔器hook-on man 起重工to result in downtime 造成停泵,停钻resilient 弹性的external power source 外部动力源walkways 过道,走道hand crank 手动盘车handrail 扶手遵循公认的索具程序air winch line pulls 气动绞车起升绳拉力控制起升重物的拉绳套接,铰接和捆绑钢丝绳索具,附件和固定件自动调节减压阀follow accepted procedures for rigginga piston in dry liner 活塞在无泥浆的缸套里带绳套的轻型起升吊卡自动停车控制系统排气管汇及管线endless sling 两端都有绳套的绳子从井里瞬时逸出的天然气furnish供给gland-packing nuts盘根盖螺母mud-conditioning equipmenthydrogen sulfide accumulation泥浆处理设备硫化氢聚积paddle mixer 桨式泥浆搅拌器concentration 浓度mix caustic soda 搅拌苛性钠spreader bar 撑杆trample 踩踏casing hanger 套管挂makeshift wiring 凑合使用的电线annular preventer 万能防喷器lead-in cables 引入的电缆threatened well kick 可能来临的井涌reflectors or shields 反光灯或灯罩drilling break 钻进突然变快glare 闪耀,耀眼extraneous fluid外来的液体hindrance 防碍under simulated well kick conditionsilluminate 照明floodlight 泛光灯cylindrical vessel 圆柱形容器globe-type glass 球形玻璃灯罩perforating 射孔lamp fixtures 灯接具fractureing 压裂snub chains 安全绳acidizing 酸化hand lamp 手灯planning session 计划会议explosion-proof 防爆的cellar 圆井口vapour proof 防蒸汽的put the rules into effect 条规实施power plant 动力设备compatible with 与…兼容electrical storms 电暴amperage 安培reverse tool 导向(反向)工具electrical apparatus subject to arcingever-present danger 随时存在的危险predetermined safe areas 预定的安全区magnetic contactors 磁性接触器straddle 跨骑alignment 排列respiratory paralysis 呼吸麻痹Do not take chances 不要存有侥幸心理unconsciousness 无知觉keep transformer banks fencedsulfur dioxide 二氧化硫itch 发痒in the vicinity 在附近tingle 心紧灼热tag switches 电闸刀断开挂牌symptom 症状junction boxes 接线盒disperse 分散gin poles 电线杆windsocks and streamers 风标和飘旗switch boxes 开关盒bug blower 鼓风机fuse plugs 保险丝插条individual peculiarities of the wearercircuit breakers 断路器brass key sockets 黄铜键插座denture 假牙uninsulated pull-chain socketsfacial contour 面部轮廓perforated eardrums 穿孔的耳膜undergo 遭受hypertension 高度紧张give artificial resuscitation immediatelya buddy system 伙伴关照系统quick-release protector for male threadsaccount for 说明(去处)未绝缘的拉链式插座go to the designated area 到指定的地方去立即进行人工急救在模拟的井涌条件下electrical-plug receptacles 电插座易产生火花的电器变压器周围用栏杆拦住穿戴的人的个人特征Do not panic 不要惊慌stay clear of derrick floor 远离钻台person in distress 遇险的人smother 窒息,闷灭evacuate 撤离fog nozzles 喷嘴halogenated compounds 卤化物signify 用信号表示aqueous foam 水泡沫designated briefing arealiquid synthetic detergent 液体合成洗涤剂conspicuous 显著的cannot be overemphasizedphysicians 医生helicopter 直升飞机ambulance service 救护车服务familiarize oneself with…使自己熟悉…reassure the victim 打消受害者的疑虑summon 召集,召唤identification 辨认immobilize 固定excelsior 细刨花litter 担架quench 熄灭first-aid kit 急救包extinguish 熄灭assortment 各式各样的thinner 稀释剂sterile 消毒的combustion-inhibiting agents 抑燃剂stretcher 担架combustible metals 易燃金属splints 夹板magnesium 镁shock 休克titanium 钛blood vessel 血管zirconium 锆artery 动脉lithium 锂traumatic shock 创伤休克prominently 显著地insulin shock 惊厥,胰岛素休克heedlessly 无意地clammy 湿粘的,滑腻的static eletricity 静电perceptible 可觉察的toxic vapor 毒气carotid artery 颈动脉naphthalike fluids 粗挥油液体femoral artery 股动脉heater 热发生器groin 腹股沟pastures 牧场hemorrhage 出血butane 丁烷thrash about 在床上翻来翻去,propane 丙烷retch from nausea 头晕呕吐spray painting 喷漆fireguard 护火栏杆sunken 下沉air clutches 气动离合器pupil dilated 瞳孔扩大air starters 气动启动器scalds 烫伤alcohol 酒精lye 碱液varnish 清漆mottle 斑点blister 水泡curtail 减少,控制patch 斑块dike 筑防火堤gauze 纱布gain headway 继续前进,蔓延cold pack 冰袋指定的接受指令的地方无论如何强调都不过分fire-suppression equipment 灭火设备radius of effective protection 有效灭火半径apathetic and unresponsive 无感觉和无反应stake down the flare lines 火炬管线应朝下固定快速松开的公扣护丝be overcome by toxic gas 由于毒气而倒下radio-contact procedures 无线电联系程序foam 泡沫rubber gauntlet gloves橡胶长手套granular or flake 颗粒或片cramps 痉挛,抽筋inhalation of fumes 肺吸入有毒烟雾frostbite 冻伤collapse 摺叠superficial表面的moisture 湿气thaw a frozen part 解冻vinegar 醋exertion 努力,体力消耗neutralize 中和,稀释venom蛇毒液deluge shower 清水淋浴bloodstream 血流life ring 救生圈extremity 手脚profuse sweating 大汗淋漓make incision 切一道口子dizziness 头昏眼花fang mark 蛇毒牙印heat stroke 中暑antivenin 抗蛇毒血清labored breathing 呼吸困难pallor (脸上)苍白stimulants 刺激物,兴奋剂prostration虚脱,衰竭hypothermia 体温过低acute indigestion 急性肠炎abdomen 肚,腹prop up支撑cardiopulmonary resuscitationcompound fracture 有创骨折心脏复苏bone snap骨头折断puncture 刺破bone grating against each otherdeformity 变形spine 脊骨tenderness 疼痛feel a tingling sensation 感觉刺痛jackknife the person into a passenger carmedical facility 医疗设施,机构Unit One steel alloy 合金钢Lesson Two nickel镍The Bit molybdenum 钼interfer with 干涉;阻碍;干扰chromium 铬button 球齿silicon 硅diamond 金刚石齿cobalt钴compact 硬质合金齿carburizing 渗碳longevity 寿命quenching 淬火a full-gauge hole 足尺寸井眼immerse 淹没temper 回火get stuck 卡钻on-center 不偏心;不移轴sidewalk 人行道off-center 偏心,移轴sharpen 削尖straight-on 直接encounter 遇到punch 冲孔be made up of 由…组成fracture 破碎compromise 折中;中和cone offset 牙轮移轴guesswork 猜测interfit 配合;啮合wildcat well 初探井adjacent 邻近的fly completely blind 盲目地乱闯tip-to-tip 齿尖对齿尖骨头相互摩擦的响声使人卷缩在客车里an undergauge hole 欠尺寸的井眼oil and gas reservoirs 油气层journal angle 轴颈角度hydrocarbons烃;碳氢化合物pin angle 轴承轴角度a luxury automobile 豪华汽车shatter打碎time-consuming 费时的soft dirts软盖层intermesh with 啮合shank钻头柄gain acceptance 得到承认culprit犯人;问题所在milled-tooth bits铣齿钻头hydraulics 水力forge 铸造virgin formation 新岩层binder 粘合剂kick 井涌blend 混合blow out 井喷withstand承受reactive 活拨性的nonreactive 惰性的比…有优势barite 重晶石drawback 缺点fuel economy 燃油节约have to do with 与…有关系brittle 脆性的surfactant 表面活化剂pliable 易弯的;挠性的watercourses 水眼;水道bounce 跳钻hole -cleaning 井眼清洁leg of the bit 钻头巴掌velocity 速度jet nozzles 喷嘴self-sharpening wear 自行锋利磨损interchangeable 可互换的elongated 延长的center jet 中央喷嘴gauge rounding 背锥面变圆side jet 侧面喷嘴advent 出现;到来spall 剥落outwear 比…耐磨flake off 脱落precision 精确ball bearigns 滚珠轴承optical industry 光学工业roller bearings 滚柱轴承surgical instrument 手术用器件journal bearings 轴颈轴承rarity 稀有程度bearing pin 轴承轴synthesize 合成galling 擦伤;磨损graphite 石墨nonsealed bearings 非密封轴承sealed bearings 密封轴承shirttail of the bit 钻头的掌尖thermally stable polycrystilline (TSP)pressure compensator 压力补偿器scratch 刮削diaphragm 隔膜modulus of elasticity 弹性系数,模量bit evaluation 钻头分级评定deform 变形聚晶金刚石复合片elastomer 人造橡胶,弹性材料热稳定聚晶金刚石碳化钨镶齿钻头have some advantage over…transmit impact shock to 把冲击力传给bradding 牙轮钻头齿撞碎或弯卷heat checking 过热使钻头切削齿龟裂polycrystalline diamond compact(PDC)半球形镶嵌齿bit gauge 钻头保径齿;井壁切削齿gauge areas 井壁切削齿区域gauge cutters=gauge row=heel rowtungsten carbide insert bits 保径齿;井壁切削齿排chisel-shaped insert bits 凿子形镶嵌齿cone-shaped insert bits 锥形镶嵌齿hemispherical cylinder insert bitscone skiding 牙轮拖刮foam cushion泡沫垫thermal conductivity 传热性jam 夹挤aluminum铝break-in 钻头磨合;试钻igneous(molten) rock 火成岩cone interference 牙轮相互干扰vocanoes 火山岩cone erosion 牙轮腐蚀lava熔岩;火山岩sedimentary rock 沉积岩cracked cone 破裂的牙轮Brazil 巴西ledge 地层的台肩Venezuela 委内瑞拉migrate 转移gem quality 宝石质量的off-center wear 偏磨transparent 透明的cone offset 牙轮移轴opaque不透明的stiff drilling assembly 刚直的钻具组合cube-shaped 立方体形的flex 弯曲octahedral 八面体的center coring 钻头中心被掏空dodecahedral 十二面体的tracking problem 钻头齿迹问题monocrystalline 单晶体slam 猛力顿钻shank 钻头柄flank 侧面chipped cutters 被击碎的切削齿matrix 胎体insert loss 镶嵌齿脱落profile外形;轮廓gritty 粗沙的single-cone profile 单锥体外形frustration 挫折;烦脑double-cone profile 双锥体外形junk sub 打捞工具parabolic profile 抛物线外形flat-crested wear 磨平;平顶磨损concave profile 凹顶外形directional holes 定向井gauge protection保径面horizontal holes 水平井grid plot 栅格图案circle plot 圆周图案ridge plot 脊背图案bit whirl 钻头偏心回转carat 克拉spiraling action 螺旋形动作flush 冲洗,淹没;与…齐平radial flow 径向流;辐向流pound 砸击overgauge hole 超过尺寸的井shatter 粉碎delaminate 脱层crow's foot 爪形PDC layer PDC 焊层radiate out 向外辐射chunk 大块catalyst metal 催化金属clog 堵塞polycrystalline wafer 聚晶片jet deflection bits 喷射造斜钻头lathe 车床pockets 孔窝eccentric bits 偏心钻头stringer 夹层tight hole problem 卡钻问题splinter 碎片core bit 取芯钻头collector 次流道;低压流道antiwhirl bits 修正偏心回转的钻头grit-sized natural diamonds沙粒大小的天然金刚石prolong the life of the bit 延长钻头寿命innermost cutters 最里面的切削齿cross-pad flow 金刚石镶嵌瓣形流feeder 主流道;高压流道pinched bit 挤压变形后向心收缩的钻头sandblast paint off a wall 喷沙除漆unfeasible 不可实行的;不可行的downhole motor 井底马达sidetracking bit 侧钻钻头turbodrill 涡轮钻permanently 永久地deflect the hole 井眼造斜electrical impulses 电脉冲bent sub 弯接头sound waves 声波stud cutter 支柱切削齿gamma rays 伽玛射线cylinder cutter 长柱切削齿neotron rays 中子射线rake angle 倾角compressive strength 抗压(缩)强度back rake angle 后倾角elasticity 弹力;弹性perpendicular 垂直的plasticity 可塑性aggressiveness 攻击性porosity 多孔性chatter 振动pore pressure 孔隙压力vibration 振动overburden pressure 盖层压力distirbute 分布,分配overlying formations 盖层side rake angle 侧倾角stickness 粘附力optimum 最佳plowing 挖掘porcupine bits 箭猪毛式钻头shearing 剪切critical 危急的;严重的plowed furrow 犁沟crucial 重要的grind the rock 磨碾岩石disintergating 散落millstone 磨石junk slots 岩屑槽slice 切片leach out 沥除;滤去hybrid bits 混合钻头quartzites 石英岩drag and twist 刮削与搓捻limestone 石灰岩dolomite 白云岩turbine 涡轮granite 花冈岩bit classification 钻头分类fortify 加强evaluate 评定;评价hemispherical 半球的project 凸出dull bit classification 钻头磨损分级versatile 多面手的ring gauge 环规round to 四舍五入shovel 铁铲;铲hostile 险恶的;敌对的running time 使用时间foolproof 极坚固的positive displacement toolspointers 注意事项increment 增加;增量Unit One undertorque 扭矩过小Lesson Fourring gear 齿圈pinion gear 小齿轮beveled teeth 锥形齿轮齿oil patch 油田single skid 单个橇板flourish兴旺;繁荣fluid coupling 液力离合器abrasive cherts 刮磨性硅石石灰岩非均质地层break-even analysis 盈亏平衡分析螺杆钻具;容积式钻具diamond-impregnated pad or stud孕镶金刚石瓣或支柱grade dull bits 磨损后钻头的分级heterogeneous formationsRotary, Kelly, Swivel, Tongs, and Top Drivepunch a hole 冲孔;打孔reinforced steel shell 加强钢壳drawback 缺点lock assembly 锁紧总成chip of rock 岩屑oil bath reservoir 油浴池bail the cuttings 打捞岩屑cave-ins 坍塌top drive 顶驱shim 垫片kelly cock 方钻杆考克lower bearing race 轴承下轨ball spacer 弹架kelly bushing 方补心master bushing 方瓦rotary table assembly 转盘总成locking bolt 锁紧闩interface with 与…配合drill stem 钻柱neoprene 二烯橡胶convey 传送exploded view 切面图blended liquid 混合液体sprocket hub 链轮轮毂hex head capscrew 六方头螺丝capsule 轴承套bearing's inner race 轴承内轨locking device 锁紧装置eliminate 去除;取消lock pin 锁销rectangular steel box 矩形钢箱counterclockwise 反时针turnable 转台;转盘latch 锁drive-shaft assembly 驱动轴总成lock lever 锁杆drawworks sprocket 绞车链轮detachable 可拆卸的drive-shafte sprocket 驱动轴链轮troubleshooting 寻找故障driller's console 司钻控制台in advance 提前clockwise 顺时针revolution 转slips(wedges)卡瓦(楔块)rotary chain tension 链条拉紧度vice 台钳sprocket alignment 链轮同心backup tongs 背钳lower chain taut 下链拉紧overtorque 扭矩过大drain plug 卸油丝堵chain guard 链条罩grease fittings 黄油嘴relief fittings 溢油孔foreign matter 脏物oil gauge(dipstick) 机油液位仪(油尺)twofold 两成的;两个方面的转盘外缘槽口swivel coupling 水龙头接箍,联轴节scrape and gouge away the formation刮削和凿削岩层dominate the drilling 在钻井领域占主导topmost drill pipe joint 最上面一根钻杆kelly saver sub 方钻杆保护接头notches on the rim of the tableuppermost stand of drill pipe最上面一根立根with no added downtime不增加停钻时间shoot out of nozzles on the bitsprocket-end cover plate 链轮端盖板从钻头喷嘴激射出来motorized swivel 带马达的水龙头force-fed lubricating systemease off the drawworks brake强制给油润滑系统松开绞车刹车spin out a pipe connection 旋开接头lower strand of the rotary drive chainbreakout tongs 卸扣大钳驱动链条下链downward(axial) force向下(轴向;纵向)力sideways(transverse)force侧向力(横向力)tapered surface 锥面button-shaped dies 钮扣形牙板four-pin drive 四个驱动销驱动cotter key 开口键销square drive 方形块驱动hinge pin 铰链销drive pin 驱动销hinged segments 铰链卡瓦块drive hole 驱动销孔slip ribs 卡瓦脊corners of the slips 卡瓦角square base 方形块座pipe deformation 钻杆变形square receptacle 方插孔straightedge 直尺tapered bowl 锥形内圈retaining ring 固定环split-construction type 分体式(方瓦)pneumatic slips 气动卡瓦solid-construction type 整体式(方瓦)hydraulic slips 液力卡瓦insert bowls 插入式内圈spring-actuated slips 弹簧卡瓦lifting hooks 提钩inserts 牙板upset 加厚extra-long rotary slips 超长钻杆卡瓦ram shaft 闸板轴lifting slings 吊装绳具blind nut 密封螺母deform 变形shaft washer 轴垫片grippping area 夹紧面friction ring 滑动环worn taper 锥面磨损shaft spacer 轴间隔环ram body 闸板体ram rubber 闸板胶芯roller assembly 滚轮总成shaft packing 轴盘根roller pin 滚轮轴junk ring-female 盘根母压盖square piece 方形块retaining plate 固定板square recess 方插槽hex kelly 六方钻杆seat o-ring O-形环座lock pocket 锁紧装置套seat with seal 密封座lock recess 锁槽stem 阀杆stem o-ring 阀杆O-形环spill out 溅出roller journals 滚轮轴颈pivot 旋转sleeve bearing 套筒轴承cast steel 铸钢roller bearing 滚轮轴承swivel stem 水龙头中心管thrust washer 止推垫片radial roller bearing 上扶正轴承flat roller 平面滚子thrust roller bearing 主承载轴承v-roller V -形滚子packing housing 盘根盒hold-down bolt 防止上移螺钉oil seal retainer 油封套hose safety chain luglead tongs 上大钳;外大钳back up the pipe 固定钻杆casing tongs 套管大钳upper oil seal 上油封tubing tongs 油管大钳upper wear sleeve 上耐磨套jaws 钳口bail pin 提环销snug grip 紧夹持pin-drive master bushing 驱动销方瓦hinged-construction type 铰链式(方瓦)dome-shaped metal housing圆顶式金属壳体housing cap 支架wrench(方钻杆考克)套筒(内六角)扳手split-or solid-body bushing分体或整体式方补心水龙带安全链耳immerse 沉侵;淹没brittle 脆性的indispensable 不可缺少的serrated steel 锯齿钢washpipe packing 冲管盘根cartridge assembly盘根总成duplicate 复制torque gauge 扭矩表bail throat 提环弯fasteners 固定部件release 松开frayed 磨损了的snup ring 开口环ragged 破碎的top adapter ring 上配套环guide line 导绳ring nut 圆顶螺母elevator 吊卡manual wrenches 手动大钳ream 划眼power wrenches 动力钳IBOP 内防喷器spinning chain 旋扣链kelly spinner 方钻杆旋扣器spinning wrench 旋扣钳torque wrench 扭矩钳break apart 断开;分开crank assembly 曲柄总成makeup cathead 上扣猫头roller assembly 滚子总成maneuver 操纵throw the chain 甩链guide rails 扭矩管buck up 上紧dolly assembly 滑车总成wrist 手腕extended air intake 延伸进气管spin up the pipe 旋紧钻杆intergrated block 整体游车cooling duct 冷却管clamping arm 夹紧臂motor guard 马达罩drive motor 驱动马达rotating head 旋转头pressure rollers 压力滚子solid body elevator 整体吊卡drive rollers 驱动滚子lower BOP 下内防喷器throttle control 调节控制器upper BOP 上内防喷器safety lock 安全锁counterbalance system 配重平衡系统air cylinder 气缸clamping control 夹紧控制器hanger 吊杆sheaves 滑轮counterbalance 配重块,平衡物cooling blower 冷却风扇mail pouchers 邮袋links 卡环brand 给…标牌torque tube dolly 扭矩管滑车auger men 螺旋人torque reaction arm 反扭矩臂chain breaker 旋转钻井司钻clutch stomper 踏离合器的人twister 扭转的人jert line 松扣急拉绳(猫头绳)breather with oil-level dipstick带油尺呼吸器lead jaws 外钳口;上扣钳口BOP actuator arm 内防喷器动作臂BOPactuator shell 内防喷器启动器壳体pipe handler 钻杆处理器;机械手snubbing line(safety line) 尾绳;安全绳backup jaws 背钳口;固定钳口self-contained cartridge 自闭式盘根套BOP actuator cylinder内防喷器动作缸扭矩管支撑架bottom torque reaction beam底部反扭矩梁planetary drive train 星形齿轮驱动箱electrical & fluids service loops电缆线和液压管线torque tube support bracket。
第44卷第2期航天返回与遥感2023年4月SPACECRAFT RECOVERY & REMOTE SENSING91大口径非球面加工中最接近参考球面的精确计算张建华1,2栗孟娟2李春林2,*(1 北京空间机电研究所,北京 100094)(2 中国空间技术研究院,北京 100080)摘要摆臂轮廓测量技术要求将摆臂精准的装调至待检测非球面的最接近参考球面上,需要精确确定非球面的最接近参考球半径及球心位置,而常规的近似法、精确公式法以及最小二乘法不能满足计算的精度和效率等要求。
关键词最接近比较球摆臂测量牛顿迭代非球面最小二乘法空间光学中图分类号: TQ171文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1009-8518(2023)02-0091-10DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-8518.2023.02.010Accurate Calculation of the Best-fit Reference Spherical Surface inLarge Diameter Aspheric MachiningZHANG Jianhua1,2 LI Mengjuan2 LI Chunlin2,*(1 Beijing Institute of Space Mechanics & Electricity, Beijing 100094, China)(2 China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing 100080, China)Abstract The swing arm profile measurement technology requires the swing arm to be precisely mounted to the best-fit reference sphere of the aspheric surface to be detected, and the best-fit reference sphere radius and sphere center position of the aspheric surface need to be accurately determined, while the conventional approximation method, the exact formula method and the least squares method cannot satisfy the requirements of calculation accuracy and efficiency. In order to make up for the deficiencies of existing algorithms, the paper introduces a calculation method for approximating the best-fit reference spherical radius in stages. The algorithm achieves high accuracy and efficiency in the solution of the best-fit reference spherical radius based on the least squares method, the exact line search technique and the Newtonian iteration method, and the iteration efficiency is greatly improved when applied to the calculation of large-aperture aspheres. The results of the calculation example show that the algorithm satisfies the requirement of solving for the best-fit reference sphere radius for large-aperture aspheric surfaces during swing-arm measurements.Keywords best-fit reference sphere; the swing arm profile mersurement; newton iteration; aspherical; least s quare method; space optics收稿日期:2022-09-22基金项目:中国航天科技集团自主研发项目(20210297)引用格式:张建华, 栗孟娟, 李春林. 大口径非球面加工中最接近参考球面的精确计算[J]. 航天返回与遥感, 2023, 44(2): 91-100.ZHANG Jianhua, LI Mengjuan, LI Chunlin. Accurate Calculation of the Best-fit Reference Spherical Surface in92航天返回与遥感2023年第44卷0 引言非球面光学元件相比于球面光学元件,能够有效提升光学性能并减少所需光学元件数量,其中大口径非球面反射镜是空间观测和对地遥感等领域的重要光学元件[1-4],直接决定望远镜的观测性能。
32 | 安全韧性城市Assessing Adaptation Planning Strategies of Interconnected Infrastructure under Sea-level Rise by Cost-benefit Analysis: A Case Study of Florida基于成本—效益分析的海平面上升背景下基础设施适应性规划策略——以美国佛罗里达为例翟 炜 黄文亮 ZHAI Wei, HUANG Wenliang基于成本—效益分析,评估海平面上升背景下佛罗里达州西北部的基础设施适应性规划策略。
This study assesses the adaptation planning strategies of infrastructures for the Northwest Florida region in the context of sea-level rise based on cost-benefit analysis. Specifically, this paper considers both direct and indirect impacts of sea-level rise on the region by deploying the interdependence of infrastructure. Based on the results, we recommend that the most effective strategy is partial protection of land use plus inundated transportation network upgrade, even though the total shoreline protection can make more benefits. Furthermore, we compare the adaptive planning strategies of the objective planning year from two criteria: total benefits and cost-benefit. The result indicates that the year 2080 would be the most economical if it is set as the objective year of the long-term infrastructure planning. The result also highlights that the economic benefits of infrastructure should be greater over time since the total costs are distributed over many years. It is not to say that the farther the year is, the more effective the strategy would be.海平面上升;适应性规划;成本—效益分析;规划策略sea level rise; adaptation planning; cost-benefit analysis; planning strategies文章编号 1673-8985(2022)06-0032-08 中图分类号 TU984 文献标志码 A DOI 10.11982/j.supr.20220605摘 要Abstract 关 键 词Key words 作者简介翟 炜美国德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校助理教授,博士生导师,*****************黄文亮南京大学建筑与城市规划学院硕士研究生0 引言已有研究表明,如果海平面上升1 m ,全球会有500万km²的土地被淹没,将影响世界10多亿人口和1/3的耕地[1]。
【矿产资源】山东汞丹山凸起白云母矿床地质特征及成矿模式分析李 旭,从相军,高继辉,李 翔,崔乐航(中国建筑材料工业地质勘查中心山东总队,山东 济南 250100)【摘 要】山东省汞丹山凸起白云母矿赋存在汞丹山凸起中部发育一条韧性剪切带中,岩性为白云母石英片岩。
白云母矿体地表出露长度约2000m ,宽度约230m ,总体走向25°~30°,倾向SEE ,倾角53°~65°,与韧性剪切带总体产状基本相同,矿体发育严格受韧性剪切带控制,是一种动力变质型矿床,成矿母岩为傲徕山序列二长花岗岩。
【关键词】白云母矿床;地质特征;控矿要素;成矿模式;汞丹山凸起【中图分类号】P619.273 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1007-9386(2023)06-0034-04Geological Characteristics and Metallogenic Model Analysis of MuscoviteDeposit in GongDanshan Uplift, Shandong ProvinceLI Xu, CONG Xiang-jun, GAO Ji-hui, LI Xiang, CUI Le-hang(Shangdong Branch of China National Geological Exploration Center of Building Materials Industry, Jinan 250100, China)Abstract: The Muscovite deposit, lithology of which is Muscovite quartz schist,occurs in a ductile shear zone developed in the middle of the GongDanshan Uplift in Shandong province.The overall strike of the Muscovite ore body is 25°~30°,and the dip Angle is 53°~65° SEE.The surface outcrop length is about 2000m,the width is about 230m,and the general occurrence is basically the same as the ductile shear zone. Muscovite deposit is strictly controlled by the ductile shear zone,and it is a dynamic metamorphic type deposit. The ore-forming mother rock is AoLaishan monzonitic granite.Key words: muscovite deposit; geological characteristics; ore-controlling elements; metallogenic model; GongDanshan uplift.目前,国内大片的工业云母矿资源相对缺乏,一般用碎云母制成云母纸来代替大片的工业云母。
Quasivacuum solar neutrino oscillations
a rXiv:h ep-ph/5261v219Se p2Quasi-vacuum solar neutrino oscillations G.L.Fogli a ,E.Lisi a ,D.Montanino b ,and A.Palazzo a a Dipartimento di Fisica and Sezione INFN di Bari,Via Amendola 173,I-70126Bari,Italy b Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali dell’Universit`a di Lecce,Via Arnesano,I-73100Lecce,Italy Abstract We discuss in detail solar neutrino oscillations with δm 2/E in the range [10−10,10−7]eV 2/MeV.In this range,which interpolates smoothly be-tween the so-called “just-so”and “Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein”oscillation regimes,neutrino flavor transitions are increasingly affected by matter effects as δm 2/E increases.As a consequence,the usual vacuum approximation has to be improved through the matter-induced corrections,leading to a “quasi-vacuum”oscillation regime.We perform accurate numerical calculations of such corrections,using both the true solar density profile and its exponen-tial approximation.Matter effects are shown to be somewhat overestimated in the latter case.We also discuss the role of Earth crossing and of energy smearing.Prescriptions are given to implement the leading corrections in the quasi-vacuum oscillation range.Finally,the results are applied to a global analysis of solar νdata in a three-flavor framework.PACS number(s):26.65.+t,14.60.PqTypeset using REVT E XI.INTRODUCTIONA well-known explanation of the solarνeflux deficit[1]is provided byflavor oscillations[2]of neutrinos along their way from the Sun(⊙)to the Earth(⊕).For two active neutrino states[say,(νe,νµ)in theflavor basis and(ν1,ν2)in the mass basis],the physics of solarνoscillations is governed,at any given energy E,by the mass-mixing parametersδm2andωin vacuum,1as well as by the electron density profile N e(x)in matter[3].Different oscillation regimes can be identified in terms of three characteristics lengths, namely,the astronomical unitL=1.496×108km,(1) the oscillation length in vacuumL osc=4πEeV2/MeV−1km,(2)and the refraction length in matterL mat=2π2G F N e=1.62×104 N e(cos2ω−L osc/L mat)2+sin22ω.(4)Typical solutions to the solar neutrino problem(see,e.g.,[4])involve values of L osc either in the so-called“just-so”(JS)oscillation regime[5],characterized byL JS osc∼L≫L mat,(5) or in the“Mykheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein”(MSW)oscillation regime[3],characterized byL MSWosc∼L mat≪L.(6) The two regimes correspond roughly toδm2/E∼O(10−11)eV2/MeV and toδm2/E>∼10−7 eV2/MeV,respectively.For just-so oscillations,since L mat/L osc→0,the effect of matter is basically to suppress the oscillation amplitude both in the Sun and in the Earth(sin22ωm→0),so that(coherent)flavor oscillations take place only in vacuum,starting from the Sun surface[6].Conversely, for MSW oscillations,L osc∼L mat andflavor transitions are dominated by the detailed matter density profile,while the many oscillation cycles in vacuum(L osc≪L)are responsible for completeνdecoherence at the Earth,once smearing effects are taken into account[7].2].Therefore,it is intuitively clear that in the intermediate range between(5)and(6), corresponding approximately to10−10<∼δm2/E<∼10−7eV2/MeV,the simple vacuum oscillation picture of the JS regime becomes increasingly decoherent and affected by matter effects for increasing values ofδm2/E,leading to a hybrid regime that might be called of “quasi-vacuum”(QV)oscillations,characterized byL mat<∼L QV osc<∼L,(7) In the past,quasi-vacuum effects on the oscillation amplitude and phase have been ex-plicitly considered only in relatively few papers(see,e.g.,[8–14])as compared with the vast literature on solar neutrino oscillations,essentially because typicalfits to solarνrates al-lowed only marginal solutions in the range where QV effects are relevant.However,more recent analyses appear to extend the former ranges of the JS solutions upwards[15]and of the MSW solutions downwards[16]inδm2/E,making them eventually merge in the QV range[17],especially under generous assumptions about the experimental or theoreticalνflux uncertainties.2Therefore,a fresh look at QV corrections seems warranted.Recently, a semianalytical approximation improving the familiar just-so formula in the QV regime was discussed in[18]and,in more detail,in[19],where additional numerical checks were performed.In this work we revisit the whole topic,by performing accurate numerical cal-culations which include the exact density profile in the Sun and in the Earth,within the reference mass-mixing rangesδm2/E∈[10−10,10−7]eV2/MeV and tan2ω∈[10−3,10].3We also discuss some approximations that can simplify the computing task in present applica-tions.We then apply such calculations to a global analysis of solar neutrino data in the rangeδm2≤10−8eV2.Our paper is structured as follows.The basic notation and the numerical techniques used in the calculations are introduced in Sec.II and III,respectively.The effects of solar matter in the quasi-vacuum oscillation regime are discussed in Sec.IV,where the results for true and exponential density profiles are compared.Earth matter effects are described in Sec.V.The decoherence of oscillations induced by energy(and time)integration is discussed in Sec.VI.The basic results are summarized and organized in Sec.VII,and then applied to a three-flavor oscillation analysis in Sec.VIII.Section IX concludes our work.II.NOTATIONTheνpropagation from the Sun core to the detector at the Earth can be interpreted as a“double slit experiment,”where the originalνe can take two paths,corresponding to the intermediate transitionsνe→ν1and toνe→ν2.The globalνe survival amplitude is then the sum of the amplitudes along the two paths,A(νe→νe)=A⊙(νe→ν1)·A vac(ν1→ν1)·A⊕(ν1→νe)+A⊙(νe→ν2)·A vac(ν2→ν2)·A⊕(ν2→νe),(8) where the transition amplitudes from the Sun production point to its surface(A⊙),from the Sun surface to the Earth surface(A vac)and from the Earth surface to the detector(A⊕) have been explicitly factorized.Theνe survival probability P ee is then given byP ee=|A(νe→νe)|2.(9) In general,the above amplitudes can be written asA⊙(νe→ν1)=P⊕exp(iξ⊕),(10c) for thefirst path and asA⊙(νe→ν2)=1−P⊕,(11c) for the second path,where R⊙is the Sun radius.4In the above equations,P⊙and P⊕are real numbers(∈[0,1])representing the transition probability P(νe↔ν1)along the two partial paths inside the Sun(up to its surface)and inside the Earth(up to the detector). The corresponding phase differences between the two paths,ξ⊙andξ⊕(∈[0,2π]),have been associated to thefirst path without loss of generality.Theνe survival probability P ee from Eq.(9)reads thenP ee=P⊙P⊕+(1−P⊙)(1−P⊕)+2(1−δR−δ⊙−δ⊕),(13)2Ewith the definitionsR⊙δR=ξ⊙,(15)δm2L2Eδ⊕=4Although R⊙is relatively small(R⊙/L=4.7×10−3),it is explicitly kept for later purposes.The Earth radius R⊕can instead be safely neglected(R⊕/L=4.3×10−5).A relevant extension of the2νformula(12)is obtained for3νoscillations,required to accommodate solar and atmospheric neutrino data[21].Assuming a third mass eigenstate ν3with m2=|m23−m21,2|≫δm2,the3νsurvival probability can be written asP3νee=c4φP2νee+s4φ,(17)whereφis the(νe,ν3)mixing angle,and P2νee is given by Eq.(12),provided that the electron density N e is replaced everywhere by c2φN e(see[20]and refs.therein).Such replacement implies that the3νcase is not a simple mapping of the2νcase,and requires specific calculations for any given value ofφ.We conclude this section by recovering some familiar expressions for P ee,as special cases of Eq.(12).The JS limit(L mat/L osc→0,with complete suppression of oscillations inside matter)corresponds to P⊙≃c2ω≃P⊕and to negligibleδ⊙,δ⊕.Then,neglecting alsoδR, one gets from(12)the standard“vacuum oscillation formula,”P JS ee≃1−sin22ωsin2(πL/L osc).(18) In the MSW limit(L/L osc→∞),the global oscillation phaseξis very large and cosξ≃0on average.Furthermore,assuming for P⊙a well-known approximation in terms of the“crossing”probability P c between mass eigenstates in matter[in our nota-tion,P⊙≃sin2ω0m P c+cos2ω0m(1−P c),withω0m calculated at the production point],one gets from(12)and for daytime(P⊕=c2ω)the so-called Parke’s formula[22],P MSWee,day≃12−P c)cos2ωcos2ω0m.(19)III.NUMERICAL TECHNIQUESIn general,numerical calculations of theνtransition amplitudes must take into account the detailed N e profile along the neutrino trajectory,both in the Sun and in the Earth.Concerning the Sun,we take N e from[23](“year2000”standard solar model).Figure1 shows such N e profile as a function of the normalized radius r/R⊙,together with its expo-nential approximation[1]N e=N0e exp(−r/r0),with N0e=245mol/cm3and r0=R⊙/10.54. For the exponential density profile,the neutrino evolution equations can be solved analyt-ically[8–11].In order to calculate the relevant probability P⊙and the phaseξ⊙,we have developed several computer programs which evolve numerically the familiar MSW neutrino evolution equations[3]along the Sun radius,for generic production points,and for any given value ofδm2/E∈[10−10,10−7]eV2/MeV and of tan2ω.We estimate a numerical(fractional) accuracy of our results better than10−4,as derived by several independent checks.As a first test,we integrate numerically the MSW equations both in their usual complex form (2real+2imaginary components)and in their Bloch form involving three real amplitudes [24],obtaining the same results.We have then repeated the calculations with different inte-gration routines taken from several computer libraries,and found no significant differences among the outputs.We have optionally considered,besides the exact N e profile,also the exponential profile,which allows a further comparison of the numerical integration of theMSW equations with their analytical solutions,as worked out in[10,11]in terms of hyper-geometric functions(that we have implemented in an independent code).Also in this case, no difference is found between the output of the different codes.Concerning the calculation of the quantities P⊕andξ⊕in the Earth,we evolve analyti-cally the MSW equations at any given nadir angleη,using the technique described in[25], which is based on afive-step biquadratic approximation of the density profile from the Pre-liminary Reference Earth Model(PREM)[26]and on afirst-order perturbative expansion of the neutrino evolution operator.Such analytical technique provides results very close to a full numerical evolution of the neutrino amplitudes,the differences being smaller than those induced by uncertainties in N e[25].In particular,we have checked that,forδm2/E≤10−7 eV2/MeV,such differences are<∼10−3.In conclusion,we are confident in the accuracy of our results,which are discussed in the following sections.IV.MATTER EFFECTS IN THE SUNFigure2shows,in the mass-mixing plane and for standard solar model density,isolines of the difference c2ω−P⊙(solid curves),which becomes zero in the just-so oscillation limit of very smallδm2/E.The isolines shape reminds the“lower corner”of the more familiar MSW triangle[22].Also shown are isolines of constant resonance radius R res/R⊙(dotted curves),defined by the MSW resonance condition L osc/L mat(R res)=cos2ω.The values of c2ω−P⊙are already sizable(a few percent)atδm2/E∼10−9,and increase for increasing δm2/E and for large mixing[tan2ω∼O(1)],especially in thefirst octant,where the MSW resonance can occur.The difference between matter effects in thefirst and in the second octant can lead to observable modifications of the allowed regions infits to the data[19],and to a possible discrimination between the casesω<π4[17,19].In the whole parameter range of Fig.2,it turns out that,within the region ofνproduction (r/R⊙<∼0.3),it is L mat(r)≪L osc(and thus sin22ω0m≃0).5As a consequence,all the curves of Fig.2do not depend on the specificνproduction point(as we have also checked numerically),and no smearing over theνsource distribution is needed in the quasi-vacuum regime.This is a considerable simplification with respect to the MSW regime,which involves higher values ofδm2/E and thus shorter(resonance)radii,which are sensitive to the detailed νsource distribution.Figure3shows,in the same coordinates of Fig.2,the isolines of c2ω−P⊙corresponding to the exponential density profile(dotted curves),for which we have used the fully analytical results of[10,11].(Identical results are obtained by numerical integration.)The solid lines in Fig.3refer to a well-known approximation(sometimes called“semianalytical”)to such results,which is obtained in the limit N e→0at the Sun surface(it is not exactly so for the exponential profile,see Fig.1).More precisely,the zeroth order expansion of the hypergeometric functions[10,11]in terms of the small parameter z=i√5This is also indicated by the fact that R res/R⊙>∼0.55in theδm2/E range of Fig.2.and dotted curves in Fig.3are essentially due to the“solar border approximation”(N e→0) assumed in the semianalytical case;indeed,the differences would practically vanish if the exponential density profile,and thus the“effective”Sun radius,were unphysically continued for r≫R⊙(not shown).Such limitations of the semianalytical approximation have been qualitatively suggested by the authors of[27]but,contrary to their claim,our Fig.3shows explicitly that the semianalytical calculation of P⊙represents a reasonable approximation to the analytical one forωin both octants,as also verified in[28].A comparison of the results of Fig.2(true density)and of Fig.3(exponential density) shows that,in the latter case,the correction term c2ω−P⊙tends to be somewhat over-estimated,in particular when the semianalytical approximation is used.We have verified that such bias is dominantly due to the difference(up to a factor of∼2)between the true density profile and its exponential approximation around r/R⊙∼0.8(see Fig.1)and, subdominantly,to the details of the density profile shape at the border(r/R⊙→1).As a consequence,the“exponential profile”calculation of P⊙(either semianalytic[17,19]or analytic)tends to shift systematically the onset of solar matter effects to lower values of δm2/E.For instance,at tan2ω≃1(maximal mixing),the value c2ω−P⊙=0.05is reached atδm2/E≃8×10−10eV2/MeV for the true density,and atδm2/E a factor of∼2lower for the exponential density.In order to avoid artificially larger effects at lowδm2/E in neutrino data analyses,one should numerically calculate P⊙with the true electron density profile. The difference between the numerical calculation and the semianalytic approximation is also briefly discussed in[19]forδm2/E≤10−8eV2/MeV(where P c≃P⊙).Concerning the phase factorδ⊙,we confirm earlier indications[12,13]about its small-ness,in both cases of true and exponential density.In the latter case,the semianalytic approximation gives[10,12],forδm2/E→0,theω-independent resultδ⊙≃L−1 r0 ln(√6The interested reader can obtain numerical tables of P⊙,calculated for the standard solar model density,upon request from the authors.less than one permill,and thus it can be safely neglected in all current applications.V.MATTER EFFECTS IN THE EARTHStrong Earth matter effects typically emerge in the range where L osc∼L mat within the mantle(N e∼2mol/cm3)or the core(N e∼5mol/cm3),as well as in other ranges of mantle-core oscillation interference[29],globally corresponding toδm2/E∼10−7–10−6 eV2/MeV.Therefore,only marginal effects are expected in the parameter range considered in this work,as confirmed by the results reported in Fig.4.Figure4shows isolines of the quantity c2ω−P⊕,which becomes zero in the just-so oscillation limit of very smallδm2/E.The solid curves corresponds to a nadir angleη=0◦(diametral crossing of neutrinos)and the dotted curves toη=45◦(crossing of mantle only). For other values ofη(not shown),the quantity c2ω−P⊕has a comparable magnitude.In the current neutrino jargon,the Earth effect shown in Fig.4is operative in the lowermost part of the so-called“LOW”MSW solution[16]to the solar neutrino problem,or,from another point of view,to the uppermost part of the vacuum solutions[15].Concerning the phase correctionδ⊕(not shown),it is found to be smaller than1.5×10−5in the whole mass-mixing plane considered,and thus can be safely neglected.In practical applications,the correction term c2ω−P⊕must be time-averaged.This poses, in principle,a tedious integration problem,since such correction appears,in Eq.(12),both in the amplitude of the oscillating term(∝cosξ)and in the remaining,non-oscillating term. While the integration over time can be transformed,for the non-oscillating term,into a more manageable integration overη[25],this cannot be done for the oscillating term,which depends on time both through the prefactorC= cos δm2L2E ,(21)can be written,in the narrow-width approximation(∆E=E− E ≪ E ),in terms of the Fourier transform of the spectrum,˜s(τ)= dE s(E)e i∆Eτ.(22) More precisely,C≃ dE s(E)cos δm2L E (23)=D cos δm2Lδm2L2E E≃D·cos≃J0 ǫδm2L2E ,(26) 2π 2π0dt L22Ewhere J0is the Bessel function,acting as a further damping term for large values of its argument.Notice that the maximum fractional variation of the orbital radius,(L max−L min)/L= 2ǫ=3.34×10−2,is an order of magnitude larger thanδR=R⊙/L=4.7×10−3which,in turn,is larger than the phase correctionsδ⊙andδ⊕.Therefore,one can safely neglectδR,δ⊙andδ⊕in practical applications involving yearly(or even seasonal)averages,as we do in this work.However,for averages over shorter time intervals,such approximation might break down.In particular,δR(δ⊙)might be comparable to the monthly(weekly)variations of the solar neutrino signal.The observability of such short-time variations is beyond the present sensitivity of real-time solarνexperiments and would require,among other things, very high statistics and an extremely stable level of both the signal detection efficiency and of the background.If such difficult experimental goals will be reached in the future,some of the approximations discussed so far(and recollected in the next section)should be revisited and possibly improved.VII.PRACTICAL RECIPESWe have seen in the previous sections that,asδm2/E increases,the deviations of P⊙(and subsequently of P⊕)from the vacuum value c2ωbecome increasingly important.We have also seen that the phase correctionsδ⊙andδ⊕are smaller thanδR=R⊙/L,which can in turn be neglected in present applications,so that one can practically take the usual vacuum value for the oscillation phase,ξ≃δm2L/2E.We think it useful to organize known and less known results through the following approximate expressions for the calculation of P ee,which are accurate to better than3%with respect to the exact,general formula(12) valid at anyδm2/E.Forδm2/E<∼5×10−10eV2/MeV,one can take P⊙≃P⊕≃c2ω,and obtain the just-so oscillation formulaP JS ee≃c4ω+s4ω+2s2ωc2ωcosξ,(27) withξ=δm2L/2E.For5×10−10<∼δm2/E<∼10−8eV2/MeV,one can still take P⊕≃c2ω, but since P⊙=c2ω(quasi-vacuum regime)one has thatP QVee≃c2ωP⊙+s2ω(1−P⊙)+2sωcωof P⊕can be transformed into a more manageable integration over the nadir angle,both for yearly[25]and for seasonal[34]averages.To summarize,the above sequence of equations describes the passage from the regime of just-so to that of MSW oscillations,via quasi-vacuum oscillations.In the JS regime,oscillations are basically coherent and do not depend on the electron density in the Earth or in the Sun(N e→∞).In the MSW regime,oscillations are basically incoherent(L→∞) and,in general,depend on the detailed electron density profile of both the Sun and theEarth.In particular,in the MSW regime one has to take into account the interplay between the density profile and the neutrino source distribution profile.The intermediate QV regime is instead characterized by partially coherent oscillations(with increasing decoherence as δm2/E increases),and by a sensitivity to the electron density of the Sun(but not of the Earth).Such sensitivity is not as strong as in the MSW regime and,in particular,QV effects are independent from the specificνproduction point,which can be effectively taken at the Sun center.For the sake of completeness,we mention that,for high values ofδm2/E(≫10−4eV2/MeV),corresponding to L osc≪L mat in the Sun,the sensitivity to matter effects is eventually lost both in the Sun and in the Earth(P⊙≃P⊕≃c2ω),and one reaches a fourth regime sometimes called of energy-averaged(EA)oscillations,which is totally incoherent and N e-independent:P EAee≃c4ω+s4ω.(30) Such regime,which predicts an energy-independent suppression of the solar neutrinoflux, seems to be disfavored(but perhaps not yet ruled out)by current experimental data on total neutrino rates.In conclusion,forδm2/E going from extremely low values to infinity, one can identify four rather different oscillation regimes,JS→QV→MSW→EA,(31) each being characterized by specific properties and applicable approximations.Experiments still have to tell us unambiguously which of them truly applies to solar neutrinos.VIII.THREE-FLA VOR OSCILLATION ANALYSIS As discussed in[19],in the QV regime the2νsurvival probability(28)is non-symmetric with respect to the operationω→π2−ω.Therefore,while P JS3ν[obtained from Eqs.(17)and(27)]is symmetric with respect to theω=π8In the MSW regime,the mirror asymmetry of thefirst two octants was explicitly shown in[20].properties become evident in the triangular representation of the solar3νmixing parameter space discussed in[20,33],to which the reader is referred for further details.Figure6shows,in the triangular plot,isolines of P QV3ν(dotted lines)forδm2/E close to1.65×10−9eV2/MeV,corresponding to about100oscillation cycles.More precisely,the six panels correspond toξ=100×2π+∆ξ,with∆ξfrom0toπin steps ofπ/5.The dotted isolines are asymmetric with respect toω=π4also shows up in solar neutrino datafits[19].Figure7reports the results of our global(rates+spectrum+day/night)three-flavor analysis in the mass-mixing rangeδm2∈[10−11,10−8]eV2and tan2ω∈[10−2,102],for several representative values of tan2φ.We only show99%C.L.contours10(N DF=3)for the sake of clarity.The theoretical[35]and experimental[36–41]inputs,as well as theχ2statistical analysis[42],are the same as in Ref.[16](where MSW solutions were studied).Here, however,the range ofδm2is lower,in order to show the smooth transition from the MSW solutions to the QV andfinally the JS ones asδm2is decreased.In particular,the solutions shown in Fig.7represent the continuation,at lowδm2,of the LOW MSW solutions shown in Fig.10of[16](panel by panel).11As anticipated in the comments to Fig.6,the mirror asymmetry around tan2ω=1decreases for decreasingδm2(JS regime);a little asymmetry is still present even atδm2∼10−10eV2,where the gallium rates(sensitive to E as low as∼0.2MeV)start to feel QV effects.In the region where QV effects are important, the solutions are typically shifted in the second octant(ω>∼π/4),since the gallium rate is suppressed too much in thefirst octant(see also[19]).A similar drift was found for the LOWMSW solution [16].At any δm 2,the asymmetry decreases at large values of φ(tan 2φ>∼1.5)which,however,are excluded by the combination of accelerator and reactor data [21],unlessthe second mass square difference m 2turns out to be in the lower part of the sensitivity range of the CHOOZ experiment [43](m 2∼10−3eV 2).For φ=0,the standard two-flavor case is recovered,and the results are comparable to those found in [15].The Super-Kamiokande spectrum plays only a marginal role in generating the mirror asymmetry of the solutions in Fig.7,since the modulation of QV effects in the energy domain is much weaker than the one generated by the oscillation phase ξ.We find that,at any given δm 2<∼10−8eV 2,the χ2difference at symmetric ωvalues is less than ∼1for the 18-bin spectrum data fit.Therefore,QV effects are mainly probed by total neutrino rates at present.We think it is not particularly useful to discuss more detailed features of the current QV solutions,such as combinations of spectral data or rates only,fits with variations of hep neutrino flux,etc.(which were instead given in [16]for MSW solutions).In fact,while the shapes of current MSW solutions are rather well-defined,those of JS or QV solutions are still very sensitive to small changes in the theoretical or experimental input.Therefore,a detailed analysis of the “fine structure”of the QV solutions in Fig.7seems unwarranted at present.Finally,in Fig.8we show sections of the allowed 3νsolutions (at 99%C.L.)in the triangle representation,for six selected (increasing)values of δm 2.Solutions are absent or shrunk at s 2φ∼0.5,where the theoretical νflux underestimates the gallium and water-Cherenkov data.The lowest value of δm 2(0.66×10−10eV 2)falls in the JS regime,so that the ring-like allowed region (which resembles the curves of iso-P ee in Fig.6)is symmetric with respect to the vertical axis at ω=π/4.However,as δm 2increases and QV effects become operative,the solutions become more and more asymmetric,and shifted towards the second octant of ω[17,19].Figures 7and 8in this work,as well as Fig.10in [16],show that solar neutrino data,by themselves,put only a weak upper bound on the mixing angle φ.Much tighter constraints are set by reactor data [43],unless the second mass square difference m 2happens to be<∼10−3eV 2(which seems an unlikely possibility).In any case,QV effects are operative also for a small (or zero)value of s 2φ.IX.CONCLUSIONSWe have presented a thorough analysis of solar neutrino oscillations in the “quasi-vacuum”oscillation regime,intermediate between the familiar just-so and MSW regimes.The QV regime is increasingly affected by matter effects for increasing values of δm 2.We have calculated such effects both in the Sun and in the Earth,and discussed the accuracy of various possible approximations.We have implemented the QV oscillation probability in a full three-flavor analysis of solar neutrino data,obtaining solutions which smoothly join (at δm 2∼10−8eV 2)the LOW MSW regions found in [16]for the same input data.The asymmetry of QV effects makes such solutions different for ω<π4,the two cases being symmetrized only in the just-so oscillation limit of small δm 2.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe thank J.N.Bahcall for providing us with updated standard solar model results.We thank A.Friedland and S.T.Petcov for useful discussions.REFERENCES[1]J.N.Bahcall,Neutrino Astrophysics(Cambridge University 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RISK Engineering Position Paper
Atmospheric Storage Tanks
February 2011
Section 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5.1 6. 6.1 7. 7.1 7.2 8. 9. 10. 10.1 10.2 11. 11.1 11.2 11.3 12. 13. 14. Title..............................................................................................................................Page Background...................................................................................................................................... 3 Objective.......................................................................................................................................... 3 Scope. .............................................................................................................................................. 3 Selection of Atmospheric Storage Tanks............................................................................................ 4 Layout and Spacing........................................................................................................................... 5 Bunds (Dykes)................................................................................................................................... 6 Primary Containment........................................................................................................................ 7 Tank Design & Operation. ................................................................................................................. 7 Secondary Containment................................................................................................................. 10 Bund Integrity (leak tightness)........................................................................................................ 10 Tertiary Containment...................................................................................................................... 11 Overfill Protection........................................................................................................................... 12 Maintenance and Inspection........................................................................................................... 13 Leakage and Fire Detection............................................................................................................. 14 Leak Detection................................................................................................................................ 14 Fire Prevention and Protection........................................................................................................ 14 Fire Fighting Systems...................................................................................................................... 16 Water Systems................................................................................................................................ 16 Foam Fire Fighting Systems............................................................................................................ 16 Application Rates............................................................................................................................ 18 References to Industry Losses......................................................................................................... 19 References to Industry Standards.................................................................................................... 19 Appendices..................................................................................................................................... 20 Appendix A - Assessment Checklist................................................................................................. 20 Appendix B - Mechanical Component Checklist for Floating Roof Tank Inspections......................... 21 Appendix C - Loss Incidents. ........................................................................................................... 22
第44卷 第10期 包 装 工 程2023年5月 PACKAGING ENGINEERING1收稿日期:2023–01–16基金项目:自然科学基金面上项目(62176006)国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFF0902302)作者简介:高峰(1983—),男,博士,研究员、助理教授,主要研究方向为计算机与艺术交叉学科。
通信作者:徐迎庆(1959—),男,博士,教授,主要研究方向为用户体验设计、触觉认知交互、文化遗产数字化以及自高峰1,徐迎庆2a,2b ,刘梦庭3,吴昱苇1(1.北京大学 艺术学院,北京 100871;2.清华大学 a.美术学院 b.未来实验室,北京 100084;3.浙江省北大信息技术高等研究院,杭州 310000)摘要:目的 针对传统文化产业存在的人工成本相对高昂、物资损耗相对较大等问题,利用科技赋能企业服务,从而节省人力资源、降低设计门槛、提高设计效率、灵活对接生产、服务更广人群。
方法 将人工智能应用于文化产业,从智能设计和智能制造两方面,拆分文化产业服务环节。
结果 浙江省北大信息技术高等研究院和大胜达人工智能包装设计联合实验室研发了人工智能设计师小方,并开发出包含AI 设计、配材推荐、印前检测、智能供应链、订单管理、产能分配等环节在内的一体化文化设计服务模式,为非专业用户提供了从设计到生产的全流程新智造服务。
结论 人工智能在文化产业领域实现了需求分析理解、一键生成设计方案、智能印前检测、灵活对接工厂、随时查询订单状态等功能创新,获得了高效迅捷、所见即所得的竞争优势。
关键词:人工智能;大数据;工业创新;企业服务;产业赋能;新智造中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3563(2023)10-0001-11 DOI :10.19554/ki.1001-3563.2023.10.001New Paradigm of Digital Culture and Humanistic InnovationGAO Feng 1, XU Ying-qing 2a,2b , LIU Meng-ting 3, WU Yu-wei 1(1.School of Arts, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; 2.a. Academy of Arts & Design,b. The Future Laboratory, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 3.Advanced Institute of InformationTechnology, Peking University, Hangzhou 310000, China)ABSTRACT: The work aims to empower the enterprise services with technology in view of the relatively high labor costs and large material consumption in the traditional cultural industry, so as to save workforce resources, lower design threshold, improve design efficiency, flexibly dock production, and serve a wider range of people. Artificial intelligence was applied to the cultural industry and the cultural industry service link was divided into intelligent design and intelligent manufacturing. On the one hand, intelligent design was embodied in graphic design and structure design, and graphic de-sign was further divided into two parts: intelligent color matching and intelligent typesetting. On the other hand, based on big data, intelligent manufacturing was mainly used to adjust factory capacity, improve order processing efficiency, and reduce unnecessary manpower and material losses. The Artificial Intelligence Packaging Design Joint Laboratory of the Advanced Institute of Information Technology, Peking University developed AI designer Xiao Fang. The integrated cul-tural design service pattern was developed, including AI design, material recommendation, prepress inspection, intelligent supply chain, order management, capacity allocation and other sections, providing non-professional users with new intel-2 包装工程 2023年5月ligent manufacturing services from design to production. Artificial intelligence technology has realized functional innova-tions in the field of cultural industry, such as demand analysis and understanding, one-click design scheme generation, intelligent prepress detection, flexible docking factory, and query of order status at any time, and has obtained an efficient, fast and WYSIWYG competitive advantage. At the same time, artificial intelligence technology has not yet reached the emotional level of human and is unable to capture the humanistic temperature of service recipients. There is still room for progress in the field of humanistic care.KEY WORDS: artificial intelligence; big data; industrial innovation; enterprise service; industry empowerment; new in-telligent manufacturing近年来,新兴技术的快速发展使文化产业的数字化转型成为大势所趋。
The hierarchical basis multigrid method
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Keywords: hierarchical basis, multigrid, nite elements, adaptive mesh Subject Classi cation: AMS(MOS): 65F10, 65F35ork we describe and analyse the hierarchical basis multigrid method for solving selfadjoint, positive de nite, elliptic boundary value problems. This method is related to standard multigrid methods 5, 9], to the 2{level scheme of 1, 3, 6, 11], and the hierarchical basis method in 14, 15, 16, 17]. The method can be formulated as a standard multi-grid V{cycle 9], except that a smaller than normal subset of unknowns are updated during the smoothing phase at a given level. In particular, each unknown on the given nest level is uniquely associated with exactly one level, not several, and is updated only at that level. This formulation of the hierarchical basis method is especially useful when considering questions of implementation, since these aspects of multigrid methods are now well understood. Although the multigrid{like viewpoint gives the appearance of a recursively de ned algorithm, the hierarchical basis method can be mathematically formulated as a standard block iteration, albeit using the somewhat nonstandard hierarchical basis. In this respect, it resembles the 2{level scheme. The algebraic theory of block iteration, and in particular, the block symmetric Gau -Seidel iteration considered here, is relatively straightforward. One interesting feature is that we allow for \inner" iterations to solve linear systems involving the diagonal blocks. In any event, a fairly complete algebraic analysis can be developed using only the assumptions that the matrix is symmetric and positive de nite. While we ultimately return to and use the properties of the nite element subspaces, in order to make our nal estimates, the assumptions we need are all very weak and are almost always satis ed in practice. In particular, we assume shape regularity (e.g. a small angle condition) for each element but do not assume quasiuniformity of the global mesh. Our estimates involve only local ellipticity; we use no global regularity for the solution beyond the minimal H 1{regularity required for the standard weak formulation. Finally, we use local properties of piecewise polynomials. Within this framework, we are able to show the hierarchical basis methods used as preconditioners have generalized condition numbers which grow like j 2, where j is the number of levels. This is slightly suboptimal in comparison with standard multigrid methods, where the condition numbers are uniformly bounded, and it introduces a logarithmic{like factor into the overall work estimate. The hierarchical basis method requires O(n) operations per iteration, where n is the number of unknowns on the nest level. This is the same as for standard multigrid methods. However, because of their recursive nature, one often requires geometric growth in the dimensions of the subspaces to 2
关键词:空间经济学对称核心-边缘模型循环因果聚集非均衡力A Plain Interpretation on the Symmetric Core-PeripheryModel in Spatial EconomicsAbstracts:This paper gives a plain interpretation to a classic model in spatial economics——the symmetric core-periphery model——which was first modeled by Krugman and then complemented and improved by Baldwin et al. With all the mathematical formulas and mathematical analyses omitted, the author uses only related concepts and diagrams to express key ideas and economic intuitions of the model and hopes the paper can stir the interest of beginners in the area of spatial economics(new economic geography).Key words:Spatial Economics; the Symmetric CP Model; Circular Causality; Agglomeration; Non- Equilibrium Force引言克鲁格曼(Krugman,1991)建立的核心-边缘模型(Core-Periphery Model)被认为奠定了空间经济学(新经济地理学)的基础,具有里程碑式的意义。
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2/ ,0,2/ 3 3
0,0,0 JASS 2004
2.d Usage in numerical simulations
• So far we’ve only spoken about the generation of space filling curves. But how can this be of advantage for the data transfer in numerical simulations? To answer this question let’s have a short look at a simple grid. Within a square we need the values at the corner points of that square. When we go through this square following e.g. Peano’s space filling curve we can build up inner lines of data points, which are processed in a forward or backward order. This scheme corresponds to a stack, on which we can only access the very most upper element (forward: writing to stack, backward: reading from stack). In our example we would need 2 stacks (blue and red). 0,0 1,1
0 JASS 2004 5
2.b Hilbert’s Space-Filling Curve
The German mathematician David Hilbert (1862-1943) was the first one to give the so far only algebraically described space-filling curves a geometric interpretation. In the 2 dimensional case he splat I into four subintervals and Ω into four sub squares. This splitting is recursively repeated for the emerging subspaces, leading to the below shown curve. An important fact is the so called full inclusion: whenever we further split a subinterval, the mapping to the corresponding finer sub squares stays in the former interval. Repeating the partitioning symmetrically (for all subspaces) again and again leads to 22n subintervals / sub squares in case of a 2-dimensional target space. (n: # of partitioning steps)
3. Hierarchical basis and generating systems
a. Standard nodal basis for FEM-analysis b. Hierarchical basis c. Generating systems
JASS 2004
1. Motivation
1/ 4 16 2/ 4 3/ 4 4/ 4
1/ 16 2/ 16 3/ 16 4/
1 1,1 3 1,1
16/ 16
4 1 0,0 4 1 JASS 2004 0,0
3 2 16 6
2.c Peano’s Space-Filling Curve
The Italian mathematician Giuseppe Peano (1858-1932) was the first one who constructed (only algebraically) a space filling curve in 1890. According to him we split the starting domain Ω into 3m sub areas. The Peano curve goes always from 0 to 1 in all dimensions. The way we run through the target space is up to us.Two different ways are marked with blue / red numbers. Only the first and the last subspaces are mapped in a fixed way. Recursive partitioning leads to finer curves (compare with Hilbert’s curve). Symmetrical partitioning leads to 3mn sub areas.
Space-Filling Curves
Use (basis) functions for FEM-analysis with which LSE solvers show faster convergence
Hierarchical Basis Generating System (for higher dimensional problems)
Ι =[0,1] →Ω =[0,1]2 Ι =[0,1] →Ω =[0,1]3 Ι =[0,1] →Ω =[0,1]n , n = 4,5,...
If the curve of this mapping passes through every point of the target space we call this a “Space-Filling Curve”. We are interested in a continuous mapping. This cannot be bijective, it’s only surjective.
Now we begin to split this cube into finer sub cubes. We can select the dimension we want to begin with.
1/ 3,1,1
0,0,0 JASS 2004
– The latter can be optimised by arranging the data in an effective way to avoid cache misses and support optimisation techniques (e.g. pre-fetching). Standard organization in matrices / arrays leads to bad cache behaviour.
Time needed for simulating phenomena depends on both performing the corresponding calculation steps and transferring data to and from the processor(s).
JASS 2004
2.a Definition of Space-Filling Curves
We can construct a mapping from a 1-D interval to a n-D interval where n is finite, i.e. we can construct mappings as follow:
2.c Peano curve in 3-D (continued)
Now the emerging sub spaces are split in one on the two remaining dimensions.
1/ 3,1,1
After splitting the sub spaces in the last dimension we end up with 27 equally sized cubes (symmetrical case, here: 7 cuboids.)
Space Filling Curves Hierarchical Basis
JAivation 2. Space filling curves
a. b. c. d. Definition Hilbert’s space filling curve Peano’s space filling curve Usage in numerical simulations
m: # dim(Ω) n: # of partitioning steps
1/ 9 2/ 9 3/ 9 4/ 9 5/ 9 6/ 9 7/ 9 8/ 9
1,1 3 7 8 4 9 9
2 6