



美国I n n o v-X(伊诺斯)第三代产品系列矿石分析仪操作指南Delta CMGSDelta SMGSDelta PMGS一、基本操作:开机:装入电池,轻按开关>> 双击Innov-x分析软件>> 点击START >> 开始系统自检将标准块紧贴探测窗口>> 点击Cal开始标准化(校准)>> 进入待机状态(测试界面)备注:短时间内再次开机时,无需标准化,仪器会直接进入工作待机状态。

测试:①选择合适的测试模式[Mode],②再进行必要的设置[Set Up],如选择子程序(射线)、设置测试时间等,③进入测试界面,④探测窗口对准样品,扣动手柄处按钮或点击屏幕的开始按钮,开始测试。




开关关机:点击Home 按钮 >> 点击设置Setup 按钮 >> 点击退出Exit 按钮 >> 点击关机按钮备注:退出软件并关闭仪器后,应将电池取出。


二、软件操作: 图标按钮说明:首页界面 测试界面 结果界面 模式界面 设置界面 参数设置 校准(标准化)开始/停止测试 按日期指定结果 显示光谱 显示元素 确认并保存 退出不保存触摸屏保护锁开/关 电池电量 隐藏/显示功能图标 还原全景光谱 错误信息提示测试界面:关机按钮重启按钮 返回Windows 系统桌面开始 / 停止测试触摸屏保护锁开/关隐藏/显示下方图标当前分析模式进入参数设置窗口 进入结果界面 返回首页界面最小时间,最大时间 Soil 模式下选择射线 Beam #1:重元素 Beam #2:过渡元素 Beam #3:轻质元素设置/填写测试标签自定义显示显示未检测到的元素 打开重力加速感应器在Soil 模式下显示>10%的元素模式选择界面:在任意界面下,点击按钮,进入首页界面Home,再点击,进入模式选择界面。

IXA12IF1200PB IGBT模块说明书

IXA12IF1200PB IGBT模块说明书
Part number
I C25
V = CE(sat)
1200 V 20 A 1.8 V
(G) 1
2 (C) 3 (E)
Backside: collector
Features / Advantages:
* on die level
1.1 153
T VJ = 150 °C
85 mΩ
IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions.
© 2011 IXYS all rights reserved
● Thin wafer technology combined with the XPT design results in a competitive low VCE(sat)
● SONIC™ diode - fast and soft reverse recovery - low operating forward voltage
IC = 10A; VGE = 15 V IC = 0.3mA; VGE = VCE VCE = VCES; VGE = 0 V VGE = ±20 V VCE = 600 V; VGE = 15 V; IC =
inductive load VCE = 600 V; IC = 10 A VGE = ±15 V; RG=100 Ω



2014年7月July2014岩 矿 测 试ROCKANDMINERALANALYSISVol.33,No.4512~516收稿日期:2013-12-25;修回日期:2014-01-28;接受日期:2014-06-16基金项目:太平洋富钴结壳伴生有用元素分布特征及成矿远景评价(DY125-13-R-07)作者简介:张学华,高级工程师,主要从事海洋地质样品的X射线荧光光谱分析研究工作。









磁致冷永磁 高强磁场 的仿真及其优化
郑志 刚,钟喜春 ,余红雅 ,曾德长 ,黄伟 东
( 华南理工大学 材料科学与X程学院,广东广州 504 ) - - 16 0
摘 要 :室温磁致 冷是 一种绿 色环保技术 ,有着 巨大的发展潜 力,而磁致冷机的工作 效率主要取决于磁 场
大小和均 匀度 ,因此磁路设 计就显得 尤为重要 。本文首先介绍 了磁路设计 的磁路定理和有限元模拟 方法 ,然后 用有 限元软件 A ss A DL参数化编程技 术对磁制冷样机 中e rm n nt lme tmeh d ae b e y d s r e n tep p r Th g ei f x d n i fwokn a s h oe a d f i ee n to r r f e ci d i h a e. ema t u e st o rig g p i i e il b n cl y
De i n a p i i a i n o r a n a nei sg nd O tm z to fPe m ne tM g tc Fil o a n tcRe rg r to ed f rM g e i fi e a in
Z HE NG i a g Z Zh — n , HONG — h m, U n — a ZE g Xic t Y Ho g y , NG —h n , De c a g HUANG e— o g W id n
e ce c f erg r t n mo t e e d nt e s e g h a du io mi f g e i fed . o t ec mp tt n o e d i f in y o f e a i sl d p n s t n t n n f r t o n t l s S o u ai f l ri o y o h r y ma ci h o i f a d d sg f ma e i c r u ta e e s n il t h g e i erg rt r a o m e e au e Th g ei i u t n e i n o g r i i r se ta o t e ma n t r fi ea o tr o t mp r tr . e ma n t cr i n c c c c c

iCharger 系列充电器306B_ch中文说明书

iCharger 系列充电器306B_ch中文说明书
306B V1.7.0 Synchronous Balance Charger/Discharger
306B 使用说明书 ( V1.7.0 )
参数指标 .........................................................................................................................................................................- 3 能性特点 .........................................................................................................................................................................- 3 开箱检查 .........................................................................................................................................................................- 4 外形结构图 .....................................................................................................................................................................- 4 注意事项 .........................................................................................................................................................................- 5 菜单结构总汇图 ......................................................................................................................- 6 按键操作规则 .................................................................................................................................................................- 7 参数设置 .........................................................................................................................................................................- 8 锂电池充放电管理 .......................................................................................................................................................- 12 -



哌嗪类DTC稳定垃圾焚烧飞灰重金属的实验研究佚名【摘要】采用哌嗪二硫代氨基甲酸盐类(PDTC)螯合剂,对华北、华中和西南3座城市的垃圾焚烧厂飞灰分别在夏季和冬季开展了稳定化处理工艺研究.结果表明:PDTC螯合剂通过螯合反应作用于飞灰的重金属,当DTC类螯合剂投加量为2%~3%(质量比)时,飞灰中重金属的浸出值均符合GB 16889-2008生活垃圾填埋场污染控制标准.【期刊名称】《环境卫生工程》【年(卷),期】2018(026)006【总页数】4页(P12-14,18)【关键词】飞灰;重金属;PDTC【正文语种】中文【中图分类】X705;X799.3截至2016年,我国已建成城市焚烧厂249座,焚烧处理量为2.02×105t/d,年焚烧量为7.37×107t,较2006年增长550%[1]。


一般地,焚烧飞灰产量约为垃圾焚烧量的3%~5%,GB 16889—2008生活垃圾填埋场污染控制标准中规定,达到浸出标准的飞灰可以豁免进入生活垃圾卫生填埋场分区填埋。




目前,常用的飞灰稳定剂可分为无机药剂[2,6]和有机药剂[7-8]2 类。


现行的HJ/T 300—2007固体废物浸出毒性浸出方法醋酸缓冲溶液法[10],要求以pH为2.64的醋酸缓冲溶液作为浸提剂对飞灰进行浸出毒性测试。




石墨表面 C60H122 烷烃高分辨率相位图像。图像尺寸 420nm (绿色图像), 700nm (蓝色图像), 380nm (红色图像)。闭环扫描。 注:清晰的约 7.5nm 的片层周期性结构展示了 Innova 优秀的力控制和闭环性能
出色的仪器设计,除了实现超低的噪音和杰出的闭环扫描能 力,同时可以完成一切先进的扫描功能。Innova 为大量的数据采 集提供了足够的带宽。两个集成的锁相放大器使得仪器可实现像 扫描电容显微术(SCM)、开尔文显微术、静电力显微术、压电 响应显微术等最先进的 SPM 扫描技术,无需外加硬件或第三方软 件。Innova 还为用户定制实验准备了控制电路,内置的用户可配 置的输入/输出信号和软件使得用户进行定制实验更为方便灵活。 多功能操作软件可实时控制软件,集成大量功能,以确保高效、 直接、直观的获取扫描结果,反馈参数与实时信号诊断处理相结 合,加速扫描优化的过程。Innova 还配备了 Dark Lift 模式,Dark Lift 是利用导电原子力数据,把光电效应从样品的本征电导性中清 晰分离的唯一方法。Dark Lift 基于布鲁克专利的 Lift Mode,Lift Mode 广泛应用于磁力显微镜和静电力显微镜。系统利用这两种性 能确保静电电势成像时可以获得最佳测试结果。结合了 Dark Lift 和闭环扫描(常损耗量)的扫描电容显微镜(SCM),迄今为止 仍然是对掺杂浓度表征的最佳解决方案。如果研究者想要在最高 灵敏度下探测小电压的变化,也可将 Lift Mode 与表面电势显微镜 结合,轻松获得目标数据。
实验操作软件提供一切可能的扫描模式,通过预选项,可以 选择最适合的测量方法。对于初学者,完全可以选择智能模 式,简便快速地获取理想数据。对于深层次、高难度的研究 工作,也可以利用各种选项,搭配出最佳的解决方案。


STM32F103x8 STM32F103xB
Medium-density performance line ARM-based 32-bit MCU with 64 or 128 KB Flash, USB, CAN, 7 timers, 2 ADCs, 9 communication interfaces
■ ■
VFQFPN36 6 × 6 mm
LQFP48 7 × 7 m LQFP100 14 × 14 m LQFP64 10 × 10 m
BGA100 10 × 10 mm BGA64 5 × 5 mm

Debug mode – Serial wire debug (SWD) & JTAG interfaces 7 timers – Three 16-bit timers, each with up to 4 IC/OC/PWM or pulse counter and quadrature (incremental) encoder input – 16-bit, motor control PWM timer with deadtime generation and emergency stop – 2 watchdog timers (Independent and Window) – SysTick timer: a 24-bit downcounter Up to 9 communication interfaces – Up to 2 x I2C interfaces (SMBus/PMBus) – Up to 3 USARTs (ISO 7816 interface, LIN, IrDA capability, modem control) – Up to 2 SPIs (18 Mbit/s) – CAN interface (2.0B Active) – USB 2.0 full-speed interface CRC calculation unit, 96-bit unique ID Packages are ECOPACK® Device summary




关键词:古铜镜;保护修复;研究DOI:10.20005/ki.issn.1674-8697.2022.08.0050 引言铜镜不仅是古人映照面容的生活用具,更是精美的工艺品,是古代文化遗产中的瑰宝。








1 铜镜来源及保存现状2018年10月,凤县双石铺镇大坪村因基本建设发现墓葬,随后宝鸡市考古研究所对此地进行了抢救性考古发掘,共清理古墓葬16座,出土陶器、铁器、铜器等文物84件(组)。





2 检测分析与评估2.1 X荧光(XRF)无损分析使用Delta DH-7000便携式考古元素分析仪,测试条件为:X射线管,Ag靶;光斑大小3mm,持续时间15s;选取3个部位采用合金模式测试。

丰田新款印诺瓦·泽尼斯 (ALL-NEW TOYOTA INNOVA ZENIX) 产品手册说明书

丰田新款印诺瓦·泽尼斯 (ALL-NEW TOYOTA INNOVA ZENIX) 产品手册说明书

PRODUCT INFORMATIONALL-NEW TOYOTA INNOVA ZENIXThe all-new Toyota Innova Zenix elevates the popular Innova range that was originally one of the products developed under the Innovative International Multi-Purpose Vehicle (IMV) program. The program has been a great success for Toyota in establishing complete development and production bases outside Japan.The success is now shown in the development of the all-new Zenix as a totally new crossover model that has evol ved from the original concept. In line with Toyota’s aim of producing ever better cars, the all-new Zenix takes into account the needs of a new generation of customers, in particular the Millennials. These have families with grown-up children and require a spacious and comfortable crossover vehicle as a supplement to their other cars at home. They also expect a more premium product which has the qualities of a Toyota that have built its reputation for many decades.In order to meet this new range of requirements, the designers departed from the previous IMV approach taken for the Innova and have come up with an entirely new model which continues to be part of the Innova family but with the all-new ‘Zenix’ to distinguish it as the flagship model.It will be available in two versions – Innova Zenix 2.0 V (8-seater) with a 2-litre Dynamic Force petrol engine and CVT, and Innova Zenix 2.0 HEV (7-seater) with a Toyota Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) drivetrain.The availability of two different powertrains – HEV and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) – in the same model follows Toyota multipath approach to give customers choices and not leave any customer behind while pursuing the goal of carbon neutrality.For those who require the load-carrying capabilities and more functional attributes, UMW Toyota Motor will continue to offer the Innova 2.0X and 2.0G (referred to as Innova CG) currently assembled in Malaysia.EXTERIOR DESIGNIn line with the shift from traditional MPV to dynamic crossover, the exterior design of the all-new Zenix used the theme of ‘Premium & Tough’. With this theme, the designers have given the model an impressive strong crossover silhouette balanced with a dynamic, attractive style. The all-new Zenix is more spacious although its dimensions are not much different from the Innova CG, with 20 mm more length and 15 mm more width, 100 mm extra length in the wheelbase, and a similar overall height.However, the appearance is significantly different and has a more premium image. For instance, the trapezium radiator grille is composed of hexagonal pieces which gradually change from top to bottom, creating a mesh-like pattern that ‘opens up’at the lower portion. In addition, the lower half of the radiator grille frame is plated.The LED headlamps and radiator grill form a centre core structure which is flanked by the side pontoons that create a wide feeling and emphasize the central extrusion. At each corner, 18-inch alloy wheels with 225/50 tyres are fitted.At the rear, the core structure seamlessly connects to the fender and is supported by the undercarriage structure to create a sense of power and stability. The centre of the rear door garnish rises up towards the window, creating a trapezoidal graphic for a powerful stance. LEDs are used for the main lighting units at the rear except for the turn signals and reversing lights. The all-new Zenix is available with a choice of 5 exterior body colours: Metallic Gray, Attitude Black (with mica finish), Avantgarde Bronze, Silver and Platinum White Pearl. Additionally, for fleet customers, there is Super White, a solid finish which gives a clean appearance and is suitable for branding to be added.INTERIOR DESIGN & FEATURESThe more premium positioning of the all-new Zenix is immediately evident upon entering the expansive cabin with soft high-quality materials used on the dashboard and other areas. The seats have a premium design with artificial black leather upholstery that is contrasted by the illumination on the ceiling.The all-new Zenix HEV comes with Captain Seats in the centre row which are equipped with side tables. The two seats are positioned on either side with a walk-through space to the rear. This version also comes with a standard Panoramic Sunroof for an added touch of luxury. For the all-new Zenix 2.0 V, the centre row has space for 3 persons and is divided 60:40 and can be folded down as well as slide forward for easier access to the third row which is divided 50:50 to give variability in cabin layout.The all-new Zenix dashboard features a 10.1-inch Capacitive Touch Screen panel in the middle for display of information as well as management of the audio system. The same display is also used to display imagery from the Panoramic View Monitor. Connectivity options include wired and wireless options for Apple CarPlay & Android Auto (with compatible smartphone and software) as well as USB & Bluetooth.The instrument panel has large and clear meters with a 7-inch Full-Colour Multi Information Display (MID). The MID shows information on the vehicle’s operation including real-time and average fuel consumption which can help the driver to operate more efficiently. It will also show warnings of speed limits with the Road Sign Alert system.Both versions of the all-new Zenix have Automatic Air-Conditioning for maintaining the desired temperature throughout cabin. Rear passengers are also able to regulate the blower volume on a panel behind the centre console box and can set the operation to automatic.With passengers carrying many personal electronic devices that may require recharging on long journeys, charging points are a necessity. The all-new Zenix comes with USB ports as well as two 12V sockets (one at the rear), along with numerous cupholders for every occupant.In the Innova CG, the cargo area is expanded by folding the third-row seats to the sides but for the all-new Zenix, the cargo area is expanded by folding down one or both backrests on the third row.Despite the minimal increase in body width, the interior width is 550 mm greater while the floor length is extended by 86 mm. For ease of loading, operation of the rear door is powered. BODY STRUCTURE/CHASSISIn its architecture, the all-new Zenix makes a major change from the chassis frame construction that has been used since the first generation was launched in 2005. As with many of the latest Toyota models, the all-new Zenix uses Toyota New Global Architecture (TNGA) which is very versatile and adopted for many different types of models, including HEVs.While having common elements to reduce cost, the variability of the architecture also allows engineers to have flexibility to differentiate models by incorporating specific features. Benefits include greater rigidity, better agility and improved ride comfort while, at the same time, a lower centre of gravity can be achieved to Improve stability.TNGA also helps improve overall acceleration and fuel efficiency as the architecture is weight-optimised. Up to 170 kgs is saved when compared to the Innova CG and with the additional enhancement of weight-to-power ratio of the HEV, there is even better fuel efficiency.For the all-new Zenix, the monocoque construction (like a passenger car’s) also p rovides a more spacious interior with a flat floor for added comfort. The new structure allows the overhangs to be shortened (front: by 55 mm, rear: by 25 mm) to give the same approach and departure angles as the Innova CG model, while maintaining the generous ground clearance of 185 mm. The turning radius of 5.67 metres also helps with manoeuvrability in congested traffic conditions.The suspension of the all-new Zenix is also similar to a front-wheel drive passenger car with Macpherson struts in front and a torsion beam at the rear. Together with TNGA, this means better ride comfort on all road surfaces. Being developed in the ASEAN region means that the all-new Zenix suspension is more effectively tuned to specific local conditions which include rough kampung roads as well as smooth highways.POWERTRAINBesides the switch to TNGA, the all-new Zenix also has new powertrains which are a major change from previous generations of the Innova. The new powertrains have transversely-mounted engines and drive is to the front wheels instead of the rear wheels.Both Dynamic Force powertrains use the Toyota M20A 2-litre 4-cylinder 16-valve DOHC engine, with the all-new Zenix 2.0 HEV having a 5th generation Hybrid Electric powertrain with a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor working together with the petrol engine. The engine for the all-new Zenix 2.0 HEV has enhanced fuel efficiency with D4-S (Direct & Port Injection), Atkinson Cycle to extract more energy from the fuel, and 41% thermal efficiency which is top-class.Energy to power the motor is supplied by a 6.5 Ahr nickel-metal hydride (Ni-Mh) battery which, like other Toyota Hybrid Electric Vehicles, is self-charging. The owner therefore does not need to locate a charging station to recharge at any time and only needs to ensure that there is adequate fuel in the tank.Maximum output from the M20 A-FKS engine in the Zenix 2.0 V is 128 kW (174 ps) of power at 6,600 rpm and 205 Nm between 4,500 and 4,900 rpm. The M20A-FXS engine of the all-new Zenix 2.0 HEV develops 112 kW (152 ps at 6,000 rpm with 188 Nm between 4,400 –5,200 rpm. However, with the electric motor providing additional power, the system output available is up to a maximum of 137 kW (186 ps).For the all-new Zenix 2.0 V, drive to the front wheels is via a K120 10-speed Direct Shift CVT with Sequential Shiftmatic. This newly developed transmission has a ‘launch gear’ mechanism used with a conventional belt and pulley mechanism. It offers better fuel efficiency, quietness and strong acceleration from low speeds. To use the Sequential Shiftmatic to manually select virtual gears, shift paddles provided.The all-new Zenix 2.0 HEV uses an E-CVT for power delivery and is specially designed for HEV models. This transmission functions like a CVT with an infinite number of gear ratios to suit every driving situation but has intelligent operation which analyses vehicle operation to provide the optimal ratio for maximum efficiency at any moment.Besides 3 drive modes to optimise engine performance, the all-new Zenix 2.0 HEV also has an EV mode which can allow the powertrain to run only on electricity for short distances. In normal driving conditions, the HEV system will automatically adjust use of the engine and electric motor power but EV mode allows only electric power to be used (subject to the battery having sufficient energy at that time).SAFETYThe all-new Zenix is the first model in the Toyota line-up with Toyota Safety Sense 3.0 (TSS 3.0). Besides offering safety features never before offered in the Innova, TSS3 also makes the all-new Zenix Best In Class with the most advanced safety package.TSS3.0 consists of five Active Safety Systems:•Pre-Collision System (PCS)•Dynamic Radar Cruise Control (DRCC)•Auto High Beam (AHB)•Lane Departure Alert (LDA)•Lane Tracing Assist (LTA)•Road Sign Assist (RSA)While most of these systems are already available, for TSS 3.0, they have been further developed to expand their range of capabilities significantly. This is contributed by a new camera sensor with enhanced features such as an expanded detection angle (up/down and left/right) with greater forward detection (approximately two times further).Toyota continues to include the use of a millimetre-wave radar sensor in the grille to provide supplementary scanning of the road ahead. This is useful especially in bad weather conditions when a camera alone may have its performance affected. The latest radar sensor for TSS 3.0 has expanded detection target range of obstacles closer to the sensor.TSS 3.0 also has the reinforced detection technologies for recognition of driving lanes and obstacles. These technologies include Motion3D with expansion of the object detection as well as enhancement of Deep Neural Network.An advanced feature of TSS 3.0 which is still not widely available in Malaysia is Road Sign Assist (RSA). The camera can detect and analyse specific types of road signs and inform the driver via a warning on the instrument panel display or a notification.At this time, RSA is able to recognise signs showing speed limits but will have added capability to recognise other types of signs in future as well. It should be noted that recognition of signs is dependent on environmental factors as well as the condition of the signs. Just like a dirty windscreen may cause reduced visibility, the camera may not fully detect a speed limit sign in bad weather. Therefore, the driver will still have to maintain attention while driving.RSA can also be set to integrate with DRCC to override the set cruising speed if it is higher than the speed limit detected. For example, if the driver has set 110 km/h and the vehicle is cruising at that speed, it can automatically reduce speed to 90 km/h when the system detects a 90 km/h speed limit sign ahead.In TSS 3.0, PCS not only activates Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) with vehicles, pedestrians or cyclists ahead but can also respond at intersections to prevent collisions withcross traffic or vehicles making a left/right turn. Likewise, PCS now also includes Emergency Steering Assist (ESA) and Acceleration suppression at low speed to prevent accidental collisions.DRCC is also much more advanced in TSS 3.0. While its primary function is to maintain the vehicle at a set cruising speed and maintain a safe distance from a vehicle ahead, it now has additional features to enhance its capabilities. The system can evaluate the situation two vehicles ahead so there is earlier response and it can also adjust the speed when making a lane change while DRCC is active.Besides the systems that are part of TSS 3.0, the all-new Zenix also has Blind Spot Monitor System which alerts the driver with an indicator on the door mirror. There is also Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA) which uses radar to scan both sides as the vehicle is reversing out of a parking bay. Should a vehicle approach from either side, the driver will get an audio alert as well as an indicator flashing on the mirror in relation to the side of the oncoming vehicle.To assist the driver in manoeuvring and parking, especially in tight spots, there is the Panoramic View Monitor (PVM) which uses mini cameras around the vehicle to provide real-time images. The images can be switched to various views and there is even a simulated view which is like observing the whole vehicle from outside or above. When not required to show the vehicle, the 10.1-inch display can be switched to show route navigation.A Digital Video Recorder (DVR) specially designed for Toyota models and manufactured to Toyota’s high-quality standards is provided. Mounted behind the rearview mirror, it provides audio and video recordings of each drive for memories or to use in the event of an unlikely incident. As it is installed at the plant where the vehicle is produced, installation can be neater and is professionally done.Other standard safety features include•Front and rear disc brakes•Vehicle Stability Control (VSC)•Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)•Hill-start Assist Control (HAC)•Emergency Stop Signal (ESS)•Electrochromic rearview mirror•Front and rear parking sensors•Tyre Pressure Monitoring System•Electronic Parking Brake• 6 SRS airbags•Front and rear seatbelt warning•ISOFIX points for compatible childseatsVEHICLE SECURITYBesides a security system with immobilizer, ultrasonic cabin sensor and glass breakage sensor, the all-new Zenix has a Vehicle Telematics System (VTS) as standard. This system, which uses GPS/GSM signals, can constantly track the car’s location. Should it be stolen, it will be easier to locate for faster recovery by the police is possible.The owner can use a proprietary app installed on a smartphone or tablet to view information on the vehicle’s location. Besides location, the app will also provide and recor d information on vehicle speeds and other operating conditions, with data sent by email to a designated user. Owners are assured of privacy as the 24-hour Command Centre does not continuously monitor vehicle movements. It will only access such information when contacted by an owner via a dedicated phone number. VTS will be available at no charge for the first three years of ownership.WARRANTYLike all current models offered by UMW Toyota Motor, the all-new Zenix comes with a 5-year warranty with unlimited mileage. The fully-backed factory warranty is transferable to the next owner if it is still in effect when sold off.For peace of mind, the hybrid battery pack of the all-new Zenix 2.0 HEV has a separate warranty of up to 8 years (also with unlimited mileage). Furthermore, unlike the warranties for hybrid battery packs of other brands, UMW Toyota Motor’s warranty package includes the Inverter and Power Management Control ECU for the same length of time. While Toyota has high standards of manufacturing and quality, there may be very rare occasions when defects may occur and should such parts need replacement, the owner will not be required to bear any of the cost. However, there will be a minimal administrative cost for battery disposal.-End-。



为什么要选择Olympus•Innov-X的产品?• 这些产品是为野外采矿和勘探应用专门设计的仪器。

• Innov-X所创建的专业性国际采矿团(IMG)主要负责XRF和XRD分析技术。


• Innov-X致力于与勘探、采矿公司发展长期合作的伙伴关系,长期为客户提供满意的技术支持与服务。

• Innov-X技术发展的重点目标如下:-开发新技术,实现地质学方面的创新-提供高级培训项目,正在推广全球范围的技术支持-由专业人员对产品进行校准,开发创新型应用-开发采矿业专用的配件-全面综合性方法论的发展,数据管理解决方案-与GPS和GIS的实时数据整合34DELTA系列坚固耐用的DELTA系列XRF分析仪产品包含多种可精确有效地满足地球化学分析要求的高产工具,如:极适于探测稀土元素的DELTA-50 Premium,及经过配置可满足多种应用的DELTA Classic。


DELTA•Premium集大区域、高性能硅漂移探测器(SDD)、4瓦特优化X射线管于一机的DELTA Premium分析仪不仅是完成检测速度极快、分析要求极高的应用的理想解决方案,还是分析轻元素的绝佳分析仪。

DELTA-50•Premium这是一款可通过4 W 50 kV的X射线管进行稀土元素勘探和定级的理想手持式分析仪。





NS-205AG 5-Port 工业级 10 100 1000 Mbps Ethernet 交换机用

NS-205AG 5-Port 工业级 10 100 1000 Mbps Ethernet 交换机用

NS-205AGUnmanaged 5-Port Industrial 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet SwitchIntroductionThe NS-205AG is 5-port unmanaged gigabit switches that support10/100/1000 Base-T, with a 10/100/1000M auto negotiation featureand auto MDI/MDI-X function. It can connect 5 workstations andautomatically switches the transmission speed (10 Mbps or 100Mbps or 1000 Mbps) for corresponding connections.That is an ideal solution for bandwidth-hungry applications (such ashigh resolution digital image transmission, video/audio filestreaming/downloading, and server farm connectivity).The flow control mechanism is also negotiated. There is link/datarate LEDs for each port to aid troubleshooting.SpecificationsTechnologyStandardsIEEE 802.3, 802.3u, 802.3ab and 802.3x Processing TypeStore & forward, wire speed switching MAC Addresses8K Memory Bandwidth10 Gbps Frame buffer memory1 Mbit Jumbo Frames9K for Speed 1000M Flow ControlIEEE802.3x flow control, back pressure flow control InterfaceRJ45 ports10/100/1000 Base-T auto negotiation speed, F/H duplex mode, and auto MDI/MDIX connection LED IndicatorsPWR1, PWR2, Power fail, 10/100/1000M, Link/Act Ethernet Isolation1500 Vrms 1 minute EMS ProtectionYes PowerRedundant Input Range;+12 ~ +48VDC Alarm Contact: One relay output with current carrying capacity of 1A @ 30 VDC Power consumption0.2A@24VDC ProtectionPower reverse polarity protection EMS ProtectionYes Connector6-Pin Removable Terminal Block MechanicalCasingPlastic FlammabilityUL 94V-0 Dimensions (W x L x H)33 mm x 90 mm x 127 mm InstallationDIN-Rail Mounting EnvironmentalOperating Temperature-40 ~ +75°C Storage Temperature-40 ~ +85°C Ambient Relative Humidity 10% ~ 90% RH, non-condensingLED Indicator Functions:LEDColorDescriptionEthernet Port(P1 ~ P5) Green On Link to 1000 Mbps Yellow Off Yellow OnLink to 10/100 Mbps Green OffPWR1Green On Power is being supplied to power input PWR1 Green Off Power is not being supplied to power input PWR1 PWR2Yellow On Power is being supplied to power input PWR2 Yellow Off Power is not being supplied to power input PWR2 Power fail Red OnPower is not being supplied to power input PWR1 and PWR2 Red Off Power is being supplied to power input PWR1 and PWR2Redundant Power Input:Both power inputs can be connected simultaneously to live DC power sources. If one power source fails, the other live source will act as a backup, and automatically supplies all of NS-205AG power needs.Dimensions:。



美国Innov-X 阿尔法系列中国地区总代理—智邦科技热忱为你服务关于美国Innov-X Systems(伊诺斯)美国Innov-X Systems公司(伊诺斯)公司于1993 年7 月成立于美国的波士顿市,是美国纽约证券交易所上市交易,是全球首家通过ISO 9001 质量体系认证的微型X 荧光处理供应商,同时伊诺斯公司还通过了NATO AQAPI 标准,该标准为北大西洋公约组织对精密武器及其零件供应商的最高品质要求。

美国便携式RoHS检测仪INNOV-X ALPHA-6500R适用领域:家用电器、IT及远距离通信设备、民用设备、照明设备、电动工具、玩具、文体设备、电子产、食品、纺织品、珠宝业、化妆品、钢铁、化工等等。



美国便携式RoHS检测仪INNOV-X ALPHA-6500R性能介绍Alpha系列分析仪为目前市场上提供最小、最快、功能最多的便携式的手动控制 XRF分析仪。

重量轻(1.6 kg),操作简单,一键式按钮、长时间工作无疲劳感。




可进行RoHS, WEEE, Prop. 65 检测Alpha系列塑料分析仪提供全自动快捷、可靠、无损、筛选:运用Alpha系列可对样品进行精确的检测(ppm 水平) ,现场质量检测, 有害元素跟踪监测。


Innova RT 电源系列产品说明 说明书

 Innova RT 电源系列产品说明 说明书
Capacity (AH) Backup time (PF=0.7, 100% load)*
Charging current Recharging time
CVCF Parallel
Output performance
Output connection Battery
Maximum connect external battery module quantity Charger Other working mode
VA/Watt Double coversion mode
ECO mode Voltage range Rated frequency Frequency range
monitoring • Rack/tower dual set-up with rotatable LCD panel • Output load segment control • Dry in/out contactor • Battery easy replacement
Typical application
matrix LCD)
USB 2.0 with HID
segment LCD, rotatable manually(optional Dot
matrix LCD)
USB 2.0 with HID
segment LCD, rotatable manually(optional Dot
matrix LCD)
@1000~3000m) <45dB @ typical load with



0 引 言
1 实 验
粘 胶纤 维 是 开发 利 用较 早 的人 造 纤 维 ,具 有 吸 收 回潮 、清爽光 滑及 易上 色等显 著优 点 ,备 受 广大 消 费者 的喜爱[1]。近年来 ,随着技术 的不断发 展 ,不 同 种 类 的功能性 粘胶 纤 维 相 继 被开 发 出来 ,其 中最受 关 注 的是阻燃 粘胶 纤维 _2]。阻燃 粘胶 纤维 由于极 限 氧指数 较高 ,能够 有效 阻燃 ,广泛应 用 于高档 家居 面 料及特殊防护织物 。本文通过模拟 日光辐照 ,分析 粘胶纤维在 日光条件下 的使用性能 ,为开发抗 日光 辐照织物提供一定的参考依据 。
关键词 :粘胶纤维 ;日光辐照 ;分子结构 ;热学性能 ;力学性能 中 图分 类 号 :TS102.51 文 献 标 志 码 :A 文章 编 号 :1O09— 265X(2016)03-0005-05
Effect of Solar Irradiation on the Perform ance of Viscose Fibers LIN Yanping
2016年 纪代I25织 校 第 3期
研 究报 告 一
斯万分 之 一 电子 天 平 (德 国赛 多利 斯 集 团)、K— R2406S-极 限氧 指 数 仪 (苏 州 凯 特 尔 仪 器 设 备 有 限 公司)、XQ-1型纤 维强伸度仪 (常州第 二纺织仪器 厂 有 限公 司)、GDSJ一80小 型恒 温 恒 湿 试 验 箱 (北 京 恒 泰 丰科试 验设 备 有 限公 司 )、CT-C热 风 循 环烘 箱 (常 州 市 常 溪 干 燥 设 备 有 限 公 司 )、NETZSCH STA409PC同步 热分析 仪 (德 国耐 驰 仪 器 制造 有 限 公 司 )、XRD-7000型 X射 线衍 射仪 (岛津公 司 )。 1.3 实验方 法 1.3.1 日光 辐 照处理

Innov-X矿石(标准型) Delta DS6000 电子资料

Innov-X矿石(标准型)  Delta DS6000 电子资料

美国Innov-X 便携式矿石元素分析仪Delta DS6000中国大陆服务:北京地森海科技发展有限责任公司北京市海淀区中关村南大街甲6号铸诚大厦A-816销售部经理:杨永军电话:010- 传真:010-手机:一、Innov-X(伊诺斯)公司简介美国伊诺斯(Innov-X System)公司位于美国波士顿,美国纽约证券交易所上市企业,是全球最专业的微型X荧光光谱技术研发商,生产的Innov-X OMEGA系列、Alpha系列便携式X射线萤光光谱分析仪占据欧美手提式X荧光分析仪70%的市场份额。

伊诺斯是全球首家通过ISO9001质量体系认证的微型X荧光光谱技术分析仪器的生产厂商,同时通过了NATO AQAPI标准。








二、Innov-X部分客户用户名称用户名称巴西淡水河谷公司(CVRD)必和必拓公司(BHP BILLITON)国际镍业公司(Inco)...山东省地质矿产勘查开发局中国冶金地质总局山西省地质勘查局...中国煤炭地质总局中冶集团中化地质矿山总局中材集团有色金属矿产地质调查中心...五矿集团辽宁省化工地质勘查院云南锡业宁夏核工业地质勘查院西部矿业山东省地质矿产勘查院江西铜业广东省核工业地质局...西北矿业四川省冶金地质勘查局紫金矿业河南省有色金属地质矿产局量子矿业三、Innov-X Delta DS6000无与伦比的独特性能1.超高的检测精度精确度高。

Invacare TDX SP Power Wheelchair 产品说明书

Invacare TDX SP Power Wheelchair 产品说明书

Invacare ® TDX ® SP Power Wheelchair is designed for people seeking exceptional driving performance, comfort and superior stability in a variety of indoor and outdoor environments.I N VA C A R E ®T D X ® S PP O W E R W H E E L C H A I Rwith Invacare ® Power PositioningCall to orderwith Motion Concepts Power PositioningCenter Wheeldrive (CWD) • Provides the smallest turning diameter and smallest overall footprint vs FWD and RWD for optimum maneuverability • Provides excellent indoor driving experience due to the exceptional maneuverabilityenvironments such as side slopes, uneven or soft ground, or even bunched up carpets or door jams • Reduces the need for corrective steering actions so the driver uses less effort to reach their destination • Limiting corrective steering can assist in reduction of fatigue, safer driving, increased driving efficiency, enhanced independence, as well as increased energy INVACARE CORE TECHNOLOGIES FOR EXCEPTIONAL DRIVINGSTEP UP F r o n t W h e e ld r i ve R e a rWh e e l d r i v eT DX S P T r u e C e n t er Wh ee l d r i v e TURNING DIAMETERSureStep ® Suspension and Stability Lock • Work in synergy to maintain balance andprovide stability when transitioning over obstaclesPOWER POSITIONING CHOICES TAILORED TO ACCOMMODATE NEEDS FROM SIMPLE TO COMPLEXContoura™HCPCS Code: K0848, K0849, K0856, K0861MPHModel #Base Dimensions Seat DimensionsSeat-to-Floor HeightTDXSP, TDXSP-CG, TDXSP-MCG 35.25" L 24.5" W Narrow 25.5" W WideMotion Concepts Ultra Low Maxx Invacare Formula orRehab SeatMotion Concepts Ultra Low MaxxInvacare Formula 14" W or 18"-22" W14"-23" D16"-22" W 16"-22" D16.75" 17.25" 18.25" 19.25"Drive Wheels Ground Clearance Minimum Base Turning RadiusProduct Weight Weight Capacity 14"2.5"20.5"Up to 399 lb. Narrow 434 lb. Wide300 lb.Motor Max Speed*Battery Battery Range*4-Pole Sealed HousingLess than 6 mphGroup 24, 22NFApproximately 18.44 Miles3 Years Formula Seat Frame 1 Year Electronics/Motor/Electric Red Tangerine Red Midnight Blue Grape MadnessElectric Blue Sunny Yellow CLASSIC COLORS FOR YOUR PERSONAL STYLE。

Innov digital Micro Ohm 测量仪介绍说明书

Innov digital Micro Ohm 测量仪介绍说明书

(Page 1)2.MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE OF TRANSFORMERS,MOTORS ETC.Connect leads in 2or 4terminal arrangement.Switch’ON’poer.Chnage range ifRequired.Wait for a few seconds for a stable reading.Switch off power and disconnect leads and change over to next measurement.Do not disconnect leads when instrument is ‘ON’.3.CALCULATION OF HEATER RESISTANCE....................................where V=Heater operating voltageW=Wattage of heaterR=Resistance of heater.4.MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATURE RISEOf copper windings by increase in resistance(IS-9678-1980).T +235R2T +235R1where T =Temperature in Deg.C of winding at the end of the test.R =Resistance of winding at the end of the test.T =Temperature in Deg.C of winding (cold)at the moment of initial resistancemeasurement,andR =Initial resistance of winding.5.INSTRUMENT ADJUSTMENT &CALIBRATION.Test instruments required:1.Std.200mV DC meter of 4½digit of known accuracy.2.Std.resistance of 1m Ohms,10m Ohms,100m Ohms,1Ohm ,10Ohms,1K Ohm &10K Ohms.PROCEDURE:Connect 10Ohms std resistor to the instrument.Switch ‘ON’Power.Clip Std voltmeter across clips -V &+V.Adjust test current by preset P5so that Std Voltmeter reads 75mV.Adjust instruments indication by preset on DPM to read value of std 10Ohms resistor.Change range to 1.999Ohms,Connect 1Ohm std resistor.Adjust test current by adjusting preset P4so that the instrument displays value of std 1Ohms resistor.Set all other ranges likewise.All ranges must be adjusted by connecting resistors in 4Terminal connection.Please recheck calibration using the same resistors.Please send this manual with the instrument whenever it is sent to a laboratory for re calibration.Recommended re calibration cycle is 1Year.6.OPERATIONAL SAFETYExtreme care must be taken while calibrating the instrument as there are dangers of high voltage inside the instrument.V2/W =R212211(Page 2)Industrial Supply Syndicate, 54, Ezra Street, Kolkata-700 001, INDIAPh: +91 33 22350923,22356676Fax:+913330222923Email:*****************************: Contact Details:。

Supplier List

Supplier List

Certified Power
Citic Automobile Inc. (Liaoyuan Instrument Factory)
Connor Corporation
Corvex MFG
Dofasco Marion Inc.
Edmar Manufacturing Inc
(Calibration Services)
St Clair Plastics / Chase
Tas-co Thompson & Sons Co Inc
Tool & Gage House (Gage Calibration)
Tiryakiler OTO Makina Ticaret ve Sanay
Rotor Clip Company Inc. Sistemas Automotorices De Mexico S.A. DE
Sonoco Canada Corporation
Southern Paint and Powder
Spring Team Inc.
Staveley Services- Burlintongton, Ontario
Dox Calibration Inc Traxle Uni-Comps (Porite) W inger Winstar Industries (Taejoo)
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