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Overview of V2X and I2X communication services usingthe 760MHz-band for ITSKengo KishimotoUTMS Society of JapanAbstract The traffic signal control technology has been remarkably improved. Speed and capacity of communication media has progressed significantly. In the advancement of traffic control, the communication for transmitting information between roadside devices is required. However, the cabling becomes difficult because of the construction of the landscape. For an even more effective use of equipment and radio waves, we are considering I2I with sharing frequency resources and roadside units for I2V at intersections.2 / 15Background In Japan, research, development and deployment of UTMS (Universal Traffic Management Systems) has been promoted for the purpose of environment preservation, safety support and reducing traffic jams. SAFETY ECO driving support systems using I2V and V2X are examined using the allocated 760MHz-band for ITS in 2019.SensorRoadside Unit(RSU)Caution!Inform blind areacontrol traffic signal timely SAFETYInform traffic signal lightECO 3 / 15In Japan, frequency allocation of 760MHz for ITS
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was published in December 2019. After that, the communication standard (ARIB STD T-109) pursuant to the public was issued.Wireless radio of 760MHz-band for ITS◆ ◆ Media access control of ARIB STD T-109, ITS-Forum RC-012◆ ◆ SpecificationsItems SpecificationsOperating frequency 760 MHz-Band ( A signal frequency)Occupied bandwidth 9MHz or lessError correction Convolution FEC R=1/2, 3/4Modulation BPSK OFDM/QPSK OFDM/16QAM OFDMTransmission antenna power 10mW/MHz or lessCommunication method Broadcast communicationMedia access control CSMA/CA (OBU) + TDMA (RSU)I2X FrameV2X FrametimeTerm ofInfrastructureSendingTerm of Vehicle SendingGPS clockInfo of Infra Sending4 / 15V2X, I2V and I2I communication servicesV2X I2V I2IKinds - Driving Safety Support- Running smoothly- Driving Safety Support- Running smoothly- Advanced traffic signal controlImage of I2VDriving Support InformationcationI2ISignal Control InformationV2XVehicle Information 5 / 15Application of I2IKinds Application SummaryTraffic Control Predict Arrival Profile ControlSignal control so as to maximize the number of vehicles through the intersection to predict the traffic entering the intersectionPreparing for disasterIntelligent Intersection for disasterUtilizing the detour route of the
---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ communication with line aggregation during communication interruption caused by disasters Support passingof emergency vehiclesFAST Preferential signal control for emergency vehicle.Approachingemergencyvehicle informationSend the notification of emergency vehicle. 6 / 15Main requirements of I2I comm7 / 15ItemRequirementsRadio-wavepropagationUtility form Destination specific destination (like unicast)Relay UseQuality Packet arrival rateover 90% In 300m away point(Line of sight )Delay time 1895ms or lessContents Security measureUse encryption, authentication technologyApplication(function)FASTV2I, I2I let emergency vehicle run with precedenceApproachingemergencyvehicleinformationV2I, I2I, I2V Approaching emergency vehicle information is provided to OBUsFAST emergency vehicle preemption systems8 / 15This system supports the operation of emergency vehicles such as patrol cars and ambulances by using priority signal control.2019 Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. All Rights ReservedExperimental V2X I2X communication systemThe test bed was set up in the urban area of Tokyo to evaluatea) FASTb) Approaching Emergency Vehicle Information system.RouterC B
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l computer(SCC)BADC鶴巻町早稲田鶴巻町西鶴巻小前760MHz ANT760MHz RSUExperimentalsignal controllerTokyo(Mejiro area)194m250m133m 9 / 15 System configuration Map EquipmentsRSU :
RoadSide UnitOBU :
ON-Board UnitOBUOBUOBU2019 Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. All Rights ReservedFAST controls traffic signals in order to provide emergency vehicles with an unhindered route by utilizing V2X I2X communication.760MHz RSU(V2X)(I2I)(I2I)FAST controldirectionRouter Simulatedcentral computer(SCC)FAST emergency vehicle preemption systemsEmergency vehicledetection information 10 / 15C B A(I2I)emergency veh.DV2V comm.area(V2X)(I2I)(I2I)FAST controldirection0 10 20 30 40 50time[s](C)(B)(A)(B)(D)FAST demonstration11 / 15 Result C B AD760MHzRSURouterFAST controldirection(SCC to SC)Emergencyvehicledetectioninformation(RSU to SCC)Simulatedcentral computer(SCC)Left CLeft BLeft ATurn on at BTurn on at D Turn on at D Turn on at DV2V comm.area760MHzRSU760MHzRSUESC ESCESC2019 Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. All Rights Reserved760MHz
---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ RSU(V2X)(I2X)Approaching emergency vehicle informationC B A(I2X)emergency veh.DV2V comm.area(V2X)(I2X)(I2X)Approaching emergency vehicle information The proposed I2X system lets emergency vehicles pass some intersections safely by broadcasting the emergency vehicles information toward other vehicles (located in the area they will pass) via I2V communication.760MHzOBEveh.-A 12 / 15(V2X)(V2X)(I2X) LOS (Line of sight) movie2019 Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. All Rights Reserved760MHz RSU(V2X)(I2X)Approaching emergency vehicleinformationC B A(I2X)emergency veh.DV2V comm.area(V2X)(I2X)(I2X)Approaching emergency vehicle information In case of NLOS ・・・760MHz OBE veh.-A 13 / 15(V2X)(V2X)(I2X) NLOS (Non line of sight) movieSUMMARY AND FUTURE WORK・We showed the service outline and experiment of the V2X, I2V and I2I communication using ITS 760MHz-band・760MHz-band can satisfy the requirements for these systemsand be applicable to I2I communication servicesfor the advancement of traffic signal control. SUMMRYFUTURE WORKWe are going to evaluate the communication forsignal information to the nearest intersection.14 / 15Please stop by 15 / 15
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