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Module" -Basketball-基础知识检测
Module 1 Bas k etba 11基础知识检测
单词拼写(2 °分)
J Th e y say t h at he is a _ _ (天才的)mu s i c i an・
2.T h ough h e has ma d e great progr e ss , yet he t h ink s he
isfft ____ —__ (了不起的)
3.The mau was badly wound e d and n e e d © d an ______________ (立即的)t r eatm ent^
Hi s son w as a hit at one c and wo n j mmedi a te ______________________ ____ (成功)—5。
Hum anb ein斧shou I d f ollow ___________ (自縄rules。
6Y Ou shouldlo o k a t the problem & t different _ (角度). 7/niere w as a f i ere e _
_ _ (碰撞)a n d one of t h e t r u ck s caine off t h e r o ad …
You shou 1 d 1 e a n to f e cc any ________________________ 〈挫折[and failure •
Theii relati on is too (复杂)L o exp 1 a 1 n.
10 They 1 a ck the (动机)to study・
11. The _ _ C 平站的)height。
' these girls is 1.7 meters
】2. The __________ __ (普及〉of scieii c e m a k es mail y peopl e m
ore w i se°
13 & A gre a t m a n can _______ __________ (支配)o t h ei's by th e fore
e □ fhis c h a r a ct e
13.He wa S —_____ _ ______ _(任命)a s m a n ag e of t his
14° Thigguy i s r e a 1 ty a ___________ _ __ ___ (体贴的)man。
」5. The poli c e found new e v I d e nee t o ________________ (确认)his crim e o
Hi s coldness __________ ______ (加快)the d ivorc e °
17 o If s h e h as __________ 一一(芜分的)time, s h e will do it much b
e 11 e r。
18.T hey 「o nned a n ___________ (协会) to p romo t e s ocial w e 1 C ai
The n umber 7, 8, 9 are _________________ ____ 。
2 D < When h e g o I up i n the mo r iiiiig, h e fdt ___ _ _ ・(眩
1 He i s considered as the most _____________ (v a 1 u e ) play e r in the w o rid.
2. H e works h ard e nd _(d e serve) t h e title o
(absoib) in h i s wor k he didn't notic e me c o me in.
4 •_ _ (appoi n t) a s Chai rman, he w B s f ull of pride。
5. He (c ommit)
a crim e, a n d was put i nto
6. He fe 1 1 0 C f h i s bike , w it h hi s nose (bl e e d). 7。
With everyt h ina he I earned (confirm)7he went back t o the P ohce stati D n •
8& He w r ote hi s nove 1 (bas e ) on I he fa c ts.
You will go th r ough a lot of hardships before (ob t Bin) s uc c ess.
10. (atta ch) to the p
him regula r 1 y.
r ofiesso r ? he wen t t o v 1 sit
i n.翻译句子—(io分)
1. Jo r dan干均每场赢30分・
3.荷莎厂基一个赛季中获得3 0 0 0分的第二位选手.
几周后7他养成了早晨早起的好习惯.(be used to)
Module" -Basketball-基础知识检测
(berud e to)
8 .丐国被看作是世界上區强大的国家之一。
(b e known for/a s)
毫无疑问,我们迟早会依靠自己取得成功.(There' s no d o ubt L hat ...)
J 0・退拆石18三直住在乡卞。
(al I the time)
I V.用本模块所学词汇完成句子(35分)
oTh e film ___ ___ _____ __________ __ ____ ____________ __ ____ a no ve
1 by Dicke ns.
4 __ __________________ __ __ _________ ___ a book and didn't hea r
your call.
r f h ey __ _ ______ him coa c li of th e t earn.
4.毫无球L 瞩是一位杰出的球员.
_______________ ___ ______________________ __ - Y a o I s a n ou t stand i ng play e r.
She waved her h and t o _________________________________________ ____ Q—奢案頭了和,并把所有在他家搜到的东西充公.
Th e police ar r ^ted h im and _______ _____________ ___ the t h ings fou n d in h is hous e.
Tli i s discussion can, _ _______ ____________ _____ __ ? be c o n t
1 nu e d to mor row。
H e work s h a rd, so he ________________ __ __ _ _ _ ・
New evidence has ______________ that he _______________ murder.
I n e ver _______________________________________________________ in bed so J a t e.
D a vid Beckhanfs dec isio n to g e L married was
Ch amber laic was the first p J ayer to __________________ ov er 5
0 p o ints per seme.
I _ _ _____ ________ y ou __________ _ _ _______ _ _____ ___ ____ s oonerto your letter.
V.单项填空(1 0分)
从A. B、C、D四个选项中,选岀可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1.-He w or k e d all the ni ght in o rder to 五c ish t he d e s i g n.
— __ h e is so tired,
A. No d o ubt No risk No us e D。
No w o n d e r
You caim ot I eg a 1 1 y_________ tti e proper t y until the con
trac t i s s i g ne d .
Ac take the pl a c e of B. take care of C。
t a ke po s session o' D。
take u o tic e of 3.S o me re s earche r s belie v e t ha t there Is still d
oubt __________ a c ur e f o r A I DS wil 1 be found.
A. wliich
B. what C。
that D°w h钦h e【、
He g ained ______ ex per ience in inform a t ion te c hno logy b y
worki 门g in Micro soft・
valuable B, v a lued C。
wor t h
Module" -Basketball-基础知识检测
w o r t hy T o our shock, this terrible violent c rim 。
o f 16. C ・ c D nsid e red
D ・ 5. soineyou ng boy s u D de r the age A> committed B. confirmed conducted 6< Be su r e to a $ k liim for h e lp __________ helpful, a n dis al v/ays ready to help you 。
A. i f tio L B. if so D. if Only To —Wha t d o youkno w about Bill
—Asf eraslkriow^ when he was of iiitere S ts in ev e iy th i ng A. s e lies larg e 8 ° angr y that I A. Do 9. f eat p r c> gr e ss e mat i on a I A. need B D 。
1 0 ■ m o A> Do G ates? a chi 1 d 》 iy I h i ng aro u
n d him ・ B. va r i e ty C. j amo u nt
It w a s not to be unk i co u ldn't 1 n my opinion B. in in my pe f son fl lit y Chi n es e s cie ntists in th eir recog n it i ♦ n d _____________ o c ontrol my s e 1 f at p owe f - was
D 。
I s ver y ki n d a n d
i f nec e sssry
h e s h Owed a good dea 1
I was j us t so th a t time?. Co i n myna t ure praising bee a use t h ey have madeg study ofDNA and hav e gained i n t o n. .exam i n e C. des e rve 4 •离开了篮球赛场,乔丹幵了一家自己的牛排店,因为他很菠吃牛排. 5.乔丹也加入了以炒Z 队而苕名的美国奥林匹克篮球駆,并在199 2年西班 牙的巴塞罗纳奥林匹克上赢得了金牌。
(Bare ekm “
mca s ure We mu s t _ u n t aiii s c hooL appre c ia t e aPPrO ach
a n ew t e ache rat once t o the c 。
a ppea 1 Vlo 默写句子・(15分) 1. 身着著名的2 3号球衣,乔丹成为篮球运动史上最成功的球员。
曾几何时,张伯伦比其他所有运动员都优秀得多,以至于他们改变了比 赛规则来试图限制他! 3.但是毫无疑问,他无愧于"一代杰岀球员”这一称号。