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10701 TN911.73
学 密
号 级
1010120995 公开
题(中 、英文)目
基于 LBM 的三维医学影像非刚体配准算法研究 Study on Medical Image 3D Non-rigid Registration Based on LBM
作 者 姓 名 学 科 门 类 提交 论文日期
摘 要
医学影像配准技术是将多模态或单模态医学影像中包含相同解剖结构信息的 像素点进行空间几何形变,从而建立浮动影像和参考影像在空间位置信息上的对 应关系,使不同影像中包含相同解剖结构信息的像素点相互对应,进而不同影像 所具有的解剖结构信息可以进行互补,提高医学影像在临床使用中的辅助作用, 是生物工程领域的重要基础性研究课题。由于医学影像之间存在复杂的几何差异 性,影像配准时除了存在刚体形变,还存在非刚体形变。同刚体配准方法相比, 非刚体配准方法不够完善,在拟合复杂形变、提高配准精度、加快配准效率和提 升自动化程度等方面存在着许多研究难点。针对上述问题,本文主要研究工作为: 首先介绍了医学影像配准的基本概念和算法步骤,分析了目前比较成熟的医 学影像非刚体配准方法的特点,归纳了非刚体配准方法中尚未解决的难点问题, 特别针对基于Demons模型的非刚体配准方法进行了分析和研究,深入解析了如何 使用Demons模型来处理医学影像配准问题及算法所蕴含的实际物理意义,为本文 研究工作奠定了理论基础。仿真结果表明,基于Demons模型的非刚体配准方法因 为使用交替优化策略而具有配准效率高的特点,但在迭代过程中采用固定不变的 影像梯度信息,导致了浮动图像的形变程度不能超过临界值,否则会使得位移场 平滑度下降,因此,算法只适合用于解决小形变配准问题。 为了提高医学影像非刚体配准算法的性能,本文根据粘滞流体模型可以模拟 复杂不规则形变的特性, 充分利用了 LBM(Lattice Boltzmanm Method)方法可以处理 大数据量数值模拟的特点,将医学影像配准转化为物理模型进行处理,提出了一 种基于LBM模型的三维非刚体医学影像配准方法,配准过程中将浮动影像建模为 粘滞流体,使用Demons算法的控制力来驱动浮动影像形变;借助LBM模型求解像 素点的运动轨迹,从而得到后向位移场;通过添加微分同胚约束条件保证配准过 程中浮动图像的拓扑结构不会遭到破坏;使用优化迭代算法寻找最优的形变函数, 当得到的形变函数使能量方程达到最小阈值时,浮动影像和参考影像达到配准。 本文完整构建并推导了含外力项的三维 LBM方程,并设计了新的边界处理方法来 提高算法的稳定性。仿真结果表明,与同类方法相比,本文配准方法在配准效率 和精度方面具有显著优势,适用于解决大形变配准问题。 关键词: 格子波尔兹曼模型 医学影像 粘滞流体 生物影像处理 非刚体配准
displacement field. When the displacement field makes the energy function minimum, the image registration has finished. The LBM equation of compressible viscous fluid with external force is set up and deduced completely, in additional, the new boundary conditions which make the registration more stable are defined in this paper. Simulation results show that the non-rigid medical image registration performance has been improved comprehensively; especially the efficiency of image registration has a qualitative leap in this paper. This method is very suitable for large deformation registration occasions. Keywords: LBM registration medical image viscous fluid image processing non-rigid
曹阳 工学
西安电子科技大学 学位论文独创性(或创新性)声明
秉承学校严谨的学风和优良的科学道德,本人声明所呈交的论文是我个人在 导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标 注和致谢中所罗列的内容以外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成 果;也不包含为获得西安电子科技大学或其它教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的 材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中做了明确的说 明并表示了谢意。 申请学位论文与资料若有不实之处,本人承担一切的法律责任。 本人签名: 日期
西安电子科技大学 关于论文使用授权的说明
本人完全了解西安电子科技大学有关保留和使用学位论文的规定,即:研究 生在校攻读学位期间论文工作的知识产权单位属西安电子科技大学。学校有权保 留送交论文的复印件,允许查阅和借阅论文;学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内 容,可以允许采用影印、缩印或其它复制手段保存论文。同时本人保证,毕业后 结合学位论文研究课题再撰写的文章一律署名单位为西安电子科技大学。 本人签名: 导师签名: 日期 日期
Medical image registration is the task of finding a transformation that realigns two monomodal or multimodal image to establish the correspondence relation in spatial location between the template image and the float image. When the registration process finished, the anatomical pixels presented same anatomical structures in images correspond to each other. Then the result can provide the more useful information than two original images to improve the aid of images in clinical diagnosis and treatment. Medical image registration becomes very important basic research topic of bio-medical engineering domain. Owing to the existence of nonlinear deformation, medical image registration can be divided into the rigid and the non-rigid image registration. Compared with the rigid registration, the non-rigid registration could be improved. There are many research difficulties in the ideal requirements in the complex deformation simulation, the registration accuracy, the registration efficiency and the automation degree at same time. For the above mentioned problems, the main research in this paper is as follows: This aticle inrtoduces the concept and step of the medical image registration, analyzes the characteristics of the current mature non-rigid medical image registration methods, and summarizes the urgent problems of the non-rigid registraiton methods. Especially, a non-rigid Demons registration method of medical images has been studied. How to use the idea of thermodynamics to registrate the medical image and the physics significance of the method have been deep researching. The study establishes the theory base of the whole innovative research work. Simulated by computer, Alternate Optimization method make the algorithm efficient.Because invariant image gradient information is used in the iterative process, the deformation of float image must be under the threshold to prevent the reducing of the smoothness of the displacement field. In order to improve thel performance of medical image non-rigid registration, this paper presents a new 3D medical image non-rigid registration method based on LBM firstly, which transforms medical image registration problem into viscous fluid physical problem to take advantage of the fact that fluid particle movement can simulate any free complicated deformation. In the registration process, float image is considered as viscous fluid. The control force which drives the registration acquired from Demons force. With the LBM simulated the tracks of the pixels, the backward displacement field is obtained. Add the diff eomorphisms condition to the registration pocess, the topological stucture of float image is maintained. The optimization is used to find the idea
10701 TN911.73
学 密
号 级
1010120995 公开
题(中 、英文)目
基于 LBM 的三维医学影像非刚体配准算法研究 Study on Medical Image 3D Non-rigid Registration Based on LBM
作 者 姓 名 学 科 门 类 提交 论文日期
摘 要
医学影像配准技术是将多模态或单模态医学影像中包含相同解剖结构信息的 像素点进行空间几何形变,从而建立浮动影像和参考影像在空间位置信息上的对 应关系,使不同影像中包含相同解剖结构信息的像素点相互对应,进而不同影像 所具有的解剖结构信息可以进行互补,提高医学影像在临床使用中的辅助作用, 是生物工程领域的重要基础性研究课题。由于医学影像之间存在复杂的几何差异 性,影像配准时除了存在刚体形变,还存在非刚体形变。同刚体配准方法相比, 非刚体配准方法不够完善,在拟合复杂形变、提高配准精度、加快配准效率和提 升自动化程度等方面存在着许多研究难点。针对上述问题,本文主要研究工作为: 首先介绍了医学影像配准的基本概念和算法步骤,分析了目前比较成熟的医 学影像非刚体配准方法的特点,归纳了非刚体配准方法中尚未解决的难点问题, 特别针对基于Demons模型的非刚体配准方法进行了分析和研究,深入解析了如何 使用Demons模型来处理医学影像配准问题及算法所蕴含的实际物理意义,为本文 研究工作奠定了理论基础。仿真结果表明,基于Demons模型的非刚体配准方法因 为使用交替优化策略而具有配准效率高的特点,但在迭代过程中采用固定不变的 影像梯度信息,导致了浮动图像的形变程度不能超过临界值,否则会使得位移场 平滑度下降,因此,算法只适合用于解决小形变配准问题。 为了提高医学影像非刚体配准算法的性能,本文根据粘滞流体模型可以模拟 复杂不规则形变的特性, 充分利用了 LBM(Lattice Boltzmanm Method)方法可以处理 大数据量数值模拟的特点,将医学影像配准转化为物理模型进行处理,提出了一 种基于LBM模型的三维非刚体医学影像配准方法,配准过程中将浮动影像建模为 粘滞流体,使用Demons算法的控制力来驱动浮动影像形变;借助LBM模型求解像 素点的运动轨迹,从而得到后向位移场;通过添加微分同胚约束条件保证配准过 程中浮动图像的拓扑结构不会遭到破坏;使用优化迭代算法寻找最优的形变函数, 当得到的形变函数使能量方程达到最小阈值时,浮动影像和参考影像达到配准。 本文完整构建并推导了含外力项的三维 LBM方程,并设计了新的边界处理方法来 提高算法的稳定性。仿真结果表明,与同类方法相比,本文配准方法在配准效率 和精度方面具有显著优势,适用于解决大形变配准问题。 关键词: 格子波尔兹曼模型 医学影像 粘滞流体 生物影像处理 非刚体配准
displacement field. When the displacement field makes the energy function minimum, the image registration has finished. The LBM equation of compressible viscous fluid with external force is set up and deduced completely, in additional, the new boundary conditions which make the registration more stable are defined in this paper. Simulation results show that the non-rigid medical image registration performance has been improved comprehensively; especially the efficiency of image registration has a qualitative leap in this paper. This method is very suitable for large deformation registration occasions. Keywords: LBM registration medical image viscous fluid image processing non-rigid
曹阳 工学
西安电子科技大学 学位论文独创性(或创新性)声明
秉承学校严谨的学风和优良的科学道德,本人声明所呈交的论文是我个人在 导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标 注和致谢中所罗列的内容以外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成 果;也不包含为获得西安电子科技大学或其它教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的 材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中做了明确的说 明并表示了谢意。 申请学位论文与资料若有不实之处,本人承担一切的法律责任。 本人签名: 日期
西安电子科技大学 关于论文使用授权的说明
本人完全了解西安电子科技大学有关保留和使用学位论文的规定,即:研究 生在校攻读学位期间论文工作的知识产权单位属西安电子科技大学。学校有权保 留送交论文的复印件,允许查阅和借阅论文;学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内 容,可以允许采用影印、缩印或其它复制手段保存论文。同时本人保证,毕业后 结合学位论文研究课题再撰写的文章一律署名单位为西安电子科技大学。 本人签名: 导师签名: 日期 日期
Medical image registration is the task of finding a transformation that realigns two monomodal or multimodal image to establish the correspondence relation in spatial location between the template image and the float image. When the registration process finished, the anatomical pixels presented same anatomical structures in images correspond to each other. Then the result can provide the more useful information than two original images to improve the aid of images in clinical diagnosis and treatment. Medical image registration becomes very important basic research topic of bio-medical engineering domain. Owing to the existence of nonlinear deformation, medical image registration can be divided into the rigid and the non-rigid image registration. Compared with the rigid registration, the non-rigid registration could be improved. There are many research difficulties in the ideal requirements in the complex deformation simulation, the registration accuracy, the registration efficiency and the automation degree at same time. For the above mentioned problems, the main research in this paper is as follows: This aticle inrtoduces the concept and step of the medical image registration, analyzes the characteristics of the current mature non-rigid medical image registration methods, and summarizes the urgent problems of the non-rigid registraiton methods. Especially, a non-rigid Demons registration method of medical images has been studied. How to use the idea of thermodynamics to registrate the medical image and the physics significance of the method have been deep researching. The study establishes the theory base of the whole innovative research work. Simulated by computer, Alternate Optimization method make the algorithm efficient.Because invariant image gradient information is used in the iterative process, the deformation of float image must be under the threshold to prevent the reducing of the smoothness of the displacement field. In order to improve thel performance of medical image non-rigid registration, this paper presents a new 3D medical image non-rigid registration method based on LBM firstly, which transforms medical image registration problem into viscous fluid physical problem to take advantage of the fact that fluid particle movement can simulate any free complicated deformation. In the registration process, float image is considered as viscous fluid. The control force which drives the registration acquired from Demons force. With the LBM simulated the tracks of the pixels, the backward displacement field is obtained. Add the diff eomorphisms condition to the registration pocess, the topological stucture of float image is maintained. The optimization is used to find the idea