


2. .疯牛病的致病原因
4. SD序列
1. .给了一段序列要求涉及合适的引物,扩增出改序列,(考点为引物设计原则)(6分)
2. .给了一个质粒序列,和一段待插入的基因组DNA片段,然后酶切后电泳,酶切后电泳,三个泳道有三种不同的条带,分析其产生情况(考点为克隆部分)基因重组+电泳(质粒酶切)(6分)

生物化学与分子生物学 考博真题

生物化学与分子生物学 考博真题

2012 生化分子一、名词解释1.氧化磷酸化【答案】伴随电子从底物到氧的传递,ADP被磷酸化形成ATP的酶促过程即是氧化磷酸化作用(oxidative phosphorylation)。

氧化磷酸化的全过程可用方程式表示如下:NADH+H++3ADP+3Pi+1/2 O2 NAD+ + 4H2O + 3ATP2.操纵子【答案】操纵子即基因表达的协调单位(coordination unit), 它们有共同的控制区(control region) 和调节系统(regulation system)。

操纵子包括在功能上彼此有关的结构基因和控制部位,后者由启动子(promoter, P) 和操纵基因(operator, O)所组成。

一个操纵子的全部基因都排列在一起,其中虽然包括若干个结构基因,可是通过转录形成的确是一条多顺反子mRNA (polycistronic mRNA)。


3.非编码RNA【答案】非编码RNA(Non-coding RNA)是指不编码蛋白质的RNA。

其中包括rRNA,tRNA,snRNA,snoRNA 和microRNA 等多种已知功能的 RNA,还包括未知功能的RNA。

这些RNA的共同特点是都能从基因组上转录而来,但是不翻译成蛋白,在RNA 水平上就能行使各自的生物学功能了。

非编码RNA 从长度上来划分可以分为3类:小于50 nt,包括microRNA,siRNA,piRNA;50 nt到500 nt,包括rRNA,tRNA,snRNA,snoRNA,SLRNA,SRPRNA 等等;大于500 nt,包括长的mRNA-like 的非编码RNA,长的不带polyA 尾巴的非编码RNA等等。







LDL升高、HDL降低为何导致动脉粥样硬化?2003年中山大学医学院博士生入学考试-生物化学一、选择题1、限制性内切酶识别的序列是A、粘性末端B、回文结构C、TATAATD、聚腺苷酸E、AATAA2、由氨基酸生成糖的过程称为A、糖酵解B、糖原分解作用C、糖异生作用D、糖原合成作用3、四氢叶酸不是下列哪种基团或化合物的载体?A、-CHOB、CO2C、-CH=D、-CH3E、-CH=NH ;4、细胞色素aa3的重要特点是A、可使电子直接传递给氧分子的细胞色素氧化酶B、以铁卟啉为辅基的递氢体C、是递电子的不需氧脱氢酶D、是分子中含铜的递氢体E、含有核黄素5、转氨酶的辅酶含有哪种维生素?A、Vit B1B、Vit B2C、Vit PPD、Vit B6E、Vit B126、下列哪种成分的含量高,则双螺旋DNA的溶解温度也增高?A、G+GB、C+TC、A+TD、A+GE、A+C7、胆红素在肝脏中的转变主要是A、转变成胆绿素B、受加单氧化酶体系氧化C、与葡萄糖醛酸结合D、与清蛋白结合E、直接排除8、密度最低的血浆脂蛋白是A、VLDLB、C、MDLD、HDLE、CM9、操纵子的基因表达调控系统属于A、复制水平调节B、转录水平调节C、翻译水平调节D、逆转录水平调节E、翻译后水平调节10、关于DNA复制,下列哪项叙述是错误的?A、原料是4种dNTPB、链的合成方向是C、以DNA链为模板D、复制的DNA与亲代的DNA完全相同E、复制的DNA需要剪切加工二、名词解释1、酮体2、基因3、肽链4、锌指5、核酶6、糖异生7、胆色素8、复制叉9、Km 10、一碳单位三、简答题1、什么是反式作用因子?2、简述脂蛋白的种类。



2000年分子生物学专业博士研究生理论课程笔试试题1.进行PCR扩增可使用哪些类型的DNA聚合酶,各有哪些特征?2.有哪些类型的载体可用于构建DNA文库,各有哪些特征?3.在通过生物化学方法分离到某种哺乳动物的一种蛋白活性因子后,若要在E.coli中大量表达该蛋白质,试问如何分离得到编码该蛋白质的基因?4.从原核生物中获得一个新的杀虫基因后,将该基因转移到某一植物,如何检测该转基因植株是否产生该杀虫基因所编码的蛋白质?5.2000年,国际人类基因组合作计划和美国孟山都公司分别宣布,完成了人类和水稻基因组的工作草图(working draft),这两个工作草图的基本含义(如测序完成的大致情况)是什么?6.有人将生物全基因组序列比作“天书”,以你所熟悉的生物为例,谈谈你将如何破译这部“天书”?7.何为“GMO”,目前国际,国内关于“GMO”有何争议?有人认为“公众与新闻媒体的无知”是引起GMO争议的主要原因之一,对此请予以评论。


9.Crick提出的“中心法则”(central dogma)的意义是什么?至今,分子生物学的发展对“中心法则”有哪些修订和补充?10.何谓“后基因组学”?依托哪些基本的分子生物学理论和原理?2000年分子生物学博士学位理论考试试题1.近年来,国际上关于转基因农作物环境释放和遗传工程食品存在很大的争议,这些争议所关心的主要问题是什么?你对此有何评议?2.试述比较基因组学(comparative genomics)的主要内容及其理论和实际意义。

3.试述功能基因组学(functional genomics)的基本内容。







名校分子生物学考博真题汇总中国疾控中心2005年分子生物学(博士)一、名词解释1.EST2.YAC3.Sense DNA4.RNAi5.Race二、问答题1、乳酸操纵子的结构。




5、已知蛋白A、B之间相互作用,C、D分别与A、B 相似,如何签定C、D之间的相互作用,两种方法说明之。


军事医学科学院1995年分子生物学试题(博士)1. Apoptosis的生物学意义及其调控基因。






军事医学科学院1996年分子生物学试题(博士)1.什么是原癌基因?它们怎样被反转录病毒激活?2.什么是tumor supperssor gene?举例说明它的调控功能。

3.细胞染色体的异常如何导致癌基因的激活?4 解释以下名词:(1) gene knock-out (2) molecular hybridization (3) restriction fragment length polymorphism(4) human genome project5.G蛋白的结构特点信其功能.6 .apoptosis的特征与其生理及病理意义,已知它的调控基因有哪些?2006 协和生物化学与分子生物学专业博士试题一、填空(24空24分)1.---------年,由-------和-------(英文姓)首次提出了DNA的双螺旋模型,其结果发表在----杂志,他们提出的实验依据是-------和--------。



2023 年中国科学院生物化学考博真题一、名词解释1 染色体重塑2 同源蛋白3 亲和层析4 酶的竞争性抑制5 逆转座子6 糖异生二、举5 例真核生物体内非编码RNA 以及其功能〔往年试题〕三、举5 离GFP 在生物化学中的应用〔2023 年试题〕四、真核生物转录起始水平到翻译后水平上的基因表达调控〔往年试题〕五、蛋白质免疫共沉淀(CoIp〕与ChIP 的原理以及应用2023 年北京医科大学博士入学考试试题--生物化学1.结合实例说明“生物信息大分子”的概念。



2.何谓“根本转录因子”,写出 6 个以上的名称。





写出维生素D 在体内主要代谢过程。

5.写出胆固醇合成的原料,限速酶,在血液内主要运输形式,以及 6 中以上在体内重要转化物的名称。






2023 年北京医科大学博士入学考试试题--生物化学1.人类基因组的概念,内容和意义。

2.t ransgene 的概念,如何重组,定位,筛选,检测?3.图示PKA.PKC.TPK 在信号传导中的作用。

4.蛋白质变性与DNA 变性的区分与应用。


7.具 5 例辅酶,他们的构造,组成及催化的反响式。




English Test for Doctoral Candidates (A卷)Dec. 28, 2008Part I Listening Comprehension (20%)Section ADirections:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and question will be spoken only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet I with a single line through the center.1. A. Touch all his friends.B. Write a lot.C. Have a lot of time.D. Have a lot of friends.2. A. To work for a small company.B. To start a large company.C. To be independent.D. To graduate.3. A. Buy a new car.B. Go to a new store.C. Find a new repair shop.D. Take a different bus.4. A. 36 dollars.B. 15 dollars.C. 12 dollars.D. 4 dollars.5. A. One hour.B. Two hours.C. Three hours.D. Four hours.6. A. Perston's sister is going abroad.B. The man is probably reading a newspaper.C. The news today is very unusual.D. The Prime Minister is warmly welcomed.7. A. She likes Mexican food.B. She expected a better dinner.C. The dinner was expensive.D. She enjoyed the food more than the man did.8. A. 6 hours.B. 1 hour.C. 10 hours.D. 4 hours.9. A. In order to obtain a visa.B. To prove she is a foreign visitor.C. As identification to cash a check.D. The man is an immigration official.10. A. Bus-conductor and passenger.B. Lawyer and client.C. Doctor and patient.D. Teacher and student.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 2 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and then mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet I with a single line through the center.Passage 111. A. In 1954.B. In 1953.C. In 1955.D. In 1960.12. A. Adventureland.B. Tomorrowland.C. Fantasyland.D. Mianstreet, U.S.A.13. A. It would take you several days at Disneyland to see everything.B. Adventureland shows the jungles of Asia and Africa.C. Walt Disney World was built in Florida.D. Disneyland is deeply loved by children as well as adults.Passage 214. A. At college level.B. In primary school.C. In high school.D. After they graduate.15. A. The Use of Computers in Education.B. How Computers Are Used in Teaching.C. On Computers.D. Computers and Management.Section CDirections:In this part, you are going to hear a short passage. It will be spoken three times. After you hear the passage, please write a summary of it in about 60 words on your Answer Sheet II.Part II Cloze (10%)Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there arefour choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet I with a single line through the center.There are many definitions of social movements and revolutions, but they all have some common points. Social movements are organized, 16 attempts by individuals to produce social change. These attempts are usually resisted by powerful people who 17 from the status quo, 18 it is often difficult for social movement participants to use the accepted and 19 means of producing social change (such as the courts and political institutions). 20 , social movement participants often 21 disruptive street their only means of action. The antiwar movement in the 1960s, the 22 Rights Movement that emerged strongly in the 1950s, and the antiabortion movement of the 1980s are all examples of social movement in America that have 23 both legal and illegal activities to 24 their goals. In fairness to social movement participants, 25 , their powerful opponents are just as likely to use illegal activities and violence to 26 the social movement.Although there are 27 over the definition of revolution, there is a 28 view that revolutions are successful social movements on a much grander 29 , that is, involving more people and much more social change. Although social movements like the U.S. Civil Rights Movement may be working to 30 some law or produce some reform in the society, revolutions like the Chinese Revolution are aimed at 31 social change. The goals of revolutions are commonly the overthrow of a government, basic change in the political and economic system, 32 more generally a basic change in the stratification system in the country. Because of the extent of change 33 , revolutions are always accompanied by extensive violence. The 34 are so high that opponents will kill to prevent the revolution, and revolutionaries must be 35 to kill to achieve their goals.16. A. purposeful B. idealized C. empirical D. reciprocal17. A. acquire B. profit C. prohibit D. succeed18. A. and B. but C. because D. though19. A. cultural B. legal C. educational D. industrial20. A. However B. Still C. Thus D. Nevertheless21. A. regard B. find C. treat D. use22. A. Civil B. Liberty C. Humanity D. Privacy23. A. engaged B. involved C. employed D. initiated24. A. achieve B. accelerate C. complete D. strive25. A. moreover B. however C. furthermore D. therefore26. A. stop B. promote C. advocate D. avoid27. A. diversities B. discrepancies C. inconsistencies D. disagreements28. A. conform B. regular C. specified D. standard29. A. level B. scale C. degree D. range30. A. enable B. enact C. enlarge D. envelop31. A. main B. principal C. major D. primary32. A. and B. nor C. also D. or33. A. sought B. aimed C. strove D. endeavored34. A. stakes B. dangers C. odds D. risks35. A. resentful B. ready C. reluctant D. relievedPart III Reading Comprehension (30%)Section ADirections:There are 5 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet I with a single line through the center.Passage OneWater shortage on Earth? It seems impossible. Images of our planet from outer space show vast oceans, lakes as big as small countries, and wide rivers flowing with incredible volumes. How can there not be enough water? But the fact is that the world is facing the prospect of water shortages caused by population growth, uneven supplies of water, pollution, and other factors. The United Nations (UN) predicts that water shortages could retard the economic growth of some countries and lead to food shortages and, even possibly, to international conflicts.Humans use water for three basic purposes: agriculture, industry, and domestic and municipal use (water for drinking, cooking, cleaning, and so forth). And the amount of water available to each person decreases as the population grows, raising the possibility of water shortages. Water shortages will not come all at once in every part of the world, just as the world's population is unevenly distributed by region, so is the annual supply of renewable water. Rainfall and snowfall are determined by uneven weather patterns and landscape, and as a result, some areas of the world get more precipitation than others. This leads the uneven distribution of water all over the world.Natural water scarcity has prompted many nations to try to increase their water supplies by building dams to catch water that otherwise would escape to the sea, or by sinking more and deeper wells. But these efforts can have negative side effects that can contribute to water scarcity. Instead of building dams, some countries choose to increase their access to groundwater. But this practice increases the risk of overpumping aquifers.Pollution also affects the water supply, reducing the available water by making it toxic or otherwise unfit for human use.Water shortage could also lead to international conflicts as countries compete for limited water resources. Political tensions over water often appear when different nations lay claim to the same river, lake, or aquifer. According to the UN, more than 300 river basins and aquifers worldwide cross national boundaries, creating the potential for conflicts.36. Which of the following is NOT a factor that would cause water shortage?A. Population growth.B. Uneven supplies of water.C. Industrial pollution.D. Global warming.37. Water shortages could lead to all the following EXCEPT _______.A. economic growthB. food shortageC. over-pumping of the underground waterD. international conflicts38. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A. Humans use water for crop growing, industrial production and domesticconsuming.B. The annual supply of renewable water is unevenly distributed over the world.C. Pollution can reduce the available water by making it toxic.D. Building dams to catch river water could best solve the problem of watershortages.39. How can water shortages lead to international conflicts?A. Countries cannot agree with each other on water price.B. Countries compete for limited water resources.C. Countries pollute each other's water.D. Countries steal each other's water.40. Which of the following best describe the author's tone in this passage?A. Optimistic.B. Ironic.C. Objective.D. Arbitrary.Passage TwoWhy is stage fright so universal when it does not pose a physical threat?Our ego and self-esteem are threatened, evidently to a significant degree. No normal person wants to look like a fool. Consequently, a speaking situation does involve peril, not physical but psychological. The brain instructs the body to react exactly the way it would at times of physical danger. In essence, the brain tells the body, "get ready to fight off the danger or to run away from it."When the danger signals reach the brain, the brain instructs the adrenal gland (肾上腺) to start secreting (分泌) adrenal fluid into the bloodstream. The adrenal fluid brings about specific bodily reactions.First, our senses become more keen because we will have to rely on them to help us fight or run. Blood goes away from the muscles of the stomach and intestines. The sudden rush of blood from the digestive system causes the sensation known as "butterflies in the stomach." The large muscles of the arms and legs become most important in the "fight or flight" reaction, as they must do the punching and kicking.The extra blood and the oxygen it contains get the muscles so tense that they must function strongly. Our hands shake, our knees knock, and we feel tension in the larger muscles of the body. We experience a dry, cottony mouth, sometimes to the point where good articulation becomes impossible.41. The author's purpose in writing this passage is to describe _______.A. types of physical and psychological dangerB. cures for stage frightC. the biochemistry of the brainD. the physical reaction that might result from state fright42. It can be inferred from the passage that psychological reactions _______.A. are more serious than stage frightB. diminish our ability to speakC. diminish our ability to fightD. cause anxiety43. According to the passage, "butterflies in the stomach" are produced by _______.A. hunger painsB. the egoC. blood leaving the digestive systemD. poor articulation44. The passage mentions all of the following reactions EXCEPT _______.A. tremblingB. tensionC. dryness in the mouthD. blushing45. According to the passage, a speaking situation may result in _______.A. physical perilB. brain damageC. forgetfulnessD. psychological perilPassage ThreeA satellite is usually launched by a rocket. Once the satellite is in orbit, the plane of the orbit is relatively fixed in space. However, as the satellite goes around the earth, the earth spins on its axis beneath it. Thus on each circuit the satellite passes over a different part of the earth's surface.The orbit of a satellite is usually not a circle. During launching, variations from the calculations of elevation, altitude, and speed are impossible to eliminate. The orbit is then elliptical. Scientists deliberately plan for a satellite to enter an elliptical orbit so that it will probe a range of altitudes. An elliptical path can bring a satellite into the upper atmosphere. The friction of the atmosphere on the satellite causes its speed to decrease. It is then drawn closer to the earth, and may be heated ultimately to incandescence (白热,白炽) and be vaporized as it enters the lower portion of the eqarth's atmosphere.A satellite which has been given an initial horizontal speed of 30,000 km/hr orbits about the earth in a circular path at an altitude of about 500 km. If this horizontal speed is raised to 40,000 km/hr, the space vehicle leaves the earth's orbit and goes into orbit around the sun. The velocity at which this happens is called escape velocity. 46. According to the passage, an elliptical orbit may cause the satellite to vaporize dueto _______.A. the vibration of the enginesB. friction with the atmosphereC. the heat of the sunD. the earth spinning on its axis47. According to the passage, which speed will produce an elliptical orbit of a satellitearound the earth?A. 5,000 km/hr.B. 15,000 km/hr.C. 30,000 km/hr.D. 35,000 km/hr.48. The passage states that an elliptical orbit is beneficial because it allows thesatellite to _______.A. probe a range of altitudesB. orbit the sunC. vaporizeD. stay above the same point on earth49. The author's style can best be described as _______.A. argumentativeB. explanatoryC. humorousD. rhetorical50. According to the passage, satellite orbits are usually not circular because _______.A. there is friction in the atmosphereB. the earth spins on its axisC. variations from precise calculations are difficult to eliminateD. too great a speed is needed for circular orbitsPassage FourFor most of us, the work is the central, dominating fact of life. We spend more than half our conscious hours at work, preparing for work, traveling to and from work. What we do there largely determines our standard of living and to a considerable extent the status we are accorded by our fellow citizens as well. It is sometimes said that because leisure has become more important the indignities and injustices of work can be pushed into a corner, that because most work is pretty intolerable, the people who do it should compensate for its boredom, frustrations and humiliations by concentrating their hopes on the other parts of their lives. I reject that as a counsel of despair. For the foreseeable future the material and psychological rewards which work can provide, and the conditions in which work is done, will continue to play a vital part in determining the satisfaction that life can offer. Yet only a small minority can control the pace at which they work or the conditions in which their work is done; only for a small minority does work offer scope for creativity, imagination, or initiative.Inequality at work and in work is still one of the cruelest and most glaring forms of inequality in our society. We cannot hope to solve the more obvious problems of industrial life, many of which arise directly or indirectly from the frustrations createdby inequality at work, unless we tackle it head-on; still less can we hope to create a decent and humane society.The most glaring inequality is that between managers and the rest. For most managers, work is an opportunity and a challenge. Their jobs engage their interest and allow them to develop their abilities. They are constantly learning; they are able to exercise responsibility; they have a considerable degree of control over their own and others' working lives. Most important of all, they have opportunity to initiate. By contrast, for most manual workers, and for a growing number of white-collar workers, work is a boring, dull, even painful experience. They spend all their working lives in conditions which would be regarded as intolerable—for themselves—by those who take the decisions which let such conditions continue. The majority have little control over their work; it provides them with no opportunity for personal development. Often production is so designed that workers are simply part of the technology. In offices, many jobs are so routine that workers justifiably feel themselves to be mere cogs in the bureaucratic machine; as a direct consequence of their work experience, many workers feel alienated from their work and their firm, whether it is in public or in private ownership.51. In the author's opinion, people tend to judge others _______.A. completely by where they workB. absolutely by their amount of moneyC. to a great extent by the type of work they doD. slightly by their amount of money52. Why does the author take for a counsel of despair the opinion that workers shouldturn their attention from intolerable work to other parts of life?A. Because work is the sole focus of people's life.B. Because work has always been important in deciding the satisfaction in life.C. Because people are not interested in other parts of life.D. Because other parts of life are similarly intolerable.53. What may be the cause of the more obvious problems of industrial life?A. The frustrations in other parts of life.B. The frustrations resulting from inequality at work.C. The indecency and inhumanity of society.D. The cruelty of most managers.54. What does work mean to most managers and workers respectively?A. Work means opportunity and challenge to both managers and workers.B. Work means responsibility to workers only and control to managers.C. Work means a monotonous experience to both workers and managers.D. Work may be intolerable to workers and challenging to managers.55. Why do many workers feel alienated from their work?A. Because they have no control over their work.B. Because they feel themselves to be mere cogs in the bureaucratic machine.C. Because they are considered part of the technology.D. Because they spend most of their life working hard.Passage FiveUntil recently, hunting for treasure from shipwrecks was mostly fantasy; but with recent technological advances, the search for sunken treasure is becoming more popular as a legitimate endeavor. One team of salvagers has searched the wreck of the RMS Republic, which sank in 1909, 55 miles southeast of Boston harbor. The search party, using side-scan sonar, a device which projects sound waves across the ocean bottom and produces a profile of the sea floor, located the wreck in just two-and-a-half days. Before the use of this new technology, searches could take months or years. The team of 45 divers searched the wreck for two months, finding silver tea services, crystal dinnerware, and thousands of bottles of wine; but they did not find the five-an-a-half tons of American Gold Eagle coins they were searching for. Whether or not the team finds the gold, their mission has already sparked more debate between preservationists and treasure hunters over the spoils.While a shipwreck's treasure may not have a high monetary value, it can be an invaluable source of historic artifacts preserved in nearly mint condition. Maritime archaeologists worry that the success of salvagers will attract more treasure-hunting expeditions and thus threaten remaining, undiscovered wrecks. Once a salvage team has scoured a site, much of the archaeological value is lost. Preservationists are lobbying their state lawmakers to legally restrict underwater searches and unregulated salvages. On the other hand, the treasure hunters argue that without the lure of gold and million-dollar treasures, the wrecks and their historical artifacts would never be recovered.56. What is the main ideal of this passage?A. Searching for wrecks is now much easier due to new technologies like side-scan sonar.B. Maritime archaeologists are concerned over the unregulated searching ofwrecks.C. The search of the RMS Republic is causing further debate betweenpreservatinists and salvagers over searching wrecks.D. Treasure hunting on underwater wrecks threatens the archaeological value ofthe site.57. The word "sunken" in line 2 is closest in meaning to which of the following words?A. Broken.B. Underwater.C. Ancient.D. Hollow.58. The second paragraph is an example of _______.A. chronological orderB. explanationC. specific to generalD. definition59. What enabled the search team to find the RMS Republic quickly?A. Sea floor profiles.B. A team of 45 divers.C. Side-scan sonar.D. Sound waves.60. Which of the following people would most likely be a preservationist?A. A treasure-hunter.B. A diver.C. A lawmaker.D. A maritime archaeologist.Section BDirections:In this section, there is a short passage with five questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words. Put your answer on your Answer Sheet II.People can be addicted (上瘾的) to different things, e.g. alcohol, drugs, certain foods, or even television. People who have such an addiction are compulsive; i.e., they have a very powerful psychological need that they feel they must satisfy. According to psychologists, many people are compulsive spenders; they feel that they must spend money. This compulsion, like most others, is irrational—impossible to explain reasonably. For compulsive spenders who buy on credit, charge accounts are even more exciting than money. Their pleasure in spending enormous amounts is actually greater than the pleasure that they get from the things they buy.There is even a special psychology of bargain hunting. To save money, of course, most people look for sales, low prices, and discounts. Compulsive bargain hunters, however, often buy things that they don't need just because they are cheap. They want to believe that they are helping their budgets, but they are really playing an exciting game. When they can buy something for less than other people, they feel that they are winning. Most people, experts claim, have two reasons for their behavior: a good reason for the things that they do and the real reason.It is not only scientists, of course, who understand the psychology of spending habits, but also business people. Stores, companies, and advertisers use psychology to increase business: they consider people's needs for love, power, or influence, their basic value, their beliefs and opinions, and so on in their advertising and sales methods.Psychologists often use a method called "behavior therapy" to help individuals solve their personality problems. In the same way, they can help people who feel that they have problems with money.1. Compulsive spenders get more pleasure in _______.2. Most people look for sales and discounts because _______.3. The problem with compulsive bargain hunters is that _______.4. Companies and advertisers often make use of comsumers' psychology to _______.5. What's the main idea of this passage?Part IV Translation (20%)Section ADirections: Put the following into Chinese and write your Chinese version on your Answer Sheet II.Equality between women and men is no longer a negotiable issue. As long as women remain unequal they can't have access to resources, they can never participate in political decision-making, they can't make their own choices in life. That is the bottom line. Women around the world are all concerned about equality. In developing countries, in states emerging as industrial powers, in the countries of the West, women are looking for action, action they sometimes call a revolution. [选自《新世纪博士生综合英语》Unit 1, Exercise Section 3 Translation I]Women's health needs have in the past often been overlooked, or assumed to be the same as men's. At the Cairo conference last year it was agreed that the consequence of unsafe abortions is part of overall health care. The public has to recognize that women have specific health needs which must be understood, and that women must have full access to adequate health-care services. [选自《新世纪博士生综合英语》Unit 1, Exercise Section 3 Translation II-6]Section BDirections:Put the following into English and write your English version on your Answer Sheet II.1993年国家对五万名初、高中生进行的调查显示中学生中吸食大麻的人数明显上升。



核酸结构与功能一、填空题1. 病毒①X174及M13的遗传物质都是单链DNA。

2. AIDS病毒的遗传物质是单链RNA。

3. X射线分析证明一个完整的DNA螺旋延伸长度为3.4nm。

4. 氢键负责维持A-T间(或G-C间)的亲和力5•天然存在的DNA分子形式为右手B型螺旋。

二、选择题(单选或多选)1. 证明DNA是遗传物质的两个关键性实验是:肺炎球菌在老鼠体内的毒性和T2噬菌体感染大肠杆菌。

这两个实验中主要的论点证据是( C )。

A .从被感染的生物体内重新分离得到DNA作为疾病的致病剂B . DNA突变导致毒性丧失C •生物体吸收的外源DNA (而并非蛋白质)改变了其遗传潜能D. DNA是不能在生物体间转移的,因此它一定是一种非常保守的分子E. 真核心生物、原核生物、病毒的DNA能相互混合并彼此替代2. 1953 年Watson 和Crick 提出(A )。

A •多核苷酸DNA链通过氢键连接成一个双螺旋B . DNA的复制是半保留的,常常形成亲本-子代双螺旋杂合链C•三个连续的核苷酸代表一个遗传密码D •遗传物质通常是DNA而非RNAE.分离到回复突变体证明这一突变并非是一个缺失突变3. DNA双螺旋的解链或变性打断了互补碱基间的氢键,并因此改变了它们的光吸收特性。

以下哪些是对DNA的解链温度的正确描述?(CD )A .哺乳动物DNA约为45C,因此发烧时体温高于42C是十分危险的B .依赖于A-T含量,因为A-T含量越高则双链分开所需要的能量越少C •是双链DNA中两条单链分开过程中温度变化范围的中间值D .可通过碱基在260nm的特征吸收峰的改变来确定E.就是单链发生断裂(磷酸二酯键断裂)时的温度4. DNA的变性(ACE )。

A .包括双螺旋的解链B•可以由低温产生C.是可逆的D •是磷酸二酯键的断裂巳包括氢键的断裂5•在类似RNA这样的单链核酸所表现岀的二级结构"中,发夹结构的形成(AD )oA •基于各个片段间的互补,形成反向平行双螺旋B •依赖于A-U含量,因为形成的氢键越少则发生碱基配对所需的能量也越少C .仅仅当两配对区段中所有的碱基均互补时才会发生D .同样包括有像G-U这样的不规则碱基配对E.允许存在几个只有提供过量的自由能才能形成碱基对的碱基6. DNA分子中的超螺旋(ACE )A 仅发生于环状DNA 中。



2008年医学博士外语真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PartⅢCloze 6. PartⅣReading Comprehension 7. PartⅤWritingSection A听力原文:W: How many people turned out at the fund raising event?M: Fewer people came than we had expected. It was disappointing, but we made a little money for our organization. W: Sorry, I wasn’ t able to attend. I intended to. Q: What did the man say about the fund raising event?1.A.It was called off unexpectedly.B.It raised more money than expected.C.It received fewer people than expected.D.It disappointed the woman for the man’ s absence.正确答案:C解析:根据男士的话Fewer people came than we had expected,可知募捐仪式来的人比预料的少。

听力原文:M: The reflux disease is often caused by the relaxation of the sphincter which opens at the wrong time, allowing acid content to flow into the esophagus. What do you think is the result? W: It burns. That’s what causes heart burn, right? Q: What are they talking about?2.A.A thoracic case.B.A nervous disorder.C.A stomach problem.D.A psychiatric condition.正确答案:C解析:根据男士的话allowing acid content to flow into the esophagus(让酸性物质流进食道)可知这是关于胃的疾病。



一.名词解释1. G蛋白GTP binding protein:具有GTP(三磷酸鸟苷)酶活性,在细胞信号通路中起信号转换器或分子开关作用的蛋白质。


2. second messenger:第二信使。


3. 信号肽signal peptide:分泌蛋白新生肽链N端的一段20~30氨基酸残基组成的肽段。


4. 端粒和端粒酶telomere and telomerase:端粒:真核细胞内线性染色体末端的一种特殊结构,由DNA简单重复序列以及同这些序列专一性结合的蛋白质构成。


5. 酶的活性中心active center:酶分子中能够直接与底物分子结合,并催化底物化学反应的部位,这一部位就成为酶的活性中心。

6. 核酸分子杂交molecular hybridization of nucleic acid:存在互补序列的不同来源的核酸分子,以碱基配对方式相互结合形成DNA-DNA或DNA-RNA杂交体的过程。

7.结构域structural domain:蛋白质或核酸分子中含有的、与特定功能相关的一些连续的或不连续的氨基酸或核苷酸残基。

8. 蛋白质的一级结构primary structure:指蛋白质中共价连接的氨基酸残基的排列顺序,包括二硫键的位置。


9.增色效应hyperchromic effect:核酸(DNA和RNA)分子解链变性或断链,其紫外吸收值(一般在260nm处测量)增加的现象。

10. 差向异构体epimer:在立体化学中,含有多个手性碳原子的立体异构体中,只有一个手性碳原子的构型不同,其余的构型都相同的非对映体叫差向异构体。






C.G蛋白 D.雌激素 13.NO通过( )发挥作用 A.cAMP通路 B.cAGP通路 C.酪氨酸激酶G D.IP3 14.ECM不参与生命活动有 A.细胞形态 B.细胞增殖 C.细胞增殖 D.能量代谢 15.溶酶体标志酶 A.尿酸 B.糖基 C.Cyt p450 D.酸性磷酸酶 16.以二聚体存在的粘连蛋白 A.整合素 B.选择素
C.弹性蛋白 D.蛋白激酶C 9.被动运输分子 A.病毒 B.蛋白 C.NO D.RNA 10.研究细胞周期的设备 A.分光光度计 B.光学显微镜 C.PCR D.流式细胞仪 11.定位蛋白质的显微镜 A.相差显微镜 B.倒置显微镜 C.暗视眼显微镜 D.共聚焦显微镜 12.膜受体不包括 A.离子 B.聚合酶
C.黏着斑 D.紧密连接 5.原核细胞参与能量形成的结构是 A.间体 B.核糖体 C.拟核 D.细胞膜 6.不需要Ca2+参与调节的细胞黏附分子是 A.钙粘素 B.整合素 C.选择素 D.Ig-SF 7.内质网特有分子 A.胆固醇 B.磷脂 C.受体 D.Cyt p450 8.非ECM成分 A.胶原蛋白 B.蛋白聚糖
C.钙粘蛋白 D.CAM-SF 17.信号肽学说解释( )蛋白合成机制 A.光滑内质网 B.溶酶体 C.细胞核 D.高尔基体 18.莱昂假说 A.X小体 B.核小体 C.残余小体 D.凋亡小体 19.诱导生成干细胞 A.CPs B.ES C.MSCs D.NSCs 20.消化分解细胞器 A.糙面内质网 B.溶酶体
2001年西安交通大学细胞生物学考研 真题及详解
2013年西安交通大学835细胞生物学考研真题(回忆版) 一、选择题: 1.多靶向基因表达抑制因子 A.miRNA B.siRNA C.hnRNA D.saRNA 2.下列无核的细胞有 A.慢病毒 B.支原体 C.大肠杆菌 D.红细胞 3.染色体基本要素有 A.端粒 B.启动子 C.自主复制元件 D.着丝粒 4.参与信号传递、连接的结构是 A.间隙连接 B.桥粒














浙江大学2013年考博回忆细胞生物学(乙)一、名词解释(全中文4分×9 )细胞膜的主动运输P80 细胞分化P7,285 自噬P125(自噬性溶酶体、自噬体)信号肽P112,241 干细胞P8,401 蛋白激酶P377 微管P146 细胞骨架P13,143 呼吸链P185二、问答题(10选8题,64分):1.细胞连接的概念,分类及特点。












还是最后1问是单独的,与前面的2问无关2008年中科院动物所生物化学与分子生物学博士题一名词解释密码子的变偶性程序性死亡冈崎片断单克隆抗体基因治疗 SD序列移码突变 Z型DNA 蛋白质组学反向PCR二大题简述真核生物5’帽子结构和功能。





2008年浙江大学分子生物学考博试题问答题:双向电泳的原理及应用三种分子标记方法描述两种大规模研究DNA的方法2007年诺贝尔生理与医学奖授予什么技术,该技术的应用人类基因组中有一基因为2Kb,提到的基因组为10微克,计算该基因的含量名词解释:免疫沉淀,RNA剪切,核糖开关,分子伴侣,浙江大学2006秋博分子生物学考题分子生物学(甲)名词解释(每个4分)原位杂交、顺式作用元件、信号肽、选择性剪接、C-值矛盾(c-value paradox)问答题(每个20分)1、RNAi的优缺点,如何避免改正2、何为正向遗传学、反向遗传学,阐述一条反向遗传学研究功能基因的方法3、真核生物基因表达调控的途径4、近年分子生物学中诺贝尔奖有哪些,请举二例,说明内容和意义2008年华中科技大学生化与分子考试试题生化与分子共七道题:1. 蛋白质的结构原则2. 进化中为什么选择蛋白和RNA作为酶3.关于盐浓度对蛋白与DNA结合能力的影响(具体的题太长,叙述难免出错,所有把考点给出来大家斟酌)4.基因功能的研究方法,简述3类及原理5.真核与原核细胞的启动子的结构和功能及翻译起始的差异与共同点6.关于基因CDNA克隆和蛋白表达的方法的实验设计题!有一植物中共有的基因与某重要功能有关。



南京医科大学生物化学与分子生物学(我考的A卷)一、简答题(6X10分)1、酶活性调节的方式和机理2、什么是TCA循环,为什么TCA循环是三大物质代谢的枢纽3、什么是尿素循环,及其生理和病理意义4、什么是操纵子,乳糖操纵子的结构和正负性调节的机理5、什么是第二信使,举例说明第二信使如何参与信号转导通路6、转录与复制的异同二、问答题(2x20分)1、举例说明蛋白质构象改变与功能的关系2、写出至少6种RNA的名称,并简述其结构特点和功能2013南方医科大学分子生物学(专基)一、简答题1、DNA双螺旋结果的要点及其与生物功能的关系2、参与蛋白质合成的RNA的种类及功能3、真核生物基因组特点4、理想的基因重组载体应该有哪些基本要求5、重组DNA的定义及其基本流程6、基因诊断及其方法二、问答题1、比较复制、转录、翻译的异同点2、乳糖操纵子的基因结构及其调控3、PCR技术的原理以及其应用4、原核和真核表达系统的优缺点中国药科大学分子生物学考博试题2013年名解:抑癌基因,反义核酸,f质粒,siRNA,分子伴侣,药物基因组学,转座子,基因芯片问答真原核启动子差别蛋白质生物合成真核基因在大肠杆菌中表达种类和特点microRNA影响基因表达原理和医药用途位点特异性重组和等位基因重组2013年山大博士医学分子生物学考题名称解释:1.基因组文库与cDNA文库2.抑癌基因与原癌基因3.不对称转录与半保留复制4.断裂基因5.多聚核糖体与信号肽西安交通大学2013年医学院生物化学与分子生物学(专业基础)真题回忆我来补充一下单选题涉及的内容,题号不确定核苷酸的生物合成首先生成什么人类基因组有多少:50000、100000、150000、200000不是膜受体经典途径:JNK、PPAR、PI3K、ER1/2结构域是蛋白质几级结构核苷形成的是:磷酸酯键/磷酸二酯键Southern是检测什么的:DNA/tRNA/mRNA/DNA合成不需要哪个酶:光修复酶(我选的这个)下列哪一种不是常用的基因载体:质粒、入噬菌体、M13噬菌体肌糖原不能补充血糖的原因:有2个酶,产生乳酸胆固醇合成的限速酶外源DNA掺入宿主细胞最常用的方法是:我选的转染常用的限制性内切酶的识别位点:回文结构、多聚腺苷2013解放军医学院(301)分子生物学(专业基础)题型:选择,名词解释,简答雄激素转化为雌激素需要的酶?磷在肾脏的吸收部位?肾上腺素是由哪种氨基酸合成的?生长激素属于哪一类激素?名词解释APUD rT3 允许作用受体病cDNA简答题5*10:1.血糖的来源和去路2.胰岛素的分泌调节3.PTH的作用4.ACTH的作用5.脂蛋白的分类、来源及功能西安交通大学(医学院)分子生物化学专业真题回忆简答题:1.酶的变构效应;2.一碳单位的定义、种类、应用及特点;3.反转录的概念;4.基因表达的时空性;5.核酸的杂交种类;6.戊糖磷酸化的过程及作用。



2008 年招收博士研究生入学考试试题考试科目:<<高级生物化学>>适用专业:温馨提示:请考生将答案写到答题纸上,并请写清楚题号,不必抄写题目。







抗原通常是由多个抗原决定簇组成的,由一种抗原决定簇刺激机体,由一个B淋巴细胞接受该抗原所产生的抗体称之为单克隆抗体(Monclone antibody)。









68324--西安交通大学生物化学期末备考题库68324奥鹏期末考试题库合集单选题:(1)变性蛋白质分子结构肯定未改变的是()A.一级结构B.二级结构C.三级结构D.四级结构正确答案:A(2)下列关于酶的催化特点哪一项是正确的A.增加反应的平衡常数B.增加反应产物的能量水平C.加快反应平衡达到的速率D.都对底物有绝对的专一性正确答案:C(3)具有四级结构的蛋白质特征是:()A.分子中一定含有辅基B.是由两条或两条以上具有三级结构的多肽链进一步折叠盘饶而成C.其中每条多肽链都有独立的生物学活性D.其稳定性依赖肽键的维系E.靠亚基的聚合和解聚改变生物学活性正确答案:E(4)在肌肉组织中氨基酸脱氨基的主要方式是A.联合脱氨基作用B.转氨基作用C.非氧化脱氨基作用D.嘌呤核苷酸循环正确答案:A(5)现有一DNA片段顺序为3′…ATTCAG…5′模板链、5′…TAAGTC…3′编码链,生成的RNA序列为( )A.5′…GACUUA…3′B.5′…AUUCAG…3′C.5′…UAAGUC…3′D.5′…CTGAAT…3′正确答案:C(6)多肽链中主链骨架的组成是:()A._NCCNNCCNNCCN-B.-CHNOCHNOCHNO-C.-CONHCHCONHC-D.-CNOHCNOHCNOH-E.-CNHOCNHOCNHO-正确答案:C(7)氧化磷酸化的场所是在()A.胞液B.线粒体C.微粒体D.细胞核正确答案:B(8)关于β-折叠的叙述哪项是正确的()A.β-角蛋白具有典型的β-折叠结构B.两个相邻的肽键平面呈摺扇式折叠C.β-折叠是一种较伸展的肽链结构D.肽链间肽键平面上的N-H与CE.O形成氢键F.其他论述都正确正确答案:E(9)构成RNA分子的戊糖是A.葡萄糖B.脱氧核糖C.核糖D.果糖正确答案:C(10)酶增加反应速度通过()A.增加反应自由能B.改变反应的平衡常数C.降低活化能。


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2008 年攻读博士学位研究生入学考试试题
考试科目:生物化学与分子生物化学 注意:所有答案一律写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上或其他地方一律不给分。
一.单选题(1 分 x20) 二.不定项选择题(1 分 x10) 三.名词解释(3 分 x10) 1. one-carbon unit 2. 内含子 3. 选择性剪接 4. G 蛋白 5. 糖酵解 6. 遗传密码 7. 核酸分子杂交 8. 反义 RNA 9. 端粒酶 10. 四.简述题(40 分) 1. 蛋白质分离、纯化的方法? 2. 试述原核生物复制中的酶及各自的功能? 3. 原核生物基因和真核生物基因表达过程各自的特点? 1. 4. 试述在细胞水平研究基因功能的方法有哪些?
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Байду номын сангаас




2 试述三种粘多糖的名称,在动物体内的主要分布,主要构成单糖及其它糖类。

3 试举例说明蛋白质和它的前体的一级结构关系。

4 J. D.Watson因其证明DNA的双螺旋结构,曾与Crick共获诺贝尔奖。

这位科学泰头在他后来一体名著中解释DNA形状时写过这样一段话:"DoesDNAchain fold up into a regular configulation dominated by itsregular backbone? If so, the configulation would most likelybe a helical one in which all the sugar-phosphate groupl would的破坏。

7 蛋白质的三维构象也称或。

8 生物膜主要是由和两大类物质组成,生物膜的基因结构形式是。


9 1997年诺贝尔化学奖授予,主要是基于他们阐明了反应机制分子结构及酶的作用机制。

10 脂肪和磷脂的合成主要是来自和。

11 糖蛋白的糖链,是由专一性很低强的,从糖核苷酸上把单糖一个一个转移上去而形成的。

二、解释名词和英文符号的科学含义1 △Gp2 Q cycle 3ABC 4 Kcat5 protomnotive force6 Synonycodon7 RT-PCR8 genomic library 9 DNAfinger printing 10 DNAfoot printing三、问答题1热力学第二定律证明任何体系的它的外围环境必须不断增加它的熵,然而活的生物体却从比较无序状态的物质不断建立起高度有序的结构,这是否说明活的生物体不遵守热力学第二定律?为什么?2 回答下述问题是对或是错,假若是错请解释为什么?1)在底物饱和的条件下,酶的催化反应速率与酶浓度成比例。

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医学考博真题试卷攻读博士学位研究生 Nhomakorabea学考试试卷
考试科目:生物化学与分子生物化学 注意:所有答案一律写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上或其他地方一律不给分。
第1页 共1页
一.单选题(1分x20) 二.不定项选择题(1分x10) 三.名词解释(3分x10) 1. one-carbon unit 2. 内含子 3. 选择性剪接 4. G蛋白 5. 糖酵解 6. 遗传密码 7. 核酸分子杂交 8. 反义RNA 9. 端粒酶 10. 四.简述题(40分) 1. 蛋白质分离、纯化的方法? 2. 试述原核生物复制中的酶及各自的功能? 3. 原核生物基因和真核生物基因表达过程各自的特点? 1. 4. 试述在细胞水平研究基因功能的方法有哪些?
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