Oscar Fingal O’ Flahertie WillsWilde
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对此,愤怒的阿尔弗莱德叫王尔德立刻上诉,告侯爵败坏他的名誉。结果王 尔德上诉失败,更被反告曾“与其他男性发生有伤风化的行为” 。根据当时 英国1855年苛刻的刑事法修正案第11部分,王尔德被判有罪,在瑞丁和本顿 维尔监狱服了两年苦役。这两年,王尔德停止了戏剧创作,在狱中写下了诗 作《瑞丁监狱之歌》和书信集《深渊书简》。在这两部作品中,他的风格发 生了转变,已很难寻得唯美主义的影响。在王尔德服刑期间,妻子康斯坦斯 与两个孩子改姓为荷兰德,移居意大利,而他社交界和文学界的大多数朋友 都对他避之唯恐不及。只有寥寥数人如剧作家萧伯纳仍挺身维护他。 In response, angry Alfred Wilde once called the appeal, told the Marquis ruin his reputation. Results Wilde appeal fails, it has been counter-sue "and the other men indecent acts". The United Kingdom in 1855 under the then Criminal Code amendment demanding Part 11, Oscar Wilde was convicted in Reading, and served in Pentonville Prison for two years hard labor. Two years, stopped Oscar Wilde Drama, wrote poetry in prison, "Reading Prison Song" and Letters "De Profundis." In these two works, his style had changed, has been difficult to find a doctrine of aestheticism. In Oscar Wilde in prison, his wife Constance and the two children their names as Holland, moved to Italy, while the majority of his society and literary friends shunned him. Only a few who still come forward to assert his playwright George Bernard Shaw.
Oscar Fingal O’ Flahertie WillsWilde 奥斯卡· 芬葛· 欧佛雷泰· 威尔斯· 王尔德
王尔德生于爱尔兰都柏林的一个家世卓越的家庭,是家中的次子,他的父 亲威廉· 怀尔德爵士是一个外科医生,他的母亲珍· 怀尔德是一位诗人与作 家。 Wilde was born in Dublin, Ireland, the family of a lineage of excellence, is the second son of the family, his father, William • Wilde.Jazz is a surgeon, his mother Jane • Wilder is a poet and writer . 王尔德自都柏林三一学院毕业后,于1874年进入牛津大学莫德林学院学习。 在牛津,王尔德受到了沃尔特· 佩特及约翰· 拉斯金的审美观念影响,并接 触了新黑格尔派哲学、达尔文进化论和拉斐尔前派的作品,这为他之后成 为唯美主义先锋作家确立了方向。 Wilde graduated from Trinity College Dublin, later, in 1874, Magdalen College at Oxford University study. At Oxford, Wilde by Walter Pater and John • • Ruskin's aesthetic impact and contact with the new Hegelian philosophy, Darwin's theory of evolution and the Pre-Raphaelite works, which he later became the pioneer of aestheticism Authors established a direction.
1900年王尔德终于在好友罗伯特·“罗 比”· 罗斯帮助下改信天主教。同年11 月30日因病于巴黎的阿尔萨斯旅馆去 世,享年46岁,死时只有罗比与另一 朋友陪伴。他在巴黎拉雪兹神父公墓 的墓地,按照他在诗集《斯芬克斯》 中的意象,雕刻成了一座小小的狮身 人面像。 Finally in 1900, friends Robert Wilde • "Robbie"• Ross help to Catholicism. 30 November the same year in Paris due to illness of Hôtel d'Alsace, died aged 46, died when only Nairobi and another friend. Father in his Bali La cemetery cemetery hereby snow, according to his collection of poems, "Sphinx"in the image, carved into a small sp前往巴黎,对 于英国他失望透顶,不再有丝毫留恋。其后他 为了两名孩子曾尝试与康斯坦斯复合,但阿尔 弗莱德亦同时表示想与王尔德重归如好,最后 王尔德放弃两名孩子而选择了阿尔弗莱德。王 尔德在以化名居住法国期间完成并出版了《瑞 丁监狱之歌》,之后与阿尔弗莱德同游意大利。 但几个月后,两人再次分手。 1897 release, Wilde left immediately for Paris, he was disappointed in the UK no longer have the slightest nostalgia. He then tried for two children, combined with Constance, but Alfred and Oscar Wilde also indicated a wish to return to as well, and finally give up the two children, Oscar Wilde and the choice of the Alfred. Wilde lived in France during the pseudonym completed and published the "Reading Prison Song ", after the Tour of Italy with the same Alfred. But a few months later, the two broke up again.
19世纪末的维多利亚女王时代,英国上流社 会新旧风尚的冲突激烈。王尔德的自由作风 和大胆的政治作风很快使他成为了这场冲突 的牺牲品。1895年,昆斯贝理侯爵因儿子阿 尔弗莱德· 道格拉斯与王尔德交往而令到父子 不和,并公然斥责王尔德是一个鸡奸者(当 时尚未产生“同性恋”这个概念)。
The late 19th century Victorian era, old habits of the British upper class conflict intense. Oscar Wilde's free style and bold political style soon made him a victim of this conflict. In 1895, Li Kun Sibei Marquis • Douglas, his son Alfred and Oscar Wilde to the parent-child interaction and that do not and, and openly denounced Wilde is A sodomite (I have yet to have a "gay"concept.)
在出版首本《诗集》后,他在文坛开始崭露头角, 并来到伦敦发展。虽然年轻的王尔德还没有获得一 个文学奖项,但服装惹眼、谈吐机智、特立独行的 他在伦敦社交界已经小有名气,一些杂志甚至刊登 着讽刺他的文章。 The first publication of the "poetry", he began to emerge in the literary world, and came to London development. Although the young Oscar Wilde has not received a literary award, but eyecatching clothes, conversation wit, maverick, he has been a minor celebrity in London society, some magazines and even published a satire of his article. 1882年,王尔德在美国作了一个精彩的巡回讲座, 两年后他与康斯坦斯· 劳埃德成婚,两个儿子西里 尔与维维恩亦分别在1885年与1886年出生。 In 1882, Oscar Wilde in the United States made a wonderful lecture tour, two years later he and Constance • Lloyd married, two sons, Cyril and Vyvyan are respectively Born in 1885 and 1886.
1887年,王尔德成为一家妇女杂志的执行总编辑,在杂志上发表了他的 一些小说、评论和诗。王尔德的作品以其词藻华美、立意新颖和观点鲜 明闻名,他的第一本小说《道林· 格雷的画像》发表于1891年,之后他 又发表了散文《社会主义下人的灵魂》,这两部作品都十分成功,但真 正为王尔德赢得名誉的是他的戏剧作品。可以说他的每一部戏剧作品都 受着热烈的欢迎,有一个时期,伦敦的舞台上竟同时上演着他的三部作 品。他的这些佳构剧被称为自谢里丹的《造谣学校》以来最优秀的喜剧 作品 In 1887, Wilde became a women's magazine's executive editor, published in the magazine some of his novels, reviews and poetry. Oscar Wilde's works with its colorful rhetoric and shows a new and distinct point of view known, and his first novel, "Portrait of Dorian Gray •"published in 1891, after he published the essay "servant of the soul of socialism, "which Two works are very successful, but the real honor to win the Oscar Wilde of his dramatic works. It can be said of his dramatic works are being affected by each warm welcome, there is a period, while actually on the stage in London staged three of his works. These organizations play his best known from Sheridan's "School for Scandal, " the best comedy since,