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Grandparents who help outoccasionally with childcare in their community tendto live longer than seniors who do not carefor other people, according to astudy fromBerlin, Germany.
“Having no contact with grandchildrenat all can negatively impact grandparents’health. This link could be deeply roo tedin our evolutionary past when help with childcare wasim portant for thesurvival of the human species,” said Sonja Hilbrand, one of the researchers。

The findings are drawn from dataon more than 500 peopleover age 70。

Overall, afteraccounting for grandparents'age and gen eral state of health, the risk of dying over a 20­year period was one.th ird lower for grandparents who cared for their grandchildren, comparedwith grandparents who provided no childcare.
Caregiving wasassociated with alonger life even when the ca re receiver wasn't arelative. Half of all childless seniors who provided support to friends or neighbors lived forsevenyears afte r the study began, while non。

helpers lived for four years on average。

“Caregivingmay give caregivers apurpose of life because th ey may feel useful for others and society。

Caregiving may be thought also as an activity that keeps caregivers physically andmentally active,”said Professor Bruno Arpino.
Arpino noted, however, that caregiving is not the only activi ty that can improve health and that too many caring responsibilities cantake away from other beneficial activities like working, being in social clubs, or volunteering。

“Children should take_into_account theirparents’needs, willingness,and desires andagree with the
mon the timingand amount of childcare," hesuggested。

“It is veryimportant that every individual decides for himself/herself, what ‘proper amountsof help’means,” Hilbrand said, adding, “As long asyou do not feel stressed about the intensit y (强度) ofhelp you provide you may be doing somethinggood for others as wellas for yourself.”

1.What is the caregiving study basedon?
A.Human evolutionary history。

B.Demand of modern society.
C.Social contact between relatives.
D.Dataon many elderly people。


根据文章第三段第一句The findings are drawn from data on more than 500 people over age 70。



2.In Arpino’s opinion, childcare ________。

A.is sure to keep old people away from illnesses
B.allows old people to live a more meaningful life
C.creates more job opportunities for old people
D.makessocial activities inaccessible to old people
解析:B 推理判断题。

根据题干中的Arpino's opinion定位至文章第五段中的“Ca regiving may give caregivers a purpose of life because they may feel useful for others and society..。



3.What does the underlined part “takeinto account” in Paragraph 6 probablymean?



解析:D 词义猜测题。

根据上文中too many caring responsibilitiescan take away from otherbeneficial activities及后面的“。

.. their parents’needs, willingness, and desires and agreewith them onthe timing and amount of childcare,”可知,过多的照看责任会使老人无法从事其他有意义的活动,所以孩子应考虑老人的需求、意愿和渴求,同意他们照顾孩子的时间长度和强度的选择。

由此可猜测,take into account意为“考虑”,与consider意义相近。


4.What does the last paragraph tell us?
A.Grandparents can do anything in their owninterests.
B.Grandparents shouldshare more social responsibilities.
C.Proper amounts of childcare do good to grandparents。

D.Caregiving guarantees every grandparent a longer life。

解析:C 细节理解题.根据最后一段中“As long as you do not feel stressed about the intensity of help you provide you may be doing something good for othersas well as for yourself."可知,只要你帮忙的强度不会让你感到有压力,这对他人、对你自己都是有好处的。


长难句分析:Overall, after accountingfor grandparents' age andgeneral state of health, the risk of dying over a 20。

year period was one。

third lower for grandparents who cared for their grandchildren, compared with grandparents who provided no childcare。


其中,Overall在此为副词,在句中作状语;after为介词,其后接动名词短语作宾语;两个who均引导定语从句;compared with grandparents who.。



Crying isthe sign of the rawest of human emotions。

We cry when
wecan't hold inside what we feel any more. We cry when we're at our best, and when we’re at our worst. Bywe,I mean all of us。

Men included.
But we never see other men cry。

In no western culture has it everbeen acceptable for men to shed (流泪) more than a single tear, and even the nit’s reserved for grandvictories, defeats and deaths。

Dutch re search suggests that women cry between three and five times more th an men。

Generally men andwomen cry over the same things— deaths,break.ups and homesickness, primarily, but researchers believe that men cry more often than women when it comes to positive events.
I want to admitI’m a bit of a cryer. However, having neverreally experienced deaths in my life, a few weeks ago I experienced what it means to really, truly, pour my heart outin tears.
See, my dog - and 24/7 companion —was killed by a car right outside my house. Being a witness to this painful eventleft me in shock for a good hour, but then the floodgates opened.Over the next 48 hours, I might have cried 20 times. Once ortwice I crouched (蹲) on the floor withmy head in my hands andtears were the only outlet.It is suggested inthe book AdultCrying:ABiopsychosocialAppr oach that there’scertain pleasure in crying。

Ithelps ease stress when there is no other way to express ourselves。

In those days aftermy dog’sdeath, I remember thinking, “I’ve got to stop this crying”. It feltunmanly. It felt like a sign of weakness. I’ve since realised that tears are for everybody; they’renotgender。

specific. They show we have sympathy, allow us to get rid of stress and just feel.

【难句分析】However,having never reallyexperienced deaths in
my life,afew weeksago I experiencedwhat itmeans to really,truly,pour my heart out in tears.
分析:该句为主从复合句.该句中what it means to really, truly,pour my hea rt out in tears为what引导的宾语从句;having never really experienced dea ths in my life为现在分词短语作原因状语。

5.What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?
A.Crying is a raw human emotion。

B.Crying isanemotion beyond control.
C.Crying is an emotion showingsadness。

D.Crying is an emotion showing happiness.
解析:A 考查段落大意。

通读该段可知,该段第一句“Crying is the sign of th e rawest of humanemotions”为该段的主题句。


6.What's the difference between men and women in crying according to Dutch research?
A.Theycry over different matters.
B.They cry atdifferent times of life.
C.Women crymore often overdeaths。

D.Men are more likely to have tears of joy。

解析:D 考查细节理解.由题干关键词“Dutch research”定位至第二段,根据第二段的“butresearchers believe that mencry more often than women when it comes topositive events”可知,男女哭泣的区别是男子对于积极事物的哭泣频率要比妇女高,故D项正确。

7.What did the author think of his crying overhis dog's death?
A.A sign of strength.
B.A sign ofweakness。

C.Behavior of being womanish。

D.A way of reducing emotionalstress。

解析:D 考查细节理解。

根据第六段,尤其是最后一句“Theyshow we have sympathy, allow us to get rid ofstress and just feel"可知,作者意识到哭泣是减轻情感压力的方式,故D项正确。

8.What's the best title for the text?
A.Men, nevercrylike women
B.Men,it's OK to cry sometimes
C.Crying solves psychological problems
D.Crying explains differences between men and women
解析:B 考查标题判断。

通读全文内容尤其是第一段第一句“Crying is the sign ofthe rawestof human emotions”和本文最后一句“Theyshow wehave sympathy, allow us to get rid of stress and just feel”可知,本文论述的中心是“哭泣是人类最自然的情感流露,是减轻情感压力的方式”,据此可以判断,B项最适合作文章标题.

People love cellphones, which is why ninein ten Americans own one. But does heavy use ofcellphones pose a riskof cancer? Thi squestion has caused controversy for many years. A new study in rats nowaugments those concerns. Its data linkedlong。

term,intense exposure toradiation from cellphoneswith all increased ri sk of cancer in the heart or brain。

The results have yet to be confirme d, the authors note.
Indeed, although the rat study found a link between cellphone r adiationandcancer,it offersno clues to why such a link mightexist, notesJonathan Samet。

He teaches preventativemedicin eanddirects theInstitute for GlobalHealth at the Universi ty of Southern California in Los Angeles. Still, he calls the new st udy'sfindings “significant"。

They could leadtostudiesresearching how cellphone radiation might cause cancer, he says.Phone signalsare relayed between cell towersand cellphones via
radio waves. Thisradio frequency - orRF —radiationis a type know nas non。

ionizing (非电离的)。

Unlike X。

rays, non。

ionizing radiation does notdeposit enoughenergy into cells to release electrons from atomsor molecules, producing ions. So it tends to be far le ssharmful than ionizing radiation, such as X.rays. But that does not me an radio waves might not cause harm.
In very large doses (量) this radiation will heat the bodyand cause tissue damage。

But it's not yet known what much lower RF levels might do, such as those from cellphone use。

Five years ago, the World Health Organization's International Agency forResearch onCancer, or IARC, concluded that cellphone use“is possibly carcinogenic (致癌的)".
Itsconclusion was based on what little research data wasavailable at that time. But notice that IARC was notcertain。

It said only that phone use might “possibly” cause cancer. So scientists at the National Toxicology Program, or NTP, investigated further。




【难句分析】Indeed, although the rat study found a link bet weencellphone radiation and cancer,itoffers no clues to why su ch a link might exist, notesJonathan Samet.


why sucha linkmight exist为why引导的宾语从句,作介词to的宾语。

译文:Jonathan Samet指出,事实上,尽管在老鼠身上进行的研究发现手机辐射和癌症之间有联系,但却没有提供线索表明这种联系为什么可能存在。

9.Which of thefollowing can replace the underlinedword “augments”?
A.figures out B.puts out
C.refers toD.adds to

引发的争议不断,再根据画线词后的“concerns”和“Its data linked long。

term, intense exposure to radiation from cellphones with an increased risk of cancer in the heart or brain"可知,现在一项在老鼠身上进行的新研究增加了那些忧虑.故画线词与adds to意义相近。

10.In which aspect does Jonathan Samet think the new study in ra ts is significant?
A.It assists him with his teaching.
B.It indicates a new research direction.
C.It warns people to mind cellphone safety。

D.It makes a breakthrough in cancer research.
解析:B 考查推理判断.根据第二段中的“They could lead to studies resear ching how cellphone radiation might cause cancer, he says"可知,这项研究会促使科学家去查明手机辐射可能是怎样致癌的,也就是说它为科学家提供了一个新的研究方向。

11.What is Paragraph 3mainly about?
A.How phone signals are delivered.
B.How cellphones produce radiation.
C.Features of radiation from cellphones.
D.Differences between ionizing and non.ionizing radiation.
解析:C 考查主旨要义。


ionizing radiation do es not deposit enough energy into cells to release electrons fromatomsor in molecules, producing ions. Soit tends to be far less harmful than ionizing radiation。


12.What might be the theme of NTP scientists’ further research?
A.Why cellphone use causes cancer.
B.Whether cellphone use reallycauses cancer。

C.What health effects cellphone use has.
D.How much exposure to cellphone radiation is safe.
解析:B 考查推理判断。

根据最后一段中的“It saidonly that phone usemight ‘possibly’ cause cancer。

So scientistsat the National To
xicology Program, or NTP, investigated further”可知,NTP的科学家进一步研究的主题可能是手机使用是否真的会导致癌症。







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