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1. 填空题:
The first successful heart-lung transplant was performed in _______. (1981年)
2. 填空题:
The discovery of ________ has had extensive implications for health.
3. 填空题:
I love to explore ________ (博物馆) on weekends.
4. 填空题:
_____ (阳光) helps plants to produce their food.
5. 选择题:
Which fruit is known for being very sour?
A. Banana
B. Apple
C. Lemon
D. Grape
6. 听力题:
We have a _____ (照片) on the wall.
7. 填空题:
The butterfly lands softly on the _______ (蝴蝶轻轻落在_______上).
8. 填空题:
The __________ (历史的回声) resonates through time.
9. 填空题:
The manatee is gentle and eats ______ (水草).
10. 听力题:
They are ___ a project. (finishing)
11. 填空题:
I love to play outside with my ________.
12. 填空题:
The _____ (cattail) grows near water.
13. 选择题:
What is the name of the animal that lives in a hive?
A. Ant
B. Bee
C. Termite
D. Wasp
14. 填空题:
My friend is a great __________ (社交者).
15. 填空题:
I believe that every toy can teach us something new about ________ (名词).
16. 选择题:
What is the main ingredient in sushi?
A. Pasta
B. Rice
C. Bread
D. Meat
答案: B
17. 填空题:
A frog has long ______ (腿) for jumping.
18. 听力题:
The ______ is the energy source for plants.
19. 听力题:
My sister is an ______. She draws beautiful pictures.
20. 选择题:
What is the name of the famous landmark in Paris, France?
A. Eiffel Tower
B. Big Ben
C. Statue of Liberty
D. Colosseum
21. 填空题:
A ______ (生态保护) program can save endangered species.
22. 填空题:
The ________ (生态建设) is vital for health.
23. 听力题:
The chemical symbol for fluorine is ______.
24. 选择题:
What is the smallest ocean?
A. Atlantic
B. Indian
C. Arctic
D. Pacific
25. 选择题:
What is the most common pet?
A. Fish
B. Cat
C. Bird
D. Hamster
26. 选择题:
What do you call the period of time before written records?
A. Prehistoric
B. Medieval
C. Ancient
D. Modern
27. 填空题:
The ________ (城市) skyline is impressive.
28. 填空题:
We decided to play together. We played tag and ran around the park. I felt so ______ (7) because we laughed and enjoyed our time. After playing, we both got thirsty, so we went to buy some ice cream. It was so delicious and made us feel refreshed.
29. 听力题:
A solution with a low concentration of solute is a ______ solution.
A ________ (湾) is a recess in the shoreline.
31. 填空题:
The __________ (历史的价值观认同) influence behaviors.
32. 填空题:
The owl hoots _______ (在夜间).
33. 听力题:
The capital of Madagascar is __________.
34. 选择题:
How many months have 30 days?
A. 7
B. 8
C. 9
D. 10
答案: A
35. 选择题:
What do we call the time when we celebrate Christmas?
A. Holiday
B. Festival
C. Vacation
D. All of the above
36. 听力题:
They are going to ___ (play/see) a concert.
37. 选择题:
What is the capital of Brazil?
A. Rio de Janeiro
B. Brasília
C. São Paulo
D. Salvador
答案: B
38. 填空题:
My friend gave me a _____ (滑板) as a gift.
39. 听力题:
My mom is ______ (cooking) dinner.
The rabbit has long _______ (耳朵).
41. 听力题:
_______ can attract butterflies and bees.
42. 听力题:
I love to ______ with my friends. (hang out)
43. 填空题:
The rabbit has fluffy ______.
44. 听力题:
The _______ helps to nourish the soil.
45. helps plants to __________ (生长). 填空题:
46. 填空题:
My favorite hobby is ______ (读书).
47. 填空题:
My uncle is a great .
48. 选择题:
What is the capital city of Canada?
A. Toronto
B. Ottawa
C. Vancouver
D. Montreal
49. 填空题:
Chemists use _______ to predict the outcome of chemical reactions. (模型)
50. 填空题:
The __________ (历史的深度) enhances insight.
51. 选择题:
What do we call the place where we keep animals?
A. Zoo
B. Farm
C. Aquarium
D. Safari
答案: A
What do we call the line that divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres?
A. Equator
B. Prime Meridian
C. Tropic of Cancer
D. Tropic of Capricorn
53. 填空题:
My _____ (外公) always tells funny stories about his childhood. 我外公总是讲述他童年时的有趣故事。

54. 听力题:
Metals are usually good ________ of heat and electricity.
55. 填空题:
The tarantula is a large _______ (蜘蛛).
56. 填空题:
The __________ (历史的重演) serves as a warning for future generations.
57. 听力题:
The city of Vientiane is the capital of _______.
58. 填空题:
A ________ (植物观察者) enjoys nature.
59. 填空题:
A newt has smooth, moist ________________ (皮肤).
60. 听力题:
The study of Earth's geological history is crucial for understanding ______ changes.
61. 填空题:
The _______ (The Great Society) aimed to reduce poverty in the 1960s.
62. 填空题:
The garden is full of buzzing _______ (花园里充满了嗡嗡声的_______).
63. 选择题:
What is the largest organ in the human body?
A. Heart
B. Brain
C. Skin
D. Liver
64. 填空题:
The __________ (历史的影响) can be profound.
65. 听力题:
A shadow is formed when an object blocks _______.
66. 填空题:
The capital of Chile is ________ (圣地亚哥).
67. 听力题:
A _______ can make your space feel more alive.
68. 填空题:
中国的________ (legends) 如“女娲补天”是传统文化的一部分。

69. 填空题:
My brother is always full of __________ (能量).
70. 选择题:
What is the largest planet in our solar system?
A. Earth
B. Mars
C. Jupiter
D. Saturn
71. 听力题:
The reaction of an acid with a metal produces ______ gas.
72. 听力题:
It is ___ in the morning. (cool)
73. 听力题:
I want to _____ (learn) about space.
74. 填空题:
The ________ was an influential leader in the anti-apartheid movement.
75. 听力题:
We need to _____ (clean) the room.
76. 填空题:
I enjoy going ______ with my friends.
The butterfly has colorful ______ (翅膀). It flutters from flower to ______ (花).
78. 听力题:
The ______ shares interesting facts about animals.
79. 填空题:
The _____ (植物细胞) help plants grow and stay healthy.
80. 选择题:
What is the main ingredient of pasta?
A. Wheat
B. Rice
C. Corn
D. Oats
81. 选择题:
What do you call a person who repairs cars?
A. Mechanic
B. Electrician
C. Plumber
D. Carpenter
82. 听力题:
A ______ is a type of rodent.
83. 听力题:
The Great Wall of Galaxies is a large structure in the ______.
84. 填空题:
I have a ________ (布娃娃) that I carry everywhere.
85. 听力题:
The asteroid belt contains many ______.
86. 填空题:
In which country is the Eiffel Tower located? __________. (法国)
87. 选择题:
Which season comes after summer?
A. Spring
B. Winter
C. Fall
D. Summer
A ______ is a natural feature that can provide insights into geology.
89. 填空题:
Many plants have unique ______ (特征) that help them thrive.
90. 听力题:
Some plants can grow in very ______ soils.
91. 听力题:
The _____ (train) is coming.
92. 听力题:
The symbol for lanthanum is _____.
93. 填空题:
The seagull flies above the _________. (海洋)
94. 选择题:
What is the capital of Egypt?
a. Cairo
b. Alexandria
c. Luxor
d. Giza
95. 听力题:
My ______ loves to explore new technologies.
96. 听力题:
A bee collects ______ from flowers.
97. 填空题:
I like to write _______ (日记) about my day.
98. 听力题:
My friend is a ______. He enjoys building things.
99. 选择题:
What is the name of the famous ancient city in Greece?
A. Athens
B. Sparta
C. Delphi
D. Corinth
What is the hardest natural substance?
A. Gold
B. Diamond
C. Iron
D. Silver
答案: B。
